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ABSTRACT This study aims at investigating the effect of computer-assisted instruction.

The sample of the study consisted of 60 students randomly selected from schools and assigned to experimental and control groups. Data were collected within an eightweek period via a pre-posttest design for equivalent groups. The ndings of the study indicated that using computer-assisted English language instruction alongside the traditional method has a positive effect on the experimental group students achievement. Feasibility study was carried out through inspection of document and records which has been used. The problems of the existing way of learning were discovered. It was also noted that the new system that has the facilities, capable of delivering expert knowledge without delaying time. The following tools were used in order to achieve the designed objectives of the system like system flowchart, program flowchart and new design software. The research work is aimed at turning the manual process of learning computer assisted one. It is generally hoped that when all the aspect of this project are dully taken into consideration and came out, there will be a great change in the process of learning.

CHAPTER ONE A self-learning technique, usually offline/online, involving interaction of the student with programmed instructional materials. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place. CAI uses a combination of text, graphics, sound and video in enhancing the learning process. The computer has many purposes in the classroom, and it can be utilized to help a student in all areas of the curriculum. CAI refers to the use of the computer as a tool to facilitate and improve instruction. CAI programs use tutorials, drill and practice, simulation, and problem solving approaches to present topics, and they test the student's understanding. Since the invention of programming languages, life has continued to be easier for people since there are programmers to use it in solving little problems. Not to compare to the previous technology whereby people suffer a lot just to get what they want. Innovation knows seems to appear at a rate that increases tremendously. These innovations have significantly improved science and technology development from one generation to another, as advancement in every sphere cannot be overemphasized.

The standard of learning has increased greatly compare to the past when people go from one place trying to learn and this has made the system analyst and programmers to think vastly on how people can easily acquire knowledge in the area of their choice with the aid of computer. As the worsened situation of acquiring knowledge exacerbated and people still find it very difficult to learn what they want, they now seek for problem solving system and which is more user-friendly to help them learn. The project has embarked on the effect of computer aided instruction. A computer program that applies artificial intelligent methods to the task of problem solving by using detailed knowledge and attempting to simulate the reasoning process of an expert, as the name implies it involves the use of programs written in any programming language (high level) in problem-solving. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an approach to teaching and learning where the computer and computer-based resources such as the Internet are used to present, reinforce and assess material to be learned. It usually includes a substantial interactive element. It also includes the search for and the investigation of applications in language teaching and learning. Except for self-

study software, CAI is meant to supplement face-to-face instruction and not replace it. In recent years, CAI researchers have investigated the advantages of using computers as teaching/ learning tools in improving different skills. Many studies indicate that CAI provides an innovative and effective alternative for instructors (Warshauer and Healey, 1998). In addition, many studies indicate that there has been an increase in emphasis on computer technology and its integration at all level of education (Stepp-Greany, 2002). Furthermore, computer would allow learners to progress at their own pace and work individually to solve problems, provides immediate feedback, allows learners to know whether their answers are correct or not, and provides them with the correct answers if their answers are not correct. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

From the data collected which was processed to become information, it was discovered that the old system of learning was by class teachings, distance learning, PC projected teachings, recoded teachings conversation etc. which has a lot of human inherent errors. These old system exhibited high ineffectiveness and efficiency as regards to the quality of information it gives out. This old system is posed with a lot of confrontation of how to improve the accuracy, quality, timely of information given out at a particular time.

At this point, it is necessary to integrate computer in the teaching-learning process. As a result, the need arises to study the effect of using computers aided instruction. The researchers intend to investigate the effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction alongside the traditional method learning. Some of the problems faced by the old way of learning were: 1. Untimely service delivery 2. Inaccurate information (wrong information) 3. Tedious way of imputing the knowledge 4. Clients queue to be saved 5. Boring since it has no animations 6. Human inherent errors. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY

The present study attempts to investigate whether using computers in teaching alongside the traditional method is signicantly different from teaching without the aid of computers. The purpose is to compare using Computer-Assisted Instruction alongside the traditional method with using the traditional method alone and decide which is more suitable for the students under investigation.

