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threshold foundation

is a progressive foundation and a community of individuals united through wealth, who mobilize money, people and power to create a more just, joyful and sustainable world. 2008 annual report

our mission
To be a powerful and visible model of conscious, effective philanthropy. To create a fertile training ground that supports the full and authentic expression of our passions and purpose. To be a dynamic forum for learning about social issues and the people working to address them. To cultivate and continually renew the heart and soul of our community. To be a vibrant, growing and diverse multi-generational membership organization. To transform wealth into an instrument of change.

mission statement 

about threshold
Threshold is a community of individuals united through wealth, and a progressive foundation mobilizing money, people and power to create a more just, joyful and sustainable world.
Threshold provides a place where people with significant financial resources, a commitment to social change and an interest in their own emotional, psychological, and spiritual development can come together to scheme, dream, learn, work, play and see what happens. We have observed that social change flows from personal growth so we work on our inner lives and social responsibility simultaneously. Threshold meetings are an ongoing experiment an evolving form designed to encourage members to discover their most meaningful work and purpose, and engage in the world from that place. Threshold Foundation serves the social change movement through collaborating with and funding innovative national and international nonprofit organizations and individuals working towards social justice, environmental sustainability, humane economic systems and peaceful coexistence. Member volunteers administer the foundation with the assistance of Tides Foundation which is located in San Francisco. Granted funds are raised annually with almost all donations coming from the membership. New members join Threshold Foundation primarily through a personal relationship with an existing member or by referral from a membership committee. Information about submitting a grant request to Threshold Foundation can be found on page 33 of this report and at

about threshold 3

letter from the president

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
I doubt Charles Dickens had the year 008 in mind when he penned that phrase in the opening line of A Tale of Two Cities but it certainly conveys to me the magnitude of what 008 has brought to us. In the first half of 008, when Threshold was still basking in the glow of our new strategic grantmaking initiatives with record numbers (109 grants for over $.5M) being granted through our grants program, not one of us could have predicted all that the second half of 008 would bring: global financial crisis, record bailouts, spiraling home foreclosures and healthcare costs along with the incredible paradigm-shifting world event in the election of our first African-American president, with the hope, inspiration and unity that has followed in his wake. Indeed, the best of times and the worst of times. At Threshold, like everywhere else, we have done some belt tightening but we also have a growing awareness that this is the moment we have been waiting for: the opportunity to be part of the groundswell that really focuses on the twin issues of Social Justice and Climate Change in a life-altering way. I look at these times as a marker for when the status quo was given the hard examination it was due; when we woke up to the reality that environmentally and socially destructive practices are also bad business. Is there really any doubt left about how each one of us has an effect on the whole whether you are an individual, an organization or a nation? Thresholds challenge and opportunity this year will be a bit like making sure we have our oxygen masks on so that we can support our grants communities to put and keep theirs on. In our efforts to be a more sustainable community, we have made the difficult decision to pare back the number of grants we plan to make in 009, and hope that means the grants we make will be larger. As part of that, for the first time ever we have instituted a minimum grant size of $7500. This decreases our administrative overhead, while not diminishing our effectiveness in living up to our mission.

letter from the president 

We have decided to make this years annual report paperless, although those of you that wish to still have a hard copy may print one yourselves. As you can see, it still has all the quality design and graphics that make it enjoyable and meaningful to have or to share with others. Another important feature of sustaining our community is the time we take to come together, learn from one another and replenish our spirit with face time and a shared meal. We cannot ignore the fact that travelling to and from conferences is hard on the environment, so we continue to work on ways to minimize our footprint; and we also realize that, especially now, there is no substitute for spending time together that renews our spirit, challenges us and lightens our load when we are not together. At our next conference in New Orleans, we will deepen and broaden our relationship with and understanding of other communities as we do a serviceoriented conference in the heart of the Lower Ninth Ward. We understand that we will undoubtedly get far more than well give in this endeavor but we also realize that holding, sharing, one anothers stories together as a Threshold community and with those who are not part of our smaller community is part of our work and also one of our greatest joys. Although this annual report doesnt reflect the changes that we experienced at the end of 008, it marks a truly significant accomplishment in our history and is a great starting point for the new paradigm that we are experiencing. Wont you join us in the time weve been waiting for?

michele Grennon January 009

letter from the president 5

threshold foundation 2008 Grants List

Following a two-year process of change and development, Threshold launched a newly re-designed Grants Program in 2007. We established two Core Committees: Democracy and Sustainable Planet, and introduced a new philanthropic form for Threshold: Funding Circles. The Democracy and Sustainable Planet Committees are the more permanent, institutional fixtures in Thresholds philanthropic constellation. Funding Circles are authorized in a yearly charter process and remain in the foundations orbit for a more limited scope of work or length of time. For more information about current Core Committee and Funding Circle guidelines and funding criteria, please visit the Threshold Foundation website at
Grants proGram 

democracy committee To save our democracy we must put citizens at the center of
the problem solving. We must ask, How corrupt has our system of government become? Why are Americans voting in such low numbers, especially low income people, the young, marginalized constituencies and the formerly incarcerated? In 2008, the committee supported efforts to: ensure integrity in election processes and voting equipment; empower marginalized communities to register, vote and challenge barriers to voting access; limit the influence of big money special interests in governmental processes so that they do not enjoy favored status or unfair access to decision makers. 2008 grants$455,800

California allianCe / StrategiC ConCeptS in organizing and poliCy eduCation LOS ANGeLeS, CA

Corporate ethiCS international SAN FrANCISCO, CA

The California Alliance is committed to advancing a common progressive vision by leading innovative strategies in public policy and civic participation for communities of color and low-income communities. The Alliance is comprised of 15 recognized social justice, environmental justice and labor-affiliated organizations that are based in key regions in California. $30,000 California Alliances Progressive electoral Project
Center for CiviC aCtion ALbuquerque, NM

