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SAAB TENEATIVE AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 15, 2012 Call to Order Introduction of SAAB members Introduction of Agencies Staff

and Identification of Area of Oversight or Management Additions or Deletions to Agenda Approval of Minutes Correspondence available for viewing Facebook Erica Lynn Old Business: Fisheating Creek Concessioners request for additional uses activities on Fisheating Creek Update on SFWMD Dispersed Water Management/Treatment & Feasibility Study I am not sure this is within our purview, but I found it on the Fisheating Creek web site. This is not within the purview of the SAAB. July 25, 2009 Notice. Did demolition of the Cypress Lodge occur? Yes.

Was the Cypress Knee Museum transferred to Glades County? I am not sure (I was not here in 2009), but the current agency in charge of the property is the FL DEP, Division of State Lands.

Were additional parcels added to the Museum property? This is unknown.

What was the relevance of the Cypress Lodge and the Cypress Museum to the WMA? The cypress lodge was located in the Fisheating Creek Campground in Palmdale. It was a derelict structure that was deemed unsafe and beyond repair. Permission was obtained from the Division of Historic Resources to remove the structure. The Cypress Knee Museum is not a part of the WMA.

Jan. 27, 2009 Notice. Process report on marking of alternative carriage trail from US 27. Is it completed? The alternative carriage trail a.k.a. high water trail was marked, but was determined to be un-feasible due to the fact that it is only deep enough to paddle during extreme high water events. Some photos of the carriage trail can be seen in the attachment labeled Fisheating Creek WMA High Water trail_7_17_08.

Opening Fort Center What does this refer to? The installation of the Ft. Center Trail interpretive trail, wildlife viewing tower, and interpretive kiosks was completed.

March 4, 2008 Notice. Remedies to open Fisheating Creek for canoeing/kayaking per settlement agreement. I believe that this is referring to the Cowbone Marsh, and since this issue is being litigated I am not at liberty to speak about it. What were the remedies? Were they implemented? Were they successful? COWBONE MARSH RESTORATION PLAN I am not at liberty to speak about the Cowbone Marsh because the issue is being litigated. In the Onsite Restoration Activities, it is recognized that Marsh hydrology dams allow public access during highwater. How many months/days per year and what months is the Creek accessible. (pg.10) When the Plan was written dead vegetation in proposed channel is still dead from aerial spraying. (pg.14) Who was spraying? What were they spraying? Why were they spraying? Are they still spraying? Herbicide applied quarterly by airboat, especially during peak growth months will provide satisfactory control of aquatic plants. (pg17)

Did it prove to be satisfactory? Is FWC currently using this method? If so, what is FWC spraying and when is it applied? Restoration Monitoring Plan will include three elements: 1) the cleared trail; 2) the check dams; and 3) the marsh area adjacent to the 1929 USACE surveyed navigation channel route. (pg.18) Has Cowbone Marsh been restored? Where would one find the evaluations and observations required as part of the Plan? Where would one find the monitoring of the cell water levels that occur bi-weekly when the channel is accessible? Please see the following attachments: -Cowbone_Marsh_Weir_Monitoring_Sheet_Revised_9.20.2010 -Cowbone Marsh Check Dam Monitoring 2011-12 -Cowbone Marsh Check Dam Monitoring 2012-13 Where are the monthly channel scour reports and the annual report that is prepared to document the benthic and side channel sour conditions in the channel located? RECREATIONAL MASTER PLAN for FISHEATING CREEK WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA, JAN. 2005 Is there a more recent Recreational Master Plan? No. The purpose of this Recreational Master Plan (RMP) is to serve as a guide for providing recreational experiences focused on wildlife viewing and nature study on Fishing creek wildlife Management Area (FCWMA). The plan contains specific recommendations for recreational enhancements and interpretive products and programs. It also provides guidelines for monitoring recreation-related use to avoid resource impacts and to ensure satisfactory visitor experience. (pg. 3). Where all the specific recommendations implemented? Why or why not? o Please see attachment labeled FEC RMP Appendix 4-With Comments. A CONCEPTUAL MANAGEMENT PLAN for FISHEATING CREEK WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA 2003-2008. The Plan calls for an update every five years and was due on February 7, 2008. What is the web site for this Plan?

The term for CMPs was changed from 5 years to 10 years after the FEC CMP was developed. The current plan can be found at When is the next update due? The plan is scheduled to be updated in 2013. Agenda Items Requested at March 24, 2012 Meeting. Budget. A brief explanation of the budget process. Before the end of each fiscal year we submit budget requests for the upcoming fiscal year. Our expense budget each year (funds listed as EO 80 in the attached planning report) is essentially the same each year ($24,000) and covers most of our operating costs including equipment repair/maintenance, purchasing uniforms, paying fees for training, paying office utilities, and purchasing other supplies as needed. Money from special categories (EO 72 and 96 in the planning report) are budget items that must be requested each year for higher cost items. Each year we make a prioritized list of items we would like funded. The majority of funding is related to fulfilling requirements of the settlement agreement. Examples of items funded for the current fiscal year include: o Purchasing fuel. o Exotic Plant Control. o Monitoring the Lykes Bros. Inc. Conservation Easement. o Wildlife surveys related to the Cowbone Marsh. o Campground facility maintenance. o Salary for 1 OPS technician for creek maintenance and 1 hunter check station worker. o Repair and maintenance money for boundary fence- 50% cost shared with Lykes Bros. Inc. as per terms of the settlement agreement. What is the budget cycle? Our fiscal year runs from July 1 st - June 30th. 2012 budget showing expenses and income. Itemized general operating funded items and itemized specific WMA implementation expenses. Please see attachment FEC 2012-13 Planning Report (budget) Staff recommendations for next years budget if any.

Generally recommendations are the same each year (see list above). At this time there are no additional projects proposed, although that could change before the end of the FY. Planning for each fiscal year does not begin until the spring. Exotic Plant Control Locations? See attachment FEC WMA 2011.12 Exotic Plant Control. Types of plants? FL Exotic Pest Plant Council Category I invasive species including: o Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) o Chinaberry ( Melia azedarach) o Rosary pea (Abrus precatorius) o West Indian marsh grass (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) o Old world climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) o Aquatic soda apple a.k.a. wetland nightshade (Solanum tampicense) o Air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) o Peruvian primrose willow (Ludwigia peruviana) o Torpedograss (Panicum repens) o Para grass (Urochloa mutica) Control measures/mechanisms. Accord (aquatic label glyphosate) 3% solution w/water o Foliar treatment of grasses and forbs Element 3A (aquatic label triclopyr amine) 0.5% solution w/water o Foliar application to woody species Element 4 (triclopyr ester) 25% mixed w/75% JLB oil o Basal bark applications for woody species Request for Internal Reports. FWC forward agency documents of SAAB members.

I am not sure what this is referring to/what the question is. Could you please clarify? Announcements. Open to the Public. Adjournment.

Dont panic. The narratives were provided so Staff would understand what questions I would have. The bolded is the AGENDA

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