Tides Foundation 2011 990

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OMB No 1545-0047

Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax

Under section 501(c ), 527, or 4947(aXl) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation ) ^ The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements , 2011 , and ending

Open to Public Inspection
Employer Identification Number

Department of internal Revenue eServcery


For the 2011 calendar year, or tax year beginning

Check if applicable Address change Name change Initial return Terminated X Amended return Application pending F Name and address of principal officer

Tides Foundation Box 29903 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903

E Telephone number

G Gross receipts

$ 15 9, 7 7 4 , 10 3 .
Yes Yes No NNO

Melissa Bradley
) (Insert no )

H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates' H(b) Are all affiliates included If No. attach a list (see instructions)

Same As


Tax-exempt status
Website : ^
Form of organization

X 501(c)(3)
www.tides.or g
X Corporation

501(c) (

4947(a)(1) or

H(c) Group exemption number "
1976 M State of legal domicile CA


L Year of Formation

Part I

Briefly descri be the organization's mission or most significant activities: ------------Tides Foundation' s_primary_exeMt - - -



is_g]:ant1raking_ _ We Smgf^wer individuals ^n

inst`i ui.ionc to UL e- money_ _ _ _

F d

-el ficiently..and-effe^tive1y-19uarsis- -P95-i-iYe_ sa iaIsbazige------------------2 3 4 5 6 7a b ---------------Check this box ^ tf the oraanlzatlon dlsconhnued Its nnerahons or dlsoosed of more than 25% of its net assets Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line la) 6 3 Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line lb) 4 6 Total number of individuals employed in calendar year 2011 (Part V, line 2a) 43 5 Total number of volunteers (estimate if necessary) 6 0 Total unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, column (C), line 12 7a 166, 276. Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, line 34 7b -201,567. Prior Year Current Year

P a

8 9
xr1 -4 10 11 12

Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line 1h) Program service revenue (Part VIII, line 2g)
Investment Income (Part VIII, column (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d) Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, 10c, and l le) Total revenue - add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A) , line 12)

126 111, 188. 667, 608.

6, 086, 077. 31,614. 132, 896, 487.

9 0, 793, 184. 663, 675.

5,144,334. -126,246. 96,474,947.


14 15

Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3)
Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A), line 4) Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5-10)

144, 633, 682.


3, 359, 178.


16a Professional fundraising fees (Part IX, column (A), line lie) b Total fundraising expenses (Part IX, column (D), line 25) ^ 17 18 Other expenses (Part IX, column (A), lines 1la-11d, 1 lf-24e) Total expenses Add lines 13-17 (must equal Part IX, column A Ilne 25 ' 174,736. 9, 159, 841. 157, 152, 701. 7, 183, 709. 105, 964, 453.

b8 10 I 20 21

Revenue less ex p enses Subtract line 18 from line 12

Total assets (Part X, line 16) Total liabilities (Part X, line 26)

D E: P' 17. 1 d p a

eginning of Current Year

End of Year

sr Z, 22

Net assets or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 2

1-F Q

169, 615, 992.

15, 844, 464. C 153, 771, 528 -

156, 657, 142 .

14, 227, 493. 142, 429 649.

AUG i 3 2Ol

L- -

Part II = 1 Signature Block

Under penalties of penury, I declare thl h exa complete Declaration of preparer (other th9yoffc

V^L^t=ld, U I

s return, including accompanying schedules and statements , and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true , correct, and is based on all informalio hich preparer has any knowledge

fCD /1Z

Sign Here


Type or print name and title

Pr r

Print/Type preparer ' s name

Carol Duffield Carol Duffie Paid Preparer Firm's name ^ Fontanello, Duffield & Ot Use Only Firm'saddress ^ 44 Montgomery Street, Sui
San Francisco, CA 94104 May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? (see
BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate

Form 990 (2011 ) Tides Foundation -Part III Statement of Program Service Accomplishments
V 1 Check if Schedule 0 contains a response to any question in this Part III Briefly describe the organization ' s mission:


Page 2

See Schedule -0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on the prior Form 990 or 990 -EZ? If 'Yes,' describe these new services on Schedule 0 Yes No

Did the organization cease conducting , or make significant changes in how it conducts, any program services ' No El Yes XJ If 'Yes,' describe these changes on Schedule 0 Describe the org anization's program service accomplishments for each of its three largest program services, as measured by expenses. Section 501 (c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses , and revenue , if any, for each program service reported

4a (Code : ) (Expenses $ 101, 435, 981 . including grants of $ 95, 948, 974 . ) (Revenue $ ) Tides- Foundation makes grants. for charitable purposes. - _- The- core activity is_ _ _ _ _ _ ---------------------

yrants-are - awarded _toe e domestic and Qualified foreign_charitable _______ organizations for philanthropic _RurELoses ._ - Tides Foundation also provides --------------------------.ph_anthropic _ support and creates_ opportunities _f_or__1_ ea_r_n_ inc,_and building_communit^among donors and grantees . Our areas of focus are education, environment ande^uity ---- --------------------------------- -----------as_s een by _our_support _in the areas of health services and reform , civil rights and

operating donor advised , collective action, and other grantmaking funds.- Tides ----------------------Foundation distributes the funds it receives from individuals and institutions, and ndati----------u ------------------------------------------

-----------------------------liberties ,- international develooment and relief services , environment , media,.

HIV/AIDS_,_ human rights L and youth develop ment and or^c anizinc^._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --- -------- en ------------------------------------------------------------------4b (Code : '= r: 4<= ) (Expenses $ 450, 890 . including grants of $ ) (Revenue $ 663, 675. Tides Foundation also provides administrative and support services to other nogLrofit -------------------------------------------------

in areas consistent with Tides Foundation's mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4c (Code: ) (Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $ )

organizations-including supEorting_organizations.- -Tides Foundation works- with -these _ ---------------------------------------organizations-to increase-their ability to_rovide_financial and programmatic-s-upport. ----------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4d Other program services (Describe in Schedule 0.) (Expenses $ including grants of $ 4e Total program service expenses ^ 101, 886, 871 .
BAA TEEA0102L 07/05/11

) (Revenue $
Form 990 (2011)

Form 990


Tides Foundation


Page 3
YesI No

^Part lA Checklist of Required Schedules

1 2 3 4 5 Is the organization described in section 501 (c)(3) or 4947 (a)(1) (other than a private foundation ) ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule A Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors (see instructions)? Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part 1 Section 501(cX3) organizations . Did the organization engage in lobbying activities , or have a section 501(h) election in effect during the tax year? If ' Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part 11 Is the organization a section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5 ), or 501 (c)(6) organization that receives membership dues, assessments , or similar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-19? If ' Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part Ill . Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts for which donors have the ri g ht to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part l Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement , including easements to preserve open space, the environment , historic land areas or historic structures ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part 11 . . Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures , or other similar assets ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part lll. . . Did the organization report an amount in Part X , line 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed in Part X, or provide credit counseling , debt management , credit repair , or debt negotiation services? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part IV Did the organization , directly or through a related organization, hold assets in temporarily restricted endowments, permanent endowments , or quasi-endowments ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part V If the organization ' s answer to any of the following questions is 'Yes', then complete Schedule D , Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, or X as applicable a Did the organization report an amount for land, buildings and equipment in Part X, line 10? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VI b Did the organization report an amount for investments - other securities in Part X, line 12 that is 5% or more of its total assets reported in Part X , line 16' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VII c Did the organization report an amount for investments- program related in Part X , line 13 that is 5% or more of its total assets reported in Part X, line 16' If ' Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VIII . . d Did the organization report an amount for other assets in Part X, line 15 that is 5% or more of its total assets reported in Part X, line 16? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part IX e Did the organization report an amount for other liabilities in Part X, line 25? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part X f Did the organization ' s separate or consolidated financial statements for the tax year include a footnote that addresses the organization ' s liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part X 12a Did the organization obtain separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Parts Xl, Xll, and All b Was the organization included in consolidated, independent audited financial statements for the tax year ? If 'Yes,' and if the organization answered 'No' to line 12a, then completing Schedule D, Parts Xl, Xll, and Xlll is optional 13 Is the organization a school described in section 170 (b)(1)(A)(ii)? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule E . 11a 11 b 11 c 11 dl lie 11f 12a 12b 13 14a X X X X X X I X

1 2 3 4 5



6 7 8


7 8

9 10 X

10 11


14a Did the organization maintain an office , employees , or agents outside of the United States?

b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, investment, and program service activities outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV 15 16 17 18 19 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any organization or entity located outside the United States? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts 11 and IV Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance to individuals located outside the United States? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts III and IV Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services on Part IX, column (A), lines 6 and 11 e? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part I (see instructions) Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions on Part VIII, lines 1 c and 8a' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part 11 Did the organization report more than $15 , 000 of gross income from gaming activities on Part VIII, line 9a' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part 111

14b 15 16 17 18 19 20 20b


20 aDid the organization operate one or more hospital facilities? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule H b If 'Yes' to line 20a , did the organization attach a copy of its audited financial statements to this return'
BAA TEEA0103L 01/23/12

Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 2011) Tides Foundation Part IV Checklist of Req uired Schedules
21 22 23

51-0198509 continued

Page 4
Yes No

Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in the United States on Part IX, column (A), line 17 If 'Yes,' complete Schedule 1, Parts I and 11 Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to individuals in the United States on Part IX, column (A), line 2'' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule I, Parts I and 111 Did the organization answer 'Yes' to Part VII, Section A, line 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J

21 22



24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day of the year, and that was issued after December 31, 2002? If 'Yes,' answer lines 24b through 24d and complete Schedule K. If 'No,'go to line 25 b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception' c Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? d Did the organization act as an 'on behalf of' issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 25a Section 501(cx3) and 501 (cx4) organizations . Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person during the year? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part I b Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person in a prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part I 26 27 Was a loan to or by a current or former officer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, or disqualified person outstanding as of the end of the organization ' s tax year If ' Yes, ' complete Schedule L, Part ll Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contributor or employee thereof, a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled entity or family member of any of these persons? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part Ill Was the organization a party to a business transaction with one of the following parties (see Schedule L, Part IV instructions for applicable filing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions): a A current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV b A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV . . c An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof) was an officer, director, trustee, or direct or indirect owner? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV 29 Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule M 30 31 32 33 34 Did the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified conservation contributions? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule M Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule N, Part 1 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule N, Part ll Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301 7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part 1

24a 24b 24c 24d 25a

25b 26


27 =ash: 28a 28b 28c 29 30 31 32 33 34 35a 35b 36 X X X X

X r_ X X



Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Parts ll, ill, IV, and V, line 1 .. 35a Did the organization have a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? b Did the organization receive any payment from or engage in any transaction with a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)' If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 . 36 37 38 BAA Section 501(cX3) organizations . Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2


Did the organization conduct more than 5% of its activities through an entity that is not a related organization and that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part VI 37 Did the organization complete Schedule 0 and provide explanations in Schedule 0 for Part VI, lines 11 and 19? Note . All Form 990 filers are req uired to com p lete Schedule 0

38 X Form 990 (2011)



Form 990 (2011) Tides Foundation Part V Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response to an y q uestion in this Part V


Page 5

Yes 1 a Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter -0- if not applicable b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line la Enter -0- if not applicable 1a lb 102 0 1c 43 2b 3a 3b 4a X X X X X


c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? 2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return 2a b If at least one is reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns? Note . If the sum of lines la and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to a-file (see instructions) 3a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? b If Yes' has it filed a Form 990-T for this year? If 'No,' provide an explanation in Schedule 0

4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authority over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account)? b If Yes,' enter the name of the foreign country - Canada See instructions for filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts. 5a Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year' b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? c If Yes,' to line 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T' 6a Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible? .. . b If 'Yes,' did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? 7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c). a Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods and services provided to the payor? b If 'Yes,' did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided? c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was required to file Form 8282? d If 'Yes,' indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year 7d e Did the organization receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? g If the organization received a contribution of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required? . . . h If the organization received a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C' Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(aX3) supporting organizations . Did the supporting organization, or a donor advised fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings at any time during the year? 9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. a Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966? b Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? 10 Section 501(c)(7) organizations . Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII , line 12 10a bGross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club facilities 10b 11 Section 501(cX12) organizations . Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders 11 a 8 11 b 12a Section 4947(aXl) non -exempt charitable trusts . Is the organization filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041? b If 'Yes,' enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year 12b 13 Section 501(cx29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers. a Is the organization licensed to issue qualified health plans in more than one state? b c 14a b

5a 5b 5c 6a 6b


7a 7b 7c 7e 7f 7 7h


8 9a 9b


b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them.)

. .



Note . See the instructions for additional information the organization must report on Schedule 0. Enter the amount of reserves the organization is required to maintain by the states in which the organization is licensed to issue qualified health plans 13b Enter the amount of reserves on hand 13c Did the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning services during the tax year' If 'Yes,' has it filed a Form 720 to report these pa yments? If 'No,' provide an explanation in Schedule 0
TEEA0105L 07/05111

14a 14b

Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 (2011 ) Tides Foundation Page 6 51-0198509 Part VI Governance, Management and Disclosure For each 'Yes' response to lines 2 through 7b below, and for a 'No' response to line 8a, 8b, or 70b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule 0. See instructions.
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response to any question in this Part VI Section A. Governin g Bod y and Mana g ement
Yes 1 a Enter the number of voting members of the governing body at the end of the tax year If there are material differences in voting rights among members of the governing body, or if the governing body delegated broad 1a 6


authority to an executive committee or similar committee, explain in Schedule 0.

b Enter the number of voting members included in line 1 a, above, who are independent 2 3 4 5 6 1b 6 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b X X X I 8a 8b X X X X X X Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with any other officer, director, trustee or key employee? Did the organization of officers, directors Did the organization since the prior Form Did the organization Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the direct supervision or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? make any significant changes to its governing documents 990 was filed? become aware during the year of a significant diversion of the organization's assets? have members or stockholders? See Schedule 0

7a Did the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint one or more members of the governing body? b Are any governance decisions of the organization reserved to (or subject to approval by) members, stockholders, or other persons other than the governing body? 8 See Sch D

Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during the year by the following: a The governing body? b Each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? Is there any officer, director or trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at the

org anization's mailing address? If 'Yes,' provide the names and addresses in Schedule 0 Section B. Policies ( This Section B requests information about olicles not required by the Internal Revenue Code.
10a Did the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? b If 'Yes,' did the organization have written policies and procedures governing the activities of such chapters, affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organization's exempt purposes? 11 a Has the organization provided a complete copy of this Form 990 to all members of its governing body before filing the form? b Describe in Schedule 0 the process, if any, used by the organization to review this Form 990 See Schedule 0 12a Did the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If 'No,' go to line 13 b Were officers, directors or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give rise to conflicts? . . . c Did the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If 'Yes,' describe in Schedule 0 how this Is done See Schedule 0 13 Did the organization have a written whistleblower policy? 14 Did the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? . 15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision? a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official b Other officers of key employees of the organization See Schedule 0 If 'Yes' to line 15a or 15b, describe the process in Schedule 0 (See instructions ) 16a Did the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement with a taxable entity during the year? b If 'Yes,' did the organization follow a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and taken steps to safeguard the

Yes 10a 10b ha 12a 12b 12c 13 14

No X


15a 15b



org anization's exem pt status with res pect to such arran g ements? Section C. Disclosure
17 18 List the states with which a copy of this Form 990 is required to be filed ^ See Schedule - 0


Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Forms 1023 (or 1024 if applicable ), 990, and 990 -T (501(c)(3)s only) available for public inspection Indicate how you make these available Check all that apply x] Own website Upon request 11 Another's website

Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how) the organization makes its governing documents , conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public during the tax year . See Schedule 0 20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of the organization ,-Patrice Cochran 1014 Tornev Ave- San Francisco CA 94129-0903 (415)_561-6400 --------------------------------19
BAA TEEA0106L 01/23/12 Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 (2011) Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Page 7 Part VII Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees , Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors Check If Schedule 0 contains a response to any question in this Part VII IX-1 Section A. Officers, Directors , Trustees, Key Employees , and Highest Compensated Employees
1 a Complete this table for all persons required to be listed. Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization's tax year List all of the organization' s current officers directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations), regardless of amount of compensation. Enter -0- in columns (D), (E), and (F5 if no compensation was paid. List all of the organization 's current key employees, if any. See instructions for definition of 'key employee.' List the organization' s five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee, or key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organization and any related organizations. List all of the organization' s former officers, key employees, and highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations. List all of the organization' s former directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of the organization, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations. List persons in the following order- individual trustees or directors; institutional trustees; officers; key employees; highest compensated employees; and former such persons Check this box if neither the organization nor an related organization compensated any current officer, director, or trustee. (C)
Name and title

Average h ou r s per week (describe hours for related o r ganize bons in

Pon (do not checkmore than one box, unless person is both an officer and a director /trustee ) o 5 . a a ^ c 6 N c o 0 n A c a 3 0? o 3

Reportable compensation from th e o r g a n iza t io n (W-2/1099 -MIsc)

Reportable compensation from r e l a t e d o r g aniza t io n s (W -2/1099 MISC)

Estimated amount of other compe n sa t ion from the organization and related organizations

See Schedule

Schedule 0)


_n) Joanie Bronfman Bd Director (2) Lisa Hall Bd Director _ L3) Melissa Bradley _ _ _ _ _ CEO/Non Votin g _(4) Anne_Mosle _________ Bd Director _ @) Charles Savitt _ _ _ _ _ _ Bd Director _(6) Joel-Solomon __-___-_ Chair/Bd Dir john_a Mlw ll_______ Bd Director _(8) Lauren Webster CFO/Treasurer Dec 11 Only _() Lorenzo Ersland Fin Dir/Treas thru 11/30/11 (1o) Kim Sarnecki_

2 2 12 2 2 2 2 18 40

X X X X X X X X X X X1 1

0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 128 763. 1 X X X X

0. 0. 298 986. 0. 0. 0. 0. 164,581. 0.

0. 0. 2,043. 0. 0. 0. 0. 35 , 342. 14,951.

S11) Gary-Schwartz _ _ _ _ - - _ Mana g in g Director (12) Jaune Evans ----------------Associate Director S13) Mary_Clare Hubert____ _ Dir. Grants M t (14) Drummond_Pike__Former CEO

40 40 40 10


181 908. 133 897. 94 , 004. 0.

82 , 320.
0. 0. 0. 199,696.

12 030.
27 , 003. 10 , 870. 23,154. 18,075.


TEEA0107L 07/06/11

Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 L201 1 ) Tides Foundation

51-0198509 Page 8 Part VII Section A. Officers , Directors , Trustees Ke Em p loyees , and Hi hest Com pensated Em p l oyees (cont)

(A) Name and title Pos iti on (B) (do not check more than one Average box , unless person is both an hours officer and a director/trustee ) per week g S (describ n 3 m o N m e r c hours v o a M for o related 2 2L `C)9 organi2 i zations in Sch O)

( D)
Reportable compensat i on from th e o r ganiza t ion (W-2/1099 - MISC)

Reportable compensation from re l a t e d or g aniza t ions (W - 2/1099-MISC)

Estimated amount of other compensa t ion from the organization and related organizations

(15) ---------------------------Qi - -----------------------(17)

51D------------------------112)------------------------529) ------------------------52j) ------------------------5"D ------------------------23 j2D------------------------25

1 b Sub-total ..
c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII , Section A


538, 572.

745, 583.


d Total add lines 1b and 1c)


538, 572.

745, 583 .


Total number of individuals (Including but not limited to those listed above) who received more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization ^ 3 No Did the organization list any former officer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee on line 1 a? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J for such individual For any individual listed on line la, is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the organization and related organizations greater than $150,000? If 'Yes' complete Schedule J for such individual Did any person listed on line 1a receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization or individual for services rendered to the organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J for such person Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of com pensation from the or g anization Re port com p ensation for the calendar year endin g with or within the organization's tax year (A) Name and business address (B) Description of services (C) Compensation 927 , 080.

3 4

Section B. Independent Contractors


Polic y Link 1438 Webster Street, Ste 303 Oakland, CA 94612 Philanthrop ic Sup Prevention Institute 221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94607 Pro am Services Walden Asset Mana gement One Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108 Asset Mana gement The Hatcher Group 4340 East West Hi ghwa y , Ste 912 Bethseda, MD 2081 Pro g ram Services Smarter Learnin g Group 4011 Yoke Drive Hamp stead, MD 21074 Pro g ram Services 2 Total number of independent contractors (including but not limited to those listed above) who received more than $100,000 in com p ensation from the or g anization ^ 5
TEEA0108L 07/06/11

754 , 948. 396,217.

308 08 8. 112, 80 0.


Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 2011 ) Tides Foundation Part VIII Statement of Revenue

(A) Total revenue (B) Related or exempt function revenue

(C) Unrelated business revenue

Page 9
(D) Revenue excluded from tax under sections 512, 513, or 514


1 a Federated campaigns b Membership dues c Fundraising events

la 1b 1C


d Related organizations
e Government grants (contributions) W If All other contributions, gifts, grants, and

l d 15,610,186 . le 686,731. 1 f 74, 496,267.

$ 2, 525, 779. ^
Business Code

similar amounts not included above

_= 8a

g Noncash contributions included in Ins la- if: h Total. Add lines la-If

90, 793, 184. 472, 070. 189,223. 2,382. 215 707. 189 223. 2 , 382. 2-5-6 , 363.


2aSeparat_e__EntitiesFees 812900 b Fees fr Related Orgs __ 812900 Cost Reimbursement_ C -------------812900

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


e____________ o 3 4 5 If All other program service revenue Total. Add lines 2a-2f ^ 663, 675.

other similar amounts)

Investment income (including dividends, interest and

2, 892, 033.

2, 892, 033.

Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds ^ Royalties ^

(i) Real (ii) Personal

6a Gross rents
b Less rental expenses c Rental income or (loss) d Net rental income or (lo ss 7a Gross amount from sales of
(i) Securities (ii) Other

assets other than inventory

b Less: cost or other basis

65551457. 63299156.

and sales expenses

c Gain or (loss) d Net gain or (loss)


. 2,2 2, 301. . .

2, 252, 301.


8a Gross income from fundraising events (not including $ of contributions reported on line 1c) See Part IV, line 18 a b Less: direct expenses b c Net income or (loss) from fundraising ev ents 9a Gross income from gaming activities See Part IV, line 19 a b Less direct expenses b c Net income or (loss) from gaming activities 10a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances a b Less: cost of goods sold . b c Net income or (loss) from sales of invento ry
Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code

11a Refund of State UBI Tax ------------------

b Pvt Investment Income------------d All other revenue l a-1

900099 523000

36,721. -162,967.

36,721. -126,808.




12 Total revenue. See instructions


^ 96, 474, 947.

TEEA01091L 07/06/11


166, 276.

5, 108, 175.
Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 (2011 Tides Foundation Part IX Statement of Functional Expenses

Section 507(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete all columns All other organizations must complete column (A) but are not required to complete columns (B), (C), and (D) Check if Schedule 0 contains a response to any auestion in this Part IX ( B) Do not include amounts reported on lines Program service Total expenses 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, and 10b of Part V111. ex penses 1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in the United States. See Part IV, line 21 70, 300, 247. 70,300,247. 2 Grants and other assistance to individuals in the United States. See Part IV, line 22. 125 500. 125,500. 3 Grants and other assistance to governments, organizations, and individuals outside the United States See Part IV, lines 15 and 16 25, 523, 227. 25,523,227. 4 Benefits paid to or for members 5 Compensation of current officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 382, 524. 278, 393. 6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) . .


Page 10

Management and g eneral ex penses

Fundraising ex penses



7 Other salaries and wages

8 Pension plan accruals and contributions (include section 401(k) and section 403(b) employer contributions) Other employee benefits Fees for services (non -employees)a Management bLegal

1,848 , 950. 56 , 215.

364, 244.

1 , 345 , 625. 40 , 912.

265, 089.

472 509. 14 , 366.

93 , 085.

30 , 816. 937.
6 , 070.

9 11

10 Payroll taxes

179 837.

130 881.

45 , 959.

2 , 997.

c Accounting
d Lobbying e Professional fundraising services See Part IV, line 17

221,074. 105, 394.


56 , 497. 105 , 394.


f Investment management fees

g Other

396 217. 80,297. 58 , 438.

396 , 217. 21 , 859.

12 Advertising and promotion

13 Office expenses
14 15 Information technology Royalties

279 528.

203 434.

71 , 435.

4 , 659.

16 Occupancy 17 Travel
18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, state, or local public officials

298,194. 226, 658.

217, 020. 164 957.

76,205. 57 , 923.

4 , 969. 3 , 778.

19 Conferences, conventions, and meetings



3, 923.


20 Interest
21 Payments to affiliates

111 996.
20, 206. 14, 705.

111 , 996.
5 , 164. 337.

22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization

23 Insurance
24 Other expenses Itemize expenses not covered above (List miscellaneous expenses in line 24e If line 24e amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column (A) amount, list line 24e expenses on Schedule 0.)


14 , 570o

e All other expenses

25 26

a Prociram Consultant b Admin, IT, HR costs c Membershiand Dues d -Forq veness of Debt & Other
Total functional expenses. Add lines 1 through 24e Joint costs. Complete this line only if the organization reported in column (B) joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation. Check here ^ F1 if following SOP 98-2 ASC 958.720

3 , 439 , 534. - 1 , 808,738. 63 892. 28,436.

73, 625.

2 , 50-3 , 216. 543,164.

878 1, 234 63 28

992. 902. 892 . 436.

57 , 326. 30, 672 .

73 625.

5 969 453.

101 886, 871.

3 , 902 , 846.


TEEA0110L 01/26/12

Form 990 (2011)

Form 990 (2011 Tides Foundation Part X Balance Sheet

(A) Beginning of year

Page 11
(B) End of year

1 2 3 4
5 6

Cash - non-interest-bearing Savings and temporary cash investments Pledges and grants receivable, net Accounts receivable, net
Receivables from current and former officers , directors , trustees , ke y em p lo y ees , and highest compensated employees Complete Part II of Schedule L Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)), persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B), and contributing employers and s p onsorin g or g anizations of section 501 (c)(9) vol u ntar y e m p lo yees ' b ene f iciary organizations (see instructions)

700. 3, 752, 230. 3, 326, 024. 249, 934.

1 2 3 4

500. 4,477,589. 5,422,763. 90,828.



8 9

Notes and loans receivable, net

Inventories for sale or use Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 10a 768

6, 837, 494.
215, 227.

8 9

8,190,420. 131,153.

10a Land, buildings, and equipment: cost or other basis. Complete Part VI of Schedule D

, 569.
114, 995. 1, 387, 829.
6, 777, 592. 980, 840. 169, 615, 992.

b Less- accumulated depreciatiorn

11 Investments - publicly traded securities


673, 780.

10c 12
13 14 15 16


145, 973, 127. 11

130, 554, 043 .

1, 075, 435.
5,769,877. 849, 745. 156, 657, 142.

13 14 15 16

Investments - other securities See Part IV, line 11

Investments - program-related. See Part IV, line 11 Intangible assets Other assets See Part IV, line 11 Total assets . Add lines 1 through 15 ( must equal line 34)

19 20 21 22

Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Deferred revenue Tax-exempt bond liabilities.. Escrow or custodial account liability. Complete Part IV of Schedule D Payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, hi g hest com p ensated em p lo y ees , and dis qu al i f i ed p e rsons C omp l e t e P ar t II of Schedule L Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated third parties Other liabilities (including federal income tax, payables to related third parties, and other liabilities not included on lines 17-24). Complete Part X of Schedule D Total liabilities . Add lines 17 through 25 Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here and complete lines 27 through 29 and lines 33 and 34.

656, 767.
46, 000.

19 20 21


18 Grants payable
L A 1 L

8 709, 311. 18

7 320 326.

E s

23 24 25 26

6 023, 470.

22 23 24 25

5,798 , 470.

408, 916.


15, 844, 464. 26

14 227 493.


s R F N A A

27 Unrestricted net assets



152, 512, 361. 27

1, 259, 167. 28

141, 859, 904.

569, 745.

Temporarily restricted net assets

Permanently restricted net assets Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here and complete lines 30 through 34. Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, or equipment fund Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds

30 31 32

30 31 32

cc c

33 34

Total net assets or fund balances Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances

153, 771, 528. 169, 615, 992.

33 34

142, 429, 649 . 156, 657, 142 .

Form 990 (2011)



Form 990 (2011 Tides Foundation Part.XI " Reconciliation of Net Assets
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response to any question in this Part XI 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) . Revenue less expenses Subtract line 2 from line 1 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (must equal Part X, line 33 , column (A)^ Other changes in net assets or fund balances (explain in Schedule 0) See Schedule D Net assets or fund balances at end of year . Combine lines 3, 4, and 5 (must equal Part X, line 33,


Page 12

1 2 3 4 5

96,474,947. 105, 964, 453.

-9,489, 506.

153, 771, 528. -1,852,373. 142, 429, 649.

column B Part'XII Financial Statements and Reporting

Check if Schedule 0 contains a res ponse to any q uestion in this Part XII 1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990: n cash X Accrual Other Yes A^


If the org anization changed its method of accounting from a prior year or checked 'Other ,' explain in Schedule O 2a Were the organization ' s financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant? b Were the organization ' s financial statements audited by an independent accountant? c If 'Yes ' to line 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit, review , or compilation of its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? If the org anization changed either its oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain in Schedule 0. d If 'Yes' to line 2a or 2b , check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were issued on a separate basis , consolidated basis , or both: XM Consolidated basis []Both consolidated and separate basis 1-1 Separate basis 3a As a result of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A - 133? b If 'Yes ,' did the organization undergo the required audit or audits? If the organization did not undergo the required aud it or audits, explain why in Schedule 0 and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits BAA

2a 2b 2c X X


3b Form 990 (2011)



OMB No 1545-0047

SCHEDULE A (Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Name o f the organization

Public Charity Status and Public Support

Complete if the organization is a section 501(cx3) organization or a section
4947(aXl) nonexempt charitable trust. Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. See separate instructions.

On to Public Inspection

Employer identification number

Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Part I Reason for Public Chari ty Status (All or g anizations must com p lete this p art. ) See instructions. The organization is not a private foundation because it is: (For lines 1 through 11, check only one box )
A church, convention of churches or association of churches described in section 170(bX1XAXi). A school described in section 170(bX1XAXii). (Attach Schedule E ) 3 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization described in section 170(bXlXAXiii). 4 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in section 170(bXlXAXiii) Enter the hospital's name, city, and state ________of _____ _______________________________ 5 u An organization operated for the benefit a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit described in section 170(bX1XAXiv). (Complete Part II ) 6 A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described in section 170 (bxlXAXv). 7 x An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public described in section 170(bX1XAXvi). (Complete Part II.) 8 u A community trust described in section 170(b)(1XAXvi ). (Complete Part II.) 9 u An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33-1/3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its exempt functions - subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33-1/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See section 509(aX2). (Complete Part III ) 10 An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety. See section 509(ax4). 11 HAn organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or carry out the purposes of one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2). See section 509(aX3). Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization and complete lines 11 a through 11 h a u Type I b u Type II c u Type III - Functionally integrated d u Type III - Other e F] By checking this box, I certify that the organization is not controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons other than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2) f If the organization received a written determination from the IRS that is a Type I, Type II or Type III supporting organization, u check this box g Since August 17, 2006, has the organization accepted any gift or contribution from any of the following persons? Yes (i) A person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (11) and (iii) below, the governing body of the supported organization? (ii) A family me mber of a person described in (1) above? (iii) A 35% controlled entity of a person described in (1) or (ii) above?. Provide the following information about the supported organization(s)
(Q Name of supported org organization (ii) EIN (iii) Type of organization (described on lines 1-9 above or IRC section (see instructions ))
(iv) Is the organization in column (i) listed in your governing document? ty (v) Did n you notify the organization in column (i) of your support? ( vi) Is the ( organization in column (i) organized in the u S 7

1 2


(vii) Amount of support

Yes (A) (B)






(D) (E) Total BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990 -EZ) 2011



Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Part II Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(b)( 1XAXiv) and 170(bX1XAXvi)
(Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I or if the organization failed to qualify under Part III If the organization fails to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part III )

Page 2

Section A . Public Suonort

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ^ 1 2 Gifts, grants , contributions, and ( a) 2007 (b) 2008 () (c) 2009 (d) 2010 (e) 2011 (f) Total

^Do not )
Tax revenues levied for the organization ' s benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge Total . Add lines 1 through 3 The portion of total contributions by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization ) included on line 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount
I ncuder n yp ' nusua rans . lg a u

115422526. 110096439. 115887921. 126111188.





4 5

115422526. 110096439. 115887921. 126111188.



shown on line 11, column (f)


82, 392, 383.

from line 4 section ts. total au

Public support. Subtract line 5

475918875. on
(a) 2007 ( b) 2008 (c) 2009 (d) 2010 (e) 2011 (f) Total

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ^ 7 8 Amounts from line 4 Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securities loans, rents, royalties and income from

115422526. 110096439. 115887921. 126111188.



similar sources
9 Net income from unrelated business activities , whether or not the business is regularly

6, 214, 984. 5, 401, 928. 4, 525, 974. 3, 694, 280. 2, 892, 033. 22, 729, 199.

carried on
10 Other income . Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part IV)


124, 253.

266, 437.



11 12 13

Total sup port . Add lines 7 through 10 Gross receipts from related activities, etc (see instructions)


581488813. 3,456,126.
^ n

First five years . If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3)

organization, check this box and stop here Section C. Com p utation of Public Su pp ort Percenta g e
14 15 Public support percentage for 2011 (line 6, column (f) divided by line 11, column (f)) Public support percentage from 2010 Schedule A, Part II, line 14 14 15

81.84 % 82.90 % X1

16a 33-1/3% support test - 2011 . If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and the line 14 is 33-1/3% or more, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization

b 33-1 /3% support test - 2010 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13 or 16a, and line 15 is 33-1/3% or more, check this box 11^ and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization . F1 17a 10 %-facts-and -circumstances test - 2011. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b, and line 14 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test, check this box and stop here . Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization . . u


b 10%-facts-and-circumstances test - 2010 . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a, and line 15 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test, check this box and stop here . Explain in Part IV how the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization 18 Private foundation . If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, 17a, or 17b, check this box and see instructions BAA Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011



Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation Part III Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section 509(aX2)


Page 3

(Complete only if you checked the box on line 9 of Part I or if the organization failed to qualify under Part II If the organization fails to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part II )

Section A. Public Support

Calendar year ( or fiscal yr beginning 1 Gifts, grants, contributions and membership fees received. (Do not include any 'unusual grants.') 2 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or facilities furnished in any activity that is related to the organization's tax-exempt purpose 3 Gross receipts from activities that are not an unrelated trade or business under section 513 4 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf 5 The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge. . 6 Total . Add lines 1 through 5 7a Amounts included on lines 1, 2, and 3 received from disqualified persons b Amounts included on lines 2 and 3 received from other than disqualified persons that exceed the greater of $5,000 or 1 % of the amount on line 13 for the year c Add lines 7a and 7b 8 Public support (Subtract line 7c from line 6 (a) 2007 (b) 2008 c 2009 (d) 2010 (e) 2011 Total

=' F a

;; "i'= - -

Section B . Total Support Calendar year (or fiscal yr beginning in)

9 Amounts from line 6 10a Gross income from interest, dividends, payments received on securities loans, rents, royalties and income from similar sources b Unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired after June 30, 1975 c Add lines IOa and I Ob 11 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 10b, whether or not the business is regularly carried on 12 Other income. Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part IV ) 13 14

(a) 2007

(b) 2008

(c) 2009

(d) 2010

(e) 2011


organization, check this box and stop here Section C. Com p utation of Public Su pp ort Percenta g e

Total support. (Add ins 9, 10c, 11, and 12) First five years . If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3)

^ T
% % % % u

15 Public support percentage for 2011 (line 8, column (f) divided by line 13, column (f)) 16 Public su pport percenta g e from 2010 Schedule A, Part III, line 15 Section D. Computation of Investment Income Percentage 17 Investment income percentage for 2011 (line 10c, column (f) divided by line 13, column (f)) 18 Investment income percentage from 2010 Schedule A, Part III, line 17 .


15 16 17 18

19a 33-1/3% support tests - 2011 . If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33-1/3%, and line 17 is not more than 33-1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization. b 33-1 /3% support tests - 2010 . If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or line 19a, and line 16 is more than 33-1/3%, and line 18 is not more than 33-1/3%, check this box and stop here . The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization 20 Private foundation . If the organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a, or 19b, check this box and see instructions BAA
TEEA0403L 05/25/11

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 IPt-07RtiWa Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the explanations required by Part II, line 1 Part II, line 17a or 17b; and Part III, line 12. Also complete this part for any additional information. (See instructions).

TEEA0404L 05/25/11

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011

(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities

For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c ) and section 527 Complete if the organization is described below.

OMB No 1545 0047

Open'to Public - Inspection . -

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. I- See separate instructi ons.

If the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990, Part IV, line 3, or Form 990-EZ , Part V, line 46 (Political Campaign Activities), then Section 501(c)(3) organizations: Complete Parts I-A and B Do not complete Part I-C Section 501(c) (other than section 501(c)(3)) organizations. Complete Parts I-A and C below. Do not complete Part I-B Section 527 organizations: Complete Part I-A only. If the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990, Part IV, line 4, or Form 990-EZ , Part VI , line 47 ( Lobbying Activities), then Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have filed Form 5768 (election under section 501(h)): Complete Part II-A. Do not complete Part II-B. Section 501(c)(3) organizations that have NOT filed Form 5768 (election under section 501(h)): Complete Part II-B. Do not complete Part II-A If the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990, Part IV , line 5 (Proxy Tax) or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 35a (Proxy Tax), then Section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations: Complete Part Ill.
Name of organization Employer identification number

51-0198509 Tides Foundation Part I-A Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c) or is a section 527 organization.
1 2 3 1 2 3 4a b 1 2 3 4 5 Provide a description of the organization's direct and indirect political campaign activities in Part IV Political expenditures Volunteer hours Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by the organization under section 4955 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organization managers under section 4955 If the organization incurred a section 4955 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year's Was a correction made? If 'Yes,' describe in Part IV Enter the amount directly expended by the filing organization for section 527 exempt function activities Enter the amount of the filing organization's funds contributed to other organizations for section 527 exempt function activities $

PartI-B Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(cx3).

$ $ Yes HYes 0. 0. a No No

Part I-C Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c). except section 501(c)3).
0-$ 0 -$

Total exempt function expenditures Add lines 1 and 2 Enter here and on Form 1120-POL, line 17b ^ $ Did the filing organization file Form 1120 - POL for this year? I Yes F-] No Enter the names, addresses and employer identification number (EIN) of all section 527 political organizations to which the filing organization made payments For each organization listed, enter the amount paid from the filing organization ' s funds Also enter the amount of political contributions received that were promptl y and directly delivered to a separate political organization, such as a separate segregated fund or a political action committee (PAC). If additional space is needed , provide information in Part IV.
(a) Name (b) Address (c) EIN (d) Amount paid from filing organization 's funds If none, enter-0 (e) Amount of political contributions received and promptly and directly delivered to a separate political organization If none, enter -0-





(4) (5) (6)


------------------BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Noti ce . see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990 -EZ.

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011



Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Page 2 Part II-A Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(cx3) and filed Form 5768 (election under section 501(h)).
A B Check Check ^ if the filing organization belongs to an affiliated group (and list in Part IV each affiliated group member's name, address, EIN, expenses, and share of excess lobbying expenditures) if the filing organization checked box A and 'limited control' provisions ap ply
Limits on Lobbying Expenditures (The term ' expenditures ' means amounts paid or incurred .) 1 a Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grass roots lobbying) (a) Filing organization ' s totals (b) Affiliated group totals

b c d e

Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 1 a and 1 b) Other exempt purpose expenditures Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 1c and Id)

f Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table in both columns If the amount on line le, column ( a) or (b ) Is he lobb yin g nontaxable amount is Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line le. Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,C Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,1 Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000. g Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line If) h Subtract line 1 g from line 1 a If zero or less, enter -0i Subtract line 1 f from line 1c If zero or less, enter -0j If there is an amount other than zero on either line 1 h or line 1 i, did the organization file Form 4720 reporting section 4911 tax for this year? 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501 (h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below . See the instructions for lines 2a through 2f.)
Lobbvinn EYnenditurea flurinn aYaar Avaraninn Perinrd

n nYes No

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 2a Lobbying non-taxable

(a) 2008

(b) 2009

(c) 2010

(d) 2011

(e) Total

b Lobbying ceiling amount (150% of line 2a, column e c Total lobbying ex p enditures d Grassroots nontaxable

e Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 2d, column e) f Grassroots lobbying expenditures

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011



Schedule C

990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation


Page 3

-omplete if the organization is exempt under ;election under section 501(h)).

501(cx3) and has NOT filed Form 1

Yes No

For each 'Yes' response to lines la through 11 below, provide in Part IV a detailed description of the lobbying activity See Part IV During the year, did the filing organization attempt to influence foreign, national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: a Volunteers? b Paid staff or management (include compensation in expenses reported on lines lc through 11)?



c Media advertisements?
d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public? e Publications, or published or broadcast statements? f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes? g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body? h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any similar means?




i Other activities?
j 2a b c d Total Add lines lc through IL Did the activities in line 1 cause the organization to be not described in section 501(c)(3)? If 'Yes,' enter the amount of any tax incurred under section 4912 If 'Yes,' enter the amount of any tax incurred by organization managers under section 4912 If the filing organization incurred a section 4912 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year?

628, 180. X

Part III-A Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501 (cx4), section 501(cx5), or section 501(cx6).
Yes 1 Were substantially all (90% or more) dues received nondeductible by members? 1 No

2 Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? 2 3 Did the org anization agree to carry over lobby ing and p olitical ex penditures from the prior ear' 3 Part III-B Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(cx4), section 501(cx5), or section 501(cX6) and if either (a) BOTH Part III-A, lines 1 and 2 , are answered ' No' OR ( b) Part III-A, line 3, is

answered 'Yes.'
1 2 Dues, assessments and similar amounts from members

Section 162(e) nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures (do not include amounts of political expenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid). a Current year b Carryover from last year . c Total. . . 3 Aggregate amount reported in section 6033(e)(1)(A) notices of nondeductible section 162(e) dues If notices were sent and the amount on line 2c exceeds the amount on line 3, what portion of the excess does the organization agree to carryover to the reasonable estimate of nondeductible lobbying and political expenditure next year?

5 Taxable amount of lobby ing and political expenditures (see instructions) Part IV Supplemental Information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part I -A, line 1, Part I- B, line 4; Part I-C, line 5 , Part II-A , and Part II - B, line 1. Also, complete this part for any additional information.

----------------------------------------------------------------------P_ad_1I -_Side --..QescriJfioJLQf1Ql / ingActbdty ---------------------------------------r is to L (cL(AL^rgaiuzartions_far_advQCac^r-----ini^txatia^o these---

Eaunriatiha made -$5.9..9.QQ9_iiL

iivities_ _S^9,18.0 J n_persosu>^1 sQSts_^aas_aLlocated ^Q the



TEEA3203L 06/14/11

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990 -EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation (Part IV Supplemental Information (continued) /


Page 4

TEEA3204L 06/14/11

Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011

SCHEDULE D (Form 990)

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization

OMB No 1545-0047

Supplemental Financial Statements

^ Complete if the organization answered 'Yes,' to Form 990, Part IV, lines 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11 a, 11 b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 12a, or 12b. ^ Attach to Form 990. ^ See se parate instructions.

Open to Public Ins ection Employer identification number

Tides Foundation 51-0198509 IPartUI Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 6.
(a) Donor advised funds (b) Funds and other accounts

1 Total number at end of year 2 Aggregate contributions to (during year) 3 Aggregate grants from (during year)
4 5 6 Aggregate value at end of year

254 62, 554, 319. 59, 790, 587.

88 28,238,864. 36,158,387.

118, 661, 385.

23, 761, 012.

Yes 1-1 No

Did the organization inform all donors and donor advisors in writing that the assets held in donor advised funds are the organization ' s property, subject to the organization ' s exclusive legal control? . . Did the organization inform all grantees , donors, and donor advisors in writing that grant funds can be used only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor, or for any other

purpose conferring impermissible private benefit?




IPart III Conservation Easements . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 7.
Purpose (s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply). X Preservation of land for public use (e g , recreation or education ) Preservation of an historically important land area X Protection of natural habitat Preservation of a certified historic structure X Preservation of open space 2 Complete lines 2a through 2d if the organization held a qualified conservation contribution in the form of a conservation easement on the last day of the tax year Held at the End of the Tax Year a Total number of conservation easements 2a b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements 2b c Number of conservation easements on a certified historic structure included in (a) 2c d Number of conservation easements included in (c) acquired after 8/17/06 , and not on a historic structure listed in the National Register 2d 3 Number of conservation easements modified , transferred , released, extinguished , or terminated by the organization during the tax year ^ 1 See Part XIV 4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement is located ^ 5 6 7 8 9 Does the organization have a written policy regarding the periodic monitoring, inspection , handling of violations, and enforcement of the conservation easements it holds ? 11 Yes Staff and volunteer hours devoted to monitoring , inspecting, and enforcing conservation easements during the year Amount of expenses incurred in monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing conservation easements during the year Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section 170(h)(4)(B)(i) and section 170(h)(4)(B)(ii)? XX No

No E ]Yes In Part XIV, describe how the organization reports conservation easements in its revenue and expense statement , and balance sheet, and include, if applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization ' s financial statements that describes the organization ' s accounting for conservation easements See Part XIV

1Part1111' Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art , Historical Treasures , or Other Similar Assets. Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 8.
1 a If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service, provide, in Part XIV, the text of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these items b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service, provide the following amounts relating to these Items(i) Revenues included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 ^$ (ii) Assets Included in Form 990, Part X ^$ 2 If the organization received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets for financial gain, provide the following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relating to these items a Revenues included in Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 ^$ b Assets included in Form 990, Part X ^$ Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 . TEEA3301L 05/25/11

Schedule D (Form 990) 2011


Tides Foundatio n


Page 2

Part III I Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets (continued) Using the organization's acquisition, accession, and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its collection items (check all that apply). a H Public exhibition d Loan or exchange programs b Scholarly research Other e c Preservation for future generations 4 Provide a description of the organization's collections and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose in Part XIV

During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, historical treasures, or other similar

assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as p art of the organization's collections Yes No Part IV Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21.
1 a Is the organization an agent , trustee, custodian , or other intermediary for contributions or other assets not included on Form 990, Part X? b If 'Yes,' explain the arrangement in Part XIV and complete the following table c d e f 2a b Beginning balance Additions during the year Distributions during the year Ending balance Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21? If 'Yes,' ex p lain the arran g ement in Part XIV (a) Current year 1 a Beginning of year balance b Contributions I (b) Prior year I (c) Two years back I (d) Three years back I (e) Four years back F]Yes No

Part V Endowment Funds . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 10. 3 , 984 , 431 . 320 217. 3,234 937 . 376,253. 1,597 790. 1,485 854. 1 , 827,688. 445. - 215,739.
. .' 4 v

c Net investment earnings, gains, and losses -32 , 147. 400 566. 164,340 . d Grants or scholarships 742,294. e Other expenditures for facilities and programs f Administrative expenses 33,207 . 27,325 . 13,047 . g End of year balance 3,497,000 . 3,984,431 . 49,134 . Provide the estimated percentage of the current year end balance (line 1g, column (a)) held as: a Board designated or quasi-endowment ^ 100.00 % b Permanent endowment ^ % c Temporarily restricted endowment 0% The percentages in lines 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 100%.