Corporate ethics International (CeI) works to transform the role of corporations so that they are once again in service to and under the control of citizens. It builds the capacity of activists through education, consulting and networking. $35,000 business ethics Network
eleCtion defenSe allianCe / international humanitieS Center CuLver CITy, CA

Center for Civic Action is the 501(c)() arm of Center for Civic Policy (CCP), which seeks to engage voters in socially responsible policies and support organizations and emerging leaders. CCA achieves this goal by shaping election battlefields prior to election cycles, increasing the number of socially responsible voters, creating a socially responsible issue environment and by identifying more socially responsible candidates to run for office. $45,000 New Mexico Clean election Campaign
ColumbuS inStitute for Contemporary JournaliSm COLuMbuS, OH

election Defense Alliance (eDA) is building a national citizen movement to expose electoral fraud and establish electoral integrity, and to legitimately elect governments that are accountable to the people. eDA is a democratic, participatory organization bringing together citizen activists across the nation in a coordinated, full-time, full-range campaign for transparency and integrity in local, county, state, and national elections. $25,000 General Support for election Defense Alliance
iowa CitizenS for Community improvement DeS MOINeS, IA

Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism is dedicated to promoting media independence through alternative and diverse voices. Its outlets are the internet, a bimonthly journal, book publishing, radio programs and video production. $25,000 008 election Protection

Iowa CCI unites people living in cities, small towns, and rural areas to achieve positive social, economic and environmental change in their communities. Iowa CCI encourages citizen participation and holds institutions accountable to grassroots people. $25,000 voter-Owned Iowa Clean elections (vOICe)

democracy 8

JuStiCe through muSiC proJeCt WASHINGTON, DC

minneSota CounCil of nonprofitS ST. PAuL, MN

Justice Through Music is a national organization devoted to voter education, integrity and protection. Its mission is to ensure that every vote counts and is counted. It believes that voters should get to the polls and that their votes must be protected from error, fraud and theft. It works with a broad spectrum of organizations and elected officials to do this. $20,000 General Support
latina initiative DeNver, CO

The mission of Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) is to inform, involve, strengthen, and increase the capacity and effectiveness of nonprofits and the nonprofit sector in Minnesota. It accomplishes its mission through four key strategies: nonprofit management education and training, public policy advocacy and education, information and special projects, and cost saving services. $25,000 Nonprofit voter engagement Network
palaSt inveStigative fund / international humanitieS Center MALIbu, CA

Latina Initiative (LI) is a non-partisan voter outreach and civic engagement organization whose mission is to cultivate, support and maintain the civic involvement of Latinas in Colorado. LI is the premier nonprofit increasing civic engagement of the Latina community. $30,000 General Support berkeLey, CA

Palast Investigative Fund works to uncover voter disenfranchisement in the united States, especially tactics used against voters of color. $35,000 Palast Investigative Funds New Attack on the right to vote in the uSA
SoutheaSt regional eConomiC JuStiCe network DurHAM, NC, a groundbreaking public database, illuminates the connection between money and politics. It shines a light on campaign contributions and shows their related legislative outcomes, which leads to more informed constituents, increased responsiveness of legislators, and election reform. makes money/vote connections transparent, to help citizens hold their legislators accountable. $30,000 General Support

Southeast regional economic Justice Network (reJN) is a member-led, inter-generational network of the working poor, comprised of 0 culturally, racially, and socially diverse organizations who work on a variety of justice issues in 10 Southern states. Formed to proactively respond to the downside of globalization, reJN works to stregnthen local organizing, collaborations, and civic engagement to better impact policies that promote prosperity and accountable governance. $35,000 Southern youth Political Participation Campaign
democracy 9

SouthweSt organizing proJeCt ALbuquerque, NM

verified voting foundation CArLSbAD, CA

SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP) works to empower communities in the SouthWest to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice. Through direct grassroots organizing and non-partisan electoral engagement strategies, it promotes the participation of lowincome communities of color in decision-making processes around economic development, health and the environment in New Mexico. $30,000 General Support
velvet revolution WASHINGTON, DC

verified voting Foundation (vvF) is a non-partisan nonprofit organization championing transparent, reliable and publicly verifiable elections. Its goal is to enable voters to have unqualified and justified confidence in election results. $10,000 General Support
voter aCtion / international humanitieS Center SeATTLe, WA

velvet revolution is an organization dedicated to clean, transparent, and accountable government. It is an online activist organization of 15 affiliate organizations and 18,98 members. It focuses first on election reform, and also on media reform, war resolution and government accountability. $35,000 election Protection Strike Force

voter Action is a nonprofit voter advocacy group that provides legal, research and organizing support to ensure election integrity in the united States. It is dedicated to protecting the democratic process, and ensuring that our elections remain in the public domain. voter Action supports the basic right of every voter to have his or her vote recorded as intended and counted accurately. Its work focuses on litigation and public education in support of these goals. $20,800 voter Action

democracy 10

sustainable planet committee

How do we meet the needs of people now without compromising the needs of future generations? How do we bring all human activities into harmony with nature for the benefit of all beings? To face these questions, we must transform both human culture and technology to live within the physical limits of the local and global ecosystems. Most urgently, this implies protecting threatened ecosystems to preserve biodiversity and prevent extinction. This in turn will require addressing global ecological issues such as climate change, empowering local and indigenous communities and deploying new clean technologies. 2008 grants$466,050

amazon watCh SAN FrANCISCO, CA

The mission of Amazon Watch is to partner with South American indigenous/environmental NGOs to protect Amazonian ecosystems and indigenous lands threatened by internationally financed industrial megaprojects (oil/gas pipelines, dams, highways, waterways). $40,000 Advancing rainforest Protection, Indigenous rights, and Climate Stability in the ecuadorian Amazon
appalaChian Center for the eConomy and the environment LeWISburG, Wv

conducts research to address the coral reef crisis. PCrF has pursued an unprecedented global mission to preserve coral reefs through innovative programs in science, technology and education. $35,000 Planetary Coral reef Foundation
California produCt StewardShip CounCil SACrAMeNTO, CA

