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Please visit our ProfitShift Education page to learn more about the ProfitShift Feature!

How To Read The ProfitShift Results Table

We will be looking at the ProfitShift Results table located within your Dashboard and give you a clear explanation on how to understand the figures that you see in the BEFORE and AFTER table after the ProfitShift exercise has been implemented. As an example, we will take a look at John's account. John purchased 100 Ad Packages two months ago and participated in the ProfitShift a week ago. John's account has a converted rate of 50%, meaning that 50% of his Ad Packages went through an early expiration and was converted into PC Panels as well as Cash delivered into his Ad Package account directly. All figures displayed do NOT take into consideration referral commissions due to you. We will be looking into detail on how the figures in the two tables were calculated and you will be able to use this information in understanding your OWN ProfitShift Result Table and take the necessary actions to maximize your commissions!

Ad Packages and PC Panel Commissions & Rebates Before ProfitShift

The first table shows what happens to John's account on a normal life cycle of his unconverted Ad Packages. Each Ad Package that expires will pay out $15 upon expiry. As he has 100 Ad Packages, he will receive $1,500 when they all expire and his PC Panels will give him a rebate of $1,500 when they complete, giving him a total of $3,000. Cash Ad Packages

Ad Packages Commissions

Ad Packages CAD

PC Panels

PC Panel Rebates

Total Commissions



$20 /day on w/d $10 /day on w/e





Ad Packages and PC Panel Commissions & Rebates After ProfitShift

The second table two shows what happens after 50% of his Ad Packages were converted after ProfitShift. Based on a set formula, he receives Cash, addtional PC Panels and a total of $3,540. 50% of his unconverted Ad Packages (50), will continue to pay him $15 per Ad Package upon expiry. He will be receiving $540 extra due to the PSF!


Ad Packages

Ad Packages Commissions

Ad Packages CAD

PC Panels

PC Panel Rebates

Total Commissions



$10 /day on w/d $5 /day on w/e





** The figures presented are indicative will vary from account to account and from one ProfitShift to the next.

Breakdown of Ad Packages and PC Panel Commissions & Rebates After ProfitShift

In this table, you will see what actually happens to both your unconverted (1) and converted (2) Ad Packages. Combining the total from both of them will result in the potential commissions you will receive when your PC Panels complete.


Ad Packages

Ad Packages Commissions

Ad Packages CAD*

PC Panels

PC Panel Rebates

Total Commissions

1) Ad Packages 50% Balance 2) Ad Packages 50% Converted Total Commissions



$10 /day on w/d $5 /day on w/e 0













$10 /day on w $5 /day on w/e





Percentage of Ad Packages Converted to PC Panels (ACP*) : 50% No. of Ad Packages Converted: 50

No of PC Panels Given: 33

CAD: Cash Amount Due ACP: Applied Conversion Percentage

Understanding Your Converted Ad Packages

Before the ProfitShift, you enjoyed only daily commissions from the Ad Packages you purchased. During the ProfitShift, part of your CAD ("Cash Amount Due") is converted into PC Panels Converting part of CAD into PC Panels provides you with up to 50% or more PC Panels in your financial portfolio to collect from as they complete Where initially it took 4 matured Ad Packages to net you 1 free PC Panel with a rebate value of $60 to your credit once completed - through a ProfitShift you multiply this benefit considerably. Based on the example given in the previous page, we will assume the following: Assumption #1: The "Basic Conversion Percentage" (BCP) is 50%, meaning that half your Ad Packages may be converted into cash and PC Panels, cash-valued at $20 each were you to purchase them outright. In practice an "Applied Conversion Percentage" (ACP) will be applied to your specific account. Your ACP may be higher or lower than the BCP, depending on your Advertising Package commissions. Assumption #2: You receive a portion of your CAD from your converted Ad Packages in cash credited to your Ad Package account. There are a number of variables that will determine this amount, (You can withdraw this cash or use it to buy more Ad Packages or PC Panels.) Assumption #3: The rest of your CAD is converted into PC Panels at a cash-rate of $20 per panel were you to purchase them. (Any remainder is added to your cash).

Assumption #4: As each PC Panel completes - which must happen at some point you will enjoy $60 rebates added to your account for each.
Given the volume of PC Panels created through the ProfitShift Feature - you stand to gain handsomely from each ProfitShift in the long-term!

Understanding The Terms In Your ProfitShift Table

Understanding what each colum represents will greatly help you in maximizing your financial potential during ProfitShift

The amount of cash that you receive, calculated from the Cash amount Due (CAD) of your converted Ad Packages from ProfitShift, credited to your Ad Packages account. There are a number of variables that will determine this amount.

Ad Packages (Quantity):
The balance number of Ad Packages that are actively receiving Daily Sales Commissions until expiry.

Ad Packages Commissions:
The Daily Sales Commissions that you are receiving on a weekday (w/d) and a weekend (w/e). Ad Packages CAD: How much you are due to receive when your active Ad Packages expire. CAD = Cash Amount Due

PC Panel (Quantity):
The number of PC Panels that you will receive from your converted Ad Packages due to ProfitShift. There are a number of variables that will determine this figure.

PC Panel Rebates:
How much you are due to receive when your converted PC Panels complete. Each completed Panel is worth $60.

Total Commissions:
The total amount of commissions that are due to you. This is the value of your Cash + Ad Packages CAD + PC Panel Rebates.

h) These 45 PC Panels will earn $60 x 45 = $2,700 when they complete.

i) So your total commissions after the ProfitShift will be $90 plus $750 plus $2,700 = $3,540, with you getting $540 more after the ProfitShift than you would've earned otherwise.

Make sure to consult your ProfitShift Results in your Ad Package back office after the ProfitShift has taken place, in order to see how you were affected by the ProfitShift. Remember, there is no loss in a ProfitShift, if anything it's a major gain! Locate the videos in the ProfitShift Feature Introduction page for all the details. Q6. The tables suggest that my Ad Package earnings will drop by 50% - is this correct? It depends on the "Applied Conversion Percentage" (ACP) applied to your account. In any case, this is much better than the typical high-return program where your commissions drop to zero when it disappears. The increased long term commissions will more than make up for your reduced short term commissions.

Note: The next ProfitShift will incorporate NEW parameters, which will make even more members happy with the results!

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