0. 14,604. 1,597,790.

3a Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for the organization by. (i) unrelated organizations (ii) related organizations b If 'Yes' to 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R? 3a(i) 3a(ii) 3b


No X X


4 Describe in Part XIV the intended uses of the organization's endowment funds. See Part XIV Part VI Land , Buildings , and Equipment . See Form 990, Part X , line 10.
Description of property 1a Land bBuildings. (a) Cost or other basis (investment ) (b) Cost or other basis (other) (c) Accumulated depreciation (d) Book value

c Leasehold improvements.
d Equipment

94,385. 119, 098.

12, 485.

e Other

542, 601.

34,690. 101, 288. 12,485. 525,317.

59,695. 17,810. 0. 17, 284.

94, 789.

Total. Add lines la through le. (Column (d) must equal Form 990, Part X, column (8), line 10(c)) BAA

Schedule D (Form 990) 2011



Schedule D (Form 990 2011 Tides Foundation Part VII Investments - Other Securities . See Form 990, Part X, line 12.
(a) Description of security or category (including name of security) (1) Financial derivatives (2) Closely- held equity interests (3) Other ---------------------A ------------------------B C SDJ-------------------------E SFj-------------------------G H Total. (Column (b) must equal Form 990 Part X, column (B) line 12) (b) Book value

51-0198509 N/A
(c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value

Page 3

Part VIII Investments - Program Related . See Form 990 , Part X , line 13.
(a) Description of investment type (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (b) Book value

(c) Method of valuation. Cost or end-of- year market value

( 10)
Total. (Column b must equal Form 990, Part X, column (B) line 13 )

Part IX

Other Assets. See Form 990. Part X. l ine 15.


2 FIN 48 (ASC 740) Footnote In Part XIV, provide the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that reports the organization's liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)
BAA TEEA3303L 01/23/12 Schedule D (Form 990) 2011

Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation Part XI Reconciliation of Change in Net Assets from Form 990 to Audited Financial Statements
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Total revenue (Form 990, Part VIII, column (A), line 12) Total expenses (Form 990, Part IX, column (A), line 25) Excess or (deficit) for the year Subtract line 2 from line 1 Donated services and use of facilities Investment expenses Prior period adjustments Other (Describe in Part XIV ) Total adjustments (net) Add lines 4 through 8 Excess or deficit) for the year per audited financial statements Combine lines 3 and 9 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12


Page 4

96,474,947. 105, 964, 453.

4 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments

-9,489,506. -1,852,373.

-11,341,879. 1

Part XIIx Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue p er Return

a Net unrealized gains on investments

b Donated services and use of facilities c Recoveries of prior year grants

2b 2c

-1, 852, 373.

d Other (Describe in Part XIV)

See Part XIV


2e 3 -1,876,157. 96,474,947.

e Add lines 2a through 2d 3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, but not on line 1, a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7h b Other (Describe in Part XIV) c Add lines 4a and 4b 5 Total revenue Add lines 3 and 4c. his must equal Form 990, Part 1, hne 12) 1 2 a b c d e 4 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25: Donated services and use of facilities . . Prior year adjustments . . Other losses Other (Describe in Part XIV.) See Part XIV Add lines 2a through 2d

4a 4b 4c 5 1 2a 2b 2c 2d 96,474,947. 105, 856, 131 .

Part XIII Reconciliation of Ex penses p er Audited Financial Statements With Ex p enses per Return

-108,322. 2e -108,322.

3 Subtract line 2e from line 1

Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1: a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b b Other (Describe in Part XIV) c Add lines 4a and 4b 5 Total ex penses Add lines 3 and 4c. (This must equal Form 990, Part 4a 4b line 18)

105, 964, 453.

4c 5

105, 964, 453.

Part-XIV: Supplemental Information

Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9, Part III, lines la and 4, Part IV, lines lb and 2b; Part V, line 4; Part X, line 2, Part XI, line 8, Part XII, lines 2d and 4b, and Part XIII, lines 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide any additional information.


tll,Utie_.3.-.ExplnnatiQr.LoJ -Each-EaseinwICbange_---------------------------------

_ _ -The --Udes_ EaundatiQa -granted gut the...prapex ty w i-t1i the- c.Qnser_vati-on easement in _ _ _ _ - --2D1L----------------------------------------------------------------P t11,Li ner-QrganizatiQnRepoAiag ..Qf.Cons cationEasernents--------------------------

- -.Sh.e c ons_er3ratiQ n. easement- was_ rep ortedon Quz_ balance- sheet -as_& "missies related - - - ---iDmesrment."-SubsnguentLy.,inuJi ne.01 L,- thepLQpeLty_W&s_g nte.&out,------------




Schedule D (Form 990) 2011

Schedule D Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation LPart^X^1^7J Supplemental Information (continued)


Page 5

__ Party, ine4_IntendedUsesOfEndowmentFund _________________________ __ Board aDDroved_initiativ es_____________________________________________-


TEEA3305L 05/25/11

Schedule D (Form 990) 2011

Schedule D (Form 990 2011 Tides Foundation {Part XIM Supplemental Information (continued)


Page 5


TEEA3305L 05/25/11

Schedule D (Form 990) 2011


Schedule D, Part XIV - Supplemental Information

Tides Foundation

Page 4

Schedule D, Part XII, Line 2d Other Revenue Included In F/S But Not Included On Form 990
Elimination - Intercompany Accts Revenue from Consolidated Entities $ Total $ -133,311. 109,527. -23,784.

Schedule D, Part XIII, Line 2d

Other Expenses And Losses Per Audited F/S Elimination - Intercompany Accts Expenses from Consolidated Entities $ Total $ -133,311. 24, 989. -108,322.

Schedule F
(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Name of the organization

Statement of Activities Outside the United States

^ Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b, 15, or 16. ' Attach to Form 990. ^ See separate instructions.

OMB No 1545.0047


Employer identification number

Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Part;-l-, General Information on Activities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b.
1 For grantmakers . Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of its grants and other assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? Yes ^No

For grantmakers . Describe in Part V the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of its grants and other assistance outside the United States Part V
Activities oer Region. (The followino Part I. line 3 table can be dunllcated if additional snare is needed

(a) Region

(b) Number of offices in the region

(c) Number of employees, agents, and independent contractors in region

(d) Activities conducted in region (by type) (e g , fundraising, program services, investments , grants to recipients located in the region)

(e) If activity listed in (d) is a program service, describe specific type of service (s) in region

(f) Total expenditures for and investments in region

Grants to
(1) Central America reci p ients in the

and Caribbean (2)

East Asia and (3) the Pacific

region Grants to
recipients in the re g ion



Europe (4) (Includin Iceland & (5) Greenland)

(6) Middle East and North Africa (7)North America

Grants to recipients in the re g ion Grants to

reci p ients in the region Grants to



(Only Canada & (8) Mexico )

(9) Russia & Newl

recipients in the re g ion Grants to

reci p ients in the


Indep States

Grants to


(11) South America

(12) South Asia (13)

recipients in the re g ion Grants to

reci p ients in the region Grants to

1, 416, 990.


Sub-Saharan (14) Africa

(15) (16) (17)

recipients in the re g ion


3a Sub -total

4111 rii

t*99 NW; A* "

25, 513, 228

b Total from continuation sheets to Part I c Totals ( add lines 3a and 3b) 0 0 -)' BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.
TEEA3501L 01/17112


b 25,513,228. Schedule F (Form 990) 2011

Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to

Pa g e 2

Form 990, Part IV, line 15, for any recipient who received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000 Part II can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
1 (a) Name of organization (b) IRS code section and EIN (if applicable) (c) Region (d) Purpose of grant (e) Amount of cash grant (f) Manner of cash disbursement (g) Amount of non-cash assistance (h) Description of non-cash assistance (i) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other)


See Attached Statement


Wire 22 970 345. Transfer/ Check

1,381,608. N/A


(4) (5) (6)

(8) (9) (10) 1 2)

1(1 )
3 14 (1 5) (1 6) Enter total number of recipient organizations listed above that are recognized as charities by the foreign country, recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS, or for which the grantee or counsel has provided a section 501 (c)(3) equivalency letter 9 .. ... . . . ............ 494 3 Enter total number of other organizations or entities BAA Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 2



Schedule F Form 990) 2011 51-0198509 Tides Foundation Part III Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990,

Page 3

Part IV, line 16. Part III can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Region (c) Number of recipients (d) Amount of cash grant (e) Manner of cash disbursement (f) Amount of non-cash assistance (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other)

(1 ) Honoraria
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Euro p e

10,000. Check



(8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (1 7)

(18) BAA
TEEA3503L 05/26/11

Schedule F (Form 990) 2011

Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation Part IV Foreign Forms



Page 4

Was the organization a U S transferor of property to a foreign corporation during the tax year? If 'Yes,' the organization may be required to file Form 926, Return by a U. S Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation (see Instructions for Form 926) Did the organization have an interest in a foreign trust during the tax year ? If 'Yes,' the organization may be required to file Form 3520, Annual Return To Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts , and/or Form 3520 -A Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust With a U S. Owner (see Instructions for Forms 3520 and 3520 -A) Did the organization have an ownership interest in a foreign corporation during the tax year ? If 'Yes,' the organization may be required to file Form 5471, Information Return of U S Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations (see Instructions for Form 5471 ) Was the organization a direct or indirect shareholder of a passive foreign investment company or a qualified electing fund during the tax year ? If 'Yes,' the organization may be required to file Form 8621 , Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund (see Instructions for Form 8621) . . Did the organization have an ownership interest in a foreign partnership during the tax year? If ' Yes,' the organization may be required to file Form 8865, Return of U S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Partnerships (see Instructions for Form 8865) Did the organization have any operations in or related to any boycotting countries during the tax year? If 'Yes,' the organization may be required to file Form 5713, International Boycott Report (see Instructions for Form 5713) TEEA3505L 0in7n2

1-1 Yes


n Yes

X] No

XM Yes






1-1 Yes



Schedule F (Form 990) 2011

Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Page 5 [WRIANA Supplemental Information Complete this part to provide the information required by Part I, line 2 (monitoring of funds); Part I, line 3, column (f) (accounting method; amounts of investments vs expenditures per region); Part II, line 1 (accounting method); Part III (accounting method); and Part III, column (c) (estimated number of recipients), as applicable. Also complete this part to provide any additional information (see instructions). Part I, Line 2= Grantmakers Explanation For MonitorincUse of Funds Outside US Thorough due diliyence_is conducted_in_advance_of funding to determine_whether_a _ _ _ -_ _ _roup will be an appropriate grantee._ _Potential recipients are reguired to provide
_ _ proof of tax status and/or_registration documents and the ir organizational_documents ._ _ _ - - All grantees are notified-of the terms and -conditions-of each- g_rant should_it_be _ _ _ __ awarded and Grantees indicate acceptance by signature.- All-international grants are ----restricted-to a clearly charitable_vurpose_and_must be-used-exclusively-for _ _ _ _ --- -- _ activities_conducted outside of the U.S.-All grantees_receive- a written grant- _ _ _ _ _ _ __ agreement1_and_by accepting payment the grantee agrees-to the conditions of the_

award .- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Expenditure Responsibility_ grants _ reports_arereMired -for -each fiscal which the grant monies have been received or spent. _ _ Reports must addre
the grant funds ( ii)_ compliance with the terms and -conditions - of the grant er and ____ _Ciii)_ progress _ toward achieving the arant 'sourQoseis)__ The reports are reviewed to. confirm that all of-the-funds have - been used for charitable purposes and whether all -of-the-funds have been_ expended __ A_final report must indicate - full expenditure and_accounting_ for_all_grant funds or - no additional grants will be approved for the ____ reporting organization- - For other - international grants, progress reports are _ _ _ _ _ required nine months after-the - grant has been awarded . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

ear in_


TEEA3504L 05/26/11

Schedule F (Form 990) 2011

SCHEDULE 1 (Form 990)

Department the Treasury Internal Internall Revenue Service Name of the organization

OMB No 1545-0047

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and Individuals in the United States
Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990 , Part IV, lines 21 or 22. 1, Attatch to Form 990.

Open to Public F, Inspection
Employer identification number

Tides Foundation Part I I General Information on Grants and Assistance

Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance , the grantees ' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance ? .. . . . .. Describe in Part IV the or g anization's p rocedures for monitorin g the use of g rant funds in the United States. See Part IV


X Yes


Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 21 for any recipient that received more than $5,000. Check this box if no one recipient received more than $5,000. Part II can be du p licated if additional space is needed
1 (a) Name and address of organizat i on or government (b) EIN (c) IRC section if applicable (d) Amount of cash grant ( e) Amount of non - cash assistance ( f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance

(h) Purpose of grant or assistance

S11 See Following- Stmt - - - - - -------------------ee Stmt ------------------------------------2 6,568,698. 06,523. MV Land, Books & Misc Items See Attached Statement

3 -------------------4 ------------------

-------------------5 -------------------6 -------------------_a ------------------------------------8 ------------------------------------Enter total number of section 501(c)(3) and government organizations listed in the line 1 table . 3 Enter total number of other organizations listed in the line 1 table BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . 2 1, 425 70 ^ Schedule I (Form 990) (2011)

TEEA3901 L 06/01/11

Pa g e 2 Schedule I Form 990 2011 51-0198509 Tides Foundation !P,^artt IIIR Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States . Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 22.

Part III can be duplicated if additional space is needed.

(a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Number of rec i p i ents (c) Amount of cash grant (d) Amount of non-cash ass i stance (e) Method of valuation (book, FMV. appraisal , other) (0 Descript i on of non cash ass i stance

1 2 3
4 5 6 7

Fellowshi p s Awards Honoraria

5 1 5

116 000. 4 , 500. 5 , 000.



IPart I'I SuDDlemental Information . Comp lete this Dart to nrovlde the information reauired in Part I. line 2. and any other additional information. _ _ Part I , Line 2_ Procedures for Monitoring Use of Grants Funds in U_S_ ----------------------------------------------

Thorough due diligence is conducted in advance of funding to determine the group's --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tax-exempt status and whether the group is appropriate from a mission perspective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All grantees receive a written grant agreement. By accepting payment, the grantee -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------agrees to the conditions of the award. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If a grant is restricted to a particular purpose, organizations further agree that ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i) any portion of the grant not used for the stated purpose must be repaid, (ii) any ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------change of purpose must be requested and approved in advance, in writing and (iii) not -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to use any portion of the grant to carry on propaganda or to attempt to influence -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------specific legislation either by direct or grassroots lobbying.
TEEA3902L 01/25/12

Schedule I (Form 990) (2011)


Schedule I, Part IV - Supplemental Information

Tides Foundation

Page 3

Part I, Line 2 - Procedures for Monitoring Use of Grants Funds in U.S. (continued)

Based on a risk assessment, a report is required for certain grants after the grant award. We ask the grantee to submit a two page narrative describing the use of the

funds and activities undertaken as a result of the grant, along with a financial report.

(Form 990)

Compensation Information
For certain Officers, Directors, Trustees , Key Employees , and Highest Compensated Employees
Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 23. 01 Attach to Form 990 . 11 See se p arate instructions.

OMB No 1545-0047

Open to Public Inspection

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Name of the organization

Employer identification number

Tides Foundation LPart I I Questions Regarding Compensation

Yes I No

1 a Check the appropriate box(es) if the organization provided any of the following to or for a person listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la Complete Part III to provide any relevant information regarding these items First-class or charter travel Travel for companions Tax indemnification and gross-up payments Discretionary spending account Housing allowance or residence for personal use Payments for business use of personal residence Health or social club dues or initiation fees Personal services (e g., maid, chauffeur, chef)

b If any of the boxes on line la are checked , did the organization follow a written policy regarding payment or reimbursement or provision of all of the expenses described above ? If 'No,' complete Part III to explain 2 3 Did the organization require substantiation prior to reimbursing or allowing expenses incurred by all officers, directors, trustees, and the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked in line la? Indicate which, if any, of the following the filing organization used to establish the compensation of the organization's CEO/Executive Director. Check all that apply. Do not check any boxes for methods used by a related organization to establish compensation of the CEO/Executive Director. Explain in Part III Compensation committee X Independent compensation consultant Form 990 of other organizations X Written employment contract Compensation survey or study X Approval by the board or compensation committee 2

During the year, did any person listed in Form 990 , Part VII, Section A, line la with respect to the filing organization or a related organization a Receive a severance payment or change-of-control payment? b Participate in, or receive payment from, a supplemental nonqualified retirement plan? c Participate in, or receive payment from , an equity - based compensation arrangement' If 'Yes' to any of lines 4a-c, list the persons and provide the applicable amounts for each item in Part III. Part III Only section 501(cX3) and 501 (cX4) organizations must complete lines 5-9.

4a 4b 4c


For persons listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any compensation contingent on the revenues of: a The organization? b Any related organization? If 'Yes' to line 5a or 5b, describe in Part III For persons listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any compensation contingent on the net earnings of: a The organization? b Any related organization? If 'Yes' to line 6a or 6b, describe in Part III For persons listed in Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization provide any non-fixed payments not described in lines 5 and 6? If 'Yes,' describe in Part III Were any amounts reported in Form 990, Part VII, paid or accrued pursuant to a contract that was subject to the initial contract exception described in Regulations section 53 4958-4(a)(3)? If 'Yes,' describe in Part III

5a 5b


6a 6b


7 8 9

7 8


If 'Yes' to line 8, did the organization also follow the rebuttable presumption procedure described in Regulations section 53 4958-6(c)? 9 BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 . Schedule J (Form 990) 2011



Schedule J (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 ^i ttHI Officers , Directors , Trustees , Key Employees , and Highest Compensated Employees . Use duplicate copies if additional space is needed.

Pa g e 2

For each individual whose compensation must be reported in Schedule J, report compensation from the organization on row (I) and from related organizations, described in the instructions on row (it). Do not list any individuals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VII.

Note . The sum of columns (B)(i)-(III) for each listed individual must equal the total amount of Form 990 , Part VII, Section A, line la, applicable columns (D) and (E) amounts for that individual
(B) Breakdown of W-2 and /or 1099-MISC compensation (A) Name Melissa Bradley (i)
( i) Base compensation ( ii) Bonus and incentive compensation ( iii) Other reportable compensation

( C) Retirement and other deferred compensation 0. -------0.

(D) Nontaxable benefits

(E) Total of columns (B)(i)-(D)

( F) Compensation reported as deferred in prior Form 990 0. ----------

Lauren Webster

( i)



298,986 .






498 .



1,545 .



301 029.


2 Gary Schwartz 3
Drummond Pike

0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -------- ---------- ---------- - - --------- --------- 0 - ---------- ----- -----164,581 . 0. 0. 0. 35,342 . 199,923. 0.

(i) i

_181L908_ __----_--0. _________0. 0. 0. 0.


-8713 3

. 0.

18 290. ____ 208, 911. 0. 0.


0. 0.

5 6

(i) ii (i)

199 696 .






3,334 .






7 8 9 (i) ii (i)


-------------- ------------------------

10 11 ii (i) i (i)

------------------ -------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- ----------



ii (i) (i)

------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------



---------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------


14 (i) 15 (i)


---------- ---------TEEA4102L 01/24/12

Schedule J (Form 990) 2011

Schedule J (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation Part III Supplemental Information


Page 3

Complete this part to provide the information, explanation, or descriptions required for Part I, lines 1 a, 1 b, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8, for Part II. Also complete this part for any additional information.

Part I, Line 4_ Received Severance. ! upplemental NQRetirementLEcLuitY Based Co ipe nsation


- - Drummond Pike was paid_ 158 X769 per separation- acjreement ._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TEEA4103L 01/24/12

Schedule J (Form 990) 2011

(Form 990 or 990-EZ)

OMB No 1545-0047

Transactions With Interested Persons

R, Complete if the organization answered
'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a, 25b, 26, 27, 28a, 28b, or 28c, Form 990 -EZ, Part V, line 38a or 40b. ' Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. ^ See separate instructions.

Open to Public 4t. InspectionEmployer identification number

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Servicery

Name of the organization

Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Part I Excess Benefit Transactions (section 501(c)(3) and section 501(c)(4) organizations only). Com plete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a or 25b, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 40b.
1 (a) Name of disqualified person (b) Descri p tion of transaction (c) Corrected? Yes No

(2) (3)

(4) (5)

2 Enter the amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under section 4958 ^ $

3 Enter the amount of tax, if any, on line 2, above, reimbursed by the organization Part II Loans to and/or From Interested Persons.

^ $

Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 26 or Form 990-EZ, Part V. line 38a.
(a) Name of interested person and purpose (b) Loan to or from the organization? To From (c) Original principal amount (d) Balance due (e) In default" (f) Approved by board or committee' Yes No (g) Written agreement' Yes No



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(8) (9) (10)
Total ^ $

Part III

Grants or Assistance Benefiting Interested Persons. Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 27.
(a) Name of interested person (b) Relationship between interested person and the organization () (c) Amount and type of assistance


(3) (4) (5) (6)


(10) BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.

Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011



Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Tides Foundation IM E Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons.


Page 2

Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990. Part IV. line 28a . 28b. or 28c.
(a) Name of interested person (b) Relationship between interested person and the organization (c) Amount of transaction (d) Description of transaction (e) Sharing of organization's revenues? Yes No

(1 ) Joel Solomon (2)

(3) (4) (5)

Board Member

257,000. Mission Related Invest


(8) (9) (10)


auppiementai information Complete this part to provide additional information for responses to questions on Schedule L (see instructions). ---------------------------------------------units -in -

_ _ Supplemental Information

Tides_Foundation --- ---- ------- ,_ followinq customary_ due_diligence, _ committed -to_purchasi > ---------------- ---

_ _ a private equity offering of Renewal2 Investment Fund,_a limited partnership that -- --

---invests-in-businesses with social and environmental innovation , as a mission related ----------------------------------------------------------investment.--The total subscription commitment was _$257,900 as -of-December-31, -2011 - - cash investments against this commitment were $103,160_ _ _ -Total financing_raised from-- -all investors in this private placement was _$ 4, 774, 987, and Tides' percent

interest is-2.13%.--Joel Solomon is -a director of the Tides-Foundation-board and also --- -----------------------------------------------------------of the General Partner of Renewal2 General Partner, Ltd., in which he owns a 25% -- -Chair ---------------------------------------------------------_ _ equity interest _ -- He is co-chair of the Investment Committee in the limited ------------------------- -_ _ partnership. _ _Mr._Solomon_recused_himself_from the discussion-and-decision-regarding -- -this investment , in -accordance - with -the Tides '_Conflict of_Interest Policy .........

Schedule L (Form 990 or 990 -EZ) 2011

TEEA4501L 01/19/12

SCHEDULE M (Form 990)

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Name of the organization

Noncash Contributions
Complete if the organizations answered 'Yes' on Form 990 , Part IV , lines 29 or 30. - Attach to Form 990.

OMB No 1545-0047

Open To Public Inspection
Employer identification number

Tides Foundation Part I Types of Property

(a) Check If applicable (b) Number of contributions or items contributed

(c) (d) Noncash contribution Method of determining amounts reported on noncash contribution amounts Form 990, Part VIII, line 1g

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29

Art - Works of art Art - Historical treasures Art - Fractional interests Books and publications Clothing and household goods Cars and other vehicles Boats and planes Intellectual property Securities - Publicly traded Securities - Closely held stock Securities - Partnership, LLC, or trust interests Securities - Miscellaneous Qualified conservation contribution Historic structures Qualified conservation contribution - Other Real estate - Residential . . Real estate - Commercial Real estate - Other Collectibles Food inventory Drugs and medical supplies Taxidermy Historical artifacts Scientific specimens Archeological artifacts . Other ^ (----------------) Other ^ Other ^


2, 525, 779. FMV

26 Other ^ (----------------)

Number of Forms 8283 received by the organization during the tax year for contributions for which the organization completed Form 8283, Part IV, Donee Acknowledgement

29 Yes No

30a During the year, did the organization receive by contribution any property reported in Part I, lines 1-28 that it must hold for at least three years from the date of the initial contribution, and which is not required to be used for exempt purposes for the entire holding period? b If 'Yes,' describe the arrangement in Part II 31 Does the organization have a gift acceptance policy that requires the review of any non-standard contributions'

30a 31 X

32a Does the organization hire or use third parties or related organizations to solicit, process, or sell noncash contributions? 32a X b If 'Yes,' describe in Part II See Part II 33 If the organization did not report an amount in column (c) for a type of property for which column (a) is checked, describe in Part II BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 . Schedul e M (Form 990) 2011



Schedule M (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation 51-0198509 Page 2 Part II Supplemental Information . Complete this part to provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b, 32b, and 33, and whether the organization is reporting in Part I, column (b), the number of contributions, the number of items received, or a combin ation of both. Also complete this part for any additional information.

_ _ Part I, Line 32 = Hire and Use of Third Parties_ -------------------------------------_ _ Stock brokers and mutual fund companies are used to ------------------- -----sell securities . --


TEEA4602L 07/14/11

Schedule M (Form 990) 2011

SCHEDULE 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ)

Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

Complete to p rovide information for responses to specific questions on Form 990 or 990- EZ or to provide any additional information. Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ.

OMB No 1545-0047

Department of the Treasury Inte rnal Revenue Service Name of the organization

Employer Identification number

Tides Foundation SchR1PartVTransactionswlRelOros ____________________


Amounts-in-"n = sharing of-paid employees"_ includes amounts in_"1 -performance of____ -__services or memberships or_fundraising solicitations by other orQanizations

Form 990, Part VI, Line 18

Foundation's Form 990 is available our own - - The Tides ----------------------- upon request and also-on ------------website and on_Guidestar.org.__Form_990_T is available_U n request_______________ - - Form 990 , Part III, Line 1 - O^Ranization Mission -------------------------------------

---Tides actively-promotes change toward a -healthy society, one which is founded on -----------------------------------------------------principles-of social justice, broadly shared economic opportunity, a robust ------------------------------------------------------democratic-process, -and-sustainable -environmental practices. Tides-believes healthy---

rely fundamentally on respect for human rights, the vitality of ---societies --------------------------------------------------------

- - communities, and a-celebration-of diversity.


Form 990 , Part VI , Line 6 - Explanation of Classes of Members or Shareholder -------------------------------------------------------------------Tides Network is the sole member. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Certain decisions of the Tides Foundation are subject to the approval power-of-Tides --- --------------------------------------------------------------Network. -------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990, Part VI , Line 11 b - Form 990 Review Process --------------------------------------------------------------------

Form 990, Part VI , Line 7b - Decisions of Governing Body Approval by Members or Shareholders

The Form 990 is made available to the full Board and the Audit Committee for review -------------------------------------------------------------------prior to submission. -------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990, Part VI , Line 12c - Explanation of Monitoring and Enforcement of Conflicts -------------------------------------------------------------------On an annual basis, the directors, officers and key employees are requested to -------------------------------------------------------------------complete a conflict of interest disclosure survey. -------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990, Part VI , Line 15b - Compensation Review & Approval Process for Officers & Key Employees -------------------------------------------------------------------The Tides Network Board of Directors personnel committee is tasked with reviewing -------------------------------------------------------------------the CEO performance and compensation annually. Compensation studies are used for
BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990 -EZ. TEEA4901L 07114/11 Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011

Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011

Name of the organization Employer identification number


Tides Foundation


- - Form 990, Part VI Line 15b - Compensation Review & Approval Process for Officers & Key Employees Lontinue^ - ---------------------------top management and other officers and employees-----------------------------Form 990 , Part VI , Line 17 - List of States which this Return is Filed ----------------------------------------------------------------AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC FL-GA-HI IL KS KY_ MA MD ME MI MN MS NC ND NH NJ NM NY _ -- - ------------------------------------------------------0H-0K OR PA RI SC TN UT VA WA WI WV

Form 990, Part VI, Line 19 - Other Organization Documents Publicly Available -----------------------------------------------------------------Tides Foundation's Articles of Incorporation and audited financial statements are -------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------Form 990 , Part VII - Compensation Explanation -------------------------------------------------------------------Melissa Bradley -------------------------------------------------------------------Compensation is based on 40 hrs./wk paid by Tides, Inc. Included is approximately -------------------------------------------------------------------12 hours/wk devoted to Tides Foundation work.

available upon request.

-------------------------------------------------------------------Kim Sarnecki -------------------------------------------------------------------Compensation is based on 40 hrs./wk paid by Tides, Inc. Included is approximately -------------------------------------------------------------------0.5/wk hours devoted to Tides Foundation work. --------------------------------------------------------------------

BAA TEEA4902L 07/14/11

Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011


Schedule 0 - Supplemental Information

Tides Foundation

Page 1

Form 990, Part XI, Line 5 Other Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances Net Unrealized Gains or Losses on Investments $ Total $ -1,852,373. -1,852,373.

OMB No 1545.0047

(Form 990 )
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Name of the organization


Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships

Complete if the organization answered ' Yes' to Form 990, Part IV , line 33 , 34, 35, 36, or 37 . ' Attach to Form 990. ^ See separate instructions. :Ope6 to, Publicw%-r . Inspection ;;
Employer identification number

Tides Foundation Part I Identification of Disregarded Entities (Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 33.)
(a) Name, address, and EIN of disregarded entity 1 (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (d ) Total income


(e) End-of-year assets

(f) Direct controlling entity



----------------------------------------------------------------3 ------------------------------------------------------------------

Part - II

Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations (Complete if the nro anizatinn answered 'Yes' to Form 990 . Part IV. line 34 because it had

one or more related tax-exempt organizations during the tax year.)

Name, address, and EIN of related organization

Primary activity

Legal domicile (state or foreign country)

Exempt Code section

Public charity status (if section 501(c)(3))

Direct controlling entity

Sec 512(b)(13) controlled entity ? Yes No

(11 Tides Network ---------------------Box 29907 ----------------------Charitable San Francisco, CA 94129 -------------------- - - - - - - - Governance 20-3395198 (22 Tides Cen t er Box 29198 - -Project --------------elopment & San FranciscoL CA _ 94129 --- --- -na ement 94-3213100 /Admin Svcs (3j TidesInc 29907 elated Orgs ilities Mgt FncL CA_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 57-1138099 & 0 s Two ivrs Fund -----& Operate Box 29198 -Tenant Non San Francisco, CA94129 it Centers 20-1588459
BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions for Form 990 .



11 , T

e II







N/A Tides Foundation/Ti des Center


TEr n5001L 09/08/11

11 , Typ e I

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation Page 2 51-0198509 Part III Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership (Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 34 because it had one or more related organizations treated as a partnership during the tax year.)
(a) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (d ) Direct controlling entity (e) Predominant income (related, unrelated, excluded from tax under sections 512-514) (f) Share of total income (g) Share of end-of-year assets (h) Disproportionate allocations? Yes No (I) Code V-UBI amount in box 20 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) 0) General or managing partner? Yes No (k) Percentage ownership


--------------------------2 --------------------------3 ----------------------------

p^" mm-Al Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust (Complete if the oraanlzat ion answered 'Yes' to Form 990. Part IV. line 34 because it had one or more related organizations treated as a cor oration or trust during the tax year. )
Name, address, and EIN of related organization

Primary activity





Share of end-of-year assets

Percentage ownership

Legal domicile Direct Type of entity Share of total income (state or foreign controlling entity (C corp, S corp, country) or trust)

A110793406 BC Ltd ------------------------------------------------_ _ Vancouver, British Columbia V6E3P3 _ -----------------Canada

2 ---------------------------------------------------------

Holding Co for R/E


Tides Fdn

C Cor p

129 081.

129 081. 100.00

3 ----------------------------------------------------------BAA TEEA5002L 05/24/11 Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Tides Foundation


Page 3

Part V Transactions With Related Organizations (Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 34, 35, 35a, or 36.)
Note. Complete line 1 if any entity is listed in Parts II, III, or IV of this schedule During the tax year did the organization engage in any of the following transactions with one or more related organizations listed in Parts II-IV? Receipt of ( i) interest ( ii) annuities (iii) royalties or (iv) rent from a controlled entity Gift, grant, or capital contribution to related organization (s) Gift, grant, or capital contribution from related organization(s) . Loans or loan guarantees to or for related organization(s) Loans or loan guarantees by related organization(s) ..... ... ... ... .. ... ..... . ... . . Yes 1a 1 b 1c 1d le if 1 1 h 1 i No X X X X X X X X X

1 a b c d e

f Sale of assets to related organization(s) g Purchase of assets from related organization(s)

h Exchange of assets with related organization(s) i Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets to related organization(s)

j Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets from related organization(s) k Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations for related organization(s) I Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations by related organization(s) m Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, or other assets with related organization(s) n Sharing of paid employees with related organization(s) o Reimbursement paid to related organization(s) for expenses p Reimbursement paid by related organization(s) for expenses . . . .

q Other transfer of cash or property to related organization(s) . 1 . . r Other transfer of cash or property from related organization(s). 1r 2 If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes.' see the instructions for information on who must comolete this line. including covered relationshios and transaction thresholds (a) Name of other organization (b) Transaction type (a-r) (c) Amount involved


(d) Method of determining amount involved

(1 ) Tides Center (2) Tides Center 3 Tides Center 4 Tides Center 5 Tides Inc (6) Tides Inc
BAA TEEA5003L 05/24111

b c o

3,079,394. Cash 15 , 512 , 686. Cash 373,769. Cash 1 896. Cash

b c

503 000. Cash 97,500. Cash

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Tides Foundation


Page 4

00-02111 Unrelated Organizations Taxable as a Partnership (Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 37.)
Provide the following information for each entity taxed as a partnership through which the organization conducted more than five percent of its activities (measured by total assets or gross revenue) that was not a related organization See instructions regarding exclusion for certain investment partnerships (a) Name, address, and EIN of entity (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (d) (e) Predominant Are all partners income section (related, unre501(c)(3) lated, excluded organizations? from tax under section 512-514) Yes No (f) Share of total income (g) Share of end-of-year assets (h) Disproportionate allocations? (i) Code V-UBI amount in box 20 of Schedule K-1 Form (1065) 0) General or managing partner? (k) Percentage ownership





1 - ----------------------------------------------2 - -----------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 - ----------------------------------------------(61--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

8 --------------------------------BAA TEEA5004L 05/24/1i Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 rP,^atVVkll$ Supplemental Information

Page 5

Complete this part to provide additional information for responses to questions on Schedule R (see instructions).


TEEA5005L 05/25/11

Schedule R (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011 Tides



Continuation Page


Part II Continuation of Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

(A) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (B) Primary activity (C) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (D) Exempt Code section ( E) Public charity status (if section 501 (c)(3)) (F) Direct controlling entity (G) Sec 512(b)(13) controlled entity' Yes No

Underdoc_ Foundation ---------------------84 Oak Street -------------------------Brattleboro, VT 05301_ - Supporting

03-0368814 r anization VT 501(c)(3) 11, T e III

Foundation X

ohaFamily Foundation Box 29903 CA 94129 11-3293390 One PacificCoast Foundation ---------------------------1438 Webster,_Ste_101_______-____ Oakland,- CA 94612_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20-5253663 JKIrwin Foundation Box 29903 n FC9419 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 56-2678107 New Field Foundation Box 29903 San Francisco, CA 27-0029270 Ginungac Box 29903 n _Fnc94129 _ 22-3891498 Weithorn & Ehrmann Families Foundati 85 East Via de Ventura1SteG200 94-3232775 __ Harding Rock __________________ Box 29903 ------------------------- - -San Francisco) _CA 94129 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20-1430532 Beauchamp Charities -----------------1_51__Kal_mus Dr, Ste B150 Costa Mesas -------- CA92626 - --

r anization



11, T yp e II

Supporting r anization



11, T

e I

Tides Foundation Tides Fdn/Bridge Housing/E B Colle e Fd

Supporting r anization



11, T

e I

Tides Foundation

Supporting r anization



11 T

e III-0

Supporting r anization



11, T

e I

Tides Foundation Tides Foundation & Rudolf Steiner Fdn

Supporting r anization



11, Typ e III

Tides Foundation

Supporting Or anization



11, Typ e I

Tides Foundation

Supporting Or g anization

TEEA5102L 09/08/ 11


11, Typ e I

Tides Foundation

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011 Tides



Continuation Page


Part II Continuation of Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations

(A) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (B) Primary activity
(C) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (D) Exempt Code section (E) Public charity status (if section 501(c)(3)) (F) Direct controlling entity (G) Sec 512(b)(13) controlled entity? Yes No

T_heAdv_o_c_a Fund ______ PO Box 29229 ---------------------------San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 --------------------------94-3153687 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

dvocac y




TEEA5102L 09/08/11

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation Part V Continuation of Transactions With Related Organizations (Schedule R (Form 990), Part V, line 2)
(A) Name of other organization (B) Transaction type (a-r)


Continuation Page


(C) Amount involved

(D) Method of determining amount involved

Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc Tides Inc
Tides Inc

56 , 044. 228,667.

Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash


m n o

413,645. 1 , 433 , 570. 416,349.


Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Tides Two Rivers Fund Rouhana Famil y Foundation
Rouhana Famil y Foundation

d 71 k

7 , 298 , 470. 28,079. 6,000. 600.

Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash



JK Irwin Foundation New Field Foundation New Field Foundation New Field Foundation New Field Foundation Hardin g Rock
TEEA5105L 08/25 /11

k c k n

28 , 000. 2 , 175,000. 42,000. 174 f 797. 59.

Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash


Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011 Tides Foundation [Part V Continuation of Transactions With Related Organizations (Schedule R (Form 990), Part V, line 2)
(A) Name of other organization (B) Transaction type (a-r)


Continuation Page


(C) Amount involved

(D) Method of determining amount involved

Beauchamp Charities Beauchamp Charities Beauchamp Charities.. The Advocac y Fund

c k

454 873. 24,850. 10.

Cash Cash Cash Cash

250 000.

TEEA5105L 08/25/11

Schedule R Cont (Form 990) 2011




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of non cash assistance

Description of non-ash assistance

Aavash Samuha Acf5Oa/uda Guin6- Bissau / Association des Jeunes pour rAdbn et le Developpement du Nhaaa
Accaoaluda Gumi-Blosau / Association pour to Protection de rEnvimnnement de rEnfance et In

South Asia Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Afnca

empower the voice of both male and female youth who use drugs through tralnings , meetings and workshops Association des Jeunes pour rAdlon et le Developpement du Nhacra s (AJAD) HIVIAIDS prevention work in Nhacra
Association pour la Protection de I Enwmnnement, de I'Enfance et la Culture 's (APROMEC) education project for the prevention and fight against HIV/AIDS

8,050 00 Wire - International 9,998 89 Wire - International 9,998 89 Wire - International

Access Bangladesh Foundation Access Bangladesh Foundation / Parbattya Protibandi Kayan Sangstha Access Bangladesh Foundation / Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users Accdn Comundada per el Progreso Action Center for People Living with HIV I Southern Self-Support Groups Network of People Living with HIV
Acton for Youth with Disabilities Uganda

South Asia South Asia

South Asia

Central American and the Caribbean

work to build the capacity of DPOs to advocate for employment in Dhaka City in line with Article 27 of the CRPD Parbattya Protibandi Kalyan Sangstha s work to build its capacity and that of member DPOs of tribal PWD5 to be effective CRPD trainers and advocates Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users work to expand rights advocacy and protection for the deaf and hearing impaired across four distracts of Bangladesh work to promote the rights and care of 100 people living with AIDS Southern Self- Support Groups Network of People Living with HIVs program , Young People Living with HIV Speak Upl work to review laws and regulations on employment and collect data on employment of PWDs as a basis for a campaign to promote employment Probbondhi Nander Jativ Panshad ' s work to protect women with dsiabildies from violence and discrimination by strengthening DPO5 of W WDS across eleven distracts of Bangladesh Swamy Vivekananda Angavikalara Kshemabhrvrudhl Samsthe's work to reach out to margmal u ed and remote persons with disabilities, identify and address cases of discrimination against persons with disabilities (PWDs), and work with local government to increase its awareness of the CRPD continued media work continued media work to support Project Umcinya ITPCIARASA pent grantmaking project International Treatment Preparedness Coalnon-China workshops and trainings to push forward treatment 2 0 practices Guangzhou Llanxm Community Service Center's care and support service project for PLHIV community Hubei Xlangfan Red Ribbon Centers integrated care and support project for PLHIV Hunan Friends and Love Homes treatment, rare and prevention project for PLHIV in Changsha City Lincang City Red Ribbon Center' s treatment education and rare support project to PLHIV Lluzhou Longtan Candle Light Support Group's community support service project for PLHIV Ruili Red Ribbon Center's ART support and care project Shanghai Beautiful Life People Living with HIV/AIDS Self-Help Group's treatment and care project for AIDS patients and PLHIV in Shanghai Shenzhen Dlanshou Workshop's Shenzhen City Treatment Education and Care Project for PLHIV
Suzhou Enjoying Sunshine Togethers treatment education project in Suzhou City

20,000 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - Intemabonal

20,000 00 Wire - International

12 285 71 Wire - international 7,00000 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International

South Asia

Middle East and North Africa

Action on Disability and Development - Bangladesh / Pmhbondhl Nander Jaho Parishad

South Asa

2000000 Wire - International

Acton on Disability and Development, India / Swamy Vrvekananda Angavikalara Kshemabhivrudhi Sanrsthe

South Asia

12 000 00 Wire - International

Adbusters Media Foundation Adbusters Media Foundation Afrgraph AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa AIDS Care China Limited

North America ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Meuco Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia and the Pacific

10,00000 19,00000

Check Check

15,00000 Wire-International 175,661 54 Wire - International 27,100 00 Wire-International

AIDS Care China Limited I Guangzhou Llanxm Community Service Center AIDS Care China Limited I Hubei Xiangfan Red Ribbon Center AIDS Care China Limited I Hunan Friends and Love Home AIDS Care China Limited I Lincang City Red Ribbon Center AIDS Care China Limited / Lluzhou Longtan Candle Light Support Group AIDS Care China Limited / Rulll Red Ribbon Center AIDS Care China Limited / Shanghai Beautiful Life People Living with HrV/AIDS Self-Help Group AIDS Care China Limited / Shenzhen Oianshou Workshop AIDS Care China Limited / Suzhou Enjoying Sunshine Together AIDS Cam China Limned I Urungl Tiantong Caring Home AIDS Care China Limned / Xishuang Banna Red Ribbon Center AIDS Cam China Limited / VIII Kazak Autonomous Prefecture Red Ribbon Center AIDS Care China Limited / Yingjlang County Red Ribbon Center AIDS Cara China Limited / Yunnan Dali Erhai Mingyue People Living with HIV Support Group

East Asia and the Pacific

9 450 00 Wire - International 7,35000 Wire - International 6,30000 Wire - International 6.30000 Wire - International 9,45000 Wire - International 7,035 00 Wire - International 9,45000 Wire - International

East Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific

829500 Wire - International 7,35000 Wire - Intemabonal 630000 Wire - Intematonal 5,25000 Wire - International 10,500 00 Wire - International 6 825 00 Wire - International 5 250 00 Wire - International

Urumqi Tiantong Canng Home's follow up and care project for PLHIV In Wulumuqi Xahuang Banna Red Ribbon Center's care and treatment support to PLHIV Viii Kazak Autonomous Prefecture Red Ribbon Center's treatment access purled Yingjlung County Red Ribbon Center's adherence education and care project for people on ART
Yunnan Dail Emai Mingyue People Living with HIV Support Group's treatment adherence education and female care support project

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 1 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash dlsbumement

Amount of non cash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

AIDS Care China Limited / Yunnan Kunndng Vunling Candlelight PLHIV Support Network AIDS Cara China Limited / Zhecheng Civil Association of HIV Prevention and Treatment AIDS Legal Network Akhuwat Akdl Dada Alfred Dunhill Links Foundation

East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific

Yunnan Kunming Yunhng Candlelight PLHIV Support Network's treatment education project for PLHIV in Yunnan Zhecheng Civil Association of HIV Prevention and Treatment's project to improve treatment effectiveness and positive prevention work addressing the links between gender violence and HN relief and response efforts for floods in Pakistan scholarship and mentonng programs to develop the next generation of Kenyan women leaders to promote and support charitable activity in areas including but not limited to, amateur golf development, particularly in underprivileged areas, preservation of the historic town of St Andrews and its environments and academic scholarship to promote and support charitable activity in areas including, but not limited to, amateur golf development, particularly in underprivileged areas preservation of the hatonc town of St Andrews and its environments, and academic scholarship amateur golf development, particularly in underprivileged areas, preservation of the historic town of St Andrews and its environments and acadernic scholarship Conservation and Community Development of the Tawahka Asangni Biosphere Reserve Protect operation of orphanages in Lesotho, including paying salaries to local staff and providing for the material wellbeing of children to build the capacity to investigate and report on human rights violations aganist institutionalized persons with psychosocial disabilities work to raise awareness of users of psychiatric services and medical personnel about the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in five districts efforts to double the program outreach of Stars Net in Israel Genesis protect Genesis project Products for Life program general support for Soi Dog Foundation work to reduce the burden of TB in people living with HIVIAIDS in Marsabd
continued work bunging health and development programs to disadvantaged segments of society