Appalachian Center for the economy and the environment (ACee) is a regional nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the communities and natural resources of Appalachia and to developing a sustainable economy for the region. The Center provides legal representation and policy assistance to citizens and grassroots organizations. $36,550 General Support
bioSphere foundation PACIFIC PALISADeS, CA

California Product Stewardship Council is an organization of local governments from throughout California who aims to shift Californias product waste management system from one focused on government funded and ratepayer financed waste diversion to one that relies on producer responsibility in order to reduce public costs and drive improvements in product design that promote environmental sustainability. $20,000 General Support
defenSa y ConServaCin eColgiCa de intag IMbAburA, eCuADOr

biosphere Foundation supports research and education about our earths biosphere. The biosphere Foundation supports an on-going coral reef program, Planetary Coral reef Foundation (PCrF) which

Defensa y Conservacin ecolgica de Intag (DeCOIN) works to involve local people in environmental conservation measures and to stop extractive industry projects (mining), promote sustainable economic alternatives, and to educate the local population on the importance of natural resource conservation. $28,000 Periodico Intag-DeCOIN

sustainable planet 1

energy aCtion Coalition / earth iSland inStitute WASHINGTON, DC

organized by Dr John Latham, National Center for Atmospheric research, boulder, Colorado, who first published the idea, which involves seeding marine clouds to increase their reflectivity. $44,500 Global Coolings Cloud Seeding Project
global reSponSe bOuLDer, CO

energy Action Coalition united a diversity of organizations in an alliance that supports and strengthens the youth climate and energy movement. energy Action is a founding partner and endorser of the 1 Sky Platform. It has also endorsed several environmental and climate justice documents and is firmly commited to the embodyment of these principles in all of its work. $25,000 General Support for energy Action Coalition
environmental law allianCe worldwide euGeNe, Or

environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (e-LAW) gives public interest lawyers and scientists around the world the skills and resources they need to protect the environment through law. Grassroots lawyers and scientists continue to call on the e-LAW network for critical legal and scientific tools. Its advocates serve low-income communities around the world, helping citizens strengthen and enforce laws to protect themselves and their communities from toxic pollution and environmental degradation. $12,500 General Support
global Cooling / planetwork bOuLDer, CO

Global response organizes international campaigns to help indigenous peoples and grassroots organizations prevent environmental destruction and defend their rights. It works at the request of communities that are organizing to protect their natural resources and cultural integrity against industrial logging, mining and oil projects. Its campaigns draw international attention to their efforts and greatly increase their chances of success. $30,000 General Support
inStitute for ChildrenS environmental health / tideS Center FreeLAND, WA

Institute for Childrens environmental Health (ICeH) is a nonprofit educational organization working to ensure a healthy, just and sustainable future for children and the planet. Its mission is to foster collaborative initiatives with diverse constituencies to mitigate environmental exposures that can undermine the health of current and future generations. $25,000 General Support for Institute for Childrens environmental Health

Global Cooling is an informal group of collaborating scientists from the uS and uk examining an idea for creating a controlled global cooling to balance global warming resulting from burning fossil fuel. This group is

sustainable planet 13

northweSt earth inStitute POrTLAND, Or

Northwest earth Institute is a grassroots organization of volunteers and community organizers around the country who have brought together more than 80,000 people to dialogue and take action on behalf of the earth. In 18 regions outside the Northwest, sister earth Institutes have formed to address local issues, organize discussions and empower local communities. $20,000 General Support
oregon environmental CounCil POrTLAND, Or

rainforeSt information Centre / earthwayS foundation LISMOre, AuSTrAILIA

rainforest Information Centre (rIC) is a volunteer organization dedicated to the protection of the earths remaining rainforests and the indigenous people who depend on them. rIC was born out of the successful struggle to save the sub-tropical rainforests of New South Wales, Australia in the early 1980s. Since then rIC continues campaigns and projects which protect rainforests and at the same time recognize the legitimate development aspirations of rainforest peoples. $35,000 General Support for rainforest Information Centre
rainforeSt2reef TAHOe CITy, CA

Oregon environmental Council (OeC) safeguards what Oregonians love about Oregon clean air and water, an unpolluted landscape and healthy food produced by local farmers. Since 198, OeC has helped forge Oregons reputation as a national leader in environmental protection. OeCs current programs focus on reducing greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and pollution control and prevention, especially with regard to toxic chemicals. $27,000 General Support
organiC Seed allianCe POrT TOWNSeND, WA

rainforestreef works to conserve 350,000 acres of prime jaguar habitat in the southwest buffer Zone of the Calakmul biosphere reserve. It provides local owners with economic benefits derived from conservation of their land. To date, rr has signed landmark agreements with more than 00 families that permanently protect more than 50,000 acres of rainforest. These agreements are the first of their kind completed entirely by a private NGO in Mexico and the only permanent private land mechanism in Mexico. $7,500 General Support

Organic Seed Alliance supports the ethical development and stewardship of the genetic resources of agricultural seed. It accomplishes these goals through collaborative education, advisory services, and research programs with organic farmers and other seed professionals. $20,000 Community Seed Systems Project

sustainable planet 1

red de permaCultura en el peru yArINACOCHA, PuCALLPA, Peru

red de Permacultura en el Peru is an NGO of permaculture experts skilled in Amazon sustainability projects. It is a nonprofit that works with indigenous communities along with other local NGOs. It participates in the interchange of knowledge and experiences with the help of experts and volunteers to combine the best known traditional knowledge with modern practices of permaculture. It works to strengthen the economic and logistical support of the communities and builds the capacity to educate and train people in order to build consciousness. $10,000 rainforest Protection-Achual Sustainable Harvests Project
the regeneration proJeCt SAN FrANCISCO, CA

