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At a gIance

ENOVIA SmarTeam V5.18 enhancements incIude:

Adopts Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) easily through simple,
customer-focused deployment
Gains new business value from fortified best-practices scenarios
Extends collaborative benefits through affordable distributed
Empowers product understanding with flexible configuration
management options
ncreases process automation via centralized batch services
ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 enhancements further streamline the
product life-cycle management process. Whether it be usability, strong
business solutions, powerful configuration management, integration
robustness, or its role-based approach, ENOVA SmarTeam delivers
the solutions to achieve your goals.
SimpIified depIoyment, packaging, and usabiIity promote an easy
product Iife-cycIe management process
ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 makes product life-cycle management
easier than ever to launch, use, and administrate with an expanded
out-of-the-box offering, new role-based approach, and state-of-the-art
usability. ENOVA SmarTeam's "start small, grow as you go" expanded
Express packages deliver quick-start, scalable, core design, and
engineering collaboration, to drive best-practices deployment.
The new role-based approach streamlines implementation. With
end-to-end design scenarios and user-driven choice of Microsoft
Windows or Web-based environment, the state-of-the-art usability
enhancements make the user experience pleasant and productive.
These enhancements deliver desktop-caliber capabilities over the
Web-based environment, and put administrators in control with a
one-stop console for accessing tools.
Fortified business soIutions cost-effectiveIy extend the
"coIIaboration net"
Delivers affordable powerful program management in a
Windows-based, Web-supported environment, interlocking robust
PLM capabilities with Microsoft Project. The synergy optimizes
project understanding and reuse, reducing time and costs, and
increasing project success rates.
Empowers organizations with a rapidly installed and adaptable
regulatory compliance framework to help address compliance
BM United States Announcement
207-212, dated September 25, 2007
ENOVIA SmarTeam V5.18 simpIifies and extends the product
Iife-cycIe management process
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 1
Description .................................................2
Product positioning .................................... 6
Reference information ............................... 8
Additional information ................................ 9
SmarTeam WLS companion courses ...... 29
Education support ....................................29
Technical information ...............................30
Additional software requirements ............ 42
Ordering information ................................ 46
Terms and conditions .............................. 61
Prices .......................................................66
throughout the product life cycle, such as required by the FDA, and other industry and
regulatory standards. The best-practice capability creates new business opportunities in new
Adds simple vault replication to ENOVA SmarTeam's Multi-site portfolio, to flexibly and
affordably meet any distributed need, even for smaller organizations.
Delivers the first level of 3DLive support through core capabilities for highly visual searching,
navigating, and collaborating around CATA-based product information.
Enhanced configuration management empowers engineering coIIaboration process
New option-based configuration management capability enables flexible and powerful
management of the product structure across all product variants, streamlining the entire
product development cycle.
The business rule-based mapping capability offers more efficient product structure
manipulation across multiple configuration views. By enabling automation of the copying and
synchronization of the product structure, the time needed for validation of product
completeness is reduced.
Integration robustness enhances design coIIaboration processes
Brings rich design data management benefits to CATA users through enhanced visualization,
including multiple views and redlining, and an enhanced Web platform for collaboratively
managing CATA design information "anytime, anywhere"
n this release, delivers 3D XML support to SolidWorks users, allowing product structure
viewing across all SolidWorks assemblies
ntegrates with V5 digital mock-up (DMU) capabilities, which enable visualization, collaborative
review and validation, as well as decision-making regarding the design of the 3D product
Infrastructure enhancements protect customer investment
ENOVA SmarTeam emphasizes a role-based approach in its offering to facilitate modular
solution expansion. Simplified installation across all client products, business solutions, and
viewers streamlines deployment. New job server capabilities promote greater process
automation to organizations of any kind. ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 extends the value of this
solution with support for visual components and latest CAD application and infrastructure
Key prerequisites
For details, refer to the Software requirements and Hardware requirements sections.
ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 desktop applications run on selected system levels of Microsoft
PIanned avaiIabiIity dates
October 1, 2007, ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 Program Suite
October 12, 2007, ENOVA SmarTeam Web-based Learning Solutions V5.18
SimpIified depIoyment, packaging, and usabiIity promote an easy product Iife-cycIe
management process
Expanded Express packages drive "start smaII, grow as you go" approach ENOVA
SmarTeam V5.18 delivers scalable, out-of-the-box packages for quick-start design and
engineering collaboration that deploy in just days as part of a growing quick-start offering. The
Express packages offer rapid return on investment (RO), user acceptance, and overall PLM
program success by bundling software, a preconfigured database, and best-practices
documentation (such as implementation and methodology guides). The Express packages
respond powerfully to the market call for rapid, resource-light, and flexible deployment:
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 2
V5.18 SmarTeam Design Express (SDE) package (provided for CATA and multi-CAD
(SolidWorks, Autodesk nventor, Solid Edge, and Pro/ENGNEER) applications) enables
design departments with a robust scenario for collaborative 3D CAD and product data
management, while delivering full PLM functionality for later expansion.
V5.18 SmarTeam Engineering Express (SNE) package delivers a robust, scenario-based
implementation for item-centric PLM, including predefined workflow processes and quickly
extends collaborative benefits across engineering disciplines. t can be used to scale up
from SDE or to rapidly launch a basic, engineering-focused PLM implementation.
The Express packages are preconfigured for quick implementation; however, users can still
benefit from the powerful SmarTeam customization capabilities and perform adjustments to
the system to fulfill their special needs from a PLM system.
New packaging and Iicensing simpIify depIoyment with maximized vaIue Delivers a
role-based, customer-centric portfolio approach for easy understanding and simple
deployment. Highlights include:
Packaging approach by user role and scope of use, across the organizational spectrum:
-- Editor: Manage, link, and release technical documents in the context of the product
-- Designer: Manage designs in a multi-CAD, multi-data environment
-- Engineer: Manage engineering bill of material (E-BOM), manufacturing bill of material
(M-BOM), item life cycle, engineering release, and change processes
-- Navigator: Browse, view, print, and participate in processes
-- Community: Access certain data only for external partners; for example, suppliers
or customers
Combined all-in-one license for midrange CAD applications, with seamless
design-to-configure, maximizing value for design-centric entities
-- ncludes a single license that supports alternative use with SolidWorks, Solid Edge,
nventor, or AutoCAD
-- Enables end-to-end design scenarios through BOMs generation directly from the CAD
Single Windows/Web license for seamlessly integrated use of ENOVA SmarTeam with the
platform of choice
New design/engineering configurations, to manage engineering and design data
State-of-the-art usabiIity eases coIIaboration for aII user types ENOVA SmarTeam
V5.18 takes usability to the next level, with a state-of-the-art user interface resembling
Microsoft's latest Windows environment, with additional desktop-caliber capabilities for Web
users, and a new single console for administrators.
New Windows-based enhancements. ncluding the new look-and-feel across color
scheme, buttons, toolbars and query groupings. Promotes ease of use in a familiar,
function-rich environment for users from design to enterprise.
Enriched Web-based environment. Boosted by advanced (AJAX) technology, V5.18
continues evolving for usability with powerful ENOVA SmarTeam desktop-like editing in an
ergonomically styled setting. V5.18 delivers easier handling of visual components,
drop-down menus, easy-to-use links, workflow/process initiation, and saved queries
New one-stop Administrator ConsoIe. Featuring a productivity-enhancing cockpit and
single log-on, V5.18 streamlines work for administrators and implementers. The key tools
are opened from a single console for efficient navigation among tools. The tool set is
enhanced with improved sequencing, and scripts.
Fortified business soIutions cost-effectiveIy extend the "coIIaboration net"
"Best of both worIds" program management, robustly delivered to desktop users, with Web
support, interlocks engineering and project management within the product life cycle. This
makes powerful program management an affordable reality even across distributed
organizations. ENOVA SmarTeam tightly integrates PLM capabilities with Microsoft Project,
combining product and process knowledge with projects, tasks, and resource planning. t
optimizes program managers' efforts with full access to deliverables, insight into project
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 3
dependencies, and easy reuse of data from previous projects.
V5.18 highlights include:
High-level overviews of projects and their dependencies
ntuitive management of resources across projects and automated task distribution among
assigned users, with visibility into task progress
ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 program management capability advances engineering and
customer delivery program objectives, such as for New Product ntroduction (NP), and in
the aerospace and automotive industry, driving benefits that include:
-- Reduced project duration and cost
-- ncreased product development efficiency and project success
-- Ability to manage of multiple projects and tasks within their deliverables
-- Single-point of reference for all project-related product knowledge
ENOVIA SmarTeam's new ReguIatory CompIiance Framework module delivers a rapidly
installed, easily adapted, best-practices infrastructure for tracking, auditing, and helping to
manage an organization's efforts to achieve product standard compliance, such as related to
FDA and other industry and regulatory standards. Based on cumulative and proven
experience, the module delivers:
Traceability and archiving of electronic records
Standardized handling of electronic signatures (sign-offs)
Enterprise-level authentication security and data protection
The solution combines with core PLM capabilities, including job server-based "silent release"
of documents to meet demands for standardized process automation and querying, and offers
exceptional user and administrator control. The Regulatory Compliance Framework module
helps drive compliance throughout the product development life cycle.
The expanded multi-site offering addresses any distributed need, from simple vault replication
to end-to-end scenarios involving different levels of distributed coverage. n V5.18, ENOVA
SmarTeam's multi-site platform offers a new, simple vault replication option, flexibly and
affordably extending PLM reach. Multi-site vault replicates the vault only, relying on a WAN for
access to a central database. The option allows the typically heavier CAD and other document
data to reside in proximity to the user, with the lighter metadata transferred over the WAN.
Supporting Oracle, DB2 and MS SQL Server, available stand-alone or as part of a full
replication scenario, the vault replication option enables distributed deployment tailored to
strategic and T needs:
MuIti-site vauIt replication option -> Vault replication only
Standard muIti-site option -> Vault and database replication
Advanced muIti-site option -> Combined solution replicating vault and database for more
active sites, and vault only for less active sites
Web services for 3DLive appIications ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 delivers the first level
of support for Dassault Systemes' new collaboration paradigm with a powerful visual
environment for searching, navigating and collaborating on product information. n V5.18,
ENOVA SmarTeam's integration of 3DLive includes the ability to:
Search on all CATA product data
Select, Open, Zoom, Rotate and other user functions
Locate capabilities within ENOVA SmarTeam
Chat by users and co-manipulate of objects in real-time
3DLive maximizes interaction, improves decision making, and accelerates innovation for
organizations by making product P easily available to all involved in PLM activities, wherever
they are.
Enhanced configuration management empowers engineering coIIaboration process
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 4
ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 introduces a new option-based configuration management
capability, which enables flexible and powerful management of the product structure across all
product variants, streamlining the entire product development cycle.
The business rule-based mapping capability offers more efficient product structure
manipulation across multiple configuration views. By enabling automation of the copying and
synchronization of the product structure, the time needed for validation of product
completeness is reduced.
Integration robustness enhances design coIIaboration processes
CATIA integration enhanced for visuaIization and Web accessibiIity n V5.18, ENOVA
SmarTeam brings users multiple views, clashes, cross-sectioning, measurements and
redlining, and streamlining CATA V5 design processes by exposing product design in diverse
ways and promoting team collaboration. t further empowers "anytime, anywhere" design
collaboration with extended Web accessibility and single user sign on.
ENOVA SmarTeam's Web-based CATA V5 platform (CW) supports relational design
processes and life-cycle management in the familiar CATA V5 environment, via nternet
browsers. The platform ensures link integrity and secure bidirectional attribute mapping.
3D XML extended to SoIidWorks n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam's SolidWorks integration
delivers 3D XML support allowing users to view the product structure across all SolidWorks
A powerfuI new DassauIt Systemes partner integration to Pro/ENGINEER features
outstanding functionality and performance, completing design and design-to-configure
Infrastructure enhancements ensure soIution vaIue
n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam is re-packaged for customer needs and easy modular solution
expansion, ensuring optimal investment value.
SimpIified instaIIation across the offering New one-stop installation of all clients across
the product offering accelerates the deployment process. The viewer install program is
streamlined, letting customers choose which viewer to install, and ensures best-in-class
visualization while saving time and reducing disk load.
New enterprise job server increases process automation The robust centralized job
server, previously only available to certain industries, is available to all ENOVA SmarTeam
customers, promoting automation while optimizing organizational efficiency, reliability, and
accuracy. Executing tasks in the background via a central server while freeing up the initiating
user for other activities, the new V5.18 capabilities include:
Automatically updates users/administrators by e-mail, improving transparency and security
Supports powerful, server-based activities, including printing
Allows seamless release of documents via automatic attribute mapping
Supports generic jobs that can be customized to address various needs, such as .pdf
Leveraging emerging technoIogies for customer benefit Published advanced
technology (AJAX) visual components propagate PLM benefits across the organization.
Facilitate customization of Web solutions
Easily expose ENOVA SmarTeam components in external assets, such as enterprise
Latest certifications across supported multi-CAD and infrastructure applications, databases,
and tools maximize ENOVA SmarTeam's customer value.
AccessibiIity by peopIe with disabiIities
Owing to the graphics-intensive nature of its engineering design applications, this product has
been granted a deviation for 2006.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 5
Product positioning
The ENOVA collaborative product development environment addresses the full spectrum of
product and business processes, from small-scale teams to extended enterprises with many
thousands of users. ENOVA offers solutions to manage simple as well as highly engineered
complex products across a broad range of industries. The solutions are flexible, rapidly
deployed, and easily configurable to provide secure product data management and collaborative
benefits across teams, departments, work sites, customers, suppliers, and other value chain
The ENOVA portfolio includes:
ENOVA VPLM delivers a virtual product development environment for designers, sourcing
specialists, and production planners in medium-to-large companies.
ENOVA SmarTeam delivers collaborative product data management solutions for mid-sized
companies and engineering divisions of large organizations.
ENOVA MatrixOne solutions provide collaborative business processes for the enterprise level
organization, including industry-specific solutions based on proven best practices
A function-rich, multi-data collaboration platform, ENOVA SmarTeam lets companies flexibly
integrate, manage, and reuse multiple types of product-related knowledge and optimize
engineering change and other processes across design, development, manufacturing,
after-sales, and other enterprise functions.
n the market since 1995, ENOVA SmarTeam is one of the fastest-growing PLM offerings, with
more than 4,500 customers worldwide. ENOVA SmarTeam meets cross-industry needs, and
has a particularly large install base in industrial and consumer products, electrical and
electronics (including medical devices), and the automotive and aerospace supply chains.
ENOVA SmarTeam's robust, distributed architecture delivers a unified collaborative environment
across sites. Standards-based openness facilitates integration with other business systems,
achieving downstream synchronization with manufacturing and other benefits. Proven, replicable
best practices help ENOVA SmarTeam customers address common business challenges and
achieve rapid bottom line results. ENOVA SmarTeam's phased deployment approach and low
total cost of ownership enable an organization to affordably introduce collaborative benefits and
scale up according to priority and need.
Key differentiating vaIue - description
Based on a favored technology platform, ENOVA SmarTeam delivers a robust rapid-value
collaborative environment for controlling and providing easy access to product data. ENOVA
SmarTeam automates business processes across design, engineering, and the enterprise,
including with external, "value chain" partners. Key to ENOVA SmarTeam's unique value is a
robust, flexible PLM platform that supports phased deployment of a PLM system, rapidly
launched through out-of-the-box packages based on that same platform and the core portfolio.
What distinguishes ENOVA SmarTeam from PLM systems with a similar target market is a full
focus on out of the box, low total cost of ownership, and flexibility delivered with robust PLM
functionality. These combine powerfully to deliver rapid RO and enrich the organization with a
visionary, sustainable investment for optimizing work:
Out of the box capabiIities, a great enabler of ENOVA SmarTeam's phased approach,
includes quick-start Express packages that bundle rich PLM functionality, training,
methodology, and services to launch common design and engineering collaboration scenarios
in just days. ENOVA SmarTeam's out-of-the-box approach also covers other capabilities that
are key to deploying PLM easily, such as simplified install. The Express packages are based
on the same platform, allowing organizations to start with their most pressing PLM needs and
continue to more advanced packages after realizing the benefits from the previous phases.
Low totaI cost of ownership is delivered through advanced Microsoft technologies (including
.NET), easy customization, flexible, dynamic configuration and administration, high usability,
reducing training costs, and PLM methodologies, and business process accelerators. This
enables low-cost extendibility and tailoring of a solution to specific needs.
FIexibiIity comes through a highly customizable interface, an open architecture, development
tools, visual components, and leveraged through partner offerings that extend a solution to
specific needs. This way, ENOVA SmarTeam allows any level of flexibility and customization,
from easily configuring and administering the Express packages to address customization
requirements at the highest level.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 6
Rapid vaIue through Express packages
ENOVA SmarTeam's Express packages enable manufacturers to roll out a quick-start design
and/or engineering collaboration in just days. These pre-packaged software and services, based
on ENOVA SmarTeam products are designed for a fast implementation that does not require
major customizations, rather than configuration to meet the customer's needs.
Express offerings deliver core design/engineering scenarios as a foundation for growing to other
PLM functionality, one step at a time. Proven methodology and implementation plans supplied
with the Express solution support such growth and ensure its success, as inherent components
of the Express packages, promoting the rapid RO, confidence, and experience needed to gain a
strategic and organizational green light to such growth.
Rich CATIA/muIti-CAD data management pIatform
ENOVA SmarTeam allows robust data management across CATA, Multi-CAD and other data
formats (Microsoft Office Suite applications, Microsoft Project, and so on) from within the native
environment, and supports digital mock-up processes within CATA and in combination with
multi-CAD environments. ts deep, immersive CATA integration, supporting CATA 64-bit,
enables easier handling of large assemblies.
Proven PLM robustness and expertise
ENOVA SmarTeam delivers design collaboration across distributed and external design teams,
engineering collaboration across engineering teams, as well as suppliers, customers and other
external parties, and enterprise collaboration across business functions, with Web-based access
to product information. Extended enterprise capabilities include program management, for
managing and sharing tightly linked project and product knowledge, and regulatory compliance
framework that delivers the required framework to help organizations comply with Federal
Regulation FDA 21CFR Part 11 and address other compliance needs.
A role-based approach, covering Designer, Engineer, Editor, Navigator, and Community or other
role-based scenarios, makes the offering easy to understand and tailored to simplify customer
ENOVA SmarTeam offers an enterprise infrastructure for flexibly and cost-effectively attaining
the desired solution reach and scope across individuals, sites, and applications:
Comprehensive and flexible multi-site offering, which replicates the SmarTeam data across
sites, addressing distributed environment scenarios typical of market globalization.
Enterprise application integration (EA) gateway interconnectivity with enterprise applications,
enriching the knowledge flow between engineering and manufacturing by interconnecting the
PLM system with enterprise resource planning (ERP), manufacturing resource planning
(MRP) and/or other enterprise applications, either directly or via standard EA middleware, and
with third-party connectors.
Enterprise-level security, which features access based on role within a project and various
security mechanisms.