6,300 00 Wire - International 6,300 00 Wire - International

Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

100,000 00 Wire-International 25,000 00 Wire - International 45,000 00 Wire - International 9 500 00 Wire - International

Alfred Dunhill Links Foundation

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

25,095 00 Wire - International

Alfred Dunhill Links Foundation

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

227,421 35 Wire - International

Allanza Sustentabilidad Ecologica y Jushaa Social All for Africa's Children Today Lesotho

Central American and the Caribbean

10 000 00 Wire - Intemaoonal 5,24374 Wire - International

Sub-Saharan Africa

All-Ukrainian Organization for Users and Survivors of Mental Health Services All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

6 000 00 Wire - Internat ional

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

20,000 00 Wire - International

Arnal 1 Network AMAZONAS images AMAZONAS images Ands de la Terre France Animal People / Sol Dog Foundation And Women Affected and Infected with HIV and AIDS Arpana Research And Charities Trust Article 19 Asher Ab Society / Ashar Prodeep


Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) South Asia Middle East and North Africa South Asia
North America (including Canada and Mexico South Asia

50 000 00 25 000 00 50 000 00 1000000 7,50000 10 000 00

Wire - International Wire - International Wire - IntemaWnal Check Check Wire - International

50 000 00 Wire - International 15 000 00 Wire - Intemabonal 6,500 00 Wire - International

work on freedom of expression cases in Mexico Asher Prodeep's work to increase access to ART treatment for PLHIV women to reduce HIV morbidity and mortality, and make the support more effective through treatment education and empowerment of PLHIV women International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) - Collaborative Fund for South East Asia Round 5 Chaitanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika s work to reduce diocnmination based on gender and disability, and to rase community awareness and understanding on the CRPD and its linkages with local laws LGBT Advocacy continued prograrnrrelated work for 2011 continued program-related work for 2011 monitoring peer to peer education institutional strengthening in advocacy increasing the CRPD advocacy capacity of ADRN's rural membership work toward comprehensive universal access for women and youth advancing CRPD implementation by increasing the capacity of the local level judiciary and the public administration on the CRPD strengthening the disability rights movement in the rural and indigenous communities of the Peruvian Amazon strengthening CRPD understanding within the organization to inform rights advocacy in Ancash

Asian Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Asmaa Resource Centre for Women / Ch21tanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika

South Asia

204,660 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International

South Asia

Asoclaciln Asociacion Asodacbn Asoclaci6n

ALFIL, HGLBT, Identoades en DiAbgo Amigos del Aprendlzale Amigos del Aprendtzale Amistad Poshrva

South America Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean South America South America

7,500 35,755 40,000 7,500

00 03 00 00

Wire Wire Wire Wire

International International International Intemauonal

Asoclacbn Civil de Discapacitados de la Reslstenda Nicaraguense Asoclacion de Ayuda at Sam Positive Asociac on de Mujeres con Discapacidad de la Pmwncla de Requena Asociacion de Personas con Dlscapacklad'DIGNIDAD' Asoclactln de Personas con Dlscapackiad'RENACER-

20,000 00 Wire - International 7,500 00 Wire - International 12 000 00 Wire - Intemauonal

South America

16,000 00 Wire - International 6 000 00 Wire - International

South America

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 2 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Asociacbn de Personas con Discapacidad Fisica Motor Asoclaclon de Sordoclegos de Nicaragua Asoclac10n de Sordos del Peru Asoclacitin Femenlna do Discapacrtados del Peru Asoclacion Hondurena pare of Desarmllo Asociacion Lihuen-Antu Asoclacon Naclonal de Personas Posaivas Vida Nueva Asoeiaclon Naclonal do Sordos do Nicaragua Asoclacitn Pro Deredws Humans / Asodaci6n de Usados do Servicios de Salud Mental Son Martin de Porres
Asociad6n Pro Derechos Humans / Asodacitn Nuevo Amanecer de Personas con Dlscapacldad Psicosocial

Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean South Amenca
South Amenca

pmmoong implementation of Article 27 of the CRPD on access to employment in Nicaragua

increasing understanding among dealbhnd people in Nicaragua on the CRPD

18,000 00 Wire - International 17,000 00 Wire - Intemaoonal 20,000 00 Wire - International 13,00000 Wire -International 23,575 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International 7.50000 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 17,000 00 Wire - International

teaching out to deaf people , making the CRPD a reality for all in Peru including W WD5 in rural distric ts of Peru as beneficiaries of poverty reduction programs him a bilingual business manager Pmyecto Lemu consolidating social oversight and political advocacy in HIV from the perspective of the communities directly affected building the capacity of deaf leaders outside the capital . Managua, on the CRPD
AsociaciOn de Usanes de Servrcios de Salud Mental San Martin de Pones ' work to bunging the voice of persons with psychosocial disabilities into the human rights mainstream

Central American and the Caribbean South America Central American and the Caribbean Central American and the Caribbean South America

South America

Asoclaci6n Silueta X

South America South Amenca South Amenca Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa
Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) South Asia

Asoclacitn SOMOSGAY Asoclacitn Union Mu)eres Lideres Association AIDES Association des Honsnes Vivant avec a VIH / E So Benda Association Gulntenne pour I'Allegement des Charges Fdminines Association Gulntenne pour I'Alltgement des Charges FBmmmes Association Munyu des femmes de to Comae Association pour le d6veloppement of la lucre Contra les Maladies Association Senegalalse des Producteurs des Semences Paysannes Assodezione Itallana Sclemsi Mullpla Ataturk University Bangladesh Prolibandhl Unnayan Sangstha Bamaly / Coastal DPO Alliance Anwa Alor Pathe

Asociao6n Nuevo Amanecer de Personas con Dtscapacdad Psicosociars work toward building capacity of persons with psychosocial disabilities in Huanuco continued work tome Awareness-Raising , Information , Education and Communication (AIEC) Project Youth PWLA in Action purled to design a proposal to improve the supplies of TARGA (ARV Treatment of Great Activity) in the region of Callao to bring testing and prevention to the most at-cask groups in France E So Benda 's community mobilization project for HIV treatment access improvement in the Central Africa Republic protect to pro mote the participation of rural women at the 2011 World Social Forum in Dakar protect to support the economic activities of rural women in GumSe Foresb6re inform ed choices for nce cultivation by rural women in Western Burk ina Faso work to raise awareness of TB and HIV of- infections among PLWS in Balbala 3rd local seed expo Young People Beyond MS project 2012 Carbonic Anhydrase Conference
work to strengthen grassroots organizations of PWD5 in Agadlhara District on CRPD advocacy

10,000 00 Wine- International

9,80000 Wire - International 7,50000 Wire - International 7,50000 Wire - International 50 000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 9,81258 Wire - International 130 165 00 Wire - International 27,87840 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International 7,99056 Wire - International 12,500 00 Wire -International 30,000 00 Wire - International 12,000 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International

South Asia

BBbr TAbor Alapltvhny Battered Women's Support Services Beauty Without Irony / Designers Against AIDS

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North America (including Canada and Mexico Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland)

Beckley Foundation Beijing Enable Legal Consulting Ltd Belinda Stronach Foundation Bethesda Foundation

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) East Asia and the Pacific North America (including Canada and Mexico Sub-Saharan Africa

Coastal DPO Alliance Amra Alor Pathe' s work to build the advocacy capacity of DPO5 in coastal regions and raze awareness on the rights of PWDS in these regions support of programs Indigenous Women is Leadership Training Program four workshops In 2012 at the DAA/IHAEC Education Center where international students can learn how to make creative HIV prevention campaigns Global Initiative for Drug Policy Reform continued work In disability rights advocacy G(irls) 20 Summit continued work to empower disadvantaged people in the Eastern Cape of South Africa by giving them the opportunity to learn skills, develop their creative potential , and earn an income through the arts efforts to advocate for inclusive education in ten districts of Ukraine purchase and preservation of Alan Turing ' s papers Kids Helpline program ancient forest friendly communities pmlect continued work to decrease land mine casualales in Cambodia harm reduction and HIV prevention work with men who have sex with men (MSM ), sex workers and drug users knowledge management and dissemination Map of Culture program

25,000 00 Wire - International 75,000 00 Wire - International 55 000 00 Wire - internat ional

50 000 99 993 25,000 135 000

00 00 00 00

Wire Wire Wire Wire

International IntemaWnal International International

Bila Tserkva CM Society of Children with Disabilities and Their Parents Bletchley Park Trust Limited BoysTown Bruno Manser Fonds Cambodian Land Mine Museum Relief Fund Caribbean Drug Abuse Research Institute Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center Center for Citizenship Education Foundation

Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) East Asia and the Pacific Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico Central American and the Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa

20,000 00 Wire - International 100,000 100,000 6,000 6 280 12,285 00 00 00 61 71 Wire-International Wire-International Check Wire - International Wire - International

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

130 000 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire- International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 3 of 15




Nam of organlratlon



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Center for Improving Qualified Activity In Life of People with Disability Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life of People with Disability Center for Support and Development of Education and Culture / Kid's Sun Group Centrade of Greater Montreal Centre for Action on Disabled Rights and Empowerment

South Asia

to increase DPO advocacy on the CRPD through the education of the local government and the House of Representatives for the five regions of the Yogyakarta Province to increase DPO advocacy on the CRPD through the education of the local government and the House of Representatives for the two regions of the Yogyakarta Province Kid's Sun Group's Treatment Literacy for Young People on HIV and Hepatitis C project matching fund advocacy capacity budding amongst tnbal person with disabilities in four mandals of Khammam Distract, Andhra Pradesh State, and to address village camrruttees on rights issues wireless technologies and male circumcision practices to prevent HtV/AIDS research prepanng for the scale-up implementation of tenofovtr gel for HIV prevention Safe Schools Project Turning our Waste into Green Gold program work to provide holistic health services to drug users in the Dominican Republic Aires Trade Treaty Policy Dialogues project access to treatment and treatment education project for MSM who are infected with HIV in Chengdu City
to strengthen a network of DPO5 to assess aaxssibAdy, of health

9,500 00 Wire - International

South Asia

9,500 00 Wire - international

South Asia North America (including Canada and Mexico South Asia

5,950 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - Intema0onal 20 000 00 Wire - International

Centre For HIV/AIDS Prevention Studies Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research In South Africa Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation Centre National d Information Ind6pendante sur les Dechets Centro de Odentaa6n a Investigaa6n Integral Chatham House Chengdu Tongle Health Counseling and Service Center
Cherkasy Youth

Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Central American and the Caribbean 08.0036091 Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) East Asia and the Pacific
Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

12 561 67 Wire - International 500,000 00 Wire - International 113,852 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Check 12,285 71 Wire - International 16 700 00 Check 9,45000 Wire - International
19,000 00 Wire - International

Children's Book Project for Tanzania Children s Rights Centre China Labour Bulletin Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group Chinese Red Cross Foundation Chinese University of Hong Kong Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust Coalition Burkinab6 pour Des Dmos de la Fenene

Middle East and North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Paafic East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa

facilities and work with media to improve representation of persons with disabilities (PWDs) To improve the quality of teaching and learning in Tanzania continued work on children's rights efforts to provide workers in China with the skills and resources to organize themselves work to support human rights lawyers and human rights litigation in China Shuku Library project Centre for Civil Society Studies' (CCSS) Workshop on Social Innovation Christchurch earthquake relief to increase the participation of rural women in economic development in Burkina Faso I pmlet intdul6 n renforcement de la participation de la Femme Rumle au d6veloppement 6conomique au Burkina Faso x work to denounce the conflicts of Interest within the European Food Security Agency (EFSA) and the French High Council of Biotechnologies (HCB) project to support rural women in Bounkiling distract project to support rural women in Bounkiling distract Citizens Against Hydroelecinc Megapmjecfs in Aisen 'Reserve of Life' project project aimed to promote the qualitative use of ICTs by young people in low-income communities through the creation of 'tlgdal stones' based on the lives of the targeted audience and for the'Employabiey' program participation in a conference in Salzburg called -rransfomung agricultural development and production in Africa filling the gaps between the sexes and the empowerment of rural women in politics and practice mobilization of rural women and their organizations for peace and development in Casamance mobilization of rural women and their organizations for peace and development in Casamance IBF grant 2011-2012 Cines Comumlarlos coordinate the local arrangements of the Convening and Technical meeting In Mexico City

20 000 00 Wire - International 14,000 00 Wire - International 181,633 39 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - International 48,178 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 37,587 00 Wire - Intematnnal

Combat Monsanto

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

10,000 00 Check

Comite d'Appul et de Soutien Au Developpement Economque at Social CorMe d'Appul at the Soutien As Developpemenr Economque at Social Com86 Naconal Pm Defensa de la Flom y Fauna Cond16 pare Democralizay0o da InformShra

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South America South America

47,156 73 Wire - International 47,368 48 Wire - International 30,000 00 Wire - International 100,00000 Wire - International

Comn6 Regional de Solldarh6 des Femmes pour la Palo en Casamance

Middle East and North Africa

8,727 27 Wire - International

Comte R6g*nal de Solidarh6 des Femmes pour la Paix an Casamance Coml16 Regional de Solldam6 des Femmes pour Is Palace Casamance Community Advocacy and Development Movement Comunicacl6n Indlgena S C Confederaa6n Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapaddad

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North Amenca (including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico

34,657 60 Wire - International 46 989 00 Wire - International 18,000 00 Wire - International 10,00000 Wire - IMemahonal 9 171 63 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 4 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of nonush assistance

Confederaa6n Mexicans de Organizaclones en Favor de la Persona con Dacapaadad Confederaclon Nacunal de Personas oon Discapacidad del Pew

North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico South Amenca

to create a handbook on promotion of sef- advocacy among persons with intellectual disabilit ies efforts to enhance the capacity of Peruvian DPOs to monitor the implementation of the CRPD via the CRPD committee as well as through other UN mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review work to evaluate the state of the Shiplbo Konibo Xetebo Tribe Enforcement Initiative and supporting the use of rechargeable batteries on Mwoakilloa continued efforts to provide women a space to participate In meetings,
cultural exchanges , political discussions , debates on promoting rights

10 000 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - Intemaeonat

Consejo Shlpibo Konibo Xetebo Conservation Society of Pohnpei Consorzb Casa Intemazionale delle Donne

South America East Asia and the Pacific Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland )

7 000 00 Wire - International 9,000 00 Wire - Domestic 50,000 00 Wire - International

and activities related to gender issues, and to promote national and international inmatives , with a focus on women s interests Cook Islands National Disabddy Council Cook Islands National Disability Council Cook Islands National Disability Council Coral, Centro Oaxepueno de Rehabildaa6n y Lenguaje CORAL A C / Planeta Inclusion Cultural Conservation Act Curriculum Development Project Trust Cyber Senior Network Development Association Limited David Suzuki Foundation Delhi Network of Positive People Delhi Network of Positive People / Positive Network of Miz oram Delhi Network of Positive People / Positive Network of Miz oram Desmond Tutu Peace Trust Die Wiener Volkshothschulen GmbH Directolre des Femmes on Elevage do la Region de Kolda Direetoue des Femmes on Elevage de la Region de Kolda Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association Vanuatu 94-3204049 East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific North America ( including Canada and Mexico work to build capacity to advocate and raise awareness on rights as set out in the CRPD across the Cook Islands work to build capacity to advocate and raise awareness on rights as set out In the CRPD across the Cook Islands work to build capacity to advocate and raise awareness on rights as set out In the CRPD across the Cook Islands Planets Inclusion ' s work to raise the awareness of key public entities, universities, and other civil society organizations on the CRPD Program for Women and Sustainable Rural Development and Paralegal Clinic for Social Justice work to develop a curriculum using creative arts to teach literacy continued work promoting the use of Information technology by the elderly in Hong Kong Google Earth Outreach Project Our National Capital International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) India Project Positive Network of Mizorams HIV treatment education for Mao women Positive Network of Mizorams HIV treatment education for Mara women digitization of the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre Archive Prolekt D R Z'5 work to improve website and invest in professorial education for staff integrated project for capacity- building in poultry farming and market gardening for women members Integrated protect for capacity - building in poultry farming and market gardening for women members work to increase awareness about the CRPD among PWDs to Provincial Vanuatu and Increase national action on CRPD implementation work strengthening the Oaxacan network for sexual druersny (Fonaleamiento de la Red Oaxaquena para la Drversdad Sexual) continued work to help British Colombians exercise create healthy and prosperous communities continued work to help Bobsh Colombians exercise create healthy and prosperous communities continued work to help British Columbiana exercise create healthy and prosperous communities continued work to help British Columbians exercise
create healthy and prosperous communities

7,500 00 Wire - International 7,500 00 Wire - International 7,500 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International

Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia and the Pacific North America ( including Canada and Mexico South Asia South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific

20,000 00 Wire - International 25 000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - Intemaaonal 30,000 00 Wire - Intemabonal 20,422 00 Wire - Intemahonal 6 796 36 Wire - International 12,621 82 Wire - International 1,250,000 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International 56,128 00 Wire - International 60,510 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International

Dwersdades y No-Oiscrlmmadon A C

North America I ncluding Canada and Mexico

10,000 00 Wire - international

Dogwood InibOve Dogwood Initiative Dogwood Initiative Dogwood Initiative Dogwood Initiative Donna Louise Trust Donors of Tirtagar gga Foundation Early Intervention Institute I Parent ' s Club

North America (including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( Including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( Including Canada and Mexico Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland )

local control to local control to local control to local control to

23 750 00 Check 26,600 00 Check 2850000 Check 29,47100 Check 15000000 Check 53 914 70 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - tmemauonal 10,500 00 Wire - International

research , education , and outreach on the issue of tankers and oil spills continued work providing respite and end of life care for children continued work supporting the restoration and maintenance of Tirtagangga Parents Club 's work to educate official on the CRPD and inclusive education , and to advocate for a city policy on inclusive education research and legal work related to tar sands issues
civil activation for the environmental defense of Southern Chile

Ecojustce Canada Society

Ecoslstemas Corporation

North Amens ( including Canada and Mexico

South America

150,000 00 Wire - International 8,000 00 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 5 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant 60,000 250,000 10,000 32,500 20 000 250,000 00 00 00 00 00 00

Manner of cash disbursement Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of noncash assistance

Ecose:temas Corporation Elders Foundation Empowerment through Commundy Volunteenng ENDA Third World Engineers Without Borders Canada Engineers Without Borders Canada

South Amenca Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa North Anenca ( including Canada and Mewco North America ( including Canada and Mexico

Campafa Patagonia Rios Vvos / Patagonia Sin Represas 2011 Alliance for a World Without Child Marriage project achieving inclusive education in Asikuma Ghana activities of the 2011 World Social Forum challenge grant for support of programs accelerate the development of rural infrastructure in Malawi by increasing the effectiveness responsiveness and efficiency of district government planning , project execution and maintenance operations research education and outreach on climate/tar sands related issues to employ an advice co- coordinator to provide legal and technical advice on environmental concerns for vulnerable communities, particularly those living within the North East of England work to improve living conditions of poor adolescent girls in French speaking sub-Saharan Africa continued work helping children with disabilities in developing countries research , education , and outreach on cbmate/tar sands related issues La Granja-Escuela El Colmenar project compensation of staff person Jose Valcareel and rest periods for staff to increase the number of persons with disabilities advocating for the CRPD implementation In Veracruz by raising the awareness of relevant stakeholders on the CRPD work to empower PLHIV communities on TB/ HIV through advocacy, cortmunication and social mobilization 2011 Action Plan public education on Canadian tar sands in Europe field-based training of school personnel in the Western Cape one-year grant for the We Are the Solution campaign one-year grant for the We Are the Solution campaign youth-led project that ants to increase the knowledge of young men who have sex with men on STIS and HIV and increase their access to health services qumoa sustainable production and protect scaling as per your

Environmental Defence Canada Inc Environmental Law Foundation

North America ( including Canada and Mexico Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland)

250 000 00 Check 10 000 00 Check

Equilibres et Populations Equip K I D S International Equiterre Escuelas para la Vida Escuelas pare la Vida Estudiantes o Tmoa)adores Ciegos y Debites Visuales del Estado de Veracruz Ethiopia Treatment Access Movement European Digital Rights European Federation for Transport and Environment Extra-Mural Education Project Fahamu Trust Fahamu Trust Family Planning Organiz ation of the Philippines Davao

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) North America ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland ) North America ( including Canada and Mexico

50,000 00 Wi re - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - International 15 00000 Wire - International 17,000 00 Wire - International 15,67000 Wire - International

Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland Europe ( including Iceland Sub-Saharan Africa Europe (including Iceland Europe (including Iceland South Asia and Greenland ) and Greenland ) and Greenland ) and Greenland )

10,000 00 Wire - International 15,868 60 75,000 00 50 000 00 13,780 00 60 000 00 661500 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International International International

FDTA- Valles Federation Departmental de Personas con Dlscapacklad de Puno - Peru Federacon Departmental en Pro del Desarollo de to Persona con Discapac lad Federaci6n Nicaragoense de Asodaclones de Personas con DLttapacdad Federacdn Nicaraauense de Asociaclones de Personas con Discapacidad / Red CHILEGRA Federation des Professonnels Agdcoles do Burkina Faso FEdAration Nationale des Organisations Paysannes Fmdhom Foundation FNE MdEPyrinies Fondatbn Enables Canada Fondatbn Enablis Canada Fonda ion Esther Boucicauh Stanislas

South Arnenca South America South America Central Amencan and the Caribbean Central Amencan and the Caribbean

32,115 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - Intematwnal 17,000 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International

advancing the CRPD in mrat and indigenous districts of Puno advancing CRPO implementation through data collection and planning supporting inclusion of children with disabilities In mainstream schools in Nicaragua Red CHILEGRA 's Red Chdegra is work toward ensuing inclusion of persons with psychological disabilities in Nicaraguan efforts to advance the CRPD coordination of the 2012 community grantmaking convening in BoboDnulasso , Burkina Faso rural women promoting family farming and food sovereignty in Western Burkina Faso project new education building creation of legal aids and means to help associations for the protection of the enwronment in the Midi-Pyr6n6es continued work to support entrepreneurs in the developing world through the Enablis Entrepreneunal Network continued work to support entrepreneurs In the developing world through the Enables Entrepreneurial Network work to reduce the prevalence rate of STD0 and HIV/AIDS in the has Artibonde through community awareness and mobil ization related to

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) North America ( Including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico Central American and the Caribbean

30,585 82 Wire - International 26,071 20 Wire - Intematonal 20,000 00 Wire - International 8.00000 Check 11 132 00 Wire - International 14,21000 Wire - International 12,285 71 Wire - International

sex workers
Forum for African Women Educationalists Forum for African Women Educationalists Foundation for Children With Developmental Delay Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific to support the educational work of Sister Mary at St Theresa 's Girls School in Uganda post-secondary scholarships for women and OLeary Cow Project rural and connnundy - based intervention pmgrams
10,083 46 Wire - International

15,000 00

Wire - International

8 805 86 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 6 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Fraunhoter- Gesellscha8 zur Fordemng der angewandten Forschung e V Friends of the Earth Europe ASBL Fnends of the Earth Scotland Fundacon Banco de Bosques Fundaclon Banco de Bosques Fundaci6n Chol-Chol James W Mundell pare el Desarollo Human Fundacon Cibervoluntanos

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) South America South Amen South Amenca Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland )

Roberta Initiative at Fmunhofer LAIS research and advocacy on dirty fuels Access to Environmental Justice project activist campaign in the lbera Wetlands Acti vist Campaign in the Ibera Wetlands work empowering Mapuche artisans recovering from disaster to expand the reach of the Symposium on Technologies for Social Acton and Citiz en Empowerment and to demonstrate and raise awareness on the importance of the social use of technology to alleviate social divides reduce information asymmetries in Latin Amenca , that currently alienate citizens from politics the market and other social actors Summer School pint project with SOL FundacrOn Comunidad Evanpelica National y Ternol6gica Orientada s
work to provide education on treatment , adherence and resistance to

253000 00 Wire - International 75 000 6 000 33 000 50 , 000 7 438 00 00 00 00 41 Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International

250 000 00 Wire - International

Fundacon Ciudadano Intellgente

South America

250,000 00 Wire - International

Fundacrin Educad6n Popular en Salud Fundaci6n Medlo Amblenle y Desarrollo , Inc / Fundacl6n Comundad Evang6hca Naconal y Tedtol69iea Onentada

South America Central American and the Canbbean

6 , 08578 Wire - International 12,285 71 Wire - International

ARV medications to PLWHA residents in the urban suburban and cattle ranches of the municipality of Monte Plate , Dominican Republic Fundaci6n Melimayu Fundacl6n Melimoyu Fundaci6n pare at Desarrollo Comunnado South America South Amenca Central American and the Caribbean continued work to preserve the native forests and manne ecosystems of Chilean Occidental Patagonia Ahihu6 Santo Domingo Marine Protected Area protect building HIV alliances In rural Central Amenca, specifically to assess the situation of PLWA In rural , native , and Afncan -d escendent areas of Nicaragua building HIV alliances In rural Central America to create a group of indigenous women with disabilities ( IWWD0) in the community of Tepepa , train them on the CRPD , and promote their full parbcipation in their communities to raise awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities in Sonora In order to eradicate discrimination and advocate for CRPD implementation salaries for art workshop facilitators Patagonia Without Dams Campaign construction of a school in Pelluhue continued work enlarging existing national parks and reserves citizen monitor of police and law enforcement bodies in Guerrero program efforts to preserve the forests of the Pacific Northwest to create new DPOS and new DPO networks across Ganjam District to expand CRPD rights advocacy and rights awareness activities at the grassroots level continued work to provide Tibetan women with the opportunity to spend their (roes in splntual training and practice of yoga and
meditation , and to develop their potential in wisdom and compassion

35000 00 Wire - International 35 000 00 Wire - International 7,50000 Wire - International

Fundaci6n pare el Desanollo Comunitado de Yom Fundaci6n Paso a Paso A C

Central American and the Caribbean North America (including Canada and Mexico

7 ,50000 Wire - International 20 , 000 00 Wire - International

Fundaci 6 n por an Mejor Andar A C

North America ( including Canada and Mexico

17,800 00 Wire - International

Fundacbn Pmyecto de Vida Fundackln Terram Fundaa6n Un Techo pare Chile Fundacion Yendegaia Fundar Centro de An61151s e Invesupad6n Galiano Conservancy Association Ganjam District Orthopaedically Handicapped Welfare Association Gebchak Gonpa

South America South America South America South America North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico South Asia

9 885 13,000 38,293 11,410 10,000

53 00 12 00 00

Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire

International International International International tntematnnal

9 , 85000 Check 20 000 00 Wire - International

East Asia and the Pacific

25 000 00 Wire - International

G6n6rations Futures Gendod Antismog GRAIN Great Bear Initiative Greenpeace Canada Greenpeace Canada Greenpeace New Zealand Grupo de tnfomracbn en Reproduca6n Elegida

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Eumpe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Eumpe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) North America (including Canada and Mexico North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico North America (including Canada and Mexico East Asia and the Pacific North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico

work for a real reduction in exposure to toxics advocacy work for cleaner air in Milan and Lombardy one-year grant to increasing knowledge and analysis of land grabs in French-speaking Africa research education and outreach on tanker and oil spill related Issues research , education, and outreach on climate and tar sands related Issues research , education , and outreach on chmate/tar sands related Issues No New Oil and Coal Mining Campaign work contributing to the re ognition, respect and defense of reproductive rights , in particular abortion rights and upholding women's free dwice espago posmvo project work to increase accessibility of services by women Irving with HIV/AIDS through the Treatment Literacy Program in three districts of Gujarat

10,00000 Check 10,000 00 Check 41,115 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - International 50,000 00 Wire - International 200 , 00000 Wire - Intemahonal 20,000 00 Wire - International 18 770 75 Wire - Domestic

Grupo de trabalhos em Preventao Poshhlvo Gujarat State Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS

South Amenca South Asia

7,50000 Wire - International 6 . 96283 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States

Page 7 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amountof noncash assistance

Description of noncash assistance

Gujarat State Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS

South Asia

work to increase accessibility of services by women living with HIV/AIDS through the Treatment Literacy Program in three districts of

12 930 96 Wire - International

Gujarat Gulu Disabled Persons Union Middle East and North Africa work to mobilize grassroots advocacy efforts in Gulu District for a rightbased approach to disability In development programs, and to ensure
PADS have access to land rights

17 000 00 Wi re - International

Health and Nutrition Development Society Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights / Male Attitude Network


Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

Pakistan flood relief efforts cover the extension of rent for the community centers in Kaduna and the FCT and for your organization's work to sustain access to health information and services for young men who have sex and young people living with HIV relief and response efforts for floods in Pakistan to increase national awareness on the rights of women with disabilities and the CRPD, and to further build the skills to advocate for these rights to support applicable workshops on the CRPD in South Sulawesi for persons with disabilities (PWDS) and the local govemment to support applicable workshops on the CRPD in South Sulawesi for persons with disabilities (PWDS) and the local government Collaborative Fund for Leadership and HIV Prevention work on municipal waste prevention in the Czech Republic Life Skills Education Program continued work providing services to children to slum areas of Bangkok to increase the knowledge of the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) community, and ITPC Russia staff about Internet technologies and to improve the procurement system of anarelrovuaf (ARV) drugs and tests in Russia to develop a strategic plan for the upcoming three years to order to better advocate for improved treatment access and reduce stigma discrimination in Eastern Europe and Central Asia work to improve the access to health and social services for injecting drug users co-infected with HIVITB through advocacy activities of the ITPC Russian office in Eastern EumpelCentral Asia work to ensure financial products and services are fully accessible to PWD5 in line with CRPD Articles 27 (Work and Employment) and 29 (Adequate Standard of Living) work to continue to improve the health faalNes for, and services offered to, PWDs in Iganga District participation of 6 people in the COPAGEN course on genetic engineering, GMOs, and bosecunty COPAGEN to use focal-language media to promote rural women s local practices and skills in agro-bodrverslty in the Niger River Basin / COPAGEN de vabnser en langues locales des pratpues et savoirs
bcaux des femmes mrales 0 en ntatlhre de preservation de ragro-

25,00000 Wire - International 7 000 00 Wire - International

Heritage Foundation Himpunan Wanda Penyandang Cacat Indonesia

Middle East and North Africa South Asia

50 000 00 Wire - International 18 000 00 Wire - International

Himpunan Wanda Penyandang Cacat Indonesia - South Sulawesi Province Himpunan Wanda Penyandang Cacat Indonesia - South Sulawesi Province Hrvos Foundation Hnutl DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic Hope and Glory Foundation Human Development Foundation Humanitarian Acton

South Asia

6.00000 Wire - International

South Asia

6 000 00 Wire - International

Sub-Saharan Afnca Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa South Asia Russia and the Newly Independent States

227 096 00 6,00000 25,000 00 10,00000

Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International

14,700 00 Wire - international

Humanitarian Acton

Russia and the Newly Independent States

16 440 00 Wire - International

Humanitarian Action

Russia and the Newly Independent States

35,530 00 Wire - International

Iganga Disabled Peoples Savings and Credit Society

Middle East and North Africa

18 900 00 Wire - International

Iganga District Action on Physical Disability Instrtut afdraln pour le dpveloppement Cwnomque of social Instrtut afdcaln pour le d6veloppement eeenomque et social

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

18,000 00 Wire - International 17,229 23 Wire - International 45,560 00 Wire - International

bodwersrt6 dans le bassin du Niger 5 travers les medics Institute for Philanthropy Europe (induding Iceland and Greenland) continued work to conduct and disseminate research on philanthropy, sponsor donor education programs, and incubate promising new models for promoting philanthropy to increase awareness and implementation of the rights of deaf people, as well as respect for deaf culture and the use of Mewcan Sign Language (MSL) as a primary language to increase awareness and implementation of the rights of deaf people, as well as respect for deaf culture and the use of Mexican Sign Language (MSL) as a primary language
network for whale conservation in Latin America

28,000 00 Wire - International

Instrtuto Bilingile Intercultural pars Sotdos-Ibis A C

North America (including Canada and Mexico

5.99000 Wire - International

Institute BIIIng(le Intercultural pare Sotdos-Ibis A C

North Amenca (including Canada and Mexico

5,99000 Wire - International

Instrtuto do Conservaclon de Ballenas Institute Mexican de Derechos Humanos y Democracia A C Colecovo Chuhcan

South America

Nor Amenca (including Canada and Mexico

Colectrvo Chuhcan's establishment as a peer-support network helping

adrvtsts with psychosocial disabilities live in the community, advocate

6 000 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International

for their rights, and promote laws policies and practices, in accordance with the CRPD Institute Ninhos de Gest3o de Projetos Educaconals a Socials South Amenca work to refurbish an old barn and convert it into a praryer and meditation space bedrooms, and bathrooms 21,000 00 Wire- International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entitles Outside the United States Page 8 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Institute Terra

South Amenca South Amenca

Middle East and North Africa

continued support of reforestation projects forest recovery projects and environmental education in Brazil

50,000 00 Wire - International 83,000 00 Wire - Intemational 20,000 00 Wire - International 7,00000 Check 8 842 16 Wire - Intemabonal 48,821 15 Wire - Intemargnal

Institute Terra

Integrated Disabled Women Act vhles

Intelligence Verte

International Institute for Environment and Development International Institute for Environment and Development

98-0099973 98-0099973

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

continued support of reforestation projects forest recovery projects and environmental education in Brazil work to build capacity of PWDs to monitor implementation of the local ordinance on disability dynamic seed conservation bank and bndiversity, preservation film documentation of and rural women's participation in the AGRA policy dialogue in February 2012
work to enhance the voice and agency of West African farmers in policy dialogues with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Aftica (AGRA) and in capacity building for food sovereignty

International La Strode Association

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

work to do education activities related to anti-trafficking work, specifically conducting research, creating fact sheets, and disseminating information

25000000 Wire - International

Interregional Association of Human Rights Organizations AGORA Istnuto Oikos Onlus Jamaica Forum for Lesbians All-Sexuals and Gays Japanese Red Cross Society Jatryo Tdnomul Pmtibandhi Sangstha

Russia and the Newly Independent States

to protect the rights be receive comprehensive care of people Irving with HIV, hepatitis tuberculosis and/or addiction including prisoners Program Support Fighting the Hate Mitigating Risks and Enabling Safe Spaces for LGBT Jamaicans disaster relief efforts for the earthquake and tsunami in Japan work to increase access to education and employment in line with CRPD Amcles 24 and 27 by strengthening grassroots DPO5 Programmes de la Rbinsertion des Personnes Vuln6rables et Affect/es par le VIH/SIDA's project to promote the well-being and socioeconomic empowerment of its members living with HIV by strengthening income generating activities (IGA) and developing positive prevention activities Hebei Light of Love People Living with HIV Caring Groups project to consolidate treatment education positive prevention and care based on family Wild Land Protection project series of workshops by or Ewoud Sanders for high school teachers to facilitate better use of technology one-year grant for organization's development promotion of sustainable land use through range rehabilitation and training for the local community programs that ad flood relief victims and reconstruction efforts In Pakistan relief and response efforts to floods in Pakistan work to rebuild and renew Pakistan following the 2010 floods promoting independent living for PWIDs in Helekpe Village Ghana promoting independent living for PWID5 in Helekpe Village, Ghana famine relief efforts to East Africa advocacy to improve accessibility In the built environment in Kharknr work to improve access to justice for persons with disabilities through educating key stakeholders in the judicial system on the CRPD and providing legal aid to Persons with Disabdmes (PWD5) data gathering and market research for the Renewable Energy Partnership in the Total Village Management Model project Empowering communities in rural area of Jharkhand by providing them power through aftemate energy routes building organizational capacity Improving access to treatment and services for people living with HIV and tuberculosis editorial projects
scholarships for four students and work to help Aregua parish construct religious school classroom

15 000 00 Wire - Intemational

Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) Central American and the Caribbean East Asia and the Pacific South Asia

1000000 Wire - Intemational 75,00000 Wire - International 151,96500 Wire - Intemational 20 000 00 Wire - International

Jeunesse Anti MST/ SIDA I Programmes de la ROmseNon des Personnes Vulntrables at AHectfes par

Sub-Saharan Africa

7,36600 Wire - International

Jinde Charities / Hebei Light of Love People Living with HIV Caring Group John Muir Trust Joods Educauef Centrum'Crescas' Kailahun Kono Women's Cooperative Group Kalama Community Wildlife Conservancy Karachi Relief Trust Karachi Relief Trust Kashl Foundation Kekeli Foundation Kekeli Foundation Kenya Red Cross Society Khadike City Nongovernmental Organization of People with Disability Kharhly Public Organization of Blind Lawyers

East Asia and the Pacific

5 250 00 Wire - International

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland)

6 000 00 Check 15,00000 Wire - International 30,000 00 Wire - Intematonal 8,00000 Wire - International 10,109 81 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - international 25,000 00 Wire - Intemational 5,200 00 Wire - Intemabonal 5,200 00 Wire - International 250,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 19,00000 Wire - Intemauonal

Krishl Gram Vikas Kendra Kdshi Gram Vikas Kendra Kuona Trust Kursk Regional Nongovemment Organisation Melnhsa Kwanl Trust La Fundac cn De La Candelada Lakeside Cross Disability Set Help Group

South Asia

6 000 00 Wire - International 63 600 00 Wire - International 10000000 Wire - International 7,00000 Wire - International 50,00000 Wire - International 7 Des, 00 Wire - International 6.00000 Wire - Intematbnal

South Asia

Middle East and North Africa

Russia and the Newly Independent States Middle East and North Africa South America Middle East and North Africa

including PWD5 as active participants in the Krachi-East District Assembly and public sector

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 9 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Lakeside Cross Disability Self Help Group Lega del 6b d oro - ONLUS Legal Acton for Persons with Disabilities Uganda

Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa

including PWDs as active participants in the Krachi - East District Assembly and public sector support the activities of the Osimo Centre for deaf and blind people work to provide legal aid in thirty cases involving PWDs in central and eastern Uganda and raise awareness among the judiciary on ensuring
access to justice for PWDs

6,000 00 Wire - International 12,500 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International

Lembaga Penelitlan dan Pengembangan Sumberdayadan Lingkungan Hdup / Pioneer Institute for Social Change Llangshan Prefecture HIV /AIDS Association Langshan Prefecture HIV/AIDS Association Liangshan Prefecture HIV / AIDS Association Liangshan Prefecture HIV /AIDS Association Little People of Uganda Prevention and Education Prevention and Education Prevention and Education Prevention and Education

South Asia

Pioneer Institute for Social Change 's work with young women migrant sex workers in Batu raden to know their fights to health care, legal
protections , and information

6,930 00 Wire - Intemabonal

East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pa cifi c East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa

local HIV intervention and support efforts in Guangzhou, Changsha, Xian and Zhumadian quality rapid testing project quality rapid testing project Quality Rapid Testing , secretariat and Heart Talk work to strengthen the capacity of the broader membership of the organization to understand and use the CRPD for advocacy purposes Building Sustainable Fisheries by Telling the Story of British Columbia Bottom Trawling project research , education , and outreach on water issues related to tar sands research education and outreach on climalel tar sands related issues to support the restoration of Tibetan monuments and the education of Tibetan youth to support the restoration of Tibetan monuments and the education of Tibetan youth Sambum Advocacy and Human Security Project to conduct a study on real time social norms; In energy consumption Leaders Through Education project Leaders Through Education Project engage new NGOs and enhance the capacities of your current NGO continued work catering to the overall development of women and children Patagonia Without Dams Campaign Coalia6n de Personas Sordas del D F's work to raise awareness of the hearing community to Mexico on deaf rights especially access to information and Mexican Sign Language Coalio6n de Personas Sordas del D F ' s work to raise awareness of the hearing community in Mexico on deaf rights , especially access to information and Mexican Sign Language Improve access to health care and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in Bolivia 's backbone and intermediate cities to partner with local DPO5 and universities to Implement rights-based advocacy training on the CRPD amongst university students the local government , and the broader community to Jakarta and West Jakarta ensuring legislation governing persons with psychosocial disabilities is Compatible with CRPD Teacher develop training videos with Teachers TV to purchase a project car to serve the early childhood development centers Cou rt Support Programme expansion Call for the Mountain project work to produce MSM-specific media that will contribute to the health and human rights of gay and other MSM in the Caribbean supporting inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream schools in Lima Peru Science Center Youtube Educational Inroabve Dadlya community development project

8,700 00 Wire - International 17 000 00 Wire - Intemamnal 18 00000 Wire- Intemat onal 43 000 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International

Living Oceans Society Living Oceans Society Living Oceans Society Lo Gyatpo Jigme Cultural Conservation Foundation In Gyalpo Jigme Cultural Conservation Foundation Lolborkineli Sell Help Group London School of Economics and Political Science
Lwak Girls High School

90-0567045 98-0567045 98-0567045

North America ( including Canada and Mm i co North America ( including Canada and Mextoo North America (including Canada and Meaim South Asia South Asia Middle East and North Atnca Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland )
Middle East and North Africa

8,00000 Check 50,000 00 Check 70 000 00 Check 20 000 00 Wire - International 28,00000 Wire - International 7,00000 Wire - International 110,635 00 Wire - International 8,65195 Wire - Intemabonal 23,669 75 Wire - International 9,80000 Wire - International 35,000 00 Wire - International 10,00000 Check 10,00000 Wire - International

Lwak Girls High School Mabrouka Allom Mohamed EYAHD Maher Ashram Mani Tese Mar Consuttorla Technol6gica SC / Coalition de Personas Sordas del D F Mar Consuttoda Terhnol6gna SC r Coalition de Personas Sordas del D F Mesa de Traba)D Naclonal de las Poblacbnes Clave Mimi Institute

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) North America (including Canada and Mexico

North America (including Canada and Mexico

10,000 00 Wire-International

South Amenca South Asia

7 500 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International

MlndFreedom Ghana Mindset Network Monduh Pastorolist Development Initiative Mosaic Training , Service and Healing Centre for Women Mountain Wilderness France MSM No Political Agenda Musas Inspiradoras de Cambkrs Mosel Sclenhgcl Nahdet El Mahrousa Nakwal Rural Development Association

Middle East and North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Europe ( Including Iceland and Greenland ) Central American and the Caribbean South Amenca Europe (including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

18,00000 Wire - Intematnnal 75,000 00 Wire - International 50 000 00 Wire - International 169,837 00 Wire - International 10,00000 Check 12,285 71 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wire - International 100,000 00 Wire - International 100,000 00 Wire-International 14,597 12 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organization s or Entitles Outside the United States

Page 10 of 15




Nam of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Nangabo Sub -county Association of Disabled Persons

Middle East and North Africa

to continue current work toward inclusive education and pursuit of better health outcomes, especially for women and children with disabilities, in Nangabo sub-county

9,000 00 Wire - Intematonal

Nangabo Sub-county Association of Disabled Persons

Middle East and North Africa

to continue current work toward inclusive education and pursue of better health outcomes, especially for women and children with disabilities, in Nangabo sub-county

9,000 00 Wire - International

National Association of People Living with HIV in Nepal National Association of People Living with HIV In Nepal National Association of the Dealbhnd in Uganda

South Asia

South Asia Middle East and North Africa

National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda National Research Council - Pmnotion and Collaboration Development National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda

Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa

to support ART adherence of women in the Far West to support ART adherence of women in the Far West work to build the capacity of two branches in newly created distracts to pursue advocacy to ensure persons with deafbhndness are included in district plans and budgets empower the young people who am affected and infected by HN/AIDS MathFitness program work to strengthen the capacity of Ugandan DPOs to monitor CRPD implementation and to develop and submit an alternative report Disability Rights Fund grantee convening and site visits work to strengthen the capacity of Ugandan DPOs to monitor CRPD implementation and to develop and submit an alternative report protection of the environment confronted with motor vehicle traffic Developed Asia Network (Phase II) digitization of the Nelson Mandela Archive work to improve the quality of life of 200 people living with HIV/AIDS through advocacy for quality heath care services, provisos of basic food and nutntional enhancements, entrepreneurial skills training and psychological support work to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities are protected and promoted through effective grassroots advocacy on the CRPD at district and state levels in Andhra Pradesh People with Hearing Impaired Network's work to build the capacity of people with hearing impairments to pressure policy makers for the effective implementation and protection of their human rights Lofa rural women empowerment initiative achieving inclusive education for children with visual impairments in Ho, Ghana Chnstchurch earthquake relief to build the capacity of DPO5 to work in partnership both within the disability community and in the general civil society to achieve full economic, political and cultural participation for PWD5, as stated in the CRPD Integracbn Familiar Social y Educauva A C 's training of persons with and without disabilities, from government and DPOs, on the CRPD with the objective of increasing understanding of disability rights and ensuring wide involvement In policy reform regarding persons with disabilities Integractln Familiar Social y Educahva A C's training of persons with and without disabilities, from govemntent and DPO5, on the CRPD with the objective of Increasing understanding of disability rights and ensuring wide innolvenrent In policy reform regarding persons with disabilities Hollyhock Scholarship Fund shares of Hollyhock Farm Ltd

10 486 25 Wire - Intematonal 19,474 46 Wire - Intemalnnal 20 000 00 Wire - International

7,00000 Wire - International 100000 00 Wire - Intematanal 10,000 00 Wire - International

National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

11 040 00 Wire - International 33,000 00 Wire - Intemat onal

Nature - Enwmnnement 17 Naz Foundation International Nelson Mandela Foundation Network of Guyanese Living with HN/AIDS Incorporated

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

6,000 00 Check 50 000 00 Wire - International 1,250,000 00 Wire - International 12,285 71 Wire - International

South Asia

Sub-Saharan Afnca South America

Network of Persons with Disability Organizations

South Asia

20 000 00 Wire - International

Network of Persons with Disability Organizations / People with Hearing Impaired Network