SpeCieS allianCe eMeryvILLe, CA

Species Alliance works to raise public awareness of the impending mass extinction and the threat to earths life support systems due to this loss of biodiversity. Through films and other media, website, and outreach, it seeks to ignite a new sense of community empowerment and purpose, in order to stimulate creative and effective changes in public policies and human behavior that will assure a healthy future for all life on earth. $10,000 General Support
SuStainable ConneCtionS beLLINGHAM, WA

regeneration Project (TrP) seeks to deepen the connection between faith and ecology. TrP educates and encourages faith leaders and their communities, across all religions and denominations, about their responsibility to be good stewards of creation. $10,000 General Support

Sustainable Connections works with local, independently owned businesses that have the autonomy to make any transformational change in their business that they can imagine. It supports a community of innovators in green building, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy; independent businesses in town centers, and mentors a new breed of entrepreneurs that have designed their business with a sustainable vision. $30,000 General Support

sustainable planet 15

the international microcredit funding circle

funds microlending institutions in regions of the world where people are living in poverty. It directs funds through existing microfinance institutions that primarily lend to women, and that provide training in business practices, and if necessary, technical assistance. The funding circle seeks opportunities in which the money gets recycled into a lending pool and becomes a permanent endowment for change. Microlending empowers people with an arm and a leg up to sustainable selfsufficiency; it preserves their dignity and promotes self-esteem in the process. 2008 grants$116,000

adelante foundation eNGLeWOOD, CO

namaStedireCt / namaSte foundation SAN FrANCISCO, CA

Adelante Foundation works to help the poorest women in rural Honduras improve their standard of living. It does this by providing small loans and education to women to enable them to start and grow small businesses. $24,100 Micro Lending and education Programs
floreSta uSa, inC. SAN DIeGO, CA

NamasteDirect is dedicated to providing loan funds for rural first-time women borrowers in Central America who have no other source of credit. NamasteDirect links donors with borrowers through providing donors with information on the loan cycle and the community where their funds were distributed as microcredit loans. $19,400 NamasteDirects work with AlSol, based in Chiapas, Mexico
permaCultura ameriCa latina SANTA Fe, NM

Floresta uSA and its Dominican sister organization, Floresta Incorporada, were founded with a new vision for economic development that is sustainable and benefits the environment. Floresta works to make lasting change through development that restores productivity to degraded land and dignity to the rural poor, while providing opportunities for upcoming generations. $19,400 Microenterprise Loan Capital for Women in Haiti
miCroCredit enterpriSeS SACrAMeNTO, CA

Permacultura America Latina (PAL) works throughout Latin America as a pioneering sustainable land use and appropriate technology organization working at grassroots, regional, and national levels and opening links to governments and business sectors. $9,600 Micro Credit Loan Service for Permabanco in the Amazon

MicroCredit enterprises Fund is committed to reducing poverty by mobilizing private investment capital to finance micro-businesses of poor families throughout the developing world. It gears its entrepreneurial results to produce jobs, sustain micro-businesses and improve human lives. $19,400 Permanent Fund to Alleviate extreme Poverty

SHePHerD believes in people based processes and holistic approach to socio-economic development of poor communities. The community banking program which was started in 1997 among rural poor women became an effective instrument to address the twin issues of poverty and women empowerment. $24,100 building Next Generation Program

international microcredit 17

the arts for social change funding circle builds support and
visibility for the field of Arts and Social Change. Projects funded use participatory arts that engage community members in the art-making, have high artistic quality and a clear strategy for social change. 2008 grants$136,389

all-ageS movement proJeCt / tideS Center SAN FrANCISCO, CA

artCorpS beverLy, MA

All Ages Movement Project is a member-driven network of communitybased organizations that promote independent music and build power with young people. $11,000 All-Ages Movement Projects 008 Leadership exchange Program
ananya danCe theatre MINNeAPOLIS, MN

ArtCorps advances social change initiatives by promoting arts and culture as powerful tools to generate cooperative and sustainable work between development organizations and the communities they serve. $15,000 Artist placements in Guatemala and el Salvador
Centre for playbaCk theatre NeW PALTZ, Ny

Ananya Dance Theatre is a company of women artists of color, diverse in race, age, sexuality, nationality, and class, but uniformly committed to the articulation of thier quest for justice and excellence in artistry, and their dreams and hopes for different futures. $12,000 Daak, Call to Action Performance Project
art in the publiC intereSt SAxAPAHAW, NC

The Centre for Playback Theatres purpose is to encourage and foster individual human rights and community dialogue through personal improvisational theatre by facilitating the narration of diverse opinions, recollections and stories; listening; empathy; vitality; and hope. $16,000 Playback Theatre bridge Project
ChiCago freedom SChool CHICAGO, IL

Art in the Public Interest works to bring about recognition of the arts as part of a healthy culture in which the artist provides both intellectual nourishment and social benefit. It supports art that reflects not only a commitment to quality but a concern for the culture in which that work appears. $18,000 Community Arts Network

Chicago Freedom School is a city-wide resource that provides opportunities for youth to come together and gain greater civic passion, commitment, confidence, focus, self-direction and tools for a life of social activism. Its vision is that, in the spirit of the original freedom schools in Mississippi in the 190s, CFS will become a place where young people from communities across Chicago can discover their own power to make change not only for themselves, but also for their communities and the world. $9,000 Freedom Fellowship Insititutes Arts Program

arts for social chanGe 19

Choral earth / living eduCation Center for eCology and the artS CHArLOTTeSvILLe, vA

iraqi ameriCan reConCiliation proJeCt / intermedia artS of minneSota MINNeAPOLIS, MN

