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Difference between Civil & Criminal Law:

Points of Difference Dispensation of justice Dispensation (=act of giving out) Civil Law Civil law dispenses justice for private wrongs. Private wrong (=breach of right of individual) Dispense (=to give out) The purpose of civil law is to provide remedies for the enforcement of private rights. Remedies are suit for damages or suit for specific performance or suit for injunction. Remedy (=means of enforcing a right) Suit (= any proceeding by a party or parties against another in a court of law) Damages (=damages are the sum of money which a person wronged is entitled to receive from the wrong doer as compensation for the wrong.) Specific performance (=the rendering of a promised performance through a judgment or decree that requires precise fulfillment of a contractual obligation when monetary damages are inappropriate or inadequate) Injunction (=a court order commanding or preventing an action) Civil justice is administered by Civil Courts. Civil law wrongs are, relatively, less harmful for the society... Civil cases are titled as Taylor v John. Case is brought by the claimant. In civil justice, government does not prosecute the case. Prosecute (=to commence and carry out a case) In civil cases in determining the liability, the following factors are irrelevant: (1) Motive (2) Criminal Law Criminal law dispenses justice for public wrongs. Public wrong (=breach of right of community) Dispense (=to give out) The purpose of criminal law is to punish the offenders and to enforce particular form of behavior in a state. Punishment awarded by the court may be in the term of fine or imprisonment for a certain period. Punish (= penalize) Offenders (=wrong doers)


Category of court

Criminal justice is administered by Criminal Courts. Criminal law wrongs are, relatively, more harmful for the society. Criminal cases are titled as Regina versus Mathew. Case is brought by the state. (Regina is Latin for Queen) In criminal justice, government prosecutes the case.

Degree of Harmfulness

Title Title (= label)


Liability Measurement

Criminal liability is measured by keeping the following in view: (1) Motive (2) Intention (3)

Intention (3) Magnitude of the offense (4) Character of the offender.

Magnitude of the offense (4) Character of the offender.

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