Exercitii Hella

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Trainer: Oana Stanculescu Ilie Eucom Trening Company Vocabulary exercises

1. The students were convinced their teacher was (persecuting/prosecuting) them with way too much homework. 2. One of the assignments was to create a (bibliography/biography) of all the books the students had read during the school year. 3. The teacher's goal was to help the students (adopt/adapt) good study habits. 4. The students, on the other hand, had a (duel/dual) objective: they wanted less homework and longer summer vacations. 5. The teacher promised that the in-class essay she assigned would have no (affect/effect) on the students' final grades. 6. In an attempt to convince the teacher to change the assignment, the students argued that they had (all ready/already) done enough in-class writing for the week. 7. The teacher smiled and told the students to take a deep (breath/breathe) and begin their writing assignment. 8. The students decided to stop resisting the inevitable and start getting down to work on their (personal/personnel) essays. 9. (Whether/Weather) or not the students' essays were neatly written and legible, the teacher planned to read them carefully and comment on them. 10. The (stationary/stationery) desks where the students sat suddenly fell silent when the essay writing finally began.

Match: 1. equal a) salary 2. gross b) insurance 3. minimum c) tax 4. income d) wage 5. pay e) overtime 6. get a f) pension 7. health g) pay 8. state h) bonus Choose the best half that best completes the following sentences: 1. Her gross salary is 50 000 but obviously she a) takes home considerably less than that 2. My gross salary is around 60 000 but the b) I am paid overtime 3. Although my gross salary seems good, after deductions, c) net is around 48 000. 4. In the UK, income tax is deducted directly from d) I havent very much left 5. I dont know what the standard rate is e) your salary and paid to the state. 6. Although I contribute to the state pension fund, f) for this type of work 7. Everyone here is paid a rate that is better than g) are still paid less than their male colleagues 8. Equal pay for women is the law but many h) I also pay into a private one too. 9. When I work on Sundays, i) the minimum wage. 10. We usually get a bonus at Christmas depending on j) how well the company has done. Complete: overtime; rates; income tax; state pension; minimum wage; gross; net; bonus; equal pay; deductions 1.Companies, by law, must provide equal opportunities as well as....................for men and women. 2. ......................are paid directly by the employer for health insurance and pension. 3. He received an enormous...................to encourage him to renew his contract for another three years. 4. Income tax is based on our......................salary, not the gross, and your family situation. 5. On your pay statement, you have first, the.................salary, then all the deductions and the net which youre paid. 6. The .................is reviewed every year and increased in line with inflation. 7. To qualify for a ...........you have to contribute for forty years. 8. .................is paid directly by the employer on your behalf. 9. We pay very good.................better than our competitors to attract the best workers. 10. When you work more than the hours in your contract you can take time off in lieu or be paid........

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