Tracking Tool D - VA Bridge Event

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Tracking Tool D

Name and Claim Action Plan

Review the IES Practice Guide Checklist indicators. Isolate ideas of significance for your school/district to develop short-term goals and long-term plans across the six research recommendations.
Utilize data systems LONG-RANGE PLANS


Assign adult advocates to students at risk of dropping out SHORT TERM GOALS LONG-RANGE PLANS

Provide academic support and enrichment to improve academic performance SHORT TERM GOALS LONG-RANGE PLANS

Implement programs to improve students classroom behavior and social skills SHORT TERM GOALS LONG-RANGE PLANS

Personalize the learning environment and instructional process SHORT TERM GOALS LONG-RANGE PLANS

Provide rigorous and relevant instruction to better engage students SHORT TERM GOALS LONG-RANGE PLANS

Learn more about REL Appalachia at REL Appalachia is funded by a contract from the U.S. Department of Education through the Institute of Education Sciences, Contract ED-IES-12-C-0005, administered by CNA headquartered in Alexandria, VA. This event is presented in partnership with the West Virginia Department of Education & Creative Project Solutions.

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