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NOVEMBER 19, 2012

Guatemala Elementary School/ Medical Team Update

Our Clubs team has been busy since their last trip to Guatemala and good things have been happening. In July we arranged and paid for 2 year old Ana Annabelia to have her cleft lip operated on at a medical clinic set up by the HELPS organization during their week in San Cristobal. The operation was very successful and we will be taking after operation pictures of Ana in February. We also have several other children with cleft lips and/or palates, plus a child with a facial disfigurement, that will be operated on by HELPS in San Cristobal a month before our trip this February. Another exciting thing has happened since our last trip. The local Mayan leader asked if there was any way Rotary could help two children Evelyn Leonora (10 years old) and Mirna Alejandra (4 years old) who have not been able to walk since birth and have never had a wheelchair. With the help of our local contact, we were able to have the children and their parents taken from their dwelling in the jungle to Antigua a days trip to be custom fitted with a wheelchair that can be adjusted as they grow. Evelyn and Mirnas before pictures and the Wheel Chair Companys report and after pictures are included. You will notice in their report that Evelyn is also malnourished and blind. We have made an immeasurable difference in Ana, Evelyn and Mirnas lives. Our Club made this happen and covered all costs. The team is looking forward to meeting Evelyn and Mirna in February. Because of their dramatic impact on the children, wheelchairs have become a new aspect of our teams program in Guatemala. At this point in time we know of 6 other children like Evelyn and Mirna that are unable to walk and need wheelchairs. We have arranged for our team to meet the children and their parents in Antigua in February and each child will be measured for and receive a custom built wheelchair. Their family will also be given an annual supply of vitamins for the purpose of addressing malnutrition and avoiding birth defects during pregnancy. We have learned that a large percentage of birth defects, infant mortality and malnutrition can be avoided if women of childbearing age, infants and young children take specific vitamins. This is another new aspect to our program this year. In February, we will have our regular one-day medical clinic. However, in addition, in two mountain villages we will be providing an annual supply of those specific vitamins to all women of childbearing age, infants and children up to five years old. Our hope is to reduce birth defects - like cleft lips malnutrition and infant mortality. Imagine the difference this could make in the lives of parents and children. The Mayan elementary schools and their students have dire needs and each year we have attempted to address the highest priority needs of a different school. Each schools highest needs have varied. This year we have partially funded a small kitchen dwelling and primitive stove, will be providing basic first aid supplies, water filters, a sling backpack (with a Rotary wheel emblem) with a years worth of school supplies (including some candy ) for each student and a couple of soccer balls for the school. Without the financial support of our Club and donations of individual members much of this humanitarian work would not be possible. (As you know the team members pay all of their own costs and 100% of Club and member donations are used for our humanitarian work.) You are making positive life-changing differences in the lives of children that many of you will never meet. What better example is there of Service Above Self! We cant thank you enough for your support!



Evelyn and Mirna, Precious Girls from Lanquin, Guatemala Receive Wheelchairs
On May 11 Asociacin Refugio de Esperanza had the blessing of helping more than 10 kids with adequate wheelchairs. 2 of the girls that came along with their families traveled one day before the distribution for more than 7 hours.

Left: Evelyn mom, dad and little sister. Center: Antonio. Right: Mirna and her mom before they left the seating clinic in Antigua Guatemala.

During the day of distribution, physical and occupational therapy students came to the seating clinic to help with the fitting of the chairs and sharing with families, also to give education in health care. Other volunteers with mechanic engineering and Special Education experience, as well as the team that works daily on the manufacturing of the Kid Chairs were part of the event. Thanks to the help of many people these families were able to receive good quality and free lodging, meals, and transportation. Of course a special thanks to the people that sponsored the wheelchairs, the transportation from their home towns to Antigua... and more. Without this awesome support team this would not be possible. Jessalyn, one of volunteer that has been with Hope Haven Guatemala wrote the stories of the little girls: Evelyn Leonora Cu Tiul is a 10 year old girl from Lanqun, Guatemala. She came with her Father, Hernando, Mother, Amalia, and younger sister. They also came with a man named Antonio, who is a retired teacher that met these families through the Rotary Club in that town. He is now the collaborator for the families in Lanqun who are in need of wheelchairs. Evelyn was born with this disability; she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, and is also blind. Antonio informed us that she is malnourished as well, and is looking for a way to help provide the family with more food. Hernando works in agriculture, but it is not enough to sustain the family with all of the nutrition they need. She has not received any type of therapy, and this was the first chair she has had. She waited for six months altogether for the chair, from the time of the application. The family was very appreciative of the chair, and it was obvious that both parents love their daughter very much. Mirna Alejandra Pop Chub is also from Lanqun. She is 4 years old and was diagnosed with Total Paralysis. Mirna came with the Tiul family and Antonio, as well as with her Mother, Elena. She is a single Mother and they are living with her parents. Her Father is no longer around, and does not visit either of them anymore. Mirna has not received any types of therapies, and this was her first wheelchair. Along with Evelyns family, Elena seems to be a very supportive parent who is seeking the best for her daughter in these difficult circumstances. It is a challenge for her as a single mother. Antonio informed us as well that Mirna is malnourished and he is also looking for a way to help provide them with ideas on how to provide for themselves. These wheelchairs will change the lives of these families because it will give them more opportunity to become a part of society and the town they live in. At home, these children will now be able to sit with their families and see them at eye level, instead of lying in their arms horizontal or in a bed. Antonio knows of more families in Lanqun who are in need of wheelchairs, and he will follow up on these families and keep us updated on how they doing, as well as getting us in touch with other children and parents in need. He believes that these disabilities occurred during childbirth, or as a result of poor pre-natal healthcare, and not having any type of medical assistance during childbirth. Both of these families were very loving towards their children and grateful for their new wheelchairs.

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