Bezerk Posts Krispy7 +

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Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

HMS Calamity: First it ran aground, then it collided with a tug. Now Britain's 1.2bn flagship submarine breaks down on its first day back in service

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London, Dec 14, (IANS):

The Associated Press December 15, 2010, 6:27PM ET

US missile intercept test fails

A new power on the high seas... China to build its first aircraft carrier as Britain scraps hers
By Christopher Leake, Mail On Sunday Defence Editor UPDATED: 17:12 EST, 18 December 2010

ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS I am posting all OP-BEZERK's posts here for easier find and read through. There are more forums on the net that posted his posts, so I dont believe this thread can do harm. I will update this 1 post regular. This is a read-only thread Questions and remarks or thoughts are welcome in the origional Bezerk-thread : Thread: Something Just Went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Navy just sunk a French Submarine ** PS : The pagenumbers do not correspond anymore due to post-removals and deleted posts by the admin or moderators. The given pagenumbers can be used as a direction, most of the time you have to go back to 2 or 3 pages earlier to find the real post. The time-index or date-index will help you. Good luck :) Krispy @ your service Enjoy the read !

All OP's posts Only OP's Part 1 : of pag 1 -54 -OP 6/26/2010 10:58 AM My girl friend has a D.E.D link on her laptop from the French Embassy. (She works at the embassy) Crazy traffic on DED -OP 11:09 AM Something like 10% of the worlds submarines are gathered in the Gulf of Mexico. What the fuck are they all doing there or rather what the fuck are they looking for? DED shows 12 US, 2 French, 3 British, 2 Russian, 1 Canadian, 3 German, 1 Israeli and 2 Unknown submarines -OP 11:18 AM Two days ago I posted that they sent a French Research ship there. -OP 11:25 AM Ok that makes sense, noone trusting US or BP, they send their own submarines to take a look as you say -OP 11:39 AM Ok good news. French captain he now says his sub not sunk only badly damaged, 17 sailor injured. Asking for assistance and rescue. He says attack from aircraft and not another submarine. -OP 11:48 AM Attack from US helicopter. All sailors bleeding from ear. -OP 12:07 PM OK, captain says surfacing in 12 minutes and magnetic radiation above normal on surface. What is magnetic radiation? -OP 12:39 PM wait -OP 12:40 PM Ok, captain confirms surface but waiting for all fires to be out. Then he will open main hatch. Another two DED channels is now open. One from office of Prazuck, other from Mistral command -OP 1:51 PM There are now 23 DED channels open. Very difficult to read transmissions that I need to post. I'm trying following the one from Mistrel command. It is serious one -OP 2:12 PM Apologies, I have not time answer questionaire. Girlfriend says it is something like digital

emergency scrambling device in english. She just call it DED. Im using her laptop with permission. -OP 2:14 PM Two small US craft approach. Request immediate boarding. Captain refuse. -OP 2:41 PM Captain report possible collision of German and one US craft. Caption issuing ramming alert. -OP 2:47 PM Captain still refusing boarding request. Says US mother vessel has no maritime signature, only flying US flag. Name is blacked out -OP 3:05 PM Captain received offer from German Captain to escort from Gulf. -OP 3:10 PM Misrtral enroute 18 hours -OP 3:16 PM Second US craft just circling sub. Ramming alert cancelled. -OP 3:25 PM un authenticated US ship demanding release and jettison of detained cargo. Captain refuses -OP 3:41 PM Captain confirms second German submarine surfaced port side -OP 4:10 PM Our second (french) sub is also on new DED channel now, I cannot monitoring them al -OP 5:04 PM Captain reports boarding attempt and shots fired. -OP 5:27 PM direct DED channel from Em has gone dead, trying other channels -OP 5:32 PM last relay from Mistral says main hatch permanently damaged during boarding attempt, explosives used -OP 5:52 PM another relay from Mistral says boarding party was from other French sub. I'm confused -OP 6:05 PM I have to leave building I will post from our apartment. (2 hours) Girlfriend is sending anonymous transcript to AFP -OP 8:26 PM here, setting up -OP 8:39 PM Having a problem connecting to DED intra from apartment. Will keep trying -OP 9:01 PM Big apology. I cant get in from apartment, all remote ports are full. If i try to many times the system will send alert. I'm on duty in 4 hours. I need to get some sleep. My focus not good and clear, Sorry. I Will update later. Good night ( resum of other french SUB thread -also from OP- Thread: Something Just Went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Navy just sunk a French Submarine (Page 50)

Only OP's Part 2 : of Pag 55-75 -OP 8:54 AM 6/27/2010 (pag 55) back -OP 8:56 AM I'm on way to my girl friends office after work. She telephone me in the morning and says she was called to report at work today. She says everyone of staff is working today even though it is Sunday. Even

the shadow embassy staff is working. Securitie is on highest she ever have seen. This can be problem for me to get in and see her. -OP 1:39 PM 6/27/2010 (pag 59) ok, i had to read over many channels from the past few hours. There are many things I wont to report and get out there. I will says these things first. Mostly everyone is safe. Mistrall have picked up 4 seriously injured with helicopter. I said earlier I was confused because DED traffic said crew from other French submarine boarded injured Em. Shots were fired but they came as warning shots from Em crew. One of the unknown submarines I now know is from GCP and it was them who boarded to help. The Em captain did not know the GCP was there and Em crew did not recognize them immediately because some comm system was damaged on Em. There is still an issue on the report that explosives was used on the hatch. if I find it I will report it but that is not a main issue anymore. There are two main issues now. The one is the cargo and the other is that other submarines are reporting the same problem with ballasts tanks not filling properly, air buoyancy, navigation and sonar problems with metallic oil and harassment and provoking moves of unmarked surface ships. Some surface ships have US flag but no maritime signature or call sign. Em captain describe situation as a submarine death trap. An attempt will be made in a few hours to transfer the cargo to the GCP submarine but the situation is still to tense. I'm now searching for more desriptions on what the cargo is. -OP 2:45 PM Captain reporting sudden change in Israeli submarine course to fast approaching their coords -OP 2:47 PM ok, thats was 18 minutes ago -OP 3:14 PM (pag 63) Mistrall orders Em captain to immediately begin transfer of cargo to GCP. Caption has two hours before condition romeo is reached. I dont know what romeo is. -OP 3:18 PM German submarine port side is submerging. -OP 3:42 PM The current description and status of the cargo is filed under directive 301. I'll ask girl friend what that is

-OP 4:05 PM Captain reporting extreme conditions and geological echoes on seabed (translation is a problem) -OP 4:35 PM Israeli sub has halted, surfacing -OP 4:40 PM 4 low flying aircraft approaching at sub sonic speed, crew ordered to go below deck -OP 4:47 PM Israel submarine just blew missile hatches -OP 4:49 PM Israeli submarine launching surface to air missiles merde! -OP 4:54 PM condition romeo reached Israeli submarine submerging -OP 4:57 PM GCP and second german submarine submerging -OP 5:07 PM hit hit tracking falling debris -OP 5:08 PM captain reporting surface vessels rapidly forming v formation -OP 5:13 PM captain will attempt submerge 3 minutes Im pray repairs to hatch will hold (pag 69) -OP 5:38 PM Mistral taskgroup now on full battle alert, all aircraft authorised for full ordinance. 8 airborne 9

level altitude intercept -OP 5:48 PM hatch is holding -OP 5:52 PM DED shows most submarine traffic now moving out and away from gulf even the US submarines at close to full speed -OP 6:19 PM We have to leave the building now because it will look suspicious if we stay so late again. I hate leave while things are now so serious. The cargo is on the GCP sub and I think it will be safe, that is important. When my girlfriend has time see will lookup what 301 is. She guess it is doing with the search and recovery of a non NATO member sensitive military equipment/identification like fallen fighter plane, satellite, sunken ship or submarine. Its to busy here now and everyone is preparing for international incident report. Maybe it will be in AFP tomorrow. Israel did not attack US aircraft. Israel was defending himself and we think us too. I cannot figure out what aircraft they were and from what nation. i will find out but they not from US I think. Good night. (pag 71)

Only OP's Part 3 : of pag 76-100 -OP 11:22 AM (pag 80) good day, I'n not on the DED yet but I want to post what my girlfriend told me about another explanation for 301. She does not know what the cargo is yet but she asked about 301. This could be nothing to do with the cargo also being a 301 or with this incident at all, but I inform you anyway as an extra. She says it is very high and that even the classification is classified. She tricked her supervisor and what she find is something about operation deep freeze(300) and anti-freeze(301) something about engines not working. Because of 301 all US military and coast and marine guard and submarines and ships are now being recalled and fitted and they bringing the date forward with six months. She saw ship names like polar bear, polar cap and polar sea. She guess maybe the US is heating the gulf like a reactor with nuclear or chemical on purpose to avoid deep freeze. She thinks the other submarines are there to remove these devices. This is probably maybe just a fun and silly guess from her, she is good with these things. I Will meet her later at her office and get an update on DED and get more information on the cargo and where it is now. Early this morning I sent another DED transcript to AFP. -OP 3:37 PM Im ready -OP 3:45 PM DED shows three new submarines, two are from Argentina navy Somehow the submarines, except US and British, are coordinating with each other because they form a ring on around the rim. -OP 3:49 PM Mistral command is in the same location but now at normal readiness status. I cant see any other incidents from last night. -OP 4:02 PM Ok the British submarines look like they shadowing the Argentine submarines. The Em hatch is holding or it has been fixed because it has joined the the formation on the rim. They are waiting for something. I dont know if the cargo is on the GCP sub or on the Mistral -OP 4:04 PM must I still post here? -OP 5:07 PM I Have some technical issues on my side when I post now. It takes over two minutes to show up and I don't trust it. Give me some time (pag 89) -OP 6:14 AM test

-OP 6:21 AM 6/29/2010 good day, a few hours ago GCP captain says proximity alert activated on b3 of cargo -OP 6:24 AM captain thinks it was remotely activated because special engineer killed local transmitter after condition romeo (page 98) -OP 6:26 AM so cargo is stil on GCP and not Mistral -OP 6:31 AM yes, venezuela , two hit -OP 6:43 AM DED is only on girlfriend laptop, site on my latop. I have to read from one latptop then go out room and post on my laptop in waiting room few rooms away. I will look suspicious if I keep on exit and enter room so much to answer questions. The day before we took girlfriends laptop to apartment but DED is not able to connect from there -OP 7:58 AM 8 new DED channels suddenly came on at the same time, two are from aircraft, problems somewhere. its the first time I see aircraft using DED channel -OP 8:01 AM now 9, they talking about echo warnings -OP 8:13 AM many displacements at seafloor (translation problem) -OP 8:57 AM one aircraft reporting possible combustion foam on surface -OP 9:06 AM Mistral instruct immediate buoy drop -OP 9:41 AM o many things reported, captain of aircraft report buoy failure, all data loss, no measurements taken, captain says buoy just popped within seconds of hitting foam, melted and sunk, second buoy did the same Mistral issued alert to all vicinity traffic to avoid column Em captain says pipes forming on seabed and leading from rim GCP captain stil has proximity alert on cargo, waiting for instructions there are other DED channel alerts also but they not from the gulf of mexico (pag 99)

Only OP's, part 4, of pag 101-125 -OP 11:35 AM GCP captain reports b3 cargo now gone live, ask for urgent priority instructions -OP 11:49 AM Mistral to GCP, Halt at perimeter alert, special engineer advisor on vector channel (I cant get vector channel on DED, it is absolute alert channel) -OP 12:30 PM GCP captain request immediate authorisation to jettison b3 cargo. Mistral says standby (embassy intercom alert just went on and all rooms will be closed electronically in 15 minutes. I have to leave the signal area. I will post when I have access to my girlfriend again. She and her colleagues are now in lockdown in their offices) -OP 7:47 AM 21:30-33 (pag 110) -OP 3:29 PM back 21:30 (pag 116) -OP 3:31 PM back 21:30-33 Paris time

-OP 3:52 PM (pag 117) This morning I receive info that my channel may be compromised before I can post again, so I posted the time from when I will post again. If other OP posted between 7:47 am and 15:30 (21:30 Paris time) on this thread then that OP is intruder and you must ignore his posting. That information posted is to disinform. I See it did not happen so I'm safe. -OP 4:22 PM I see and I understand. Must I continue or do you need authentication from site administrator? I use dedicated French IP proxy, others could be using virtual IP proxy from the same subnet that change all the time. I post not only for you but for others who need to get the coded information I send. I will give you 30 minutes. You make me feel not welcome now but I understand. I am not in Paris, I use it as time reference only. Also, I have only started two threads here as OP. I Told you from the beginning about the other thread I started. -OP 4:37 PM Yes, the thread about the research ship is the only other thread I started here but now my information will indeed be compromised if there are one or others having the same id. I have to think. I need some time as how and where I should proceed. This development is not good. It seems my info from this morning is indeed correct -OP 4:37 PM Yes, the thread about the research ship is the only other thread I started here but now my information will indeed be compromised if there are one or others having the same id. I have to think. I need some time as how and where I should proceed. This development is not good. It seems my info from this morning is indeed correct -OP 5:59 PM (pag 120) Ok, as a backup please be making a note of these two words. The connection between them can be used to identify me as OP or my follow-up if I lose my ID or get banned or get compromised in the few weeks or even days we have left. liturgical anacoluthon -OP 8:38 AM Good day. DED show interesting communication between Mistral and PP form 01:12 Pourquoi Pas relay to Mistral, failure on portable pcr device, show negative on aerosolised option Mistral request dispersal method and rate PP report dispersal method inconclusive, nano release still plausible and suspect nanoengineering because of metalic carbon compound morphing (translation problem) Mistral relay to Em, keep safe perimeter from column Em request confirmation on chinese asset movement Mistral reply chinese asset movement strategic GCP captain reported that he is maintaining cargo in perimeter zone i dont know what the cargo is, girlfriend can guess that is also chemical but not sure,maybe proof, i think most of traffic about cargo is on vector channel now

Only OP's, Part 5 , of pag 126-150 -OP 3:29 PM 7/1/2010 Em requested update on chinese asset movement 3 hours ago (pag 128) -OP 3:35 PM Mistral replied just a few moments ago, chinese increase in assets, two ships and one submarine added -OP 3:44 PM Em captain request analysis on status. Mistral say standby (pag 129) -OP 3:54 PM Mistral reports chinese asset status moving from strategic to preemptive Mistral orders Em and other french submarine still there to raise alert level (I don't know its name but it is not the GCP)

-OP 4:03 PM Mistral command says no confirmation russia onboard, the window is closing Mistral sends out preparedness order on all open DED channel for gulf of mexico assets, (basically it says they must be prepared for tomorrow, I think something is going to happen tomorrow, i'm not sure, just guessing) no more info on cargo, but still trying, it is important -OP 4:04 AM 7/2/2010 Good day, DED traffic was very quiet and silent last night. i will be back at girlfriends office after duty. She phoned me this morning and told me this is important, you need to know that the US has increased airspace restrictions to 12000 above affected areas. (I'm not sure if she meant feet or meters, i think feet, i will ask her when i see her) -OP 11:03 AM from girlfriend, undersea internet cables being cut (pag133) -OP 1:34 PM Ok, i'm at the office reports from french vessels that russian surface ships erratically changing coords in all oceans ( I think they looking or searching for something) (pag 136) -OP 1:40 PM russia navy requesting urgent assistance from french naval assets to help with inbound tracking, possible splash zones (translation problem) -OP 2:05 PM Em captain reports sonic drilling at breakpoint level from three drills, british submarines moving away from rim Mistral instruct Em to do the same and keep safe perimeter -OP 4:40 PM Em repots possible large cave in on seafloor, sent out heavy downpull alert near rim (pag 138) -OP 5:14 PM Em captain now reporting that outer hull and skin sensors are picking up flocking of metallic like fibers and attaching to rubberized skin, erosion warning active but low. E also reporting minor sonar distortions -OP 2:42 PM Good day, we have some idea what the cargo is. In two hours I will be at the office 22:30-33 paris time and i will check with my girlfriend. We reviewed some of last night transcripts over and over again to be sure, and we both are very upset and frightened about the implications as you say. We decided that we both have to agree before we let this out. It is serious for us, for everyone. She is very hesitating today. That is the reason for my delay today. She will let me know her decision when I see her. (pag 147)

Only OP's, Part 6 , of pag 151-175 -OP 10:11 AM I've prepared SHORT statements and transcripts. I will post them one at a time, separate post at intervals, like I did with the DED traffic. My girlfriend advised me to do it this way then automated SIGNAL corps, search engines and monitoring equipment can not FORM the connection between the information so quickly. I Pray that you will. some for you some for CODE -OP 10:21 AM what I'm posting happened about 30 hours ago. we made a decision and agreed not to post until we knew GCP is safe. i did not post update to protect GCP operations -OP 10:28 AM GCP submarine is now in safe waters. crew, ship and cargo quarantined under escort, 8 sailors including the special engineer is now dead -OP 10:38 AM 30 hours ago the GCP made 80% verification of b3 cargo with the help from PP

-OP 10:49 AM GCP captain requested jettison authorisation twice. Mistral first denied then approved. but after 80% verification there was some situation onboard the submarine. the captain reported that every crew member got a vote. the crew unanimously voted to detain b3 cargo and proceed -OP 10:49 AM GCP captain then requested immediate and FULL naval escort. -OP 11:04 AM Mistral then ordered -OP 11:07 AM FULL. -OP 11:08 AM OMEGA.. -OP 11:10 AM level... -OP 11:11 AM naval.... -OP 11:12 AM ALERT..... .. . -OP 11:19 AM (merci bien glp) :) -OP 11:20 AM Em then reported critical situation with hull ... . -OP 11:22 AM problem, be back in a few minutes -OP 1:40 PM proceeding -OP 1:41 PM Em captain reported hull demagnetizing issues getting irreversible (translation problem) -OP 1:44 PM Em captain reported some crew feeling disorientated -OP 1:53 PM PP instructed Mistral to order Em to do isotope readings immediately on ports side where the metallic fiber flocking was worst and growing -OP 2:47 PM an hour or so of transcripts between PP, Em. and Mistral passed and the PP confirmed that the isotopes readings matched those on the GCP b3 cargo.. .. -OP 2:49 PM 197 Au -OP 2:57 PM for the next few hours we watched and read the transcripts in and out. from this we can make some speculations what the cargo is.. (this is only our view and our opinion)I will summarise what we think is going on -OP 2:58 PM The PP confirmed the discovery of an unknown prehistoric organism which trough nano engineering and extreme depth and pressure morph compounds found in this new oil with seawater into gold, however there is a drawback, a massive and absolutely cataclysmic one -OP 3:08 PM I repeat.. The PP confirmed the discovery of an unknown prehistoric organism which trough nano engineering and extreme depth and pressure morph compounds found in this new oil with seawater into gold, however there is a drawback, a massive and absolutely cataclysmic one

-OP 3:35 PM Before I state the drawback, let your mind imagine the consequence. The US have found the biggest secret in alchemy. Me and my girlfriend were up for hours discussing this. Who needs oil when you can make gold? You have the seawater, oil compounds,depth, and heat, now all you need is food for the organism. an oversupply of algae will do the job. Why isn't your president worried about the oil or the economy? because he has the goose that can lay the golden egg over and over again. How do you protect the area and the food(algae) or the organism. You tell them its deadly algae and evacuate the gulf. That would be the plan but then something unforeseen happens as well. the gold which they thought was stable 197 stays like thats only for a few hours, then THE GOLD KEEPS ON MORNING INTO SOMETHING ELSE becuase its living and they cant stop it. And this something else is what is happening onboard GCP and possibly now also on Em. -OP 6:45 AM Good day, I Read and see we(me and my girlfriend) are not allowed to speculate?. i'm not to add extra? When I'm reporting from the DED I post as is. When I'm offline I have time to use better English and vocabulary.. This makes you think I'm two different OP's?.. I will not speculate anymore, I will not get involved here, I will just post here and some elsewhere. This is important. You can make the connection between.

Only OP's, PART 7 of pag 175-200 -OP 5:30 PM just now, french central naval command issued traffic on DED that all effected assets must prepare for possible US navy coup d'etat when evacuations begin (translation problem) -OP 5:53 PM they talking about limited coastal evacuations is expected within three weeks , full evacuations two months latest, marine and army will be on theater elsewhere, air force is a problem, coast guard will join navy.. . -OP 6:16 PM I Explain, ok. French suspect that your US navy will try a coup when US government ask citizens to leave coastal areas. French ships in area must prepare for this. I don't know if they want them to help the US navy, to standby and not get involved or to stop US navy. -OP 6:37 PM Krispy, i take risk but you need help.. Sharkhunter is submarine. Elephant is Whale Tanker. They going to sink or stop it. Whale is not just a Whale it is Orca. (Maybe you get job from French soon) :) Good night (pag 182) -OP 7/5/2010 5:30 PM just now, french central naval command issued traffic on DED that all effected assets must prepare for possible US navy coup d'etat when evacuations begin (translation problem) -OP 5:53 PM they talking about limited coastal evacuations is expected within three weeks , full evacuations two months latest, marine and army will be on theater elsewhere, air force is a problem, coast guard will join navy.. . -OP 6:16 PM I Explain, ok. French suspect that your US navy will try a coup when US government ask citizens to leave coastal areas. French ships in area must prepare for this. I don't know if they want them to help the US navy, to standby and not get involved or to stop US navy.

Only OP's, part 8, of pag 200-225 -OP 3:33 PM 7/7/2010 Good day, 14 hours ago EM captain reported unknown infra read signatures. captian then asked for vector channel. this is important -OP 4:44 AM 8/7/2010 Em captain indicates possible splash zone 1 and 2.. -OP 4:46 AM Em requests Mistral to relay to Russian command immediately and confirm signature. .. -OP 4:53 AM Mistral to Em, standby waiting to confirm infra signature from russian command -OP 10:39 AM Good day, splash zones are important, very important,.. (I don't know how but there is DED talk that splash zones have acquired intelligence in forming, they are NOT random) from DED talk it looks like the Russians have expected this for some time. It is as though the splash zone are positioning itself. floating crystals. My girlfriend says this oil leak is intelligent. Also, the Russians know far more then us.. They have timed their arrival in the theater expertly.))-OP 1:04 PM this is getting serious. US politics making all the wrong decisions. US navy bringing forward couP.. we and russia not on board US navy plans for the Gulf of MEXICO. (watch Hawaii and watch jet propulsion laboratories geophysicist on the move) -OP 1:28 PM merci doomamatrix, glp was the right choice in more ways than one :-) -OP 7:53 AM 7/9/2010 Good day, my girlfriend says a midNight level alert can be called any day now. she says people at other embassies are catching on, even the mail courier agent was so nervous this morning that security thought he was acting suspiciously and arrested him. he was released after intervention from her superior.. after reading the mail her superior immediately phoned his wife. (there are so many alerts now,, i can not keep track of them all . ) I know and read you all still asking about the cargo. I've told you what 80% of it is. just look careFully. the other other 20% is the cataclysmic one. we are making plans for our safety, when we ready i will tell you but its there if you read careFully. (pag 218)

Only OP's, part 9, of pag 225-250 -OP 5:01 PM 7/10/2010 Three new identifier signatures on DED in the past 12 hours. I have no idea what type of vessels they are. there is the Blindman, the deafMan and the crippler. -OP 4:39 AM THE BLINDMAN SAW IT, THE DEAFMAN HEARD IT AND THE CRIPPLEDMAN RAN FOR HELP. nothing will happen today. -OP 6:11 AM 7/11/2010 PP confirms organism is attracted to darker pigmentation. Some GCP crew showing no effect at all during quarantine. they remain healthy. Melatonin meLamine (translation problem) -OP 1:07 PM 7/12/2010 THE BLINDMAN SAW IT, THE DEAFMAN HEARD IT AND THE CRIPPLEDMAN RAN FOR HELP. nothing will happen today. "I see said the blind man to his deaf wife, As his crippled son ran up the stairs."

