Free Your Mind - Expand Your Awareness

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Produced by William Smith November 2012

THE ART OF LIVING ................................................... 4 ORGANIZING INTO ONENESS .................................. 7 TO SEE WITHOUT EYES ...........................................10 THE EVOLVING HUMAN BEING ............................. 13 THE POWER OF QUESTION ....................................16 THE MESSENGER OF LIFE ........................................19 YOU ARE THE ETERNAL TRUTH ............................ 22 THE EXTERNAL ILLUSION ...................................... 25 ALWAYS KEEP IT SIMPLE ........................................ 28 ONLY THE STRONGEST DARE PLAY ...................... 31 PLAY MORE, LIVE MORE, JOY MORE .................... 34 THE SOURCE OF GROWTH .................................... 37 KNOW THYSELF AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE ............................................................................ 40 COPY AND SHARE .................................................... 43

I AM MEDITATION I am all I desire. I am love. I am light. I am life. I am the flow of my desires. I am what I allow. I am Divine. I am.
To meditate is to quickening the brain. To build up a flow of energy in the spinal cord and canal. To electrify the glands, gain back your human psychics and become alive. You are more, you are so much more. Be more. Meditate.


The art of life is not about teaching you how to become rich or famous or a leader, it is about teaching you where your limitation lies and how to go beyond that.

FROM POLARITY TO SINGULARITY Let your eye be single and your view of the world will be whole and full of light. Let your eyes be polarized and your view of the world will be split and full of shadows. Many of us are walking around in a world heavily shadowed and therefore also very confusing. Start exercising your inner vision and let the shadows transmute into a reflecting radiant of light. I ALLOW MYSELF TO GROW BY CHALLENGING THE WORLD OF ILLUSIONS Earth is a place for transformation. She is the womb of birth, rebirth and transmutation. When you turn your attention away from the external shadows that are constantly seeking your light and instead focus your energy on self, you instantly challenge the world of illusions. When you go even further and find stillness and center, it is then you truly sprout like an ascending flower in the cosmic womb of earth.

WHAT JOURNEY ARE YOU REALLY ON Universe is always setting things before us. Things to understand. Things to learn. Things to experience. What you do in response to what is set before you determines who and what you are. Those who follow that part of themselves that is great become great. Those who follow that side of themselves that is small become small. The choice is always yours.

YOU MATERIALIZE THROUGH INTENTION Whatever you put your intention to or pay focus on you automatic give energy to. Give your body more energy by focusing more on yourself. Terraform your body through thoughts and intentions. Give your body your full attention under a minute. Tell it you love it. Spend some few minutes in environments that help you find center and balance. It is not the amount of time you spend here that is important but the focused intention you put into the time that is the magic. When you find what is right for you, make it an everyday practice. You will need all your energy to help you tune in your frequency in the times ahead.


We are one mess organizing into oneness - the structured order of wholeness.

STOP LOOKING FOR GOD AND BE GOD Jesus, Allah, Jehovah are all trigger words for locking you into the corporate religious mind matrix. These words are bestsellers and part of the Business Model. Money and delusional psychopaths rule the current reality. And they damn well know how to do business and fool the rest of us. If you are really looking for GOD, start by taking a good and long look in the mirror for you will never find it in Santa land.

MOVE BEYOND ENLIGHTENMENT Enlightenment is in the mind and guided by the celestial energy Saturn, the father of perfection. This is his domain and he is the ruler here. To really be free, one must go beyond enlightenment. Real freedom lies in the heart - there, you find the true, organic light, the force which unites everything - the force of oneness, the force of Love and Light.

YOU ARE A POWERFUL UNIVERSAL FORCE How isolated and insignificant you may think you are you are constantly influencing the universe. Your influence can either take the shape of a wild storm or be as silent as a water drop rippling across the deep oceans of mysteries. Never underestimate your inner power and outer strength. You are a powerful fractal of the holographic universe.

BE THE COSMIC CENTER AND BALANCE When equilibrium rules there is no law. Law comes into place when equilibrium is disturbed. In order to create laws, chaos and disorder must first be created. Now we, experiencers of life, must once again return to the calm and spiritual state of mind and find equilibrium within self.


To see the real construct of life you must close your eyes and open your vision.


TIME TO REWRITE OUR AKASHIC HISTORY Nothing is written in stone. It is only written in stone when you lack the ability to understand that you are the creator of your own reality. This lack of understanding is sometimes known as Maya. It is now time for you and all of us to rewrite history and put an end to this current Maya.

INSTALLED ABILITIES AND LIMITATIONS Many things that you as adult suffer from often have their roots in programs that were installed in you during the first sex years of life. Just like with computers, these programs tell you and your body how to act or react to others, and your environment. These programs also dictate your abilities and limitations. But they can all be reprogrammed or uninstalled.


