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Using Local Labor Market Data to

Guide High School Students College and Career Preparation


In this exercise, you will use the Jobs4TN website to supplement the information youve found in
the presentations on Career and Technical Education research and the SDA Excel tool.
Begin your search under the Special Services Education and Training Data tab.

What postsecondary education and training programs are available for the in-demand
occupations in your region?
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________

What free online resources are available to provide information and training for these
1. __________________________
2. __________________________

3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________

3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________

What financial aid is available for postsecondary training for these occupations?
1. __________________________
2. __________________________

3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________

Begin your search under the Labor Market Information Supply and Demand tab.

What Career Clusters are projected to be in demand in the next 10 years in your region?
1. __________________________
2. __________________________

3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________

How does this differ from your previous knowledge, if at all?


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