Two dead boys (Many different versions) one fine day in the middle of the night two dead men got up to fight back to back they faced each other drew their swords and shot each other the blind man saw the deaf man heard the crippled man ran for help "One fine day in the middle of the night, A fire broke out in the ocean, A deaf man heard it, A blind man saw it." "A man with no legs ran for the fire engine, The fire engine was drawn by four dead donkeys, Sitting at a square round table, Eating vinegar with a fork." "One fine day in the middle of the night A bucket of water caught alight. A blind man saw it A deaf man heard it And the dumb man shouted for the fire brigade. The fire engine came pulled by 2 dead horses Ran over a dead cat and half killed it." "One fine day in the middle of the night, The ocean caught alight, The blind man saw it, The deaf man heard it, And the man with no legs ran after the fire engine. The engine arrived drawn by six dead horses, Ran over the dead dog, And half killed it." "One bright day in the middle of the night, The Pacific Ocean caught alight. The blind man saw it, The deaf man heard it, The dumb man called the fire brigade." These lines were followed by the following concepts, but in an order that Galen could not exactly remember: "The fire brigade arrived ten minutes before the fire started, On the way they ran over a dead cat and half killed it, And put out the fire with petrol." [gasoline/oil] Quoting: awake2survive You are very awake awake2survive, you are so very close, merci :-) (pag 244)

Only OP's, part 10, of pag 250-274 -OP 3:31 AM 7/13/2010 Good day, my girlfriend just now phoned me to say the Terrible has opened its first channel on DED, the captain said its is ready. it is very important, (look at post on 9th and 10th and you will understand) -OP 4:51 AM I Do read what you ask and you helped me a lot, with this reveal to the others, by giving very effective noise. I don't know everything, so allow me to also speculate again. Russia China the US and us (French) have all four launched new submarines or new weapons technology for submarines, in just the past three months after the 19th april incident.(please research this and you will verify what i said) The whole Spy thing was a clear coup in intelligence yet the people still sleep. They don't realize the spy thing is a clear preparation for war. This new war will begin and end with submarines,(I think it started already) planes wont be able to fly right, ships wont be able to function as normal because of 300/301, only submarines. this is not a practice. I can also tell you know that russia has helped us with the organism and a 80% counter for it. this is why I said russia knows far more then us. russia was ready before us. There is still an unstable and unknown 20%. If the US doesn't nuke the problem before the war starts, I think russia or we(Europe) will. china is still playing dice. -OP 3:59 PM Mistral just ordered Em to leave theatre. -OP 4:20 PM the second unknown french submarine is requesting a vector channel. I think something serious just happened in the past hour or so. . this second unknown submarine has been very very silent all this time, but now, its asking for a vector channel all of a sudden -OP 4:43 PM Mistral just asked Em captain if he concurs with the captain of the second unknown submarine. (i'm quickly scanning previous transcript to see what they concurring about) -OP 4:59 PM FUCK!! -OP 5:00 PM this is now very complicated. i dont know how to post this. please give me a few minutes,i need to confirm that this is not a drill, i think my next two post's will be the last two post's on this thread if i can confirm this. -OP 5:23 PM Ok, the second unknown submarine captain indicated that he has clear video footage and evidence of who sabotaged Horizon, the Em captain has concurred on this. what happened now, in the past two hours, is that the same culprit is back and they asking permission to take them out NOW, within the next few minutes before they strike again. -OP 12:49 PM 7/15/2010 OMEGA is now onboard Orca

Only OP's, part 11, of pag 275-299 -OP 5:13 PM Le Terrible is now enroute to the theater. Em is moving away to safe perimeter. unknown second french submarine is still shadowing the culprit after second sabotage attempt was successfully thwarted by french, german and russian assets. Mistral confirms it has now mirrored the evidence on their data analyzing and capture systems from the unknown french subMarine and will do a final relay report to HQ. all assets in theaters are now on standby awaiting orders from central command alert level remains at midnight for strategic assets

-OP 3:52 AM 7/16/2010 russian submarine will do a romeo with Em in three hours. russian submarine to offload an empirical calibrator to Em. (translation problem) this will help Em with hull protection and integrity from flocking. strategic operational window 7 hours after romeo. Terrible already has one. this is important -OP 4:51 AM second unknown french submarines reporting severe increase downpull at rim -OP 4:53 AM 2us asking PP to confirm that magnetic testing and not fake acoustic testing is aggravating organism. columns are moving in. -OP 5:00 AM 2us reporting frequency of sonic drilling increasing -OP 5:07 AM Mistral just ordered 2us to get a firing solution on two of the sonic drilling capsules (translation problem) >>> Mistral just ordered second unknown submarine to get a firing solution on two of the sonic drilling capsules (translation problem) -OP 5:37 AM I think 2us just destroyed one of the sonic drill capsules, a few minutes ago. captain says EQ damage to intersection is minimal but parallel. (not everything is code ok, some is realtime as is) -OP 12:25 PM Good day, I cant keep up posting all the new DED traffic as it will cause to much suspicion when I change rooms so much. it all happened 40 minutes ago when a new Israeli submarine showed on DED assets indicator, 68 nautical miles from rim, 11 miles from where 2us destroyed capsule. halted. there are now two israeli subs. the new one is very very new. its classification is above DED. Mistral indicating a possible hostile classification on Israeli submarine -OP 12:48 PM Mistral just approved and issued hostile classification on new israeli submarine -OP 1:22 PM Mistral issuing the immediate raise of strategic level alert from MidNight to TWILIGHT NOW for the next 72 hours (12 minutes ago) -OP 1:35 PM central command confirms Mistral analysis and issuing dedicated SAMPSON classification on new israeli submarine. DED going crazy again. BEZERK level 2 -OP 2:06 PM A quick Overview on DED strategic assets past 30 minutes. 1 russian submarine, 3 US submarines, 1 german submarine, 1 canadian submarine, 1 British submarine all responding to our vector alert and converging on Israeli submarine one and new two. rim halt perimeter increased by 5 nautical miles for possible friendly fire complications -OP 2:54 PM Ok, I will risk it and you need help. To explain the rim I need help. There was a pinned thread here on this site about BP images or pictures they didn't want you to see.there was about 20 images in that article. I saw a picture on there that will make it very easy for me to explain it in context, it looked like a map or maybe a google map, but now I cant find that thread. I don't have the time. If you remember it please post a link. I will review it and see if its that one. at this juncture its important that everyone knows what the rim is and how it plays into this. (its an eyeopener) -OP 3:55 PM "Maybe this: [link to] Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1037427" Merci :-) that one is close but its not the one I want. I need more zoom -OP 4:07 PM My girlfriend is going off duty, we need to leave. There is a 72 hour twilight alert in effect. I will try and get a google image tonight about the rim picture but google is not the one I wanted. I didn't realize its importance a week ago but after the culprit issue it makes perfect sense now.

-OP 4:53 PM I seen it a couple of days ago, It shows the topography (spelling?) of the bottom of the seafloor. The moutains were around 8000 ft high.

Quoting: rocky Yes thankyou rocky,it could be it, do you have a link? IT WAS A PINNED THREAD! between the pictures of dying sea life there was a map of the region and the GOM in blue.(maybe hidden purposely within) It showed the "rectangle" of the rim and three circular impact(comet) zones or (splash)zones. They are not impact zones, they are NEW forming beneath the seabed and the bases are the columns. the Russians knew(predicted it). Good night. You all feel like family to me by now :-)

Only OP's, part 12, of pag 300-324 -OP 5:15 AM 7/19/2010 Good day. I have limited access., Increased security at office today and for this WEEK, girlfrienD expects they will be in semi lockdown for this WeeK. (her supervisor told her that there are serious decisions going to be made this week. On WEDnesday senior staff will meet with personnel from other embassies,, she frankly thinks the "others" world is tired and wont wait the full 101 days as requested. ) -OP 12:21 PM 2us reporting that New Israeli submarine is at entrance. 2 hours 12 minutes ago (this is important) -OP 2:55 PM about 15 minutes ago . 2us captain reported that israeli submarine went below operational depth without catastrophic failure and was descending to entrance. Captain requesting further instructions. Standby 30 minutes -OP 3:29 PM Mistral advises 2us not to follow descent . observe, monitor and record only. vessel structural risk to high (translation problem) Mistral preparing mirror. Sampson alert still in effect. -OP 3:56 PM girlfriend is going of duty, , i glimpsed at a few post and want to Remind you to please follow my post in context between noise. I remind you that the classification of the Israeli submarine is above DED. it is not an "ordinary" submarine. remember when it appeared a twilight alert was issued on strategic assets. this is vector type intelligence which i cant read. good night all. -OP 1:50 PM 7/20/210 Good day, some noise please, for the next four posts only. this is plain transmission code so don't over analyze without the key -OP 1:53 PM we have a global "Cobalt is Blue" alert request from chinese submarine XTVR3241A -OP 1:56 PM XTVR3241A is blocking entrance for Israeli Sampson class TT41 -OP 2:01 PM TT41 - 12 is scheduling calibrator from Em ( Extremely problematic) Mistral MIRROR class prepared and FULLY OPERATIONAL. (time is of the essence X 100) -OP 2:04 PM The 13th Sign has 4 Vector Channels, 2 in GOM and 2 in ADEN -OP 2:05 PM merci glp

Only OP's, part 13, of pag 325-349 -OP 9:02 AM Em is off DED. (I think its leaving the theatre) (pag 332) -OP 9:20 AM 7/22/2010 Em is off DED. (I think its leaving the theatre) (pag333) -OP 1:56 AM 7/23/2010 Good day, I just want you to know that at 01:18 this morning paris time 2us reported that they Observed around 88 dead on an abandoned cuban registered surface vessel. (my girlfriend think most may be cuban refugees, but I'm not sure) 2us captain reported monitoring a chinese vessel giving "limited" assistance to a US surface vessel who was towing and evacuating the cuban vessel. the US surface Vessel was NOT from the US Coast Guard but they followed high level bio quarantine procedure (translation problem) (pag 338) -OP 7:23 AM 7/24/2010 Good day, on Wednesday my girlfriend told me that 14 European nations with russia china india and japan approved the Odessa Protocols at the embassy meeting. This morning the DED shows the change in DED signatures and that there are already 7 new vessels from the Odessa Fleet near the rim. 3 of the odessa fleet vessels are russian, 1 from germany and one from norway, 2 are from a salvage company registered in the netherlands and are not navy. (pag 342) -OP 2:29 AM 7/26/2010 Good day, my girlfriend just phoned from her office to tell me Crescent Moon is on DED (serious issue) I will meet her at office after after duty. (pag 246)

Only OP's, PART 14, of pag 350-374 -OP 3:10 AM 7/29/2010 Good day, 2us captain reported overnight that Crescent Moon was doing Z formations around inner rim. Mistral instructed 2us to shadow CM during the Z maneuvering. PP is also not on DED anymore. My girlfriend told me they received a diplomatic dispatch briefcase from the mail courier yesterday. The case has a timelock on it and is TAMPERproof. The case can only be opened on October 13th. The courier was from the Chinese Embassy. She says she has heard of these special type of diplomatic dispatch briefcases but this is the first time she has ever seen one. She knows of at least 5 other embassies who received the the same timelock cases for October 13th. She also doesn't know if the contents of the case is related to the the gulf situation. (I Think it is) -OP 8:24 AM 7/30/2010 (pag 357) Good day, my girlfriend says her supervisor told her that he thinks the US staff opened the diplomatic briefcases to soon. All the embassies know they not allowed to open it before the 13th of october. Embassies are all on alert now. [link to] -OP 12:54 PM 7/31/2010 Good day, Mistral told 2us 4 hours ago to be aware that USS Missouri is possibly enroute to outer rim. ATA in 48 hours. inner rim ATA 72 hours. All indications point that Missouri has Russian calibrator fitted. -OP 12:10 PM 8/1/2010 (pag 364) Good day, a short summary for the past 24 hours. Mistral received a relay from Russian captain that splashzone 1 is INDEED dissolving, calibrator seem to be working. captain reporting that column of "intelligent" oil is retreating back into spaghetti pipe formations (very difficult translation). after a few hours Mistral instructed 2us to halt shadowing of Crescent Moon and assist two German submarines to attack or tackle the other two zones. (translation problem). Mistral also sent a condition update to all French

assets in the area that the previous un effected survivors of the GCP are ALL now showing signs of Nano Morgellons Disease but are stable. These symptoms started to develop in the past two WEEKs. -OP 7:52 AM 8/4/2010 (pag 375) Good day, there are many serious Going on and I will try and post a Summary later but first I want to inform you of a very very unusual Occurrence. 18 hours ago Manthatisi appeared on DED (This is very unexpected) Reading Chatter between Mistral and other assets it seems they are all surprised by the sudden appearance of Manthatisi in the theatre. High command is still asking for proof positive identification that this is indeed the SAS Manthatisi and what power source is used. They don't understand how the batteries can last this long. (My girlfriend says it is strange that "they" could track the Missouri but the Manthatisi just suddenly appeared undetected until it was within 3 nautical miles from the rim) There was a crisis alert for about two hours when It was nearly attacked by a German submarine. 2us has informed Mistral that this submarine, whether or not its the Manthatisi, is definitely Also fitted with a Calibrator with 2x the range -OP 11:22 AM (pag 376) Surface vessel Weatherbird II also now on DED. Possible Romeo with Missouri.. . -OP 2:30 PM 2us reports sonic drilling again. Captain asking Mistral to coordinate vectoring from other proximity vessels to assist -OP 2:32 PM 2us cannot participate. It is busy with clearing splashzone two, oil retreating as expected

Only OP's , PART 15, of pag 375-399 -OP 2:40 PM (pag 375) Mistral instructs 2us to continue clearing spashzone two. window 2 hours. when Splashzone is clear 2us must go to periscope depth and observe Crescent Moon.. Mistral says standby for assistance from Odessa assets vessels to stop sonic drilling and terminate drilling apparatus. waiting for target and fire solution... -OP 2:51 PM Mistral relaying from German command that Manthatisi is moving beyond double classification speed when visible on sonar. German asset cant keep up. Shadowing impossible. Asking second russian submarine to assist. -OP 3:05 PM Relay from Mistral. second Russian submarine says manthatisi still has special 101 clearance. do not engage Manthatisi, manthatisi must be protected and not attacked or provoked at all maritime costs. requesting separate vector channel for explanation.. . *smdmrIE* -OP 2:24 PM 8/6/2010 (pag 383) important, two surface vessels from USNSSC on DED. one is also possibly heading for a romeo with missouri while the other one is blocking a BP vessel with force.(This is the first time i've seen a USNSSC vesel in the theatre) Answer to a question about noise: -OP 2:32 PM signal info is time related, by the time a bot or human reader picks it up through the noise the info is already posted. In the beginning of this thread I noticed that when i post all info at once those posts took about two to three minutes before it showed on the thread and some vanished. That is why I asked for noise. By giving the info in phases with noise in between I don't get that problem anymore

-OP 7:15 AM Good day, for your urgent attention. my girlfriend has been called to report for duty today(2 hours ago). Her Supervisor told her there is a serious Flash Point Alert. heavy artillery equipment and at least a

2000 armed military personnel convoy have crossed from Russia to Georgia. -OP 7:16 AM Heavy fighting is currently reported in the area around the Roki tunnel. Blackout is in effect for 24 hours. (My girlfriend suspect this is a 24 month repeat) -OP 8:47 AM IGNORE Data Release Posted AT 7:15.. and 7:16... (Decoy Interception Objective Achieved, Please Don't Speculate Further In That Direction) (girlfriend in trouble) -OP 7:16 AM Good day, Akula deployed and on DED (girlfriend ok, trouble was work related but on different administrative issue) -OP 7:39 AM I'm two days behind on transcripts, and there is so much going on right now everywhere. I dont know how to formulate a proper summary that makes sense. So forgive me if I post information that seems to belong nowhere and dont fit in. -OP 10:45 AM ww3fnmj7lplapsd 2010-08-07 01:40:47 Active ttt0npor9dc6ce7 2010-08-08 02:27:03 Active b5lh3cji2axb4j8 2010-08-08 01:15:35 Active agj1qewuseyw3xi 2010-08-08 01:16:33 Active ehqyyxsvr0p5csi 2010-08-08 01:23:54 Active vfwpko1xaoh7tfe 2010-08-09 11:03:28 Active jtbq7anf5ufuzsm 2010-08-09 01:23:17 Active hnidsiitv8icfr7 2010-08-09 19:44:12 Active tq0kgouj3fdjpcr 2010-08-10 01:25:57 Active suuqnmolwjtub8l 2010-08-10 16:46:00 Active -OP 2:30 PM 2us captain reporting that splashzone 2 is clear, oil retreating. Moving to coord with german and russian submarine to attack and clear zone 3 -OP 8:27 AM Good day, from IGNORE to CONFIRM, Disregard Decoy, Flashpoint now CONFIRMED [link to] -OP 12:22 PM This afternoon I made first contact in person with AFP contact. (previously either me or my girlfriend left transcript copies at drop-off) AFP contact said they are now prepared to print and release transcripts as other investigating journalist are also picking up on this with serious interest. .. AFP wants exclusive. (My girlfriend is now worried that this could turn into a similar wiki leaks situation, she is afraid..) -OP 1:57 PM 8/11/2010 (pag 398) 2us captain reporting resumption of sonic drilling, but this time it is at continues varying amplitude (translation problem) -OP 2:02 PM no target solution, drilling capsule have entered newly opened cavity.

Only OP's, part 16, of pag 400-424

-OP 3:38 AM 8/12/2010 (pag 401) ..Good day, about 30 minutes ago Mistral relayed a Force Majeure Alert from Moscow to all assisting assets. Akulu in immediate response station, (DED shows KremPP sent out the possibility of such an alert much earlier) My girlfriend told me there is also a serious Situation Developing in JORDON.. .her embassy received that

information from an Egyptian contact who has close ties with contacts in the Jordanian intelligence. (unconfirmed) -OP 1:10 PM 8/13/2010 Good day, this is 8hours old. ( I had difficulty posting due to IP ban on this site, its now resolved, merci to a friend) KremPP has issued the following standing order to all russian vessels and those of friendly interest in all four theaters:: all submersible strategic, commercial or private research assets to stay below surface and at least 150 feet below periscope depth and run silent for the next 72 hours + 48 hour twilight Alert all surface vessels to resume t-o-k-e-r-r-romp standby positions and relay when they are in position on vector channels ONLY the above includes all Odessa Fleet assets as per protocol update as annexed in Paris/Moscow codicil if engagement arise follow said protocol Mistral requesting 2us to comply. Mistral already in r-o-m-p position. standby (difficulty with translation) -OP 1:39 PM 10 hours old. from 2us last report before going silent. Splashzone three... is cleared and contained. intelligent oil Retreating. second german submarine will attempt another cable cut in two hours. 3 nautical miles from first cut 3-4 weeks ago. -OP 2:06 PM Missouri excepting protocol after GCP quarantine proved successful, transfer complete. US Navy onboard with Odessa.. ... Israeli submarine cornered with no escape. Sampson option disabled by rogue crew (US Navy Operatives onboard Israeli submarine giving Golgotha confirmation) Chinese assets not responding. But not regarded as hostile. standby -OP 8:08 8/15/2010 Good day, very quiet on DED, assets waiting and running silent. About The French Week.. It is a new media communiqu started and overseen by a branch of French Intelligence. It was approved and discussed at European embassie meetings. .. (information in this thread is obviously NOT all of it there,(otherwise they would know about the leak, me and girlfriend) but other extra global intelligence stuff in another format code is. I only mention it so you know how to read that paper and what it's actually for to get a wider perspective on this thread) The AFP issue is dead. -OP 3:11 PM One Odessa asset has broken Protocol and is on DED -OP 3:17 PM It's a Norwegian surface vessel -OP 3:21 PM It's reporting on DED that the new Israeli submarine has surfaced 80 meters on starboard side, says vector channel not working -OP 3:26 PM forward hatch opened, some crew climbing out onto deck of israeli submarine -OP 3:30 PM some crew members are armed, 12 crew members are tied behind their backs and being led onto deck by 5 armed crewmembers. possible prisoner situation -OP 3:35 PM two body's bags carried onto deck, body bags not empty ( I don't know who the Norwegian captain is reporting to because Mistral is still silent, could be a general report on DED to all vessels) -OP 12:40 PM 8/16/2010 Just to let you know about Something interesting and Puzzling. There is some Controversy over the chinese Diplomatic Dispatch briefcases for October 13th. The cases are the Exact same Size and Dimensions but some embassies are reporting on intranets that their briefcases are twice as heavy as those delivered at other embassies. (weight) while others are even reporting that their cases are losing weight.

-OP 1:00 PM Their mother vessel was in the area from the 17th. They chuted in via chopper around midnight on the 18th and left via dingy to their mother vessel. They were SAS. -OP 1:03 PM Apology/correction. They chuted in via chopper ONTO the RIG around midnight on the 18th and left via dingy to their mother vessel. They were SAS. -OP 1:55 PM 8/17/2010 Good day, a summary about the new Israeli submarine. They tried to enter a new cavity in a collapsed pipe but was stopped by a Chinese submarine. It tried to leave but was cornered by Odessa assets. A Norwegian vessel broke protocol to inform about the Israeli submarine surfacing close to its position. The Norwegian vessel did not take prisoners aboard as speculated in this thread. The so called "prisoners" were put on deck/topside of the submarine. A surface vessel with a US Flag but no further insignia approached the submarine. (two hours) The "prisoner's" were then transferred to the US ship. What seems to be a relief crew then boarded the Israeli submarine and it submerged about 40 minutes after boarding. It has since disappeared from DED. I Assume it has left the GOM theatre. The Sampson Device was disabled. We don't know what the Israeli submarine was trying to achieve. Speculations are ripe but now void. Our main concern now is with Crescent Moon and the Chinese factor.

Only OP's, part 17, of pag 425-449 -OP 2:43 PM Good day, more and more vessels showing on DED as they come out of KremPP silence and twilight order. Mistral is relaying from Russian Submarine that a new possible Splashzone is forming in deep canyon 23.12 and to avoid agitation of intelligent oil. -OP 5:29 AM 8/19/2010 Good day, something new. Girlfriend phoned and told me C.O.B.R.A (British) has issued an Urgent Alert. Her supervisor also told her cobra agents will be visiting all senior embassies as from today. (I didn't ask her what type of alert. Will ask when I see her but she sounded worried about this) -OP 2:53 PM Good day, I'm unable to see my girlfriend. Her embassy has been in semi lockdown the whole day now and she is on double duty. -OP 3:28 AM 8/20/2010 Good day, my girlfriend is not on duty today. (she did double shift yesterday) We had time to talk and discuss. I'm preparing a phased summary and speculation of what transpired yesterday. I will post when I go off duty in about 3hours. -OP 3:31 AM (I said before I use a free dedicated french proxy (the id number doesnt change), anyone of thousands of people with access to that proxy from anything like an internet cafe will have the same ID as I when posting on GLP) (no code in this ok :) -OP 11:39 AM 8/20/2010 Good day, I wanted to post a summery of DED transcripts combined with our discussion but its a bit cumbersome and could be interpreted the wrong way. (I personally don't know who is on who's side anymore) The DED transcripts wasn't very significant yesterday other than vessels were waiting and ordered to stay dormant. (nothing unusual on DED yesterday) Our discussion part was about C.O.B.R.A. In a nutshell the COBRA issue is about Maritime Arrest Warrants(Admiralty Law) to Arrest 18 British Vessels, and 412 Personell ( 295 of them are directly employed by BP and are also British passport carriers) (This included two oil rigs and some very very senior executives, some are in senior government.). These vessels aren't all in the GOM theatre. ..They are scattered everywhere. They told (girlfriends supervisor) that Britain will be in a serious dispute with Russia and China when this happens and that the French and the other Odessa "coalition" countries should not get involved. I don't know

how it works or if even possible but my girlfriend Speculates that either China or Russia or a faction of the Crown itself must have filed these warrants. (Its just speculation, could be wrong. It's a sensitive issue and my girlfriend doesn't want to keep on asking her colleagues and supervisors to many pertinent questions..) -OP 2:59 PM To the OP please can you tell us what the or who is the Crescent Moon. We keep asking questions, but you give us no confirmation as to whether our theories are anywhere near correct. Why cant you just give us the facts as you see them rather than giving us clues & watching us come up with silly theories. You must have a clue yourself OP or is it easier to give us little & what us come up with lot's of bullshit so you can laugh. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 931457 It's because of comments like yours that I refrain from speculating too much on my own for fear of sending people in all 16 wind directions. My confidence in speculating freely on this thread was killed long ago. I don't know everything or have explanations for every single thing. I'm just as much in the dark on some matters discussed here as you. I've learnt from, and been enlightened by, some of the active posters/discussions/research and investigation here too. For me to say "this is right" or "no this is wrong", well forget it. You may think its easy or a joke but its extremely difficult to get/take sensitive information, do an analyses or interpretation and then get it across in a workable/sensible and timely manner/medium to everyone concerned wanting/waiting for the info. I've said it before, Crescent Moon is a surface vessel. Another poster/link said it was the Islamic faction of the illuminati which is also correct. It fits and makes sense. Merci

Only OP's , part 18, of pag 450-474

-OP 11:04 AM 8/24/2010 Good day, my Duty Roster was teMporarily changed and access to net and girlfriend (DED) was limited. There is a serious situation(KLF) brewing in the Falklands. My girlfriend says its explosive and definitely also linked with the GOM situation as is the other two. :: MY girlfriend also said that embassy staff have been ordered to get vaccinated for swineflu on Friday. (This is strange because this will be second time staff has been "forced" to take the vaccine for the same swine flu. (She doesn't think it's the "same" swine flu) I will try and post a summary later of the past few days. -OP 10:43 AM 8/25/2010 Good day. In the last 12 hours at least 2 submersible Odessa assets have reported gravitational anomalies with hull sensors when trying to enter pipe cavityB, which is less deep than CavityA. (CavityA was the one the Israeli submarine tried to enter) . They have now halted their advance on the south side of rectangular rim 1.2 nautical miles. There is still a friendly fire perimeter of 5 nautical miles. 2us is one of them. Mistral has asked Russian captain if his hull is experiencing the same. (there are two russian submarines, I don't know which one of the two Mistral asked) -OP 1:26 PM russian captain advising other vessels to seize Operation Mettez Votre immediately. Vessels must have 101 clearance and fitted with 2x calibrator. Also advises to confirm proper naval espial software. (translation problem)

-OP 6:55 AM 8/29/2010 Good day, .. from the DED it appears KremPP is getting anxious over the lack of assistance from Chinese assets in Odessa. Mistral has also relayed from KremPP that assets should be on the look out for horizontal spalshzones. (15 hours ago)These new splashzones form between the surface and the bottom, deep beneath the surface. The 1 Russian Captain has Reported that at least two horizontal SplashZones have connected and are forming channels of intelligent oil trough which the active organism part is conveyed or transported. (translation problem) Captain has tried various calibrator settings to clear these oil channels but so far it isn't working. The calibrator is only working to clear the vertical column spashzones. (My GirlFriend says the oil first retreated but is now moving around horizontally, she is speculating that the intelligent oil is regrouping ) DED showed that 3 .. assets were enroute to Flaklands but once they get there their DED and OdessA communications stop showing up on DED transcripts . The DED shows them there(signatures) but we cant access their DED transcripts. (We don't know what they are saying)My girlfriend says she will need to increase the DED Spectrum of her embassy access so that we can follow the Falklands theatre on DED transcripts also. (This is tricky and risky but she will try and get it setup by Monday or Tuesday, she also got her vaccination on Friday but this time it was a large injection and not a vaccination pin prick as before) -OP 1:13 PM Astute just came on DED 2 hours ago. Signature only.