Development Suite Delivers tools for rapidly developing extended ENOVA SmarTeam
solutions, including visual components.
Batch Services, via an enterprise job server, deliver the means for executing tasks from a
central server, in batch mode, without holding up the end-user's workstation. The capability
promotes ENOVA SmarTeam's value by promoting automation, improving productivity for
end-users, and optimizing organizational efficiency, reliability, and accuracy. Tasks that can
be executed in batch include: Title Block Attribute Mapping (upon release), batch printing,
batch e-mail, and more.
ENOVA SmarTeam offers a high level of product structure-centricity, featuring state-of-the-art
item, life-cycle management, and flexible resolution of the product structure through
configuration management capabilities. t enables product data management based on
documents or items, and provides deep insight into the product structure in different contexts
and stages (As Designed, As Built, As Configured, and so on). Flexible "design to configure"
capabilities create engineering BOMs directly from within the CAD application, dramatically
shortening engineering cycles, improving accuracy, and decision-making across to
Product positioning - GIobaIization
ENOVA SmarTeam V5 program integrated information (P) and softcopy product information
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 7
are available in:
P is stored in compressed Unicode format (UTF-8) for worldwide exchange without loss of
misinterpretation of characters.
Hardware and software support services
SmoothStart"/instaIIation services: BM SmoothStart/nstallation Services are not available
for ENOVA SmarTeam products.
ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 services pIan
PLM Services, part of BM Global Services, offers a robust portfolio of services to assist with the
implementation of ENOVA SmarTeam V5. Careful planning and implementation are essential to
getting the most from ENOVA SmarTeam V5. We can help with assessment, solution design,
planning, installation, data migration, custom application development, best-practices consulting,
user and administrative training, support, and project management.
For additional information on service offerings and how BM professionals can assist with the
implementation of ENOVA SmarTeam V5 in your environment, contact your BM representative
or BM Services organization or visit
Select PLM Services from the list of related links.
Enhanced Support Offering
Direct customer support is available under the Product Lifecycle Management Support Services
Enhanced Support Offering (ESO). Refer to this topic in the Terms and conditions section for
additional information.
Reference information
For information about CATA Solutions V5.18, refer to 207-215, dated September 25, 2007.
For information about ENOVA VPLM Solutions V5.18, refer to 207-214, dated September 25,
For information about ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18, refer to 207-212, dated September 25, 2007.
For information about CAA RADE V5.18, refer to 207-213, dated September 25, 2007.
National language versions of the softcopy publications in these languages are available as the
SmarTeam V5 NLVs Product (5671-NL7). Use the ShopPLM OptionaI suppIies menu to select
the language desired.
Description Language
SmarTeam V5 Softcopy Multi-language
Collection Kit (French, German, Japanese)
National language versions of the softcopy publications in these languages are available as the
SmarTeam V5 NLVs Product (5671-NL2). Use the ShopPLM OptionaI suppIies menu to select
the language desired.
Description Language
User Companion for French
ENOVIA SmarTeam German
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 8
Fundamentals Configuration Japanese
Product for Windows CD-ROM
User Companion for ENOVIA French
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration German
Product Japanese
for Windows CD-ROM
SmoothStart is a trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other
countries or both.
DB2 is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation in the United States or
other countries or both.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
AdditionaI information
ENOVIA SmarTeam's product offering by roIe
Consisting of a role-based organization and enterprise infrastructure, the user roles allow virtual
product teams to manage, exchange, and collaborate on multi-CAD product information across
global value chains. The user roles describe the complete set of capabilities a role will need to
cover their base scenarios. The main user roles consist of:
Editor The SmarTeam Editor manages, links, and releases technical documents in the
context of the product with data integrity ensured. This role enables users outside of the
engineering department to participate in engineering processes by interacting with
product-related data and contributing product-related content, such as requirement and
specification documents.
Designer The SmarTeam Designer manages all activities done by a design engineer in an
immersive multi-CAD, multi-data environment.
Engineer The SmarTeam Engineer manages E-BOM, M-BOM, item life cycle, engineering
release, and change processes. This role may be filled by different individuals within the
organization, such as project manager, configuration manager and configuration engineer,
CAD designer, supplier relationship management (SRM) manager working with a
sub-contractor, or production manager.
Community The SmarTeam Community manages collaboration with external partners (for
example, suppliers or customers), with access to only specific product data.
Navigator The SmarTeam Navigator enables non-engineers to intuitively access product
information and join in business processes.
What's new per product
SmarTeam - Editor Product (EDR)
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users
n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam presents its user interface with a new look-and-feel across
color scheme, buttons, toolbars, and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the
new visual environment.
New setup, installation, and application splash screens provide an attractive and
user-friendly interface when launching SmarTeam Editor.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 9
The redesigned log-in window enables database selection upon connection to SmarTeam.
The appearance of drop-down menus is enhanced, providing attractive access to
SmarTeam menu options.
The new paged-toolbar reorganizes the existing SmarTeam toolbars within three new tabs,
Main, PLM, and an Add-ns tab. The Add-ns tab contains the user's customized toolbars.
The new appearance of the toolbar includes larger icons, as well as a "hot" icon
functionality, which enlarges the icon as the mouse cursor is placed over the icon.
SmarTeam Editor icons are replaced and enlarged, providing easier and more attractive
access to familiar SmarTeam functions.
Grouping saved queries The new Group Editor dialog allows the user to arrange and
combine searches into public or private groups for easy and quick access. n this way, it is
possible to prepare a specific set of queries per site or per user. This enhancement reduces
the number of searches shown in the Search Editor, and enables the user to arrange the
searches as needed.
ProfiIe card actions and tabs
The appearance of the profile card is changed, providing an eye-catching and user-friendly
The sub-tabs, previously located at the bottom of the window, can now be moved to the
right, left or bottom of the window as tabs.
The new Actions toolbar includes Add, Update, Delete, Delete Link, and Add as Copy
Item Iife cycIe
"Master View" for Life cycle and "Generic View" for Workflow For more
information on tem life cycle enhancements, refer to the SmarTeam BOM section.
Separate viewers instaIIations
n the current SmarTeam implementation, three viewers are automatically installed together
with SmarTeam Editor: Cimmetry AutoVue, Dassault Systemes viewer and eDrawing
(SolidWorks viewer). n addition, the viewers are updated automatically to the newest
viewer release as part of SmarTeam service packs.
Users have better control of the installed viewers as part of the SmarTeam installation.
Users may choose to install any or all of the viewers (according to their needs) and to
control the upgrade policy of the viewers; that is, choose to retain an older viewer release.
Requires a SmarTeam BOM (BOM) license
Web cIient Web functionality added to SmarTeam Editor:
The included SmarTeam Web Editor (WED) product is withdrawn in V5.18, and all
SmarTeam Web Editor (WED) functionalities are incorporated in the SmarTeam Editor
(EDR) product, retaining the name SmarTeam Web Editor.
Note: Throughout this document, SmarTeam Web Editor refers to the Web-based user
interface of SmarTeam Editor.
The SmarTeam Editor (EDR) offering now lets the user with ENOVA SmarTeam's familiar
Windows-based product life-cycle collaboration application, while at the same time, taking
advantage of standard Web technologies to give remote individuals and teams working on
multi-platforms (Windows and UNX), with comprehensive access to the central SmarTeam
database and managed files. The versatile SmarTeam Editor (EDR) product lets users
manipulate product data easily in a dynamic and secure environment, whether within the
enterprise inside the corporate LAN, or dispersed in remote locations.
The following enhancements are made to SmarTeam Editor Web client functionality in V5.18:
Introduction of Web-based visuaI components
Visual components deliver an enriched Web-based environment for SmarTeam Web
Editor. Boosted by advanced (AJAX) technology, SmarTeam Web Editor continues
evolving for usability with powerful ENOVA SmarTeam desktop-like editing in an
ergonomically-styled setting. V5.18 delivers easier handling of visual components for the
entire organizational range, such as profile card, grid, tree, SmartBox, menus, and toolbars.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 10
ProfiIe card: Define the structure of a specific profile card for a certain class and build any
card, based on the needs of each super-class. When accessed, the profile card reads the
data and displays the data according to the elements included in the profile card's visual
and functional design.
Grid: Design grid views; determine a grid view's size, number of columns/rows, sorting
conventions, paging, and so on. nclude single or multiple checkbox selection, type of
information to appear, click-events, and so on.
Tree: Display SmarTeam objects in a hierarchical view, define a certain view built from the
tree's root objects, and include the links that will be displayed for each super-class.
SmartBox: Define the way SmartBox folder objects (for example, nbox, Sent, Completed)
are displayed. Add paging, sorting, click-events, and so on.
Action menus and tooIbars: Changed look and feel for SmarTeam Web Editor
interface includes simplified functionality, improved usability of a Web client user interface,
introduction of unified menus, new toolbars and icons, and replacement of previous
components with visual components.
SimpIify Iinks creation Reduction of a number of actions (clicks) for links creation
SimpIify Iife-cycIe operations nterface rearrangement for life cycle operation
SimpIify initiate process Simplified workflow initiation process, requiring fewer steps
Integration of the DassauIt Systemes Viewer Server Ability to create and save
annotations for CATA files and share them between users
Setting a view as pubIic/private wiII be done using a checkbox Usability enhancement
Copy view Using an existing view as a basis for creation of a new view
CoIor setting Defining different color per link type
Preferences to configure the reIated objects pane Defining links that will be shown in
the Related Object pane
Item Iife cycIe operations (Item LC\configuration views)
Enables life-cycle operation
on items (Promote, demote, nactivate, new revision, go-to-state)
Structure handIing within muItipIe views (Item LC\configuration views)
Working with
configuration views over Web (enabling browsing, creating, updating configuration views)
FiIter screen in the preferences (Item LC\configuration views)
Enabling filter screen
preferences for documents and items (including revision rules filtering) in Web editor
SmarTeam - CATIA SuppIy Chain Engineering Exchange (SEE)
Tracking documents with new identifiers From V5.18, the SEE user can keep track of
documents with different CATA internal identifiers (UUD) using a new rule (NewFrom) that
has been added to the SmarTeam Reconciliator panel. OEM and suppliers who exchange
data through a neutral file format (for example, STEP), or exchange data that was saved in
Expose mode in ENOVA VPLM can still keep track of documents even if the CATA UUD
was changed.
Query Customization From V5.18, it is possible to customize system queries, and to add
user-defined criteria to queries without the need for programming tools. This customization
allows the user's query to be more selective, making mapping easier and shortening work
SmarTeam - CATIA Integration (CAI)
GIobaI Refresh - User Interface enhancements Refresh nfo and ncident Report
sections are unified for simpler and clearer view. All relevant information is presented in the
main panel next to the relevant action. New icons indicate the exceptions, and the Remarks
column provides information about the exceptions.
Enrich the contextuaI menu The Replace Component command is now available through
the contextual menu as well as within the Assembly Management submenu. This addition
delivers a consistent user interface and increases ease of use.
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BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 11
Option to decide whether to Ioad contextuaI assembIy or not whiIe updating design
Iinks through SmarTeam Save A contextual part has two links:
"Contextual" link to the contextual product
"Design" link to the base part
When analyzing the links of contextual parts, the "design" link can be seen only if the
contextual product is loaded. Therefore, saving contextual parts may require loading the
contextual product, in case it is not loaded. This occurs usually when loading the contextual
part independently, without its context.
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users
n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam presents its user interface, with a new look-and-feel across
color scheme buttons, toolbars, and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the
new visual environment.
New setup, installation and application splash screens provide an attractive, user-friendly
interface when launching SmarTeam Editor.
The redesigned log-in window enables database selection upon connection to SmarTeam.
The appearance of drop-down menus is enhanced, allowing attractive access to SmarTeam
menu options.
The new paged-toolbar reorganizes the existing SmarTeam toolbars within three new tabs,
Main, PLM, and an Add-ns tab. The Add-ns tab contains the user's customized toolbars.
The new appearance of the toolbar includes larger icons, as well as a "hot" icon
functionality, which enlarges the icon as the mouse cursor is placed over the icon.
SmarTeam Editor icons are replaced and enlarged for easier and more attractive access
to familiar SmarTeam functionalities.
Grouping saved queries The new Group Editor dialog allows the user to arrange and
combine searches into public or private groups for easy and quick access. The user can
prepare a specific set of queries per site or per user. This enhancement reduces the number
of searches shown in the Search Editor, and enables the user to arrange the searches as
ProfiIe card actions and tabs
The profile card's appearance is changed to be more eye-catching and comes with a
user-friendly interface.
The sub-tabs, which had previously been located at the bottom of the window, can now be
moved to the right, left or bottom of the window as tabs.
The new Actions toolbar includes Add, Update, Delete, Delete Link, and Add as Copy
Integration of the DS Viewer Server Allows the SmarTeam user to view CATA V5.18
documents by integrating with the V5.18 Dassault Systemes 3D PLM viewer:
3D XML file support
Views (isometric, top, bottom, left, right, back, front)
Cross sectioning
Latest version support SmarTeam CATA ntegration supports CATA V5.18, V5.17,
and V5.16.
SmarTeam - CATIA Web Integration (CWI)
SingIe sign-on A single sign-on (log-in) is valid now for both SmarTeam CATA Web
ntegration (CW) and SmarTeam Web Editor.
SmarTeam - SE Integration (SEI)
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam
presents its user interface, with a new look-and-feel across color scheme, buttons, toolbars,
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 12
and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the new visual environment, and are
available to SmarTeam CAD integration users when working with some SmarTeam features,
such as profile card and searches.
AvaiIabIe within the new SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration product From V5.18,
SmarTeam SE ntegration is available both as a stand-alone integration as well as within
the new SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration product. This enables users to work with two or
more different SmarTeam CAD integrations. SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration creates the
conditions necessary for collaboration among mixed-CAD engineering teams, while
seamlessly integrating PDM functionality directly within the native CAD environment.
SEI Iicense enhancement From V5.18, after appropriate configuration, the SE license
enables a user to activate the SmarTeam AC ntegration as well as SmarTeam SE
ntegration (SE). When opening a SmarTeam AC ntegration (AC) session on a
workstation that includes SmarTeam SE ntegration (SE), only one SmarTeam SE
ntegration (SE) license is taken, even when both applications are activated during the same
work session.
Certification with Solid Edge V19 SP4.
SmarTeam - AC Integration (ACI)
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam
presents its user interface, with a new look-and-feel across color scheme, buttons, toolbars,
and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the new visual environment, and are
available to SmarTeam CAD integration users when working with some SmarTeam features,
such as profile card and searches.
AvaiIabIe within the new SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration product From V5.18,
SmarTeam AC ntegration is available both as a stand-alone integration as well as within
the new SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration product. This enables users to work with two or
more different SmarTeam CAD integrations. SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration creates the
conditions necessary for collaboration among mixed-CAD engineering teams, while
seamlessly integrating PDM functionality directly within the native CAD environment.
Enhancement of Iicenses for SmarTeam CAD integrations From V5.18, after
appropriate configuration, the SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration (SW), SmarTeam SE
ntegration (SE), and SmarTeam N ntegration (N) licenses enable a user to activate the
SmarTeam AC ntegration as well. When opening a SmarTeam AC ntegration (AC)
session on a workstation that includes any of the previously described integrations, only one
license is taken, even when both applications are activated during the same work session.
Certification of AutoCAD 2008 and Autodesk Mechanical 2008.
SmarTeam - IN Integration (INI)
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam
presents its user interface with a new look-and-feel across color scheme, buttons, toolbars,
and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the new visual environment, and are
available to SmarTeam CAD integration users when working with some SmarTeam features,
such as profile card and searches.
AvaiIabIe within the new SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration product From V5.18,
SmarTeam N ntegration is available both as a stand-alone integration as well as within the
new SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration product, which enables users to work with two or
more different SmarTeam CAD integrations. SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration creates the
conditions necessary for collaboration among mixed-CAD engineering teams, while
seamlessly integrating PDM functionality directly within the native CAD environment.
INI Iicense enhancement From V5.18, after appropriate configuration, the N license
enables a user to activate the SmarTeam AC ntegration as well as N. When opening an
AC session on a workstation that includes N, only one N license is taken, even when both
applications are activated during the same work session.
Certification of Autodesk nventor 2008.
SmarTeam - SoIidWorks Integration (SWI)
The SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration product replaces the SmarTeam SolidWorks
ntegration PRPQ, and contains the same functionality
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 13
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam
presents its user interface with a changed look-and-feel across color scheme, buttons,
toolbars, and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the new visual environment,
and are available to SmarTeam CAD integration users when working with some SmarTeam
features, such as profile card and searches.
AvaiIabIe within the new SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration product From V5.18,
SmarTeam Solid Works ntegration is available both as a stand-alone integration as well as
within the new SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration product. This enables users to work with
two or more different SmarTeam CAD integrations. SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration
creates the conditions necessary for collaboration among mixed-CAD engineering teams,
while seamlessly integrating PDM functionality directly within the native CAD environment.
SWI Iicense enhancement From V5.18, after appropriate configuration, the SW license
enables a user to activate the SmarTeam AC ntegration as well as SW. When opening an
AC session on a workstation that includes SW, only one SW license is taken, even when
both applications are activated during the same work session.
Certification of SolidWorks 2007 SP3.
SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration (MCI) - New product
SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration (MC) is a new product that offers administrators simplified
licensing management. SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration (MC) enables users to purchase
one license for working with SmarTeam AC ntegration (AC), SmarTeam N ntegration
(N), SmarTeam SE ntegration (SE), and SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration (SW).
SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration creates the conditions necessary for collaboration among
mixed-CAD design teams, while seamlessly integrating PDM functionality directly within the
native CAD environment.
Note: The SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration product promotes the flexibility to choose any
one of the four supported CAD integrations, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, or nventor in a
work session. However, only one integration process per license is supported at any given time.
SmarTeam - BOM
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users
n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam presents its user interface, with a new look-and-feel across
color scheme, buttons, toolbars, and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the new
visual environment.
New setup, installation, and application splash screens provide an attractive, user-friendly
interface when launching SmarTeam Editor.
The redesigned log-in window enables database selection upon connection to SmarTeam.
The appearance of drop-down menus has been enhanced, providing attractive access to
SmarTeam menu options.
The new paged-toolbar reorganizes the existing SmarTeam toolbars within three new tabs,
Main, PLM, and an Add-ns tab. The Add-ns tab contains the user's customized toolbars.
The new appearance of the toolbar includes larger icons, as well as a "hot" icon functionality
which enlarges the icon as the mouse cursor is placed over the icon.
All system icons are replaced and enlarged, providing easier and more attractive access to
familiar SmarTeam functions.
Grouping saved queries The new Group Editor dialog allows the user to arrange and
combine searches into public or private groups for easy and quick access. n this way, it is
possible to prepare a specific set of queries per site or per user. This enhancement reduces the
number of searches shown in the Search Editor, and enables the user to arrange the searches
as needed.
