Tides Foundation 2008 990

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9 90

OMB No 1545 0047

Retulaf Organization Exempt From In&e Tax

Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(aXl) of the Internal Revenue Code
(except black lung benefit trust or private foundation)

Open to Public Inspection ,
D Employer Identification Number

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

^ he organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements . 2008 , and ending

For the 2008 calendar y ear, or tax y ear beginnin g

B Check if applicable Address change Name change Initial return Termination Amended return Application pend i ng F Name and address of principal officer Please use IRS label or print or type.


specific Instrucbons.

Tides Foundation Box 29903 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903

E Telephone number

G Gross receipts $ 216, 069, 300 . Yes Yes X No No

Drummond Pike
4947(a)(1) or
Other ^

H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates? H(b) Are all affiliates included' If 'No,' attach a list (see instructions)

Same As C Above

Tax-exempt status X 501(c) ( 3 Website : ^ www.tides.or g

Type of organization X Corporation Trust

) 4 (insert no.)

H(c) Group exemption number L Year of Formation 1976 M State of legal domicile CA



Summa ry
Briefly describe the organization's mission or most significant activities Tides Foundantion' s rimar exem t purpose isantmaking_ _ We partner with donors to-promote_economic justice,_ _ _ _ _ _ robust_democrat_ic_g^ocesses, and the - op portupity to live in a-heaIt_hy and_ -- _ _ _ _ _

s stainable
2 Check this box ^

nvironment where_human^ights_ax.e_px^sexyed .sad protectssi_----if the oraanizatlon discontinued its ooeratlons or disoosed of more than 25% of its assets

0 ad 2 2 a

3 4 5 6 7a b 8

Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line la) Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1b) Total number of employees (Part V, line 2a) Total number of volunteers (estimate if necess ^ ^ ^^ ^ art VII I 1 I Total gross unrelated business revenue from r U Net unrelated business taxable income from F Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line lh)

3 4 5 6 7a 7b Prior Year

6 6 59 0 668 , 233.

124 , 253.
Current Year

J UN 3 0 2009 L 3


115, 422, 526.

559, 649.

110, 096, 439.


10 11 12 13 14 15

Program service revenue (Part VIII, line 2g)

Investment Income (Part VIII, column (A), line ,4 , Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, Total revenue - add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3) Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A), line 4) Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5-10)


10 634 438.
194, 928. 126, 811, 541.

3 505 829.
137,733. 114, 433, 347 .

92, 460, 341.

3, 504, 369.

105, 825, 596.


16a Professional fundraising fees (Part IX, column (A), line l le) C 17 18 b Total fundraising expenses (Part IX, column (D), line 25) ^ Other expenses (Part IX, column (A), lines l la-l ld, l if-24f) Total expenses Add lines 13-17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 251,979. 5, 869, 685. 7, 477, 143.

101, 834, 395.

24, 977 146.
Beg innin g of Year

117, 206, 124 .

End of Year


Revenue less exp enses Subtract line 18 from line 12

21 =LL 22
0 0 CV GIZ

Total assets (Part X, line 16)

Total liabilities (Part X, line 26) Net assets or fund balances. Subtract line 21 from line 20

184,141, 756. 13 678 696.

170, 463 060.

169, 627, 456. 16,048,978.

153, 578, 478 .

Part It Sign ^

Si g nature Block
Under penalties of p true, correct , and c lu I declare that I have examined this return , including accomp anying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is plate Declaration of preparer (olhe than officer ) is based on au information of which preparer has any knowledge

Signature fficer Date l Type or pnnt name and title

Here ^




0 Prearer's
Use Only P reparer ' s


Firm ' s f -1f. em p toyed ), address, and

^ Carol Duffield r Fontanello , Duffield & Otak

^ 44 P70nLgomery JLreel., JU1l.e



San Francisco, CA 94104

May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? (see Ins BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the sep^

A111& Tides Foundatigft, Form 990 (2008) Statement of Pro ram ice Accom plishments (see Instruction Part t11


Page 2

Briefly describe the organization's mission See Schedule -0 ----------------------------------------------------------------

3 4

Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on the prior Form 990 or 990-EZ7 1-1 If 'Yes,' describe these new services on Schedule 0. Did the organization cease conducting , or make significant changes in how it conducts , any program services? If 'Yes,' describe these changes on Schedule 0 Describe the exempt purpose achievements for each of the organization's three largest program services by expenses Section and 501 (c)(4) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, expenses , and revenue , if any, for each program service reported.

Yes Yes XM

No No

501 (c)(3) the total

4a (Code:

) (Expenses

$ 113, 072, 347.

including grants of

105, 825, 596. ) (Revenue

Tides Foundation provides grantmaking and_ philanthroo is services. The core of our_ ---------------------- - ----------------services is represented by _donor advised grantmakinc1 _ Tides Foundation distributes --------------------------------the funds it receives-from-individuals-and-institutions,-and grants are awarded to --------------------------------------------------_e_licLible domestic-and-qualified- _f_oreign charitable _organizations for philanthroic_ - our^oses ._ Tides Foundation also provides philanthropic consulting and creates opQortunities_for learning and building . communityamong donors and grantees._Most___ -------- ------------ --yrants-are _in_ the-areas of-health,-human rights,- community_developmet, civic- _ _ _ _ _ _ _participation, -environment, women's rights_and_the-arts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------------

688, 764. including grants of $ ) (Revenue $ 693, 346. ) 4b (Code: ) (Expenses $ Tides Foundation also provides administrative and support_services _to_other nonprofit_ ---------------------- - ---------------------organizations including supporting _organizations. Tides Foundation works with these ---------------------------- ----o -----------organizations to increase their ability to_provide_financial and programmatic support----------------------------------in areas consistent with Tides Foundation's mission. ---------------------------------------------------------------

4c (Code: _)(Expenses

including grants of

) (Revenue

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4d Other program services. (Describe in Schedule 0 ) including grants of $ ) (Revenue $ (Expenses $ 113, 761, 111 . (Must equal Part IX, Line 25, column (B) ) 4e Total program service expenses ^ $




Form 990 (2008)

Form 990 2008 Tides FoundatiW Checklist of Required Schedules Part IV

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Pag e 3
Yes I No

Is the organization described in section 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule A Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors? Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part I Section 501 (cX3) organizations Did the organization engage in lobbying activities? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part II Section 501(cx4), 501(cX5), and 501(cX6) organizations. Is the organization subject to the section 6033(e) notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part 111 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any accounts where donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule D, Part 1 Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space, the environment, historic land areas or historic structures? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part 11 Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part 111 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21; serve as a custodian for amounts not listed in Part X, or provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part IV Did the organization hold assets in term, permanent, or quasi-endowments? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part V Did the organization report an amount in Part X, lines 10, 12, 13, 15, or 25? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Parts Vl, VII, VIII, IX, or X as applicable

1 2 3 4


5-6 7 8 X


10 11 12

910 11 12 13 14a 14b 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 X X


Did the organization receive an audited financial statement for the year for which it is completing this return that was prepared in accordance with GAAP' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Parts Xl, XII, and Xlll 13 Is the organization a school described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)? I f 'Yes,' complete Schedule E 14a Did the organization maintain an office, employees , or agents outside of the U S.? b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, and program service activities outside the U S.? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Part I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any organization or entity located outside the United States? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Part 11 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance to individuals located outside the United States? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Part 111 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 11 e? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part 1 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total on Part VIII, lines lc and 8a' If'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part 11 Did the organization report more than $15,000 on Part VIII, line 9a? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part 111 Did the organization operate one or more hospitals? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule H Did the organization report more than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 17 If 'Yes,' complete Schedule I, Parts l and ll Did the organization report more than $5,000 on Part IX, column (A), line 2 If Yes,' complete Schedule I, Parts 1 and 111 Did the organization answer 'Yes' to Part VII, Section A, questions 3, 4, or 57 If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J



24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day of the year, and that was issued after December 31, 20027 If 'Yes,' answer questions 24b-24d and complete Schedule K If 'No,'go to question 25 b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? c Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds' . d Did the organization act as an 'on behalf of' issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 25a Section 501(cX3) and 501 (cX4) organizations . Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person during the year? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part I b Did the organization become aware that it had engaged in an excess ben efit transaction with a disqualified person from . a prior year ? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule L, Part/ 26 27 BAA Was a loan to or by a current or former officer , director , trustee , key employee , highly compensated employee, or disqualified person outstanding as of the end of the organization ' s tax year? If 'Yes ,' complete Schedule L, Part ll Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer , director , trustee , key employee, or substantial co ntributor , or to a person related to such an individual ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part 111

24a 24b 24c 24d 25a 25b 26


27 X Form 990 (2008)



Form 990 2008 Tides FoundatiW Checklist of Re q uired Schedules (continued) Ra 11t
28 During the tax year, did any person who is a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee:


Page 4

a Have a direct business relationship with the organization (other than as an officer, director, trustee, or employee), or an indirect business relationship through ownership of more than 35% in another entity (individually or collectively with other person(s) listed in Part VII, Section A)' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV b Have a family member who had a direct or indirect business relationship with the organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV c Serve as an officer, director, trustee, key employee, partner, or member of an entity (or a shareholder of a professional corporation) doing business with the organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV 29 30 Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule M Did the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified conservation contributions? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule M Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule N, Part 1 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule N, Part 11 Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-37 If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part I Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Parts fl, ill, IV, and V, line 1 Is any related organization a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 Section 501(cX3) organizations . Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 Did the organization conduct more than 5% of its activities through an entity that is not a related organization and that is treated as a p artnershi p for federal income tax p urp oses? If 'Yes, ' com lete Schedule R, Part VI

28a 28b 28c 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 X X X X



31 32 33 34 35 36 37 BAA

37 X Form 990 (2008)



0 Form 990 (2008 Tides Foundation Statements Regardinq Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance Part V
1 a Enter the number reported in Box 3 of form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns Enter -0- if not applicable b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line 1 a Enter -0- if not applicable

0 51-0198509
Yes 1a 1b 82 0 1c 59 2b X N

Pa g e 5

c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? 2a 2b 3a b Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, filed for the 2a calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns' If at least one is Note . If the sum of lines 1a and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file this return (see instructions) Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return' If 'Yes' has it filed a Form 990-T for this year? If 'No,' provide an explanation in Schedule 0

3a 3b 4a


4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authority over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? b If 'Yes,' enter the name of the foreign country ^ Canada See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts. 5a Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? c If 'Yes,' to question 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction? 6a Did the organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible? b If 'Yes,' did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not deductible? 7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c). a Did the organization provide goods or services in exchange for any quid pro quo contribution of more than $757 b If 'Yes,' did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided? c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to file Form 8282? I 7dI d If 'Yes,' indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year e Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract' f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract' g For all contributions of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required'? h For all contributions of cars, boats, airplanes, and other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C as required? 8 Section 501(cX3) and other sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(aX3) supporting organizations . Did the supporting organization, or a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings at any time during the year' 9 Section 501(cX3) and other sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. a Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966? b Did the organization make any distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? Section 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter 10a a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 12 10b b Gross Receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club facilities 11 Section 501(cX12) organizations. Enter 11 a a Gross income from other members or shareholders b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against 11 b amounts due or received from them.) 12a Section 4947 (aXl) non -exempt charitable trusts . Is the organization filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041? 112b1 b If 'Yes,' enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year BAA 10

5a 5b 5c



7a 7b 7c

7e 7f 7 7h


8 9a 9b


12a Form 990 (2008)



Form 990 (2008) Tides FoundatioW W 51-0198509 Paae 6 Governance , Management and Disclosure (Sections A, B, and C request Information about policies not Part Vf required by the Internal Revenue Code.) Section A . Governin g Body and Mana g ement
For each 'Yes' res p onse to lines 2-7b below, and for a 'No' resp onse to lines 8 or 9b below, describe the circumstances , processes, or changes in Schedule 0 See instructions 1 a Enter the number of voting members of the governing body 1a 6 b Enter the number of voting members that are independent 1b 6 2 3 4 5 6 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with any other officer, director, trustee or key employee? See Schedule 0 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the direct supervision of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person' Did the organization make any significant changes to its organizational documents since the prior Form 990 was filed' Did the organization become aware during the year of a material diversion of the organization's assets' See Sch 0 Does the organization have members or stockholders? Yes No

3 4 5 6 7a 7b


7a Does the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who may elect one or more members of the governing body' b Are any decisions of the governing body subject to approval by members, stockholders, or other persons? Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during the year by the following: a The governing body? b Each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? 9a Does the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? 8 b If 'Yes,' does the organization have written policies and procedures governing the activities of such chapters, affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with those of the organization? 10 11 Was a copy of the Form 990 provided to the organization's governing body before it was filed' All organizations must describe in Schedule 0 the process, if any, the organization uses to review the Form 990 See Schedule 0 Is there any officer, director or trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at the or g anization's mailin g address? If 'Yes,' provide the names and addresses in Schedule 0

8a 8b 9a 9b 10 11


X X Yes No

Section B .

12a 12b 12c 13 14 X X X X X

12a Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If 'No,' go to line 13 b Are officers, directors or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give rise to conflicts? c Does the organization re g ularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If 'Yes,' describe in Schedule 0 how this Is done See Schedule 0 13 Does the organization have a written whistleblower policy? 14 Does the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision, a The organization ' s CEO, Executive Director, or top management official? b Other officers of key employees of the organization? See Schedule 0 Schedule O. (see instructions) Describe the process in

15a 15b


16a Did the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement with a taxable entity during the year? b If 'Yes,' has the organization adopted a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and taken steps to safeguard the organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements?



Section C . Disclosures
17 18 List the states with which a copy of this Form 990 is required to be filed ^ See Schedule -0 ----------------------------Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Forms 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 990-T (501 (c)(3)s only) available for public inspection. Indicate how you make these available Check all that apply X9 Another's website Own website M Upon request Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how) the organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial See Schedule 0 statements available to the public.


20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of the organization: ,-Lorenzo Ersland 1014 Torney Ave -San Francisco CA 94129-1755 (415)561_6384 _ ------------------------------------BAA Form 990 (2008)



Form 990 (2008 )

Part VII

0 51-01985 Trustees , Key Employees, Highest Compensated Com p ensation of Officers , Directors , Employees, and Independent Contractors
Tides Foundation

Section A . Officers, Directors , Trustees , Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees 1 a Complete this table for all persons required to be listed Use Schedule J-2 if additional space is needed.
List all of the organization 's current officers directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations), regardless of amount of compensation, and current key employees. Enter -tj- in columns (D), (E), and (F) if no compensation was paid List the organization' s five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee, or key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) or more than $100,000 from the organization and any related organizations List all of the organization' s former officers, key employees, and highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations List all of the organization 's former directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of the organization, more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations. List persons in the following order. individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, key employees, highest compensated employees, and former such persons. n Check this box if the organization did not compensate any officer, director, trustee, or key employee (D) (c) (A) (B)
Name and Title Average h ours per week Position (check all that apply) g a a 5 n c g d N c IF o m
N rD

Reportable compensation from related organizations ( W 2/1099 MISC )

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations

'< r' . 3

3 v S `F
3 o
N 7 a a

o 3

Reportable compensation from the organization ( W - 2/1099 MISC )

Joanie - Bronfman --------Bd Director Drummond Pike -------------------Director/CEO _Melissa Bradley __-__-__ Sec'tar /Bd Dir
Robin - Wolaner -----------

2 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 40 0.5 8 40 40 40 40 40

TEEAOIO7L 11107/08

0. X X 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 127,400. 0. 0. 155 683. 158 500. 141 248. 127,400. 108,160.

0. 240,000. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 148,383. 194,433. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 35,566. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 10 , 463. 29 , 210. 28 , 525. 10 , 956. 14 , 525. 19 , 224. 10 1 463. 10,915.

Form 990 (2008)

Bd Director Charles Savitt -------------------Bd Director Wade Rathke _ _ _ Bd Director i r ti7. ^^7TT Joel Solomon -------------------Chair/Bd Dir Quinn-DelaneyBd Director In : i 1 john a_powell_-__-_____ Bd Director Lorenzo Ersland -------------------Tres/Dir Fin Danica Remy _r7Y ----------------Ass't Ellen Friedman ------------------Exec VP Brian ---- -yrnes ----------VP/Mana g in g Dir Gary Schwartz _ VP/Mans in D ir Chris Herrera -------------------Dir Communication Sarah-Hobson-Thomas ------------------ProExec Dir Darlene Currie -------------------Sr Phil Advisor

Form 990 (2008

Tides Foundation0
(A) Name and Title (c) (B) Average Position (check all that apply) h ours per week a a c 0 3 Exi o 3 3 d 0 - M o C, M _! 3 m
^ N N

(D) Reportable
compensation from the org anization (W 211099-MISC)

(E) Reportable
compensation from related org anizations (W-211099 MISC)

Pa g e 8
(F) Estimated
amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations

Part . ltlf Section A. Officers Directors Trustees r e Em p loyees, ana li

hest Com ensated Em to ees cont.



Catherine Lerza --------------------------Sr Phil Advisor Michelle Coffey Pro Fund Dir -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32 - _ X 40

106,862. 109,000.

0. 0.

12 L 644. 12,417.

1 b Total ' 1,034,253. 582, 816 . 2 Total number of individuals (including those in 1a) who received more than $100,000 in reportable compensation from the organization 8

194, 9 08.

No 3 4 Did the organization list any former officer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee on line la? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J for such individual For any individual listed on line 1 a, is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the organization and related organizations greater than $150,0007 If 'Yes' complete Schedule J for such Individual 3 X

4 5


Did any person listed on line 1a receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization for services rendered to the organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J for such person Section B . Independent Contractors 1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of com pensation from the or g anization. 5 (A) Name and business address Walden Asset Mana g ement One Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 Polic y Link 1438 Webster Street, Ste 303 Oakland, CA 94612 Prevention Institute 221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94607 (B) Descri p tion of Services Asset Mana g ement Pro j Co-ordination Pro g ram Services

(C) Com pensation

480 , 112. 448,892.

300 000.

McKinsey & Company Inc



Philadel p hia ,
Market, SF,

Working Assets Funding Services

8rate is Plannin g CA 94105 Pro g Communcation



250 000. 211, 023.


Total number of independent contractors (including those in 1) who received more than $100,000 in com pensation from the org anization 09 TEEAO1o8L 10/13108 Form 990 (2008)

Form 990(2008 )
D..t 11EtE C4 4

Tides Foundatio
mnn4 nF 17nvnnm ro

(A) Total revenue (B) Related or exempt function revenue

(C) Unrelated business revenue

Pa g e 9
(D) Revenue excluded from tax under sections 512, 513, or 514

in Z NQ

1 a Federated campaigns b Membership dues c Fundraising events

la lb 1c

IZ g
_ 1/; 9

d Related organizations
e Government grants (contributions) f All other contributions, gifts, grants, and

1 d 13,853,135.


similar amounts not included above


96, 243, 304 .

9, 830, 058.

8a W

g Noncashcontnbns included in Ins la-If. h Total. Add lines la-1f

Business Code

_ vcs upjort &- Admin _S_ _ 2a _S_ b Related Entities Fees

C d



432 025. 261 321.

432,025. 261,321. -

------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

e -----------------a 3 4 5 f All other program service revenue Total. Add lines 2a-2f Investment income (including dividends, interest and

693, 346.
5, 50 0 , 403 . 5 , 500 , 403 .

other similar amounts)

Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds Royalties
(I) Real () Personal

6a Gross Rents b Less rental expenses c Rental income or (loss) d Net rental income or (lo ss 7a Gross amoun t f rom sa l es o f assets other than inventory b Less. cost or other basis
n Securities (ii) Other

99641379. 101635953. -1994574. .

and sales expenses c Gain or (loss)

d Net gain or (loss)

^ -1,994,574.


ir Pi 0

8a Gross income from fundraising events (not including $ of contributions reported on line 1c) a See Part IV, line 18 b b Less. direct expenses fundraising events c Net income or (loss) from 9a Gross income from gaming activities. a See Part IV, line 19 b direct expenses b Less income or (loss) from gaming activiti es c Net 10a Gross sales of inventory, less returns a and allowances b b Less. cost of goods sold c Net income or (loss ) from sales of Inventcry
Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code


-----------------523000 b Pvt Investment Income

137 733.

236 208.

-98 , 475.

C -----------------d All other revenue . e Total . Add lines 1la-1ld 12 BAA Total Revenue . Add lines 1h, 2g, 3, 4, 5, 6d, 7d, 8c, 9c,

137, 733. 114433347.


10c,-and 11e

261, 321.

668, 233.

Form 990 (2008)


Form 990 (2008) Tides Foundati ift Statement of Functional Part IX enses


Page 10

Section 501(cX3) and 501 (cX4) organizations must complete all columns. san otner organizations must com plete column (N) out are not requires to complete columns (ti), (c), and (u). Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, and 70b of Part V///. 1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in the U S See Part IV, line 21 (A) Total expenses (B) Program service ex p enses (C) Management and g eneral ex p enses (D) Fundraising ex p enses

85, 053, 080. 88, 500. 20 684 016. 637 999.

85,053,080. 88 , 500. 20 , 684 , 016. 493 724. 144 275. 0.

2 Grants and other assistance to individuals in the U.S. See Part IV, line 22
3 Grants and other assistance to governments, organizations, and individuals outside the U.S. See Part IV, lines 15 and 16 Benefits paid to or for members Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) Other salaries and wages Pension plan contributions (include section 401 (k) and section 403(b) employer contributions) Other employee benefits

4 5 6

7 g

2, 560, 500. 66,181. 401, 751. 236, 954.

1,939 , 647. 50,134. 304, 337. 179, 499.

548, 865. 16,047. 82,297. 57,455.

71, 988.



Payroll taxes
Fees for services (non-employees) a Management

b Legal c Accounting
d Lobbying e Prof fundraising svcs See Part IV, In 17 f Investment management fees g Other 12 Advertising and promotion

108, 011. 103, 285.


26,190. 103, 285.



480 , 112.

134, 403.

101 814.



13 Office expenses
14 15 Information technology Royalties

16 Occupancy
17 Travel
18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, state, or local public officials

364, 179.
442, 248.

275 875.
335, 015.

88 , 304.
107, 233.

19 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 20 Interest

21 Payments to affiliates

58, 449. 167, 373. 44 , 321.


14,172. 167, 373. 10, 747.

22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization

33, 574.

23 Insurance
24 Other expenses. Itemize expenses not covered above. (Expenses grouped together and labeled miscellaneous may not exceed 5% of total expenses shown on line 25 below.)



a Consultants --------------------b Admin, _ITL _HR costs _ _ _ _ _ _ c FX Transactions Adi & Other ---------------d Eguip_Rent_& Maintenance ---------e SuRRlies f All other expenses 25 Total functional exp enses Add lines I through 24f
26 Joint Costs . Check here ^ if following SOP 98-2 Complete this line only if the organization reported in column (B) joint costs from a combined educational cam p aign and fundraising solicitation

2 854 , 431. 1 619 512. 522 379. 125, 610. 107 463. 287 475. 117 , 206 124.

2 , 162 , 308. 1 , 226 , 824.

395 716. 95,153. 81 , 406. 106 177. 1-1-3- 1 76-1 , 11-1. 111.

689 403. 231 334. 126 , 663. 30,457. 26 , 057. 181 298. -3 , 193 , 034.

2 , 720. 161 354.

251 979.


Form 990 (2008)



Tides Foundati Form 990 2008 Part Balance Sheet



Pa g e 11

of year

End of year

1 2 3 4
5 6

Cash - non-interest-bearing Savings and temporary cash investments Pledges and grants receivable, net Accounts receivable, net
Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, or other related parties. Complete Part II of Schedule L Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B). Complete Part II of Schedule L

1, 5, 123, 4 676, 110

000. 401. 983. 240.

1 2 3 4
5 6

1,000. 2,816,953. 3 , 371 , 669. 2, 034, 896.

A s E T


Notes and loans receivable, net

Inventories for sale or use

5, 790, 006. 310, 700.



6,400,137. 272,237.

Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 2,102,937.

10a Land, buildings, and equipment- cost basis b Less: accumulated depreciation Complete Part VI of

Schedule D
11 12
13 14


661, 052.

1, 337, 085. 10c

160, 539, 724. 1, 408, 487.
3, 716, 095.

1, 441, 885.
143, 211, 141. 3,724,398.

Investments - publicly-traded securities Investments - other securities. See Part IV, line 11
Investments - program-related See Part IV, line 11 Intangible assets

11 12
13 14


Other assets. See Part IV, line 11

Total assets . Add lines 1 through 15 (must equal line 34)

1, 128, 035.
184, 141, 756.


169, 627, 456.

19 20 21 22

Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Deferred revenue. Tax-exempt bond liabilities Escrow account liability Complete Part IV of Schedule D Payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, hi g hest com p ensated em p lo y ees , and dis q ualified p ersons Com p lete Part II of Schedule L Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties Unsecured notes and loans payable Other liabilities. Complete Part X of Schedule D Total liabilities . Add lines 17 throu g h 25 X and complete lines Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ^ 27 through 29 and lines 33 and 34.

1, 219, 713.



18 Grants payable
L B L i

8, 304, 775.

19 20 21

9, 440, 341.

23 24 25 26 E T


3, 650, 000. 23

5, 453, 470. 471,742. 16,048,978.

13, 678, 696.

504, 208. 25 26

s F 9 A k

27 Unrestricted net assets


166, 969, 986. 27

3, 493,074* 28


Temporarily restricted net assets

Permanently restricted net assets Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 , check here ^ F land complete lines 30 through 34. Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds. Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds

30 31 32

30 31 32



Total net assets or fund balances .

Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances.

170 463 060.


153 , 578,478.

184, 141, 756. 34

169, 627, 456.

Yes No X X X

T art Xi
1 2a b c 3a b BAA

Financial Statements and Re p ortin g

XN Accrual LI Other Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 . [] Cash statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant? Were the organization ' s financial Were the organization ' s financial statements audited by an independent accountant? If 'Yes ' to 2a or 2b , does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit, review , or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? As a result of a federal award , was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133? If 'Yes ,' did the organization undergo the required audit or audits?

2a 2b 2c

3a X 3b Form 990 (200k



OMB No 1545-0047

SCHEDULE A (Form 990 or 990-EZ)

is Charity Status and Public Suuort

Open tor Public Inspection
Employer identification number

To be completed by all section 501 (cX3) organizations and section 4947(aXl) nonexempt charitable trusts.
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization

Attach to Form 990 or Form 990 - EZ. ^ See separate instru ctions.

Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Patt I Reason for Public Chari ty Status (All org anizations must com p lete this p art. ) (see instructions) The organization is not a private foundation because it is (Please check only one organization.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A church, convention of churches or association of churches described in section 170(bx1XAXi). A school described in section 170 (bx1XAXii). (Attach Schedule E.) A hospital or cooperative hospital service organization described in section 170(bXlXAXiii). (Attach Schedule H.) A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in section 170(bXlXAXiii) Enter the hospital's name, city, and state. _ __ _ _ __ _a_governmental_ _unit_described in section u An organization operated for th_e b_ene_fit of a_college or_university owned_or_operated_ by_ 170(bX1XAXiv). (Complete Part II.) X A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described in section 170(bx1XAXv). X An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public described in section 170(bX1XAXvi ). (Complete Part II.) u A community trust described in section 170 (bX1XAXvi ). (Complete Part II.) u An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33-1/3 % of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its exempt functions - subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33-1/3 % of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See section 509(aX2). (Complete Part III ) HAn organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety. See section 509(ax4). (see instructions) An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or carry out the purposes of one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2). See section 509(aX3). Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization and complete lines 1 1 e through 11 h a I b II c u Type III - Functionally integrated d u Type III- Other u By checking this box, I certify that the organization is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons other than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2). If the organization received a written determination from the IRS that is a Type I, Type II or Type III supporting organization, u check this box Since August 17, 2006, has the organization accepted any gift or contribution from any of the following persons? Yes No (I) a person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (ii) and (III) below, the governing body of the supported organization? 11 g (i) (ii) a family member of a person described in (I) above 11 g (ii) (iii) a 35% controlled entity of a person described in (I) or (ii) above? 11 g (iii) Provide the following information about the organizations the organization supports.
() Name of Supported Organization (ii) EIN (ii) Type of organization (described on lines 1 9 above or IRC section (see instructions )) (v) Is the or anization in col (I) listed in your goveming document' (v) Did you notify (vi) Is the the organization in organization in col col () of () organized in the your support" u S 7 (vii) Amount of Support

10 11

f g







Total BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008



51-0198509 Tides Foundation Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(bx1 )(A)(iv) and 170(b )(1)(A)(vi) LPart ff (Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I ) Section A . Public Su pp ort
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 1 Gifts, grants, contributions and 2 (a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008

Pa g e 2

(f) Total

membership fees received. (Do not include ' unusual grants .')

7266 625.

81706 86.

67612 35. 115422 26. 110096439.

447500 11.

Tax revenues levied for the organization ' s benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf 3 The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge. Do not include the value of services or facilities generall y furnished to the public without charge 4 Total . Add lines 1-3 5 The portion of total contributions by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization ) included on line 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount


72662 25.


67612 35. 115 M 26. 110 9 439. ,42

447500 11.

shown on line 11, column (f)

6 Public support . Subtract line 5

26, 170, 462.

11 ..............................

from line 4
S ection B. Total Support Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 7 8 Amounts from line 4 Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securities loans, rents, royalties and income form similar sources Net income form unrelated business activities , whether or not the business is regularly carried on Other income Do not include gain or loss form the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part IV )

T_ _
(b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008

42 1 330349.
(f) Total

(a) 2004

72,662 ,625.

81706 86.

67,61 ;935. 115422 26. 110 96439.

447 00811.

3,418,465. 4,525,402. 5,736,761. 6,214,984. 5,637,536. 25,533,148.






11 12 13

Total support. Add lines 7 through 10 Gross receipts from related activities, etc. (see instructions)

F 12

3,966, 8 54.
^ n

First five years . If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3)

organization, check this box and stop here Section C . Com p utation of Public Su pp ort Percenta g e
14 15 Public support percentage for 2008 (line 6, column (f) divided by line 11, column (f). Public support percentage for 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 26f 14 15

89.0% 86.7 % - NO b. u

16a 33- 1/3 support test - 2008 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and the line 14 is 33-1/3 % or more, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization b 33-1 /3 support test - 2007 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, or 16a, and line 15 is 33-1/3% or more, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization 17a 10 %-facts-and -circumstances test - 2008. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b, and line 14 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test, check this box and stop here . Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization.

u ^

b 10%-facts -and-circumstances test - 2007 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a, and line 15 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test, check this box and stop here . Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization. ^ 18 Private foundation . If the organization did not check a box on line, 13, 16a, 16b, 17a, or 17b, check this box and see instructions . ^ Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 BAA
TEEA0402L 12/17/08

(Complete only if you checked the box on line 9 of Part I Section A . Public Support
Calendar year (or fiscal yr beginning in ) ^ 1 Gifts, grants, contributions and membership fees received. (Do not include 'unusual grants ') 2 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or facilities furnished in a activity that is related to the organization's tax-exempt purpose 3 Gross receipts from activities that are not an unrelated trade or business under section 513 4 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf 5 The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge 6 Total . Add lines 1-5 7a Amounts included on lines 1, 2, 3 received from disqualified persons b Amounts included on lines 2 and 3 received from other than disqualified persons that exceed the greater of 11% of the total of lines 9, 10c, 11, and 12 for the year or $5,000 c Add lines 7a and 7b 8 Public support (Subtract line 7c from line 6 (a) 2004 (b) 2005 (c) 2006 (d) 2007 (e) 2008 Total

Section B . Total Support Calendar year (or fiscal yr beginning in) ^

9 Amounts from line 6 10a Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securities loans, rents, royalties and income form similar sources
b Unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired after June 30, 1975

(a) 2004

(b) 2005

(c) 2006

(d) 2007

(e) 2008


c Add lines 10a and 10b Net income from unrelated business activities not included inline lob, whether or not the business is regularly carried on 12 Other income. Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part IV.) 13 Total support . (add Ins 9, 10c.11, and 12 ) 14 First five years . If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3) organization, check this box and stop here 11

section C . Computation of Public Support Percentaqe

15 Public support percentage for 2008 (line 8, column (f) divided by line 13, column (f)) 15 16 Public support percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 27g 16 Section D . Computation of Investment Income Percentage 17 Investment income percentage for 2008 (line 10c, column (f) divided by line 13, column (f)) 17 18 Investment income percentage from 2007 Schedule A, Part IV-A, line 27h 18 19a 33-113 support tests - 2008. If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33-1/3%, and line 17 is not 10. more than 33-1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization b 33-113 support tests - 2007. If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or 19a, and line 16 is more than 33-1/3%, and line 18 is not more than 33-1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization 20 Private foundation . If the orcianization did not check a box on line 14, 19a, or 19b. check this box and see instructions ^ BAA TEEA0403L olr29ro9 % % % % u

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

51-0198509 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E Z) 2008 'Wes Foundation Pa g e 4 Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the explanation required by Part II, line 10; Part IV

Part II, line 17a or 17b; or Part III, line 12. Provide any other additional information. (see instructions)




Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

(Form 990 or 990-EZ)
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service ^ Attach to Form 990 o r Form 990-EZ.

Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities

For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501 (c) and section 527 To be completed by organizations described below.

OMB No 1545 0047

f 2008
Open toPPuubblic

If the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990, Part IV , line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 46 (Political Campaign Activities), then Section 501 (c)(3) organizations. complete Parts I-A and B Do not complete Part I-C. Section 501(c) (other than section 501 (c)(3)) organizations. complete Parts I-A and C below. Do not complete Part I-B. Section 527 organizations complete Part I-A only. If the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990 , Part IV , line 4, or Form 990-EZ , Part VI, line 47 (Lobbying Activities), then Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have filed Form 5768 (election under section 501(h)). Complete Part II-A Do not complete Part II-B. Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have NOT filed Form 5768 (election under section 501(h)) Complete Part II-B. Do not complete Part II-A. If the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990 , Part IV, line 5 (Proxy Tax), then Section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. Complete Part III.
Name of organization Employer identification number

51-0198509 Tides Foundation part t -A To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501(c) and section 527 organizations. See the instructions for Schedule C for details.
1 2 3 Provide a description of the organization's direct and indirect political campaign activities in Part IV Political expenditures Volunteer hours ^ $

Tit I-B To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501(c)(3). See the instructions for Schedule C for details.
Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by the organization under section 4955 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organization managers under section 4955 3 If the organization incurred a section 4955 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year? N/A 4a Was a correction made? N/A b If 'Yes,' describe in Part IV 1 2 ^ $ ^ $ N/A N/A Yes Yes No No

Part t-C To be completed by all organizations exempt under section 501(c), except section 501 (c)(3). See the instructions for Schedule C for details.
1 2 3 4 5 Enter the amount directly expended by the filing organization for section 527 exempt function activities Enter the amount of the filing organization's funds contributed to other organizations for section 527 exempt function activities ^ $ ^ $

Total of direct and indirect exempt function expenditures Add lines 1 and 2 and enter here and on Form 1120-POL, line 17b ^ $ . , Did the filing organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? No 11 Yes State the names, addresses and employer identification number (EIN) of all section 527 political organizations to which payments were made Enter the amount paid and indicate if the amount was paid from the filing organization's funds or were political contributions received and promptly and directly delivered to a separate political organization, such as a separate segregated fund or a political action committee (PAC) If additional space is needed, provide information in Part IV.
(a) Name (b) Address (c) EIN (d) Amount paid from filing organization's own internal funds If none, enter-0 (e) Amount of political contributions received and promptly and directly. delivered to a separate political organization If none, enter -0






-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008



Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Tides FIlW ation


Pa g e 2

Pali lIA To be completed by organizations exempt under section 501 (cX3) that filed Form 5768 (election under section 501 (h)). See the instructions for Schedule C for details. if the filing organization belongs to an affiliated group A Check ^
B Check ^ if the filin g or g anization checked box A and 'limited control' p rovisions a pp l y .
Limits on Lobbying Expenditures (The term 'expenditures' means amounts paid or incurred.) (a) R1ng organization's totals (b) Affiliated group totals

1a b c d

Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grass roots lobbying) Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) Total lobbying expenditures (add lines la and lb) Other exempt purpose expenditures e Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines lc and ld) f Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table in both columns. The lobbying nontaxable amount is: If the amount on line le , column ( a) or (b ) is Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line le Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000. Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000 g Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 10 h Subtract line lg from line la. Enter -0- if line g is more than line a i Subtract line if from line lc Enter -0- if line f is more than line c

j If there is an amount other than zero on either line lh or line li, did the organization file Form 4720 reporting section 4911 tax for this year? 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501 (h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 2a through 2f.) Lobbvina Expenditures Durina 4-Year Averaaina Period Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 2a Lobbying non-taxable (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008

n rYes No

(e) Total

b Lobbying ceiling amount (150% of line

2a, column e
c Total lobbying ex p enditures d Grassroots non-taxable

e Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 2d, column (e)) f Grassroots lobbying ex p enditures BAA

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008



51-0198509 Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Tides EjWdation Pa g e 3 part Ct-$ To be completed by organizations exempt under section 501 (cx3) that have NOT filed Form 5768

(election under section 501 (h)). See the instructions for Schedule C for details.
a Yes During the year, did the filing organization attempt to influence foreign, national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: a Volunteers? b Paid staff or management (include compensation in expenses reported on lines 1 c through 11)? c Media advertisements? d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public? e Publications, or published or broadcast statements? f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes? g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body? h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means? i Other activities? If 'Yes,' describe in Part IV j Total lines 1c through I1 No (b) Amount




934, 274. X

2a Did the activities in line 1 cause the organization to be not described in section 501(c)(3)? b If 'Yes,' enter the amount of any tax incurred under section 4912 c If 'Yes,' enter the amount of any tax incurred by organization managers under section 4912 d If the filing organization incurred a section 4912 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year?

Part R[-A To be completed by all oraanizations exempt under section 501(c(4). section 5 01(c'5). or section 501(cx6 ). See the instructions for Schedule C for details.
Yes 1 2 3 Were substantially all (90% or more) dues received nondeductible by members? Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? Did the or g anization agree to carryover lobb ying and p olitical ex p enditures from the p rior year? 1 2 3 No

Part 111-$ To be completed by all organizations exem pt under section 501(cX4), section 501(cX5 ), or section 501(cX6 ) if BOTH Part III-A, questions 1 and 2 are answered ' No' OR if Part III-A, question 3 is answered 'Yes.' See Schedule C Instructions for details.
1 2 Dues, assessments and similar amounts from members 1

Section 162(e) non-deductible lobbying and political expenditures (do not include amounts of political expenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid). a Current year b Carryover from last year c Total. 3 Aggregate amount reported in section 6033(e)(1)(A) notices of nondeductible section 162(e) dues If notices were sent and the amount on line 2c exceeds the amount on line 3, what portion of the excess does the organization agree to carryover to the reasonable estimate of nondeductible lobbying and political expenditure next year? Taxable amount of lobbying and p olitical ex p enditures (line 2c total minus 3 and 4)

2a 2b 2c 3

4 5

Part IV

Supplemental Information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part I-A, line 1, Part I-B, line 4; Part I-C, line 5; and Part II-B, line 11. Also, complete this part for any additional information. --------------------------------------------------------------------

TEEA3203L 12/18/08

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008 Tides O dation Pad IV Supplemental Information (continued)



Pa ge 4

BAA TEEA32O& 10106/08

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008




(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization Tides Foundation

Supplemental Financial Statements

Attach to Form 990. To be completed by org anizations that answered 'Yes,' to Form 990, Part IV , lines 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11, or 12.

Open to Public Inspection Employer Identification number 51-0198509

Fart I

Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 6.
(a) Donor advised funds (b) Funds and other accounts 141 54,217,094. 42,303,552. 33, 498, 796. EYes No 308 55, 879, 345. 63, 522, 044. 120, 079, 683.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total number at end of year Aggregate contributions to (during year) Aggregate grants from (during year) Aggregate value at end of year

Did the organization inform all donors and donor advisors in writing that the assets held in donor advised funds are the organization's property, subject to the organization's exclusive legal control? Did the organization inform all grantees, donors, and donor advisors in writing that grant funds may be used only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor or other

impermissible private benefit?? [ Yes F] No Part 111 Conservation Easements Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 7.
1 Purpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply) Preservation of land for public use (e g , recreation or pleasure) HPreservation of an historically important land area Protection of natural habitat Preservation of certified historic structure Preservation of open space Complete lines 2a-2d if the organization held a qualified conservation contribution in the form of a conservation easement on the last day of the tax year a b c d 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total number of conservation easements Total acreage restricted by conservation easements Number of conservation easements on a certified historic structure included in (a) Number of conservation easements included in (c) acquired after 8/17/06 Number of conservation easements modified, transferred, released, extinguished, or terminated by year ^ Number of states where property subject to conservation easement is located ^ Held at the End of the Year 2a 2b 2c 2d the organization during the taxable

Does the organization have a written policy regarding the periodic monitoring, inspection, violations, and enforcement of the conservation easement it holds? Staff or volunteer hours devoted to monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing easements during the year ^ Amount of expenses incurred in monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing easements during the year ^ $ Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section 170(h)(4)(B)(i) and 170(h)(4)(B)(ii)?



F Yes F1 No In Part XIV, describe how the organization reports conservation easements in its revenue and expense statement, and balance sheet, and include, if applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that describes the organization's accounting for conservation easements

Part Ill Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art , Historical Treasures , or Other Similar Assets Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 8.
1 a If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service, provide, in Part XIV, the text of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these items. b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service, provide the following amounts relating to these items: (1) Revenues Included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 ^$ (ii) Assets included in Form 990, Part X ^$ If the organization received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets for financial gain, provide the following 2 amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 relating to these items: a Revenues Included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 ^$ ^$ b Assets Included in Form 990, Part X BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Schedule D (Form 990) 2008



51-0198509 W Page 2 Schedule D (Form 990) 2008 Tides Fllation of Art, Historical Treasures , or Other Similar Assets (continued) Fart l I Organizations Maintaining Collections Il
Using the organization ' s accession and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its collection items (check all that apply) d H Loan or exchange programs Public exhibition a Other Scholarly research e b Preservation for future generations c 4 Provide a description of the organization ' s collections and explain how they further the organization ' s exempt purpose in Part XIV. 5 During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, historical treasures , or other similar 3

n Yes n No assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization ' s collection? Pait IVt Trust , Escrow and Custodial Arrangements Complete if organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21.
1 a Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian , or other intermediary for contributions or other assets not included on Form 990, Part X ? b If 'Yes.' explain the arrangement in Part XIV and complete the following table: c d e f 2a b Beginning balance Additions during the year Distributions during the year Ending balance Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21? If 'Yes,' explain the arrangement in Part XIV (a) Current year (b) Prior year (c) Two years back (d) Three years back (e) Four years back F]Yes No

Part V Endowment Funds Com p lete if org anization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV , line 10.
1 a Beginning of year balance b Contributions c Investment earnings or losses d Grants or scholarships e Other expenditures for facilities and programs f Administrative expenses g End of year balance 2 Provide the estimated percentage of the year end balance held as % a Board designated or quasi-endowment ^ % b Permanent endowment > c Term endowment 1, % 3a Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for the organization by(i) unrelated organizations (ii) related organizations b If 'Yes' to 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R? 4 Descri be in Part XIV the intended uses of the org anization's endowment funds. Yes 03i No

Part VF lnuectments -Land. Buildings. and Eauioment . See Form 990. Part X. line 10.
Description of investment (a) Cost or other basis (investment) (b) Cost or other basis (other) (c) Depreciation (d) Book Value

l a Land
bBuildings c Leasehold improvements d Equipment


1,153,171. 94,385 . 222, 814. 12, 485 . 620,082 .

27,228 . 78, 302 . 12,485. 543,037.

1,153,171. 67,157. 144, 512. 0. 77,045.

Total . Add lines la- le (Column (d) should equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), line 10(c)) BAA

1, 441, 885. Schedule D (Form 990) 2008



0 Schedule D (Form 990) 2008 Tides Foundation Part VIE Investments - Other Securities See Form 990. Part X. line 12.
(a) Description of security or category (including name of securit y) Financial derivatives and other financial products Closely-held equity interests Other --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total . (Column (b) should equal Form 990 Part X, col (B) line 12.) ^ (b) Book value

0 N/A


Pa g e 3

(c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of- year market value

Part VII Investments - Pro g ram Related (See Form 990, Part X, Ilne 13)
(a) Description of investment type (b) Book value

(c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of- year market value

Total Column (b)(should equal Form 990, Part X Col (B) line 13

Part IIX

Other Assets (See Form 990. Part X. line 15)


In Part XIV, provide the text of the footnote to the organization ' s financial statements that reports the organization ' s liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48. BAA rtEA3303L 10/29/08 Schedule D (Form 990) 2008

Schedule D Form 990 2008 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 1 2




Pa g e 4

PattX._._ Reconciliation of Change in Net Assets from Form 990 to Financial Statements
Total revenue (Form 990, Part Vlll,column (A), line 12) Total expenses (Form 990, Part IX, column (A), line 25) Excess or (deficit) for the year Subtract line 2 from line 1 Donated services and use of facilities Investment expenses Prior period adjustments 114, 433, 347 . 117 , 206 , 124. -2 , 772,777.

4 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments


8 Other (Describe in Part XIV)

See Part XIV

-14,512 , 587.

Total adjustments (net). Add lines 4-8 Excess or (deficit) for the y ear p er financial statements Combine lines 3 and 9 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12: a Net unrealized gains on investments b Donated services and use of facilities c Recoveries of prior year grants 1

-17,285,364. 100, 267, 625.

Part XI[ Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return

2b 2c


d Other (Describe in Part XIV)

e Add lines 2a through 2d

See Part XIV


-53 , 920. 2e

-14, 165, 722.

114, 433, 347 .

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1

4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, but not on line 1: a Investments expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b b Other (Describe in Part XIV) c Add lines 4a and 4b 5 Total revenue Add lines 3 and 4c. (This should e q ual Form 990, Part I, line 12 1 2 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25: a Donated services and use of facilities b Prior year adjustments c Losses reported on Form 990, Part IX, line 25 4a 4b

c 5 1 2a 2b 2c

114, 433, 347.

117 552, 989.

Part Xlf! Reconciliation of Ex penses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return

d Other (Describe in Part XIV).

e Add lines 2a through 2d

See Part XIV


2e 346,865.

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1

4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1: a Investments expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b b Other (Describe in Part XIV) c Add lines 4a and 4b 5 Total exp enses Add lines 3 and 4c (T his should e qual Form 990, Part I, line 18. )
Supplemental Information

4a 4b c 5

117 , 206,124.

117, 206, 124 .

Part XIV

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9; Part III, lines 1a and 4, Part IV, lines lb and 2b; Part V, line 4; Part X; Part XI, line 8, Part XII, lines 2d and 4b; and Part XIII, lines 2d and 4b.



o4L 1223108

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008

Schedule D Form 990) 2008 0 Part XIY_ Supplemental Information (continued)

Pa g e 5



o5L 07/24/08

Schedule D (Form 990) 2008

Schedule F

OMB No 1545-0047 Stateent of Activities Outside the Unitwtates

(Form 990) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization


Attach to Form 990. Complete if the organization answered `Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b, line 15, or line 16.

pets to Public I nsp ection Employer identification number

Tides Foundation
trwa s vcrncrar rnrvrnrauvrr v^^ ^a.uvruco vuaZuaac urc vruacaa

Jaaac-^. k JIIINicac 11 uIc viyaincauvii aiiwvcicLi i cJ

to Form 990, Part IV, Tine 14b.

1 For grantmakers . Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? Al Yes No


For grantmakers . Describe in Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds outside the United States.
Activities ner Reninn_ (Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed-)

(a) Region

(b) Number of offices in the region

(c) Number of employees or agents in region

(d) Activities conducted in region (by type) (i e , fundraising, program services, grants to recipients located in the region)

(e) If activity listed in (d) is a program service, describe specific type of service(s) in region

(f) Total expenditures in region

Central America and Carib bean 0 East Asia and the Pacifi c
0 0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion 723,868.

0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion


Europ e (Includin g Icelan d & Greenland)

0 0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion 7,468,455.

Middle East and North Afr ica 0 North America (Onl y Cana a & Mexico)
0 0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion 2,088,875.

0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion


Russia & Newl y Indep Stat es 0

South America 0

0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion

0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion


South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa

0 0

0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion 0 Grants to reci p ients in the re g ion

1,605,717. 625,004.


20 684, 016.
Schedule F (Form 990) (2008)

BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.



