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by Mysticalgod

Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4.

a Drink of choice. Preferably Rum or Wine a Magic Pen a square paper, roughly 3x3 inches

3 magic cups (cups only for magic)

Take up your might magical pen, the one you only use for magic, and close your eyes and call to your God and Goddess,

"Oh source of my every breath, my wonderful God and my wonderful Goddess, I fail not guide me to do, and let me see what to do for you to grant unto me this that I need: [NOW SAY EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED, AS CONCISELY AS POSSIBLE, AND LET IT BE WITHIN REASON.] in my words, oh so true, I open the gates of my very heart, please, I beg, hear me,

Now form the Vetriwan. Close your eyes, and cry out, with as much emotion as you can muster, a perfect expression of what you need, and as you do this, you will LET YOUR The paper should be about 3x3 inches. AHHHY YAAAWAAAA (or whatever sound best expresses the feeling of exactly what you need. If you need your house HAND DRAW WHATEVER IT FEELS, onto the square paper, while your eyes are shut.

to be cleansed of a curse, it will probably have a longer, more intense sound.) Remember, you are not drawing anything except the form of a spiritual feeling. To an living energy. This energy form is known as a Vetriwan. Of it, you are creating life. Next. draw a circle on earth, wood, or paper, and place your Vetriwan within it. The circle around the cups as they sit. As you draw the circle, say, OOOHHMMM I THIRST OOOOHHHMM I THIRST TAYOHRA, bring the power I need from my source indeed. I conjure of this circle before me. In the names of my God and Goddess [names], so mote it be. Clasp your hands, bow your head and say, "In three cups, the water from my my soul flows into oh mighty ones I give to you and I receive from you my desire arises and your will ascends to meet together the cross within the circle of my ideas a seed is formed free the form of my words to be free above me,

ordinary man, it will look like scribble. But, to a God, Demon, or Angel, it will look like

MUST BE large enough to contain your three cups, so you might want to draw your circle

OOOHHMMM I THIRST OOOOHHHMM I THIRST TAYOHRA oh mighty, oh splendid source, kahsidra, what is it and find me now all my flowers I now offer you, with the life blood of my very life, cleans the corrupt air that surrounds me, and give me oh please, OOOHHMMM I THIRST OOOOHHHMM I THIRST TAYOHRA the beautiful nameless beast we have brought to life, please let it be, oh please let it be, that my wishes shall be with me." 1. pour your drink into the three cups, take it to form my love unto you, and please bless me,

then lift the first and say, "

"Creators of my being

oh let the fire of your power alight this my offering and let it be good to you, that my offering will cleans," Take one sip, and set it into the circle, with the Vetriwan 2. then lift the second up, and say,

authors of my path, watchers of my voice,

"Cast a beautiful red light upon this cup, the light before the rise of my darkness, like the the deepest glow of my sunset,

OOOHHMMM I THIRST OOOOHHHMM I THIRST TAYOHRA." Take one sip, and set it into the circle, with the Vetriwan 3. then lift the third cup, and say, but it is received by the hand of beauty within me, I watch as your child, and I come to you now and speak, Oh mighty ones, please let it be. Please let it be. OOOHHMMM I THIRST OOOOHHHMM I THIRST TAYOHRA." Take one sip, and set it into the circle with the Vetriwan. Let set free this dream to rise like the smoke of my sacred incense, and let it breathe all that I see in it. PRECIOUS MIGHTY ONES IN WHOM I HAVE NEED. So mote it be, in the names of my God and Goddess [names]. The path I take is not stolen from one who is,

please feed me what I require in my desire,

You now may proceed into other additions to this ritual, or you may meditate. Otherwise, this ritual is complete, except for the final offerings. Upon a tray, or carrier, take the three cups and go outside, and pour the contents of these three cups upon the ground, preferably where there is earth, or grass. Then take the Vetriwan, and go to a quiet and peaceful place outside, where no one will bother you or your magical item, and bury the Vetriwan in earth, no less than 5 inches into the earth.

Created by Mysticalgod.

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