ProfiIe card actions and tabs
The appearance of the profile card is changed, providing an eye-catching and user-friendly
The sub-tabs, which had previously been located at the bottom of the window, can now be
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 14
moved to the right, left or bottom of the window as tabs.
The new Actions toolbar includes Add, Update, Delete, Delete Link, and Add as Copy options.
Custom fiItering by executing saved queries as tree fiIter
SmarTeam V5.18 enhances the filtering function by enabling the user to execute SmarTeam
saved queries as part of the tree filter criteria available in the Tree Filter screen, as defined in the
following options:
Revision FiIter For filtering by revision change dynamically according to the life-cycle
behavior of the selected object's class. Revision filters can be applied to:
AII Revisions
Latest Revision: Refers to the creation date of an object in the SmarTeam database. This
is a chronological issue and is not related to the object's state.
Last PubIic Revision: A set in the database that refers only to a Checked n or Released
state for objects. Depending on the Last Public Revision mode policy set by the
administrator, only one of the checked in or released.
Date Effectivity FiIter Used for filtering a product structure, it allows applicability and
validity of objects and relations between objects specified by time. Based on date effectivity
attributes, which must be valid values of date and time, filtering the tree by date gives an
indication of how the product was assembled on a specific date.
Unit Effectivity FiIter Gives applicability and validity of objects and relations between
objects specified by certain units (any numeric or alphanumeric criteria). To see how the
product is assembled for a specific unit (configuration), filter the tree by unit effectivity. Unit
Effectivity uses predefined patterns which are defined in the System Configuration Editor.
Saved Query FiIter May include any predefined search which exists in the system. The
searches may include three kinds of SmarTeam data model classes in accordance with the
standard SmarTeam queries functionality, showing two separate classes and the link class.
Note: Starting in V5R17, use of tem Behavior/tem Lifecycle function requires a SmarTeam -
BOM Product License.
SmarTeam - Community Workspace (CMT)
SmarTeam - Community Workspace (CMT) is a Web-based, project-oriented, community
portal that enables global product teams to easily, securely, and cost-effectively collaborate on
and manage product information within their extended enterprise and across the supply chain.
Within unique Web portals, virtual product development communities-after passing through
rigorous authorization-collaborate on a defined set of data from within the SmarTeam
Workflow participation is available through the SmarTeam Workflow product. By enabling
online collaboration, SmarTeam Community Workspace brings On Demand Business to
the extended enterprise and supply chain. With the means for leveraging and extending their
intellectual property with maximum flexibility, companies can work in a true On Demand
Business environment.
This product is available through the SmarTeam Community Workspace Configuration
(SCT) only.
SmarTeam - Navigator (NVR)
nitiating Workflow process SmarTeam Navigator (NVR), used in the enterprise
environment, allows read-only access to enable viewing of objects and all object-related data
and tasks. From V5.18, it is also possible to initiate workflow processes while working in
SmarTeam Navigator.
Viewing of CATA V5.18 documents by integrating with the V5.18 Dassault Systemes 3D PLM
viewer. New V5.18 enhancements include the following:
3D XML file support
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 15
CATA file annotation
Views (isometric, top, bottom, left, right, back, front)
Cross sectioning
Cross-user options
SmarTeam - WorkfIow (WFL)
ENOVIA SmarTeam user interface for Windows users
n V5.18, ENOVA SmarTeam presents its user interface with a new look-and-feel across
color scheme, buttons, toolbars, and more. Most SmarTeam Editor screens reflect the
new visual environment.
New setup, installation, and application splash screens provide an attractive, user-friendly
interface when launching SmarTeam Editor.
The redesigned log-in window enables database selection upon connection to SmarTeam.
The appearance of drop-down menus is enhanced, providing attractive access to
SmarTeam menu options.
The new paged-toolbar reorganizes the existing SmarTeam toolbars within three new tabs,
Main, PLM, and an Add-ns tab. The Add-ns tab contains the user's customized toolbars.
The new appearance of the toolbar includes larger icons, as well as a "hot" icon
functionality, which enlarges the icon as the mouse cursor is placed over the icon.
SmarTeam Editor icons are replaced and enlarged, providing easier and more attractive
access to familiar SmarTeam functionalities.
Grouping saved queries The new Group Editor dialog allows the user to arrange and
combine searches into public or private groups for easy and quick access. n this way, it is
possible to prepare a specific set of queries per site or per user. This enhancement reduces
the number of searches shown in the Search Editor, and enables the user to arrange the
searches as needed.
ProfiIe card actions and tabs
The appearance of the profile card is changed, providing an eye-catching and user-friendly
The sub-tabs, which had previously been located at the bottom of the window, can now be
moved to the right, left, or bottom of the window as tabs.
The new Actions toolbar includes Add, Update, Delete, Delete Link, and Add as Copy
Item Iife cycIe Master Configuration View for life cycle and Generic Configuration View for
Master Configuration View is a combined view of all the existing configurations of a
specific item. SmarTeam Editor calculates the number of children for each configuration
view, and displays them as a common structure merged under the root item.
Generic Configuration View is a common view of all the existing configurations of a
specific item. SmarTeam Editor displays the children for each Configuration View one
under the other as a multi-root structure.
SmarTeam - Program Management (PGM)
Standard SmarTeam integration functionaIity: SmarTeam Program Management (PGM)
V5.18 integration with MS Project operates in the SmarTeam Editor (EDR) Windows
environment. After synchronization of information into SmarTeam, the data (such as tasks,
assigned resources, timetables) is accessible in both the SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Windows and SmarTeam Editor (EDR) Web-based environments.
Direct access to ST information from within MS Project: While working inside MS Project,
using SmarTeam Program Management, the user can access all task information directly
from SmarTeam.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 16
Manage MS Project fiIes: The MS Project files are stored and managed as regular
SmarTeam documents, enabling the user to save all MS Project information, manage file
revisions (baselines), and collaborate on the MS Project with external users.
Enhance synchronization capabiIities: Prior to V5.18, the project manager could not view
changes made by project participants, and synchronization of these changes into the project
was performed automatically. From V5.18, the project manager can review changes and
decide whether to accept or reject specific changes. This enhanced synchronization capability
enables the project manager to understand the impact of proposed changes by project
AII task information visibIe in aII appIications: Tasks are visible in all SmarTeam
applications, both Windows or Web-based environments.
SmarTeam - ReguIatory CompIiance Framework (RCF)
The solution, previously known as SmarTeam FDA, is enhanced (see the relevant section)
and split into two separate products, SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework (RCF)
and SmarTeam Job Server (JBS), that can be deployed by any SmarTeam customer.
SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework delivers companies with the tools to ensure
and facilitate:
Management of access authorization within the working environment
Database traceability
Electronic signatures within approval processes
The SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework (RCF) solution provides a working
environment that accelerates the process by which organizations verify their compliance to
industrial regulations. The solution offers:
Support for Web and Windows environment
Enhanced user security mechanism, for authenticating product records
Audit trail of changes generated electronically and accessible instantly for review
Comprehensive and flexible handling of electronic signatures for authorized users
Automatic mail notifications
Batch printing with embedded electronic signature information
Streamlined the regulatory compliance approval process
Note: SmarTeam Job Server is a prerequisite for SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance
Framework (RCF).
Site Services
SmarTeam - Foundation (FDN)
New Iicensing to support new packaging: n order to present a simpler, more coherent
portfolio and to address customer requirements, the following packaging and licensing
changes take effect in V5.18:
The SmarTeam Web Editor and SmarTeam Editor products are merged into one
product with one license: SmarTeam Editor (EDR). This will allow users to choose the
user interface (U) technology that best suits their needs at any given moment. For
example, users may use the SmarTeam Editor when working from the office desk, but
may log-in through the SmarTeam Web Editor when working from home or when
traveling to a user.
Similarly, starting from V5.18, a unique new product (SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration)
allows users to connect to SmarTeam from SolidWorks, nventor, Solid Edge or AutoCAD
2D using one versatile license.
The solution, previously known as SmarTeam FDA, is enhanced (see the relevant
section) and split into two separate products, SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance
Framework (RCF) and SmarTeam Job Server (JBS), that can be deployed by any
SmarTeam user:
SmarTeam - ReguIatory CompIiance Framework (RCF), an AOP, provides additional
function, including Audit Trail, Electronic Signature and enhanced security to both
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 17
SmarTeam Editor Web client and SmarTeam Windows users.
The SmarTeam - Job Server (JBS) encompasses the capabilities that allow SmarTeam
to queue and execute tasks such as SmarTeam Attribute Mapping, printing and e-mailing in
batch mode. This will free users from performing such tasks in an online, manual mode and
prevents authorization conflicts.
Administrative tooIs usabiIity - Admin ConsoIe: Rather than each administrative tool
opening from the Windows program menu and requiring its own log-in process, administrative
tools will be opened from the SmarTeam Admin Console. The new Admin Console enables
administrators and implementers to log-in once and receive a cockpit that allows easy and
effective navigation to the various administrative tools used with SmarTeam products,
including Form Designer, User Maintenance, Flow Chart Designer, Vault Monitor, Sequence
Designer, and others.
Administrative tooIs usabiIity enhancement: mproved usability of the administrative tools,
including better indications of sequences in the Sequence Designer and the scripts in the
Scripts Maintenance.
IT certifications Support LDAP servers for authentication:
SUN Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 5.2
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3
BM Tivoli Directory Server 6.0
Supported SQL Server 2005 SP2 Enterprise, Standard and Express Editions
Oracle 10g R2
DB2 8.2.4.
SmarTeam - MuIti-site (MUS)
Enhanced vault replication delivers three different solutions:
SmarTeam - MuIti-site VauIt (MUV) A subset of the full multi-site solution that enables
vault replication only:
Suitable for up to two-three sites
Central database in one site
Based on all supported databases (including SQL server 2005)
Standard SmarTeam - MuIti-Site (MUS) For vault and database: Up to 16 sites, each of
them holding an Oracle database and replicated vaults
Advanced MuIti-Site environment - vauIt and database
Up to 16 central sites with Oracle database
Up to two to three "satellite" sites deployed on each of the central sites
n the "satellite" sites only vaults are replicated
n addition, SmarTeam Multi-site V5.18 adds the capability of using Microsoft DFS, and
now offers vault replication based on either Microsoft DFS or RepliWeb. SmarTeam Multi-site
Vault replication capability is certified with the RepliWeb tool for file replication, and this tool can
be purchased as part of both the SmarTeam Multi-site (MUS) and the SmarTeam - Multi-site
Vault (MUV) packaging.
To provide additional options for organizations with a limited number of sites (and which are
primarily Microsoft-based), SmarTeam certifies the Multi-site Vault (MUV) replication capability
with the Microsoft DFS (Microsoft file replication capability), which is a part of Microsoft Windows
2003 R2 server capabilities.
SmarTeam - MuIti-site VauIt (MUV) - New product
SmarTeam - MuIti-site VauIt (MUV) - (vauIt repIication onIy):
Until SmarTeam V5.17, one SmarTeam Multi-site license covered both database
replication and vault replication. As many multi-site implementations are comprised of central
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 18
sites (which include both database replication and vault replication) and satellite sites (which
are connected to a remote database and use only vault replication), V5.18 provides two
separate product options, the SmarTeam Multi-site (MUS) product, which enables both
database replication and vault replication, and the Multi-site Vault (MUV) product, which
enables vault replication only.
As there is a demand for a multi-site database replication solution based on databases other
than Oracle, and for a solution suitable for organizations with only a few sites that are not
widely dispersed geographically, SmarTeam Multi-site Vault (MUV) delivers a solution
based on vault replication only (that is, using a central database installed in a central location)
and will be able to work with other databases (MS SQL Server and DB2).
SmarTeam Multi-site Vault (MUV) is designed for the following scenario:
Suitable for up to two to three sites
Central database in one site
Based on all supported databases (including SQL server 2005)
VauIt repIication based on Microsoft DFS or RepIiWeb SmarTeam Multi-site vault
replication capability is certified with the RepliWeb tool for file replication, and this tool can be
purchased as part of both the SmarTeam Multi-site (MUS) and the SmarTeam Multi-site
Vault (MUV) packaging. To provide additional options for organizations with a limited number of
sites (and which are primarily Microsoft-based), SmarTeam certifies the Multi-site Vault (MUV)
replication capability with the Microsoft DFS (Microsoft file replication capability), which is a part
of Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 server capabilities.
SmarTeam - DeveIopment Suite (DVS)
SmarTeam introduces robust client components to include the SmarTeam PLM business
logic, assisting developers in coding integrations easier and faster. The V5.18 client libraries
replace the embedded scripts and record list libraries. Client libraries move the integration
liability for the SmarTeam operations from the integration level (developers' responsibility) to
ENOVA SmarTeam.
SmarTeam visual components deliver an enriched Web-based environment for SmarTeam
Editor Web client. Boosted by advanced (AJAX) technology, the SmarTeam Editor Web
client continues evolving for usability with powerful ENOVA SmarTeam desktop-like editing in
an ergonomically styled setting. V5.18 delivers easier handling of visual components for the
entire organizational range, such as profile card, grid, tree, SmartBox, menus and toolbars.
For more information, refer to the SmarTeam Editor Product (EDR) section.
SmarTeam - Job Server (JBS) - New product
ncludes job server software that is a server-side application that handles centralized
SmarTeam activities, such as silent release, mailing, printing, and custom jobs. The server
configuration frees SmarTeam Editor users from manually running these activities online
and eliminates the need to have an application installed on each client in order to process
each activity. The job server remotely automates tasks and optimizes approval processes in
the enterprise's organizational environment, while managing user tasks in the background. For
example, the printer server functionality eliminates the need for setting printing definitions in
the client.
ncludes automatic mail notifications to administrators in certain system scenarios, providing
transparency and enhanced security. Every failed log-in of an unauthorized user or users who
have forgotten their passwords generates an automatic mail notification to the administrator.
The mail contains user-related information, such as user name, operating user's log-in name,
and machine name.
Supports powerful, server-based activities, including printing. The job server performs all
activities on a separate server mail server and printer server.
Allows silent release of documents via automatic attribute mapping:
Maps all signatures into an approved document
Fully supports MS Word and Excel documents
Supports creation of custom jobs (for example, PDF conversion), which the job server will
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 19
Allows batch printing that can be performed with embedded electronic signature information.
Files can be printed via a batch server printing mechanism.
Based on predefined mappings, prior to the printing by the server of the file, required
information from the metadata record is embedded into the footer, header, and/or watermark
of the printout. Users cannot change these settings or the information being printed out. This
mechanism allows additional control over the print process.
Enables administrators to customize their own jobs to be executed by the job server.
Note: SmarTeam Job Server is a prerequisite for SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance
Product Iist
Trigram SmarTeam Products Comments
EDR SmarTeam -- Editor Windows/Web-based
core PLM solution.
Windows option embeds
Microsoft Office
SEE SmarTeam -- CATIA Comparison and
Supply Chain and reconciliation of
Engineering Exchange CATIA V5 data as
exchanged with
Business Partners
CAI SmarTeam -- CATIA CATIA V5 Integration
CWI SmarTeam -- CATIA Web Web CATIA V5 Integration
SEI SmarTeam -- SE Integration Solid Edge Integration
ACI SmarTeam -- AC Integration AutoCAD Integration
INI SmarTeam -- IN Integration Autodesk Inventor
SWI SmarTeam -- SolidWorks Manages SolidWorks
Integration assemblies from directly
within the SolidWorks
MCI SmarTeam -- Multi CAD For collaboration
Integration among mixed-CAD
engineering teams
BOM SmarTeam -- BOM BOMs creation and
CMT SmarTeam -- Community Web-based,
Workspace project-oriented,
community portal
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BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 20
NVR SmarTeam -- Navigator Web-based PLM
Cross-user options
WFL SmarTeam -- Workflow Change management
and workflow automation
PGM SmarTeam -- Program Management Unified environment
for managing projects,
products, and processes
RCF SmarTeam -- Regulatory Authorization control,
Compliance Framework database traceability
and electronic signatures
within regulated business
Site Services
FDN SmarTeam -- Foundation Product knowledge
services, includes
databases, servers,
vaults, administration
and customization
tools. Mandatory service
MUS SmarTeam -- Multi-site Asynchronous solution for
distributed environment.
Includes database and
Vault replication.
MUV SmarTeam -- Multi-site Vault Vault replication for
distributed sites
GWY SmarTeam -- Gateway Backbone for
bidirectional data
exchange between
and enterprise
DVS SmarTeam -- Development Suite Development environment
enhancing PLM capabilities
into any type of system
JBS SmarTeam -- Job Server A server-side application
that handles central
SmarTeam activities
The ENOVA SmarTeam portfolio provides comprehensive and flexible solutions to different
life-cycle management and collaboration needs. ENOVA SmarTeam products combine
seamlessly to bring PLM to work teams, sites, suppliers, and customers, internally and over the
Web, across multiple CAD systems, office tools, and enterprise management applications.
User roIes
User roles are the vehicles through which the user experiences the ENOVA SmarTeam
environment. The user roles allow virtual product teams to manage, exchange, and collaborate
on multi-CAD product information across global value chains. The user roles enable the
complete set of capabilities a role will need to cover their base scenarios.
Note: Products can be found in more than one role, and are detailed only once in the most
relevant role.
The editor manages, links, and releases technical documents in the context of the product, with
data integrity ensured. This role enables users outside the engineering department to participate
in engineering processes by interacting with product-related data and contributing
product-related content, such as requirement and specification documents.
SmarTeam - Editor (EDR) is the core, Windows-based product life-cycle collaboration
application of the SmarTeam product suite. t enables enterprises and their supply chains to
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BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 21
share, exchange, view, and manage product information from concept to obsolescence.
SmarTeam Editor enables businesses to manage various types of data and resources,
including CAD drawings and assemblies, BOMs, office-type documents, including Microsoft
Word and Excel, and more. n conjunction with the SmarTeam Foundation, SmarTeam
Editor provides data security, file and metadata storage, and advanced (full-text) searching.
SmarTeam Editor is complemented by a full application suite and best practices, including
integrations to CAD and enterprise applications, workflow and change management, BOMs, and
configuration management, multi-site support, and more. This product is available through the
SmarTeam Editor Configuration (SED), as well as all other SmarTeam configurations.
SmarTeam - Editor Web cIient enables secure product life-cycle collaboration through the
SmarTeam database from standard nternet browsers. t exploits standard Web technologies to
give remote individuals and teams with comprehensive access to the central SmarTeam
database and managed files from standard nternet browsers, for easy and secure manipulation
of product data from anywhere.
With SmarTeam - Editor Web cIient, powerful Java streaming technology enables users to
perform advanced searches and view documents without actually downloading them. t allows
remote users to create, edit, view, control, and annotate engineering and office-type documents,
while performing life-cycle operations, so they can modify, track, and manage revisions on
multiple documents.
Regardless of geographical location, design team members can have full access to corporate
information, contribute to product development and, combined with SmarTeam Workflow,
initiate and participate in workflow processes at any time. This product is available through the
SmarTeam Editor Configuration (SED), as well as all other SmarTeam configurations.