Choral earth works to engage North Americas choristers in timely action and sing their parts for positive climate change. $5,000 Choral earths Sing your Part Program
Cooperative image group CHICAGO, IL

The mission of the Iraqi and American reconciliation Project (IArP) is to promote reconciliation between the people of the united States and Iraq in response to the devastation affecting Iraqi families, society, and culture. IArP recognizes the common humanity of the people of Iraq and the people of the united States. $2,389 Iraqi American reconciliation Project
generational allianCe / tideS Center OAkLAND, CA

Cooperative Image Group creates arts-based programming for youth, offering high-quality, innovative programs out of its art center and creating outreach projects for the wider community. Co-op Image advocates a non-traditional instructor/student educational model, creating a bottom-up system through which youth are involved in every level of brainstorming, researching, and executing projects. Its projects are designed to address the needs of the community, creating a network of civic leaders, artists, and youth, cooperating to strengthen their neighborhood. $9,000 Triangulation Project
in the heart of the beaSt puppet and maSk theatre MINNeAPOLIS, MN

The Generational Alliance is a collaborative youth leadership network that connects campus, community and voter education work to build a longterm, strategic and integrated movement for positive social change. The Generational Alliance is working to create a sustainable, strategic and collaborative youth movement by fostering joint planning opportunities. $8,000 vote Hip Hop
toronto playbaCk theatre TOrONTO, CANADA

In the Heart of the beast Puppet and Mask Theatre is dedicated to performing puppet and mask theater for the entertainment and enrichment of audiences of all ages and cultures. It works to create a sense of community among performers and audience, and build a vital and healthy culture through art, festivity, work, and play. $8,000 Decorate the Well in Gratitude Ceremonial Arts event

Toronto Playback Theatre is dedicated to listening to peoples stories and transforming them spontaneously into theatre. Its mission is to provide organizations with dramatic, audience-interactive performances and programs that build trust, deepen dialogue and generate opportunities for personal and community development. $8,000 Finding Common Ground Program
arts for social chanGe 0

volCano love brOOkLyN, Ny

young ChiCago authorS CHICAGO, IL

LAvA is a movement collective whose explosive acrobatic performances push the accepted boundaries of dance, gender, and the female form. Its mission is to expand conventional notions of what is possible by pushing beyond traditional physical, psychological, social and emotional limits in an accessible and entertaining way. $11,000 Free Community Programs

young Chicago Authors is a literary arts organization that serves Chicago youth ages 1318 through creative writing workshops, performance workshops, and publishing opportunities. yCAs accomplished teaching artists lead its workshops and create a supportive community of young writers. yCA is a place for Chicago teens to come together, regardless of geographic, cultural, economic, or racial barriers to gain confidence, access their voice, and express themselves through writing. $4,000 Men As Allies Project

arts for social chanGe 1

the restorative justice funding circle promotes humane alternatives to the

current modus operandi of American criminal justice. It supports efforts to (1) prevent imprisonment, particularly lengthy, Draconian sentences; (2) transform imprisonment from a period of suffering and debilitation into a period of healing, growth and empowerment, including victim-offender dialogue and reconciliation, spiritual and emotional healing, and vocational endowment; (3) diagnose and treat prisoners with mental health and/or substance abuse problems; (4) support prisoners families during and after incarceration; and (5) steward and mentor prisoners when they return home. In 2008, the Funding Circle focused on endeavors to transform, heal, motivate, and empower prisoners, all with the principal goal of reducing recidivism and uplifting the communities to which ex-prisoners return. 2008 grants$153,600

Cedar tree ALbuquerque, NM

getting out by going in PLAyA DeL rey, CA

Cedar Tree works to develop an appreciation for the written word in underserved populations, primarily prisoners, families of prisoners, and at-risk youth. Cedar Tree builds cultural bridges by fostering a dialogue between minority communities and mainstream America. $1,700 General Support
free battered women legal ServiCeS for priSonerS with Children SAN FrANCISCO, CA

Getting Out by Going In (GOGI) is dedicated to the release preparation of incarcerated men, women and children by providing simple tools for making positive choices. The GOGI program is designed to help participants Get Out of old behavior by Going In for self-improvement. Their coaches empower the individual with information, opportunity and support for lasting change. $20,000 GOGI Campus Program
inSight priSon proJeCt SAN rAFAeL, CA

Free battered Women seeks to end the re-victimization of incarcerated survivors of domestic violence. It does this as part of the movement for racial justice and the struggle to resist all forms of intimate partner violence against women and transgender people. $10,100 Free battered Women
freedom proJeCt SeATTLe, WA

Insight Prison Project (IPP) is a community organization that believes community members need to play an active role in the prisons surrounding a community. IPP is dedicated to creating and conducting effective programs for inmate rehabilitation and to support the reinstatement of rehabilitation as a core operating principle within the penal system. $6,000 General Support
the life after exoneration program / tideS Center berkeLey, CA

Freedom Project strengthens our community through supporting the transformation of prisoners into peacemakers. It offers trainings in concrete skills of Nonviolent Communication and mindfulness leading to reconciliation with ourselves, our loved ones and the community. Its work addresses the healing of relationships ruptured by violence and the forging of community founded on genuine safety through connection. $7,000 General Support

The Life After exoneration Program addresses the injustice of wrongful conviction and incarceration by assisting exonerees and their families to rebuild their lives outside of prison. LAeP works to secure a holistic opportunity for exonerees to heal from their harrowing experience by addressing their physical, spiritual, psychological, social and economic well-being. $16,000 Life After exonerations Sustainable Services Project
restorative justice 3

mediation workS MeDFOrD, Or

proJeCt avary SAN rAFAeL, CA

Mediation Works (MW) empowers individuals and organizations to resolve their differences peacefully. MW teaches conflict resolution skills and provide mediation services, thereby building understanding and respect in our diverse community. $4,100 General Support
a new way of life reentry proJeCt LOS ANGeLeS, CA