Considering the present situation of the old system, this project is aimed at improving the accuracy, quality and timeless of service delivery in learning by achieving the following: 1) Eliminating quackery in the field of by providing expert solutions to problems. 2) Bringing up to standard of learning in by giving computer based information and reduced human inherent errors. 3) Providing easy understanding of problems/faults. 4) Providing easy understanding of through animated tutorials (computer application) 5) To maintain international standards in, computer applications are required for conformity sake. 1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY This research work is focused on designing a computer application that can take the place of professional in even without a professional and making the existing system professionals more proficient in learning. This 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY

As Computer-Assisted Instruction is going to be applied in the Faculty of

learning, this study will be one of the rst of its kind in the computer field. Almost all of the reviewed studies were conducted on learners of the native w a y . Therefore, it is hoped that it will help those who are involved in the educational process in gaining insights into the computer-assisted Instruction experience and seek to improve it over time. Moreover, it may encourage further research in this eld, which may, in turn, enrich the area of ComputerAssisted Instruction in general. 1.6 LIMITATIONS

This research work was denied access some certain webpages that required the use of credit cards which as a student I could not afford. During this study I encountered some restrictions, I could not access some hardcopy documents and there were also financial constraint. 1.7 DEFFINITION OF TERMS

COMPUTER-AIDED INSTRUCTION (CAI): diverse and rapidly expanding spectrum of computer technologies that assist the teaching and learning process. SYSTEM: a combination of related elements organized into a complex whole.

INTERNET: refers to a network that links computer networks all over the world by satellite and telephone, communicating users with service networks such as email and the World Wide Web. SOFTWARE: refers to a computer programs and applications such as word processing or database packages that can be run on a particular computer system. COMPUTERIZED: to install or start using a computer system to organize, control, or automatic something such as a mechani CAI process or CAIculations. PROFESSIONAL: a person showing a high degree of skill or competence in doing something. EXPERT: somebody with great deal of knowledge about, or skill, training or experience in a particular field or activity.

CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW The review of the literature on the effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction revealed that most of the studies in this eld were conducted in the Western countries where English is the rst language, whereas very few studies were conducted in countries where English is the second or foreign language. The researchers reviewed some of the most related studies to the topic of this study. Fletcher and Atkinson (1972) carried out one of the earliest studies in which the students of the experimental group received eight to ten minutes of computerassisted language instruction per day for ve months; the remainder of the day was the same for all students. The ndings of the study revealed that the performance of most students who received computer-assisted instruction was better than the performance of those who did not. Cook (1985) determined whether there were signicant differences between the growth of writing performance of seventh grade students who received computer-assisted writing instruction and those who did not. He found that the students who received computer-assisted writing showed better performance in writing than those who did not.

Orndorff (1987) implemented a course at Duquesne University in Pennsylvania, which combined the teaching of reading skills with computer aids that provided different kinds of support. He employed two computer programs focusing on critical reading and thinking. The rst one was designed to teach students how to analyze a work of literary genre and structure and to be used with a book. The second one allowed teachers to create tutorials which featured different types of question and answer formats, an on-line dictionary, screen manipulations. These two programs also included different activities such as summary writing and short essay questions. The ndings showed that because of such programs, the students levels of achievement and retention increased. Arroyo (1992) studied the effect of using computers on reading achievement of seventh grade students. The ndings showed a statistically signicant increase in reading achievement of the subjects who used computers. Moreover, Arroyo stated that, in addition to the improvement in reading scores, the use of computer appeared to The effect of computer-assisted instruction on Saudi University students learning of English AbuSeileek (2004) investigated the effect of a computerbased program on Jordanian rst secondary grade students writing ability in English. The study revealed that there were statistically signicant differences between the mean scores on the writing task of the experimental

group who received instruction via computer and the control group who received instruction via the traditional method in favor of the experimental group. Avent and Joseph Harmon (1994) investigated the language learning achievement differences between students using computer-assisted language learning courseware and students using the traditional language laboratory. The ndings of the study revealed that the mean scores were signicantly higher for computer taught items than for non-computer taught ones. Chen (1996) studied the differences between male and female Taiwanese students using the same software and receiving the same type of feedback in a Business English class. The ndings showed that computer application improved the students writing ability in punctuation, grammar and spelling. Pigg (1996) investigated the effect of the computer-assisted language instruction program Paragraph Builder on fth grade students topic sentence identication. The results of the posttest showed that the program signicantly increased the mean score of the posttest. The results also showed that the students who worked with computer enjoyed learning about topic sentences by using the program.