The designer manages design activities in a multi-CAD, multi-data environment. ENOVA
SmarTeam creates a true multi-CAD environment, enabling the enterprise to manage all CAD
and related product data from a single collaborative PLM system while providing world-class,
embedded CAD integrations that seamlessly bring PLM benefits to users of different CAD
systems. Users of SmarTeam CAD integrations can work in their native CAD environment while
leveraging ENOVA SmarTeam's collaborative backbone to access, manage, and share
engineering data. They can even deploy additional CAD integrations on their desktop.
Users can efficiently create, edit, and annotate design and related documents, including
Microsoft Office-type. Powerful search, 'where used' retrieval and product life-cycle operations
accelerate work and promote design reuse. ENOVA SmarTeam maps design properties to the
repository, eliminating re-keying of data. t allows ongoing version control, guaranteeing that
users know if they are working with the latest data.
Engineering teams can collaborate on product structures, with dependencies fully intact, and
perform concurrent engineering on different parts of the same assembly. Non-CAD users can
view ENOVA SmarTeam-managed design content to gain a greater understanding of the
product, contributing to the review process by engaging in redlining, markup, and other activities.
SmarTeam's CAD integrations benefit both user and enterprise, complementing the CAD
investment with rich enterprise collaboration around the data of one or multiple CADs. CAD
integrations within the SmarTeam product portfolio are described on the following pages.
Additional integrations (UG, deas, and so on) are available through ENOVA SmarTeam
partners. SmarTeam CAD ntegrations require the SmarTeam Editor Configuration (SED).
SmarTeam - CATIA SuppIy Change Engineering Exchange (SEE) enables SmarTeam
CATA ntegration (CA) users to fortify the bidirectional, CATA V5 Relational Design data
exchange with business partners through a life-cycle-managed, authentic CATA V5 compare
and reconciliation process that maintains data integrity and links consistency across
heterogeneous partner environments (for example, ENOVA SmarTeam, ENOVA VPLM, or any
other PDM system).
SmarTeam CATA ntegration users can interactively visualize and compare a set or a subset
of CATA documents coming, for example, from an OEM or a supplier, and reconcile /
synchronize selected documents back into existing SmarTeam-managed, CATA V5 documents.
Facilitating decision-making, and adhering to CATA relational design associativity rules,
SmarTeam CATA Supply Change Engineering Exchange (SEE) delivers a valuable solution
for key business scenarios and addresses daily supply chain interaction pains, by eliminating
errors, saving time. Companies can gain competitive advantages by getting innovative products
to market faster.
SmarTeam - CATIA Integration (CAI) integrates ENOVA SmarTeam within the native CATA
V5 and ENOVA DMU Navigator desktop environment on the Microsoft Windows platform.
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ntuitive and easy-to-use, SmarTeam CATA ntegration (CA) enables users to easily create,
edit, and annotate design and other documents in the native environment, using embedded
SmarTeam menus, icons and tree structures to manage the data. t eliminates the need to re-key
data and avoids work on outdated designs, dramatically reducing errors and saving time, while
ensuring revision accuracy and facilitating substantial design efficiencies. Users easily manage
complex product hierarchical structures, including component parts, designs and related
documents, while maintaining dependencies during life-cycle operations.
ENOVA SmarTeam support for CATA 64-bit compatibility lets users handle large assemblies
easily. Dependency tracking enables related files or data to be rapidly retrieved or viewed at any
time with CATA file viewing provided via the native Dassault Systemes 3D PLM viewer.
SmarTeam CATA ntegration supports full DMU definition across design, analysis, review,
and manufacturing phases. Users can easily access, visualize and manipulate designs, reports,
analyses, and manufacturing information. t ensures data integrity through automatic,
bidirectional, drawing attribute mapping and link dependency, enabling effective management of
all aspects of drawing control through one-time keying of data. Seamless CATA impact analysis
support enables users to assess the potential impact of a change on dependencies, optimizing
decision support. Comprehensive CATA release support allows data from multiple releases to
be saved within a given ENOVA SmarTeam release. This enhances business opportunities,
enabling suppliers to collaborate with different OEMs using different versions of CATA.
SmarTeam - CATIA Web Integration (CWI) integrates ENOVA SmarTeam within the native
CATA V5 and ENOVA DMU Navigator desktop environment on the Microsoft Windows
platform. A Web-based, intuitive, thin client, product life-cycle collaboration solution to CATA V5
and ENOVA DMU Navigator users. SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration (CW) enables
enterprise users and authorized suppliers, working on multiple platforms, to manage CATA
documents from directly within the familiar CATA environment easily and securely whether
within the enterprise inside the corporate LAN, or, dispersed in remote locations across the
corporate firewall using a WAN.
With SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration (CW), users easily access, search, visualize,
manipulate, create, store, and share designs, reports, analyses and manufacturing information
together with other types of documents such as Microsoft Word and Excel files. SmarTeam
CATA Web ntegration (CW) eliminates the need to re-key data and the inefficiency of working
on outdated designs, SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration dramatically reduces errors and
saves time, while ensuring revision accuracy and facilitating substantial design efficiencies.
SmarTeam - SE Integration (SEI) is a Solid Edge Voyager Program Certified Select Product.
t brings the benefits of collaborative PLM to Solid Edge users, enabling work in the native Solid
Edge environment while leveraging ENOVA SmarTeam's collaborative backbone to access,
manage and share engineering data.
As part of the powerful PLM capabilities described at the beginning of this section, SmarTeam
SE ntegration maintains Solid Edge-specific links, including their direction to Solid Edge
documents, and all references, ensuring ease of access and structural integrity throughout the
SmarTeam database. Users can apply life-cycle behaviors such as life-cycle operation rules
to links to models and corresponding drawings for accurate capturing of true design intent.
SmarTeam - AC Integration (ACI) brings the benefits of collaborative PLM to AutoCAD users,
enabling work in the native AutoCAD environment while leveraging ENOVA SmarTeam's
collaborative backbone to access, manage and share engineering data. SmarTeam Corporation
is an authorized Autodesk developer. As part of the powerful PLM capabilities described at the
beginning of this section, SmarTeam AC ntegration maintains AutoCAD-specific links, such
as Xrefs and Xref Overlays, their direction to AutoCAD documents, and all references. This
ensures ease of access and structural integrity throughout the SmarTeam database. Users can
apply life-cycle behaviors to specific link types, for accurate capturing of true design intent.
SmarTeam - IN Integration (INI) is an Autodesk nventor-certified integration. t brings the
benefits of collaborative PLM to nventor users, enabling work in the native Autodesk nventor
environment while leveraging ENOVA SmarTeam's collaborative backbone to access, manage,
and share engineering data.
SmarTeam Corporation was the first PLM vendor awarded Autodesk Manufacturing Applications
nitiative certification, in recognition of design and engineering software development leadership.
As part of the powerful PLM capabilities described at the beginning of this section, SmarTeam
N ntegration maintains directional links between nventor documents, and all references. This
ensures ease of access and structural integrity throughout the SmarTeam database. Users can
apply life-cycle behaviors such as life-cycle operation rules to links to models and
corresponding drawings for accurate capturing of true design intent.
SmarTeam - SoIidWorks Integration (SWI) brings rich, seamlessly integrated PDM
functionality to SolidWorks users through intuitive access to SmarTeam menus, from within the
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familiar SolidWorks environment. ntegration available in a new licensing package. When
implemented with other CAD integrations, SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration creates the
conditions necessary for common collaboration among mixed-CAD engineering teams.
SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration (MCI) is a new product that lets users to purchase one
license for working with SmarTeam AC ntegration (AC), SmarTeam N ntegration (N),
SmarTeam SE ntegration (SE) and SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration (SW). SmarTeam
Multi CAD ntegration creates the conditions necessary for collaboration among mixed-CAD
engineering teams, while seamlessly integrating PDM functionality directly within the native CAD
Note: The SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration product provides the flexibility to choose any one
of the four supported CAD integrations, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, or nventor in a work
session. However, only one integration process per license is supported at any given time.
The engineer manages E-BOM, M-BOM, item life-cycle, engineering release, and change
SmarTeam - BOM (BOM) enables users to manage, manipulate, track, and collaborate on
items, product structures and BOMs throughout the product life cycle and across the extended
enterprise and the supply chain from an item and BOM-centric approach. This eliminates item
redundancy, minimizing errors, and expediting processes.
By addressing engineering configuration management and supply chain collaboration scenarios,
SmarTeam BOM enables users to monitor, filter, and view product structures and BOMs from
as early as an "as estimated" BOM of requirements, systems, and functions, through "as
designed" BOM of configuration items and engineering design, until the "as built" BOM of
production items.
Revolutionary, flexible, configurable, and dynamic item life cycle and revision management rules
that are based on a Go-to State engine, enable engineers to manage complex product
structures, through corporate-adjusted item states, such as "Design-for-Prototype",
"Release-for-Planning", or "Release-for-Mass Production". Users can compare and validate
product content, and ensure fast and optimized "Design-to-Order" and other product
development processes, already originated from ENOVA SmarTeam's diverse, multi-CAD
Product Structure Copy and Compare capabilities ensure knowledge reuse, and significant time
savings, and powerful editing capabilities, applicable also through a SmarTeam Briefcase
technology, optimize manipulation and supply chain collaboration. Workflow automation can be
applied on engineering changes made on the BOM, enabling faster innovation cycle, and
improved product quality.
The community manages collaboration with external partners (for example, suppliers or
customers), with access to specific product data only.
SmarTeam - Community Workspace (CMT) is a Web-based, project-oriented, community
portal that enables global product teams to easily, securely, and cost-effectively collaborate on
and manage product information within their extended enterprise and across the supply chain.
Within unique Web portals, virtual product development communities-after passing through
rigorous authorization-collaborate on a defined set of data from within the SmarTeam database.
Workflow participation is available through the SmarTeam Workflow product. By enabling
online collaboration, SmarTeam Community Workspace brings On Demand Business to the
extended enterprise and supply chain. With the means for leveraging and extending their
intellectual property with maximum flexibility, companies can work in a true On Demand
Business environment.
This product is available through the SmarTeam Community Workspace Configuration (SCT)
The navigator enables non-engineers to access product information and participate in business
SmarTeam - Navigator (NVR) exploits standard Web technologies to give remote individuals
and teams with comprehensive access to central SmarTeam database and managed files, from
standard nternet browsers. Users can access product data easily in a dynamic and secure
environment from anywhere.
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With SmarTeam Navigator (NVR), powerful Java streaming technology enables users to
perform advanced searches, and securely view and annotate engineering and office-type
documents without actually downloading them. Regardless of physical location, team members
have secure access to corporate information, and can participate in and contribute to the
development and review process. Used in combination with SmarTeam Workflow, NVR lets
users participate in workflow processes at any time.
This product is available through the SmarTeam Navigator Configuration (SNV) only.
Cross-user options
Cross-user options include specific user functionality that expands the scope of ENOVA
SmarTeam. This category includes:
Workflow and change management
Program management
Regulatory compliance framework
SmarTeam - WorkfIow (WFL) is a workflow automation and management solution that
streamlines business processes and expedites engineering changes. SmarTeam Workflow
(WFL) enables users to manage project workflow, track project status, and automatically route
work from one stage to the next. Users can initiate a workflow by choosing from a list of
pre-defined engineering change processes (that is, engineering change proposal, engineering
change request, engineering change notice, and engineering change order) or easily
custom-define additional workflow processes. SmarTeam Workflow supports embedded
flowcharts, for the simplified representation and automation of complex business processes.
SmarTeam - Program Management (PGM) is an out-of-the box, yet customizable,
full-featured and multi-platform collaborative program management solution. t enables the
storage and management of the vast amount of program-related information, including multiple
projects, timelines, tasks, deliverables and resources, and tightly connects them to product and
process-related knowledge, such as workflow processes, documents, and BOMs.
SmarTeam Program Management (PGM) gives dispersed users throughout the extended
enterprise and across the value chain with a single, unified environment to easily, efficiently, and
securely manage and share these elements in real-time through intuitive, role-based user
interface. This eliminates error-prone manual data entries, and decreasing costs and time to
SmarTeam - ReguIatory CompIiance Framework (RCF) offers a working environment that
accelerates the process by which organizations verify their compliance to industry regulations. t
delivers to companies the tools to ensure and facilitate management of access authorization
within the working environment, database traceability, and electronic signatures within approval
Site Services
The Site Services products deliver the infrastructure for all PLM solutions based on ENOVA
SmarTeam, supporting and proliferating the value of the ENOVA SmarTeam PLM environment
throughout an extended enterprise, as well as into complementary applications.
SmarTeam - Foundation (FDN) is ENOVA SmarTeam's enterprise knowledge platform that
enables the product life-cycle management capabilities delivered through the Windows and Web
Collaboration Dashboard and the rest of the SmarTeam application and best practices suite.
SmarTeam Foundation is configured for optimal use of an organization's information
technology infrastructure, delivering collaboration across the extended enterprise and the supply
chain. Leveraging leading-edge technologies, SmarTeam Foundation offers a secure, open,
flexible, and scalable platform that accommodates an enterprise's growing need to control and
share vast amounts of product information.
SmarTeam Foundation gives authorized users real-time access to product data, from virtually
anywhere. The SmarTeam repository ensures data integrity. All SmarTeam products support
authentication of users against an LDAP server (such as Windows Active Directory, BM
Directory server, and others).
SmarTeam - MuIti-site (MUS) is an asynchronous replication solution for a distributed
environment, enabling full data sharing and product life-cycle collaboration among dispersed
team members at different company locations. t overcomes typical replication challenges by
uniquely combining asynchronous local replication and periodic synchronization, allowing data
integrity, independence and high performance across sites:
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Users, at different locations access the same database, share the same resources and files,
and work on mutual projects.
The data is identical for all. All modifications are propagated to all sites.
Users work simultaneously yet independently. Work continues regardless of the network
connection between sites.
n today's globally dispersed business community, SmarTeam Multi-site is a key competitive
tool, letting businesses leverage their state-of-the-art PLM system to operate more efficiently and
improve productivity.
SmarTeam - MuIti-site VauIt (MUV) has vault replication for distributed sites. Until SmarTeam
V5.17, one SmarTeam multi-site license covered both database replication and vault
replication. As the majority of multi-site implementations are comprised of central sites (which
include both database replication and vault replication) and satellite sites (which are connected
to a remote database and use only vault replication), V5.18 offers two separate types of licenses:
SmarTeam Multi-site (MUS) license for both database replication and vault replication
Multi-site Vault (MUV) license for vault replication only
As there is a demand for a multi-site database replication solution based on databases other
than Oracle, and for a solution suitable for organizations with only a few sites that are not widely
dispersed geographically, SmarTeam Multi-site Vault (MUV) provides a solution based on
vault replication only (that is, using a central database installed in a central location) and will be
able to work with other databases (MS SQL Server and DB2).
SmarTeam - Gateway (GWY) serves as an interoperable backbone that seamlessly integrates
vital enterprise systems, applications and technologies, delivering product content across assets.
By exposing the SmarTeam repository to enterprise applications, SmarTeam Gateway
enables businesses to share and exchange the latest parts, BOMs, change processes,
documents, and other product information across engineering design, manufacturing logistics,
customer service, and other business systems.
SmarTeam Gateway supports standard Enterprise Application ntegration (EA) middleware
platforms (for example, Microsoft BizTalk Server and WebSphere Business ntegration),
bringing Business on Demand across the extended enterprise. By supporting event-triggered
mechanisms that activate bidirectional data exchange between systems, it helps speed
workflows, avoid redundancy and improve communication. ENOVA SmarTeam provides several
adapters, and also integrates with numerous third-party adapters, enabling extensive enterprise
integration scenarios including via BM WebSphere Business ntegration.
SmarTeam - DeveIopment Suite (DVS) delivers tools for enhancing the SmarTeam AP and
building SmarTeam-based Windows or Web applications, and new capabilities, such as:
Web portals with corporate look-and-feel
Cross-platform integrations leveraging T assets
Remote interfaces to SmarTeam
The SmarTeam Development Suite includes the following:
i-PIatform SDK For incorporating SmarTeam functionality in any enterprise system,
streamlining business processes and enhancing applications
SmartIXF SDK For sharing structured product data across systems in a standardized
VisuaI components For integrating of the SmarTeam Web prepackaged components that
can be embedded into corporate or exchange Web portals.
SmarTeam - Job Server (JBS) is a server-side application that handles central SmarTeam
activities. The server configuration frees SmarTeam Editor clients from running these
activities and eliminates the need to have an application installed on each client in order to
process each activity. t remotely automates tasks, optimizing approval processes in the
enterprise's organizational environment.
Configuration Iist
Configurations are a convenient, prepackaged way for customers to order and install the
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BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 26
adequate combination of products for each type of user. They are offered at an attractive price
compared to the sum of individual products.
A standard configuration contains a pre-defined list of products that corresponds to typical user
profiles across industries and processes. These configurations enable a group of products to be
treated, for licensing purposes, as a single application. After a customer has installed a given
configuration, the configuration mechanism allows the customer to manage the evolution and
growth of the user profile content by adding additional products.
ENOVA SmarTeam products are available in the following configurations:
Includes the following
Trigram SmarTeam Configuration SmarTeam products
SED SmarTeam -- Editor Foundation + Editor
TDM SmarTeam CATIA Foundation + Editor
Team PDM + CATIA Integration
TDW SmarTeam CATIA Web Foundation + Editor
Team PDM + CATIA Web Integration
SMC SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Foundation + Editor +
Configuration Multi CAD Integration
SEG SmarTeam -- Engineering Foundation + Editor +
Configuration Workflow + BOM
TDE SmarTeam -- Foundation + Editor +
Team PDM Engineering CATIA Integration +
Configuration Workflow + BOM
SME SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Foundation + Editor +
Engineering Configuration Multi CAD Integration +
Workflow + BOM
SCT SmarTeam -- Foundation + Community
Community Workspace Workspace
SNV SmarTeam -- Navigator Foundation + Navigator
SMA SmarTeam -- Foundation + Editor
Multi-site + Multi-site
SMV SmarTeam -- Multi-site Foundation + Editor
Vault Administration + Multi-site Vault
SDV SmarTeam -- Development Foundation + Editor +
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Suite Configuration Development Suite
SEH SmarTeam -- Education Targeted only for
HEAT Configuration educational/academic
customers. Includes:
Foundation + Editor
+ Program Management
+ CATIA Supply
Chain Engineering Exchange +
Navigator + Community
Workspace + BOM +
Workflow + RCF
Compliance +
All SmarTeam CAD
including CAI, SEI, ACI,
SGA SmarTeam -- Gateway Foundation + Editor + Gateway
SJB SmarTeam -- Job Server Foundation + Editor
Configuration + Job Server
SmarTeam - Editor Configuration (SED): Comprised of the SmarTeam Foundation and
SmarTeam Editor products, this configuration delivers the core functionality of the ENOVA
SmarTeam collaborative PDM system.