CHANGE THE SCRIPT AND CHANGE YOUR REALITY AND ENVIRONMENT The most precious gift you can give to yourself is selfknowledge. To attain this self-knowledge, knowledge of the external world is necessary. It is because you are the creator of your external reality. By editing your internal movie script, you soon get to see who the real external movie maker is. You and only you.

BE YOUR OWN PROGRAMMER OF MIND Access your mind-ware through meditation and see which programs are running in the background of your carnal mind. The same way programs in computers can be installed, modified and uninstalled, programs in you can also be installed, modified and uninstalled. It is time for you to make the impossible possible, it is time to uninstall the poverty programs, the fear programs, the limitation programs and install the program of endless possibilities.



Creation is an evolving process in which there are no quick answers but instant visions.


YOU ARE THE LIVING COSMIC LIBRARY Go within and you will see that there is more to what you see, hear, feel, taste, smell and sense with your limited physical senses. You are both the key to the cosmic library of creation and the living library itself. All the answers to your questions are in your own inner cosmic you-niverse, which is accessed only from within.

YES, IT ALWAYS GETS SWEETER THAN THIS Does life get any better than this? Yes, yes and yes. It always gets better and sweeter than this. Always. It is your destiny to grow. It is your destiny to evolve. It is written in the stars. And printed far beyond the stars. It is also in mother earths great dream - to once again see you, her beloved child, touch the stars with majestic elegance.


ACHIEVE STILLNESS BY OCCUPYING YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND The more you seek to achieve the speed of light, the farther away from it you get. The only way to travel at the speed of light is to be still. The light is already within you and it doesn't travel at all. It is always at rest. All things in motion eventually seek to achieve a state of rest. Bring out your light by occupying the inner deep of your consciousness.

VISUALISE AND IMAGINE YOUR FUTURE ABILITIES IN THE PRESENT NOW Tomorrows television is called remote viewing and tomorrows telephone is called telepathy. It is through imagination and visualization you reactivate these dormant genes within you. Now is a perfect time to play with your imagination. What you put out into your personal reality shapes your future self.



Everything begins with imagination, with a thought process and then slowly evolves through multiple series of questions.


BE AS FREE AS YOU WERE BORN TO BE Never ask for freedom. Freedom is something you take. When asking for freedom you together with everyone else create liberty, which is a manmade sort of freedom bound by social contracts. Always try to be free as a true and natural being of Mother Nature.

ELEVATION IS CONSCIOUS THINKING If you wish to elevate yourself and become master of your own mind, you must move more towards conscious thinking. You must expand your being. This happens when we start questioning your beliefs, start taking responsibility for your own actions and start seeking your own personal and spiritual growth.


MOVE OUT OF THE LAND OF SHEEPLES When only functioning from your subconscious mind, the body mind or your animal mind, you easy become subject for manipulation from the outside world. This makes it very easy for external forces to shape and steer your mind in a certain direction and eventually turn you into an obedient servant who is hundred percent satisfied with things as they are and never ever bother to go beyond what meets the naked eyes and truly see the world for what it really is.

BECOME CONSCIOUS OF YOUR CHOICES Your choices are constantly shaping your reality. You open the door to self changes and self possibilities when you focus on making conscious choices. When operating subconsciously you put yourself on an autopilot mode which is restricting your possibilities and at the same time inviting someone else to be the creator and controller of your world and dreams. Be more aware of your choices and become your own conscious reality creator and controller.



Be an angel, a messenger of heart, an angle of light. Shine with focus so that others may see in their darkness.


OVERCOME THE POWER OF THE SORCERER Ignorance is the power of the dark sorcerer and conscious manipulation is the name of his game. The mind is his scene while the heart is your true destination. Make time to learn and see through his game of deception and perpetual lies. Enter his stage and learn to predict his next ritual moves. Trust your inner guidance and your true intuition will lead you back home to the mind of cosmic knowledge and the heart of universal wisdom. Always.

FROM EGO TO UNITY BASED ACTIONS A new form of leadership is emerging. It is a leadership based on strength and unity rather than power and ego. There are no particular front figures or stars in this emerging for everyone will have the ability required in the given moment she or he is needed. Practice living from the heart. Practice thinking from the heart. Practice caring from the heart and join the unified cosmic earth family of tomorrow.


ALWAYS REMEMBER THE SMALL STEPS Never forget the small steps - the little smiles, the silent laughter, the gentle touches and the small words. All those littleness are creating the beautiful wholeness you are and becoming.

THERE IS NOTHING GREATER THAN YOU There is nothing greater than you as there is nothing you cannot achieve. Know WHY you are. Know WHO you are. And know WHAT you are. The more you stop fighting yourself and unite within, the more your vibration will rise, the more you will heal and the lighter you will become. The lighter you become the easier and less challenges you will have moving beyond the reality of limitations.