51-0198509 Pa g e 2 Schedule F (Form 990) 2008 Tides Foundation P.rt II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 15, for any recipient who received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000 Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.
(a) Name of organization (b) IRS code section and EIN (if applicable) (c) Region (d) Purpose of grant (e) Amount of cash grant (f) Manner of cash disbursement (g) Amount of non-cash assistance (h) Description of non-cash assistance (i) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other)

See Attached S atement Various 20,040,823. Wire Transfe r /Check N/A N/A

2 3 BAA

Enter total number of organizations that are recognized as charities by the foreign country or for which the grantee or counsel has provided a section 501(c)(3) equivalency letter Enter total number of other organizations or entities

15 580 Schedule F (Form 990) 2008



51-0198509 Schedule F (Form 990) 2008 Tides Foundation Part 111 Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990,

Page 3

Part IV, line 16. Use Schedule F-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.
(a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Region (c) Number of recipients (d) Amount of cash grant (e) Manner of cash disbursement (f) Amount of non-cash assistance (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other)

TEEA3503L 12/24/08

Schedule F (Form 990) 2008

Schedule F (F orm 990) 2008 Tides FWdation Part IV Supplemental Information


Pa g e 4

Complete this part to provide the information required in Part I, line 2, and any other additional information. Part I , Line 2= Grantmakers Explanation For Grants Outside US

Thorough due diligence is conducted in advance of funding to determine whether a ------------------------------------------------------------------group will be an appropriate grantee.- We require groups to provide proof of tax ------------------------------------------------------------------status and/or registration documents and their organizational documents. All -------------------------------------------------------------------international grants are restricted to a clearly charitable purpose and must be used ------------------------------------------------------------------exclusively for activities conducted outside of the U.S. All grantees receive a -------------------------------------------------------------written grant agreement, and by accepting payment the grantee agrees to the -----------------------------------------------------------------conditions of the award, which provides assurance that funds will not be used for any -------------------------------------------------------------------prohibited purpose. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Expenditure Responsibility grants, we require reports for each fiscal year in -------------------------------------------------------------------which the grant monies have been received or spent that address (i) use of the grant -----------------------------------------------------------------funds, (ii) compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant, and (iii) progress ---------------------------------------------------------------toward achieving the grant's purpose(s). The reports are reviewed to confirm that -------------------------------------------------------------------all of the funds have been used for charitable purposes and whether all of the funds --------------------------------------------------------------have been expended. For other international grants, we require progress reports nine -------------------------------------------------------------------months after the grant has been awarded. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAA TEEA3sW 01ro6/D9 Schedule F (Form 990) 2008

SCHEDULE I (Form 990)

Department of the Treasu ry Internal Revenue Service
Name of the organization

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the U.S.
1, Complete if the organization answered 'Yes,' on Form 990, Part IV, lines 21 or 22. ^ Attatch to Form 990.

0MB No 1545-0047

2 008
Open to Public Inspection
Employer Identification number

Tides Foundation


[Part_I I General Information on Grants and Assistance

1 2 Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees ' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and

the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance?

Describe in Part IV the or g anization's p rocedures for monitorin g the use of g rant funds in the United States. See Part IV

X] Yes


Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 21 for any recipient that received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000. Use

Part IV and Schedule 1-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed

1 (a) Name and address of organization or government ( b) EIN (c ) IRC section if applicable (d) Amount of cash grant (e) Amount of non -cash assistance (f1 Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal , other) ( g) Description of non-cash assistance

^ A&
(h) Purpose of grant or assistance

See Followlnq Stmt

See Stmt

See Stmt

84, 046, 435.

0. N/A


See Attached Statement

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enter total number of section 501(c)(3) and government organizations 3 Enter total number of other organizations BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990.

^ ^ TEEA3901L 12/19/08

1, 765 69

Schedule I (Form 990) 2008

Schedule I (Form 990) 2008 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Pag e 2 Part III Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 22. Use Schedule I-1 (Form 990) if additional space is needed.
(a) Type of grant or assistance ( b) Number of recipients ( c) Amount of cash grant ( d) Amount of non - cash assistance (e) Method of valuation ( book, FMV, appraisal , other) (n Description of non cash assistance

Awards Fellowshi p s

9 5

43,500. 45,000.



Fart IV I Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required in Part I, line 2, and any other additional information.

_ _ Part I, Line 2_ Grantmaker's Description of How Grants are Used_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------------------------_ _ Thorough due diligence_is conducted in advance of funding to determine _the_group' s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tax-exempt status and whether the group is_appropriatefrom a mission perspective._________________________ All grantees receive a_written_g-rant agreement_which indicates-whether-lobbying -- -------------------------is permissible and by_acceptinq paYment,_ the grantee agrees to the -conditions-of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ award,-which provide assurance-that-funds will-not-be used_for_any_orohibited _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

_ _Rurp-ose _


_If_a arantis restricted to a particular non-lobbying purposed -organizations further


-- -agree that_ (1) _any_portion_of the grant not used for the stated purpose must be --------------------------------repaid,(ii) any change of purpose must be requested and approved in advance, in
BAA Schedule I (Form 990) 2008
TEEA3902L 10/02/08

SCHEDULE J (Form 990)

Compensation Information For certain Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest
Compensated Employees
I Attach to Form 990 . To be completed by organizations that answered `Yes' to Form 990, Part IV , line 23.

0MB No 1545-0047

open to Public
Employer identification number

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Name of the organization

Tides Foundation Path I Questions Regarding Compensation

Yes I No

1 a Check the appropriate box(es) if the or g anization provided any of the following to or for a person listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la. Complete Part III to provide any relevant information regarding these items. First-class or charter travel Travel for companions Tax indemnification and gross - up payments Discretionary spending account Housing allowance or residence for personal use Payments for business use of personal residence Health or social club dues or initiation fees Personal services (e.g., maid , chauffeur, chef)

b If line la is checked , did the organization follow a written p olicy regarding payment or reimbursement or provision of all of the expenses described above? If 'No,' complete Part III to explain 2 Did the organization require substantiation prior to reimbursing or allowing expenses incurred by all officers, directors, trustees, and the CEO /Executive Director , regarding the items checked in line la? Indicate which, if any, of the following organization uses to establish the compensation of the organization's CEO/Executive Director Check all that apply. X Compensation committee Independent compensation consultant Form 990 of other organizations Written employment contract Compensation survey or study Approval by the board or compensation committee

1b 2


During the year, did any person listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a: a Receive a severance payment or change of control payment? b Participate in, or receive payment from, a supplemental nonqualified retirement plan? c Participate in, or receive payment from, an equity-based compensation arrangement? If 'Yes' to any of 4a-c, list the persons and provide the applicable amounts for each item in Part III Only 501 (cX3) and 501 (cX4) organizations must complete lines 5-8.

4a 4b 4c


For persons listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any compensation contingent on the revenues of a The organization? b Any related organization? If 'Yes' to line 5a or 5b, describe in Part III. For persons listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any compensation contingent on the net earnings of a The organization? b Any related organization? If 'Yes' to line 6a or 6b, describe in Part III. For person listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization provide any non-fixed payments not described in lines 5 and 6? If 'Yes,' describe in Part III

5a 5b


6a 6b


8 Were any amounts reported in Form 990, Part VII, paid or accrued pursuant to a contract that was subject to the initial 8 X contract exce p tion described in Res. section 53.4958 -4(a)(3) ? If 'Yes,' describe in Part Ill Schedule J (Form 990) 2008 BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 .



51-0198509 Schedule J (Form 990) 2008 Tides Foundation Officers , Directors , Trustees, Key Employees , and Highest Compensated Employees . Use Schedule J-1 If additional space is needed. Adat I)

Page 2

For each individual whose compensation must be reported in Schedule J, report compensation from the organization on row (I) and from related organizations described in the instructions on row (ii). Do not list any individuals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VII. Note . The sum of columns (B)(I)-(iii) must equal the applicable column (D) or column (E) amounts on Form 990, Part VII, line la. (B) Breakdown of W-2 and/ or 1099-MISC compensation (A) Name
() Base compensation ( I) Bonus and incentive compensation

(iu) Other compensation

(C) Deferred compensation

(D) Nontaxable benefits

(E) Total of columns (B)(i)-(D)

(F) Compensation reported in prior Form 990 or Form 990-EZ

Drummond Pike Danica Remy Ellen Friedman Brian Byrnes Gary Schwartz Chris Herrera

(i) ii (i) ii (i) (I) (i) (i)

II (I) I

--------D- ---------0. ---------0' --------00. 12,000 . 240 000 . 0. -0. --------0. ----0. ---------0. --------0. 148 383 . 0. 0. 6 , 032 . ----0. -0. 0_ ____----_0. 0. 194 433 . 0. 0. 155683 _ 0. ____0. 0_ 0. 0. 0. 0. 153500_ ______ 5,000. ____0. 0_ 0. 0. 0. 0. 141248_ ______0 . ____0. 0.
0. 0. ---------0. ----0. -

--------0= ---------0. 275 566. 21566 . - 0. --------D----0177,593. 23 , 178 . ___--_-_ 0_ -___0. 18 645 . 222 958. ____ 10956_ 166,639 . 0. 0. 8285_ 173,025. 0. 0. 14 024. 160 , 472.
0. ---------0. -----

---------0'0. ---------0'0.

_________0. 0. ----__-__0. 0. -----_-_- 0

0. -----------

---------- ---------(I) (ii) ^ (I) (ii) ^ (I) (ii) ^ ------















( ii ) ^



(il) ^
(I) -------------


(ii) ^
(I) (i) (I) 11

------ - ----




TEEA4102L 08/11/08

Schedule J (Form 990) 2008

Schedule J (Form 990) 2008 Tides Foundation Part. Ill..... Supplemental Information


Page 3

Complete this part to provide the information, explanation, or descriptions required for Part I, lines 1 a, 1 b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8. Also complete this part for any additional information.


---------- 0



---------- *


Schedule J (Form 990) 2008


(F orm 990 or 990-E Z'

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization




f ransactions with Interested Persons

Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ To be completed by organizations that answered
'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a, 25b, 26,27, 28a, 28b, or 28c, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 38a or 40b.

Open to-Public Inspection Employer identification number

51-0198509 Tides Foundation Pad 1 Excess Benefit Transactions (section 501 (c)(3) and section 501(c)(4) organizations only).

To be completed by organizations that answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a or 25b, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 40b.
(a) Name of disqualified person (b) Description of transaction (c) Corrected? Yes No

Enter the amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under section 4958

3 Enter the amount of tax , if any, on line 2, above, reimbursed by the or g anization Loans to and / or From Interested Persons. Part It

11- $

To be completed by organizations that answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 26 or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 38a.
(a) Name of interested person and purpose (b) Loan to or from the organization? To From (c) Original principal amount (d) Balance due (e) In default? (f) Approved by board or committee' Yes No (g) Written agreement? Yes No




Part It[

Grants or Assistance Benefitting Interested Persons. To be completed by organizations that answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 27.
(a) Name of interested person I (b) Relationship between interested person and the organization I (c) Amount of grant or type of assistance

Pad tV

Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons. To be completed by organizations that answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 28a, 28b, o r 28c.
(a) Name of interested person (b) Relationship between interested person and the organization (c) Amount of transaction $ (d) Descnpbon of transaction (e) Sharing of organization's revenues' Yes No

Workin g Assets Fundin g Svc

Board Overla p

211,023. Web Svcs & Consultin g

BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.

Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2008




(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury

Non - Cash Contributions

0MB No 1545-0047

^ To be completed by organizations that answered 'Yes' on Form 990 , Part IV, lines 29 or 30.
Intern al Revenue Service
Name of the organization

Open to Public Inspection
Employer identification number

^ Attach to Form 990.

Tides Foundation Pmt I Types of Property

(a) Check If applicable (b) Number of Contributions

(c) Revenues re p orted on Form 990, Part VIII , line 1 g (d) Method of determining revenues

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Art-Works of art Art-Historical treasures Art-Fractional interests Books and publications Clothing and household goods Cars and other vehicles Boats and planes Intellectual property

9 Securities - Publicly traded

Securities - Closely held stock Securities - Partnership , LLC, or trust interests


8 , 8 2,589. FMV

12 Securities - Miscellaneous
Qualified conservation contribution ( historic structures) Qualified conservation contribution (other) Real estate-Residential Real estate-Commercial Real estate-Other Collectibles Food inventory Drugs and medical supplies Taxidermy Historical artifacts Scientific specimens Archeological artifacts ---) Other ^ L----------^ ( ) Other ---------------^ ( ) Other ---------------Other ^


967, 469. FMV

Number of Forms 8283 received by the organization during the tax year for contributions for which the organization completed Form 8283 , Part IV , Donee Acknowledgement

29 Yes

21 No

30a During the year, did the organization receive by contribution any property reported in Part I, lines 1-28 that it must hold for at least three years from the date of the initial contribution , and which is not required to be used for exempt purposes for the entire holding period? b If 'Yes,' describe the arrangement in Part II. 31 Does the organization have a gift acceptance policy that requires the review of any non - standard contributions? 32a Does the organization hire or use third parties or related organizations to solicit, process, or sell noncash contributions? b If 'Yes ,' describe in Part II. 33

30a 31 32a X

If the organization did not report revenues in column (c) for a type of property for which column (a) is checked, describe in Part II BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Schedule M (Form 990) 2008



datlon Schedule M Form 990 2008 Tides 51-0198509 Pa g e 2 w Pad 111 Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required by Part I, lines-30b, 32b, and 33. Also complete this part for any additional information.


TEEA4602L 07n4io8

Schedule M (Form 990) 2008

(Form 990)

Opp Iement al Informat io n to F orm!0

^ Attach to Form 990. To be completed by organizations to provide additional information for responses to specific questions for the Form 990 or to provide any additional information.

0MB No 1545-0047


Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Name of the organization

'Open to Public Inspection

Employer identificabon number

Tides Foundation


_ _ Form 990. Part III, Line 1= Organization Mission _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Tides Foundation -("the-Foundation") partners with donors to increase and organize _ _ __ _ - resources for positive-social change._ _The_Foundation believes-that healthy _ --- -------societies re ly_fundamentally on respect for human rights,_ the vitality_of - - - - - - _ _ _ communities, and a_celebration-of diversity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------------------_ - Form 990LPart VI,ine 2 -Business or Family Relationship of Officers Directors, Etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drummond Pike and Charles Savitt --- Business Relationship_ Drummond Pike and Robin Wolner_ __ Business-Relationship _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drummond Pike and Joel-Solomon--- Business-Relationship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Form 990 , Part VI, Line 5 - Description of Material Diversion of Assets. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ In March 2008, Tides Foundation discovered that a long-time employee had diverted ------------------------------------------------------------------funds from Tides for personal use -- approximately $45,000 per year for three years. ---------------------------------------------------------------This was accomplished through falsified documentation including falsified e-mails, -----------------------------------------------------------------invoices and progress reports from non-existent projects.- Upon confirmation, the ----------------------------------------------------------------employee was dismissed immediately and a police report filed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An independent forensic auditor was retained in coordination with the audit -----------------------------------------------------------------committee of the Tides' Board of Directors to thoroughly investigate the matter. -------------------------------------------------------------------The forensic audit as well as an internal audit have indicated that this likely was -------------------------------------------------------------------the extent of the damage and that the former employee was the only staff member -----------------------------------------------------------------involved. -------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990, Part VI, Line 10 - Form 990 Review Process -----------------------------------------------------------------Audit Committee and Legal Counsel review prior to submission. -------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990, Part VI , Line 12c - Explanation of Monitoring and Enforcement of Conflicts -------------------------------------------------------------------On an annual basis, the directors, officers and key employees are requested to -------------------------------------------------------------------complete a conflict of interest disclosure survey.
BAA For Privacy Act and paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 990. TEEA4901L 12/19/08 Schedule 0 (Form 990) 2008

Schedule 0 (Form Name of the organization


Employer identification number

Tides Foundation


-- -Form 990 , Part VI , Line 15b -Compensation Review & Approval Process for Officers & Key Employees - _ _ _ - - - Tides Network uses a 360 Degree Employee Review process conducted by the Human -------------------------------------------------------------------Resources department for the CEO and for other staff as determined by management. -------------------------------------------------------------------Tides Network regularly reviews comparability data from the following sources: The ---------------------------------------------------------------Chronicle of Philanthropy, Guidestar, Council on Foundations, and the Compensation -------------------------------------------------------------------The in Nonprofit Organizations report published by Abbot, Langer & Associates, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------Tides Network Board of Directors Personnel Committee is tasked with reviewing the ------------------------------------------------------------------The Personnel Committee meets to review CEO performance and compensation annually. -------------------------------------------------------------------data collected through the 360 process, and then meets with the CEO individually and ---------------------------------------------------------determines compensation by considering comparability data, job performance, progress -----------------------------------------------------------------towards goals, and 360 review assessments. ---------------------------------------------------------------Form 990 , Part VI , Line 17 - List of States which this Return is Filed -------------------------------------------------------------------AL AK AZ AR CA CT DC FL GA IL KS KY ME MD MA MI MN MS NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR -------------------------------------------------------------------PA RI SC TN UT VA WV WA WI -------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990, Part VI , Line 19 - Other Organization Documents Publicly Available -------------------------------------------------------------------The organization's governing documents, conflict of interest policy and financial -------------------------------------------------------------------statements are available to the public upon request. --------------------------------------------------------------------

BAA TEEA4902L 12/11/2008

Schedule 0 (Form 990) 2008

OMB No 1545.0047

(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships

' Attach to Form 990. To be completed by organizations that answered 'Yes' to Form 990 , Part IV, lines 33, 34, 35 , 36, or 37. ^ See separate instructions.

Open toPublk IMSCtion
Employer Idenhficatlon number

Name of the organlzadon

Tides Foundation Part I Identification of Disregarded Entities

(A) Name, address, and EIN of disregarded entity (B) Primary activity (C) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (D) Total income


(E) End-of-year assets

(F) Direct controlling entity






art II Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

(A) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (B) Primary activity (C) Legal domicile (state (D ) Exempt Code section (E) Public charity status (F) Direct controlling

or foreign country)

(if section 501(c)(3))


Tides-Center -------------------------------Box 29198 San Francisco-, -CA- 94129 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 94-3213100 Tides-Inc -------------------------------Box 29907 San Francisco,-CA ___________________ ------------ 57-113809 Tides Two Rivers Fund ------------------------------Box 29198 San FranciscoL CA 94129 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20-1588459

Project Development & Mana g ement Exec/Admin Svcs for Related Or g s & Facilities Mgt & Op s Dev & Op erate Multi-Tenant Non Profit Centers


501(c) (3)






N/A Tides Foundation/Ti des Center




---------------------------------BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990. TEEA5001L 12/23/08 Schedule R (Form 990) (2008)

Schedule R (Form 990) 2008 Pat- III

Tides Foundation


Page 2

Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership

(B) Primary Activity (C) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (D) Direct controlling entity (E) Predominant income (related, investment, unrelated) (F) Share of total income (G) Share of end-of-year assets (H) Disproportionate allocations? Yes No (I) Code V-UBI amount in Box 20 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) (J) General or managing partner? Yes No

(A) Name, address, and EIN of related organization



Part IV

Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust

(B) Primary Activity (C) Legal domicile country) (D) Direct (E) Type of entity or trust) (F) Share of total income (G) Share of end-of-year (H) Percentage

(A) Name, address, and EIN of related organization

(state or foreign controlling entity (C corp, S corp,



0793406 BC Ltd _ ___ _ Ste 2010-1055W Georgia St--_ -__Van_couve_r, -British-Columbia V6E3P_3--_ Canada ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAA

' Holdin g Co Canada Tides Fdn C Corp -124 , 771. 1 , 778,833. 100.00



Schedule R (Form 990) (2008)

Schedule R (Form 990) 2008

Tides Foundation


Page 3

Part Y Transactions With Related Organizations

Note. Complete line 1 if any entity is listed in Parts II, III, or IV.
1 During the tax year did the organization engage in any of the following transactions with one or more related organizations listed in Parts II-IV: a Receipt of (i) interest (ii) annuities (iii) royalties (iv) rent from a controlled entity b Gift, grant, or capital contribution to other organization(s) c Gift, grant , or capital contribution from other organization(s) d Loans or loan guarantees to or for other organization(s) e Loans or loan guarantees by other organization(s) f Sale of assets to other organization(s) g Purchase of assets from other organization(s) h Exchange of assets i Lease of facilities , equipment , or other assets to other organization(s) i Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets from other organization(s) k Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations for other organization(s) I Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations by other organization(s) m Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, or other assets n Sharing of paid employees o Reimbursement paid to other organization for expenses p Reimbursement paid by other organization for expenses q Other transfer of cash or property to other organization(s) r Other transfer of cash or property from other organization(s) 2 .... ....... ... If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes,' see the instructions for information on who must com p lete this line, includin g covered relationshi p s and transaction thresholds. (A) Name of other organization (B) Transaction type (a-r) .. 1 lr X X No


(C) Amount involved ,

Tides Center Tides Center Tides Center Tides Center Tides Center
(6) Tides Inc BAA I TEEA5003L 07/02/08

b c n 0

3,873,799. 13,853,135. 68,424. 417,272. 39.916.

61,689. Schedule R (Form 990) (2008)

Schedule R (Form 990) 2008 Part VI

Tides Foundation


Page 4

Unrelated Organizations Taxable as a Partnership

Provide the following information for each entity taxed as a partnership through which the organization conducted more than five percent of its activities (measured by total asset or gross revenue) that was not a related organization. See Instructions regardinq exclusion for certain investment partnerships. E) (F) (G) (H) (A) (B) Are alfD)rtners Share of (end-of-year Dispropor- Code V-UBI amount General or partners Primary activity Legal (C) omicile Name , address, and EIN of entity section managing assets tionate in Box 20 of (State or Foreign 501(c)(3) partner? Country) allocations? Schedule K-1 organizations' Form (1065) Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAA TEEA5004L oirziio9 Schedule R (Form 990) (2008) 0 No Yes No Yes No

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008

Tides Foundation


Page 2

Pdtt II Continuation of Identification of Related Tax - Exempt Organizations

Name , address, and EJA) (A) of related organization (B) Primary activity (C) Legal domicile (State or Foreign Country) (D ) Exempt Code section (E) Public charity status (if 501(c)(3)) (F) Direct controlling Entity

Underdog ------ Foundation ---------------------84 Oak Street Brattleboro,_ VT 05301_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Supporting 03-0368814 Or anization Open Square Foundation ---------------------Box 29903 San Francisco-,CA 94129--------------Supporting 26-0902622 Or g anization Rouhana Family Foundation_ ---------------Box 29903 San Francisco,-CA-94129 __-___--__ Supporting ---------------- - - - - 11-3293390 Or g anization Schott Ctr_for Public_& Early-Education -------------- ----- ---678 Massachusetts Ave S 301 Cambridge, MA 02139 -----------------Supporting 04-3457065 Or g anization Three Guineas Fund --------------------------------153 U pp er Terrace San Francisco., -CA- 94117 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Supporting 94-3215954 Or anization One California-Foundation -------------------------------1438 Webster , Ste 101 -Supporting Oakland,-CA 94612 -----------------------20-5253663 r anization JKIrwin Foundation Box 29903 Supporting 56-2678107 r anization New FieldFoundation Box 29903 San Francisco CA Supporting 27-0029270 r anization
TEEA5102L 07/02/08




Tides Foundation




Tides Foundatio P4 Tides Foundation


501(c) (3)





Tides Foundation





501 (c) (3)

509 (a) (3)

Tides Foundation Tides Fdn/Brid g e Housing/E Colle e FdA


501 c


Tides Foundation




Tides Foundation

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008

Tides Foundation


Page 2

Part II Continuation of Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

(A) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (B) Primary activity (C) Legal domicile (State or Foreign Country) (D) Exempt Code section (E) Public charity status (if 501(c)(3)) (F) Direct controlling Entity

Ginungagap_________________________ Box 29903 Supporting San Francisco, -CA- 94129 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Or anization 22-3891498 Weithorn & -Ehrmann Families Foundation 8655 East Via de Ventura , Ste G200 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -Supporting 94-3232775 r anization Harding Rock Box 29903 Supporting SFniscC49 20-1430532 r anization -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Tides Foundation & Rudolf Steiner Fdn




Tides datio




Tides Foundation



TEEA5102L 07/02/08

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008


Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008 drt V

Tides Foundation


Page 5

Continuation of Transactions With Related Organizations (Schedule R (Form 990), Part V, line 2)
(A) Name of other organization

(B) Transaction type (a-r)

(C) Amount involved

Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Op en S quare Foundation Rouhana Famil Foundation

i n o

213 978. 15,831. 1,967 200. 145 , 91 108,985.

r a d i k n

43,738. 167 F 373. 5,453,470. 217,883. 6 , 000. 27,456. 16 9 , 297.

k k

15 , 500. 7 , 500. 88.

Rouhana Famil y Foundation Schott Ctr for Public & Early Education k


Schott Ctr for Public & Early Education

BAA TEEA5105L 07/07/08

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008 ai 1f

Tides Foundation


Page 5

Continuation of Transactions With Related Organizations (Schedule R (Form 990), Part V, line 2)
(A) Name of other organization (B) Transaction type (a-r) (C) Amount involved

Three Guineas Fund JK Irwin Foundation New Field Foundation


6 , 000. 193. 2 , 800 , 000. 47 50 294,109. 3,191.

c k n

New Field Foundation New Field Foundation New Field Foundation Weithorn & Ehrmann Families Foundation Hardin g Rock

c k

126 711. 5,500.


TEEA5105L 07/07/08

Schedule R-1 (Form 990) 2008



Schedule D, Part XIV - Supplemental Information

Tides Foundation

Page 6

Schedule D, Part XI, Line 8 Other Changes In Net Assets Or Fund Balances Net Loss of Controlled Subsidiary Net Loss of Supporting Organization To tal $ -124,775. -276 , 008. -400 , 783 .

Schedule D, Part XII , Line 2d Other Revenue Included In F/S But Not Included On Form 990 Loss from Supporting Organization Revenue of Controlled Subsidiary Total $ -53,925. 5. -53,920.

Schedule D, Part XIII , Line 2d Other Expenses And Losses Per Audited F/S Expenses of Controlled Subsidiary Expenses of Supporting Organization Total $ 124,776. 222 089. 346 , 865 .




Name of Organization Transparency International e V Norwegian Refugee Council Hivos Foundation War Child International Federation for Human Rights Sociedad Mexicana Pro Derechos de la Muter Fundacion Onentame Stephen Lewis Foundation

Region Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North America (including Canada and Mexico South America North America (including Canada and Mexico

Infectious Diseases Institute Middle East and North Africa University of Alabama at Birmingham / Centre for Infectious Disease Middle East and North Africa Research In Zambia Gagann Fund Russia and the Newly Independent States Fundacion Onentame South America Organisation Mondiale Contra la Torture Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers The Equal Rights Trust Article 19 Institute for Philanthropy Akiba Uhaki Foundation Food and Agricultural Research Management Limited Chile Ambience Roche Employee Action and Chanty Trust National Accountability Group ARC International Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions Reprieve Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways International Commission of Jurists Urgent Acton Fund Africa Isis Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange Fiscalia del Medio Ambiente / Ecosistemas Nail Uddug Kendra Ryan's Well Foundation China Labour Bulletin Tides Canada Foundation Stichting Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse Uganda International Commission of Jurists Abilis Foundation East and Hom of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project Hivos Foundation Stichbng eiFL net Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions INTERIGHTS Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways Norwegian Refugee Council International Committee of the Red Cross AMAZONAS images Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) South America Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico East Asia and the Pacific Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South America South Asia North America (including Canada and Mexico

East Asia and the Pacific

North America ( including Canada and Mexico Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) M i ddle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Europe ( including Iceland and Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Europe ( including Iceland and East Asia and the Pacific Europe ( including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe ( including Iceland and Europe ( including Iceland and Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland ) Greenland )

Purpose of Grant Amount Poverty and Corruption in Africa project 1,160,000 Youth Education Pack and IDMC 550,000 Equality, Dignity and rights for LGBT Initiative 500,000 work promoting protection for extremely vulnerable children 350,000 continued work to promote respect for human nghts 325,000 Mexican Abortion Rights Fund 300,000 La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres Colombia project 300,000 continued work funding organizations that support those infected and affected by the 252,565 HIV/AIDS pandemic work to integrate family planning and HIV/AIDS services in Uganda 250,618 Centre for Infectious Disease Research In Zambia's work to integrate family planning and 250,000 HIV/AIDS services in Zambia grants program 250,000 Roundtable for Women's Lives and Health 250,000 continued work fighting against torture and all other forms of inhumane treatment and an 240,100 Observatory for human rights defenders work preventing and reducing the recruitment and use of child soldiers 225,000 continued work combating discrimination and promoting equality 200,000 continued work on the defense and promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of 200,000 information worldwide continued work to conduct and disseminate research on philanthropy, sponsor donor 200,000 education programs, and incubate promising new models for promoting philanthropy East African Sexual Health and Rights Initiative 200,000 Rural Women's Empowerment Project 192,470 Conservation Land Trust Projects 178,700 Employee AIDS Walk 176,977 program to provide grassroots resources for women's groups in the border region of Sierra 175,000 Leone continued work supporting human rights based on sexual orientation and gender 175,000 continued work supporting the establishment and development of national institutions to 150,000 protect and promote human rights Legal representation and communication works 150,000 global sexual rights advocacy and human rights education work 150,000 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Programme 150,000 support of women's rights in conflict and post-conflict settings 150,000 international exchange program 150,000 Ecosistemas' 2008 Patagonia Live Rivers Campaign 150,000 women's initiatives 150,000 H2O Africa Partnership Project, H2O Africa ONG Project, and Phase II Water, Sanitation and 146,870 Hygiene for Schools project continued work to promote independent, democratic trade unionism and the protection of 142,479 labor rights and standards in mainland China Brothers Fund 130,000 continued work on gender based crimes 125,000 enhancement of child protection in Uganda 125,000 continued legal protection and promotion of human rights strengthening the human rights capacity of disabled people's organizations Special Minorities Proj ect Yogyakarta Principals Initiative eIFL-FOSS Greenstone Support Project Yogyakarta Meeting LGBT work continued work promoting women's human rights Youth Education Pack IFRC Myanmar Cyclone Response Genesis project 120,000 120,000 113,000 110,000 107,329 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45

Manner of Payment Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - Intemational Wire - Domestic Wire - International Wire - International

00 Wire - Intemabonal 00 Check 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - lntemaoonal 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 00 00 00 78 00 Wire - International Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International

00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International International International

00 Wire - Intemaoonal 00 Wire - Intemabonal 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International International International International International International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part If Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development INTERIGHTS African Women 's Millennium Initiative on Poverty and Human Rights Rencontre Afncaine Pour La Defense Des Droits de L'Homme Forum for Women in Democracy Uganda Community Based Association for Child Welfare Disabled Peoples' International Fiscalia del Medio Ambiente / Ecosistemas Centro de Promocion y Detensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Prairie Trust Gagann Fund ARC International

Region Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico South America South America South Asia South Asia Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) Russia and the Newly Independent States North America (including Canada and Mexico

Purpose of Grant work fostering European support for sexual and reproductive health and rights in developing countries LGBT work continued work raising international awareness of the feminization of poverty training, monitoring and education for peacebudding in West Africa women in decision-making, gender budget and youth leadership program Women's land and property right project Human Rights Program Ecosistemas' radio ads for the Patagonia Dam Campaign Latin American Consortium against Unsafe AbortonD work on sustainable development water and sanitation projects in Chittagong Hill Tracts Environmental and Economic Justice Project grants program work to convene key organizations to develop an international GLBT strategic action plan, strengthen international coalitions and movements, and enhance international standard setting creation of a national park in Chile and continued work preserving the native forests and marine ecosystems of Chilean Patagonia eIFL-IP program activities salaries, rent and re-granting to NGOs working in human rights, ecology and social development, during the July-December 2008 period Yogyakarta Principles Initiative grants program continued support of African women Conservation Land Trust projects Casamance community grant allocation project community grantmaking project to support women's economic activities in Gurnee Foresbere salaries, rent and re-granting to NGO5 working in human rights, ecology and social development , during the January-June 2008 period prevention work with public schools continued work providing economic, social, and spiritual aid for HIV tamers strengthening grantmaking and grants management for organizations in West Africa new women-led ventures to manufacture concrete poles for cyclone safety and reflective roofing materials for heat moderation continued work with and on behalf of African indigenous peoples Work to renovate and provide basic needs for the Olivenhoutbosch ark continued work conducting research , documentation , workshops , and university exchange projects linking cultural and trad i tional knowledge to health work improving preschool and primary school learning materials floating boat programs continued work enlarging existing national parks and reserves work strengthening your community grants program Institutional capacity building continued work helping children with disabilities in developing countries grantmaking , institutional development and core costs C i tizens Against Hydroelectric Megaproj ects in Aisen Reserve of Life project Dialogo 2000 Jubileo Sur/ Americas' continued work with debt campaigns , social movements, people ' s organizations , communities , NGOs, and political formations continued work developing Ch i na's non -profit sector project to reduce AJAEDO women's workload promotion of sustainable development among rural communities through local capacity building

Amount 100,000 00

Manner of Payment Wire - International

100,000 00 Wire-International 100,000 00 Wire -International 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 99,500 99,500 97,279 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International International International International International International

Fundacion Melimoyu Stichting eiFL net Gagann Fund Mama Cash - Fund for Women Gagann Fund Afncan Women's Millennium Initiative on Poverty and Human Rights Chile Ambiente Association des Jeunesses Agncoles de Casamance Association GumOenne pour I'Alltgement des Charges Fdmmines Gagann Fund Grupo de Apoio a prevencao a AIDS Fundacion Eudes African Women's Development Fund Rural Energy and Development Initiative Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee Nurturing Orphans for AIDS Humanity Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health Associacao Wona Soriano Shidhulai Swanlrvar Sangstha Fundaclon Yendegaia Forum pour un Developpement Durable Endogene Fahamu Trust Equip K I D S International Urgent Action Fund Africa Comit9 National Pro Defensa de la Flora y Fauna Fundacion Servicto Paz y Justicia / Dialogo 2000 - Jubileo Sur/Amencas Non-Profit Partners Limited Association des Jeunes Agnculteurs et Eleveurs du Departement d'Oussouye Association d'Appui a to Promotion du Developpement Durable des Communautes

South America Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Russia and the Newly Independent States Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Russia and the Newly Independent States Middle East and North Africa South America Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Russia and the Newly Independent States South America South America Middle East and North Africa South Asia

95,000 00

Wire - International

94,979 00 Wire - International 93,503 00 Wire - International 93,000 00 Wire - International 91,640 00 Wire - International 90,000 00 Wire - International 89,600 00 Wire - International 83,234 55 Wire - International 82,624 00 Wire - International 82,421 00 80,000 80,000 75,000 75,000 Wire - International International International International International

00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire

Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia South America Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North America (including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa South America South America East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

75,000 00 71,428 00 71,160 00 70,000 70,000 68,176 66,198 65,695 65,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International International International International

58,200 00 Wire - International 53,193 19 Wire - International 52,268 04 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part 11 Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health International Council on Human Rights Policy International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Front Line Raising Voices Center for Domestic Violence Prevention Forum Civil Shuhada Organization Uganda National Association of the Deaf Mental Health Uganda Fiscalia del Medio Ambiente / Ecosistemas National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia CHAUPIN Centro de Sabiduna Andina Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health Stichting European Archive Humanitarian Action Ryan's Well Foundation Civil Society Forum on Health Makerere University Principals' Association of Uganda Gulu Disabled Persons Union South Sudan Psychosocial Program Federacion Nacional de Ecuatonanos con Discapacidad Fisica Fundacion Educacion para la Salud Reproductiva National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled Ghana Federation of the Disabled National Accountability Group Directolre National des Femmes an Elevage Chanty Projects The Land Conservancy of British Columbia Asociacion Hondurena pare el Desarrollo Asociaclon Amigos del Aprendizaje Gagarin Fund

Region Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

Purpose of Grant continued work conducting research, documentation, workshops, and university exchange projects linking cultural and traditional knowledge to health continued work on international human rights policy Myanmar Cyclone Response LGBT Emergency Fund continued work preventing violence against women Domestic Violence Prevention Demonstration Project continued work fighting corruption and improving citizenship programs in central Afghanistan and organizational development and security work on the Convention On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Rights of Deaf Persons work promoting awareness of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities among people with disabilities in six districts

Manner of Payment Amount 50,872 00 Wire - Domestic 50,000 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - International 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International

50,000 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 50.000 00 Wire - Intemahonal Wire - Intemauonal

South America
Sub-Saharan Africa South America Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Russia and the Newly Independent States North America (including Canada and Mexico South America Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South America South America Middle East and North Africa South Asia Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North America (including Canada and Mexico Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Russia and the Newly Independent States Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Central American and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico

Ecosistemas' radio ads for the Patagonia Dam Campaign

work to build coalitions and networks aimed at strengthening Disabled Persons Organizations continued work preserving the values and communal identity of the Andean people continued work conducting research, documentation, workshops, and university exchange projects linking cultural and traditional knowledge to health continued work preserving significant cultural material and providing access to It via the mtemet 2008 NIS/CIS/Balbcs/Eastem Europe and Central Asia Regional Coordination H2O Africa Partnership Project - Uganda assisting citizens with disabilities monitor and exercise their rights development and training for headteachers project project to institutionalize continuous assessment in Primary Teachers' Colleges and in primary schools support of disabled persons in post-conflict recovery mental health and psychosocial services for victims of war in Southern Sudan work promoting the rights of people with disabilities in Ecuador Latin American Legal Support Network for Abortion Providers advocacy work for the popularization and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities work promoting the rights and dignity of People With Disabilities in the context of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities work promoting the rights of people with disabilities in Ghana program to provide grassroots resources for women's groups in the border region of Siena Leone livestock production and vegetable gardens as a means of improving food security among female members of Dirfel Kolda Give It Sum Fund

49,780 00 Wire - International 47,470 55 Wire - International 45,000 00 44,000 43,250 42,000 40.000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40.000 40,000 39,000 Wire - International

00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International

39,000 00

Wire - International

37,500 00 Wire - International 35,000 00 Wire - International 34,980 00 Wire - International 34,829 85 Wire - International 34,475 00 Wire - International 34,294 20 Wire - International 33,229 00 Wire - International 32,855 00 Wire - International 31,694 84 Wire - International 30,389 00 Wire - International 30,000 00 Wire - International 30,000 00 Wire - International 30,000 00 30,000 00 Wire - International Check

continued work protecting plants, animals and natural communities

cooking system improvement project for women Torblleras in Cholutecas City, Honduras continued literacy work in low-income communities operating expenses for January and February 2009 work building the capacity of rural women's organizations school improvements your efforts to facilitate the government's evaluation of renewable energy projects and Improvement of the approval process

ComitO Regional do Solidadt9 des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance

Hope and Glory Foundation / Railway Children's Primary School Asoclacion Hondurena de Pequenos Productores de Energia Renovable

Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled

Action on Disability and Development

advocacy for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the government of Ghana
work building the capacity of grassroots groups and networks of women with disabilities in Burkina Faso and Mali continued grassroots work to try to protect northern British Columbia's wild rivers and wild salmon ecosystem

Casslar Watch

Form 990 Schedule F, Part It Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States




Name of Organization Ecostorm Environmental Investigations Cortes Island Seniors Society Blgf Groep Stichting ter Bevordenng van Consultabe aan Sociale Systemen Mama Cash - Fund for Women Foundation for Small Enterprise Economic Development Winrock International India

Region Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North America (including Canada and Mexico Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) South Asia

Sangha Matta Project

PACOS Trust Ryan's Well Foundation Cambodian Land Mine Museum Relief Fund Asociacion do Personas con Discapacidad Fisico Motor AMAZONAS images AMAZONAS images Swiss Foundation for Mine Acton Mama Cash - Fund for Women AMAZONAS images AMAZONAS Images Girl Child Network Intemabonal Funders for Indigenous People / Saph Integrated Training Centre Ghana Federation of the Disabled Cellule do Coordination sur les Pratiques Traditionelles Affectanl la

South Asia
South Asia North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico Central American and the Caribbean Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico

Purpose of Grant Devil's Pellet Fish Feed Film continued work organizing community activities supported living in Atmore project Women in Multi-Problem Families program continued work for the advancement of women's rights worldwide women's entrepreneurial training program work to geographically scope strategic areas in India for renewable energy and poverty alleviation Mae On project Preschools project clean water and sanitation projects in west Bengal. India construction of an educational facility work creating an accessible and inclusive Managua Genesis project

Amount 2959500 29,550 00 29,400 00 29,400 00 29,000 00 28,550 00 28,500 00 28,433 27,200 27,000 26,000 25,500 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Manner of Payment Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - Intemational Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International International International International

Genesis project
conversion of UXO/Landmine action related datasets sponsorship of the Association for Women's Rights in Development's International Forum on Women's Rights and Development Genesis project Genesis project institutional capacity building Saph Integrated Training Centre's education , food and healthcare programs for orphans and vulnerable ch i ldren Alliance of Women with Disabilities project's work to bu i ld the capac i ty of its members to advocate for rights dissemination, popularization and use of the African Uni on Protocol on the rights of women in Africa public education work in participation with the International AIDS Conference Indigenous Land Rights program work promoting rights in the transnational sector, organizing independent unions, advancing sustainable development , and offering alternatives to the extractive industries encourage use of harm reduction methods and treatment instead of incarceration , mitigate the United States ' influence Mexican drug policies and promote human rights provisions General Support for Kuthai Institute continued support of reforestation projects, forest recovery projects and environmental education in Brazil Funds for Increased Safety of Members of the Organization Comuna Santa Elena's efforts to organize a workshop to define the position of Indigenous Peoples regarding the concept of restitution, and management of Indigenous territories and natural resources support of the creation of the Melimoyu Nature Sanctuary continued work catering to the overall development of women and children women's and children's programs for preventive and on-going medical attention, psychiatric counseling, and healthy foods with nutritional supplements continued work bringing health and development programs to disadvantaged segments of society incubator program grantmaking program to meet the education and training needs of women-led, community based organizations in South Africa continued work offering conventional and alternative health services to the native Andean population continued work offering conventional and alternative health services to the native Andean population continued work offering conventional and alternative health services to the native Andean population Peace and Film program for youth from conflict areas

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International

25,000 00 25,000 00

Colectivo por una Politica Integral hacia las Drogas

Proyecto de Derechos Economicos Sociales y Culturales, AC Proyecto do Derechos Economicos Sociales y Culturales. AC Colechvo por una Politico Integral haaa las Drogas

25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International

Tides Center / Kuthai Institute Instituto Terra Fondo pare Ayudas de Emergencia y Portalecimiento Organizacional Fundacion Tenitor( o e Identidad / Comuna Santa Elena

North America (including Canada and Mexico South America South America South America

25,000 00 Check 25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International

Fundacion Mellmoyu Maher Ashram Maher Ashram Arpana Research And Chanties Trust Women for Peace Imbah Visual Literacy Project Women's Hope and Education and Training Trust Instrtuto do Salud Comunitana Qarwashwayta Insbtuto de Salud Comumtana Qarwashwayta Instituto de Salud Comunitana Oarwashwayta Peace It Together

South America South Asia South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa South America South America South America North America (including Canada and Mexico

25,000 00 25,000 00 25,000 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 24,900 00 Wire - International

24,900 00 Wire - International 24,850 00 24,700 00 Wire - International Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part it Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization Tides Canada Foundation Rotary Club of Port Elizabeth Dogwood Initiative The GoDown Arts Centre Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa "Luis Braille" Center for Children's Happiness Jabya Trinomul Probbandhi Sangstha Organizacion de Ciegos do Nicaragua "Mansela Toledo" Film Education Royal United Services Institute Coral Cay Conservation Trust African Women's Millennium Initiative on Poverty and Human Rights Afghan Women's Welfare Department Disabled Women's Network and Resource Organization in Uganda Association pour la Defense des Droits des Enfants at des Femmes

Region North America (including Canada and Mexico Sub-Saharan Africa North Amenca (including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Central American and the Caribbean South Asia South Asia Central American and the Caribbean Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico Russia and the Newly Independent States South America South America

Purpose of Grant Organizing for Change Fund Active Schools protect continued work to help British Columbians exercise local control to create healthy and prosperous communities continued work nurturing innovative cultural and artistic expression work searching for justice and actualizing rights of People with Disabilities (PWD5) advocacy and awareness-raising work in Matagalpa operating costs work strengthening the capacity and networking of disabled persons' organizations in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities work to raise awareness about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities among journalists distribution of the film, A Crude Awakening Iran in the Middle East conference scholarship programs in Trinidad and Tobago Women's Empowerment Fund Program for capacity building and leadership development for improved economic and social policies computer training program work training Ugandan local government councilors on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities work strengthening paralegal capacity in Kissidougou and Gueckedou prefectures participation in the HIV/ AIDS World Conference support of indigenous women in Guerrero pursuing human rights and efforts to increase access to justice through monitoring and the community police effort work on economic inclusion and justice for marginalized rural indigenous communities and education work in civic matters promotion and defense of the human rights of agricultural workers and the land rights of indigenous communities in Guerrero State and the Montana Chica region work on human rights and the environment operational support for work between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 work on the protection of sensitive marine coast ecosystems, water quality and accountability of salmon industry in Los Lagos Aysen and Magellan regions, Chile continued support of reforestation projects, forest recovery protects and environmental education in Brazil work promoting the rights of people with disabilities in the Puno region Society and Disability's work to empower People with Disabilities (PWD5) continued work on environmental conservation and restoration efforts continued peace building work continued work regarding the human rights of Nepalese women research and training programs support of women's groups in Bangladesh The Help to provide prevention, care, support and shelter for men having sex with men in Myanmar Healthy Living Helping Society to save people living with HIV/AIDS, primarily among men who are having sex with men Community-Based Participatory Geographic Information System Research in Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya math and science through art and culture project , Creative Beginnings book revision, and for hiring a Protect Manager to oversee CDP protects work promoting the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities outreach and education Knowing Our Rights protect continued work to assist the ethnic minority hilltnbes on the borders of Thailand and Burma

Amount Manner of Payment 24,625 00 Wire - International 24,000 00 Wire - International 23,750 00 Check 23,729 23,000 22,000 21,600 21,500 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International

20,000 00 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 00 00 00 00

Wire - International Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International

20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - Intemational 20,000 00 Wire - Intemational 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - Intemational 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International International

en Gwn6e
Proyecto de Derechos Economicos Sociales y Culturales, AC Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Supenores an Antropologia

Servicios Para Una Educaci6n Alternative Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montana Tlachinollan A C Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental Institute for Information Freedom Development Centro Ecoceanos Instltuto Terra

Federacion Departamental do Personas con Discapacidad de Puno - South America Peru Asoclacion pro Derechos Humanos / Society and Disability South America Asociacion Lihuen-Ante South America Nagank Aawaz South Asia TEWA for Support South Asia Environment and Population Research Centre South Asia Development Society South Asia International HIVIAIDS Alliance / The Help South Asia International HIV/AIDS Alliance / Healthy Living Helping Society Philippine Association for Intercultural Development Curriculum Development Project Trust Namibian Association of Differently Abled Women Roseau Action Climat France Asoclacion Departamental de Personas Con Discapacidad Huancavelica - Peru Khom Loy Development Foundation South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) South America South Asia

20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 20,000 00 Wire - International Wire - International

19,000 00 Wire - International 19,000 00 Wire - Intemabonal 18,782 29 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization The Mass Media Project Access Bangladesh Foundation Federacion Regional de Personas con Discapacidad de Ancash Beijing Zhaoyang District Yongshu Global Environment Institute MindFreedom Ghana Asian Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS / Intemabonal Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center / Kuthai Institute Reseau Afncain pour le Developpement Integra Traditional and Modem Health Practitioners Together Against AIDS

Region Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia South America East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa South Asia North America (including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

Purpose of Grant Heartiines initiative work establishing the rights of People with Disabilities in Savar and Manikgonf awareness raising, capacity building and promotion of the rights of People with Disabilities (PWDs) in Ancash Income Generation project for AIDS families in Henan work creating awareness about the rights of People With Disabilities in Ghana International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Communications Plan general support for the Kuthai Institute work to strengthen the civic participation of women in the Ziguinchor region continued work continued work promoting, improving, and disseminating information about traditional medical practices, and carrying out AIDS education in Uganda and Africa HIV Collaborative Fund - NIS Technical Assistance Project to support training and site visits work raising awareness of the rights of People with Disabilities at the grassroots level Leaders Through Education Project expanding existing initiatives to provide HIV positive individuals from marginalized populations with regular care and support to encourage adherence to prescribed drugs Project to strengthen the skills of a group of women and young women living with HIV/AIDS Chicken Shed Theater national campaign for the protection of the Loire estuary production of the newspaper - Tree Talk - and to support schools to grow woodlots work training youth with disabilities in human rights advocacy to coordinate travel and logistics for post-election rape victims to provide testimony to AIDSFree World's legal team research on impacts from proposed CBM development, $3,000 00 is for a rafting expedition down the Skeena river, and $2,000 00 is for a sports fisherman public education initiative work defending the human rights of migrant agricultural workers continued work improving the economic living standards of local peoples continued work supporting orphanages, health clinics, and eye programs, including water wells operational support Active Schools project Intemational Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) project support of the redesign of the Latin America Regional Advisory Committee (CIAT) Mae On Project International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Communication Project Work to ensure the treatment rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, and the education and empowerment of people living with HIV/AIDS, especially the HIV/AIDS infected women and children continued work improving the economic living standards of local peoples continued work providing opportunities for musicians at all levels to make music together Fight against stigmatisation of people living with HIV/AIDS Income Generation Project for Intravenous Drug User/AIDS families in L i angshan to ra i se bees work promoting awareness of rights of deaf through Silent Voices on Stage coordination of Casamance regranbng workshop and follow-up community workshops public education projects to create a more supportive environment and reduce the stigma faced by people living with HIV and gender and /or sexual minorities continued work conducting intervention and education on matters of sexual violence and HIV/AIDS

Amount Manner of Payment 18,737 42 Wire - International 18,500 00 Wire - International 18,000 00 Wire - International 17,000 00 Wire - International 17,000 00 Wire - International 16,800 00 Wire - Intemabonal 16,362 97 Check 16,016 00 Wire - International 16,000 00 Wire - International

Phoenix Plus Volta Physically Challenged Independent Group Lwak Gids High School Jamaica AIDS Support for Life Allanza Solidana Para la Lucha Contra el VIH/SIDA American Friends of Chickenshed SOS Loire Vivante

Russia and the Newly Independent States Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico

15,519 00

Wire - Intemabonal

15,500 00 Wire - International 15,245 30 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 00 00 00 00 00 Wire - International Check Check Wire - Intemabonal Wire - Intemabonal Wire - Intemabonal Wire - International

Straight Talk Foundation

Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum Girl Child Network Driftwood Foundation / Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition

15,000 00

Centro Mujeres Nakwal Rural Development Association Colin B Glassco Charitable Foundation for Children Roseau d'Appui a la Cdoyennete des Femmes Rurales d'Afnque de

North America (including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia

15,000 00 Wire - International 14,955 80 Wire - International 14,775 00 Wire - International 14,605 52 14,582 49 14,400 00 14,390 59 14,200 00 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Rotary Club of Port Elizabeth Asian Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS / Intemahonal Treatment Preparedness Coalition Sangho Matta Project Roseau Camerounais des Associations de Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA Ashar Alo Society

13,764 35 Wire - International

Nakwal Rural Development Association Canadian Amateur Musicians

Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico

13,608 94 13,600 00 13,120 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Reseau des Associations de Personnes Infectees et Affectees par le Middle East and North Africa VIH Beijing Zhaoyang District Yongshu Global Environment Institute East Asia and the Pacific Silent Voices Forum pour un Developpement Durable Endogene Society Against Sexual Orientation Discnr inahon Lifeline Pietermaritzburg T/A Lifeline & Rape Crisis Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South America Sub-Saharan Africa

13,000 00 Wire - International 13,000 00 Wire - International 12,750 24 Wire - International 12,750 00 Wire - International 12,599 72 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization PACOS Trust Federacion Indigena de la Nacionalidad Cofan del Ecuador Friend's United Group

Region South Asia South America South America

Purpose of Grant
Penan Preschools project in Long Belok Recovering the Cofan Ancestral Knowledge providing a structured care , treatment and support program for 200 people living with and affected by HIV/ AIDS, and strengthen existing systems through education, information exchange and nutritional support local action towards awareness of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by seven disabled persons organizations in Esteli work protecting and conserving southern Chile Cordillera Heidoom Rice Project project to provide an environment for sustaining MSM specific HIV related services and support stigma reduction in Belize awareness raising activities Geon Health Foundation ' s Gaon Kathi project completion of a three - year plan to establish a resource center, to include annual budgets, activities and fundraising work promoting the reclassification of dangerous waste and the reduction of the manufacture of packaging work on pesticide reduction in France Support and education to improve access to antiretroviral treatment for vulnerable communities to improve public understanding of the best approaches to solving the food crisis in Africa, to strengthen advocacy capacity of Bunge la Mwananchi and other social movements in Kenya Legislative help for people living with HIV in connection with antiretroviral supply interruption in Russia work empowering women with disabilities through capacity strengthening Treatment advocacy participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South Africa Advocacy and education support for people living with HIV/AIDS Longtan Red Ribbon Centre's treatment education program Provide counseling, treatment of infections, antiretroviral therapy, home-based care, nutrition support, school fees support, and support of grandmothers Beautiful Life Association for the Benefit of PLWHA's treatment education and access project for people living with HIV/AIDS in Shanghai Encouraging the reduction of stigma related to HIV/AIDS and psychosocial denial among people living with HIV/AIDS Increase the knowledge of members in treatment protocols, and enhance their ability to benefit from self-support groups continued work protecting biodiversity through the preservation of food plants and seeds analysis of water quality of 22 water sources along the Mediterranean coast, and work to improve the water's quality efforts to put pressure on decision makers to stop a harbor extension that would damage the wetlands and fish breeding sites continued work to conduct and disseminate research on philanthropy, sponsor donor education programs, and incubate promising new models for promoting philanthropy promotion of pesticide use reduction strategies in Europe continued work for the advancement of women's rights worldwide continued work on the education and health of children diagnosed with autism and other related communication disorders continued work providing holistic education community projects for Palestinian refugee children polychlorobiph6nyles (PCB) pollution project Raising the treatment preparedness of people living with HIV and IV-drug users in the Odessa region of the Ukraine

Manner of Payment Amount 12,547 00 Wire - International 12,500 00 Wire - International 12,295 05 Wire - International

Asociacion Nicaraguense de No Videntes Fiscalia del Medio Ambiente Revitalize Indigenous Cordilleran Entrepreneurs. Inc United Belize Advocacy Movement ONG Rayouwan Mato Bandhu Social Welfare Society / Geon Health Foundation ComitO Regional do Sohdant6 des Femmes pour to Paix on

Central American and the Caribbean South America South Asia Central American and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa South Asia Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

12,000 00 12,000 00 11,854 00 11,475 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

11,129 00 Wire - International 11,033 33 Wire - International 11,010 96 Wire - International 11,000 00 11,000 00 10,659 00 10,549 00 Check Check Wire - International Wire - International

Centre National d'Informahon IndOpendante sur les dechets Mouvement pour les Droits et le respect des Generations Futures

Yayasan Gaya Celebes

Fahamu Trust

South Asia
Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland)

Interregional Association of Human Rights Organization AGORA Protibondhi Nander Jabo Panshad NMA Youth and Women Welfare Organization / Network of Naga People Living with HIV/AIDS Association d'Appw a la Promotion du Developpernent Durable des Communautes Bandhu Social Welfare Society / Mukto Akash Bangladesh Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company / Longtan Red Ribbon Centre Reach Out Mbuya HIV/AIDS Initiative Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / The Beautiful Life PLWHA Self-Help Group Grupo Clara Jamaican Network of Seropositives Association Kokopelli Surfnder Foundation Europe SOS Loire Vivante Institute for Philanthropy Pesticide Action Network Europe Mama Cash - Fund for Women Snowflake School for Children with Autism Moray Steiner School Hoping Foundation Federation Rhone-Alpes do Protection de to Nature Era of Mercy

Russia and the Newly Independent States South Asia South Asia Middle East and North Africa South Asia East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe Europe Europe Europe (including (including (including (including Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland and and and and Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland)

10,500 00 Wire - International 10,500 00 10,447 00 Wire - International Wire - International

10,282 25 Wire - International 10,276 00 Wire - International 10,194 88 Wire - International 10,012 52 Wire - International

10,012 06 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 00 00 00 00 Check Check Check Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Check Wire-International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization Mountain Wilderness France Urgent Action Fund Africa Espace Amide Solidarite Concern for Humanity. Inc Formative Alliance Against AIDS Women and Children of Hope Foundation Relieve Ghana Mission Shalom International Widows Rescue Initiative Forum for African Women Educationalists ONG Rayouwan Mato

Region Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle Middle Middle Middle East East East East and and and and North North North North Africa Africa Africa Africa

Purpose of Grant campaign to stop the superficial development of mountainous areas work setting up crisis centers in Kenya in response to an escalation of sexual violence as the result of disputed election results Contribute to the global assistance of AIDS infected people at the level of the hospital spaces of Niger Program materials to promote compliance to antiretroviral treatment in Liberia Care and support for orphans and vulnerable children and people living with HIV/AIDS Mobilizing people living with HIV/AIDS for treatment access and adherence education Community mobilization to fight stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS Economic empowerment project for HIV+ women in post-war zones, in Casamance Promoting community involvement in an effort to reduce stigma and discrimination against widows infected or affected by HIV/AIDS continued work in the areas of policy-making, advocacy, testing, and empowering boys and girls to excel through education participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South Africa continued work promoting the rights of women and girls in Kenya Headwaters Initiative Project's support of Klabona Keepers Society's sacred headwaters cultural and environmental monitoring protect Education Program Sharing the Knowledge event provision of multidisciplinary support to victims of violence Proyecto pars la Defensa del Temtono y Recursos Naturales de los Pueblos Indigenas' work to promote information exchange and coordinated strategies between leading organizations in Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas, Jalisco and Chihuahua work promoting judicial reform from a gender equality perspective and advocacy for law and public policy that defends victims more effectively education and defense of victims of human rights violations workshops in diversity, racism, sexism, homophobia and an educational webpage and materials Nika+ ensured safety of members of your organization Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization Asociacion de Usanos de Servicios de Salud Mental's We Become Stronger to Recuperate Our Lives project ensured safety of members of your organization MSM+ New Generation - Taking care of our health condition project HIV/AIDS treatment advocacy and literacy among drug users in the Chiangmai and Chiang Rai provinces of Northern Thailand Involving the Silenced including non-English speaking HIV positive sex workers in HIV and treatment policy debates To eradicate opportunistic infection and antiretroviral treatment literacy ignorance, and Hepatitis B and C for people living with HIV To eradicate opportunistic infection and anhretrovual treatment ignorance, and create a comfortable community environment for the reintegration of former rehabilitation residents who are HIV positive Anh-retrowral treatment literacy Developing capacity on AIDS work in the network of people living with HIV/AIDS in Chiang Mai Karen Student Network Group's Karen-Language HIV/AIDS radio drama series Udonthani Network of People Living with AIDS's development of people living with HIV/AIDS as leaders for treatment access treatment preparedness for people living with HIV in Myanmar continued work promoting and strengthening strategies that empower Rwandan women

Amount 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Manner of Payment Check Wire - International Wire - International International International International International

00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico

10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 Wire - International Wire-International Check Check

Urgent Action Fund Africa

Sage Centre / Klabona Keepers Society Environmental-Abonginal Guardianship Through Law and Education Organization for the Advancement of Aboriginal Peoples' Health Centro Integral de AtencuOn a las Mujeres Proyecto de Derechos Economicos Sociales y Culturales, AC / Proyecto pars to Defensa del Temtono y Recursos Naturales de los Pueblos Indi Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres AC Centro de Derechos Humanos del Migrante A C Diversidades y No-Discnmmacion A C PSP Fund Organizacion Feminina Popular Organ zacion Femmma Popular Asociacion pro Derechos Humanos I Asociacion de Usanos de Servicios de Salud Mental Orgamzacion Feminina Popular Thailand Business Coalition on AIDS Chiangmai Branch / Violet Home , Chiang Mai Asian Harm Reduction Network Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers Institute for Social Development Studies / Ocean Love Group Catholic Committee Ho Chi Minh City / Blue Group

10,000 00 Check 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International

North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico Russia and the Newly Independent States South America South America South America South America South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia

10,000 00 Wire - Intemational 10,000 00 Wire -International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 00 Wire 00 Wire00 Wire 00 Wire International International International International

10,000 00 Wire - Intemabonal 10,000 00 Wire-International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 10,000 00 Wire - International Wire - International

Positive Women of Hope Organization Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, Chiang Mai Asian Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS / Karen Student Network Group Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, Chiang Mai / Udonthani Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS International HIV/AIDS Alliance I GIPA Proj ect Initiative Group Rwanda Women ' s Network

South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa

10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00

Wire-International Wire - International Wire - International

10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outs ide the United States




Name of Organization Secours Avicole et VIH/SIDA Association Duhuze Imbarga Creation Positive Komku Trust Rural Women's Movement Promotion at Developpement Humam Shapagat Association Meres et Enfants Solidaires Kampong Cham Provincial PLHAS Network Chengdu Tangle Health Counseling and Services Center Association Solidante Sante National Accountability Group Institute for Social Development Studies / Thai Nguyen Bright Futures Group No 1 Penang Family Healthy Development Association Life Plus Delta Foundation Reseau Malian des Associations de Personnes vivant avec to VIH/SIDA Mission of Generous Cambodian Alliance LSM Pantura Plus Society for Women and AIDS In Africa Littoral Branch ONG Espoir 3000 Positive Women of Hope Organization / Our Family Development Traditional and Modem Health Practitioners Together Against AIDS

Region Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Russia and the Newly Independent States Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia East Asia and the Pacific Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia South Asia Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia Middle East and North Africa

Purpose of Grant Treatment education of people living with HIV/AIDS in Kinshasa for good adherence to orphans and vulnerable children Education and advocacy in favour of people living with HIV/AIDS Protect to fight against the stigmatization and discrim i nation of people living with HIV/AIDS in the town of Douala work establishing Komku Trust for San / Bushmen communities payment of your directors salary Intensive treatment education for people living with HIV/AIDS Development of social support for HIV-positive addicts and their education in questions of methadone therapy Reinforcement of members ' capacities in treatment , compliance and computer skills Improving the quality of life of people living with HIV Evaluation and advocacy protect of Sichuan Province HIV treatment for men having sex with men with HIV Fight against stigmatization discrimination related to HIV/AIDS in Brazzaville enhancement of community grants assessment and planning and Mali conference participation Coffee Shop for Counseling Cafe Support for HIV/AIDS Treatment Highly active anbretrowral therapy (HAART) adherence , the key to good health protect H IV/AIDS treatment advocacy protect Establishing links with people l i ving with HIV/ AIDS, family physicians and treatment centers Production of tracts and posters on orphans and vulnerable children Mobilizing communities to support HIV-related access in affected areas Increasing adherence and access to anliretrovual treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in three districts of West Java Treatment education for the community of people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Douala Treatment education and medical assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS protect Effectiveness of anbretroviral treatment project continued work continued work promoting, improving, and disseminating information about traditional medical practices, and carrying out AIDS education in Uganda and Africa Assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Lome for good adherence West African radio programs on women's rights

Amount Manner of Payment 10,000 00 Wire - Intemabonal 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 10,000 9,999 9,998 00 00 00 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire International Intemaoonal International International

9,997 00 Wire - International 9,995 00 Wire - International 9,98824 Wire - Intemabonal 9.98800 Wire - International 9.98575 Wire - International 9,98500 Wire - International

9,98000 Wire - International 9,97000 Wire - International 9.96600 Wire - International 9,96300 9,963 00 9,960 00 9,872 00 9,81000 9,680 00 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

9,675 32 Wire - International

Acton Sante Pour Taus Fahamu Trust YR Gadonde Center for AIDS Research and Education

Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) South Asia

HIV treatment education and psychosocial programs for people living with HIV/AIDS and their caregivers
Treatment literacy and empowerment for self reliance among HIV positive women ensured safety of members of your organization Treatment advocacy and education for the purpose of increasing the quality of treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in self-support groups "Friendship 1" and "Friendship 2." and in the rest of the community continued work providing housing and education to orphaned children AIDS Walk, Chocos Village Protect, and China Earthquake promote the social and economic well being of the inhabitants of the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR) within a sustainable framework continued work providing opportunities for musicians at all levels to make music together Local treatment education initiative for the victims of war in the rural areas of Bubanza To enhance the lives of two hundred and seventy people living with HIV/AIDS, and their families, and strengthen the support systems through information , education and communication sessions, and the provision of social, psycholog i cal and nutritional support work encourag i ng retailers to use local or FSC certified tropical wood altemati ves

9,660 00 9.64971 9.60600 9,50000 9.50000 9,500 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - Intemabonal

Giramatsiko Post Test Club and Rural HIV Positive Women Middle East and North Africa Empowerment Organizacion Feminina Popular South America Women, AIDS. Reproductive Health Center / Friendship Group in Ho South Asia Chi Minh City Center for Children's Happiness Roche Employee Action and Chanty Trust ProPetdn Foundation Canadian Amateur Musicians Developpement Agropastoral at Sanitaire Friend's United Group South Asia Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Central American and the Caribbean North America (including Canada and Mexico Sub-Saharan Africa South America

9,500 00 Wire - International 9.38740 Wire - International 9.34661 Wire - International 9.27334 9.20000 9,11500 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Les Amis de la Terre

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland )

9,000 00


Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States




Name of Organization InfOGM Urgent Action Fund Africa Institute for Social Development Studies / Bac Ninh Bright Futures Group 1 ONG Rayouwan Mato Today's Women International Network Positive Women Network / Kerala Positive Women Network

Region Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa South Asia Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia

Purpose of Grant Manner of Payment Amount publication of two periodicals regarding genetically modified plants 9,000 00 Check ensure the safety of UAF-Afnca member 9.00000 Wire - International Project to increase actwbes to support treatment and eradicate treatment ignorance for 8,93700 Wire - International people living with HIV/AIDS response to violence against women in situations of armed conflict through awareness raising 8,842 00 Wire - International and increased communication capacity participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South 8,755 00 Wire - International Africa Empowering women as treatment advocates and as treatment counselors for the 8.737 00 Wire - International International Treatment and Preparedness Coalition and Kerala Positive Women Network participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South Africa continued work to help British Columblans exercise local control to create healthy and prosperous communities Red Ribbon Centre of Linxiang District Lincang City's Anbretroviral access and education project Community mobilization to fight against stigmatization and discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS in the Kasai Western Province, Democratic Republic of Congo Peer to Peer protect Penan Preschools project community grants program participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South Africa implementation of Heart Talk rap groups in eight cities as a means of psychological intervention against HIV institutional capacity building for the African Partnership for the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Women and Girls protection of the Baumettes site in the Hospitalet du Larzac village work on biodiversity and seed varieties in organic farming safe and environmentally sound shipbreaking forest and climate change project Teacher's salaries (ongoing) Second school building to expand access for students Buying rice at harvest time as seed stock for the next planting season Food security Expanding Micro-credit Are You on Treatment?" anhretrowral information booklet humanitarian support of Batwa Pygmies participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South Africa continued work advancing environmental protection continued work on a regional and sustainable approach to planning and development in the Galilee To support the education of the Costa Rican population and sensitize them with basic and necessary tools that will allow them to know the importance to adherence to anbretrowral medications, and allow them to preserve their sexual health and learn about their rights and duties To support the education of the Costa Rican population and sensitize them with basic and necessary tools that will allow them to know the importance to adherence to anbretrowral medications, and allow them to preserve their sexual health and learn about their rights and duties compensation of staff person, Jose Valcarcel continued work supporting the restoration and maintenance of Tutagangga study of pollution in Merone 8,599 00 8,549 34 8,412 35 Wire - International Check Wire - International

Association pour la Defense des Droits des Enfants at des Femmes an Gurnee Dogwood Initiative Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company / Red Ribbon Centre of Linxiang District Lincang City Association des Veuves du Kasai-Onental

Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico East Asia and the Pacific

Sub-Saharan Africa Russia and the Newly Independent States South Asia Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Middle East and North Africa Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland)

8,393 00 Wire - International 8,390 00 Wire - International 8,12390 Wire - International 8,11555 Wire - International 8,070 53 Wire - International


Association des Jeunes Agnculteurs at Eleveurs du DApartement d'Oussouye ComitO Regional de Sohdante des Femmes pour la Paix an Casamance Beijing Gender Health Education Institute Research Action & Information Network for the Bodily Integrity of Women Association de Sauvegarde des Baumettes Coordination Rhone-Alpes de I 'Agnculture Biologique NGO Platform on Shipbreaking Sherpa Association Zahana

8,00000 Wire - International 8.00000 Wire - Domestic 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 00 00 00 00 00 Check Check Check Check Wire - International

Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Services Society Union of Associations for Gorillas Conservation and Community Development Forum pour un Developpement Durable Endogene

South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Central American and the Caribbean

8,000 00 Wire - International 8,000 00 Wire - International 7,944 61 7,600 00 7,600 00 7,500 00 Wire - Intemabonal Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Link to the Environment

Neighbors for Joint Development in the Galilee Costa Rican Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS

Costa Rican Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS

Central American and the Caribbean

7,500 00

Wire - International

Escuelas pare la Vida Donors of Tirtagangga Foundation Rate Donne Bdanza

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

7,500 00 7,500 00 7,500 00

Wire - International Wire - International Check

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States





Name of Organization Girl Child Network Sociedade Terra Viva Samanvaya Ashram Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Heilongjiang Silk Road of Love People Living with HIV/AIDS Group South India Positive Network Samaritan Society of Mizoram / Positive Network of Mizoram Asoclacion Naclonal de Personas Posdivas Vida Nueva Environmental Research. Mapping and Information Systems in Africa Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling

Region Middle East and North Africa South America South Asia East Asia and the Pacific

Purpose of Grant institutional and technical capacity building People as Protagonists program continued support of schools, reforestation efforts and village development work Treatment and education project

Amount Manner of Payment 7.50000 Wire - International 7.50000 Wire - International 7,377 00 Bank Draft 7,334 56 Wire - International

South Asia South Asia Central American and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland)

Transgender treatment preparedness advocacy Mizoram HIV/AIDS treatment advocacy project Promoting better TB/HIV program collaboration activities as a person living with HIV/AIDS' response to a better handling of TB/HIV co-infection in El Salvador Capacity Building for Indigenous Natural Resource Management Caring Centre's Shanxi treatment education and second line advocacy project Mobilization of the men having sex with men community of people living with HIV/AIDS work protecting the lynx in France legal challenge to a warehouse and lorry park proposed on the West Thurrock Marshes Involvement of Moldovan people living with HIV in the decision-making process Increasing awareness and accessibility of information on treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS Development of the potential of the Latvian Union of People Living with HIV and the Baltic Positive community International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) communications plan for the Women and Children in Africa region Support. Trustworthiness, and Development Development of work with people living with HIV/AIDS among men having sex with men Development of a community of people living with HIV, who have had experience with criminal behavior and the use of psycho-active substances Providing an informational office for people living with HIV/AIDS Assistance for the treatment of vulnerable groups and people infected with HIV educational program work to advance the rights of disabled women by making them visible Development of the potential of pregnant women and mothers living with HIV in St Petersburg Yunan people living with HIV/AIDS treatment education and advocacy project Support and development of services for men having sex with men in Moscow and the Moscow region continued work to improve health services and awareness HIV/AIDS prevention and care for men having sex with men communities in Armenia Providing access to services for women IV drug users Treatment literacy programme for the workers providing health services in Sri Lanka Treatment education and family services for people living with HIV/AIDS at the Changsha Infectious Diseases Hospital Treatment literacy project income generation project in Yunnan directed by Bitter Grass Workshop, HIV awareness promotion and performance directed by the Women Federation of Menghan County, and HIV education among women migrants in Yunnan directed by Women Migrant Education Association How to approach the problem of antiretroviral treatment adherence in people living with HIV/AIDS, who are receiving services at the Infectious-Contagious Disease Center project How to approach the problem of anbretrovual treatment adherence in people living with HIV/AIDS, who are receiving services at the Infectious-Contagious Disease Center project

7,237 00 7,18000 7.15000

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

7,15000 Wire - International 7,13382 Wire - International

Service Company / Caring Centre

Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network CEE-HRN / Europe (including Iceland and Republican Youth Public Association Vstrecha FERUS Groupe Loup France Artus Europe (including Iceland and Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust Europe (including Iceland and League of People Living with HIV of Moldova Europe (including Iceland and Chartable Organization Ruka Dopomohi Europe (including Iceland and Bledriba Apvieniba HIV LV International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS Tambov Regional Public Organisation for fighting with AIDS Vestnik+ Social Support and Public Health Foundation Positive Wave Svecha Regional NGO Life Line NGO New Vektor La Fundacion De La Candelana Association for Rural Society Charitable Female Foundation Astra Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company / Yunling Candle Light PLWHA Moscow Region Public Organization with People living with HIV Pozibv Region Fundacion Education Popular an Salud We For Civil Equality NGO Public Foundation Astena Lanka Plus Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Hunan Friend Love Home HIV/AIDS Working Group Manipur Network of Positive People / Manipur Network of Positive People Churachandpur Yunnan Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control 7,000 00 Wire - International 7,00000 Check 7,000 00 Check 7,000 00 Wire - International 7,00000 Wire - International 7,00000 Wire - International 7.00000 7,00000 Wire - International Wire - International

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States South America South Asia Russia and the Newly Independent States East Asia and the Pacific Russia and the Newly Independent States South America Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States South Asia East Asia and the Pacific South Asia East Asia and the Pacific

7,00000 Wire - International 7,00000 Wire - International 7.00000 7,000 00 7,000 00 7,00000 6,99580 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International

6,991 76 Wire - International 6,97620 6.97500 6.95800 6,874 00 6,800 00 6,732 35 Wire - International Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International

6,523 00 Wire - International 6,50000 Wire - International

Asoclacion Civil Hilo De Vida / Uruguayan Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Asociacion Civil Hilo Do Vida / Uruguayan Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS

South America


Wire - International

South America

6,450 00

Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part 11 Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States





Name of Organization Cornerstone Foundation Asociacion Nicaraguense de personas con VIH y SIDA Asociaclon Nicaraguense de personas con VIH y SIDA Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Enjoying Sunshine Together Fundacion Vida Libre Venezuelean Network of Positive People Venezuelean Network of Positive People Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Henan Zhumadian Red Ribbon Centro Parroquial Ecumenico Rosa Blanca / Grupo de Ayudo Hermanos de Sangre France Nature Environnement Association Citoyenne Active de Lutte Contra les Pollutions Union of Associations for Gorillas Conservation and Community Development Pro-Vision Udaan Trust Tides Canada Foundation Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Xin Yang Green Bamboo PLWHA Self Help Group Asociacion de Mujeres por el Desarrollo del Caqueta y La Region

Region Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean East Asia and the Pacific South America South America South America East Asia and the Pacific South America

Purpose of Grant AIDS Link Newsletters protect Public advocacy plan Public advocacy plan Treatment advocacy protect in Suzhou Constitution of the network of organizations and mutual support groups Leaders of Venezuela participating in the change Leaders of Venezuela participating in the change Treatment and care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Queshan City Radio as a means of communication, citizenship, monitoring and political participation in the fight against HIV/AIDS with an emphasis in access to treatment and holistic care for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Ucayali Green Gold versus Yellow Gold campaign project efforts to fight against Incinerator pollution and related health problems Humanitarian Support for Pygmies (Batwa) Promotion of antiretroviral treatment literacy and adherence to treatment among the people living with HIV/AIDS In the Tirunelveli District of the Tamil Nadu state of India Treatment, education and advocacy in Maharashtra Round River Canada, Taku River Conservation Protect Treatment education and advocacy Education of people living with HIV/AIDS and community leaders through training in citizen participation, social control and monitoring in the municipality of Florencia Caqueta, Colombia HIV/AIDS treatment education project work protecting Montagu's Hamer populations in Rhone-Alper work strengthening your communications capacity Greater treatment access protect International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Communications project Information support and treatment advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS treatment and care protect Community HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme (CHIP) work providing information to mayors in the Rhone-Alpes region and asking them to make a commitment on the GM crop issue Xinjiang Yining City Red Ribbon Centre's Greater treatment access protect of Xinjiang City We Are Friends program Adherence education for HIV/Tuberculosis co-infection

Amount 6.37500 6,350 00 6,350 00 6,346 32 6,346 00 6,251 00 6,251 00 6.24596

Manner of Payment Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International

6,17850 Wire - Intemabonal

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia South Asia North America (including Canada and Mexico East Asia and the Pacific South America

6,000 00 6,000 00 6,00000

Check Check Wire - International

5,955 00 Wire - International 5,921 00 Wire - International 5,910 00 Check 5,875 68 Wire - International 5,832 50 Wire - International

Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control I Hebei Yongqing PLWHA Self-help Group CORA - Centre Omdhologique RhOne-Alpes Association des Jeunesses Agncoles do Casamance Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company / Xiangfan Red Ribbon Centre Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Urumqi Tian Tong Caring and Loving Home Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control / Xincai County Farmer Health Group Community Youth Mobilisation R6s'OGM Info Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company / Xinjiang Yining City Red Ribbon Centre Asociacion Colectivo Violets Guangxi Nanning Hongchoudai Health Information Counseling Service Company / Zhecheng County Civic Organization for AIDS

East Asia and the Pacific Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa

5,781 18 Wire - International 5,743 40 Check 5,702 90 Wire - International 5,636 03 Wire - International 5,600 00 5,474 85 Wire - International Wire - International

5,435 29 Wire - International 5,427 50 Wire - International 5,400 00 Check 5,396 76 Wire - international 5,280 00 5.04679 Wire - International Wire - International

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

East Asia and the Pacific Central American and the Caribbean East Asi a and the Pacific

Sakaar Samuha Nepal Muter Sin Limits Asociacion Gente Positiva Asociacion de Mujeres pars la Integracion de la Familia an Nicaragua Muter Sin Limits Asociacion Colectivo de Mujeres 8 de Marzo/ Red de Mujeres contra la Centro de la Mujer Accion Ya National Network of Mongolian Women's NGOs (MONFEMNET) Beijing Gender Health Education Institute South Asia Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific Community based HIV treatment, advocacy, and education programme the ensured safety of members of your organization Home Visits Project awareness raising work on women's human rights ensured safety of members of your organization awareness raising campaign regarding an escalation of violence against women awareness raising campaign on women's human rights awareness raising campaign on women's rights in Mongolia development of new HIV prevention initiatives among men having sex with men (MSM) 5,006 5,000 5,000 5,000 51 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire International International International International

5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States





Name of Organization Beijing Yangguangyisheng Consulting Service Center

Region East Asia and the Pacific

Manner of Payment Amount Purpose of Grant 5,000 00 Wire - International continued work providing medical services and technological support to people living in poorly resourced areas

Beijing Yangguangyisheng Consulting Service Center

Mongolian Women's Fund Hnub DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic Landessportfischerverband Schleswig Holstein e V Bergwaldprojekt e V Environmental Law Foundation Association Pour le Reboisement et to Protection du Cengle SainteVictoire New Generation of Women's Initiatives - Naujos Kartos Moteru Iniciatyvos Organbidexka Col Libre Gendreck weg Permaculture Association (Britain) / Earth Activist Training The Climate Movement Foundation for Small Enterprise Economic Development Pesticide Action Network Germany Kamuli Young Positives Nomadic Integrated Development and Research Agency

East Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and the Europe (including Europe (including Europe (including Europe (including Europe (including Pacific Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland Iceland

continued work providing medical services and technological support to people living in poorly
resourced areas Awareness Raising Campaign on Women's Rights development of model local organic food markets in the Czech Republic Argo Stor Bramau's work reintroducing Atlantic salmon in Germany tools, materials, and volunteer overhead costs employing a project lawyer to provide specialist legal advice in early stages of matters planting of 2,000 species of trees which are resistant to fire and climate changes and are able to replant themselves Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights work on hunting and poaching in the Pyrenees work on a field liberation handbook for the STOP GMO-crops project, in Germany Earth Activist Training's work training activists in permaculture and social issues I Count Communities project 2008 Managing Growth entrepreneurial training program networking for improved farmer livelihoods and a sustainable environment Increased access to treatment and information on treatment literacy and preparedness among young positives in the Kamuli District of Uganda Continuation of promotion and improvement of access to antiretroviral treatment in Kajiado, Kenya, treatment literacy and adherence through community distribution, and home-based counseling and testing among the infected and affected rural nomadic community Community-based literacy and advocacy project Advocacy for pediatric treatment access for people living with HIV Advocacy and treatment literacy training for women living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania Treatment literacy and advocacy for children and people living with HIV/AIDS Empowering communities to integrate tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS related activities Zanzibar Treatment Preparedness and Advocacy Project, phase 2 Establishment of a Mogadishu District treatment committee, in Somalia Advocacy for improved access, knowledge in sexual reproductive health rights of women living with HIV/AIDS Enhancing treatment preparedness and treatment literacy, care and support to the people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in the Bondo District, Kenya Kenya Pediatric Treatment Advocacy Project Improving treatment services and access for young people living with HIV/AIDS Improving access to HIV treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in Butembe county, Uganda Empowering positive women associations' members through training on awareness and advocacy, and promoting access to antiretroviral treatment Community mobilization through radio and television continued work conducting projects such as youth outreach and substance abuse prevention campaigns continued work promoting health, life skills, and fun for boys and girls through sports Establishing and strengthening the capacity of people living with HIV/AIDS networks, and treatment advocacy continued work ensuring that the next generation of Kenya's leaders includes women from diverse economic backgrounds Funds for an Awareness Raising Campaign on Women's Human Rights Improving treatment literacy and preparedness among young women living with HIV in Kenya Home based care entry point to community preparedness and treatment literacy in

5,000 00 Wire - International

5,000 00 5,000 00 5.00000 5,000 00 5,00000 5,000 00 5,00000 5,000 00 5,000 00 5.00000 5.00000 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,00000 5,000 00 Wire - International Wire - Intemabonal Check Check Check Check Wire - International Check Check Wire - International Check Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International

and and and and and

Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland)

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Europe (including Iceland and Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland) Greenland)

Dawn of Hope Ethiopia Tanzania National Network of People Living with HIV National Network of Tanzanian Women with HIV/AIDS AIDS Information Centre Health Rights Action Group Zanzibar Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee / Southern Somalia AIDS Concerned Organization Family Health Trust Ray of Good Hope

Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle

East East East East East East East

and and and and and and and

North North North North North North North

Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa

5,000 00 5.00000 5,000 00 5.00000 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00

Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire

International International International International International International International

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Coast People Living with HIV/AIDS Middle East and North Africa Registered Trustees of Africa Alive Middle East and North Africa Family Support and Orphan Care for People Living and Affected with Middle East and North Africa

National Network of Positive Women Ethiopians Sudanese People Living with HIV/AIDS Care Association Uganda Youth Development Link The Kids League Uganda Committee of Concern Somalia / Djibouti AIDS Networking Akili Dada Al-Tufula Center - Nazareth Nurseries Institute Network of Men Living with HIV/AIDS / Kenya National Association of Young Women Living with HIV/AIDS Family In Need Trust Sambatra Izay Salama Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,00000 Wire - International 5,00000 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,00000 5.00000 5,000 00 5.00000 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - Intemational Wire - International

Capacity building of People Living with HIV/AIDS advocating for free access to medical care in Madagascar

Form 990 Schedule F. Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States





Name of Organization National Network of Tanzanian Women with HIV/AIDS Tanzania National Network of People Living with HIV Family In Need Trust Coast People Living with HIV/AIDS Sinza Youth Peer Educators

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

Purpose of Grant
Advocacy and treatment literacy training for women living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania Advocacy for pediatric treatment access for people living with HIV An integrated advocacy support program to increase knowledge and understanding of the coinfection of Tuberculosis and HIV treatment support in the Chimanimani District Kenya Pediatric Treatment Advocacy Project Empower a group of young people living with HIV/AIDS so that they are able to have full access to information, knowledge and skills regarding treatment literacy and preparedness Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization Increased access to treatment and information on treatment literacy and preparedness among young positives in the Kamuli District of Uganda work raising awareness on women's human rights Empowering communities to integrate tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS related activities Improving access to HIV treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in Butembe county, Uganda Improving treatment services and access for young people living with HIV/AIDS Zanzibar Treatment Preparedness and Advocacy Protect, phase 2 support of Kisakye Memorial Special Needs School Enhancing treatment preparedness and treatment literacy, care and support to the people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in the Bondo District, Kenya Enhanced meaningful involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS in their treatment project Improving lives of people living with HIV/AIDS through empowering them to have income in their families Establishment of a Mogadishu Distnct treatment committee. in Somalia Advocacy for improved access to knowledge in sexual reproductive health rights of women living with HIV/AIDS Kenya National Association of Young Women Living with HIV/AIDS to improve treatment literacy and preparedness among young women living with HIV in Kenya Empowering positive women associations' members through training on awareness and advocacy, and promoting access to anbretrovual treatment work creating awareness about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the dwarf community Community mobilization through radio and television Establishing and strengthening the capacity of people living with HIV/AIDS networks, and treatment advocacy

Amount Manner of Payment 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 Wire - International Wire - International

Blue Veins (Women Welfare and Relief Services) Kamuli Young Positives

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Afnca Africa Afnca Africa Africa Africa Afnca Africa

5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5.00000 5.00000 5.00000 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International

Bargad Middle East and North Health Rights Action Group Middle East and North Family Support and Orphan Care for People Living and Affected with Middle East and North HIV/AIDS Registered Trustees of Africa Alive Middle East and North Zanzibar Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS Middle East and North Foundation for Development of Needy Communities Middle East and North Ray of Good Hope Middle East and North Batanai HIV/AIDS Support Group Giramatsiko Post Test Club and Rural HIV Positive Women Empowerment Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee / Southern Somalia AIDS Concerned Organization Family Health Trust Network of Men Living with HIV/AIDS / Kenya National Association of Young Women Living with HIV/AIDS National Network of Positive Women Ethiopians Little People of Uganda Sudanese People Living with HIV/AIDS Care Association Committee of Concern Somalia / Diiboub AIDS Networking Femmes Actives de Cote D'Ivolre Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto Foundation I Children's Aid Society of Toronto Seventh Generation Fund / Secwepemc Nation Youth Network Environmental-Abonginat Guardianship Through Law and Education Pronatura Noreste

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Afnca Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,00000 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 Wire - International Wire - Intemahonal

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 Wire - International Wire - International Check Check Wire - International

Capacity building on the integration of reproductive health and family planning activities in HIV treatment, support and prevention programs
Children's Aid Society of Toronto's Out and Proud Resource Manual Secwepemc Nation Youth Network' Back to the Land Project

educational mining curriculum, materials and workshops for Aboriginal communities

support of the work of Elena Chavama and her associates with the Asociacion de Estudios y Proteccion de Bosques Costeros y Bahias del Mar de Cones, A C . as well as with conservation efforts in the Sierra de Alamos Funds for Increased Safety of Members of the Organization continued work conserving the flora and fauna of priority ecosystems in Mexico Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights continued work serving the youth and families of the Bay St Lawrence area awareness raising work on women's human rights work in support of victims of violence and women at risk, assistance to families who are victims of feminicide, advocacy for abortion rights, education of at-nsk communities, programs to prevent teenage pregnancy and public education programs

Centro pare los Derechos de la Muter Naaxwun A C - (CDMN) Pronatura Noreste Consorcio pars el Dialogo Partamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A C Bay St Lawrence Community Center Luna del Sur Asociacion Civil Centro Las Libras de Informaclon en Salud Sexual, Region Centro AC

North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico

5,000 00 Wire - International 5.000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 Wire - International Wire - Intemahonal Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States





Name of Organization Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montana Tlachmollan A C / Organizaci6n de Mujeres Ecologistas do la Sierra de Petatl9n A C Picas y Platicas, A C

Region North America (including Canada and Mexico

Purpose of Grant Amount Organizaa6n de Mujeres Ecotogistas de la Sierra de Petatltn's creation of a sustainable form 5,000 00 of food security and income using agriculture-based micro-enterprises provision of psychological counseling, treatment and education programs regarding the 5.00000 5,000 00

Manner of Payment Wire - International

North America (including Canada and Mexico

Wire - International Wire - International

dangers and effects of drugs

Asociaclon Jalsciense de Apoyo a los Grupos Indigenas, Asociacion North America (including Canada and Mexico Civil Letra S Side Culture Y Vida Cotidiana, A C North America (including Canada and Mexico Tequlo Juridico A C North America (including Canada and Mexico work defending the Wixanka indigenous people's rights to territory and natural resources using traditional, legal, and human rights protection mechanisms work on the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases through education on healthy sexual practices work with indigenous communities of the Chontales, Zapotecas and mixed peoples through education and the defense of agricultural nghts, labor rights, women's rights and indigenous

5,00000 Wire - International 5.00000 Wire - International

Convivencia y Espacio Publico A C Red Mesa do Mu/ores do Ciudad Juarez A C Ryan's Well Foundation Federation Combined Jewish Appeal Humanitarian Action Organization Q Helsinki Committee for Human Rights In Serbia Fundacion Centro Ecuatonano para la Promotion y Accion do la Mujer Fordo pare Ayudas de Emergencia y Portalecimiento North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States South America South America South America South America South South South South America America America America web-based information center for data and discussions about drug use in Mexico from a harm reduction and public information perspective communication and public education strategies and workshops and training for community leaders' rapid response to crimes against women in the city of Juarez Machinga District Water and Sanitation Project - Malawi operations and grantmakmg to family programs International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Communications Project ensured safety of its members during the Queer Sarajevo Festival ensured safety of your organization's members awareness raising campaign on women's rights ensure the safety of FFP members Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights ensure the safety of the members of the CCM Project regarding learning your rights for a better quality of life Peer counseling on anti-retrowrl treatment adherence ensured safety of members of your organization Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights Funds for increased safety of the members of the organization awareness raising campaign on women's rights work building awareness of the human rights of the disabled awareness raising campaign regarding indigenous women's rights awareness raising campaign in response to escalating violence against indigenous

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - Intemabonal 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,00000 5,000 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Wire - International Wire - Intemabonal

Solidaridad y Organizacion Local - (SOL) Abogados Sin Fronteras an Colombia / Corporation Contigo Muter Perspectiva Social Vivo an Positivo Asociacion do Mu/eras Lideres Desplazadas on Resistencia El Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristan / Federacion Nacional do Muteres Campesinas, Artesanas, Indigenas Fortalec miento del Mowmiento Femenlno por la Paz Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres Corporacion Contigo Mujer Land is Life / Nacionalidad Zapara de la Amazonia Ecuatonana (NAZAE) Fundacion Centro Ecuatonano pare la Promocion y Accion de la Mu/or National Union of Blind Peru Fortalecimiento del Mowmiento Femenino por la Paz Ruts Pacifica de las Mujeres Consejo Regional Indigena del Cauca

00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International 00 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

South America South America South America South America South America South America South America

5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5.00000 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00

Centro de Invesbgacion y Promocion Educativa / Secretana de South America Genero de Fejuve el Alto Asociaclon Colectivo Mujeres Al Derecho South America KADAIT Inc / Zamboanga Peninsula Center for Indigenous People's South Asia

Secretana de Genero do Fejuve el Alto's awareness raising campaign on women's rights ensured safety of members of your organization ensure the safety of ZPCIPWC members Funds for a Women's Peace Building Project To improve education and literacy on how to prolong and live a better qualitative life with HIV/Hepatitis co-infection ensure the safety of members of Khadidja-Davao 24th Annual Cordillera Day Celebration Increasing the knowledge and understanding of opportunistic infections and anhretrovual treatment, and issues related to treatment by developing and maintaining the'Antiretroviral Treatment Taker Club" and building a treatment support network

Women's Concern
Nimaya Hepa Foundation Mindanao Interfaith Services Foundation / Khadidja - Davao Cordillera Peoples' Alliance Institute for Social Development Studies / Hon Gai Bright Futures Group South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States





Name of Organization KARAPATAN Rakhaing Women's Union Pagkakaisa Ng Kababaihan Para Sa Inang Bayan Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers Rakhaing Women's Union Mindanao Interfaith Services Foundation / Federation of Suara

Region South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South South South South Asia Asia Asia Asia

Purpose of Grant Funds for an Awareness Raising Campaign on the Rights of Women Activists Funds for an Awareness Raising Campaign on Women's Human Rights Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization Funds for Awareness Raising Campaign Regarding the Rights of Sex Workers Funds to Provide Assistance to Women Activists Affected by Cyclone Nargis Funds for Increased Safety of the members of FSBWO ensured safety of the members of your organization Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Human Rights Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization operating costs Nakasa to ensure the safety of its members awareness raising campaign on women's human rights Liga ng Kabataang Moro-Lanao's awareness raising campaign on women's rights ensured safety of members of your organization ensured safety of members of RMP-NMR Rural Poor Women's Apostolate ensured safety of the members of PAKAPASUG continued work to defend rights and protect housing for indigenous communities from openpit mining and oil exploitation Active Schools project Capacity building and strengthening Buro Community HIV/AIDS treatment, advocacy and education "Women Wake Up," an HIV/AIDS women's education and empowerment project Capacity building for treatment related interventions literacy and advocacy for people living with AIDS Capacity building and strengthening Buro Community Groups' HIV/AIDS treatment, advocacy and education Anbretrovi ral treatment support program Maun Counseling Centers Tuberculosis control program therapeutic education support for women living with HIV/AIDS

Amount 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,00000 5,00000 5,000 00 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000

Manner of Payment Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International International International International International

Bangsamoro Women Organizations

Womens Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) InPeace Mmdmao, Inc Environmental Cooperation and Linkages Incorporated Archdiocesan Health Apostolate, Incorporated / Samahan ng Maralitang Kababalhang Nagkakaisa - Northern Region Pagkakaisa Ng Kababaihan Para Sa Inang Bayan I Movement for Nationalism and Democracy (MND) - Mindanao InPeace Mindinao, Inc / Liga ng Kabataang Moro-Lanao Center for Children's Happiness Disaster Response Center / Nagkahiusang Kababayen-an as 00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire 00 Wire -

South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia South Asia

5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 Wire - International 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 5.00000 5.00000 5.00000 5,000 00 $ 20,040,823 19 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

Sarangani Province
Meakea Stray InPeace Mindinao. Inc / Liga ng Kabataang Moro-Lanao Rural Missionaries of the Philippines- Southern Mindanao Region Archdiocesan Health Apostolate, Incorporated / RMP-NMR Rural Poor Women's Apostolate Pagkakaisa Ng Kababashan Para Sa Inang Bayan / PAKAPASUG JATAM (Mining Advocacy Network)

Rotary Club of Port Elizabeth Sub-Saharan Africa Nlapkhwane Community Development Trust Sub-Saharan Africa Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee / Buro Community Groups Sub-Saharan Africa Rwanda Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Active Youth in Development Organisation Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa

Nlapkhwane Community Development Trust Sub-Saharan Africa Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee / Buro Community Groups Sub-Saharan Africa Umdoni and Vulamehlo HIV/AIDS Association Botswana Christian AIDS Intervention Programme / Maun Counseling Center Association Solidarite Santa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States





Organization Name Rudolf Steiner Foundation

Third Way


Address 1002A O'Reilly AvenueD San Francisco, CA 941290915 1025 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 5010 Washington, DC 20036 1101 Vermont Avenue, NWO Suite 9000 Washington, CA 20005 2000 L Street. NW #7020 Washington, DC 20036 PO Box 30750 Southeastern, PA 19398 870 Market StreetO Suite 7280 San Francisco, CA 94102 1847 Berkeley WayD Berkeley, CA 94703 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWO

EIN 13-6082763

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 1,500,000

Purpose General support


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


educational programs within National Security, Middle Class Economics and Culture


For Profit Corporation

801,853 subsidizing the cost of services to 501(c)(3) chanties

Third Way Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Horizons Foundation

20-1734070 23-2888152 94-2686530

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

725,000 666,491

National Security and Middle Class Economics Programs Salzart Fund #856217

629,725 Live Oak Fund

Intemational Rivers Network Center for Independent Media


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

033-1137541 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

500,000 general support

Suite 6350
Center for Independent Media Washington, DC 20009 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWD Suite 6250 Washington, DC 20009 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NWD Suite 3000 Washington. DC 20036 44 Montgomery StreelO Suite 23100 San Francisco, CA 94104 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWD Suite 6350 Washington, DC 20009 438 14th StreetO Suite 10050 Oakland, CA 94612 4400 Auburn BoulevardO Second FloorD Sacramento, CA 95841 737 West Childs AvenueD Merced, CA 95340 670 Ninth StreetD Suite 2030 Arcata, CA 95521 1180 Fourth StreetO Suite BD Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4010 222 West 39th AvenueD San Mateo, CA 94403 033-1137541 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 500,000 general support

Media Matters for America


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

PowerPAC Foundation


Incorporated, Exemption Pend

500,000 civic engagement program

Center for Independent Media

033-1137541 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

490,000 general support

Reconnecting America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

475,000 Transportation for America (T4A) coalition

California Rural Indian Health Board


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

400,000 California Networks for EHR Adoption project to support the documentation of lessons learned from a rural implementation of EHR at tribal health programs across the state 400,000 California Networks for EHR Adoption project to support the implementation of an EHR among safety net clinics in North Merced and West Modesto 400,000 California Networks for EHR Adoption project to support the implementation of an EHR

Golden Valley Health Center Open Door Community Health Centers

94-2196086 95-2671433

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Redwood Community Health Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


California Networks for EHR Adoption project to support EHR adoption and roll out and documentation among ten member clinics in Sonoma, Mann, Napa and Yolo counties

San Mateo County Health Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


California Networks for EHR Adoption to support the installation and roll out of an EHR in a public health system led by CMIO, Michael Aratow

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name The Children's Clinic

Address 2801 Atlantic Avenueo PO Box 14280 Long Beach, CA 90801-1428

EIN 95-1643332

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 400,000

Purpose California Networks for EHR Adoption

Tides Center / List Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies

Beth Israel Medical Center

The Presidioo 94-3213100 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 Continuum Center for Health 13-5564934 & 245 Fifth Avenue. 2nd Flooro New York, NY 10016 AMREF USAD 4 West 43rd Street, 2nd 13-1867411

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

350,000 general support or List Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Urban Zen Initiative

African Medical Research Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

300,000 general support

Equal Justice USA Grassroots International NeYork, NY 10036 New P 0 Box 52060 26-1316408 Hyattsville, MD 20782 179 Boylston Streeto 04-2791159 Fourth FloorO Boston, MA 02130-4520 434 West 33rd StreetD 13-3457287 Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001 520 Eighth AvenueO 13-2950801 Suite 22030 New York, NY 10018 34 Plympton 23-7274169 Boston. MA 02118 94-6036493 Bixby Center for Global Reproductive SciencesD 50 Beale Street, Suite 12000 San Francisco, CA 94105 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NWO Sixth FloorD Washington, DC 20036-2109 1730 M Street, NW u # 9100 Washington, DC 20036 NYU School of LawO 161 Avenue of the AmericasO 12th Flooro New York. NY 10013 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 739 Eighth Street SOD Suite 2020 Washington. DC 20003 815 16th Street, NWD Washington, DC 20006 52-1289743 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 300,000 general support 300,000 Building the Global Movement for Food Sovereignty strategy

New York Women's Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

300,000 general support

North Star Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

300,000 general support and re-granting for Community Funding Committee

Our Bodies Ourselves University of California San Francisco

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

300,000 general support and support of a new pass the torch staff person 300,000 Family AIDS Care and Education Services to support the integration of family planning and HIV/AIDS services in Kenya

World Security Institute

501(c)(3) Public Charity


Project Zero first preparatory conference in Pans. December 2008

Advancement Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Election Protection and Election Administration Reform Program

