05 Failure Theories

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Failure : load or stress increased until maximum stress the material can sustain or deformations become unacceptably large STRENGHT : Shear strength for soils

Failure Theories
CVE 661 Advanced Soil Mechanics

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT


-up to the proportional limit or yield point is lineariy elastic -as long as the applied stress is below the yield point -the material will return to its original shape when the stress is released -Time independence : if not visco-elastic -if sufficient stress is applied plastic or to yield plastically
Brittle :very little strain as the stress increases : suddenly collapses

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT


More realistic : complex

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

More realistic : complex
After yield : stiffer

At what point on the stress-strain curve do we have failure?
Brittle materials : obvious Work-softening materials : peak Work-hardening materials : arbitrary
Many ways to define failure
15-20% strain

beyond a peak stress : decrease in stress

For soils : the most common criterion Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Mohr failure hypothesis: point of tangency defines the angle of the failure plane

ff = f(ff) Only top half

fail when the shear stress on the failure plane at failure reaches some unique function of the normal stress on that plane

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Uniformity and homogeneity

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

shear resistance of soils Observation results : a stress-independent component of
shear strength and a stress-dependent component

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

shear resistance of soils Observation results : a stress-independent component of
shear strength and a stress-dependent component

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Advantages over other failure criteria
failure criterion which predicts the stresses on the failure plane at failure Ability to estimate the state of stress on potential sliding surfaces analyses of the stability of earth slopes and foundations

f = tan + c straight line

neither nor c are inherent properties of the material

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

failure angle measured relative to the plane of the major principal stress f = 45 + /2

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

max = ( 1f - 3f)/2 > ff why doesn't failure occur on the 45 plane?

mobilized shear resistance on the potential failure plane factor of safety (F .S.) = ff (available)/ f(applied)
Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

max = ( 1f - 3f)/2 > ff why doesn't failure occur on the 45 plane? shear strength available is greater than "max' so failure cannot occur

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Exception : when the shear strength is independent of the normal stress : = O

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion in terms of principal stresses at failure sin = (1f - 3f)/2 (1f +3f )/2 + c cot

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

For purely cohesive materials sin = (1f - 3f) (1f +3f ) (1/ 3 ) = tan2 (45+ /2) obliquity relationships Lateral earth pressure Theory

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion

Effect of Intermediate Principal Stress

Geotechnical Engineering : KMUTT

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