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[Fashion is the imitation of a given example and satisfies the demans for social adaptation; It leads the individual

upon the road which all travel, it furnishes a general condition, which resolves the conduct of every individual into a mere example]
George Simmel, in The American Journal of Sociology

Fall/Winter 2009/10

Design and Production: Andr Paiva Photografy: Pedro Antunes Assistance: Sandra Infante Post-Production: Andr Paiva

Beauty and the Beast

Fall/Winter 2011/12

[Fashion is a form of ugliness so unbearable, that we have to alter it every six months]
Oscar Wilde

Outfit for Venus Premio Gillette Contest 2011


Back to the Future

Spring/Summer 2012

Stamp collection in collaboration with Paulo Vaz For: Paulo Vaz

Design and Production: Andr Paiva Photografy: Pedro Antunes Assistance: Tiffany Maurcio Model: Catarina Castel- Branco

Human Nature
Spring/Summer 2010

[Think: maybe there is a light inside men, maybe a clarity, maybe men are not made of darkness, maybe the certainties are a breeze inside men and maybe men are the certainties they have.]
Jos Lus Peixoto, in Nenhum Olhar

Penso: talvez haja uma luz dentro dos homens, talvez uma claridade, talvez os homens no sejam feitos de escurido, talvez as certezas sejam uma aragem dentro dos homens e talvez os homens sejam as certezas que possuem.

Just Sketches?

Human Hunter
Fashion Editorial for Paulo Vaz:

T-Shirt Collection: Paulo Vaz Photografy: Pedro Antunes Styling: Andr Paiva & Paulo Vaz Post-Production: Andr Paiva

Fashion Editorial for Elena Musteata, Joana Carvalho, A.Margarida Silva & Eunice Vicente

Dressed with Jewels

Photografy and Post-Produciton: Andr Paiva Styling: Elena Musteata & Joana Carvalho Assistance: A.Margarida Silva & Eunice Vicente Model: Elan Musteata

Outfit for Venus Premio Design Contest 2010


The Other Side

Fall/Winter 2010/11

Collection for the final row of the Young Creative Designers Tenerife Contest, organized by Tenerife Moda

Watch full show on:

[There is a class that controls a country that is stupid and does not realize anything and never can. That is why we have this war.]
Ernest Hemingway, in A Farewell to Arms

Article for the newspaper Reconquista about Venus Premio Gillete 2010 - June 2nd 2010 Article for Internet page Beira TV, about Arts of Fashion 2009 - October 2009 Article for the newspaper El Dia about Young Creative Designer Tenerife 2010 - October 2010 Publicity of the Young Creative Designers Tenerife in the magazine Novas. - January 2011 Fashion Editorial for the magazine Novas - January 2011

[...] [Among these one of the first I examined was that often there is less perfection in works composed of several separate pieces and made by different masters, than in those at which only one person has worked.] [...] [So I tought to myself that the peoples who were formerly half savages, and who became civilized only gradually, making their laws only in so far as the harm done by crimes and quarrels forced them to do so, could not be so well organized as those who, from the moment at which they bacame together in association, observed the basic laws of some wise legislator; just as it is indeed certain that the state of the true religion, the laws of which God alone has made, must be incomparibly better ordered than all the others.]
Descartes, in Discourse of Method and the Meditations

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