Project AvAry (Alternative ventures for At risk youth) cultivates a community of support for children whose parents are imprisoned or involved with the criminal justice system. AvAry targets children who have not yet entered the cycles of violence and incarceration and works with them through young adulthood. $14,400 General Support
reStorative reSourCeS SANTA rOSA, CA

A New Way of Life reentry Project provides housing and reentry support to formerly incarcerated women and their children. It assits women and girls to break the cycle of entrapment in the criminal justice system and lead healthy and satisfying lives. $11,800 General Support
priSon dharma network bOuLDer, CO

restorative resources uses restorative justice principles, values, and practices to addresses the harm done by criminal offending, reduce the risk of future harm, and focus on strengthening and building the community. Its work includes restorative Conferencing, Community Conferencing, and collaborative prevention programs for youth at risk. $12,500 General Support
Stop priSoner rape LOS ANGeLeS, CA

Prison Dharma Network is a nonsectarian buddhist support network for prisoners, prison volunteers, and correctional workers. It provides prisoners with the most effective contemplative tools for self-rehabilitation and transformation within a framework of restorative and transformative justice. $10,000 General Support

Stop Prisoner rape is a national human rights organization seeking to end sexual violence against women, men and youth in all forms of detention. It works to advocate for policies that ensure institutional accountability, to change societys attitudes toward prisoner rape, and to promote access to resources for survivors of sexual assault behind bars. $2,800 General Support

restorative justice 

teaChing peaCe LONGMONT, CO

urban JuStiCe Center NeW yOrk, Ny

Teaching Peace works to reduce crime and conflict, primarily through victim-offender restorative justice processes. It provides programs that cultivate individual, family and community skills and attitudes that are necessary for people to live in harmony with themselves and others. $13,200 General Support and bilingual Services
temple univerSity PHILADeLPHIA, PA

urban Justice Center (uJC) maintains six distinct projects that work toward eradication of different social challenges that face the urban poor. It is an incubator for progressive ideas and projects. uJC has received funding for and produced results through innovative projects that serve traditionally underrepresented populations. Specifically, its projects engage in legal services and grassroots and systemic advocacy for the following populations: homeless adults and families; victims of domestic violence; gay, lesbian, and transgender youth; the mentally ill; recipients of public assistance; and substance abusers. $6,000 General Support
young womenS empowerment proJeCt CHICAGO, IL

Temple university beasley School of Law has been committed to the goal of accessibility to the legal profession since it was founded and provides high quality law education to more than 1000 students enrolled in both day and evening classes. The school had a reputation for graduating students with strong advocacy skills and a commitment to the public interest. The Inside-Out Prison exchange Program allows incarcerated individuals and college and university students to study issues of crime, justice, and related social issues together as peers inside correctional facilities. The program creates a paradigm shift for participants, encouraging transformation and change agency in individuals and, in so doing, serves as an engine for social change. $16,200 Inside-Out Prison exchange Program

young Womens empowerment Project offers safe, respectful, free-ofjudgment spaces for girls and young women impacted by the sex trade and street economies to recognize their goals, dreams and desires. yWeP is a youth leadership organization grounded in harm reduction and social justice organizing run by and for girls and women (ages 13) with life experience in the sex trade and street economies. $1,800 General Support

restorative justice 5

the complementary currency funding circle funds a small number of

exemplary complementary currencies to prove their effectiveness in creating, from the ground up, a more robust, equitable and socially responsible monetary system. Complementary currencies are a powerful way of promoting healthier communities and stronger local economies by mobilizing underutilized resources within a community. 2008 grants$102,000

e.f. SChumaCher SoCiety GreAT bArrINGTON, MA

timebankS uSa WASHINGTON, DC

The Schumacher Society promotes the building of strong local economies that link people, land, and community. To accomplish this it develops model programs, including local currencies, community land trusts, and microlending; it hosts lectures and other educational events; publishes papers; and maintains a library to engage scholars and inspire citizen activities. $20,000 berkShares Local Currency
terra proJeCt / planetwork bruSSeLS, beLGIuM

Timebanks uSA works to expand a movement that develops, supports, and promotes a network of Time banks that rebuild community, and reforms economic and social systems, policies, and practices so that they empower human beings to contribute to the well-being of each other through reciprocity. $20,000 New Membership Division
rSf SoCial finanCe SAN FrANCISCO, CA

Trade reference Currency (TrC) is a new currency privately issued by the TrC Alliance, with a built-in circulation incentive that could play a significant role in getting the world out of recession. Its unit of account is the Terra. It would systematically stabilize the effects on the business cycle and re-align financial interests with long-term sustainability. $5,000 Terra Project

rSF Social Finance provides socially responsible investors, donors, for-benefit organizations, and social enterprises innovative investing, lending, and philanthropic services to promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability. $57,000 Fund for Complementary Currencies

complementary currency 7

the gulf allied funders funding circle is a donor initiative formed in

response to the devastation by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Its objectives include:
Generating at least three years of steady financial support from individual donors, donor communities and foundations, for equitable rebuilding of the Gulf South. Discussing the ongoing human rights violations in the region, and the ways in which the very personal tragedies of the people in the area have national implications. Building the ties between donor communities in order to strengthen our ability to work together strategically. Raising the capacity and visibility of the Twenty-First Century Foundation (21CF) one of the few national and publicly endowed Black foundations in the United States. Facilitating positive changes in public policy.
twenty firSt Century foundation NeW yOrk, Ny

Twenty-First Century Foundation (1CF) works to lead, innovate and influence giving for black community change. Since 1971, the Foundation has has been supporting the civil rights, economic empowerment, and grassroots leadership of the black community in the united States through its grantmaking and personalized donor services. Its grants program has supported more than 00 community-based organizations that make a difference in the lives of black children, families, and communities throughout the country. In addition to grant support, the Foundation has a donor education program that conducts research on contemporary black giving, and offers leadership opportunities and services for effective giving. $200,000 Hurricane katrina recovery Fund

