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Kolkata-700028,India: phone [091-033] 2527-0373 &2527-0455 e-mail list of dated 30.06.12 Following Journals: ANNALS of Bhandarkar Oriental Research institute: Poona: Printed & Published by Dr. R.N.Dandekar: [1] Volume-XVII: Part-1: 1935-36: Edited by A.B. Gajendragadkar, & V.G.Paranjpe.Articles: the date on the smrti chapters of the Matsya Purana by R.c.Hazra, Kavidarpanam [ a Prakrta treatise on Metres ] by H.D. Velankar, some observations of the Figures of Speech in the rgveda by Abel Bergaigne. Translated in into English by A. Venkatasubbiah, Methods adopted by Jaina writers for recording their own Names & those of their Gurus in the Works Composed by them by Prof. H.R. Kapadia. Etc. Reviews. Pp 99.rebound.Rs-450/[2] Volume- XIX: Part-1: 1938: Edited by A.B. Gajendragadkar, & R.N.Dandekarwith 6 articles, 6 Miscellanea: & Book reviews: 1- Influence of the Mahabharata on Hindu Social Life His Holiness sri Sankaracharya Dr.Kurtkoti, 2-Fragments of poems pertaining to King Sambhu,Son of shivaji P.K.Gode, 3- Ramanujacharya the author of the Nayakaratna by Pt.K.s. Ramaswami Sastri, 4- Some Minor Puranas- R.C.Hazra, Tamil commentary on Pravacanasara- A.n.Upadhye, Mind in the DhammapadaB.C.Law, Notes on Indian Chronology by P.K.Gode, [ XXXVII] Appayadiksita-s Criticism of Aryabhata-s Theory of the Diurnal motion of the earth [Bhubhramavada] etc. pp 100,rebound.Rs-450/[3] Volume- XXII: Parts: 1-2: 1941: Edited by A.B. Gajendragadkar, & R.N.Dandekar. with 14 Articles, and 6 Book Reviews; some articles: 1-The Kalika Purana by R.C.Hazra, 2- Jagaddhara-s Indebtedness to Harihara an Ancient Commentator of the Malati-Madhava- by N. A.Gore, 3- Ambivle Cave Inscriptions by Moreshwar G.Dikshit, 4- Some Ancient Indian Tribes- B.C.Law, 5- Hasya as a Rasa in Sanskrit Rhetoric & Literature H.D.Sharma, 6- Ravana [ a study in the light of the New Psychology] by P. R. Chidambara,7- Indo=- Muslim Architecture- M.a. Chaghtai, 8- Washington Manuscript [ New Light thrown on the fragmentary Tibetan Version of Vimuktimarga P.V.Bapat,9- The role of the Courtezan in the early History of Indian Painting- P.K.gode, etc. reviews. Pp 172,vi. Rebound.Rs-600/[4] Volume: XL: Parts; 1-4: 1959: Edited by R.N.dandekar, A.D. Pusalker.Articles: Rgvedic Civilization in the Light of Archaeology R.C.Majumdar, Amarusataka with Commentary of Kokasambhava C.r. Devadhar, A Critical study of the Ritualistic Sutras- Bharadvaja Srauta Sutra- by C.G. Kashikar, on a Recent Estimate of the social and political system of the Maurya empire by U.N.ghoshal,Nirvana- Vicara- by S.s.

