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Great opportunity for Swazi teenagers


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| Monday, November 19, 2012.

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Great opportunity for Swazi teenagers

By The Editor on December 11,2011


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November 2012 Go

The African Leadership Academy, an excellent secondary school based in Johannesburg, is currently accepting applications across the continent for their 2012 class. Application deadline is December 12, 2011 (tomorrow).
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This school has been endorsed (board of governors, advisors, founders) by the likes of: Futhi Mtoba, Council Chairperson, University of Pretoria, Jon Cummings, Director, McKinsey & Company, Carlyn Fiona, former director, Hewett-Packard, Isaac Shongwe, Director, Barloworld Ltd., Alex Cummings, VP, Coca-Cola and many more. Kindly run this great opportunity for teenagers in the country to study at the African Leadership Academy based in Johannesburg.

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Teenagers Help Application Essays

This is a world-class institution that was started as recently as 2008 by Fred Swaniker, a Ghanaian African Marriage management consultant and Stanford Business School graduate. Most E-mailed To find out other endorsers of this school, visit our website. The reason I am advocating this opportunity is because the school was specifically started to breed leaders from among the African youth that will be well equipped to carry out the task of developing our continent in the coming years. Its a grand vision, but his plan for it is immaculate. The details for the application are available. This is the first round of applications, and is completely free. All the applicants have to do is write essay responses to certain questions. I will note that the application process is competitive. The school is breeding future leaders, so they choose applicants that show potential for this. Specifically, they look for academic achievement, leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, dedication to public service, passion for Africa. I believe there must be a few special teenagers in the country that fit the bill. So please, spread the word. Only one day left before the deadline! I am more than willing to help with the application process remotely, i.e. reading essays before they are submitted. Again, the website for the African Leadership Academy is: www.african Sincerely, Fanele Chester
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Great opportunity for Swazi teenagers

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