SmarTeam CATIA Team PDM Configuration (TDM): Containing the SmarTeam
Foundation, SmarTeam Editor, and SmarTeam CATA ntegration products, this
configuration delivers rapidly implemented, scalable, and customizable collaborative data
management, seamlessly integrated with CATA V5.
SmarTeam CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration (TDW): Comprised of the SmarTeam
Foundation, SmarTeam Editor, and SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration products, this
configuration delivers Web-based collaborative product data management, for local and remote
CATA V5 users working on the Windows platform.
SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Configuration (SMC): Encompassing the SmarTeam Foundation,
SmarTeam Editor, and SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration products, this configuration
delivers rapidly implemented, scalable, and customizable collaborative data management,
seamlessly integrated with Multi CAD (SolidWorks, nventor, AutoCAD, and Solid Edge).
SmarTeam - Engineering Configuration (SEG): Containing the SmarTeam Foundation,
SmarTeam Editor, SmarTeam Workflow, and SmarTeam BOM products. By adding on
the appropriate CAD ntegrations, this configuration offers a comprehensive PDM solution,
resulting in a collaborative environment for secure, automated document management, BOM
management, and workflow and change management solutions.
SmarTeam - Team PDM Engineering Configuration (TDE): Comprised of the SmarTeam
Foundation, SmarTeam Editor, SmarTeam CATA ntegration, SmarTeam Workflow,
and SmarTeam BOM products. This configuration is intended for users who are handling
CATA product designs as well as BOM manipulation and participate in Workflow processes. t
represents an effective way of combining Designer for CATA and Engineering.
SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Engineering Configuration (SME): Consisting of the SmarTeam
Foundation, SmarTeam Editor, SmarTeam Multi CAD ntegration, SmarTeam Workflow,
and SmarTeam BOM products, this configuration is intended for users who are handling Multi
CAD product designs as well as BOM manipulation and participate in Workflow processes. t
represents an effective way of combining Designer for Multi CAD and Engineering.
SmarTeam - Community Workspace Configuration (SCT): Consisting of the SmarTeam
Foundation and SmarTeam Community Workspace products, this configuration enables
companies and product teams to easily and securely collaborate on and manage product
information within their extended enterprise and across the supply chain.
SmarTeam - Navigator Configuration (SNV): Composed of the SmarTeam Foundation
and the SmarTeam Navigator products, this configuration enables enterprise users not
required to modify data and files to securely search, browse and view engineering and office
SmarTeam - MuIti-site Administration Configuration (SMA): Encompassing the SmarTeam
Foundation, SmarTeam Editor, and SmarTeam Multi-site products, this configuration
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provides a database and vault replication capabilities.
SmarTeam - MuIti-site VauIt Administration Configuration (SMV): Comprised of the
SmarTeam Foundation, SmarTeam Editor, and SmarTeam Multi-site Vault products,
this configuration provides vault replication capabilities.
SmarTeam - DeveIopment Suite Configuration (SDV): Delivers additional APs for accessing
ENOVA SmarTeam via customized Web applications. Allows creation and reading of iXF
SmarTeam - EducationaI HEAT Configuration (SEH): For educational/academic HEAT
programs, this configuration is available for educational and academic institutions only.
SmarTeam - Gateway Administration Configuration (SGA): Provides a gateway to a wide
range of enterprise and legacy applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP),
product data management (PDM), customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain
management (SCM) systems through standard EA platforms.
SmarTeam - Job Server Configuration (SJB): Promotes automation while optimizing
organizational efficiency, reliability and accuracy. Executing tasks in the background via a central
server while freeing up the initiating user for other activities
SmarTeam V5.18 product/configuration matrix
I = Included in configuration
S = Available as a shareable product
A = Available as an AOP
MUS - - - - I - - - - - - - - - -
MUV - - - - - I - - - - - - - - -
GWY - - - - - - - - - - - - - I -
JBS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
DVS - - - - - - - - - - - - I - -
EDR I - - I I I I I I I I I I I I
SEE S - - S - - S S S S S I S - S
CAI A/S - - A/S - - I A/S A/S I A/S I A/S - A/S
CWI A/S - - A/S - - A/S I A/S A/S A/S I A/S - A/S
SWI A/S - - A/S - - A/S A/S A/S A/S A/S I A/S - A/S
SEI A/S - - A/S - - A/S A/S A/S A/S A/S I A/S - A/S
ACI A/S - - A/S - - A/S A/S A/S A/S A/S I A/S - A/S
INI A/S - - A/S - - A/S A/S A/S A/S A/S I A/S - A/S
MCI A/S - - A/S - - A/S A/S I A/S I - A/S - A/S
BOM S - - I - - S S S I I I S - S
CMT - - I - - - - - - - - I - - -
NVR - I - - - - - - - - - I - - -
WFL S S S I - - S S S I I I S - S
PGM A - - A - - A A A A A I A - A
RCF A* - - A* - - A* A* A* A* A* I A* - A*
* With addition of WFL
SmarTeam WLS companion courses
Note: The SmarTeam WLS companion courses are supplied at the V5.17 level. No updates are
Education support
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 29
ScheduIes and enroIIment
Call the BM PLM North America (PLM/NA) response line at 800-395-3339 for schedules and
ENOVIA SmarTeam Higher Education and Training (HEAT) Program
Under the HEAT program, a configuration is available for qualifying institutions to order ENOVA
SmarTeam V5. SmarTeam Educational HEAT Configuration (5671-SEH) includes:
SmarTeam Foundation Product (FDN)
SmarTeam Editor Product (EDR)
SmarTeam Navigator Product (NVR)
SmarTeam Community Workspace Product (CMT)
SmarTeam CATA ntegration Product (CA)
SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration Product (CW)
SmarTeam CATA Supply Chain Engineering Exchange Product (SEE)
SmarTeam SW ntegration Product (SW)
SmarTeam SE ntegration Product (SE)
SmarTeam AC ntegration Product (AC)
SmarTeam N ntegration Product (N)
SmarTeam Workflow Product (WFL)
SmarTeam BOM Product (BOM)
SmarTeam Program Management Product (PGM)
SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework Product (RCF)
This configuration is available for educational and academic institutions only.
A Special Bid Offering is available in V5.18 to allow approved SmarTeam Educational HEAT
Configuration (5671-SEH) licensees to order the WLS SmarTeam User Companion
Configuration (5671-SUC), for their HEAT licenses, at no additional cost. One seat of 5671-SUC
must be ordered for each seat of 5671-SEH configuration in the enterprise. Contact your BM
Sales representative for details.
TechnicaI information
Hardware requirements: n this release the hardware and software requirements are combined;
refer to the Minimum hardware and software requirements section.
Key prerequisites
ENOVA SmarTeam V5 desktop applications run on selected system levels of Microsoft
The client side of ENOVA SmarTeam V5 Web products (Editor Web client, Navigator, and
Community Workspace) run on selected system levels of:
Microsoft Windows using specific versions of Microsoft nternet Explorer
AX 5.3 with Mozilla 1.7
HP-UX 11.i with Mozilla 1.7
Novell (SUSE) Linux Desktop 9 with Mozilla 1.7
APIs are deIivered for the foIIowing products:
SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
SmarTeam Workflow (WFL)
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 30
SmarTeam BOM (BOM)
SmarTeam Editor Web client / Navigator (EDR/NVR) (through server-side hooks
SmarTeam Community Workspace (CMT) (through server-side hooks mechanisms)
The SmarTeam CATA ntegration AP is provided in the CATA media (CAA Automation
Database servers
DB2 8.2.4
DB2 8.1 with Fix Pak 11
Oracle 10g R2
Microsoft SQL server 2005 SP2
Microsoft SQL server 2005 SP2 Express Edition (formerly MSDE)
ENOVA SmarTeam ships with DB2 or Oracle Relational Database Managers (RDBMSs) as part
of its product package. Refer to the Use of database components section for additional
For database operating system and hardware requirements, refer to the Web site of the
appropriate vendor
Minimum hardware and software requirements
Note: The latest version of the ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 Hardware and Software
Requirements document is available from the SmarTeam support Web site at
Important: All ENOVA SmarTeam servers must be installed on member server machines only.
(Member servers are those servers in your Active Directory environment that do not provide
authentication for domain user accounts.) They must not be installed on a machine that also
provides additional network services, for example, domain controllers (primary domain controller
or backup domain controller), WNS servers, and DNS servers.
SmarTeam - Foundation
SmarTeam Foundation provides server components for both SmarTeam Windows and Web
applications. Dedicated servers will be installed upon selected configuration.
For SmarTeam Windows-based applications
Vault server
Session/Configuration Services
Full Text Search server
n addition to the previously listed servers, SmarTeam Web applications need the following:
Web server
Community Workspace server
Web Viewer server
Note: The Web-based servers are available on the Web Application CD.
The Workflow server is applicable across SmarTeam Windows and Web-based applications.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 31
Refer to the SmarTeam - Workflow section for system requirements.
VauIt server
Hardware requirements
Dual CPU Xeon DP 1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB or higher
Disk space: 750 MB More disk space may be required for actual vault directories, if these
reside on the same computer
Network connection to servers: TCP/P
Software requirements
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 (including 64-bit), Standard Edition or Enterprise
Vault directories must be deployed on an NTFS partition if reside on Windows server 2003
SP1 or 2003 R2 file server. Vault directories may also be deployed on UNX/Linux platforms.
For UNX/Linux usage, Samba 2.2.8a Windows emulation must be used.
For V5.18, SmarTeam's Vault server can be used for demonstration purposes on machines,
which are running Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2. Although Windows XP is not
planned to be used as a server, tests have been performed to ensure that the system will
work properly during demonstrations. As the Windows XP system is not aimed to be used
as a server, it must not be used in production.
t is highly recommended to install each of the Vault, Workflow, and Session/Configuration
services on a different server machine.
Session/Configuration services
Hardware requirements
Dual CPU Xeon DP 1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB or higher
Disk space: 750 MB More disk space may be required for actual vault directories, if these
reside on the same computer
Network connection to servers: TCP/P.
Software requirements
Windows server 2003 SP1, or 2003 R2 (including 64-bit) Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition.
SmarTeam Web Server
Hardware requirements
Allows Web access for SmarTeam Web Editor and/or SmarTeam Navigator
Dual CPU Xeon DP1.8 GHz or higher.
Memory: 4 GB MB RAM or higher.
Disk space: 750 MB. Additional disk space may be required for temporary files.
100 MB/s NC or higher.
Note: The Web Editor server must be installed on a separate dedicated machine.
Software requirements
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 (including 64-bit) Standard Edition or Enterprise
Web server: Microsoft nternet nformation Services 6.0 (S 6) (32-bit) for Windows server
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 32
nternet Protocol (TCP/P) with static P address
Microsoft nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2 and 7.0.
Database client
SmarTeam Editor V5.18
Local or network access to SmarTeam Web Viewer (Refer to the SmarTeam Web Viewer
For V5.18, SmarTeam Web server can be used for demonstration purposes on machines
which are running Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2. Although Windows XP is not
supported, because it is not intended as a server, tests have been performed to ensure that
the system will work properly during demonstrations.
When using Windows server 2003, verify that ASP.NET is installed: Navigate to ControI
PaneI/Add-Remove Software/ Windows Components/AppIication Server and verify that
the ASP.NET component is checked.
Community Workspace Server
Hardware requirements
Allows Web access for SmarTeam Community Workspace Product.
Dual Xeon DP1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1GB RAM or higher
Disk space: 750 MB. Additional disk space may be required for temporary files.
100 MB/s NC or higher
Note: The Community Workspace server should reside on a separate dedicated machine.
Software requirements
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition.
Web server: Microsoft nternet nformation Services 6.0 (S 6) (32-bit) for Windows server
Note: When using Windows server 2003, make sure ASP.NET is installed. Navigate to
ControI PaneI/Add-Remove Software/ Windows Components/AppIication Server and
verify that ASP.NET component is checked.
nternet Protocol (TCP/P) with permanent P address
Microsoft nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2 and 7.0.
Database client
Local or remote access to the SmarTeam Web Viewer server For viewing, refer to the
SmarTeam Web Server requirements.
SmarTeam Editor V5.18
SmarTeam Web Viewer
SmarTeam Web Viewer is a Web-based server solution for viewing and redlining. t is used in
conjunction with the Web server. t is recommended to have a dedicated server machine for
SmarTeam Web Viewer with the requirements that follow.
Hardware requirements
Dual CPU, Xeon DP1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher
Disk space: 1 GB. Additional disk space may be required for temporary files.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 33
100 MB/s NC
Software requirements
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 standard Edition or Enterprise Edition
Microsoft nternet Services 6.0 (S 6) (32-bit) for Windows server 2003
nternet Protocol (TCP/P) with permanent P address
nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2 and 7.0
FuII Text Search Server
Hardware requirements
Important: The Full Text Search (FTS) database search capability is supported only within
Oracle or Microsoft SQL server, according to SmarTeam supported database product versions.
For database requirements, refer to the appropriate vendor at the following sites
For the vault, refer to the Vault server software requirements section.
Software requirements
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 Standard Edition with S 6.0 (32-bit).
f the selected database is Microsoft SQL server, Microsoft SQL server's Full text Search
component should be selected and installed during the MS SQL Database server installation.
f the selected database is Oracle, Oracle's ntermedia Cartridge component should be
selected and installed during the Oracle Database server installation.
DS Viewer Server
Hardware requirements
Dual CPU, Xeon DP1.8 GHz, or higher.
Memory: 4 GB RAM or higher.
Disk space: 750 MB Additional disk space may be required for temporary files.
100 MB/s NC or higher.
Software requirements
Microsoft Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2, Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition
Web server: Microsoft nternet nformation Services 6.0 (32-bit) for Windows server 2003
nternet Protocol (TCP/P) with static P address or dedicated DNS name
Microsoft nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, SP2, and 7.0
Database client
SmarTeam Editor V5.18
Local or network access from SmarTeam Web server and/or SmarTeam Editor clients.
Note: When using Windows server 2003, verify that ASP.NET is installed by navigating to
ControI PaneI, Add-Remove Software, Windows Components, AppIication Server, and
ensure that the ASP.NET component is checked.
SmarTeam - MuIti-site
CIient (Admin/Run time)
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 34
Software requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18
The Administration Tools can be installed only on Windows 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 (including
64-bit) Standard or Enterprise editions.
Server database repIication
Hardware requirements
Dual Xeon DP1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher
Storage: Dual channel RAD controller with 2+5 disks using Ultra 160 SCS drives 10,000
RPM or higher
Available 192 KB connection between sites
Software requirements
Oracle 10g R2 and its prerequisites
The database replication mechanism is currently available on Oracle only.
A professional database administrator (DBA) with knowledge of Oracle Replication is required
on site for installation and on-going maintenance. The implementation of this product requires
prior SmarTeam certification.
For database operating system requirements, refer to the appropriate vendor at the following
VauIt repIication - RepIiWeb DepIoyment Suite (RDS)
Hardware requirements
RepliWeb Deployment Suite (RDS) does not require special hardware configuration. t can
work either on the vault server itself or any other computer with sufficient resources. Resource
allocation for RepliWeb does not require a dedicated or specialized computer.
Dual CPU Xeon DP1.8 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher
Disk space: 100 MB free disk space
Available 192KB connection between sites (depends on database size and frequency of
updates). This parameter will depend highly on the total data volume, number of users and
files and intensity of communications.
Note: For hardware requirements of the vault server, refer to the SmarTeam - Foundation
Software requirements
SmarTeam Multi-site provides the means to configure and work in an environment where
each vault has a parallel vault on all other sites.
For vault server system requirements, refer to the SmarTeam - Foundation Vault server
software section.
A server called RepliWeb RDS (RDS 2.4), which is used to replicate files between sites.
A service called RepliWeb Drive Mapper (RDM), which complements the RDS server. RDM is
required only in cases where RDS is running under Win32 environment, and the vault
directories reside on another computer than the vault server machine.
nstallations of these two programs are not included on the SmarTeam Multi-site CD. Code
must be downloaded from ENOVA SmarTeam Web site accessible through the BM support
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 35
SmarTeam Corporation provides a free license of RDS in case both of the following conditions
are in place:
The platform is either Win32 or Linux.
The host computers do not have more than two CPUs.
n case RDM is required, and the conditions for a free license of RDS are in place, an RDM
license will also be provided free of charge by SmarTeam Corporation.
Each vault site requires an RDS installation.
RDS can be installed on Windows, Linux, or UNX.
n a Win32 environment, RDS should be installed on the vault server machine.
f vault directories reside on Linux or UNX, there are two possible RDS installation
Recommended (for performance reasons) RDS is installed directly on the Linux/UNX
Optional RDS is installed on the vault server machine.
Full details on specific supported operating system platforms for RDS can be found in the
following link
Customers may choose to use a different file replication tool available in the market.
Storage configuration is highly dependent on backup and restore strategy, and performance
SmarTeam - MuIti Site VauIt
CIient (Admin/Runtime)
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor
Software requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor. The Administration Tools can
be installed only on server operating systems. That is, the relevant certified versions of Windows
server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise editions.
VauIt repIication
Hardware requirements
RDS (RepliWeb Deployment Suite) does not require special hardware configuration and can
run on the SmarTeam Vault server or any other computer with sufficient resources. Resource
allocation for RepliWeb does not require a dedicated or specialized computer.
Dual CPU Xeon DP1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher
Disk space: 100 MB
Available 192KB connection between sites (depending on database size and frequency of
updates). This parameter depends on the total data volume, number of users, files and
intensity of communications.
Note: For hardware requirements of the SmarTeam Vault server, refer to the SmarTeam -
Foundation requirements section.
Software requirements
Microsoft DFS (Distributed File System) or RepliWeb RDS
DFS n order to activate a working DFS Replication system between vault sites:
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 36
All storage machines must run on Windows server 2003 R2 operating system.
The network topology must have an active directory and a domain controller.
All storage machines on all sites must be in the same forest. Users cannot enable
replication across servers in different forests.
The vaults must be located on NTFS volumes. They cannot be mapped to the storage
machines by NFS. This means that files cannot be located on special storage solutions.
UNX machines are also not supported.
Note: Clusters are not supported on the DFS service.
A server named RDS (RDS 2.4), which is used to replicate files between sites.
A service named RDM, which complements the RDS server. RDM is required only in cases
in which RDS runs under the Win32 environment and the vault directories reside on a
computer other than the vault server machine.
nstallations of these two programs are not included on the SmarTeam Multi-site CD.
SmarTeam Corporation provides a free license for RDS if both the following conditions are
The platform is either Win32 or Linux.
The host computers do not have more than two CPUs.
f RDM is required, and the conditions for a free license of RDS are met, an RDM license will
also be provided free of charge by SmarTeam Corporation.
Each vault site requires an RDS installation. RDS can be installed on Windows, Linux, or UNX.
n a Win32 environment, RDS should be installed on the vault server machine.
f vault directories reside on Linux or UNX, there are two possible RDS installation
Recommended (for performance reasons) RDS is installed directly on the Linux/UNX
Optional RDS is installed on the vault server machine.
