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The Origins of the World and Universe: How did the world begin? THE BIG BANG This is the scientific theory of the creation of the world. It states: A singularity (smaller than an atom) could not hold itself together Within a fraction of a second the singularity grew to the size of a melon and the temperature dropped from billions of degrees to millions of degrees hydrogen and helium were formed Since then the universe has continued to expand forming heavier elements, clumps of matter, stars and galaxies etc Happened about 13 billion years ago DO NOT SAY THE BIG BANG WAS CAUSED BY ATOMS COLLIDING TOGETHER THIS IS INCORRECT! OTHER SCIENTIFIC THEORIES The Steady State Theory the total mass of the universe is constant but changes state from energy to matter there never was a beginning RELIGIOUS STORIES OF CREATION: GENESIS CREATION This is the Christian belief that the world and everything in it was created by God. Fill in the boxes below stating what happened on each day: DAY ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN WHAT HAPPENED?

HINDU CREATION STORY Before the creation there was no heaven, earth or sky, only nothingness and an endless sea of darkness. A great snake floated on top of the sea protecting within its coils Lord Vishnu. Peace and silence reigned and Vishnu laid still. Suddenly a deep humming sound began to vibrate the seas with a low AUM. Vishnu awoke, as dawn broke the petals of a lotus flower bloomed in Vishnus naval revealing Brahma sitting in the middle. Vishnu said it is time to begin At Vishnus command Brahma took the lotus flower and broke it into three pieces. One part he stretched out and made into the heavens, another part was used to create the earth and the third became the skies. Brahma created grasses, flowers, trees and plants to make the earth beautiful. Next he created all kinds of animals and insects to live on the land, birds for the air and fish or the sea. Soon his creation was done the air was full of sound and the earth was full of life.

The Hindu story reflects the idea that the gods are involved in creation. Creation is a thing of harmony and beauty. It was made to enable humans to live as an integral part of the whole not as an abuser of the gifts from the gods. All creation must be treated with respect.

Explain the meaning/importance of a religious story of creation (4 marks) Use the space below to bullet point what you would include in an answer to this question. Remember, the question is asking about the meaning of the story DO NOT JUST RETELL THE STORY, YOU WILL NOT GET MARKS FOR THIS! FUNDAMENTALISM A fundamentalist believes that what is written in a holy book is a factual account; therefore the stories about creation are 100% true.

RELIGION & SCIENCE SCIENCE WITHOUT RELIGION IS LAME, RELIGION WTHOUT SCIENCE IS BLIND! RELIGIOUS VIEWS SCIENTIFIC VIEWS Try to explain the purpose Try to explain when and in things that happen how things happen Explain the value or Explain the mechanisms significance and processes Start from general beliefs Start from the particular and and work to the particular work to the genera principles they suggest Are statements of belief Are hypotheses based on based on sacred texts, evidence collected and the religious experience and or extent of knowledge tradition available Are not open to categorical Are open to view or or empirical proof or rejection as new or wider disproof information becomes available Are sometimes taken to be Are explanations of how literal truths, though many things are seen and

understand them as parables or myths of explanations

believed to be, and are not considered to be philosophical or religious in nature

It is quite possible to accept the big bang theory and believe in a God who created the world Do You Agree (6) THE DARWINIAN VIEW OF EVOLUTION

Evolution is the theory made famous by Charles Darwin. It states that simpler life forms gradually changed and adapted to become more complex life forms. The theory of evolution includes the key ideas of survival of the fittest and adaptation to the environment i.e. passing on beneficial aspects to offsprings (n.b. giraffes long necks are for fighting not for eating from trees!) EVOLUTION IS NOT THE SAME AS CREATION EVOLUTION STARTED 10 BILLION YEARS AFTER CREATION! Strengths of the theory of evolution Weaknesses of the theory of evolution


Does evolution suggest that humans are merely slightly adapted lucky animals? How does this contrast with religious views about the creation of humans? If we are only lucky survivors then what is our purpose? For some, this idea ignores the key ideas of morality and stewardship Most religious believers accept the theory of evolution HOWEVER fundamentalists would say the evidence is missing things and is incomplete.

Evolution proves that God did not create humans Do You Agree (6 marks) .................... ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Possible Exam Questions
Describe the Darwinian view of evolution. (3 marks) Explain the religious beliefs found in one religious story of creation. (Do not retell the story) (3 marks) Outline what a fundamentalist believer might say about the Darwinian view of evolution. (3 marks) The Big Bang theory is the only acceptable explanation of the origin of the universe. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious ideas in your answer. (6 marks)

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