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Task-1 (P3-1)

An object of mass 01 kg is to be suspended in the roof of a train by a cable is shown in Fig. 1.

As the design engineer of the train you have to select the suitable cable for this application. In
order to do this you have to find the maximum tension of the cable.
If you made any assumption clearly state them.(Take the gravity as 9.8 ms
and the
maximum acceleration of the train as 7 ms
Direction of Motion

Fig. 1: Suspended Object (when the train is stopped)
a) Represent (draw) the forces applied on the object when the train is accelerating. Indicate
the resultant force.

When a =

When a

b) Draw the vector diagram for the applied forces. (You have to draw a diagram to scale)
Applying F = ma to the object.(According to picture 03)


c) Find the maximum tension of the cable using the above diagram.
the maximum tension gives when the it`s in the maximum acceleration.

Task-2 (P3-2, M1)
a) Dynamic equation of a robot is given bellow.

x,y,z are joint angular acceleration, joint angular velocity, and joint angular displacement
respectively. In an experiment three sets of values have been identified for (M, C, K, and F) as
(1.5, 2, 3, 3.2), (1.6, 3, 1.7, 4.1), (1.4, 1.2, 2.3, 4.3). Obtain the system of dynamic equations.
Convert the equations into matrix form, , and solve them using Gaussian elimination.
Clearly show the step-by-step calculations.


] [

] [

] [



] [

] [



= [


A * X = B
[ ]


[ ]
= [


[ ]





Applying Gaussian elimination



Make it zero




= [

Finding z value

Finding y value


Finding x value


) (


) (

b) Matrix A andB are given below

] [

i) What are the dimensions of A and B?
A = [

B = [


ii) What is the condition to define the multiplication of two matrices?
The number of columns in the first matrix should be equal to the number of rows in the
second matrix.
Ex: - T = [

] Q = [


iii) Find AB and BAif they can be defined (Carry out the multiplication manually).



Since number of columns in first isn`t equal to the number of rows in 2


iv) Use Mat lab software to define above multiplications.
>> A=[1 5 8 6; 10 8 7 3; 14 1 11 4]
A =
1 5 8 6
10 8 7 3
14 1 11 4
>> B=[2 21 16; 9 6 12; 11 1 0]

B =
2 21 16
9 6 12
11 1 0
>> D= B*A

D =
436 194 339 139
237 105 246 120
21 63 95 69
A and B cant define
>> C=A*B
??? Error using ==>mtimes
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
v) Obtain the transpose of A (A
) on the Matlab command window.
>> E=A'

E =
1 10 14
5 8 1
8 7 11
6 3 4

Matrices P and Q are obtained by selecting the first three columns of A as P and the last two
columns of A as Q. In Matlab, define P and Q using A and obtain the two matrices P and Q
on the command window.
>> P=A(1:3,1:3)

P =

1 5 8
10 8 7
14 1 11

>> Q=A(1:3,3:4)

Q =

8 6
7 3
11 4
Find the inverse of P (P
) and Q (Q
) manually if they can be defined and verify your
answer using Matlab.
>> inv(P)

ans =
-0.1019 0.0591 0.0365
0.0151 0.127 -0.0918
0.1283 -0.0868 0.0528
>> inv(Q)
??? Error using ==> mpower
Matrix must be square.
Finding inverse p manually: - P = 1 5 8
10 8 7
14 1 11

| P | = -795
adj P [

=- 47

USING two methods I got the same answer.
Find | P | manually and verify the answer using Matlab.
>> det(P)

ans =



Finding manually lpl value =

( ) ( ) ( )
From the both method I got same answer
Task-3 (P3-3, D1, M3)
A charged particle is made to move from the origin to the point (1, 2, 1) in a straight line. A
constant force field F(x, y, z) = (-3, 3, 1) acts on the particle. Find the work done in moving
the particle from the origin to the point.
Hint: The work done is the component of force in the direction of motion times the
distance moved. First, convert particle path and force field into vector form.
Note: You must follow step-by-step procedure clearly stating any assumptions made.
Short answers without justification will not be acceptable.