Cantos-Gomez (1997) carried out a study to investigate the use of computerassisted language learning activities in English and their effect on the students motivations to learn. She found that the students in the experimental group, who used computer, showed more motivations to learn English than those in the control group. Machado (1997) investigated the effect of computer-based technology on the language acquisition rates of sixth, seventh and eighth grade second language students in writing and speaking. The study revealed that the experimental group showed a faster rate of second language acquisition than that of the control group students. Blankenship (1999) compared between computer-assisted instruction and the lecture-based instruction of college-level composition courses. The ndings of the study showed that the performance of the students who received computerassisted instruction was better than those who did not. Tozcu (1998) investigated the impact of teaching sight vocabulary with computerfrequent word recognition and reading comprehension. He found that the experimental group presented signicantly greater gains than the control group.

Campion (1999) investigated the effect of CALL on learning and transfer of vocabulary in primary stage pupils. The researcher tackled two issues: motivation and the role of educational technology in learning and transferring of passive vocabulary into the active. The ndings of the study showed that the pupils who learned via CALL improved their results in both types namely in active vocabulary. AbuSeileek (2007) investigated the effectiveness of twomediated techniques cooperative and collective learning designed for teaching and learning oral skills, listening and speaking. He also investigated students attitudes toward using a CALL approach and techniques for teaching oral skills. The ndings of the study showed that the cooperative computermediated technique is a functional method for learning and teaching oral skills. The survey conducted in the study also showed that students react positively to both the CAI approach and the cooperative computer-mediated technique. Chiu et al. (2007) applied an application of Automatic Speech Recognition technology for assisting learners to engage in meaningful speech interactions. The researchers developed a web-based conversation environment called Candle Talk, which allows learners to talk with the computer, to help learners receive explicit speech acts training that leads to better oral competence. The ndings showed

that the application of Automatic Speech Recognition was helpful for college freshmen in teaching of speech acts, namely for the nonEnglish major students. It was also found that most learners perceived positively toward the instruction supported with speech recognition. It is argued that user actions need to be monitored to understand what has happened during the learning process. Monitoring on its own is not enough; user actions also need to be controlled so that users can receive the guidance they need to help them to the successful completion of the learning tasks in CALL programs. Ma (2007) conducted one such study to investigate both learning outcome and learning of two versions of a computer-assisted vocabulary learning program for Chinese learners. The results of the study showed that both the learning outcome and the learning process were more satisfactory in the controlled condition than the uncontrolled condition. Al-Menei (2008) studied the effect of computer-assisted writing on Saudi students writing skill in English. The ndings of the study showed that computerassisted writing has a signicant effect on Saudi students writing ability in two areas: paragraph writing and correcting grammar.

Romeo (2008) studied the comprehension of relative clauses in audio prompts using online listening exercises implemented in a classroom. He assessed the reaction time to short and long sentences containing subject and object relative clauses in subject attending an intensive ESL course for graduate students. The results of the study indicated the possibility that learner shift recourses when processing more syntactically complex audio prompts such as those with object relatives. So far we have seen different reviews from different researchers in the field of computer aided instruction. In the next chapter we will look at the research methodology and then analyze the existing system.

CHAPTER THREE 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a collective term for the structured process of conducting research. There are many different methodologies used in various types of research and the term is usually considered to include research design, data gathering and data analysis. Research methodologies can be quantitative (for example, measuring the number of times someone does something under certain conditions) or qualitative (for example, asking people how they feel about a certain situation). Ideally, comprehensive research should try to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative methodologies but this is not always possible, usually due to time and financial constraints. Research methodologies are generally used in academic research to test hypotheses or theories. A good design should ensure the research is valid, i.e. it clearly tests the hypothesis and not extraneous variables, and that the research is reliable, i.e. it yields consistent results every time. The approach used here is SSADM.