Brennan Center for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Charity

275,000 general support

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


National Campaign for Fair Elections

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

275,000 2007-08 Election Administration Program

Working America Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States




Organization Name Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice

SlsterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective

Equality California Institute CARE USA

Center for Progressive Leadership / New Organizing Institute Education Fund Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama ForestEthlcs

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

PowerPAC org

Public Interest Projects

Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport / Bridgeport Diocesan Schools Corporation Tides Center / The Opportunity Agenda

Tufts University IntraHealth International Inc

Working America Education Fund Tides Center / Collaborative Fund for HIV Treatment Preparedness

Address 310 Eighth StreetO Suite 1020 Oakland, CA 94607 1237 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd SWO Atlanta, GA 30310 2370 Market Streel0 San Francisco , CA 94114 Gift Center0 PO Box 18710 Merrifield , VA 22116 1133 19th Street, NWO 9th FloorO Washington. DC 20036 122 Commerce StreetO Montgomery, AL 36104 One Haight StreetO Suite BO San Francisco, CA 94102 434 West 33rd Street0 Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001-2601 201 Spear StreetO Suite 16500 San Francisco, CA 94105 80 Broad StreetO Suite 16000 New York, NY 10004 238 Jewett Avenue0 Bridgeport , CT 06606 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 44 Teele Avenue0 Sommerville, MA 02144 6340 Quadrangle DnveO Suite 2000 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 The Presidio0

EIN 94-3311784

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 260,000

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

260,000 general support

68-0438008 13-1685039

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

258,000 250,000

efforts to promote positive messages about marriage equality and LGBT rights in Latino communities general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


New Organizing Institute Education Fund's Youth Vote Data Plan

63-1135091 94-3331587

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250,000 efforts to broaden your death penalty work 250,000 capacity building support, specifically for the hiring of new staff over the coming years


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250,000 general support


501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

250,000 voter education, registration and get out the vote campaigns for the upcoming election


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


US Human Rights Fund

06-0737923 94-3213100

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Diocese of Bridgeport Schools' capital campaign for endowment of the Cathedral Cluster

250,000 general support for The Opportunity Agenda

04-2103634 55-0825466

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250.000 249, 930

Global Development and Environment Institute (GDEI) and GDEI's Theory and Education Program to integrate family planning and HIV/AIDS services In Rwanda

20-2035052 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

245,000 general support 243.646 to support treatment access and education efforts in selected funding regions

PO Box 299070
San Francisco, CA 941290903 2840 VvIldemess Placeo Suite AO Boulder, CO 80301 501 York Streel0 San Francisco, CA 94110 739 Eighth Street SEO Suite 2020 Washington , DC 20003 PO Box 8809690 San Diego, CA 92168 1411 K Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington. DC 20005

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

240, 000 general support and support for West, Central and East Africa

Independent Television Service Project Vote

52-1654276 72-1268719

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

225,000 225.000

Independent Digital Distribution Lab project election administration work in Arizona. Florida , and Pennsylvania

Community Clinics Health Network Washington Area Women 's Foundation

33-0759107 52-2028612

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


CCHN and 121 Tracks Demonstration Project for the Tools for Quality program

220. 000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States




Organization Name Women for Women International

Address Global Support Center0

EIN 52-1838756

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 220,000 general support


P O Box 92240
Central Islip, NY 11722-9224 Pathfinder International Nine Galen StreetO Suite 2170 Watertown, MA 02172-4501 The PO Box 291270 San Francisco, CA 94129 32 Broadway0 53-0235320 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 212,000 work to integrate family planning and HIV/AIDS services in Mozambique

Room to Read


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

207,850 general support

Applied Research Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 general support

Suite 18010
Ashoka New York, NY 10004 1700 North Moore StreetD 51-0255908 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 Ashoka Fellows in Palestine 94-3215565 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 Community Health Organizing Project

Suite 20000
California Primary Care Association Arlington, VA 22209-1929 1215 K StreetO Suite 7000 Sacramento, CA 95814 Headquarters0 151 Ellis StreetD Atlanta, GA 30303 Headquarterso 1538 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 HeadquertersD 1538 U Street, NWD Washington, DC 20009 1317 F Street NWO



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Myanmar Cyclone Response

Center for Community Change


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 general support

Center for Community Change


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Campaign for Community Values

Choice USA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Suite 5010
Collective Heritage Institute Washington, DC 20004 Old Lamy SchoolhouseD 85-0432731 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 Bioneers Conference

Six Cerro Circle0

Cultural Survival, Inc Doctors Without Borders USA Lamy, NM 87540 215 Prospect Stree1D Cambridge. MA 02139 333 Seventh Avenueo 23-7182593 13-3433452 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 200,000 support of staffing for the Preserving Endangered Language program and for the publication team Myanmar Cyclone Response

Second FloorlJ
Family HealthCare Network New York, NY 10001-5004 Administrative SiteD 94-2525145 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 Networking for Community Health project

801 West Centero 93291

Global Greengrants Fund 291 Visalia. CA 2840 Wildemess PlaceD Suite AU Boulder, CO 80301 PO Box 2280 Round Mountain, CA 96084 National Headquarterso 120 Wall StreetD Suite 15000 New York, NY 10005-3904 PO Box 112470 Berkeley, CA 94712 1748 Market StreetD Suite 2010 San Francisco, CA 941025806 84-1612422 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 general support

Hill Country Community Clinic Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund

94-2831597 23-7395681

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

200,000 support for training collaborative to improve services for LGBTQ Youth

LifeLong Medical Care Lyon-Martin Health Services

94-2502308 94-2597707

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 200,000

Networking for Community Health Project Networking for Community Health project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name Mendocino Community Health Clinic New York City Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center Project Vote

Ravenswood Family Health Center Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Address 333 Laws Ukiah, CA 95482 208 West 13th StreetO New York, NY 10011 739 Eighth Street SED Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 1798A Bay RoadO East Palo Alto, CA 94303 6 West 48th StreetO

EIN 68-0259045 13-3217805 72-1268719

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 200,000 200,000 200,000

Purpose Networking for Community Health project to address the critical shortage of foster and adoptive families for LGBTO youth in care and to increase the pool of LGBTQ foster and adoptive families for all youth in care election administration work in Arizona, Florida, and Pennsylvania

94-3372130 13-3615533

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 200,000

Networking for Community Health protect Gulf Coast Fund for Community Renewal and Ecological Health

10th FloorD
Save the Children Federation New York, NY 10036 Attention Donor ServicesO 54 Wlton Westport, CT 06880 678 Massachusetts Suite 3010 Cambridge, MA 02139 The Presidiofl PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioO PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 604 Rose AvenueD Venice, CA 90291 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 5701 South Hoover StreetO Los Angeles, CA 90037 111 Sutter 16th FloorO San Francisco, CA 94104 PO Box 4590 Imperial Beach, CA 91933 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidio0 06-0726487 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 200,000 Save the Children Myanmar Cyclone Response

The Schott Foundation for Public Education


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 re-granting pool

Tides Center / Center for Social Inclusion


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 general support for Center for Social Inclusion

Tides Center / Collaborative Fund for HIV Treatment Preparedness


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Collaborative Fund for HIV Treatment Preparedness' Women and Families in Africa Project

Venice Family Clinic Working America Education Fund St John's Well Child and Family Center Room to Read

95-2769432 20-2035052 95-4067758 91-2003533

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

200,000 civic engagement work in Ohio 199,000 Networking for Community Health project

198,390 general support

Imperial Beach Health Center Tides Center / Connect US

23-7209592 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

191,000 general support of Connect US

Tides Center / Connect US


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

191,000 general support of Connect US

PO Box 299070
San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioO PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1701 K Street, NWO Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006 111 Sutter 16th FloorO San Francisco, CA 94104

Tides Center I Connect US


501(c)(3) Public Charity

191,000 general support of Connect US

National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Silicone Safety Project

Room to Read


501 (c)(3) Public Charity


General Support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States




Organization Name Marin Community Clinic

Brennan Center for Justice

Address Business 300 Professional Center DnveD Suite 3110 Novato, CA 94947 NYU School of LewD

EIN 94-2237120

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 185,000

Purpose Networking for Community Health project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

180,000 general support

161 Avenue of the

AmencasO 12th Flooro New York, NY 10013 6501 South Garfield AvenueO 95-1641454 Bell Gardens, CA 90201 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, 23-7420660 NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20036-2002 737 West Childs Merced, CA 95340 2835C Highland National City, CA 91950 316 North Main StreetO Suite 1000 Salinas, CA 93901 500 Cdidel DnveD Suite 4900 Los Angeles, CA 90040 818 Webster Streeto Oakland, CA 94607-4220 1141 Pear Tree LaneD Suite 1000 Napa, CA 94558 PO Box 222100 Oakland, CA 94623-2210 1505 22nd Street NWO Washington, DC 20037 250 Locust Streeto Santa Cruz, CA 95060 815 16th Street. NWD Washington, DC 20006 607 Main Callaway, MN 56521 P 0 Box 6740 7 Main Streeta Winters, CA 95694 436 14th StreetO Suite 12050 Oakland, CA 94612 1320 Harbor Bay PerkwayD Suite 250D Alameda, CA 94502 555 West Fifth 19th FloorD Los Angeles, CA 90013 New York OfficeO 40 West 20th New York, NY 10011 94-2196086 95-3008798 94-1583439

Family Health Care Centers of Greater Los Angeles

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

Friends of the Earth

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

180,000 collaborative work with the Climate Equity Campaign to integrate a climate equity perspective into the presidential transiion

Golden Valley Health Center Operation Samahan Planned Parenthood Mar Monte

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

180,000 180,000 180,000

Networking for Community Health project Networking for Community Health project Networking for Community Health project

AltaMed Health Services, Corporation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

Asian Health Services Community Health Clinic Ole

94-2235908 23-7221695

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

175,000 175,000

Networking for Community Health project Networking for Community Health project

La Cbnlca De La Raze - Frudvale Health Project Rock the Vote Education Fund Santa Cruz Women's Health Center Working America Education Fund White Earth Land Recovery Project Winters Healthcare Foundation, Inc

94-1744108 95-4350149 23-7428303 20-2035052 41-1673625 68-0454670

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 173,250 167,000

Networking for Community Health project Road Trip Tour Networking for Community Health project General Support program work to shore up infrastructure for tribal energy and food sovereignty and relat equipment Networking for Community Health project

Urban Habitat Program / Oakland Rising


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

166,667 general support for Oakland Rising

Community Health Center Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Tools for Quality project

Southside Coalition of Community Health Centers


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Tools for Quality project

Natural Resources Defense Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


US-Canad i an campaign to stop tar sands oil expansion , fight global warming and help protect the Boreal forest

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States




Organization Name Community Clinics Health Network American Public Health Association

Address PO Box 8809690 San Diego, CA 92168 8001 Street, NWO Washington, DC 20001

EIN 33-0759107 13-1628688

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 151,080 Tools for Quality project


150,000 work to promote transportation policy as an important public health issue and advocate for healthy federal transportation policies during the reauthorization of the Safe Accountable Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act-A Legacy of Users (SAFETEA-LU) 150,000 general support


Center for Civic Participation

Center for Ecoliteracy Community Resource Exchange

Correctional Association of New York

Equality California Institute

Equality Virginia Education Fund FalrVote

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders

Four West 37th StreetO Fourth FloorO New York, NY 10018 220 Bagley Street, Suite 9480 Detroit, MI 48226 2528 San Pablo Berkeley, CA 94702 42 Broadwayo 20th FloorO New York, NY 10004 2090 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd 0 Suite 2000 New York, NY 10027 2370 Market SlreetO 2nd FloorO San Francisco, CA 94114 403 N Robinson StreetD Richmond, VA 23220 6930 Carroll Avenueo Suite 6100 Takoma Park, MD 20912 30 Winter Streeto Suite 8000 Boston. MA 02108


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 State Voices Project

94-2911417 13-3048638

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 general support 150,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150.000 Women in Prison Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 work to secure additional state funding for LGBT health and human services over three years as per your proposal 150,000 work to pass statewide non-discrimination law covering sexual onentation and gender identity for state and local public employees by 2011 as per your proposal 150,000 capacity building

54-1950205 54-1635649

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 work to establish policy for changing gender markers on identification documents in Maine and Massachusetts by 2010, to establish court ordered legal change of sex protocol in Massachusetts in 2009, and to add gender identity and expression to state non-discrimination laws in Massachusetts and Connecticut by 2011 as per your proposal 150,000 grantmaking program in French-speaking Africa

Global Fund for Women

Great Basin Mine Watch

International Forum on Globalization

1375 Sutter Streeto Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94109 85 Keystone Avenue, Suite KO Reno, NV 89503 The Thoreau Center for Sustamebiliyo 1009 General Kennedy Avenue #20


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 general support and membership development


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 general support

San Francisco, CA 94129

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund 1920 L Street, NWD 52-1379661 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 150,000 general support

Suite 8000
Michigan Environmental Council Washington, DC 20036 119 Pere Marquette Dnveo Suite 2A0 Lansing, MI 48912 434 West 33rd Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001 2601 Mission Slreeto Suite 4040 San Francisco, CA 94110 38-2517980 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 150,000 RE-AMP participation

New York Women's Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects

Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action / Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California Collaborative


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 general support for Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California Collaborative

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name Tides Center / Apollo Alliance

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund

Women's Foundation of California

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of California / California Faith for Equality Political Research Associates

Equality Now

Coastal Health Alliance

Vista Community Clinic

Tiburclo Vasquez Health Center Tides Center / Women's Community Clinic

Center for Civic Participation

Center for Sacred Studies International Center

FSH Society, Inc

Equality Now

Faith and Public Life Resource Center

Working America Education Fund

Address The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco. CA 941290903 340 Pine Streetf Suite 3020 San Francisco, CA 94104 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20036 717 K Si # 5140 Sacramento, CA 95814 1310 Broadwayo Suite 2010 Somerville, MA 02144-1731 PO Box 206460 Columbus Circle Slauon0 New York, NY 10023 PO Box 9100 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 Vale Terrance Branch & Women's Centero 1000 Vale Terrace DnveD Vista, CA 92084 33255 Ninth Street0 Union City, CA 94587 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 220 Bagley Street, Suite 9480 Detroit, MI 48226 PO Box 7450 Sonora, CA 95370 1025 Vermont Avenue NWO 7th FloorD Washington, DC 20005 c/o BBRI R3530 64 Grove Streeto Watertown. MA 02472 PO Box 206460 Columbus Circle Stationo New York, NY 10023 1101 Vermont Avenue NW. 9th FloorO Washington, DC 20005 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006

EIN 94-3213100

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount Purpose 150,000 general support for Apollo Alliance and support for Michigan Apollo


501(c)(3) Public Charity

150,000 general support of Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 general support for Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

87-0694546 36-3193323

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


California Faith for Equality's efforts to promote progressive faith messaging regarding the freedom to marry in California 139,450 Right Web Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

137,500 fund for grassroots activism to end female genital mutilation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Network ing for Community Health project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

23-7118361 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

132,000 131,000

Networking for Community Health project Networking for Community Health project


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Michigan Voice and Pennsylvania Voice projects

77-0572410 52-1095089

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

130,000 130,000

Carole Hart Film of Thirteen Grandmothers Cambodia Rehabilitation program and Cambodia transition work


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

129,649 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Solidarity for African Women's Rights Coalition (SOAWR) The Contribution and Involvement of Rural Women Michigan work and general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

125,000 organizing in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota. Colorado and Maine

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name

1438 Webster StreetO Suite 3030 Oakland, CA 94612 249 Manhattan Brooklyn, NY 11211 45 West 36th StreetO Tenth FloorO New York, NY 10018-7904 Institute for Medieval Japanese StudiesO 509 Kent Hall, Mad Code 39060 1140 Amsterdam New York, NY 10027 PMB 2820 217 Welch Avenueo Suite 1010 Ames, IA 50014 603 Stewart StreetO Suite 10070 Seattle, WA 98101-1264 1107 9th StreetO Suite 8100 Sacramento, CA 95814 739 Eighth Street SEO Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 275 Ninth StreetO Third FloorO San Francisco, CA 94103 300 BroadwayO Suite 280 San Francisco, CA 941333312 221 Main Street, Suite 13000 San Francisco, CA 94105 PO Box 8809690 San Diego, CA 92168 339 Lafayette New York, NY 10012-2725 2101 South Main Little Rock, AR 72206 1024 Elysian Fields New Orleans, LA 70117 1730 M Street NW 9100 Washington, DC 20011 1730 M Street NW 9100 Washington, DC 20011 79 Walker StreetO New York, NY 10014 38 Greene Third FloorD New York, NY 10013


IRC Code Section

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


punting the following six publications 1 Introduction to Convergence Partnership. 2 Built Environment Policy Brief, 3 Health Food Policy Brief, 4 Physical Activity Policy Brief, 5 Promising Strategies Report, 6 Informational expansion of the Home-Based Care Alliance In Africa general support and support for Africa programs

GROOTS International American Jewish World Service

13-3782004 22-2584370

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

121,000 120,000

Columbia University In the City of New York


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

120,000 women and Buddhism in Japan project

Science and Environmental Health Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Law for the Ecological Age and Ecological Medicine programs

Social Justice Fund Northwest


501(c)(3) Public Charity

120,000 general support

Central Valley Health Network


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Tools for Quality project

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Working America Education Fund Pacific News Service

20-2035052 94-1709509

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

114,250 efforts to promote the support of ethnic news media outlets serving the Black, Asian, and Hispanic markets in order to raise the visibility of LGBT people in immigrant and people of color communities 110,000 Energy Action Coalition's PowerVote 2008 project

CamFed USA Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Charity

104,568 general support

Community Clinics Health Network A J Muste Memorial Institute ACORN Inc Acorn Intemational

33-0759107 23-7379088 72-0481941 52-2416966

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

103,383 100,000 100,000

Host Consortium for Tools Learning Communities NOVA Fund Latino Voter Registration and Engagement Canvass

100,000 general support

Advancement Project Advancement Project Art in General Artists Space

95-4835230 95-4835230 13-3472869 13-2749632

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Election Protection and Election Administration Reform Program

100,000 communications and Voter Protection Poll Worker Palm Card Program 100,000 general support 100,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States




Organization Name Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Foundation

Brennan Center for Justice

Address 1825 K Street[] Suite 4110 Washington, DC 20006 NYU School of LawO 161 Avenue of the 12th FloorO New York, NY 10013 NYU School of 161 Avenue of the AmencasD 12th Floor[] New York, NY 10013 647 Fulton Street[] Brooklyn, NY 11217 1040 Grand Concourse[] Bronx. NY 10456 1775 Massachusetts Ave NWO Washington. DC 20036 369 Broadway St 0

EIN 04-3454684

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 100,000

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

Brennan Center for Justice


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

100,000 Access to Justice project

BRIC Arts Media Bklyn Bronx Museum of the Arts Brookings Institution

11-2547268 13-2709368 53-0196577

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Celebrate Brooklyn and BRIC Studio

100,000 general support 100,000 Brookings Institution Press book of policy papers on plug-in vehicles

California Public Interest Research Group Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


New Voters Project

Suite 2000
Center for Biological Diversity Center for Public Interest Research San Francisco, CA 94133 PO Box 7100 Tucson, AZ 85702-0710 44 Writer Street[] Fourth Flooro Boston, MA 02108 820 1st Street, NED 85-0420285 04-2863170 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 100.000 work protecting public lands from ORV abuse 100.000 Community Voters Project

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

Suite 5100
Civic Engagement Fund Washington, DC 20002 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington. DC 20036 219 West 19th StreetO New York, NY 10011-4079 St Mark's Church in-the52-1822391 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 100.000 general support

Dance Theater Workshop Danspace Project

13-6206608 13-3320972

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

100,000 general support 100,000 general support

131 East 10th Street[] New York, NY 10003 40 Exchange Place[] Suite 20010 New York, NY 10005 1599 Clifton Road NED Room #64130 MS Atlanta, GA 30322 475 Tenth Avenue[] New York, NY 10018 One Haight StreetO Suite BD San Francisco, CA 94102 1819 L Street. NWO Suite 9000 Washington, DC 20036 1550 Bryant Suite 8000 San Francisco, CA 94103

Drum Major Institute for Public Policy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Emory Global Health institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of the Smallpox Eradication Commemoration 2010 Secretariat

Exit Art ForestEthics

13-3668753 94-3331587

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 100,000

general support general support

Friends of the World Food Program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Emergency Telecommunication Centers Project

Gay-Straight Alliance Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 work to implement gender identity/expression safe school law in schools by 2010 as per your proposal

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Global Fund for Women

Groundswell Community Mural Project International Forum on Globalization

Intemational Humanities Center / Voter Acton Intemational Rivers Network Land Institute

Address 1375 Sutter Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94109 339 Douglass StreetO Brooklyn, NY 11217 The Thoreau Center for Sustainabilityo 1009 General Kennedy Avenue #20 San Francisco, CA 94129 PO Box 9230 Malibu, CA 90265 1847 Berkeley WayD Berkeley, CA 94703 2440 East Water Well RoadO Salina, KS 67401 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 1730 M Street, NWD Suite 10000 Washington, DC 20036-4508 45 Main StreetO Suite 6280 Brooklyn, NY 11201 125 Maiden Lane0 2nd FloorO New York, NY 10038 1611 Telegraph Avenue0 Suite 5100 Oakland, CA 94612 120 Wall StreetO 33rd Floor[l New York, 1 0005 1122 West Wa s hington BoulevardO 3rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90015 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 PO Box 13460 Littleton, MA 01460 150 First Avenueo New York, NY 10009 434 West 33rd Streeto Eighth FloorD New York, NY 10001-2601 2001 East Madison StreetO Seattle, WA 98122

EIN 77-0155782

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 100.000

Purpose support of programs in Africa for women

11-3427213 94-3262147

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support 100,000 Is Capitalism Soon Over" Conference

33-0767921 94-3158295 48-0842156

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 100,000

general support of Voter Action Patagonia Campaign

100,000 general support

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


National Campaign for Fair Elections

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

League of Women Voters Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

League of Young Voters Education Fund / Citizen Engagement Laboratory Lower Manhattan Cultural Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Citizen Engagement Laboratory's Video the Vote project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

Movement Strategy Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

Ms Foundation for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

NALEO Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


bilingual voter information hotline

National Council of La Raze National Council of La Raze New England Forestry Foundation Performance Space 122 Planned Parenthood Federation of America

86-0212873 86-0212873 04-2024022 13-3522283 13-1644147

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100.000 100.000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Democracia USA Democracia USA's Election Protection Plan general support general support General Support

Planned Parenthood of Western Washington


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Youth Development Program and Teen Council Peer Education Groups

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations. Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Point Defiance AIDS Project

Political Research Associates

ProgressNow / Progress Michigan Education

Address 535 Dock StreetO Suite 1120 Tacoma, WA 98402 1310 Broadway0 Suite 2010 Somerville, MA 02144-1731 1536 Wynkoop Street. #4A0 Denver, CO 80202 739 Eighth Street SED Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 739 Eighth Street SEO Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 739 Eighth Street SEO Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 739 Eighth Street Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 1611 Connecticut Avenue NWO Washington, DC 20009 1 East 53rd SVeetO New York, NY 10022 1505 22nd Street NWO Washington, DC 20037 1648 Martin Luther King, Jr WayD Berkeley, CA 94709-2026 P 0 Box 62590 Long Island City, NY 11106 3803 South Edmunds StreetD Suite AD Seattle, WA 98118 161 Sixth Avenueo 14th FloorO New York, NY 10013 512 West 19th StreetO New York, NY 10011 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1730 M St NWO Suite 9000 Washington, DC 20036 Global Development and Environmento InsbtuteD 44 Teele Sommerville, MA 02144

EIN 91-1435394

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 100,000

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Progress Michigan Education

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


2008 Voter Participation Program

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Election Administration Program

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Charity

100,000 civic engagement work in New Mexico

Provisions Learning Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support

Public Art Fund, Inc Rock the Vote Education Fund Rockwood Leadership Program

13-2898805 95-4350149 72-1552165

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 100,000

general support general support

100,000 general support

Socrates Sculpture Park Technology Access Foundation

11-3066597 91-1731833

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 general support 100,000 capital campaign

The Field


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Field Artists Residencies Space project

The Kitchen Tides Center / Chicken and Egg Pictures

13-2829756 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

100,000 general support

Tides Center / Honor the Earth


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Honor the Earth

Trust for Amenca's Health


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


policy work on behalf of needle exchange programs

Tufts University


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Global Development and Environment Institute

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Utah Pride Center

Venice Family Clinic White Columns Women Thrive Worldwide

Address 355 North 300 WestO 1stFloorD Salt Lake City, UT 84103 604 Rose AvenueD Venice, CA 90291 320 West 13th Streeto New York, NY 10014 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NWD

EIN 87-0504077

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 100,000

95-2769432 23-7259446 25-1643261

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Purpose to expand the delivery and depth of trainings to caregivers and service providers working with LGBT, out-of-home youth in Utah, as well as developing strategic partnerships to increase resources for out-of-home youth statewide Childhood Weight Management Program

100,000 general support 100,000 general support

Suite 8000
Women's Learning Partnership for Rights Development and Peace Washington, DC 20009 4343 Montgomery Avenuef 52-2199581 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 100,000 work implementing women's empowerment and leadership teaming programs in sub-Saharan Africa 100,000 general support

Suite 2010
Women's Voices Women Vote Bethesda, MD 20814 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW0 Sixth Flooro Washington, DC 20036-2109 1375 Sutter Streeto Suite 4060 San Francisco, CA 94109 Office of University DevelopmentO 1480 West Lane Avenueo Columbus, OH 43221 The PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 216 South Meramec Avenueo St Louis, MO 63105 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidioo 55-0889748 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Women's Voices Women Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Working America Education Fund World Security Institute

20-2035052 52-1289743

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

100,000 100,000

general support Compact to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons project

Women's Funding Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

99,072 Women Moving Millions

Ohio State University Foundation I Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

96,945 general support of Disability Rights Fund

Veterans for Peace


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

96,015 general support

Tides Center / Collaborative Fund for HIV Treatment Preparedness


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Collaborative Fund for HIV Treatment Preparedness to support treatment access and education efforts In selected funding regions


Tides Center / Between4Eyes


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

93,380 general support for Between4 Eyes

PO Box 299070
San Francisco. CA 941290903 NYU School of LawO 161 Avenue of the Amencaso 12th Flooro New York, NY 10013 2314 University Avenue WestD Suite 200 St Paul, MN 55114

Brennan Center for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

93,085 research project with Lake Research Partners

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name ProgressNow Action

Address 1536 Wynkoop StreetO Suite 4A0

EIN 65-1244918

IRC Code Section Incorporated, Exemption Pend

Amount 90,000

Purpose Healthcare Education and Action Campaign

Denver , CO 80202
Share Our Selves Free Medical and Dental Clinic Tides Center / Lafayette School Mentonng Project 1550 Superior Avenueo Costa Mesa , CA 92627 The PresidioD 95-3222316 94-3213100 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 90,000 Networking for Community Health project

90,000 general support for Lafayette School Mentonng Project

PO Box 299070
San Francisco , CA 941290903 434 West 33rd StreetO Eighth FloorD New York , NY 10001-2601 45 Main StreetO Suite 6280 Brook G NY 11201 lyn. 1200 G Street NW , Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20005 1730 M Street NWO Suite 9100 Washington, DC 20011 44 Writer Street , 4th FloorO Boston , MA 02108 2101 Riverfront DnveD Little Rock , AR 72202 2224 E NC Hwy 540 Durham, NC 27713 1800 Market StreetO San Francisco , CA 94102 436 14th Street[] Suite 12050 Oakland , CA 94612 501 Front StreetO Norfolk , VA 23510 1800 K Street , NWO Suite 4000 Washington , DC 20006 12338 Maily Medowlane u Sugartand , TX 77478 220 Fifth AvenueO Fifth FloorO New York , NY 10001 122 East 42nd StreelD New York , NY 10168-1289 PO Box 490 Old Chelsea StationO New York , NY 10013 44 Winter Street. 4th FloorO Boston , MA 02108 430 West Napa StreetO Suite FO Sonoma , CA 95476 113319th Street NWD 9th FloorO Washington . DC 20036

Planned Parenthood Federation of America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

88,263 general support

League of Young Voters Education Fund / Citizen Engagement Laboratory NAACP National Voter Fund


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

88,125 support of Citizen Engagement Laboratory's Video the Vote program 's Story- Bank Video Documentation 87,000 Empowerment 2008 Campaign


501(c )(4) Social Welfare Organization

Advancement Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

85.000 election protection and election administration reform work and staff in Virginia and Florida

PIRG New Voters Project


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

85,000 voter registration and GOTV

Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development Family Health International The San Francisco Lesbian , Gay, B i sexual . Transgender Community Center / And Castro for All Urban Habitat Program / Oakland Rising

71-0603560 23-7413005 94 -3236718 20-0275424

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

85,000 dissemination of the Social Science Library in Africa and planning for wider dissemination of educational materials throughout the developing world 84,656 Family Health International 's work to integrate family planning and HIV/AIDS services in Tanzania 84.000 And Castro For All's efforts to mobilize Bay Area LGBT African Americans and other people of color in Northern California in support of marriage equality 83,333 general support of Oakland Rising

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Center for Strategic and International Studies

52-1218336 52 -1501082

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

80,000 work with Brookings Institution on Civil-military Relations, Fostering Development, and Expanding Civilian Capacity 80,000 General Support

Desire Demos

05-0574837 13-4105066

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Charity

80,000 work with the World Policy Institute addressing climate change through trade policy

International Rescue Committee / Women ' s Commission for Refugee Women and Children Movement Research

13-5660870 13-3041403

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

80,000 Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children's advocacy work 80.000 general support

PIRG New Voters Project


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty


voter registration , GOTV and election protection work

Sonoma Valley Community Health Center


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty


Networking for Community Health project

Common Cause Education Fund


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty


election administration work in Colorado

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Center for Community Change

Center for Community Change

Citizen Action of Wisconsin

Civic Engagement Fund

Common Cause Education Fund

Council of Community Clinics Cream City Foundation

Address Headquerters0 1538 U Street. NWO Washington , DC 20009 Headquarters0 1536 U Street, NWO Washington , DC 20009 912 North Hawley RoadO 2nd FloorO Milwaukee . WI 53213 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington , DC 20036 1133 19th Street NWO 9th FloorO Washi ngton , DC 20036 PO Box 8809690 San Diego , CA 92168-0969 759 N Milwaukee StreetO

EIN 52-0888113

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Amount 75,000

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Election Administration Advocate project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

95-3008850 39-1416063

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Suite 2120
Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition Milwaukee , WI 53202 300 Broadway0 Suite 280 San Francisco , CA 941333312 PO Box 2050 Conway , MA 01341 1211 Chestnut StreetO Suite 6050 Philadelphia , PA 19107 823 Gateway Center WayO San Diego, CA 92102 5455 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 15000 Los Angeles , CA 90036 1375 Sutter StreetO Suite 4000 San Francisco , CA 94109 737 West Childs Avenue0 Merced , CA 95340 PO Box 222100 Oakland, CA 94623-2210 1401 New York Avenue. NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington , DC 20036 1625 Massachusetts Avenue , NW0 Suite 3000 Washington , DC 20036 333 Laws AvenueD Ukiah, CA 95482 2100 M Street. NW11 Suite 170-2960 Washington , DC 20036 94-2889684 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 to mobilize philanthropic resources and fund initiatives that target system-level changes for LGBT, homeless youth 75,000 Energy Acton Coalition's Campus Climate Challenge

Environmental Rights International Equality Advocates Pennsylvania

04-3429032 23 -2848883

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 to complete the editing , graphic design , printing and distribution of the book entitled The Hidden Costs of Oil 75,000 work to pass statewide non -discnmmabon law inclusive of sexual onentation and gender identity by 2010 as per your proposal 75,000 75,000 Integrated Behavioral Health Project efforts to promote public understanding within communities of color In California regarding the freedom to marry general support

Family Health Centers of San Diego Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

95-2833205 13 -3384027

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Global Fund for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Golden Valley Health Center La Clinics De La Raza - Frwtvale Health Project Lawyers ' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law / Cleveland State University

94- 2196086 94-1744108 52-0799246

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 75,000 75,000

Integrated Behavioral Health Project Integrated Behavioral Health Protect Cleveland State University's Center for Election Integrity's election administration work i

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


The Heat is On Global Warming Campaign

Media Matters for America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Michigan chapter expansion project

Mendocino Community Health Clinic Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation

68-0259045 16- 1420468

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Protect

75,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name NALEO Education Fund

Address 1122 West Washington 3rd FloorO Los Angeles, CA 90015 1705 DeSales Street, NWO Fifth FloorO Washington, DC 20036 155 Avenue of the 6th FloorO New York, NY 10013-1507 670 Ninth Suite 2030 Arcata, CA 95521 275 Ninth Third Flooro San Francisco, CA 94103 43 School Street. Room 1ED

EIN 52-1212849

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 75,000 general support


National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

New York Foundation for the Arts / Zula Pearl Films


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 Zula Pearl Films' Active Citizen Project

Open Door Community Health Centers


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Pacific News Service


501(c)(3) Public Charity


New America Media division

Penobscot East Resource Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Community Science, Community Leadership and DownEast Initiative programs

PO Box 270
Stonington, ME 04681 Petaluma Health Center 1301 Southpoint BoulevardO Suite AO Petaluma, CA 94954 739 Eighth Street SEE) 68-0437840 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 75,000 Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Charity

75,000 General Support

Suite 2020
The Art of Elysium Washington, DC 20003 3278 Wilshire BoulevardlJ Suite 10010 Los Angeles, CA 90010 870 Market SlreetO Suite 8590 San Francisco, CA 94102 Stale Headquarterso PO Box 1205520 Nashville, TN 37212 310 Eighth Street0 Suite 1020 Oakland, CA 94607 300 Broadwayo Suite 280 San Francisco. CA 941333312 300 Suite 280 San Francisco, CA 941333312 PO Box 954250 Atlanta, GA 30347 2121 Cloverfield BoulevardO Suite 1130 Santa Monica, CA 90404 2309 18th Street. NWO Suite 20 Washington, DC 20009 95-4673306 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 75,000 general support

Death Penalty Focus


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

72,000 Alameda County Initiative/California Crime Victims for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


hire of an organizer for the Committee to Study the Administration of the Death Penalty in Tennessee general support

Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Energy Action Coalition's voter registration and Get Out the Vote work

Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


GOTV work

Equality Foundation of Georgia, Inc Liberty Hill Foundation

58-2346744 51-0181191

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

70,000 work to secure non-discrimination ordinances in three counties and seven cities by 2010 as per your proposal 70,000 Otono Fund in support of the Queer Youth Fund

Rebecca Project for Human Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

70,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I. Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name South Bay Family Healthcare Center

Root Capital

Working America Education Fund Equality Ohio Education Fund

Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights

Address 23430 Hawthorne BoulevardO Building 3, Suite 2100 Torrance, CA 90505 675 Massachusetts Eighth Flooro Cambridge. MA 02139-3309 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 50 West Broad Streeto Suite 19700 Columbus, OH 43215 1750 Ocean Park BoulevardO Suite 2000 Santa Monica, CA 90405 739 Eighth Street SEO

EIN 23-7049937

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 70,000

Purpose Integrated Behavioral Health Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

20-2035052 02-0743268

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

65,006 general support 65.000 work to pass a statewide non-discnminabon law inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression by 2010 as per your proposal 65,000 general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

65,000 general support

Suite 2020
Women's Voices Women Vote Washington, DC 20003 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 1123 BroadwayD Suite 12100 New York, NY 10010 241 East 32nd StreetO New York, NY 10016 220 Fifth AvenueD Fifth FloorO 55-0889748 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 65,000 general support

Friends Without A Border


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Angkor Hospital for Children

Tibet Fund Demos

13-3115145 13-4105066

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

61,000 general support 60,354 general support

New York, NY 10001

ACLU of Montana Foundation African Film Festival, Inc PO Box 13170 Helena, MT 59624 154 West 18th Streeto Suite 2A0 New York, NY 10011 32 Broadwayo Suite 14000 New York, NY 10004 PO Box 12600 Davis, CA 95617 1141 Pear Tree Laneo Suite 1000 Napa, CA 94558 330 Ellis StreetO Suite 5180 San Francisco, CA 94102 70 East Lake, Suite 9000 Chicago, IL 60601 1112 16th Street, NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20036 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington. DC 20036 81-0445339 13-3718505 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 60.000 general support 60.000 general support

American Documentary


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


True Lives television program

CommuniCare Health Centers Community Health Clinic Ole

94-2188574 23-7221695

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 60.000

Integrated Behavioral Health Project Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Glide Health Clinic


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Illinois Safe Schools Alliance Institute for Policy Studies / Hip Hop Caucus Institute

20-4255290 52-0788947

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 work to pass twenty-two LGBT-inclusive anti-bullying and non-discrimination local safe schools policies by 2011 as per your proposal 60,000 general support for Hip Hop Caucus

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


partnership with Catalist

League of Conservation Voters


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Heat is On campaign

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name LIfeLong Medical Care Marcus A Foster Educational Institute

Address PO Box 112470 Berkeley, CA 94712 1203 Preservation Parkwayo Suite 3030 Oakland, CA 94612 438 N Skinker Blvd 0 St Louis, MO 63130 Center for National Security StudiesO 1120 18th Street NWO Eighth FloorD Washington, DC 20036 2000 M Street NWO Suite 4000 Washington. DC 20036 185 Berry Street, Suite 31000 San Francisco, CA 94107 2317 Snowmass Creek RoadO Snowmass, CO 81654 85 Second Suite 7500 San Francisco, CA 941053441 National Officeo 125 Broad Streeto 18th FloorO New York, NY 10004-2400 PO Box 6050 Harrisburg, PA 17108 275 Ninth StreetD Third FloorO San Francisco, CA 94103 8459 Ridge AvenueD 2nd FloorO Philadelphia, PA 19128 11948 West Washington BoulevardO

EIN 94-2502308 23-7357906

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 60,000

Purpose Integrated Behavioral Health Project

60,000 general support

Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty National Security Archive Fund

20-3791024 22-2127884

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 general support and work to win a death penalty moratorium and implement a fairness and accuracy commission 60,000 Center for National Security Studies continuing collaboration with the Brennan Center for Justice on the Effective Counterterrorism a Just and Effective Detention Policy project

People for the American Way Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 general support

Public Library of Science


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Genomics of Emerging Infectious Disease PLOS Collection

Rocky Mountain Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


vehicle to grid research project

Sierra Club Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Charity

60,000 general support

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

58,853 general support

Pennsylvanians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Pacific News Service

23-2890982 94-1709509

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

58,750 general support 58,500 New America Media Division's public education efforts in support of marriage equality in ethnic media outlets General Support

Jewish Funds for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs / Green Press Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

57,000 general support

Suite 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council Los Angeles, CA 90066 New York OOiceD 40 West 20th New York, NY 10011 675 Massachusetts AveD Eighth FloorO Cambridge, MA 02139-3309 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 88 Perry Streeto Suite #7340 San Francisco, CA 94107 207 E Buffalo Street Suite 5030 Milwaukee, WI 53202 13-2654926 501(c)(3) Public Charity 56,622 general support

Root Capital


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

55,750 general support for Disability Rights Fund

ArtShip Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

55,000 general support

Institute for One Wisconsin


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

55,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name National Security Initiative

SPARK Tides Center ! dropping knowledge international

Project Vote

Address 1333 H Street NW. 10th FloorD Washington. DC 20005 PO Box 85510 Atlanta, GA 31106 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 739 Eighth Street SEO

EIN 04-3813046

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 55,000

Purpose Progressive National Security Speakers Bureau

58-1872316 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

55.000 general support of dropping knowledge international


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

53,086 Voter registration program

Suite 2020
Women's Voices Women Vote Washington, DC 20003 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 7315 VlAsconsm Suite 1100WO Bethesda, MD 20814 1325 Court Streeto Alameda. CA 94501-4724 1301 Clifton St NW, Suite 3000 Washington, DC 20009 675 Massachusetts AveD Eighth FloorO Cambridge, MA 02139-3309 651 Fulton StreetO Brooklyn, NY 11217 2014 S Hackberry San Antonio, TX 78210 505 W Northern Lights Blvd 0 Suite 2050 Anchorage, AK 99503 591 Broad StreetO Newark. NJ 07102 1333 H Street, NWO 10th Flooro Washington, DC 20005 PO Box 250440 Phoenix, AZ 85002 DUC ProgramO 55-0889748 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 53,086 nonpartisan voter registration efforts

Calvert Social Investment Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

52,500 support of Good Capital's Social Enterprise Fund

Nectandra Institute Tostan, Inc

95-4751630 98-0118876

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

51,040 general support

Root Capital


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,712 General Support

651 ARTS ACCION Texas Alaska Community Action on Toxics

11-2956108 74-2712770 92-0177082

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support 50,000 implementation of Microloan Management Services 50,000 Environmental Reproductive Justice Policy Project

All ra, Inc American Progress Action Fund

22-2606703 30-0192708

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

50,000 general support 50,000 Campus Progress Youth Communications Plan

Arizona Human Rights Foundation Art Resources Transfer

95-4124382 95-4124438

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50.000 work to implement six enhanced or new LGBT-inclusive, local non-discrimination ordinances by 2009 as per your proposal 50,000 Distribution to Underserved Communities Library Program

526 West 26th StreetO

Suite 6143 New York, NY 10001 841 Barreto Streeto 2nd FloorD Bronx, NY 10474 200 Pine Suite 7000 San Francisco, CA 94104 1201 Mendel St 0 San Francisco, CA 94124 5326 East Beverly Los Angeles, CA 90022-2103

Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support

Asian Amencans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy / Asian Women Giving Circle Bayview Association for Youth Bienestar Human Services


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 Arts and Activism project

68-0600675 95-4505737

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity


100% College Preparatory Institute

50.000 work toward the adoption of an LGBT Bill of Rights by the California Latino Legislative Caucus in 2009 as per your proposal

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Brennan Center for Justice

Bronx Council on the Arts / Urban Artist Initiative Brothers Against Guns California Laknas for Reproductive Justice Center for American Progress

Center for Community Change

Center for Community Self-Help Center for U S Global Engagement

Address NYU School of Lawo 161 Avenue of the AmericasD 12th FloorD New York, NY 10013 1738 Hone AvenueD Bronx, NY 10461 Eight West Point Roado San Francisco, CA 94124 P O Box 4122250 Los Angeles, CA 90041 1333 H Street, NWO Tenth FloorO Washington, DC 20005 HeadquartersO 1536 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 301 W Main Streeto Durham, NC 27701 1220 19th Street NWO

EIN 13-3839293

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 50,000 election administration communications work

13-2601303 31-1787795 26-2213868 30-0126510

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support for Urban Artist Initiative 50,000 general support 50,000 general support

50,000 Campus Progress Youth Communications Plan


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 work in the south

56-1271685 74-3093659

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Environmental Stewardship Initiative

50,000 expand Military Outreach Program

Suite 300D
Central Valley Health Network Washington, DC 20036 1107 9th Street0 Suite 8100 Sacramento, CA 95814 One East Wacker Dnveo Suite 16200 Chicago, IL 60601 Attn Julie 1010 Vermont Avenue NWO Suite 11000 Washington, DC 20005 410 12th SVeeto Suite 3500 Oakland, CA 94607 Gift 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 9640 New York, NY 10115 PO Box 8809690 San Diego, CA 92168 1000 North Alameda Suite 2400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 42 BroadwayD 20th FloorD New York, NY 10004 300 Suite 280 San Francisco, CA 941333312 1712 Oretha Castle Haley BIvd0 New Orleans, LA 70113 454 Shotwell StreetO San Francisco, CA 94110 68-0429643 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 50,000 Host Consortium for Tools Learning Communities

Chicago Foundation for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects

Clean Water Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

ColorOfChange org


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Protect the Vote Project

Columbia University In the City of New York


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Center for the Study of Human Rights' Darfur Initiative

Community Clinics Health Network Community Partners /California Environmental Rights Alliance

33-0759107 95-4302067

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Organizational Strategic IT Planning and Development

50.000 California Environmental Rights Alliance's Environmental Justice Advisory Committee

Community Resource Exchange


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Energy Acton Coalition's Power Vote 2008 program

Efforts of Grace


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Electronic Frontier Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation

Environmental Working Group

Equality California Institute

Equality Maryland Foundation Foundation for Dance Promotion

Four Bands Community Fund Friends of the World Food Program

Fund for Independent Publishing

Fund For Southern Communities

Address 16 West 22nd 2nd FloorD New York, NY 10010 1436 U Street, NWO Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20009 2370 Market StreetO Second FloorD San Francisco, CA 94114 1319 Apple Silver Springs, MD 20910 27 West 120th StreetO Suite # 10 New York, NY 10027 101 S Main StreetO Eagle Butte, SD 57625 1819 L Street, NWD Suite 9000 Washington, DC 20036 38 Greene Street! 4th FloorD New York, NY 10013 315 West Ponce de Leon Suite 10610 Decatur, GA 30030 222 Sutter StreetD Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 94108 222 Sutter StreetD Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 94108 222 Sutter Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 94108 2840 Wildemess PlaceD Suite AD Boulder, CO 80304 60 East 42nd Streeto Suite 10220 New York, NY 10165 710 Second Suite 8600 Seattle, WA 98104 22 West 27th StreelD Fifth FloorO New York, NY 10001 763 Jerrold San Francisco, CA 94124 55 E Jackson Blvd , Suite

EIN 13-3843122

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount Purpose 50,000 work to add gender identity/expression to the statewide non-discrimination law in 2009 as per your proposal 50,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

52-2039411 13-2990477

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 work to add gender identity/expression to the statewide non-discrimination law by 2010 as per your proposal 50,000 general support

46-0456528 13-3843435

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Building Communities by Growing Native Assets program

50,000 World Food Programme's enhancement of vulnerability nsk analysis capacity in Myanmaq , post Cyclone Nargis 50.000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects

Global Fund for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of programs in Sub-Saharan Africa for women

Global Fund for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Global Fund for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Grameen America, Inc


Incorporated, Exemption Pend


launch in Jackson Heights, New York

Grist Magazine


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Harm Reduction Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Hunters Point Family Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

94-3361252 36-3783551

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 50,000

general support New Americans Democracy Project and boot camp training

Immaterial Incorporated Initiative for Global Development Chicago, IL 60604 181 Wyckoff Street!] Brooklyn, NY 11217 1215 Fourth Avenue! Suite 8500 Seattle, WA 98161 11-3504837 20-8003146 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 50,000 general support 50.000 policy work to modernize foreign assistance, and elevate long-term goals such as reducing global poverty and promoting economic development

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Institute for Labor & the Community International Humanities Center/ Voter Action International Medical Corps

International Society for Ecology and Culture Jewish Funds for Justice if Social Justice Leadership

Address 541 East 12th New York, NY 10009 PO Box 9230 Malibu, CA 90265 1919 Santa Monica Suite 4000 Santa Monica, CA 90404 PO Box 94750 Berkeley, CA 94709 330 Seventh Avenueo

EIN 13-3974310 33-0767921 95-3949646

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 50,000

Purpose Girls and Boys Projects

50,000 general support for Voter Action 50.000 Myanmar cyclone relief work

94-3128274 52-1332694

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 film project, The Economics of Happiness 50,000 general support for Social Justice Leadership

Suite 19020
Latino Economic Development Corporation Livingston Medical Group Mapendo Intematonal. Inc New York, NY 10001 231818th Street, NWO 52-1749216 Washington, DC 20009 1140 Main Streeto 94-1719656 Livingston, CA 95334 889 Massachusetts AvenueO 20-2061482 Second Floorp Cambridge, MA 02139 11 Beacon Streeto Suite 11250 Boston, MA 02108 4299 San Felipe Street, Suite 2000 Houston, TX 77027 350 E Michigan Avenue. Suite 1200 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Go Nossaman Gunther Knox & ElliolO 20-0816574 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 50,000 50,000 50,000 expansion of the Small Business Development Program Major Capital Campaign Gifts general support

MassEquality Education Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 work to add gender identity/expression to the statewide non-discrimination and hate cnmes statutes in 2009 as per your proposal 50.000 civic engagement work in CO and AZ

MI Famllia Vota Education Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Michigan Citizens Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support

MicroCredit Enterprises


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Permanent Fund to Alleviate Extreme Poverty

915 L Street, Suite 10000

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Sacramento, CA 95814 2314 University Avenue Suite 200 St Paul, MN 55114 PO Box 15090 Helena, MT 59624 12 MetroTech CenterO 26th FloorO Brooklyn, NY 11201 80 Hanson Placel7 Brooklyn, NY 11217 39 West 19th Suite 6020 New York, NY 10011-4225 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 12251 Street, NWp Suite 3070 Washington . DC 20005 PO Box 8960 Flagstaff. AZ 86002 36-3501477 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 50,000 Minnesota Participation Project

Montana Human Rights Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 work to implement a statewide non-discrimination law inclusive of LGBT categories and covering employment, housing, and public accommodations by 2009 as per your proposal 50,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects

Ms Foundation for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts National Advocates for Pregnant Women

113526774 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 52-2282183 501(c)(3) Public Charity

50,000 general support 50,000 general support

National Council of La Raze National Council of La Raze National Security Initiative

86-0212873 86-0212873 04-3813046

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 50.000 50,000

Democracia USA Democracia USA State Outreach Network program

Native Movement


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name New Mexico Community Foundation New York Foundation for the Arts / Zula Pead Films

Nuclear Threat Initiative

Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action / Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California Collaborative People of Faith Against the Death Penalty

Address 343 East Alameda0 Santa Fe, NM 87501 155 Avenue of the Amencas0 6th FloorO New York, NY 10013-1507 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW0 Seventh FloorD Washington, DC 20006 2601 Mission StreetO Suite 4040 San Francisco, CA 94110 110 West Main StreetO