Only OP's , part 19, of pag 475-499 -OP 10:44 AM 8/30/2010 Mistral relaying the Carrier Killer(china) is READY and will confront Orca in October:. Probability for engagement is HIGH -OP 12:20 PM 20 minutes ago. 2us says CavityB is collapsing.. Infiltration not Possible Mistral asked captain to measure visCosity.(translation problem) -OP 12:26 PM many Open DED channels now. something Big is happening on the seabed of rim. . -OP 12:35 PM Mistral instructing submersible assets to dive now.. (I'm not sure if this is just for french or all of OdessA assets in that theatre) -OP 3:12 PM German surface vessel relay that 2 small Assault type vessels are Approaching Crescent Moon -OP 12:00 PM 8/31/2010 good day, Japan has Asked Terrible for Assitance in Splashzone. prototype approved. .. -OP 6:42 AM 9/1/2010 Good day. DED is now ready with wider SPECTRUM. (I've been visiting My Girlfriend at Office for only an hour now and i'm going Through transcripts now).. DED is very busy now with all the new signatures and channels.. Its difficult for me or girlfriend to translate or conclude which chatter pertains to our discussion and our objective of getting information out for all concerned. Please be patient with us. If i cant analyze something, but think its important to our discussion, I will just post the DED transcript translation straight up directly (as is). We are thinking that maybe this is too big of a job to cover two theatres at once and to try and make sense of it. I apologize beforehand if it seems I'm posting stuff that doesn't fit in anywhere. -OP 3:05 PM 9/1/2010 Good evening, to confirm the wider DED spectrum is for the Falklands. We could only see their signatures but not the DED chatter. Now we can for both the gulf Of Mexico and the FalkLand's. I Want to clear some things(two) up to you and to the "others". first. There was some confusion about call signs and signatures which I hear I was responsible for. Vessels call

signs are not the same as the vessels signature on DED. I Apologize I mixed them up sometimes. Call signs change all the time depending on mission and designation, signature(name)never changes. (like with your US aircraft the call sign becomes Air Force One when POTUS is onboard) second. The DED transcripts or chatter is also in code. I have to first translate the DED chatter using the French Key, then I have to translate the French text to English. Each countries senior Embassies have their own country specific code to translate DED codes to text From the FLK DED Traffic Chatter three British vessels (Two surface vessels and one Submarine) have been designated the call signs DEADLY EMBRACE 3, DEADLY EMBRACE 2 and the submarine is DEADLY EMBRACE 1 I Will Now begin posting DED chatter as is, I've not had enough time to analyze it properly. There are some new terminology which I cant translate yet. -OP 3:12 PM i don't have access to orange at the moment. ETA between 9:00 and 10:00 tomorrow only. (use telefon key for identification in 1977) -OP 12:36 PM 9/2/2010 possible Tipping Point Reached(360). DEADLY EMBRACE 1 has surfaced. SAS Assault craft retuning to British Vessel romeo 1hour 15 minutes. russian and german assets in gulf ordered to intercept. US Navy not following Missouri protocol as per paris codicil. Odessa Surface vessels to resume t-o-ke-r-r-romp standby positions in Gulf of Mexico only. (Sniper Orange ready and activated as per briefing 09:43 Code name CAT..) Bezerk level 3 confirmation request not yet approved.. there is still a crack in the Silence. Terrible reporting major and sudden change in viscosity ... Situation Unbearable. Awaiting Twilight Alert. -OP 2:17 PM Bezerk Level 3 request denied. Intercept not successful .. .insufficient ordinance clearance and speed. Twilight Level Alert not expected. Status remaining at Midnight 48 hours with a 12 hour immediate stand-down in gulf of mexico. Terrible on Vector channel now. DEADLY EMBRACE 1 is till on surface at kilo lima foxtrot.. Embassy in semi lockdown now. My access is now restricted.(Girlfriend says KremPP is Furious in her opinion) -OP 3:32 PM (pag 530) Mistral has issued Crescent Moon with a Hostile classification about 4 hours ago -OP 3:57 PM "Interesting timing OP Aren't the Embassies closed on Saturday's???? So were are you getting your info from 4 hours ago??? Where are the pics of the DED info you are receiving that have been requested OP??? " Quoting: Live for Yahweh 1060540 Je ne donne pas une baise au sujet de vos demandes -OP 3:00 AM 9/7/2010 Good day. DED is ok. -OP 3:02 AM Crescent Moon is in Cuban Waters. . (my Girlfriend says she thinks it is seeking safe harbor from Hunter Vessels(2)) -OP 10:23 AM 9/8/2010 good day, my Girlfriend just told me the captain of Kissinger's plane said he is in a coma. They were in Argentinean airspace 20 minutes ago: Captain requested medical assistance on landing and the plane was then diverted to another runway (unknown beacon). He was apparently on his way there for the Falklands issue: I'm not a her office today, she phoned: I'm not sure if she got this from DED.) -OP 2:03 PM at my girlfriends Weekly Wednesday embassy meeting there was a topic discussed on the agenda which have direct bearing on our discussion. at the meeting a document delivered by A US Naval Attach was discussed. The briefing heading said PPOG. basically it said that the US Navy has reactivated PPOG and that is

why Missouri didn't follow the Paris protocol. The US Navy will still take action(coup) if massive and forced evacuations or martial law is called in and around the GOM theatre. They intend to block the white house. The army and marines are overstretched and far away to effectively counter a sudden full scale coup by the navy. The coast guard has confirmed that they will side with the navy. The Navy only expects limited compliance and even mutiny by the national guard when Obama gives the order for FORCED evacuations. Their main concern is the Us Air force. The problem is that some odessa members do not feel comfortable with the proposed new leadership of PPOG or its initiative. There is general mistrust. Everyone is worried.

-OP 10:45 AM 9/18/2010 Good Day, this will be my last day of posting on this thread here. I Will post again after the 13th of October. Depending on time constrains and docking orders I will only have access to My GirlFriend and DED again anywhere from the 15th Of October. My company detail is being redeployed, for only a month at sea, starting Monday the 20th of September. All eyes are on China, Japan, India, Pakistan, the Gulf of Mexico and the Falklands. Iran is a non issue. My company is going out to sea. Usually our detail ship out for at least 6 months at a time. This time however we are Being called up for ONLY A MONTH and a few days more. Other Nations are sharing the same briefing and Naval deployment orders. Britain, France, Russia and the US Navy are sharing the same Immediate deployment dates for the same duration in Burst. As this is my last available day, until between the 13th an 15th of OctoBer, : I Will answer direct questions. My answers will be as forthcoming as possible and is or are allowed. Post you questions now please.

-OP 10:58 AM The four theater you speak of. do they all have to do will oil related things or do they include other areas of concern such as war. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 All of the current four theaters involve the intelligent oil. According to transcripts, more theaters are possible and expected, especially on or near the 33rd, 23rd an and 21st parallel. All Odessa assets are actively looking for new splashzones:

-OP 11:13 AM Most people seemed to be the most concerned about the health effect of the oil spill and the organism released either by the powers that be or from a natural source. Any updates. health threats etc. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 Enter Proximity of Oil At Own Risk. The organism is gaining in intelligence, adapting and even using and incorporating our technology(nano).It has come out of hibernation and is preparing the way and transforming the Oceans. It is not concerned by our(human) health. It has survived for millennia. We humans wont. The organism has the ability and swarmed intelligence to exploit all our diseases and virus related illnesses. It can interact with any bacteria, virus or fungus.

-OP 11:23 AM By splash zones are you talking about other areas where deep sea oil releases are being created by natural events ie earth changes Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 Spashzones are where the intelligent oil(the organism part) reaches the ocean surface. When it reaches the surface it can directly receive the incoming cosmic signals for further growth and instructions. Because of the

dispersant and calibrators the intelligent oil is now connecting with other submerged intelligent oil forming a conductor and conveyer. It then works in concert, searching for areas/places to escape to the surface.

-OP 11:35 AM Did BP cause the fracturing of the sea floor or did the current climate and earth changes fracture the sea floor and create problems for the Oil rig and diaster. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 BP did not cause the fracturing. They just enhanced its channeling and highway to the surface. The fractures are normal stress zones in reply to the growth/compression of the organism awaking, growing and expanding beneath the crust and releasing its own cleaning solution. (substances within the organism)

-OP 11:40 AM why so many ships for the pirates? doesnt make since to me must be some other reason do you know of any? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 947925 It fits in with the sudden deployment(Burst) of Naval call ups.

-OP 11:48 AM Thanks OP. don't know where everyone is at. But those are about it for my questions. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 tout le plaisir est pour moi

-OP 11:52 AM Thanks OP. God keep your company safe! Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1067366 je vous en prie

-OP 12:09 PM you said deepwater horizon was delibratly sabotaged. who was responsible,and was it to prevent int/oil release or to facilitate int/oil release? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102439 The Crown wanted to speed up and cause an international incident. They were hoping to cause elections in England to be postponed thereby keeping Brown in power. They also planned (or so they thought) that this crises will bolster support for White House Officials (WHO) and Obama. Martial Law, Forced Vaccinations and the stealth implanting of RIFD chips. They utterly misjudged the intelligence(morphing capability) of the organism and the strength and support of a faction within the US Navy.

-OP 12:49 PM OP What is OMEGA and B3 ??? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102432

OMEGA is both a plan and a device. OMEGA is a Master Key device(massive EMP protected transmitter aboard a surface vessel) to detonate a synchronized set of planted(drilled an placed)low yield nuclear devices specifically designed to fuse(close) splashzones originating directly from the crust and below the seabed with minimal radiation and upward blast force to minimize tsunami effect estimates. Some devices can also be activated by specially air dropped torpedo's targeting pre placed buoys in synchronicity. The torpedo circles the buoy until its activated to target it. The US Navy only recently offered the special software needed to setup these torpedoes. Whoever controls the OMEGA vessel also controls the Master Key and timing of it. Although OMEGA(the transmitter itself) is EMP protected, transcripts on DED have shown that the new kind/type of incoming cosmic photon and other rays are severely effecting the instrument causing instability. B3 is a biohazard containment cargo bay on newer launched submarines. (some submarines use another name for that type of cargo bay)

-OP 1:21 PM Are extraterrestrial factors involved, and if so, what? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1087173 Yes. However, although the organism itself is primordial to our existence its been programmed to lay and wait(hibernate) and to AWAKE at a certain time of our solar time and position by an extraterrestrial presence/race soon before their return. We unfortunately do not know how near "soon" is. "Soon" could be anything from moths to years. In simplistic terms we speculate the organism is preparing the oceans, climate and geological setup of the earth to become more "visitor" friendly for the returning masters who programmed and created/breaded this organism in the first place. Some have used the term "terra forming". That term fits in with our speculation and understanding of what is happening with our planet.

-OP 1:52 PM Most people seemed to be the most concerned about the health effect of the oil spill and the organism released either by the powers that be or from a natural source. Any updates. health threats etc. Enter Proximity of Oil At Own Risk. The organism is gaining in intelligence, adapting and even using and incorporating our technology(nano).It has come out of hibernation and is preparing the way and transforming the Oceans. It is not concerned by our(human) health. It has survived for millennia. We humans wont. The organism has the ability and swarmed intelligence to exploit all our diseases and virus related illnesses. It can interact with any bacteria, virus or fungus. you have partially answered my question OP.I take it that the organism will travel in the air and the water depending on the characteristics it takes on. Quoting: childoflight Early in the transcripts and on this thread clues were given that the organism is not capable of aerosolizing on its own. Its is however speculated that it can interact and aerosolize with bacteria and other airborne viruses/organisms on a basic DNA structure and command.

-OP 2:22 PM I'm try to word this correctly so here goes: What would you do if you were us, receiving this information? Quoting: Gabriel

There are many views and opinions. Most say OMEGA is the quickest option but some say we should wait and see what really happens when "they" come. Some say we should wait and see if the organism is really a threat to all life. Some speculate other races will help and intervene. So far I haven't seen or heard about it. If earths climate turns to a deep freeze we as humans have the ability to adapt as long as there is Water. Water is the key. If it turns earth into another Mars we lost. I don't think the organism is purposefully trying to kill all life on the planet. Its' only trying to make things more habitable for its masters. I Don't think anybody or any of the factions know what is going to happen ultimately. Maybe China has the answer. Some just say say it's time to go within... -OP 2:31 PM Question? What can you tell us about 'incoming'? Is it being affected by something from space? Is something coming from space? What do you know about the origins of the organism? Quoting: nexuseditor I Believe I've answered that question, but yes something is coming from space. Hubble has been turned to earth to search for splashzones and to try and triangulate. For some reason or the other the current weather and military satellites are not able to provide that specific functionality anymore. Something is interfering with their array just like with the OMEGA transmitter. The Vatican are also introducing filters at all their observatories, either to block or pin point. -OP 2:43 PM I'm on duty in less than two hours(night shift). I have to prepare or otherwise I will get catsniped. Take care The OP * OP 9/23/2010 10:55 AM This is GirlFriend. Level 3 Outage on Net. Resume and Stay On Exit Now! 9/23/2010 11:48 AM This is GirlFriend. Radar issued a Morphing Alert. 22 minutes ago. Other Login Status: Developing Surveillance Remaining At Level Three. Cables Cut. Exit is A Go. 9/24/2010 2:43 PM This is GirlFriend. Noted Cobalt. Africa is Safe. You Keep Blue Safe. We Will Keep Sniper Safe.

9/24/2010 3:27 PM This is GirlFriend. To MIR<ZAR<AMAR<QT<MOG< Sniper has informed me that you are Safe and STB for Updates 48 hours from now. Do not Attempt To Reply To This Post. Use Diplomacy as SOP. Maintain MO on 1+4+6. Read, Ignore and Proceed as Usual on 1+4+6. You Are All Safe. You Are Not Targeted.

-OP 9/24/2010 7:13 PM This is GirlFriend. Crescent Moon has left safe harbor. -OP 9/30/2010 2:44 PM This is GirlFriend. BoyFriend's company is now shadowing A Whale. Boarding possible in two hours if needed. Relayed 1 hour ago. Odessa First Strike Assets in position. Waiting for KremPP to approve strike command on Crescent Moon. Boarding of A Whale and Strike on Crescent Moon to be synchronized. Sniper have infiltrated Rising Sun and is in sleep mode until Midnight. -OP 10/5/2010 2:32 PM This is GirlFriend. KremPP reporting Problems with two unofficially acquired Mistral class vessels from France. Transcripts show that the software for Strategic Theatre Command, Nuclear and ICBM Encrypted Communications, ELF and Satellite Relay is now unexpectedly incompatible. Embassy reports from China that 12 Committee members and 39 Party Members have been arrested for treason. Japanese Embassy reports confirming that Japan has also now received Diplomatic Briefcases from China with opening sequence date of October 15th and not the 13th like the others.

-OP 10/7/2010 11:41 AM This is GirlFriend. Circular vapor trails reported over Greenland near monitored land splashzone. No further activity over Iceland. Australian mission successful. Aborigine contact confirmed as positive +++. Critical Data Found. Data analyzing in progress. ECH rethinking direction and objective when new critical data is fully analyzed. Anti-Climax Highly Probable. BEZERK remaining at level 1.

-OP Good day. I'm preparing updates and will post them. As time is Of the Essence at this juncture, I want to thank

Housedad for one of his posts and point others in that direction. This is for Housedad and may help your analyses further: "The specific TEE activator is most prevalent in the gene sequence of the Chinese Race and descendents" QED

-OP 10/18/2010 11:56 AM Good Day. My situation at Safe Haven is changing regarding updates. Search for New Outlet possible. I Can Confirm two things. First , the canisters at embassies (except Japan) contain small pieces/samples of a "presumed" artifact. ( My Girlfriend Presumes its an artifact). The canisters themselves are made from a "strange" type of ceramic (translation problem /porcelain). Secondly,, the Japanese Briefcase differ in contents, theirs Contain a Metallic Cylinder and less documents. My GirlFriend's contact told her it was a Biohazard Containment Cylinder

-OP 10/20/2010 12:46 PM Good Day, in Response to Krispy I will clarify one important fact. Please Take Note of this significant Clarification. The Great Wall of China was activated for only 48 hours from October 13th by the Chinese and then shut down. Japan received and opened their case only after the wall was deactivated. The RISING SUN has since withdrawn from ODESSA and is disregarding the Paris Codicil. All their vessel Call signs have dropped from DED. The Critical DATA from the Aborigine contact has changed from +++ and is now at + - -. Further analysis still pending.

-OP 10/27/2010 10:54 AM Good day. Further Intel just received indicate and confirms that the 9 Events mention in the Chinese Briefcases sent to embassies (Except Japan) are the following in Nature: 3 will be Geophysical Events 2 will be Geological Events 1 is an Astronomical Event 1 Event is Classified as NEW. (Immensely Effective Cyber attack resulting in a Shutdown) 2 Military Events of which one is a direct attack/strike of a high tech weapon and the other an attack followed by an occupation. From my GirlFriend's contacts it is clear that these events will only begin to occur after a 90 day period(RISING SUN) has expired and most are scheduled for 2011. I Would also like to address another issue. I've said before that I(we) do read your post when time permits it. I Would like to take this opportunity to express our (me and my GirlFriend's) thoughts. It is clear from reading posts by some posters they they are confusing Intelligence with Spirituality and having a pseudo love affair with this Organism and its masters. When a man only armed with a knife enters a stage or battlefield and faces another individual or enemy who has a tank he is not necessarily going to think. "Oh WOW, my friend/enemy has a tank so he must be spiritually much more advanced then I." Whatever Alien race you think is coming or whatever Alien tech they or their cronies employ does NOT imply they are more spiritually advanced at all. Or even that they somehow going to help you all ascend. Far from it. Intelligence and Advanced tech should not be confused with spirituality. Firstly from our intel and sources it is clear that this organism is not friendly and that their Masters who bread them are even more hostile. Secondly, because of the possibility that China may be the chosen cronies to assist this Alien race it is even more suspect. Most of the Intel Agencies do not trust China . GirlFriend feels strongly that discovered Alien Tech will be used directly and indirectly.

I Feel this thread has also reached a crossroads. Me and my GirlFriend's objective was to warn you about things going on behind the scenes and to send code to the "others" who needed it and share our same objective to get things out there. Numerous posters asked me to come right out and say whatever is going on. Firstly I admitted long ago that I don't know everything and are in most cases just relaying information as is. We also speculated just as much as you. Our speculation didn't go down well so we stopped. Secondly you wanted me to answer direct questions. I Waited for an appropriate time to do that from page 611 and low and behold I'm now accused for not being the same OP. I Would like nothing better to do then to continue providing you with updates and to work with you in researching and coming up with a conclusion and connecting dots on what is going on. That is what made the thread great. It felt like a team effort. I Would have loved to continue, especially now that "things" are heating up and factions freaking out. The way IA's has been sharing their Intel since October 13th have changed dramatically. Everyone is looking over their shoulders wondering who is on who's said. I Feel that my attempts to reveal and warn has fallen on deaf ears and that our objective has failed. I Don't need the attention but if you don't give attention to the info I post or ignore and put it on the backburner then I've failed. There is numerous circumstantial evidence of what I've been telling you is true and factual. If you unable to see or realize that then again I've failed. From what I perceive on this thread now is that it has turned into growing social club. Which is in itself fine and you felt for a time like family to me but I cant go on like this. If it wasn't for the fact that the "others" still depend on code being released and "revealed" I would have thrown in the towel long ago. You are welcome to post your thoughts on what I should do. I will read them but as previously mentioned I've been looking for a more ordered/disciplined and matter of fact medium/forum/outlet/thread to get relevant info out and one that is ALSO SAFE FOR US. merci OP and GirlFriend

-OP 10/31/2010 1:25 PM Good Day, I'm now Ready to post here for a limited time while others on the BEZERK still debate the nature of organism, its purpose and its relation to China and Draco. Thankyou for the invitation and suggestion. I Will try and be more forthcoming here and take direct questions if and when time permits and allowed. POSTED IN THIS THREAD, on this page : Thread: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? (Page 10)

-OP 11/2/2010 6:31 AM Good day, Crescent Moon has hit a mine. (first report was 40 minutes ago),. This was not on DED. GirlFriend told me .

-OP 11/2/2010 6:39 AM Good day, Crescent Moon has hit a mine. (first report was 40 minutes ago). This was not on DED KremPP has just now (5 minutes ago) issued an awareness alert that conflict between KremPP and KremPM not

resolved over Crescent Moon Status. Situation now Critical regarding RISING SUN attempt to send two vessels to assist Crescent Moon vessel.

-OP 11/2/2010 1:05 PM In keeping to my promise to be more interactive and sharing on this thread I will add this. (The following has no code) Yes, that is My and GirlFriends deductions as well on China. Coupled with the fact that they are now A) able to communicate and get instructed/programmed directly with the incoming rays/transmissions from their previous alien masters from which they descend; B) able to strike any target on the nano grid without any loss of life and rendering humans near grid in a semi comatosed state for a few minutes. Astute did indeed lose all power batteries included. It created a negative spike (reverse EMP), note that it didn't went to just zero(shutdown) but to a negative EMP spike. This is unheard of. This process "ate" data (for a lack of better description). It also created a negative "suction" of energy. The batteries were un-rechargeable. The electricity disappeared into a black hole of sorts. Three of the crew members reported to naval psychologists/investigators that they felt/sensed that they were going back in time and space. Something you might want to dwell on: Why do you think China has the largest populace and the Oldest civilization still alive/survived? Hints: Loyalty, Dedication, Extremely Competitive, Committed (they give their best), They Deliver. They Have a unified Imperial Instinct (Emperor Syndrome), they act in unison and not as individuals, and of course HONOR. (no patriotism needed, its bred in) Answer: To put it simply they have it in their genes. And that "it" is from Draco. aka I TEE. --The latest update on Crescent Moon is that there are injuries but no loss of life aboard Crescent Moon. Also keep in mind that Crescent Moon was not in The Gulf of Mexico but in Japanese territorial waters when it hit a "Japanese Mine". Until we have further data the situation has been tentatively classified as a "Friendly Fire" incident. -The KremPP and KremPM update will be posted in code shortly. ( I have no other choice, this is a "Tightrope" Alert Level/Issue)

-OP 11/2/2010 3:22 PM Good Day,. KremPP still has a Black eye. KremPM believes the black circLe around the sun is conneCted to "congress walking out". GirlFriend thinks an event is possible around January 19th 2011

-OP 11/4/2010 10:47 AM Good Day. GirlFriends contact in Germany has Informed her that one of the 4 New elements in the Canisters are very Close to Gold but much lighter in weight and can dissolve in saltwater with the proper IODINE ratio. .My next post will be a summery from GirlFriend of Wednesdays Embassy meetinG

11/9/2010 11:42 AM No time for code. TIOTE. Condor is now on DED. retrofitted with AN/BLQ-10 SIGINT. Bring forward from 2012
Quoting: acolyte

11/9/2010 11:58 AM

Again TIOTE. Intel rushing in that CLASSIC TROLL Launch was successful (AN/ULR-21) c3/412 hit confirmed but Series 701 negative on.
Quoting: acolyte

11/17/2010 4:35 PM

I just got home and found this in the email. Originally recieved this at 11:53 am EST. from acolyte

(Received and Posted AS-IS two hours ago PARIS Time) TIOTE, Zero"2" at all Zero"6" Stations. Report all Zero"6" Positives's. A Big positive that L3 Backbone have been compromised for the past 7 Days. Monitoring in place. STB on L3. 14 Hours ago Ossetia received Running Silent Order from KremPP.,, Priority Alert status scheduled for 21 November until 26 November. This includes Commercial Airliners. REPEAT. This Includes ALL Commercial Airlines on A GLO"B"AL ALERT,., Fighter Escorts (MIL-AF) not possible. Egypt has joined China. REPEAT. Egypt no longer part of ODESSA. Call Sign Designations: "SIERRA 1" , "WHISKEY 4" and "JULIET 3"

Edited to add boldface

Quoting: Housedad

-ACOLYTE/OP 11/26/2010 11:35 AM (coded) Ossetia .: Georgia and FalkLands now positive SplashZones., 2X Calibrators failing. DISTRACTION NeeDED. New 3x Emperical calibrators to include recommenDED changes from China alliance Group. (Must include EMPIRE Device for LAND Based SplashZones) :Empire = Emperical:

Aborigine Data Analysis finalized and proof positive on Saturn/Draco/Empirical Spectrum. .Terracotta molds/substances are mirrored proof +-+. (translation problem) Both the transmission and receiving gene sequences have been identified. DNA Mapping near completion. ODESSA Assets preparing for end of 90 day safe Harbor expiration. Proximity Warnings still valid and in effect before, during and after Korea SITREP Analysis. (RISING SUN) .: .

-ACOLYTE/OP 11/26/2010 12:45 PM The WIKILEAKS and BEZERK Thread Connection Quote For those still wanting to know why I(rrr) used "BEZERK" in the title of the French submarine thread, just Google "wikileaks +bezerk" "zerk" also refers to a DNA sequence.

-ACOLYTE 12/5/2010 1:13 AM Posted in: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

AIM has taken control and have sent 17. 14 are active while 3 will remain in SM untill exit point is confirmed. STB for Migration procedured. :. .

-ACOLYTE 12/5/2010 1:30 AM Posted in : Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

HMS Albion now on DED..

-acolyte User ID: 1188159 South Africa 12/8/2010 2:33 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(limited code)

China is about to demonstrate their reverse EMP on a military land based vehicle/installation and/or surface vessel (naval but not a submarine as was the case with Astute) As with Astute analysts expect the demonstration to be AIMed at a Royal Navy vessel but there is some disagreement. (no code) I Want to clarify that China was not responsible for the DWH blowout but a faction of the Crown was. China also intervened to stop a second blowout attempt. This could be seen as China acting for the "Good". However further analysis and timeframe perspective coupled with the briefcase intel points in the direction that China was acting to prevent damage to the organism. China is also insisting on the use and fitting of 3x calibrators on non Odessa members to avoid damage to the organism but yet still offer control and management of its terraforming and climate inducing progress. A Further point is that another faction, closely linked to the Crown, is infiltrating the Crown to establish a working relationship with the Crown. (Again China playing all the sides) To put it in simple terms: Since October 13th China has asked all world leaders to "Trust" them in the management of this organism and the media relations in preparing and making the global populace aware of the Arrival. The 9 Events however will cause massive loss of life, mostly to non gene descendents. I Also want to stress that although most of the events are scheduled for 2011 and 2012, the 9th and final event is scheduled for only the 28th of February 2016. Yes I said 2016, so this throws a spanner in the works of the 2012 Mayan timeline, however more and more researches are coming forward to verbalize their opinion that our Gregorian calendar is at least out with 5 years to the Mayan calendar. (This deserves a whole thread on its own which I will start at a later date when time permits) Another fact that I and most of RRR have contention with is that China is dealing with OLD Guard(Illuminati) and giving them amnesty. They are actively arranging and meeting with these puppet masters to get them out of harms way and to basically "save and protect" them. On a personal note(no code) Those following the Bezerk, Chronicle and this thread will become aware that what we (RRR) have been reporting and saying is now slowly coming into main stream media and intel/confirmation is flooding into conspiracy sources. So those accusing me of hoaxing and lying can stop with their BS flags now. The amount of circumstantial evidence is overwhelming now. Rand Rubicon Revealers have for some time known that we have reached a point of No Return(Rubicon) and that we might as well tell it all in a structured and phased way. If we let out everything at once less people would have believed us. We also had to wait for the right timing. I've spent years on this and GLP. So if you want to make me out as a bad person that's your prerogative and for some its been their agenda. Im glad that those on the Bezerk thread, especially the last few pages, are coming around and actively doing their research again. If they re-read the chronicle thread again they will realize that what they discussing now was already given/glimpsed to them in that thread, coupled with OP's posts on the bezerk thread. My part in the Bezerk (RRR) project will end on January 19th. Due to demand and the many PM's and emails I've received I've been given the go ahead to spend my time working on CHANI and to focus on the "me tel u know" thread. (For those that have send me PM's, please note that I'm not using an upgraded account anymore so I cant reply to your pm's. Please feel free to email me at acolyteglp(at) blessings


acolyte User ID: 1188159 South Africa 12/8/2010 2:36 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(Many thanks to Isis for posting this on the other threads. "They" are preparing for China's Reverse EMP Demonstration and advanced warning of their SI (Solar Initiation Module) [link to]

Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Defense Council(C) Founded in San Diego, California on Pearl Harbor Day EMP Defense Council(C) Inaugurated to Prepare the U.S. for a Nuclear EMP Strike or a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) SAN DIEGO, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 12/07/10 -- The EMP Defense Council began operations today, Pearl Harbor Day -- "A day that will live in infamy" -- to remind all Americans to prepare in advance for the "unexpected" expected.

