Goin Global

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Management 301: Career Management Lectures

Name: Tyler Schulze Section: 002 Group #: 6



GoinGlobal: Daily Life and Office Protocol

Whether working in a country different from your own, studying or traveling abroad, or working with colleagues from around the world, knowing key features of other cultures allows you to interact more effectively and professionally. This exercise introduces you to GoinGlobal which provides country guides as well as employment information. Make sure you take advantage of this site the next time you work with or befriend someone from a different country, travel abroad for study or vacation, or seek employment abroad.

(1) Go to the International section of the Purdue University Career Wiki:


(2) Click on Going Global (GoinGlobal) and click on the Country Guides tab.

(3) Pick a country, different from your home country, to review. Consider picking a country that is home to a friend or colleague, a place where you hope to travel, or a place where you might someday work.

(4) Conduct a review of your chosen country by writing (via computer, not handwritten) your

responses in the right-hand column. Use complete sentences and correct grammar for all responses. Take as much space as you need.

(5) When you are done with this review, upload it to your BlackBoard Learn account. Country Being Reviewed Industry and Employment Trends What trends and issues are affecting this countrys economic and employment outlook? (provide a few) If provided, what are a few major industries for this country and their regional locations? Areas of Job Promise In what areas is growth expected? What skills and occupations are most in demand? Professional and Social Networking If mentioned, what are the characteristics of networking in this country? What key social media tools are used? Look at the Business and Professional Groups section. If you wanted to network in or with people from this country, what group(s) would be beneficial to join? Which major trade publication(s) would be of most benefit to you? Cultural Advice What historical events have affected the country socially, economically, and culturally? With regard to cuisine, what are some typical dishes? How is the communication style defined? What are the expectations for time management? Read through the section: If You Want to Act Like a Local. What are two things you should be aware of if you want to act like a local? Office Protocol

Australia has experienced a vast increase in exports over the last few years. They also are top 5 in the world in per capita GDP. The mining sector is growing while the manufacturing and touring sectors are hurting, possibly due to China's impact. Mining and agriculture are most prominent inland, and are a huge industry for China. The services sector accounts for over 70% of GDP as well. Growth is expected in the mining industry as well as nearly all other industries. More employers plan to increase staff in the next year than those who plan to decrease. Temporary workers are at a premium in Australia, so they are in demand. West Australia looks for foreign workers to fill skills gaps left by domestic workers as well. They need leadership in accounting, tax consulting, and M&A. Networking is mainly informal, as people get jobs based on referrals or prior relationships. There are several different social media websites, including afterwork.com and zonta.org. Business Swap International and Business Club Australia would both be beneficial for someone like me.

Business Review Weekly would certainly benefit me most. The indigenous people migrated from Asia. A major gold rush in the early 1900s brought economic prosperity and various cultures to the continent for good. Australia has a varied cuisine consisting of food from many different European and Asian cultures. Australians tend to root for the underdog and are very polite and modest. They are direct and candid and are not afraid to say what they mean in business, however. Timelines and agendas in Australia are extremely important. It is impolite to arrive more than 15 minutes early for something, or to arrive late. A few minutes early is an ideal arrival time. Do not comment on accents at all. Also, be sure to drive and walk on the left at all times.

What qualities define office protocol? What are the expectations regarding handshaking, business cards, dress and small talk? How are business meetings typically held? Management Styles What qualities generally define management style for this country? Business Practices What are key things you need to know about conducting a meeting, giving a presentation, or negotiating in this country? What is the role of women in the workplace?

Australians are friendly, approachable, and easy to work with. Handshakes are expected at the beginning of a conversation. Business is open and relaxed and business cards are customary. Most dress is They are held over a discussion over formal topics. Small talk happens before and after. Management style is similar to that of the U.S. Different leaders and companies employ varying styles. Do not be afraid to express your opinions or open up your minds. Australians appreciate honesty and enthusiasm in all three of these areas. Women in the workplace have a large role. They are active and essential in almost every discipline.

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