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D:\My documents\Warehouse\Novri_yadi\Schematic Files\New Schematics\AUTOmotive\Automatic ACCU Charger.


Automatic ACCU Charger

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With this circuit you can develop a cheap charger for batteries .We speak for a circuit of automatic
interruption when the Voltage of battery reaches the 13,8V and automatic reintroduction when the
Voltage of battery is smaller than 12,6V. The Op-Amp 4 maintains in collaboration with the passage
zener D7 and the divider of tendency R10, R11 and R1 a constant Voltage of report 6,9V in exit [A]4. If
is not no battery connected then the current of entry of A2 causes Voltage in the R4, thus, in order that
the exit of [A]2 takes price “0”. This means simultaneously that is not activated the relay and that
expense of charger. The T1 is not even destroyed in the case of opposite polarisation of accumulator.
If now is connected a accumulator for, are led the A1 and A2 in the price “the 1” and relay close.
When the Voltage of battery amount in price 13,8V the point between R2 and R3 has 6,9V, that is to say
the Voltage of entry of A1 is equal with the Voltage of report of not inverting entry.

The A1 in the “0” and interrupts the process . Finished henceforth you can place him in himself
the box of your charger. For the aid of bands of coper that leads high currents should him with . The Re1
should be handle the current of contact 5A at least.
The regulation is simple: First is regulated the Voltage of report with the R1 so that is activated
the relay precisely in the 13,8 V. The R5 and the D3 attend to the delay - regulated with the R2 -
between Voltages of end and repetition.The Voltage in the spike of 3 A1 should correspond in half the
desirable tendency that means the beginning of repetition.

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Last printed 12/28/2008 2:03:00 PM
D:\My documents\Warehouse\Novri_yadi\Schematic Files\New Schematics\AUTOmotive\Automatic ACCU Charger.doc

Parts List :

R1 = 470Ù C1 = 1n5
R2,R3 = 100K/1% C2 = 100ìf /16v
R4,R7 = 1M
R5 = 100K D1…D6 = 1N4148
R6 = 8K2 D6 = LED green.
R8 = 10K D7 = Zener 5V6/400mW
R9 = 270Ù D8 = 1N4001
R10 = 3K3
R11 = 22K T1 = BD679
R12 = 270K IC1 = LM324
P1,P2 = 5K trimpot

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Last printed 12/28/2008 2:03:00 PM

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