Hasurkar, Notes on Indo- Moslem Epigraphy G.H. Khare, Terma of Exclamations in works on Sanskrit Dramaturgy Jagbans k. Balbir, Glossarial Index to Pracina Smrti , by S.C.Banerji, status of Maya- P.s.sastri, Ballala Sena-s influence upon Bengal smrti by Bhabatosh bhattacharya, vedic rituals in early medieval period :an epigraphic study V.s.Pathak, eytc. Reviews, pp 395,vii.Royal size.rebound.Rs-800/[5] Volume- XLI: Parts: 1-4: 1960: Edited by R.N.dandekar, A.D. Pusalker.Articles: Literary Background of Raghavabhatta,Author of Padarthadarsa [Comm. On Saradatilaka] & arthadyotanika[ Comm.on abhijnana-sakuntala] by A.D. Pusalker, Brahma [ ii] Brahmana [ iii] Brahmanah by N.G. Chapekar, Upanisadic references in the Bhagavad Gita- G.M. Patil, a study of the Moksadharma Text [ Mahabharata XII 263] The Could as a Divinity ,by V.M. Bedekar, Rudra from the Vedas to the Mahabharata Sukumari Bhattacharji, an infirm index in Indian Chronology K.M. Shembavekar, Vishnudhvaja- Review by D.s. Triveda, some important Varient reading not recorded in the critical Edition of the Santiparvan by the Mahabharata- V.M. Bedekar, Reviews, etc. pp 204,vi. Rebound.Rs-600/[6] Volume- XLIV: Parts-1-4: 1963: : Edited by R.N.dandekar, A.D. Pusalker.Articles: On Some Oroblems of Feudalism in Ancient India- by Lallanji Gopal, The Cremony of Nirajana B.H.Kapadia, Some New aspects of Poltical History in Banabhatta-by Deleepkumar Kanjilal, The place of Japa in the Moksadharmaparvan and the yoga Sutra: A Comparative study by V.M. Bedekar, the prabodhcandrika of Baijaladeva along with the incomplete Commentary , Subodhini by Gopala- giri- by radhakrishna Chaudhury.etc,reviews.mahabhasyadipika- anhika-2. pp 190,vii.Rs-600/[7] Volume- XLV: Parts: 1-4: 1964: : Edited by R.N.dandekar, A.D. Pusalker.Articles: Word Economy & rgvedic interpretation by H.d. Velankar, ancient Sanskrit Drama and Music R.B. athavale, Nasatya- N.G. Chapekar, Chinese sources on Brahmi and Kharosthi by Jao Tsung-I, Dvirupa- Dhvani- Samgraha of Bharatamallika by S.C.Banerji, Mahabharata cultural Notes ; 3; things kept in the Bed chamber of a Lady in Confinement V.M. Bedekar, Visnudhvaja or Qutb Minar y. K. Bhukari,the Jaina Records about Birds- Hiralal R.Kapadia, Abhinavagupta-s Division of artha-Prakrtis- an Interpretation by K,H, Trivedi, Authorship of Laghusabdaratna- K.V. Abyankar, the arjikas of Rgveda- s.C.rai, etc. mahabhasyadipika anhika-2. reviews. Pp 212,rebound.Rs-600/[8] Volume:LI: Parts: 1-4: 1970: Edited by R.N.dandekar, A.D. Pusalker.Articles: Indologist and his Role today a.N. Upadhyaya, Ancient Indian Semantics- Ashok Aklujkar, The Avesta,rgveda & Brahma Cult by Tarapada Bhattacharya,Sanskrit Influence on AMIR KHUSRAU- D.V. Chauhan, Foreign Elements in Pali by M.Mallick, Samuccaya- a Neglected Mimamsa term Vijnanesvara by S.G.Moghe, Maratha-Nizam Relations: Nizam Ul- Mulk-s Letters by Setu Madhavarao Pagadi, Text Critical notes on the Vaitana Srauta Sutra I- X- by H.C. Patyal, Synonyms in the Bhagavata-purana- by Satya Vrat, the Conception of Absolute in the Trika system of

Kasmir deva brata sen, Significances of Diksa Ganesh U. thite, Dikchahuti-mantraStuti by K.V. Anantanarayana sastri, note on the genesis of the word Zangra in Avestan. by S.N.Ghoshal;,harappan,ochre ware and the copper hoards by devendra handa, with other articles, books revires. Etc. rebound.Royal size. Pp 280,vii.Rs-800/[9] Volume- LII: Parts- 1-4: 1971: Edited by R.N.Dandekar, A.D. Pusalker.Articles [some]: Shan- Chien-P!i-P!o-sha-by P.V.Bapat, Kamasastra Questions in the Katha literature-By Ludwik Strenbach, Some further observations on the problem of the original Yogayajnavalkya by C.t. Kenghe, Theory of Commendation &sub- infeudation in Ancient India- R.K.Chaudhury, The Kalamukhas of Sakti Parisad by David Lorenzen, The Nighantu of Sodhala- P.V. sharma, Panini : Statistical Study of Sanskrit formationsby M.D.Pandit, Mauryan Art and the !Episode! theory by D. Devahuti, Discrepancy between the Samhita and the Pada texts of the Rgveda- K.V.abhyankar, Sutradhara-by M.K.Dhavalikar, Savitri from samhitas to Grhyasutras by K.Lal, Siva as Promulgator of traditional learning and Patron deity of the fine arts J. B. Long,,etc.etc. reviews. Rebound.royal pp 290,xvii,Rs-800/-

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