Interactive Promethean Board

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Interactive Smart Board News Report

By: Martha Hill Latasha McCord Rachael McGaha Movie Length: 0:00:00 Edit Tip

1 Title

0:00:00 Top News Story Interactive Promethean Board Installation

Film Tip

Reporter introduces top news story with title slide. Title Slide transitions to wide shot of Ola High School. Wide shot transitions to medium shot of reporter outside. Audio Voice Over and Music News music

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Top News Story Interactive Promethean Board Installation Ola High School

Reporter outside of High School introduces the news story of the Interactive Promethean Board installation at Ola High School. Reporter states%Good%A+ernoon,%I%am%Rachael%McGaha%

repor7ng%live%from%one%of%McDonough,%Georgia%nest%schools,% Ola%High%School%where%Mr.%Ross%Iddings%reside%as%principal.% Today,%the%current%Special%Educa7on%teachers%in%the%Intellectual Disabled%Programs%will%learn%how%to%eec7vely%connect%an% Interac7ve%Promethean%Board%in%order%to%poten7ally%enhance% student%learning. Introduces reporter inside school.
Scene transitions to inside school. Audio Audio from Video

News music fades to narration

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Outside classroom shot

Reporter inside school is standing at classroom door. Reporter%

Latasha%McCord!introduces%the%teacher%who%received%the%ini7al% Interac7ve%Promethean%Board%and%ask%for%a%statement.%The% teacher%Martha%HIll%states,%I%am%so%excited%about%incorpora7ng% this%new%technology%in%my%classroom.%This%really%will%improve%the development%of%crea7ve%lessons%plans%to%reach%ALL%students% with%dierent%learning%styles.

Medium Shot Scene transitions to inside classroom. Audio Audio from Video

Interactive Smart Board News Report

By: Martha Hill Latasha McCord Rachael McGaha Movie Length: 0:00:00 Edit Tip

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


the%Promethean%%Board%to%begin%the%ceremony%of%connec7ng%the board.%%Reporter%Latasha%McCord%states,%Now%that%there%has% been%sucient%prac7ce%with%the%installa7on%of%the%Promethean Board,%can%you%detail%important%specics%in%connec7ng%this% technology%in%your%classroom?

Medium Shot Transition to connecting the interactive smart board Audio Music Only Music fades to next scene Applause

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Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

First%insert%the%serial%cable%connec7on%into%the%serial%port%(9Vpin port)%of%the%Promethean%Board%connec7on%panel%and%7ghten%the screws%so%that%it's%ngerV7ght. Close%up Transi7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only Reporter does voice over explaining each step

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Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

Then%connect%the%serial%plug%to%the%computer's%serial%port,%or% plug%the%USB%cord%from%the%Promethean%Board%connec7on% panel. Close%up Transi7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only

Interactive Smart Board News Report

By: Martha Hill Latasha McCord Rachael McGaha Movie Length: 0:00:00 Edit Tip

7 Video


Film Tip

Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

Now%connect%the%external%speakers%on%the%Interac7ve% Promethean%Board%to%the%audio%ports%on%the%computer. Close%up Transi7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only

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Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

A+er%that,%you%must%plug%the%keyboard%cord%into%the%adapter%on the%Interac7ve%Promethean%Board%cable%and%then%insert%the% adaptor%into%the%keyboard%port%on%the%computer%(which%is%either a%round%port%or%a%second%USB%port). Close%up Trans7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only

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Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

Next,%insert%the%video%plug%for%the%LCD%projector%in%the%external monitor%port%of%the%computer. Close%up Transi7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only

Interactive Smart Board News Report

By: Martha Hill Latasha McCord Rachael McGaha Movie Length: 0:00:00 Edit Tip

10 Video


Film Tip


Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

Were%almost%ready;%connect%the%other%end%of%the%video%plug% into%the%LCD%projectors%"Video%In"%port. Close%up Transi7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only

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Connecting the Interactive Promethean Board

Once%thats%complete,%a`ach%the%power%cords%to%each%device% and%plug%it%into%an%outlet. Close%up Transi7on%to%turning%on%board

Audio Voice Over Only

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Turning on Interactive Promethean Board

Teacher%Martha%Hill%states%Now%its%7me%to%turn%on%the%board%in the%following%sequence. First,%turn%on%the%smartboard.

Close up Transition to next step. Audio Voice Over Only


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Turning on Interactive Promethean Board

Next, turn on your projector using the remote control. The power indicator light, in the top-left corner of your boardf, should be illuminated when the board is on. Medium shot Transition to next step. Audio Voice Over Only

Interactive Smart Board News Report

By: Martha Hill Latasha McCord Rachael McGaha Movie Length: 0:00:00 Edit Tip

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Turning on Interactive Promethean Board

Finally, Turn on your computer. Be%pa7ent,%your%computer%

desktop%will%show%up%on%the%whiteboard%only%AFTER%your% computer%has%fully%booted%up. Medium%shot Transi7on%to%next%step.

Audio Voice Over Only

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Teacher Statement

Teacher%explains%the%benets%of%using%the%Interac7ve% Promethean%Board Teacher%Martha%HIll%explains%how%the%installa7on%of%the% Interac7ve%Promethean%Board%will%soon%benet%her%students.% The%teacher%Martha%Hill%states%to%reporter%Latasha%McCord!that% students%receiving%instruc7on%with%the%Promethean%Board%will% hopefully%be%more%successful%in%grasping%concepts. They%will%be

allowed%to%come%to%the%board%and%par7cipate%where%they% would%gain%condence%in%their%work.%The%constant% interac7on%with%the%Interac7ve%Promethean%Board%during% classroom%instruc7on%will%denitely%mo7vate%student% learning.%High%School%students%enjoy%the%use%of%technology. They%are%encouraged%by%experien7al%learning%ac7vi7es.%The use%of%successful%technologyVbased%ac7vi7es%here%in%the% classroom%sebng%requires%students%to%do%more%with%the% informa7on%and/or%the%knowledge%they%obtain%from%the% lesson.
Medium shot Transition to closing reporter. Audio Audio from Video

Interactive Smart Board News Report

By: Martha Hill Latasha McCord Rachael McGaha Movie Length: 0:00:00 Edit Tip

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Reporter%Latasha%McCord%concludes%report.%The%reporter% Latasha%McCord%states%this%is%a%new%era%in%educa7on%where%its been%said%that%the%installa7on%of%Interac7ve%Boards%in%a% technologyVbased%classroom%can%denitely%improve%the%engaging and%learning%of%students.%Again,%this%is%Latasha%McCord!live% repor7ng%from%Ola%High%School,%McDonough,%Georgia.%%Now%back to%you%Rachael.

Medium Shot Transitions to credit slide Audio Audio from Video and News music fades in as reporter speaks Music

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Closing Segment

Reporter Rachael McGaha closes segment. In review, the importance of knowing the basics of SMART Board set-up can only enable the educator to promote technology that will enhance the learning experience for all students. This is Rachael McGaha reporting from Ola High School. Close up Transition to credit slide Audio Audio from Video and News music begins Music

18 Still

0:00:00 Credit Slide

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Credits Audio Music Only

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