The constant force field a. The work done in moving the particle through a distance b
is then given by the distance moved through multiplied by the magnitude of the
component of the force in the direction of motion.

This is |a| |b| cos t so we define the scalar or dot product as
a. b = |a||b| cos t

Suppose that a = -3i + 3j + 1k and b = 1i + 2j +1k.

Then a. b = (-3i + 3j + 1k). (1i + 2j +1k)
a. b = (3 x 2) + (1 x -3) + (1 x -1) = -3+6+1= 7-3 =4N
Where t is the angle between a and b when they are placed tail to tail.
To use the least amount of force possible, we would need to pull horizontally, so that
we are pulling in the same direction as we want the particle to move.

Then we would have t=0 and cos t=1 so that Work done = a. b = |a||b| = magnitude of
the force x distance moved in the direction of the force.

Task-4 (D2, M3)
Show that the vector equation of a straight line that goes through point A and B is given by

Where a and b are the position vectors of point A and B respectively.

m =

=-a + b
= r a
AR =
r a = t (b-a)
r=a + t (b-a)
A straight train route is to be setup between two cities: city A and city B.Two railway
stations are to be built in city A and city B. The third station is to be setup in city C. Find the
position of station in city C in vector form that divides AB in the ratio 2:3. Find also the mid-
point of AB. Position vectors of stations in city A and city B are (10i+25j+4k), and
Note: You must follow step-by-step procedure starting from the fundamentals and clearly
stating any assumptions made. Short answers without justification will not be acceptable.

( )

Consider the position vector of C

; the point c is on the AB from left side of the A


point C is on the A point.


point c is on AB between points A an B.


point c is on the AB right hand side of B.

According to this theory

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
c =

c = 46i + 95j + 4.4k
To find mid point: - ( )

Using 01:- 01/2 =


Midpoint of AB is = 55i+112.5j+4.5k

Task-5 (D3, M3)
a and b represent vector equation of two lines. What are the necessary conditions to obtain
following equation? Clearly and logically explain your answer.

(OA + OB are not parallel)

Our assumption is incorrect. The result gives OA//OB which is wrong = 0

b = 0

To become

The position vectors of four points, A, B, C and D are given below.


Wherei, j, and k are unit vectors along mutually orthogonal coordinate axes x, y, and z.
i) Find the angle between line AB and AC. Verify your answer using another
appropriate method.
The two methods are dot product and cross product.
dot product :- g.h = |g||h| cos

AB = 2i + 4j + 7k i + j - 4k = i + 5j + 3k = h
AC = i + j + k i +j - 4k = 2j - 3k = g
g.h = |g||h| cos
|g||h| cos

g.h = (1 ) ( ())
Using equation A = 1=
0.04688 = cos
= 87.313

g x h =|g||h| sin ()
AB = 2i + 4j + 7k i + j - 4k = i + 5j + 3k = h
AC = i + j + k i +j - 4k = 2j - 3k = g
g x h =|g||h| sin ()
A x B = [

] [

] [

( ) ()()

From both methods I got the same answer.
ii) Find the area of ABC triangle using two appropriate methods.
AB = 2i + 4j + 7k i + j - 4k = i + 5j + 3k = h
AC = i + j + k i +j - 4k = 2j - 3k = g

= [

] [

] [

( ) ()()

(Why divided by 2? because axb = |a|.|b|.sin theta and area is 1/2 of that)

Vector products and the area of a triangle

The magnitude of the product u v is by definition the area of the parallelogram spanned by
u and v when placed tail-to-tail. Hence we can use the vector product to compute the area of a
triangle formed by three points A, B and C in space.

It follows that the area of the triangle is

i + 5j + 3k = h
2j - 3k = g


( )
Area = 10.66
From both methods I got the same answer.
iii) What is the volume of the parallelepiped which has the base lines of AB, AC and AD.
Note: Clearly explain the way you arrived at your answers together with all your calculations. Short
answers without justification will not be acceptable.

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