2008 grants$200,000

informal funding occurs

at Threshold meetings and raises funds for organizations presented by members to members. These are closed funding cycles and as such do not accept unsolicited letters of inquiry. 2008 grants$359,280

1Sky new mexiCo / new energy eConomy SANTA Fe, NM

be preSent DeCATur, GA

$28,975 General Support of 1Sky New Mexico

amaganSett SpringS aquifer proteCtion / neighborhood network reSearCh Center AMAGANSeTT, Ny

$14,450 Marketing and Communications

brunSwiCk park and gardenS bruNSWICk, Me

$8,000 General Support

arizona advoCaCy network foundation PHOeNIx, AZ

$8,700 General Support

California inStitute of integral StudieS SAN FrANCISCO, CA

$9,400 Arizona Democracy Project

aSoCiatia aurarilor alburnuS maior ALbA COuNTy, rOMANIA

$10,900 The Gaiafield Center for Subtle Activism

ClaSS aCtion HADLey, MA

$12,950 resource and Information Centre and FnFest rosia Montana 008
buStan JeruSALeM, ISrAeL

$13,050 Class in the Classroom

CounCil for Cultural and biologiCal diverSity / living bridgeS foundation eL CerrITO, CA

$15,155 Permaculture Course for bedouin Leaders in the Negev

bainbridge graduate inStitute bAINbrIDGe ISLAND, WA

$9,875 Marine Turtle Conservation Project

eaSton mountain GreeNWICH, Ny

$78,450 General Support

$10,950 General Support

informal fundinG 30

friendS of the earth WASHINGTON, DC

puente a la Salud Comunitaria THe WOODLANDS, Tx

$8,925 Campaigns Against Genetically engineered Food

inSight meditation Center of newburyport WeST NeWbury, MA

$11,400 Healthy Families Project

StudentS for a SenSible drug poliCy foundation WASHINGTON, DC

$7,850 General Support

laura flanderS limited / inStitute for media analySiS NeW yOrk, Ny

$25,800 General Support

taxpayerS for Common SenSe WASHINGTON, DC

$8,300 Laura Flanders Limiteds GrIT Tv

lighthouSe enterpriSeS for Children OkATON, SD

$11,000 Agricultural Subsidies Project

the regional SChoolS and CollegeS permaCulture programme CHICHIrI, bLANTyre, MALAWI

$7,650 Food for Haiti

no limitS media, inC brOOkLINe, MA

$10,200 Plan Africa

white earth land reCovery proJeCt CALLAWAy, MN

$8,650 The Gift: A Photographic exhibition exploring Life beyond Limits

other worldS / inStitute for poliCy StudieS ALbuquerque, NM

$20,600 Pine Point Farm to School Project

world eduCation bOSTON, MA

$9,350 Cambodian Living Arts

$8,700 General Support of Other Worlds

informal fundinG 31

discretionary grants
2008 grants$605,982

allianCe for SuStainable Colorado DeNver, CO

global Cooling / planetwork bOuLDer, CO

$40,000 General Support

Cedar tree ALbuquerque, NM

$12,000 Global Coolings Cloud Seeding Project

houSatoniC valley aSSoCiation COrNWALL brIDGe, CT

$1,600 General Support

Climate truSt POrTLAND, Or

$1,070 General Support

tideS foundation SAN FrANCISCO, CA

$2,670 General Support

Codepink / environmentaliSm through inSpiration and non-violent aCtion veNICe, CA

$48,642 Flying Dog Fund

$500,000 General Support

information for grantseekers Threshold Foundations annual grants program

includes two Core Grantmaking Committees the Democracy Committee and the Sustainable Planet Committee and a number of funding circles, which change on an annual basis. For current information about Core Committee and Funding Circle guidelines and funding criteria, please visit the Threshold Foundation website at
grants process
The annual grant cycle begins in September with the submission of Letters of Inquiry (LOI) by organizations interested in seeking grants from Threshold Foundation. Threshold members may sponsor organizations with a letter of recommendation or organizations may submit an unsolicited LOI. Threshold Foundation does not match organizations with Threshold members for sponsorship in the grantmaking process, but all LOIs are given an initial review. From the LOIs the grant committees invite a limited number of organizations to submit a proposal. After reviewing the proposals, the grant committees select a subset of organizations for a site-visit and evaluation. Once the site-visit and evaluations are complete evaluations are reviewed and grant committees finalize their grant recommendations to the Circle (board of Directors) in June. Grant agreement and funds are disbursed at the end of July.

grant types and sizes

Threshold Foundation provides grants for general operating expenses as well as special projects. We do not give emergency or discretionary grants outside of the annual grant cycle. Grant amounts typically range from $5,000 to $5,000. Organizations seeking grants must have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or 501(c)() lobbying status from the IrS or must be exclusively organized for charitable or educational purposes, inside or outside the united States.

applying for a grant

The first step in applying to the annual grant cycle is to submit an online Letter of Inquiry through our website at Note that guidelines for applying to the annual grant cycle often change, as we are continually trying to improve our process based on feedback from grantees and committee members. Therefore, we recommend that grantseekers visit the Threshold Foundations website in August for the most up-to-date information regarding the deadline and application process for the following years cycle.
Grants list/information 33

endowment investment report

The endowment investment principles of Threshold Foundation complement its philanthropic goals. The entire portfolio has a social investment focus with positive and negative screens: seventy percent is in socially screened stock, bonds, and cash with boston Common Asset Management, Calvert, Miller/Howard Investments, and Trillium Asset Management; twenty percent is in Program related Investments, primarily Community Development Loan Funds that are listed here; the remaining ten percent has been designated for high growth, venture-type investments.
program related investment Accion International boston, MA chicago community loan fund Chicago, IL loan amount $55,000 $5,000 program related investment national federation of community development cu New york, Ny new mexico community development loan fund PO box 705 Albuquerque, NM 87103-0705 loan amount $50,000

