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OOAD Assignment#2 Assignment #2 (Due: November 11, 2012 21:00)

Consider the Online Shopping System problem description given in Assignment #1, and a use case for this system given below. Bounded by the given Buy Products use cases main success scenario: 1. (65 pts) Draw a Domain Model using the UML class diagram notation. Show concepts, associations and attributes. 2. (35 pts) Create a System Sequence Diagram in the UML notation. Notes: 1. If there is no sufficient information provided in the case study or Use Case, you can make assumptions. If so, please provide them. 2. You can revise your Buy Products use case either by yourself or in line with feedback by Teaching Assistant. 3. You are expected to work individually NOT in groups. You have to follow the academic integrity rules. 4. Please put the solution in a single word document and send it via MetuOnlines assignments link.

Use Case UC1: Buy Products

Scope: Online Shopping System Level: User Goal Primary Actor: Customer Preconditions: Customer is registered and authenticated. Success Guarantee (or Postconditions): Order is saved. Payment is authorized via External Payment Authorization System. Inventory is updated. Delivery system is informed about the order. Main Success Scenario: 1. 2. 3. 4. Customer wants to buy products. System presents brand-new and second-hand choices. Customer selects brand-new product category. System shows the product categories which are smart phone devices, computers, home electronics. 5. Customer selects one of the product categories. 6. System displays available products in that category, their prices and the comments on them.

OOAD Assignment#2
7. Customer selects a product, enters quantity and the preferred product color then adds it to the shopping cart. 8. System adds the product to the shopping cart and presents subtotal. Steps 3-8 are repeated until Customer indicates done. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Customer wants to purchase the product(s) in the shopping cart. System displays the details of products in the shopping cart and total price. Customer enters payment and billing information (Credit card information ). System handles payment via external Payment Authorization Service. System presents shipping options and asks delivery address/person. Customer selects one of the shipping options and enters delivery address/person. System sends order information to the Delivery system, makes the order status shipped, display the shipment information and updates stock-level.

Extensions (or Alternative Flows): 3-8a. Customer wants to buy second hand products. 1. 8a. Requested number of products is not available in the stock. 1. System presents the number of products available in the stock. 2. Customer enters new quantity 3. System records new quantity 8b. System provides promotions. 1. ...

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