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Jonathan Smith

Period 1


The Silver Knight There was once a Silver Knight who rode in the night with his two companions, Fred and Sheldon, in brisk strides on his majestic horse. Born as an orphan and raised by a mysterious mother who often neglected to speak of his past, this heroic knight never knew where his real parents were. Virtually everything was kept secret from him (including his name) except for his homeland, the sturdy cosmos of Hocotate. There he was bred, a male who was selfless in his composure and in his morals. One day when Hocotate faced a natural disaster in which they were in dire need of supplies and food after, the Silver Knight climbed aboard his trusty steed with his two friends, forming a group of three. Before leaving, however, the Silver Knight was entrusted with a sword in which a magical spirit had tossed to him in a fast-food drive-thru. After reaching the magical land of Pallet Town located north of the border of Hocotate, the trio was able to find another group of three whom they entrusted to take them to their lord. Once at the castle, the group discovered that they could not see the lord until the dragon was slain. This key piece of information was provided by another trio located within the towns walls. The Silver Knight and his two pals then strode up to the castle encasing the dragon and got to work. Rather than helping the Silver Knight defeat the dragon, Fred and Sheldon simply decided that they would be better suited to go eat gelato with some man named Mario. After two swipes of the Silver Knights sword, the dragons head was slain and he took the ear back as a souvenir. He met up with his friends and traveled with the other trio to meet the Lord of the town named Pallet. When the Lord first saw the Silver Knight he said: Who is this person who lies in front of thy eyes of the Lord?

Jonathan Smith

Period 1


In response to this, the Silver Knight said: Sir, I am the Silver Knight from Hocotate that you may have heard about. I have come in desire of goods and supplies for my people as I am almost certain you have heard about the natural disaster that has just transpired in that area. The Lord of Pallet Town gestured for the trio to get the supplies set aside for the Silver Knight and Hocotate and said: I will only give you these supplies if you tell me your real name. The Silver Knight responded with great emotion as he told the story of his background that was unbeknownst to even himself. And so this is why I cannot tell you what my identity is. However, I am a very loyal He then drifted off into a daydream and looked away. He then reverted to saying: Oh my God. Who is that wonderful lady over there? He pointed toward the glorious Madame Beyonc as the lord began to tell him of her name. That is my daughter. I have been looking for someone to give her away to and you seem as good as any to send her off with in fixed marriage formation. She is youre wife now if you are interested in wedding her. Yes! Thank you, Lord! I owe you tremendous amounts of gratitude. And so Madame Beyonc joined the Silver Knight as the two lovers and the Knights friends made their way back home to Hocotate. Upon returning home, the Silver Knight introduces his wife to his interimmother who is so overjoyed that she spilled the beans on his real name that was actually Sir Steve! Hocotate was starting to recover and the Sir Steve and his wife were seen as royalty.

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