South Asia

12,000 00 Wire - International

New African Research and Development Agency New Horizon Foundation of the Blind New Zealand Red Cross Nexos y Solucbnes A C

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific North America ( including Canada and Mexico

65 000 00 Wire - International 10,400 00 Wire - International 25 000 00 Wire - Intematonal 20,000 00 Wire - International

Nexos y Solucones A C I Integracl6n Familiar, Social y Educative A C

North America ( including Canada and Mexico

8,325 00 Wire - International

Nexos y Soluclones A C / Integradrn Familiar, Social y Educahva A C

North America ( including Canada and Mexico

8,325 00 Wire - Intematonal

Nextwave Foundation Nextwave Foundation

North Anenca ( including Canada and Mexico North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico

965000 Check 967 468 63 shares of Hollyhock Farm Ltd 500 000 00 Wire - International

Nigeria ICT Forum of Partnership Institutions

Middle East and North Africa

continued work to develop the internal capacity of Nigerian higher education insteulgns through the development , utiliz tion, sustenance and advancement of their information and conenlnncaton

technologies (ICT) networks services and shared resources Nirmanne Development Foundation Nimaya South Asia South Asia Reclamation of Traditional Knowledge on Snake Bite Treatment to support women s human rights work 7,000 00 Wire - international 10 000 00 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II

Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 11 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of non cash assistance

Description of non-cash assistance

Northwest Institute for Bnregunal Research Society Ogiek Peoples Development Program Omega Schools Foundation

North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico

research, education, and outreach on tanker and oil spill related issues Ogiek Devolution Workshop to create a chain of Omega schools in Sierra Leone and to establish a scholarship fund for low-Income girls to attend these schools one year grant to develop an African Women s Platform on openDemocracy/50 50 increasing an inclusive disability rights movement in Matagalpa Increasing CRPD understanding among the judiciary and enhancing CRPD leadership among blind women building the capacity of rural member DPO5 on the CRPD and the right to vote defense of land and termory and against climate change program (programs de defense de Is hens y el terntono y contra el camblo climhtwo) to create a Social Innovation Fund work to identify and meet the demand for qualified Information and Communications Technology (ICT) human capital necessary to make the ICT sector in Palestine more competitive continued work to provide education for underserved children in urban India disaster relief efforts for the earthquake and tsunami in Japan media advocacy and messaging against GMOs around the 2011 election Research, education and outreach on climate/oil sands related issues research education , and outreach on climateloil sands related issues Penreach Field Adoisory Program to conduct trainugs about epidemiological issues
to provide training on tuberculosis to the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) community

75,000 00 Wire - International 16,000 00 Wire - International 250 000 00 Wire - International

Middle East and North Africa

Middle East and North Africa

openDemocraCy Limited Organuaaon de Ciegos de Matagalpa'Luls Braille' Organization de Ciegos de Nicaragua Mancela Toledo Ascenslo Organizaoon de Revoluconanos Deshabllltados'Emesto Che Guevara' Otros Mundos A C

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland)

23,360 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International 17 000 00 Wire - International 10 000 00 Wire - International

Central American and the Caribbean Central Amencan and the Caribbean

Central American and the Caribbean

North Amenca (including Canada and Mexico

Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & TIES Palestinian IT Association of Companies

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

250 000 00 Wire - Intemabonat 100 000 00 Wire - Intemational

Padkrma Humanity Foundation Peace Winds Japan PELUM Association Regional Desk Pembina Foundation Pembina Institute Penryn Trust Phoenix Plus Phoenix Plus Pink Life LGBT Solidarity Association Pioneer Trust I AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust

South Asia East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa North Amenca (including Canada and Mexico North Amenca (including Canada and Mexico Sub-Saharan Africa Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) South Asia

20 000 00 Wire - International 100 00000 Wire - International 8.00000 Wire - International 159,969 00 Check 91,188 00 Wlre - International 75,00000 Wire - International 17,550 00 Wire - International 25,370 00 Wire - International 7 350 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International

implementation of Pink Steps for University LGBT Youth AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trusts capacity building of persons with disabilities (PWDs) on the CRPD In two districts in Tonal Nadu and to develop a Disability Rights Network across Tamil Nadu State to advocate for CRPD Implementation Open Up, which will increase advocacy for enhanced responses to the sexual health needs of the most at-rak men in the metropolitan areas of Seoul and Bustin in South Korea funding for the UK Tar Sands Network
funding for UK Tar Sands Network for research, education and organizing on dirty fuels

Planned Population Federation of Korea

East Asia and the Pacific

35,000 00 Wire - IntemaWnal

PLATFORM London PLATFORM London PLATFORM London Positive Women Network Positive Women Network Prerak Samdl I Chhattisgarh Viklang Manch

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) South Asia South Asia South Asia

25,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 75,000 7,535 13,994 6,000 00 50 50 00 Wire Wire Wire Wire International International International International

research and analysis of investor risks for dirty fuels women-friendly treatment model

women-fnendy treatment model

Chhatasgarh Vlktang Manch's work to ensure adequate representation and active participation by persons with disabilities (PWDs) in six dotrcds of Chhattisgarh in decision-making processes which affect their lives
Chhattisgarh Viklang Manch s work to ensure adequate representation and active participation by persons with disabilities (PWDS) in am distrchs of Chhattisgarh in decision-making processes which affect their Ives

Prerak Samnl / Chhattisgarh Viklang Manch

South Asia

6,000 00 Wire - International

ProPettn Foundation Raks Thai Foundation / Rake Thai PowerTeens Network Ray of Hope Reach Out Mbuya Parish HrV`/AIDS Initiative Real-time Earthquake Information Consortium Rekonstrukcija Zenski Fond Res Non Verba Asoclacitn Civil Rdseau Sentences Paysannes Rift Valley Research Limited Roche Employee Action and Charity Trust

Central Amencan and the Caribbean South Asia Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific Russia and the Newly Independent States South America Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland)

institutional strengthening Raks Thai PowerTeens Network's V Teens Empower ent Project work towards TB prevention management and treatment for PLHrV In Kasana Town Council Kassala project earthquake and tsunami disaster relief efforts in Eastern Japan regranting partnership to support women's human rights work to support Wingu project Citizen Legal Watch an Seeds and Intellectual Property of the Living project Usalama Purled Understanding Congolese Armed Groups Hato and Pakistan Disaster Response

17,091 25 Wire - International 7,000 00 Wire - Intemaeonal 10,000 00 Wire- International 12,000 250,000 20,000 100 000 7 000 00 00 00 00 00 Wire - International Writ - International Wire - International Wire - International Check

212,957 00 Wire - International 5 567 56 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 12 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of eon-cash assistance

Roche Employee Action and Chanty Trust Roche Employee Action and Chanty T rust Ryan's Well Foundation Ryan s Well Foundation Sachcha Mission - 0 Caminho do Caracao Sacred Heart Canossian College Sacred Heart Canossian College Samaritan Village Tanzania Samarpan Foundation Sarigha Matta Project Samtov Regional Public Organ ization The Advisory Centre Assistance Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management Save the Children Japan Save The Elephants Savnd Waney Charitable Trust
Seametrey Association

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico North Amenca ( including Canada and Maxim South Amenca East Asia and the Pacific East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa South Asia South Asia Russia and the Newly Independent States Central American and the Caribbean East Asia and the Pacific Middle East and North Africa Europe (including Iceland and Greenland )
South Asia

Continued work Supporting selected humandanan programs and

120,000 00 Wire - International 159 912 96 Wire - International 12,000 00 Wire - International 25 000 00 25,000 00 16,000 00 16,00000 16,347 88 30,00000 26,65044

projects in the developing world Malawi Children ' s Programme Haiti 2011 - Arthonrte Valley Phase 5 and Community WASH for Bushenyi District WASH for Ghana and Uganda/ Empower Youth to build a new meditation hall 150th Anniversary Project 150th Anniversary Project construction projects at the orphanage school budding fund and operating support for the school Mae On Project in Thailand and Darjeeling Project in India provide services for people living with HIV Strengthen Mayan Human Rights in Southern Belize challenge grant in support of programs Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant support of the Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital in Bihar, India
youth center operating costs

Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire

International International International International International International International

Wire - International

Semurs Artcole et VIWSIDA I NAC-ORC

Sub-Saharan Africa

NAC-DRC' s advocacy project for universal access to anhretmvval drug (ARV) treatment in the Democratic Republic of Congo work to build the organuaton ' s capacity on rights based advocacy and to empower the deaf to be more effective self-advocates on the CRPD regional activities for the defense of territory on the coast of Oaxaca (procesos regionales de la defensa del temtono en la costa de Oaxaca) Colecbvo Oaxaoueso en Defense de los Temtonos ' project to defend the territory and natural resources in Oaxaca continued work prosecuting perpetrators of sexual offenses and providing support seances including psychosocial trauma healing and referrals program to use boats to provide essential services to flood-prone areas of Bangladesh Support of programs Climate Acton Network Canada 's research , education and outreach on chmatenar sands related issues Sierra Club of Canada - Praine Chapters research, education, and outreach on dimatertar sands related issues , in collaboration with the Keepers of Athabasca one-year grant for the Rural Women Creating Change (RWCCYSLADEA Functional Literacy Project capacity bulking on financial management for rural women's groups in Kono and Kailahun Districts to support the Niger Delta Citizens and Budget Platform's establishment and training of community budget advocates committees in communities of the Niger Delta of Nigeria efforts to support the vitality of its members and to develop communities affected by the floods in Pakistan promoting self-determination among people with Down Syndrome pursuing accessibility as a basis for rights enjoyment among PWDs work to increase access to inclusive education for children with disabilities reduce gender - based violence against girls with disabilities and strengthen independent decision-making in line with the CRPD ensure safety for organization ' s members Human Rights Legal Network - Disability Rights Inibative' s efforts to build the capacity of DPOs in Kerala and Chhattgah on legal advocacy and efforts to use the justice system to address the rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs) work to improve access to prevention and treatment of TB/HIV care services among youths in affected communities of the three municipalities of Illemela , Nyamagana and Misungwl

10 000 137,316 50,000 48,300 10,000 10,000

00 00 00 00 00 00

Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire

International International International International International International

Sehjira Deaf Foundation

South Asia

15,000 00 Wire - International

Servicios Pam Una Educaci6n Alternative

North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico

15 000 00 Wire - International

Serwclos Para Una Edocacl6n Ahemativa / Coledwo Oaxaqueno en Defense de los Temtorlos Sexual Gender Based Violence Crimes Unit

North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa

20 000 00 Wire - International 100 000 00 Wire - Intematonal

Shldhulal Swannvar Sangstha Shklhulal Swanirvar Sangstha Sierra Club of Canada Foundation I Climate Action Network Canada Sierra Club of Canada Foundation / Sierra Club of Canada Pralne Chapter Sierra Leone Adult Education Association Siena Leone Opportunities Industrialization Centre (SLOIC) Social Development Integrated Centre ( Social Action)

South Asia South Asia North America ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico

20,000 00 Wire - International 20 000 00 Wire - International 50 000 00 Wire - International 120 000 00 Wire - International

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

30,000 00 Wine - International 20,000 00 Wire - International 8,000 00 Wire - International

Social Transformation and Educational Prosperity Sooedad Peruena de Sindrome Down Society and Disability Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled

Middle East and North Africa South America South Amenca South Asia

10,000 00 Wine- International 20,000 00 Wire-International 20,000 00 Wire - International 10,000 00 Wire - International

Society of Women of Azerbaij an for Peace and Democracy for Transcaucasus Sodo Legal Information Centre

Russia and the Newly Independent States South Asia

9,935 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International

Solidarity Action Group

Middle East and North Africa

10,000 00 Wire - International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 13 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of non cash assistance

Description of noncash assistance

Sonke Gender Jusuce Network South African Medical Research Counci Southern Africa AIDS Information Dusendnatmn Services Soweto Marimba Youth League Trust Special Attention Protect SPO De Meander mont St Platform Beta Techniek Status Plus Slichting Aids Fonds - Soa AIDS Nederland Shchtlng BlzWorld Stlchtlng CliniCbwns Nederland Shchhng Free Press Unhmled Stlchtlng het Nedertands Persmuseum Suchtlng Mijn Kind Online Stickler Syndrome Support Group Stralhcona Regional District Strathcona Regional District Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference I Association of Sudanese Women Living with HIV/AIDS Khartoum Sutfrkler Foundation Europe Sustain Svecha Svecha T Back Suzuki Environmental Foundation Tarrona Heritage Trust Telecentre org Foundation, Inc Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa Thank Danh Development and Research Consultant Company Limited I Vietnam Youth HIV/AIDS Prevention Network

Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa
Middle East and North Africa

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( Including Iceland and Greenland) Russia and the Newly Independent States Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Europe ( includi n g Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) North Amenca ( including Canada and Mexico North America ( including Canada and Mexico Middle East and North Africa Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Russia and the Newly Independent States Russia and the Newly Independent States North America ( including Canada and Mexico Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia

work scaling - up training , reseach and advocacy for prevention of sexual violence and HIV in prisons research on "Men Who Buy Sex Secondary Analysis of Data on Men Sex with Prostitutes and Transactional Sex' plan ITPC' s activities , goals and objectives to South Africa musical outreach program advocating for inclusive education and access to justice for homeless youth with disabilities future learning within a Montesson concept school expand the primary and secondary school programs into 100 additional achools across the Netherlands advocate the rights of HIV-poshlve women in the district of Kaliningrad AIDS Action Europe s core programme 2012 support to programs that promote entrepreneurship and innovation in schools technology for Clowns Academy to teach school age youth what it means to live in a warzone , freedom of expression and conflict journalism educational programming and websde development related to 110th anniversary exhibition Social With Media Project informational literature on Stickler Syndrome endowment for the Hanks Beach Forest Conservation Park Hanks Beach property on Cones Island Association of Sudanese Women Living with HN/AIDS Khartoum s community mobilization on HIV/AIDS awareness legal actions against oil spills Pesticide - Free London campaign work to prevent stock outs of anhretrovnal drugs (ARV) and test systems in Russia work to prevent stock outs of anhretmwral drugs (ARV) and test systems in Russia research , education, and outreach on tanker and oil spill related issues support of Aluna the Movie to procure , translate and localize a digital literacy curriculum for women continued work to assist South African universities with Internet and information technology services Vietnam Youth HIV/AIDS Prevention Network to create a new network in Vietnam that will connect young people mobilize diverse communities of young people , and scale - up coordinated advocacy for young people' s needs in the HIV response raising pubic awareness and stirring public support in advocacy for access to effective TB treabnent for people living with HIV and drug users continued work nurturing innovative cultural and artistic expression ITRC - Digital Solidarity Fund The IET Faraday Challenge Days vehicle for your organiz ation's continued work to empower women through arts and crafts construction of the arts and crafts center Prathibha Vikalangula Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Society Limited 's work to extend CRPD awareness raising to the most marginalized sectors of the disability community in 96 villages In the Ananthapur District of Andhra Pradesh provide outreach, counseling and links to medical services for young women affected by HIV in the city to equip the Ngolan clinic in Pete Bonge Chiefdom one year grant for community grantmaknq for rural women' s groups In the border regions of Kono and Kailahun Districts in Sierra Leone

100 000 00 Wire - International 25 , 000 00 Wire - International

22 , 748 00 Wire - International

20,000 00 Wire - Intemauonal

20,000 00 Wire - International

12,500 00 Wire - International 750 ,000 00 Wire - International 7,08079 Wire - International 50 , 000 00 Wire - Intemauonal 20,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - Intemahonal 20 ,000 00 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 38 , 000 00 Wire - International 5,81485 Wire - International 154,239 60 Wire - International 414,139 46 Land on Cones Island , B C Canada 10,042 19 Wire - International 10,000 00 Check 7 , 00000 Check 24,993 00 Wire - International 37,00000 Wire - International 35,000 00 Wire - International 20000000 Wire - Intemabonal 10 000 00 Wire - International 750,000 00 Wire - International 7 000 00 Wire - International

The Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice

Russia and the Newly Independent States

5,60000 Wire - Intematonal

The GoDown Arts Centre The Hong Kong Council of Social Service The institution of Engineering and Technology The Roots Project The Roots Project Timbaldu Collective I Prathibha Vikalangula Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Society Limited

Middle East and North Africa East Asia and the Pacific Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia

100 000 00 Wire - International 10 000 00 Wire - International 10 000 00 Wire - International 7,00000 Wire - Intematrenal 7 , 30000 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International

TMGO TSDPP Dzerela Transparency International Sierra Leone Transparency International Sierra Leone

Europe (Including Iceland and Greenland ) Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

6 650 00 Wire - International 7,386 00 Wire - International 190000 00 Wire-International

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 14 of 15




Name of organization



Purpose of grant

Amount of cash grant

Manner of cash disbursement

Amount of noncash assistance

Description of eoncash assistance

Treatment Action Campaign

Sub-Saharan Africa

community education, mobilization and advocacy work for adequate resourcing of South Africa's PMTCT program work with communities with reduced gender-based violence (GBV), and to provide appropriate justice and health services for GBV survnors Roots and Shoots India continued work conducting research, documentation workshops, and university exchange projects linking cultural and traditional knowledge to health work to strengthen the capacity of branch leaders to use the CRPD to protect and advance the rights of albinos in Uganda work to strengthen the capacity of branch leaders to use the CRPD to protect and advance the rights of albinos in Uganda work to support the ability of the Somb Deal Association Executive Committee to plan and implement activities to advance the CRPD further work on treatment literacy and preparedness for young positives in the dtsmds of Wakiso and Kampala Response Efforts Alliance of Urban DPO5 Chiltagong's work to develop the rapacity of DPO members on CRPD advocacy, including a Self Help group of persons with psychosocial disabilities work to strengthen the capacity of branch organizations in Bududa and Kabale Districts to promote the rights of deaf women and women with hearing impanmenls to support the University College Dublin Access program New ERA School of Business's project to enhance the management capacity of stakeholders coordinating Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission to fund children in social services to attend Engineering Science Quest sumrner day camps Center for Theoretical Study's 20th Anniversary Conference to support Hom of Africa famine relief efforts
one-year grant to advance women's human rights in Afnra My District Without Pesticides campaign

140,000 00 Wire - International

TREE Foundation Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health

South Asia

Middle East and North Africa

15,000 00 Wi re - International 72,699 00 Wire - Domestic

Uganda Albinos' Association Uganda Albinos' Association Uganda National Association of the Deaf

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

5,250 00 Wire - International 5,250 00 Wire - International 19 200 00 Wire - International

Uganda Young Positives UM Healthcare Trust Unite Theatre for Social Action / Alliance of Urban DPO5 Chittagong United Deaf Women's Organisation

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia

7,000 00 Wire - International 25 000 00 Wire - International 15 000 00 Wire - International

Middle East and North Africa

17,000 00 Wire - International

University College Dublin Foundation Limited University of Cape Town

Europe ( including Iceland and Greenland) Sub-Saharan Afnca

50 000 00 Wire - International 143 814 00 Wire - International

University of Waterloo
Unlverzna Kadova v Froze UNO-FIOdltlingshitle e V Urgent Action Fund Africa Vellle au Grain - Bourgogne Vision 21

North America (including Canada and Mexico

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Middle East and North Africa

5,15239 Wire- Intemabonal 9,90200 500 000 00 30,000 00 6,00000 10,000 00 17,000 00 Wire - International Wire - International Wire - International Check Wire - International Wire - International

Volyn Front Water Matters Society of Alberta West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation Wits Health Consortium / Intervention with Mlcmfnance for AIDS Women Training and Promotion Society Mayo / Sudan Treatment Access Movement World Wide Fund for Nature - Pakistan Young Power In Social Action / Federation of DPOs Sitakund

Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) Europe (including Iceland and Greenland) North America (including Canada and Menrco North Amanca (Including Canada and Mexico Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa South Asia

Water 21 work to mobilute Persons with Disabilities (PWD5) to advocate for a Volyn regional government disability strategy
research, education, and outreach on water issues related to tar sands

70 000 00 Wire - International

research, education, and legal work on tanker and oil spill related Issues

75,000 00

Wire - International

Intervention with Mioofinance for AIDS Sisters-for-Life training program Sudan Treatment Access Movement's community mobilization project relief and response efforts for floods in Pakistan Federation of DPOs Sdakund s work to build rights advocacy capacity of PWDs In the Chittagong Hill Tracts and link their organizations to advocacy efforts at the national level continued work addressing HIV-related stigma and discrimination Odisha Vikiang Manch's capacity building of grassroots and marginalized persons with disabilities to advocate on Articles 27 and 28 of the CRPD In ten distncts of Orissa work to advocate for and promote access to HIV and TB treatment for young people to provide sexual health education for youth in Zanzibar by advocating for equal health rights and promoting sexual reproductive health

189,829 00 Wire - International 7,484 49 Wire - International 25,000 00 Wire - International 20,000 00 Wire - International

Youth AIDS Filipinas Alliance Youth Development Project / Odlsha Vlklang Mauch

South Asia South Asia

7,000 00 Wire - International 15,000 00 Wi re - International

Youth Peer Support Zanzibar Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS

Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa

10,000 00 Wire - Intemahonal 10 000 00 Wire - Intematonal

Form 990 Schedule F, Part II Grants and Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States

Page 15 of 15




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 10,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance health equity work

Purpose of grant or assistance

Asian and Pacific Islander Amencen Health Forum 1 Sky Education Fund

450 Sutter StreetO Suite 600: San Francisco CA 94108 6930 Carroll Avenue Suite 10003 Tekoma Park MD 20912 651 Fulton StreetO Brooklyn , NY 11217 651 Fulton Street) l Brooklyn , NY 11217 525 East Charleston Road? Palo Alto , CA 94306 4 West 125th Streeti 1 New York , NY 10027 133 Solon Village Roado Santa Fe , NM 87508 1012 Marquez Place[ Suite 308AD Santa Fe , NM 87505 1012 Marquez Placei Suite 308A0 Santa Fe , NM 87505 2446 Washington Boulevard) I Baltimore , MD 21230 2014 South Hockbarry StraetC San Antonio , TX 78210 100 W 10th Street i Suite 603: Wilmington , DE 19801 100 W 10th Street i Suite 603 Wilmington , DE 19801 P 0 Box 1317 ' Helena , MT 59624 P O Be. 1317C Helena MT 59624 P O Box 1317, Helena MT 59624 355 North 300 Wesl7 Soft Lake City , UT 84103 901 Fifth Avenueu Suite 630: Seattle , WA 98164 3921 East Bayshore Roado Palo Alto , CA 94303-4303 180 Main Street Gloucester , MA 01930 180 Main Street Gloucester , MA 01930 1420 K Street. NW I Suite 900= Washington , DC 20005 76 Ninth Avenue i Suite 315 New York , NY 10011 3150 Granger Wayl I Redwood City, CA 94061 1220 L Street , NWC Suite 850: Washington , DC 20005 1220 L Street , NWC


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

30 000 00

general support

651 ARTS 651 ARTS Abilities United Abyssinian Development Corporation Acadenry for the Love of Learning Academy for the Love of Learning

11-2956108 11-2956108 94-1546643 13-3552154 86-0945282 66-0945282

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 100,000 00 25,00000 75,000 00 350,000 00 400,000 00

artist residency exchange project with GoDown Arts Center general support Project WaterWell Age-Fnendly Communities project in Harlem general support general support

Academy for the Love of Leeming


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

1,800 , 000 00

general support

Access Art Inc ACCION Texas ACLU Foundation of Delaware

52-2275407 74-2712770 51 -0 220856

501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 75 000 00 10,000 00

Youthlight Arts and Media Project continued expansion of Microloan Management Services (MMS) Delaware campaign to repeal the death penally

ACLU Foundation of Delaware


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

Delaware Campaign to Repeal the Death Penalty

ACLU of Montana Foundation ACLU of Montana Foundoson / Montana Abolition Coalition ACLU of Montana Foundation I Montana Aboobon Coalition ACLU of Utah Foundation ACLU of Washington

81-0445339 81-0445339 81-0445339 87-0439810 23-7078867

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 50,000 00 125,000 00 11,000 00 40,000 00

to secure ml unions by May 2013 general support for Montana Abolition Coalibon general support for Montana Abolition Coalition general support develop an independently - branded campaign to end the death penalty in Washington state and launch the project by hiring a Campaign Coordinator devoted specifically to death penalty reform Native Plant Nursery Project and Watershed Protect general support Blue Fund Raising Finance from Internabonal Shipping and Aviation project

Acterra Action , Inc Action Inc ActionAld International USA

23-7064937 04 -2389332 04-2389332 52-2277575

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Pubic Chanty

15,000 00 15,000 00 15,000 00 16,667 00

Acumen Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

Adelante Spanish Immersion School Advancement Project

Government - Not Federal 95-4835230 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,00000

to purchase science equipment general support

Advancement Project


501 ( c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Suite 850=
Advancing Wisconsin Washington , DC 20005 210 Nardi Bassett Streeti I Suite 110= Madison , WI 53703 80-0185628 501(c )(4) Social Welfare orga nization 10,000 00 public education on the Wisconsin state budget

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 1 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 7,50000

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Advocates for Environmental Human Rights

Advocates for Environmental Human Rights

African Film Festival, Inc


/cad to Artisans, Inc

650 Poydras Street: Suite 25237 Now Orleans, LA 70130 650 Poydras StreetSuite 25237 New Orleans LA 70130 154 West 16Th Street0 Suite 2A0 New York NY 10011 do Double Wingi i 15 Braebum Road= Hyde Park MA 02136 1030 New Britain Avenue) I Suite 102 West Hartford CT 06110 1424 K Street, NW I Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005-2411 1905 Harney Streeto The Exchange Building) Omaha NE 68102 1057 West Fireweed Laneo Suite 207= Anchorage, AK 99503 1057 West Fireweed LaneD Suite 207= Anchorage, AK 99503 505 West Northern Lights Blvd Suite 205= Anchorage, AK 99503 505 West Northern Lights Blvd Suite 205= Anchorage, AK 99503 505 West Northern Lights Blvd Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 505 West Northern Lights Blvd Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 505 West Northern Lights Blvd = Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 162 Middle StreetC Pawtucket RI 02860 591 Broad Streets I Newark, NJ 07102-4403 1600 University Avenue WostC Suite 30981 I Saint Paul, MN 55104 3518 S Edmunds StreetO Seattle, WA 98118 360 22nd Streetu Suite 730: Oakland CA 94612 Eleven Dupont Circle, NWi Second FloorL Washington, DC 20038-1206 Eleven Dupont Clyde, NWi Second Floors Washington, DC 20036-1206 PO Box 2811 C Amaganseh NY 11930 221 Pine StreelC Suite 400= Son Francisco, CA 94104


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

85,000 00

general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 00

general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

AIDS United


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

syringe exchange work

AIM Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

54,601 00

The Technology Odyssey Project

Alaska Coil Liberties Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Alaska Civil Liberties Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

to conduct polling regarding an LGBT-indusrve employment, housing, and public accornode0ons nondiscrimination ordinance in Anchorage, Alaska secure an LGBTanclusrve employment, housing and public accommodations ordinance in Anchorage, Alaska by Apnl 2012 Environmental Reproductive Justice Policy Protect

Alaska Community Action on Toxlce


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Alaska Community Action on Tonics


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Environmental Reproductive Justice Project

Alaska Community Action on Tonics


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Environmental Reproductive Justice Project

Alaska Community Action on Tonics


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

work to support state policy reform and TSCA reform

Alaska Community Acton on Tonics


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Environmental Reproductive Justice Project

Afce I Sullivan Foundation Apia, Inc Alliance For A Better Minnesota

05-0494296 22-2606703 26-0317208

501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

450,000 00 55,000 00 20 000 00

general support general support and Me Love You Long Time Exhibition Legislative Issues Analysis

Alliance fora Just Society Alliance for Climate Education

91-1635554 26-3106566

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00 20,000 00

Main Street Alliance project's work organizing small busniess leaders to voice opposition to interior enforcement measures ACE programs at Mountain View and San Francesco high schools

Alliance for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Judicial Selection Project

Alliance for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,305 00

general support

Amaganse8 Food Institute Amazon Watch

27-1962169 95-4604782

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 25,000 00

general support general support, and further granting to emergency requests, Xingu Arnie Forever Movement (MXVPS). Federation of the Achuar Nationality of Peru (FENAP), Lwa Association (ASOUWA), Association of Amazon Communities in Resistance (APAR), and National Organization of the Amazon Indigenous People of Pew (AIDESEP)

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 2 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of wish grant 40,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance Tools Fund

Purpose of grant or assistance

America Votes

America Votes

American Associates of the National Theatre

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation

1401 Now York Avenue NWC Suite 720= Washington, DC 20005 1401 Now York Avenue, NWC Suite 720: Washington DC 20005 268 West 44th StreetO 4th FborD New York, NY 10036 National Ofilcei 125 Broad StreetO 18th Floor] New York, NY 10004-2400 National OfceC 125 Broad Street] 18th Floor] New York, NY 10004-2400 4500 Biscayne Boulevard] Suite 340: Miami, FL 33137-3227 39 Drumm Street: San Francisco, CA 94111 315 Guthrie Street Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40202 529 14th Street, NWO Suite 600 Washington, DC 20045 1200 18th Street, NWD Suite 800Washington, DC 20036 AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center8633 Coleswlle RoadO Silver Spring, MD 20910 2050 Coral WayO Suite 508= Miens, FL 33145 Newark Office] 89 Market Street] 6th Floor] Newark, NJ 07102 P O Boa 1388Bozeman, MT 59771.1388 Seattle Chapters i 1402 Third Avenues i Suite 405: Seattle , WA 98101 45 West 36th Street i Now York. NY 10018-7904 National Headquarters] 2025 E Street NW i Washington, DC 20006 1333 H Street, NW: 10th Floor[] Washington, DC 20005 800 I Street, NWO Washington. DC 20001 800 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 5 Penn Plaza] New York. NY 10001 5 Penn PlazaC New York NY 10001 5 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 5 Penn Plaza: New York, NY 10001


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

50,000 00

Tools Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

18,000 00

general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

42,163 00

general support

American Civil Uberties Union Foundation of Florida American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California Arnencan Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky Foundation / Fairness Coalition American Council for an Energy-Ellaent Economy American Farmland Trust


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

43,000 00

preserve lesbian and gay adoption through 2012

94-0279770 61-6058569

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 50,000 00

general support Fairness Coalition's efforts to secure one local nondiscmmnahon ordinance inclusive of SO and GIE by 2012 efficiency and investment report


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

44,965 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

American Film Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Silverdora 2011

American Friends of Un Tedto Pate Mi Pars, Inc American Friends Semce Committee


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

112,078 00

general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Immigrant Rights Program

American Indian Institute Amencan Jewish Committee

81-0339551 13-5563393

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

64,194 00 6,00000

Weaving a Web of Women's Wisdom protect, latsdewah ton pm)ed, and general support general support

American Jewish World Service American National Red Cross

22-2584370 53-0196605

$01(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8,00000 83,105 00

general support and work in Guatemala Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Response

American Progress Action Fund


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

40,000 00

CAP Action Communications

American Public Health Association American Public Health Association Amnesty Intematlonal USA Amnesty International USA Amnesty International USA Amnesty International USA

13-1628688 13-1828688 52-0851555 52-0851555 52-0851555 52-0851555

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00 75,000 00 7,50000 8,00000 15,000 00 36.341 00

activities in support of healthy, equitable transportation policies actmbes in support of healthy, equitable transportation policies general support general support general support general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 3 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 75,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Andre Agassl Foundation For Education

Anti-Defamation League of B'nol B nth

3883 Howard Hughes Parkway0 Eighth Floor: Las Vegas, NV 89169 Paafic Northwest Region] 1700 7th Avenue] Suite 116-2220 Seattle, WA 98101 Pacific Northwest Region] 1700 7th Avenue] Suite 116-22211 Seethe, WA 98101 291 Church SbeetO New York, NY 10013 530 South Gay Street] Suite 700= Knoxville, TN 37902 32 Broedway0 Suite 1801: New York, NY 10004 4201 SW Borland Roadi I Tualatin, OR 97062 848 Folsom Sheet= Suite 201: San Francisco, CA 94107 848 Folsom Street: Suite 201 _ San Francisco, CA 94107 1819 North Hunters Ridge[ Fayetteville, AR 72701 1313 L Streets Suite 130 Washington, DC 20005 79 Walker Street: Now York, NY 10013 526 West 26th Street] Suite 614= New York, NY 10001 841 Barretto Street] 2nd Floor= Bronx, NY 10474 2999 Overland Avenue Suite 102= Los Angeles CA 90064 38 Greene Street,, Third Floori New York, NY 10013 PO Box 591F Sandpoint, ID 83864 104 West 14th Street] 4th FloorO New Your, NY 10011 205 41st Street] Richmond CA 94805 88 Parry Streeti Suite 734 San Francisco, CA 94107 311 California Street: Suite 510 San Francisco, CA 94104 1700 North Moore Street: Suite 2000= Arlington VA22209-1929 1700 North Moore Street= Suite 2000= Arington VA22209-1929 1440 Broadway] Suite 301: Oakland, CA 94612


501(c )(3) Pubic Chanty


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

SAFE Washington project

Anti-Oefarnetlon League of B'nal B nth


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

epe:ert Appalachian Community Fund

13-3884375 62-1316019

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 7 000 00

general support general support

Applied Research Center


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Arbor School of the Arts & Sciences Architecture for Humanity

94-3089073 30-0038297

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00 49,200 00

Arbor Center of Teaching Manhattan Bridge Skatepark - GameChangens Winner

Architecture for Humanity


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 00

general support

Arkansas United Community Coalition Arms Control Association

27-5271968 23-7124588

Incorporated, Exemption Pend 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 45,000 00

to facilitate the creation of a new 501 (c)(3) organization to support proimmigrant organizing in Arkansas Nuclear Weapons Policy Strategy Project

Art in General Art Resources Transfer

13-3472869 95-4124438

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pnvete Operating Fdn

100,000 00 35,000 00

general support and 30th Anniversary Celebration general support

Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

50,000 00

general support

Artists fora New South Africa


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Artists Space


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

100,000 00

general support

Arts Alliance Arts Engine Inc / Pull-Start Pictures

84-1715337 13-4129275

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00

general support Pull-Start Pictures documentary film. Betting the Farm

ArtsChange AzShip Foundation

20-0413052 94-3210894

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

9,74800 60,000 00

Art Break Day general support

As You Sow


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

to influence energy companies to com ut safer and more transparent hacking operations support for its fellow In Burkina Feso , Amnete Drallo



501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

24,933 00



501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

143,000 00

18-month grant for Rural Women's Think Tank Fund and Mosaic of Solution project general support

Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

60 000 00

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 4 of 58




Name of organlratlon



IRS Code

Amountof cash grant 220,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of gram or assistance

Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice

1440 BroadwayD


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Suite 391:
Oakland, CA 94612 Asian Health Services Amen Health Services / California Healthy Nail Solon Collaborative 818 Webster Oakland, CA 818 Webster Oakland, CA StreetC 94607-4220 Street 1 94607.4220 94-2235908 94-2235908 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 35,000 00 20,000 00 Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative s work to advance polices to reduce women's exposure to toxic chemicals through the National Healthy Nail Salon Alliance in collaboration with Women's Voices for the Earth general support for the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative Employment Training Program work on Communities United

Asian Health Services / California Healthy Nail Solon Collaborative Asian Neighborhood Design Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Asian Women's Shelter Asodeaon Interamericana pare In Defense del Ambdente

818 Webster Streets i Oakland, CA 94607-4220 1021 Mission StreetO Son Francesco CA 94103 310 8th Street] Suite 309= Oakland, CA 94607 3543 18th Street 019C San Frenasco CA 94110 c/o Earthtustcej 426 17th Street i 6th Floors Oakland, CA 94612 do Earthlusbce i 426 17th Street 6th FloorO Oakland, CA 94612 116 East 16th Street Seventh Floor0 New York, NY 10003 3 Water Streeti i P 0 Box 4451 Woods Hole, MA 02543 1901 E 51st Street Austin TX 78723 1111 West Sloth Street. C1500 Austin TX 78703 P O Boa 1247 Charleston, SC 29402 727 Fort Street_ Key West, FL 33040 PO Box 40625= Portland, OR 97240 PO Boa 40625: Portland, OR 97240 PO Box 40625: Portland, OR 97240 1212 Broadwayi i Suite 810 Oakland, CA 94612 1201 Mendell StreetSon Francesco CA 94124 2415 Third StreetO Suite 230: San Francesco CA 94107 Cypress GardensO 3030 Cypress Gardens Rd Moncks Comer SC 29461 PO Box 608 229 East Main StreetC Moncks Comer SC 29461 PO Box 608 229 East Main SlreetL Moncks Comer SC 29461 Ate Development OfBcai 1 999 Hamson Streets I Berkeley, CA 94710

94-2235908 23-7394580 94-3261846

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(6) Public Chanty

27,617 00 50,000 00 20,000 00

94-3030212 94-3292116

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 7,00000

general support legal work in Latin Amenca

Asoaaaon Interamedcana pars to Defense del Ambiente


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


legal work in Latin America

Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Atlantic Public Media


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant

Austin Fibs Society / Spiro Film Austin Independent School District Office of Innovation and Development Avian Conservation Center Behame Village Music Program Basic Rights Education Fund Basic Rights Education Fund Basic Rights Education Fund Bay Area Black United Fund / Priority Africa Network Beyvrew Association for Youth Bayvlew Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology Berkeley County Government


501(c)(3) Public Chanty Other Non-Profit Organization

9,90000 19,551 00 15,000 00 7,50000 30,000 00 60,000 00 60,000 00 10,000 00

Spiro Films documentary film project Atomic Epilogue STEM Signature Program of Austin Independent School Districts Eastnde Memorial Vertical Team communications infrastructure, remote monitoring and web cam outreach general support to secure a statewide policy requiring Oregon insurance companies to provide trensindusrve health care by 2011 all insurance providers in the state of Oregon will provide transgender. inclusive healthcare by 2014 all insurance providers in the state of Oregon will provide transgenderinclusNe healthcare by 2014 general support for Priority Africa Network

57-0966813 30-0134445 93-1266613 93-1266613 93-1266613 94-2602958

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

68-0600675 94-3329786

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

70,000 00 8,00000

general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

21,000 00

Cypress Gardens High Speed Internet

Berkeley County School District


Government - Not Federal

13,300 00

Harahan Middle Schoors Project Lead the Way STEM Education Curriculum and VEX Robotics Design System Virtual Job Shadow Program

Berkeley County School District


Government - Not Federal

33,000 00

Berkeley Repertory Theatre


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 5 of 58




Name of organloatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 30,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Berkeley Repertory Theatre

Alin Development Of lceO 999 Harrison Berkeley , CA 94710 150 Court Streeto 2nd Floor] Brooklyn , NY 11201 610 North CellforniaD Missoula , MT 59802 2828 University Avenue , SE, i Suite 200 Minneapolis MN 55414 80 Hanson Place : Suite 703 Now York , NY 11217 1904 3rd Avenue: Suite 305= Seattle, WA 98101 1904 3rd Avenue : Suite 305Seattle WA 98101 1904 3rd Avenue -


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

Blue Engine


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Blue Mountain Clinic BlueGreen Alfance

81 -0 365291

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Orga nization

30,000 00 30,000 00

general support Chemicals Policy, Public Health , and Green Chemistry Proles

BOMB Magazine


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

Boreal Songbird Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

First Nations education and outreach on tar sands related issues

Boreal Songbird Initiative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

research , education , and outreach on climatel tar sands related issues

Boreal Songbird Initiative

Boys and Girls Clubs of King County Rotary Branch Boys and Girls Clubs of King County Rotary Branch Boys and Girls Clubs of the Big Bend Brave New Foundation Brave New Foundation Bread 6 Roses Community Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

280,000 00

research and education on chmate/oil sands related issues

Suite 305=
Seattle , WA 98101 Rotary Branchi 1 201 19th Avenue] Seattle , WA 98122 Rotary Branchi i 20119th Avenue i Seattle. WA 98122 306 Laura Lee Avenue) I Tallahassee FL 32301 10510 Culver Boulevardo Culver City, CA 90232 10510 Culver Boulevard) I Culver City , CA 90232 1500 Walnut Street : Suite 1305_ Philadelphia , PA 19102 NYU School of LawO 161 Sixth AvenueC 12th Fbo,O New York , NY 10013 647 Fulton StreetO Brooklyn , NY 11217 One Solaro StreetO Brisbane CA 94005 1738 Hone Avenue : Bronx , NY 10461-1486 1040 Grand Concourse I Bronx . NY 10456 30 Lafayette AvenueD Brooklyn , NY 11217-1486 421 Fifth Avenues i Brooklyn , NY 11215 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn , NY 11238 - 6052 Office of DevelopmentC 110 Elm StreelD Box 1893= Providence , RI 02912 11 East 44th Street : Suite 1600] New York , NY 10017 144 Bleecker Street = Brooklyn , NY 11221 91-0532600 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 10,000 00 general support for Rotary Branch


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support for Rotary Branch

59-3076558 94-3209789 94-3209789 23-2047297

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00 10,00000 25,000 00 15,00000

Musical Arts Program War Costs proles general support general support

Brennan Center for Justice


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

general support

BRIC Arts Media Brooklyn

11 -2547268

501(c )(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

Bnsbene School Distinct


Govemment - Not Federal

15,000 00

Bronx Council on the Arts Bronx Museum of the Arts Brooklyn Academy of Music Brooklyn Arts Exchange Brooklyn Museum Brown University

13-2601303 ' 13-2709368 11-2201344 11 - 3071458 11-1672743 05-0258809

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 100,000 00 25,000 00 20,00000 28,000 00 10,000 00

2011 Performing Arts Programming specifically , for Celebrate Brooklyn Performing Arts Festival and development of the Freedom Rides Project to purchase science and technology equipment , speoficaly desktop computers , computer technical support, and materials for saence experiments general support and Longwood Art Gallery at Hostos Community College general support general support general support publication of catalogue accompanying exhibition, Sanford Biggers Sweet Funk-An Introspective Bootstrap program at Brown University , specifically to support Shnram Knshnamurthi's work with Bootstrap

Building Resources Across Communities


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

to support relief and response efforts for floods In Pakistan

Bushwick Housing Independence Project


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

14,288 27

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 6 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 20,000 00 375,000 00 8,851 01 10,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies Business Alliance for Local Living Economies BYlods Cabin Creek Center for Work and Environmental Studies Caldwell 2020 Inc California Academy of Science

305 Flora Street , Suite ED Bellingham, WA 98225 305 Flora Street , Suite Ei I Bellingham WA 98225 330 West End Avenue #7A: Now York NY 10023 270 Lafayette Street] Suite 710_ New York , NY 10012 2855 Hickory Boulevard 1 Hudson , NC 28838 55 Music Concourse Drivel Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA 94118 55 Music Concourse DnveD Golden Gate Park= San Francisco , CA 94118

20-1544255 20-1544255 03-0609146 13-2943335

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Meta-Network Collaborative planning, interim website and project management support general support general support Fighting for Life film project

27-0877018 94-1156258

501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty 501(c(( 3) Public Chanty

30,000 00 9,09750

general support Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant

California Academy of Science

94- 1156258

501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty


Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant

California Community Foundation

221 South Figueroa Street ] Suite 400: Los Angeles , CA 90012 California Community Foundation 221 South Figueroa Street ] Suite 400Los Angeles , CA 90012 California Community Foundation 221 South Figueroa Street] Suite 400= Los Angeles CA 90012 California Community Foundation 221 South Figueroa Street 1 Suite 400= Los Angeles , CA 90012 California Environmental Lew Project P 0 Box 667 Mill Valley , CA 94942 California Institute of Integral Studies / Center 1453 Mission Street0 for the Story of the Universe Son Francisco , CA 94103 California Latlnas for Reproductive Justice P 0 Box 412225 Los Angeles , CA 90041 California Primary Care Association 12311 Sbeet] Suite 400Sacramento , CA 95814 CamFed USA Foundation 465 California Street Suite 626Son Francisco , CA 94104 Cempalgn for Community Change 1536 U Street , NW= Washington DC 20009 Campaign for Community Change 1536 U Street , NW Washington DC 20009 Campaign for Community Change 1536 U Street , NW: Washington , DC 20009 Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict 1210 18th Street NWi Fourth FloorO Washington , DC 20038 Campaign for Innocent Vlctlrrm In Conflict 1210 18th Street NWi Fourth Floori i Washington, DC 20036 Camphlll Village USA, Inc 84 Camphlll Roadi i Copake NY 12516 Camphlll Village USA, Inc 84 Cemphitl Road[] Copake NY 12516 CAND. - Cats & Dogs International 350 Motor Parlcwayi Suite 300: Hauppauge , NY 11788 Carnegie Mellon University Office of The Campaigns I 6 PPG Place, 14th Floor I Pittsburgh . PA 15222 Carpe Diem West 325 Pine Streets Sausalito CA 94965 CASA its Maryland . Inc 8151 15th Avanueo Langley Park, MD 20783


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

19,411 18

Film Arts Fund


501(c)( 3( Public Chanty

20,000 00

Leonardo Dr Capno Foundation


501(c((3( Public Chanty

29,566 17

Leonardo UCapno Foundation


501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

Leonardo DiCapno Foundation

33-0631080 94-2254303 26-2213868 94 - 3215565

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00 50,000 00 42,617 00 20,000 00

general support Center for the Story of the Universes wetsite update and social media outreach general support Statewide Quality Improvement Collaborebve


501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

27-0061100 27-0061100 27-0081100 75- 3130860

501 (c )(4) Social Welfare Organization 501 (c)(4 ) Social Welfare Organization 501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

30 000 00 50,000 00 300 000 00 25 000 00

to recoup the expenses for listing efforts related to the DREAM Act in September 2010 to plan the Fair Immigration Reform Movement ( FIRM) electoral summit current 9st -bulking project training Afghan forces to address civilian protection and compensation


S01(c)( 3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

U S Handover to Civilian Forces Partnership to Reduce Harm

14-1463358 14 - 1463358 20-5299890

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

10,00000 15,000 00 5,211 97

general support general support work to reduce cat and dog overpopulation in Cancan Mexico