Never go to anyone for the truth. You may go for facts and information but the real truth lies within you.


IMAGINE AND DREAM THE BEST OF LIFE Within you lies the code to the entire cosmos. You are the divine and heavenly fire of all things. Dream the best of life even in times of ups and downs. Little dreams let you get the precious taste of life while big dreams move you forward. Always keep dreaming. Always keep imagining. At the end of every journey is a moment of pure magical bliss - a moment when you get the chance to experience the best of all your dreams and imaginations.

LET THE TWO BECOME THE ONE LAW The universe has only one law. That law is not integrated in your biological human blue print, it is found in your spiritual soul print. You access all of cosmos when the two become the one law. Earth, our biological mother, the great dreamer, does not create for nothing; she creates for a much greater vision story, a story beyond this physical realm.


THE END OF DIVIDE AND CONQUER To end the dark world game of divide, conquer and enslavement through mind control and ritual trance, fallen humanity must wake up from its deep trance and sleep, rise up from the underworld and return to its divine and intelligent mind. Now is the time for you stop being a blind player. Now is the time for you to awaken yourself and arise from the valley of the hollow and unconscious drones.

TIME TO BRING HEAVEN TO EARTH When we humans work together and with nature we get heaven on earth. When working against each other and nature we get hell. We now need to put away the illusion of separation. We are all one. One people. One nation. One earth. One truth. Time to allow ourselves to once again fall in love with mother earth and each other. It is time to bring heaven into our hearts and create paradise on earth.



The only thing standing between you and self is the illusion of fear.


THE MAGIC OF CHANGING THE FUTURE The magic in changing the future is not to wait for a change to occur but to bring the future into the now. Tomorrow is an illusion created to calm the mind from going insane as everything you are experiencing and will ever experience is an eternal ride in a constant now. Always keep moving in body, mind and spirit.

SEEK CONNECTION AND MAKE THE RIDE OF LIFE MORE JOYFUL AND MORE EASIER We are all children learning how to ride the bike of life. Your divine guidance is always right behind you. Just seek connection and your ride will become much steadier and much more joyful.


THE SWEET FLOW OF DIVINITY The sky is always blue, the sun always shining and love always nurturing where the words of wisdom and truth are in constant flow with the divine heart of life.

REMOVING THE BODY MASK OF MATTER We put on our body costumes when others are unable to see us for what we really are. This costume also becomes us when we ourselves are unable to remember who we really are. But what you see is merely a mask, a persona created to pleasure the limited senses. When realizing this you then come to know that you exist far beyond this bodily costume of matter.



Life becomes easy when we keep things simple. And many times, the simplest answer is the correct answer.


THE HOLOGRAPHIC BEAUTY OF LIFE You are always both, the one and the many. The trick is to see yourself as the many, for when seeing yourself as the many you then become the one. The true holographic beauty of existence.

FORGIVE YOURSELF, LET GO AND BE FREE You can only forgive someone if you have forgiven yourself. You can only love someone if you love yourself. Before you can totally be, you have to totally give up and surrender to self. You become what you see and think of yourself when only focusing on the external appearances and that is not what you really are. You are more and deserve far better more for life desires strongly to give you the best of all of its bliss.


BE WHAT YOU EXPECT OF OTHERS Unity consciousness works in total transparency. It has no place for dividing lies, only heart for unifying truth. If you wish to have access and earn your right to a cosmic citizenship, you must act in total transparency and become the truth we want to see in others.

MAKE TIME TO TRANSFORM YOUR INNER SEED OF LIGHT The seed of creation is inside each and every one of us. But it can only grow in a pure temple. To make this seed grow and truly transform you into the god being you are, you have to first recognize and be fully aware of this inner seed of light. You have all the power and strength needed. You now only need to make yourself ready.



This game is a hard game. And only the strongest of souls dare to come here and play it. Never fight yourself. It is a battle without a winner.


THE ILLUSION OF FEAR IS IN PROGRESS The world is not ruled by money or religion or war or technology... It is ruled by fear and runs on fear. A manufactured fear mostly based on illusions. Fear is a construct, a mental virus which is master at duplicating and spreading itself through subconscious programming. Free your mind by letting go of all the illusions of this reality that are holding you back.

TRADITIONS AS SOCIAL PROGRAMMING Many things we call tradition are simply social programming which in other terminology is organized brainwashing or mind control programming. We live in a society and reality of perpetual mass brainwashing and social behavior engineering. Stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed because the major and most valuably quality you are washing away is your common and critical sense.


THE NON CRITICAL HUMAN DRONE All changes start with you and to change you must be willing to let go of the old ways. Social conditioning is one of many ways to keep you occupied within the system. This is why you are constantly fed with entertainments and outer noises. This is why most of your thoughts are not yours. This is how you are been prevented to not think for yourself. Liberate your mind from its mental disorders by taking the blue pill.

