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Code: 9A01503

III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING I (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 Explain the various types of raingauges. 2 (a) Explain briefly infiltration capacity, -index and w-index. (b) Explain water-budget method. (a) What are the various components of runoff? Explain each. (b) How do you estimate runoff? (a) Two catchments A and B are considered meteorologically similar. Their catchments characteristics are given below. Catchment A Catchment B L=30km Lca=15km A=250km2 L=45km Lca=25km A=400km2

For catchment A, a 2-h unit hydrograph was developed and was found to have a peak discharge of 50 m3/s. The time to peak from the beginning of the rainfall excess in this unit hydrograph was 9 h. Using Snyders method develop a unit hydrograph for catchment B. 5 (a) Explain the terms well losses, specific capacity, specific drawdown, well efficiency. (b) Ground water flows through an aquifer with a cross-sectional area of 1.0 x 104 m2 and a length of 1500 m. Hydraulic heads are 300 m and 250 m at the groundwater entry and exit points in the aquifer, respectively. Groundwater discharges into a stream at the rate of 1500 m3/day. What is the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer? If the porosity of the material is 0.3, what is the pore velocity of water. (a) Write down the differences between perennial irrigation and flood irrigation. (b) Explain the concept of sub-irrigation. Explain natural sub irrigation and artificial sub irrigation. (a) Explain what are the different irrigation efficiencies and principal crop seasons and crops of India. (b) Explain how the frequency of irrigation required for a certain crop is determined. (a) Describe briefly the various considerations made in the alignment of an irrigation canal. (b) Explain the procedure for designing an irrigation channel using Laceys theory. *****

Code: 9A01503

III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING I (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What are the various types of precipitation? (b) Explain tipping-bucket type rain gauge. 2 (a) Explain briefly infiltration capacity, -index and w-index (b) Explain energy-balance method. (a) How do you separate baseflow from direct runoff? (b) List the factors that affect runoff. Given below are the ordinates of a 4-h unit hydrograph. Using this derive the ordinates of a 2-h unit hydrograph for the same catchment. Col(1) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Col(2) 0 20 80 130 150 130 90 52 27 15 Here Col(1) indicates Time(h) and Col (2) is in m3 /s. 5 (a) List the various methods of drilling used for constructing tube wells. Describe any one of these methods in detail. (b) A tracer took 15 hr to travel from well A to B which are 120 m apart. The difference in their water table elevation was 0.9 m. The porosity of the aquifer is 30%. Calculate: (a) Hydraulic conductivity and (b) intrinsic permeability. (a) What is meant by flood irrigation and contour farming? Where these methods are practiced? (b) Discuss critically the quality standards required for irrigation water. (a) Define soil moisture Deficiency, crop ratio, paleo irrigation and overlap allowance. (b) 10 cumecs of water is delivered to a 32 hectare field, for 4 hours. Soil proving after the irrigation indicates that 0.3 m of water has been stored in root zone. Compute the water application efficiency. (a) How irrigation canals are classified? Explain. (b) What do you understand by Laceys initial and final regime conditions? ***** 5 0

Code: 9A01503 III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING I (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What are the various types of precipitation? (b) Explain weighing-bucket type rain gauge. 2 (a) What is meant by evaporation and list the various factors which affect evaporation? (b) Explain Penmans equation. How do you measure the streamflow? (a) What is S-curve? Why is it used? (b) Given below are the ordinates of a 4-h unit hydrograph. Derive the ordinates of a 12-h unit hydrograph for the same catchment. Col(1) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Col(2) 0 20 80 130 150 130 90 52 27 15 Here Col(1) indicates Time(h) And Col (2) is in m3 /s.Use S-Curve technique. 5 (a) Describe with a neat sketch a collector or radial well. (b) A confined aquifer is 30 m thick and 1 km wide. The heads of two observations well located 500 m apart are 50 m and 28 m. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is 25 m/day. Calculate the total daily flow through the aquifer. (a) `All the waters are not fit for irrigation'. Discuss briefly and critically the above statement. (b) How is the flow irrigation different from the lift irrigation? (a) Name the principal Indian crops and detail their water requirements. Also suggest ways to increase the duty in an irrigation system. (b) During a particular stage of the growth of a crop, consumptive use of water is 2.8 mm/day. Determine the interval in days between irrigations and depth of water to be applied when the amount of water available in the soil is 25%, 50%, 75% and 0% of the maximum depth of available water in the root zone which is 80 mm. Assume irrigation efficiency to be 65%. (a) Write a brief note on inundation canals. (b) Design an irrigation channel to carry a discharge of 10 cumec. Assume N = 0.0225 and m=1.The channel has a bed slope of 0.3 m per kilometer ***** 5 0

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Code: 9A01503 III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING I (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What are the various types of precipitation? (b) Explain any one recording type of rain gauge. 2 (a) Explain briefly infiltration capacity, -index and w-index. (b) Explain briefly the evaporation process. (a) What are the various components of runoff? Explain each. (b) Explain ultrasonic method of streamflow measurement. (a) Describe briefly the procedure of preparing a D-hr Unit hydrograph for a catchment. (b) Given below are the ordinates of a 6-h unit hydrograph for a catchment. Calculate the ordinates of the DRH due to a rainfall excess of 3.5cm occurring in 6 hr. Col(1) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 69 Col(2) 0 25 50 85 125 160 185 160 110 60 36 25 16 Here Col(1) indicates Time(h) And Col (2) indicates U.H ordinates in m3 /s. 5 (a) Explain the procedure for the recovery-test method for the determination of the transmissibility T. What are its limitations? (b) A tube well having a diameter of 15 cm is driven in an unconfined aquifer having a coefficient of permeability of 5 x 10-4m/s. The bottom of the well is a depth of 50 m below the water table. Calculate the yield of the well at a drawdown of 10 m. Assume the radius of influence of 300 m. (a) Suggest measures to improve the quality water for safe use in crops. Point out the crops according to their tolerance to boron in irrigation water. (b) What is land grading? Describe the criteria for land levelling. (a) Write a brief note on crop seasons and crops of India. (b) A water course has culturable commanded area of 1000 hectares. The intensity of irrigation for crop A is 40% and for crop B is 45%, both the crops being rabi crops. Crop A has a kor depth of 150 mm and kor period 3 weeks; and crop B has a kor depth of 100 mm and kor period 2 weeks. Calculate the discharge of the water course. (a) Explain what is meant by unlimited incoherent alluvium in the context of Lacey's theory. Discuss the limitations of Kennedy's and Lacey's theory in their applicability. (b) Design an irrigation channel section for discharge of 40 cumecs, silt factor 1.0 and side slope of 1:1. Determine the longitudinal slope also. ***** 8 0

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