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1. Some idioms must be constructed in a certain way to be correct. Betweenand WRONG: Between hot hogs or hamburgers, I prefer hamburgers. RIGHT: Between hot hogs and hamburgers, I prefer hamburgers. Not onlybut also WRONG: This semester, Matt is taking not only chemistry but biology, too. RIGHT: This semester, Matt is taking not only chemistry but also biology. Asas WRONG: That suit is as expensive than this one. RIGHT: That suit is as expensive as this one. Eitheror/Neithernor This metal is neither strong nor flexible. Either Debby or Alec will meet the plane.




2. Common Idioms There is no complete list of all possible idioms. Notice how they are used as you read, especially in your SAT practice.

absent from accused of accustomed to acquainted with afraid of annoyed with apologize for arise from associated with aware of basis of believe in belong to blame for came into use capable of characteristic of committed to composed of concept of connected to conscious of contribute to dedicated to difference between different from distinguish from emphasis on

encouraged by escape from finished with fond of great deal of guilty of hide from hint at hope for impose on (or upon) in connection with indifference to insist on (or upon) instrumental in interested in involved in irritating to lead to limited to object to obsessed with obtain from opposed to participate in particular about prepared for prevent from proclaimed as

protest against proud of react to recover from related to rescue from respond to responsible for result in reversal of satisfied with scene of similar to stare at stop from substitute for succeed in suffer from sympathize with thank for think of tired of upset with vote for (or against) went about with the help of worry about



3. Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles Another way the test maker attempts to determine how well you understand idioms is to test whether you know how to use infinitives, gerunds, and participles appropriately. Infinitives are verb forms that are preceded by the word to, such as to eat, to grow, to run. Gerunds are verb forms that end with ing and act as nouns. (Swimming is my hobby; skating is fun) Participles are verb forms that end with ing that act as adjectives (swimming pool, skating rink). In Writing section questions, if you see an infinitive or a gerund underlined, check for Idioms errors. Study the following example in which the writer has confused infinitives with gerunds or vice-versa: Example: Team officials heralded Cap Day as an attempt at attracting a larger turnout of fans. This sentence is incorrect because you attempt to do something; you do not attempt at something. Therefore, the phrase at attracting should be replaced by the verbs infinitive form to attract. Listed below are some common idiomatic expressions dealing with infinitives and gerunds.

4. Words that are generally followed by infinitives

able afford allow arrange ask attempt begin care cease choose claim consent

continue decide deserve enable expect fail hesitate hope intend learn like mean

neglect plan prefer prepare pretend promise refer refuse start tend threaten volunteer




5. Verbs that are generally followed by gerunds

admit anticipate appreciate avoid cannot help commence consider contemplate defer delay deny enjoy

entail facilitate finish give up imagine involve justify keep mention miss necessitate postpone

practice quit recommend report resent resist risk suggest tolerate understand



Choose the appropriate preposition in the following examples. 1. I cannot put up with/by his reckless behavior.


The amulet supposedly protects one from/of evil spirits.


I get really tired of waiting with/on customers in my new job.


The suspect repeatedly told the police that he should not be charged for/with the crime.


Compared to/by French, English has many more words.


Since he was a small boy, Joe dreamed about/to traveling to distant lands.


Rick and Steve were total opposites; there were no two things that they could agree upon/with.


Cybil politely told the hostess that she did not care for/about spinach.


Because he is colorblind, Jake has a hard time distinguishing red from/between blue.

10. After I became familiar with/to the format of the test, I got a much higher score.





1. with 2. from 3. on 4. with 5. to 6. about 7. upon 8. for 9. from 10. with


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