Atithi Devo Bhavah

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Atithi Devo Bhavah [Atithi devo bhava] (Sanskrit: ; English: 'The guest is God' or 'Guest become God') is a Sanskritverse,

se, taken from an ancient Hindu scripture which became part of the "code of conduct" for Hindu society. Atithi devo bhav regards a procedure of the Host-Guest relationship. Recently it has also become the tag line of India's Ministry of Tourism's campaign to improve the treatment of tourists in India

Guest is God
The verse is from the Taittiriya Upanishad, who says: "Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava, Atithi devo bhava". It literally means " The Mother is God, the Father is God, the Teacher is God, [and] the guest is God." Tithi in Sanskrit denotes a (calendrical) date. In ancient times, when means of communication were limited and it was not possible for guests to anticipate their date of arrival, "atithi" (which literally means "without a fixed calendrical time") was coined to depict a visiting person who had no fixed date of arrival or departure. "Devah" (which, through sandhi or euphonic combination, becomes written/pronounced as "devo" when followed by certain kinds of consonants) means God and bhava means Be or Is - "The Guest is God". ndia attracts millions of tourists each year, 3.3 million in 2003, but lags far behind other destinations. To attempt to improve the number of tourists travelling to India, the Tourism Department of India started the Atithi devo [1] bhavah campaign with the theme Incredible India. 'Atithi Devo Bhavah' is a social awareness campaign that aimed at providing the inbound tourist a greater sense of being welcomed to the country. The campaign targets the general public, while focusing mainly on the stakeholders of the tourism industry. The campaign provides training and orientation to taxi driver, guides, immigration officers, [1] police and other personnel who interact directly with the tourist.
I have seen the way most Indian men look at a white woman on the street. It repulses me and makes me ashamed to claim them as our countrymen. I have had foreign women students telling me of how men pull out their things from their trousers and masturbate as soon as they see them. All this came rushing back when I received the following letter from a friend who is here now. "I was all ready to board and had found an all-women's section, which I thought would be more comfortable. Women, I found, didn't smile back at me as often, but at least they didn't stare for the full hour as many men do. I get in the car and a voice calls out, "No, no, this way." The man is dressed in a button-down shirt and nice pants, he's not wealthy by any means, but he had a commanding tone in his voice and the stares from the women made me feel unwelcome.

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