551(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

School of Computer Science General Support Fund specifically for girtsFIRST Robotics team general support general support

94-3373078 52 - 1372972

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 551(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 15,000 00

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 7 of 58




Name of organlratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 15,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation

7400 Send Point Way NEO Suite 101SO Seattle, WA 98115 1090 Vermont Avenue, NWE Suite 300= Washington, DC 20005 565 Congress Street[ Suite 305= Portland, ME 04101 1047 Amsterdam Avenuel I New York, NY 10025 180 Howard Street? Suite 100 Son Francesco, CA 94105


501(c)(3) Public Chanty



For Profit Corporation

505,121 55

subsidmng the cost of semcas to 501(c)(3) chanties

Catalyst for Pence


501 (c)(3) Private Non Operating Fria


documentary film, Fembul Tok

Cathedral Church of St John the Divine Catholic Charihas CYO

13-1623934 94-1498472

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 12 000 00

Value of Water eahibihon Treasure Island Child Development Center, Maureen and Craig Sullivan Youth Services, Canal Family Support Services (Kids' Club) Rita de Casae, SF Adult Day Services OMI Senior Center Securing U S Interests The Role of Climate Change Financing project

Center for a New American Security





Center Center Center Center

1301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW I Suite 403 Washington DC 20004 1333 H Street NWfor American Progress Tenth Floori I Washington DC 20005 for American Progress 1333 H Street, NW: Tenth FloorD Washington, DC 20005 for American Progress 1333 H Street, NW: Tenth FloorO Washington, DC 20005 for American Progress 1333 H Street. NW: Tenth FloorO Washington, DC 20005 for Arms Control and Non-Prohferadon 322 4th Street, NEI Washington, DC 20002 for Community Change 1536 U Street NW= Washington, DC 20009 for Community Change 1536 U Street, NW: Washington, DC 20009 for Constitutional Rights 666 Broadway) Seventh Floors New York, NY 10012 668 Broad-y0 Seventh Flocrl I New York, NY 10012 666 Broadwayo Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10012 666 BroadwayO Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10012 666 Broadwayo Seventh Flooro New York NY 10012 666 BroadwayD Seventh FloorO New York, NY 10012 The David Brower Centerl I


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

13,590 00


501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00

progressive message development protect


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

Campus Progress piled


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

Progress 2050 purled


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

61,000 00

International Aviation and Climate Finance Phase I

04-2693322 52-0888113 52-0888113 22-6082880

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 5011c1(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

70,000 00 10 000 00 75,000 00 6,00000

Nuclear Posture RewewiNuclear Security Summit general support general support general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Charity

17 925 00

general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

general support

Center for Constitutional Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50 000 00

efforts to support victim of clergy sexual abuse in developng a cohesive legal strategy general support

Center for Ecohteracy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 00

2150 Allston Way_ Suite 270=

Berkeley, CA 94704.1377 Canter for Ecosystem Management and Restoration Center for Energy Matters 4179 Piedmont Avenue: Suite 325= Oakland CA 94611 1015G Waterwood Perkw'ayi Suite Cl Edmond, OK 73034 1015G Waterwood Parkways Suite Cl i Edmond, OK 73034 94-3356594 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

capacity building grant


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

research and organizing on dirty fuels In Oklahoma

Center for Energy Matters


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

150,000 00

legal action to protect rights of landowners in Oklahoma and Nebraska

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 8 of 58




Name of organiratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 15,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Center for Environmental Health

2201 BroedwayD Suite 302= Oakland, CA 94612 2201 Broedwayo Suite 302Oakland, CA 94612 2201 Broad-y0 Suite 302= Oakland, CA 94612 West coast Otficai 1 2601 Mission StreetO Suite 803: San Francisco, CA 94110


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

Center for Environmental Health


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support

Center for Environmental Health I Californians fora Healthy and Green Economy Center for Food Safety


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Californians lore Healthy and Green Economy s work to support outreach, education and engagement of new consituenoes in chemical policy work general support

Center for Health. Environment and Justice Center for Health, Environment and Justice Center for Independent Documentary Center for Independent Helfand Productions Center for Independent Pores Productions Center for Independent a Sense LLC Center for Independent Documentary / Judith Documentary / Marla Documentary / Within Media

PO Box 6806: 52-1219489 Fells Church, VA 22040-6806 PO Box 6806 52-1219489 Fells Church, VA 22040-6806 04-2738458 680 South Main Street0 Sharon MA 02067 680 South Main Streeti 1 04-2738458 Sharon, MA 02067 680 South Main Slreelo 04-2738458 Sharon, MA 02067 680 South Main Slreelo 04-2738458 Sharon, MA 02067 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NWf 3 3-1137541 Suite 625 Washington DC 20009 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NWC Suite 801 Washington DC 20038 120 Wall Street] 14th FloorO New York, NY 10005 52-1446207

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty S01(c)(3) Public Chanty

22,000 00 35,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 19,482 00

general support and mini grants to support Ohio Chemical Policy Reform Campaign Megan Gelstein s documentary film Green Shall Overcome COOKED, a project of Judith Helfand Productions The Mosuo Sisters Within a Sense, LLC's documentary film, Under Water's Mercy general support

Center for International Policy / Win Without War Center for Reproductive Rights

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6 000 00

general support for Win Without War


5S1(c)(3) Public Chanty

7 500 00

general support

Center for Responsible Lending

302 West Main Street0 Durham, NC 27701 Center for Rural Affairs I National Sustainable 145 Main Street Agriculture Coalition P O Box 136, Lyons NE 68038 Center for Rural Affairs I National Sustainable 145 Main Street Agriculture Coalition P O Box 1361 Lyons, NE 68038 Center for Sacred Studies P 0 Box 745C Sonora. CA 95370 Center for Victims of Torture 717 East River ParkwayC Minneapolis, MN 55455 Center for Whole Communities Knoll Farm 700 Bragg Hill Road Fayston VT 05673 Center for Young Women's Development 832 Folsom Street: Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94107 Center for Young Women's Development 832 Folsom Street: Suite 700= Son Francisco, CA 94107 Center of Southwest Culture 500 Copper Avenue NWSuite 103= Albuquerque, NM 87102 820 First Street, NE= Suite 510= Washington, DC 20002 820 First Street, NE= Suite 510: Washington, DC 20002 820 First Street. NE Suite 510= Washington, DC 20002

74-3043913 47-0553823

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,357 00 6,00000

general support National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


National Sustainable Agriculture Cookbook general support

77-0572410 36-3383933 51-0462232

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

7 530 00 15,893 00 15,000 00

Call All Nations ballad general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

37,617 00

general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

One Million Bones Project

Center on Budget and Policy Pdodtes


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,154 00

general support

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments a nd Individuals in the United States

Page 9 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 25,00000 25,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Central Asia Institute Central Coast Alliance United fora Sustainable Economy Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation Panzi Foundation USA Cares , Inc

Ceres , Inc

Chagdud Gonpa Foundation Changing Winds , Inc Chanty Water

Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic

Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic


Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association Chicago Community Trust

Chicago Foundation for Women

P 0 Box 7209 = Bozeman , MT 58771 2021 Sperry Avenue Suite 18= Ventura , CA 93003 133011th Avenues 1 Altoona PA 16601 99 Chauncy Slreeto Sixth Floor] Boston , MA 02111 99 Chauncy Street ] Sixth Floor] Boston , MA 02111 PO Box 279: Junction City CA 96048-0279 50A Turney Roadi Redding CT 06896 200 Vanck Street] 5th Fk ar0 New York , NY 10014 610 16th Street] Suite 426= Oakland , CA 94612 610 16th Street] Suite 426: Oakland, CA 94612 201 East 42nd Streets 1 32nd Floor] New York. NY 10017 910 Boylston Street 1 Chestnut Hill , MA 02467 910 Boylston Street] Chestnut Hill MA 02467 111 East Wacker Drive 1 Suite 1400. Chicago , IL 60601 One East Wacker Drive Suite 1620 Chicago IL60601 One East Wacker Drive: Suds 1620 Chicago IL 60801 1112E Buckeye Road= Phoenix , AZ 85034 2201 Broedway u Suite 600= Oakland CA 94612 7879 South 1530 Westi i Suite 200= West Jordan UT 84088 7879 South 1530 Westi i Suite 200 West Jordan, UT 84088 1317 F Street, NWD Suite 501 Washington , DC 20004 PO Box 21270 Durham . NC 27702 Chouteau-Mazie High School] PO Box 969C Chouteau OK 74337 3102 8th Avenue NED

51-0376237 77-0578864

501(c )( 3) Public Charity 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

Pakistan flood reSef efforts Alston Bannerman Sabbatical Fellowship for Marcos Vargas

25-1761379 22-3053747

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

10,00000 20,00000

general support for Pana Foundation USA general support


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

research and analysis of financial risks of dirty fuels

93-0924127 68-0812262 22 - 3936753

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 8 000 00 232,791 00

general support First Voices Indigenous Radio general support


501 (c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support


501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

04-2713813 04 - 2713813 36-2167000

501 (c )(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 50,000 00


501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty


to provide nursing care to those who can not afford to pay or who can only pay a limited amount to provide nursing semrces to those in need who cannot afford to pay or who need to lessen ants support innovative new protects involving multi-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity support of women of color -led reproductive justice organizations and projects continued support of women of color - led reproductive justice organizations end projects

Chicago Foundation for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Chicanos Por Le Cause Inc Children s Hospital and Research Center Foundation CHOICE Humanitarian

86 - 0227210 94-1657474

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Charity

75,000 00 15,000 00

Arizona Age-Fnendly project

general support covering uninsured patients , and Division of Psychiatry Health Projects In Guatemala

74 - 2494806

50l(c)( 3) Public Chanty

13,156 24

CHOICE Humanitarian

74 - 2494806

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty


Guatemala Projects

Choice USA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

general support

Chordoma Foundation Choutaaa-Mazle Pudic Schools

20-8423943 73-1090152

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty Government - Not Federal

9 318 86 24 , 000 00

general support equipment , materiels and training for Chouteau-Mane High School's Math and Science Department upgrades general support Scholarship Fund scholarship fund

Clots Project at Radio Ranch Circle Pines Center Clyde Pines Center

91.1728871 38-1227244 38 - 1227244

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )(3) Public Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10 00000 6,00000 6,00000

Olympia WA 98506
8650 Mullen Road[) Delton , Ml 49046-9751 8650 Mullen Road] Dalton Ml 49046-9751

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 10 of 58




Nama of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 25,000 00 20,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Citadel Foundation Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund

Citizens for Cline ' s Future

171 Moulins Streeto Charleston , SC 29409 221 South Second Street Suite 300 S: Milwaukee , WI 53204 PO Box 161 Hurricane , UT 84737

57- 6020493 39- 1520619

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Trebuchet Accuracy Contest WI budget and labor support

56- 2600858

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

work supporting the Utah/Nevada coalition working to transition the Reid Gardner coal plant from coal-fired power through community Involvement and participation in the Air Quality Task Force general support

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington City University School of Law at Queens College Foundation Class Action

1400 Eye Street, NWi 1 Suite 450: Washington . DC 20005 65 - 21 Main Street 1 Flushing , NY 11367 30 Germania Street] Building L:l Boston MA 02130 219 Legion Way, SWO Suite 201Olympia , WA 98501-1097 1301 Avenue of the AmencasO 37th Floor[] New York NY 10019 17701 Cowan Avenue) Suite 220= Irvine, CA 92614-6057 17701 Cowan Avenue 1 Suite 220: Irvine, CA 92614-6057 635 Rutledge Avenusi i Suite 201 Charleston , SC 24903 90 Mary StreotO Charleston , SC 29403 2010 Linden Avenue[] Vervce . CA 90291 P 0 Box 240906: Dorchester , MA 02124 1807 Passe do PeraieD Suite 3 Santa Fe , NM 87501 1607 Passe do Peraltao Suite 3: Santa Fe , NM 87501 1607 Posen de PerahaD Suite 3= Santa Fe , NM 87501 1607 Peseo de Peraltao Suite 3= Santa Fe , NM 87501 Institutional Advencemento Sothis HouseC 11 College way: Charleston , SC 29424 Institutional Advancementcl Sothis HouseC 11 college way: Charleston , SC 29424 1605 NW Sammamsh Road3 Suite 200= Issaquah , WA 98027 162 Middle Street: Pawtucket RI 02860 rdo 180 Middle Streeti I Pawtucket , RI 02860 do 180 Middle Streeto Pawtucket RI 02860


501(c )1 31 Public Chanty

12,710 00

11-3235348 26-0091867

501(c )( 3) Public Charity 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 10,000 00

Intema0onal Women 's Human Rights Clinic's work to address sexual violence in displacement camps general support

Climate Solutions


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Green Jobs and Climate Equity Campaign Project

Clinton Global Initiative


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

19,000 00

2011 contribution for Clinton Global Initiative

Coalition of Orange County Community Clinics Coalition of Orange County Community Clinics Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Code Pink Cadman Academy Foundation Collective Heritage Institute

95 - 2900725

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

250 000 00

Health Home Innovation project


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


Health Home Innovation project


501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty


project to create a new, enhanced workspace for nonprofits


551(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

to him 12-month support for the Palmetto Technology Hub and support a contractor , as well as outreach and marketing actmtes general support general support general support

26 - 2823386 04-3559945 85-0432731

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 551(c)( 3) Public Chanty

17 181 00 20 000 00 10,00000

Collective Heritage Institute


501 ( c)(3) Pubic Chanty


general support

Collective Heritage Institute


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


general support

Collective Heritage Institute


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


general support

College of Charleston Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Computing in the Ads ( CITA) major in the Computer Sciences Department

College of Charleston Foundation


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

work to realize two fully -functional Classroom 2020s for the Computer Science Department

College Success Foundation

91 - 2036088

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,250 00

general support

Collette Foundation Collette Foundation Collette Foundation

20-8256603 20-8256603 20-8256603

501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn 501(c)(3 ) Private Non Operating Fdn 501(c)( 3) Private Non Operating Fdn

45 ,000 00 45 , 000 00 50 , 000 00

children's health and education program to support children's education and health programs in Africa, Cambodia , Peru, Australia and the Untied Stoles children's education and health programs in Africa Cambodia, Peru Australia and the USA

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals to t he United States

Page 11 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 60,000 00 25,000 00 25,000 00 125,000 00 30,000 00 16,378 00 35,000 00 30,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Collette Foundation Colonies Development Council Coloradans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Foundation Coloradans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Foundation Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights Columbia River Gorge Technology Alliance Columbia River Gorge Technology Alliance Columbia University In the City of New York

do 180 Middle Streat0 Pawtucket RI 02860 1050 Monte Vista, I Las Cruces, NM 88001 PO Box 46123= Denver CO 80201 PO Box 46123_ Denver, CO 80201 P 0 Box 1029 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 515 East Second Streetf The Dallas OR 97058 515 East Second Streets The Dallas, OR 97058 Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies0 509 Kent Hall, Mail Code 3906n 1140 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 61 Route 9Wi Palisades, NY 10964 Earth Institute at Columbia University 405 Low Library, MC 4335 535 West 116th Street0 New York, NY 10027 Vanaver Caravan J Waterstreet Marketo 10 Main Street, Suite 3220 New Peitz, NY 12561 1133 19th Street NWO 9th FloorO Washington, DC 20036 1130 East Plant StreetO Winter Garden, FL 34787 PO Box 1260= Davis, CA 95617 29 Mary Streeto San Rafael CA 94901-3507 PO Box 880969 San Diego, CA 92168 PO Box 880969= San Diego, CA 92168 P O Boa 2016, Chambersburg, PA 17201 712 Main StreetBuffalo, NY 14202-1720

20-8256603 85-0418376 84-1477844 84-1477844 84-1569021 41-2178681 41-2178681 13-5598093

501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fain 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(6) Trade Association 501 (c)(6) Trade Association 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

funding children's education and health program in Africa, Cambodia, Peru, Australia, and the USA Alston Bannerman Sabbatical Fellowship for Diane Bustamante polling project on the death penalty general support general support Robotics Program Robotics Program Women and Buddhism in Japan project Japanese Classical Music (Gagaku) Studies

Columbia University In the City of New York


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

Dr Suzanne Carbotte's work in support of a global bathymetry synthesis at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Earth Institute of Columbia University to support core social sector staff and the ongoing social sector work of Earth Institute's Millennium Cities Initiative

Columbia University In the City of New York


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

1,500,000 00

Coming Together Festival of Dance & Music


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

general support

Common Cause Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20 000 00

general support

Commonsense Childbirth CommuniCare Health Centers Community Action Mann Community Civics Health Network Community Clinics Health Network Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

59-3479821 94-2188574 94-6136365 33-0759107 33-0759107 25-1760934 22-2743917

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15.00000 35 000 00 10,000 00 250,00000 250,00000 20,000 00 45,000 00

general support Community Health Center Innovation Challenge protect African Drumming and Instrument Malang Protect Health Home Innovation project Health Home Innovation project general support organization's work to support innovative new projects involving multi field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity Bright Horizon Fund general support general support outreach and organizing around wilderness campaigns focused on the Desert Son Gabriel Mountain, and Bodie Hills general support women's labor history film project strategic planning following recent merger

Community Foundation Santa Cruz County Community Harvest Project, Inc Community Harvest Project, Inc Community Hiking Club Community Media Productions, Inc Community Media Productions, Inc Community Partners International

Community Resource Exchange

7807 Sequel Drivel Alibis, CA 95003 37 Wheeler Road? North Grafton, MA 01536 37 Wheeler Road North Grafton, MA 01538 24820 Fourl Road: Santa Clanta, CA 91321 726 Xenia Avenue: Yellow Springs, OH 45387 726 Xenia Avenue Yellow Springs, OH 45387 225 Bush Street[] Suite 590San Francisco, CA 94101 42 Broadway0 20th Ftooro New York, NY 10004

94-2808039 04-3424018 04-3424018 26-4025356 31-0973170 31-0973170 94-3375668

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

9,45000 10,00000 10 000 00 15,000 00 10,000 00 169,184 98 10,900 00


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

20,000 00

Fund for the Future

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 12 of 58




Name of organiratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash

Amount of non cash

Method of

Description of non
cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

assistance Community School of Music and Arts The Finn Center ] 230 San Antonio Circle: Mountain View CA 94040 14 East 28th Street Top FloorC New York NY 10016 711 State Avenue , NEC Third Floor: 23-7023900 501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty 34,500 00 programming and equipment maintenance for new media lab

Community Solutions


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00

Age -Friendly, Communities Project in Brownsville

Community Youth Services

91 - 0859922

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Olympia, WA 98506
Computer History Museum Congregation Beth Elohim Congregation B'nal Jeshurun 1401 N Shoreline Blvd i i Mountain View CA 94043 274 Garfield PlaceC Brooklyn , NY 11215 2109 Broedway0 Suite 203= New York , NY 10023-2106 10 Jefferson Streeti 1 Unit C-13 Hartford, CT 06106 PO Box 7731 Boulder CO 80306 PO Box 773C Boulder , CO 80308 2011 Crystal Onve _ Suite 500= Arlington , VA 22202 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 7101 i Washington DC 20036 77-0507525 11-1672755 13-5643819 501 (c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )(3) Public Chanty 15,000 00 30,000 00 1,920,354 93 Investigate Innovation program general support Heschel Piled

Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice Conservation Ink / The Story Group Conservation Ink / The Story Group Conservation International


501 (c )(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

support Or Mark Mitchell s work with people of color medical organizations general support for The Story Group and matching grant for general support general support for The Story Group and matching grant for general support general support

14-1839242 14-1839242 52-1497470

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 15,000 00 10,000 00

Consumer Health Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

25 , 000 00

organization 's work to support innovative new projects involving mulbfield community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity general support

Consumer Watchdog

Consumer Watchdog

Corporate Accountability International

1750 Ocean Park Blvd C Suite 200_ Santa Monica , CA 90405 1750 Ocean Park Blvd i Suite 200= Santa Monica , CA 90405 10 Milk Street 1 Suite 610 Boston , MA 02108 PO Box 2401: Suisun City, CA 94585 PO Box 2401 : Suisun City , CA 94585

95 - 3993720

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

115,000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

115,000 00

general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Corporate Ethics International Corporate Ethics International

75- 3133181 75-3133181

501 ( c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

350 000 00 380 000 00

research education and organizing on dirty fuels expenses associated with coordination, meetings advertising, contracts with vendors and with small groups involved in Tar Sands campaign orgamnng on dirty fuels Robotics Program general support for Afghan Institute of Learning general support

Corporate Ethics International

PO Box 2401 = Suisun City . CA 94585 Council Bluffs School District 100 North Avenuei 1 Council Bluffs , IA 51503 Creating Flops International / Afghan Institute PO Box 10580 of Looming Dearborn, MI 48121 Creative Capital Foundation 65 Bleecker Street 7th Floori i New York, NY 10012 Creative Time 59 East 4th Streeti Sixth Floor i New York , NY 10003 Criterion Ventures 81 Church Hill Road: Haddam , CT 06438 Cross Pulse P O Box 3388C Oakland, CA 94609 Crossroads Fund 3411 W Dfversey Avenue, 020 1 Chicago , IL 60647 Culture Proj ect 49 Bleecker Street[ Suite 602: New York NY 10012 Dalai Lame Trust Office of TibetO 241 East 32nd Streeto New York , NY 10016

75-3133181 42.6001281 38-3288402 31-1605982

501(c)(3) Public Chanty Government - Not Federal 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

750 000 00 22,863 40 50 000 00 100 000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

125,000 00

general support

27-3458737 68 - 0051243 36- 3092907 13-3898892

Incorporated , Exemption Pend 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

30 , 000 00 10,00000 10,000 00 50,000 00

Women Effect Investments initiative general support general support Women Center Stage project

26- 4635814

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 13 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 7.00000

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Dance Palace Convnunlty Center

Danspace Project

DC School Reform Now DC Vote

Death Penalty Focus

503 B Street _ PO Box 217= Point Reyes Station , CA 94956-0217 St Marks Church m4he- Boweryo 131 East 10th Street: New York , NY 10003 1730 Massachusetts Avenue , NWO Washington , DC 20036 2000 P Street , NW I Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 870 Market Streeio Suite 859 San Francisco , CA 94102 343 Sequel Avenue= Santa Cruz CA 95060 2915 Biscayne BNdi Suite 210: Miami, FL 33137 11 Maiden Lanai 1 Son Francisco , CA 94108 207 W 25th Street] 11th FloorO New York , NY 10001 207 W 25th Street ] 11th FloorD New York , NY 10001 1000 42nd StreetO Oakland CA 94608 972 Mission Streets I Suite 500 San Francisco CA 94103 10A Town PlazeC PMB 138,1 Durango , CO 81301 2001 Center StreetO Fourth FloorD Berkeley , CA 94704-1204 333 Seventh Avenue: Second Floor: Now York . NY 10001-5004 333 Seventh Avenue : Second Floor: New York NY 10001-5004 333 Seventh Avenue Second Floor: New York , NY 10001-5004 333 Seventh Avenue Second FloorC New York , NY 10001-5004 333 Seventh Avenue Second Floors New York , NY 10001-5004 333 Seventh Avenue= Second Floors New York , NY 10001-5004 938 Valencia StreetSan Francisco , CA 94110 87 Lafayette StreetO New York, NY 10013 515 Third AvenueD Seattle WA 98104 c/o DevelopmentO 70 West 36th Street 16th FloorO New York NY 10018 Tsegyalger East] PO Box 479C Conway , MA 01341


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

13- 3320972

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

general support

26- 2918853 52- 2133517

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 25,000 00

general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

80,000 00

crime victims for alternatives to the death penalty project

Data School / Lightfoot Industnes , Inc Democreaa U SA

77-0 384662 41 - 2278788

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 19,821 00

Lightfoot Industnes , Inc 's 2010 - 2011 plot program general support

Democracy Fund Democracy Nowl

26-3088283 01-0708733

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty

15,691 00 25,000 00

general support general support

Democracy Nowl


501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty

36,680 00

general support

Destiny Arts Center Digital Divide Data

94-3176726 20- 1148452

501(c )( 3) Public Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 100 000 00

general support general support

Dine Citizens Against Ruining Our Envrmnmenl Disability Rights Advocates


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

work advocating a transition from coal-fired power on the Navajo Nation through community education, participation in the ANCET coalition, and legal and administrative processes general support

94 - 3189313

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

13,050 00

Doctors Without Borders USA

13- 3433452

501 (c)(3) Public Charity


general support

Doctors Without Borders USA


501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00

general support

Doctors Without Borders USA


501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Doctors Without Borders USA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

44,000 00

general support

Doctors Wthout Borders USA


501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty

62,205 00

general support

Doctors VNlhout Borders USA

13 - 3433452

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

267,336 00

general support

Dolores Street Community Services I African Advocacy Network Downtown Community Television Center , Inc / Rubylake , LLC Downtown Emergency Service Center Drug Policy Alliance

94 - 2919302 13-2742777 91-1275815 52-1516692

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00 10,000 00 14,489 97 14,675 00

African Advocacy Network 's rase worker instructor , workshop Instructors, computers, and fiscal sponsor fee Rubylake , LLC's film Manachi High general support general support

Dzogchen Community In America


501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

for the purpose of constructing the Vajm Hall

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 14 of 58




Nan,. of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 6,22458

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Earth Island Institute / Borneo Project

2150 Allston Way] Suite 460= Berkeley , CA 94704 2150 Allston Way] Suite 460: Berkeley CA 94704 2150 Allston Way] Suite 460: Berkeley , CA 94704 2150 Allston Way 1 Suite 460= Berkeley CA 94704 2150 Allston Way 1 Suite 460 Berkeley . CA 94704 2150 Allston Way 1 Suite 460 Berkeley , CA 94704 2251 Flonn RoadC Suite 20 Sacramento CA 95822 National Headquarters] 50 California Street , Suite 5000 San Francisco , CA 94111 National Headquarters] 426 17th StreetSixth Floor] Oakland , CA 94612-2820 National Headquarters] 50 California Street Suite 5000 Son Francisco CA 94111 National Headquarters] 426 17th StreetSixth Floor] Oakland , CA 94612-2820 National Headquarters] 426 17th Street= Sixth Floor i Oakland , CA 94612-2820 National Headquarters] 426 17th Street Sixth Floor Oakland , CA 94612-2820 1612 K Street , NW l Suite 401 Washington , DC 20006 1812 K Street NW] Suite 401 Washington , DC 20006 1612 K Street, NW] Suite 401Washington , DC 20006 1612 K Street , NW] Suite 401 Washington , DC 20006 1612 K Street , NW] Suite 808= Washington, DC 20008 1612 K Street , NW:l Suits BOB: Washington , DC 20008 1612 K Street NW 1 Suite BOBWashington , DC 20006 310 Eighth Streeti l Suite 200 Oakland , CA 94607

94 - 2889684

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

publish Borneo Project's Penan language children 's books

Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition Earth Island Institute / Energy Action Coalition Earth Island Institute I Energy Action Coalition Earth Island Institute / Klds for the Bay

94 - 2889684

501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support for the Energy Action Coalition

94 - 2889684

501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty

20 000 00

Energy Action Coalition s Power Shift 2011 program

94 - 2889684

501 (c )(3) Public Chanty

20,715 00

general support for Energy Action Coalition

94 - 2889684

501 (c )(3) Public Chanty

60,000 00

sn - month grant for Energy Action Coalition's student and youth organizing on dirty fuels Kids for the Bay's Watershed Education Program

94 - 2889664

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Earth Me= Heeling

27 - 3875959

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support for Wise Queen Dream Institute



501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support



501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support



501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

efforts to address the impacts of hydraulic fracturing



501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

work outside the United States



501)c)(3 ) Public Chanty

25,000 00

work outside the United States



501 (c)( 9) Public Chanty

34,051 00

general support

EarthRights International

04 - 3285555

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support

EarthRights Intemationel

04 - 3265555

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

30,000 00

general support

EerthRights International

04 - 3265555

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

30 000 00

general support

EarthRlghts International


501 ) c)(3) Public Chanty


general support



501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty


Oil and Accountability Project


52 - 1557765

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

Oil and Gas Accountability Project


52 - 1557765

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

Oil and Gas Accountability Project (OGAP)

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation


501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty

75,000 00

Age - Friendly Communities Protect

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 15 of 58




Name of organlutlon



IRS Code

Amount of rash grant 20,000 00 20,000 00 45,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

East Bay Center for the Performing Arts EestSlde Arts Alliance Ecology Center

Economic Opportunity Institute

Economic Opportunity Institute


339 111h Street] Richmond, CA 94801 P O Boa 17008 Oakland, CA 94601 339 East Uberry] Suite 300 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 1900 North Northlake Way: Suite 237= Seattle WA 98103 1900 North Northlake Way: Suite 237= Seattle WA 98103 721 NW 9th AvenueSuite 200= Portland, OR 97209 1904 Franklin Strand 1 Suite 902: Oakland, CA 94612 2122 P Street, NW Suite 201 Washington. DC 20037 1712 Oretha Castle Haley BNdi 1 New Orleans, LA 70113 454 Shotwell Streeto San Francisco, CA 94110 ABn Development Dept 11 1970 Broadway0 Suite 450= Oakland, CA 94612 1970 Broadway. Suite 4507 Oakland, CA 94612 344 40th Street] Oakland, CA 94609 1793 Northwood Court: Oakland CA 94611 8424-A Santa Monica Boulevard Number 59211 Los Angeles, CA 90069-4267 436 14th Street 1 Slh Floori i Oakland, CA 94604 4665 Nautilus CourtD Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 PO Box 1291 C Olympia WA 98507 1013 Monterey Streati i Suite 202= San Luis Obrsbo, CA 93401 P O Box 6091 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 National HeadquartersO 257 Park Avenue South? New York, NY 10010 P O Boa 53343= Washington, DC 20009 126 SW 148th Sheet Suite CIOO-1700 Buden WA 98166 1500 Massachusetts Avenue, NWt 1 Suite 25 Washington, DC 20005 1500 Massachusetts Avenue, NWn Suite 25 Washington, DC 20005

94-1692171 74-3073621 38-1912803

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

work to support critical election year activities with the Michigan Network for Children's Environmental Health general support


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 00

general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8 000 00

grassroots campaign to regulate sugar cane growers in El Salvador, in collaboration with the Mangrove Association to support a track of programming related to grade-level reading at the upcoming National Seminar in New Orleans general support general support general support

Education Writers Association


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

Efforts of Grace Electronic Frontier Foundation Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

72-1266819 04-3091431 94-3252009

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 28,000 00 8,00000

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Eno Baker Center for Human Rights Empowerment WORKS I Simama Project Endangered Habitats League

94-3252009 94-3252009 31-1796801 95-4455451

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 35,000 00 7 500 00 100,000 00

Green-Collar Jobs Campaign Green Jobs and Climate program Simama Project's expansion work general support

Engage Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


What's Your Tree

Engineers Without Borders USA


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

55,000 00

challenge grant for general support

Enterprise for Equity Environment In the Public Interest / Habitat and Watershed Caretakers Environmental Action Committee of West Merin Environmental Defense Fund

91-2011247 52-2381905

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

8,00000 10 000 00

general support general support for Habitat and Watershed Caretakers (HAWC)

23-7115368 11-6107128

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7,00000 10,000 00

general support general support

Environmental Investigation Agency, Inc Environmental Science Center

52-1654284 91-2010658

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charily

11,500 55 15,000 00

stopping global warming climate change efforts general support

Environmental Support Center


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Environmental Support Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Environmental Justice Health Tool Kit protect

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 16 of 58




Name of organiratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 50,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Environmental Support Center

1500 Massachusetts Avenue , NWO Suite 25= Washington , DC 20005 1436 U Street NWSuite 100= Washington , DC 20009 1436 U Street , NW-_ Suite 100= Washington , DC 20009 20 Jay Street Suite 808= Brooklyn NY 11201 20 Jay Street Suite 808 Brooklyn NY 11201 20 Jay Street Suite 808 Brooklyn , NY 11201 567 Sutter StreetO Third Floor San Francesco, CA 94102 567 Sutter StreetO Third Floor Son Francesco , CA 94102 567 Sutter Streeta Third Floor= San Francesco , CA 94102 PO Box 11444 Honolulu , HI 96828 18641 West Seven Mile Road i Detroit , MI 48219 - 2721 PO Box 20646 : Columbus Circle StaSono New York , NY 10023 PO Box 20646 Columbus Circle Stehon u Now York , NY 10023 PO Box 20646 Columbus Circle SteaonD New York , NY 10023 57 Jefferson Avenuei i Columbus OH 43215 175 West 200 SouthO Suite 3001: Sell Lake City, UT 84101 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW :l Suite 300Washington, DC 20006 475 Tenth Avenue = New York , NY 10018 201 West Main Streeh i Suite 300 Durham , NC 27701 2685 S Beyshore Drive M-1030 Miani , FL 33133 3672- A ArsenalC St Louis , MO 63116 1111 141h Street , NW i Suit. 900 Washington , DC 20005 1101 Vermont Avenue, NWi 9th Floori i Washington , DC 20005 1600 Oretha C Haley Blvd C New Orleans , LA 70113 1600 Orethe C Haley Blvd C New Orleans LA 70113

13 -3563949

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

Greenhouse Collaborative program

Environmental Working Group

52 - 2148600

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

work to protect dunking water from the negative effects of hydraulic fracturing general support

Environmental Working Group

52 - 2148600

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

21,797 00

Equal Justice USA

26- 1316408

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 00

general support

Equal Justice USA

26- 1316408

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 00

general support

Equal Justice USA

26- 1316408

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 00

general support

Equality Federation Institute


S01(c )( 3) Public Charity


support for Special Projects Director

Equality Federation Institute / Falmess West Virginia Institute Equality Federation Institute / The Equality Network Institute Equality Hawaii Foundation Equality Michigan Equality Now


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

Fairness West Virginia Institute's efforts to secure two district safe schools polices Inclusive of SO and GIE by 2013 The Equality Network Institute 's efforts to secure LGBT-mduslne nondisainnnabon polices In six private employers by July 2014 statewide safe schools statute inclusive of SO and GIE by 2012 secure LGBTinduslve nondiscmmnaaon ordinances in Flint and Royal Oak , Michigan by July, 2012 general support


Other Non-Profit Organization

16,000 00

27-0314628 38-2556668 13-3660566

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty S01(c )( 3) Public Chanty

30,000 00 50,000 00 12,305 00

Equality Now


501(c )(3 ) Public Chanty

60,000 00

two-year grant for advancing the ratification, domestication and implementation of the Women s Rights Protocol in West Africa two-year grant for advancing the ratification, domestication and implementation of the Women s Rights Protocol in West Africa to passe statewide, LGBT-inclusive safe schools law in 2012 to secure an LGBT-inclusive housing and employment nondiscrimination law in 2013 Energy From Borges

Equality Now


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

60,000 00

Equality Ohio Education Fund Equality Utah Foundation

02-0743268 84-1633004

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 5S1(c )( 3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 75,000 00

Escuela Agricola Panamedcena


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

49,800 00

Exit Art Fair Trial Initiative / North Carolina Coalition fore Moratorium FelrDrstdds Now , Inc Faith Aloud Faith in Public Ufa

13-3668753 56-2215991

501 (c)(3) Public Charity 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 100,000 00

general support North Caroline Coalition for a Moratonums work to defend and further the North Carolina Racal Justice Ad, and to support relevant/amcal victims work general support general support general support

274350551 43-1258031 20-3798596

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 25,000 00 25,000 00

Faith in Public Ufa


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

50,000 00

general support

FemNGes and Fiends of Louisiana 's Incarcerated Children Families and Friends of Louisiana 's Incarcerated Children

20- 5924561 20-5924581

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 25,000 00

general support Alston Bannerman Senior Fellowship for Gina Womack

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 17 of 58




Name of organloatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 30,000 00 25,000 00 14,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 6,00000 12,000 00 10,000 00

Amount of noncash asetstance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

1600 Oretha C Haley Blvd C New Orleans, LA 70113 860 Innes Avenues 1 San Francisco CA 94124 Fathom 0 Families of Son Joaquin I Escuelas PO Boa 30674: Sit Pintos Not Stockton, CA 95213-0674 FAVILEK 48 Hancock Ave Y1 D Medford, MA 02155 FIRST 200 Bedford Streets Manchester, NH 03101 Florida Certified Organic Growers and PO 123110 Consumers, Inc Gainesville FL 32604 FNcasters Educational Foundation 6851 Burnside Dnvei 1 San Jose CA 95120 Fonkoze USA 1700 Kalorama Road, NWC Suite 102 Washington, DC 20009 Fonkoze USA 1700 Kalorama Road NWO Suite 102= Washington, DC 20009 Food and Medicine Education Fund 20 hirers Street: Brewer, ME 04412 Food Firsfdnsbtute for Food and Development Policy Forest Trends ForestEthics ForestEthics ForestEthics ForestEthlcs Forum for Equality Foundation 398 60th Street: Oakland, CA 94618 1050 Potomac Street NW 1 Washington, DC 20007 One Haight Street: San Francisco, CA 94102 One Haight Street Son Francesco, CA 94102 One Haight Street: San Francisco CA 94102 One Haight Street: San Francisco, CA 94102 336 Lafayette StreetO Suite 200 New Orleans, LA 70130 2121 Crystal DnveC Suite 700= Arington, VA 22202 820 Greenwich Street: New York, NY 10014 450 Uncoln Avenuel 1 Suite 203: Salinas, CA 93901 222 Sutter Streeh 1 Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94108 P 0 Box 600Lenoir, NC 28645 140-142 Second Avenue: Suite 405= New York, NY 10003 PO Box 932: Eagle Butte, SD 57625

Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children Famfy Restoration House

20-5924561 91-2144289 32-0171398

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty Foreign Organization

general support for ESPINO Coalition work to build women's leadership and prevent gender-based violence Regional FIRST Robotics Competition in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania general support Salmon Trout Education Protect (STEP) general support

22-2990908 59-3006664 77-0283713 52-2022113

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

24,000 00

aid small businesses recovering from the earthquake


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

13-2838167 52-2135531 94-3331587 94-3331587 94-3331587 94-3331587 72-1269734

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,00000 15,000 00 18,277 00 20,000 00 50,00000 50,000 00 35,000 00

Food and Medicine Education Fund's work to educate workers at state and local levels, and support workplace organizing over the next two years general support general support general support Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant Canada chapter's research education and outreach on the issues of tankers and oil sells research, community organization and public education on dirty fuels one local nondiscrimination ordinance inclusive of SO and GIE in Shreveport by 2012 to support the creation of a steering committee to draft a plan to create state-based coalitions for the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading general support and Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Organizations program bookmobiles

Forum of Regional Associations of Granlmakers Foundation for Contemporary Arts Foundation for Monterey County Free Ubrades Foundation for National Progress


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty


13-1978163 77-0256346

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 10,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,826 00

general support

Foundation of Caldwell Community College and Technical Ins5tute Foundry Theatre

23-7212721 13-3761711

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

45,700 00 50,000 00

integration of wdeoconferenang technology into classroom instruction general support

Four Bands Community Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

work to assess the feasibility of lending in remote parts of the Cheyenne River Reservation with green loans, to supplement loan loss reserves, and dell salanes and operational expenses general support

Frankin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

570 Lexington Avenueo Eighteenth FloorD New York NY 10022 Science Education Partnership: 1100 Fairview Avenue N , Mellstop Al-0230 PO Box 19024: Seattle, WA 98109


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Science Education Partnership program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 18 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 25,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Freedom House

1301 Connecticut Avenue NWC Floor 6= Washington , DC 20036 Freedom Is Not Free 11772 Sorrento Valley Rondo Suite 160: San Diego , CA 92121 Fnendfactor Foundation PO Box 657 : Now York , NY 10113 Friends of Friends Medical Support Fund PO Box 812 Langley , WA 98260 PO Box 2655 Fronds of Great Solt Lake Sell Lake City UT 84110 - 2655 Friends of Harvey Milk Cmil Rights Academy / c/o Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academyi i Harvey Milk Civil Right. Academy 4235 19th Street./ San Francisco , CA 94114 Friends of HRI 20742 Stone Oak Parkway , Suite 1071 1 San Antonio , TX 78258 Friends of Northside College Prep High 5501 North Kedzie AvenueC School Chicago IL 60625-3923 Friends of the Akwesasne Freedom School / Akwesasne Freedom School Friends of the Earth PO Box 290C Roosevettown , NY 12937 1100 15th Street NW, 11th Floori i Washington , DC 20005 1100 15th Street NWO 11th Floor i Washington, DC 20005 1100 15th Street NWO 11th Floor[] Washington, DC 20005 B West 40th Street 9th FloorO New York NY 10018 1123 Broadway, i Suite 1210= New York , NY 10010 P 0 Boa 644735 Pittsburgh, PA 1 5264-4 7 3 5 303 Potrero Street , Suite 540 Santa Cruz CA 95060 PO Box 42523 Portland , OR 97242 103 Hickory StreetC P 0 Box 2051 Missoula , MT 59806 P O Box 205C Missoula , MT 59806 2016 Elliott Avenue NWi 1 Olympia, WA 98502 1430 Scott StreetO San Francisco , CA 94115 30 Winter Street ] Suite B00 Boston , MA 02108 30 Winter Street ] Suite Boo -Boston , MA 02108 1550 Bryant Street 1 Suite 600: San Francesco , CA 94103 PO Box 221 Milford NH 03055 1530 DeKalb Avanua0 Suite AD Atlanta, GA 30307 1120 15th Street] Alumni Center_ Augusta , GA 30912


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Congressional Delegation to the Middle East project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

general support

27-1503273 91 - 2014821 87-0527602 20-5481914

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

40,000 00 10,000 00 15 000 00 15,000 00

general support general support or endowment fund education program and related funding needs to increase the capacity of the 2012 Lakeside Learning Field Tnp program Mission Science Workshop Tree Frog Treks and the school Science Coordinator general support Northsrde College Preps purchase of robotics tats and initial registration fees fora competition at University of Illinois-Chicago Akwesasne Freedom Schoors Moon Lodge Society - Sisters in Spirit project general support

27-0386177 36-4391169

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 6,50000

16-1451492 23- 7420660

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

9,10000 7,50000

Friends of the Earth


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

28 839 00

general support

Friends of the Earth


501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

50 000 00

research , advocacy and organizing on dirty fuels

Fronds of WWB/USA , Inc Friends Without A Border

13- 3101527 13-3880402

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

6,00000 59,322 87

six month grant for expanding finance to rural women in Sub-Saharan Africa general support

Fund for Israers Tomorrow Fund for Nonviolence Fund for Wild Nature Garden City Harvest

35- 2374190 77-0457185 87-0386717 81-0510580

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Private Non Operating Fdn 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10 , 000 00 7,45000 10,000 00

General Fund program coordination work of the Tales Death Penalty Mobilization Fund being camed out by Pat Clark general support general support

Garden City Harvest Garden Raised Bounty Gateway Public Schools Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defendant

81-0510580 91-1594312 94-3278357 04-2660498

501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

20 000 00 22,000 00 8 500 00 7,50000

general support general support fund is portion of art Instruction provided by LEAP Arts and the purchase of art supplies for the new middle school general support

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

add GIE to statewide nondlscmmnahon statute and possible hate crimes statute by 2012 National Association of GSA Networks and technical assistance for the Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition general support to secure LGBT-mdusive anti-bullying polities that protect is minimum of 70% of the students in public schools throughout Georgia by July 1, 2012 Newborn Possibilities Fund

Gay-Straight Alliance Network


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12,500 00

Gedaklna Georgia Equality Project Foundation

33-1075692 58-2346744

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 50,000 00

Georgia Health Silences Foundation


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 19 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Cods

Amount of cash grant 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Girl Scouts of Greater to" Giving Open Access to Learning Global Communlcebons for Conservation

Global Community Monitor Global Exchange

Global Fund for Woman

Global Fund for Women

10715 Hickman Rd0 Des Moines , IA 50322-3733 25 Reyem Road 1 Lynbrook, NY 11563 420 East 64 StreetO Suite 9C Westi I New York , NY 10065 PO Box 1784 : El Cerrito, CA 94530 2017 Mission Streetu 2nd Floor] Son Francisco , CA 94110 222 Sutter Streeti 1 Suite 500= San Francisco , CA 94108 222 Sutter Sheets 1 Suite 500 San Francisco , CA 94108 222 Sutter StreetO Suite 500 San Francisco , CA 94108 222 Sutter Street] Suite 500San Francisco , CA 94108 222 Sutter Street0 Suite 500: Son Francisco , CA 94108 222 Sutter StreetO Suite 500San Francisco, CA 94108 222 Sutter Slreetu Suite 500= San Francisco, CA 94108 222 Sutter Sheet 1 Suite 500= San Francisco CA 94108 222 Sutter Streets i Suite 500 San Francisco , CA 94108 2218 Mein Street: Second Floor Santa Monica , CA 90405 2840 Wldemess Place] Suite AD Boulder , CO 80301 2840 Wklemess Place] Suite AD Boulder , CO 80301 28401Mklemess Place] Suits AD Boulder , CO 80301 2540 NM1ldemess PlecnJ Suite AD Boulder , CO 80301 2840 VNldemess Place i Suite AD Boulder , CO 80301 P 0 Box 412 Hinesburg . VT 05461 1 Belmont Avenue=

42-0698218 41-2124847 13-3570469

501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

STEM programming general support Direct Impact Afnce project to support a girls dormitory in Chiawe, Zambia refinery reform campaign as per proposal general support

27-2523757 94-3066688

501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00


501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty


general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chadty

10,000 00

Kewta N Ramdas Making Waves Fund

Global Fund for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00

general support

Global Fund for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

general support

Global Fund for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

general support

Global Fund for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

grantmaktng programs in Africa

Global Fund for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Global Fund for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

24,222 00

general support

Global Fund for Women


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

work in Afn

Global Green USA


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

initiative to help rebuild Son Bruno

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


general support

Global Greengrenb Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chedty


general support

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

general support

Global Greengrents Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

37,000 00

to support reconstruction and relief efforts for Japan

Global Greengrants Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

general support

Global Justice Ecology Project / Cool Ground Global Security Institute

81 -0826946 94-3347331

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 5,51746

general support Middle Powers Initiative and PNND

Salle 400=
Global Security Institute Bala Cynwyd , PA 19004 1 Belmont Avenue = Suite 400_ Bela Cynwyd , PA 19004 1 Bebnont Avenue: Suite 400= Bala Cynwyd , PA 19004 94-3347331 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 14,114 52 general support