EIN 85-0311210 23-7129564

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount Purpose 50,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects 50,000 Zula Pead Films' Active Citizen Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Myanmar ( Burma ) Relief Efforts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California Collaborative's 2008 voter education and mobilization activities


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support

Suite 2-Go
Performa Carrboro, NC 27510 100 West 23rd St, 5th FloorO New York, NY 10011 44 VNnter Street, 4th FloorO Boston, MA 02108 Fort Mason Center0 Building BO Suite 3300 San Francisco, CA 941231382 1310 Broadway0 Suite 2010 Somerville, MA 02144-1731 802 East 46th Streel0 Tucson, AZ 85713 739 Eighth Street SEO Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 4151 Memorial DnveD Suite 103-FO Decatur, GA 30032 2001 S Street NWO Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20009 1575 Westwood Boulevard0 Suite 2000 Los Angeles, CA 90024 PO Box 309140 Philadelphia, PA 19104 1505 22nd Street, NWO Washington, DC 20037 1505 22nd Street NWO Washington, DC 20037 540 Sand Dollar Dnveo La Selva Beach, CA 95076 152 West 32nd StreetD Los Angeles, CA 90007 10005 E Osborn Road0 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 20-1286572 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 50,000 Performa 09 Biennial

PIRG New Voters Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Ploughshares Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Peace and Security Initiative program 's Bridge to Peace and Security in the Next Administration project

Political Research Associates


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 General Support

PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation Project Vote

86-0326269 72-1268719

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 development of improved web systems for microlending 50,000 Voter Participation Program

Refugee Women's Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Microenterpnse Program

Refugees International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


From Research to Advocacy Advancing the Drive for Balanced U S Engagement in Africa

Relief International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Myanmar cyclone relief work

Responsible Endowment Coalition Rock The Vote Rock the Vote Education Fund Romero Institute SAJE / Right to the City Alliance Sall River Financial Services Institution

20-3257916 02-0767157 95-4350149 95-3527131 93-1226092

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty Native Tribe

50,000 general support 50,000 General Support 50,000 general support 50,000 general support 50,000 general support for Right to the City Alliance 50,000 expansion of savings and financial education programs

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name San Francisco State University

Address Cesar E Chavez InsbtuteD University Corporation / SF

EIN 94-1384645

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 50,000 Cesar E Chavez Institute's Family Acceptance Project's interventions to increase family support and decrease risk for LGBTQ children and adolescents

P O Box 3201600 San Francisco. CA 941320160 PO Box 639680 23-1352676 Philadelphia, PA 19147-3966 15301 Tyler Foote RoadO Nevada City, CA 95959 105 Court Third FloorO Brooklyn . NY 11201 51 North 1st StreetO Brooklyn, NY 11211 1250 Goodrich Boulevard0 Los Angeles, CA 90022 55 Mercer StreetO New York, NY 10013 586 Harding BoulevardD Baton Rouge, LA 70807 132 West 112th StreetO Ground LevelD New York, NY 10026 135 Grand Street. 41h Itoor0 New York, NY 10013 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NWD Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20036 P O Box 292420 Presidio Building 10090 General Kennedy San Francisco, CA 941290242 1211 Connecticut Avenue NWO Suite 4080 Washington, DC 20036 Center for State 7122 Sewell Buildingo 68-0320801 13-2605605

Settlement Music School

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 financial aid program

Sierra Family Medical Clinic South Brooklyn Legal Services

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

50,000 general support

STREB/R ngs de, Inc TELACU Community Capital, Inc The Culture Protect The Moratorium Campaign Education Fund, Inc / Witness to Innocence Twenty First Century Foundation

13-3268549 95-4738172 13-3898892 72-1514236 13-3363860

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support 50,000 Access to Capital program 50,000 50,000 50,000 general support general support for Witness to Innocence Hurricane Katrina Recovery Fund's matching grants campaign

US Biennial, Inc United Nations Foundation / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

20-8374608 58-2368165

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 50,000

Prospect 1 New Orleans project Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs' Financial Tracking Service

United Religions Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support

United States Student Association / University of California Student Association


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


University of California Student Association's UC Students Vote' Project work to engage 50,000 young voters throughout the Univensty of California campuses In voter education activities

University of Wisconsin System


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support of Center for State Innovation is

1180 Observatory DnveD

USAction Education Fund Madison, WI 53706 Attention DevelopmentO 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 Attention DevelopmentD 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 UWM Office of Developmento 3271 North Lake DnveD Milwaukee, WI 53211 52-2214307 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 50,000 Health Care for America Education Fund

USAction Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Penn Action program

UWM Foundation / 371 Productions


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 What We Got DJ Spooky's Quest for the Commons project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name San Francisco State University

Settlement Music School

Address EIN Cesar E Chavez InstituteD 94-1384645 University Corporation / SF StateD P 0 Box 3201600 San Francisco, CA 941320160 PO Box 639660 23-1352676 Philadelphia, PA 19147-3966 15301 Tyler Foote Nevada City, CA 95959 105 Court Streeto Third FloorO Brooklyn , NY 11201 51 North 1st StreetO Brooklyn, NY 11211 1250 Goodrich Boulevardo Los Angeles, CA 90022 55 Mercer StreetO New York, NY 10013 588 Harding Boulevardo Baton Rouge, LA 70807 132 West 112th StreetO Ground Levelf New York, NY 10026 135 Grand Street, 4th floorO New York, NY 10013 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N WD Suite 4000 Washington. DC 20036 P O Box 292420 Presidio Building 10090 General Kennedy Avenueo San Francisco, CA 941290242 1211 Connecticut Avenue NWD Suite 4060 Washington, DC 20036 Center for State Innovation0 7122 Sewell 1180 Observatory DnveD Madison, WI 53706 Attention Developmento 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 Attention Developmento 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 UWM Office of 3271 North Lake Milwaukee, WI 53211 68-0320801 13-2605605

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 50,000

Purpose Cesar E Chavez Institute's Family Acceptance Projects interventions to increase family support and decrease risk for LGBTQ children and adolescents

501(c)(3) Public Charity

50,000 financial aid program

Sierra Family Medical Clinic South Brooklyn Legal Services

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 50,000

Integrated Behavioral Health Protect general support

STREB/Ringside, Inc TELACU Community Capital, Inc The Culture Project The Moratorium Campaign Education Fund, Inc / Witness to Innocence Twenty First Century Foundation

13-3268549 95-4738172 13-3898892 72-1514236 13-3363860

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

50,000 Access to Capital program 50,000 general support

50,000 general support for Witness to Innocence 50,000 Hurricane Katrina Recovery Fund's matching grants campaign

US Biennial, Inc United Nations Foundation I Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

20-8374608 58-2368165

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 50,000

Prospect 1 New Orleans project Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs' Financial Tracking Service

United Religions Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support

United States Student Association / University of California Student Association


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


University of California Student Association's UC Students Vote' Project work to engage 50,000 young voters throughout the Univensty of California campuses in voter education activities general support of Center for State Innovation

University of Wisconsin System


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


USACUon Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Health Care for America Education Fund

USAcllon Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Penn Acton program

UWM Foundation / 371 Productions


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 What We Got DJ Spooky's Quest for the Commons project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Valley Economic Development Center, Inc

Virginia Organizing Project

Wellstone Action Fund

Wellstone Action Fund

White House Project

Women's Voices Women Vote

Empowering Our Communities in New Mexico Ayni Projects Unitus Inc

ACORN Institute

Address 5121 Van Nuys 3rd FloorO Van Nuys, CA 91403 703 Concord Avenueo Charlottesville, VA 229035208 2446 University Avenue W, Suite 1700 St Paul, MN 55114 2446 University Avenue W, Suite 1700 St Paul, MN 55114 434 West 33rd Streeto Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 PO Box 7570 Bemalillo, NM 87004 65 Sunset Muir Beach, CA 94965 220 W Mercer SlreetO Suite W-5000 Seattle, WA 98119 1024 Elysian Fields AvenueD New Orleans, LA 70117

EIN 95-3139419

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 50.000

Purpose Small Business Administration Microloan program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


2008 Civic Engagement Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


New York Go Run training


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 General Support

85-0194420 68-0066262 87-0621367

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Sandoval Circles

49,800 general support 49,771 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,500 general support

Media Matters for America

National Security Initiative

The Aspen Institute

1625 Massachusetts Avenue, 47-0928008 NWO Suite 3000 Washington, DC 20036 1333 H Street NW, 10th 04-3813046 FloorO Washington, DC 20005 One Dupont Circle, NWO 84-0399006 Suite 7000 Washington. DC 20036-1133 1320 Harbor Bay Parkwayo 94-3253662

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,500 general support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,500 general support

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

49,500 Continuous Progress Strategic Services' planning and evaluation work with Connect US Fund's grantees

Community Health Center Network

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Host Consortium for Tools Learning Communities

Suite 2500
Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative Women's Voices Women Vote Alameda., CA 94502 PO Box 27050 Jackson, WY 83001 1707 L Street, NWO 74.2441476 55-0889748 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 49,000 general support 49,000 general support

Suite 7500
Film Arts Foundation / Peloton Productions Washington, DC 20036 145 Ninth StreetO Number 1010 San Francisco, CA 94103 220 Fifth Avenueo Fifth FloorO New York, NY 10001 739 Eighth Street, SEC Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 94-2348632 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 48,638 Peloton Production's film, The River Why



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

U S in the World Iniiative's efforts to strengthen collaboration and promote greater coherence and direction among diverse advocacy groups working for responsible U S global engagement 48,000 nonpartisan Get Out the Vote work

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name
Texas Defender Service

412 Main StreetO Suite 11500 Houston, TX 77002 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 2525 Arapahoe Avenue0 Suite E4 #5090 Boulder, CO 80302 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington. DC 20036 NYU School of Lawo 1 61 Avenue of the Am 12th Flooro New York, NY 10013 678 13th Street0 Suite 1000 Oakland, CA 94612 678 13th StreetO Suite 1000 Oakland, CA 94612 257R Granite Street0


IRC Code Section

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

48,000 post-Baze response


Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


DFID contribution to the Disability Rights Project at Tides Center Operations

Mediators Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Women's Voices Women Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


non-partisan get out the vote efforts

Brennan Center for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


research project with Lake Research Partners

Common Counsel Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Mesa Refuge Project

Common Counsel Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Mesa Refuge

Wlndhover Foundation Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

PO Box 22490
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Rockport, MA 01966 434 West 33rd Street0 Eighth FloorO New York. NY 10001-2601 84 Camphill Roado Copake, NY 12516 P 0. Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Headquarters0 1536 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 PO Box 3500 Hadley, MA 01035-0350 1600 Downing Street0 r, C Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 1800 Downing StreetO Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 PO Box 206210 Indianapolis , IN 46220 13-1644147 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 45,389 general support

Camphlll Village USA, Inc Center for Civic Policy Center for Community Change

14-1463358 01-0869701 52-0888113

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support 45,000 general support 45,000 Community Voting Project and capacity building in Arizona, New Mexico and Florida

Class Action Colorado Progressive Coalition

26-0091867 84-1338008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support 45,000 general support

Colorado Progressive Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support

Indiana Equality Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

League of Young Voters Education Fund

Missouri Citizen Education Fund

National Council of La Raze / National Council of La Raze

45 Main StreetO Suite 6280 Brooklyn, NY 11201 5585 Pershing Avenueo Suite 1500 St Louis, MO 63112 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 work to secure at least two LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination municipal ordinances by the end of 2009 and a statewide non-discnminabon law by 2011, all of which will be for employment, housing, public accomodations and education, implemented as per your proposal 45,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support for Democracia USA

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name ProgressOhio Education, Inc Siena Club

Address EIN 251 South 3rd StreetO 20-5463029 Columbus Oh, OH 43215 National Officeo 94-1153307 85 Second Street, 2nd FloorO Francisco, CA 94105San 3441 1825 K Street, NWD Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 520 Buchanan Street. #120 San Francisco, CA 94102 2260 Baseline RoadO Suite 2000 Boulder, CO 80302 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 3354 King Edwards Court0 Eugene, OR 97401 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 National Headquarterso Two Brattle Cambridge, MA 02238-9105 PO Box 20890 Asheville, NC 28802 PO Box 308650 Tucson, AZ 85751-0865 100 Lafayette StreetO Suite 6040 New York, NY 10013 The PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 26 Beckett WayO Ithaca, NY 14850 350 Fifth Avenue0 34th FloorD New York, NY 10118-3299 3 St Pauls PlaceD Great Neck, NY 11021 480 Old Westbury RoadD Roslyn Heights, NY 115772215 701 Cathedral Street. Suite L30 Baltimore, MD 21201 1818 Jefferson Place, NWD Washington, DC 20036 1313 L StreetO Suite 1300 Washington, DC 20005 1021 Mission Street0 San Francisco, CA 94103 52-2214305

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

Amount 45,000 general support 45,000


legislative campaign to stop coal-fired power plants


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Health Care for America Nowl project

VoteVets org Action Fund Western Resource Advocates

51-0596352 84-1113831

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 work building the national progressive veterans organization 45,000 Great Salt Lake ecosystem protection

Women's Voices Women Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support

StarFire Flower Foundation Threshold Foundation

20-1704348 13-3028214

501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

44,450 44,000

M'Lop Tapang Sustainable Planet and Democracy pools, and Complimentary Currency, Arts for Social Change, Restorative Justice. Gulf South Allied Funders and International Microcredit circles

Union of Concerned Scientists


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

43,816 general support

HandMade In America Vegan Outreach Democracy Nowl

31-1604083 86-0736818 01-0708733

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

43,000 Appalachian Women Entrepreneurs Project 42,607 general support

42,216 general support

Tides Center / Beatitudes Society


501(c)(3) Public Charity

41,800 general support for Beatitudes Society

Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM Human Rights Watch

30-0306056 13-2875808

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

41,055 institutional development of your West and Central African chapter 40,329 general support

Great Neck/Manhasset Community Child Care Partnership North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center

11-3315719 11-1797183

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40.040 general support 40,040 general support

Americans For Informed Democracy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 A New Hope project

Arabella Legacy Fund Arms Control Association

20-5806345 23-7124588

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 40,000

Creation Care Fund's Friendship Project Project for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, CTBT

Asian Neighborhood Design


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Employment Training Program

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Brave New Foundation Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Center for Civic Policy Center for Victims of Torture Circle Pines Center Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund

Address 10510 Culver Boulevardo Culver City, CA 90232 322 4th Street, NED Washington, DC 20002 P O Box 276180 Albuquerque, NM 87125 717 East River Roado Minneapolis, MN 55455 8650 Mullen RoadO Delton, MI 49046-9751 912 North Hawley Roado 2nd Floor SouthO

EIN 94-3209789 04-2693322 01-0869701 36-3383933 38-1227244 39-1520619

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 40,000 general support


40,000 building a foundation for renewed progress on nuclear arms control 40,000 general support

40,000 partnership with National Religious Campaign Against Torture on the Campaign to Ban Torture American Voices for American Values 40,000 70th Anniversary Development Campaign 40,000 work to build a base in four regions of the state, including metro Milwaukee, increase civic engagement, and capacity building 40,000 Tools for Quality project

Milwaukee, WI 53213
Community Health Centers of the Central Coast PO Box 4300 150 Tales Al 9 93444 44 Nipomo, CA 300 Broadway0 95-3253302 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Earth Island Institute / Sierra Student Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Sierra Student Coalition's Change the Climate'08 project

Suite 280
San Francisco, CA 941333312 2069A Mission StreetO San Francisco, CA 94110 2000 M Sreet, NWO Suite 2030 Washington, DC 20036 870 Innes San Francisco, CA 94124 803 North Main Streeto Goshen. IN 46528 1111 19th Street. NWO 12th FloorD Washington. DC 20036 1919 Addison Streeto Suite 3040 Berkeley, CA 94704 333 Seventh Avenue0 Thirteenth Flooro New York, NY 10001-5004 PO Box 13850 Boise, ID 83701 825 Mt Auburn StreetD Cambridge, MA 02138 485 Hwy 1 WestO Iowa City, IA 52246 1401 New York Avenue. NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 PO Box 22480 Augusta, ME 04338 6127 NW 7th AvenueD Miami. FL 33127 350 E Michigan Avenue, Suite 1200 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 1200 G Street NW, Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20005

Equality Federation Institute / Equality South Dakota Institute Every Child Matters Education Fund

81-0670151 52-2330646

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 40,000

Equality South Dakota Institute's work to secure non-discrimination policies in select businesses, municipalities, and Native American tribes by 2010 as per your proposal General Support

Family Restoration House Fourth Freedom Forum / Biblical Security Covenant Henry L Stimson Center

91-2144289 35-1546655 52-1640938

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 general support 40,000 general support for Biblical Security Covenant 40,000 Rebalancing the Tools of Statecraft

Hespenan Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 work building grassroots capacity through free books and translation support

Human Rights First


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Elect to End Torture '08 Campaign

Idaho Women's Network Research and Education Fund Interaction Institute for Social Change Iowa Citizen Action Network Education Foundation Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

82-0419997 94-2928341 42-1208327 52-0799246

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 general support 40,000 general support 40,000 general support 40,000 general support

Maine Initiatives Miami Workers' Center Michigan Citizens Education Fund

01-0484310 65-0942224 52-2113282

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


major grants program

40,000 Take Back the Vote Project 40,000 general support

NAACP National Voter Fund


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Empowerment 2008 Program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Valley Economic Development Center, Inc

Virginia Organizing Project

Wellstone Action Fund

Wellstone Action Fund

White House Project

Women's Voices Women Vote

Empowering Our Communities in New Mexico Ayni Projects Unitus Inc

ACORN Institute

Address 5121 Van Nuys Boulevard0 3rd FloorO Van Nuys, CA 91403 703 Concord Avenue0 Charlottesville, VA 229035208 2446 University Avenue W, Suite 1700 St Paul, MN 55114 2446 University Avenue W. Suite 1700 St Paul, MN 55114 434 West 33rd Street0 Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 PO Box 7570 Bemalillo, NM 87004 65 Sunset WayO Muir Beach, CA 94965 220 W Mercer Street0 Suite W-5000 Seattle, WA 98119 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue0 New Orleans, LA 70117

EIN 95-3139419

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 50,000

Purpose Small Business Administration Microloan program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


2008 Civic Engagement Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


New York Go Run training


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

85-0194420 68-0066262 87-0621367

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Sandoval Circles

49.800 general support 49,771 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Media Matters for America

National Security Initiative

The Aspen Institute

1625 Massachusetts Avenue, 47-0928008 NWO Suite 3000 Washington. DC 20036 1333 H Street NW, 10th 04-3813046 FloorO Washington. DC 20005 One Dupont Circle, NWD 84-0399006 Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20036-1133

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,500 general support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,500 Continuous Progress Strategic Services' planning and evaluation work with Connect US Fund 's grantees

Community Health Center Network

1320 Harbor Bay Parkway0


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,400 Host Consortium for Tools Learning Communities

Suite 2500
Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative Women's Voices Women Vote Alameda,, CA 94502 PO Box 27050 Jackson, WY 83001 1707 L Street, NWD Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 145 Ninth Streeto Number 1010 San Francisco, CA 94103 220 Fifth Avenue0 Fifth Flooro New York, NY 10001 739 Eighth Street, SEO Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 74-2441476 55-0889748 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 49,000 49,000 general support general support

Film Arts Foundation / Peloton Productions


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Peloton Production's film, The River Why



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

U S in the World Inibative's efforts to strengthen collaboration and promote greater coherence and direction among diverse advocacy groups working for responsible U S global engagement 48,000 nonpartisan Get Out the Vote work

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Texas Defender Service

Tides Center I Disability Rights Fund

Mediators Foundation

Women's Voices Women Vote

Brennan Center for Justice

Address 412 Main StreetO Suite 11500 Houston, TX 77002 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 2525 Arapahoe Avenue0 Suite E4 #5090 Boulder, CO 80302 1707 L Street, NW0 Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 NYU School of LawO 161 Avenue of the

EIN 76-0481649

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 48,000

Purpose post-Baze response


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


DFID contnbubon to the Disability Rights Project at Tides Center Operations


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

47,000 non-partisan get out the vote efforts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

46,190 research project with Lake Research Partners

12th Floor D

New York, NY 10013

Common Counsel Foundation 678 13th StreelO Suite 1000 Oakland, CA 94612 678 13th StreetO Suite 1000 Oakland, CA 94612 257R Granite StreetD PO Box 22490 Rockport, MA 01966 434 West 33rd Slreet0 Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001-2601 84 Camphill RoadO Copake. NY 12516 P 0 Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Headquarters0 1536 U Street, NW0 Washington, DC 20009 PO Box 3500 Hadley, MA 01035-0350 1600 Downing StreetO 94-3214166 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 46,000 Mesa Refuge Project

Common Counsel Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Mesa Refuge

Wlndhover Foundation Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Planned Parenthood Federation of America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,389 general support

Camphill Village USA, Inc Center for Civic Policy Center for Community Change

14-1463358 01-0869701 52-0888113

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support 45,000 general support 45,000 Community Voting Project and capacity budding in Arizona, New Mexico and Florida

Class Action Colorado Progressive Coalition

26-0091867 84-1338008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support 45.000 general support

Suite 2100
Colorado Progressive Coalition Denver,, CO 80218 1600 Downing StreetO Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 PO Box 206210 Indianapolis , IN 46220 84-1338008 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 45,000 general support

Indiana Equality Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

League of Young Voters Education Fund

45 Main Street0


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 work to secure at least two LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination municipal ordinances by the end of 2009 and a statewide non-discnmmabon law by 2011, all of which will be for employment, housing, public accomodations and education, implemented as per your proposal 45,000 general support

Suite 6280
Missouri Citizen Education Fund Brooklyn, NY 11201 5585 Pershing Avenue0 Suite 1500 St Louis. MO 63112 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington. DC 20036 43-1619531 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 45,000 general support

National Council of La Raze / National Council of La Raza


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support for Democracia USA

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name ProgressOhio Education , Inc Siena Club

Address EIN 251 South 3rd StreetO 20-5463029 Columbus Oh, OH 43215 National Office0 94-1153307 85 Second Street, 2nd FloorO San Francisco, CA 941053441 1825 K Street, NWO Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 520 Buchanan Street, #120 San Francisco, CA 94102 2260 Baseline RoadO Suite 2000 Boulder , CO 80302 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 3354 King Edwards CourtlJ Eugene , OR 97401 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco , CA 941290903 National Headquarters0 Two Braille Square0 Cambridge . MA 02238-9105 PO Box 20890 Asheville, NC 28802 PO Box 30865D Tucson, AZ 85751-0865 100 Lafayette StreetO Suite 6040 New York, NY 10013 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 26 Beckett WayO Ithaca, NY 14850 350 Fifth Avenue0 34th FloorO New York. NY 10118-3299 3 St Pauls PlaceO Great Neck , NY 11021 480 Old Westbury Roado Roslyn Heights, NY 115772215 701 Cathedral Street, Su i te L30 Baltimore , MD 21201 1818 Jefferson Place , NWO Washington , DC 20036 1313 L StreetD Suite 1300 Washington , DC 20005 1021 Mission StreetO San Francisco, CA 94103 52-2214305

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

Amount 45,000

Purpose general support

45,000 legislative campaign to stop coal-fired power plants


501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Health Care for America Nowl project

VoteVets org Action Fund Western Resource Advocates

51-b596352 84-1113831

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 work building the national progressive veterans organization 45,000 Great Salt Lake ecosystem protection

Women's Voices Women Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 general support

StarFire Flower Foundation Threshold Foundation

20-1704348 13-3028214

501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


M'Lop Tapang

44,000 Sustainable Planet and Democracy pools, and Complimentary Currency, Arts for Social Change, Restorative Justice, Gulf South Allied Funders and International Microcredit circles

Union of Concerned Scientists


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

43.816 general support

HandMade In America Vegan Outreach Democracy Nowl

31-1604083 86-0736818 01-0708733

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

43,000 Appalachian Women Entrepreneurs Project 42,607 general support 42,216 general support

Tides Center / Beatitudes Society


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

41,800 general support for Beatitudes Society

Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM Human Rights Watch

30-0306056 13-2875808

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

41,055 40,329

institutional development of your West and Central African chapter general support

Great Neck/Manhasset Community Child Care Partnership North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center

11-3315719 11-1797183

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,040 general support 40,040 general support

Americans For Informed Democracy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 A New Hope project

Arabella Legacy Fund Arms Control Association

20-5806345 23-7124588

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 40,000

Creation Care Fund's Friendship Project Project for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, CTBT

Asian Neighborhood Design


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Employment Training Program

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Brave New Foundation Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Center for Civic Policy Center for Victims of Torture Circle Pines Center Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund

Community Health Centers of the Central Coast

Earth Island Institute / Sierra Student Coalition

Equality Federation Institute / Equality South Dakota Institute Every Child Matters Education Fund

Family Restoration House Fourth Freedom Forum / Biblical Security Covenant Henry L Stimson Center

Hesperian Foundation

Human Rights First

Idaho Women's Network Research and Education Fund Interaction Institute for Social Change Iowa Citizen Action Network Education Foundation Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Maine Initiatives Miami Workers' Center Michigan Citizens Education Fund

NAACP National Voter Fund

Address 10510 Culver Boulevardo Culver City, CA 90232 322 4th Street. NED Washington, DC 20002 P 0 Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 717 East River Minneapolis, MN 55455 8650 Mullen RoadD Dalton, MI 49046-9751 912 North Hawley RoadD 2nd Floor SouthO Milwaukee, WI 53213 PO Box 4300 150 Tejas Al 9 444 Nipomo, CA 93444 300 Suite 280 San Francisco, CA 941333312 2069A Mission StreetD San Francisco, CA 94110 2000 M Sreet, NWD Suite 2030 Washington, DC 20036 870 Innes Avenuef San Francisco, CA 94124 803 North Main StreetO Goshen, IN 46528 1111 19th Street, NWO 12th FloorD Washington, DC 20036 1919 Addison StreetD Suite 3040 Berkeley, CA 94704 333 Seventh Avenueo Thirteenth FloorO New York, NY 10001-5004 PO Box 13850 Boise. ID 83701 625 Mt Auburn Cambridge, MA 02138 485 Hwy 1 WestO Iowa City, IA 52246 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington. DC 20005 PO Box 22480 Augusta, ME 04338 6127 NW 7th Avenueo Miami, FL 33127 350 E Michigan Avenue, Suite 1200 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 1200 G Street NW, Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20005

EIN 94-3209789 04-2693322 01-0869701 36-3383933 38-1227244 39-1520619

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 40,000 40,000

Purpose general support building a foundation for renewed progress on nuclear arms control

40,000 general support 40,000 40,000 partnership with National Religious Campaign Against Torture on the Campaign to Ban Torture American Voices for American Values 70th Anniversary Development Campaign

40,000 work to build a base in four regions of the state, including metro Milwaukee, increase civic engagement, and capacity building 40,000 Tools for Quality project


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Sierra Student Coalition's Change the Climate '08 project

81-0670151 52-2330646

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 40,000

Equality South Dakota Institute's work to secure non-discrimination policies in select businesses, municipalities, and Native American tribes by 2010 as per your proposal General Support

91-2144289 35-1546655 52-1640938

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 general support 40,000 general support for Biblical Security Covenant 40,000 Rebalancing the Tools of Statecraft


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 work building grassroots capacity through free books and translation support


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Elect to End Torture'08 Campaign

82-0419997 94-2928341 42-1208327 52-0799246

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity


general support

40,000 general support 40,000 general support 40,000 general support

01-0484310 65-0942224 52-2113282

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 40,000 40,000

major grants program Take Back the Vote Project general support


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Empowerment 2008 Program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name National Religious Campaign Against Torture

Address 316 F Street NE. Suite 2000 Washington, DC 20002 International Affairs 1400 Sixteenth Street NWO Suite 5010 Washington, DC 20036-2266 PO Box 5720 Lake Andes, SD 57356-0572 1630 Connecticut Avenue NW, 7th FloorO Washington, DC 20009 434 West 33rd StreetD Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001 Two Arrow StreetO Suite 3010 Cambridge, MA 02138 821 Riverside DnveD Reno, NV 89509 1218 Mendell StreetO San Francisco, CA 94124 1800 Oakdale Avenue, Suite 5100 San Francisco, CA 94124 The Presidioo

EIN 20-8832485

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 40,000 partnership with Center for Victims of Torture on the Campaign to Ban Torture American Voices for American Values 40,000 Fair Climate Campaign

National Wildlife Federation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Native American Community Board


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Indigenous Women's Reproductive Justice Program

New America Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Initiative's action plan to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in international security Celebrating Women 2008 event

New York Women's Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Physicians for Human Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 employing health professionals' knowledge and voice to repair the United States moral standing regarding torture 40,000 work to protect state employees' right to purchase health insurance for their domestic partners by 2010, expanding this so that the state pays for the additional health coverage by 2011 as per your proposal 40,000 Rapha House's Youth Leadership Development Program 40,000 general support for Bayview Hunters Point-Potrero Hill Community Response Network

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada


501(c)(3) Public Charity

Providence Foundation of San Francisco / Rapha House Renaissance Parents of Success / Bayview Hunters Point-Potrero Hill Community Response Network Tides Center / Generations Ahead

93-1204173 94-3155564

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 general support for Generations Ahead

PO Box 299070
San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 94 1290903 29 Winter Streeto Second FloorO Boston, MA 02108-4799 801 Second AvenueD 2nd FloorO New York, NY 10017-4706 1426 Fillmore Street, #2040 San Francisco, CA 94115 526 W 26th StreelD

Tides Center / Peaceful Tomorrows


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 general support for Peaceful Tomorrows

United for a Fair Economy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 general support

United Nations Association of the United States of America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 American Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition for the International Criminal Court

Urban Services YMCA of San Francisco / Bayvlew Hunters Point Mobilization for Adolescent Growth In Our Communities Visual Aids for the Arts

94-0997140 13-3621169

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn

40,000 general support for Bayview Hunters Point Mobilization for Adolescent Growth in Our Communities 40.000 general support

Suite 5100
VoterPunch New York, NY 10001 1904 Franklin SlreetD Suite 7210 Oakland, CA 94612 80 Hanson PlaceD Fifth Flooro Brooklyn, NY 11217 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20009 20-027041 501(c)(3) Public Charity 40.000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Human Rights U S Video Advocacy Program

Women Thrive Worldwide


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 work partnering in advocacy for Millennium Change Account aid to benefit women in Burkina Faso

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name



IRC Code Section



Women's Foundation of California / La Cocina

340 Pine StreetO

Suite 3020 San Francisco, CA 94104 4223A NE Fremont StreetO Portland, OR 97213 100 Capitol Street, 10th FloorD Suite 10050 Charleston, WV 25301 1777 Yosemite Avenue0 Studio 3300 San Francisco, CA 94124 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco. CA 941290903 423 Washington StreetO 5th floorO San Francisco, CA 94111 80 Hanson PlaceD #3010 Brooklyn, NY 11217 National Officeo 1550 Byrant Street, Suite 8300 San Francisco, CA 94103 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 316 N Milwaukee StreetO Suite 2150 Milwaukee, WI 53202 2650 SW 27th Avenueo Suite 3030 Miami, FL 33133 221 Pine Street0 Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 941042715 1156 15th Street, NWO


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 La Cocina's general support

World Pulse Voices WV Free

41-2065177 55-0715930

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 World Pulse Correspondents Network 40,000 general support

Zaccho Dance Theater


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 Arts Education Program

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Disability Rights Fund's Global Advisory Panel

Trust for Conservation Innovation / Weave Me In


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Weave Me In's Conservation Yellow Pages - Programming Development

Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

38,032 work engaging LGBT families with recently marred same-sex parents in a public education campaign about manage equality and LGBT rights

Tides Center / Honor the Earth


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

37,612 general support for Honor The Earth

Women's Fund of Greater Milwaukee


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and protects

Women's Fund of Miami-Dade County


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects

Rainforest Action Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

37,070 general support

NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

36,213 general support

Suite 7000
Institute for Jewish Spirituality Washington, DC 20005 330 Seventh AvenueD Suite 19020 New York, NY 10001 1505 22nd Street NWD Washington. DC 20037 National Headquarters) 25 E Street, NWO Washington, DC 20001-1522 1730 M Street NW 9100 Washington, DC 20011 1600 University Avenue West. Suite 30980 Saint Paul, MN 55104 36-4531559 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 36,000 General Support

Rock the Vote Education Fund Children's Defense Fund

95-4350149 52-0895822

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

36,000 35,184

ChaCha Text Partnership project general support

Advancement Project Alliance for a Better Minnesota Education Fund

95-4835230 26-0317135

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support 35,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Catholics United Center for Civic Policy Center for Community Change

Address PO Box 335240 Washington, DC 20033 P O Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 1536 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 Headquarterso 1538 U Street, NWT Washington, DC 20009 Old Lamy Schoolhouseo

EIN 20-4898661 01-0869701 52-0888113

IRC Code Section 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Amount 35,000 35.000 35,000

Purpose Common Good Media Advocacy Campaign general support Community Voting Project

Center for Community Change


501(c)(3) Public Charity

35,000 Community Voting Project

Collective Heritage Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support

Six Cerro Circleo

Colorado Progressive Coalition Lamy, NM 87540 1600 Downing Street0 Dv Denver. CO 80218 320 Aztec Street, Suite Santa Fe, NM 87501 1700 Connecticut Avenue NW. Suite 4020 Washington, DC 20009 220 Fifth Fifth FloorO New York, NY 10001 40 Exchange PlaceD Suite 20010 New York, NY 10005 203 North Wabash AvenueD Suite 8080 Chicago, IL 60601 267 East Main SVeelo Gloucester, MA 01930 710 Second Avenueo Suite 8600 Seattle, WA 98104 827 Valencia StreetO Suite 1010 San Francisco, CA 9411084-1338008 501(c)(3) Public Charity 35,000 general support

Conservation Voters New Mexico DemocracylnAction org

20-0016255 20-0244151

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 hire of a new, full-time development director 35,000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Economics Opportunity Program

Drum Major Institute for Public Policy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Urban Model Policy Project

Gamaliel Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 civic participation and capacity building in Michigan, California, and Virginia

Gloucester Stage Company Grist Magazine

04-2485199 06-1664153

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support 35,000 election and political coverage

International Development Exchange


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Desarrollo Economico Social de los Mexicanos Indigenas and K' nal Antsebk

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law 1401 New York Avenue, 52-0799246 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 35,000 Voting Rights and Election Protection Project

Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20036 45 Main StreetO

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Nonpartisan Voter Participation project

League of Young Voters Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support

Suite 6280
Long Valley Health Center Maine Peoples Resource Center Brooklyn, NY 11201 PO Box 8700 Laytonville, CA 95454 565 Congress Street. Suite 2000 Portland, ME 04101 565 Congress Street, Suite 2000 Portland, ME 04101 94-2536128 22-2586108 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 35,000 Integrated Behavioral Health Project

35,000 general support

Maine Peoples Resource Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Maine Peoples Resource Center

Medieval Japanese Studies Foundation

Ms Foundation for Women

National Black United Fund / National Hip Hop Political Convention National Council of La Raza National Council of La Raza National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health

Address 565 Congress Street, Suite 2000 Portland, ME 04101 35 Claremont AvenueD Apt 10-SD New York, NY 10027 120 Wall Street0 33rd FloorO New York, NY 10005 40 Clinton StreetO Newark, NJ 07102 1128 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 50 Broad StreetO

EIN 22-2586108

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 35,000 general support



501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

35,000 Continued work supporting activities and programs related to research on Japanese civilization 35,000 Glona Awards 35th Anniversary event


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

95-2970559 86-0212873 86-0212873 52-1891734

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support for National Hip Hop Political Convention 35,000 35,000 Democracia USA's youth voter registration and GOTV work Democracia USA Project

35,000 general support

Suite 18250
New Hampshire Citizens Alliance New Hampshire Citizens Alliance New Mexico Community Foundation / Native American Community Academy Northeast Acton Ohio State University Foundation / Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity New York, NY 10004 4 Park Street, Suite 2160 Concord, NH 03301 4 Park Street, Suite 2160 Concord, NH 03301 343 East Alameda0 Santa Fe, NM 87501 621 Farmington Avenue0 Hartford, CT 06105 Office of University Development0 1480 West Lane Avenue0 Columbus, OH 43221 222 NW Davis, Suite 3090 Portland, OR 97209 821 Riverside DnveD Reno, NV 89509 739 Eighth Street SEO Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 94 Central AvenueD Albany, NY 12206 PO BOX 511820 Eugene, OR 97405 159 Western Avenue WestO Suite 4800 Seattle, WA 98119 1505 22nd Street NWO Washington, DC 20037 7650 East Broadway Boulevard0 Suite 2030 Tucson, AZ 85710 1715 West Florence Avenue0 Los Angeles, CA 90047 PO Box 23270 Alexandra , VA 22305 02-0336634 02-0336634 85-0311210 06-1136253 31-1145986 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 35,000 general support 35,000 general support 35,000 general support Native American Community Academy 35,000 general support 35.000 general support for the Kirwan Institute for the study of Race and Ethnicity

Oregon Environmental Council Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada Project Vote

93-0578714 88-0318655 72-1268719

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Climate Change Project

35,000 general support and 2008 Civic Engagement Program 35.000 General Support

Public Policy and Education Fund of New York Resource Innovation Group Resource Media

13-3364209 93-1237167 82-0564961

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support 35,000 35,000 Climate Leadership Initiative's Climate Masters Program media audit and analysis of climate and water in the West

Rock the Vote Action Fund Sonoran Institute

26-2678740 86-0684610

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 35,000

2008 voter education program creation of a Western County Action Network

Strategic Concepts In Organizing and Policy Education / Pushback Network Tenants ' and Workers ' Support Committee


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Pushback Network 's multi-state civic participation and voter engagement efforts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


voter engagement in Virginia

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Tides Center / New Policy Institute

USAcbon Education Fund

USAction Education Fund

Virginia Organizing Project

Washington Opera

Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project

Address 2709 South Lamar BIvdO Suite 1090 Austin, TX 78704 The Pres dioO PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 Attention 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 Attention 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 703 Concord AvenueO Charlottesville, VA 229035208 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW. Suite 3010 Washington. DC 20037 220 S 27th Street, Suite BO Billings, MT 59101 PO Box 403050 Portland, OR 97240 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington. DC 20036 PO Box 84900 Albuquerque, NM 87198 1601 Connecticut Avenue, NWD Suite 2000 Washington, DC 20009 6771 South Silver Hill Dnven Finland, MN 55603

EIN 76-0618574

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount Purpose 35,000 general support and increased staff capacity


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support for New Policy Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 Summer 2008 Civic Engagement Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Civic Engagement program

Western States Center Women's Voices Women Vote

93-0952137 55-0889748

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 35,000

Gender Justice Program general support

Young Women United Search for Common Ground

85-0481224 52-1257425

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 general support 34,980 work Increasing citizens' access to information on critical social and development issues in Liberia

Organic Consumers Association


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

34,669 general support

Americans United for Separation of Church and State Westside Family Health Center

518 C Street NED 53-0184647 Washington, DC 20002 1711 Ocean Park BoulevardD 95-2931931 Santa Monica, CA 90405 52-1218336 88-0217086

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

34,498 general support 34,440 Tools for Quality project

501 Front StreetD Norfolk, VA 23510 American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada / Nevada Coalition Against 732 South Sixth StreetO the Death Penalty Suite 200A0 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Pathfinder International Nine Galen StreetO Suite 2170 Watertown, MA 02172-4501 Progressive States Network 101 Avenue of the Americas, 3rd FloorO New York, NY 10013 Trust for Conservation Innovation / Weave Me In 423 Washington Streeto 5th floorO San Francisco, CA 94111

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn

34,195 general support 33,750 general support for Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

33,500 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

33,120 Weave Me In's web services to be used by the Conservation Pages

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Women Donors Network

Address 1170 Hamilton Courto Menlo Park, CA 94025 South Bay Family Healthcare Center 23430 Hawthorne Boulevard0 Building 3, Suite 2100 Torrance, CA 90505 Environmentalism Through Inspiration an Non Violent Action / Code 20178 Rockport Wayo Pink Malibu, CA 90265 Global Fund for Women 1375 Sutter StreetO Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94109 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Office of Sponsored Programso 77 Massachusetts E19-7500 Cambridge, MA 02139 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 501 Front StreetD Norfolk, VA 23510 Mission City Community Network, Inc 15206 Parthenia StreetO North Hills, CA 91343 Clinicas del Camino Real 200 South Wells RoadO Suite 2000 Ventura, CA 93004 Tides, Inc PO Box 291980 San Francisco, CA 941290198 Community Clinics Health Network PO Box 8809690 San Diego, CA 92168 Equality California Institute 2370 Market Streeto 2nd FloorO San Francisco, CA 94114 Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty Go Cnmmal Justice

EIN 05-0542397 23-7049937

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount Purpose 33.000 general support and support for Reproductive Justice Action Circle and Gulf South Allied Funders project 32,640 Tools for Quality project

95-4658841 77-0155782

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Code Pink

32,268 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Rebecca Saxe Laboratory

52-1218336 95-4226189 95-2977147

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty


general support

31,440 Tools for Quality project 31,140 Tools for Qual i ty project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,805 Tides Development Fund

33-0759107 68-0438008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,720 Tools for Quality project 30,555 efforts to promote positive messages about manage equality and LGBT rights including an evaluation of the overall campaign 30,300 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

The Saban Free Clinic

4127 Forest Park Ave 0 St Louis, MO 63108 8405 Beverly BoulevardD 95-2539105 Los Angeles, CA 90048-3476 6930 Carroll Ave. Suite 10000 Takoma Park, MD 20912 PO Box 14650 Madison, WI 53711 1816 Jefferson Place. NWO Washington, DC 20036 116 East 16th StreetD Seventh FloorQ New York, NY 10003 150 Executive Park BoulevardO Suite 28000 San Francisco, CA 94134 1601 Lane StreelD San Francisco, CA 941241409 1825 K Street, NW, Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20006 261150699

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

30,240 Tools for Quality project

1Sky Education Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support

Advancing Wisconsin Arabella Legacy Fund / Fair Elections Legal Network Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

80-0185628 20-5806345 13-2992977

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 30,000 30,000

progressive legislative issues canvass Election Protection and Election Administration Reform program Freedom To Marry's education campaign in support of marriage equality

Bayvlew Hunter's Point Foundation for Community Improvement! 3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support for 3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic

Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 Community Teen Center

Campaign for America's Future


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Economic War Room project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Catholics in Alliance For the Common Good

Center for American Progress

Center for American Progress

Center for Media and Democracy

Choice USA

Citizens for Global Solutions Education Fund

Address 1730 Rhode Island Avenue , NWO Suite 9150 Washington , DC 20036 1333 H Street , NWD Tenth FloorO Washington , DC 20005 1333 H Street . NWO Tenth FloorO Wash i ngton. DC 20005 520 University Avenue0 Suite 2270 Madison, WI 53703 1317 F Street NWD Suite 5010 Washington , DC 20004 418 Seventh Street SED Washington , DC 20003-2769 1420 K Street NWD Suite 9000 Washington , DC 20005 PO Box 2010610 Denver, CO 80220-1061 PO Box 77880 Albuquerque , NM 87194 1025 Vermont Avenue , NWO Third FloorO Washington . DC 20005 1130 17th Street NWO Washington , DC 20036 3307 Bourbon StreetO Fredericksburg . VA 22401 1709 NE 60th StreetO Fort Lauderdale , FL 33334 248 West 35th StreetO Suite 12020 New York, NY 10001 1111 19th Street NWD Suite 11200 Washington , DC 20036 P 0 Box 5350 Manderson , SD 57756 77 Federal StreetO Second FloorO San Francisco, CA 94107 420 Lexington Avenueo Suite 26400 New York, NY 10170 330 Seventh Avenueo Suite 19020 New York, NY 10001 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington , DC 20005

EIN 20-3677401

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 30,000 General Support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Campus Progress' work in the fields of climate change and global engagement


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Campus Progress Youth Communications Plan


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Congresspedia's Election Administration Wiki


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30.000 general support

52 -6081813

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


peacekeeping partnerships and greater U S multilateral engagement

CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights

84-1569021 85-0437704 52- 2218789

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support 30,000 general support for Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice 30,000 death penalty initiative

Community Networking Resources I Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice
Constitution Project

Defenders of Wildlife First Peoples Worldwide Florida Conservation Alliance Institute Fractured Alias / Lead Creatively, Inc

53-0 183181 20-5656119 33-1024026 11-3451703

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 30,000

General Support Mursi Project

30,000 general support 30,000 general support for Lead Creatively, Inc

Global Health Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 Jonathan Mann Award

Horse Owners Society, Inc / Owe Aku Independent Media Institute

38-3664901 52-1309876

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support for Owe Aku 30.000 altemet org

International Crisis Group


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support

Jewish Funds for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Transformative Organizing project

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law


501(c)(3) Public Charity

30,000 technical capacity for OUR-VOTE hotline and support for the West Coast Call Center

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name League of Conservation Voters

Address 1920 L Street. NWO

EIN 52-1733698

IRC Code Section

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

Amount 30,000

Purpose Heat is On Campaign

Suite 8000
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children Washington, DC 20036 1540 Market StreetO Suite 4900 San Francisco, CA 94102 P 0 Box 155770 Washington, DC 20003-5577 224 W Michigan Ave 0 Saline, MI 48176 2314 University Avenue Suite 200 St Paul, MN 55114 1200 G Street NW, Suite 8000 Washington. DC 20005 1225 1 Street, NWD Suite 3070 Washington . DC 20005 PO Box 4090 94-3080408 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 30,000 Mothering from Behind the Wall project

Metro TeenAIDS


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 Young Women of Color Leadership Council

Migrant Health Promotion Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

38-3092194 36-3501477

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

30,000 30,000

La Voz Latina OUR-VOTE Hotline project of your organization's Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network

NAACP National Voter Fund


501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


voter protection messaging and promotion of govote org to Tom Joyner listeners

National Security Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Native Action


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support

101 Post Office DnveO

NON Lame Deer, MT 59043 729 15th Street, NW, 2nd FloorD Washington. DC 20005 4 Park Street. Suite 2160 Concord, NH 03301 744 Broad Street, Suite 2080D Newark, NJ 07102 155 Avenue of the 20-2100126 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 30,000 Globalization Initiative

New Hampshire Citizens Alliance New Jersey Citizen Action Education Fund

02-0336634 22-2493628

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity

30,000 general support 30,000 general support

New York Foundation for the Arts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Building Up Infrastructure Levels for Dance program

AmencasO 6th FloorD

New York Immigration Coalition New York. NY 10013-1507 137-139 West 25th StreetO 12th FloorD New York, NY 10001-7277 P 0 Box 14030 13-3573409 501(c)(3) Public Charity 30,000 civic participation campaign in New York and to support participation of ACORN, Gamaliel and NAKASEC

Nlswa Association, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 expansion of your organization's health education and mental health services for South Asian

Lomita, CA 90717
Oregon Student Foundation Pacific News Service 635 NE Dekum StreetO Portland. OR 97211 275 Ninth StreetO Third FloorD San Francisco, CA 94103 739 Eighth Street SED Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 1002A O'Reilly Avenueo San Francisco, CA 941290915 409 Riverside Dnveo Clayton, NY 13624 1237 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, SWO Atlanta, GA 30310 93-1176313 94-1709509 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

and Middle Eastern women and their families and engagement in a strategic planning pp to ensure agency growth and stability
30,000 civic engagement work 30,000 New America Media's voter education work

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Rudolf Steiner Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Fund for Complementary Currencies

Save The River SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective

16-1125061 51-0544927

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


School-Based Environmental Program

30.000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education

Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education / Pushback Network Studio in a School Association

Thai Community Development Center / Thai Health Network

Third Sector New England / Connecticut Network to Abolish the Death Penalty Third Wave Foundation

Threshold Foundation

United States Student Association

USActfon Education Fund

Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation

Virginia Organizing Project / Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty WIN M i nnesota

Address 1715 West Florence AvenueD Los Angeles , CA 90047 1715 West Florence Avenue0 Los Angeles, CA 90047 Executive Offices0 410 West 59th StreetO New York, NY 10019 6376 Yucca Street0 Suite BO Los Angeles, CA 90028 89 South StreetO Suite 7000 Boston, MA 02111-2670 25 East 21st StreetG Fourth FloorD New York, NY 10010 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1211 Connecticut Avenue NWD Suite 4060 Washington, DC 20036 Attention Developmenl0 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 1025 Vermon Avenue, NWO Seventh FloorD Washington , DC 20005 703 Concord Avenue0 Charlottesville, VA 229035208 308 East Hennepin AvenueD Minneapolis , MN 55414 114 West Pine StreetO Missoula, MT 59802 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington , DC 20036 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 815 16th Street , NWD Washington, DC 20006 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NWO Sixth FloorO Washington, DC 20036-2109 1220 SW Monson Street, NWO Suite 13050 Portland , OR 97205

EIN 95-4635737

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 30.000

Purpose Pushback Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support of Pushback Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Thai Health Network's efforts to address the health needs of indigent Thai immigrants in Los Angeles through partnerships with other organizations and through the development and implementation of fundraising plan 30,000 general support for Connecticut Network to Abolish the Death Penalty 30,000


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Charity


youth voter registration and GOTV work


501(c)(3) Public Charity


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 Veteran 's International Cambodia program ' s prosthetics and rehabilitation program


501(c)(3) Public Charity

30,000 Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty's work to build a strong base for the abolition campaign through increasing organizational capacity and the membership base 30,000 Minnesota Progressive Campaign


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

Women's Voices for the Earth Women's Voices Women Vote

81-0501011 55-0 889748

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support 30,000 General Support