Full details on specific supported operating system platforms for RDS can be found at
SmarTeam - Gateway
Hardware requirements
Pentium V 2.4 MHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB or higher
Free disk space: 2 GB
100 MB/s NC or higher
Note: Based on workload, level of communication and volume of exchanged data, the Gateway
server may be installed on a dedicated machine.
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18
Choice of integration middleware:
For message based integration, BM MQSeries V5.3 or higher
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 37
For B broker based integration, WebSphere Business ntegration server and Enterprise
V4.3. Both rely on WebSphere Business ntegration Adapter Framework, V2.6.0
For additional details on WebSphere Business ntegration or WebSphere MQSeries and
their prerequisites, visit
Microsoft BizTalk server Microsoft BizTalk server 2006 Standard Edition or Enterprise
Microsoft SQL server required for Microsoft BizTalk 2006
Microsoft Windows server Windows 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition or Standard
For additional details on Microsoft BizTalk and its prerequisites, visit
Based on selected integration topology, SmarTeam Gateway can be used without
Administrator-level knowledge of middleware (BizTalk or WebSphere Business ntelligence)
is required for implementation.
The implementation of this product also requires prior SmarTeam certification.
SmarTeam - DeveIopment Suite
Hardware requirements
As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
For i-Platform server component
Dual CPU, Xeon DP 1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1GB or higher
Free hard disk space: 750 MB
10/100 MB/s NC or higher
Software requirements
i-Platform SDK Component
Windows 2003 server SP1, or 2003 R2 (including 64-bit) Enterprise Edition or Standard
Microsoft nternet nformation Services 6.0
SmarTeam Editor V5.18
Client A Java development environment compatible with JDK 1.3 is required to use the
supplied libraries and samples.
SmartXF SDK Component:
Microsoft Windows server 2003 SP1, or 2003 R2
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
SmarTeam - WorkfIow
Hardware requirements
Dual CPU Xeon DP 1.8 GHz or higher
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 38
Memory: 1 GB RAM or more
Free disk Space: 750 MB
Client As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18
Software requirements
Server Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 (including 64-bit) Enterprise Edition or
Standard Edition
Client As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18
SmarTeam - BOM
Hardware requirements
As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Note: SmarTeam BOM Briefcase can be used without SmarTeam Editor.
Software requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Note: SmarTeam BOM Briefcase can be used without SmarTeam Editor.
SmarTeam - CATIA SuppIy Chain Engineering Exchange
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Software requirements
As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18
CATA and ENOVA DMU Navigator V5.16, V5.17, and V5.18
SmarTeam CATA ntegration V5.18
Note: Verify that the minimum CATA hardware and software requirements are met.
SmarTeam - Editor
Hardware requirements
Pentium V 2.4 GHz or higher
Memory: 512 MB or higher
Free disk space: 750 MB
Network connection to SmarTeam Foundation servers: TCP/P
Software requirements
Windows XP Professional SP2 (including 64-bit)
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 (including 64-bit), Standard Edition or Enterprise
SmarTeam Editor includes Microsoft Word and Excel ntegrations. Both integrations
support Word and Excel in the following versions:
2003 SP2
For sending e-mail messages from SmarTeam Editor, Microsoft Outlook 2003 SP1, 2003
SP2, 2007, and Lotus Notes 6.5 and 7 are supported.
Microsoft nternet nformation Services (S) is required for SmarTeam Editor if the System
Configuration Editor is installed as part of the SmarTeam Administrator tools. For Windows
2003, S 6.0 (32-bit) is required.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 39
Web (SmarTeam - Editor Web cIient)
Software requirements
CIient (For Web server requirements refer to the SmarTeam - Foundation section.)
Operating systems
Windows XP Professional SP2
AX 5.3
HP-UX 11i
Enterprise Red-Hat Linux 4
Novell (SUSE) Linux Desktop 9
Note: DS Viewer is not supported on the Linux operating system.
Web browsers
Windows: Microsoft nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2 and 7.0 (32-bit Edition)
BM AX: Mozilla 1.7
HP-UX: Mozilla 1.7
Linux: Mozilla 1.7
Miscellaneous requirements
For sending e-mail messages from SmarTeam Editor Web client, Microsoft Outlook 2003
SP1, 2003 SP2, 2007, and Lotus Notes 6.5 and 7 are supported.
For performing different actions on client machine, the following JAVA plug-in (RTE / JRE)
should be used:
Windows: 1.5.0_10 and 1.6.0_00
AX: 1.5
HP: 5.0.01
Linux: 1.5.0_06 1.5.0_11
The DS viewer is supported on Windows, AX, and HP-UX OS only.
The eDrawings viewer is supported on Windows operating system only.
SmarTeam - Navigator
Refer to the SmarTeam - Editor Web client (EDR) section for requirements.
SmarTeam - Community Workspace
Software requirements
Operating Systems Windows XP Professional SP2
Web Browsers Windows Microsoft nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2 and 7.0 (32-bit
Extraction utility for zip files.
For sending e-mail messages from SmarTeam Community Workspace: Microsoft
Outlook 2003 SP1, 2003 SP2 and 2007.
For performing specific actions on the client machine (Windows environment): Java Plug-in
1.5.0_06 1.5.0_11 is required.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 40
CAD integrations
The latest information on CAD and operating systems compatibility is available from the ENOVA
SmarTeam support Web site at
SmarTeam - CATIA Integration
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Note: Be aware of minimum CATA hardware requirements.
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18, and its prerequisites
CATA and ENOVA DMU Navigator V5.16, V5.17, or V5.18
Note: Be aware of minimum CATA system requirements.
SmarTeam - CATIA Web Integration (CWI)
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor Web client (EDR)
Software requirements
Operating system
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Note: On Windows 64-bit, SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration supports both configurations:
CATA 64-bit + ClientLibraries 64-bit
CATA 32-bit + ClientLibraries 32-bit
CATA and ENOVA DMU Navigator V5.18.
Web Browser for Windows: Microsoft nternet Explorer 6.0 SP1, 6.0 SP2 and 7.0 (32-bit
Connection to the SmarTeam Web server V5.18.
CATA and SmarTeam Web Editor server must have the same level of Release and
Service Pack.
Note: Be aware of minimum CATA system requirements.
Server As specified for SmarTeam Editor (WEB)
SmarTeam - SE Integration
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Note: Be aware of minimum Solid Edge hardware requirements.
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18 and its prerequisites
Solid Edge V19
Note: Be aware of minimum Solid Edge system requirements.
SmarTeam - SoIidWorks Integration
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 41
Note: Be aware of minimum SolidWorks hardware requirements.
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18, and its prerequisites
SolidWorks 2007 SP3
Note: Be aware of minimum SolidWorks system requirements.
SmarTeam - AC Integration
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Note: Be aware of minimum AutoCAD hardware requirements.
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18, and its prerequisites
AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical 2008
Note: Be aware of minimum AutoCAD system requirements.
SmarTeam - IN Integration
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Note: Be aware of minimum nventor hardware requirements.
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18 (EDR) and its prerequisites
nventor 2008
Note: Be aware of minimum nventor system requirements.
SmarTeam - Program Management
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR)
Software requirements
As specified for SmarTeam Editor (EDR).
For project mangers, MS-Project 2003 Service Pack 2 must also be installed.
Note: Verify that MS-Project software requirements are met.
SmarTeam - ReguIatory CompIiance Framework
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18 (EDR)
Software requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18 (EDR) and its
Note: SmarTeam Job Server must be installed on the site.
SmarTeam - Job Server
Hardware requirements As specified for SmarTeam Editor V5.18 (EDR)
Software requirements
SmarTeam Editor V5.18 (EDR) and its prerequisites
Windows server 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2 Enterprise or Standard Edition with S 6.0, for SMTP
e-mail services
Authoring software for printing/silent release (Microsoft Word and Excel, AutoCAD, and
SolidWorks in their supported versions)
AdditionaI software requirements
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 42
License use management: Network access to BM License Use Management (LUM) server
4.6.8 Patch 3 is required to serve concurrent license keys across a network.
LUM 4.6.8 Patch 3 Runtime servers can be used on Windows or UNX license servers, as
supported by BM.
For the latest information on LUM, visit
LUM Runtime software V4.6.8 comes with the full set of ENOVA SmarTeam CD-ROMs, or may
be obtained from the LUM Web site at no charge.
Important: LUM 4.6.8 keys, including Nodelocked keys, cannot be used on virtual machines
such as VMware.
LUM's High Availability Licensing feature may be used with ENOVA SmarTeam. LUM dynamic
license management (the ability to acquire and release LUM keys in the middle of a session) and
LUM concurrent offline licenses (LUM keys intended for disconnected laptop users) are not
supported. Users of the CATA integrations should take special note of this restriction, as CATA
itself does support these functions for its native add-on and shareable products.
Software Iicense keys for RepIiWeb: RepliWeb's RDS and RDM products, which are optional
co-requirements of SmarTeam Multi-site (MUS) and SmarTeam Multi-site Vault (MUV),
require their own software license keys. These must be obtained from SmarTeam Corporation
For details, refer to the License Program Specifications (LPS) document.
Lightweight directory access protocoI (LDAP): ENOVA SmarTeam Authentication supports
the following LDAP systems:
BM Tivoli Directory server 5.2 and 6.0; running on Windows 2003 SP1 or 2003 R2
Microsoft Active Directory running on Windows 2003 server SP1
SUN Java System Directory server Enterprise Edition 5.2
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3
64-bit environment: The following SmarTeam products can run as 32-bit applications in a 64-bit
SmarTeam Foundation can only run on Windows 2003 server R2 64-bit.
SmarTeam Editor Web server can only run on Windows 2003 server R2 64-bit.
SmarTeam Workflow (client only)
SmarTeam BOM
SmarTeam CATA ntegration
Note: mpact Analysis is not supported in a 64-bit environment.
The SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration product can run as a 64-bit application in a 64-bit
Note: n order to work with SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration in a 64-bit environment, users
must use a 32-bit nternet Explorer.
Supported hardware and operating systems
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Windows 2003 R2 x64
ntel EM64T or AMD Opteron 64
NationaI Ianguage support
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The English version is the default ENOVA SmarTeam language. n addition, official translations
to German, French, and Japanese are provided to the following components:
ENOVA SmarTeam Demo database
Errors and messages files
ENOVA SmarTeam documentation (online help and manuals)
ENOVA SmarTeam is a multi-language software, and currently runs on various languages at
customer sites.
Online help is provided with ENOVA SmarTeam V5 product CD-ROMs.
Documentation available on the program directory CD-ROM includes:
Product Enhancements Overview (What's New)
Hardware and software requirements
Upgrade document
nstallation notices and modifications
Release notes (general, open and closed issues)
A full set of documentation is available on the documentation CD-ROM:
Prerequisite guides
Online help (user guide)
Administrator guides
nstallation guides
Various guides are readily accessible using a standard Web browser.
Portable Documentation Format (PDF) documentation is delivered for different guides. Browsing
and printing of these documents requires the availability of Adobe Acrobat Reader at a minimum
level of 6.0. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from
Software requirements
ReIease supported software requirements
n this release the hardware and software requirements are combined, refer to the Minimum
hardware and software requirements section.
PIanning information
Direct customer support: Direct customer support is offered under a PLM enhanced support
contract. This service for a fee enhances the customer's productivity by providing voice and
electronic access to the PLM Support Center. For eligible products, the PLM help desk can
answer questions pertaining to the installation, administration, use, and handling of suspected
software defects.
For additional information about the enhanced support contract and other available PLM services
offerings, visit the PLM Technical Support Web site
Click on the EIectronic Customer Support Representative (ECSR) enhanced support
detaiIs link or contact your PLM representative or authorized BM Business Partner for more
Note: The DB2 license option for this product, follows the DB2 support terms and conditions.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 44
For announcement details on DB2 V8.1, refer to 202-214, dated September 17, 2002.
The SmarTeam P ntegration product is being withdrawn, and its end of service date coincides
with the SmarTeam V5.17 end of support date of September 28, 2009.
ENOVIA SmarTeam V5.18 packaging
Each shipment of ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 will include:
ENOVIA SmarTeam Product Box (LK3T-8927) contains:
Application code and Program Directory 5 CDs (LCD4-6653)
VoIume 1
-- SmarTeam Foundation
-- SmarTeam Editor
-- SmarTeam CAD ntegrations
-- SmarTeam Workflow
-- SmarTeam BOM
-- SmarTeam Program Management
-- SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework
VoIume 2
-- SmarTeam Editor (Web user interface)
-- SmarTeam Navigator
-- SmarTeam Community Workspace
-- SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration
VoIume 3
-- SmarTeam Multi-site
-- SmarTeam Gateway
-- SmarTeam Development Suite
-- SmarTeam Multi-site Vault
-- SmarTeam Job Server
VoIume 4 SmarTeam Demo Environment for ENOVA SmarTeam
VoIume 5 Program directory for ENOVA SmarTeam
LUM Run-time V4.6.8 + patch (LCD4-7882)
EngIish softcopy pubIications (SK3T-9101)
Each ENOVA SmarTeam customer will receive in the shipping box DB2 (A multi-CD holder
containing one of two available DB2 options) or Oracle.
Option 1 (defauIt) - DB2 8.2.4 Express for Windows (LCD7-2046) Containing five CDs
in one multi-CD holder:
CD #1 Universal Database Express Edition V8.1 (DB2 Database for Microsoft Windows)
CD #2 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2 Fix Pack 11 (DB2 Database for
Microsoft Windows)
CD #3 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2 (DB2 Admin Client for Microsoft
CD #4 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2 Fix Pack 11 (DB2 Admin Client for
Microsoft Windows)
CD #5 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2.4 (Program Directory / Release Notes)
Option 2 - DB2 8.2.4 Workgroup for AIX 5 and/or Windows (LCD7-2047) Containing
eight CDs in one multi-CD holder:
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 45
CD #1 Universal Database Workgroup Edition V8.2 (DB2 Database for Microsoft
CD #2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition V8.2 Fix Pack 11 (DB2 Database for
Microsoft Windows)
CD #3 Universal Database Workgroup Edition V8.2 (DB2 Database for BM AX 5)
CD #4 (Vol. 1 of 2) Universal Database Workgroup Edition V8.2 Fix Pack 11 (DB2
Database for BM AX 5)
CD #5 (Vol. 2 of 2) Universal Database Workgroup Edition V8.2 Fix Pack 11 (DB2
Database for BM AX 5)
CD #6 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2 (DB2 Admin Client for Microsoft
CD #7 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2 Fix Pack 11 (DB2 Admin Client for
Microsoft Windows)
CD #8 Universal Database Express Edition V8.2.4 (Program Directory / Release Notes)
OracIe (LCD7-2048) Containing two DVDs and one CD in one multi-CD holder:
Volume 1 of 3 DVD #1 Oracle 10g Database Release 2 ( for Microsoft
Windows 32 bit
Volume 2 of 3 CD Oracle 10g Client Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows 32 bit
Volume 3 of 3 DVD #2 Oracle 10g Database Documentation Library CD-ROM
Release 2 (
Softcopy pubIications CD-ROM - SmarTeam - NLS Softcopy CoIIection Kit (SK3T-0618)
The NLS CD-ROM containing translated publications (French, German, and Japanese) will be
available approximately 8 weeks after general availability.
ENOVIA SmarTeam Web-base Learning SoIutions (WLS) V5.18 Packaging
Note: The SmarTeam WLS companion courses are supplied at the V5.17 level. New CDs are
provided, but there are no updates.
Each shipment of ENOVA SmarTeam WLS V5.18 will include:
SmarTeam User Companion Fundamentals Configuration Product for Windows CD-ROM
SmarTeam User Companion CATA ntegration Product for Windows CD-ROM (LCD4-7820)
nformal documentation consisting of:
ENOVA SmarTeam WLS V5.18 Licensed Program Specification (LPS) (G11-4376)
PLM Products Current User's Memo (G11-4403)
PLM Products Software Registration Memo (G11-4404)
Security, auditabiIity, and controI
The announced program uses the security and auditability features of the operating system
software. The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security
features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and
communication facilities.
Ordering information
YearIy Iicense charge (YLC): This license charge is billed yearly in advance for the use of a
licensed program. Customers who pay a YLC for a licensed program receive enhancements and
future releases, if any, at no additional charge. A prorated credit will be issued for the unused
portion of the YLC in the event a licensed program is discontinued.
Process charge: The process charge for media has been withdrawn.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 46
Current Iicensees
Current licensees will receive this update from BM Software Delivery and Fulfillment
Shipment of this release of ENOVA SmarTeam V5 is scheduled to be completed by October 15,
2007. Shipment of this release of ENOVA SmarTeam WLS V5 is scheduled to be completed by
October 12, 2007.
New Iicensees
Orders for new licenses will be accepted now. For new licensees, shipment will begin on the
planned availability date.
Important: Effective May 1, 2007, 5671-, 5673-, and 5672-prefixed Cross Brand
Solutions/Enterprise Software (CBS/ESW) program numbers replaced their 5691-, 5693-, and
5795-prefixed legacy equivalents. Products can be ordered only with these new program
To order a basic license, specify:
The desired configuration program number (for example, 5671-SED)
The total number of users and desired payment method (for example, PLC/ALC, YLC), using
feature numbers as shown below.
The desired add-on and/or shareable products, by program number
Desired Workstation Platform feature number
Note: n addition, an order for the System Program Order (5628-ST5) must be placed with the
appropriate feature codes to ship the media. This includes the selection of at least one (and only
one) database feature, which ships the desired database CDs.
V5 ordering instructions for custom configurations: Each AOP for ENOVA SmarTeam V5
has been assigned a unique product D (PD). This PD is linked to the base configuration by a
no-charge "indicator" code.
Using the order configurator, 5673 AOPs under each base (5671) configuration should be
selected to create a desired "custom configuration". The order configurator will automatically
assign the associated indicator codes and 5673 PDs to be ordered for billing purposes. ndicator
code and 5673 AOP must be ordered in the same quantity as the base configuration. 5673 PDs
cannot be ordered outside of a custom configuration.
IMPORTANT: To avoid order entry problems, use the order configurator to prepare your order.
New ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 products and configurations
New products
SmarTeam -- Regulatory Compliance Framework AOP 5673-RCF
SmarTeam -- Program Management AOP 5673-PGM
SmarTeam -- SW Integration AOP 5673-SWI
SmarTeam -- SW Integration Product 5671-SWI
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Integration AOP 5673-MCI
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Integration Product 5671-MCI
New configurations
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Configuration 5671-SMC
SmarTeam -- CATIA Team PDM Engineering Configuration 5671-TDE
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Engineering Configuration 5671-SME
SmarTeam -- Multi-site Vault Administration 5671-SMV
SmarTeam -- Job Server Configuration 5671-SJB
Renamed ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 products and configurations
Renamed configurations
SmarTeam -- CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration 5671-TDW
SmarTeam -- CATIA Team PDM Configuration 5671-TDM
Withdrawn ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 products and configurations
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 47
Withdrawn products
For V5.18
The 5671-SW and 5673-SW (SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration) products replace the
SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration PRPQ (5799-K81), and contain the same functionality. A
free migration path is available. SW is also part of the new SmarTeam Multi CAD
ntegration product.