PASSING THROUGH THE MIND MATRIX You are a creative being on a spiritual journey passing through a physical world. There is a system in this physical world which will play many mind tricks on you if you allow yourself to get caught up in all its polarity dramas. Avoid getting trapped in its seductive and addictive mind matrix. It is never too late to stop once in a while, ask a critical question and then try to tap into your own reflecting and creative mind.



Start playing folks because it is all a game. When taking it too seriously, it becomes real which then costs lives.


THE CYBORG REALITY OF THE REMOTE CONTROLLED BEEHIVES The easiest and most efficient way to slave a race is to make them think they are inferior and powerless. In this process they themselves will automatic shut down all their natural inner abilities, surrender and allow themselves to be remote controlled beehives. In such a cyborg reality, each persons main goal is going to be to think, act, look, live and subconsciously strive to be like each others hollow and colorless shadows.

HACKING THE MIND FREE FROM GARBAGE Detoxing your body is important in an unsympathetic reality full of cold blooded vampires and life energy extracting and depraving parasites but this is only half the job. To be completely free of all the physical garbage, mental poison and everyday nonsense, you have to also surgically detoxify your mind cause that is where the first true infection begins.


BE ONE OF TOMORROWS CIVILIZATIONS An encouraging society is a society where people are left alone to grow both physically and mentally as well as spiritually and consciously without being subject to any mind control or social behavior engineering. Now is a perfect moment to expand your wings like a cosmic butterfly. Go within and prepare to be the next generation whose reality is full of endless possibilities and endless potentials.

REMEMBER TO REST AND PLAY AND REST On the journey of life you must always remember to rest and you must also remember to play the game of joy. These are important parts of the creative and ongoing process for there is no end to your creative mind. As the overall journey too is endless, nothing ever gets completely done. There is no overall perfect. We are always reaching for. Always remember to rest. Always remember to play with lots of joy.



Everything grows through darkness. And everything must pass through darkness before it can grow.


LET LOVE BE YOUR COMPANION AND TEACHER OF LIGHT For you to be able to experience all the magic of love, you have to learn to put down all your guards. For in the school of love the first thing you learn and experience is there is no defense against the strongest force in this universe. Allow love be your companion and teacher of life.

LIFE IS NOT ABOUT STRUGGLES Realize you were never meant to struggle. If you wish to create struggle, create struggle for the purpose of finding out that you do not need to struggle. We are not here to be tested; we are here because we want to experience and joyfully learn and eventually get something very special out of each and every experience and journey.


NOTHING IS WRITTEN IN STONE By changing your energy, you change the future. Nothing is written in stone. You, always you, decide the outcome of your future. A high vibration is love which is light. While a low vibration is fear which is illusion. Let us create light. Let us work towards a brighter future. Let us work with love and allow ourselves to experience the best of life and at the same time bring out the best in ourselves.

THE PRISTINE BEAUTY OF NATURE Nature is so beautiful, so wild and yet so organized. Nothing passes nature unnoticed. Every single creature is so in the now, so aware, so living, so free. Try walking in a park at early mornings with only love in your heart and you will soon see, hear, sense and experience natures beauty on multiple levels. You will be amazed of her divine and pristine beauty.



The most satisfying meal you can have is the meal of self knowledge.


BEFORE BECOMING WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE Knowledge is universal. Ideas are universal. There is no genius out there for we are all genius per se and you can awaken to your full potential anytime or stay in the matrix and go on doing whatever you feel you must do before becoming what you already are. And the thing is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that too. Sooner or later, we all start asking the questions needed in order to return to the path of conscious self awareness.

YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE TO ANYONE BUT YOURSELF You have nothing to prove to anybody but yourself. Just as you can never fail until you yourself make it a failure. You are your own master in life and also your own teacher. You are here to evolve; to know yourself, to fully become your own master and teacher of self. Whatever path you choose on your journey to enlightenment, have fun, share love, be truthful to yourself and be open to everyone who comes your way.

CHERISH LIFE AND SEEK WISDOM Cherish life and enjoy each day you get to experience it. You are one of few beings, who has been gifted to experience love in every thinkable way, even through sorrow, pain and tears, on this living and magical planet. In this earthly realm, you are the living library of knowledge and experience. So, dear family; Learn things. Question things. Challenge things. Live things. Always seek the truth and gain more knowledge of your being. Self knowledge and experience are paths of wisdom and freedom.

BE FORMLESS, BE EMPTY, BE LIKE WATER Empty your mind. Become formless. Be like water, my friend. And remember, no matter how much we disagree, let us still remember and know that we are brothers and sisters, all here for each other and all part of a larger loving cosmic family and all one in spirit.
Good luck and be happy so many more can be happy in your happiness. Namaste



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