The Busy Bee

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The Busy Bee

Vol. 1, Issue 1=======================================================November 19, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the Home Front --------Homecoming to Turd The wife returned home today after an arduous Air Force sponsored set of Temporary Active Duty orders to Omaha, Nebraska. This set of orders was arduous because the Air Force is stocked full of loafers and morons who cant figure out how to set up an effective tele-conference, and the wife hates the Air Force. (Editors Note: The wife is a Surface Warfare Officer, not normally affiliated with the Air Force.) This is not friendly intra-military banter, but full on disdain for Air Force incompetence. Regardless, being surrounded by so many incompetent buffoons caused the wife to become a bit too anal retentive. Theres nothing quite as horrible in life as not have proper bowel movements. In fact, proper bowel movements are a necessary function of life, the food pyramid, and growing up. (Editors Note: If you decide to argue that fact, you only need to name one living organism which does not excrete some form of waste or metabolic byproducts from its body; and if youre thinking plants dont excrete waste, I say you are a f*ing moron and you need to go back to school. Oxygen is a metabolic byproduct for plants.) After a great deal of stomach massaging, the wife finally dropped a weeks load of stress down the toilet. So much so, that the Mario Brothers would not want to use this household toilet teleport to the Mushroom Kingdom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lifestyle --------------------Skyfall: Quick Take The latest installment of the Bond spy thriller was a travesty, if youre car guy. Wheres the hero car in action?! Wheres the bullet proof glass, the ejector seat, the smokescreen?! Yes, the Sean Connerera Aston Martin DB5 was shown in Skfall, but it was a lackluster performance to say the least. Perhaps the best car scene in the movie was when the DB5 was destroyed and you could see the sheer hatred on Bonds face at the loss of his dear car; but this movie was not about the car. Lets not spoil the movie for, but the return to the roots feel of these Daniel Craig-era movies is a boon for purists. Bond was and is a mans man, rough around the edges, a lover of liquor and fast cars. Its nice to know that you can be cocky, uncouth, unpretentious, and still get ahead in this world; of course, its assumed that your actually damned good at your job.

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