3.1 What is SSADM? Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is a systems approach to the analysis and design of information systems. SSADM was produced for a UK government office concerned with the use of technology in government, from 1980 onwards. The names "Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method" and "SSADM" are now Registered Trade Marks of the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) THE METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION In the collection of information about, the methods below were used: INTERVIEW: this method has much to recommend, in that fact can

be gathered directly from the person or person who has experience of the system under investigation. It is usually the most helpful techniques for establishing and verifying information and provides an opportunity to overcome possible resistance to change. EXAMINATION OF RECORD AND PROCEDURE: if existing procedure

are already well documented, then the procedure manual can provide an already made source of information on the way procedure should be carried

out. The examination of current records and tracing of particular transaction can be a useful method of discovering what procedures are carried out. EVALUATION OF FORMS: forms and document were collected and

evaluated during the study. The forms studied are mostly those that are concern with the maintenance of the computer, which rect the details of insured particular. The document includes maintenance manual. SEARCH ENGINES: the researches were carried out using so many

search engines like the Google, ask, Wikipedia, and MSN. 3.2 FEASIBILITY STUDY

This study was carried out as it facilitate an in-depth knowledge to what brought about the design solution proffered and implemented in solving those problems discovered to hinder the proposed system from achieving a directed thinking. This has made the research to be able to systematically design a computer application for easy diagnosis, repair and maintenance. The feasibility study is seen to be effectively carried out through a careful analysis of the system under study and the problem facing the system and then ensuring that feasible and plausible solution(s) are analytically proffered.



This chapter helps us to have a better understanding of the operation and interactions which has existed in the system. It is a step further in learning from the previous developmental efforts and generates an improved plan, organization, control and putting the information gathered into practice, by so doing defines the necessity of modifying the existing system or rather develop a brand new system from the scratch. In this regards, having a full knowledge of the principle of operation of the system becomes an advantage. Analysis generally refers to systematic examination of the native or cause of something. The aim of the system analysis is to do an in depth study/research of the existing system to determine the weakness and strength of the system hence decide whether to do away with the system or to retain it. System analysis in its business sense is concerned with the study and analysis of the data requirement within these clients of particular interest. Also it is a disciplined process, which begins with the establishment of user requirement for e given application and conclusion with the implementation of a fully operated system, amend with facts, the system analyst proceeds to the system analysis plea and analyze the present system by asking such questions.

1. Why does the problem exist? 2. Why were certain methods of work adopted? 3. Are there alternative method? 4. What are the growth rates of data? 3.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM

Before now, learning has been through: 1. Recording VCDs 2. Video tapes 3. Cinema etc. 4. Black board 5. White boards 6. Lectures and seminars With the above, the human inherent errors are inevitable; the system is not userfriendly. 3.5 HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS

With the current system, people simply go to market and buy a recorded lecture on to either on video VCDs and paly them on all time in order to get acquainted

with the solutions provided is the recorded lectures. The recorded lecturers are not user-friendly and as such cannot solve a very difficult problem that requires the attention of an expert in learning. The recorded tutorial is not vast in the topic in question. 3.6 INPUT FORMAT

Input here involves inserting the VCD tape as the case may be into the reading machine and waits for the Disk to be read be the machine, the video begins to play while the learner practice with an integrated development environment. The video may be fast forwarded to get the next topic quicker or fast back warded to get a previous topic. The input here is only the disk. 3.7 OUTPUT FORMAT This is the series of lectures the learner receives from the video he/she has washed. 3.8 PROBLEM OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM

Some of the problems inherent in the manual system of learning include: i. Non-user friendliness of the recorded tutorials on hence cant solve very difficult problems.

ii. iii.

Inaccurate in providing solutions to problem due to human errors involved. Delay in providing solutions since the tape/VCD has to be play sequentially (cannot jump a topic).

iv. v. 3.9

Does not cover exactly all the areas of the subject matter. It does not maintain the international standard needed in teaching. THE PROPOSED SYSTEM

In this system, computer uses do not have to run to an expert (human expert) for tutorial lessons. For novices with constant use of the IDE they grow to becoming an expert themselves. Non-experts also could work with these experts to becoming an expert themselves. The new system involves diverse and rapidly expanding spectrum of computer technologies that assist the teaching and learning process.


