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Project: CRM Server: whpwsp4\AG Query: [None] List type: Flat ID 5346 6773 7227 7228 7276 7277

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8239 8305 8306 8362 8832 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937

Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug

wsp4\AG Query: [None] List type: Flat

Title For 403(B) type account, wrong set of Forms are displayed. eForms - When NFS client's address is updated and then the form (Cient Application Natural Person fore example) is launched eForms - Client Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Account NB6200089. In the eForms Library page, NFS Premiere Select IRA Application eForms - Client Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Account NB6200090. As per requirement, Prototype SEP should not be having any for eForms - Client Suresh Raina. Account NB6200098. When Client Application Person form was opened, Tax ID type was not ch eForms - Client Suresh Raina. Account NB6200098. Its a Roth IRA account and should have prepopulated Premiere Select IRA eForms - Client Virender Sehwag. Account NB6200099. Its an Inherited Roth IRA account and should have prepopulated Prem eForms - Client Gautam Gambhir. Account FNV003953. As expected, in the eForms Library page all the 6 forms are prepopula eForms - Client Athletics. Account FNV003990. Its a Non Qualified Deferred Compensation account for Entity Client. Corpora eForms - Client Gautam Gambhir. Account FNV003953. When 5305 SEP form is selected and Fill Form button is hit, correct eForms - Client Olympic. Account FNV003989. Its a Money Purchase Pension Plan account for Entity Client. Corporate Resolu eForms - All of the forms on the list are selected when the page displays. Not only does this not make sense but I was workin eForms_KYC - User ID 60364531. Cilent Andy Roddick. Account# FNV004080. When NFS Salesforce FSC Person Client Applicat eForms_KYC - User ID 60364531, Client 'Gautam Gambhir'. I am getting the below error while trying the create an NB Joint Ac UAT: FO - eForms - Entity - Inherited IRA and Inherited Roth IRA - displays all forms available not client account specific docum UAT: FO - eForms - Natural Person - Minor account, forms not populating FO - eForms - forms were partially populated UAT: FO - Client opening for LLC Entity type - no field selection for S Corp, C Corp or Partnership when LLC indicated as Entity UAT: FO - eforms - Client Signature Page - Missing Client Name and LLC not checked UAT: FO - eforms - Entity LLC Client - Client Application partially populated - Fill Form UAT: FO - eforms - Client Entity LLC Account Applilcation partially populated - Fill Forms UAT: FO - eforms - Client Entity LLC - regular account - eforms brings up NFS Corporate Resolution instead of the NFS LLC Agre UAT: FO - eforms - Natural Person Account Application -Fill Form - fields not populated UAT: FO - eforms - Natural person - Fill Form - Client Application not populated completely eForms_KYC - Client Brendon McCullam. Account FNV004143. When Account Application Person Page was displayed, in the F eForms_KYC - Client Brendon McCullam. Account FNV004143. When Account Application Person Page was displayed, in the 3 eForms_KYC - Client Brendon McCullam. Account FNV004143. When Account Application Person Page was displayed for the 1 UAT: Fo - eforms - Entity Government Entity/Agency - Client Signature page - TAX id in SSN section and incorrect Entity check UAT: FO - eforms - Natural Person - Minor account - only retrieves one client signature page with Custodian SSN - should have eForms_KYC - Client Daniel Vettori. Account# NBF200206. When Client Application Person form was opened, in the 2nd Page eForms_KYC - Client Daniel Vettori. Account# FNV004170. When Account Application Person Form was displayed, in the Sole eForms_KYC - Client Daniel Vettori. Account# NBF200206. When Client Application Person form was opened Passport ID Num eForms_KYC - Client Mike Guptil. Account# FNV004111. When Account Application Person form was displayed, in the Estate eForms_KYC - Client Studio. Account# FNV004168. When Account Application Entity form was opened, in the General Inform eForms_KYC - When a form with single page is opened, there is no way we can zoom it or increase the size in % like we can in UAT: BO Superuser - eForms gives error message No Broker Dealer associated with the user FO - Eforms - NP Client App - missing Email preferences and information, Missing DL ID Number FO - Eforms - NP Account Application - Minor - FNV004229 MIssing data - custodian duplicated eForms_KYC - Sometimes, form displays with blank white page. Takes too long to load as well sometimes. eForms_KYC - Client Rupa Ganguly. Created Joint Account FNV004251. When eForms button was clicked, in the eForms Libra eForms_KYC - Client Woody Allen. Account# FNV004255. When Account Application Person form was displayed, Name of the eForms_KYC - Client Woody Allen. Account# FNV004255. When Account Application Person form was displayed, in the Minor eForms_KYC - Client Woody Allen. Account# FNV004257. When Account Application Person form was displayed, in the Conse FO - eforms - AUA000141 - Joint Agreement

Fo - eforms - AUA000141 - Account Application missing Liquid Net Worth eForms_KYC - Client Gautam Gambhir. Account# FNV003953. Its an SEP IRA account. Form 5305-SEP is not displayed in the e eForms_KYC - Client Woody Allen. Account# FNV004255. When Account Application Person form was opened for the Inherite eForms _KYC - Sponsor name is entered and Search button is hit beside it. Now changed Clients and Accounts. All the fields w eForms - Users not able to search for certain forms in SF eforms - Option Form eforms - Margin form not populated eforms - joint accounts only present one client signature page, should be multiples, one for each owner eforms - Joint accounts - do not present the Joint Account Agreement eforms - include the account type beside the account number in the dropdown eforms - ability to select all accounts form printing eforms - All Back Office users must be setup with entitlements to print from eForms

Assigned To Mathurin, Sakira Chirra, Sunil Chirra, Sunil Chakraborty, Subhrajit Desari, Kiran Chirra, Sunil Chirra, Sunil Chakraborty, Subhrajit Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Chirra, Sunil Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Chirra, Sunil Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran

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Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran Desari, Kiran

Proposed Proposed Proposed Active Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed

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