Working America Education Fund Working America Education Fund World Security Institute

20-2035052 20-2035052 52-1289743

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 general support 30,000 30,000 General Support Space Security project

Nonprofit Technology Network / MobileActive org


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


MobileAcbve org's information and communication needs assessment of budget monitoring groups in India

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name GLSEN

People for the American Way Foundation

Women for Women International

Global Fund for Women

Asian Pacific Health Care Venture

Clinica Mar Oscar A Romero Community Health Alliance of Pasadena

Northeast Valley Health Corporation

Valley Community Clinic

PIRG New Voters Project

Address National Headquarterso 90 Broad StreetD Second FloorD New York, NY 10004 2000 M Street NWD Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20036 4455 Connecticut Avenue, NWD Suite 2000 Washington, DC 20008 1375 Sutter Streeto Suite 400D San Francisco, CA 94109 1530 Hillhurst AvenueD Suite 2000 Los Angeles, CA 90027 2032 Marengo StreetO Los Angeles, CA 90033 1855 North Fair Oaks AvenueD Suite 2000 Pasadena, CA 91103 531 5th Street[ Suite AD San Fernando, CA 91340 6801 Coldwater Canyon Avenueo Suite 1BD North Hollywood, CA 91605 44 Winter Street, 4th FloorD Boston, MA 02108 220 Fifth AvenueD Fifth FloorD New York, NY 10001 351 Felice DnveI Hollister, CA 95023 PO Box 291980 San Francisco, CA 941290198 2660 Lanmer StreetO Denver, CO 80205 6930 Carroll AvenueD Suite 6100 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Dept of Brain and Cognitive

EIN 04-3234202

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 29,695 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

28,609 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

28,208 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

28,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Charity

27,840 Tools for Quality project

95-3881333 95-4536824

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

27,840 27,840

Tools for Quality project Tools for Quality project


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Tools for Quality project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Tools for Quality project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

27,000 text message testing and swat team field programs



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

San Benito Health Foundation Tides, Inc

94.2299959 57-1138099

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

26,640 Tools for Quality project 26,384 Momentum conference

Volunteers of America Colorado Branch FairVote

84-1590666 54-1635649

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

26,315 Bannock Youth Center 26,207 general support.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Atin Mrs Shiela McCabeD 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 46-20050 Cambridge, MA 02139.4307 Department WD 91-1148123 P 0 Box 26690 Portland, OR 97208 1024 Elysian Fields AvenueD 72-1488419 New Orleans, LA 70117

Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Dept of Brain and Cognitive Sciences' for Rebecca Saxe laboratory

Mercy Corps

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

ACORN Institute

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Rocky Mountain Institute


20/20 Vision Education Fund

Advancing Wisconsin Alliance for Justice

Address 2317 Snowmass Creek RoadO Snowmass, CO 81654 190 N 10th StreelO Suite 3030 Brooklyn, NY 11211 8401 Colesville Suite 6400 Silver Spring, MD 20910 PO Box 14650 Madison, WI 53711 Eleven Dupont Circle, NWO Second FloorO Washington, DC 20036-1206 Eleven Dupont Circle, NWD Second FloorO Washington. DC 20036-1206 120 Wall Streeto 13th floorO New York. NY 10005-3902 45 West 36th StreetO Tenth Flooro New York, NY 10018-7904 1333 H Street. NWO 10th Flooro Washington, DC 20005 191 Howard StreetD Boone, NC 28607 734 15th Street, NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20005 1616 E Indian School Road, Suite 3400 Phoenix, AZ 85016 335 West Windsor AvenueD Phoenix. AZ 85003

EIN 74-2244146

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,179

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 Cool Cars Campaign

80-0185628 52-1009973

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25,000

Progressive Legislative Issue Canvass NET Initiative

Alliance for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Networking Education and Training Initiative

American Foundation for AIDS Research


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of Beth Israel Medical Center's National Syringe Exchange Survey

American Jewish World Service


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


2007 Tsadik Fund Umbrella Model

American Progress Action Fund


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Half in Ten Campaign

Appalachian Voices Arabella Legacy Fund / Fair Elections Legal Network

56-2049956 20-5806345

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 protect, The Whole World is Watching 25,000 election administration work in New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania and North Carolina

Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Arizona Together Supporters / Protect Arizona's Freedom


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Protect Arizona's Freedom's lawsuit to challenge the validity of Connerly's petitions

Asian Women's Shelter

Atlantis Community Inc / ADAPT Black AIDS Institute

3543 18th StreetO 94-3030212 San 190 San Francisco, CA 94110 201 S 84-0691371 Denver, CO 80223 1833 West 8th Street Suite 95-4742741 2000 Los Angeles, CA 90057-4257 PO Box 3840 Tucson, AZ 85702 161 Avenue of the Americas, 12th FloorO New York, NY 10013 1775 Massachusetts Ave NWO Washington, DC 20036 80-0056716 03-0593698

501(c)(3) Public Charity


20th anniversary match fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25,000

general support for ADAPT National Black AIDS Mobilization Campaign

Border Action Network Brennan Center Strategic Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

25,000 general support 25,000 Voting Rights and Elections Project

Brookings Institution


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 changing US policy toward the International Criminal Court

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Campaign for America's Future

Address 1825 K Street, NW, Suite

EIN 52-1861766

IRC Code Section 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

Amount 25,000

Purpose Health Care for All Civic Engagement Project

Campaign for Community Change Campaign for Consumer Rights Washington. DC 20006 1536 U Street, NWO Washington. DC 20009 1750 Ocean Park Blvd , Suite 2000 Santa Monica, CA 90405 1605 Connecticut Avenue NWO 3rd FloorO Washington, DC 20009 1333 H Street, NWO Tenth FloorD Washington, 20005 P 0 Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Headquerters0 1536 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 Headquarters0 1536 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 880 South Main StreetO Sharon, MA 02067 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWO 27-0061100 95-4469690 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 25,000 25,000 non-partisan get out the vote and post-electoral activities American Health Plan Project

Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 work helping civilians harmed in combat through a civil-military cooperative approach

Center for American Progress


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Center for Civic Policy Center for Community Change

01-0869701 52-0888113

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25,000

Health Care Campaign general support

Center for Community Change


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Center for Independent Documentary / Third Factory Center for Independent Media


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25.000

Don't Call Me A Neocon General Support

033-1137541 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Suite 6350
Center for Progressive Leadership / New Organizing Institute Education Fund Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Washington. DC 20009 1133 19th Street, NWO 9th FloorO Washington, DC 20036 820 1st Street, NEO Suite 5100 Washington, DC 20002 550 West North Street, Suite 3010 Indianapolis, IN 46202 1400 Eye Street NWO Suite 4500 Washington. DC 20005 West 2533 est Third Suite 1010 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Old Lamy Schoothouse0 52-1454259 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25.000 general support of New Organizing Institute Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of the Center on Philanthropy Panel Study (COPPS) with its 2009 Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics In Washington


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles

95 A 421521

501(c)(3) Public Charity


civic participation program and technology capacity building 0

Collective Heritage Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Renewables Cheaper Than Coal Transmission Line project

Six Cerro Circle0

Colorado Conservation Voters Colorado Progressive Coalition Lamy, NM 87540 1538 Wynkoop Suite 4-CO Denver, CO 80202 1600 Downing StreetO Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 1600 Downing Street! Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 30-0037131 84-1338008 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 Accountability Protect 25,000 Colorado Affirmative Acton Strategic Communications project

Colorado Progressive Coalition / Colorado Unity


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Colorado Unity

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Colorado State University Foundation

Address EIN Cashier's OfficeD 23-7098397 Campus Delivery-OSPD 6015 Fort Collins, CO 80523-6015

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 25,000 work strengthening public health capacity and facilitating management of vector-borne diseases in resource-poor environments

Common Assets Defense Fund Common Cause Education Fund

Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

P 0 Box 149670 48-1271532 Minneapolis, MN 55414 1133 19th Street NWO 31-1705370 9th FloorO Washington, DC 20036 3833 Cleghom Avenue. Suite 62-1471789

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25.000 25,000

Climate Project 2008 Delegation to Iran

501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 climate impact mapping for Core Presenters' use in presentations

Conservation Minnesota Nashville, TN 37215-2519 1101 West River Parkway, 41-2017329 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 general support

Suite 2500 Democracy A Journal of Ideas

Minneapolis, MN 55415 2120 L Street, NWO Suite 3050 Washington, DC 20037 300 Broadwayo Suite 280 San Francisco, CA 941333312 De Domenico BwldingO 200 Frank H Ogawa PlazaD Oakland, CA 94612 20-3685508 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 general support

Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Energy Action Coalition's work to develop a map of local and regional climate movement organizations

East Bay Community Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Charity


participation and support in establishing an Office of Public Private Partnership in the Mayor's office in Oakland

Emery Education Foundation Equality Federation Institute E-Volve Foundation

FCNL Education Fund

P O Box 89260 94-3248242 Emeryville, CA 94662 2069A Mission StreetO 81-0670151 San Francisco, CA 94110 113 N van Pelt StreetD 47-0904131 Philadelphia, PA 19103 245 Second Street, NED 52-1254489 Washington, DC 20002-5795 94-3300090

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

25,000 25,000

Emery Ed Fund general fund National Collaborative's efforts to promote the California Inbabve for LGBT people

25,000 VoterStory program 25,000 campaign to shift United States policy on cluster munitions

Filipino American Development Foundation / United Playaz Violence 1010 Mission StreetD Prevention and Leadership Development Program Suite BO San Francisco , CA 94103 Filipino American Development Foundation / United Playaz Violence 1010 Mission Streeto Prevention and Leadership Development Program Suite BO San Francisco , CA 94103 Firelight Foundation 740 Front StreetD Suite 3800 Santa Cruz , CA 95060 First Nations Development Institute 703 Third Avenue0 Suite 80 Longmont, CO 80501 Focus Humanitarian Assistance 7777 Leesburg PikeD

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


United Playaz Violence Prevention and Leadership Development Program's work with youth from Bayview Hunters Point and Thurgood Marshall High School United Playaz Violence Prevention and Leadership Development Program's work with youth from Bayview Hunters Point and Thurgood Marshall High School institutional development 0


501(c)(3) Public Chanty



501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


project to map seismic vulnerability in Talikistan

Suite 303SO
Foundation for Environmental Research / Climate Central Gedakina HeadCount Falls Church , VA 22043 1501 Chelmsford StreetO Saint Paul, MN 55108 P 0 Box 2210 Milford, CT 03055 336 West 49th Street , 1 RWO New York , NY 10019 34 - 1919165 33-1075692 77-0626772 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty Climate Central's work creating map portraits of the causes , consequences , and solutions to climate change 25,000 general support 25.000 25,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name HeadCount

Address 336 West 49th Street, 1RWO New York, NY 10019 350 Fifth Avenueo 34th FloorD New York, NY 10118-3299 350 Fifth 34th FloorO New York, NY 10118-3299 28 East Jackson Blvd 0 Suite 7100 Chicago, IL 60604 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NWO Suite 2050 Washington, DC 20036 1825 K Street, NW, Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20006 1112 16th Street. NWD Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20036 1112 16th Street, NWD

EIN 77-0626772

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,000

Purpose general support

Human Rights Watch


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 Africa Program

Human Rights Watch


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Institute for America's Future


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Institute for America's Future


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Institute for Policy Studies / Hip Hop Caucus Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support for Hip Hop Caucus Institute

Institute for Policy Studies / Other Worlds


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Other Worlds

Suite 6000
InterAction - American Council for Voluntary International Acton Washington, DC 20036 1400 16th Street, NWO Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20036 90 Oak StreetD 13-3287064 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 Partner Vetting System Research Project

Interfalthfamlly corn


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

P O Box 4280
Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco, Mann and the Peninsula Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Jubilee USA Network Newton, MA 02464 121 Steuart StreetD Suite 3010 San Francisco, CA 94105 2031 Third Avenueo Seattle, WA 98121 222 East Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20003 2000 Texas AvenueD El Paso, TX 79901 National HeadquartersD 120 Wall StreetO Suite 15000 New York, NY 10005-3904 1590 Willamette Street, Suite 2000 Eugene, OR 97401 1536 Wynkoop Street, Suite 4B0 Denver, CO 80202 1920 L Street. NWO Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20036 1314 56th Street NED Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98105 94-1156335 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 work conducting a public education campaign about LGBT rights and marriage equality in the Jewish community 25,000 25,000 general support Organizing for a New Debt Policy project

91-0575950 03-0582216

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

La MuJer Obrera Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund

74-2219654 23-7395681

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support 25,000 general support

Lane Arts Council / Faenewortds


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Faeneworld's large format puppets and music budget

Latina Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Legal Advocates for Washington School


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 890 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Link Media

Address PO Box 20080

EIN 74-2923884

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,000 general support


San Francisco, CA 941262008

Link Media PO Box 20080 San Francisco, CA 941262008 3042 Old Forge Dnve0 Suite DO Baton Rouge. LA 70808 The New School for Social ResearchO 79 Fifth Avenue. Floor 170 New York, NY 10003 1460 Capitol Street NEO Salem, OR 97301 1460 Capitol Street NED Salem, OR 97301 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NWD Suite 3000 Washington, DC 20004 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NWO Suite 3000 Washington, DC 20036 Department WO P 0 Box 26690 Portland, OR 97208 6267 Delmar BlvdO Suite 2E0 St Louis, MO 63130 PO Box 490 Old Chelsea Station0 New York, NY 10013 1200 G Street NW. Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20005 National Office0 225 Vanck Street, 7th FloorO New York. NY 10014 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington. DC 20036 900 South Crenshaw Blvd 0 Los Angeles, CA 90019 PO Box 5720 Lake Andes. SD 57356-0572 3 Gate Five Road, Suite AO Sausalito, CA 94965 New York Office0 40 West 20th Streel0 New York, NY 10011 1141 H Streeto Suite BO Lincoln, NE 68508 74-2923884 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 general support

Louisiana Assishve Technology Access


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Mannes College The New School for Music of The New School


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 Jeremy Ginges' Social and Political Psychology Laboratory

Mano a Mano Family Center / CAUSA Mano a Mano Family Center / CAUSA Media Matters Action Network

93-0992858 93-0992858 77-0646754

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

25,000 general support for CAUSA 25,000 CAUSA's efforts to defeat IP 19 25,000 Immigration Project

Media Matters for America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Mercy Corps


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Nepal Economic Corridor Mapping Project

Missouri Coalition for the Environment


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Clean Energy Works for Missouri campaign

Movement Research


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

NAACP National Voter Fund


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Empowerment 2007-08 Voter Registration Campaign

National Audubon Society


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Project to Plan and Promote Green Power and Transmission in Key Western States

National Council of La Raza National Council of La Raze / National Council of La Raza National Korean American Service and Education Consortium Native American Community Board

86-0212873 86-0212873 11-3303986 46-0392867

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25.000 25.000 25.000

Democracia USA program general support for Democracia USA

civic participation work in California. in particular outreach through Korean media and other Asian media through Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote 25.000 general support

Natural Capital Institute / Green For All Natural Resources Defense Council

38-3705448 13-2654926

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support for Green for All mapping to identify sensitive lands, resources and habitats which need to be protected in the process of locating sites for renewable energy transmission projects and transmission lines in the Western states 25,000 efforts to oppose an anti-affirmative action ballot initiative 25,000

Nebraskans United

State Registered PAC

Form 980 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name New Mexico Community Foundation New York Foundation for the Arts / The Laundromat Project, Inc

North Coast Clinics Network

Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative Ohio Campus Compact Ohio State University Foundation

Address 343 East Santa Fe, NM 87501 155 Avenue of the AmencasO 6th Flooro New York, NY 10013-1507 710 E Streeto Suite 1450 Eureka, CA 95501 PO Box 27050 Jackson, WY 83001 615 North Pearl Streeto Granville, OH 43023 Office of University Developmento 1480 West Lane AvenueD Columbus, OH 43221

EIN 85-0311210 23-7129564

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,000 25,000

Purpose New Mexicans for Sustainable Energy and Effective Stewardship Fund general support for the Laundromat Project, Inc


501(c )(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

74-2441476 31-1577476 31-1145986

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 to support fundraising efforts 25.000 25,000 2008 Campus Vote Initiative The Supramap project

Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action / Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California Collaborative
PEF Israel Endowment Funds

2601 Mission StreetO

Suite 4040 San Francisco, CA 94110 317 Madison AvenueD Suite 8070 New York, NY 10017 2000 M Street NWO Suite 4000 Washington. DC 20036 110 West Main StreetO Suite 2-GO Carrboro, NC 27510 44 Winter Street, 4th FloorO Boston, MA 02108


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California's civic participation and technology capacity bwldm work


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 The Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development's Sustainable Desert Community project 25,000 distribution of tool kits and communications related to voter ID and other election protection issues, including promotion of GoVote orgo 25,000 general support and work to educate and mobilize faith communities to abolish the death penalty New Voters Project

People for the American Way Foundation


501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty

People of Faith Against the Death Penalty


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

PIRG New Voters Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania

434 West 33rd Street[) 13-1644147 Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001-2601 5780 S PeonaO 73-0685955 Tulsa, OK 74105 1144 Locust 23-1352509 Philadelphia, PA 19107-6797 801 Second Avenueo 73-1712905

501(c )(3) Public Chanty


general support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25,000

Little Rock Health Center general support

Potlatch Fund / Longhouse Media

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Longhouse Media's Native Lens

Suite 3040
ProgressNow Seattle , WA 98104 1536 Wynkoop Street. #4A0 Denver , CO 80202 739 Eighth Street. SED Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NWO Suite 13100 Washington, DC 20036 2211 Corinth 73-1674017 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 General Support

Project Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Public Education Center, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


National Security News Services ' lraqgate II project

Public Interest Pictures


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Suite 3000
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Public Interest Pictures

Rachel's Network, Inc

River Gallery School

Address 2211 Corinth AvenueD Suite 3000 Los Angeles, CA 90064 1200 18th Street NWO Suite 8010 Washington, DC 20036 32 Main

EIN 35-2201704

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 Creation Care Collaboration with National Association of Evangelicals


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support

Suite 2010
Rock The Vote Romero Institute Romero Institute Romero Institute Romero Institute Saint Paul's School Save the Waves Coalition Brattleboro, VT 05301 1505 22nd Street, NWO Washington, DC 20037 540 Sand Dollar Dnveo La Selva Beach, CA 95076 540 Sand Dollar DnveD La Salve Beach, CA 95076 540 Sand Dollar Dnveo La Selva Beach, CA 95076 540 Sand Dollar DnveD La Selva Beach, CA 95076 116 Montecito AvenueD Oakland, CA 94610-4556 3500 Coast HighwayD Post Office Box 1830 Davenport, CA 95017 PO Box 45690 Arcata, CA 95518 90 Grandview Street #B101 0 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 02-0767157 95-3527131 95-3527131 95-3527131 95-3527131 94-1525621 36-4515216 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 General Support 25,000 general support 25,000 general support 25,000 general support 25,000 general support 25,000 When the Mission Matters campaign and Annual Fund 25,000 general support


Seventh Generation Fund / Western Shoshone Defense Project Shared Adventures

68-0027247 77-0366565

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support for Western Shoshone Defense Project 25,000 general support

Sierra Club

National OfficeD 94-1153307 85 Second Street, 2nd Floorf San Francisco, CA 941053441 18173 South Pioneer BoulevardD Suite I, Second FloorO Artesia, CA 90701 PO Box 5440 Columbia, SC 29202 510 Third Street. SWO Albuquerque, NM 87102 PO Box 143970 Albuquerque, NM 87191 PO Box 45240 105 Stanford Albuquerque, NM 87106 890 Garrison AvenueD Fourth Flooro Bronx, NY 10474 410 North 18th Streeto Centerville, IA 52544-1823 248 West 35th St. 17th FloorO New York, NY 10001 1475 Rose StreetD Berkeley, CA 94702 33-0608166

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Legislative Campaign to Stop Coal-Fired Power Plants

South Asian Network / Los Angeles Taxi Workers Alliance

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 expansion of Los Angeles Taxi Workers Association's capacity to provide health-related services to taxi workers through a needs assessment and strategic plan

South Carolina Equality Coalition Foundation Southwest Cultural Preservation Project / SAGE Council SouthWest Organizing Project / SouthWest Organizing Project Southwest Research and Information Center / Nuclear Watch New Mexico Sustainable South Bronx

01-0712524 74-2850523 85-0361425 23-7159949

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 work to pass various local non-discnmination ordinances in 2009 and 2010 as per your proposal 25,000 general support 25,000 general support for Southwest Organizing Project Nuclear Program's work with the Nuclear Weapons Complex Consolidation Network to reduce the scale, capabilities, and cost of the US nuclear arsenal and its supporting research and production complex 25,000 B E S T Project and Greenway Project 25,000


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

The Abilities Fund The Center For Science and the Media / Astrid Media

42-1500479 52-2045885

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

25,000 Astrid Media's documentary film. The Accidental Advocate

The Crowden School


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii

Theater et at, Inc Third Wave Foundation

Thirteen WNET Thirteen WNET

Tides Center / Center for Social Inclusion

Tides Center / First Peoples Worldwide

Tides Center / Honor the Earth

Tides Center / National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum

Tides Center / The Opportunity Agenda

TransparentDemocracy org

U S Public Interest Research Group Education Fund Underdog Foundation Union Theological Seminary

Upwardly Global

USAcbon Education Fund

USAchon Education Fund

Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

Address PO Box 2200 Kualapuu0 Molokai, H196757 5-49 49th Avenue0 Long Island City, NY 11101 25 East 21st StreelD Fourth FloorO New York, NY 10010 450 West 33rd StreetO New York, NY 10001 450 West 33rd Street[) Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10001 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco. CA 941290903 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 800 San Antonio Avenue, Suite 10 Palo Alto, CA 94303 218 D Street, SED Washington, DC 20003 PO Box 4430 Island Pond, VT 05846 Development Office[) Chapel Tower 3rd FloorD 3041 BroadwayD New York, NY 10027 582 Market Streeto Suite 12070 San Francisco, CA 94104 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 Attention Development[) 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 530 East Main Street[) Suite 8200 Richmond, VA 23219

EIN 53-0242652

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,000

Purpose Marine Conservation Fellowship Program

13-0038993 13-3670260

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25,000

general support support leadership transition

13-1945149 13-1945149

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 Wide Angle's Production of Women and Children First 25,000 NOW program on PBS


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Center for Social Inclusion


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for First Peoples Worldwide


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Honor the Earth


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support for National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support for the Opportunity Agenda


501(c)(3) Public Charity

25,000 general support

52-1384240 03-0368814 13-1624238

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 25.000 25,000

Campus Voting Project general support Poverty Initiative Scholar-in-Residence, Willie Baptist, recipient of the Alston Bannerma^ Fellowship


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of Iraqi refugees


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Iraq Alliance 2008 project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Virginia Organizing Protect

Voto Latino

Western Organization of Resource Councils

Western Progress Westport Country Playhouse White Earth Land Recovery Project WIN Minnesota

Address 703 Concord AvenueD Charlottesville, VA 229035208 7600 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 200D Bethesda. MD 20814 220 South 27th StreetO Suite BO Billings, MT 59101 345 E Palm Phoenix, AZ 85004 25 Powers Cl 0 Westport, CT 06880 607 Main Callaway, MN 56521 308 East Hennepin AvenueD Minneapolis, MN 55414 1500 S Beretania StreetO Suite 3140 Honolulu, HI 96826 355 Chestnut StreetD Union, NJ 07083 4343 Montgomery Avenueo

EIN 54-1674992

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 25,000

Purpose General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 general support


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Responsible Energy Development Campaign

20-8210127 23-7357943 41-1673625 74-3238362

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


General Support

25,000 general support 25,000 general support 25,000 Minnesota Progressive Campaign

Women's Fund of Hawaii


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects

Women's Fund of New Jersey Women's Learning Partnership for Rights Development and Peace

22-3378734 52-2199581

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects 25,000 General Support

Suite 2010
Women's Voices Women Vote Bethesda, MD 20814 1707 L Street, NWO 55-0889748 Suite 7500 Washington. DC 20036 1707 L Street NW,Sude 7500 03-0554750 Washington, DC 20036 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington. DC 20036 10 G Street, NED Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20002 P O Box 12160 Arlington, MA 02474 65 Sunset WayD Muir Beach, CA 94965 3435 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 03-0554750 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 25,000 general support

Women's Voices Women Vote Action Fund

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Interactive Map Project

Women's Voices Women Vote Action Fund

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

25.000 Women Over 50 project

World Resources Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


project. GoogleET

Zing Foundation Ayni Projects National Immigration Law Center

57-1190359 68-0066262 95-4539765

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

24,900 general support

24,835 general support

Planelwork Los Angeles, CA 90010 1230 MarketStreelO 94-3366969 Box 5170 San Francisco, CA 94946 65 Sunset WayD 68-0066262 Muir Beach, CA 94965 University of Connecticut 06-1498702 School of LewD 35 Elizabeth Street, Room K2100 Hartford, CT 06105 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 24,805 project management of the Terra project

Aynl Projects Connecticut Urban Legal Initiative / American Foreign Policy Project

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

24,800 general support 24,800 Iran Policy Project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Ploughshares Fund

Fort Mason CenterD Building BD Suite 3300 San Francisco, CA 941231382 420 40th StreetD Suite TwoD Oakland, CA 94609-2509 2840 Wilderness PlaceD Suite AD Boulder, CO 80301 7315 Wisconsin AvenueD Suite 1100WO Bethesda, MD 20814 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1375 Sutter StreelD Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94109 1634 Eye Street, NWD


IRC Code Section

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 24,607 general support


National Center for Science Education


501(c)(3) Public Charity

24,493 general support

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

24,436 general support

Calvert Social Investment Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Harrison Giveaway Fund

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Winter 2008 Informal Funding

is 77-0155782 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 24,200 general support

Global Fund for Women

Africa Action


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

24,092 general support

Suite 8100
Global Fund for Women Washington, DC 20006 222 Sutter StreetO Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 94108 1550 Bryant Streeto Suite 4500 San Francisco, CA 94103 1026 Ocean Park Blvd, unit 10 Santa Monica, CA 90405 2840 Wildemess PlaceD Suite AD Boulder, CO 80301 P 0 Box 1570 Bozeman, MT 59771-0157 1205 Eighth Avenue SouthD Nashville, TN 37203 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 70 West 36th StreetD 16th Iloor0 New York, NY 10018 University Relations OfficeD 2080 Addison Streel0 #42000 Berkeley, CA 94720 1126 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20036 1505 22nd Street NWO Washington, DC 20037 1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 77-0155782 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 24,000 general support

San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Protect

TunaHAKI Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

23,000 general support

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Salama Urban Ministries, Inc Tides Center / Honor the Earth

81-0535303, 58-2198012 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

22,890 Cabinet Purcell Mountain Corridor program, and work to combine science and stewardship 22,500 General Support 22,489 Honor the Earth's KILT wind turbine, Renewable Booklet, and solar heating panel Pilot ps

Drug Policy Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Charity

22,205 general support

University of California Berkeley Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Blum Center for Developing Economies

National Council of La Raze Rock the Vote Education Fund Women's Voices Women Vote

86-0212873 95.4350149 55-0889748

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Democracia USA

21,000 Youth Vote Research and Evaluation Plan 20,947 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name First Nations Development Institute

National Coalition Against Censorship

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Grist Magazine

Address 703 Third AvenueD Suite BD Longmont, CO 80501 275 Seventh AvenueO 9th FloorO New York, NY 10001 344 40th Streelo Oakland , CA 94609 710 Second Avenuea

EIN 54-1254491

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 20,890 general support



501(c )(3) Public Chanty


general support

94-3252009 06-1664153

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,605 general support 20.204 general support

Suite 8600
Seattle , WA 98104

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Center For Science and the Media / Astrid Media

454 Shotwell SUeeto


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Acorn International

San Francisco , CA 94110 248 West 35th St , 17th 52- 2045885 FloorO New York, NY 10001 1024 Elysian Fields AvenueD 52- 2416966 New Orleans , LA 70117 9440 Arlene Dr 0 Anchorage , AK 99502 9440 Arlene Dr 0 Anchorage , AK 99502 99 Bishop Allen DnveD Cambridge , MA 02139 4211 North Fairfax DnveD Arlington , VA 22203 4211 North Fairfax DnveD Arlington, VA 22203 c/o AFSCO 15 Rutherford PlaceD New York, NY 10003 1333 H Street NWD 10th FloorO Washington , DC 20005 5 Penn PlazaD New York, NY 10001 32 BroadwayD Suite 18010 New York, NY 10004 92-0082476 92-0082476 22-3137788 54-1915987 54-1915987 13-3515233

20,050 Astrid Media's documentary film, Travels with My Dad

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support

Affinity Films, Inc Affinity Fi lms, Inc Algebra Project Amazon Conservation Team Amazon Conservation Team American Indian Artists, Inc

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

20,000 documentary film, Gwen's Story 20,000 Documentary Film, Fire and Ice The Gwen Bradshaw Story

20,000 general support 20,000 general support 20,000 general support 20,000 general support

American Progress Action Fund


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Half in Ten campaign

Amnesty International USA Applied Research Center

52-0851555 94-2759879

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support 20,000 general support

Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation

1616 E Indian School Road.

Suite 3400 Phoenix , AZ 85016 1616 E Indian School Road . Suite 3400 Phoenix , AZ 85016 310 Eighth Street[] Suite 1020 Oakland , CA 94607 818 Webster Streeto Oakland , CA 94607-4220 303 Clinton Street[] Brooklyn, NY 11231 10510 Culver Boulevard[] Culver City, CA 90232


501(c)(3) Public Charity

20,000 general support

Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support

Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice


501(c)(3) Public Charity

20,000 General Support

Asian Health Services / California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative Big Dance Theater Brave New Foundation

94- 2235908 52-2143843 94-3209789

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support for California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative 20,000 Comme Toujours Here I Stand production 20,000 General Support

Form 990 Schedule I. Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Brennan Center for Justice

Address NYU School of LawD 161 Avenue of the 12th FloorO New York, NY 10013 1738 Hone Avenue) Bronx, NY 10461 PO Box 30700 Oakland, CA 94609 680 South Main Streeto Sharon, MA 02067 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NWO Suite 8010 Washington, DC 20036 One East Wacker Dnveo Suite 16200 Chicago, IL 60601 253 Eighth StreetO Ashland, OR 97520 253 Eighth StreetO Ashland. OR 97520 253 Eighth StreetO Ashland, OR 97520 PO Box 3500 Hadley. MA 01035-0350 1010 Vermont Avenue NWO Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005 912 Donaldson Apt D 0 San Antonio, TX 78230 1600 Downing Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 320 Aztec Streelo Suite Santa Fe, NM 87501 821 Upshur Street, NWO Suite BO ve Washington, 333 Seventh Avenueo th

EIN 13-3839293

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 20,000

Purpose Campaign Finance Reform projects and general support

Bronx Council on the Arts Buddhist Film Society / Zohe Film Productions, Inc Center for Independent Documentary/ Made in India Center for International Policy

13-2601303 94-3402911 04-2738458 52-1446207

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


South Bronx Cultural Corridor

20,000 Zohe Film Productions, Inc's production of Learning to Swim by Jennifer Fox 20,000 support of the documentary film, Made In India 20,000 Justice, Truth and US Military Assistance project to give Putumayo's victims a public hearing

Chicago Foundation for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 to hold workshops on advocacy, strategic communication, fundraising and donor culhvalle for WOC-led reproductive justice grantees, to convene a focus group of existing or prospective WOC major donors, and to host the Impact Awards fundraising event 20,000 general support

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen Church of the Holy Light of the Queen Church of the Holy Light of the Queen Class Action Clean Water Action

93-1163496 93-1163496 93-1163496 26-0091867 23-7128611

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

20,000 general support 20,000 20,000 20,000 general support general support Grassroots Communications Capacity project

Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras Colorado Progressive Coalition

13-3608893 84-1338008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 20,000

general support general support

Conservation Voters New Mexico Education


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support

Different Avenues


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support

Doctors Without Borders USA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support

Second Floor
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy New York, NY 10001-5004 1714 Franklin StreetO Suite 3250 Oakland, CA 94612 1599 Clifton Road NEO 6th FloorO Atlanta, GA 30322 P 0 Box 19510 Portland, ME 04104 803 North Main Street0 Goshen, IN 46528 5455 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 15000 Los Angeles, CA 90036 94-3314108 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 20,000 general support

Emory Global Health Institute


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 work to document smallpox eradication efforts in India. Bangladesh and Ethiopia

Equality Maine Foundation Fourth Freedom Forum Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

01-0515357 35-1546655 13-3384027

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 work to adopt uniform and reasonable policies for changing gender markers on official identification documents in 2009 as per your proposal 20,000 Faithful Security project 20,000 work to complete public education activities related to marriage equality in California's communities of color

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Global Greengrants Fund

Grantmakers Without Borders Heifer International Foundation

Human Rights Watch

Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Independent Media Institute

Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies / New Orleans Women's Health & Justice Initiative International Community Foundation International Museum of Women

Jigsaw Educational Productions, Inc I Jumbo Films, LLC

Land is Life

Address 2840 Wilderness PlaceD Suite AO Boulder, CO 80301 PO Box 1812820 Boston, MA 02118 1015 Louisiana StreetO P 0 Box 7270 Little Rock, AR 72203 350 Fifth Avenue0 34th FloorO New York, NY 10118-3299 332 S Michigan Avenue, Suite 5000 Chicago, IL 60604 77 Federal Street0 Second San Fran cisco,, CA 94107 2804 Bell Street0 New Orleans, LA 70119 2505 N National City, CA 91950 PO Box 1900380 San Francisco, CA 941190038 601 W 26th Streeto Suite 17620 New York, NY 10001 18 Holyoke Road0

EIN 84-1612422

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 20,000 General Support


020.8211195 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 35-1019477 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 Advocacy Program 20,000 Guatemala Endowment and the Chris and Lota Miller Peru Endowment


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 AlterNet org

72-1244155 33-0457858 77-0072401

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support of New Orleans Women's Health and Justice Initiative 20,000 support for Oaxaca Community Foundation's Demiregion program 20,000 general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 Adopt Me Michael Jordan


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 Support Regional Coordinators in Africa

Suite 30
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy Somerville, MA 02144 675 Third Avenueo Suite 3150 New York, NY 10017-5704 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington, DC 20036 1920 L Street, NWO Suite 8000 Washington. DC 20036 2121 Cloverfield Boulevard0 Suite 1130 Santa Monica, CA 90404 301 Grove Brooklyn, NY 11237 3000 Cathedral Avenue, NWD Washington, DC 20008 P O Box AD 2582 South Marlboro, VT 05344 6127 NW 7th AvenueD Miami, FL 33127 462 N TaylorO Suite 1020 Saint Louis, MO 63108 1126 16th Street, NWD Washington. DC 20036 13-3115084 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 20,000 Geneva Conference and general support

League of Conservation Voters


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Heat is On Campaign

League of Conservation Voters


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


State Capacity Building Program

Liberty Hill Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Lesbian and Gay Community Fund

Make the Road New York Maret School, Inc

11-3344389 53-0211355

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 20,000

Youth Power protect general support and Horizons program

Marlboro College


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20.000 Arthur D Butler Fund

Miami Workers' Center Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

65-0942224 43-1258031

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 20,000

general support MyFaithAloud Youth program

National Council of La Raze


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Democracia USA's registration and GOTV work in Colorado and Pennsylvania

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name National Performance Network

Address EIN 900 Camp Street. 2nd FloorD 06-1522546 New Orleans, LA 70130 11100 Wildlife Center Dnveo Reston, VA 20190 343 East AlamedaO Santa Fe , NM 87501 74-2556532

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 20,000 general support


National Wildlife Action

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Raising Global Warming as an Issue program

New Mexico Community Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 support for a series of facilitated donor , grantee, and Board member convenings designed to cultivate donor ambassadors for WOC-led RJ work , deepen understanding of the RJ framework in New Mexico , grow the organizational and collaborative capacity of WOC-led RJ organizations , and support the creation of leaming/givmg circles and other fundraising vehicles that enable multi-year, ongoing support for WOC -led RJ work in NM 20,000 Global Environmental Health and Justice Fund

New World Foundation

New York Immigration Coalition

New York Women in Film and Television I Tied to the Tracks Films. Inc Our Oregon

Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action / Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California Collaborative Peace Development Fund

PIRG New Voters Project

666 West End AvenueD Suite 1BO New York, NY 10025 137-139 West 25th SVeeto 12th Flooro New York, NY 10001-7277 6 East 39th Street. Suite 12000 New York, No 10016 1125 SE Madison, Suite 2100 Portland, OR 97214 2601 Mission StreetD Suite 4040 San Francisco, CA 94110 P 0 Box 12800 44 North Prospect StreetO Amherst, MA 01004 44 Winter Street, 4th FloorD Boston. MA 02108 The PresidioD 39 Mesa Street, Suite 1100 San Francisco, CA 94129 55 Vandam Street, 16th FloorIJ New York, NY 10013 3500 Coast Highwayo Post Office Box 1830 Davenport, CA 95017 44-19 Purves Streeto Long Island City, NY 11101 1653 18th StreetO Suite 20 Santa Monica, CA 90404 P 0 Box 5290 Graton, CA 95444 201 Mission Streeto Fourth FloorO San Francisco, CA 94105 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903


501(c)(3) Public Charity


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


civic participation campaign in New York and to support participation of ACORN, Gamal and National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

20,000 feature documentary film, Semper Fi Always Faithful


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Initiative Integrity Program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support of Mobilize the Immigrant Vote California


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support

San Francisco Film Society / The Moxie Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 The Moxie Institute 's Film, Connected A Declaration of Interdependence

Sapling Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn

20,000 support of Technology, Entertainment, Design's African Institute for Mathematical Science NextEmstein launch event 20,000 general support

Save the Waves Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Sculpture Center TeAda Productions

13-1669204 95-4766870

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 Whiz Bang Adventure Camp

Telos Project The Nature Conservancy of California

45-0485495 53-0242652

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 collaboration with local community-based organizations to raise awareness about the health and mental health issues impacting the immigrant and refugee communities that you serve in Los Angeles 20,000 Climate Protection Campaign 20,000 McCloud River Preserve and Klamath Basin projects

Tides Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


One-time fee exception on the Apollo Alliance project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Tides Center / Generational Alliance

Tides Center / Lafayette School Mentonng Project

Address The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070

EIN 94-3213100

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 20,000

Purpose Generational Alliance's voter registration and GOTV work


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support for Lafayette School Mentoring Project

San Francisco, CA 94129Tides Center / New Story Project 0903 The Presidlo0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 423 Washington 5th floor0 San Francisco, CA 94111 29 Winter Street0 Second FloorO Boston, MA 02108-4799 PO Box 112700 Honolulu, HI 96822-2388 1825 K Street, NWO Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 PO Box 403050 Portland. OR 97240 PO Box 49D Ft Thompson, SD 57339 2300 Southern Boulevard0 Bronx, NY 10460 300 Young Streeto Woodburn, OR 97071 355 Lexington Avenue0 Third FloorO New York, NY 10017-6603 340 Pine StreetO 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Public Charity 20,000 general support for New Story Project

Tides Center / New Story Project


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support of the New Story Project

Trust for Conservation Innovation /Weave Me In


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Weave Me In's Conservation Yellow Pages computer programming costs

United for a Fair Economy


501(c)(3) Public Charity


general support

University of Hawaii Foundation USActon

99-0085260 52-2214305

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

20,000 20,000

Univensty of Hawaii Environmental Law Program Health Care for America Nowl project

Western States Center Wiconi Wawokiya, Inc Wildlife Conservation Society Willamette Valley Law Project / Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste Women's Environment and Development Organization

93-0952137 46-0354592 13-1740011 93-0687718 52-1238773

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 general support 20,000 general support 20,000 Laikipia Predator Project

20,000 general support for Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste 20,000 gender and climate change pilot project in Senegal

Women's Foundation of California


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


upgrades to grants tracking and coding systems to enable better data collection on WOC-led,

Suite 3020 San Francisco, CA 94104

and cross-issue reproductive justice grantee partners, the production of marketing materials to highlight WOC-led RJ grantees, a convening of environmental health and justice and
reproductive justice grantee partners to share and document lessons learned and foste cross-issue collaboration 20,000 five-day Women of Color International Development Incubator training program to build the sustainable fundraising capacity of up to 15 staff and/or volunteer leaders connected to grantees of the Catalyst Fund granting program 20,000 hosting of a statewide Reproductive Justice convening It may also be used to upgrade grantee tracking systems to improve data collection on women of color-led RJ work, train board members and volunteers on raising major donor gifts to meet the Catalyst match, host communications and development training for Catalyst grantees, and to produce punted and web-based materials to support fundraising efforts to raise awareness about WOC-led RJ work and to meet the match 20,000 general support

Women's Fund of Greater Milwaukee

Women's Fund of Hawaii

318 N Milwaukee StreetO Suite 2150 Milwaukee, WI 53202 1500 S Beretania Streeto #3140 Honolulu. HI 96826


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Charity

Women's Voices Women Vote

Working Films

1707 L Street, NWO Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 602 South Fifth Avenue0 Wilmington, NC 28401


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 documentary, Lioness

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Tides Center / Center for Social Inclusion

Address The Presidio0

EIN 94-3213100

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 19.800

Purpose general support for Center for Social Inclusion

PO Box 299070
San Francisco. CA 941290903 1201 New York Avenue. NWD Suite 11000 Washington, DC 20005 336 Lafayette Streeto New Orleans, LA 70130 1375 Sutter StreetD Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94109 4410 Massachusetts Avenue NW #2900 Washington, DC 20016 51 Madison 21stFloorD New York, NY 10010-5093 44 Winter Streelo Fourth FloorD Boston, MA 02108 45 West 36th StreetD New York, NY 10018-7904 P 0 Box 13880 Bozeman, MT 59771-1388 2525 Arapahoe AvenueD Suite E4 #5090 Boulder, CO 80302 342 Broadwayo Cambridge, MA 02139 1800 K Street, NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20006 80 Hanson PlaceD Fifth Flooro Brooklyn, NY 11217 227 Horseshoe Hill Bohnas, CA 94924 PO Box 7410 Danville, CA 94526 2705 East BumsideD Suite 2100 Portland, OR 97214 3 Gate Five Road, Suite AD Sausalito, CA 94965 PO Box 216010 Boulder, CO 80308-4601 Nine Galen Suite 2170 Watertown, MA 02172-4501 1250 Connecticut Avenue NWD Washington, DC 20036 717 East River RoadD Minneapolis, MN 55455

Families USA Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

19,575 general support

Forum for Equality Foundation Global Fund for Women

72-1269734 77-0155782

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

19,000 work to secure local non-discrimination ordinances, resolutions and executive orders in various Louisiana cities in 2009. 2010, and 2011 as per your proposal 19,000 general support

Just Foreign Policy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,870 follow-up work on congressional meetings with Stephen Kinzer

Synergos Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Center for Public Interest Research / PIRG New Voters Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support of New Voter's Project

American Jewish World Service American Indian Institute Med i ators Foundation

22-2584370 81-0339551 04-3002588

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,600 18.500 18,360

PARWAZ Micro-Finance Institution, Centro de Apoyo Comumtano Trabajando Unidos, and Shan Women's Action Network Fire and Ice Ceremony for the Earth Richard Dash's project. Putting Pieces Together and Robert Gass Fund

FairTest Center for Strategic and International Studies

22-2653502 52-1501082

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,260 general support 18,240 task force on short-term solutions to the rising global food crisis



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,203 general support

Mainstreet Moms (theMMOB org) Lazarex Cancer Foundation

33-1114826 20-2562494 93-0691187

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,032 general support 18,010 18,000 General Support general support

McKenzie River Gathering Foundation

Natural Capital Institute / Green For All Novel Kodesh Jewish Renewal Community of Boulder Pathfinder International

38-3705448 84-1161358 53-0235320

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,000 18.000

general support for Green For All Capital Campaign

17,869 general support

Common Cause Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Center for Victims of Torture


501(c)(3) Public Charity


general support

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Threshold Foundation

PICO National Network The Ruckus Society Inc White Earth Land Recovery Project Interaction Institute for Social Change Ocean Voyages Institute Neighborhoods Resource Center 9to5, National Association of Working Women Alaska Community Action on Toxics

American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter

American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter

Appalachian Voices Arts Alliance Arts Engine. Inc / Iskander Films, Inc

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

California Indian Basketweavers Association

Address Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco. CA 941290903 171 Santa Rosa Avenue0 Oakland, CA 94610 369 15th StreetO Oakland. CA 94612-3303 607 Main Avenue0 Callaway, MN 56521 625 Mt Auburn Streeto Cambridge, MA 02138 1709 Bndgeway0 Sausalito, CA 94965 PO Box 1009410 Nashville. TN 37224-0941 655 Broadway #4000 Denver, CO 80203 505 W Northern Lights Blvd 0 Suite 2050 Anchorage, AK 99503 85 Second Street0 Eighth FloorD San Francisco, CA 94105 85 Second StreetO Eighth FloorO San Francisco, CA 94105 191 Howard StreetO Boone, NC 28607 PO Box 5910 Sandpoint, ID 83864 104 W 14th Street0 4th FloorD New York, NY 10011 118 East 16th StreetO Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10003 PO Box 13480 Woodland, CA 95776

EIN 13-3028214

IRC Code Section 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

Amount 17,500

Purpose General Support, International Microcredd funding circle, Art and Social Change funding circle. Gulf South Allied Funders, Sustainable Planet pool

94-2206497 81-0504390 41-1673625 94-2928341 94-2665367 62-1817514 34-1246311 92-0177082

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

17,123 general support 17,000 general support 17,000 general support 16,900 16,000 capacity building and training for the foreign policy community sailing vessel. Kaisei

15.798 general support 15,000 general support of your Colorado chapter 15,000 Environmental Reproductive Justice Policy Project


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

56-2049956 84-1715337 13-4129275

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Charity

15,000 15,000 15,000

Mountaintop Removal Public Opinion Poll general support Iskander Films, Inc's documentary film, Garbage Dreams


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Freedom To Manys public engagement in ballot initiatives impacting marriage equality

68-0290749 94-3256009

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 Fresno office

Californians for Justice Education Fund

Oakland Office0
1611 Telegraph Avenue0 Suite 3170 Oakland, CA 94612 Box 6940 Dorado, PR 00646

Casa Joven del Caribe, Incorporated

66-0508652 02-0779812 52-0888113

501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty 501(c )(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

15,000 To develop an infrastructure that will increase access to health services 15,000 15.000 New Mexico Health Care Reform Project Community Voting Protect to mobilize disenfranchised low-income voters in the 2008 election

Center for Civic Action

Center for Community Change

PO Box 276160
Albuquerque, NM 87125 Headquerters0 1536 U Street, NWD Washington, DC 20009 1401 E Jeferson0 Suite 5050 Seattle, WA 98122 680 South Main Street0 Sharon, MA 02067

Center for Ethical Leadership / Ohio Campus Compact


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Ohio Campus Compact's Voter Registration and Engagement Campaign

Center for Independent Documentary / Judith Helfand Productions


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 Judith Helfand Productions' documentary film, Cooked

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Center for Young Women 's Development

Central Asia Institute Centro Independlente de Trabajadores Agncolas

CIF of The San Francisco Foundation / Keepers of the Flame

Coal R i ver Mountain Watch Coalition of Institutionalized Aged and Disabled

Address 832 Folsom Streeto Suite 7000 San Francisco, CA 94107 P O box 72090 Bozeman. MT 59771 PO Box 1090 20 South Main Albion, NY 14411 225 Bush StreetD Suite 5000 San Francisco . CA 941044224 P O Box 6510 Whitesvdle , WV 25209 c/o Brookdale Center on

EIN 94-3227681

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 15,000

Purpose general support

51-0376237 06 -1425265

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15.000 general support 15,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Charity

15,000 general support for Keepers of the Flame

55-0765268 13 -3124614

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 general support

425 East 25th Streeto New York , NY 10010 5042 Wilshire Boulevard0 Suite 5860 Los Angeles , CA 90036 PO Box 201061 0 Denver , CO 80220-1061 1600 Down i ng StreetO Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 1000 North Alameda StreetO Suite 2400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 711 State Avenue, NEO Third Floora Olympia, WA 98506 529 West 121st StreetD New York, NY 10027 1130 17th Street. NWO Washington, DC 20036 1130 17th Street, NWD Washington, DC 20036 100 Lafayette Street0 Suite 6040 New York, NY 10013 1000 42nd Streeto Oakland, CA 94608 40 Exchange PlaceD Suite 20010 New York, NY 10005 300 Broadwayo

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking


501(c)(3) Public Charity

15,000 expansion of your organization's health advocacy program and leadership development work with trafficking survivors 15,000 general support 15,000 Northern Colorado Voter Power Project

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights Colorado Progressive Action

84-1569021 27-0030839

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(4) Social Welfare Organization

Community Partners / California Environmental Rights Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


California Environmental Rights Alliance's climate change work

Community Youth Services


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

Corpus Christi Church Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Democracy Nowl

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 52-2298744 52-2298744 01-0708733 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Charity


Green Building Study project

15,000 work defeating aerial wildlife hunting in Alaska 15,000 work defeating aerial wildlife hunting in Alaska 15,000 general support

Destiny Arts Center Drum Major Institute for Public Policy

94-3176726 13-4080421

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 general support

Earth Island Institute / Kids for the Bay


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Kids for the Bay's Watershed Education Program

Suite 280
San Francisco, CA 941333312 1612 K Street, NWO Suite 4010 Washington, DC 20006 Development OffceD 1200 Park RoadO Harrisonburg, VA 22802