* They are preparing for China's Reverse EMP demonstration and advanced warning of their SI.M (Solar Initiation Module) (See Saturn thread and Draco connection)


-acolyte User ID: 1189460 South Africa 12/9/2010 8:48 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

(I Posted this in that China thread from yesterday, perhaps it helps) Hmm did I mention the "electric plasma phenomenon " around the sub at that time? Wait, let me check ... oh yeah I did and it was somehow overlooked by everyone asking where the energy goes. I Thought it was a clear hint. Anyway I guess you have to be a true BEZERK'ER to grasp what is going on. And yes Housdad, to run the biggest antennae array on the planet, hmm like the under the Great wall of China, you kind of need to get your energy from somewhere else......

Viva Bezerkers!


-acolyte User ID: 1189473 South Africa 12/9/2010 9:03 AM

Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

<Snip-o-big>Yes I said 2016, so this throws a spanner in the works of the 2012 Mayan timeline, however more and more researches are coming forward to verbalize their opinion that our Gregorian calendar is at least out with 5 years to the Mayan calendar. (This deserves a whole thread on its own which I will start at a later date when time permits) <Snip-o-big>

Just before you move onto the thread re:Mayan calender, please jot down my question here! Is the difference caused by those newly discovered 1200 or so Mayan characters at the beginning of 2010? The Japanese anthropologist was saying that this discovery would change the picture of Mayan calender and cultural understanding then. (It was broadcasted on NHK TV on 2nd&3rd Jan 2010 in Japan, and at that time the anthropologist said, "they were just discovered".) Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1188390

If I was a betting man I would say you just connected one massive dot. Great post AC 1188390. (Take note that there was concerted effort made to debunk the Japanese finding/discovery) So my answer is yes, however our Chinese friends discovered those extra characters before the Japanese, around 2006 if memory serves me correctly. They also realized that when adding/overlaying characters a totally new image/picture character appeared, thus creating a totally different interpretation/story board from what most believe the Mayan calendar says. ----

acolyte User ID: 1190523 South Africa 12/10/2010 5:14 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

Good day, HNLMS Tromp now on DED.. Mistral relaying from KremPP that perimeter vesseLs should maintain T-romp positions. Yesterday Van Amstel failed their Stealth test.


-acolyte User ID: 1190524 South Africa 12/10/2010 5:17 AM

Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Quote HNLMS Tromp arrived in Dublin. Van Amstel reported power plant failure on their Stealth capacity test. :. .


acolyte User ID: 1190542 South Africa 12/10/2010 5:41 AM RE: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(An urgent Operation Veritas and FRA update) The signal inTelligence agency is being be exposed to increasing international pressure,. since October 13th to start with offensive signals intelligence, i.e. to not only listen to traffic, but to commit hacking into networks and computers. .:.


acolyte User ID: 1190808 South Africa 12/10/2010 11:48 AM

Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) AIM operatives to upgrade NSA221 before 21:00 Paris Time for full Spectrum on all 4 zones:: and 6 theatres ::: to ensure compatibility with FRA and DGSE.


acolyte User ID: 1190808 South Africa 12/10/2010 11:50 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

GirlFriend asks that all AIM operatives upgrade their NSA221 before 21:00 Paris Time for full Spectrum on all 4 zones:: and 6 theatres ::: to ensure compatibility with FRA and DGSE. (Signal Corps)


acolyte User ID: 1193559 South Africa 12/13/2010 12:53 AM


(just a few simplified comments from the grapevine, my access is again limited at the moment, no code exept key at bottom) China has succeeded in convincing Obama(Missile launch Demo near the coast) to seize drilling for oil and thereby stopping any further interrupting and/or exiting of organism from doing its terra forming using mapped channels. Any method or action to try and puncture channels or divert channels(i.e use of drilling capsules) will result in immediate strategic asset elimination. China is still poised to demonstrate their Reverse EMP capability again. (Previous warning/demo was with Astute) Many nations are preparing and refocusing their defenses towards China using all means possible, including new and even untested military technology and applications. Again the main focus will be on Submarines and Satellites. Nations are scrambling to find/research for counter measures to combat China's Solar Initiation Module (SIM) or (SI.M) Some nations are publically/politically(for show) allaying against China when in fact they planning to work covertly(now) and actively with China when the Events begins sequencing.

AIM has sent contingents to a large list of countries. Most significant are the 17(3 dormant) sent to US, 2 to UK(Royals), 2 to France, 8 to Russia to focus on high profile targets either through personal security, infiltrating and monitoring or elimination. Targets include Political and Financial Puppet Masters and Royals (Crown). No AIM has been sent to China. Active Mode operations will begin form the 19th of January and onwards while Infiltration and Inciting Operations are already ongoing. Analysts are proof positive that the signal for all planned continental wars to start publically (not covertly as is currently the case) will be triggered on or right before the collapse of the US Dollar. :. ..


acolyte User ID: 1193559 South Africa 12/13/2010 12:54 AM

Thread: So Japan wants to take on China again eh? Not enough raping the Chinese Women ? (Japan apparently, is asking to be slaughtered.) [link to]

Japan to Refocus Military on China By MARTIN FACKLER Published: December 12, 2010 TOKYO In what would be a sweeping overhaul of its cold war-era defense strategy, Japan is about to release new military guidelines that would reduce its heavy armored and artillery forces pointed north toward Russia in favor of creating more mobile units that could respond to Chinas growing presence near its southernmost islands, Japanese newspapers reported Sunday..... and Thread: SKorea-US to form a new plan so the US gives NUKE support to SKorea if NKorea continue their crap US gives Nuke support to SK Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1189738

Good post AC 1189738, thankyou, you jumped the gun on me there lol :)


acolyte (OP) Offer Upgrade User ID: 1193591 South Africa 12/13/2010 2:01 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

Russian intelligence officer prevents development of N-arms by SAfrica [link to] 12.12.2010, 16.09 MOSCOW, December 12 (Itar-Tass) - The First TV Channel will show the film Test by death on illegal intelligence officer Alexei Kozlov, who headed off development of nuclear weapons by South Africa in the 1970s. The film is devoted to the 90th anniversary of the foreign intelligence service to be marked on December 20. (Not even by a long shot) . ..


12/13/2010 2:16 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(coded msm) Iran Navy Destroyer Arrives In Sri Lanka [link to] Senior Navy officers and crew of Iran's Alvand destroyer docked in Sri Lanka to join ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Lankan Navy, IRAN DAILY reported. The ceremony was attended by commanders and military delegations from more than 26 countries, during which a number of foreign warships, including Alvand, participated.


acolyte User ID: 1193591

South Africa 12/13/2010 2:35 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?

DID CHINA TARGET ASTUTE TWICE OR IS THAT TRICE? LOL (I Guess China decided to target astute twice ROFL, but it is just a guess on my part, I was expecting a target on surface or land ... I dont think this was it but maybe this was it or its still in the works. This is a follow-up on the Reverse EMP thread) HMS Calamity: First it ran aground, then it collided with a tug. Now Britain's 1.2bn flagship submarine breaks down on its first day back in service Read more: [link to]


12/13/2010 2:40 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

DID CHINA TARGET ASTUTE TWICE OR IS THAT TRICE? LOL (I Guess China decided to target astute twice ROFL, but it is just a guess on my part, I was expecting a target on surface or land ... I dont think this was it but maybe this was it or its still in the works. This is a follow-up on the Reverse EMP thread) HMS Calamity: First it ran aground, then it collided with a tug. Now Britain's 1.2bn flagship submarine breaks down on its first day back in service Read more: [link to]


12/14/2010 8:08 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(Possible AIM related, not confirmed, use unencoded ratio) [link to] 'You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan': The last words of U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke before failed heart surgery .


12/14/2010 8:12 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(Here we go) UK to launch its biggest, deadliest nuclear submarine [link to] A nuclear reactor which can power a small city and guided missiles that can pulverise an enemy more than 1,000 miles away -- meet HMS Ambush, the Royal Navy's newest killer submarine. The super-sub can produce oxygen and drinking water from seawater to keep its 98 crew members alive in time of crisis. More complex than the US space shuttles and able to circumnavigate the globe without surfacing, Ambush is 291 ft long, the same length as a football pitch, as wide as four double-decker buses and 12 storeys high. Its nuclear-powered engine can propel her at more than 20 knots, allowing her to travel 500 miles a day, reports the Daily Mail. And despite being 50 percent bigger than the Swiftsure and Trafalgar subs it will replace, Ambush is much quieter. Its propellers are the quietest ones, making less noise than a baby dolphin and undetectable to enemy vessels. ::.


12/16/2010 1:29 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

(This fits in with what I indicated earlier on the briefcases thread about nations scrambling to test new weapons and technology coupled with some of Nexus's and other posters posts thougout this thread. For example page 19 12/10/2010 5:39 AM and 12/11/2010 6:17 AM (US Navy test fires electromagnetic cannon) and others . WE ARE REACHING A CLIMAX. THERE IS A CONCENTRATED AND JOINT EFFORT NOW MADE BY COUNTRIES TO UPGRADE THEIR DEFENSES. THIS IS THE BUILDUP FOLKS. THEY ARE PREPARING FOR WW3) US missile intercept test fails [link to]

An interceptor missile launched from California on Wednesday failed to hit a target fired from a Pacific atoll 4,000 miles away during a test of an anti-ballistic missile defense system, the Air Force announced. The missile, called a ground-based interceptor, lifted off from coastal Vandenberg Air Force Base at 12:03 a.m. and released a device called an Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle, or EKV, that was to plow into a target missile fired from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The interceptor's sensors worked and the EKV was deployed, but it missed, according to a statement from Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency . ... .


acolyte User ID: 1196154 South Africa 12/15/2010 12:05 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Good day, KremPP has issued a CREVICE Stealth Alert two hours ago., (translation problem) The OMEGA Option is now back on the table. KremPP and KremPM is resolving their issues. Orange is expecting another burst of intel, so STB -----acolyte User ID: 1196154 South Africa 12/15/2010 12:09 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? (no code) Regarding the BEZERK thread. I'm in a bit of a dilemma because posters have brought up two issues which I cant go any further into except for what I'm about to say on these two points. I Noticed on the bezerk thread posters bringing up the fact that the "leaks" started in February already. ( I Actually posted a pinned thread about this at the time) At this juncture I feel compelled to mention, as a hint that another classified issue began when Em was sent to look for the black boxes of the French Airbus that crashed. They discovered more than just the black boxes and why the plane crashed. (That's all I can say on this matter, this is an important dot but also an extremely sensitive one. Its on such a different level of echelon intelligence gathering that I don't even want to go there. Nobody would believe it anyway) (sarcasm) They also mention the SA Navy sub, SAS Manthatisi . All I can say is that some posters were on the right

track a few hundred pages back when this first came up. Manthatisi was sent to get retrofitted with 2x calibrators as well as something else. When the oversight committee noticed the bill for this "upgrade" they actually brought it up in parliament to get answers to what was going on with the sub. While the sub was under "apparent" docking for repairs it was actually sent on 2 covert missions. One was to the GOM and other I will reveal later. In the MSM reports you will find a major contradiction. Its reported that Manthatisi had major "problems" and yet the Manthatisi managed to out maneuver the US Navy and every other participant in a Naval exercise where it destroyed every target. If it was having so much problems that it needed repairs how was it possible for the Manthatisi to achieve the success it did during the exercise? The answer is simple, it didn't go for repairs, it went for an upgrade and two covert missions while the oversight committee was fed info that its docked and in the "workshop" for lack of a better expression. As I'm a South African citizen I have to tread very carefully on what I reveal about this, so please understand when I say I cant go any further into this) (ps, the above is not the Burst of Intel I was referring to in the post just prior to this one, ok :)

------acolyte User ID: 1196295 South Africa 12/15/2010 2:28 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote Oncogenic mutations in the serine/threonine kinase B-RAF (also known as BRAF) are found in 5070% of malignant melanomas1. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that the B-RAF(V600E) mutation predicts a dependency on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade in melanoma2, 3, 4, 5, 6an observation that has been validated by the success of RAF and MEK inhibitors in clinical trials7, 8, 9. However, clinical responses to targeted anticancer therapeutics are frequently confounded by de novo or acquired resistance10, 11, 12. Identification of resistance mechanisms in a manner that elucidates alternative druggable targets may inform effective long-term treatment strategies13. Here we expressed ~600 kinase and kinase-related open reading frames (ORFs) in parallel to interrogate resistance to a selective RAF kinase inhibitor. We identified MAP3K8 (the gene encoding COT/Tpl2) as a MAPK pathway agonist that drives resistance to RAF inhibition in B-RAF(V600E) cell lines. COT activates ERK primarily through MEK-dependent mechanisms that do not require RAF signalling. Moreover, COT expression is associated with de novo resistance in B-RAF(V600E) cultured cell lines and acquired resistance in melanoma cells and tissue obtained from relapsing patients following treatment with MEK or RAF inhibitors. We further identify combinatorial MAPK pathway inhibition or targeting of COT kinase activity as possible therapeutic strategies for reducing MAPK pathway activation in this setting. Together, these results provide new insights into resistance mechanisms involving the MAPK pathway and articulate an integrative approach through which high-throughput functional screens may inform the development of novel therapeutic strategies.


acolyte User ID: 1196295 South Africa 12/15/2010 2:31 PM

Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote ViaSat Inc. (Nasdaq: VSAT) has obtained High Assurance IP Encryption Interface Specification (HAIPE IS) Version 3.1 certification from the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) for an inline network encryptor, the AltaSec KG-250. HAIPE is used to provide secure communications to many DoD networks. The HAIPE 3.1 KG-250 continues ViaSat product migration toward mobility and interoperability, ease of use for the warfighter, and the ability to share information securely among warfighters and the Global Information Grid (GIG) in a dynamic environment. One of the key features of HAIPE V3.1 is that it adds remote rekeying and the ability to function behind commercial firewalls to the KG-250 feature set. The remote rekeying feature, called HAIPE to HAIPE keying (H2HK), enables network operators to rekey an entire subnet from one HAIPE device, including devices stowed in vehicles and Unmanned Air Systems (UAS), without the need to travel forward into conflict areas. "This is a significant capability for those charged with maintaining our deployed secure networks since it avoids physical delivery of keys to each network node," said Chris Wren, general manager of Information Security at ViaSat. "Many times the users of these networks are in motion, and anything that improves the management of the network from locations that are physically secure not only saves time, but ultimately saves lives." In addition to HAIPE V3.1 improvements, the new KG-250 also introduces Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing into AltaSec encryption products. Embedded OSPF routing reduces network overhead, and gives the products the ability to adapt to constantly changing networks, keeping users connected while giving them more mobility and flexibility. ----acolyte User ID: 1196295 South Africa 12/15/2010 2:37 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote Burst Completed ---acolyte 12/16/2010 1:39 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) (Apologies, I neglected to also post this below on this thread yesterday. Its from the briefcases thread, for the coded messages and latest DED traffic and intel bursts, please read nexus's briefcase thread) Good day, KremPP has issued a CREVICE Stealth Alert two hours ago., (translation problem) The OMEGA Option is now back on the table. KremPP and KremPM is resolving their issues. Orange is expecting another burst of intel, so STB (no code) Regarding the BEZERK thread. I'm in a bit of a dilemma because posters have brought up two issues which I cant go any further into except for what I'm about to say on these two points.

I Noticed on the bezerk thread posters bringing up the fact that the "leaks" started in February already. ( I Actually posted a pinned thread about this at the time) At this juncture I feel compelled to mention, as a hint that another classified issue began when Em was sent to look for the black boxes of the French Airbus that crashed. They discovered more than just the black boxes and why the plane crashed. (That's all I can say on this matter, this is an important dot but also an extremely sensitive one. Its on such a different level of echelon intelligence gathering that I don't even want to go there. Nobody would believe it anyway) (sarcasm) They also mention the SA Navy sub, SAS Manthatisi . All I can say is that some posters were on the right track a few hundred pages back when this first came up. Manthatisi was sent to get retrofitted with 2x calibrators as well as something else. When the oversight committee noticed the bill for this "upgrade" they actually brought it up in parliament to get answers to what was going on with the sub. While the sub was under "apparent" docking for repairs it was actually sent on 2 covert missions. One was to the GOM and other I will reveal later. In the MSM reports you will find a major contradiction. Its reported that Manthatisi had major "problems" and yet the Manthatisi managed to out maneuver the US Navy and every other participant in a Naval exercise where it destroyed every target. If it was having so much problems that it needed repairs how was it possible for the Manthatisi to achieve the success it did during the exercise? The answer is simple, it didn't go for repairs, it went for an upgrade and two covert missions while the oversight committee was fed info that its docked and in the "workshop" for lack of a better expression. As I'm a South African citizen I have to tread very carefully on what I reveal about this, so please understand when I say I cant go any further into this) (ps, the above is not the Burst of Intel I was referring to in the post just prior to this one, ok :) ---acolyte 12/19/2010 2:44 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Russia calls for emergency security council meeting about south Korea. They are saying things like 'imminent' about war Thread: BREAKING: Russia Calls Emergency Security Council Meet - Fearing Korea War Imminent Quoting: Housedad The Curtain, Act One, Scene One. ---Acolyte 12/19/2010 3:01 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) A new power on the high seas... China to build its first aircraft carrier as Britain scraps hers [link to] China is preparing to build its first aircraft carrier as Britains once-proud Royal Navy shrinks to its smallest size since the days of Henry VIII. The Chinese move comes weeks after David Cameron axed Britains carrier fleet and halved the overall number

of warships to 25. Even though two super-carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince Charles are being built at a cost of 5.6 billion, Chinas naval plans will see it dwarf the UKs dwindling power as a seafaring nation. The Chinese will launch their first carrier in 2015 ----Acolyte 12/20/2010 2:12 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) CHINA TO U.S .- YELLOW STONE IS NOW LISTED AS A FIRST STRIKE TARGET. (ARTA) China has officially notified the US (North America) that Yellow Stone is now listed as a FIRST STRIKE TARGET (Alpha ONE). This revelation took place during a secondary meeting at the UN Security Council Meeting called by Russia. (Korean issue) Analyst speculate that China will use their SIM/SI.M acquired technology coupled with its New AntiPodal Reverberator Transcender Array (ARTA) to Target Yellow Stone in the event of any attempt to influence/interfere or neutralize the Great Wall of China Emitter Array and its Periodic Transmissions/Receptions. China has now revealed three new Technological Advanced Strategic Weapons Systems in less than three months: ReverseEMP - Astute (Limited demonstration, full demonstration pending/or yet to be confirmed) ARTA - Chilean Miners incident (Limited demonstration) SIM/SI.M [Solar Initiation/Initiator Module]/[Solar Initiation Modulator] - (Great Wall of China "Anomaly" demonstrated on the 13th of October - see briefcases and/or BEZERK thread) Analysts are of the Opinion that China will reveal even more systems during the first three months of 2011. The Direct link Between CURTAIN and the UN Security Council Meeting called by Russia has now been confirmed. This new technological warfare has been termed as "China's Diametrically Strategic Warfare Agenda for a New Empire". ---acolyte User ID: 1201173 South Africa 12/20/2010 5:41 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? (Related to My thread "There's something you should know about Saturn",China/Draco, Saturn Activation and Signals, and SIM/SI.M) Huge Plasma Explosions on Saturn A new analysis based on data from NASAs Cassini spacecraft finds a causal link between mysterious, periodic signals from Saturns magnetic field and explosions of hot ionized gas, known as plasma, around the planet. Quoted from the NASA press release.

[link to] ---Acolyte 12/23/2010 10:10 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) *** FINCEN ISSUES GLOBAL ALERT UNTIL 19 JAN 2011 FINCEN has issued a Global Alert until 19 Jan 2011. All US and Canadian personnel and All European branches to remain on immediate STB until 27 Jan 2011 China has formally requested the immediate return of all SIM/SI.M activated/effected artifacts and the the dismissal/,.replacement of Swiss Guard to sector 8/88 of Vatican vault.,

----acolyte User ID: 1204641 South Africa 12/23/2010 10:02 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? goodnight,., FINCEN has issued a Global Alert untill 19jan2011. All US, Canadian and All European branches to remain on immediate STB untilll 27jan2011. GirlFriend confirms that China formallly requested immediate return of all activated/effected artifacts and the the dismissal/,.replacement of swiss guard to sector 8/88 of Vatican vault., ---Last Edited by Krispy71 on 12/23/2010 02:38 PM

Summary of relevant or important postings PART 1 Pag 1-50 -OP 6/26/2010 10:58 AM My girl friend has a D.E.D link on her laptop from the French Embassy. (She works at the embassy) Crazy traffic on DED *DED [link to] * (AC 1001520 Wow. 3 days ago, a Florida fisherman reported spotting a mysterious SUB. GLP had the scoop as well.) Fishing Boat Chases Mysterious Sub Off Florida Beach!!! [link to] Ryan Danoff was fishing with two friends about four miles off Hollywood beach Sunday when he spied what appeared to be a mast on the horizon. Funny thing: There was no boat underneath it. Danoff, a Fort Lauderdale fish farmer who's on the water at least three days a week, aimed his 31-foot center console Fishy Business at the mysterious upright and found himself eye to eye with a periscope. "It was crazy," he said. "If it was just myself out there I wouldn't believe what I saw." Danoff moved closer. "It took off," he said. Very fast, about 20 knots. The periscope sank beneath the waves, and whatever was below the surface blew its ballast, sending aloft a mighty hiccup of bubbles. After five minutes the sea lay once again undisturbed. Danoff, 30, reported the episode to the Coast Guard. They said they'd get back to him, but never did. Sub sightings baffle witnesses : Officials theorize that Navy vessels are in transit or doing testing [link to] -OP 11:09 AM Something like 10% of the worlds submarines are gathered in the Gulf of Mexico. What the fuck are they all doing there or rather what the fuck are they looking for? DED shows 12 US, 2 French, 3 British, 2 Russian, 1 Canadian, 3 German, 1 Israeli and 2 Unknown submarines -OP 11:18 AM Two days ago I posted that they sent a French Research ship there. * (AC 1001520 : 1. Look OP, be careful. They don't mess around. 2. Who can blame any country for not investigating this sabotage? This is destroying the whole Atlantic and this is international water, per BP. Screw BP, they are letting it go on and on. Well perhaps the International Community said ENOUGH and will seal the leaks themselves. ) -OP 11:25 AM Ok that makes sense, noone trusting US or BP, they send their own submarines to take a look as you say -OP 11:39 AM Ok good news. French captain he now says his sub not sunk only badly damaged, 17 sailor injured. Asking for assistance and rescue. He says attack from aircraft and not another submarine. -OP 11:48 AM Attack from US helicopter. All sailors bleeding from ear. -OP 12:07 PM OK, captain says surfacing in 12 minutes and magnetic radiation above normal on surface. What is magnetic radiation? -OP 12:39 PM wait

-OP 12:40 PM Ok, captain confirms surface but waiting for all fires to be out. Then he will open main hatch. Another two DED channels is now open. One from office of Prazuck, other from Mistral command * (PatrikC325 12:44 PM 4 fighter jets took from Ellington Field screaming toward the gulf!) * (minimeister 12:56 PM the interesting points have been; - The mention of the "magnetic radiation" I commented on earlier. - The fact that this mention would be part of what the commander of the sub would be relaying to HQ - The captain mentions attack by helicopter and the bleeding from ears is consistent with the type of attack that an antisub helo would use (depth charges) - The captain waited until fires were out to open hatch after surfacing, standard procedure for sub mariners but a detail that non-military probably wouldn't include - The reference to Prazuck. He's the spokesman that always gets involved to explain french casualties If there's anything to this Prazuck's activity should provide clues. How busy is he today? [link to] ) * (minimeister 1:40 PM Maybe it is the french sub "Emeraude" [link to] Remember the disappearance of the Air France flight 447 ... the French govt sent a nuclear sub, the "Emeraude" to look for the black box. Here's the story with a video of Prazuck talking about it; VID [link to] "The search for the black boxes was resumed last month. It is now expected to continue into June, with Air France and the Airbus company each paying 1.5 million (1.26 million) to finance the operation.") -OP 1:51 PM There are now 23 DED channels open. Very difficult to read transmissions that I need to post. I'm trying following the one from Mistrel command. It is serious one -OP 2:12 PM Apologies, I have not time answer questionaire. Girlfriend says it is something like digital emergency scrambling device in english. She just call it DED. Im using her laptop with permission. -OP 2:14 PM Two small US craft approach. Request immediate boarding. Captain refuse. -OP 2:41 PM Captain report possible collision of German and one US craft. Caption issuing ramming alert. -OP 2:47 PM Captain still refusing boarding request. Says US mother vessel has no maritime signature, only flying US flag. Name is blacked out -OP 3:05 PM Captain received offer from German Captain to escort from Gulf. -OP 3:10 PM Misrtral enroute 18 hours * [link to] * [link to] -OP 3:16 PM Second US craft just circling sub. Ramming alert cancelled. * (Jonny Blaze 3:17 PM Watcher : Not sure collision actually took place... JB :Another interesting possibility: All parties

are afraid to fire any conventional weapons on the surface due to the abundance of explosive gas in the area. Thus the ramming threatwhich appears to have worked according to the OP.) -OP 3:25 PM un authenticated US ship demanding release and jettison of detained cargo. Captain refuses -OP 3:41 PM Captain confirms second German submarine surfaced port side * (watcher 3:51 PM : two bases have scrambled jets during this to the Gulf.) (turtles know 3:53 PM : And one poster in SW Florida claimed to hear a sonic boom while this thread was going on) * (AC 1014541 4:04 PM : wow, something is happening. ZEVS stations are broadcasting again. 1st at 12:30 UTC and now at about 17:45 UTC another one possibly at about 14:00 - 15:00 UTC lots of activity. not seen any other day. ZEVS stations transmit messages to russian submarines. ELF band - 82 Hz. (Extremely Low Frequency-can be used to transmit to deep subs, even under thick pack ice.) -OP 4:10 PM Our second (french) sub is also on new DED channel now, I cannot monitoring them al *(supercoop 4:39 PM : My in-laws are in Panama City, FL right now. They have seen some fighter jets today.) -OP 5:04 PM Captain reports boarding attempt and shots fired. * (AC 1014541 5:17 PM : it was said that russian submarines are being delivered a lots of msgs today. confirmed from ELF monitoring.) -OP 5:27 PM direct DED channel from Em has gone dead, trying other channels -OP 5:32 PM last relay from Mistral says main hatch permanently damaged during boarding attempt, explosives used -OP 5:52 PM another relay from Mistral says boarding party was from other French sub. I'm confused -OP 6:05 PM I have to leave building I will post from our apartment. (2 hours) Girlfriend is sending anonymous transcript to AFP * (AC 972485 6:17 PM Now it may be time to panicK! Multiple F-16's launched from Virgina air base! At least 10 are airbourne in past 10 minutes!! Anyone else see activity????????? (Watcher 6:19 PM I won't say where I'm at, but starting around noon, about every fifteen minutes one to two jets heading out (international airport), not sure of which direction, and funny thing is they stopped completely around three, and not one since.) (Wisc natureboy 6:20 PM I am very close to a base here in Wisconsin, and strangely enough- No Military Fighter jets in a couple of weeks. I usually see them -4 to 6 at a time- a few times a week. They must be deployed 'somewhere'.) (madmanNS 6:37 PM hi, im here in NovaScotia, Canada and a friend of mine who lives near Halifax just stated on her that jets going over her and all she hears is: rooar....... i'm wondering what this means, just tried to call her to get more information....) * (Wisc natureboy 7:07 PM Being posted in another thread in French: "The submarine is crippled and lays 2 kms deep at

the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico The crew has only 8 hours of oxygen Critical situation!!!!!!" ... with water in at least one compartment, and a rescue crew is in route to help recover the sub. "One of notre subs manque !!!!!" [link to] ) (7:16 PM French poster claims the French Submarine is: The Triomphant class of strategic missile submarines of the French Navy are currently being introduced into service to provide the sea based component of the French nuclear deterrent or Force de frappe, with the M45 SLBM. They are replacing the Redoutable-class boats. They are called SNLE-NG for Sous-Marin Nucl&#65533;aire Lanceur d'Engins de Nouvelle G&#65533;n&#65533;ration (New Generation Nuclear vehicle-launching submarines). They are roughtly 1000 (one thousand) times quieter than the Redoutable-class vessels, and 10 times more sensitive. It is designed to carry the M51 nuclear missile, which should enter active service around 2010. [link to] "Le sous-marin bleu marine franais S618 Le Attentif" ... a Nuclear Sub) * (AC 979403 7:20 PM Swedish coastguard here, we have KBV-001 Posseidon stationed in the gulf to help out with the oilspill since its a boat built to deal with spills. ( [link to] ) Anyway we just had a chat with the commander and there is a sub with problems, also there is some confusion about its situatation. KBV-001 has been dispatched to assist the submarine. Thats all the info we got at this time. Not whats happned to the boat, what contry its flagged and what status of the vessel.) -OP 8:26 PM here, setting up -OP 8:39 PM Having a problem connecting to DED intra from apartment. Will keep trying -OP 9:01 PM Big apology. I cant get in from apartment, all remote ports are full. If i try to many times the system will send alert. I'm on duty in 4 hours. I need to get some sleep. My focus not good and clear, Sorry. I Will update later. Good night * (krispy71 9:22 PM resum of the other French-sub thread [link to]

