GSM Commands

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GSM modem / module - first steps

Please feel free to have a look at GSM FAQ on this homepage as well.

These tips should make it easier for you to operate your GSM modem / module. Please read the hints carefully.

Important AT-Command Sets

Please refer to the manual for the return codes of AT commands. Most of the AT commands are followed by [Enter]. If not we show it in the examples as below: Enter PIN AT+CPIN="xxxx"[Enter] Give PIN to the device- important information - enter CPIN before all other commands or try to get SIM cards without PIN Activate saved parameters ATZ[Enter] Activate user profile Example: Changing and saving parameters AT+IPR=2400[Enter] Set transfer rate to 2400 bps AT&W[Enter] Save parameters to memory

Send and Receive

Example: Data transfer AT+CPIN="xxxx"[Enter] AT+CREG?[Enter] ATD05111234567[Enter] Enters PIN Register Network (0,1 means logged in) Data call

Example: Send SMS with GSM modem / module

Enter SMS-Center AT+CSCA=+491722270000[Enter] Example: Send SMS AT+CMGF=1[Enter] AT+CMGS="+491711234567"[Enter] >Please call office^Z Example: Receive SMS Enter SMS-Center for Vodafone Germany (T-Mobile Germany = +491710760000) +CMGF=1 - Set modem in text mode Send SMS (^Z equals StrgZ).

A SMS will be stored in the GSM modem / module and being send via RS232 to the peripherals. The peripherals have to send commands to the GSM unit to receive SMS and to erase SMS from the SIM card in order to clean memory. +CMTI:"SM",x AT+CMGR=X[Enter] AT+CMGD=X[Enter] Example: Send voice call AT+CREG?[Enter] ATD05111234567;[Enter] Register Network (0,1 means registered in home network) The only difference to issue a data call and a voice call is the semicolon. The transmission of any GSM device is digital so the ISDN-profile (bearer type) is being sent to the receiving ISDN station. If you dial a ISDN voice device with data transmission, the ISDN device will not ring! X stands for the memory number of received SMS Read SMS on memory number X Erase SMS on memory number X

Important Commands Note: The answers for networks and field strength can be delayed for several seconds. ATZ;E[Enter] Echo OFF ATZ;E1[Enter] AT+CSQ[Enter] Echo ON Show field strength. Field strength in dBm = -112 dBm+(2*X). When X gets bigger, then the field strength is higher. -104 dBm is the lowest value for a voice call. A data calls willfaulty because the noise is to high. Answer 0,x (X=2=log off, X=1=log in, X=0=dont know) please refer to manual for further infos Shows which GSM operators is active. 0,2,26201= T-Mobile availiable Shows all available networks




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