Internal Combustion Engine Exam Paper

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Ex/BESUS/ M.E. (ME) 1st S e m e s t e r Examination.

2 0 0 8


Internal Combustion Engine

Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Answer gnu FIVE questions. The questions are of eaual value. 1. a) Explain the working of a battery ignition system used in SI engine.

b) Highlight the important points of difference between a battery ignition system and Magneto ignition system. 2. a) b) Explain the wet sump lubrication system with a sketch. A diesel engine is used in a truck requiring 80 kW. The mechanical efficiency of the engine is 80%. The brake specific fuel consumption of the engine is 250 gm/kWh. Due to design improvement the engine friction is reduced by 3.7 kW. Assuming that indicated thermal efficiency remains the same calculate (i) new mechanical efficiency, (it) new bsfc, (iii) saving in fuel per hr. Explain the forced or pump cooling system used in Internal combustion engine with advantages and disadvantages. Also highlight the advantages of air cooling system over water cooling system.



b) Explain in brief the concept of supercharging. What is the effect of supercharging on SI engine. 4. a) Describe with a neat sketch the operation of Bosch Fuel Injection pump used in CI Engine. b) Determine the diameter of a fuel orifice for a 4 stroke engine developing 15kW per cylinder at 2000 rpm using 0.272 kg/kWh fuel of 32API. The duration of injection is 30 of crank travel. The fuel injection pressure is 130 bar and the combustion chamber pressure is 40 bar. Taking velocity coefficient of 5. a) b) 0.9 and p = . 131.5 +"API

Explain the modifications that are necessary in a CI engine for using biogas as fuel. Discuss the possibility of using LPG and LNG as SI engine fuel. State the modifications to be incorporated in the engine for using these fuels.

(ME-902) 6.


a) Describe with a neat sketch the working of a solex carburettor under different running conditions. b) A simple jet carburettor has to supply 5 kg/min of air. The air is at a pressure of 1.013 bar and temperature of 27C. Calculate the throat diameter of the choke for air velocity of 90m/s. Take velocity coefficient to be 0.8. Assume the flow to be isentropic and compressible.


a) b)

Compare induction swirl and compression swirl used in CI engines with relative advantages and disadvantages. Discuss the properties of diesel fuel related to handling and storage. Explain in brief the different losses which are taken into consideration in actual cycle analysis,



b) Derive an expression for air standard efficiency of a Dual combustion cycle. 9. Write short notes (any four): a) Basic requirements of SI engine combustion chamber b) c) d) e) f) Pollutants from SI engine Comparison of MPSI and TBI systems Functions of lubrication system Swirl and squish Disadvantages of overcooling.

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