Summary of relevant or important postings Part 2 pag 51-75

- Australia, US, Indonesia, France and 10 other nations are flexing their military might in war games off Hawaii as part of the world's largest international maritime exercise. [link to] -Ships location map in real time. Click GOM to see names of ships in transit. [link to] -6/26/2010 11:52 PM and 12:03 AM (pag 52) recap of what OP said untill now [link to] -underwater collision between two subs is possible, happened to a French submarine last year: [link to] -Some comments on Atlantis and found (human carved) artifacts in GOM

-OP 8:54 AM 6/27/2010 (pag 55) back -OP 8:56 AM I'm on way to my girl friends office after work. She telephone me in the morning and says she was called to report at work today. She says everyone of staff is working today even though it is Sunday. Even the shadow embassy staff is working. Securitie is on highest she ever have seen. This can be problem for me to get in and see her. -Watcher 8:59 AM ATTN: I just received my email, YES, IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S REAL!!!! Holy Crap -AC 1009349 9:04 AM Another piece of intel... Many Many cars park in Pentagon parking lot. Not normal on Sunday unless somehting is happening for staff to come in. -AC 1013637 9:39 AM According to unconfirmed report French Submarine picks up some kind of samples - water samples, dead sea creatures, whatever, to determine just what is happening in those waters. [link to] -AC 1001520 10:28 AM Ascertain that jets were scrambled yesterday and headed to the Gulf (2 or 3 AF bases). Loud sonic boom heard by several Florida residents around 1pm(?). Marine sites show increased vessel activities in the Gulf. -Krispy posting about Nasa-boeing-guy (thread: "All I can say is, many of you are close !!!!") and ('Bad' Eruption on the Sun Today...Boeing OP... ), BP exec that walked away and Mutwa Credo's oil prediction. (pag 58) -AC 900755 1:39 PM Remember 'Cease and Desist'?? (Alocyte) [link to] (very interesting) -OP 1:39 PM 6/27/2010 (pag 59) ok, i had to read over many channels from the past few hours. There are many things I wont to report and get out there. I will says these things first. Mostly everyone is safe. Mistrall have picked up 4 seriously injured with helicopter. I said earlier I was confused because DED traffic said crew from other French submarine boarded injured Em. Shots were fired but they came as warning shots from Em crew. One of the unknown submarines I now know is from GCP and it was them who boarded to help. The Em captain did not know the GCP was there and Em crew did not

recognize them immediately because some comm system was damaged on Em. There is still an issue on the report that explosives was used on the hatch. if I find it I will report it but that is not a main issue anymore. There are two main issues now. The one is the cargo and the other is that other submarines are reporting the same problem with ballasts tanks not filling properly, air buoyancy, navigation and sonar problems with metallic oil and harassment and provoking moves of unmarked surface ships. Some surface ships have US flag but no maritime signature or call sign. Em captain describe situation as a submarine death trap. An attempt will be made in a few hours to transfer the cargo to the GCP submarine but the situation is still to tense. I'm now searching for more desriptions on what the cargo is. -AC 1017589 1:53 PM Link to thread discussing magnetizing the seawater. [link to] "High-frequency dielectric polarization mechanism in water-in-oil microemulsions below percolation" : In this note, we report high-frequency dielectric relaxations of water-in-oil microemulsion systems occurring in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 1.8 GHz. In the composition range and temperature interval investigated (water-to-surfactant molar ratio of 40.8 and fractional volumes from 0.05 to 0.30), the system behaves as a collection of isolated water droplets... -GCP : Groupe (Groupement) de Commandos Parachutists [link to] , [link to] -krispy71 2:22 PM "BP CEO Stuns Press Conference" [link to] Dr. Anthony Hayward, the group chief executive of BP, shocked an afternoon press conference on the oil spill when he said everybody could just go fuck themselves. Swaying at the podium, Dr. Hayward went on to say they were going to change the name of BP to DBP (Dead Bird Petroleum). And : "Credo Mutwa" just said " it's no asteroid, comet, plaque, ... just OIL" [link to] -OP 2:45 PM Captain reporting sudden change in Israeli submarine course to fast approaching their coords -OP 2:47 PM ok, thats was 18 minutes ago -AC 900755 3:01 PM Check this out: [link to] (ALOCYTE's thread) (posts about methane saturation point. this lin was given [link to] ) -Watcher 3:03 PM Thanks Krispy, I just heard a jet, running hot, take off and head south. -Krispy's anagrams : *The Macondo Prospect Oil Volcano's anagram name is COOL! TOPNOTCH VAMPIRES CANOODLE * The Macondo Prospect Mc252's anagram name is ARCH COMPOSED CONTEMPT * (the novel)One Hundred Years of Solitude's anagram name is INODOROUS ETHYLENE DEFRAUDS ... -OP 3:14 PM (pag 63) Mistrall orders Em captain to immediately begin transfer of cargo to GCP. Caption has two hours before condition romeo is reached. I dont know what romeo is. -OP 3:18 PM German submarine port side is submerging. (postings about code: Romeo) -C7 3:26 PM Romeo is a replenishment at sea. go here and scroll down about 3/5 of the page. it's under "Romeo for Replenishment" [link to]

-OP 3:42 PM The current description and status of the cargo is filed under directive 301. I'll ask girl friend what that is -OP 4:05 PM Captain reporting extreme conditions and geological echoes on seabed (translation is a problem) -OP 4:35 PM Israeli sub has halted, surfacing -Watcher 4:37 PM (pag 65) I was just watching some type of beacon being set on the ocean floor, named Sonardyne, I did a search and this is what came up [link to] Remote BOP controller [link to] Intrusion detection [link to] This is that posters "yellow lollipop on a stick". -OP 4:40 PM 4 low flying aircraft approaching at sub sonic speed, crew ordered to go below deck -OP 4:47 PM Israel submarine just blew missile hatches (AC : blew missile hatches could be Condition Romeo! ... Or retreat, or Red, letter R, replenishment ) -OP 4:49 PM Israeli submarine launching surface to air missiles merde! -OP 4:54 PM condition romeo reached Israeli submarine submerging -OP 4:57 PM GCP and second german submarine submerging -AC 1017760 4:59 PM Pourquoi Pas: "no position reports received for callsign FMCY" -OP 5:07 PM hit hit tracking falling debris -OP 5:08 PM captain reporting surface vessels rapidly forming v formation - [link to] almost 100 vessels within 12 miles, never seen that before ... check 10 vessles at the left, speeding SW 11 knots. Neve seen that before ! - [link to] -OP 5:13 PM captain will attempt submerge 3 minutes Im pray repairs to hatch will hold -OP 5:38 PM Mistral taskgroup now on full battle alert, all aircraft authorised for full ordinance. 8 airborne 9 level altitude intercept -AC 992677 5:38 PM Live streaming Marine Radio [link to] Other stuff and low frequency reciever [link to]

-OP 5:48 PM hatch is holding -OP 5:52 PM DED shows most submarine traffic now moving out and away from gulf even the US submarines at close to full speed -OP 6:19 PM We have to leave the building now because it will look suspicious if we stay so late again. I hate leave while things are now so serious. The cargo is on the GCP sub and I think it will be safe, that is important. When my girlfriend has time see will lookup what 301 is. She guess it is doing with the search and recovery of a non NATO member sensitive military equipment/identification like fallen fighter plane, satellite, sunken ship or submarine. Its to busy here now and everyone is preparing for international incident report. Maybe it will be in AFP tomorrow. Israel did not attack US aircraft. Israel was defending himself and we think us too. I cannot figure out what aircraft they were and from what nation. i will find out but they not from US I think. Good night. -krispy71 6:35 PM resum day two [link to] -TX patriot 6:44 PM I'm adding this as an adjunct to Krispy's work for anyone interested in time line patterns. This is just for today's posts by the OP -krispy71 7:04 PM post about WAR GAMES in Gulf with many links (pag 72) -AC 900755 7:14 PM " 'Top kill' succeeds in plugging Gulg oil leak. Five weeks for the BP oil rig exploded" [link to] and ... "(UK):British and French nuclear submarines which collided deep under the Atlantic ... " [link to] -Latest weather in the gulf : [link to] -AC 1017987 8:32 PM Ships in GOM had to have known something was going on and it was not near the Venezuelan coast. Several times during the afternoon I posted this link to commercial and private ships' location in the Gulf. Note that as of now they are scattered around the Gulf near the sea-going lanes. Earlier, several ships were lined up defensively along the edge where all the US coastal rigs are located with another line of ships lined up headed mostly toward the Atlantic. I also posted two ships timeline showing they had been headed into the central Gulf area, but at that time had turned and headed back out. At the time of the event this afternoon, ships in the Gulf were either in port in South America, lined defensively along the well rigs, in a line headed to the Atlantic, or bunched along the Western coast of Florida. The area South of Louisiana was wide open with no ships. Look at the link now. My suggestion is that the dog fight if there was one) took place in an area 100-150 miles south of Louisiana. [link to] -AC 892309 8:32 PM I don't think Russia's Historic fully armed ships coming to San Francisco was in mainstream news. [link to] -Watcher 8:40 PM I received an email and wanted to say, It was rather noncommital on real or not, a little vague (not sure if that wasn't on purpose). I have emailed back and ask for a definitive yes or no, but I may have used my favor on this one, since he was watching this thread,so I'm not sure what I will get back. But I wanted to post and let you guys know that I received a response and still working on this..He did mention this was a "very touchy subject", so we'll see...

8:46 PM (...) and noticed strings of ships from the key west area to the south. several were hauling 14/15 knots towards the center of the gulf, but one thing I noticed was this, the blocks showed like 142 ships to the south of the rig, then as soon as this happened and was over as far as I could tell, the numbers starting dropping, now I know this is civie traffic, but when you click the block to zoom, out of the 142 ships, only like 15 or 20 showed...not sure about that. -AC 1017987 9:22 PM Explained in another thread linked earlier here, that the Corexit being sprayed over the GOM creates an emulsion of oil, methane, other hydrocarbons and seawater, which is magnetized. The subs have to demagnetize to operate properly underwater and it is possible that they cannot do this in the Gulf while operating in the magnet-emulsion which BP has created with the assistance of the US g'ment. -Orby 9:32 PM Am I hearing that a magnetic emulsified glop of seawater and oil is sticking to ships hulls and compromising their ship worthiness? Now about that goop that is now covering the BOP or whatever the hell we are looking at in the spill(ing) videos, is that stuff magnetic too and is that why it is covering the apparatus? -Rockhuff 9:34 PM OK, so now at this point here is my version of how this will all play out. The French and others got away with 'evidence'. I'm guessing water samples and pics. That's it. They aren't going to blow the lid off of whatever is going on to the public. They just will know that the US and BP are full of shit, that's it. There WILL BE a hurricane eventually, whether it's Alex or the next there will be one. Once it becomes clear that a hurricane is headed for the Gulf Coast the Government will evacuate everyone they can. For those that stay they will die. Once the hurricane is near the shore, the BOP will 'accidentally' fall over thereby releasing a lot more oil into the Gulf. That will give the government the impetus to finally say 'screw it' and detonate the bombs (nukes) that they have down there. That will then give the HUGE methane bubble that is growing under the surface what it needs to blow. Then we will have our big bang and HUGE tsunami. Bye bye Florida. The Gulf coast will then become contaminated with oil and corexit and the other toxins being released. No one will be able to return. If you live down there and you are told to leave, don't plan on ever going back. This is a culling of our population. It didn't start out that way, but it has turned into that. Also, the food shortages are imminent. That Corexit will make it's way into the midwest and nail the corn crops. The ENTIRE US food supply is based on Corn, I hope you knew that. My bug out will happen when they start evacuating. Until then I am stocking up on survival stuff. I hate that I have to predict so much DOOM, but unfortunately this is the reality we are now in. I don't want it to happen and I want very badly to be wrong. Let's hope I am..

Summary of relevant or important postings Part 3 : pag 76-100

-AC 1018391 6:51 AM TROUBLE? American Ambasador Summoned in France [link to] (pag 76) -AC 292667 9:31 AM "BP CEO IN MOSCOW" Russia's top energy official said he expected BP chief executive Tony Hayward to step down soon, ahead of a meeting with him in Moscow later today. [link to] (pag 78) -Watcher 9:40 AM I wanted to post the contents of my email I received right as the OP was going off. I suspect I was sent this with the intentions for me to post it. This is all I received so far. How this would play into this, I'm not sure. This is his emphasis. "Yeah, I think it's important to remember that this is a "WORLD" issue... and other countries/powers knew that from pretty much the very beginning. ALL EYES are on America, and the Gulf. And have been from the start. There are a couple of "powers" that would love very much to walk in and take America. No doubt about it." -AC 1018465 9:50 AM Ambassador Rivkin to be summoned (Paris, France) The Office of President Nicolas Sarkozy has released a statement announcing that Ambassador Rivkin will be summoned on the return of the President from the G20 summit. -Sailor Santiago 10:25 AM In my ancient experience as a Yeoman (Officer flight records and operations specialist-cold war vintage F4 and F14 equipment) in the carrier USS John F Kennedy CV67, I seem to remember it was standard operating procedure (SOP) to translate from supersonic to subsonic flight to drop most ordinance packages or strafe targets. Tomcats had a tendency to shoot themselves down if they did not fly inside certain speed and angle of attack parameters. Dumb bombs needed to be 'pickled' under mach to stabilize their flight characteristics (geometry) and not shred parts and/or jam arming armatures. It was also S.O.P. to be under mach to jettison fuel drop tanks before jerking the birds all over the sky in strafe or bomb. If i remember correctly the same policy stands for (speed reduction) for overflights for camera packages to be used. Just sayin' - not surprising it was noted AC were under mach numbers as they approached a 'target'. (mach also depends on altitude. Mach at 500 feet is far slower than mach at 5,000'+. It's an equation of the combination of speed and air density/altitude parameters. -Rickj 10:28 AM another incident to think about. (Old news) : "American sub sunk russian sub" [link to] -krispy71 11:09 AM Resum pag 1 -50 [link to] -OP 11:22 AM good day, I'n not on the DED yet but I want to post what my girlfriend told me about another explanation for 301. She does not know what the cargo is yet but she asked about 301. This could be nothing to do with the cargo also being a 301 or with this incident at all, but I inform you anyway as an extra. She says it is very high and that even the classification is classified. She tricked her supervisor and what she find is something about operation deep freeze(300) and anti-freeze(301) something about engines not working. Because of 301 all US military and coast and marine guard and submarines and ships are now being recalled and fitted and they bringing the date forward with six months. She saw ship names like polar bear, polar cap and polar sea. She guess maybe the US is heating the gulf like a reactor with nuclear or chemical on purpose to avoid deep freeze. She thinks the other submarines are there to remove these

devices. This is probably maybe just a fun and silly guess from her, she is good with these things. I Will meet her later at her office and get an update on DED and get more information on the cargo and where it is now. Early this morning I sent another DED transcript to AFP. -AC 1018644 11:58 AM Posted on June 25, 2010 by staff Today, the Coast Guard announced the 399-foot Cutter POLAR SEA suffered an unexpected engine casualty and will be unable to deploy on its scheduled fall 2010 Arctic patrol and may be unavailable for Operation Deep Freeze [link to] -Watcher 12:01 PM 9/23/2009 - HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE, Hawaii -- The U.S. military will kick off the 2009-2010 season of Operation Deep Freeze, the Department of Defense's support of the U.S. Antarctic Program and the National Science Foundation, on Sept. 25. Operation Deep Freeze involves U.S. Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard forces operational and logistic support of the National Science Foundation's scientific research activities in Antarctica. This support is provided by the Joint Task Force Support Forces Antarctica, led by 13th Air Force here. JTF SFA coordinates strategic intertheater airlift, tactical deep field support, aeromedical evacuation support, search and rescue response, sealift, seaport access, bulk fuel supply, port cargo handling, and transportation requirements. Christchurch International Airport, New Zealand, is the staging point for deployment to McMurdo Station, Antarctica, a key research and operations facility for the U.S. Antarctic Program. Operation Deep Freeze is unlike any other U.S. military operation. It is possibly the military's most difficult peacetime mission due to the harsh Antarctic environment. The U.S. military is uniquely equipped and trained to operate in such an austere environment and has therefore provided support to the U.S. Antarctic Program since 1955. Active-duty, National Guard and Reserve personnel from the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard work together as part of the Joint Task Force. [link to] -AC 1018651 12:05 AM Realize that OP said "magnetised surface" but it is the emulsified oil/methane/seawater which is magnetized. This enables an amplified induction process underwater, possibly causing subs to not be able to maintain electronic controls. ... the magnetization which has taken place with Corexit creating the emulsion... Possible that if the oil/tar escaping the fissures in the floor of the GOM seabed is highly radioactive due to the mix of hydrocarbons. Then perhaps, Corexit is being used to keep the radioactives under control. Same as when used nuclear rods from energy producers are stored in pools of water to protect from radiation. -AC 1018681 12:45 AM You may have hit Bingo! Does the Destination properly read "Thunder Horse Field?" We need to know, how far is Thunder Horse from Deepwater Horizon? Matt Simmons said that the main source of oil plume appears to be 6-7 miles from Deepwater Horizon where BP claims the main leak to be. Check it out: Thunder Horse is largest Rig in the world. Took a hurricane hit before it went into operation. This huge structure was tilted on it side in the GOM after the storm. Did they properly repair TH for safe well drilling? Is it possible that the main source leak is from Thunder Horse and are trying to hide that fact. -Crystal in matrix 12:56 AM The decline of Thunder Horse field [link to] -krispy71 1:39 PM Why do they want the GOM-waters to be magnetical ? Are they thying to make the GOM one huge

MAGNET? Is that a/the reason why they drilled into this type of a VOLCANO ??? etc ... -krispy71 1:49 PM Thunderhorse vs Pale Horse (image on same place as rig) (revelations) [link to] Pale Horse sat. image : [link to] Thunderhorse: [link to] Logo: [link to] -680963 2:55 PM Coast Guard Cutter POLAR SEA [link to] SUPERIOR SERVICE - USA - Destination: DEEP WATER HORIZON - Marine Supply grocery vessel NORMAND COMMANDER,SKANDI NEPTUNE - Norway - MC252 HILDA LAB - USA - Destination: DD 3 MISS.CANYON 252 DEVELOPMENT DRILLER3 - vanautu - ? DD2 - Vanautu - Destination: MC252 PAUL T MORAN + MARY MORAN - USA - Destination: BLOCK 252 JEAN PIERRE LAB - USA - Destination: MC 252 BOA DEEP C - Spain - Destination: AT THUNDERHOSE FIELD Q4000 (dredger) - USA - Destination: MC_252 HOLIDAY - USA - Destination: MC 252 SEACOR RIGOROUS - USA - MC252 LOCH RANNOCH - UK - Destination: MC252 THUNDER HORSE PDQ - lokation on map : [link to] (same as sattelite image "pale horse" !!! [link to] -AC 966731 3:13 PM An International Team of Scientists Researching Large Oceanic Plateaus. Are They Just Asking For An Eruption by Drilling... [link to] -OP 3:37 PM Im ready -OP 3:45 PM DED shows three new submarines, two are from Argentina navy Somehow the submarines, except US and British, are coordinating with each other because they form a ring on around the rim. -OP 3:49 PM Mistral command is in the same location but now at normal readiness status. I cant see any other incidents from last night. -OP 4:02 PM Ok the British submarines look like they shadowing the Argentine submarines. The Em hatch is holding or it has been fixed because it has joined the the formation on the rim. They are waiting for something. I dont know if the cargo is on the GCP sub or on the Mistral -OP 4:04 PM must I still post here? -OP 5:07 PM I Have some technical issues on my side when I post now. It takes over two minutes to show up and I don't

trust it. Give me some time (pag 89) -AC 1018934 5:37 PM (pag 89) Link is to an online view for NOAA chart 411 showing navigation hazards in the area of the spill. The drilling appears to have taken place on top of an area with several explosives dump. Between Pensacola and Freeport there is an unexploded ordinance dump. [link to] Now what happens if you nuke old munition dumps and unexploded ordinance? -AC 1019005 6/28/2010 7:04 PM (pag 91) NOAA chart 411 showing navigation hazards in the area of the spill. The drilling appears to have taken place on top of an area with several explosives dump. Also, map shows a discontinued industrial waste dump in the area. Old industrial waste sites contain benzene and other hydrocarbons. All this is in and around the Deepwater Horizon drill area. -Watcher 7:39 PM Map at link showing ammo dumps in the GOM. BP Was Drilling In A Mine Field! Gulf of Mexico Is Major Dumping Ground For Unexploded Bombs. [link to] -krispy71 7:48 PM Resum pag 76 till pag 90 [link to] -AC 1019048 7:55 PM (reaction on : Matt Simmons said that overflights showed that the main leak source appeared to be about 6-7 miles from Deepwater Horizon. Simmons did not say which direction.) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Monday released new data from the agency's latest research trip through the Gulf of Mexico, showing concentrations of oil below the surface at more than 3,600 feet below the surface, about 7.5 nautical miles southwest of the BP's blown-out well. [link to] -P 94 Postings about an other multi national Persian Gulf exercise "Exercise Saif Ledge", ... vessels no subs mentioned [link to] [link to] -postings about cordinates DWH and Thunder Horse to find out if the rigs are on an industrial waste dumpplaces. -(pag 95) mention of krispy's 'magnetic water'-posting. Also growth equatorial bulge, posible pole-shift, magnitised area and unstable plates. Things line up with 'boeing-guy'. John J.R. Moore made geological predictions of plate shifting and restructuring of the southern and eastern seaboard ( [link to] -AC 940676 11:03 PM (pag 96) Has it occurred to anyone that this thread is being tampered with? It happened during the Dallas thread I know. OP said his posts were taking 10 minutes to show up. Why is that? Perhaps the French were allowing him to post and someone else has taken it upon themselves to figure out who he is? And maybe they did? -Discussion relationship russia and BP and ownership BP and Thunder Horse -TX PATRIOT 11:38 PM "BP owns 75 percent of Thunder Horse and is the field's operator. Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) owns the remaining 25 percent." [link to] -AC 1019253 6/29/2010 12:04 AM : "BP Hayward visits Russia to address Kremlin worries, 28th Jun 2010" [link to] -TX PATRIOT 1:55 AM New thread: BP hires super deep water russian sub to survey gulf seafloor. From coast to coast and someone named captaon kelley [link to] -Childoflight : Interesting to note in this report is Sagalevich stating that he and the other Russian scientists were required by the United States to sign documents forbidding them to report their findings to either the American public or media, and which they had to do in order to legally operate in US territorial waters.e..... -AC 516383 3:13 AM !!! Kbv 001 swedish coastguardboat is being removed from the area it is being escorted away from the area. Heading towards Sweden. No info on the submarine, our question is why do you remove one of the worlds most advanced ships to deal with spills, to this we also have 2 more identical ships kbv 002 and kbv 003. The are at dock in Karlsborg and Gotland. -OP 6:14 AM 6/29/2010 (pag 97) test -OP 6:21 AM good day, a few hours ago GCP captain says proximity alert activated on b3 of cargo (A proximity alert system including a pair of portable electronic, coded transmitter/receiver units designed to operate in a specific signal band. Each unit transmits a coded signal that is picked up by the other unit. The strength of the received coded signal controls the rate of an audible beeper. The rate of the beeper indicates the approximate distance between companion units. A direction-finder antenna is used to indicate the direction of the received coded signal.) -AC 1019113 6:24 AM magnetic/gravitational readings of gom surface/air [link to] -OP 6:24 AM captain thinks it was remotely activated because special engineer killed local transmitter after condition romeo (page 98) -OP 6:26 AM so cargo is stil on GCP and not Mistral -OP 6:31 AM yes, venezuela , two hit -AC 1019113 6:36 AM some experimental analysis stating the increase in water temp due to magnetization [link to] -OP 6:43 AM DED is only on girlfriend laptop, site on my latop. I have to read from one latptop then go out room and post on my laptop in waiting room few rooms away. I will look suspicious if I keep on exit and enter room so much to answer questions. The day before we took girlfriends laptop to apartment but DED is not able to connect from there -OP 7:58 AM 8 new DED channels suddenly came on at the same time, two are from aircraft, problems somewhere. its the first time I see aircraft using DED channel -OP 8:01 AM now 9, they talking about echo warnings -OP 8:13 AM many displacements at seafloor (translation problem) -Postings about magnetically charged water, and relations to hurricanes