Having seen the much associated with the current system, the researcher therefore deemed it fit for a new system to be designed and implemented. This system will hopefully address the problems of the existing system by providing help and solution to the problem of its users. At this point, it is pertinent to note the meaning of system design with regard to learning using computer application. The system design is the task of employing the powers of computer technology to create a learning environment. If the user had gone to an extent in the subject, he/she can start at the point where he can understand. It is not a must that the system will output the same instruction; it all depends on the choice of the user. AIMS OF SYSTEM DESIGN To design system that will be cost effective Development of a system that meet users requirement To design system that provides flexibility. 4.1 STAGES OF DESIGN PROCESS

These stages involved in the design of the new system: I. II. III. Determination of the nature of the system Determination of the input and output requirement Design and specification of the proposed system including files, programs and data control procedures. IV. Design of computer forms.

With the new system designed for learning, a computer office or none could be needed for effective learning through computer aided instruction. Computer room will serve as lecture room, learning of is going to be some entries of the computer in order to specify which area to learn and access the entire facilities provided by the software. 4.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW SYSTEM

The new system is a computer application that acts as; consultant to a non-expert client seeking direct advice, instructor to a novice or students who want to learn, partner to an computer application builder who wants to improve or increase knowledge base and also a colleague to an expert. The system work as these: a non-expert who encounters error message or failure message from the debugger would easily and conveniently consult the computer

application for the right recommendation. A novice or a student who wants to learn, do not have to go looking for an expert and spending much money, but would simply visit the software or web page where the computer application was hosted. The computer application software and upon availability of the hardware and other software requirements, teaches him/her to become an expert. Expert would also acquire some new or other knowledge and integrate it with that of existing computer application, in order to increase or expand the knowledge base. Also experts who may have forgotten the diagnosis to a particular fault could simple refer to computer application and continue. In all, there must be an intention for the system to work and the maximally utilized and user must sit by the computer terminal and type in the problem description. 4.2 DESIGN OF THE NEW SYSTEM

The design of the computer application involves the construction of the knowledge base which was facilitated by both the hardware and software requirement acquisition needed to build the system. The major participant in this activities are the domain expert, the knowledge engineer and system programmer as there is the need to program from scratch. A rule base

knowledge representation method was used in representing the way through which inference can be made on encoded knowledge base. The development activity includes an inference engine, an explanation facility and interfaces. For the design to be complete and properly develop, a proper blend and manipulation of both input and processing specification which producing the required output specification was ensured. 4.3 OUTPUT SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN

It is necessary to consider what is required from the system before deciding how to go about producing it. These requirements will have to become clear as the project progress. The output design of the system includes picture of the being discussed, illustration of what is being discussed and the write up of what is being discussed. 4.4 INPUT SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN

The format through which the learners key in data is known as input specification. All the necessary options of interest must be selected in order to get the desired output. 4.5 SYSTEM FLOW CHART

This is the flowchart that shows the overall logic of the system process and it gives a picture of the processing operation in the system. The system flowchart is shown below.


Login to the computer

Navigate to area of interest

Choose your progress

Load saved progress

The computer aided instruction starts



SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT Fundamentally the only way of talking to a computer is through developed programs. Such programs are lengthy and comprehensible to non-programmer. The recommended software (operating system) requirements are windows and an application packages designed for computer assisted learning. Internet connection is also needed. 4.7 HARDWARE REQUIRMENT

Hardware means the physical components of a computer system. The facilities needed by the computer for design and implementation a new system. The following are the hardware requirements: Monitor (SVGA) Keyboard (Enhance key) Mouse (optical) Pentium M processor Hard disk capability of not less than 80 GB Ram capacity of at 512MB UPS (uninterrupted power supply)

Printer Flash drive (removal storage)



The implementation process begins after the computer has accepted the new system. And before then every proposed computer application should be subject to a preliminary study to set if it is feasible before the user approvals is given. The implementation consists of installation of the new system and the removal of the existing system. This is achieved by the actual purchase of the right equipment, staff training, writing and testing of computer programs routines or packages as may be needed or as specified in the design, creation of files and changeover to the new system. 4.9 TEST RUNNING

Before a system is made fully operational, it should be thoroughly tested. This is because a program may be running without any form of syntax errors yet not producing the desired result. So it is essential that user test the system with real data. Once the reliability of the system has been tested, the user should run it

with the historical data. The computerized result can now be checked for accuracy and consistency against the known manual results.



