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GPS Team Recommendations November, 2012 1. 2.

Rationale Overview of listening sessions Members are concerned about: Quality of Sunday school and youth programs Aging congregation Declining numbers Spending too much Losing identify Spirituality Politics, in sermons here and from PC(USA) o NAOMI want pastors to be more visible Members came to First Presbyterian Church for the following reasons: Only Presbyterian church in Wausau Family grew up in the church Friendship Friendly, welcoming congregation Open-minded, intellectual congregation Choir Specific members or pastors Members stay because: Feeling that its my church Raised children Fellowship groups Food work and other missions Strong preaching Members most feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in: Feeding ministries Music traditions o Choir o Bell choir Worship, sermons Sanctuary and special services (Easter, All Saints Day, Christmas, etc) Childrens sermons

Deacons visits Mission Work Christmas baskets

Members feel the missions most important to the congregation and the communities are: Feeding missions Pastoral care Deacons Hospital visits Funeral-related activities Workshop Committees Christian education Music ministry The Lord wants First Presbyterian Church to: Be here in this place; open the church to the community Take care of each other in and out of the church Support current families Be a nurturing congregation Be spiritually filled in worship Intimacy, care, inspirational Talk and listen Be non-judgmental, inclusive Social justice The church can support members spiritual life by: Provide more Bible study o applied Bible lessons Provide fellowship time outside of church Adapt worship o Other times o Other places o Alternative worship styles Lay leaders need to feel confident in their roles Use technology Dialogue sermons Energy/enthusiasm needed Create a community garden


Have a different balance in sermons

GPS Team Plan for First Presbyterian Church a. BUILDING UTILIZATION: Inner and Outer Recommendations 1. The entire building An ad hoc group will be formed to conduct a space audit and recommend new uses for the church building 2. Church dcor Work with an interior decorator to review church spaces with an eye toward how rooms are perceived by visitors and work to make those rooms/spaces more inviting and welcoming. 3. Sanctuary Explore and evaluate ways to make church sanctuary warmer and more inviting. 4. Outer Space Outdoor sign Support plans for a vegetable garden in the front of church b. COMMUNICATION Based upon both your input and our discussions, we feel the three aspects that should feature in communications, especially external, are FPC-Wausaus: 1. feeding ministries and local other mission work; 2. open-minded/welcoming theological attitude; 3. music program. Overarching recommendations The website needs an overhaul The Facebook page is adequate, but should have a great deal more content, and it needs more regular activity. Internal communication Recommendations We need to minimize office expenses and duplication. Contact absent members with a caring inquiry Cultural or socio-economic issues must remain part of our dialogue Complaints must be directed to Session and/or the Pastor, as is appropriate.

External Communication Recommendations Move the sign at 5th and Grant, and a scrolling marquee should be added More intentional advertising on the internet and social media. Outreach: Pastors blog and social media (Facebook and Twitter) c. GOVERNANCE 1.Volunteer Job Description Job descriptions will be created for: Nominating Committee Members Elders Deacons 2. Personnel Committee Meet at least quarterly Will conduct a formal review of the Senior Pastor Will review annual reviews of all staff members Each members will serve as a liaison to a staff member 3. Session An annual orientation session for new Elders An annual retreat will be held for Session to set its annual goals Session will annually review the Mission Statement and Core Values. 4. Deacons An annual orientation session for new Deacons An annual retreat will be held for Deacons to set its annual goals 5. Senior Pastor Head of staff--supervise and manager church staff Job descriptions--reviewed annually and, if necessary, updated Annual Performance expectations/goals will be set for all staff Conduct annual performance reviews of all church staff Performance expectations and reviews of staff will be shared with the Personnel Committee d. PROGRAMMING 1. Worship Members of the church in general expressed satisfaction with our worship style and content. Members would like: easier or familiar hymns, more spirituality in sermon within framework of Reformed tradition Greater variety of worship services and opportunities.

Greater variety within the service Explore the use of other media (e.g., screens) to enhance the worship experience for all members. 2. Mission Given the fundamental and priority importance that Mission is in the life of the church, as conveyed to us in listening sessions by members, Mission (and Staff, Session and church leaders) needs to: Be a more integral part of congregational life Have defined roles for staff and Teams Encourage the involvement of youth and families Encourage hands-on participation, not simply financial support. Be mindful of an aging congregation, and be intentional about succession planning to assure continuity of effort. Communicate with and involve prospective and new members in Mission activities Routinely highlight the Biblical underpinnings of Mission work 3. Children and Families Pertaining to children and families: They need to be integrated in the life of the church There needs to be more staff involvement with them in and out of church The senior pastor and the Youth Leader will work closely together to revitalize the youth groups. Staff and teams listen to families and youth about needs There need to be mission opportunities for families and youth There needs to be a place for single parents, and we need to make sure there is support for them and different kinds of families. Confirmation class needs to be part of the youth education Continue weekly learning opportunities for children during Sunday service. Fellowship activities for all members, and intergenerational activities, ways to connect members to one another

f. STAFFING STRUCTURE We prayerfully undertook to define positions that we hope will allow the church to serve and grow in an effective manner. Generalist Pastor/Head of Staff 1.0 FTE (50 hours/week) Pastoral Associate .5 FTE (25 hours/week) Director of Music .5 FTE (20 hours/week) Youth/Church School Leader .5FTE (20 hours/week) Administrative Assistant .5 FTE (20 hours/week) Maintenance Supervisor 1.0 FTE (40 hours/week)

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