EarthRights International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

Eastern Mennonite University


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 Center for Justice and Peacebwlding 's 3D Security Initiative

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Environmental Support Center

Address EIN 344 40th Streel0 94-3252009 Oakland, CA 94609 1500 Massachusetts Avenue, 13-3563949 NWO Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005-1808 175 West 200 South0 Suite 30010 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 PO Box 306740 Stockton. CA 95213-0674 147 West 24th SVeetO 6th FloorO New York, on 10011 3307 Bourbon SVeetO Fredencksburg, VA 22408 7032 Arbor Leneo 84-1633004

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Amount 15,000 general support 15,000 general support


Equality Utah Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15.000 work to secure passage of a statewide non-discrimination law incl usive of LGBT categones by 2010 as per your proposal 15,000 General Support

Fathers & Families of San Joaquin FIERCE

32-0171398 03-0518774

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

First Peoples Worldwide Friends of the University of KwaZulu- Natal Friends of the University of KwaZulu- Natal Friends of the World Food Program

20-5656119 52-1839693

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 15,000

Mursi project purchase of a vehicle for Catherine Booth Hospital

McLean, VA 22101
7032 Arbor Laneo 52-1839693 McLean, VA 22101 1819 L Street, NWD 13-3843435 Suite 900D Washington. DC 20036 1101 Fourteenth Street, NWO 56-1834887 Suite 4200 Washington, DC 20005 PO Box 9330 Mill Valley, CA 94942 143 West 4th StreetO New York, NY 10012 Development Office[ 5 Hanover SquareD 24th FloorO New York, NY 10004 PO Box 9230 Malibu, CA 90265 1847 Berkeley WayD Berkeley, CA 94703 2031 Third Seattle, WA 98121 1322 Paseo de Peraltao Santa Fe, NM 87501 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20005 45 Main StreetD 73-1727552 13-3331313 11-3580024 15,000 purchase of a vehicle for Catherine Booth Hospital 15,000 food relief efforts in Haiti

Global Fund for Children

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

Great Freedom Treasures Institute for Media Analysis / Laura Flanders Limited International Center for Transitional Justice

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 community development, publishing and courses 15,000 Laura Flanders Limited work on GntTV with Laura Flanders

15,000 Accountability for the US War on Terror

Intemational Humanities Center / Voter Action Intemakonal Rivers Network Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Las Palomas de Taos Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

33-0767921 94-3158295 91-0575950 85-0262998 52-0799246

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 General Support for Voter Action 15,000 15,000 15,000 Africa program Bloome Project New Mexico Rural Revitalization Initiative (NMRRI)

15,000 Voting Rights Project

League of Independent Voters


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

15,000 data consultant

Suite 6280
League of Young Voters Education Fund / Citizen Engagement Laboratory Los Alamos Study Group Brooklyn, NY 11201 45 Main StreetO Suite 6280 Brooklyn, NY 11201 2901 Summit Place, Albuquerque, NM 871062028 76-0744153 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 15,000 Citizen Engagement Laboratory's Youth Voting Rights Video


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Maasal Girls Education Fund

Address 5800 MacArthur Boulevard NWO Washington, DC 20016-2512 5800 MacArthur Boulevard NWO Washington, DC 20016-2512 301 Grove Streeto Brooklyn, NY 11237 301 Grove SlreetO Brooklyn, NY 11237 105 Chauncy StreetO #9010 Boston, MA 02111 8127 NW 7th AvenueD Miami, FL 33127 538 Ninth Streeta Suite 2100 Oakland, CA 94607 1905 Sherman StreetO Denver, CO 80203 PO Box 8980 Flagstaff, AZ 86002 Washington DC OfficeD 1200 New York Avenue NWD Suite 4000 Washington. DC 20005 729 15th Street, NW, 2nd FloorO Washington, DC 20005 1248 Folsom Streeto San Francisco, CA 941033817 50 Broadwayo 16th FloorO New York, NY 10004 1220 SW Morrison Street, NWD Suite 13050 Portland, OR 97205 PO Box 291910 Presidio Building 10090 San Francisco, CA 941299191 1610 Beverly BoulevardO

EIN 52-2344696

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 15,000 general support


Maasal Girls Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Charity


General Support

Make the Road New York Make the Road New York Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition- MIRA

11-3344389 11-3344389

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 merger with Latin American Immigration Center 15,000 Gays and Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered (GLOBE) project 15,000 civic participation work in New Hampshire

022-3115048 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Miami Workers' Center / Right to the City Alliance Museum of Children's Art

65-0942224 94-3086749

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support of Right to the City Alliance

15,000 general support

NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado Foundation Native Movement / Black Mesa Water Coalition Natural Resources Defense Council

84-6050191 68-0535413 13-2654926

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 15,000 general support for Black Mesa Water Coalition Nuclear Program's work with the Nuclear Weapons Complex Consolidation Network to reduce the scale, capabilities, and cost of the US nuclear arsenal and its supporting research and production complex



501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Globalization Initiative

New Langton Arts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 Claudia Bemardi School of Art Perquin project

New York Jobs with Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


New York Vote project

Nonprofit Technology Network / MobdeAchve org


501(c)(3) Public Charity


to provide travel and accommodation support for MobileAcbveO8 conference participants

Pachamama Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

People's Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Suite 20
Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90026 Kansas City ChaperD 1865 S Pyleo Kansas City, KS 66103 3855 South Grand Avenueo Suite 2900 Los Angeles, CA 90007 101 Avenue of the Americas. 3rd Floor[] New York, NY 10013 95-3956136 501(c)(3) Public Chanty Nuclear Program's work with the Nuclear Weapons Complex Consolidation Network to reduce the scale, capabilities, and cost of the US nuclear arsenal and its supporting research and production complex 15,000 development of a strategic plan to strengthen capacity to deliver health-related services 15,000

Program for Torture Victims


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Progressive States Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Public Radio Capital

Sacramento Loaves and Fishes San Francisco Opera

San Francisco School Alliance

Santa Fe Mountain Center, Inc Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Seventh Generation Fund Shared Interest

Address Bodges Broadcast CenterE 7409 South Alton CourtO Centennial, CO 80112 PO Box 21610 Sacramento. CA 95812 301 Van Ness Avenue(] San Francisco, CA 941024509 220 Montgomery StreetO Suite 10500 San Francisco, CA 94104 P 0 Box 4490 Tesuque. NM 87574 PO Box 26160 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 PO Box 45690 Arcata. CA 95518 121 West 27th Streeto

EIN 84-1558401

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 15,000

Purpose general support

68-0189897 94-0836240

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 underwriting of the Principal Bassoonist for Lucia


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


support of San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance

85-0272388 93-0792021 68-0027247 13-3836581

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Emergence program

15,000 work with the Environmental Police to purchase, train and accommodate police dogs to help stop the smuggling operations of manna species in the Galapagos 15,000 general support 15,000 general support

Suite 9050
SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective New York, NY 10001 1237 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd. SWO Atlanta, GA 30310 605 West Olympic Suite 6000 Los Angeles, CA 90015 3040 16th San Francisco, CA 94103 25 East 21st Fourth FloorD New York, NY 10010 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioO PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1500 Broadwayo Suite 4000 Oakland, CA 94612 210 Imi Kate StreetO Suite 2080 Wailuku, HI 96793 2582 Old First Streeto Livermore, CA 94551 51-0544927 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 15,000 general support

Special Services for Groups / Satrang


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Satrang's efforts to publish and disseminate a health needs assessment and to build agency capacity to develop and implement health programs for the South Asian LGBTIQ community

St John's Educational Thresholds Center Third Wave Foundation

23-7172909 13-3670260

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 general support

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support for Color of Democracy Fund

Tides Center / Generational Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Generational Alliance's Generation Vote project

Tides Center / ORIGINS


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support for ORIGINS

Tides Center / The Warrior Women Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support for The Warrior Women Project

TransFalr USA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

Trl-Isle Resource Conservation and Development Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support

Tn-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment)


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Nuclear Program's work with the Nuclear Weapons Complex Consolidation Network to reduce the scale, capabilities, and cost of the US nuclear arsenal and its supporting research and production complex

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name Try Again, Inc / Youth Justice Coalition Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights

Vietnamese Youth Development Center Virtues Children Nepal

Western Organization of Resource Councils

Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project / Western Mining Acton Network Women Donors Network Women for Women International

Address 45114 '413th Street WestO Lancaster, CA 93534 3100 Arapahoe Avenueo Suite 2010 Boulder, CO 80303 150 Eddy StreetO San Francisco, CA 94102 3128 16th Streeto PMB #1250 San Francisco, CA 94103 220 South 27th Street0 Suite BO Billings, MT 59101 220 S 27th Street, Suite BO Billings, MT 59101 1170 Hamilton Menlo Park, CA 94025 Global Support Centero P O Box 92240 Central Islip, NY 11722-9224 462 Suite New York, NY 10013 355 Chestnut Streeto Union. NJ 07083

EIN 95-4863220 03-0419743

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 15,000 15,000

Purpose General Support for Youth Justice Coalition general support

94-2532304 65-1203654

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 general support 15,000 Construction and operation costs of the orphanage for girls in Kathmandu, Nepal


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


campaign for clean energy and responsible development


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 Western Mining Action Network's No Dirty Energy Conference

05-0542397 52-1838756

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Gulf South Allied Fund project

15,000 general support

Women Make Movies


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Strong Island

Women's Fund of New Jersey


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 support for the production of a video about the work of WFNJ's Catalyst grantees, punting costs associated with outreach and educational materials for major Catalyst fundraising events, the production of an annual report highlighting WFNJ's Catalyst grantees, and WPI Advisory Board meetings and facilitated retreats focused on RJ and WOC 15,000 general support 15,000 general support of Escuetas Sit Pintas Not

World Pulse Voices Youth In Focus / Escuelas Sit Pintas Not

Oregon Community Foundation

CHOICE Humanitarian

4223A NE Fremont StreetO Portland. OR 97213 1611 Telegraph Avenue #5100 Oakland, CA 94612 1221 S W Yamhill Street, Suite 1000 Portland, OR 97205-2108 7879 South 1530 WestO

41-2065177 38-3670867

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

14,906 Calypso Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Suite 2000
Tides Center / Honor the Earth West Jordan, UT 84088 The PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 PO Box 333450 Seattle. WA 98133 205 West Monroe. Suite 5000 Chicago, IL 60606 1120 19th Street, NWO 8th FloorO Washington, DC 20036 641 Huntington Avenue0 First Floor(] Boston, MA 02115 1402 Teaneck Road, #1220 Teaneck, NJ 07666 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 14,700 Honor the Earth's Youth Program

Huntingtons Disease Society of America 8th Day Center for Justice / Voices for Creative Nonviolence

13-3349872 36-2826825

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

14,600 general support 14,500 Voices for Creative Nonviolence's Witness Against War 2008 walk

Democracy Coalition Project


501(c)(3) Public Charity


NGO strategy for the 2008 UN Human Rights Council Elections

Partners In Health


501(c)(3) Public Charity

14,389 general support

In Reach, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Charity

14,102 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Acorn International

Address EIN 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue0 52-2416966 New Orleans, LA 70117 1218 East 21st Streeto Oakland, CA 94606 40 Exchange PlaceO Suite 20010 New York, NY 10005 343 East Alameda0 Santa Fe, NM 87501 PO Box 11020 863 1 /2 Main Avenue0 Durango , CO 81302 PO Box 21290 Crescent City, CA 955311 t, 141 Main Street, Suite 60 te Montpelier , VT 05602 P 0 Box 75160 Missoula. MT 59807 759 N Milwaukee StreetO Suite 2120 Milwaukee , Wi 53202 Pacific Mountain Region 52.1211059 13-4080421

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 14,000 general support


Center for Third World Organizing Drum Major Institute for Public Policy

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

14,000 Scholars Program

New Mexico Community Foundation Oil and Gas Accountability Project

85-0311210 84-1555074

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

14,000 work in Galisteo, New Mexico and general support

Smith River Alliance Vermont Public Interest Research & Education Fund Wldlands CPR Cream City Foundation

94-2650838 51-0163801 81-0512261 39-1416063

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c((3) Public Chanty

13,500 13.500 13,400 13,000

General support general support Thnllcraft book distribution Gay Neighbor Billboard Campaign

American Friends Service Committee


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Resist 65 Ninth Streeto San Francisco, CA 94103 259 Elm Street0 Suite 2010 Somerville, MA 02144 1333 H St. NWO First FloorO Washington, DC 20005 1025 Vermont Avenue, NWO Third FloorO Washington, DC 20005 358 George Carter RoadO Becket, MA 01223 434 West 33rd StreetO Eighth FloorO New York, NY 10001 79 Belvedere Street(] Suite 1010 San Rafael, CA 94901 116 Montecito Avenue0 Oakland, CA 94610-4556 National Headquarters0 Two Brattle Square0 Cambridge, MA 02238-9105 3921 East Bayshore RoadO Palo Alto, CA 94303-4303 6851 Burnside Dnveo San Jose, CA 95120 National Office0 11100 Wildlife Center Dnveo Reston , VA 20190-5362 04-2433182 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 12,833 General Support

Genocide Intervention Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Constitution Project


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn


Kennedy v Louisiana Communications Project

Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival New York Women' s Foundation

04-6002993 13-3457287

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,500 12,500

Endowment Fund, called Fund for Jacob's Pillow Beads for Life project

Parent Services Project


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12,500 work to secure inclusion of LGBT families into Early Childhood Education (ECE) College Courses by 2010 as per your proposal 12,500 Capital campaign 12,500 Scientific Integrity Program

Saint Paul's School Union of Concerned Scientists

94-1525621 04-2535767

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Acterra Flycasters Educational Foundation National Wildlife Federation

23-7064937 77-0283713 53-0204616

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12.000 12,000 12,000

Native Plant Nursery Salmon Trout Education Project (STEP) Lake Superior / Eagle Mine project

Form 980 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name
Prep for Prep Reed College Third Wave Foundation

328 West 71st StreetO New York, NY 10023 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd 0 Portland, OR 97202 25 East 21st StreetO Fourth FloorO New York, NY 10010 793 Ashbury Streeto San Francisco, CA 94117 7879 South 1530 WestO Suite 2000 West Jordan, UT 84088 777 United Nations Plaza0

13-2613383 93-0386908 13-3670260

IRC Code Section

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 12,000 12.000

Purpose general support Elijah Parish and Owen Lovejoy Scholarship and general support

12.000 general support

Women's International Network for Guatemalan Solutions (WINGS) CHOICE Humanitarian

31-1759515 74-2494806

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 general support 11,547 general support

Jane Addams Peace Association / Women's International League


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

for Peace and Freedom

Episcopal Church In the Diocese of California MassVOTE

Sixth FloorO
New York. NY 10017-3521 1055 Taylor StreetO San Francisco, CA 94108 18 Tremont StreetO Suite 6080 Boston. MA 02108 Presidio Building 10140 P O Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 398 60th StreelO Oakland, CA 94618 641 Huntington AvenueO First FloorO Boston, MA 02115 9739 Oj ai Santa Paula Highwayo Ojai, CA 93023 Western Washington 94-1156840 04-3574060 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,323 Women's International League for Peace 's PeaceWomen Projects' United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 translation initiative 11,000 general support is 11,000 general support

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


$10,000 00 for 2008 pool and $1 ,000 00 for International Microcredit Funding Circle

Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy Partners In Health

13-2838167 04-3000294

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,867 work planning for your Solving the Food Crisis in Africa project 10,810 General Support

Ojai Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Maagal Haksavah, Maagal Haksavah co-existence , and Mali Aids project and general support

American Center for Mongolian Studies


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,603 general support

Umversityo Humanities 2300

Asian Pacific American Legal Center Bellingham, WA 98225 1145 Wilshire Boulevardf 95-3854152 2nd FloorO Los Angeles, CA 90017-1428 220 Bagley StreetO Suite 9480 Detroit, MI 48226 179 Boylston Streeto Fourth FloorO Boston , MA 02130-4520 101 Callen AvenueD Suite #3000 San Leandro, CA 94577 330 Seventh AvenueD 21st FloorO New York, NY 10001 207 E Buffalo Street #2110 Milwakee , WI 53202 1024 Elysian Fields New Orleans, LA 70117 20-1115618 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,500 California Immigrant Policy Centers communications strategy meeting

Center for Civic Participation

501(c)(3) Public Charity


rectifying dropped voters in areas that have been identified with problems In this area

Grassroots International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Community Health Center Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Tools for Quality

Foundation for Jewish Culture


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,059 support of the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver, as part of Council of American Jewish Museums 10,000 Multi-State working Families Consortium 's hiring of a professional media firm

9to5, National Association of Working Women / Multi-State Working Families Consortium ACORN Institute

34-1246311 72-1488419

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name All for Health, Health for All

Address EIN 519 East Broadway AvenueD 954773684 Glendale, CA 91206 Eleven Dupont Circle, NWO Second FloorO Washington, DC 20036-1206 39 Drumm Streeto San Francisco, CA 94111 39 Drumm Streeto San Francisco, CA 94111 739 Eighth Street, SEO Washington, DC 20003 739 Eighth Street, SED Washington. DC 20003 2328 Sixth Avenueo Seattle, WA 98121-1814 107 West Main Street, Suite 52-1009973

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000

Purpose Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Alliance for Justice

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California American Institute for Social Justice / Missouri ACORN American Institute for Social Justice / Pulaski County ACORN Antioch University Appalachian Community Fund

94-0279770 94-0279770 23-7108110 23-7108110 31-0536640 62-1316019

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000

general support General Support general support for Missouri ACORN general support for Pulaski County ACORN Horace Mann Event General Support

Applied Research Center Knoxville, TN 37902 32 Broadwayo Suite 18010 New York, NY 10004 734 15th Street, NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20005 104 W 14th 4th FloorO New York, NY 10011 104 W 14th StreetO 4th FloorO New York, NY 10011 100 Walker Ashland, OR 97520 818 Webster Streeto Oakland, CA 94607-4220 1145 Wilshire Boulevard0 2nd Flooro Los Angeles, CA 90017-1428 1530 Hillhurst Suite 2000 Los Angeles, CA 90027 605 W Olympic Blvd . Suite 6100 Los Angeles, CA 90015 116 East 16th StreelO Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10003 PO Box 1980 West Groton, MA 01472 PO Box 1980 West Groton, MA 01472 P O Box 2140 #5EFO New York, NY 10012 94-2759879 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 general support

Arabella Legacy Fund / Fair Elections Legal Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Fair Elections Legal Network 's legal support for youth voter registration and GOTV work

Arts Engine, Inc / Principle Pictures


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


documentary film, The Promise of Freedom

Arts Engine. Inc / Zeppelin Films


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Zeppelin Films' feature documentary . Bismillah

Ashland Schools Foundation Asian Health Services Asian Pacific American Legal Center / Southeast Asian Community Alliance

93-1011227 94-2235908 95-3854152

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Wilderness Charter School 10,000 10,000 Integrated Behavioral Health Project General Support for Southeast Asian Community Alliance

Asian Pacific Health Care Venture


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council /Asian and Pacific Islander Equality-Los Angeles Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Asian and Pacific Islander Equality-Los Angeles' efforts to educate and raise awareness among the mainstream Asian and Pacific Islander populations of Los Angeles regarding equal marriage rights for the LGBT community 10,000 General Support

Astrea Media, Inc. Astrea Media. Inc Aubin Pictures, Inc

04-3541400 04-3541400 13-3912334

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


documentary film. Orgasm, Inc

10,000 documentary film, Orgasm, Inc 10,000 documentary film, What's On Your Plate?

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Avenel Community Health Center

Backbeat Foundation I Roots of Music Bienestar Human Services

Address EIN 1000 Skyline BoulevardD 77-0425496 PO Box 7000 Avenal, CA 93204 20-4703474 229 North Genols StreetO New Orleans, LA 70119 5326 East Beverly 95-4505737 Boulevards Los Angeles, CA 90022-2103 KGNU RadioO 4700 Walnut StreetO Boulder. CO 80301-2538 Rotary BranchD 201 - 19th AvenueD Seattle, WA 98122 NYU School of LawD 161 Avenue of the AmencasO 12th FloorO New York, NY 10013 421 Fifth AvenueD Brooklyn, NY 11215 189 Montague Street. Suite 200A0 Brooklyn, NY 11201 1215 K Streeto Suite 7000 Sacramento, CA 95814 6300 State University Drive, 3320 Long Beach, CA 90815-4670 PO Box 6380 Kyle, SD 57752 PO Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 P O Box 276160 Albuquerque, NM 87125 666 BroadwayO Seventh FloorD New York, NY 10012 2528 San Pablo AvenueD Berkeley, CA 94702 8235 Santa Monica Boulevard[] Suite 2140 West Hollywood, CA 90046 680 South Main Street0 Sharon, MA 02067 680 South Main Street[] Sharon, MA 02067 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWD Suite 6250 Washington, DC 20009 820 1 st Street , NED Suite 5100 Washington, DC 20002 84-0690097

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000

Purpose Integrated Behavioral Health Project

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Roots of Music 10,000 education of Latino communities in Southern California on LGBT rights and marriage equality

Boulder Community Broadcast Association

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 signal and signage for 1390 AM in Denver

Boys and Girls Clubs of King County Rotary Branch


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Brennan Center for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 election administration communications work

Brooklyn Arts Exchange Brooklyn Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra

11-3071458 11-1773636

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 general support

California Primary Care Association


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Coordination of the Tools for Community Clinics/Road to Quality RFP launch at the Center for Healthy Communities on March 7, 2008 10,000 Center for Community Engagements Building Leadership Capacity among Mexican Immigrant Organizations

California State University Long Beach Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Cangleska, Inc / Sacred Circle Center for Civic Action

Center for Civic Policy / New Mexico Youth Organized Center for Constitutional Rights

46-0441476 02-0779812 01-0869701 22-6082880

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Sacred Circle 10,000 10,000 New Mexico Health Care Reform project New Mexico Youth Organized 's GOTV program

10,000 general support

Center for Ecoliteracy Center for Health Justice / Jordan/Rustin Coalition

94-2911417 42-1605887

501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty 501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty

10,000 scholarship attendance to seminar on rethinking food , health and the environment 10,000 Jordan/ Rustm Coalition's efforts to engage African American communities In a dialogue about LGBT rights and marriage equality

Center for Independent Documentary / Northstar Productions Inc Center for Independent Documentary / Question Why Films LLC Center for Independent Media

04-2738458 04-2738458

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000 10,000

support for Northstar Productions' documentary, Eventual Salvation Question Why Films' documentary, Regarding Susan Sontag New Mexico New Journalist Program

033-1137541 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Center on Budget and Policy Pnonbes


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Central City Community Health Center Changemakers

Chapa-De Indian Health Program Chashama

Child Center of New York

Chinese for Affirmative Action

Address 2237 West Ball Anaheim. CA 92804-5314 605 Market StreetD Suite 11090 San Francisco, CA 94105 11670 Atwood Auburn, CA 95603 201 East 42nd 32nd Floorf New York, NY 10017 Main Officeo 60-02 Queens Lower Woodside, NY 11377 17 Walter U Lum PlaceD San Francisco, CA 94108 PO Box 6030 Immokalee, FL 34143 Old Lamy

EIN 95-4492570 68-0416656

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000

Purpose Integrated Behavioral Health Project

10,000 general support

94-2583156 13-3862422

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project

10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Charity

10.000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10.000 API Equality program's efforts to build capacity among Asian Pacific American community leaders and individuals to be effective marriage equality and civil rights advocates 10,000 general support 10,000 Dreaming New Mexico Initiative

Coalition of Immokalee Workers Collective Heritage Institute

65-0641010 85-0432731

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Six Cerro CircleD

Colorado Conservation Voters Education Fund Colorado Progressive Coalition Lamy, NM 87540 1538 Wynkoop Suite Denver, CO 80202 1600 Downing Suite 2100 Denver, CO 80218 1133 19th Street. NWO 9th Floor0 Washington, DC 20036 212 Merchant StreetD Suite 2000 Honolulu, HI 96813 1000 North Alameda StreelO Suite 2400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 655 Broadwayo Suite 3000 Denver, CO 80203-3426 46 Plympton StreetO 4th FloorO Boston, MA 02118 529 West 121st New York, NY 10027 P 0 Box 1570 Hamilton, NY 13346 100 Lafayette Streel0 Suite 6040 New York, NY 10013 The Thoreau Center0 1007 General Kennedy Suite 2150 San Francisco, CA 94129 1235 Siler Road, Suite Do Santa Fe, NM 87507 73-1651499 84-1338008 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 10,000 general support civic engagement

Common Cause Education Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Community Conservation Network / Hui Malama 0 Mo'omomi


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


supplies to further Hui Malama 0 Mo'omomi s ahupaua 'a (mountain-to-sea) resource management General Support for Southern Californians for Youth

Community Partners / Southern Californians for Youth


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Community Resource Center, Inc / Let Us Rise


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Corporate Accountability International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Corpus Christi Church Democracy Matters Democracy Nowl

501 (c)(3) Public Charity 16-1609711 01-0708733 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000

support of Corpus Chnsb School general support

10,000 general support

Door Dog Music Productions


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


youth educational outreach programming, World Music in Schools program, and the year end performance at the Asian Art Museum

Earth Care International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Earth Island Institute / Bay Area Wilderness Training

Address 300

EIN 94-2889684

IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty



10,000 general support for Bay Area Wilderness Training

Suite 280
San Francisco, CA 94133. 3312 1413 Second StreetO Suite 40 Santa Fe, NM 87505 National Headquarters0 426 17th StreetD Sixth Flooro Oakland, CA 94612-2820 391 Herrington Hill RoadO Greenwich, NY 12834 1900 North Northlake WayO Suite 2370 Seattle, WA 98103 1530 South Olive StreetO Los Angeles, CA 90015 344 40th StreetO Oakland, CA 94609 2370 Market StreetO Second FloorO San Francisco, CA 94114 10 North Killingsworth

Earth Works Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Galisteo Basin Preserve and Green Infrastructure Plan



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Easton Mountain Economic Opportunity Institute

01-0778873 91-1999302

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 general support

Eisner Pediatric and Family Medical Center Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Equality California Institute

95-1690966 94-3252009 68-0438008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Integrated Behavioral Health Project


10,000 general support 10,000 general support

Ethos Music Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Everybody Winsl Portland, OR 97217 350 Suite 5000 New York, NY 10013 6930 Carroll Avenueo Suite 6100 Takoma Park, MD 20912 One Haight Suite BD San Francisco, CA 94102 40 Main Streeto Suite 3010 Florence, MA 01062 2027 Chestnut Streeto Philadelphia, PA 19103 315 West Ponce de Leon Avenueo Suite 10610 Decatur, GA 30030 121 Avenue of the Americas, 6th FloorO New York, NY 10013 121 Avenue of the Americas, 6th FloorO New York, NY 10013 3739 Balboa StreetO #1810 San Francisco, CA 94121 PO BOX 18530 New York, NY 10008 1375 Sutter StreetO Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94109 13-3636559 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Free Press


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Frelre Charter School Fund For Southern Communities

23-3001981 58-1426028

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 general support 10,000 General Support


Fund for the City of New York I Women's eNews


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Women's eNews

Fund for the City of New York / Women's eNews


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Women's eNews

Fund for Women Artists


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Give and Learn Global Fund for Women

26-0069246 77-0155782

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 20th Anniversary Celebration Investing in Women Worldwide event

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Global Greengrants Fund


Grist Magazine

Health in Harmony Hedgebrook Foundation Hip-Hop Theater Festival Hispanic Federation Inc / Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance

Homeless Prenatal Program House of the Children

Independent Feature Project / Kdi Films LLC

Indigenous Environmental Network Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolomalism Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

International Center for Transitional Justice

Intematlonal Development Exchange

International Forum on Globalization

Address 2840 Wildemess Place!] Suite AD Boulder, CO 80304 National Headquarters0 90 Broad Street0 Second FloorD New York, NY 10004 710 Second Avenueo Suite 8600 Seattle, WA 98104 6114 La Salle Ave, #7520 Oakland, CA 94611 2197 East Millman RoadD Langley, WA 98260 57 Thames Street #4B0 Brooklyn, NY 11237 55 Exchange PlaceD 5th FloorD New York, NY 10005 2500 18th StreetO San Francisco, CA 94110 7336 Santa Monica Blvd #6640 Los Angeles, CA 90046 104 West 29th Street, 12th FloorO New York, Ne 10001 PO Box 4850 Bemidji, MN 56619 PO Box 720 Nixon, NV 89424 6935 Laurel Avenueo Suite 2010 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Development 5 Hanover SquareD 24th FloorO New York, NY 10004 827 Valencia StreetO Suite 1010 San Francisco, CA 941101736 The Thoreau Center for Sustamabilityo 1009 General Kennedy Avenue #20

EIN 84-1612422

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000

Purpose General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Student Organizing department


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

20-3741107 80-0012629 42-1642691 13-3573852

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10.000 10,000 10,000

designing a hospital for the rural poor in Borneo, Indonesia general support general support

10.000 general support for Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance

94-3146280 95-4818043

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000

general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Kili Films' Anatomy of Poverty documentary film project

38-3653476 88-0425570 52-1395376

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 general support 10,000 general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

San Francisco, CA 94129

Israel Venture Network 540 Cowper StreetO Suite 2000 Palo Alto, CA 94301 8100 Beech Tree Road0 14-1891915 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 Social Entrepreneurs Fellowship program

Justice Through Music Project Kellermann Foundation Kondwa Children's Foundation Kronos Performing Arts Association

27-0051467 34-2018044 20-5695657 23-7444956

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10.000 10,000 10,000 sexual and reproductive health programs at the Waiting Mothers Hostel general support Adams commission

Bethesda, MD 20817
PO Box 19010 Penn Valley, CA 95946 827 Ludlow Avenue[] Cincinnati. OH 45220 1235A Ninth San Francisco, CA 94122

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Address Office of the Mayoro 200 North Spring StreetO Suite M-1200 Los Angeles , CA 90012 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund National Headquerterso 120 Wall StreetO Suite New York, NY 10005-3904 PO Box 189550 Lambi Fund of Haiti Washington , DC 20036 Lao lu Mien Culture Assocation , Inc 485 105th AvenueD Oakland , CA 94603 Lao lu Mien Culture Assocatlon , Inc 485 105th Avenue0 Oakland , CA 94603 Law College Association of the University of Arizona 1201 E Speedway Blvd 0 Tucson . AZ 85721 Law Foundation of Silicon Valley 111 West St John Street , Site 3150 San Jose, CA 95113 Lawyers ' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington , DC 20005 Leadership Excellence 1924 Franklin Streeto Suite 2010 Oakland, CA 94612 League of Young Voters Education Fund 45 Main StreetO Suite 6280 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Legal Advocates for Washington School 1314 NE 56th Slreet0 Suite 1000 Seattle , WA 98105 Liberty Hill Foundation 2121 Cloverliield BoulevardO Suite 1130 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Littleglobe 223 N Guadalupe . #4270 Santa Fe, NM 87501 Loco Bloco Drum and Dance Ensemble 450 Church StreetO Room 190 San Francisco, CA 94114 Los Angeles Indigenous Peoples ' Alliance 240 S Avenue 570 Los Angeles , CA 90042 Love Makes a Family Foundation 578 Farmington Hartford, CT 06105 Madera Coalition for Community Justice 117 South Lake StreetO Madera , CA 93638 Make the Road New York 301 Grove Street O Brooklyn, NY 11237 Make the Road New York / Bushwick Housing Independence Project 301 Grove StreetO Brooklyn , NY 11237 Morin Charitable Association PO Box 7590 Ross, CA 94957 Maui Arts and Cultural Center One Cameron WayD Kahalw, HI 96732 Maui Arts and Cultural Center / Maui Film Festival , Inc One Cameron Wayo Kahalw, HI 96732 Organization Name LA's BEST

EIN 95-4311058

IRC Code Section 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

52-1843357 94 - 2832499 94-2832499 86-6037148 52-1014754

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 emergency food relief, and sustainable food and agriculture programs 10,000 general support 10.000 general support 10,000 10,000 Richard Grand Scholarship Kerstin Arusha Fund /Fair Housing Law Protect



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


legal support for youth voter registration and GOTV work


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10.000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Otono Fund in support of the Queer Youth Fund

27-0118569 16-1678034

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10.000 10,000

general support general support

31-1526748 01-0869597 77-0391942 11-3344389 11-3344389 23-7115841 99-0222998 99-0 222998

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

10,000 work to add gender identity/expression to the statewide non-discrimination law by 2010 as your proposal 10,000 Madera Youth Leaders program 10,000 Gays and Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered (GLOBE) Program 10.000 general support for Bushwick Housing Independence Project 10,000 general support

10,000 general support 10.000 general support for Maui Film Festival

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Mediators Foundation

Mental Disability Rights International

Mental Health Association of Nassau County Michigan League of Conservation Voters

Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty Montana Conservation Voters Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu

National College of Natural Medicine

Address 2525 Arapahoe Avenueo Suite E4 #5090 Boulder, CO 80302 1158 15th Street NW. Suite 10010 Washington. DC 20005 16 Main Streeto Hempstead, NY 11550 213 W Liberty StreetD Suite 3000 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 438 N Skinker Blvd 0 St Louis, MO 63130 2005 Clerk AvenueD Billings. MT 59102 10424 Love Creek RoadO Ben Lomond, CA 95005 1527 20th StreetO San Francisco, CA 941072808 049 Southwest Porter

EIN 04-3002588

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000

Purpose Wisdom Beyond Borders Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

11-1710983 38-3481677

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

10,000 General Support 10,000 accountability work pre-election

20-3791024 81-0521030 59-2751953 94-3228844

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 government accountability and community organizing project 10,000 general support 0 10,000 The Hula Show 2008


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 foster research in acupuncture

National Federation of Community Broadcasters / Native Public Media National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation Portland, OR 97201 1970 52-1060366 Suite 10000 Oakland, CA 94612 1325 Massachusetts Avenue, 52-1624852 NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20005-4171 988 South Broad Streeto Trenton, NJ 08611 Office of Developmenlo Fifth Avenue and 42nd 22-1729877 13-1887440 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 General Support

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Policy Institute

New Jersey Association on Correction New York Public Library Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Abolition 2025 Steenng Committee 10,000 President's New Initiative Fund

Room 730 New York, NY 10018 425 Oak Grove StreetlJ Minneapolis, MN 55403 520 Eighth AvenueD Suite 22030 New York, NY 10018 1125 SE Madison[) Suite 210D Portland, OR 97214 801 Cedar StreetO Suite 2000 Berkeley, CA 94710 6063 Hargis StreetO Los Angeles, CA 90034 3655 South Grand Suite 2900 Los Angeles, CA 90007 821 Riverside DnveD Reno, NV 89509

Nonviolent Peaceforce North Star Fund

35-2197019 13-2950801

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000

general support planning for Capital Campaign

Our Oregon


501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


Initiative Integrity program

Planet Care/Global Health Access Program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Cyclone Relief Fund

Play Mountain Place Program for Torture Victims

95-2581849 95-4492477

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 general support

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Project On Government Oversight

Project Vote

Public Campaign

Rainforest Action Network

Ravenswood Family Health Center Resist

Restore the North Woods, Inc Rio Grande Community Development Corporation / Mountain View Neighborhood Association River of Words

Rockwood Leadership Program

Rudolf Steiner Foundation / Pie Ranch

San Domenico School For Girls San Francisco Film Society/ Weimin Zhang Films

Seventh Generation Fund Seventh Generation Fund / Boarding School Healing Project Share Our Selves Free Medical and Dental Clinic Smack Mellon Studios Southern Partners Fund

Spnngwater Center St Helena Catholic Church St John's Well Child and Family Center St Vincent Catholic Medical Centers Foundation

Address 666 11th Street, NWO Suite 9000 Washington, DC 20010 739 Eighth Street Suite 2020 Washington, DC 20003 1320 19th Street, NWD Suite M-10 Washington, DC 20036 221 Pine StreetD Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 941042715 1798A Bay East Palo Alto, CA 94303 259 Elm StreetO Suite 2010 Somerville, MA 02144 9 Union StreetO Hallowell, ME 04347 506 Valley High SWD Albuquerque, NM 87105 2547 Eighth StreetO Studio 13BO Berkeley, CA 94710 1648 Martin Luther King. Jr WayD Berkeley, CA 94709-2026 1002A O'Reilly San Francisco, CA 941290915 1500 Butterfield RoadO San Anselmo, CA 94960 The Presidio0 39 Mesa StreetD Suite 1100 San Francisco, CA 94129 PO Box 45690 Arcata, CA 95518 PO Box 45690 Arcata, CA 95518 1550 Superior AvenueD Costa Mesa, CA 92627 92 Plymouth Brooklyn, NY 11201 1776 Peachtree St N W 0 Ste 710, South TowerO Atlanta, GA 30309 7179 Mill Streeto Spnngwater, NY 14560 1340 Tainter StreetO St Helena, CA 94574 5701 South Hoover StreetO Los Angeles, CA 90037 12th Street. Suite 6J0 New York, NY 10011

EIN 52-1739443

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Amount 10,000


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Nuclear Program's work with the Nuclear Weapons Complex Consolidation Network to reduce the scale, capabilities, and cost of the US nuclear arsenal and its supporting research and production complex 10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

94-3372130 04-2433182

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 10,000

Integrated Behavioral Health Project General Support

04-3159996 85-0348445 94-3378001

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 general support 10,000 general support for Mountain View Neighborhood Association 10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Art of Leadership for Women in Racial Justice and Human Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Pie Ranch 's Program for Urban Rural Education Pie program

94-6080077 94-2663216

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

10,000 Weimin Zhang Films' documentary film, The Last Days of the Beijing Hutongs

68-0027247 68-0027247 95-3222316 11-3375393 58-2409301

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

General Support general support for Boarding School Healing Project Integrated Behavioral Health Project general support

10,000 General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

general support Work Connection Integrated Behavioral Health Project general support

95-4067758 01-0670873

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Studio In a School Association

Address Executive

EIN 13-3003112

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000 general support


410 West 59th

Support Center for Child Advocates Telos Project Telos Project The Siskiyou School The Siskiyou School Theatre for a New Audience New York, NY 10019 1900 Cherry StreetO Philadelphia, PA 19103 P 0 Box 5290 Graton, CA 95444 P 0 Box 5290 Graton, CA 95444 631 Clay Ashland, OR 97520 631 Clay StreetD Ashland, OR 97520 154 Christopher Streeto 23-2048664 45-0485495 45-0485495 82-0540335 82-0540335 13-3059081 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 capital campaign 10,000 California Cap and Dividend Project

10,000 Assembly Bill 32, California's Global Warming Solutions Act 10,000 general support 10,000 General Support

10,000 general support

Third Wave Foundation Ne York, NY 10014 25 East 21st Streeto Fourth FloorD New York, NY 10010 25 East 21st StreetO Fourth FloorO New York, NY 10010 450 West 33rd StreetO New York, NY 10001 450 West 33rd StreetO New York. NY 10001 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 30 Howard CourtO Newark, NJ 07103 Trustees of Tufts P 0 Box 33060 Boston, MA 02241-3306 1123 County Road 830 Boulder, CO 80302 132 West 112th StreetO Ground LevelD New York, NY 10026 13-3670260 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 General Support

Third Wave Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Thirteen WNET / JumpStart Productions Thirteen WNET / JumpStart Productions Threshold Foundation

13-1945149 13-1945149 13-3028214

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 JumpStart Production's documentary by Mana Hinoiosa, Women and Power 10,000 JumpStart Production's documentary by Mana Hino/osa, Women and Power 10,000 2008 Grantmaking Pool

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Arts and Social Change Funding Circle

Tides Center / Americans for American Values


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Americans for American Values

Tides Center I Ayuda Tech


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Ayuda Tech

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Color of Democracy

Trilogy An Opera Company Tufts University

16-1681342 04-2103634

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Turning the Wheel Productions Twenty First Century Foundation

84-1254913 13-3363860

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

10,000 Katrina Initiative

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name United for a Fair Economy

United States Student Association

United States Student Association

Unity College in Maine Urban Revitalization Development Corp

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights

V Day

Vallecitos Mountain Refuge Vanguard Public Foundation / Quality Public School Education as a Civil Right Veritd - Verification in Trade and Export Vida Verde Nature Education Washington Conservation Voters Education Weber State University Women Donors Network Women Donors Network Women Donors Network

Address 29 winter Streeto Second FloorO Boston, MA 02108-4799 1211 Connecticut Avenue NWO Suite 4080 Washington, DC 20036 1211 Connecticut Avenue NWO Suite 4060 Washington, DC 20036 90 Quaker Hill Roado Unity, ME 04988 1460 North Lake Avenue0 Suite 1070 Pasadena, CA 91104 3100 Arapahoe AvenueD Suite 2010 Boulder, CO 80303 303 Park Avenue SouthO Suite 11840 New York, NY 10010 PO Box 31600 Taos, NM 87571 383 Rhode Island Street0 Suite 3010 San Francisco, CA 94103 44 Belchertown Roado Amherst, MA 01002 1043 Tunitas Creek RoadO Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 PO Box 19070 Seattle, WA 98111 4018 University Circleo Ogden, UT 84408-4018 1170 Hamilton Menlo Park, CA 94025 1170 Hamilton CourtO Menlo Park, CA 94025 565 Commercial Street0

EIN 04-3286118

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Amount 10,000

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 efforts to mobilize students in the 2008 election


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 youth voter registration and GOTV work

01-0275130 95-4410426

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support 10,000 Integrated Behavioral Health Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Stop Raping our Greatest Resource Power to Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo Campaign 10,000 general support

85-0465695 94-2369262

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support for Quality Public School Education as a Civil Right

04-3304538 36-4471996 91-1613857 87-6000535 05-0542397 05-0542397 05-0542397

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 General Support 10,000 general support 10,000 statewide poll on climate change 10,000 Great Salt Lake Snowy Plover Survey 10,000 general support 10,000 10,000 Moving Forward project Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Advancement Project's Election Integrity/Election Protection work

Suite 3000
Women Donors Network San Fancisco, CA 94111 565 Commercial Street0 Suite 3000 San Fancisco, CA 94111 462 Broadway0 Suite 500WSO New York, NY 10013 340 Pine StreetO Suite 3020 San Francisco, CA 94104 340 Pine Street0 Suite 3020 San Francisco, CA 94104 603 Stewart StreetO Suite 2070 Seattle, WA 98101-1229 05-0542397 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Transforming Media Action Fund

Women Make Movies


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 completion grant for the documentary, Freeheld

Women's Foundation of California


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Economic Justice and Development Funding Circle

Women's Foundation of California


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle

Women's Funding Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Women's Funding Network

Womens Media Center

Women's Voices Women Vote

Working America Education Fund Working Films Working Films World Savvy

Young People's Project Youth In Arts Youth Speaks

Zaccho Dance Theater

Zing Foundation Protection and Education Animals, Culture and Environment Protection and Education Animals, Culture and Environment The Gillen Brewer School

Global Green USA

Address 1375 Sutter Streeto Suite 4060 San Francisco, CA 94109 350 5th Suite 9010 New York. NY 10118 1707 L Street, NWD Suite 7500 Washington, DC 20036 815 16th Street, NWO Washington, DC 20006 602 South Fifth Wilmington, NC 28401 602 South Fifth AvenueD Wilmington, NC 28401 999 Sutter StreetO Fourth FloorD San Francisco, CA 94109 99 Bishop Allen Dnveo Cambridge, MA 02139 999 5th Ave, Suite 2900 San Rafael, CA 94901 290 Division Suite 302D San Francisco, CA 94103 1777 Yosemite Avenue0 Studio 3300 San Francisco, CA 94124 P 0 Box 12160 Arlington, MA 02474 1137 Sherman Street. #220 Denver, CO 80203 1137 Sherman Street, #220 Denver, CO 80203 410 East 92nd StreetD New York, NY 10128 2218 Main SlreetD Second Flooro

EIN 41-1685134

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 10,000

Purpose general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 General Support

20-2035052 56-2168107 56-2168107 45-0473508

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 10,000

nonpartisan voter registration efforts in Southern New Mexico Full Frame Working Films Award

10,000 strategy summit for the film, Children In No Man's Land 10,000 Global Youth Media and Arts Program


64-0939004 94-2178597 91-2134499

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

10,000 general support 10,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 Arts Education Program

57-1190359 20-3726038 20-3726038 13-3764868 77-0387124

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 9,981 9,764 9,674

Bolder Giving program General Support general support general support

9,600 general support

Santa Monica, CA 90404 Tides Center / Traction

The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 206 Charles Streeto Fredericksburg, VA 22401 P 0 Box 1854D Port Angeles, WA 983620279 2505 N AvenueD National City, CA 91950 1137 Sherman Street, #220 Denver, CO 80203 PO Box 20646D Columbus Circle Stabono New York, NY 10023 PO Box 137D Riderwood, MD 21139-0137 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 9,582 general support for Traction

Downtown Greens
Mangrove Action Project

54-1853889 20-0833537

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

9,500 9,500

Marenje Children's Outdoor Performance Ensemble support of the public forum, Countering the Blue Revolution- the Threats of Industrial Aquaculture

International Community Foundation Protection and Education Animals, Culture and Environment Equality Now

33-0457858 20-3726038 13-3660566

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

9,468 Friends of Punta de Mita Fund 9,468 general support 9,452 participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference in South Africa 9,364 general support

Mpala Wildlife Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name African Food and Peace Foundation Maritime Aquarium Threshold Foundation

Aid to Artisans, Inc Arts Engine, Inc

Center for Progressive Leadership / New Organizing Institute Education Fund Rainforest Action Network

Address 1060 Lowell Roado Concord, MA 01742 10 North Water Streeto Norwalk, CT 06854 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 331 Wethersfield Avenueo Hartford, CT 06114 104 W 14th Streeto 4th FloorD New York, NY 10011 1133 19th Street, NWO

EIN 04-2738774 06-1062912 13-3028214

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 9,339 9,300 9,250

Purpose General Support Maritime Aquarium Red Apple Awards Dinner 2008 grants pool

04-2577837 13-4129275

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

9,000 Small Grants Program 9,000 documentary, Rose and Nangabire


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


New Organizing Institute Education Fund's general support

91h FloorO
Wan, Washington, DC 20036
221 Pine Streeto Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 941042715 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 339 Lafayette StreetO New York, NY 10012-2725 666 BroadwayD Seventh FloorD New York, NY 10012 129 Fulton StreetD New York, NY 10038 301 Grove StreetO Brooklyn, NY 11237 105 Court Streeto Third Floor Brooklyn , NY 11201 325 Pleasant Streeto Concord, NH 03301 740 Front Suite 3800 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 PO Box 13170 Helena, MT 59624 PO Box 14380 Corvallis, OR 97339 101 Avenue of the Americas, 3rd Flooro New York, NY 10013 Presidio Building 360 PO Box 295020 San Francisco, CA 94129 PO Box 17660 Tarpon Springs, FL 3468894-3045180 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 9,000 general support

Tides Center / Story of Stuff


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,865 general support of Story of Stuff

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Charity


2008 winter informal funding

A J Muste Memorial Institute / United for Peace and Justice Center for Constitutional Rights

23-7379088 22-6082880

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity

8,630 general support for United for Peace and Justice 8,630 general support

Coalition for the Homeless Make the Road New York South Brooklyn Legal Services

13-3072967 11-3344389 13-2605605

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,630 8,630 8,630

general support general support general support

St Paul's School Firelight Foundation

02-0222227 77-0529657

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

8,613 general support 8,600 support of Mphasto Development Foundation and Salima HIV/AIDS Support Organization

ACLU of Montana Foundation Oregon State University Foundation Progressive States Network

81-0445339 93-6022772 20-2912052

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,500 work to ensure sixty percent of schools that receive training will adopt LGBT-inclusive antibullying policies by 2009 as per your proposal 8,500 OSU Wine Institute 8,500 general support

Presidio World College / LiveNeutral


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


LiveNeutral's Better World Club Carbon Offset Program

Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,306 general support


Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name New Israel Fund

Address Main Office0

1101 14th Street. NW, Sixth

EIN 94-2607722

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 8,300

Purpose support of I'Lam and Women Against Violence

FloorO Washington, DC 20005-5639 World Education Arts Engine, Inc 44 Farnsworth Boston, MA 02210 104 W 14th StreetO 4th FloorO New York, NY 10011 3278 West StreetO 13-1804349 13-4129275 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 8,173 work documenting the impact of community radios for peacebuilding in Casamance 8,150 documentary, Rose and Nangabire

Attitudinal Healing Connection Center for Community Change

94-3178158 52-0888113

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

8,000 8,000

Cultural Arts program Community Voting Project

Oakland, CA 94608
Headquarterso 1536 U Street, NWO Washington, DC 20009 PO Box 23450 Alexandra. VA 22301 National Headquarters0 426 17th StreetO

Crude Accountability Earthjusbce

56-2328811 94-1730465

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,000 general support 8,000 general support

Sixth FloorD
Friends of the Earth Oakland, CA 94612-2820 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, 23-7420660 NWO Suite 6000 Washington, DC 20036-2002 944 Fort Sausalito, CA 94965 National 11100 Wildlife Center Drivel] Reston, VA 20190-5362 500 Palm 94-2817843 53-0204616 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 8,000 general support

Headlands Center for the Arts National Wildlife Federation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,000 8,000

Environmental Residency Program Lake Superior / Eagle Mine project

The Bay Institute of San Francisco


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Fund - San Joaquin River Settlement

Suite 2000
Tides Center / Global Community Monitor Novato, CA 94949 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NWO Sixth FloorO Washington, DC 20036-2109 619 Western Avenue #220 Seattle, WA 98104 26 Beckett Ithaca, NY 14850 PO Box 1370 Riderwood, MD 21139-0137 104 W 14th 4th FloorlJ New York, NY 10011 934 Brannan StreetO Second FloorO San Francisco, CA 94103 50 Broadway, 31st FloorO New York, NY 10004-1694 94-3213100 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 8,000 Global Community Monitor's Refinery Reform Campaign

