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FY 2012-13 Project 7221 - FISHEATING CREEK

Man Days Salary FuelCost Other Total Units Accomplishments

Species 9200 - All wildlife Activity - 100 Administration 95.00 $19,041.80 $1,257.80

$500.00 $20,799.60

0 Complete general secretarial duties and routine paperwork. Purchase office supplies as needed (80/040000=$500).

Activity - 103

Meetings 20.00





0 Attend workshops, conferences and training that facilitate the management of Fisheating Creek WMA. Biologist and FTE Technicians complete 1-day certified pile burner training (80/040000=$2,000).

Activity - 104

Budget/purchasing/accounting 25.00 $5,011.00 $331.00



0 Monitor expenditures, process invoices, process pcard purchases and track budget.

Activity - 150

Personnel management 15.00 $3,006.60




4 Supervise 2 FTE's, 1 fulltime OPS and 1 seasonal OPS. Purchase uniforms as necessary (80/040000=$1,200).

Activity - 185

GIS 25.00 $5,011.00 $331.00 $0.00 $5,342.00 0 Complete mapping of WMA management projects and T/E species. Compile and submit GIS related data for LMIS and OBVM.

Activity - 200

Resource Management 50.00 $10,022.00

$662.00 $30,000.00 $40,684.00

0 Complete resource management activities within the WMA and purchase bulk and

Man Days

Salary FuelCost


Total Units Accomplishments commercial fuel (72/100228=$30,000).

Activity - 201

Cultural resource management 5.00 $1,002.20 $66.20



15 Complete annual monitoring of 15 designated archaeological and historic sites (NFA).

Activity - 204

Resource planning 40.00 $8,017.60




0 Prepare annual operational plan, weekly schedules, burn plans and other resource planning activities and attend district staff meetings.

Activity - 206

Prescribed burning - growing season 25.00 $5,011.00 $331.00


$5,542.00 1000 Prescribe burn 1,000 acres to reduce fuel loads and maintain plant diversity (80/040000=$200).

Activity - 207

Prescribed burning - dormant season 28.00 $5,612.32 $370.72


$6,183.04 1000 Prescribe burn 1,000 acres to reduce fuel loads and maintain plant diversity (80/040000=$200).

Activity - 208

Firebreaks 20.00





30 Maintain approximately 30 miles of existing firelines.

Activity - 212

Exotic plant control (chemical) 20.00 $4,008.80 $264.80 $25,000.00 $29,273.60

500 Contract for the treatment of Category I invasive plant species on approximately 500 acres. Seek funding from the IPM Section for chemical retreatment of invasive exotics West of US 27. Conduct in-house exotics treatments East of US 27 (96/109940=$25,000).

Activity - 218

Water level management 12.00 $2,405.28 $158.88



6 Monitor and record water levels, sediment levels, and

Man Days

Salary FuelCost


Total Units Accomplishments check dam integrity for all completed check dams in the cowbone marsh (6 planned) on a bi-weekly basis.

Activity - 221

Animal surveys 20.00 $4,008.80

$264.80 $50,000.00 $54,273.60

0 Contract with FNAI for plant and wildlife surveys in Cowbone Marsh (72/100228=$50,000).

Activity - 235

Vegetation and plant surveys 5.00 $1,002.20 $66.20



10 Visually monitor grazing impact on WMA vegetation, and if neccessary conduct surveys of 10 grazing plot locations according to grazing lease. Evaluate vegetation response to management activities and identify treatments needed to enhance habitat quality.

Activity - 250

Monitoring and assessments 20.00 $4,008.80 $264.80 $12,000.00 $16,273.60

0 Monitor Lykes Brothers Conservation Easement and prepare easement report (72/100228=$12,000).

Activity - 289

Native vegetation management (mechanical) 9.00 $1,803.96 $119.16 $0.00


200 Use mowing, bush hogging, and rollerchopping to reduce height and cover of woody vegetation, improve habitat structure, and promote early successional/brood rearing habitat for upland birds (200 acres).

Activity - 294

Program coordination and implementation 25.00 $5,011.00 $331.00 $200.00


0 Participate on WCPR workshop and development, issue teams and working groups dealing with issues related to agency and natural resources administration

Man Days

Salary FuelCost


Total Units Accomplishments (80/040000=$200).