The education and training the user of a system is vital if it is to be operated correctly and the full benefits are to be obtained. The management should provide training and personal development program for everyone connected with the computer system, so that they will be aware of its functions and be confident in its use. 4.11 HANDOVER PLAN

For a smooth changeover from the existing system to the new system, the parallel changeover is considered. This is because the parallel changeover involve concurrent running of the old and new systems in which the result of each are compared with the other for accuracy and consistency. In this case the old system is not abandoned until the user has complete confidence in the reliability and accuracy of the new one. 4.12 SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION

This process involved documentation of the program in case, if there is need to make their structure and operation understandable and to serve as a basis for further program maintenance, which include program specification and design. Also, it outlines the techniques and methods utilized to correct problem areas in the existing system, as they are described in the statement of problem. It illustrates both the technicality and economically how a new system would improve some of the objectives and goals of the establishment. It describes how the file and forms designed to run on window-based computer. The user finds it easy to utilize its resources each menu gives a list of pull menus, which give a list of pull down menus, which enables the user to perform tasks, is indicated aptly by the submenu in which it identifies. 1.17.1 NEED FOR DOCUMENTATION

1. It is used for the user as a tool in checking the state of the new system. 2. It helps in providing a communication link which is very vital in users of the new system. 3. It is used to check how much cost-effective of the new system.



The hardware and software require for the installation as recommended in chapter four were acquired and installed. The program following the system specification was coded and developed using database. The program is running well and it meets the required standard and specification. This completed work serve as a great improvement over the previous system that was in use. The improvement is especially in the area of knowing the number of insured and their expiring/expiration date. Mostly of the problems encountered in using the manual methods are eliminated, thereby providing a fast and accurate system that can meet the demand without much delay.


This project work dealt intensively on the effects of computer aided instruction. It clearly stated the design, aims, and objective and also the basis for which this project work was interestingly, taken up. Included the very vital part of the research activities undertaking by the researcher in this project work are: critical review of various literatures by various authors and researchers in the field of computer applications and, analysis of the existing system in which involves interviewing people that attend the tutorials to know the difficulties they experience and designing of the new system expected to solve the problems of the existing system, following specifications and using requirements. Also worth nothing at the activities of this project work is the very important aspect of designing which is testing and debugging. Since it is necessary for learning techniques to be known as a prerequisite to its designing and development, this project work discussed in detail the various techniques and the mistakes developers make and the solutions to them.

Finally, the software development for this system (the new system) incorporates the guide and a directional guide on how to navigate the web page. A user manual accompanied software. 5.1 RECOMMENDATION This system is meant for all kinds of computers and devices. It can also run on a browser. The new system contributed to the existing one, has a lot of significant advantages if employed. Therefore it is recommended: i. ii. iii. For the sake of its knowledge during learning For reference sake. For the sake of knowledge expansion or further research.

5.2 CONCLUSION Computer aided instruction has a positive effect on learning. This project work chosen by the researcher after taking into consideration, the many difficulties which learners and novice in the field go through. The researcher therefore deemed it fit to limit these difficulties by helping them to at least tackle faults through this project work. A lot of computer application software has been developed in various fields and even in the area of web programming, But further

narrowing the scope of research of computer was intended to capture the interest of persons, student etc. who may be scared and resistant or discouraged to explore the effects of computer aided instruction, due to complexity therefore this project work has to its credit, the ability of captivating computer users interests, and then act as a foundation class to more and more advancement on solution to every aspect of learning. This kind of learning could be used by any kind of user. Since it has a wide range of topics for which it could be applied. This system provides its users with a lot of benefits, the best of which is the user can go to the remotest part of the country where no even an expert could be found. Finally, the computer aided instruction allows for expansion and update, so this could create room for this project to slowly creep into areas of urgently needed attention and of high interest as this one study herein and so on.

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