World Security Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Peacemakers Fund

Tibetan Nuns Project Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM Mpala Wildlife Foundation Arts Engine, Inc / No Family History

68-0327175 30-0306056 52-1656147 13-4129275

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,760 general support 7,635 7,521 participation in the 2008 Association for Women's Rights in Development conference i n South Africa General Support

7,500 general support for No Family History



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 Art for City Youth Program



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 General Support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name
Center for Independent Documentary / Mighty Fine Films Children's Rights, Inc

Children's Rights, Inc

Doctors Without Borders USA

Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation

Address EIN 04-2738458 680 South Main StreetO Sharon, MA 02067 13-3801864 330 Seventh AvenueD 4th FloorD New York, NY 10001 13-3801864 330 Seventh AvenueD 4th FloorD New York, NY 10001 333 Seventh AvenueD 13-3433452 Second FloorO New York, NY 10001-5004 1901 Vine Streetf 52.1173474 Suite 1110 Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189 143 South 3rd StreetO Philadelphia, PA 19107 184 Fifth Avenueo Fourth FloorD New York, NY 10010 The Miriam Schultz Grunfeld Prof Bldg 0 at Rhode Goldman PlazaO 2150 Post Streeto San Francisco, CA 94115 21510th AvenueEl San Francisco, CA 94118 870 Market Streelo Suite 3700 San Francisco, CA 94102 870 Market Streeto Suite 3700 San Francisco, CA 94102 870 Market Streetn Suite 3700 San Francisco, CA 94102 50 Broad StreetO Suite 18250 New York, NY 10004 14 Academy Place, Unit 20 PO Box 1009410 Nashville, TN 37224-0941 PO Box 383270 Los Angeles, CA 90038-0327 657 Mission StreetO Second FloorlJ San Francisco, CA 941054104 7380 East Second StreetO Scottsdale, AZ 85251 370 Lexington Avenue0 Suite 4010 New York, NY 10017 3333 14th Street NWD Suite 2000 Washington, DC 20010 23-7179598 13-3770390

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 7,500 support of Mighty Fine Films' documentary, FAT 7,500 General Support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support

Friends of Independence National Historical Park / President's House Fund In the Life Media. Inc

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 7,500

general support for President' s House Fund General Support

Jewish Family and Children's Services


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Senior Assisted Living Program, Emigre Youth Development Project, and Crisis Prevention and Self Sufficiency Services for Adults

Midwives on Missions of Service National Center for Lesbian Rights

93-1254632 94-3086885

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 midwifery program in Sierra Leone 7,500 Youth Project

National Center for Lesbian Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 public education efforts in support of mamage equality

National Center for Lesbian Rights


501(c)(3) Public Charity

7,500 general support

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support

Neighborhoods Resource Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support I 1

Overnight Productions


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

San Francisco Camerawork


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


First Exposures

Scottsdale Cultural Council Seeds of Peace

86-0593786 52-1814447

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art and Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts 7,500 general support

So)oumers/Call to Renewal


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name
The Women's Building

3543 18th StreetD Suite 80 San Francisco, CA 94110 The PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 870 Market Room 8230 San Francisco, CA 94102 8509 Higuere Streeto Culver City, CA 90232 8509 Higuere Culver City, CA 90232 793 Ashbury StreetO San Francisco, CA 94117 8115 McCormick Avenueo Oakland, CA 94605 1402 3rd Ave, Suite 10000 Seattle. WA 98101 320 Aztec Suite BO Santa Fe, NM 87501 503 B Streeto P 0 Box 2170 Pont Reyes Station, CA 94956-0217 1644 DaVlnci CourtO Davis, CA 95618 222 Sutter


IRC Code Section

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support


Tides Center / Accord Alliance


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support for Accord Alliance

Transgender Law Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Willows Community School Willows Community School Women's International Network for Guatemalan Solutions (WINGS) World Trust Educational Services. Inc ONE Northwest Conservation Voters New Mexico Education

95-4466863 95-4466863 31-1759515 94-3362739 91-1972832 91-1982332

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,500 general support 7,500 7,500 General Support General Support

7,500 general support 7.441 general support

7.000 general support

Dance Palace Community Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Freedom from Hunger Global Fund for Women

95-1647835 77-0155782

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,000 7,000

support of Association des Caisses de Financement a la Base and Association Pour la Promotion de La Femme et de ('Enfant au Mali general support

Suite 5000
Grassroots Leadership Lambi Fund of Haiti Native Acton San Francisco, CA 94108 P O Box 36006D Charlotte, NC 28236-6006 PO Box 189550 Washington, DC 20036 PO Box 4090 101 Post Office DnveD Lame Deer, MT 59043 122 A East Bndge StreetO 58-1581743 52-1843357 81-0450694 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 7,000 general support 7,000 reforestation work with Green Belt Movement 7,000 general support

North Fork River Improvement Association


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


River Park exploration project

Rudolf Steiner Foundation

Box 68 20
13-6082763 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 7,000 Phase 1 Terragua Project

Slide Ranch

Threshold Foundation

Young Workers United Youth In Focus / Escuelas Sit Pintas Nol

Hotchkiss, CO 81419 1002A O'Reilly San Francisco. CA 941290915 Development 2025 Shoreline Muir Beach, CA 94965 Presidio Building 10140 P O Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 PO Box 4209630
San Francisco, CA 94142


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,000 general support and Art of Social Change Funding Circle

20-2655377 38-3670867

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

1611 Telegraph Avenue #5100 Oakland, CA 94612

7,000 general support for Escuelas Sit Pintas Not

Form 990 Schedule 1, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name
Leo Baeck Temple

1300 North Sepulveda Los Angeles, CA 90049 Department WO P 0 Box 26690 Portland, OR 97208 Office of Developmento Kiely Hall, Room 12060 65-30 Kissena Boulevanl0 Flushing, NY 11367 141 Main Street, Suite 60 Montpelier. VT 05602 45 West 36th Streeto New York, NY 100 18-7904 PO Box 1550 Freedom, ME 04941 1470 Boulevard of the ArtsD Sarasota, FL 34236 180 Howard StreetO Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105 8650 Mullen Dalton, MI 49046-9751 219 West 19th StreetD New York, NY 10011-4079 PO Box 61840 Olympia, WA 98507-6184 One Logan Square, Suite 26000O Philadelphia, PA 19103 4530 MacArthur Boulevard, NWO Washington, DC 20007 2840 Wilderness PlaceD Suite AD Boulder, CO 80301 330 Seventh Avenue0 Suite 19020 New York, NY 10001 330 Seventh


IRC Code Section

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,500 general support


Mercy Corps


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Global Hunger, Poverty, and Climate Change projects

Queens College Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


scholarship for Ms Taiisha Calbert-Foster in the School Psychology Program

Vermont Public Interest Research & Education Fund American Jewish World Service Sheepscot Wellspring Land Alliance ALSO for Gay Youth Catholic Chanties CYO

51-0163801 22-2584370 01-0464831 74-2840470 94-1498472

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,500 general support 6,400 support of Rural Organization for Social Education and Asociacion Cooperativa *Marta Gonzalez" 6,250 general support 6,000 6,000 General Support

Circle Pines Center Dance Theater Workshop / Anna Sperber Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County ETechVents

38-1227244 13-6206608 94-3130662 23-3050362

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity

6,000 6,000 6,000

Kids' Club for art supplies, Mission Day Care for photography supplies and instruction , Rita da Cascita for art supplies and instruction, Children's Village for the artist in residence sculpture project Scholarship Fund CLASS General Support

6.000 support of Titans of Technology event on May 19, 2008

Georgetown Day School


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,000 general support

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Institute for Jewish Spirituality


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,000 general support

Jewish Funds for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,000 General Support

Suite 19020 New Yo rk,, N Y 10001

Ms Foundation for Women 12 MetroTech Centero 26th FloorD Brooklyn, NY 11201 138 Second Avenue NorthO Suite 1060 Nashville, TN 37201 343 East Alamedao Santa Fe, NM 87501 800 Boylston StreetO 47th FloorD Boston, MA 02199 870 Market StreetO 23-7252609 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 6,000 general support

Nashville Civic Design Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

New Mexico Community Foundation / Friends of Tony Price Partners In Health

85-0311210 04-3000294

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,000 6,000

Friends of Tony Price's roof repair Prole Sante Fanm and Zanmi Agnkol programs

San Francisco International Arts Festival


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


extended youth arts, literacy and performance workshop series in 2008

Suite 12560
San Francisco, CA 94102

Form 990 Schedule I. Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Social Venture Partners

Society Free Culture ViviendasLe6n WddCare Terwilliger Nature Education and Wildlife Rehabilitation World Family Foundation Threshold Foundation

Rediscovery Four Comers / Wodakota Foundation American Center for Mongolian Stud i es

Threshold Foundation

CHOICE Humanitarian

Foundation for the Healing Force of the Amazon

Rainforest Action Network

Women Donors Network Tides Center / Women's Rights International

Global Security Institute

Hoops 4 Hope USA Death Penalty Information Center

A J Muste Memorial Institute / United for Peace and Justice Abraham Fund Initiatives Aid to Artisans, Inc Alameda County Community Food Bank

Address 1601 Second AvenueD Suite 6150 Seattle, WA 98101 1185 Arch StreelO Berkeley, CA 94708 1585 Folsom Streetf San Francisco, CA 94103 76 Albert Park LaneO San Rafael, CA 94901 PO Box 615220 Honolulu, HI 96839 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 29903D San Francisco, CA 941290903 PO Box 2180 Crestone, CO 81131 Western Washington University0 Humanities 2300 Bellingham, WA 98225 Presidio Building 10140 P 0 Box 299030 San Francisco, CA 941290903 7879 South 1530 WestO Suite 2000 West Jordan, UT 84088 C/O Law OfficesO 125 Water StreetO Suite DD Santa Cruz, CA 95060 221 Pine Street0 Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 941042715 1170 Hamilton CourtD Menlo Park, CA 94025 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 1 Belmont Avenue0 Suite 4000 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 P 0 Box 8950 East Hampton, NY 11937 1101 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 7010 Washington. DC 20005 339 Lafayette StreetO New York, NY 10012-2725 9 East 45th StreetO New York, NY 10017 331 Wethersfield AvenueD Hartford, CT 06114 PO Box 25990 Oakland, CA 94614

EIN 91-1894424

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 6,000

Purpose general support

Foreign Organization 65-1211061 51-0172331 94-3261932 13-3028214 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,000 general support 6,000 general support 6,000 general support 6,000 general support 5,800 2008 Grantmaking Pool

84-0991923 55-0799211

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,600 Wodakota Foundation's S'unka Waken Protect 5,551 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Threshold grantmaking pool and Art and Social Change funding circle


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,496 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,460 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

05-0542397 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,400 general support 5,360 Women's Rights International's filming of the Women's Thematic Session of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

11-3287137 36-4056815

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn

5,213 shipment of sporting equipment to South Africa 5,100 Deterrence research protect

23-7379088 13-3556715 04-2577837 94-2960297

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity


general support of United for Peace and Justice

5,000 general support 5,000 general support 5,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association

Albany Education Foundation

American Jewish World Service

American Red Cross

American Symphony Orchestra

Amnesty International USA Andrew Glover Youth Program

Arizona Community Foundation I Social Venture Partners Arizona

Address 1057 W FireweedO Suite 1020 Anchorage, AL 99503-1736 1320 Solano AvenueD Suite 203D Albany, CA 94706 45 West 36th Streelo Tenth FloorO New York. NY 10018-7904 National Headquarterso 2025 E Street. NED Third FloorO Washington, DC 20006 333 West 39th Street, Suite 11010 New York, NY 10018 5 Penn PlazaD New York, NY 10001 100 Centre StreetO Room 15410 New York, NY 10013-4308 2201 East Camelback RoadO Suite 2020 Phoenix, AZ 85016 PO Box 22600 Tempe. AZ 85280-2260 4842 Ridge Avenueo Philadelphia, PA 19129 PO Box 5910 Sandpoint, ID 83864 100 38th St Rm 15010 Suite 3030 Richmond, CA 94805 116 East 16th StreetD Seventh FloorD New York, NY 10003 85 South Oxford StreetO Brooklyn, NY 11217-1607 45 West 36th Street, 8th FloorO New York, NY 10018 45 West 36th Street, 8th Floora New York, NY 10018 3009 Broadwayo New York, NY 10027 4151 Memorial DriveD Suite 103AO Decatur, GA 30032 2025 Addison Street[] Berkeley, CA 94704 821 West A Streeto Belleville, IL 62220 10510 Culver Culver City, CA 90232 267 Miller Avenue0 Mill Valley, CA 94941

EIN 92-0113788

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 5,000 Anchorage Syringe Exchange program's two-day symposium


501(c)(3) Public Charity

5.000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Charity


support of AIDS programs in the third world


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5.000 general support

52-0851555 13-3267496

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 support of preventative programs


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Arizona State University Foundation Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education Center Arts Alliance ArtsChange

86-6051042 23-1747032 84-1715337 20-0413052

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Nelson Gallery Exhibitions

5,000 general support 5,000 5,000 general support The Earth Your Baby Mama

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Audre Lorde Project Avodah The Jewish Service Corps

06-1502452 13-3914342

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 General Support 5,000 work to rebuild New Orleans

Avodah The Jewish Service Corps


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


SafetyNet Infrastructure Campaign

Barnard College

13-1628149 58-1981535

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Barnard Fund

Be Present

5,000 general support

Berkeley Repertory Theatre Bethany Place Brave New Foundation Bread for the Journey

94-1679756 37-1283362 94-3209789 85-0376286

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

5,000 general support 5,000 support of two synnge exchange professionals to attend the 7th Annual Harm Reduction Conference 5,000 general support 5,000 General Support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Bridgeport Public Education Fund Buen Dia Family School California College of the Arts California Film Institute

Address 446 University Bridgeport. CT 06604 589 Guerrero StreetO

EIN 06-1379383 94-2590868 94-1156485 94-2498062

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 general support 5,000 general support 5,000 Watbs Institute 5,000 general support


San Francisco, CA 94110

5212 Oakland, CA 94618 1001 Lootens PlaceD Suite 2200 San Rafael, CA 94901 5880 Commerce BoulevardD #2070 Rohnert Park, CA 94928

California Institute on Human Services


501(c)(3) Public Charity

5,000 work providing resources and training regarding services for out-of-home LGBTQ youth

California Native Plant Society


2707 K StreetD 94-6116403 Suite 10 Sacramento, CA 95816 400 Capital Mall, Suite 2400 0 51-0656213 Sacramento, CA 95814 7315 Wisconsin Avenue0 Suite 1100WO Bethesda. MD 20814 113 Custer AvenueD Evanston, IL 60202 119 West Hall AvenueD San Ysidro, CA 92173 P O Box 93110 Albuquerque. NM 87119 666 Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10012 666 Broadwayo Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10012 666 BroadwayD Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10012 528 61st Streeto Suite AD Oakland, CA 94609 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWO Suite 6250 Washington, DC 20009 1825 Connecticut Avenue NWO Suite 6250 Washington, DC 20009 870 Market StreetO Suite 6880 San Francisco, CA 94102 1133 19th Street. NWO 9th FloorO Washington. DC 20036 120 Wall Streeto 14th FloorD New York, NY 10005 52-1591398

501(c)(3) Public Charity


Santa Cruz chapter's efforts to protect the Arana Gulch Tar Plant

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 0

Calvert Social Investment Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


research and development of a social venture fund investment platform for philanthropic asset management

Carepolnt Adult, Child and Family Association Casa Familiar, Inc Cedar Tree Center for Constitutional Rights

36-4443273 23-7237898 20-2157088 22-6082880

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 attendance at the Harm Reduction Coalition National Conference 5,000 Young Leaders Program 5,000 general support 5,000 general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Charity


General Support

Center for Environmental Health


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Center for Independent Media

033-1137541 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Center for Independent Media

033-1137541 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Center for Justice and Accountability


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Center for Progressive Leadership


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Center for Reproductive Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Center for Resource Economics

Address 1718 Connecticut Avenue, NWO Suite 3000 Washington, DC 20009-1148 106 Wamner He110 Mt Pleasant, MI 48859 5691 Telegraph AvenueD Oakland, CA 94609 925 Hempstead Suite 4000 Franklin Square, NY 110103626 2418 West 32nd Denver, CO 80211 2215 Prince Streelo Berkeley, CA 94705 3109 Clairmont RoadO

EIN 94-2578166

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000

Purpose EcoAdapt

Central Michigan University


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic Child Care Council of Nassau

94-3116456 11-2254990

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5.000

Center for Research, Training, and Consultation for GLBTQ Youth Issues' work conducting qualitative research to assess Michigan social workers' level of knowledge, perception of services, and training needs for work with GLBTQ youth general support Staff Development Scholarshi p Fund challenge grant

Chinook Fund Chochmat HaLev CHRIS Homes. Inc

84-1076325 94-3200772 58-1430183

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 5,000 general support GLBTQ specific staff training

Suite BD
Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge / Friends of Redwood City Atlanta, GA 30329 453 Tennessee LaneD Palo Alto, CA 94306 1400 Eye Street NWO Suite 4500 Washington, DC 20005 1400 Eye Street NWD Suite 4500 Washington, DC 20005 PO Box 60870 Albany, CA 94706 PO Box 3500 Hadley, MA 01035-0350 1437 Milvia StreetO Berkeley, CA 94709 1437 Milvia Streelo Berkeley , CA 94709 1437 Milvla StreetO Berkeley , CA 94709 Old Lamy SchoolhouseD 77-0518777 03-0445391 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 general support for Friends of Redwood City 5,000 General Support

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics In Washington


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Citizens for the Eastshore State Park Class Action Classical Chinese Puzzle Foundation Classical Chinese Puzzle Foundation Classical Chinese Puzzle Foundation Collective Heritage Institute

94-3021996 26-0091867 94-3349330 94-3349330 94-3349330 85-0432731

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 work to educate residents , key officials and stakeholders about protecting the shoreline by choosing open space as the preferred alternative in the Richmond General Plan EIS 5,000 General Support 5,000 general support 5,000 general support 5,000 Chinese Puzzles Exhibition 5,000 Scholarship Fund

Six Cerro CircleD Community Cancer Seances

Lamy, NM 87540 1215 Michigan Street, Suite PO Box 22130 Sandpoint, ID 83864 221 Idora Avenueo Vallejo, CA 94591 544 Capp Streeto San Francisco, CA 94110 1000 North Alameda StreelD 71-0899963 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 general support ,

Community Futures Collective / Seventh Native American Generation Community Music Center Community Partners / Khmer Girls in Action

91-2114465 94-1156270 95-4302067

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

Publishing the Fifth Issue of SNAG magazine Mission Distract Young Musicians Program

5,000 general support for Khmer Girls in Action

Suite 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90012 Conservation International 2011 Crystal DnveD Suite 5000 Arlington, VA 22202 52-1497470 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States





Organization Name Corpus Christi Church Court Appointed Special Advocates of the Eastern Panhandle Dance Palace Community Center

Address 529 West 121 at New York, NY 10027 229 E Martin StreetO Martinsburg, WV 25401 503 B


IRC Code Section 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Purpose Amount 5,000 summer maintenance and painting of Corpus Chnsh School 5,000 work recruiting, screening, managing and training volunteers to serve as Court Appointed Special Advocates 5,000 general support

32-0063080 94-2460193

P 0 Box 2170
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956-0217 219 West 19th Streeto New York, NY 10011-4079 100 Lafayette StreetO Suite 6040 New York, NY 10013 PO Box 209910 Oakland, CA 94620 1000 42nd StreetO eetD Oakland. CA 94608 333 Seventh Second Floor0 New York, NY 10001-5004 333 Seventh Second Flooro New York, NY 10001-5004 15 Dutch StreetO New York, NY 10038 74A 4th AvenueD Brooklyn, NY 11217 1486 Huntington Avenue #3040 South San Francisco, CA 94080 300 BroadwayO Suite 280 San Francisco, CA 941333312 1612 K Street. NWt] Suite 8080 Washington, DC 20006 391 Herrington Hill Greenwich. NY 12834 721 NW 9th AvenueO

Dance Theater Workshop / Melanie Maar Dance Democracy Nowl

13-6206608 01-0708733

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

Melanie Maar Dance's Loft Project general support

Desert Survivors Destiny Arts Center Doctors Without Borders USA

94-3068603 94-3176726 13-3433452

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 General Support 5,000 general support 5,000 general support

Doctors Without Borders USA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 project work in Sudan

Downtown Little School Dwa Fanm Each One Reach One

13-4057312 43-1952083 94-3374997

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 spring Annual appeal 5,000 awareness raising campaign regarding women's rights 5,000 general support

Earth Island Institute / Sierra Student Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Sierra Student Coalition's nonpartisan Power Vote and Change the Climate'08 campaigns



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Easton Mountain Ecotrust

01-0778873 93-1050144

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 2008 strategic planning consultant 5,000 General Support

Suite 2000
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Emery Education Foundation Endeavor Portland, OR 97209 344 40th StreetO Oakland, CA 94609 P 0 Box 89260 Emeryville, CA 94662 900 Suite 6000 New York, NY 10003 1011 Pico Blvd u 94-3252009 94-3248242 13-3931449 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 Green Collar Jobs Campaign

5,000 Support for special screening of Disney's Pixar film Wall'E

5,000 mapping project to highlight Endeavors global reach and Impact

Environmental Arts Corporation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Suite 10
Environmental Health Coalition Santa Monica, CA 90405 401 Mile of Cars WayD 95-3798792 Suite 3100 National City, CA 91950-6608 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 Youth Apprenticeship Program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons Film Arts Foundation / Earth Camp One LLC

Film Arts Foundation / Kara Herold Media

Film Forum Film Odyssey / Chopracole. Inc Foundation Fighting Blindness Free Press

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders

Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services

Georgia O' Keeffe Museum Gerber/Hart Library

Giving Open Access to Learning Global Greengrants Fund

Global Justice Ecology Project / Native Solutions to Conservation Refugee Grantmakers In Health

Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training

Grassroots International

Greenville Rape Crisis and Child Abuse Center Health and Habitat Health Care of Southeastern Massachusetts

Address PO Box 1450 Pine, CO 80470 145 Ninth StreetD Number 1010 San Francisco, CA 94103 145 Ninth StreetO Number 1010 San Francisco, CA 94103 209 W Houston StreetO New York, NY 10014 2220 20th Street. NW #8D Washington, DC 20009 11435 Cronhill Dnveo Owings Mills, MD 21117 40 Main Streelo Suite 3010 Florence, MA 01062 30 Winter StreetO Suite 8000 Boston, MA 02108 30 VIAnter StreetO Suite 8000 Boston, MA 02108 650 N Robertson BoulevardO West Hollywood, CA 900695022 217 Johnson Street0 Santa Fe, NM 87501 1127 West Granville Avenue0 Chicago, IL 60660 25 Reyam RoadO Lynbrook, NY 11563 2840 Wilderness PlaceD Suite AD Boulder, CO 80301 P 0 Box 4120 Hinesburg, VT 05461 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NWD Suite 12000 Washington, DC 20036 1904 Franklin Streeto Suite 7050 Oakland, CA 94612 179 Boylston Streetf Fourth FloorO Boston, MA 02130-4520 2905 White Horse Roado Greenville, SC 29611 76 Lee Streeto Mill Valley, CA 94941 942 West Chestnut Streetf Brockton, MA 02301 4025 N ShendanD Chicago, IL 60613

EIN 84-1605076 94-2348632

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 5,000

Purpose general support general support for Earth Camp One


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Kara Herold's documentary , Bachelorette, 34

51-0175953 52-1482679 23-7135845 41-2106721

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

5,000 5,000 5,000

Immy Humes film project, Doc Chopracole to donate 3,500 DVD copies of a documentary film about a unique foster care residence in Manhattan to Lambda Legal for distnbubon Dining in the Dark dinner and Retinoschisis research

5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Family Preservation Program

85-0437114 36-3174164

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5.000

support of the annual Girls Rockl Conference General Support

41-2124847 84-1612422

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5.000

general support support for international grants

81-0626946 13-3206571

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

Native Solutions to Conservation Refugee's Mursi Information Exchange Project 2008 Funding Partner program

94-3339018 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Other Worlds Are Possible Giving Circle

57-0655611 68-0143498 04-2609177

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

5,000 work launching a support and education program for LGBTQ youth, their families and the community 5,000 general support 5,000 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Support Projects work providing intensive training and technical support to a child welfare agency to enhance its capacity to provide culturally competent services to GLBTO youth in out-of-home care 5,000 Broadway Youth Center's Youth Worker Collective, a monthly training and networking event for youth working with out-of-home youth

Howard Brown Health Center


501(c)(3) Public Charity

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Hunters Point Family Identity , Inc (EARN-USA

Independent Media Institute

Indiana Youth Group

Address 1651 Quesade Streeto San Francisco, CA 94124 414 East Diamond AvenueD Gaithersburg, MD 20877 475 Riverside DnveD Suite 4500 New York, NY 10115 77 Federal Streeto Second Floorf San Francisco, CA 94107 PO Box 207160 Indianapolis , IN 46220-0716

EIN 94-3361252 52-2120012 13-3782233

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 general support 5,000 general support 5,000 General Support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 AlterNet project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Institute for America 's Future

1825 K Street, NW, Suite

4000 Washington , DC 20006 143 West 41h Streetf New York, NY 10012 PO Box 9230 Malibu , CA 90265 1714 Franklin StreetD Suite 100-2510 Oakland , CA 94612 120 Wall Street0 Ninth FloorD New York, NY 10005-3902 PO Box 6550 Waterbury, VT 05676 PO Box 3801030 Jacksonville, FL 32205 1539 Funston AvenueD San Francisco, CA 94122 3180 18th StreelO Suite 2010 San Francisco , CA 94110 2601 Menposa Street u San Francisco, CA 941101400 2601 Manposa StreetO San Francisco, CA 941101400 National HeadquartersD 120 Wall StreetO Suite 15000 New York, NY 10005-3904 1401 New York Avenue, NWO Suite 4000 Washington , DC 20005 1730 M Street, NWD Suite 10000 Washington, DC 20036-4508 211 West San Francisco StreetO Santa Fe , NM 87501 272 6th AvenueD New York. NY 10012


5,000 community assessment and planning convening and two workshops on LGBT youth issues for juvenile justice workers and social service agency staff 5,000 general support

Institute for Media Analysis I Laura Flanders Limited International Humanities Center / Collateral Repair Project International Media Project

13-3331313 33-0767921 94-3239511

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Laura Flanders Limited work on GnITV with Laura Flanders 10

5.000 general support for Collateral Repair Protect 5,000 Women's Desk

International Planned Parenthood Federabon /Westem Hemisphere Region International Women 's Coffee Alliance Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network , Inc Kid Stock Kiva Microfunds


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

72-1598424 59-3284175 94-3234775 71-0992446

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 all-day seminar addressing challenges facing LGBT youth and best practices in serving LGBT out-of-home youth 5,000 general support 5,000 general support



501(c )(3) Public Chanty


Digital Storytelling Initiative



501(c )(3) Public Chanty


Saving the Bay public TV series - educational outreach

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Youth Project, as described at the Gill Foundation's OutGiving meeting

Lawyers ' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law


501(c )(3) Public Chanty


partnership with Catalist

League of Women Voters Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Lensic Performing Arts Center


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Little Red School House


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Annual Fund tuition assistance , Building for Action development campaign

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Lowell School MADRE

Address 1640 Kalmia Road. NWO Washington, DC 20012 121 West 27th Street # 3010 New York, NY 10001 6919 Keystone Roado Richmond, IL 60071 301 Grove Street0 Brooklyn, NY 11237 Office of Sponsored Programs0 77 Massachusetts Avenue0 E19-7500 Cambridge, MA 02139 PO Box 2990 Makawao, HI 96768 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NWO Suite 3000 Washington. DC 20036 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NWO Suite 3000 Washington, DC 20036 1902 Clairmont RoadO Suite 2500 Decatur, GA 30033 119 West 72nd Street #2790 New York, NY 10023 700 North Art Museum Dnveo Milwaukee, WI 53202 2233 University Avenue WestO Suite 4340 Saint Paul, MN 55114 Minnesota Women's BuildingO 550 Rice StreetD St Paul. MN 55103 P 0 Box 3960 Hoolehua, HI 96729 146 West 29th StreetO Room 6W0 New York, NY 10001 146 West 29th Streeto Room 6W0 New York, NY 10001 PO Box 2040 Biloxi, MS 39533 PO Box 11430 418 South Mount Shasta Boulevard0 Mount Shasta, CA 96067 PO Box 400 Westwood. CA 96137

EIN 52-1220544 13-3280194

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount Purpose 5,000 Annual Giving fund in support of teacher salaries 5,000 Funds for Transportation of Activists to a Meeting

Main Stay Therapeutic Riding Program Make the Road New York Massachusetts Institute of Technology

36-3565747 11-3344389 04-2103594

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5.000 5,000 general support project, Clean Water for One Billion People

Maul Tomorrow Media Matters for America

99-0278724 47-0928008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 General Support

Media Matters for America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Hurricane Fund for Textbooks & Journals to Cuban Medical Schools program

Middle East Children's Institute


501(c)(3) Public Charity


general support

Milwaukee Art Museum


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Conservation Lab Equipment upgrade

Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 work to give GLBTQ youth a voice in organizing around foster care systems policy

Minnesota Women's Consortium / Grasstops, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Grasstops to hire a GLBTQ youth intern to learn advocacy skills and to bring a youth focus to work addressing youth aging out of foster care systems and homeless and at-nsk youth

Molokai-Lanai Soil and Water Conservation District Monthly Review Foundation

99-0321351 13-2998309

Government - Not Federal 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 work to remove junk cars from the island 5,000 general support

Monthly Review Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Website & MR-Zine Development

Moore Community House Mount Shasta Bioreglonal Ecology Center

64-0314537 68-0233272

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

5,000 opposition to geothermal development in the Medicine Lake Highlands

Mountain Meadows Conservancy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


To hire a Development Director that will allow MMC to move forward in the community and develop funding sources to support the acquisition of lands and protect the Mountain Meadows watershed

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Mvskoke Food Sovereignty Initiative NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation

NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia Foundation

Address 10424 Love Creek RoadD Ben Lomond, CA 95005 PO Box 8130 Okmulgee, OK 74447 1156 15th Street, NWO Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20005 416 E Glendale Avenue #20 Alexandria, VA 22301

EIN 59-2751953 20-5829908 52-1100361

IRC Code Section 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5.000 5,000

Purpose General Support Food Heritage Documentary Project

5,000 non-partisan, same day voter registration project on college campuses


501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

Funds for Awareness Raising on Women's Reproductive Rights hire an intern to strengthen communication between national advocacy groups and stakeholders in the youth-service nonprofit field

National Alliance to End Homelessness

1518 K Street. NWO

Suite 4100 Washington, DC 20005 1325 Massachussetts Ave, NW 7000 Washington. DC 20005 1128 16th Street. NWO Washington, DC 20036 5250 Aero Dnveo Santa Rosa, CA 95403 470 Park Avenue South. 7th Flooro New York, NY 10016 558 Capp Streeto San Francisco, CA 94110 1333 H Street NW. 10th Floora Washington , DC 20005 200 East Fillmore Street , 91510 Phoenix, AZ 85004 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NWO Washington . DC 20036-2117 1638 R Street . NWO Suite 3000 Washington , DC 20009 P O Box 917690 Anchorage, AK 99509 PO Box 8960 Flagstaff, AZ 86002 Main Officeo 1101 14th Street, NW, Sixth FloorO Washington, DC 20005-5639 P 0 Box 92800 Santa Fe, NM 87504 343 East Alamedao Santa Fe , NM 87501 343 East AlamedaD Santa Fe, NM 87501 PO Box 254640 Albuquerque, NM 87125 82 Levant StreetO San Francisco , CA 94114 208 West 13th StreetO New York, NY 10011


National Coalition for LGBT Health


501(c )(3) Public Charity

5,000 work to convene a meeting of coalition members and partner organizations to begin a dialogue about serving the health need s of out-of-home LGBTQ youth 5,000 Democracia USA program

National Council of La Raze National Indian Justice Center / California Indian Environmental Alliance National Institute for Reproductive Health

86-0212873 68-0004000 13-3030257

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for California Indian Environmental Alliance 5.000 general support

National Lawyers Guild National Security Initiative

94-1695299 04-3813046

501(c)(6) Trade Association 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Thomas Steel Summer Law Internship

5,000 general support

National Society for American Indian Elderly / Red Earth Action Project National Trust for Historic Preservation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Red Earth Action Projects Solar Energy Training Protect


501(c )(3) Public Chanty


support for the Oregon Field Office

National Youth Advocacy Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Native Movement Native Movement / Black Mesa Water Coal i tion New Israel Fund

68-0535413 68-0535413 94-2607722

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 general support for Black Mesa Water Coalition

5,000 general support


New Mexico Association of Grantmakers New Mexico Community Foundation / Friends of Tony Price New Mexico Community Foundation / Red Rock Pictures Now Mexico Wilderness Alliance New Voice of Business New York City Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center / LGBT Foster Care Coalition

85-0437031 85-0311210 85-0311210 85-0457916 56-2522367 13-3217805

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

5.000 general support 5,000 general support for Friends of Tony Price 5.000 Red Rock Pictures' documentary, Split Estate

5,000 general support 5,000 general support 5.000 general support of LGBT Foster Care Coal i tion

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition I NC Syringe Access Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Address PO Box 23270 Jamestown, NC 27282-9383 1187 Coast Village RoadO

EIN 20-3452075 95-3825265

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5.000

Purpose NC Syringe Access' attendance at the Harm Reduction Conference and assistance with fundraising techniques 5,000 general support

Suite OneD
PMB 1210 Santa Barbara, CA 931082794 PO Box 7350 26-1203644 Dillingham, AK 99576 610 SW Broadway, Suite 93-1019725 4070 Portland, OR 97205 46-403 Haiku RoadO 20-2565007 Kaneohe, HI 96744-3558 500 Lucas Avenueo 95-3443276 Los Angeles, CA 90017 1728 M Street, NWO 05-0498420 Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20036 1111 19th Street NWO 30-0145807 12th Floorl Washington, DC 20036 1100 Wayne Avenueo 52-1554826 Suite 10200 Silver Spring. MD 20910 1818 Market Streeto 23-2887086 Suite 23000 Philadelphia, PA 19103 2000 M Street NWO 13-3065716 Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20036 2000 M Street NWO 13-3065716 Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20036 1661 Tennessee Street, Unit 94-1614596 3-00 San Francisco, CA 94107 1107 9th StreetO 95-4322048 Suite 6010 Sacramento, CA 95814 P 0 Box 126770 23-2250610 Philadelphia, PA 19129-0077 44 Winter Street, 4th FloorO Boston, MA 02108 434 West 33rd Streeto Eighth FloorD New York, NY 10001-2601 Fort Mason Center0 Building 80 Suite 330D San Francisco, CA 941231382 22-2505821

Nunamta Aulukestal Oregon Jewish Community Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 Robert and Mara Shlachter Family Philanthropic Fund

Papahana Kuaola Para Los Ninos Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000 5.000

Lelekamanu Moloka'i Protect general support General Support

Partnership for a Secure America

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


publication of a statement supporting application of uniform interrogation standards in a newspaper

Peace Action Education Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Peggy Browning Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

People for the American Way Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Young People For program

People for the American Way Foundation

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Young People For program

Performing Arts Workshop

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Pesticide Watch Education Fund

501(c)(3) Public Chanty


East Bay Stop the Spray

Philadelphia Parks Alliance

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

PIRG New Voters Project

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Planned Parenthood Federation of America


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Women's Health Matters Field Plan

Ploughshares Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Ploughshares Fund

Address Fort Mason Centero

EIN 94-2764520

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 general support


Building BD Suite 3300

San Francisco, CA 941231382 535 Dock StreetO Suite 1120 Tacoma, WA 98402 1310 BroadwayO Suite 201 u Somerville, MA 02144-1731 Landmark BuildingO 232 Main Street, Suite 40 Port Washington, NY 11050 101 Avenue of the Americas, 3rd FloorO New York, NY 10013 101 University DdveD Suite A20 Amherst, MA 01002 80 Broad StreetO Suite 16000 New York, NY 10004 221 Pine Streeto Suite 5000 San Francisco, CA 941042715 The Center for NuLeadership on UrbanD Solutions, Medgar Evers 1637 Bedford Ave Suite 220-

Point Defiance AIDS Project I Fresno Needle Exchange Program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Fresno Needle Exchange Program's attendance at CompassPoint conference, the Harm Reduction Coalition conference, and other trainings in California

Political Research Associates


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Port Washington Parent Resource Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


PRC Outreach Program

Progressive States Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Proteus Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Piper Fund

Public Interest Projects / Funders' Committee for Civic Participation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for Funders' Committee for Civic Participation

Rainforest Acton Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

Research Foundation of the City University of New York - CUNY / Prison Moratorium Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for Prison Moratorium Project

Rethinking Schools Rockwood Leadership Program Brooklyn, NY 11225 1001 East Keefe AvenueD Milwaukee, WI 53212 1648 Martin Luther King. Jr 39-1696524 72-1552165 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 5,000 update and revise Whose Wars Teaching About the Iraq War and the War on Terronsrn

5,000 general support

Rocky Mountain Innocence Center Berkeley, CA 94709-2026 205 North 400 WestO Community Legal CenterD Salt Lake City, UT 84103 2317 Snowmass Creek RoadO Snowmass, CO 81654 2100 M Street NWO Suite 6100 Washington, DC 20037 3175 17th StreetO San Francisco, CA 94110 1625 West Olympic 87-0647979 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 General Support

Rocky Mountain Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 work to map oil imports and the resultant monetary exports

Roosevelt Institution


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

Root Division Salvadoran American Leadership and Education Fund

73-1711252 95-4702001

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 after-school arts classes 5,000 General Support

Suite 7060
San Francisco Film Society / Ebb Pod Productions Los Angeles, CA 90028 The PresidioD 39 Mesa Street, Suite 1100 San Francisco, CA 94129 94-2663216 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 5,000 Ebb Pod Productions' film, Traces of the Trade

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Santa Fe Children's Museum Santa Fe School for the Arts and Science Slcangu Way of Life Slide Ranch

Social Justice Center of Albany Society of the Divine Word South Africa Development Fund South Central Farmers Health and Education Fund South of the Sound Community Farm Land Trust Southern New Hampshire University

St Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco Students for a Free Tibet

Sunny Hills Services

Address 1050 Old Pecos TrailO Santa Fe, NM 87505 5912 Jaguar DriveD Santa Fe, NM 87507 4517 Guest RoadD Rapid City, SD 57702 Development OfficeD 2025 Shoreline Highway0 Muir Beach, CA 94965 33 Central Avenue0 Albany, NY 12210 P 0 Box 5570 Techy. IL 60082 555 Amory StreelD St Boston, MA 02130 15214 Germain 4 ain Mission Hills, CA 91345 P 0 Box 121180 Olympia, WA 98508 School of Community Economic Development0 2500 North River RoadO Manchester, NH 03106 169 Stillman Street0 San Francisco, CA 94107 602 East 14th StreelD 2nd FloorD New York, NY 10009 300 Sunny Hills Dnveo San Anselmo, CA 94960 813 SW Alder, Suite 5000 Portland, OR 97205 322 Eighth Avenue0 Third FloorO New York, NY 10001 575 Haiku RoadO Haiku, HI 96708 PO Box 2218640 Carmel, CA 93922 P 0 Box 9470 Ross, CA 94957 161 Sixth Avenue0 14th FloorO New York, NY 10013 Worldwide OfficeD 4245 North Fairfax DnveD Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22203-1606 P 0 Box 601080 Los Angeles, CA 90060 P 0 Box 601080 Los Angeles, CA 90060 P 0 Box 601080 Los Angeles, CA 90060 P 0 Box 601080 Los Angeles, CA 90060

EIN 85-0335070 85-0466438 73-1692899 23-7069469

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 general support 5,000 5,000 Facility Expansion Bear Butte International Alliance


5,000 general support

22-2405608 36-2183817 22-2674813 20-5246114 91-1956115

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 general support 5,000 Treatment Action Campaign 5,000 General Support

5,000 general support 5,000 general support of School of Community Economic Development

002-0274509 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

94-1571017 13-4008917

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

St Vincent de Paul Multi Service Center South Renovation Project Funds for Increased Safety of the Members of the Organization


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Sustainable Northwest Sylvia Rivera Law Protect

93-1152222 81-0640342

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

Bay Area Youth Centers program's symposium that bungs together Bay Area youth service providers to build greater awareness and understanding of the special needs of GLBT youth in foster care general support General Support

Temple of Peace The Big Sur Land Trust The Cedars of Marlin The Field / Ballos, Gill and Lewis

91-2112846 94-2473415 94-1606518 13-3357408

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5.000 5.000 5,000 General Support general support general support for Ballos. Gill. Lewis Dancing Studio

The Nature Conservancy International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support

The Point Foundation The Point Foundation The Point Foundation The Point Foundation

84-1582086 84-1582086 84-1582086 84-1582086

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


scholarship programs

5,000 General Support 5,000 general support 5,000 general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name The Ruckus Society Inc Think New Mexico Third Sector New England / Resource Generation

Address 369 15th StreetO Oakland, CA 94612-3303 1227 Paseo de PeraltaD Santa Fe , NM 87501 89 South Street , Suite 7000 Boston , MA 02111-2670 89 South StreetO Suite 7000 Boston, MA 02111-2670 Presidia Budding 1014 0

EIN 81-0504390 31-1611995 04- 2261109

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 General Support 5,000 5,000 general support general support for Resource Generation


Third Sector New England / Resource Generation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Resource Generation

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Gulf South fund i ng circle

P 0 Box 299030
San Francisco , CA 941290903 2288 Fulton Street , Suite 3120 Berkeley, CA 94704 The PresidioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco , CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco , CA 941290903 The PresidioO PO Box 299070 San Francisco , CA 941290903 The Presidio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco , CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco , CA 941290903 The Presidioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco , CA 941290903 1925 Five Points Road . SWD Albuquerque , NM 87105 945 Main Suite 2110 Manchester, CT 06040 335 SE Eight Avenue u Hillsboro . OR 97123 132 West 112th StreetO Ground LevelO New York, NY 10026

Tibetan Association of Northern California

94 -3350817

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Tibetan Community Center of Northern California

Tides Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 Innovation Project's American Freedom Campaign

Tides Center / Ayuda Tech


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Ayuda Tech

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support of Color of Democracy Project

Tides Center / New Policy Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for New Policy Institute

Tides Center / New Policy Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support of New Policy Institute

Tides Center / Organizers' Forum

94 -3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for Organizers' Forum

Tides Center / Organizers' Forum

94 -3213100

501(c )(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for Organizers' Forum

Trinity House Catholic Worker / Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping True Colors , Inc Sexual Minority Youth and Family Services of CT


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support for Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 to create an LGBTOI Youth/Young Adults in Care Speakers Bureau

Tuality Healthcare Foundation Twenty First Century Foundation

93-0751507 13-3363860

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

iSaludi Endowment Campaign response work to Hurricane Gustav in the Gulf Coast

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States




Organization Name Twenty First Century Foundation

Union of Concerned Scientists

University of California Berkeley Foundation

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights

US Fund for UNICEF USAction Education Fund

UW World Series Vanguard Public Foundation

Veterans for Peace / Iraq Veteran's Against the War

WELL Network West County Toxics Coalition / Solar Richmond Western States Legal Foundation

Winter Center For Indigenous Traditions Women Make Movies / Iraq Refugee Documentary Project

Women of Color Resource Center

Women's Forest Sanctuary Women's Fund of Miami-Dade County

Address 132 West 112th Street0 Lower LevelO New York, NY 10026 National Headquarters0 Two Braille SquareD Cambridge, MA 02238.9105 The Bancroft Llbrary0 University of Califomia0 Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 3100 Arapahoe Avenue0 Suite 2010 Boulder, CO 80303 3100 Arapahoe Avenue0 Suite 2010 Boulder, CO 80303 3100 Arapahoe AvenueD Suite 2010 Boulder, CO 80303 125 Maiden Laneo New York, NY 10038 Attention Development0 1825 K Street NW, Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20006 Box 3511500 Seattle, WA 98195-1150 383 Rhode Island Streeto Suite 3010 San Francisco, CA 94103 216 South Meramec Avenue0 St Louis, MO 63105 PO Box 33800 Vista, CA 92085 1323 Battery Streeto Richmond, CA 94801 655 13th Street, Suite 2010 Preservation Park[] Oakland, CA 94612 PO Box 3280 Hanover, NH 03755 462 Broadway0 Suite 500WSO New York, NY 10013 1611 Telegraph AvenueD Suite 3030 Oakland, CA 94612 PO Box 16930 Ross, CA 94957 2650 SW 27th AvenueD Suite 3030 Miami, FL 33133 519 17th StreetO Suite 1100 Oakland, CA 94612

EIN 13-3363860

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Interactive Climate Hot Map


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


General Support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support

13-1760110 52-2214307

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


China Earthquake Relief

5,000 general support

91-6001537 94-2369262

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


UW World Series

5.000 Quality Public Education as a Civil Right


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Iraq Veteran's Against the War

20-5571185 94-3140083 94-2801038

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support and research and public relations regarding green planning 5,000 general support for Solar Richmond 5,000 General Support

02-0490723 13-2740460

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 5,000

general support Iraq Refugee Documentary Project's documentary, Between Earth and Sky


501(c)(3) Public Charity

5,000 general support

93-1161224 65-0436923

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 support for a reproductive justice bus tour for current and potential donors, the launch of a web module to increase the visibility of women of color-led reproductive justice work and support community mobilization around RJ issues, and the two days of fundraising events featuring Loretta Ross of Sistersong 5,000 General Support

Women's Initiative for Self Employment


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States





Organization Name Women's Voices Women Vote

Working Films Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve Youth Arts Collective

Youth Emergency Assistance Hostels Youth for Environmental Sanity

Address 1707 L Street. NWO Suite 7500 Washington. DC 20036 602 South Fifth Wilmington, NC 28401 P 0 Box 50 Big Bay, Ml 49808 472 Celle Pnncipalo Suite BD Monterey, CA 93940 1744 University AvenueD Berkeley , CA 94703 420 Bronco RoadO Soquel , CA 95073-9510

EIN 55-0889748

IRC Code Section 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Amount 5,000 general support


56-2168107 38-3251163 77-0526059

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


mentorship grant for the documentary, Saving Jackie

5,000 general support 5,000 General Support

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 77-0467495 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,000 general support 5,000 general support



Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals In the United States



Schedule I, Part iV - Supplemental in f ormation

Tides Foundation

Page 3

Part I, Line 2 - Grantmaker' s Description of How Grants are Used (continued) writing and (ii) not to use any portion of the grant carry on propaganda or to attempt to influence specific legislation either by direct or grassroots lobbying.

Based on a risk assessment, we may require a progress report for certain grants nine months after the grant award. We ask the grantee to submit a two page narrative describing the use of the funds and activities undertaken as a result of the grant (including lobbying activity, if permitted), along with a financial report.

F v 8868
(R e v

Aocation for Extension of Time Tote an

A pril


Exempt Organization Return

01, File a separate application for each return.

OMB No 1545-1709

Department of the Treasury

Internal R evenue Service

If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension , complete only Part I and check this box If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension , complete only Part II (on page 2 of this form).


Do not comp/etePart// unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868 Part 1 Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time . Only submit original (no copies needed).
A corporation required to file Form 990-T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check this box and complete Part I only All other corporations (including 1120-C filers), partnerships , REMICS, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file Income tax returns Electronic Filing (e-file). Generally, you can electronically file Form 8868 if you want a 3-month automatic extension of time to file one of the returns noted below (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-T) However, you cannot file Form 8868 electronically if (1) you want the additional (not automatic) 3-month extension or (2) you file Forms 990-BL, 6069, or 8870, group returns, or a composite or consolidated Form 990-T Instead, you must submit the fully completed and signed page 2 (Part II) of Form 8868. For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit www irs gov/e file and click on e-file for Charities & Nonprofits
Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number



Type or print
File by the due date for filing your return See instructions

Tides Foundation
Number , street, and room or suite number If a P 0 box , see instructions


Box 29903
City, town or post office , state, and ZIP code For a foreign address , see instructions

San Francisco, CA 94129-0903

Check type of return to be filed (file a separate application for each return) X Form 990 Form 990-T (corporation) Form 990-BL Form 990-T (section 401(a) or 408(a) trust) Form 990-EZ Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 990-PF Form 1041-A Form Form Form Form 4720 5227 6069 8870

The books are in the care of ^ Lorenzo Ersland ------------------------------------

-------------------------------- If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box
If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) . If this is for the whole group, check this box 0" F] - If it is for part of the group, check this box and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will cover 1 I request an automatic 3-month (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-T) extension of time until 8/15_ , 20 09 _ , to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above. The extension is - - the organization's return for for XX calendar year 20 08 tax year beginning 2 or , 20 and ending 11 Initial return 20 Final return Change in accounting period

Telephone No ^ (415)



If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason-

3a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made Include any p rior year overp ayment allowed as a credit c Balance Due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (ectronic Federal Tax Payment System). See instructions

3a $ 3b $

0. 0.

3c $


Caution . If you are going to make an electronic fund withdrawal with this Form 8868, see Form 8453-EO and Form 8879-EO for payment instructions. BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions . Form 8868 (Rev. 4-2008)

FIFZ0501L 04/16/08

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