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Have you noticed how many people in the Bible have encounters with God that cause lives

to be altered? Encounters that take people to places they never imagined that they would go. If we want to adventure into the very heart of God then we need to be prepared to venture out of where we are comfortable to the edges. To listen to Wills sermons on this theme, access them online at if you would prefer a cd, please contact the church office

25th November Morning Worship All that glitters Exodus 32 2nd December 10.30 Hope Psalm 25
A very warm welcome to cafe church, especially if you are here for the first time We are delighted that you have joined us this morning. Refreshments are available throughout the service- please do help yourself

emerge weekend
We are really excited to announce that we have organised a great weekend for Emerge from Friday 18th Sunday 20th January. This will be held at The Oasts in Northiam in Sussex. It is a beautiful place allowing space to roam, spend time together (and even go for a swim or play tennis!). There will be some great worship, great teaching and great times to spend discussing issues relevant to young adults. It is an opportunity to share in the future of Springfield. The cost is 120 and includes full board and lodging (and it is fabulous food and lots of it!). Help is available if it is needed. Talk, tweet, text or email Donna for more information.
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby (day off Friday) 020 8404 6064 020 8763 4222

On the 15th December Invite your friends to come and see

Book on the website or the sign up sheet

November 26: 10.30 - 12.00 caf connect @ Shotfield Library Caf November 27th @ 1.30 pm Toddler Interest Meeting Phoenix Cafe November 28th @ 8.00 pm Churches together prayers Trinity Centre November 29th @ 8.00 pm Choir practice St Pauls, Mollison Drive December 6th @ 8.00 pm Choir practice December 15th @ 11.30 am Hobbit Film December 16th @ 6.30 pm Christmas Carol Concert December 22nd @ 3.00 pm Seniors Tea Party December 23rd @ 10.30 am Nativity Service December 24th Christingle Service St Pauls, Roundshaw

Pray for our church family

New ministries
There is a meeting to gather those interested in the Toddler Group on Tuesday 27th Nov, 1.30pm, Phoenix Library The coffee for MiX parents runs again on Dec 7th: do talk to Wendy for more info

Office Move
We have now moved into the new Springfield office : 38, Stafford Road Wallington SM6 9AA where all post can be sent. While we wait for the line to be transferred there is an answerphone for messages on 8647 3410 The temporary mobile contact number is 07906 941 560

Please pray for: Hannah Quartey-Papafio and her family following the death of her mother in Ghana this week Our friends that we invite to the Hobbit, for good relationships and conversations

Churches Together Prayer Meeting

Springfield is hosting this meeting at the Trinity Centre on Wednesday at 8pm. You are very welcome to join them, and get to meet some fellow Christians from local churches.

Cafe Connect
There will be at least one member of staff at cafe connect this Monday; its a great opportunity to go and catch up with the wider community while enjoying a cuppa. Any bits for the office can also be passed across.

Hobbit cakes
For prayer chain requests, please contact :

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

Help make our big community event go with a swing and bake some cakes to serve our guests at the film. If you can help bake, serve or set up, please contact Ann Nicholls

New Wine
For the cheapest rate. book before the end of this month. Springfield may be able to offer a bridging loan if cashflow is a problem: please talk to Sue Bosley

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