Sugee Butter Cake Recipe

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Sugee Butter Cake recipe

567g butter, room temperature 500g semolina 265g egg yolks 454g sugar 186g egg white 127g plain flour 4g baking powder 163ml full cream milk or whipped cream 227g chopped almonds 2 Tablespoon vanilla essence

1. Preheat the oven to 170 deg C. 2. Blend butter in an electric cake mixer on medium speed for between seven and 10 minutes, adding the semolina gradually until the mixture is well incorporated and fluffy. Cover and set aside in a cool, dry place for at least four hours and, if possible, overnight. 3. Beat the egg yolks and sugar in an electric mixer on high speed until the mixture turns pale yellow and frothy. 4. Add the egg yolk mixture to the semolina mixture in an electric cake mixer and beat on the lowest speed until well incorporated. Avoid over-beating. Set aside. (I just beat with mixer for 3 seconds and continue to fold in with a metal spoon manually) 5. Beat the egg white in an electric mixer on high speed until it forms stiff, firm peaks. Add to the mixture in the cake mixer and beat on the lowest speed until well incorporated. Avoid over-beating. (I fold in the egg-whites to the batter by hand) 6. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl. 7. Add the flour, baking powder, full cream milk and almonds alternately and gradually to the mixture in the cake mixer, which is set to the lowest speed. Mix until well incorporated. Avoid overbeating. (I fold by hand) 8. Add vanilla essence to the batter and mix on the lowest speed until well incorporated. Avoid overbeating. (I fold by hand) 9. Pour 1kg of the batter into a lined and greased baking tin (approximately 23cm x 18cm x 8cm). Repeat. 10. Place both trays into the oven and bake for 60 minutes at 170 deg C. If necessary, adjust the temperature between 150 and 175 deg C, depending on individual oven. To test for doneness, pierce the centre of the cake with a skewer. It should come out clean.

Sugee/semolina flour mixed with butter and allowed to sit overnight.

Sugee cake batter

moist and soft but yet textured enough to entice my palate with buttery taste.

pineapple tarts
Yield: 75 rolls

pineapple jam: 2 half-ripe pineapples, grated 200g granulated sugar (adjust according to your preference) 4 cloves 1 x 5cm cinnamon stick 1 tbsp lemon juice pastry: 250g unsalted butter, softened 50g icing sugar 2 egg yolks 360g plain flour mixed with 2 tbsp corn flour (sifted) tsp salt pineapple filing (take 6g or tsp heapful of filling and shape into a small elongated roll). egg wash 1 egg yolk + 1 tbsp milk

1. Skin the pineapple and remove the eyes. Cut each pineapple into quarters lengthwise. Grate the pineapple using a grater until it reaches the core. Discard the core. 2. Drain the grated pineapples using a large sieve. Use a ladle to press the juice out until it is 90% dried up. Retain the pineapple juice for cooking later. Use a wooden spoon, cook the grated and drained pineapples, putting in half portion of the sugar, cloves, cinnamon sticks and lemon juice in a large pot under moderate heat until it begins to boil. Reduce the heat to medium and continue to cook, stirring occasionally. 3. Add the pineapple juice little bit by little bit when the juice in the mixture is almost evaporated. Repeat this step until all the juice is completely used up for the cooking. Add the remaining sugar bit by bit until the desired sweetness is achieved. This step can be done close to the end of the cooking. 4. When all the juices are used up and the mixture has started to look dry and caramelized, reduce the heat to low. Keep stirring until the mixture is almost dry and sticky with a golden-hue. This will take about 1-1 hours. Remove cloves and cinnamon stick. Set aside to cool and store in an air-tight container. 5. Preheat the oven at 160C. Line a baking tray with grease-proof paper. Meanwhile, cream the butter and the icing sugar until light. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time. Add in salt and beat until fluffy. 6. Fold in sifted ingredients (divided into 2-3 times) and mix into a firm dough. Leave aside for 30 minutes. Put the dough into a pineapple roll pastry press or mould, and then press out into a strip of 5cm length. 7. Place the pineapple filing at one end and roll up the pastry, as in a Swiss roll, enough to enclose the jam. Do not overlap the pastry. Cut off the excess pastry. Put the rolls on the baking tray. Brush with egg wash. 8. Bake in pre-heated oven for 15 minutes and turn the baking tray 180 and continue to bake for 2 minutes or until golden brown. Leave to cool before storing.

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