Activity - 311

Boundary signs 10.00 $2,004.40




40 Monitor and replace directional signage on 40 miles of creek channel as needed. In cooperation with DLE, maintain the posting of the WMA boundary (80/040000=$200).

Activity - 320

Outreach and education 10.00 $2,004.40




0 Participate in education events relating to Fisheating Creek.

Activity - 342

Public use administration (non-hunting) 25.00 $5,011.00 $331.00



0 Administer campground concessionaire contract. Conduct monthly campground inspections. Annual income from contract is approximately $12,200. Check traffic counters (non-hunting season).

Activity - 350

Customer service support 25.00 $5,011.00 $331.00



0 Provide information to the public regarding recreational opportunities and issue FEC airboat use permits.

Activity - 920

FEM -- buildings/structures 35.00 $7,015.40 $463.40 $28,000.00 $35,478.80

0 Coordinate with OPAWV to contract for backfilling around the existing sewage plant. Maintain campground buildings, water system, and sewer systems in a safe and operational condition within contract specifications. Pay railroad fees, office cleaning and pest control (72/100228=$28,000).

Activity - 921

FEM -- utilities

Man Days 6.00

Salary FuelCost $1,202.64 $79.44


Total Units Accomplishments 0 Pay for field office utilities including electric, phone and trash pickup(80/040000=$9,000).

$9,000.00 $10,282.08

Activity - 922

FEM -- custodial functions 40.00 $8,017.60 $529.60



0 Mow and maintain areas in and around the office and compound.

Activity - 923

FEM -- vehicles/equipment 150.00 $30,066.00 $1,986.00 $10,400.00 $42,452.00

0 Maintain all assigned equipment in a safe and operational condition (80/040000=$10,400).

Activity - 925

FEM -- boating access 60.00 $12,026.40

$794.40 $27,040.00 $39,860.80

40 Administer and assist OPS personnel in creek obstruction removal from 40 miles of creek channel and conduct periodic inspections to maintain navigability (72/100228=$27,040).

Activity - 926

FEM -- roads/bridges 10.00 $2,004.40




0 Grade, maintain, and fill potholes on Ft. Center Trail, Banana Grove Road, and roads at Palmdale Campground.

Activity - 928

FEM -- fences 5.00 $1,002.20

$66.20 $12,000.00 $13,068.40

85 Maintain and/or repair 85 miles of fencing and associated gates in coordination with Lykes Brothers per the Settlement Agreement requirement (72/100228=$12,000).

Species 9200 Total

835.00 $167,367.40 $11,055.40 $207,940.00 $386,362.80

Species 9210 - Game wildlife Activity - 221 Animal surveys 7.00 $1,403.08




0 Conduct spotlight deer surveys to monitor deer

Man Days

Salary FuelCost


Total Units Accomplishments population.

Activity - 295

Biological data collection, analysis, and reporting 40.00 $8,017.60 $529.60 $4,440.00 $12,987.20

0 Operate hunter check station during established quota hunts utilizing OPS assistance and purchase necessary supplies (72/100228=$4,340) (80/040000=$100).

Activity - 341

Public use administration (hunting) 5.00 $1,002.20 $66.20



0 Compile and enter harvest data, develop hunting regulations, review hunt brochure, complete other administrative duties related to managing public hunts, and check traffic counters (hunting season).

Species 9210 Total

52.00 $10,422.88


$4,440.00 $15,551.36

Species 9216 - Hogs Activity - 286 Population control 10.00 $2,004.40




0 Administer hog removal contract on WMA and issue special hog control hunt permits for the western portion of the WMA.

Species 9216 Total






Species 9266 - Swallow-tailed kite Activity - 221 Animal surveys 15.00 $3,006.60




0 Conduct annual Swallowtail kite roost surveys.

Species 9266 Total






Species 9290 - Theatened and endanged wildlife (birds) Activity - 221 Animal surveys 3.00 $601.32 $39.72



0 Complete Florida Scrub Jay surveys in coordination

Man Days

Salary FuelCost


Total Units Accomplishments with Jay Watch.

Species 9290 Total Project 7221 Total






915.00 $183,402.60 $12,114.60 $212,380.00 $407,897.20

ORG - Category Breakdown

ORG 77352040100 77352040100 77352040100 EO 72 80 96 Category 100228 040000 109940 Total $163,380.00 $24,000.00 $25,000.00

Total Income: $12,200.00

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