Foysal Strategic Management

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Chapter-1: Overview of the Organization

1.1 Introduction: Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh established in the year 1999. Incepta now has one of the largest and competent sales force and large distribution network of its own, operated from 18 different locations throughout the country. A most dynamic skilled and dedicated marketing team comprising of pharmacists and doctors are at the core of the marketing operation. These highly skilled professionals play a crucial role in providing the necessary strategic guideline for the promotion of its product. The company produces various types of dosage forms which include tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder for suspension, nasal sprays, eye drops, creams, ointments, lotions, gels, prefilled syringes, liquid filled hard gelatin capsules, lyophilized injections etc. Since its inception, Incepta has been launching new and innovative products in order to fulfill unmet demand of the medical community. The focus has always been to bring new, more technologically advanced molecules and innovative dosage forms to this country. History of the Organization:


Incepta began its operation with a handful of highly skilled and dedicated professionals guided by an able leadership. Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions helped us achieve our objectives leading to much faster growth. Incepta was able to anticipate the need of the market and provide the right product at the right time. High focus on R&D investment from the very beginning made possible the introduction of quality products ahead of its competitors in most cases. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is now the 2nd largest company of the country and recognized as the fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. The company has come a long way. Currently the Zirabo plant consists of several buildings with state of the art technology. Dedicated cephalosporin manufacturing building, a specialized manufacturing building for the production of lyophilized products, insulin and amino acids and newly built liquid and semisolid manufacturing building and large warehouse is also in operation. Another multipurpose building for housing the Research & Development operation along with the canteen facility is also there. Currently all the products are coming from the plant at Zirabo. The company now produces almost all types of dosage forms covering nearly all therapeutic area.

1.3 Vision of the Organization: Incepta wants to become a research based global pharmaceutical company in addition to being a highly efficient generic manufacturer. To discover and develop innovative, valueadded products that improves the quality of life of people around the world. And contribute towards the growth of our Nation. 1.4 Mission of the Organization: Provide people globally with high quality health care products at affordable prices in order to improve access to medicine and to provide employees an enabling environment that facilitates realization of their full potential.

1.5 Organ Gram of the Organization:

Chairman & Managing Director

Director: i) Administration ii) Production

General Manager: i) Administration ii) Finance iii) Production

Doctor Nurse Production Manager

Manager Accounts

Compliance Manager

Fire & Safety Manager


Line Manager

Manager Security

Accounts Officer

Welfare Officer

Fire Fighters and Cleaners

Mechanics, Electricians and Generator Operator

Supervisors, Machine Operators, and Asst. of Machine Operators

Supervisors and Security Guards

Table 1.1: Organ Gram of the Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

1. 6 Past Programs of the Organization: In January 2008, the company received "Certificate of GMP compliance" from European Union which basically opened the door to the European market for Incepta. In recent times the UK MHRA authorities have also inspected the production facilities located at Zirabo, Savar. The UK MHRA GMP compliance certificate is now under process. In 2004 Incepta was inspected by UNICEF and UNDP and accepted as a potential supplier. In 2005 Incepta started supplying products to UNICEF locally in Bangladesh. Subsequently in 2010, Incepta was accepted by the global headquarters of UN agencies at Copenhagen, Denmark and became enlisted as global supplier to UNICEF, UNESCO, and UNDP. During the course of the last couple of years the company has received accreditation from many other countries of the world and currently holds the following GMP certificates from their respective Ministry of Health.

European Union GMP Certificate Turkey GMP Certificate Yemen GMP Certificate Kenya GMP Certificate Democratic Republic of Congo GMP Certificate Ethiopia GMP Certificate Uganda GMP Certificate

1.7 Present Programs of the Organization: Incepta is guided by its export mission to improve the health and well-being of people worldwide. Its corporate philosophy is to create new value around health-related products through science and advanced technology. Incepta currently sells its product in many countries of Asia, Africa, Central America and has started to sell in Latin America. Incepta is taking special efforts to ensure presence in the rest of the globe. Currently the company is exploring distributorship, contract manufacturing, in licensing, technology partnership and many other forms of cooperation. . Incepta is the second largest and fastest growing company among the top five companies of the country. Companies around the world can benefit from partnership with Incepta as the company offers a very large portfolio of generic products to choose from. Focus on ensuring high quality and cost effectiveness makes our portfolio more attractive to potential customers. Incepta has always given very high priority to its Research and Development activities. This focus enabled Incepta to develop and market 118 generics for the first time ever in Bangladesh pharmaceutical market. The company has successfully developed nearly 650 dosage forms of 300 plus generics in different specialties that are currently selling in the local as well as international market.

1.8 Future Program of the Organization: Within five years of starting export operations, Incepta now sells its products in 36 countries. This has become possible due to an intellectual pool of some of the best minds in the country. Starting in 2006, Incepta already has registration of more than 300 products in different countries around the globe. Further negotiation with possible business partners and product registration is going on to further the presence of the company in many more countries.

1.9 Table of Activities of HR Department:

Activities of HR Department

Requirement Process
Planning and Decision Making Process

Organizing Technique Staffing Pattern and Practices Leading Process Motivation Process
Career Planning and Development Scope

Pay Structure and Benefits

Transportation Facility for the Executives

Welfare Facilities Disciplinary Action Labor Relations Controlling Methods

Environment, Politics and Practices

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Chapter-2: Research Objective & Methodology

2.1 Objectives of the study: 7

This report on Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is prepared for some distinguished objective, which is as follows:

To fulfill academic requirement. To gather knowledge about Pharmaceuticals companies operations. To gather practical knowledge and real life experience. To apply theoretical knowledge. To have exposure to the functions of Pharmaceuticals. To get an overview of the Pharmaceuticals activities in our country.

