The Phase Doppler Applied

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The phase Doppler

We due to Isaac Newton and Laplace the definition of propagation speed of the sound.. It is the square root of the ratio between elasticity and density. For Newton the elasticity is the isothermic atmospheric pressure p For Laplace is the product of the adiabatic constant for atmospheric pressure p c= where is the density . Now let see, for instance , four sound waves radiated by a center A, (fig 1) spreading spherically . The wavefronts will be far 1 wavelegth one to other, describing equal circles equidistant from the center .

Fig.1 In fig.1 the time t employed by the wave coming from A to joint B is,

t = d / c .(1)
The wavelength is the period T multiplied for the propagation speed c , repeated every period, forming the pattern of concentric circles of fig.1:

= c T (2)

Let now a wind , with a speed v lesser than c, displaces the circular wavefronts , rarefying with the wind and gathered against, as in fig.2.

Fig.2 Comparing the two situation we show that the wavefronts will be displaced (fig.3).

Fig.3 The frequency rests constant, but the wavelength will be different, with and against the wind. 2

In fig. 3 the point B will be crossed by the wave in a time t

t = d / u (3)
where u is

u = c - v.(4)
Then the time t to cross B will be grater than t . The difference previous situation , is t = t t .............. .(5) Replacing t and t with (1) and (3) we have
t = d/ c + d / (c v) t , in comparison to the

t = d ( 1/c + 1/(c v)). .(6) But, from algebra, 1/A+1/B = AB/(A+B), putting c= A , c-v=B, then 1/c+1/(c-v) becomes

c (c-v) : (2c-v)
dividing both by c

t = d (c-v)/(2-v/c).(7)

Then the wavelength , will be lesser

= T u =T (c v) (8)
Substituting T the wavelength in that direction becomes

= (1 - v/c)
then the ratio between the two wavelengths will be

/ = 1 - v/c


The phase in the space lesser than one wavelength, compared with the phase of transmitted wave , will be

= 2 (1 - v / c) ..(10)

And after n wavelengths the phase shift will be n times the phase less than . Then the information about the speed of a wind is contained in the phase of a sound emitted locally of constant frequency f transversal to wind and the phase in direction of the wind. This phase can be detected directly and read on a dial. On this principle are based the acoustic anemometers. In my case the phase shift is too little , impossible to read it directly . I have thought an other, indirect method, extremely more precise. I measure in a direction the phase with a phase bridge changing the frequency until zero, and after I measure transversally and I change the local frequency f until the bridge is again in equilibrium. This new frequency f* will be lesser or greater of a f than f . Now = f / f

and Then

= v/c
f .(11) f

v= c

Now let apply these concepts

From Heaviside circuit theory we can represent a sinusoidal wave in time with phasors. The phasor is an unitary vector, where is the plane which rotates. This is a very important artifice because so is possible to see the phase as changes in time. The mathematical representation of phasor is jt + e .(12) where is the angular speed, t the moment, is the phase. The vectorial representation is shown in fig.4

Fig.4 For represent this phasor in the space, at a distance x, the previous expression (12) become e j ( t+x ) (13) With the phasors we can represent the wave propagating in the space. In fig.5 are shown the phasors photographed in five instants at intervals of 1/8 of period T, after the wave started at left travelling to right. We see immediately what happens if a wind blows from right. Considering half wavelength only we see how the wind acts on phasor

without (transversal to) wind

>>>>>>>>>> favorable wind


against wind

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> propagation direction Fig.5

With phasors is possible to represent again the Doppler, as sequence of synchronized phasors at every front of waves propagating in the space. Is easy to see then that at constant frequency of sound, a relative wind modifies the wavelength, its the phase; and measuring the phase is possible to measure the winds drift.

Fig.6 Here, in fig.6, a sound wave scattering spherically in the space. The upper phasors at every wavefront will be the same. But if the source moves , or the medium moves, the phasors measured at the same distance (lower phasors) became different in direction of movement. If we sum two phasors at a fixed distance d - long half wavelength - between the starting and arriving vectors, being opposed and equal, we will have 0 volt output. But different from zero in coherence with wind. On this principle are based the acoustic anemometers.

I applied these principles to electromagnetic waves!

I was deeply convicted that in Nature what happens to mechanical waves, to waters waves , must be equal to electromagnetic waves. Because the wave is wave! That was the conviction of later century physicians, before Einstein. Notorious failure of experiments permitted a curious explanation based on manipulation of space and time, which is more metaphysics than physics.

Applying the wave equation of Heaviside to the easier case , as that of a sinusoidal plane wave, similar to that of a wave propagating in wires, ignoring the ridondant magnetic component which is similar but displaced in space orthogonally, we can see what happens. .

Fig.7 The wave of amplitude Ey , at distance x, and at the instant t, in exponential form, is:
x x jt Ey = (A e + B e ) e .(10)

Where : A is the amplitude at source in Volt B is the reflected wave - in Volt e is the neperian 2,718 = +j , is the propagation constant is the attenuation - in Neper = 2/, is the phase in radiants is the wavelength in meters = 2f , is the angolar speed in radiants/second f is the frequency in Hertz In free space the plane wave has always the same amplitude , then is always A along all the x axis then = 0, if the reflected wave is 0 then B = 0, and the (10) is simplified in
E y = Ae



If Eo is at x = 0 - then the (11) is simplified in


jx jt = E0 e e

j(tx) = E0 e .(12)

j (t x ) where Eo is the modulus, and e is the phasor .

Then = 0 at source for x = 0 raising along the space x repeating at every wavelength.

fig.8 In fig.8 a front Doppler is represented by a sequence of phasors repeating every wavelength, all rotating with the same angular speed . In this manner to can see easily the different phase along the axis of direction in the typical case when isnt relative motion between transmitter and receiver. j (t x ) The phasors in the space , at distance x, at the moment t , are expressed by e where

= 2/.(13) .
where is the wavelength along the direction, greater or lesser than Because = n 2 v / c , where n = x/ , the (13) become


2 v (1 ) c

. (14)

then the phasor, along the direction of movement, become

j (t

( ) .(15)

2x ) v c

Fig.9 In fig.9 are represented the phasors equidistant from the center of transmission. From this image is comprehensible how to measure the speed of medium, or our movement in a quiet medium. Fabio Mosca (alias Muha, name of my ancestors translated during fascism)

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