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MAY 2010

Spotlight on ARRA Projects Awarded

SR 70 Corridor
SR-70, also known as Okeechobee Road, is an east-west evacuation route connecting St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties. GBFs journey as the CEI prime consultant along this corridor began in September 2005 when the rm was awarded the SR-70 Segment 4 project. This project entailed the reconstruction of 3.1 miles of a two-lane, two-way undivided highway to a four lane divided rural highway and included the construction of 2 bridges, the rehabilitation of 1 bridge, a 12 shared use path, major earthwork, drainage and revetment activities. This $18m project began in May 2006 and was completed ahead of schedule in July 2008. During the construction of Segment 4 GBF was also awarded the SR-70 Bridge Rehabilitation project which involved the placement of pipe culverts, sand cement headwalls and owable ll below 5 bridges within the limits of SR-70 Segments 2 and 3. This project was completed 31% ahead of schedule and 16% under budget. Shortly after the completion of Segment 4, GBF started on Segment 5, awarded because of the quality CEI services provided on previous projects. Segment 5 is the adjacent project east of Segment 4 and entails the reconstruction of 4 miles of a two-lane, two-way undivided highway to a four lane divided rural highway, includes the construction of 5 bridges, the widening of 1 bridge, a 12 shared use path, major earthwork, drainage and revetment activities. Also included is a 3 mile continuation of the 12 shared use path and drainage improvements east to the Turnpike. This $29m project began in June 2007 and is anticipated to be completed on schedule and under budget in April, 2010. During the construction of Segment 5, FDOT supplemented the contract with an additional $2.5M 3 mile milling and resurfacing project on SR 70. This project began in January 2009 and was completed in May 2009, 26% ahead of schedule and 18% under budget. The GBF SR-70 Team was recently awarded the Segment 3 ARRA project (the adjacent project west of Segment 4). This $12.4M project entails the reconstruction of 4.4 miles of a two-lane, two-way undivided highway to a four lane divided highway rural including the construction of a large canal to the north, a 12 shared use path, major earthwork, drainage and revetment activities. It began in September 2009 and will continue to June 2012.

Message from GBFs President

With over $1.2bn in advertised ARRA projects to date, transportation has become a major component of our states economic revitalization. Thanks to our clients, contracting partners Gladys Dilmaghani and the hard work and President dedication of our sta, GBF has made signicant achievements this year in securing ARRA projects that will play an integral role in Floridas infrastructure development in the years to come. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) signed on February 13, 2009, provides unprecedented opportunities and responsibilities in our industry. The United States President and Congress have also emphasized the need for accountability, eciency and transparency in the allocation and expenditure of ARRA funds. GBF understands our clients goals of time and money and in meeting these goals, will ensure the maximum utilization of ARRA funds. GBF has the resources, training and experience to make ARRA projects a success - our Shovel-Ready personnel are all trained in ARRA reporting requirements and our rm is also LAP certied. GBF is thankful for the opportunity aorded by the stimulus package in this challenging market. Not only have we been able to secure new work but we have also been able to forge relationships with new clients requiring CEI services because of the ARRA. GBF remains committed to excellence in client service and would like to thank our sta, clients and contracting partners who have all been an integral part of our success.

SR 70, Segment 4

SR 70, Segment 5 Pedestrian Overpass

SR 70, Segment 5 - Matthews Rd.

SR 70, Segment 3 - 84 Pipe Culverts

GBF in the Community

Spotlight on ARRA Projects Awarded, Contd

CR 720 (Glades County) from Hendry County Line to 5.0 miles North of Hendry County Line
GBF is currently providing construction management services on this District 1 Design-Build ARRA funded project. The project is located in Glades County just west of Clewiston, FL and entails milling and resurfacing, and safety improvements including guardrail installation. The project area is surrounded by sugar cane elds and provides direct access to US 27 for the sugar cane transport vehicles. The Notice to Proceed was given on October 22, 2009 with an anticipated completion date in August 2010.

GBF at Construction Career Days

GBF provided another successful Construction Career Days (CCD) learning lab. This is GBFs 7th year participating in CCD as a Silver Sponsorship. GBF S.L.A.P (Signalization Lighting Acceptance Program) team members provided high school students with instruction on the latest signal video detection technology and its role in the future of construction. Many thanks to the GBF personnel involved in making the labs a success.

ARRA CEI Oversight & Compliance Projects, Martin County

GBF was awarded the ARRA oversight contract in the Treasure Coast Area. This contract will allow GBF to serve as the liaison between all the municipalities in the Treasure Coast area and FDOT on 9 dierent construction projects. The scope of the work for these projects vary from landscaping improvements to full rehabilitation projects. These projects have been carefully selected by the municipalities so that they qualify for ARRA funds. ARRA funded projects have special contract requirements such as stringent timeframes, special contract specications, transparency of records and more importantly, tracking of labor eorts. As an oversight consultant, GBF is responsible for educating the municipalities involved so that they fully understand and are able to follow ARRA contract requirements. Doing this also further ensures that the municipalities are reimbursed for all expenses on the projects. As an oversight consultant, GBFs interaction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is extensive. This contract also allows GBF the opportunity to interact with numerous municipalities in the Treasure Coast Area.

Contact Us GBF Engineering, Inc. 5340 NW 10th Terrace Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: (954) 492-9921 Fax: (954) 492-9909 Email:

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