Global Security Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

16,834 90

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 20 of 58




Name of organlratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 32,494 36

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Global Security Institute

1 Belmont Avenue: Suite 400_ Bela Cynwyd, PA 19004 National HeadquertersO 90 Broad StreetO Second Floor: New York, NY 10004 National Headquadarso 90 Broad StreetO Second Floor New York, NY 10004 166 Avenue of the Americas[] New York, NY 10013 149 Waubesa Street: Madison, WI 53704 149 Waubesa Street Madison, WI 53704 1460 Broedway0 10th Floor[] New York, NY 10036 80 Pitt StreetC New York, NY 10002 4055 21st Avenue West Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98199-1247 1009 General Kennedy Avenue 02F Son Francisco, CA 94129 PO Box 933C Mill Valley, CA 94942 PO Boo 9331 Mill Valley, CA 94942 710 Second Avenue[] Suite 860: Seattle WA 98104 540 President Street: Suite 1AD Brooklyn, NY 11215 1215 Kearney Street, NED Washington, DC 20017 kMghtman School Community Building 1 5604 Solway Street 0204= Pittsburgh, PA 15217 601 Tamlanu Trail Southi 1 Venice, FL 34285 601 Tamlam Trail Southo Venice FL 34285 601 Tansarm Trail Southo Venice, FL 34285 601 Tamem Trail Southo Venice FL 34285 601 Tarrsam Trail South[] Venice FL 34285 601 Tandem Trail Southi 1 Venice, FL 34285 350 Commercial Street3 Portland ME 04101 PO Box 2245, New Orleans, LA 70176 PO Box 2250: Brattleboro VT 05303 869 Carroll Street: Suite N3: Brooklyn NY 11215 1730 Rhode Island Avenue NWSuite 403: Washington, DC 20038


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Middle Powers Initiative and PNND Assembly 2011



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

24,087 00

general support

God's Love We Deliver Goodman Community Center Goodman Community Center Grameen America, Inc

13-3366846 39-1919172 39-1919172 20-8497991

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

7.00000 5.08500 10,260 00 50,000 00

continued advancement of technological program and infrastructure toward reliance on Internet general support general support expansion of New York program

Grand Street Settlement, Inc Grantmaker s In the Arts

13-5562230 36-3670955

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 15 000 00

general support 2011 Annual Conference

Grantmakers Without Borders Greet Freedom Treasures Great Freedom Treasures Grist Magazine

20-8211195 73-1727552 73-1727552 06-1664153

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

5,96500 10 000 00 10,000 00 30,000 00

six-month grant for 2011 conference and outreach general support general support general support

Groundswell Community Mural Protect


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00

general support

Groundswell International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Group Against Smog and Pollution


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty


18-month grant to promote agro ecology and achieve food security among small-holder fans families in rural areas In eastern Burkina Faso Commuter Monitor Program

Gull Coast Community Foundation Gulf Coast Community Foundation Gull Coast Community Foundation Gulf Coast Community Foundation Gulf Coast Community Foundation Gulf Coast Community Foundabon Gulf of Maine Research Institute Gull Restoration Network Gunung Palang Orangutan Conservation Program HabltatMep, Inc

59-1052433 59-1052433 59-1052433 59-1052433 59-1052433 59-1052433 01-0504905 72.1447742 26-1380932 20-8834317

501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

17,619 39 25,00000 35,000 00 40,000 00 50,000 00 95,000 00 101,500 00 35,000 00 40,000 00 12,500 00

general support general support general support general support general support general support PowerHouse project work creating and Implementing a gull-eerie unified campaign to achieve gulf restoration following the BP Dnling Disaster general support Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant

HALO Trust


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6 000 00

Goggle Earth Outreach Developer Grant

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 21 of 58




Name of organlzatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 25,00000 100,000 00 10,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

HandMade In Amenca Harlem Stage Hartley Film Foundation

PO Box 2089: Asheville , NC 28802 150 Convent Avenuei New York, NY 10031 49 Richmondwle Avenueo Suite 204 Westport , CT 06880

31 - 1604083 13-3166308 06- 0950982

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Appalachian Women Entrepreneurs project Harlem Stage 's general support Jule Englanders documentary film, Home Again

49 Rlchmondwle Avenueo Suite 204_ Westport , CT 06880 Hartley Film Foundation / Promised Land Film 49 Richmondwfe Avanueo Suite 204= Westport , CT 06880 Health Access Foundation 1127 11th Street ] Suite 234: Sacramento , CA 95814 Health Alliance of Northern California 2280 Benton Drivel I Building C Suite C= Redding, CA 96003 Health Alliance of Northern California 2280 Benton Dmel I Building C , Suite C Redding CA 96003 Health Cam Foundation of Greater Kansas 2700 East 18th Street City I Missouri Convergence Partnership Suite 200 Kansas City MO 64127 Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas 2700 East 18th Street : City / Missouri Convergence Partnership Suite 200 Kansas City , MO 64127 Heath Foundation of Southern Florida 2 S Biscayne Boulevard = Suite 1710: Miami, FL 33131 Health Foundation of Southern Florida 2 S Biscayne BoulevardSuite 1710 Miami FL 33131 1600 Green Hills Road Suite 1011 I Scotts Valley CA 95066 1600 Green Hills Road Suite 1010 Scotts Valley , CA 95068 4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd #246 I Portland , OR 97214 4110 SE Hawthorne Boulevard #246: Portland, OR 97214 4110 SE Hawthorne Boulevard 0246: Portland , OR 97214 Ill Huntington Avenue) 23rd Floors i Boston MA 02199 7751 South Menthey Road] French Camp , CA 95231 7751 South Manfhey Road] French Camp , CA 95231 95 Berkeley Street Boston , MA 02116 2105 S Bascom Ave, Ste 220 : Campbell , CA 95008

Hartley Film Foundation

06 -0950982

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

documentary film project One in a Billion

06- 0950982

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Promsed Land Film's documentary film, The New Black


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

122,363 00

Promoting and Implementing Health Care Reform Grassroots Organizing in California SHARC capacity building and health home innovation work


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

31 - 1580642

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


SHARC capacity buil d ing and health home innovation work


501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

Missouri Convergence Partnerships work to expand and sustain the Partnership and conduct a targeted policy campaign Mlssoun Convergence Partnerships work to expand and sustain the Partnership and conduct a targeted policy campaign support Florida Convergence Partnership 's work in facilitating a strategic planning process, establishing a structure and governance for joint echwbes, and identifying pnonty areas, as outlined in your 2011 proposal support Florida Convergence Partnerships work in facilitating a strategic planning process , establishing a structure and govemance for joint activities , and identifying priority areas, as outlined in your 2011 proposal Health Home Innovation project Health Home Innovation protect Immunization and nnhae clinic initiatives general support general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00


501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty

25,000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County Health in Harmony Health In Harmony Health In Harmony Health Leads

108261 56 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 108261 56 501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty 20-3741107 20-3741107 20-3741107 45-0484533 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250,00000 250,00000 18,560 00 25 000 00 25,000 00 6,00000

Health Plan of San Joaquin Health Plan of San Joaquin Health Resources In Action

861152689 Government - Not Federal 881152689 Government - Not Federal 04-2229839 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250 000 00 250,000 00 30,000 00

Health Home Innovation project Health Home Innovation project one-month grant to research appropriate strategies and partners, as well as define an action plan and organizational home for a Massachusetts Convergence Partnership organization 's work to support innovative new projects involving mulafield community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding toad access efforts to Improve health and equity work to transition Utah's coal- fired power plants through public pressure , engagement in admnlsfirebve processes, and participation in the Transition PaalCorp Coalition general support general support

Health Trust


501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

65,000 00

Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah

Heyday Hip-Hop Theater Festival

824 South 300 Westi i Suite 8 - 111. Sell Lake City , UT 84101 PO Box 9145 Berkeley CA 94709 442-D Lodmer Street: Suite 195_ Brooklyn , NY 11206


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

94-3268357 42-1642691

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 100,000 00

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 22 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 14,765 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance Digitize collection

Purpose of grant or assistance

History Museum of Hood River County

P O Box 781= 300 E Port Manna Drivel Hood River, OR 97031 14 Dixon Concord, 14 Dixon Concord, Avenue: NH 03301 Avenue NH 03301


Government - Not Federal

HNHtounda0on HNHtoundabon

02-0497577 02-0497577

501(c)(3) Pnvate Non Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

10 000 00 15 000 00


14 Dixon Avenue Concord, NH 03301


501(c))3) Private Non Operating Fdn

35 000 00

to support a consultant for New Hampshire Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Campaign support innovative new projects involving mufti-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity Healthy Ealing Active Living program to award one community grant to a rural community, and contract with a trainer to teach advocacy skills and build leadership proficiency among a core number of coahSon grantees, and to provide technical assistance throughout the grant period schoalrshlp fund

Hoffman Institute

Home Space, Inc Hoops 4 Hope USA Hope Stone

Howard University

1299 Fourth Street] Suite 403= San Rafael, CA 94960 434 Massachusetts Avenue 1 Boston. MA 02118 P O Box 895= East Hampton, NY 11937 1210 West Clay_ Suite 26: Houston, TX 77019 Division of University Advancement] The Howard Center] 2225 Georgia Avenue, NW - Room 9010 Washington, DC 20059 John Lovejoy Elliott Center]


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty


04-2708648 11-3287137 76-0519238

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 9,50000 10,00000

general support general support Kid's Play NOLA program


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

35 000 00

FIRST Robotics Competition and the Howard University Science, Engineering and Mathematics Program

Hudson Guild


501)c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

441 West 26th Streeto

Human Rights First New York NY 10001 333 Seventh AvenueThirteenth Floor: New York. NY 10001-5108 350 Fifth Avenues 1 34th FloorO New York, NY 10118-3299 350 Fifth Avenues 1 34th Floori i New York, NY 10118-3299 P O Box 776290: Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 373 Indianola Road] Baysrde, CA 95524 13-3116646 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 20,000 00 Holding the Line Against Torture project

Human Rights Watch


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Women's Rights Division

Human Rights Watch


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50 000 00

general support

Humble Ranch Education and Therapy Center Humboldt Area Foundation

84-1516009 23-7310660

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,00000 50 000 00

general support organization's work to support innovative new projects Involving muNSold community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to urrprwe health and equity general support iLab Residency and Annual Symposium general support

Hunters Point Family (Lend, Inc Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health

1651 Ouesada Street] Son Francisco, CA 94124 140 Second Avenue #501 i New York NY 10003 228 S Wabash Avanueo Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60604 332 S Michigan Avenue] Suite 500= Chicago, IL 60604 332 S Michigan Avenue] Suite 500: Chicago, IL 60604 30 Broad Street] 9th Fboro New York, NY 10004 181 Wyckoff Streeh 1 Brooklyn NY 11217 728 Front Street_ Suite Al I Louisville, CO 80027

94-3361252 20-1900264 36-3223988

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c))3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

70,000 00 30 000 00 30,000 00

Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty


501)c))3) Public Chanty

21 000 00

general support



501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Immaterial Incorporated Impact on Education

11-3504837 84-0943046

501(c))3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity

78,000 00 30,000 00

general support "STREAM Initiative'

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 2 3 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 79,950 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance


7315 Wisconsin Avenue: Suite 1100W] Bethesda MD 20814 C/o Shafiq Khan _ 30 Barcelona:] Irvine, CA 92614 184 Fifth AvenueO Fourth New York , NY 10010 Alin Fiscal Sponsorship Programs 1 68 Jay Street] Room 425: Bmokyn , NY 11201 Ann Fiscal Sponsorship ProgremO 68 Jay Street] Room 425= Brooklyn , NY 11201 77 Federal StreetO Second Floor Dept 11GEND Son Francesco , CA 94107 143 West 4th Street 82F: New York , NY 10012 143 West 4th Street 02F New York , NY 10012 PO Box 485: Bemldp , MN 56619 PO Box 485 Bemidji , MN 56619 5301 Stevens Creek BoulevardC PO Boa 58059 , MS WO, 1 Santa Clara, CA 95052-8059

26- 2048480

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

general support for Global Social Venture Fund

Imren Khan Foundation


501(c )( 3) Public Charity

50 000 00

to support the rebuilding and renewing of Pakistan after the flooding in 2010 general support

In the Ufa Media , Inc


501(c )(3) Public Charity

10 000 00

Independent Feature Project


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00

Lorene Luciano's film project In the Middle

Independent Feature Project / Sat Mic Film , LLC


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Sat Mic Film LLC's documentary film, Our School

Independent Media Institute

52- 1309876

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

13,186 00

Aoemet project

Independent World Television Independent World Television Indigenous Environmental Network Indigenous Environmental Network Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education Inland Empire Health Plan

01-0808098 01-0808098 38-3653476 38-3653476 77-0143865

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 00 66,69354 20,000 00 150,000 00 15,000 00

general support general support general support education , organizing and advocacy on indigenous peoples and tar sands IISME Fellowships in industry and research labs

303 E Vanderbilt WayD San Bemadino , CA 92408 Inland Empire Health Plan 303 E Vanderbilt Wayi 1 San Bemadlno , CA 92408 Innocence Project New Orleans / Voice of the 3301 Chartres Street] En-Offender New Orleans , LA 70117 Innocence Project New Orleans / Voice of the 3301 Chartres Street] Es-Offender New Orleans , LA 70117 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 2105 First Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55404 -2505

330704304 Government - Not Federal 330704304 Government - Not Federal 72 - 1501261 72- 1501261 36-3501938 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

250,000 00 250,000 00 10,000 00 30,000 00 50 00000

Health Home Innovation project Health Home Innovation project general support for Voice of the En-Offender Voice of the Ex-Offandefs general support Healthy Legacy 's work to strengthen the participation of people of color and low-income commumhes and grow rnornentum for Minnesotabased chemicals policy reform, in collaboration with Environmental Justice Advocates of Minnesota general support

Institute for America's Future

Institute for Arnenca's Future

1825 K Street , NW i Suite 400: Washington DC 20006 1825 K Street , NW i Suite 400 Washington , DC 20006 1825 K Street NW :l Suite 400 Washington , DC 20006 1825 K Street NW :l Suite 400_ Washington , DC 20006 1825 K Street , NW :l Suite 400: Washington , DC 20006 3509 Connecticut Avenue , NWO Suite 945= Washington DC 20008 6930 Carroll Avenue ] Suite 1050] Takoma Park, MD 20912 6935 Laurel Avenuei Suite 201: Takoma Park , MD 20912

52 - 1971942

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

52 - 1971942

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Institute for Arnenca ' s Future


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,696 00

general support

Institute for Arnenca a Future

52- 1971942

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

15,000 00

general support

Institute for Amenca ' e Future / American Values Institute Institute for Asian Democracy

52- 1971942

501 ( c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00

general support for Ameocan Values Institute


501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

response to the evolving political situation in Burma

Institute for Conservation Leadership


501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty


general support

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty


general support and for updating website

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 35,000 00 20,000 00 15,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti Institute for Media Analysts / Laura Flanders Limited Institute for One Wisconsin

Institute for Policy Studies

Institute for Policy Studies / Other Worlds

Institute for Policy Studies I Other Worlds

Institute for Policy Studies / Other Worlds

Institute for Policy Studies / The Other 98%

Institute for Traditional Studies InterAchon - American Council for Voluntary International Action International Campaign for Tibet International Center for Traditional Childbearing International Center for Traditional Childbearing International Child Resources Institute / Homes Organizing the Mission to Empower Youth International Coalition or Sites or Cons

666 Dorchester Avenue[] South Boston, MA 02127 143 West 4th Streeh 1 New York, NY 10012 152 W Johnson Street: Suite 214 Madison WI 53703 1112 16th Street, NWO suit. 600= Washington, DC 20038 1112 16th Street, NWO Suite 600Washington, DC 20038 1112 16th Street, NW] Suite 600= Washington, DC 20036 1112 16th Street, NWi 1 Suite 600_ Washington, DC 20036 1112 16th Street, NWi 1 Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 21512 Orr Springs Road I ITSI 1 Ukiah, CA 95482 1400 16th Street NWO Suite 210= Washington, DC 20036 1825 Jefferson Place NWC Washington, DC 20038 PO Box 11923 Portland, OR 97211 PO Box 11923C Portland, OR 97211 1581 La Roy Avenuei Berkeley, CA 84708 333 7th Avenues i 14th Floors i New York, NY 10001 827 Valence Street] Suite 101 San Francisco, CA 94110-1736 827 Valencia Street= Suite 101: Son Francisco, CA 94110-1736 601 South King StreetO Suite 305= Seattle, WA 1201 West 5th Straeto Suite M2700 Los Angeles, CA 90017 The Thoreau Center for Susteinabrity 1009 General Kennedy Avenue #2D San Francisco, CA 94129 The Thoreau Center for Sustainabi6ry 1009 General Kennedy Avenue #2C San Francisco, CA 94129 The Thoreau Center for Sustalnabdity 1009 General Kennedy Avenue 021 San Francisco, CA 94129 PO Box 1040 Akwesasne, NY 13655 The Redstone Building: 2940 16th Street, Suite 3050 Son Francisco CA 94103

03-0541424 13-3331313 20-3771558

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

provide legal aid to displaced and homeless Haitian citizens through Bureau des Avocats Intemabonaux project Laura Flanders Umted 's GRITty general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

93,000 00

Right Web project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

general support for Other Worlds


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

general support for Other Worlds


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Other Worlds ' work with the FRAKKA coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Beautiful Trouble A Toolkd for Artists and Activists book and web toolbox to support Vanya Metal Arts Increasing Civil Society Input into Bill Gates Presentation to the G20 Summit project general support Sistah Care program general support general support for Homes Organizing the Mission to Empower Youth

94-2614413 13-3287064

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

15,000 00 6,494 00

52-1570071 91.1837139 91-1837139 94-2835018

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00 15 000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support and Kenya Memory Project

International Development Exchange


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

International Development Exchange / Other Worlds International District Housing Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

general support for Other Worlds


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

International Documentary Association / Iskander Films. Inc International Forum on Globalization


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12 000 00

Iskander Film, Inc 'a untitled documentary on Egypt


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

general support

International Forum on Globalization / Oakland Institute International Forum on Globalization / Oakland Institute International Funders for Indigenous People International Indian Treaty Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Oakland Institute


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty


general support for Oakland Institute

75-3217508 94-3330491

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 10,000 00

general support general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organlzatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 45 000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

International Indian Treaty Council

The Redstone BuildmgC 2940 16th Street3 Suite 305 San Francisco, CA 94103 122 East 42nd Street0 New York, NY 10168-1289 122 East 42nd Streeto New York, NY 10168-1289 122 East 42nd Streeti 1 New York, NY 10168-1289 122 East 42nd StreetO New York, NY 10168-1289 122 East 42nd Streeh I New York NY 10168-1289 2150 Allston Way: Suite 300Berkeley CA 94704 2150 Allston Way? Suite 300: Berkeley, CA 94704 2150 Allston Way? Suite 300= Berkeley CA 94704 2150 Allston Way: Suite 300= Berkeley, CA 94704 300 Funstan Avenues 1 Son Francisco, CA 94118 418 West 145th StreelD New York, NY 10031 18552 MacArthur Boulevard0 Suite 200= Irvine, CA 92612


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Indigenous Women's Environmental and Reproductive Health Initiative

International Rescue Committee International Rescue Committee International Rescue Committee International Rescue Committee / Women's Refugee Comndssion International Rescue Committee / Women's Refugee Commissian International Rivers Network

13-5660870 13-5660870 13-5660870 13-5660870 13-5660870 94-3158295

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00 10 000 00 89,568 81 7,50000 10 000 00 6,00000

to support Japanese relief efforts general support general support general support for Women's Refugee Commission Women's Refugee Commission's general support Googte Earth Outreach Developer Grant

International Rivers Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Africa Program

International Rivers Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,000 00

for further granting to Friends of Lake Turkana, Otros Mundos and MAPDER general support

International Rivers Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

19,563 00

Internet Archive Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization / Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees Irvine Public Schools Foundation

94-3242767 13-2590548

501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 20,000 00

activities with the HTTP Archive Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees ' case management and financial assistance to famhes from Haiti migrating to the United States general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Island Press - Center for Resource Economic 1718 Connecticut Avenue, NWC Suite 300: Washington DC 20009-1148 J Street Education Fund P 0 Box 66073: Washington, DC 20035 J Street Education Fund P O Boa 66073 Washington, DC 20035 J Street Education Fund P O Box 66073: Washington, DC 20035 Jewish Family and Children s Service of 5743 Bartlett Streeti 1 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA 15217 Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle 2031 Third AvenueO Seattle, WA 98121 Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle 2031 Third AvanueD Seattle, WA 98121 Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County 4601 Community Dmeo West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Johns Hopkins University Center for Public Health & Human RlghtsC Bloomberg School of Public Health] 815 N Wolfe Street, E71440 Baltimore, MD 21205 Johns Hopkins University Center for Public Health & Human Rights Bloomberg School of Public Healthi i 615 N Wolfe Street, E71441 I Baltimore, MD 21205 710 N Plonldnton, Ste 12000 Milwaukee, WI 53203


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

environmental communication and outreach

20-2777557 20-2777557 20-2777557 25-0965407 91-0575950 91-0575950 59-0948696 52-0595110

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 200 000 00 300,000 00 6,00000 25,00000 30 000 00 250,000 00 45,400 00

general support general support general support computer hardware and software for Cognitive Enhancement Institute's Brain Builders Club Safe Washington project general support general support for anonymous donor advised fund Center for Pubic Health and Human Rights at the Bloomberg School of Public Health s project to build local capacity to document comes against humanity in Burma


501(c )(3) Pubic Chanty

45,400 00

Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the Bloomberg School of Public Health's project to build local capacity to document comes against humanity in Burma

Joseph and Vera Zllber Family Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

100,000 00

orgenizaeon's work to support Innovative new projects involving mu8rfield community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to Improve health and equity

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 26 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 9,18587

Amount otnoncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Jost van Dykes Preservation Society

c/o John T Kreider. CPA 326 First Street] Suite 37Bi i Annapolis, MD 21403 3325 Wilshire Boulevard: Suite 340 Los Angeles, CA 90010 3325 Wilshire BoulevardSuite 340: Los Angeles, CA 90010 3325 Wilshire Boulevard: Suite 340: Los Angeles CA 90010 3325 Wilshire Boulevard: Suite 340= Los Angeles CA 90010 2810 Camino Del Rio Southi i Suite 116= San Diego, CA 92108 PO Box 9576 Washington, DC 20016 1820 St Charles Avenue0 Suite 205= New Orleans, LA 70130 1820 St Charles AvenueO Suite 205= New Orleans, LA 70130 PO Box 2065Topeka, KS 66601 HC-01 Box 74111 Kaunakakanl Molokai, HI 96748 HC-01 Be. 741 D KeunakakauI Molokai, HI 96748 P O Box 832809: Richardson, TX 75083-2809 24 Holidays RoadD Blunoshem0 Hun8rgdano Cambridgeshire: PE28 3LPn United Kingdom PO Box 4671 Berea, KY 40403


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Just Detention International


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00

general support

Just Detention International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Just Detention International


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Just Detention International


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

90,000 00

general support

Just Transition Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

in-district organizing partner bulking, opposition strategy, and media work at state and federal levels general support general support

Justice Through Music Project Juvenile Regional Services

27-0051487 20-5961971

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00

Juvenile Regional Services


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

general support

Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty Ke Kua'alna Hanauna Hou (KKHH)

48-1070796 99-0283696

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

50,000 00 600,000 00 FMV Land on Molokai, HI

general support

Ke Kim alms Hanaune Hou (KKHH)


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

improvements to the caretaker house

Kellermann Foundation Ken Banks' FrontlneSMS


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,237 74 10,000 00

Bwmdl Community Hospital in Uganda Antonio Pizzigatl Prize for Software in the Public Interest for Ken Banks' FronthneSMS

Kentucky Environmental Foundation 1 Coming Clean


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 00

Coring Clean's work to produce high quality domonitonr g work with firefighters , coordinate new markets to leverage the business community in support of Toxic Substances Control Ad (TSCA) reform, and build support for policy reform among ethnic media markets community-wade native plant demonstration garden to purchase computer tab equipment for instructing residents on Google applications general support general support

Kiawah Island Natural Habitat Conservancy Koinonla Inc Kronor Performing Arts Association LA's BEST

L9 Center for the Arts Le Codne La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club La Polls Cultural Center La Pilate Latin American Cultural Families Network

80 Kestrel Court? Kiawah Island, SC 29455 318 Main Street NW I Lenoir, NC 28845 P 0 Box 225340: Son Francisco. CA 94122-5340 200 North Spring Streets M1207 Los Angeles, CA 90012 539 Cafmn Avenues i New Orleans, LA 70117 2948 Folsom StreetSan Francisco, CA 94110 74A East 4th St-to New York, NY 10003 3105 Shattuck Avenue= Berkeley, CA 94705 294 South StreetO Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

58-2359979 56-1171000 23-7444956 95-4311058

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 9,29500 10 000 00 10,000 00

27-0189404 59-3838549 13-2620861 94-2459580 04-3486913

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c) (3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 60,000 00 25,000 00

general support to increase programmatic capacity and to strengthen infrastructure general support general support general support

20,000 00 9,90000

Form 990 Schedule I, Part 11 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organization

PO Box 732C Sandpoint, ID 83864 4015 Executive Park Drive Suite 320= Clnanneb, OH 45241 National Headquartersi i 120 Wall Street i Suite 15007 New York NY 10005-3904 821 East 35th Street Suite 200= Minneapolis MN 55407 1590 Willamette Street, Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 939 Eighth Avenuai i Suite 301 New York, NY 10019 701 Sutter StreetO Suite 2 San Francesco, CA 94109 17 Columba DriveAmherst MA 01002 4938 Central Avenueu Suite 101Chadofe NC 28262 1005 Boylston Street I Suite 235= Newton, MA 02461 2318 18th Street, NWi I Washington, DC 20009 PO Box 5092: Round Rock, TX 78683 c/o 275 Macdonough Street Brooklyn, NY 11233 Laurelhurt Elementary SchoolC 4530 46th Avenue NEn Seattle, WA 98105 866 UN PIazeC Suite 4050= New York, NY 10017-1830 868 UN PlazaC Suite 4D50: New York, NY 10017-1830 866 UN PlazaC Suite 4050_ New York, NY 10017-1830 866 UN Plazas Suite 4050= New York NY 10017-1830 866 UN Plaza, Suite 4050 New York, NY 10017-1830 11 Dupont CircleSuite 240 Washington, DC 20036 11 Dupont Circle Suite 240Washington, DC 20038 11 Dupont Circle= Suite 240: Washington. DC 20038 1920 L Street, NWC Suite 8D0: Washington, DC 20036 1920 L Street, NWC Suite 800= Washington, DC 20038


IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 20,000 00 40,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper / Eureka Institute LAM Foundation

26-4219188 31-1438001

Other Non - Profit Organization 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

Eureka Institute s general support research into the causes of and treatment for lymphenglaleiornyomatosis (LAM) general support

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12,500 00

Land Stewardship Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7 000 00

general support

Lane Arts Council / Faedeworlds, LLC


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support for Faenewodds LLC

Lark Play Development Center


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

Larkin Street Services / 3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic Las Lianas Resource Center Latin American Coalition


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

70,000 00

general support for the 3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic

42-1599122 58-1945776

501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Charity

10,000 00 15,000 00

general support work to develop an independent immigrant rights coalition to North Caroline work to combat prejudice and discrimination against Hispania in the

Latino Donor Collaborative


Other Non-Profit Organization

26 504 31

United States
52-1749218 26-2909240 87-0753479 91-1093520 501(c))3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 50,00000 10 000 00 75 000 00 8,301 95 lending program general support general support Get In the Groove Project

Latino Economic Development Corporation Launch Pad The Center for Hope & Building Dream Laundromat Project, Inc Laurethurst PTA

Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


joint Nuclear Weapons Convention with the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arnw (IALANA) Global Action to Prevent War Conference - UNEPS in Context Third Pillar Capacities Global Action to Prevent War Conference - UNEPS in Context Third Pillar Capacities IALANA Conference follow-up and site map for your organtzabon's website general support

Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

11,000 00

Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

22,300 00

Leadership Center for the Common Good


501(c)( 3) Public Charity


general support

Leadership Center for the Common Good


501 (c )( 3) Public Charity


general support

Leadership Center for the Common Good


501(c)( 3) Pubic Chanty

35,000 00

general support

League of Conservation Voters


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization


State Capacity Building program

League of Conservation Voters


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

100,000 00

State Capacity Building Program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 28 of 58




Name of organlaatlon



IRS Code

Anaunt of cash grant 21 107 00

Amountof noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

League of Conservation Voters Education Fund League of Conservation Voters Education Fund League of Conservation Voters Education Fund League of Conservation Voters Education Fund League of Conservation Voters Education Fund League of Conservation Voters Education Fund League of Woman Voters Education Fund

1920 L Street NWC Suite 800: Washington DC 20036 1920 L Street, NWC Suite 800= Washington, DC 20036 1920 L Street NWC Suite 800= Washington, DC 20036 1920 L Street NWi Suite 800: Washington, DC 20036 1920 L Street NWi Suite 800 Washington. DC 20036 1920 L Street NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 1730 M Street NWE Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036-4508 127 W 26th Street #12000 New York NY 10001 127 W 26th Street #12001 New York NY 10001 1314 NE 56th StreetO Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98105 Bronx ChapterO 579 Courtlandt AveBronx, NY 10451-5013 1540 Market StreetO Suite 490= San Francisco, CA 94102 1540 Market StreetO Suite 490: Son Francisco, CA 94102 PO BOX 1054i Lenoir, NC 28645 6420 Wlshue Boulevard: Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90048 6420 Wllshue Boulevard= Suite 700: Los Angeles, CA 90048 6420 Wilshire Boulevard= Suite 700: Los Angeles, CA 90048 2121 CloverOeld Boulevardo Suite 113= Santa Monica, CA 90404 64201MIshue Boulevard


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

30,000 00

public education and advocacy on dirty fuels


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

30 00000

research, education and orgamang on dirty fuels


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

40 000 00

general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00

State Capacity Building program


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

general support

Learning Matters Learning Matters Legal Advocates for Washington School

52-1905556 52-1905556 91-1220712

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 100,00000 8 000 00

to create eight segments for PBS NewsHour that focus on grade-level reading to create eight segments for PBS NewsHour that focus on grade-level reading general support

Legal Services for New York City


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

38,522 80

Bronx chapter

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children


501(c)(3) Pubic Charity

32,149 00

Femly Unity Project

Lenoir Soup Kitchen Liberty Hill Foundation

56-1743480 51-0181191

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,50000 6.00000

digital office Improvements to compete a landscape analysts fore Boys and Men of Color Initiative in Los Angeles research project on African American philanthropy in Los Angeles

Liberty Hill Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Charity

10 000 00

Liberty Hill Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

research protect on African American philanthropy In Los Angeles

Liberty Hill Foundation

51-0181 t 91

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Clone Fund in support of the Queer Youth Fund

Liberty Hill Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

65,000 00

Otoflo Fund in support of the Queer Youth Fund

Suite 700:
UfeLong Medical Care Uttleglobe Live Oak School Living Archives, Inc Living Classrooms Foundation Los Angeles, CA 90048 PO Be. 11247 Berkeley, CA 94712 223 N Guadalupe, #4270 Santa Fe, NM 87501 1555 Manposa Streelo San Francisco, CA 94107 262 West 91st Streeli New York, NY 10024 Office of the National Capital Regiono 515 M Street] Suite 222: Washington DC 20003 94-2502308 27-0118569 94-2153158 13-2896424 52-1369524 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 250,000 00 25,000 00 15,000 00 10,00000 15,000 00 general support COAL A Musical Fable educational programming in coordination with the Potrero Hill Learning Garden Madeleine Sacklers film project Unstable Elements IGngman Island Environmental Center

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organlretlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 10,000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Living Routes , Inc

Living Routes , Inc

Long Now Foundation

Loden Association Lorlan Association Los Alamos Study Group Los Angeles County Education Foundation Los Angeles County Education Foundation Los Angeles Fllmforum Lower Manhattan Cultural Council

284 N Pleasant Street : Suite 1: Amherst , MA 01002 284 N Pleasant Street: Suite 1: Amherst , MA 01002 Fort Mason CenterO Landmark Building AO San Francesco , CA 94123 P 0 Box 1368 Issaquah , WA 98027 P 0 Box 1368= Issaquah , WA 98027 2901 Summit Place , NE: Albuquerque , NM 87106-2028 9300 Imperial Highway , Room 106 Downey , CA 90242 9300 Imperial Highway , Room 106 : Downey CA 90242 143 N Commonwealth Ave #3i i Los Angeles , CA 90004 125 Maiden Lene0 2nd FloorNew York, NY 10038 125 Maiden Lanao 2nd FloorNew York, NY 10038 100 North Hamilton Street: Madison WI 53703 100 North Hamilton Street Madison , WI 53703 151 West 25th StreetO 5th Floors New York NY 10001 22 Bramha0 StreetO Portland , ME 04102


501(c )(3) Public Charity


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support


501(c )(3) Pubic Chanty

8 400 00

general support

23-7444617 23-7444617 85-0438692

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

8 000 00 20,000 00 10,000 00 100,000 00 100,000 00 10,000 00 7 000 00

general support general support general support Health Home Policy project Health Home Policy protect Alicia Dwyer ' s film Xmas Without China Planning grant for the Sekou Legacy Project , in partnership with MAPP International Productions and other core stakeholders general support

954592684 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 954592684 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 51-0173697 23-7348782 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

100,000 00

Madison Children' s Museum Madison Children' s Museum Magnum Foundation

39- 1383497 39- 1383497 45-0573269

501 (c)(3) Pubic Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00

general support Creative Science and Innovation Fund Emergency Fund

Maine Medical Center


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

34 997 00

one - year grant to support the critical next steps In the development of sustainatsity efforts and a shared pubic policy agenda that moves forward actions to advance the movement of healthy people in healthy places general support Oakland Technology Exchange

MAPLIght org Marcus Foster Education Fund

Marol Academy Martin Luther King, Jr Cultural Foundation , Inc Mary Black Foundation

2223 Shattuck Avenue : Berkeley CA 94704 8301 Edgewater Drive Suite 203= Oakland , CA 94621 3123 Cardiff Avenue Los Angeles , CA 90034 P 0 Boa 80860 Reston VA 20195 349 East Main Street, Suite 1000 Spartanburg , SC 29302 3800A 34th Streea i Mount Rainier , MD 20712 3800A 34th StreetO Mount Rainier , MD 20712 MIT MITES Program[ 77 Massachusetts Avenue= Room 1-1230 Cambridge , MA 02139 PO Box 12889= 3021 E Cornwallis Srreet0 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 455 Massachusetts Avenue , NWO Suite 600: Washington , DC 20001 455 Massachusetts Avenue , NWi 1 Suite 600= Washington , DC 20001

33-1094233 23-7357906

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 60 000 00

26.1343221 54.1801181 57.0843135

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

10,000 00 12,000 00 100 , 000 00

general support to provide four scholarships for students focused on Science, Technology , Engineering and Math (STEM) studies support innovative new projects involving multi-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and e x panding food access efforts to impmva health and equity general support general support Summer Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) Program

Maryland Citizens Against State Executions Maryland Citizens Against State Executions Massachusetts Institute of Technology

82-0558522 82-0558522 04-2103594

501(c))3) Public Chanty 501(c))3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 35,00000 7,00000

MCNC / NC STEM Community Collaborative


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

NC STEM Communi ty Collaboratve's STEMport project

Media Matters for America


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support

Media Matters for Amend


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,904 00

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 25,000 00 35,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support Fox News Initiative

Purpose of grant or assistance

Media Matter, for America Media Matters for Amenca

Media Matters for Amenca

Medical Students for Choice Medical Students for Choice Medical Tears International Medieval Japanese Studies Foundation

Memonal Hermann Foundation

P M B 5120 Washington , DC 20001 455 Massachusetts Avenue NWi 1 Suite 600= Washington , DC 20001 455 Massachusetts Avenue , NWi i Suite 600 Washington , DC 20001 PO Box 40188 Philadelphia PA 19106 PO Box 40188 = Philadelphia . PA 19106 PO Box 10 Portland , OR 97207-0010 35 Claremont Avenue] Apt 10-So New York , NY 10027 929 Gessner7 Suite 2650: Houston , TX 77024 1156 15th Street NWO Suite 1001Washington, DC 20005 Department Wo PO Box 2669Portland , OR 97208 241 Sixth Avenues #2B= New York , NY 10014 3054 West Grand Boulevards i Suite 3-6001 i Detroit, MI 48202 213 W Liberty StreetO Suite 300 Ann Arbor , MI 48104 5758 Geary Blvd 0 Suite 261= San Francisco , CA 94121 1400 W 8th Street ] The Dallas OR 97058 2300 15th Avenue Si i Minneapolis , MN 55404 1619 Dayton Avenueo Suite 303= St Paul , MN 55104 75 Francis Street: San Francisco , CA 94112 P 0 Box 70251 Missoula , MT 59808 PO Box 1184 : Helena , MT 59624

47-0928008 47-0928008

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

47- 0928008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

52-1912358 52-1912356 93-0878944 13-4078345

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

14 607 00 25 000 00 20 000 00 88062 68

general support general support general support ongoing project on women in Japanese culture and Japanese classical music (gagaku and hoguku) Newborn Possibilities Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Mental Disability Rights International

52- 2035860

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support

Mercy Corps


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

women's capacity budding program in Bambad and Barpassou

Meteor Film / Cernrvalesque Films


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Camrvalesque Film' documentary film Girl Model

Michigan Department of Civil Rights


Govemment - Not Federal

100,000 00

add SO and GIE to statewide nondiscrimination statute by 2014

Michigan League of Conservation Voter


501 (c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

15,000 00

Accountability Suite program

MlcroCredit Enterprises


501 ( c)(d) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

Mid Columbia Fire and Rescue Minnesota Indian Women ' s Resource Center Minnesota Indian Women 's Sexual Assault Coalition Mission Preparatory , Inc Missoula County Community Food and Agriculture Coalition Montane Environmental Infomtahon Center

93-0715432 41-1500950 20- 1421325

Government - Not Federal 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 25,000 00 75,000 00

work to outfit five emergency vehicles with Opticon GPS emeer equipment 'Shattered Heads' distribution and communications strategy general support

27-1599804 26-3991288 23-7337100

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00 10 000 00 20 000 00

with and science instruction training and consultant costs and teacher professional development hiring of an Executive Director work to transition Montana's coal-fired power plants through administrative and legal advocacy community outreach, and working in collaboration with other partners in the powder over basin efforts to continue building momentum for one inclusive non-

Montana Human Rights Network Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Monterey County Probation Department

PO Box 1509 Helena , MT 59624 7700 Sandho dt Road: Moss Lending CA 95039 1422 Natmdad Roadi Salinas , CA 93908 1422 NatMdad Road Salinas , CA 93908 580 Grand Avenuer Suite 303 Oakland , CA 94610 PO Box 40: Westwood , CA 96137

81-0472423 77-0150580

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Private Operating Fdn Government - Not Federal

50,000 00 25 , 000 00 75,000 00

discrimination ordinance in Bozeman by the July 2012

purchase and use of autonomous ocean surface vessels for data collection Monterey County's Juvenile Offenders Community Health Servmces project to create a re-entry and transition center for youth exiting Monterey County Juvenile Hall Monterey County s Juvenile Offenders Community Health Services project to create a re-entry and transition center for youth exiling Monterey County Juvenile Hail general support

Monterey County Probation Department

Government - Not Federal

75 000 00

Mosaic Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

Mountain Meadows Conservancy


501(c)(3) Public Charity


general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments a nd Individuals in the United States

Page 31 of 58




Name of organloatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 15 000 00

Amount of non. cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Mountain Retreat and Learning Center

The Mountain] P O Box 1299: 3672 Dillard Road Highlands , NC 28741 1299 Bryant Avenueo Mountain View, CA 94040 55 Avenue CC New York , NY 10009 55 Avenue Ci New York NY 10009 438 141h Street ] 5th Floor Oakland , CA 94612 436 14th Street] 5th FloorO Oakland , CA 94612 436 141h Street ] 5th Floors Oakland . CA 94612 12 MetroTech Center[] 26th FloorO Bwokyn , NY 11201 12 Metrolech Center[) 26th FloorO Brooklyn , NY 11201 12 MetroTech Canton i 26th Floors Brooklyn , NY 11201 12 MetroTech Canton 1 26th Floor. i Brooklyn , NY 11201 309 Ceder Street #2323] Santa Crux , CA 95060 2100 M Street NWD


501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty

scholarships for disadvantaged campers for the 2012 camp season

Mountain V ) ewlLos Altos Union High School District Movement Research Movement Research / CLASSCLASSCLASS Movement Strategy Center / Movement Generation Movement Strategy Cantor / Movement Generation Movement Strategy Center / Movement Generation Ms Foundation for Women


Government - Not Federal

110,000 00

STEM innovation grants for teachers, materials and equipment for students to compete in STEM competitions, FIRST robotics teams, STEM Catalyst Summer programs general support CLASSCLASSCLASS's general support Movement Generation's general support

13-3041403 13-3041403 20-1037643

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35 000 00 13,000 00 17,000 00


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

Movement Generation 's climate justice work


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

23- 7252609

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

14,539 00

Movement Generation 's expansion of the Waste & Toxics curriculum and to build a holistic analysis into the chemical policy reform movement general support

Ms Foundation for Women


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty


general support

Ms Foundation for Women

23- 7252609

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00

continued support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects support of women of color -led reproductive justice organizations and projects general support Collaborative Advocacy Funding Project

Ms Foundation for Women


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

125,000 00

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Murder Victim Families for Reconciliation

59-2751953 16- 1420468

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 75,000 00

Suite 170.2960
Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts Music Conservatory of Sandpoint Washington, DC 20037 80 Hanson Place : Brooklyn , NY 11217 110 Main Street= PO Box 9071 Sandpoint , ID 83864 PO Box 1740C Litchfield , CT 06759 1527 20th Street] San Francisco, CA 94107-2808 P 0 Box 335 Durham , NC 27702 15 West 36th Street[] Suite 901: Now York , NY 10018 870 Market Street[] Suite 370Sen Francisco , CA 94102 870 Market Saeeli i Suite 370: San Francisco , CA 94102 420 40th Street i Suite 2_ Oakland , CA 94609-2688 1889 York Streeti i Denver , CO 80206 1889 York StreetO Denver , CO 80208 Raul Yzaguirre Building 1126 16th Street, NWO Suite 600: Washington DC 20036 11-3526774 27 - 1017841 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 100 000 00 10,000 00 general support Children's Char

Music for the Earth Na Lei Huts I Ka Waldu NAACP North Carolina State Conference National Advocates for Pregnant Women

51-0235307 94- 3228844 56-1452263 52-2282183

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 10,000 00 9,70000 40,000 00

Flyways Music project general support anti-death penalty project general support

National Center for Lesbian Rights


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

National Center for Lesbian Rights


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

7 500 00

LGBTO Youth Project

National Center for Science Education


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

16,571 00

general support

National Civic League National Civic League National Council of La Raze

84-1255845 84-1255845 88-0212873

501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 100,000 00 15,000 00

welcome reception at the 2011 AII-America City Awards planning process for the All-Amencan City Grade-Level Reading Award and Campaign Demoaada U S A

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 32 of 58




Name of organlratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 10,000 00 8,00000

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

National Eczema Association National Family Farm Coalition

National Family Form Coalition

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation National Imnrgradon Forum Action Fund

4460 Redwood Hwy, Suite 16-0: San Rafael , CA 94903-1953 110 Maryland Avenue , NEI 1 Suite 307_ Washington . DC 20002 110 Maryland Avenue , NEi 1 Suite 307 Washington , DC 20002 1325 Massachusetts Avenue , NWi 1 Suite 600 Washington , DC 20005-4171 1325 Massachusetts Avenue , NWO Suite 600 Washington , DC 20005-4171 50 F Street NWD Suite 300: Washington , DC 20001 3435 Wilshire Boulevard: Suite 2850= Los Angeles , CA 90010 3435 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 211 Los Angeles , CA 90010 1411 K Street , NWi i Suite 600: Washington DC 20005 50 Broad Street 1 Suite 1937 New York , NY 10004 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NWi 1 Suite 550 Washington , DC 20004 PO Box 56698: New Orleans , LA 70158 PO Box 56698 : New Orleans , LA 70156 National Offices 1 11100 Wildlife Center Drivel Reston , VA 20190-5362 National Ofutceo 11100 Wildlife Center Drivel Reston , VA 20190-5362 National Advocacy Center = 901 E Street NW7 Suite 400 Washington , DC 20004 National OfhceO 11100 Wi ldlife Canter Driver Reston VA 20190-5362 1250 Connecticut Avenue NWC Suite 600= Washington . DC 20036 1413 K Street , NW7 Fourth lfoarD Washington, DC 20005 1413 K Street , NW :l Fourth Flooro Washington , DC 20005 Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Building 1021 West StreeiD Amherst , MA 01002 PO Box 4091 Lem Deer , MT 59043 PO Box 572C Lake Andes , SD 57356-0572 PO Box 896C Flagstaff . AZ 86002

93 -0 988840 38 - 2652620

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

38 - 2652620

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

8 000 00

general support

52 - 1624852

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

general support

52 - 1624852

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

general support


501 (c)(4 ) Social Welfare Organization

25,000 00

to continue to lead the coordination of the Reform Immigration for Amnca coalition general support

National Immigration Low Center

95 - 4539765

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

National Imnigraoon Law Canter I United We DREAM Network National Iranian Arnedwn Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

United We DREAM Networks project movement building strategies

73- 1626026

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

14,710 00

efforts to create support for the establishment of a UN human rights monitor on Iran general support

