Assignment-3 of MGT-516: To Study The Customers Buying Behavior Towards Four Wheeler Diesel Vehicles

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Topic: To study the customers buying behavior towards four wheeler diesel vehicles

SUBMITTED TO:Mr. Amit sethi

SUBMITTED BY:Brishabh singh Reg no:7450070146

Factor Analysis Hypothesis Formulation:-

Null Hypothesis: - All the factors equally important for research.

Alternative Hypothesis:-All the factors are not equally important.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square Df Sig.

.680 295.951 78 .000

Interpretation:- The KMO recommends accepting values greater than 0.5 as acceptable. The value between 0.5 and 0.7 are
mediocre, value between 0.7 and 0.8 are good, value between 0.8 and 0.9 are great and above 0.9 are superb . We have applied KMO and Bartletts test to check the adequacy of data and defined KMO measure is.680 which is more than standard value of KMO 0.5 hence data is adequate for my research.


Initial Price is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Fuel is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Style is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Comfort is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Durability is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Advertising is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Service is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Millage is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Price discount Exchange offer Free gift Installment facility Interest free installment 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000










.864 .678 .797 .804 .731

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Interpretation:- In the communalities table which is showing 13 factors. All factors are very strong because all 13 factors lies
between0.5 to 1. So All 13 factors are playing very important role in my research.

Total Variance Explained

Compon ent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total 4.010 2.139 1.794 1.242 1.036 .705 .599 .411 .304 .260 .200 .177 .121

Initial Eigenvalues % of Variance 30.846 16.456 13.803 9.554 7.970 5.427 4.611 3.163 2.335 2.001 1.540 1.365 .930 Cumulative % 30.846 47.302 61.104 70.658 78.628 84.054 88.665 91.828 94.163 96.164 97.704 99.070 100.000

Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total 4.010 2.139 1.794 1.242 1.036 % of Variance 30.846 16.456 13.803 9.554 7.970 Cumulative % 30.846 47.302 61.104 70.658 78.628

Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total 3.888 1.864 1.839 1.405 1.225 % of Variance 29.907 14.341 14.147 10.810 9.423 Cumulative % 29.907 44.248 58.395 69.205 78.628

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Interpretation:- In during my research I have analyzed the data. The 78.628% data is accurate in my research from 100%, but
21.372% data is lost.


The scree plot is a graph of the Eigen values against all the factors. The graph is useful for determining how

many factors to retain. It plots the eigen values on a bicoordinate plane. It derives its name from the scree that is deposited at the base of a landside. The scree plot is sometimes used to select how many factors to rotate to a final solution. The traditional construct for interpretation is that the scree should be ignored and that only factor on the steep portion of the graph should be selected and rotated. The SPSS default is to select and rotate any factor with an Eigen value greater then 1.0.sience the on this case five factor are selected for rotation based on the scree The SPSS default is to select and rotate any factor with an Eigen value greater then 1.0.sience the on this case five factor are selected for rotation based on the scree.

Rotated Component Matrixa

Component 1 Price is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Fuel is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Style is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Comfort is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Durability is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Advertising is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Service is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Millage is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars Price discount Exchange offer Free gift Installment facility Interest free installment .924 .821 .845 .878 .853 -.088 -.012 -.129 .093 .045 -.005 -.015 -.128 -.005 .033 -.052 .032 .207 .147 .031 .012 .060 .082 -.046 .003 -.076 .819 .148 .272 -.185 .113 .169 .180 .125 .835 .321 -.072 -.128 .842 .009 .067 -.287 .807 -.270 .128 -.079 .138 .867 .095 .000 -.103 .332 .558 .562 .053 .068 .447 .095 .175 -.651 .022 .845 -.169 -.331 .192 2 3 4 5

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 12 iterations.

Interpretation:- In case of rotate component matrix I have chose the 5 component.