The SmarTeam P ntegration product (PE) is being withdrawn, and a functional
replacement is available. PE customers may contact their BM sales representative, who will
coordinate with ENOVA SmarTeam, for additional information on the replacement product.
The SmarTeam M ntegration product (M) is being withdrawn. A migration path to other
CAD integrations is available. Contact your BM representative.
The SmarTeam MD ntegration (MD) product is being withdrawn. A migration path to other
CAD integrations is available. Contact your BM representative.
The SmarTeam FDA (FDA) product is being withdrawn and replaced with two separate
products, SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework (RCF) and SmarTeam Job
Server (JBS). A migration path is available. Contact your BM representative.
Effective September 25, 2007, the following products are withdrawn and are removed from
Category R:
SmarTeam -- FDA Compliance Product 5671-FDA
SmarTeam -- P Integration Product 5671-PEI
SmarTeam -- P Integration AOP 5673-PEI
SmarTeam -- Program Management Product 5671-PGM
SmarTeam -- MI Integration Product 5671-MII
SmarTeam -- MI Integration AOP 5673-MII
SmarTeam -- MD Integration Product 5671-MDI
SmarTeam -- MD Integration AOP 5673-MDI
Withdrawn configurations
Effective September 25, 2007, the following configurations are withdrawn and are removed from
Category R:
SmarTeam -- Web Editor Configuration 5671-SWE
SmarTeam -- Program Management Configuration 5671-SPG
SmarTeam -- FDA Compliance Configuration 5671-SFA
BiIIing feature numbers for new products
New ENOVA SmarTeam shareable products
5671-SWI ENOVIA SmarTeam - SoIidWorks Integration Product
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BKR SWI Prod Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BKK SWI Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BKN SWI Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5671-MCI ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration Product
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BL8 MCI Prod Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BL2 MCI Prod Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BL4 MCI Prod Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
New ENOVA SmarTeam Add On Products (AOPs)
5673-RCF ENOVIA SmarTeam - ReguIatory CompIiance Framework AOP
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 48
S014BJS RCF AOP Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BJW RCF AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BJR RCF AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5673-PGM ENOVIA SmarTeam - Program Management AOP
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BJZ PGM AOP Primary License Lic to Use PLC per user
S014BK6 PGM AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BK1 PGM AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5673-SWI ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration AOP
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BK7 SWI AOP Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BKG SWI AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BK9 SWI AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5673-MCI ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration AOP
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BKX MCI AOP Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BKW MCI AOP Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BKZ MCI AOP Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
New configurations
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Configuration 5671-SMC
SmarTeam -- CATIA Team PDM Engineering Configuration 5671-TDE
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Engineering Configuration 5671-SME
SmarTeam -- Multi-site Vault Administration 5671-SMV
SmarTeam -- Job Server Configuration 5671-SJB
New ENOVA SmarTeam configurations
5671-SMV ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti-site VauIt Administration Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BN0 SMV Cfg Primary License Lic to Use PLC per user
S014BN3 SMV Cfg Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BN1 SMV Cfg Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5671-SMC ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BLB SMC Cfg Primary License Lic to Use PLC per user
to use
S014BLF SMC Cfg Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BLC SMC Cfg Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5671-TDE ENOVIA SmarTeam - PDM Engineering Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 49
S014BLW TDE Cfg Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BL0 TDE Cfg Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BLX TDE Cfg Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5671-SME ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Engineering Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BMF SME Cfg Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BMJ SME Cfg Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BMG SME Cfg Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
5671-SJB ENOVIA SmarTeam - Job Server Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BN8 SJB Cfg Primary License License PLC per user
to use
S014BNC SJB Cfg Recurring License Basic ALC per user
S014BN9 SJB Cfg Variable Term Lic Basic YLC per user
Non-biIIabIe AOP indicators: Non-billable indicators are set up under each of the 5671
configurations for which the AOP is available.
5671-SDV SmarTeam - Development Suite Cf
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S013946 5673-CAI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S015237 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S014JLS 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S013948 5673-SEI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S013943 5673-ACI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S01394D 5673-INI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S015236 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S015238 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
S014JLT 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Chg
5671-SED SmarTeam - Editor Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014C58 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C59 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5B 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5D 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5C 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-SEG SmarTeam - Engineering Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014C5F 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5G 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5H 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5J 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5K 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-TDM SmarTeam - CATIA Team PDM Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 50
S014C5M 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5L 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5N 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5R 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5P 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-TDW SmarTeam - CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014C5S 5673-CAI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5T 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5V 5673-SEI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5W 5673-ACI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5X 5673-INI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C5Z 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C60 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014C61 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-SMC SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BLG 5673-CAI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLR 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLL 5673-SEI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLH 5673-ACI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLP 5673-INI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLS 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLV 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BLT 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-TDE SmarTeam - CATIA Team PDM Engineering Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BMB 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BM9 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BM4 5673-SEI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BM1 5673-ACI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BM7 5673-INI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMD 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMC 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BM8 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-SME SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Engineering Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BMK 5673-CAI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMV 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMX 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMP 5673-SEI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BML 5673-ACI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMT 5673-INI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMW 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BMZ 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
5671-SJB SmarTeam - Job Server Configuration
Entitlement License Pricing
entity Description option metric
S014BND 5673-CAI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNS 5673-CWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 51
S014BNN 5673-SWI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNJ 5673-SEI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNF 5673-ACI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNM 5673-INI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNP 5673-MCI AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNR 5673-RCF AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
S014BNT 5673-PGM AOP Indicator AOP Registration No Charge
Migration/upgrade paths: ENOVA SmarTeam V5 products are license managed using LUM,
and will not co-exist with prior HASP-controlled versions of ENOVA SmarTeam. For certain
configurations, additional activation keys will also be required.
BiIIing feature numbers for upgrades and migrations: The product upgrade charge applies to
orders for a replacement product when it replaces a predecessor product that was obtained for a
PLC/recurring charge. The predecessor product is discontinued upon installation of the new
version. For purposes of data model migration and validation, a customer may continue to use
the predecessor product for up to three months without BM approval, but may not use both the
new version product and the predecessor product simultaneously for production purposes at any
time. f both licenses are used simultaneously the customer will be subject to the full PLC and
recurring charges that apply to the replacement program, as well as the recurring charges
applicable to the predecessor program. The three-month parallel usage of the replacement and
predecessor product may be extended to more than three months on an individual basis with
prior BM approval.
New upgrade/migration paths
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam Editor Configuration (5671-SED)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S01394K 5671-SED 5671-SWE License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam Editor Configuration (5671-SED + 5673-PGM + 5671-WFL)
with ENOVIA SmarTeam Program Management AOP and SmarTeam WorkfIow
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S01394K 5671-SED 5671-SPG License PLC per user
to use
S014BJZ 5673-PGM 5671-SPG License PLC per user
to use
S012S0Z 5671-WFL 5671-SPG License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam Editor Configuration (5671-SED + 5673-RCF + 5671-WFL)
with ENOVIA SmarTeam Reg CompI Frwk AOP and SmarTeam WorkfIow
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S01394K 5671-SED 5671-SFA License PLC per user
to use
S014BJS 5673-RCF 5671-SFA License PLC per user
to use
S012S0Z 5671-WFL 5671-SFA License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam Job Server Configuration (5671-SJB)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BN8 5671-SJB 5671-SFA License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam CATIA Team PDM Eng Configuration from Team PDM
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 52
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BLW 5671-TDE 5671-TDM License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam CATIA Team Eng Configuration from Web Team PDM
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BLW 5671-TDE 5671-TDW License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam Program Management AOP (5673-PGM)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BJZ 5673-PGM 5671-PGM License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam Reg CompI Frwk AOP (5673-RCF)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BJS 5673-RCF 5671-FDA License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam SW Integration Pr (5671-SWI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BKR 5671-SWI 5799-K81 License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam SW Integration AOP (5673-SWI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BK7 5673-SWI 5799-K81 License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam IN Integration Pr (5671-INI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PS8 5671-INI 5671-MDI License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam IN Integration AOP (5673-INI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PPK 5673-INI 5673-MDI License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration Pr (5671-MCI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 53
S014BLB 5671-MCI 5671-MDI License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration AOP (5673-MCI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BKX 5673-MCI 5673-MDI License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration Pr (5671-MCI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BL8 5671-MCI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Integration AOP (5673-MCI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BKX 5673-MCI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam AC Integration Pr (5671-ACI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PRR 5671-ACI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam AC Integration AOP (5673-ACI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PNX 5673-ACI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam IN Integration Pr (5671-INI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PS8 5671-INI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam IN Integration AOP (5673-INI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PPK 5673-INI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam SW Integration Pr (5671-SWI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BKR 5671-SWI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam SW Integration AOP (5673-SWI)
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 54
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S014BK7 5673-SWI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam CATIA Integration Pr (5671-CAI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S013773 5671-CAI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam CATIA Integration AOP (5673-CAI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PP1 5673-CAI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam SE Integration Pr (5671-SEI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012S0M 5671-SEI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam SE Integration AOP (5673-SEI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S012PTZ 5673-SEI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam CATIA WEB Integration Pr (5671-CWI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S013T81 5671-CWI 5671-MII License PLC per user
to use
Upgrade to ENOVIA SmarTeam CATIA WEB Integration AOP (5673-CWI)
Entitlement License Pricing
entity To From option metric
S013T86 5673-CWI 5673-MII License PLC per user
to use
V5 ordering instructions for custom configurations: Each AOP for ENOVA SmarTeam V5
has been assigned a unique product D (PD). This PD is linked to the base configuration by a
no-charge "indicator" code.
Using the order configurator, 5693 AOPs under each base (5691) configuration should be
selected to create a desired "custom configuration". The order configurator will automatically
assign the associated indicator codes and 5693 PDs to be ordered for billing purposes. ndicator
code and 5693 AOP must be ordered in the same quantity as the base configuration. 5693 PDs
cannot be ordered outside of a custom configuration.
IMPORTANT: To avoid order entry problems, use the order configurator to prepare your order.
New ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 products and configurations
New products
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 55
SmarTeam -- Regulatory Compliance Framework AOP 5693-RCF
SmarTeam -- Program Management AOP 5693-PGM
SmarTeam -- SW Integration AOP 5693-SWI
SmarTeam -- SW Integration Product 5691-SWI
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Integration AOP 5693-MCI
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Integration Product 5691-MCI
New configurations
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Configuration 5691-SMC
SmarTeam -- CATIA Team PDM Engineering Configuration 5691-TDE
SmarTeam -- Multi CAD Engineering Configuration 5691-SME
SmarTeam -- Multi-site Vault Administration 5691-SMV
SmarTeam -- Job Server Configuration 5691-SJB
Renamed ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 products and configurations
Renamed configurations
SmarTeam -- CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration 5691-TDW
SmarTeam -- CATIA Team PDM Configuration 5691-TDM
Withdrawn ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 products and configurations
Withdrawn products
For V5.18
The 5691-SW and 5693-SW (SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration) products replace the
SmarTeam SolidWorks ntegration PRPQ (5799-C95), and contain the same functionality.
A free migration path is available. SW is also part of the new SmarTeam Multi CAD
ntegration product.
The SmarTeam P ntegration product (PE) is being withdrawn, and a functional
replacement is available. PE customers may contact their BM sales representative, who will
coordinate with ENOVA SmarTeam, for additional information on the replacement product.
The SmarTeam M ntegration product (M) is being withdrawn. A migration path to other
CAD integrations is available. Contact your BM representative.
The SmarTeam MD ntegration product (MD) is being withdrawn. A migration path to other
CAD integrations is available. Contact your BM representative.
The SmarTeam FDA (FDA) product is being withdrawn and replaced with two separate
products, SmarTeam Regulatory Compliance Framework (RCF) and SmarTeam Job
Server (JBS). A migration path is available. Contact your BM representative.
Effective September 25, 2007, the following products are withdrawn and are removed from
Category R:
SmarTeam -- FDA Compliance Product 5691-FDA
SmarTeam -- P Integration Product 5691-PEI
SmarTeam -- P Integration Product 5693-PEI
SmarTeam -- Program Management Product 5691-PGM
SmarTeam -- MI Integration Product 5691-MII
SmarTeam -- MI Integration Product 5693-MII
SmarTeam -- MD Integration Product 5691-MDI
SmarTeam -- MD Integration Product 5693-MDI
Withdrawn configurations
Effective September 25, 2007, the following configurations are withdrawn and are removed from
Category R:
SmarTeam -- Web Editor Configuration 5691-SWE
SmarTeam -- Program Management Configuration 5691-SPG
SmarTeam -- FDA Compliance Configuration 5691-SFA
Withdrawn Add-on indicators
5691-SED SmarTeam Editor Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 56
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SEG SmarTeam - Engineering Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SFA SmarTeam - FDA CompIiance Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SMA SmarTeam - MuIti-site Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-TDM SmarTeam - CATIA Team PDM Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-TDW SmarTeam - CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SMC SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Configuration
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-TDE SmarTeam - CATIA Team PDM Configuration
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SME SmarTeam - MuIti CAD Engineering Configuration
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SDV SmarTeam - DeveIopment Suite Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SGA SmarTeam - Gateway Admin Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
5691-SJB SmarTeam - Job Server Configuration
4329 5693-PEI AOP Indicator Code
4328 5693-MII AOP Indicator Code
4327 5693-MDI AOP Indicator Code
ENOVIA SmarTeam WLS V5.18
SmarTeam User Companion Fundamentals Configuration (5671-SUC, 5672-SUC) is available
as a configuration.
You can order ENOVA SmarTeam WLS V5.18 configurations two ways:
As shareable configurations, order SmarTeam User Companion Fundamentals Configuration
(5671-SUC). Shareable configurations are suited for customers who need a limited number of
These configurations are delivered with their own license key, allowing the user to obtain the
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 57
license key at the beginning of the session, or to leave it for another user.
As enterprise configurations, order SmarTeam User Companion Fundamentals Configuration
Enterprise Option (5672-SUC).
The enterprise option will be made available under the following conditions:
To customers that have a quantity of 3 or more of any combination of the following ENOVA
SmarTeam V5.18 configurations or products installed or on order:
-- SmarTeam Editor Configuration (SED)
-- SmarTeam Engineering Configuration (SEG)
-- SmarTeam Multi-site Administration Configuration (SMA)
-- SmarTeam CATA Team PDM Configuration (TDM)
-- SmarTeam Development Suite Configuration (SDV)
-- SmarTeam Gateway Administration Configuration (SGA)
-- SmarTeam Workflow Product (WFL)
To customers that have a quantity of 3 or more CATA Team PDM Configurations (TD1)
installed. TD1 is the predecessor of the SmarTeam CATA Team PDM Configuration
f the enterprise option is chosen, one SmarTeam User Companion must be installed or on
order for each of the installed or ordered V5.18 configurations from the previous list, or for
each of the installed TD1 configurations.
Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam/CATA ntegration Product Enterprise Option (5672-CS)
is available as a product to be used in conjunction with the User Companion for ENOVA
SmarTeam Fundamentals Configuration.
You can order ENOVA SmarTeam WLS V5.18 products matching the manner in which the base
ENOVA SmarTeam Companion configuration was ordered:
As shareable, order User Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam/CATA ntegration Product
Enterprise Option (5672-CS). Shareable products are suited for customers who need a
limited number of licenses.
These products are delivered with their own license key, allowing the user to obtain the
license key at the beginning of the session, or to leave it for another user.
As enterprise option, order User Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam/CATA ntegration
Product Enterprise Option (5672-CS).
The enterprise option will be made available under the following conditions:
To customers that have a quantity of 3 or more of any combination of the following ENOVA
SmarTeam V5.18 configurations installed or on order:
-- SmarTeam CATA Team PDM Configuration (TDM)
-- SmarTeam CATA ntegration product (CA)
f the enterprise option is chosen, one SmarTeam Team User Companion must be installed
or on order for each of the installed or ordered V5.18 configurations from the previous list.
System program order (5628-ST5)
To ship machine-readable materials and publications and to register for future updates, one
System Program Order (5628-ST5) must be placed in addition to the basic license orders.
Within the System Program Order, specify the media feature number for each of the workstation
platforms you will be using, and the feature code of the Solution products you are ordering,
based on the following tables:
Workstation feature Distribution
Platform number medium
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 58
All platforms 3410 CD-ROM
Orderable Supply ID
For with with Program
Wkgp DB2 Oracle number Program name
S013LGJ S013LGG S013LGH 5671-SED SmarTeam - Editor Configuration
S013LH7 S013LH1 S013LH0 5671-SNV SmarTeam - Navigator
S013LH4 S013LH2 S013LH3 5671-SCT SmarTeam - Community Workspace
S013LH8 S013LH6 S013LH5 5671-SEG SmarTeam - Engineering
S013N0W S013N0V S013LGF 5671-SMA SmarTeam - Multi-site
Administration Configuration
S013LGM S013LHM S013LGL 5671-TDM SmarTeam - CATIA Team PDM
S0146MB S0146MC S0146MD 5671-TDW CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration
S013LGP S013LGR S013LGT 5671-SDV SmarTeam - Development Suite
S013LHN S013LGS S013LGV 5671-SGA SmarTeam - Gateway
Administration Configuration
S013LHJ S013LHH S013LHK 5671-SEH SmarTeam - Educational HEAT
S014C73 S014C75 S014C77 5671-TDE SmarTeam - CATIA Team PDM
Engineering Configuration
S014C6N S014C6R S014C6T 5671-SME SmarTeam - Multi CAD Engineering
S014C6L S014C6B S014C6D 5671-SMV SmarTeam - Multi-site Vault
Administration Configuration
S014F2H S014C6G S014F2J 5671-SMC SmarTeam - Multi CAD
S014C6W S014C6Z S014C71 5671-SJB SmarTeam - Job Server
Media feature codes for separateIy orderabIe products:
SmarTeam User Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam Fundamentals Config (5691-SUC)
SmarTeam User Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam Fundamentals Config Enterprise
Option (5795-SUC)
SmarTeam User Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam/CATA ntegration Product
SmarTeam User Companion for ENOVA SmarTeam/CATA ntegration Product
Enterprise Option (5795-CS)
Workstation feature Distribution
Platform number medium
Windows 5819 CD-ROM
5628-WLS nationaI Ianguage version feature numbers: National language versions of
ENOVA SmarTeam WLS products will be available at a later date at no charge.
Customization options: Contact BM Customer Support Operations for any special handling,
such as suppression of media or expediting an order.
UnIicensed documentation: A license registration memorandum and licensed program
specification are supplied automatically with the basic machine-readable material.
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 59
One English Softcopy Collection Kit is automatically included in all shipments.
A National Language Softcopy Collection Kit is available at no charge. This CD-ROM contains
French, German and Japanese versions of ENOVA SmarTeam V5 publications. To order,
specify the feature number below under the System Program Order (5628-xxx). Only one
additional copy of this CD can be ordered per license.
Additional copies of the English Softcopy Collection Kit are also available, one per license, using
the feature number that follows.