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health National League of Cities Institute


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

65,000 00


Other Non-Profit Organization

90,000 00

support for municipal leadership for grade level reading

National Performance Network National Performance Network National Wildlife Federation

06 - 1522548 06-1522546 53-0204616

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

30,000 00 50 000 00 13,000 00

Operation PaydirVFundred Dollar Bill Project general support research , education and organizing on dirty fuels

National Wildlife Federation


501(c)(3) Public Charity


work related to the Eagle Mine project

National Wildlife Federation


551(c)( 3) Public Chanty

150,000 00

research orgamming and advocacy on dirty fuels

National Wildlife Federation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

150,000 00

state and national level education and organizing on dirty fuels

National Wildlife Refuge Association


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

National Women a Health Network

52- 1081261

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

general support

National Women 's Health Network

52- 1081261

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20 000 00


National Yiddish Book Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

41,489 33

general support

Nati ve Action Native American Community Board Native Movement I Black Mesa Water Coalition

81-0450694 46-0392887 68-0535413

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00 40,000 00 22,639 05

general support and Gender-Based Violence Program Indigenous Woman 's Reproductive Justice Program WCEC - Coal

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of rash grant 25,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Natural Resources Defense Council

Headquarterso 40 West 20th Street] New York, NY 10011 HeadquartersD 40 West 20th Street[] New York NY 10011 Headquarters ] 40 West 20th Street] New York, NY 10011 Headquartersi 1 40 West 20th Street] New York, NY 10011 430-432 Crouse Hinds Halli 1 900 South Crouse Avenue Syracuse , NY 13244-2130 9410 Streets 1 Suite 725 Lincoln, NE 68508 1325 Court Street] Alameda, CA 94501-4724 1325 Court Street] Alameda CA 94501-4724 1325 Court Street 1 Alameda CA 94501-4724 1325 Court Street] Alameda, CA 94501-4724 425 North Data Streak Suite 203: Escondido , CA 92025 1899 L Street NWi Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 140 Jug End Road] Great Bamngton , MA 01230 1016 Tomey Avenue] 1st Floor, Mailbox #14] Son Francisco , CA 94129 4 Perk Street[] Suite 304: Concord, NH 03301 18 Low Avenues Concord. NH 03301 Headquartersi I 330 Seventh Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10001-5010 Headquarters] 330 Seventh Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10001-5010 502 West Cordova Suite 1= Santa Fe , NM 87505 502 West Cordova Road] Suite 1= Santa Fe , NM 87505 1850 M Street, NW] Suite 1100_ Washington , DC 20006 1850 M Street, NWO Suite 1100: Washington, DC 20036 1850 M Street . NW,1 Suite 11007 Washington , DC 20036 1850 M Street , NW, Suite 1100) Washington, DC 20036


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

partnership with Gray is Green

Natural Resources Defense Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49 475 00

research education and outreach on climateloll sands related issues

Natural Resources Defense Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

public education on dirty fuels

Natural Resources Defense Council


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250,000 00

research and advocacy on dirty fuels

Near East Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty Foundation Nectandra institute Necfandra Institute Nectandra Institute Nectandra Institute Neighborhood Healthcare


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

33,000 00

general support

95-4751630 95-4751630 95-4751630 95 -4751630 95-2796316

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

8,294 37 10,000 00 40,000 00 50,000 00 35,000 00

general support Eco-Loan Fund (ELF) for watershed habitat restoration in the San Carlos River barn of Costa Rica Eco-Loan Fund (ELF) to restore the watershed habitat in the San Carlos River basin of Costa Rica Eco-Loan Fund (ELF) to restore the watershed habitat in the San Carlos River basin of Costa Rica Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project

New Amenca Foundation

52- 2096845

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

Smart Strategy Initiative project

New Economics Institute New Field Foundation

03-0278626 27-0029270

501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00
6,25224 Other Net assets

New Economics Institute

New Hampshire Citizens Alliance


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20 000 00

Labor support

New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union Foundation / New Hampshire Cashion to Abolish the Death Penalty New Israel Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

41,000 00

New Hampshire Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty' s general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

11 290 00

New Israel Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

41,000 00

general support and for further granting to partner organizations

New Mexico Community Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

New Mexico Community Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

support Innovative new projects involving mullo-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects general support

New Organizing Institute Education Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

New Organizing Institute Education Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

general support

New Organizing Institute Education Fund / Citizen Engagement Laboratory New Organizing Institute Education Fund / Citizen Engagement Laboratory


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support for Citizen Engagement Laboratory


Other Non-Profit Organization

30 000 00

general support for Citizen Engagement Laboratory

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States Page 34 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 30,000 00

Amount of noncash

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

New Organizing Institute Education Fund / Citizen Engagement Laboratory New Venture Fund 1850 M Street NWO Suite 11003 Washington, DC 20036 734 15th Street NWO Suite 600= Washington, DC 20005 734 15th Street, NWO Suite 600= Washington, DC 20005 320 West 13th Streeti I Sixth Floor] New York, NY 10014.1200 1216 Fifth Avenuei 1 New York, NY 10029-5202 20 Jay Street] Suite 740: Brooklyn NY 11201 20 Jay Street] Suite 740: Brooklyn NY 11201 56-2633160 501(c)(3) Public Chanty general support for Citizenship Engagement Laboratory


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

250 000 00

two-year grant for the Amplify Agro-ecological Solutions Globally Fund

New Venture Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

329,600 00

to secure and provide clients with counsel regarding energy-related development in Canada general support

New Vision for Public Schools


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

New York Academy of Median New York Foundation for the Arts

13-1656674 23-7129564

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75 000 00 10,000 00

to provide tachnicat assistance and support for the Aga-Fnendty Communities Project Eve Morgenstem's film project, -Cheshire, Ohio A Question of Power

New York Foundation for the Arts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

general support

New York Foundation for the Arts / Adrenaline 20 Jay Street] Film, LLC Suit. 740: Brooklyn, NY 11201 New York Live Arts 219 West 19th Streets i New York, NY 10011-4079 New York Public Library Astor, Lenox and Stephen A Schweranan Buikbngo Tilden Foundation Office of Development, Room 7311 Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street i New York NY 10018 New York Woman In Film and Television / kNow Productions LLC New York Women in Film and Television / Smithy Productions New York Woman In Film and Television / Tied to the Tracks Films, Inc New York Woman In Film and Television / Ted to the Tracks Films, Inc New York Women in Film and Television / Ted to the Tracks Film, Inc New York Women In Film and Television / Ted to the Tracks Files, Inc New York Women's Foundation 6 East 39th Streets Suite 1200 New York NY 10016 6 East 39th StreetC Suite 1200 New York NY 10016 6 East 39th StreetC Suite 1200: New York, NY 10016 6 East 39th Streett Suite 1200= New York, NY 10016 6 East 39th StreetC Suite 1200: New York NY 10016 6 East 39th Streets Suite 1200: New York, NY 10016 434 West 33rd Street 1 Eighth FloorC New York, NY 10001 434 West 33rd Street 1 Eighth Floors New York, NY 10001 123 West Main Streeti 1 Suite 700 Durham, NC 27701 710 E Street: Suite 145 Eureka, CA 95501 710E Street: Suite 145: Eureka, CA 95501 1172 North Maclay Avenue0 San Fernando, CA 91340 The Cornerstone Center 1 178 Bennett Avenue i 3rd FloorO New York, NY 10040


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Adrenaline Film, LLC's documentary film, Quiet Inquisition

13-6206608 13-1887440

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100 000 00 12 500 00

general support professional development work with New York City teachers


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


kNow Productions LLC's film Caught in the Net


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Smithy Productions' film, My Best Day


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10 000 00

Tied to the Tracks Films, Inc's documentary film, Semper Fi Always Faithful Ted to the Tracks Films', Semper Fr Always Faithful


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00

Tied to the Tracks Films, Inc s documentary film project. Semper Fi Always Faithful Tied to the Tracks Film, Inc's documentary film, Semper Ft Always Faithful continued support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects documentary film on domestic violence, Private Violence


501(c)(3) Pubic Charity

25,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

55,000 00

New York Women's Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00

North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence North Coast Clinics Network


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00


501(c)(3( Public Charity

250,000 00

Health Home Innovation project

North Coast Clinics Network


501(c((3( Public Charity

250,000 00

Health Home Innovation project

Northeast Valley Health Corporation Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance

23-7120632 26-1997496

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 35 000 00

Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project general support and NoMAA Gallery Program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 35 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 50,000 00 10,000 00

Amount of nan cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperation Northern Virginia Fanny Service (NVFS)

PO Box 2705 = Jackson . WY 83001 10455 White Granite Drive Suite 100: Oaklon, VA 22124

74-2441476 54-0791977

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

training and education program that enable recipients to re-enter the workforce Stir It Up Productions , LLC's documentary film, Oil and Water to coordinate individual grantmakmg portfolios around healthy food systems and establish a fund to convene grantees, build community capaaty, and engage in joint grantrnaiang for local communities to coordinate individual grantmaking portfolios around healthy food systems and establish a fund to convene gremees , build community capacity, and engage in joint grantmakmg for local communities support innovative new projects Involving multi-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity Southwest Spinal Cord Injury Fund , in honor of Danielle Watson

Northwest Film Forum / Sbr It Up Productions 1515 12th Avenuei 1 LLC Seattle WA 98122 Northwest Health Foundation 221 NW Second AvenueD Suite 300= Portland , OR 97209 Northwest Health Foundation 221 NW Second AvenueD Suite 300 Portland, OR 97209 221 NW Second Avenue) I Suite 300 Portland , OR 97209 150 North Radnor Chester Road : Suite F-120 Radnor, PA 19087 1300 19th Street , NWD 8th FloorO Washington DC 20036 1990 M Street NWO Suite 250: Washington DC 20036 1990 M Street NWO Suite 250: Washington , DC 20036 1990 M Street , NWO Suite 250: Washington DC 20036 201 East Commerce I Suite 137: Youngstown , OH 44503 Office of University Development 1480 West Lane Avenue i Columbus OH 43221 215 East 14th Street : Cincinnati . OH 45202 236 Massachusetts Avenue, NEC Suite 203: Washington , DC 20002 236 Massachusetts Avenue , NEC Suite 203= Washington , DC 20002 1801 E 4th Streets 1 Okrrrulgee , OK 74447 4544 North Lincoln Avenue[] Chicago , IL 60625 1713 Eighth Avenue #8J Brooklyn NY 11215 150 Lake Drivel Rhinebeck , NY 12572 1245 East Colfax AvenueD Suite 204= Denver , CO 80218 1245 East Colfax AvenueO Suite 204: Denver, CO 80218 1950 7th Avanueo Sacramento , CA 95818 1016 Lincoln BoulevardSan Francisco , CA 94129 670 Ninth Street? Suite 203: Arcata CA 95521

91-1702331 93-1293344

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

10 000 00 75 000 00


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

75 , 000 00

Northwest Health Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

100 , 000 00



501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Ocean Conservancy

23- 7245152

S01 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

41,364 00

general support

Ocean Foundation / Ocean Conservation Research Ocean Foundation / Ocean Conservation Research Ocean Foundation / Ocean Conservation Research Ohio Organizing Collaborative


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support for Ocean Conservation Research


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support for Ocean Conservation Research


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support for Ocean Conservation Research


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

to hire an imrragmnt rights organizer

Ohio State University Foundation / Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity Ohioans to Stop Executions Oil Change International


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

general support for Kuwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

31-1269170 20-3272355

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

34,000 00 19,670 00

general support Advancing U S Global Leadership by Supporting the Removal of Domestic Fossil Fuel Subsidies project research and analysis on the oil industry and dirty fuels

Oil Change International


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50 000 00

Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology Old Town School of Folk Music Older Adults Technology Services Omega Institute for Holistic Studies One Colorado Education Fund

73-6017987 36-2373635 55-0882599 23-7233306 27- 1333378

Government - Not Federal 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)131 Public Chanty

17000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 30,000 00 120,000 00

to upgrade your Introduction to Engineering program which targets youth in grades 4 through 12 hMgglewamrs music program Exploration Center Women 's Leadership Institute Civil Unions by 2013

One Colorado Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Charity


Civil Unions by 2013

One Percent Foundation One World Children' s Fund Open Door Community Health Centers

20-8369273 77-0479205 95-2671433

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 12,750 00

general support Aluli Dada Healthy Starts Grovnng Garden Communities Conference

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments a nd Individuals in the United States

Page 36 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 35,000 00

Amountof noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Open Door Community Health Centers

OperAirBoston not Oregon Environmental Council

Oregon Environmental Council

Oregon Health and Silence University Foundation

670 Ninth Street] Suite 203= Arcata, CA 95521 P O Box 961379= Boston, MA 02196 222 NW Davis Street Suite 309 Portland, OR 97209 222 NW Davis Street Suite 309 Portland, OR 97209 Oregon Health and Silence UnnersityD School or Dentistry 611 SW Campus Drlnei i Portland, OR 97239


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project

20-8629591 93-0578714

501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

15,000 00 7,00000

to support the enrollment of thirty-five more families in program general support and ECO Fund of Tides Foundation challenge grant to address environmental toxins Global Warming program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry

Oregon University System

Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreachi 1 93-6001786 Program do OUS Industry ABairsi i PO Box 751, IAFFD Portland, OR 97207 Oregon Robotics Tournament and OutreachO 93.6001788 Program c/o OUS Industry Aflar s0 PO Box 751, IAFFD Portland, OR 97207 Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program i c/o OUS Industry Altairsi i PO Box 751, IAFFO Portland, OR 97207 PO Box 440= Santa Cruz CA 95061 310 East 38th Street, #2047 Minneapolis, MN 55409-1337 PO Box 38327: Los Angeles, CA 90038-0327 226 Causeway Streeti 1 5th Floors i
Boston MA 02114-2208

Government - Not Federal

7,200 00

Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Programs robotics scholarships for public schools in Skamania, Kliclotat, Hood River Wasco, and Sherman counties

Oregon University System

Government - Not Federal

10,000 00

Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program's robotics scholarships for public schools in Skemania, Khckitat, Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman counties

Oregon University System


Government - Not Federal

40,000 00

Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Programs robotics scholarships for public schools in Skemania, Khclatet, Hood River,
Wasco, and Sherman counties

Organic Forming Research Foundation Outfront Minnesota Community Services Overnight Productions Oxfam America

77-0252545 36-3550489 95-3786721 23-7069110

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

32,426 00 60,000 00 7,50000 16,667 00

general support efforts to secure a statewide LGBTanclusrve sale schools law by 2013 general support Raising Finance from International Shipping and Aviation project

Oxfam America

226 Causeway Streetu 1 5th Floors i Boston, MA 02114-2208


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

general support

Oxfam America

226 Causeway Street0 5th Floori i Boston, MA 02114-2208 Pachemama Alliance Presldio Building 1009, Second Floor: PO Box 29191 C San Francisco, CA 94129-9191 Pacific Links Foundaton Sobrato Center for Nonprofits -MilpnasO 534 Valley WayD Milpitas, CA 95035 Padme Organization do Heidi HanleyC 2881 Hackney Court= Park Cry, UT 84060 Pakistan Literacy Fund PO Box 25751 Charleston. WV 25322 Partners In Health PO Box 845578: Boston, MA 02284-5578 Partners In Health PO Box 845578: Boston, MA 02284-5578 Partnership for a Secure America 2000 P Street, NW I Suite 505 Washington, DC 20038 Pasadena Arts Council / Scholarship Auditi on 65 South Grand Performance Preparatory Academy Pasadena, CA 91105


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

40,000 00

general support climate change adaptation work and Savings for Change project general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00

ADAPT program


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

to defray costs of moving and provide assistance with rental costs for your organization's project OCAYHN to support CARE Foundation's response and relief efforts for the floods in Pakistan general support emergency medical care and end the cholera epidemic in Haiti Climate and Energy Security Outreach Initialise Proposal

13-4120783 04-3567502 04-3567502 30-0145807

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

50,000 00 10,000 00 35 000 00 35,000 00


501(c))3) Public Charity

10,000 00

Scholarship Audition Performance Preparatory Academy's work with the Watts-Willowbrook Music Conservancy

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 37 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 9 800 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Pathfinder International

Pathfinder International

9 Galen StreetO Suite 217: Watertown . MA 02472 9 Galen Street] Suite 217: Watertown , MA 02472 9 Galen Street[] Suite 217Watertown. MA 02472 9 Galen Streets 1 Suite 217: Watertown, MA 02472 1917 First AvenueD Level A - Suite 1000 Seattle WA 98101 P O Box 1280 44 N Prospect Street0 Amherst , MA 01004-1280 P O Box 307 Delta, PA 17314 PO Box 27C 13 Atlantic Avenue] Stonington ME 04681 911 Western Avenue] Suite 580: Seattle, WA 98104 2000 M Street, NWO Suite 400Washington , DC 20036 501 Front Street 1 Norfolk VA 23510 501 Front Street] Norfolk , VA 23510 501 Front Street] Norfolk , VA 23510 501 Front Street 1 Norfolk , VA 23510 501 Front Street: Norfolk , VA 23510 2130 Pepperwood Presence Road,. Santa Rose , CA 95404 100 West 23rd Street] 5th Floors i New York . NY 10011 100 West 23rd Street] 5th FloorO New York, NY 10011 150 First Avenue0 New York , NY 10009 1179 North McDowell Blvd Petaluma , CA 94954 29 East Madison_ Suite 602= Chicago , IL 60602 2 Arrow Street] Suite 301 --


501(c )(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

43,474 58

Contraceptive Supply Fund

Pathfinder International


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

65,000 00

work to continue and facilitate the family planning and HIV integration learning community to support the expansion and implementation of targeted advocacy work in Tanzania, and to further the project. Putting Reproductive Health Back on the Map in Tanzania A Demand-Driven Approach for Increased Funding for Family Planning general support

Pathfinder International


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

200,000 00

PCC Farmland Trust


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Peace Development Fund I Insight-Out


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Insight- Oat`s ongoing work of prisoner rehabilitation and work with challenged youth 1 00 Other 100 capes of CAFO ( books) general support

Peach Bottom Concerned Citizens Penobscot East Resource Center

26-0 156321 27-0069386

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 150,000 00

People for Puget Sound

91 - 1518715

501(c((3( Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

People for the American Way Foundation


501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Young Elected Oflaats Network

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals People far the Ethical Treatment of Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Pepperwood Foundation Performs

52-1218336 52-1218336 52-1218336 52-1218336 52 - 1218336 01-0817571 20 - 1286572

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Pubic Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

6,00000 22,276 34 55,205 57 75 000 00 126260 33 10,000 00 20,000 00

general support general support information and education about vegantsm general support general support Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant Perfamus Institute


20 - 1286572

501 ( c((3) Public Chanty


general support

Performance Space 122 Petaluma Heath Center Physicians for a National Health Program

13-3522283 88.0437840 113095217

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00 35,000 00 29,097 00

general support Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project general support

Physicians for Human Rights

22 - 2488437

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

150 000 00

general support

Cambridge , MA 02138
Phystdans for Human Rights 2 Arrow Street] Suite 301 _ Cambridge , MA 02138 2 Arrow Streets i Suite 301 -Cambridge , MA 02138 617 South Olive Street Suite 200: Los Angeles , CA 90014 22-2488437 501(c)(3( Public Chanty 150,000 00 general support

Physldans for Human Rights


501(c((3) Public Chanty

150,000 00

general support

Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

to conduct a toxics and health training, organize educational meetings with policy makers, develop communications tools, and participate in national meetings to promote Toxic Substances Control Ad (TSCA) reform

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 38 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 8 000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance work in California

Purpose of grant or assistance


Planned Parenthood Action Fund Planned Parenthood Federation of Amedca Planned Parenthood Federation of Amenca Plays Vista Jobs Ploughshares Fund

330 Seventh Avenue : 19th FloorO Now York, NY 10001 434 West 33rd StreetO New York , NY 10001 434 West 33rd Streets 1 New York , NY 10001-2601 434 West 33rd StreetO New York , NY 10001-2601 4112 South Main Streetu Los Angeles , CA 90037 1808 Wedemeyer Street = Suite 200 The Presidio of Son Frenascoi I Son Francisco , CA 94123 735 Lakeshore Road 1 PO Box 1061 Essex , NY 12938 1438 Webster StreetC Suite 303 Oakland CA 94612 1438 Webster StreetC Suite 303: Oakland , CA 94612 1438 Webster StreetC Suite 303= Oakland , CA 94612 1438 Webster SlreetC Suite 303= Oakland, CA 94612 1438 Webster StreetO Suite 303= Oakland, CA 94612 Gordon Hall 1 418 North Pleasant Street Suite AAmherst , MA 01002-1735 1310 Broadwayi 1 Suite 201 Somemlle , MA 02144.1731 284 Madrone Way, Suite 116 Bainbridge Island , WA 98110 14 Wall Street] Suite 8A-60D New York , NY 10005 P O Box 45036 : Seattle , WA 98145-0038 934 North Main Streets 1 Sheridan , WY 82801 820 East 47th Street Suite 8141 i Tucson , AZ 85713 328 West 71st Streetr New York NY 10023 41 Slate Street : Suite M112D Albany , NY 12207 821 Riverside Reno , NV 89503 1600 University Avenue Westi 1 Suite 309Bi i St Paul , MN 55104 1600 University Avenue Wash] Suite 309Bi i St Paul, MN 55104


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

13 - 3539048 13-1644147 13-1644147 95-4706948 94-2764520

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Orgn nizaoon 501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00 49,000 00 53,606 00 10,000 00 15,691 00

Women Are Watching general support general support Los Angeles Regional Homeless Restoration Advisory Coalition general support

Polaris Institute


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

25 000 00

research, education, and outreach on tar sands related issues


94 - 3297479

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

to support delegations to attend the Equity Summit in November 2011



501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

17 000 00

Washington , DC Ylyin' wdh the Equity Caucus at Transportation for Amens to support delegations to attend the Equity Summit in November 2011



501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35 000 00



501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

371,105 00

Regional Convergence Project



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

371,108 00

Regional Convergence Project

Paltical Economy Research Institute


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Pofbcal Research Associates


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

general support

Positive Futures Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

YESI Magazine

Posse Foundebon


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

general support

Post4'mon Education Program Powder River Basin Resource Council

20-4841958 74-2183158

501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 25 000 00

general support work to transition Wyoming s coal-fired power plants through admnistralrve and legal advocacy, community organizing, and participation in the Transition PaafiCorp Coalition increase loan loss reserve funds and develop identified web services

PPEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation Prep for Prep Prisoners ' Legal Services of New York


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

13-2613383 13-2851858

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity

12,000 00 25,000 00

general support Pro Bono Partnership Project

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada ProgressNow Education

88-0318655 20-8720291

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00 45,000 00

research , education and advocacy work on Great Basin mining general support

ProgressNow Education


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

work in Michigan and Wisconsin

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States Page 39 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 20,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

ProgressOhio Education, Inc

Project an Middle East Democracy

PROMO Fund PROMO Fund Prostitution Research and Education Prostitution Research and Education Protection and Education Animals, Culture and Environment Protection and Education Animals, Culture and Environment Proteus Fund

Proteus Fund

Providence Foundation of San Francisco / Raphe House Pryor Public Schools Public Campaign

Public Campaign

Public Citizen Foundation

Public Interest Projects

Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS Queens Museum of Art

172 East State StreetSuite 203= Columbus OH 43215 1820 Jefferson Place, NWC Suite 400= Washington DC 20036 438 North Slanker St Louis MO 63130 438 North Skmker Boulevards 1 St Louis, MO 63130 P O Box 16254= San Francisco, CA 94116-0254 P O Box 16254 Son Francisco, CA 94116-0254 PO Box 6161 C Vail CO 81658 PO Box 6161C Vail CO 81658 101 University Drive-Suite A2i i Amherst, MA 01002 101 University Drive= Suite Amherst, MA 01002 4601 Third StreetO Son Francisco CA 94124 PO Box 5481 Pryor, OK 74362 1133 19th Street, NWO 8th Floori I Washington, DC 20036 1133 19th Street, NWO 9th Floor[] Washington DC 20036 Texas Officer 1303 San Antonio StreetO Austin, TX 78701 45 West 36th StreetO Sixth Floor: New York, NY 10018 PO Box 208501 Rio PiedrasSan Juan, PR 00928-0850 PO Box 208501 Rio Piedras San Juan, PR 00928-0850 New York City Buildingi i Flushing Meadows Corona Parki Queens, NY 11368-3398 333 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor= New York, NY 10001 333 Seventh Avenue, 13th FloorNew York, NY 10001 221 Pine Streeti 5th Floori i Son Francisco CA 94104-2715 221 Pine Street5th Floori i Son Francisco, CA 94104-2715 221 Pine Street_ 5th FloorO Son Francisco, CA 94104-2715 2100 24th Avenue South= Suite 360= Seattle, WA 98144-4846 60 29th Street? San Francisco CA 94110


501 (c)(3) Pubhc Chanty


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

13,915 00

Tunisia s Moment of Opportunity protect

43-1661280 43-1661280 36-4558685 36-4558685 20-3726038 20-3726038 04-3243004

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c))3) Public Chanty 501(c))3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 75,000 00 25,000 00 25,000 00 10,24934 12 50000 20,000 00

to secure a statewide LGBTanclusne safe schools law in 2011 efforts to secure a statewide LGBT-inclusive nondiscmmnation law by 2014 general support general support general support general support Piper Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Civil Marriage Collaborative

93-1204173 73-6031624 52-2003442

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00 20,000 00 8,00000

general support for Rapha House Mobile Computer Lab general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

research and organizing on dirty fuels in Texas


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

200,000 00

Campaign to Reform Juvenile Justice Systems


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


HIV Conference in the Bahamas 2011


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,863 26

HIV Conference in the Bahamas 2011


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

general support

Rabbis for Human Rights Rabbs for Human Rights Rainforest Action Network

45-0464545 45-0464545 94-3045180

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 100,000 00 10,000 00

general support general support general support

Rainforest Action Network


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

33,849 00

general support

Rainforest Action Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50 00000

work on dirty fuels

Rainier Scholars


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Rephe House


501(c)(3) Public Charity

50,000 00

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 40 of 58




Nam of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 25,000 00 8,83907

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grantor assistance

Real Medicine Foundation Rebuilding Together Metro Denver

Red Bird Center Redwood Community Health Coalition Redwood Community Health Coabdon Refugee Womena Network

P O Box 1044: Studio City, CA 91614 2422 S Trenton Wayi 1 Unit A] Denver, CO 80231 PO Box 1284 Cambridge, OH 43725 P 0 Box 751090: Petaluma, CA 94975-1090 P O Box 751090_ Petaluma, CA 94975-1090 4151 Memorial D veD Suite 103-F Decatur, GA 30032 689 Massachusetts Avenue] Second Floor: Cambridge, MA 02139 P O Box 984001= Boston, MA 02298-4001 Boett Hall Alumni Centers I UC Berkeley, School of Lawo 2850 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 500] Berkeley, CA 94705 Department of Molecular and Cell BiologyD 142 Ufa Science Addison MC32000 Berkeley, CA 94720-3200 1800 Oakdale AvenueC Suite 510] San Francisco, CA 94124 857 BroadwayD Third Floor: New York NY 10003 857 Broadweyl 1 Third Floor: New York, NY 10003 259 Elm Street,i Suite 201
Somerville, MA 02144

20-2897266 84-1514642

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

to support ongoing efforts in Pelostan general support

31-1651193 94-3220029 94-3220029 58-2369796

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00 100,000 00 100,000 00 50 000 00

general support Budding Health Homes through Collaboration Building Health Homes through Collaboration support loan fund of Muxoenterpnse Program



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

21 3,4747

Refugees in Africa

RefugaPoint Regents of the University of California at Berkeley

20-2061482 94-6002123

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

47 642 23 25 000 00

work with refugees at risk in Africa Berkeley Law Death Penalty Clinic's Lethal Injection Project

Regents of the University of California at Berkeley


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30 000 00

to support the research project entitled'Hendchordates and the Origin of Chordates,' in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

Renaissance Parents of Success I Southeast Community Response Network Res Publics


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00

Southeast Community Response Network to support The Congress of Alncan American Organizations in Baywew Hunters Point to be hell In January 2011 Avon org websne

Res Publics


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00

Avaaz org webstle



501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00

general support, and work to support the anti-nuclear movement and renewable energy alternatives expansion of webslte building workshops for local food producers

Resource Conservation and Development for Northeast Iowa Inc Resource Media

PO Box 916, 101 E Greene Street i Postville, IA 52162 1900 13th Street] Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80302 1900 13th Street] Suite 206: Boulder, CO 80302 275 Seventh Avenue] Suite 1703 New York, NY 10001 11150 Sunset Hills Road: Suite 210= Reston, VA 20190 1818 S Pauline AvenueD Chicago, IL 60608 One Union Station Providence RI 02903


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

work with the Gulf Restoration Network and other advocacy organizations to assist in preparation and execution of media strategies for the 1-year anniversary of the Gull oil sell to assist the Western Clean Energy Campaign and its coalition partners with media related to the transition of coal-fired power plants in the Western U S by providing strategic communications assistance work with Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC-United)

Resource Media


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

62,500 00

Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

9 525 52

Reston Interfaith


501(c((3( Public Charity

8 000 00

to provide direct client assistance in the form of security deposits for rent and uhhaes, first month's rent, nerving costs or other housing related costs Age-Fnendy Communities Project work to prolnde strategic consultation on the design of the national Campaign for Grade Level Reading, including specific experosa on strategies to gain support for the campaign from all segments of the early childhood community (brth to third grade) and on ways to build =poorly for state advocacy that will help to secure needed policy change at the state level general support, emergency fund and further granting to partner organizations general support

Resurrection Project Rhode Island Kids Count

36-3576073 06-1485449

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

75,000 00 100,000 00

Rights Action River Gallery School of An

P O Boo 50887Washington, DC 20091 32 Main Street: Suite 201= Brattleboro, VT 05301

52-1315411 03-0282269

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

24 000 00 35 000 00

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 41 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 22,500 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Robert F Kennedy Memorial

Rock and Rail Forever Foundation Rockefeller Family Fund

Rockefeller Family Fund

1367 Connecticut Avenue, NWC Suite 200: Washington , DC 20036 441 10th Street NEO Washington , DC 20002 475 Riverside Dnvei Suite 900 New York NY 10115 475 Riverside Dnvei i Suite 900 New York, NY 10115 6 West 46th Street0 10th Floori i New York, NY 10036


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

support of the Public Interest Law Center in Chad

20-5397606 13.6257658

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

25,000 00 10,000 00

general support general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Effective Democracy Fund

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors


501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00

Haitian Fund for Innovation and Reconstruction

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors / Guff Coast 6 West 48th SlreetD Fund for Community Renewal and Ecological 10th FloorO Health New York, NY 10036 Rockefeller University 1230 York AvenueC New York NY 10065 Romero Institute 740 Front Street Suite 265 The GofedaD Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Room to Read 111 Sutfer Streetu 16th FloorD San Francisco CA 94104 111 Sutter Streeb i 16th FloorD San Francisco , CA 94104 929 Euterpe Streets New Orleans , LA 70130 6008 College AvenueO Suite 10= Oakland, CA 94618


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Gulf Coast Fund for Community Renewal and Ecological HeaEh's efforts to ensure that commumhes are healthy equitable and sustainable in the Gulf Coast President's House Renovation Fund general support

13-1624158 95-3527131

551(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 25,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

129,459 78

general support

Room to Read


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

142,518 00

general support

Roots of Music Rose Foundation for Communises and the Environment Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment / Impact Capital + Action

26-1160255 94-3179772

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,318 00

general support California N8ldle nds Grassroots grantee convening held at Secremento Ste to University Impact = Capital v Action's work to fund a research study to use for non-profits and impact invesbrp Rotary Foundation Polio PlusProgram for Club 060725

6008 College AvenueO Suite 10= Oakland , CA 94618 Rotary Foundation of Rotary International One Rotary Center_ 1560 Sherman Avenue= Evanston , IL 60201 Ruckus Society PO Box 28741 Oakland CA 94604 Ruckus Society PO Box 28741= Oakland, CA 94604 Rudolf Steiner Foundation 1002 O'Reilly AvenueO San Francisco , CA 94129-0915 Rural Advancement Foundation Intemafona l - PO Box 640f USA Pittsboro, NC 27312 Rural Advancement Foundation Intemebona l- PO Box 640C USA Pittsboro, NC 27312 Sacred Heart Community Service 1381 South Fust Streets San Jose , CA 95110


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

9,382 83

81-0504390 81-0504390 13-6082763 56-1704863 56-1704863 23-7179787

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,681 00 2000000 90,932 80 10,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00

general support $13,000 for general support and $7,000 for Occupy Wall Street tralnings and work RSF Social Finance food lending ednrrly general support general support pay for staff salary costs and supplies associated with planning, Implemenbng, and managing the science curriculum within the youth education programs during the 2011-12 fiscal year Community Service Center Capital Campaign Community Service Center Capital Campaign Community Service Center Capital Campaign general support Damon Kerby Fund for Financial Aid general support San Diego base-budding fund

SafePlace SafaPlace SafePlace Saint Ann s School Saint Marks School Son Diego Equality Alliance San Diego Foundation for Change

P O Boa 2002L

91-1153988 91-1153988 91-1153988 11-2606681 94-2598891 26-1712580 33-0628755

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 52,267 62 12,000 00 25,000 00 50,000 00

Olympia WA 98507
P O Bo: 2002Olympia, WA 98507 P O Box 2002:

Olympia, WA 98507
129 Piarrepont Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 39 Trellis DrtvoD San Rafael , CA 94903 P 0 Box 12266_ San Diego , CA 92112 3758 30th Street] Son Diego CA 92104

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 42 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 250 000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium

1550 Bryant StreelD


501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty

Health Home Innovation project

Suite 45DSan Francisco Community Clinic Consortium Sen Francisco , CA 94103 1550 Bryant StroetO Suite 450: Son Francisco , CA 94103 The PresidioD 39 Mesa StreetO Suite 110= San Francisco , CA 94129 225 Bush Streeto Suite 500: San Francisco , CA 94104 501 Stanyan Street _ San Francisco , CA 94117-1989 Office of University Development I Administration Building 153 1600 Holloway Avenue= San Francisco , CA 94132 PO Box 2461 Durango , CO 81302 250 Locust Streets Santa Cruz , CA 95060 PO Box 1827 = Santa Fe NM 87504-1827 P 0 Box 16873 San Juan PR 00908{873 1025 Connecticut Ave NW7 Suite 310 Washington , DC 20036 44-19 Purses Street ] Long Island City . NY 11101 2706 S Jackson Streeti i Seattle, WA 98144 305 West 43rd Street] New York , NY 10036 3880 San Rafael AvenueO Los Angeles , CA 90065 1786 Fifth Street i Berkeley , CA 94710 1786 Fifth Street ] Berkeley , CA 94710 PO Box 821 New Lebanon NY 12125 PO One 4569C Arcata , CA 95518 2817 191h Street: San Francisco , CA 94110 1550 Superior Avenues I Costa Mesa CA 92627 1035 Placer Street: Redding , CA 96001 631 Howard St i Suite 500 Son Francisco , CA 94105 PO Box 880083 Son Francisco , CA 94188 12584 hula HiUD St Louis MO63141 85 Second Streeti 1 Suite 750= Son Francisco CA 94105-3441 85 Second Streets i Suite 750 San Francisco , CA 94105-3441 94-2897258 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 250 000 00 Health Home Innovation project

San Francisco Film Society I The Moxie Institute


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

The Moxie Institute 's documentary film Connected

San Francisco Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for M Fund

San Francisco Parks Trust Son Francisco State University

23-7131784 94-1384645

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00 15,000 00

computer hardware and software for Digital Arts Mobile program Family Acceptance Project

San Juan Citizens Alliance

84 - 1447465

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

50,340 00

Santa Cruz Women 's Health Canter Santa Fe Community Foundation Saplentls Save Darfur Coalition

23-7428303 85-0303044 58-2659784 30-0335420

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 850,000 00 200,000 00 11,902 12

work to transition coal-fired power plants in the Four Corners Region through admnistrebve and legal advocacy, community organizing, and participation in the ANCET coalition Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project general support for Just Woke Up donor advised fund general support general support

Sculpture Center Seattle Girls School Second Stage Theatre Sell-Realization Fellowship Sava Foundation Save Foundation Seven Pillars House of Wisdom Seventh Generation Fund I Sustainable Nations Development Project SFMade Share Our Selves Free Medical and Dental Clinic Shasta Community Health Center Shih Yu-Lang Central YMCA

13-1669204 91-2007300 13-3021180 95-1942336 38-2231279 38-2231279 26-1218972 66-0027247 27-2850703 95-3222316 68-0165855 94-0997140

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3 ) Public Charity 501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 20,00000 6 000 00 115,000 00 25,000 00 25,000 00 25 000 00 6,78300 15,000 00 35,000 00 35,000 00 15,000 00

general support general support general support Paramahensa Yogananda Documentary Film Project general support general support general support general support for Sustainable Nations Development Project Manufacturing Incubation and Growth program Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project Shlh Yu-Lang YMCA and its multimedia program, Y-Projects

Shipyard Trust for the Arts Shlr Hadash Reconstructlonlst Community Sierra Club Foundation

94-3108216 20-3463256 94-6069890

501(c )(3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Pubic Chanty

10,000 00 8,25000 10 00000

general support general support Military Families Outdoors program

Sierra Club Foundation

94 -6069890

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty


research education and organizing on dirty fuels

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 43 of 58




Name of organieatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 85,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Sierra Club Foundation

85 Second Street[] Suit. 750 = San Francisco , CA 94105-3441 85 Second SlreelD Suite 750 Son Francisco, CA 94105-3441 85 Second SlreetD Suite 750= Son Francisco , CA 94105-3441 1402 Third AvenueD Suite 500= Seattle WA 98101-2130 631 Clay Street : Ashland OR 97520 631 Clay Street Ashland OR 97520 1228 Euclid AvenueD Suite 330: Cleveland , OH 44115

94 -6089890

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

work to transition coaEBred power plants in Arizona Montana , Nevada, and New Mexico through community organinng, administrative and legal advocacy , and participation in various coalitions research organizing advocacy and legal work on dirty fuels

Sierra Club Foundation

94 -6069890

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

300,000 00

Sierra Club Foundation


501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty

300,000 00

legal research and services , public education and advocacy on dirty fuels matching grant for general support

Sightline Institute


501(c)(3 ) Public Charity

25,000 00

Slsldyou School Siskiyou School Sisters of Chanty Foundation of Cleveland

82-0540335 82-0540335 34-1832698

501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Charity 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 35,000 00

general support general support to develop a statewide plan for Ohio to advance the vision of healthy people in healthy places with a lows on developing mute-field partnerships, coordination of systems ahgnertnn of resources, and creating equitable environmental policy change and sustainable outcomes general support general support general support general support general support general support

SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective SkyTMh SkyTruth Side Ranch Slow Food USA

1237 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd SW Atlanta, GA 30310 1237 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd SW = Atlanta GA 30310 PO Box 32831 Shepardstown , WV 25443-3283 PO Box 3283C Shapardstown . WV 25443-3283 2025 Shoreline Highway[ Muir Beach , CA 94965 20 Jay Street 1 Suite M041 Brooklyn , NY 11201 92 Plymouth Streeto Brooklyn , NY 11201 PO Boa 2129 = Crescent City, CA 95531

51-0544927 51-0544927 54-2059475 54-2059475 23-7069469 13-4100161

501 (c)(3 ) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3 ) Pubic Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 25,000 00 10,000 00 25 000 00

Smack Mellon Studios Smith River Alliance

11-3375393 94-2650838

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 15 000 00

general support ongoing development of Rock Creek Rench as an environmental education center , acquisition at Hurdygurdy Creel, restoration of Mill Creek and expansion and protection of the Lake Earl Wildlife Area general support general support Green Press Initiative ' s efforts to green the newspaper industry

Snake River Alliance Education Fund Snake River Alliance Education Fund Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs I Green Press Initiative Society Free Culture Socrates Sculpture Park

PO Boa 1731 = Boise . ID 83701 PO Box 1731 Boise 10 83701 22231 Mulholland Highway0 Suite 209' Calabasas , CA 91302 1185 Arch StreetD Berkeley , CA 94708 P O Boa 6259 32-01 Vernon Boulevard[ Long Island City, NY 11108 3333 14th Street , NW i Suite 200 Washington , DC 20010 3333 14th Street , NWn Suite 200 Washington , DC 20010 PO Box 4569E New York , NY 10163 90 Union SquareD Somerville , MA 02143 555 Amory Sheet j Boston , MA 02130 100 Aquarium WherfC Charleston , SC 29401

82-0386993 82-0386993 954116879

501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3 ) Public Chanty

15,000 00 25 000 00 62,500 00

Foreign Organization 11-3066597 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

6,00000 100,000 00

community cultural program general support



501(c))3) Public Chanty


general support


23- 7380554

50l(c)( 3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

Somay Mom Foundation Sommerville Community Access Television I Haiti Grassroots Watch South Africa Development Fund South Carolina Aquarium

26 -0392207 22-2506464

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,310 39

general support Haiti Grassroots Watch 's ongoing work to provide local community media outlets that focus on reconstructions efforts in Herb support orrreatment Action Campaign for its Community Health Advocacy program general support

22-2674813 57-0981897

501(c))3) Public Chanty 501(c )(3) Public Chanty

7.50000 15,000 00

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

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Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 15,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

South Caroline Coastal Conservation League 328 East Bay StreetO P O Box 1765= Charleston, SC 29402 South Carolina Equality Coalition Foundation PO Box 544= Columbia SC 29202 South Carolina Governor's School for Science 1201 Main Street and Math Foundation Suite 2350 1 Columbia, SC 29201 South of the Sound Community Farm Land P O Box 12118 Trust Olympia WA 98508 Southern Partners Fund 1776 Peachtree Street, NWO Suite 200 South TowerAtlanta, GA 30309 Southern Poverty Law Canter 400 Washington AvenueO Montgomery, AL 36104 SPARK 2048 Hosea L Williams Drivel Unit B i Atlanta, GA 30317 SPARK 2048 Hosea L Williams OmeC Suite Bi i Atlanta, GA 30317 Sparky Productions / Gage and Gage PO Box 903C Productions Telluride CO 81435 Speak Out - The Institute for Democratic PO Box 22748= Education and Culture / 7th Empire Media Oakland CA 94609 St Christopher s Foundation for Children 1800 John F Kennedy Blvd, Suite 15507 Philadelphia, PA 19103 St John's Well Child and Family Center 5701 South Hoover Street: Second Floor: Los Angeles CA 90037 5843 14th Avenueo Sacremento CA 95820 5843 14th AvenueO Sacramento CA 95820 Office of Hospital Development] 3330 HilNlew AvenueO Palo Alto CA 94304 Office of Hospital Development 1 3330 HilMew Avenuecl Palo Alto, CA 94304 1590 Willamette Streeti 1 Suite 220 Eugene, OR 97401 1590 Willamette Slreeto Suite 220 Eugene, OR 97401 1590 WIllanrane StreetO Suite 220: Eugene OR 97401 719 Gnswold Streetl Suite 600= Detroit MI 48226 719 Gnswold StreetC Suite 600: Detroit MI 48226 719 Griswold StreetC Suite 600= Detroit MI 48226 719 Griswold Streets Suite 600: Detroit. MI 48228


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

GmwFaod Carolina Consumer Marketing Campaign

01-0712524 57-0881347

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 15,000 00

two local nandiscmmnauon ordinances in Spartanburg and Hilton Head Island inclusive of SO and GIE by 2012 Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship Among Middle Schoolers (TEAMS) camp 2012 general support general support

91-1956115 58-2409301

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 7,00000

63-0598743 58-1872316

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 7,50000

general support and Teaching Tolerance program general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

general support

84-1488404 94-3292755 23-2274198

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00 100,000 00

Gage and Gage Productions' film project Bidder 70 7th Empire Media's film project, Solarize This support innovatnre new projects involving maN-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

Stand Up


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Stand Up


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Stanford Hospital and Clinics


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

to implement the Sacramento resource development public the 2011-2012 school year to implement the Sacramento resource development, public the 2011-2012 school year Jewish Chaplaincy

Campaign for Grade-Level Reading in awareness and transparency efforts for Campaign for Grade-Level Reading in awareness and transparency efforts for

Stanford Hospital and Clinics


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

42,000 00

Jewish Chaplaincy

StarFlre Flower Foundation


501 (c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

15,000 00

Khom Loy project

StarFire Flower Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

16966 48

SterFire Flower Foundation


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fdn

26 000 00

continued work to support international program focusing on issues such as education, health semces, HIV/AIDS, native communities, and youth developntent to provide health and dental care for children in Thailand

State Voices


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

State Voices


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

to support work by Wisconsin Voices and by NAACP National Voter Fund in Ohio in support of fair labor rights and policies in those states general support

State Voices


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

82,500 00

State Voices


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

87,000 00

general support

Stone Soup / Labor Network for Sustainablhty 36 Yelping 4 0 Roadi i West Cornwall, CT 08796 Stone Soup / Labor Network for Sustainablllty 36 Yelping Hill Road[) West Cornwall, CT 08796

06-1466438 06-1466438

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

10,000 00 30,000 00

Labor Network for Sustainattty's general support Labor Network for SustamehhtyNorces for a Sustainable Future's climate and green jobs work

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 45 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of Bash grant 35 000 00 12,500 00 125,000 00 100,000 00 30,000 00

