(B3) XIAO Guangrui - TF 2012 Xiao Sichuan Roads Development Projects

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Sichuan Roads Development Projects

Xiao Guangrui
ADB PRC Resident Mission

Sichuan Prole!

Area: 485,000k Popula2on: 80 million2010 Sichuan



The road to Sichuan is hard, harder than climbing to the sky. Li Bai

Case of ADB Loan 2181 Project:


Network of Expressway in Sichuan!

By 2000: 1000 km By 2011: 3009 km(completed), 3520 km (ongoing) ADB loan projects: 755km

Enhance Growth Potential and Increase Income per capita!







Highway (10 km) Gross Domes>c Product(100 million yuan) Income per capita of rural households (yuan)


0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Income per capita of urban households (yuan)


Create Jobs and Economic Activities!

Case of ADB Loan1638 :

Construc>on generated 14.1 million person-days of local labor. To undertake cleaning and other low- skilled maintenance work, 720 people in the villages near the roads were employed. L a b o r i n t e n s i v e i n d u s t r i e s transferred from eastern coastal region to Sichuan aRer transport cost was reduced. More labors can nd jobs at home without migra>ng to eastern region.

Link to Markets and Diversify Income Sources!

Case of ADB Loan2508:

Income per capita in project area in Mianyang increased from 5,586 yuan t o 7 , 2 3 0 y u a n t h r o u g h f r u i t planta>on, vegetable cul>va>on and rabbit breeding etc. which boomed along the improved roads.


Connect Rural Areas and Bridge Urban-Rural Dev. Divide!

Rehabilita2on of local roads in ADB projects in Sichuan

Loan 1638: 302km Loan 1918: 558km Loan 2181: 678km Loan 2339: 430km Loan 2508: 3467km

Access to Social Services!

Case of ADB Loan1918:

Increased access to social s e r v i c e s , w i t h s o c i a l indicators in the project area in 2001 showing 10% of villages without access r o a d s , 1 3 % w i t h o u t electricity,62% without telephones, and 44% without tap water. In 2009 100% of villages now have a c c e s s t o r o a d s , e l e c t r i c i t y , a n d telephones, and 80% have tap water.


Thank you!
Xiao Guangrui
Two students back home on the improved road of ADB L2508 project.

ADB PRC Resident Mission


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