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Ko te Mana te Mea Nui Honour Above All

Thank you to everyone who has so far taken our first Consultation Survey. For those of you who haven't yet, you can find the link on the front page of the school website. Below that link we have the link to a second survey about some day to day operations of our school, in particular school and classroom communication, before and after school care and outdoor education such as camp, and skiing. Please take the time to fill in both of these surveys as this is your opportunity to influence the direction of the school, and to provide a positive platform for feedback. A paper copy of the second survey will be available at the office on Friday if you prefer to fill it out that way, or if you don't have internet connection. We will not be sending home a paper copy to all families, that would kill too many trees ;-) I have just finished discussions with Steve at the Marae, and I would like to confirm that Prize Giving will begin with a Powhiri at 10.00am 5th December. We have decided to begin with a powhiri as we have several new families and students that have joined us in the last few weeks. The powhiri will be followed by a quick morning tea, while we give the little ones a break, with the Prize giving beginning at 11.00am. This should run for about 90 minutes, to be followed by a shared lunch in the wharekai. Hopefully it will be fine so we can have our ceremony outside, in saying that does anyone have gazebos or portable shade cloths we could borrow so that we could have a little sun protection during the ceremony? A small committee of community members have volunteered to be the lead team in charge of the Waiouru Desert Gala. The purpose of this event is to raise funds to support our school, these funds will be used to help pay for school events such as camps, overnights, skiing, and sporting events. We are trying to provide your children with a diverse and exciting curriculum, this however also comes with a cost that is not covered by our government funding. The Waiouru Desert Gala committee would appreciate any offers of help and donations of your time. Please remember the profits of this event will go directly to benefit your children's learning next year. Please contact myself or Kerry at the office with any offers of help. Finally I have a huge thank you to Raetihi School for a wonderful, well run Inter-school Athletics Day. It was wonderful to be able to wander around and watch all of our kids participate. Also a huge thank to the parents who were able to come and help out with supervision, and in our valiant effort during the parent/ teacher relay. I'm afraid I was the weakest link on the track but I promise if we ever have a parent/ teacher basketball game I will be of much better use. Ka kite ano, Marama

Waiouru School, Ruapehu Road, Waiouru Email: 12/11/2012 Term 4, Week 6

Ph: 06 387 6860 Fax: 06 387 6129 Website:

CHRISTMAS PARTY The Waiouru School is having xmas float on Saturday at the Christmas party. If your child would like to take part in this please dress up in a xmas theme and be down at the Waiouru MTC car park, (over the road from the gym) by 2.00pm. SUN PROTECTION I know our sun is not terribly reliable at the moment, but we do seem to be getting bursts, so could you all please make sure that your child/ren have a sunhat available to them at school. We provide sunscreen in all classrooms, and take it with us when on trips for the children to use. SWIMMING For the last few weeks of school we will be trying to get down to the pools for a few pre-summer season swimming sessions. This will depend on the weather and pool availability so please make sure your child has their togs everyday just in case. SCHOOL BOOKS At the end of the year if you are moving could you please see if you have any school books to return to school before you leave. WHATS HAPPENING Senior Formal 30th Nov Prizegiving 5th Dec Raetihi Cultural Festival 7th Dec LAST DAY OF TERM 14th Dec 1ST DAY OF TERM 2013 30th Jan SPORTS UNIFORMS If your child has a school sports uniform at home please return it to the school asap. WANTED Music- Choir: We are still looking for people who would like to teach any of the above to our children. We will cover travel costs if needed. If you can help please let us know. NINJUTSU every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm 4pm. WAIOURU DESERT GALA WEB PAGE The gala is going to be held in conjunction with the Variety Bash Launch and the Waiouru Family Day 10th March 2013. There will be stalls, rides, competitions, food, and lots more. It will be a great day out for all ages. To book a stall download forms from


Hawaiian Pizza Calzone Pizza Mince & Cheese Pie lg Mince Pie lg Mince & Cheese Pie sm Mince Pie sm Sausage Roll Smart Cookie Juicie Moosie Apple Pies Rice Roll with Salmon Rice Roll with Tuna $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 $2.00 $2.00

BOT Members Wayne Davis Katrina Snook Louise Tweeddale Mike Edmonds Tania Wicks Kerry Harding Marama Stewart

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