-RenegadeSon 8:26 AM (displacements at seafloor > Elevation changes? Height changes?) Saw something about Methane Hydrates causing the Gulf floor to rise.. -Childoflight 8:37 AM Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Fractured Beyond Repair June 10, 2010 8:53 AM Could whatever HIT this lake have a connection with whatever HIT the gulf of Mexico? Both have large oil spills.The Goverments of each country dislike each other. Venezuela's National Assembly to debate oil spill and clean up ops on Lake Maracaibo -OP 8:57 AM one aircraft reporting possible combustion foam on surface -OP 9:06 AM Mistral instruct immediate buoy drop -Krispy71 9:34 AM (pag 99) post about connecting several dots [link to] -OP 9:41 AM o many things reported, captain of aircraft report buoy failure, all data loss, no measurements taken, captain says buoy just popped within seconds of hitting foam, melted and sunk, second buoy did the same Mistral issued alert to all vicinity traffic to avoid column Em captain says pipes forming on seabed and leading from rim GCP captain stil has proximity alert on cargo, waiting for instructions there are other DED channel alerts also but they not from the gulf of mexico -Posts about the foaming pipes ... ? ... Methane tubes, clolumns ? -krispy71 9:56 AM But maybe the chemicals used by BP are now forming a foam on the seabed, that lateron surfaces and is so agressive that it melts plastic. Remember the WHITE FLOKS of something on the seabedfloor ?? [link to] -Watcher 10:12 AM This was emailed to me during the night: Snowplows Ready To Remove Abandoned Vehicles from Highways When Evacuations Occur [link to] -AC 1019636 10:22 AM There are crude/gas lines all over the GOM seabed in the area of the drilling. If pipes are "foaming" easily than can mean there are breaks everywhere. [link to]

Summary of relevant or important postings Part 4 : pag 101 - 125

-AC 1019621 10:50 AM from the above wiki: "Kimberlite pipes" In kimberlite pipes, the eruption ejects a column of overlying material directly over the magma column, and does not form a large above-ground elevation as typical volcanoes do; instead, a low ring of ejecta known as a tuff ring forms around a bowl-shaped depression over the subterranean column of magma." >pipes forming on the seabed leading from the rim< They drilled into something volcanic is my take -- remember Lindsay on alexjones said that they had drilled into a batholith -- a hollow granite chamber associated with volcanic activity. Nope, probably can not use explosives on something volcanic surrounded by chemical and ordinance dumps -RenegadeSon 10:56 AM New Matt Simmons interview is pretty explosive. He says that there is what amounts to a 'hole' in the sea floor about ten miles away from what everyone thinks is the leak. He says that 120,000 barrels of oil and toxic gases are pouring out.. and that it is all on fire and extremely hot.. OP's 'pipes' could be volcanic vent pipes forming. He also says that what is being viewed on the live feeds is not the real leak. Everyone needs to listen and make up their own mind. A lot of what Simmons says is happening could tie in with what the OP of this thread is reporting. Link [link to] WARNING this a slow load..seems everyone is listening Simmons also says that the methane gas bubble is 120 miles wide, 400/500ft high, and is sitting at a depth of 4500ft below the surface of the water. It has happened before with a carbon dioxide bubble [link to] -Krispy71 11:13 AM (pag 102) Opened thread : "BP and TPTB, connecting the dots of voilcano-spill, magnetised water, new pole creation, new ice age and french sub" [link to] -Kerwin 11:26 AM Underwater volcanoes that spew asphalt instead of lava: they were discovered in the Gulf of Mexico during an expedition of the research vessel SONNE, led by Prof. Gerhard Bohrmann of the DFG Research Center Ocean Margins. On these volcanoes the multinational team of scientists encountered a previously unknown highly diverse ecosystem at a water depth of 3,000 meters. The prominent scientific journal Science reports the spectacular discovery in its issue of 14 May 2004. [link to] Mud volcano in the Gulf of Mexico sea bottom [link to] -OP 11:35 AM GCP captain reports b3 cargo now gone live, ask for urgent priority instructions -Watcher 11:47 AM About an hour and half ago, several jets took off headed south, they were in full afterburner( I mean getting it), and I continue to hear jets headed south in afterburner mode... (Watcher lives About 350 miles due North of Houston.) -OP 11:49 AM Mistral to GCP, Halt at perimeter alert, special engineer advisor on vector channel (I cant get vector channel on DED, it is absolute alert channel) -AC 1019726 11:50 AM SHR's GLP voicechat concerning the oilleak. [link to] -OP 12:30 PM 6/29/2010 (pag 104) GCP captain request immediate authorisation to jettison b3 cargo. Mistral says standby

(embassy intercom alert just went on and all rooms will be closed electronically in 15 minutes. I have to leave the signal area. I will post when I have access to my girlfriend again. She and her colleagues are now in lockdown in their offices) -AC 1019754 12:39 PM small summary -AC 992677 1:11 PM I've tried locating info on B3 cargo. ... B3: Confidential Proposal Summary: Mobile Robotic ... on the outside surfaces of the hull of container cargo ... B3 = ROV Mine hunter German manufacture Pinguin B3 ROV. Frankenthal Class (Type 332) Minehunter, Germany [link to] a B3 missile , a nuclear mine. One that doesn't exist by treaty [link to] -minimeister 1:19 PM I was reading up on asphalt volcanos here; [link to] And t mentioned something called "Supercritical water" "In 2005 the team reported more details, and a provocative theory. Examining samples from the tar flows, the researchers found abundant small pores lined with various minerals: sulfates, chlorides and carbonates. They theorized, in the 18 October 2005 Eos, that the energy source involves a special substance: supercritical water. Supercritical water is water at such high pressures and temperatures (300 times atmospheric pressure and 400 degrees C) that it is above the "critical point," neither a gas nor a liquid but a searing combination. It is about one-third the density of liquid water and is a nonpolar fluid capable of dissolving hydrocarbons, unlike surface water with which oil cannot mix. Such fluid could form deep in the crust, insulated under the seafloor sediments, just as it does beneath black smokers. If a suitable passage connected it to the surface and a salt dome is a perfect example then this sort of water magma could rise bearing a heavy load of dissolved minerals and hydrocarbons. As the water cools and the dissolved load precipitates, a shell of tar would form protecting the hot fluid inside, analogous to lava tubes, and the fluid would eventually reach the sea floor. There the more volatile parts of the "lava" would enter the seawater while the heavy asphalt remains." I looked a little further and found out it has some pretty big potential for commercial application. DARPA figured out how to use it for waste disposal and it also has serious implications for cheaper production of biofuels. Here's an interesting page that talks all about it (from General Atomics own site); [link to] So, just guessing but maybe the French wanted some Supercritical water device the US had down there for the industrial espionage value? -postings about what cargo B3 could be. (rover, missile, nuke mine -AC 680963 2:22 PM been on this thread since start...webbots saying radioactivity could have something to do with gom can't keep up things move so going to put all thoughts in one post... (...) webbots also said something about people freezing at a time of the year when they should not be...(snowplows removing cars brought that to mind) something strange happened Sunday...I lost my connection to glp...could not post...kept getting banned notice..Rockhuff got the same thing at exactly the same time...I wrote to glp..I was NOT banned...strange..I was on this thread at the time, as was he.. Perhaps the French are allowing OP to post??? did we ever consider that?? They know we are not being told what's going on... As for that exercise Deepfreeze...Antartica is having a melt from below...and the ice shelf is in danger of collapse...just mentioning this because of Polar Star/Sea/Bear and things that came up in response to it..don't know if or what it has to do with anything...except Deepfreeze may not be what we think? everytime I go to post a thought, 4 more pages have gone by..but this is definitely interesting...lots of good information here...Thank you OP... (...)

-TX patriot 3:43 PM Old volcanic activity....from info Renegade shared earlier today from Jack Reed, a geologist and geophysicist who has been studying the region's geology for over 40 years .... [link to] -pag 107 post about: POLARIS B3 missile > Polar and B3 are both keywords used by OP! Great find!! > wondering when someone would pick it up in addition to the fact that the macondo site (cursed city in the novel) is near/on a weapons dump and a missile firing range ... > For reference: Map of lost nukes [link to] > Note: Nothing near the Gulf of Mexico. No Polaris missiles involved. Map of sunken nukes [link to] -AC 1019980 4:35 PM Thunder Horse built in South Korea houses 229, dry-towed on a 62-day trip to GOM, set sail from SK on 23 July 2004 [link to] BP's Thunder Horse rig after Hurricane Dennis ('05) [link to] More troubles delay startup of Thunder Horse ('07) [link to] BP Update on TH April 2009 "Offshore Engineer magazine reports that Thunder Horse is up and running... fast! The rig reached first oil in June 2008 and in April reached a production level of 310,000 boe/d (barrels per day) from just seven subsea wells, making the field the world's largest producer. Moored in 1900meters of water the oil gushes out at 1200 bar 135 degrees Celsius." [link to] -TX patriot 4:55 PM I conducted a bit of methane hydrate research the first day of the rig explosion after reading the fishermen's eyewitness account. Some of what I found...let's start with this one: "Methane Hydrates: A Primer - and implications..." [link to] A couple notes of impact here: 1. GOM is the second largest field(s)/location to date of hydrates. Second only to that found in the perma frost. 2. There is now a race for hydrate energy. Were they (BP) looking for this? Was is an unintended "find"? Did we pop the hydrate trap? How large is this hydrate shelf? 3. Massive release of hydrates natural or otherwise is scientifically linked to quick shift in climate change (past ice ages from core samples) -AC 529850 6:18 PM ...wondering if it could be connected to what the OP is describing : Looks like we have a "Downhole" [link to] -OP 7:47 AM 21:30-33 (pag 110) -postings guessing about whether numbers related to bible, Quran, hours-min-sec, ... -krispy 9:10 AM explaning words OP used: echo warnings = documented on echo sounder, many displacements at seafloor = the stirring up, forming pipes and column = methane chimneys, combustion foam = methane bubbels, melting of buoy could be due to sulphur or other "eating-away" gasses/substances -roamer 9:41 AM [link to] -AC 926204 10:15 AM Only one ship testing methane levels in Gulf, NOAA hiding results; Amount is "just startlingly high" [link to]

-Krispy71 10:37 AM all resum's [link to] -RenegadeSon 11:06 AM Could OP be "Ozicell" ? he posted a thread + vid about "fracking" -AC 966731 11:48 AM (pag 114) "Eruptions from Caribbean abyss throw up secrets of ocean life", [link to] vid showing symilar ventcloud as BOP ! [link to] "BP And Our Govt Has Been Showing Us A Volcanic Vent, Not An Oil Spill", images and vids [link to] -OP 3:29 PM back 21:30 (pag 116) -OP 3:31 PM back 21:30-33 Paris time -OP 3:52 PM (pag 117) This morning I receive info that my channel may be compromised before I can post again, so I posted the time from when I will post again. If other OP posted between 7:47 am and 15:30 (21:30 Paris time) on this thread then that OP is intruder and you must ignore his posting. That information posted is to disinform. I See it did not happen so I'm safe. -OP 4:22 PM I see and I understand. Must I continue or do you need authentication from site administrator? I use dedicated French IP proxy, others could be using virtual IP proxy from the same subnet that change all the time. I post not only for you but for others who need to get the coded information I send. I will give you 30 minutes. You make me feel not welcome now but I understand. I am not in Paris, I use it as time reference only. Also, I have only started two threads here as OP. I Told you from the beginning about the other thread I started. -OP 4:37 PM Yes, the thread about the research ship is the only other thread I started here but now my information will indeed be compromised if there are one or others having the same id. I have to think. I need some time as how and where I should proceed. This development is not good. It seems my info from this morning is indeed correct -Watcher 4:44 PM (pag 118) Ok, heres my take, these messages aren't just for us, they are for "others" that are watching for leads. Op, is only allowed to post, what he is approved to post, so that the "others" get the right messages. That's why earlier, he asks "should I post here?". We're just along for the ride to keep the "channel" open for him to post this stuff, gees. The info is valid, but not meant for us. That's why some doesn't make sense. "Must I post here?" > he's being coached. -OP 4:37 PM Yes, the thread about the research ship is the only other thread I started here but now my information will indeed be compromised if there are one or others having the same id. I have to think. I need some time as how and where I should proceed. This development is not good. It seems my info from this morning is indeed correct -Watcher 4:44 PM Ok, heres my take, these messages aren't just for us, they are for "others" that are watching for leads. Op, is only allowed to post, what he is approved to post, so that the "others" get the right messages. That's why earlier, he asks "should I post here?". We're just along for the ride to keep the "channel" open for him to post this stuff, gees. "Must I post here?" > he's being coached.

-OP 5:59 PM (pag 120) Ok, as a backup please be making a note of these two words. The connection between them can be used to identify me as OP or my follow-up if I lose my ID or get banned or get compromised in the few weeks or even days we have left. liturgical anacoluthon -brainstorming on the 2 words OP gave. -And : "few weeks or even days we have left". That can mean almost anything from a deliberate taking down of the Internet by TPTB, to a CME or EMP taking down the Internet, or even worse loss of life due to some cataclysm or manmade event. Maybe those words were again -a message for "the others"- ... -Pag 121 resum's reposted. -krispy71 7:04 PM GOM is the second largest field(s)/location to date of hydrates. Second only to that found in the perma frost.Remember OP's girlfriend mentioned 301 and 300 ? 300 Project Deep Freeze (what we know is about antartic)= PERMA FROST. 301 Project Anti-Freeze (what could be about THE GOM ...) -Watcher 7:44 PM Something has gone wrong with the "scheduling" of the GOM event by the tptb > This feeling is getting stronger and stronger with me, has been for the last month, thus the denial to allow other countries in,since they have approved them,so this has to take place before those other countries can gear up and arrive. They're buying a little more time for the big show. -SR37 8:12 PM (pag 123) Mythbusters flammable foam video [link to] Remember OP saying COMBUSTION FOAM ????? > 8:57 AM one aircraft reporting possible combustion foam on surface < and > 9:41 AM o many things reported, captain of aircraft report buoy failure, all data loss, no measurements taken, captain says buoy just popped within seconds of hitting foam, melted and sunk, second buoy did the same Mistral issued alert to all vicinity traffic to avoid column (COLLUM OF BUBBLES) Em captain says pipes forming on seabed and leading from rim GCP captain stil has proximity alert on cargo, waiting for instructions there are other DED channel alerts also but they not from the gulf of mexico < FLOCKS OF FOAM (?)on seafloor [link to] -Krispy71 : The evac of the -a part of the- GOM is for the public eye > to make it look as if they care and did their best of ability. Thats why they have to/want to use poisons and have used vaccinations wich will activate their "purpose" in a drastic way ... H1N1 and vax against THE MEXICAN FLU = "MEX I CAN" (FLEE?) ! ... "mexico" flu + GOM = ... -AC 391217 8:24 PM mandatory vaccinations coming soon [link to] -krispy71 8:26 PM Congressman suspects BP tapped multiple oil reservoirs while drilling the Macondo Well; Oil may also be rushing IN to damaged casing [link to] -Watcher 9:03 PM (pag 123-124) "Go to the link and you will see that this project is heavily funded and supported by the federal government." [link to] The link provided describes using microbes in conjunction with methane columns (ring a bell?) to biologically create

electricity from the water. i.e. an experiment. this unit was placed and functional on March of 2009, IN THE NORTH GULF. The object is to produce electricity from a chemical reaction, between microbes and methane, to produce electricity. I remember reading over a week ago, that the spots people are getting on they're legs when they wade, are from bacteria blooms (not the corexit persae). Bacteria can be/are microbes. Now, some are mentioning new types of algae they have never seen before (related?). I have a number of times (recently) where they are monitoring "microbes" for breakdown of the oil. The oil in the water won't hurt the Algae. It will only promote it's growth and burn factor. Algae costs about $2 a Barrel to refine. This is potentially very profitable. -Watcher 10:08 PM "CEO envisions a Gulf Coast algae boom" [link to] -Fabes468 11:14 PM "Other oil-spills in GOM" [link to] _TX patriot 1:31 AM (pag 125) International gas hydrates research programs and/or key institutions [link to] "the best natural laboratory in the world: GOM" [link to] "The JIP is committed to steering technology advances through collaborative research so that a better understanding is achieved of the safety hazards involved in drilling and producing oil and gas through hydrate containing sediments in deepwater GOM." [link to] Note their program members and sponsors. -NWO_EXPOSER 2:49 AM "Gulf Oil False Flag" (very long post) -OP 8:38 AM Good day. DED show interesting communication between Mistral and PP form 01:12 Pourquoi Pas relay to Mistral, failure on portable pcr device, show negative on aerosolised option Mistral request dispersal method and rate PP report dispersal method inconclusive, nano release still plausible and suspect nanoengineering because of metalic carbon compound morphing (translation problem) Mistral relay to Em, keep safe perimeter from column Em request confirmation on chinese asset movement Mistral reply chinese asset movement strategic GCP captain reported that he is maintaining cargo in perimeter zone i dont know what the cargo is, girlfriend can guess that is also chemical but not sure,maybe proof, i think most of traffic about cargo is on vector channel now -Watcher 9:09 AM PP = POURQUOI PAS [link to] and [link to] PCR explained [link to] -Roamer 9:14 AM PCR: polymerase chain reaction [link to] -Krispy71 9:14 AM GOM heating up coz of "Fracking and radioactivity" 9:20 AM (longer post) My guts tell me that the "fracking" done in the GOM is and was part of this master-methane-plan ... maybe they "fracked" with "special devices" ... > the cargo ? (pag 125)

RESUM of all relevant postings , PART 5 , Pag 151-174 (* I left most out OP's posts, except for the date and first words ... you can look for the real contents at the pagnumbers) ** Resum's part 1 till 4 are on pag 140 [link to]

-Watcher 9:35 AM "trying to fix the gaps in the ocean floor...." PCR used for DNA manipulation and monitoring (microbial). Thus, the nano statement in OP's post. Injected into the methane column. I can only assume, the PP ship, is under control at this time of the Navy. Thus the request for instructions on dispersal rate and pattern. Reinforces to me a lab experiment. -Brainstorm about : LITURGICAL - ANACOLUTHON (pag 126 -127) and poster ALCOLYTE (= OP ????) The answer is in understanding what the CONNECTION is, between the two. ..Disruption of the predefined script. ..This oil spill disaster seems to be a staged event, following a prewritten script. But this is only the latest part of this script. It is based on deception. ..The connection seems to be they are CONTRADICTIONS you cannot continue without deviation AND suddenly change course. Perhaps this is a script and the OP's message is that WE can continue the course with no deviation or use the tools (info) to bring about a sudden change that will avert further catastrophe. .. -AC 926204 12:00 PM Memo sais :[This "thermal vent" is different in that its huge and close to the surface, only 5000ft compared to other natural thermal vents that have already emptied and vented its ... lethal ... "cargo" with time. ( Originally Horizon was not drilling or looking for this type of oil, their equipment and safety measures were not prepared for the ... of this oil "mixture") ... and this from another internal memo ... [ "We know how to handle and treat radiation, we can and will survive that, but what is coming from that Pandora's box might as well be classified as "alien" as we have no "Time"(Research and Development) to combat and survive this "alien" threat."] This is our worst nightmare ... we are in council on whether a Hydrogen or Thermal nuclear... "divisive seal" ... should be employed. Is this the "cargo" this OP is referring to? -AC 966731 1:07 PM There are two other areas close to the Gulf of Mexico that have me curious researching more into and that is the Caribbean- Columbian Plateau and the Bermuda Triangle. (post with multiple interesting links) -AC 966731 1:58 PM Found something interesting: "12/2006 Hot and Cold: Complex Biochemical Processes in a Mud Volcano Setting on the Northern Gulf of Mexico" [link to] Expert : (...) We argue that the mud volcano setting in GC-272 is distinguished by episodes of cold methane venting when gas hydrates are forming in the sediment pore spaces (visually confirmed) alternating with periodic hot venting of warm brines (formation fluids) advected on the sea floor. (...) -2:41 PM "12/2009 Intimate association of sI and sII hydrate structures at the Chapopote asphalt volcano, southern Gulf of Mexico" [link to] , "12/2008 Temporal Variability in Pore-Fluid Chemistry at a Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Site" [link to] "05/2007 Geophysical Surveys in the Southern Gulf of Mexico - Preliminary Results from R/V Meteor Cruise M67/2 " [link to]

-AC 292667 2:02 PM Acolytes posts in thread: BREAKING RUMOR: A GLP Test - Update p2 - The Start of The" NUKE IT

NOW MOVEMENT" [link to] ACOLYTE's posts: (pag 3 and 4 ) * 6/21/2010 4:07 PM Thank you for your input. If in the time line the CDC and WHO issues Travel advisories then we will know that not all of it is rumor. And as time goes on it may turn out to be no rumor at all. (I'm doing this for my own protection and that of other sources) *6/21/2010 4:18 PM Unfortunately I cant post the whole memo for obvious reasons, but the "alien" description refers to the type of bacteria in the primordial soup that they have opened. There are new bacteria and viruses that they have never seen before and it could cause illness and diseases that no one has a cure yet for. * 6/22/2010 7:23 AM We may be getting closer.I Like the "extreme weather conditions" part. * 6/22/2010 7:51 AM BINGO!!!!!More Reports. This Rumor is slowly moving to FACT!!!!!! "...Bay St. Louis city leaders say they believe the first significant landfall of oil or an oil like substance has hit Hancock County's Shoreline. First a large track of an greenish-brown mousse like substance was discovered in the water around the Bay Bridge then hours later what appeared to be oil mixed with water was found on the shoreline in front of Hancock Bank. What looks like oil mixed with water rolled ashore with the waves. "This isn't a natural substance that we're looking at because I've lived here for 56 years and I've not seen anything like this on our shorelines in my lifetime." said Bay St. Louis Mayor Les Fillingame. In the midst of the oily substance a Redfish is still alive but looks to be fighting for its life. It's a sight city leaders find extremely unnerving, said the mayor. "I'm beyond infuriation because there is no reason for this because there's been plenty enough time to do the things we needed to do to protect the Bay of St. Louis." A few hours earlier there was a view around the Bay St. Louis Bridge witch included a heavy concentration of a greenish brown mousse like substance. "There's just a lot of it and we've been seeing some of this on the beaches but not in this quantity." According to Hancock county EOC director Brian Adam. "Every indication of what we have right now it's algae but we don't know that for a fact at this point ." City Council woman Wendy McDonald got a close up look at the stuff from a boat. "I road from the Wolf River to Henderson Point and there's just ribbons of it coming about every ten feet and there's another ribbon that's mainly tracking between the middle part of the bridge. It was pretty alarming." She and others say what was even more alarming was the booms deployed in the Bay did little to contain the substance. "Whether or not this proves out to be oil or just a tremendous algae bloom the boom is not keeping it at Bay at all so it's moving beyond the boom very quickly and it's infiltrated the entire Bay Of St. Louis." said Fillingame. Early samples of the stuff did not appear to be oil. Ward 2 Council woman McDonald has this question. "Is this the precursor to anything or is this just an anomaly." McDonald said. "There is a lot of information we'd like to know right away." The Department of Environmental Quality took samples of the material and will have it tested. Fillingame wants answers, "We're very concerned what it is where it came from the fact that nobody saw it coming and nobody knew that it was approaching the bay and we had no for warning." City leaders say it's been taking anywhere from 4 to 6 days to test suspected oil substances found on the coast-line. But they say they will demand speedier test results or they will have independent tests conducted. *6/22/2010 12:20 PM There are many updates today :) This one from a French source: ["... one of our scientific research vessels, Pourquoi Pas, has received a commandeering order under a "Maritime Directive 301" to join .. the group.. equipped with a mini-submarine,"] *6/22/2010 4:15 PM I Earlier today posted an Update from a "French" source about a French ship being commandeered.

And now I've find this below. It seems this rumor is slowly moving into the realm of fact * 6/22/2010 5:33 PM Its not so much about the gas but about the organic material mixed in the oil. If you read that memo part again it says that other vents have lost their lethal cargo over time. This vent is new and very deep into the earth's crust. It hasn't yet had enough time(eons) to lose/expel its lethal cargo for it to be sterilized through the salt water(iodine) and other natural chemistry that keep us safe ect.. * 6/23/2010 7:48 AM Finally we getting reaction from the CDC. Notice the word "soup" folks. I've seen this in a couple of memo's. People better start WAKING UP. This thread could turn out to be no rumor at all <wink> [link to] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has issued health warnings While they suggest there is no threat, the CDC simultaneously advised everyone, including pregnant women to avoid spill-affected areas. Shira Kramer, an epidemiologist who has conducted research for the petroleum industry on the health consequences of exposure to petroleum, said she is concerned that the risks are being downplayed. Its completely scientifically dishonest to pooh-pooh the potential here when you are talking about some of the most toxic chemicals that we know, said Kramer, who is founder and president of consulting firm Epidemiology International in Hunt Valley, Maryland. She isnt involved with the Institute panels. When you talk about community exposure, you are talking about exposures in unpredictable ways and to subpopulations that may be more highly susceptible than others, such as those of reproductive age, people who are immuno-compromised, children or fetuses. [W]e have a soup of chemicals from the crude, chemicals from the dispersants and pollutants that were already in the water. Who can say how they will interact? * 6/23/2010 9:50 AM This was transmitted from the Emeraude to the Mistral and relayed to the Pourquoi Pas: Numerous oil spewing fissures and leaks mixed with metallic compounds in the [Gulf of Mexico], is causing severe Sonar and Navigation problems for Submarines... * 6/23/2010 10:02 AM See my update posted on page 2 6/20/2010 2:40 PM "We've received clearance from [jlps] to employ the latest [xxxx] advanced fission technology. [jlps] assures us that using [xxxx] will negate, and dampen, any methane complications up to 20,000,000 cubic feet (20 million). The "apparatus" and "chemistry-mechanism" has a 10,000 feet (10 thousand) "threshold" depth below sea level. " * 6/24/2010 9:52 AM Todays Update: Look out for these announcements in the coming weeks: CDC and WHO Clearance for Mass and Forced Vaccination/Immunization Due To Mysterious Gulf Oil Disease * 6/25/2010 10:33 AM MAJOR ALERT TODAY: Rumors everywhere that the Top US Military Health General has resigned. The GoM events has enormous implications. -SR37 3:21 PM The only thing I want to make clear is the chemical mixture. The one thing that was missing. It's not the methane alone, although that is dangerous enough. The Mythbusters video showed what happened when you mix dishwashing detergent and methane. Corexit is essentially dishwashing liquid. So the biggest problem with the combustible foam is the mixture of Corexit and methane. From what I've read, most oil only has 5% methane released with it. This one from the GOM is vastly different because it has a 40% methane level. So while Corexit might have not caused so much problems in other spills, this time is different. Very very different.