Publication feature
name number
SmarTeam Softcopy Collection Kit
French, German and Japanese 7100
English 7101
Additional Softcopy Collection Kits can be ordered through your BM representative or business
partner using the following number:
Publication Publication
name number
SmarTeam Softcopy Collection Kit
French, German and Japanese SK3T-0618
English SK3T-9101
New national language versions available with this release are listed below. When ordering,
specify the language using the feature number. The same language feature number applies to
both the product and enterprise option. Only one additional copy can be ordered per license.
Code CD-ROM Feature
Products shipped under 5691/5795-SUC Deliverable Language number
5691-SUC, User Companion for ENOVIA LCD5-6152 French 7132
SmarTeam Fundamentals
5795-SUC User Companion for ENOVIA
SmarTeam Fundamentals
-- Enterprise Option
for Windows
5691-SUC, User Companion for ENOVIA LCD5-6150 German 7134
SmarTeam Fundamentals
5795-SUC User Companion for ENOVIA
SmarTeam Fundamentals
-- Enterprise Option
for Windows
5691-SUC, User Companion for ENOVIA LCD5-6151 Japanese 7136
SmarTeam Fundamentals
5795-SUC User Companion for ENOVIA
SmarTeam Fundamentals
-- Enterprise Option
for Windows
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 60
Code CD-ROM Feature
Products shipped under 5691/5795-CIS Deliverable Language number
5691-CIS, User Companion for ENOVIA LCD4-7823 French 7132
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration
5795-CIS User Companion for ENOVIA
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration
Product --
Enterprise Option
for Windows
5691-CIS, User Companion for ENOVIA LCD4-7821 German 7134
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration
5795-CIS User Companion for ENOVIA
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration
Product --
Enterprise Option
for Windows
5691-CIS, User Companion for ENOVIA LCD4-7822 Japanese 7136
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration
5795-CIS User Companion for ENOVIA
SmarTeam/CATIA Integration
Product --
Enterprise Option
for Windows
DispIayabIe softcopy pubIications
ENOVA SmarTeam V5 product publications are offered in displayable (HTML) and printable
(PDF) softcopy form. All unlicensed manuals are included.
These softcopy manuals are part of the basic machine-readable material and automatically ship
with each order. English language versions of user documentation are shipped on the code
media (CD-ROM). Terms and conditions for use of the machine-readable files are shipped with
the product.
The displayable manuals are in HTML format and can be viewed in any of the supported
environments using one of the HTML browsers specified under Software requirements in the
Specified operating environment topic in the Technical information section. The printable
manuals are in PDF format and can be displayed and printed with Adobe Acrobat Reader at
minimum level 4.0. The Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded at no charge from
Terms and conditions
Agreement: BM Customer Agreement
Designated machine: Not required
VariabIe charges appIy: No
Location Iicense appIies: No
Use Iimitation appIies: Additional licenses must be obtained to extend use levels.
Use of database components
ENOVA SmarTeam V5.18 is shipped with either the DB2 program or with Oracle 10g (Oracle).
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 61
You are authorized to use DB2 or Oracle products only in conjunction with and in support of the
Solution (as defined below), and are authorized to install and use DB2 or Oracle only in
association with your licensed use of the ENOVA SmarTeam products for the storage and
management of data used or generated by the Solution and not for any other data management
purposes. Only inbound and outbound data transactions in which the Solution directly creates,
reads, updates, or deletes data are permitted.
Examples of uses not permitted include (i) inbound connections to the database from other
applications for queries or report generation, or (ii) outbound database connections in which the
Solution provides no added value to the data transaction.
The Solution and DB2 or Oracle can be installed on either the same server or separate servers.
n the case where DB2 or Oracle is installed on a separate server, the access point to the DB2 or
Oracle server must be solely through the Solution server.
Solution is defined as any ENOVA VPLM or ENOVA SmarTeam program product other than
those listed as follows:
SmarTeam Development Suite, a component of the BM program product SmarTeam
Development Suite Configuration (5671-SDV)
All CAA RADE products and APs
EducationaI aIIowance avaiIabIe: No.
ENOVA SmarTeam V5 is available under the ENOVA SmarTeam Higher Education Academic
Training (HEAT) program.
Contact Vijay Srinivasan ( or 914-642-6587 for additional information and
Note: Additional terms and conditions apply to the use of these products. For details, refer to the
Use limitation applies section within the Terms and conditions section.
Terms and conditions
Independent software vendors and service providers
ndependent software vendors and service providers must obtain licenses to the SmarTeam
Software Development Suite directly from Dassault Systemes SA.
An "independent software vendor" or "SV" is an entity that has as a core business the
development of generally available application programs for computer-aided
design/engineering/manufacturing and product-integrated management.
A "service provider" is an entity, which has as a core business the delivery of consulting,
integration and other information systems services to third parties in the areas of
computer-aided design/engineering/manufacturing and product integrated management.
Use of SmarTeam Software DeveIopment Suite by other entities
The following provisions ("Additional Supplemental Terms") are in addition to the terms and
conditions in the BM Customer Agreement or any equivalent agreement executed by you and
BM (the "Agreement"). You may not use the Program if you do not have a valid Agreement in
place with BM or if you do not accept these Additional Supplemental Terms. Any capitalized
terms that are not defined herein are defined in the Agreement.
You are licensed to distribute your applications developed with the SmarTeam Software
Development Suite, hereinafter known as "V5 Complementary Applications," to your
subcontractors and direct and indirect suppliers solely for performance of work by such
subcontractors and suppliers for your benefit. This license includes your right to authorize your
subcontractors and direct and indirect suppliers to use, execute, reproduce, display, perform and
distribute internally the V5 Complementary Applications.
The rights and licenses granted in the Agreement and in these Additional Supplemental Terms
do not include the right to use the SmarTeam Software Development Suite in the provision of
services to a third party. Permission from Dassault Systemes S.A. is required to do so.
n addition, the rights and licenses granted in the Agreement and in these Additional
Supplemental Terms DO NOT include the right to make the V5 Complementary Applications
generally available. For this purpose, generally available shall mean the general release or other
distribution of the V5 Complementary Applications as commercially available, directly or through
other parties, for use by end user customers. An Agreement with Dassault Systemes S.A. is
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 62
required to do so.
OracIe component subIicense
Read the terms and conditions of this sublicense agreement (the "sublicense") before installing
the computer software (the "Oracle program"). By installing the Oracle program you are
accepting and agreeing to the terms of this sublicense.
This sublicense constitutes the entire agreement concerning the Oracle program between you
and the BM Corporation and it supersedes any prior proposal or representation.
The term "Oracle program" includes, and these terms and conditions also apply to, any updates
or upgrades to the software you may receive from time to time under a subscription service or
other support arrangement.
The licensed products you have purchased, as defined in the BM Customer Agreement or BM
nternational Customer Agreement (CA), to which terms by installing the computer software
contained in it you are accepting and agreeing, contains a database engine software component
(the "Oracle component") used under license from Oracle Software Systems srael.
By purchasing the licensed products, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license
to use the licensed products and the ENOVA SmarTeam database, as specified in the CA or
Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, you are not granted any right or license in
or to the Oracle Component other than a limited sublicense to install the Oracle Component for
use solely with any component of the licensed products and an ENOVA SmarTeam database,
and are not entitled to support of any nature, directly or indirectly, from Oracle Software Systems
srael Limited and/or Oracle Corporation (together: "Oracle").
Upon the termination or expiration of your license to use the licensed products, this Sublicense
shall automatically expire, and you will promptly either (i) return to BM Corporation, or (ii)
destroy, the Oracle program and any related materials and documentation.
You undertake not to transfer or duplicate the Oracle component except for temporary transfer in
the event of computer malfunctions and a single backup or archival copy; not to assign,
timeshare or rent the Oracle Program to any other person; not to use the Oracle program for any
purpose outside the scope of the licensed products; not to cause or permit the reverse
engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Oracle programs.
You acknowledge and agree that the Oracle component includes products and product names
which are the property of Oracle and/or third parties who have licensed the Oracle component
and/or other parts of the Oracle Component to Oracle, who may enforce Oracle's rights under
this agreement ("licensors"), and are protected under copyright law, and may be protected under
patent law and other intellectual property laws of general applicability. You further acknowledge
and agree that all right, title, interest in and to the Oracle Component shall remain with Oracle
and/or licensors. This sublicense agreement does not convey to you an interest in or to the
Oracle component but only a limited right of use, revocable in accordance with the terms of this
sublicense agreement.
The Oracle program is not intended for use in any nuclear, mass transit, aviation or medical
application, or in any other inherently dangerous applications. You are responsible for taking all
appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of such
applications if the Oracle program is used for such purposes, and Oracle Corporation,
SmarTeam Corporation, Dassault Systemes, and BM Corporation disclaims liability for any
damages caused by such use of the Oracle Program.
You agree to not publish any results of benchmark tests you run on the Oracle program.
You confirm that you obtain no title in the Oracle programs hereunder, and disclaim any and all
liability of Oracle and/or its Licensors for any claim in respect of infringement of rights including
(but not limited to) intellectual property rights, damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or
consequential arising from the use of the Oracle programs and/or Oracle component.
You agree to comply fully with all applicable export and import laws and regulations.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California.
ENOVA SmarTeam adheres to the CATA V5 license management model (exceptions are
The Iicense management modeI
CATIA V5 Iicense management modeI CATA controls the number of concurrent users of a
CATA configuration or product, according to the number of license keys acquired for the
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 63
configuration or product.
CATA V5 delivers identical license management mechanisms on UNX and Windows
environments, based on LUM. (ENOVA SmarTeam is Windows only.) The following license
management principles apply:
A CATA V5 configuration (standard or custom) will require a license key. (n ENOVA
SmarTeam, configurations are implemented with separate Product license keys.) License
keys for CATA V5 configurations are acquired and released for the total configuration. The
products within a configuration cannot be shared. (n ENOVA SmarTeam this rule may not be
strictly enforced. However, it should be adhered to, as it may be enforced in future releases.)
Each CATA V5 shareable product will require a license key, in addition to one for the
prerequisite configuration and any prerequisite product, if applicable.
n all cases, CATA configuration license keys are acquired at the beginning of the process
and are released at its termination.
CATA V5 add-on and shareable products may require license keys for prerequisite products
that are not already included in a standard configuration. Prerequisites for shareable products
can be satisfied by a standard configuration, by an AOP within a custom configuration, or by a
shareable product. However, because all AOPs are defined within one custom license key,
any AOP prerequisites must be satisfied by either a standard configuration or by other AOPs
purchased and defined within the same custom configuration. (Due to the mentioned
exception, this rule does not apply in ENOVA SmarTeam. However, it should be adhered to,
as it may be enforced in future releases.)
CATA V5 can be used in three license management modes: nodelock, with concurrent usage of
license keys on a network, or concurrent offline license management. (ENOVA SmarTeam does
not support concurrent offline license management.)
NodeIock usage: The use of a local display is mandatory for CATA V5 usage in nodelock
mode. There is no limit to the number of CATA V5 processes launched for a given license key
(configuration or product). For instance, a user can launch the following simultaneous processes:
A V5 interactive session
A V5 process executed through an OLE container application
Replay of macros recorded from captured sequences of V5 user interactions
n the nodelock mode of operation, only one CATA license key per configuration and shareable
product can be registered per machine, and only one CATA user can run at a time on that
machine. f multiple license keys per configuration or shareable product, or multiple users on a
single machine, are required, refer to the Concurrent usage section.
Concurrent usage: A user on one machine on one display uses one license key per
configuration or shareable product used, regardless of the number of processes. f the display
changes, then an additional license key is taken for the corresponding process.
Dynamic Iicense management: (Does not apply to ENOVA SmarTeam dynamic license
management is not supported in ENOVA SmarTeam.) CATA shareable product license keys
can be acquired and released during the session. (The ability to acquire and release licenses is
not available for configurations.) Shareable license keys acquired at the beginning of the session
cannot be released before the end of the session; only license keys dynamically granted upon
user request during the session can be released during the session.
Concurrent offIine Iicense management: (Does not apply to ENOVA SmarTeam
concurrent offline license management is not supported in ENOVA SmarTeam.) A concurrent
license key control technique is available via the LUM server.
Note: Concurrent offline license management is not available on 64-bit platforms.
t gives CATA, ENOVA DMU, DELMA, and RADE applications running on a Windows laptop
the ability to disconnect from the license key server for a specific period of time. During the
checkout period, the server license key is unavailable for use by another concurrent user. This
feature is designed to add additional flexibility to a user's work environment. t is offered to
accommodate short-term travel needs and collaboration while away from a fixed office
environment or server connection. All CA terms and conditions, including cross-border licensing
terms, are unchanged, and users will check-out and check-in license keys at their home server,
where rules and procedures are controlled by LUM.
Note to users of the foIIowing ENOVIA SmarTeam-branded CATIA integration products:
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 64
SmarTeam CATA Team PDM Configuration (TDM)
SmarTeam CATA Team PDM Engineering Configuration (TDE)
SmarTeam CATA Web Team PDM Configuration (TDW)
SmarTeam CATA Web Team PDM Engineering Configuration (TWE)
SmarTeam CATA ntegration Product (CA)
SmarTeam CATA Web ntegration Product (CW)
These ENOVA SmarTeam products do not support dynamic or concurrent offline license
management. Licenses for these products are acquired dynamically when the function is invoked
from CATA and may not be released until the CATA session is ended.
VoIume orders: Contact your BM representative.
Warranty appIies: Yes
Licensed program materiaI avaiIabiIity
Restricted materials of IBM: None
Non-restricted source materials: None
Object Code Only (OCO): All
Program services: Program Services offer a method of reporting code-related problems for
ENOVA SmarTeam V5 and WLS licensed software products. Program Services are available
electronically using the problem submission process at the PLM Technical Support Web site at
Note: n order to use this facility, you must use an BM D which has associated to it the licensed
BM customer number under which the product was purchased. f you have not yet obtained an
BM D, visit
f you have not yet associated the licensed BM customer number to your BM D, you will be
prompted to do so when accessing the problem submission facility.
When using Program Services, the problem report is submitted via the PLM Technical Support
Web site; all subsequent communications will be via e-mail. The response time for these
problem reports, regardless of the severity, will be within two business days. All communications
must be in English.
Not all options of the PLM technical support e-services are available in all countries.
f the problem reported is not known to be a code-related problem, the customer will be informed
that work will continue on it provided the customer has ECSR (Electronic Customer Support
Representative) enhanced support (reference PRPQ 5799-C88) with the ENOVA SmarTeam
support feature. Enhanced support for WLS is included in the base product's feature code; no
separate enhanced support is required.
For additional information about the enhanced support contract and other available PLM services
offerings, visit
Click on the ECSR Enhanced support detaiIs link or contact your PLM representative or
authorized BM Business Partner for more information.
Preventive Service is delivered through the next release of ENOVA SmarTeam V5 products.
The new release also includes corrections to problems, depending on the time of their
submission and their severity.
During the Program Services period, Corrective Service for ENOVA SmarTeam V5 releases is
delivered through service packs on a regular basis. A service pack includes corrections for
Blocking problems in production systems reported on this release and all corrections available
for all components at the time it is built. Service packs are provided at the same time for all
platforms currently supported. Each service pack supersedes the previous one and may be
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 65
installed on top of the released level or on top of a previous service pack. The exception is WLS
products where corrective service is provided in the next release of the product. No maintenance
for WLS products is provided in the service packs.
Customers may request a correction via a service pack for Blocking Problems. A Blocking
Problem is defined as:
A problem that stops production: The customer is currently using the level for which a fix is
requested in a production environment.
A problem that prevents migration: The customer must provide the migration plan.
A problem that halts testing of a given level: A fix will allow customer to continue the testing.
nstallation problem: A problem that prevents the customer from installing or using the product.
Regression: Problems reported as regressions may be due to an operation that was being
performed erroneously or created incorrect data with a previous release and the current
release no longer permits these operations. Therefore, each problem reported as a regression
must be evaluated. True regressions will be handled as Severity 1 problems.
Note: Customers experiencing problems with DB2 V8.2 delivered with the ENOVA SmarTeam
V5 product may report these problems through PLM product support, as long as DB2 is being
used in conjunction with ENOVA SmarTeam and the DB2 and ENOVA SmarTeam products are
still within their respective support periods. Customers will receive the same level of support as
they are entitled to for their ENOVA SmarTeam products.
Customers experiencing problems with BM License Use Management (LUM) products when
used with ENOVA SmarTeam V5 products may report these problems through PLM product
support. Note this only applies when the LUM product is being used in conjunction with an
ENOVA SmarTeam V5 product and the ENOVA SmarTeam product is within its support period.
LUM products are not included in the enhanced support offering; LUM problems will receive the
Program Services level of support and must be submitted via the Problem Reporting process at
the PLM Technical Support Web site at
Program Services will be provided for this release of ENOVA SmarTeam and WLS V5 products
until October 1, 2009.
For a list of all currently supported releases of CATA, ENOVA VPLM and ENOVA SmarTeam
products, visit
At the bottom of the page, select "End of support dates" under Plan, Product life cycle.
IBM OperationaI Support Services - SupportLine: No
Other support: PLM Support Centers
For prices, contact your BM representative.
Program upgrade charge: The product upgrade charge applies to orders for a replacement
product when it replaces a predecessor product that was obtained for a PLC/ALC and is
discontinued upon installation of the new version. A customer may continue to use the
predecessor product for up to three months without BM approval, but may not use both the new
version product and the predecessor product simultaneously for production purposes at any
time. f both licenses are used simultaneously, the customer will be subject to the full PLC and
recurring charges that apply to the replacement program, and also the recurring charges
applicable to the predecessor program. The three-month parallel usage of the new and
predecessor product may be extended to more than three months on an individual basis with
prior BM approval.
Use IeveI charges: Charges for these programs are based on usage levels.
IBM GIobaI Financing
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 66
BM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified customers to assist them in
acquiring T solutions. Offerings include financing for T acquisition, including hardware,
software, and services, from both BM and other manufacturers or vendors. Offerings (for all
customer segments: small, medium, and large enterprise), rates, terms, and availability can vary
by country. Contact your local BM Global Financing organization or visit
BM Global Financing offerings are provided through BM Credit LLC in the United States, and
other BM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial and government
customers. Rates are based on a customer's credit rating, financing terms, offering type,
equipment type, and options, and may vary by country. Other restrictions may apply. Rates and
offerings are subject to change, extension, or withdrawal without notice.
DFS is a trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries
or both.
Tivoli, SP2, DB2, WebSphere, AX, SP1, MQSeries, Lotus, Notes, and Lotus Notes are registered
trademarks of nternational Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or
Pentium and ntel are registered trademarks of ntel Corporation.
Windows and Microsoft are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, nc.
UNX is a registered trademark of the Open Company in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
This announcement is provided for your information only. For additional information, contact your BM representative, call
800-BM-4YOU, or visit the BM home page at:
BM United States Announcement 207-212
BM is a registered trademark of nternational Business Machines Corporation 67

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