2.2 Research Methodology: The study is performed based on the information extracted from different sources collected by using a specific methodology. This report is analytical in nature. How close to the issue-under-study can a researcher reach depends, to a great extent, on how methodically he/she can approach the issue. Although necessity of using data and information has always been the prime determinant of the quality, accuracy and worthiness of a research project, in these days of abundant availability of data and information this necessity has only been acute, methodology is the pathfinder of working out a good research paper. The methodology is mentioned below: 2.2.1 Population: All the companies company located in everywhere in Bangladesh have been taken into consideration as population. 2.2.2 Sample: The Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is considered as sample for preparing this report. 2.3 Data collection: Source of data of this report can be divided into two categories:
2.3.1 Primary Sources:

Conversation with the respective officers and staffs. Relevant file study provided by the officers concerned.

2.3.2 Secondary Sources:

Relevant books and Research papers. Internet and various study selected reports.

2.5 Data Analysis: Some arithmetic and graphical tools are used in this report for analyzing the collected data and to classifying those to interpret them clearly. 2.6 Limitations of the study: The major limitations of this study are given as follows There were some restrictions to have access to the information confidential by concern authority. The report is only based on Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Sufficient records, publications were not available as per my requirement. This report doesnt provide adequate historical information.

Chapter-3: Value Creation Cycle of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


3.1 Input: Collect raw materials from different countries as an input for production of medicine then start their primary and support activities for getting output. 3.2 Primary Activities: In this stage company maintains four primary activities. These four activities are very much important. They are3.2.1 Research and Development: Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. collects their right raw material at right time by research for development. 3.2.2 Production: After collecting right raw materials company go for production. 3.2.3 Marketing & Sales: After production company tries to sell their medicine to dealer and retailer by their sales executive. 11

3.2.4 Customer Service: Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited provides customer service by providing instruction with medicine for medicine using. 3.3 Support Activities: In this stage company maintains four primary activities. These four activities are very much momentous. They are3.3.1 Company Infrastracture: It is the first support activities for getting to output. 3.3.2 Information Systems: Information system of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited helps to get output as support activities. 3.3.3 Materials Management: It is the number three support activities. This is very important. Materials management helps get output to company. 3.3.4 Human Resource: When Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited needs any employee for their organization then management of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited inform that to HR department. Then HR department give advertisement in bd jobs and news paper for new employee. After that interested persons apply for that post with CV. When Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited gets CV from interested participant then Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited organizes a written exam for participant. Management of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited identifies qualified persons from written exam and arrange viva exam for them. If any participant qualified in viva exam then that participant get job in Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited. 3.4 Output: When company will produce high volume of medicine by low cost by reducing production cost then Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited can earn huge amount of profit.


We can see that in their recent new generics production, how they are creating value for customers through their R&D department. 3.3 Tabulation of Increasing Number of Products Year by Year:


No. of Products

First Ever Product

IMS Rank* 2nd (1st Quarter) 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 5th 8th 10th 12th 31st

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

625 594 585 532 451 368 288 198 154 119 78 35

7 10 4 10 17 9 12 6 18 14 11 4

Table 2.1: Increasing Number of Products Year by Year

Year by year number of products are increasing and at 2009-2011 Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd is holding 2nd position of IMS Rank.


Chapter-4: Analysis of Findings


4.1 Findings
This is very important part of my report. After working in the Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd, I have collect and gather the data, analyzed and with my limited experience I found some noticeable points that I am going to mention. 4.1.1 SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is used to measure views of a single issue from different patterns. From historical data and practical observation, I found the following Strength opportunity, weakness and threat under SWOT analysis of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.: Strengths: Not engaged in unfair business practice. Well-known reputed Pharmaceuticals in the market. Concentrated market. Officers are highly experienced and professional. Production system is larger than advance. Committed for supplying produced goods time to time to buyer. Strictly complies of government Pharmaceuticals rules, regulations and acts. Weaknesses: Small popularity in foreign market. Not attractive environment for working. Growth is slower than other competitive Pharmaceuticals. Lack of advance technology utilization in all aspects. Opportunities: Can provide more attractive facilities to employees for increasing production. Take loan to expand their business. Can decrease their production cost by establishing a textile factory for fabric processing. Can adopt high technology based machine for production.


Threats: The number competitors in Pharmaceuticals sectors are increasing. Competitive performance is in high positive flow. Competitors are using more advance technological system. Government tendency of imposing tax and VAT is becoming stricter.

4.2 Graph of Inceptas recent growth compared to the whole industry:

Strategy-As they want to become a research based global pharmaceutical company, so building distinctive competencies that result in innovation is the most important source of their competitive advantage which we find from their recent few years trend in new generics findings


Chapter-5: Conclusion, Recommendations & References


5.1 Conclusion: To conclude with we can say that, Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited is creating values for all customers & stakeholders through their tremendous teamwork in R&D, as well as through Marketing & Sales team. So, we hope in the near future, the vision of becoming the number one quality pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh would be fulfilled if this process carries on.

Recommendations: As they want to become a research based global pharmaceutical company in addition to being a highly efficient generic manufacturer they should keep up their R&D projects. As they want to provide people globally with high quality health care products at affordable prices they should production level for economies of scale. The company is doing very well regarding their vision & mission, so we recommend they should keep up or maintain this process if not possible to enhance it.

5.2 References: Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, 8th Edition, Hill/Jones


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