-OP 3:29 PM 7/1/2010 Em requested update ************ (pag 128) -OP 3:35 PM Mistral replied ********* -OP 3:44 PM Em captain ******* (pag 129) -OP 3:54 PM Mistral reports ******** -OP 4:03 PM Mistral command ******** -Childoflight 4:04 PM There was a Chinese tanker in the Gulf a few days ago. -AC 1008573 4:06 PM The cargo is the algae - the bacterial Pandora's Box algae. If you read acolyte's "test" thread, it's referred to as "cargo." -4:09 PM (from Alcolyte's thread :) It is clear from internal memo's that WHO is and will be supporting the "Nuke it Now Movement"(NNM). Apparently WHO inspectors was sent to the spill[weeks ago]... the moment it was clear that BP had opened a thermal vent in the Gulf and that the "oil" was actually acting as a conveyor of "substances" from primordial times. ...[This "thermal vent" is different in that its huge and close to the surface, only 5000ft compared to other natural thermal vents that have already emptied and vented its ... lethal ... "cargo" with time. ( Originally Horizon was not drilling or looking for this type of oil, their equipment and safety measures were not prepared for the ... of this oil "mixture") ... and this from another internal memo ... [ "We know how to handle and treat radiation, we can and will survive that, but what is coming from that Pandora's box might as well be classified as "alien" as we have no "Time"(Research and Development) to combat and survive this "alien" threat."] This is our worst nightmare ... we are in council on whether a Hydrogen or Thermal nuclear... "divisive seal" ... should be employed. -AC 966731 4:14 PM and 4:32 PM posts about HYPOXIA 101 -Gabril 4:25 PM My best guess : this is this Volcano opened up in the GOM and emitted some substance that was not expected, something terrible that has been locked up since primordial times. The French sub has a sample of it and other countries are not happy about it. .. the volcano must be shut down immediately by a nuclear device. .. many countries not happy about this, they will go nuclear themselves if it happens. -Watcher 10:14 PM DESDynI Applications Report [link to] In 2007 The National Research Council Earth Science Decadal Survey, Earth Science Applications from Space, recommended a five-year integrated L-band InSAR and multibeam Lidar mission called DESDynI (Deformation, Ecosystem Structure, and Dynamics of Ice) be launched in the 20102013 timeframe. The mission will measure surface deformation for solid Earth and cryosphere objectives and vegetation structure for understanding the ecosystem structure and carbon cycle. Because there are numerous applications that DESDynI can address NASA convened a workshop in October 2008 to address to discuss these applications and related data products. Identified applications include monitoring of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, ground subsidence, floods, glacier surges and ices sheet/shelf collapse, wildfires, hurricane/cyclone damager, riparian vegetation for fish habitats, wind events, oil spills, beetle infestations, and surface deformation associated with subsurface reservoirs and CO2 sequestration. In certain configuration DESDynI could also address soil moisture, fire extent, coastal oceans, and ocean currents.

-Watcher 11:05 PM What people fail to realize is this, the oil coming up, isn't just oil, it's a mixture of alot of compounds. The last time I check the recovery rate, comparing BBP to what is being flared, almost 40% is being flared, now this isn't what is being burned on the ocean, this is what is being recovered. After all the light gases vent off, this is the red, mouse people are seeing, long after the airborne stuff is airborne. -AC 1022454 11:14 PM "February 8th, 2008 Extremophile Hunt Begins in Antarctica, Implications for Exobiologists" [link to] (...) Lake Untersee is a strange place. For starters, it is always covered in ice. Secondly, the water's pH level is so alkali that it resembles bleach rather than regular lake water. And third, it produces methane on a scale that dwarfs any other source on Earth. In fact, the chemistry of this terrestrial location has been likened to the high alkalinity, high methane environments on Mars, frozen moons and comets in our solar system neighborhood. (...) -Watcher 11:15 PM (last post pag 131) this site has the article that will fill alot of blanks for you guys. Make sure you check out the SAIC stuff and who runs it, lol. Why did MMS give waivers to BP? [link to] ... 318-1.html Enter SAIC. Who are members of SAIC? [link to] , Is there corruption at SAIC? [link to] ... 03415.html Thanks for asking! , Just filling in the blanks [link to] -OP 4:04 AM 7/2/2010 Good day, DED traffic ****** (pag 132) -HouseDad 5:16 AM NO shit!!! There were two TFR's put out on the 30th for the gulf area. TFR's are Temporary flight restrictions. The NOTAM's are 0/9105 and 0/9105 [link to] These TFR's are for complete ban of overflights of a really large area. _krispy71 5:55 AM But is this exo-algae really a threat to US ? I think that the soup of chemicals dumped by PB&co are the "real danger" in this game ! The oil in the water does no harm to the algae, they grow on it. And thats why the most of the oil has to be kept beneath the surface ! That is why not 90% of the oil is capped like was told and promissed ! THEY DONT WANT TO !! Coz of the toxic corexit other animals are dying and they are feed sacrefises BP and TPTB want to make to get their bloodmoney/profit. They are deliberatly destroying an enviroment to create a new enviroment for their greed. On them selves these algae are NOT DANGEROUS for life on earth, they are a just part and a piece of the chain - cirle of life -AC 966731 6:14 AM "April 24 2008 - BP plans to invest $560m in biofuels" , "Nov 6, 2009 - BP Preparing Algae Diesel and Butanol Production" [link to] , "Feb 9, 2009 - Projects Funded by BP Deal Study Biofuel Technologies" [link to] -krispy71 6:53 AM Remember my post about algae being harmless? I found this : [link to] "To complement its new ethanol and biobutanol plants, BP is spending billions on biofuel research. The company has been eyeing algae as a possible feedstock, largely because algae do not affect fresh water resources, can be produced using ocean and waste-water, and are biodegradable and relatively harmless to the environment if spilled.(...) , and "These single-celled wonders also have other notable virtues: (...) Algae can eat pollution. They neutralize acids,

split the nitrogen oxides that cause smog into harmless nitrogen and oxygen, and convert carbon dioxide (global warming pollution) into oxygen and biomass. (...) [link to] Are these algae used in the GOM the SAME as the ones from antarctica? > the million dollar question ... -AC 966731 7:13 AM Oil Companies investing in Biofuel: Algae, corn ethanol, also more info on Bill Gates and Cascade Investments connection with Solazyme and Sapphire Energy. "6/29/10 - Fed Dole Out $24 Million For Research to Turn Algae into Fuel" [link to] , "7/1/10 U.S. financial support to the development of biofuels biofuels, cellulosic ethanol the chemical industry" [link to] , "More going on in The Gulf Of Mexico Than An Oil Spill!" [link to] -AC 966731 10:26 AM Krispy, Your post touched on some issues like (global warming) this is starting to look like the full front of Agenda 21, Cap and Trade, going green/greed. Also geoengineering manipulating nature and GM foods. "The link between BP, geoengineering and GM" [link to] , "Regulate geoengineering before it's too late, say MPs" [link to] , "Agenda 21 The Green Agenda Global Warming Settled Science?" [link to] -OP 11:03 AM from girlfriend, undersea ****** (pag 133) -AC 926204 11:29 AM My synopsis: The US, doing biological experiments in GOM, breached an Undersea volcano. BP is being used for this cover up. An unexpected Primordial, Alien substance (Algae) was discovered. ... wanted this discovery for themselves, but other countries found out and the French sub was actually able to get a sample of it. In the mean time, the US found out how dangerous this Alien substance really is and is in the process of trying to Nuke the Volcano shut. The US is in a panic about the info getting out so they are cutting there own internet cables leading out to other countries? Mean while, the word is out in all the prime counties and they have sent assets to the Gulf Area...a big standoff. -AC 1023027 11:45 AM What might be down there? "Speculations: The Gulf of Mexico was possibly formed by an impact from space" [link to] "In 2002 geologist Michael Stanton published a speculative essay suggesting an impact origin for the Gulf of Mexico at the close of the Permian, which could have caused the PermianTriassic extinction event." [link to] -RenegadeSon 12:01 PM Found this. an article by Richard Sauder. There are cables in the GOM. [link to] " The explanations being put forth in the mainstream news media for these many cut, undersea communications cables absolutely do not pass the smell test. And by the way, the same operators who cut undersea cables in the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Malaysia and possibly the Suez as well, presumably can also cut underwater cables in the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound. This could be a multipurpose operation, in part a test run for isolating a country or region from the international communications grid. The Middle East today, the USA tomorrow?"Wow ! All area's talked about in the bio-fuel articles !!!!

-krispy71 12:20 PM and now waiting for SATTELITES to go malfunction ... just blame the sun, or a meteorite ... (solar winds at the moment at 600km/s, magnetosphere hot)

-Renegadeson 12:34 PM (pag 135) Summary of OP's posts (extended) section 1, 12:36 PM section 2 -OP 1:34 PM Ok, i'm at ******* -OP 1:40 PM russia navy ******* -dhlos 1:48 PM "Russia to send Arctic expedition in mid-July to support shelf claim" [link to] , and "NASA, NOAA eye Russian UAVs for Arctic studies" [link to] , "First reactor launched for floating nuclear power plant" [link to] -AC 1023160 2:02 PM I found this map of undersea cables. [link to] -OP 2:05 PM Em captain ********** -AC 1022208 2:22 PM Russian warships hone anti-submarine warfare skills in Sea of Japan [link to] -AC 931669 3:07 PM More bio-fuel links (pag 138) -Roamer 3:37 PM from wikipedia: Multibeam echosounders, also known as Swathe (British English) or Swath (American English) echosounders, originated in the late 1950s, originally for military applications. They were developed in the 1970s by the US Navy, in conjunction with General Instruments to map large swaths of the ocean floor to assist the underwater navigation of its submarine force. <...> Multibeam echosounders are also commonly used for geological and oceanographic research, and since the 1990s for offshore oil and gas exploration and seafloor cable routing. -Has anyone else noticed how much they are mapping the floor of the Gulf ?? makes me wonder the "why" they're keeping a very close eye on this... > Maybe they are looking for something special. Magnetic anomaly ?? > If there is a volcano forming, mapping would give you a good picture of shape and size as well as height > -Watcher 4:31 PM I spend alot of time just checking and watching the feeds, in the last week, almost always there has been at least one ROV, out doing slow sweep of the floor, for hours. Now why would they be wasting that very expensive equipment and time doing this? They may look like bumbling fools, but everything going on, is very well thought out. People here are starting to see just how long this has been in the works and just how deep it goes...Since day one, the people have "been a day late" in true info on what is really going on. Truth has been a rare commodity on this disaster. -OP 4:40 PM Em repots possible ******* -RenegadeSon 4:56 PM That should have registered on seismic meters somewhere.. can't find anything though.. -OP 5:14 PM Em captain now ******** (pag 139) -Dhlos 5:36 PM DeHaemer writes that "Some geologists say that BP's arrogance has set off a series of events that may be irreversible. There are some that think that BP has drilled into an deep-core oil volcano that cannot be stopped, regardless of the horizontal drills the company claims will stop the oil plume in August." (tekst without link, was a posting

here : [link to] ) -canadians have been mapping the arctic sea bed since 04/08/10 [link to] -Dhlos 5:52 PM connected the dots between the GOM and the Arctic (discussed here previously) very interesting image : Late Cretateous Impact Craters [link to] from : [link to] -krispy71 8:24 PM New Resum : Only Op's posts part 1-2-3-4 [link to] -SR37 8:30 PM "Wreckage of small plane fount in Gulf" 07-02-10 [link to] Small plane just went down a mile off the coast of Destin. .... -krispy71 8:30 PM Summary of relevant or important postings PART 1 Pag 1-50 (pag 140) 8:35 PM Summary of relevant or important postings Part 2 pag 51-75 8:38 PM Summary of relevant or important postings Part 3 : pag 76-100 9:15 PM Summary of relevant or important postings Part 4 : pag 101 - 125 -AC 1005606 8:49 PM Search for "maritime directive" 301 : [link to] Guidance for the topic assesment of the major accident hazzard aspects of safety casses April 2006 - pag 1 : HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE HAZARDOUS INSTALLATIONS DIRECTORATE OFFSHORE DIVISION GUIDANCE FOR THE TOPIC ASSESSMENT OF THE MAJOR ACCIDENTHAZARD ASPECTS OF SAFETY CASES April 20061 - pag 2 : CONTENTS1. GENERAL 62. VESSEL IMPACT122.HS1 Loss of Integrity of Structure, Process, Pipelines, Wells162 (etc...) -SotoZen 9:25 PM I think the U.S. is trying out a new nanotechnological (most likely bio-engineered by Synthetic Genomics) system to clean up and collect the oil/gas, and naturally every other Nation wants to see what's going on. The successful deployment of this nano-system would give the U.S. a huge advantage in every sense. This would explain the tight security in the region, and the OP's story thus far. It seems possible that a large artificial underwater formation, or perhaps an existing underwater caldera has been engineered to act as a gas and oil collection site, and this is where the nanotech is being deployed. [link to] -postings about a visual on a ROV messing with something showing 1.82 R and 4.2 -P on display, display was like NYSE ticker..numbers and all. -SotoZen 9:41 PM For weeks we have heard about huge oil 'blobs' deep underwater spreading for miles. Maybe they figured out a way to corral some of this stuff to an offshore test site. The presence of the Israelis really piqued my interest as they have huge investments in nanotech, as do the Chinese. It is possible that these engineered cleanup devices create a magnetic signature that would disrupt sonar etc, and also if these nano-devices 'eat' oil, then that would explain the degradation of rubber on the sub hulls. It seems plausible that the French 'cargo' is a sample collection device, we already have reason to believe that they have a PCR machine. A PCR machine is used to analyze and amplify DNA samples. The French attempted to capture the American Nanotech, and almost died in the act. -9:52 PM Synthetic Genomics Inc. applauds the Venter Inst.'s work in creating the first Synthetic Bacteriel Cell LA JOLLA, CA-May 19, 2010 [link to] From Synthetic Genomics site, their investors list: (...) In 2007 SGI closed its Series B round of financing with BP plc and ACGT Sdn Bhd. -9:57 PM Also, if this technology works, then the U.S. has an extremely 'green' oil extraction and processing technique. The ideal place to use this is on the last unexploited continent in the world ~ Antarctica. Why else would the U.S. military

consider an ice breaking mission to scientific stations so important. "Operation Deep Freeze involves U.S. Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard forces operational and logistic support of the National Science Foundation's scientific research activities in Antarctica." -10:15 PM They are using bio-engineered organisms (not algae) as microscopic refineries directly on the oil. This is a nanomachine deployment, and technically a weapon, not algae. -AC 997697 9:46 PM !!!!! (...) By the way, never seen this before, I just had a Chinook fly over the area I was in, heading south, at about 250 feet, cruising. I've lived here for nine years, never ever seen this. No, this isn't normal. -AC 391217 9:51 PM OK Listen up! Fawn 993124 has been consistently ignored when he/she posts this cryptic "Wanna play Clue" post in several threads. The MS/SFO clue came directly from him on this thread which led to our discussion on algae harvesting and biofuel technologies and research based out of the seafloor of the GOM. Please answer this poster if they come back! I did and look where it has led us. -SR37 10:17 PM From a Facebook friend... her friend is on a NOAA ship and he references hydrates and a 21 mile methane field. (a must read!) (pag 141) [link to] -SotoZen 10:26 PM "Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal Synthetic Organisms, Molecular Kill-Switch Included" [link to] Quote from the article: "Of course, Darpas got to prevent the super-species from being swayed to do enemy work so theyll encode loyalty right into DNA, by developing genetically programmed locks to create tamper proof cells. Plus, the synthetic organism will be traceable, using some kind of DNA manipulation, similar to a serial number on a handgun. And if that doesnt work, dont worry. In case Darpas plan somehow goes horribly awry, theyre also tossing in a last-resort, genetically-coded kill switch" -10:29 PM I do know what I'm talking about regarding synthetic biology and nano-tech, but I have no idea whether or not this is actually being deployed in the GOM. It just fits the OP's 'scenario' so I thought I'd share. -SR37 10:57 PM July 02, 2010 Executive Order -- Optimizing the Security of Biological Select Agents and Toxins in the United States [link to] (see post for summary of the Order, at pag 142) -SotoZen 11:08 PM Limits persist on media acces in the Gulf [link to] -SR37 11:26 Pm This EO giving interpol DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!! December 17, 2009 Executive Order -- Amending Executive Order 12425 -Karu 11:30 PM I saw one -a chinook- yesterday heading north, flying low. (Missouri) -PNW2010 11:57 PM I don't know if this is relevant, but I was just watching to BP live feed and the second camera zoomed in on a yellow structure that looked like it had cylinders linked together. It had a tag on it with the number 301. -Sdisme 12:21 AM 7/3/2010 Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide are activated by sunlight. That makes them effective in blocking ultraviolet rays in sunscreen. It also could let them render oil spills less harmful when sprayed on water, breaking up the oil. But the property might also cause them to destroy anything living in the water. [link to] I'm not sure I'm ready to buy into this theory yet, but it has substance.

-Snowgoosebob 3:13 AM SR37: In regards to that EO giving interpol DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY. In the video below a good friend of youtube member (vocalbrush) sent the following letter to the DOJ. Below the text of this letter to the DOJ watch the video below about the Reply letter they received from the DOJ. [link to] PDF : [link to] -!!! Youtubevid from injecting green fluorecent stuff : [link to] (mute the sound!!!) -images of LED-display [link to] and [link to] -SR37 "Laser fluorosensor for oil spot detection" [link to] (see pag 143 for expert on it)

-AC 900755 4:35 AM I just took a look over at the White House website, check this out if you have time. No, not sinister! Just nice and clean packagin is all, very convenient. > Energy & Environment : "Each of us has a part to play in a new future that will benefit all of us. As we recover from this recession, the transition to clean energy has the potential to grow our economy and create millions of jobs - but only if we accelerate that transition. Only if we seize the moment. And only if we rally together and act as one nation - workers and entrepreneurs; scientists and citizens; the public and private sectors." (read more in posting, several links provided) -Sotozen 8:08 AM Interesting testimony to Congress from Drew Endy: [link to] Quote: "future large-scale deployments of synthetic biology- based technologies will need to be proactively coupled to the constructive resolution of matters involving resource utilization and land use politics." ... "The more pressing security concern is to ensure that the tools and policies defining the future of biotechnology do not directly or inadvertently lead to a remilitarization of biology by nations." This was on May 27th, 2010 -Sotozen 8:16 AM And another, this time from the WSJ: [link to] Quotes: "He and his partners at Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP PLC believe genetically engineered life forms hold great promise for energy and other industries." "They fix the CO2 into these hydrocarbon molecules that, the goal with this program is, go right into the Exxon refineries and create gasoline, diesel, that's indistinguishable from what we use today." ... "There's no shortage of areas with lots of sunlight and seawater. It is going to get down to the cost equation. And it's too early to know." -Sotozen 8:3 AM Go to [link to] which is the U.S. National Science Foundation site for Antarctic research, and down the left hand navigation column under "U.S. Antarctic Program sites" is the sub-heading "PolarIce" (RPSC Science Support Website)" - Now put an 's' after the 'http' in the address, and voila! [link to] ... strange "Final Frontier" -Krispy71 8:43 AM Summary's [link to] (pag 144) -Sotozen 12:10 PM First real air quality info gradually leaking out: [link to] (Watcher: a week/two weeks ago, a story hit that either 29 or 39 people were removed from the recovery operation. ie ships. And were transported to medical facilities, within 4 hours, all mention of that story were scrubbed.) Three charts showing incident of illness : April [link to] , May [link to] ,

June [link to] -Renegadeson 12:18 PM Key Largo rain melting plastic tarps.. [link to] -Postigs about the Mistrall(s) ... and "enroute" -Sdisme: On the screen a red box flashed MII86. Been trying to figure out what MII86. Image: [link to] It get's big and blinks at times. Also the big box they picked up had MII and a big 86 written on it. -SR37: [link to] Three types of basaltic magmas distinguished in our previous study characterize three types of plume sources (MI, MII, and MIII). (...longer post) "Mantle plume, the invisable serial killer " [link to] And this is REALLY scary. It describes the same activity with the extinction event during the dinosaur era. I had heard about that, but this is discussing it in detail with the exact same chemical make up as what is going on now! -OP 2:42 PM Good day, we have some idea ******* (pag 147) -NightSky 2:57 PM July 11th is World Population Day from the U.N. (troop build up in Haiti since before the EQ). Could this be all part of the Georgia Guide Stones to reduce the population? [link to] -Sotozen 3:13 PM This zone (over the Tortugas) has been raised to 18,000ft, weird. [link to] -Owenmeany 3:51 PM now screen you get view of piece of equipment AND BUOY 301!!!! AC 966731 4:22 PM (pag 149) "The Chemtrail Smoking Gun - Proof of Global Geoengineering Projects", "GeoHacking Earth -The Dangers of Unintended Consequences", "GeoEngineering", "TIME's Best Inventions of 2008 : 21. The Synthetic Organism", "DARPA", "Artificial Organisms, Synthetic Viruses", Monsanto "GM seed ban is overturned by US Supreme Court". (see posting for excerpts and links) -Watcher 4:52 PM Theory here: We can assume the "cut cable" pertains to all this. (longer post) -Childoflight 5:27 PM resum of odd things on cams andabout the GREEN GOO ! (must read)

RESUM Part 6, Pag 151-174 Resum part 5 at pag 231 (* OP's posts partly deleted, see pages if you want to read them full)

-Doomamatrix 6:48 PM According the husband of Doom the LED are for hellicopters, so that they can find "it" again ... (even though IT is underwater) *LED images on pag 151* Furtheron there is doubt on LEDs at 5000ft/2300psi , maybe it is not s deep ... -Watcher 7:10 PM "North Pole rainfall bizarre: climatologist", "Earthquake Moved California City 31 Inches", "First snow for 100 years falls on Baghdad", "U.S. Defence Secretary Cohen expresses concern about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons. -8:08 PM "BP Is Pursuing Alaska Drilling Some Call Risky" [link to] Quote : "But BPs project, called Liberty, has been exempted as regulators have granted it status as an onshore project even though it is about three miles off the coast in the Beaufort Sea. The reason: it sits on an artificial island a 31-acre pile of gravel in about 22 feet of water built by BP." -WhiteBeard 8:14 PM post about allignments of planets ... "Death Star/Scheat" -discussion on different looking BOP as in begining. Questions about 2 BOP's ? and different lokation ? Matt Simmons sais the same. Maybe the month which elapsed between the sinking and the live feed was used to establish a 'stage' ? The "opening-door" BOP-live feed. how do we know what is real, they are experts in subterfuge -AC 1024478 9:53 PM I'd like to put a slightly different slant on the summation and suggest that in the process of turning the GOM into a giant petri dish for cultivating a patentable bio-organism that will refine oil in situ, that BP has unleashed a cascading growing microbic monster they have not been able to stop. I can find no suitable reason for using the very dangerous Corexit 9500, except to try and kill something that they don't otherwise know how to kill, like ecothreatening microbes which are multiplying rapidly in the warm waters of the Gulf. Link to video from University of North Carolina: [link to] Their finding is that if the oil were released slower than an apparent gushing spill of 56,000 barrels of oil per day, the oil would float to the top of the ocean and not create these huge plumes of oil under water. Now, if that is true, that it is not just the Corexit that is keeping the oil underwater, why is BP spraying Corexit 9500? BP tells us it is to break up the oil. Apparently, that is not necessarily true. Why is BP spraying Corexit all over the Gulf. It is a cancer-causing agent? It only makes sense if BP is trying to kill something growing faster than the Corexit can kill it off, or that the Corexit 9500 is not effective on this microbe. OP may be too shocked to release further information. -Watcher 10:10 P Check SotoZen's post's, very carefully, he said he hoped that they put on-off/"kill switch" in the weapon grade nano technology. -AC 1024552 10:25 PM I've just had another substantial info post for this thread deleted from my computer before I could post it. Second time now since this thread started. "They" don't like what I'm saying. But I'll do the work offline and see later if I can get it posted. -SR37 12:55 AM 7/4/2010 On the biomass issue... Working on the links (stupid IE froze while I had about 6 tabs open!!) for the study (funded by MMS) that showed in the deap sea area around hydrogen sulfide outpoints is BILLIONS OF

TONS of biomass. The oil well looks exactly like a hydrothermal black smoker which is where the largest biomass amount is created. This study was performed in the Mississippi Canyon, where Deepwater Horizon is located. -Housedad1:11 AM Hydrocarbon syst analisis of northern GOM: delineation of hydrocarbon migration migration, using seeps ans seismic imaging [link to] This shows some resivoirs that have oil with thermogenic gas IN it. Thermogenic gas is Methane hydrate ice. [link to] -AC 1024846 8:39AM Come to algae, I remember seeing this last week on NGC-NL (will rerun this couple of times nex few weeks). At first the total collapse and towards the end the solution for the need of a new powersupply....algae (part 7 and 8). And there it is, a whole new bright world. If you want to watch now...part 1/8. VID [link to] -Bevvy 8:41 AM I was trying to pass this to other people via facebook, and once again as soon as I have attempted to save I have been booted out, and posts keep going missing....really think that this is most important information, thanks everyone for your input, I have learned so much in the last week! -krispy 8:44 AM I think that TPTB (and BP) know exactly what they are doing !(...) multiple ways to reach their goals, alternative options and solutions are plenty for hands. I think it could be very true that exo-organisms where liberated, and that nano-tech is used to eighter stop things or worsen things. It is hard to imagine that a nation, an elite can do so much horrible things whitout respecting lives of millions of people and animals ... but they do not care, even worse : the negative energy will only grow more by it and the sacramental value will only be bigger and the power they want to persue also only bigger and mightier. Just like is the fact with NASA : there are levels of people that know bits, and levels of people who know other bits or bigger bits, and levels that know big bits ... but no one execpt for an elite selected group they know about all they have to know ... The same fractured leveling-game is applied here in this GULF-GAME. (...) a good thing .... is to have a look at different outcomes and implications, By studying them we will and can understand the things that we see and think better. We will have to be able to think holographic and dimentional > in many levels at the same time. -AC 890341 9:08 AM July 3, 2010 ZT newsletter: "It is not the BP spill that is the worry, it is the fact that the Gulf is leaking oil and gas such as methane from multiple places, some not the result of drilling. The Gulf is under pressure, as we have explained, from the bowing of the N American continent, and this is the source of the leaks which will not entirely stop until the New Madrid adjusts." -OP 10:11 AM I've prepared ******** -Krispy71 10:21 AM think about the rumors that some alin vessels are made from a biological substance ... no PLASTICS at all. "Alin-exo-technology" : exo-lifeforms are capable to adapt to many/any extreme circumstances .. exo-lifeforms + nano-technology = Alin-technology ... the future ! Why the GOM and this mudcano/voilcano ? Maybe coz the RUSKIES have posession on the other exo-lifeforms lake in Antarctica and that could be a reason to nuke THIS volcano , to destroy and close this petridish .... again a matter of power between superpowers US and USSR .... -OP 10:21 AM what I'm ****** -OP 10:28 AM GCP submarine ******* -OP 10:38 AM 30 hours ******* (pag 154)