Amount of noncash

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Stone Soup / Labor Network for Sustalnabrhty, 36 Yelping Hill West Cornwall, CT 06796 Strategic Concepts In Organizing and Policy 1715 West Florence Avenues i Education / California Alliance Los Angeles, CA 90047 Strategies for Children 400 Atlantic Avenue] Boston, MA 02110 STREB/Rrngsrde, Inc 51 North First St-t0 Brooklyn, NY 11211 Studio in a School Association Executive Olticesi i 410 West 59th Streets i New York, NY 10019 Studio Museum in Harlem 144 West 125th Street() New York, NY 10027 Sufi Order International PO Box 480C New Lebanon, NY 12125 Sufi Ruhaniat International PO Be. 510 Haiku, HI 98708 Sunday Friends Foundation P 0 Box 24887: San Jose, CA 95154 Sweet Home New Orleans 838 Royal Street 98331 i New Orleans, LA 70118 TAP Amedce cJo Pseudosound Consulting LLCO 1821 Bigelow Avenue N Seahle, WA 98109 TAP Amenca No Pseudosound Consulting LLCD 1821 Bigelow Avenue N 3 Seattle, WA 98109 Tashi Chohng 2001 Colosene Road[ P O Box 64C Ashland, OR 97520 Chollng Tashi 2001 Colestine RoadC P 0 Box 64E Ashland, OR 97520 Taua Oden French Memorial Foundation / 87 Hamilton Placei i Sacred Birth Place Oakland, CA 94612 Taxpayers for Common Sense 651 Pennsylvania Avenue, SEC Washington, DC 20003-4303 Technology Access Foundation Genesee Learning Space] 4436 Rainier Avenue SouthO Seattle, WA 98118 TELACU Community Capital, Inc 5400E Olympic Blvd J Suite 300= Los Angeles, CA 90022 Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights 442 Metroplax Dove Coalition Building A, Suite 224 Nashville, TN 37211 Texas Book Festival 610 Brazosi i Suite 200 Austin, TX 78701 Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty 2709 South Lamar Blvd: Suit. 109 Austin. TX 78704 Texas Defender Service 510 South Congress #3040 Austin, TX 78704 Texas Defender Service 510 South Congress= Suite 304: Austin, TX 78704 Texas Defender Service / StandDown Texas 510 South Congress Project Suite 304: Austin TX 78704 The Advocacy Fund The Presldloi 1012 Torrey Avenue i San Francisco, CA 94129 The Advocacy Fund / New Media Ventures The Presidloi 1012 Tommy Avenue] San Francisco, CA 94129 06-1466438 95.4635737 04-3551406 13-3268549 13-3003112 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty Labor Network for Sustainality s development of an organizing manual for workers on Sustainable Chemicals Policy general support for California Alliance general support general support general support

13-2590805 23-7159641 94-1742095 77-0518937 54-2181532 27-3873039

501(c)(3) Public Chady 501(c)(3) Pubtc Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 20,000 00 15,000 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 25,000 00

Special Protects Suluk Academy in the West general support general support pro-bono legal assistance program to support ongoing projects of the organization


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

45,000 00

ongoing TAP America projects through 4th quarter o12011


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Mandate Garden


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

16-1681848 52-1941122 91-1731833

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

15,000 00 25,000 00 20,000 00

general support for Sacred Birth Place Energy Accountability Campaign TedhStart School Day 2011-2012


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Micrdoan Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

lecture tour advocating eBooks and Reading Rodcstars


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 00

general support

76-0481649 76-0481649

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Charity

5000 00 100,000 00

general support general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

general support for StandDown Texas Project


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

250,000 00

costs associated with rote as fiscal sponsor for Reform Immigration for Amenca , Including costs associated with the fight for the DREAM Act, phone calls, transportation, field organizers , coordination and management New Media Ventures' operating support


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

15,000 00

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 46 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 50,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

The Advocacy Fund / Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families The Aspen Institute

The Presidio[i P 0 Box 29229= San Francisco, CA 94129 One DuPont Circle NWO Suite 700: Washington, DC 20036-1133 1475 Rose Street] Berkeley, CA 94702 P O Box 2726 Mission Viejo CA 92690 P O Box 2726= Mission Vleto CA 92690 161 Sixth Avenuei 14th FloorO New York, NY 10013 161 Sixth Avenues 14th Floori i New York, NY 10013 1401 New York Avenue0 Suite 800 Washington DC 20005 One Penn Center: Suite 900= 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd I i Philadelphia, PA 19103 One Penn Center: Suite 900 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19103 PO Box 3011 Kykot rnovl, AZ 86039 PO Box 301 C Kykotsmow, AZ 86039 203 Franklin Street i PO Box 2488C Tlsbury, MA 02568 One Harvard Street I Suite 200 Brookline, MA 02445 512 West 19th Street, i New York, NY 10011 Worldwide O8tceO 4245 North Fairfax Dnveo Suite 100= Arlington, VA 22203-1606 Worldwide OfBceD 4245 North Fairfax Dmeo Suit. 100 Arlington, VA 22203-1606 Worldwide Of8ce0 4245 North Fairfax Driver I Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203-1606 201 Mission Streeti i Fourth Floon i San Francisco, CA 94105 38 Greene StreetO 4th Floors i New York, NY 10013 201 California Street: Suite 830: San Francisco CA 94111 201 California StreetSulla 630= San Francisco, CA 94111 201 California StreetSuite 630= San Francisco, CA 94111


501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families's field organiang and digital



501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

70,200 00

Continuous Progress Strategic Services' planning and evaluation work with Connect U S 2010 - 2011 ma jor grantees general support general support general support general support and FAR Space project

The Crowden Music Center The Effect The Effect The Field

94-2863366 26-1409879 26-1409879 13-3357408

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00 10 000 00 18 500 00 125,000 00

The Field / Sarah Michelson Group, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Sarah Michelson Group , Inc's Of the Making of Dance

The Finance Project


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

12,000 00

to produce prepublication copes of LEARNING TO READ A Guide to Federal Funding for Grade-Level Reading Proficiency continued work on the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative

The Food Trust


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

62,500 00

The Food Trust


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

62,500 00

continued work on the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative

The Hopi Foundation The Hopi Foundation The Humanity Initiative

74-2488628 74-2488628 134301621

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 50,000 00 10,000 00

general support general support general support

The [CA Group


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Urban Staffing Initiative

The Kitchen The Nature Conservancy

13-2829756 53-0242652

501 (c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501 (c)(3) Pubic Charity

65,000 00 10 000 00

general support Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant

The Nature Conservancy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Google Earth outreach 2011 Developer Grant

The Nature Conservancy


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

245,278 00

general support

The Nature Conservancy of California


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

operational support for the protection and restoration of the McCloud River Preserve general support

The New Press


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

The Philanthropy Workshop West


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


to support donor education

The Philanthropy Workshop West


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

The Philanthropy Workshop West


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

13,645 70

general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 47 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 100 000 00

Amount of non cash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

The Raymond John Wean Foundation

108 Main Ave , SW, Suite 10050 Warren , OH 44481 - 1058 1700 Market StreetD 19th FloorO Philadelphia PA 19103 1700 Market StreetO 19th FloorO Philadelphia , PA 19103 2730 NAlshue Blvd I Suite 301 Same Monica , CA 90403 79 Fifth Avenues i Fourth Flown i New York NY 10003 79 Fifth Avenuei i Fourth Floori i New York NY 10003 79 Fifth AvenueD Fourth Floori i New York , NY 10003 P O Box 1380: Pawleys Island, SC 29585 1810 N Mein Street i Sent. Ana , CA 92708 5-49 49th Avenue u Long Island City , NY 11101 1625 Son Luis Avenue : Mountain Vlew , CA 94043 89 South StreetU Suite 700: Boston , MA 02111-2670 220 East 23rd Street i Suite 509= New York NY 10010 220 East 23rd Streeti i Suite 509 New York , NY 10010 220 East 23rd Suite 509 New York, NY 220 East 23rd Suite 509= New York , NY SlreetO 10010 StreetO 10010


501 (c)( 3) Private Non Operating Fdn

The Reinvestment Fund


501 (c)( 3) Public Chanty

62 500 00

support innovation new projects involving muth-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity continued work on the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative

The Reinvestment Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

62 500 00

continued work on the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative

The Roselinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation


501(c)( 3) Private Non Operating Fdn

40,000 00

The Sister Fund


501(c)( 3) Private Non Operating Fdn

8,815 00

support innovative new projects involving multi-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design and expanding food access efforts to Improve health and equity Women Moving Millions program

The Sister Fund


501(c)( 3) Private Non Operating Fdn


Women Moving Millions

The Sister Fund


501(c)(3) Private Non Operating Fan

81 , 212 50

Women Moving Millions program

The South Carolina Environmental Low Project The Wooden Floor Theater at al, Inc Theuerkeut Elementary School

57- 1031430 33-0299356 13-4038993 93-0991812

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)( 3) Public Chanty Govemment - Not Federal

15,00000 10,00000 30,000 00 15,000 00

Kiewah Island Revetment project 2012 Annual Concert general support to conduct field trips and purchase supplies that will integrate technology into the science dub, including a smart board , camcorders, laptops and educational kits general support for Resource Generation

Third Sector New England I Resource Generation Third Wave Foundation


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00


501 (c )( 3) Public Chanty


general support

Third Wave Foundation


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support

Third Wave Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects continued support of women of color-led reproductive Justice organizations and projects support for your organization 's chartable programmatic work

Third Wave Foundation

13 - 3670260

501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Third Way

Thirteen WNET

Threshold Foundation

1025 Connecticut Avenue NWO Suite 501. Washington , DC 20038 450 West 33rd Street? Seventh Flooro New York NY 10001 Presldio Building 1014U P O Box 29903: San Francesco, CA 94129-0903 Presidio Building 10141 i P O Box 29903C San Francesco , CA 94129-0903 Presidio Building 10141 i P O Boa 299031 Son Francisco , CA 94129-0903 Presldio Building 10140 P 0 Box 29903, Son Francesco , CA 94129-0903 Presldio Building 10140 P 0 Ban 29903 San Francisco , CA 94129-0903 PO Boa 5339 Ketchum , ID 83340


501(c)( 4) Social Welfare organization

24,701 50

13 - 1945149

551 ( c)(3) Public Chanty


Celebration of Teaching and Learning


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

5 500 00

2011 Summer Informal Funding

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Sustainable Planet Committee , Justice and Democracy Committee, Election Integrity Funding Circle and Queer Youth Funding Circle Grantmalung Pool

Threshold Foundation


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

24,047 40

Threshold Foundation


501(c)( 3) Public Chanty

70,000 00

Threshold Foundation


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

85 00000

Sustainable Planet Committee , Justice and Democracy Committee, Election Integrity Funding Circle, and Queer Youth Fund Funding Circle Sustainable Planet Committee, Justice and Democracy CornimIttee. Election Integrity Funding Circle, and Queer Youth Funding Circle no-interest loans for Kenya program



501(c)( 3) Private Operating Fdn


Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 48 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 75,000 00 15,000 00 49,501 15

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Tibet Fund Tibet House Tibetan Nuns Project

Tibetan Nuns Project

241 East 32nd StreetO New York, NY 10016 22 West 15th Streets 1 Now York, NY 10011 619 Western Avenue PMB 220 Fourth Floor Seattle, WA 98104 619 Western Avenue PMB 22D Fourth FloorO Seattle, WA 98104 The PresldioC PO Boa 29907= San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidia[] PO Box 29907: Son Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidioi PO Boa 29907: San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidioi 1 PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidioi PO Box 29907 San Francisco CA 94129-0903 The Presidioo PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidior PO Box 29907= San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidioo PO Box 29907C Son Francisco CA 94129-0903 The PresidioC PO Box 29907E San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presldioi 1 PO Box 29907C San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidia? PO Box 299071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidiol 1 PO Box 299071 Son Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The PresidloD PO Box 299071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidloo PO Box 29907C San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Pres)dioD PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Pres)dio0 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidiai 1 PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Pres)dloI 1 PO Box 29907, San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presidloi 1 PO Box 299071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903

13-3115145 13-3438221 68-0327175

5011c1(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501)c)(3) Public Chanty

underwrite 150 one-day scholarships for Newark, NJ residents to attend the Newark Peace Education Summl to provide humanitarian aid for Tibetan refugee communities


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

to provide humanitarian aid for Tibetan refugee communities

Tides Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


activities related to the Tolerance, Amencenism and Patriotism (TAP) Initiative and essooated adnunisbetlve fees activities related to the Tolerance, Americanism, and Patriotism (TAP) Initiative and associated adnanistrahve fees activities related to the Tolerance, Amencanism, and Patnotism (TAP) Initiative and associated administrative fees activities related to the Tolerance, Americanism and Patriotism (TAP) Initiative and essoaated ednunlstratlve fees Innovations Projec, specifically in support of Democracy in the Senate initiative acirvihes related to the Tolerance, Americanism and Patnohsm (TAP) Initiative and associated admnistrahve fees general support for Accord Alliance

Tides Center


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Tides Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,744 68

Tides Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,957 45

Tides Center


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Tides Center


501)c)(3) Public Chanty


Tides Center / Accord Alliance


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Tides Center / AIDS-Free World


501(c))3) Public Chanty

47,381 50

general support for AIDS-Free World

Tides Center / AIDS-Free World


501(c))3) Public Chanty

63 934 92

general support

Tides Center / Bay View Hunters Point Community Fund Tides Center I Beatitudes Society


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

135,551 00

general support for Bay View Hunters Point Consnunity Fund


501(c))3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support Beatitudes Society

Tides Center I Center for Social Inclusion


501(c))3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Center for Social Inclusion's general support

Tides Center I Center for Social Inclusion


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support for Center for Social Inclusion

Tides Canter / Center for Boost Inclusion


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 00

general support for Center for Social Inclusion

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Project


501(c))3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support for Color of Denncracy Project

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Project


501)c))3) Public Chanty

13,000 00

general support for Color of Democracy Project

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Project


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

39,000 00

general support for Color of Democracy Project

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Project


501)c))3) Public Chanty

65,000 00

Color of Democracy Project's general support

Tides Center / Color of Democracy Project


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

80,000 00

general support for the Color of Democracy Project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in t he United States

Page 49 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Cods

Amount of cash grant 241,832 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Tides Center / Community Clinics Initiative

Tides Center I Connect US

Tides Center /Connect US

Tides Center /Connect US

Tides Center I Define American Project

Tides Center I Define American Project

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund

The PresidioC PO Box 29907: San Francesco, CA The PresldioC PO Box 29907: San Francisco, CA The PresidinE PO Box 29907: San Francesco, CA The Presldioi PO Box 29907: San Francesco, CA The Presldioi PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA The Presldioi PO Box 29907 Son Francisco, CA The PresldioC PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA

94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

To support a local Oakland-based program in establishing mosssystem interfaces to provide a medical home for adjudicated youth Connect US's general support

Other Non-Profit Organization

50,000 00

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

120,000 00

Connect US's general support

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

355,000 00

general support for Connect US

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

general support for the Define American project

Other Non-Profit Organization

77,550 00

general support for Define American Project

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


Disability Rights Fund's operational expenses from American Jevnsh

World Service

Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund

The PresidioC PO Box 29907: San Francesco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund The PresldloC PO Box 29907: San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund The PresldioC PO Box 29907: San Francisco CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund The Presldlol PO Box 29907= Son Francisco CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Disability Rights Fund The Presidioi PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center I Environmental Health Strategy The Presidlol i Center PO Box 289071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Global Community Monitor The PresidioD PO Box 299071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Groundswot Fund The Presldioo PO Box 299070 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center I Groundswe0 Fund The Presldioo PO Box 29907C San Francisco CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Health Care for America The PresrdioO Education Fund PO Box 29907L San Francisco CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / HIV Young Leaders Fund The Presidioi i PO Box 29907C San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / HIV Young Leaders Fund The Presldiot 1 PO Box 299071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Canter / HIV Young Leaden: Fund The Presidioi i PO Box 298071 San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Honor the Earth The Presldloo PO Box 29907, San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center /Honor the Earth The PresldloD PO Box 29907C Son Francisco, CA 94129-0903

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,729 15

Disability Rights Fund's DFID-supported administrative and operational costs for the 2nd quarter (July 2011 through September 2011) third quarter support for operations


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

46 951 84


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

111 838 69

Disability Rights Funds operational expenses from Sigrid Reusing Trust Disability Rights Fund's program-related costs (DFID contributions for January through March 2011, and for April through June 2011) general support for Disability Rights Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

141 44623


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

198,437 50


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

Environmental Health Strategy Centers Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine s education efforts around chemical policy Global Community Monitor's research on refineries


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support for Groundswell Fund


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for Health Care for America Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40 000 00

general support for HIV Young Leaders Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

42,089 00

general support for HIV Young Leaders Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

54,239 00

salary and other coordination expenses through May 31, 2011


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

7 000 00

general support for Honor the Earth


501 (c)(3) Public Charity

13,500 00

general support for Honor the Earth

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 50 of 58




Name of organlaatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 55,291 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Tides Center / Honor the Earth

The PresldioC PO Box 29907: Son Francisco, CA 94129-0903 The Presldio0 PO Box 29907: San Francisco, CA The PresldloD PO Box 29907= San Francisco, CA The Presldioi 1 PO Box 29907: San Francisco, CA The Presidloi PO Box 29907 Son Francisco, CA The Presldioi PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA The PresidioD PO Box 29907 San Francisco. CA The Presidio0 PO Box 29907: Son Francisco, CA The PresldloO PO Boa 29907= San Francisco, CA The Presidiu0 PO Box 29907= San Francisco CA The Presldioi PO Box 29907: San Francisco, CA The Presidioi PO Box 29907 San Francisco, CA The Presidioi PO Box 299071 San Francisco, CA


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Honor the Earth's general support

Tides Center / International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center / International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center / International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center I International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center / International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center / International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Tides Center I Kuthai Institute

94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 914-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100 94129-0903 94-3213100

Other Non-Profit Organization

5,206 80

general support for Intemaoonal Treatment Preparedness Coalition

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,174 47

general support for International Treatment Preparedness Coalition

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support for International Treatment Preparedness Coalition

Other Non-Profit Organization

57 01322

general support for the Intemabonal Treatment Preparedness Coahton

Other Non-Profit Organization

61 50627

general support for the International Treatment Preparedness CooBhon

Other Non-Profit Organization

155,351 70

general support for the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

19 051 03

general support for Kuthai Institute

Tides Center / National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum Tides Center / Out-of-Home Youth Field Building Project Tides Center / Peaceful Tomorrows

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35 000 00

general support for the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum general support for Outof-Home Youth Field Building Project

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support for Peaceful Tomorrows

Tides Center / Rivers Wthout Borders

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

16,279 00

Rivers VNthout Borders s general support

Tides Center / Story of Stuff

501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Story of Stuffs project. The Story of Subsidies

Tides Center / Story of Stuff

The Presldio0 PO Box 299071 Son Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / The Opportunity Agenda The Presldio0 PO Boa 29907C San Francisco, CA 94129-0903 Tides Center / Voices for Progress Education The PresldloO Fund PO Box 29907C Son Francisco. CA 94129-0903 PO Box 29198C Tides. Inc San Francisco. CA 94129-0198 Transgender Law Center 870 Market Streati i Room 400 Son Francisco, CA 94102 Transgender Law Center 870 Market StreetO Room 400 San Francisco, CA 94102 870 Market StreetO Room 400= San Francisco, CA 94102 870 Market StreetO Room 400= San Francisco, CA 94102 900 Alice Street 03200 Oakland, CA 94607 PO Box 118067 Charleston, SC 29423 30 Howard CourtO Newark, NJ 07103

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

Story of Stuffs technology and online tool development


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

The Opportunity Agenda 's 2011 Creative Change Retreat


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00

general support for Voices for Progress Education Fund

57-1138099 05-0544008

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

500,000 00 7,50000

general support for Tides Development Fund general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

efforts to add gender identity and expression as an enumerated category to the statewide nondiscrimination law by January 2013 efforts to add gender identity and expression as an enumerated category to the statewide nondlscnninahon law by January 2013 Project HEALTH

Trensgender Law Canter


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

Trensgender Lew Center


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Transnahonal Institute for Grassroots Research and Action Trident Technical Collage Foundation Trilogy An Opera Company

26-0728941 57-0899317 16-1681342

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10 000 00 30,000 00 20 000 00

Alston Bannerman Senior Fellowship for Francis Celpotura QUEST competition general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States Page 51 of 58




Name of organluatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 10,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Trust for Pubic Land

Washington State Office] 901 5th Avenue:] Seattle, WA 98164 National OfficeD 101 Montgomery Street] Suite 900: San Francisco CA 94104 Global Development and EnwronmentO Institute, Tufts UntversityD 44 Teele Avenues i Medford, MA 02155 1123 County Road 83C Boulder, CO 80302 1123 County Road 83E Boulder, CO 80302 132 West 112th Streets 1 Lower Level #11 1 New York, NY 10028 132 West 112th StreetO Lower Level 0111 New York NY 10026 135 Grand Streeto Fourth FloorO New York, NY 10013 866 United Nations PlazeO Room 586: New York, NY 10017


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

general support for Seattle office

Trust for Pubic Land


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Canal Community Gordon project

Tufts University


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

160,000 00

core budget of Global Development and Environmental Institute

Turning the Wheat Productions Turning the Wheel Productions Twenty First Century Foundation

84-1254913 84-1254913 13-3363860

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 24 000 00 20,000 00

general support Caravan Project to support victims of the Gulf Coast oil spill

Twenty First Century Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

general support

US Biennial, Inc


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

200 000 00

Prospect New Orleans project

UN Women

Foreign Organization

150,000 00

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women's programs to address the twin panderna of HIV/AIDS and violence against women and to expand the use of evidence-based methodologies by organizations working at the Intersection of HIV and violence against women general support

Union of Concerned Scientists

National Headquartersi i Two Brattle Square Cambridge, MA 02138-3780 National Headquarterso Two Bm01e Square Cambridge, MA 02138-3780 29 Winter Street] 2nd FloorBoston, MA 02108-4799 29 NAnler Street] Boston, MA 02108.4799 1038 Howard Street i Son Francisco, CA 94103 P O Box 29242= Son Francisco, CA 94129-0242 1801 F Sheet, NWO Washington, DC 20006 2059 Atwood Avenues Madison, WI 53704 PO Box 650458= Potomac Falls, VA 20165-0458 5062 9th Avenue NEi 1 Seattle, WA 98105 Development Of6ceC 4219 Cheadle Hall-4th FloorSanta Barbara, CA 931 S6-2013 Irvine Mathematics Project: 439 Social Science Tower_ Irvine, CA 92697 Office of AdvancementO College of Agriculture, Food & Natural[ Resources 2.4 Agriculture Building: Columbia MO 65211 360E 10thAvenue[ Suite 202: Eugene, OR 97401 360E 10th AvenueC Suite 202: Eugene, OR 97401


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10 00000

Union of Concerned Scientists


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

40 000 00

Nuclear Weapons Policy Strategy Protect

United fore Fair Economy


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

general support

Unitod far a Fair Economy United Playez United Religions Initiative United States-New Zealand Council / American Friends of Christchurch United Way of Dane County Unity Productions Foundation University Child Development School University of California Santa Barbara

04-3286118 20-5005815 68-0369482 52-1442258 39-0817532 77-0519274 91-1176120 94-3067788

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

14 404 00 70,000 00 100 000 00 50 000 00 1000000 10 715 77 10 000 00 10 000 00

general support general support general support Amencan Friends of Christchurch's earthquake relief efforts general support film and educational outreach annual campaign Scholarships for California residents

University of California, Irvine


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

14 600 00

Imne Mathematics Project's STEM Initiatives for K-12 students In underrepresented communities Advancing the Movement research by the Center for Applied Research and Environmental System

University of Missouri


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

University of Oregon Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


William F Anthony Scholarship Fund

University of Oregon Foundation


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

1,250,000 00

Network Startup Resource Center

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 52 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 18,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Unusual Suspects Theatre Company

617 S Olive StreetSuite 812: Los Angeles, CA 90014


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

126 Hyde Street] Son Francisco, CA 94102 582 Market Streets I Suite 1207 1 San Francisco, CA 94104 Urban Alliance 1327 14th St NWi Suite 200 Washington DC 20005 Urban Midwifery Inc / Sacred Grove Traditions 93 Wintergreen Donna Women of Color Whohsbc Health Exchange Beaufort, SC 29908 Upwardly Global Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights US Chamber Watch 3100 Arapahoe Avenue[) Suite 201: Boulder CO 80303 1900 L Street NWO Suite 900= Washington, DC 20036 125 Maiden Laneo New York, NY 10038 1111 19th Street NWi i Suite 1200 Washington DC 20036 1111 19th Street, NWD Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20036 1825 K Street, NW7 Suite 210= Washington, DC 20008 1825 K Street, NW Suite 210: Washington, DC 20006 1825 K Street, NW7 Suite 210: Washington, DC 20006 849 Valencia Street i San Francisco CA 94110 5121 Van Nuys Boulevard[) 3rd Floori 1 Van NOW, CA 91403 5121 Van Nuys Boulevard0 3rd FloorO Van NOW, CA 91403 5121 Van Nuys Boulevard0 3rd FloorO Van Nuys, CA 91403 PO Box 55766: Boston, MA 02205-5766 141 Main Street Suite 6 Montpelier, Vt' 05602

Uptown Tenderloin Historic District

36-4643665 94-3348127

501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 15 000 00

general support interactive training wednars for refugee and immigrant health professionals and associated web content Mobile Computer Lab and related support or products based on open systems and to support staff and students general support Sacred Grove Traditions Women of Color Wholisac Health Exchange general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00


501(c)(3( Public Chanty



501(c)(3) Public Charity



Incorporated Exemption Pend

15,000 00

lnvesbgasve Research Protect

US Fund for UNICEF US Pugwash

13-1760110 74-3066740

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

13,238 00 30,000 00

general support Simons Symposium on Nuclear Disarmament at the 59th Pugwash Conference in Berlin Simons Symposium on Nuclear Disanmment at the 59th Pugwash Conference in Berlin general support

US Pugwash


501(c)(3( Public Chanty

35,000 00

USAclion Education Fund


501)c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

USAdlon Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

work in Michigan and Wisconsin

USAction Education Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

100,000 00

good jobs for all in amenca

Valentino Achek Deng Foundation Valley Economic Development Center, Inc

20-5961736 95-3139419

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 60,000 00

general support micro and small business loan loss reserves

Valley Economic Development Center Inc


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

60,000 00

micro and small business loan loss reserves

Valley Economic Development Center Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

60,000 00

micro and small business loan loss reserves

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vermont Public Interest Group

23-2888152 03-0228267

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

31,241 42 25,000 00

Gun and Tom Denharl Femlly Fund support Alliance fore Clean and Healthy Vermont 's program to promote a precautionary approach to chemical regulation , protect Vermont's people and environment from exposure to harmful chemicals and build increased momentum for federal reform general support general support

Vermont Workers' Center Veterans for Common Sense

Veterans for Common Sense

Veterans Resource Center Video Veracity / Art Index TV

294 North Winooski Avenue[) Burlington. VT 05401 900 2nd Street, NE i Suite 216 Washington DC 20003 900 2nd Street, NE :l Suite 216 Washington DC 20003 PO One 85: Freeland, WA 98249 3020 Royal Street= New Orleans, LA 70117

20-0163176 45-0497743

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00 10,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00

general support

28-4554333 72-1248350

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity

6 000 00 9 680 00

general support , in loving remembrance of Ellen Camn Art Index TVs interview station during the opening week of Prospect 92

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 53 of 58




Name of organlaatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 96 914 58 15 000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Foundation Virginia New Majority Education Fund

Virginia Organizing Virginia Organizing Virtues Children Nepal Vista Community Clinic

200 North Boulevard[ Richmond, VA 23220-4007 8397 Little River Turnpike Suite 300: Alexandria, VA 22312 703 Concord Avenuei 1 Charlottesville, VA 22903-5208 703 Concord Avenueo Charlottesville, VA 22903.5208 P O Box 411563 Son Francisco, CA 94141-1563 Vale Terrence Branch & Women's Center: 1000 Vale Terracal Vista, CA 92084 526 W 26th Street 1 Suite 510 New York, NY 10001 P 0 Box 10031Portland, OR 97298 691 Massachusetts Avenue] Arlington, MA 02476 4759 15th Avenue NEi 1 #3091 i Seattle, WA 98105 1400 16th Street NWi Suite 740 Washington, DC 20036 4649 Sunnyside Avenue Northo Suite 5.40 Seattle, WA 98103 6666 West Quincy Avenuei i Denver CO 80235 6666 West Quincy Avenueo Denver, CO 80235 6666 West Quincy Avenuei i Denver. CO 80235 513 Brown StreetO Healdsburg, CA 95448 PO Boa 1449C Guernevllle, CA 95448 488 Essex Avenue= Gloucester, MA 01930 1854 Amsterdam AvenueD Second Floorr New York NY 10031 220 South 27th Street[] Suite BO Billings, MT 59101 220 South 27th StrealD Suite BC Billings MT 59101 220 South 27th StreetO Billings, MT 59101 220 South 27th Streeh I Suite Bi i Billings, MT 59101 2260 Baseline RoedD Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 PO Box 40305= Portland OR 97240 1711 Ocean Park Boulevards i Santa Monica, CA 90405

51-0205333 27-1705920

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts library to support the creation of a pro -i mmigrant coalition in Virginia

54-1674992 54-1674992 65-1203654 95-2815615

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00 40,000 00 20 000 00 35,000 00

general support civic participation project Bal Sarathi and scholarships Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project

Visual Aids for the Arts


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

general support

VoteVets org Action Fund WAND Education Fund Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Washington Orantmakers

51-0596352 04-2751387 91-1344122

501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00 12,17000 20,000 00

Veterans Orgammng protect general support work to end the death penalty in Washington State


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00

Washington Toxlcn Coalition


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

35 00000

six - month grant to convene funders and support them in a collective effort to expand access to healthy , fresh , affordable food in the Metropolitan Washington DC region to support continued legislative success at the state level, encourage bipartisanship at the federal level , and carry out a communications and organizing strategy focused on problem chemicals Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant general support CAFO book outreach campaign Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project Grace Center, Inc's general support

Water For People Water For People Water For People Watershed Media Inc West County Health Centers West Gloucester Trinitarian Congregational Church, UCC / Grace Center. Inc West Harlem Environmental Action

84-1166148 84-1166148 84-1166148 68-0450037 23-7310613 45.2987540

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty Other Non-Profit Organization

7,50000 7500 00 28,000 00 20,000 00 35,000 00 10,000 00


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

50,000 00

to support the Steering Committee of the JustGreen Partnership, in collaboration with Clean and Healthy New York, Inc public education on Keystone pipeline sells and legal research

Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project Westem Organization of Resource Councils Education Project Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project Western Resource Advocates


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35 000 00

Energy Campaign

84-1123481 84-1123481

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00 50 000 00

research and organizing on dirty fuels civic engagement program


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00

Western States Center Westside Family Health Center

93-0952137 95-2931931

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

35,000 00 35 000 00

work of Utah office to transition through implementation of legal and administrative strategies at the state and federal level and participation in the Transition PaafiCorp Coalition Gander Justice Project Community Health Center Innovation Challenge project

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 54 of 58




Name of organlrallon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 100,000 00

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

Whatcom Community Foundation

119 Grand Avenue, Suite AD Bellingham WA 98225 148 North 10th Street0 Suite 2C] Brooklyn, NY 11211 148 North 10th Street(] Suite 2C7 Brooklyn, NY 11211 765 Wonn Road Sam C-201D Greenback, WA 98253 PO Box 571 Clinton, WA 98238 320 West 13th Street[] New York NY 10014 607 Main Street Callaway, MN 56521 434 West 33rd StreetO Eighth Floor Now York, NY 10001


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

When I Walk Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

support innovative new projects mvoMng mutu-field community partnerships aimed at enhancing community design end expanding food access efforts to improve health and equity Google Earth Outreach Developer Grants 2011

When I Walk Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Google Earth Outreach Developer Grants 2011

Whidbey Camano Land Trust


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

13,000 00

general support

Whidbey Institute White Columns White Earth Land Recovery Project White House Project

31-1518700 23-7259446 41-1673625 52-2172075

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

11,000 00 100,000 00 10,000 00 40,000 00

general support and the Spent of Legacy Project general support general support support for 2011 leadership transition

1348 Rusdcview Dme: Ballwin MO 63011 1348 Rusuwiew curve= Ballwin, MO 63011 1835 Cunningham Avenueo San Jose CA 95122 Willows Community School 8509 Higuera StreetCulver City CA 90232 Wlnrock International Institute for Agricultural 2121 Crystal Drivei Development Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202 Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic 307 S Paterson Street, Suite 1 Violence I American Indian Task Force on DV- Madison, WI 53703 SA and Vulnerable Populations, Inc Wisconsin Voices 252 E Highland Avenue Suite 208 Milwaukee, WI 53202 80 Hanson Place Fifth Floorii Brooklyn, NY 11217 565 Commerdal Street] Suite 300 San Francisco CA 94111 565 Commercial Street] Suite 300= San Francisco CA 94111 565 Commercial Street] Suite 300_ San Francisco, CA 94111 565 Commercial Street] Suite 300= San Fanasco, CA 94111 565 Commercial Street 1 Suite 300= Son Francesco, CA 94111 462 Broadwayi 1 Suite 500WSI I New York, NY 10013 462 Broadwayi 1 Suite 505WSi i New York, NY 10013 462 BroadwayD Suite SOOWSn New York NY 10013

Wldecast Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservetlon Network Wldecast Wider Caribbean See Turtle Conservation Network William C Overfe8 High School

33-0751451 33-0751451 94-2864814 95-4466863 71-0603560

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty Govemment - Not Federal 501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,250 00 10,250 00 1500000 15 000 00 65 000 00

Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant math department and library Annual Giving general support and staff protects


501(c)(3) Pubic Chanty

20,000 00

general support for American Indian Task Force on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Vulnerable Populations, Inc


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

49,000 00

general support



501(c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00

U S -based video advocacy program

Women Donors Network


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Women Donors Network


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty


general support

Women Donors Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

general support

Women Donors Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

16 500 00

general support

Women Donors Network


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

34,347 39

women's leadership rogrenc

Women Make Movies


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Leslie Asako Gladslo's documentary film, Sayonare Daddy San

Women Make Movies / eyeWANG Pictures, Inc Women Make Movies / Trilogy Film


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

eyeWANG Pictures. Inc 's docurrontary film Fighting Foster


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Trilogy Films' documentary film, Gideon's Amry

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 55 of 58




Name of organization



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 21,901 76

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support

Purpose of grant or assistance

Women's Foundation of Ceblomla

Women s Foundation of California

Women's Foundation of California

Women's Fund of Mlam-Dade County

Women's Fund of Miami-Dade County

Women's Funding Alliance

340 Pine Street= Suite 302= San Francisco, CA 94104 340 Pine Street: Suite 302: Son Francisco, CA 94104 340 Pine Street: Suite 302= San Francisco, CA 94104 2990 SW 35th Avenue) I Suite 2130 Miami, FL 33133 2990 SW 35th Avenue) I Suite 2Bi i Miens, FL 33133 500 Union Streell i Suite 1000 Seattle WA 98101 505 Sensome Street= 2nd Floor Son Francisco, CA 94111 901 West Alameda StreelC Suite 25: Santa Fe, NM 87501 1398 Valence Street? San Francisco, CA 94110 114 West Pine Street 1 PO Box 87431 Missoula, MT 59807 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NWi I Suite 825 Washington, DC 20036 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NWO Suite 825 Washington, DC 20038 1625 West Olympic Boulevard: Los Angeles, CA 80015-3808 142 West State Street) I Third Floor: Trenton, NJ 08608 815 16th Street NWO Washington, DC 20006 2 Nevins Street i Third Floors Bmokyn, NY 11217 802 South Fifth AvenueC VNlnington, NC 28401 602 South Fifth AvenueC Wilmington, NC 28401 602 South Fifth Avenue) VNlmington NC 28401 44 Famsworth Street: Boston, MA 02210 350 Fifth Avenueo Sulle 2412= New York, NY 10118 4127 NW 122nd Streeto Oklahoma City, OK 73120-8869 4127 NW 122nd Streets I Oklahoma City, OK 73120-8869 Lovejoy CenterC 909 NW 19th AvenueSuite C'1 Portland, OR 97209


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

62,500 00

support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects continued support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects continued support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects general support


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

75,000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25 000 00


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

Women's Funding Network


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

12 500 00

to support a soaal justice arts agenda at your organization's 2011 Annual Conference general support for Espanola Valley Women's Health LLC

Woman a Health Services / Espafoln Valley Women's Health LLC Women's Initiative for Self Employment Women's Voices for the Earth


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15 000 00

94-3081525 81-0501011

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

5,14952 30 000 00

general support to advance policies to reduce women's exposure to toxic chemicals through the National Healthy Nail Salon Alliance, in collaboration with the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative general support

Women's Voices Women Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty


Women's Voices Women Vote


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

40,000 00

general support

Woodcraft Rangers Work Environment Council of New Jersey

95-1729319 22-2751863

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

18 000 00 45,000 00

Honor Roll Skate Club Program to help shift public opinion, develop and advocate fora positive state policy approach and reform, build grassroots advocacy capacity, and engage union members and the public in New Jersey to understand and support reform general support public education and outreach an the importance and urgency of public financing of elections general support Reel Food residency general support six month grant for participation in the Dakar World Social Forum to sham experiences and learn about the role of women In the media general support

Working America Education Fund Working Families Organization

20-2035052 20-4994004

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Orga nization

50,00000 34,650 00

Working Films Working Films Worlong Film World Education

56-2168107 56-2168107 56-2168107 13-1804349

501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

20,000 00 20,00000 35,000 00 6667 00

World Monuments Fund


501(c)(3) Public Chanty

10,000 00

World Neighbors World Neighbors World Pulse

73-0707328 73-0707328 41-2065177

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

30,000 00 30,000 00 20,000 00

general support general support general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 56 of 58




Name of organlaatlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 9,00000

Amount of noncash assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance

Purpose of grant or assistance

World Resources Institute

10 G Street , NE= Suite 800: Washington DC 20002 10 G Street , NE: Suite 800: Washington DC 20002 1779 Massachusetts Avenue , NWO Suite 615= Washington DC 20036-2109 1778 Massachusetts Avenue , NWW i Suite 615: Washington . DC 20038-2109 1778 Massachusetts Avenue , NWW i Suite 615 Washington DC 20036.2109 8115 McCormick Avenue 1 Oakland , CA 94605 1250 24th Street , NWO PO Box 97180= Washington , DC 20090-7180 1250 24th Street NWO PO Box 97180Washington DC 20090-7180 1250 24th Street NWi 1 PO Box 97180: Washington DC 20090-7180 The Presidio, 1 38 Keyes Avenue , Box 17 1 San Francisco , CA 94129 573 Wainee Streeti 1 Lehelnaii Maui HI 96761 100 Capitol Street _ Suite 1005 Charleston , WV 25301 Yale Divinity SchoolO Office of DevelopmontE 409 Prospect Streeti i New Haven , CT 06511 Yale Law School FundO P 0 Box 208341 Now Haven , CT 06520-8341 PO Box 5057C New York , NY 10185 PO Box 5L Big Bay , MI 49808 1728 Mermaid Avenue = Brooklyn NY 11224 15 Villone Drive[] Leeds . MA 01053 99 Bishop Allen Dnvei 1 Cambridge , MA 02139 99 Bishop Allen Drrueo Cambridge, MA 02139 PO Box 1271 Thurmont , MD 21788 PO Box 6490C Albuquerque , NM 87198 PO Box 8490C Albuquerque , NM 87198 2334 W Lawrence Avenuei i Suite 221 Chicago, IL 60825 PO Box 420963 ' Son Francisco , CA 84142 1604 Orethe Castle Haley Blvd = New Orleans , LA 70113

52- 1257057

501 (c)(3( Public Chanty

Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant

World Resources Institute


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

conference on private investment for climate finance

World Security Institute


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

50,000 00

principal sponsorship of the 2010 World Summit

World Security Institute


501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

80,000 00

Global Zero Initiative

World Security Institute


501(c )(3) Public Chanty

226,167 50

principal sponsorship of the 2010 World Summit, Global Zero end the 2011 Washington Summit general support Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant

World Trust Educational Services , Inc World Wildlife Fund

94-3362739 52- 1693387

501(c )( 3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3( Public Chanty

10,00000 10,000 00

World Wildlife Fund


501(c )(3( Public Chanty

10,000 00

Google Earth Outreach 2011 Developer Grant

World Wildlife Fund

52- 1693387

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

16,666 00

Raising Finance from International Shipping and Aviation project



501(c )(3( Public Chanty

15,000 00

Nourish Program in Santa Clara County

Worldwide Indigenous Science Network

94- 3372763

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

25,000 00

general support

WV Free


501(c((3( Public Chanty

50,000 00

general support

Yale University


501(c((3( Public Chanty


Yale Divinity School

Yale University


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

127,422 45

endowment for James C N Paul Scholarship

Yale Haiti Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve You Gotta Bebevel The Older Child Adoption and Permanency Movement Young Heroes Foundation Young People s Project Young Peoples Project Young Voices on Climate Change Young Women United Young Women United Young Women 's Empowerment Project

65-0823881 38- 3251163 11-3272603 20-4026044 64 -0939004 64-0939004 01 -0968441 85-0481224 85-0481224 61.1426655

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c((3( Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 ( c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Charity 501(c)(3 ( Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

28567 55 5,50000 2996000 10,000 00 15,000 00 20,000 00 10,00000 35,00000 50,000 00 25,000 00

to support L Alhlesque d Haiti s elder-school sports and tutoring programs general support MAPP trainings at The Lesbian Gay , Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center (The Center) in New York City general support general support general support general support general support continued support of women of color-led reproductive justice organizations and projects Street Youth Rise Up Campaign

Young Workers United Youth Empowerment Project

20-2655377 42-1633060

501(c )(3( Public Chanty 501(c )( 3) Public Chanty

7 500 00 10,000 00

general support general support

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations , Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page S7 of 58




Name of organlratlon



IRS Code

Amount of cash grant 30,000 00 165,000 00 165,000 00 165,000 00 20,000 00

Amount of nonwith assistance

Method of Valuation

Description of non cash assistance general support Village Program Village Program Village Program

Purpose of grant or assistance

Youth Empowerment Project Youth Empowerment Project Youth Empowerment Project Youth Empowerment Project Youth Media Institute

1604 Oretha Castle Haley New Orleans, LA 70113 1804 Orethe Castle Haley New Orleans, LA 70113 1604 Orethe Castle Haley New Orleans, LA 70113 1604 Oretha Castle Haley New Orleans, LA 70113 4408 Delridge Way SWi i Suite 112 Seattle, WA 98106

Blvd = Blvd Blvd = Blvd =

42-1633060 42-1633060 42-1633060 42-1633060 66-0669319

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

Youth Out Loud Summer Program

Youth Science Institute YWCA Missoula Zaccho Dance Theater

Zen Community of Oregon

Zeum ZUMIX, Inc

296 Garden 140 DdveC Los Gatos CA 95032 1130 West Broadway: Missoula, MT 59802 1777 Yosemite Avenues 1 Studio 330 San Francisco, CA 94124 Great Vow Zen Monastery0 P O Box 3681 Clatskanie, OR 97016 221 Fourth StreetSan Francisco, CA 94103 260 Sumner StreetC East Boston MA 02128

94-1265213 81-0245851 94-2720943

501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty 501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

15,00000 6,200 00 70,000 00

school science programs general support general support


501 (c)(3) Public Chanty

8 455 49

Great Vow Zen Monastery

94-3178735 04-3132874

501 (c)(3) Public Chanty 501(c)(3) Public Chanty

15,000 00 10,000 00

Zeunddasters program Sprouts program

Form 990 Schedule I, Part II

Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States

Page 58 of 58

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Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return

File a separate application for each return.

OMB No 1545 1709

Internal Revenue Service

If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension , complete only Part I and check this box If you are filing for an Additional ( Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension , complete only Part II (on page 2 of this form)
Do not complete Part 11 unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868

Electronic filing (e-file). You can electronically file Form 8868 if you need a 3-month automatic extension of time to file (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-T), or an additional (not automatic) 3-month extension of time You can electronically file Form 8868 to request an extension of time to file any of the forms listed in Part I or Part II with the exception of Form 8870, Information Return for Transfers Associated With Certain Personal Benefit Contracts, which must be sent to the IRS in paper format (see instructions) For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit www irs gov/efile and click on e-file for Charities & Nonprofits

tiP^itIIM Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time. Onl y submit ori g inal (no co p ies needed ) .
A corporation required to file Form 990-T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check this box and complete Part I only
All other corporations (including 1120-C filers), partnerships, REMICS, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file income tax returns

Enter filer's identifying number, see instructions

Name of exempt organization or other filer, see instructions Type or Employer identification number (EIN) or

File by the due date for tiling your return See instructions

Tides Foundation
Number, street and room or suite number If a P 0 box, see instructions Box 29903 City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code For a foreign address, see instructions

F X1
Social security number (SSN)

San Francisco,

CA 94129-0903

Enter the Return code for the return that this application is for (file a separate application for each return)

Return Code 07 08 09 10 11 12

A p lication IspFor Form Form Form Form Form Form 990 990-BL 990-EZ 990-PF 990-T (section 401 a or 408 (a ) trust ) 990-T (trust other than above )

Return Code 01 02 01 04 05 06

Ap p lication IspFor Form Form Form Form Form Form 990-T (cor p oration ) 1041-A 4720 5227 6069 8870

The books are in the care of

^ Gwen Wong ----------------------------------

------------------------------- If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States , check this box
If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization ' s four digit Group Exemption Number ( GEN) check this box the extension is for If it is for part of the group , check this box If this is for the whole group, and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members

Telephone No- ^ (415 )



I request an automatic 3-month (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990 - T) extension of time until _ 8/1 5 _ _ , 20 1 2 _ , to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above The extension is for the organization ' s return for XB calendar year 20 11 tax y ear be g innin g or , 20 , and endin g , 20
El Initial return [ Final return

If the tax year entered in line 1 is for less than 12 months, check reason [Change in accounting period

3a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits See instructions, b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax p a y ments made Include an y p rior y ear over pa y ment allowed as a credit c Balance due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a Include your payment with this form, if required, by using EFTPS Electronic Federal Tax Pa y ment System) See instructions

3a $ 3b $ 3c , $

0. 0. 0.

Caution . If you are going to make an electronic fund withdrawal with this Form 8868, see Form 8453-EO and Form 8879-EO for payment instructions
BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions . FIFZ0501L 01/04/12 Form 8868 (Rev 1-2012)

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