endowment Gifts you can make an endowment gift to Threshold Foundation through a charitable trust, real estate gift, or by means of a bequest in your will. because grantee organizations, grantee needs and other conditions change over the years, it will often avoid legal complications if simple unrestricted language like the following is used in wills: I hereby give and bequest ___________ to Threshold Foundation, a not-for-profit taxexempt public charity founded under the laws of the State of New york, having as its principal address PO box 9903, San Francisco, California 919-0903, for the general purposes of Threshold Foundation. If you want to discuss the language of your bequest, or if you want more information on planned giving possibilities (including real estate gifts), the staff or Circle (board of Directors) would be happy to meet with you. To schedule a meeting contact the Foundation Manager at 15-51-00.

community bank of the bay $5,000 Oakland, CA cooperative fund of new england Amherst, MA e&co bloomfield, NJ enterprise corporation of the delta Jackson, MS human/economic appalachian Development Community Loan Fund berea, ky institute for community economics Springfield, MA $0,000 $50,000 $35,000


opportunity finance network $100,000 Philadelphia, PA root capital Cambridge, MA self-help credit union Durham, NC self-help enterprises visalia, CA shared interest New york, Ny shorebank enterprise pacific Ilwaco, WA $0,000 $5,000 $5,000 $35,000 $50,000

$0,000 $50,000

financials 3

independent auditors report

board of Directors Threshold Foundation

We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Threshold Foundation (the Foundation) as of December 31, 007, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Foundations management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. The prior year summarized comparative information has been derived from the Foundations 00 financial statements and, in our report dated September 19, 007, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the united States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Threshold Foundation as of December 31, 007, and the changes in net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the united States of America.

Signed Fontanello, Duffield & Otake, LLP Certified Public Accountants  Montgomery Street, Suite 019 San Francisco, CA 910

financials 35

balance sheet

Statements of Financial Position

YeARS enDeD DeCeMBeR 31, 2007 AnD 2006



Cash and cash equivalents Pledges receivable Deposits Other current assets total current assets Program related investments Investments total investments total assets $ 482,520 15,325 33,737 16,250 547,832 535,000 3,167,199 3,702,199 4,250,031 $ 349,900 11,349 121,900 13,059 496,208 535,000 2,553,970 3,088,970 3,585,178

Grants payable Accounts payable Refundable deposits total liabilities 10,476 22,160 32,636 6,525 13,771 7,845 28,141

Net Assets
unrestricted net assets General operations Designated for grantmaking pool Designated for endowment purposes total unrestricted net assets temporarily restricted net assets total net assets total liabilities and net assets 357,121 724,401 2,796,226 3,877,748 339,647 4,217,395 $ 4,250,031 325,998 207,295 2,797,629 3,330,922 226,116 3,557,037 $ 3,585,178

income & expense

2007 revenue
Conference revenues 5.4% Investment income 7.2%

Statements of Activities
YeARS enDeD DeCeMBeR 31, 2007 AnD 2006


temporarily restricted

2007 total

2006 total

Support and revenue

Grants and contributions Grants and contributions 87.4% Conference revenues Investment income net assets released from restriction total support and revenue $ 2,136,415 131,565 176,476 2,444,456 226,116 2,670,572 339,647 (226,116) 113,531 $ 339,647 $ 2,476,062 131,565 176,476 2,784,103 2,784,103 $ 1,372,623 144,100 251,135 1,767,858 1,767,858

2007 expense
Conference expenses 2.5% network communications 7.6% Grantmaking support 4.2% Board/corporate support 6.4% program services Grants Conference expenses network communications total program services Grants 79.3% supporting services Grantmaking support Board/corporate support total supporting services total expenses 89,955 135,626 225,581 2,123,745 546,827 3,330,921 $ 3,877,748 113,531 226,116 $ 339,647 89,955 135,626 225,581 2,123,745 660,358 3,557,037 $ 4,217,395 91,903 127,014 218,917 1,609,195 158,663 3,398,374 $ 3,557,037 1,683,528 52,337 162,299 1,898,164 1,683,528 52,337 162,299 1,898,164 1,137,425 67,659 185,194 1,390,278

Change in Net Assets

net assets at beginning of year net assets at end of year

financials 37

cash flows

Statements of Cash Flows

YeARS enDeD DeCeMBeR 31, 2007 AnD 2006



Cash flows from operating activities

Increase (decrease) in net assets Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to cash used in operating activities: net investment return Contibuted stock Decrease (increase) in Pledges receivable Deposits Other current assets Increase (decrease) in Grants payable Accounts payable Refundable deposits net cash used in operating activities (6,525) (3,295) 14,315 (156,262) (3,475) (14,628) 845 (295,487) (3,976) 88,163 (3,192) 2,496 (37,348) (4,835) (176,476) (725,634) (251,135) (146,070) $ 660,358 $ 158,663

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchase of investments Proceeds from sale of investments Distributions from partnerships net cash provided by investing activities (650,000) 938,882 288,882 132,620 349,900 $ 482,520 (505,857) 817,324 14,069 325,536 30,049 319,851 $ 349,900

Net change in cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

financials 38

2008 Board of Directors

michele Grennon, President Gita drury, vice President and Secretary sophia bowart, Treasurer suzanne Gollin, Director craig harwood, Director david hills, Director drummond pike, Director mary calder rower, Director sam utne, Director laura Wasserman, Director

2008 Staff
liza siegler, Foundation Manager david falzone, Member Programs Manager joyce tang, Foundation Accountant diana chavez, Foundation Assistant jennifer paul, Foundation Assistant And other staff of Tides Foundation
photography, interior pages Courtney Allison McFall Graphic design Ison Design

board/staff 39

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