Frost As A Thinker

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Robert Le Frost as a Thinker

Robert le frost (1874-1963) is an American, great artist and a great poet who won forty honorary degrees from different universities including oxford & Cambridge Pulitzer prizes won four times. He attracted the English reviewers greatly by his unaffected lyrics, with simple vocabulary and shaper observation. Most characteristic quality of his poetic craftsman is The careful rendering into the meter of customary speech His some stanzas have deep philosophy also. When certain views are expressed repeatedly in one poem after another one may be excused for taking them as expressive of his considered view of life. Frosts views on Man, God and Nature are a measure of his sanity and profundity. Therefore ,we would be justified in calling him a poet- philosopher. He has his beliefs and views about God. Nature and Man, life.. Frost says that I have no doubts about my beliefs. Let us acknowledge at the very outset that Frosts view of life is a gloomy one. When he came to New England to settle there, the region was in a time of declining prosperity. So we find deserted farm are frequent in the poetry of Frost. It is this background of social and economic disturbance which has conditioned Frost view of life. Frost depicted man as a solitary, lonely figure, isolated and alienated from Nature, God and from fellow men. He conceives of Nature as soul-less, mechanical and impersonal. Nature is not only separate and impersonal, it is actually hostile. Man must constant wage a struggle for survival. Nothing in nature seems to be made for man. we haved looked and looked, but after all where are we? He says I am not a nature poet. there is almost always a person in my poems The universe in this poem is pictured as in comprehensible. There are natures wilderness the vast desert places which he must tame and cultivate. Human life has always been out of joint and it will remain so in the future as well, In the lesson for now, Frost says we cannot appraise the time in which we act. but history tells us that something is always wrong and man always suffers some form of indignity and frustration. yes, yes, of course, we have the same convention, The ground work of all faith is human woe. There is no difference between the ancient religious priests and the modern of science because both complain of something wrong with the world. Take comfort in about the same complaint, So science and religion really meet. In a vast and alien universe, man is a lonely and solitary figure. He is also alienated from God, his maker, his reason, his relation self is the barrier that separates him from god. of meaninglessness, being broken off, and hence so many literary tears. Mans reason is imperfect and through a reason he cannot understand either the ways of God, or the clear that it is only through faith that man can make himself worthy of the mercy of God. Whose mercy to you rather than to others? Wont bear too critical examination. So we can say that God in poetry of Frost is either a creature of humans own imagination or remote from him as to be meaningless. Such views makes critics like Randell Tarrell calls Frost a pessimist. It demands great renunciation. His sensibility is deeply market by the puritan heritage of his ancestors. God is in his heaven . All is right with the world. He has a sense same of and balanced philosopher, a man of nature wisdom, who uses his poetry as a Vehicle for his inquiries into the nature and meaning of life. No frost is not a pessimist he is a realist, and ameliorist.But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep True virtue is in the doing, not in what is done he advocates that man must have faith in God, the mystery of life and the ways of God cannot be understood through reason. Man can be said only by Gods mercy which man receives for having

laboured under grave injustice, To Frost God is one who cares for man, and saves him, no matter how many times in pure matter and man has a soul or spirit. Man is other objects of nature. Grant me intention, purpose and design. That is near enough for me to the divine. So, Frost is a wise philosopher and thinker who advocates not a rejection of life, but an acceptance of it with all its limitation. He loves the world and life in it even though he often finds faults with it, quarrels with it as a lover often does with the woman he loves. He does not close his eyes to the hardness of mans lot, but suggests ways and means for it amelioration. His message to his fellow reformation men is to have. ..courage in the heart, to overcome the fear in the soul. And go ahead any accomplishment. Action, determined and fearless, in living present, is considered by Frost as essential for human salvation. In short we come to know that frost used natural imagery, his graps of natural facts is well recognized he tells how nature work, and tells human psychology, he saw nature as an alien force capable of destroying man, but he also saw mans struggle with nature as a heroic battle. As he told in his poem our Hold on the planet There in much nature against us, but we forget.. and it must be a little more in favors of man He says nature is aloof and independent from man. Man keeps the universe alone. Even though he loved natural beauty. Frost recognized the harsh facts of the natural world. Frosts manners are fanciful or humorous. After reading him we find that man needs nature but he should not make mistake of crossing the wall and trespassing into her pasture, he treats nature as both a threat and comfort. He declared he was not an agnostic. I have no doubts about my beliefs. But critics view about him. Many critics thought him to be a superficial thinker, he is not deep thinker but just versifier. He gained wild popular people considered him as a conservative. He did not have moral-courage. And intellectual capacity to force the hardship of life. Some define him as immediate impulse Snow the critic says A man tries to fight with storm / nature but eventually dies. Nature cannot be conquered.

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