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Against the cuts

In Rotherham, just like everywhere else, we are having brutal cuts forced upon us by this government of Tory millionaires and with no real opposition from the Labour Party. We need a fightback against all the attacks, including on our hospital, where 750 jobs are set to go, and against the closure of Maltby pit. Instead of fighting the cuts, Rotherham Labour council has axed 1,000 jobs in two years. This is a disgrace the cuts will decimate our communities if we let them go through. There is an alternative. Why dont we make the banks and bosses pay for the crisis they caused? Why dont we collect the 120 billion of tax avoided by huge companies like Starbucks, Topshop and Vodafone?

TUSC public meeting


Monday 26 November, 7pm Unity Centre, St Leonards Road, Rotherham S65 1PD
Speakers include:

Why were backing Ralph

Ralph represents all those who want to fight back against this weak but nasty Tory-led government. He is every bosses worst nightmare and a vote for him will be a vote for a fightback and an alternative to austerity cuts. Phil Turner local journalist Ralph led a teachers strike to save jobs and supports the fight to save our NHS from the Tory wreckers starting with the 750 jobs which Rotherham hospital wants to axe. Vote for Ralph, vote for someone who will stand up for ordinary people. Alan Daw Rotherham Unison Health Branch chair (personal capacity) Ralph shows the importance of day to day action to support workers and the need for unity between unemployed and employed, linked up with the wider struggle for a better society. Chris Bingham TUSC candidate for Rotherhams Boston and Castle Ward for the last two years Ralph is a fighter who stands up against the Tories plans to marketise education and bring in academies and free schools. He is standing in this election to give young people quality education to give them hope and motivation. Jill Adams NUT activist

Dave Nellist
Joining the TUC anti-cuts protest in October for A Future That Works

former workers MP on a workers wage

Michael Lavalette
Preston socialist councillor

Against corruption

The disgraced former MP Denis MacShane represents all that is wrong with our politicians at the moment. Rather than oppose the massive attacks on our living standards and our public services, MPs are once again found fiddling their expenses. We have had enough of the corruption at the top, whether its Murdoch bribes and hacking, MPs expenses or the cover-ups and lies at Hillsborough and Orgreave in South Yorkshire.

of Rotherham. We need to be united to fight back against the cuts and for jobs, homes and services for all.

Save our playing fields

Save education

The Tories want more academies and free schools. This will worsen education for the majority and mean teachers jobs, terms and conditions can be slashed. Huge tuition fees and the cost of student loans mean working class families have to make huge sacrifices to send their children to university.

Ralph wants to take up local battles and thats why he is keen to support the campaign by Clifton residents involved in Herringthorpe Playing Fields Community Group who are saying no to privatisation of our green space.

What TUSC stands for

Against racism and fascism

Save our NHS

Twice in the last month we have had the fascists of the EDL and NF come to our town and twice we have stood united against them with our counter protests. TUSC believes the EDL, BNP and NF are fascists who are not welcome. Their attempts to use issues such as the grooming scandal to whip up race hatred are rejected by the people

Rotherham hospital bosses want to cut beds and are to sack 750 staff, more than 20 per cent of the workforce, to save 50 million because of government cuts. This would leave Rotherham with only a glorified cottage hospital! Stop the Tory wreckers, say no to job cuts and privatisation, join the protest called by Unison on Saturday 1 December in Rotherham town centre.

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) was established in early 2010 to enable trade unionists, socialists and community campaigners to come together to stand candidates in elections to provide a fighting alternative to the mainstream parties. TUSC stands for a democratic socialist society run in the interests of the millions not the millionaires. We stand for democratic public ownership of the major companies and banks that dominate the economy so that production and services can be planned to meet the needs of all, and to protect the environment.

Can you help with our election campaign?

Contact Alistair Tice (Agent): 07706 710 041 Or Phil Turner: 07810 824 223

Ralph Dyson centre spread.indd 2-3

14/11/12 14:13:24

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