In First component there are five variable which value is greater than 0.50 these variable is suitable for my research. These are: 1) Price Discount. 2) Exchange offer

3) Free gift 4) Installment facility 5) Interest free installment

In second component there are two variable witches value is greater than o.50 these variable is: 1) Price is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars 2) Millage is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars

In third component there are three variables which value is greater than 0.50 this variable is: 1) Style is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars 2) Comfort is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars 3) Durability is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars

In fourth component there are two variables is greater than 0.50 these are: 1) Style is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars 2) Advertising is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars In fifth component there are two variables is greater than 0.50 these are: 1) Fuel is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars 2) Service is a factors influencing the purchase of diesels cars/Petrols cars

Bar Diagram

Interpretation:-This graph shows that 68.6%

Petrol car, and rest of the 2% data are missing.

of the respondent are Having a Diesel car, 29.4% of the respondent are Having a

Interpretation:- This graph shows that

11.8% of respondents are aware the brand of Hyundai, 33.3% of respondents are aware

the brand of Maruti, 13.7% of respondents are aware the brand of Chevrolet, 5.9% of respondents are aware the brand of Toyata, 2.0%

of respondents are aware the brand of Skoda, 13.7% of respondents are aware the brand of Ford, 11.8% of respondents are aware the brand of TATA, 5.9% of respondents are aware the brand of Mahindra and rest of the 2% data are missing.


This graph shows that the 13.7% of respondents are aware a brand from News papers,13.7% of respondents

are aware a brand from Magazine,31.4 % of respondents are aware a brand from T.V add,2.0% of respondents are aware a brand from Trade fairs,15.7% of respondents are aware a brand from friends, 17.6% of respondents are aware a brand from Family members, 3.9% of respondents are aware a brand from others, and rest of the 2% data are missing

Interpretation:- This graph shows that the 19.6% respondents want to posses the Hundai, 2% respondents want to posses the
Fiat, 23.5% respondents want to posses the Maruti , 9.8% respondents want to posses the Chevrolet , 13.7% respondents want to posses the Toyota, 7.8% respondents want to posses the Tata, 5.9% respondents want to posses the Mahindra,11.8% respondents want to posses the Skoda, 3.9% respondents want to posses the Ford and rest of the 2% data are missing

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 33.3% respondents self influence, 47.1% respondents influence by family,

11.8% respondents influence by friends, 3.9% respondents influence by colleague, 2% respondents influence by other and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 92.2% respondents satisfied by overall performance, 5.9% respondents unsatisfied by
overall performance and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 88.2% respondents satisfied with after sales service, 9.8% respondents unsatisfied
with after sales service and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 94.1% respondents are agree that high engine power is a technical features, 3.9%
respondents are disagree that high engine power is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 62.7% respondents are agree that high fuel efficiency is a technical features, 35.3%
respondents are disagree that high fuel efficiency is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 84.3% respondents are agree that breaks is a technical features, 13.7% respondents
are disagree that breaks is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 82.4% respondents are agree that Turbo technology

is a technical features, 15.7%

respondents are disagree that Turbo technology is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 78.4% respondents are agree that power steering is a technical features, 19.6%
respondents are disagree that power steering is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.


graph shows that the 68.6% respondents are agree that suspension is a technical features, 29.4%

respondents are disagree that suspension is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.


graph shows that the 84.3% respondents are agree that power window is a technical features, 13.7%

respondents are disagree that power window is not a technical features and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 66.7% respondents want to avail promotional scheme, 31.4% respondents not want to
avail promotional scheme and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 17.6% respondents are from the service background, 13.7% respondents are from the
business background, and 66.7% respondents are the student and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 74.5% respondents are from (20-25) age group, 7.8% respondents are from (25-30)
age group, 2% respondents are from (30-35) age group,2% respondent are from (35-40) age group,11.8% respondents are from (40) age group and rest of the 2% data are missing.

Interpretation:-This graph shows that the 27.5% respondents having the monthly income (15000-25000) , 15.7% respondents
having the monthly income (25000-35000), 19.6% respondents having the monthly income (35000-45000), 35.3% respondents having the monthly income (above 45000) and rest of the 2% data are missing.

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