-OP 10:49 AM GCP ******* -OP 10:59 AM GCP captain ******* -AC 680963 11:02 AM (...) To me, the most horrifying thing about this, is that ANY humans, could deliberately expose other humans to such unknowns...willingly... (...) I begin to wonder if what's going on right now in the GOM, is the reason all those microbiologists have died under suspicious and mysterious circumstances, in recent years... -OP 11:04 AM Mistral ****** -Watcher 11:06 AM I've been working on "B3 cargo" It's a classification for dangerous cargo. -OP 11:07 AM FULL. -OP 11:08 AM ******* -OP 11:10 AM ****** -OP 11:11 AM ******* -OP 11:12 AM ***** -krispy71 11:15 AM The part of the swimming pools and ponds being "infected" with this polution has also other reasons. This is CONTROLED ! Planned ... Previsioned ! Think > people getting sick -not from the algae itself, but from the chemicals the rain and hurricanes bring allong from the evaporated seawater-, this is a means for health organisations to declare an other need for vaccinations. So the people that will not die from theirselves will be made more vurnable by vaccins ... My guess is that in those vaccins there will be "activators" (maybe nano-tech) with a kill-switch ... But according to Georgia-Guide-Stone's plans the population must be reduced, ... TPTB will used many ways on many levels to reach that goal no matter who or what dies. They feel safe and secure coz they have the ability to create all life-forms in labs on demand and need (geo-engenering and cloning etc ..) Humans exposing danger to other humans ... Remember THE MEXICAN FLU ? > that was just a test !!! This time it is for real, and also will be a testground for other things the have planned. I am sure 9/11 was a test-ground too ... -OP 11:19 AM (merci bien glp) :) -OP 11:20 AM Em then ******* -Krispy71 11:21 Watch the dots ..... morse .... -OP 11:22 AM problem, ******* -AC 822660 11:22 AM keep a list of Political figures visiting the area. If this is a purposeful BIO threat, my best guess is there will not be anyone high-up on the food chain any where near that area ? (various postings about Firewall logging attempts at breakin. He's hitting me from various IP's in China about every minute. Also scanning different ports to get in. Mine has been acting weird too

locked up this morning and had to tinker with it because one of my bug catchers disappeared for no apparent reason i haven't been posting here either!) -omega = last letter_stage in alphabet ... -krispy 11:57 AM (dots) all togetter they make Elephant Ibis Seashark Hunterdog 5 Ibis Elephant -SR37 11:59 AM take note of this one, page 3, bottom of page regarding 'standing biota' and how the most amounts were found in the Mississippi Canyon. (Deepwater Horizon is in the Mississippi Canyon) [link to] -12:05 PM Biomass and production of bacterioplankton at the hydrothermal vent areas [link to] -AC 15670 12:00 PM 7/4/2010 Sorcha Faal just came up with this: NATO has ordered all critical assets of the Western alliance to be moved at least 100 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill catastrophe region -AC 391217 12:04 PM David Adair claimed the vessel was a biological mechanical extension of the pilot. [link to] -SR37 12:12 PM connecting the Arctic/Anarctic to the GOM with regards to hydrothermal vents. explains how the process of removing oxygen from an environment has been the biggest issue and problem in massive production of biomass. Added Ellman, "Scaling the technique up to industrial levels is probably going to require the combined efforts of industrial and academic laboratories, but if we are able to one day make commodity chemicals as well as fuels from biomass, we can protect the atmosphere from further damage and at the same time help lower current carbon dioxide levels." [link to] -12:15 PM Hydrothermal vents discovered in Anarctica. Also note the discovery of a black smoker. (read whole story at pag 159) -12:24 PM Here is a video of a black smoker, that is what the BP 'oil well' looks like [link to] -AC 968929 12:25 PM simple list of standard phrases to be used in maritime communications, and section "B3" lists all the phrases dealing with Cargo. [link to] -krispy71 12:37 PM lang posting on helium3 wich comes out a ventplume in the ocean. (with references to "boeing-man and alin vessels) (pag 160) [link to] -12:44 PM quoting SR37 on vents in Antarctica. -SR37 12:40 PM Russia claims anarctic [link to] (has five polar stations and one polar base, where a wide-ranging scientific research program is carried out.) The British Are Coming to Antarctica [link to] (the United Kingdom has decided to lay claim to 385,000 sq mi (1 million sq km) of seabed off the coast of Antarctica) -1:15 PM international laws regarding deep sea mining and even mentions 'black smokers'. [link to] (long post) -krispy71 1:22 PM More on Helium-3: is a primordial component and magnetised gas -OP 1:40 PM proceeding (pag 161)

-OP 1:41 PM Em captain ***** -AC 1024213 1:41 PM Russia proposes setting up special fund for tackling oil spills Medvedev [link to] -SR37 1:41 PM my research regarding territorial claims to this hydrothermal vent, be it mining for biomass, gold in the sulfur deposits or helium-3. By calling it an "OIL" spill or leak, they (BP and US GOV) can lay CLAIM to it. "UN throws out UK claim to Ascension oil exploration rights" [link to] -OP 1:41 PM Em captain ***** (pag 162) -AC 1024213 1:45 PM "Russia, Canada seek joint Arctic space monitoring project" [link to] The satellite system will monitor the weather and environment of the North Pole, pinpoint hydrocarbon deposits on the Arctic shelf, etc ... -OP 1:53 PM PP instructed ****** -Sotozen 2:03 PM BP has been using the oil as feedstock for self-replicating nanofiber generation in order to make a containment system for the oil that will propagate through the entire spill. I wonder if 'Corexit' is actually the release system for this, being mixed in at the source. If they get runaway replication, we will have about two days until the whole planet is 'gray goo'. [link to] - 2:06 PM This stuff is quasi-biological, EMP won't have any effect, it is DNA controlled. This is WAY worse than I imagined. We are screwed. -SR37 2:21 PM why they are claiming it is an oil spill : Territorial waters only extend to 12 miles from the shore, but the Exclusive Economic Zone extends to 200 miles. It all makes sense now though, why all the foreign ships in the Gulf, why Obama refused access... THEY KNOW WHAT IS UP. The other countries aren't fooled by this 'oil spill' and it also makes sense why they would use military to protect the site. The US and BP know they are deep shit for this. [link to] -krispy 2:31 PM OP: critical situation with hull ... . , hull demagnetizing issues getting irreversible , crew feeling disorientated, do isotope readings on ports side where the metallic fiber flocking was worst and growing (polkadots ... . = SE) Demagnetising subs : [link to] To make the situation even more tricky, often it is desirable to actually set a particular magnetism into the hull of the vessel. This is done with the intention of having a permanent magnetism in the ship or submarine that will automatically oppose the induced magnetism (from the Earths magnetic field) at the zone of operation. Investigations included: looking at how the shape of a ship or submarine determines how it gets magnetised; how much influence magnetic cargo has on the vessels magnetism and, most importantly, scientific alternatives to the present deperm process. - It is not only the cargo ... it is the combination of the water being magnetised, the compounds in the water that may be magnetised or magnetical, the subs that use magnetisation -AC 992677 2:42 PM Post about folks complaining of crawling sensations on the scalp and body. Same symptoms of LICE (pag 164) -OP 2:47 PM an hour or *******

-OP 2:49 PM *** Au -SR37 2:56 PM The conflict of interest between the head of NASA and an algae production company start up was seeking help from NASA in mass production of algae biofuel and the head of NASA consulted with HIS FORMER EMPLOYER, Marathon Oil before declining the operation because... Marathon Oil is already working on their own algae biofuel production line. The name of the company... Omega Project. [link to] Trents Omega project is hardly the only promising work being done today with algae. Sapphire Energy, which has taken money from Bill Gates and recently won a $104 million Department of Energy grant, plans to begin construction on a New Mexico demonstration facility this year, growing algae in open ponds, not in enclosed bioreactors. [link to] -krispy 2:56 PM GOLD ISOTOPE ! [link to] -197Au Mssbauer spectra from teh Au/TM (TM = Fe, Co, Ni) multilayers consist mainly of two components. One component shows large hyperfine magnetic field due to the hybridization at interface between Au and TM ferromagnetic layers. The largest magnitudes of the hyperfine magnetic fields at the 197Au nuclei are close to the value at 197Au nucleus in the ferromagnetic TM metals. Another component is a nonmagnetic one arising from the middle part of the Au layers. From the area ratio of magnetic components in each spectra -OP 2:57 PM for the next ******* (pag 165) -OP 2:58 PM The PP ******** -AC 1008573 2:59 Ralph Sperling of Philipps-University Marburg, Germany, explains why gold is so precious to biological scientists. [link to] Gold nanoparticles can serve as carriers for drug and gene delivery. Biologically active molecules adsorbed on the particle surfaces can be guided inside cells and released. DNA delivery, for instance, is the basis for gene therapy. Colloidal gold, also known as "nanogold" : [link to] -Badbreaks 3:02 PM [link to] Nalco colloidal silicas are stable dispersions of nanometer size silica particles in water or other liquid medium. These sub-micron-sized spheres provide very large surface areas, up to 750 square meters per gram of silica solids, which can dramatically impact the binding and reinforcing properties of many organic or inorganic systems -OP 3:08 PM I repeat.. The ********* -OP 3:35 PM Before I state ****** (pag 166) -Housedad 4:10 PM ..., if there is a lot of mercury in compounds with that oil, could the organism be slowly fissing the mercury into gold and then into other things. Better explainss the radiation and magnetic effects. That would be a lot easier than fusion. -SR37 4:16 PM mercury isotope Hg-196 is in abundance at hydrothermal vents!! "Mercury isotope fractionation in fossil hydrothermal systems" : "... The natural variation in Hg isotopic compositions observed in this study is higher than that

expected from the trend of decreasing mass-dependent fractionation with increasing mass extrapolated from stable isotope systems up to Z = 26 (Fe), confirming that even the heaviest elements undergo significant stable isotope fractionation in hydrothermal systems. " [link to] -Syntetic gold [link to] -Gold is soluble in mercury,... / dont forget the predictions made that we would evolve (or should I say MORPH) into an organisme/human with 3 instead of 2 helixes (from 3 helixes lateron to 6, but ultimatly to 12 helixes.) -Czarcasym 6:02 PM (pag 168) this is from 2006 and does not talk directly about the GOM... But it does talk about everything here... > Presently the deepest undersea mines are under just a few hundred metres of water. But Dr. Scott points to the offshore oil and gas industry as an example of the possibility for change. There are producing wells in 1,500 metres of water off the coast of Brazil, and there's drilling at 2,500 metres depth in the Gulf of Mexico. Getting samples from the interior of these deposits is rare," says Dr. Scott. "What we're interested in from the perspective of pure science is what microorganisms are in these deposits and what they're doing. Are they in fact causing mineralization?" -krispy 6:40 PM ...think about the alin technology that the hull of the spaceship was made of some ind of organic lifeform that could sustain extreme conditions and was able to prepare itself. And there are rumors of morphogenetic aluminium , as a reverse engeneerd alin technology ... Self-preparing abilities are not only seen in nanotechnology, they exist in nature there are exo-bacteria that have an incredable ability to regenerate thanx to DNA-RNA. -Deinococcus Radiodurans : (...) and best known for its ability to survive extremely high doses of acute ionizing radiation (10,000 Gy) without cell-killing...resistant to other DNA damaging conditions including exposure to desiccation, ultraviolet (UV) light, and hydrogen peroxide. (...) its resistance characteristics are being exploited in the development of bioremediation processes for cleanup of highly radioactive US Department of Energy waste sites, and in the development of radioprotectors. [link to] When its genome is smashed into thousands of little pieces byionizing radiation, D. radiodurans can recon-struct it without error. .. organism,which thrives in nuclear waste, On page 569 of this issue, Zahradka et al. reveal how this bacterium manages to rebuildits shattered chromosomes. -Barely Alive, Seafloor Microbes Might Resemble Exo-Organisms: Subseafloor microbes, according to a metagenomic analysis, are genetically distinct from life on Earths surface and oceans. The Archaea the Penn State researchers found might look like bacteria, but they dont eat or work like them. While E. coli might double its numbers in 30 minutes, Archaea could take hundreds or even thousands of years to accomplish the same amount of growth. Bacteria in mud volcano's [link to] So primodial soup combined with algae (a simple form of life) combined with magnetisme, nanotechnology, pressure, depth and other chemicals could give a unexpected reaction ...SYMBIOSIS - Symbiogenesis [link to] Remember the part of people having itches ? > Parasitism ?

-krispy 6:43 PM MIND, MATTER AND MORPHING : An individual who was contracted by the U.S. Naval Lab to perform "mental influence" tests to attempt to bend Nitinol with the mind's energy said that NASA was there. "... The introduction of energy is required to create a morphing change in the metal. Typically this "introduced energy" is heat. But it appeared that the mind's "energy" could also create the morph." ... (is a longer post , end pag 168) [link to]

-krispy 7:25 PM think again of that posting about a meteorite bombing the GOM in an other era. Maybe it was burried and kept down there by the ARCH of the volcano. Maybe the nano technology and other factors brought "it to life" (it = bacterial organisme just like the one I posted upon that goes into symbiosis....) dont forget the importance and influence of the MAGNETISME !!!! That is a KEY ...In my feeling magnetisme works like conciousness (mind over matter, magnetisation = healing powers) -... Now, if that "thinking" microorganism is not human, and is thinking 'self-preservation' it may take over human bodies with changes that assist in the microorganisms self-preservation. Perhaps this is where our third strand of DNA will source, that is, into those human bodies that it does not kill. -Sotozen 7:57 PM 7/4/2010 (pag 170) My idea is that a gamma radiation source, either a nuclear weapon, or some deliberate engineering, could conceivably cause nuclear transmutation in an organism already containing mercury (creating gold isotopes). The OP had mentioned some intriguing 'polar' connections, and subsequent research had uncovered NSF and US military involvement in Antarctic missions. One of the primary research missions in Antarctica is the search for ancient organisms that persist in sub-glacial environments. Maybe they are bio-engineering the stuff down there, a 'safe' environment away from prying eyes. -SR37 8:02 PM No need for gamma ray, that link I sent in a few hours ago was discussing the high levels of mercury located at hydrothermal vents, but hydrothermal vents are NATUALLY RADIOACTIVE. There is a natural abundance of uraniun in HTV. "High levels of natural radioactivity in biota from deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a preliminary communication " [link to] - Sotozen 8:15 PM good find SR37, this provides a source for both radioactivity and extremeophile organisms. Another possible problem, one that would explain sickness on the coast and among cleanup crews: Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ... "is a common bacterium which can cause disease in animals and humans. It is found in soil, water, skin flora and most man-made environments throughout the world." and "It is also able to decompose hydrocarbons and has been used to break down tarballs and oil from oil spills." -krispy 8:21 PM ... and I talked about that 3th strand of DNA also not a double helix but a triple helix. Maybe in their quest for GOLD (literaly and other) in their greed they opened the box of Pandora. This "organisme" could kill people but when people survive or adapt (go into symbiosis with it ) then a third chain of DNA will evolve!!! [link to] ... combining the qualities of spicies : "Transgenic organisms contain altered genes from other organisms. The host becomes the receptor of the foreign genetic information. It is a blending of species. It is believed that this process could change not only the genetic structure of the modified animal and its offspring, but its development, sensory modalities, disease propensity, personality and behavior traits among other things." A positive mutation. > and I think FEAR will work as a kill-switch togetter with the substances in vaccines and other stuff and air and water, but on the other hand can conciousness work as a ??? conductor and make the transision work. TPTB do not want us to evolve into something bigger and stronger, something not controlable ... Magnetisme is the KEY , postive charges or negative charges ... mind over matter ... Adaption versus resistence. An open circuit or a closed one ... -"Medical-grade honey may reduce colonization of many pathogens including Pseudomonas aeruginosa." -krispy 8:40 PM Extremophiles: [link to] and [link to] Extremophiles are found in the ice of the arctic and antarctic, deserts, deep-sea vents, volcanic fissures and areas of high salinity.

- remember the thread where people thought that the vent of the BOP was "on fire" ... I saw it myself and it really looked like orange-yellow "golden" cloud-flames and yellow burning sparks in the water like sintels of magma ... So that makes sence now, it was not "fire" which was explained why it could not be and was said that it was pure sulphurus yellow gasses ... but maybe it was the gold we saw ! -Childoflight 9:48 PM PEDOMICROBIUM! Bacteria Make Gold (...) Copyright Karl S. Kruszelnicki (long post pag 171) -Watcher 9:55 PM 2 BOP's ??? remember I was talking about two wells? ... I was watching the feeds, on top of the BOP is a white round container looking thing, right under the LMRD, I noticed how clean this one looked Friday night, and how it looked different. Then this one today has a rusty looking band around it where the ROV's like to hang on (has loops), the one I was watching Friday night, didn't have this band. Now, earlier last week when I was watching it had the band.... - AC I can confirm that, i think there at least 2 BOP, perhaps 3 -SR37 10:00 PM Apparently Mr. Marshall is very upset that his invention is being used in this "crap theory" (longer post) - Quote OP : isotope readings immediately on ports side where the metallic fiber flocking was worst and growing > Sounds like self-replicating nanotech to me > manganese nodules compounding > Surely does look like what OP describes: [link to] -Veracious rare MT 11:33 PM Has it been mentioned that the US is struggling to retain it's power over this spill? It signed over it's rights in a situation like this to NATO. [link to] "Not understood by the American people about the worst environmental catastrophe in their history is that it falls under the responsibility of NATO and not the US government due to the recently adopted provisions of the 'Alliance Reborn: An Atlantic Compact for the 21st Century' major policy report outlining the responses of Member Nations in the event of natural disasters and other such catastrophes." .... "Curiously, this report continues, President Obama continues his fight to retain control over this historic catastrophe for his intelligence services instead of his military forces, chief among them the United States Coast Guard which is the defacto naval force for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who he has placed in charge of this disaster with BP, both of whom this past week threatened journalists with felony arrests and $40,000 fines for reporting on the truth of what is happening." -Watcher 11:35 PM In fact, many times, such as the eruptions of Mt. St. Helens in Washington State, caused domes to buildup within the crater the ultimately burst with atomic-like force causing ashes and debris to circle the globe. Scientists watching the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico around the area of the Deepwater Horizon situation have measured a similar dome building that is said to be increasing in size continuously. Only high internal pressure can cause such a state. -AC 979825 2:12 AM 7/5/2010 the Russians have build a nuclear powerplant on a boat. [link to] (pag 172) -krispy 5:24 AM Morphing scills ? "But Pedomicrobium reproduces by budding. It stretches out a narrow stalk which rises above the gilded cage closing around the parent bacteria. This narrow tube then opens up (at the end) to make a new bacteria. So new baby bacteria are continually being born just on the outside of an expanding ball of golden death." Add this with the caracteristics of Mercury ... looks like the form of mercury is changing all the time, stays cohesive all the time ... Golden Mercury "Thin mercury particles may form mercury-gold amalgam and therefore increase the gold recovery rates. ...increase the

ionization and electrical conductivity.." [link to] -Snowgoosebob 5:@8 AM Green LED mistery explained First vid from pag 160 : clip0005.avi (14MB) [link to] Now watch this side by side video (Video Capture of 2 videos side by side). It looks to me the "green blobs" (on left half of video) are the led numbers, but out of focus video.... clip0010.avi (5.90 MB) [link to] -krispy 5:49 AM there are theories that when the earth's magnetic field becomes to weak to will splitt up in several smaller poles around the world. illustrations of a changing magnetic-pole situation due to pole reversals: [link to] and [link to] In the last months there have been many occasions that the magnetic southpole WAS GONE ... for a few hours or so (seen when looking at the charts for the magnetosphere where you can see how strong a hit is from for example a CME from the sun. That page also provides charts where they show the magnetic southpole. (3th illustration , the one of the globe) here : [link to] -OP 6:45 AM Good day, I Read and see ******* (pag 173) -posts about everyone asking OP to stay posting ... -AC 1025784 9:10 AM FYI - Submarines searching Gulf sea floor for fissures (pag 174 ) [link to] -Sdisme 9:56 AM "I think the EPA has been struggling to respond to this crisis," said Aaron Viles with the Gulf Restoration Network. "It's all really a giant science experiment and we're terribly concerned that in the long run the impacts are going to be significant and we really don't know what we're doing to the ecosystem." [link to] -SR37 10:05 AM Talking about gold pedomicrobium reminded me of something with gold and H1N1. "Gold nanorods deliver antiviral punch : Biocompatibility makes gold nanorods an efficient and effective vehicle to deliver powerful immune activator molecules to combat a host of viruses, including H1N1, avian flu and perhaps Ebola." [link to] (longer post) -AC 10:29 AM looks very neat 100 vessels at one location [link to]

resum relevant postings, Part 7 , pag 175-200 Not ready yet

resum relevant postings, Part 8 , pag 200-225

-Night Sky 1:15 AM 7/7/2010 July 11 is the U.N.'s World Population Day [link to] and there is a thread about TPTB planning something for July 11 during the eclipse. (a big explosion in the GOM) [link to] -bevvy 2:40 AM area's with methane hydrates in sea sediment and permafrost [link to] -Ancient astronaut 6:55 AM Britain plans ocean floor land grab to claim atlantic resources [link to] "Britain is preparing territorial claims on tens of thousands of square miles of the Atlantic Ocean floor around the Falklands, Ascension Island and Rockall in the hope of annexing potentially lucrative gas, mineral and oil fields, the Guardian has learned." -krispy71 7:18 AM post about comparing crystal structures of substances and compounds in the gulf with latest cropcircles ... maybe they could give also clue's. Bevvy was looking into matching cropcircles. -Ancient astronaut 8:04 AM Costa Rica to Allow US warships -July 06, 2010- : Costa Rica has granted the U.S. military a six-month window to bring 7,000 Marines, five planes and 46 warships into its territory. According to a letter from Costa Rican Public Security Minister Jose Maria Tijerino, specific requests to dock or unload U.S. military ships must be submitted to the country one month in advance. The permission was granted by a 31-8 vote of the Legislative Assembly and allows the United States to use the country's territory through Dec. 31. -AC 1027987 9:39 AM links to a lot of West Coast Florida cams: [link to] -AC 998413 10:39 AM Various links about (uranium) bio-remediation : [link to] , [link to] , [link to] , [link to] , -krispy 12:55 AM Post about connection between cropcircle and "benzene" (longer post with a lot of links and images) (pag 202) -AC 992677 1:15 PM How algae-oil and water is separated : VID [link to] (cool vid !!) and Kevin Costner's "Dances with Centrifuges" Machines : [link to] -OP 3:33 PM Good day, 14 ******* -Childoflight 4:20 PM NASA Captures Night Infrared View of Gulf Oil Spill : - Options

-Multiple posts about infra-red .... OP said "infra read", so there is confiusion -AC 966731 4:48 PM Nano World: Rapidly scanning nano impacts [link to] (pag 203) "To investigate the damage that nanoparticles might wreak, material scientist S.K. Sundaram and toxicologist Thomas Weber at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash., and their colleagues are developing a method that in one go scans for all the biological effects a given substance might have on live cells. Scientists can basically monitor cells before, during and after testing them with a nanomaterial. Within minutes, these scans return a vast amount of data representing the infrared signatures of an untold number of chemical bonds." -krispy 5:19 PM (...) reported unknown infra read signatures. (...) for vector channel. (..) INFRA >> dictionary : Infra: Below; beneath; under; after; -- often used as a prefix. Infra: Noise below the level of hearing. A Latin word meaning " below, beneath or underneath". Used to indicate in a writing or a document that the details of the particular matter will appear in brief at a later portion of the document or as under. [link to] 1. So they could have detected unknown noise signatures -below hearing level- ... 2. Or they reported unknow signatures and that the details of the particular matter will appear in brief at a later portion of posting ....(I think this one). I personaly think that OP does not make wrong typo's, most of the time it is just like the DED shows. We know he talks in codes. But maybe I am wrong about this and are the sugnatures indeed infra-red in nature. -5:42 PM "prefix and affix". Prefix is said before the real message, and an alteration of what is realy meant. Maybe the form of the "go-car" is altering as well ? An affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word. Is the cargo morphing furter ? -5:57 PM post about : An anacoluthon: infra read ... looks like an error ... but is not. -SR37 6:06 PM Controlling human behavior through magnetic nanoparticles. [link to] Clusters of heated, magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cell membranes can remotely control ion channels, neurons and even animal behavior, according to a paper published by University at Buffalo physicists in Nature Nanotechnology. "By developing a method that allows us to use magnetic fields to stimulate cells both in vitro and in vivo, this research will help us unravel the signaling networks that control animal behavior," says Arnd Pralle, PhD, assistant professor of physics in the UB College of Arts and Sciences and senior/corresponding author on the paper. (pag 204) -Many posts about gas masks. -Kachina 10:35 PM Has anyone here seen this thread about US Warships heading to Coasta Rica? [link to] , Secondary thread on this subject: [link to] -Childoflight 11:21 PM Underwater IR communication system [link to] -Nexuseditor 11:47 PM I suspect that the drug war military movements, the BP oil rupture and the science expeditions are legitimate to all intents and purposes, but that they are simultaneously serving as a good smokescreen for something else. I have had information which in essence indicates that something big and unexpected has cropped up. My sources indicate that many meetings have occurred over the last 2 weeks - basically seeking to address the situation and on how to 'use' it to maintain their own agendas. The thing is, whatever it is that has happened, is really big - and many agendas and plans have to be almost totally scrapped and/or rewritten. I am told that the situation is still developing. Further, my information pegged the starting point for the consternation as something found in the Gulf of Aden; which then caused them to look for something related/similar in the Gulf of Mexico. We are talking about

something very high tech, not expected, and not 'ours'. Incidentally, my information indicated a staged evacuation from the Gulf of Mexico areas - with martial law being instituted as necessary. Whether or not this period of martial law will be used to perpetuate further 'emergencies' and thus more martial law was unclear. -AC 996395 12:39 AM 7/8/2010 US naval research laboratory : ORCA [link to] (pag 206) -(more explenations see also pag 207 , Krispy 5:59 AM ) -(AC 6:22 AM Navigation software : [link to] and Orca class project: [link to] ) -AC 996395 12:56 AM Sensor head development for mid-infrared fibre-optic underwater sensors : "A prototype of such a sensor head has been built, attached to a specially designed underwater FT-IR spectrometer and subjected to simulated real-world flume-tank tests under controlled conditions. In combination with a compatible IR spectrometer, this sensor head allowed the qualitative and quantitative detection of a range of environmentally relevant analytes in water down to ppb concentration levels." [link to] -Evaluation of near-infrared laser Raman spectroscopy underwater research : "The in-situ chemical detection in deep sea is very important for mineral resources exploitation. Laser Raman Spectroscopy as a powerful tool for chemical analysis has been used in deep sea detection recently". [link to] -? Elephant = A Whale (giant algae processing plant?), Sharkhunter = submarine, Orca = bathysphere or research-lab -AC 1022186 2:02 AM "Gulf of Aden axial magnetic anomaly and the Curie temperature isotherm" [link to] -OP 4:44 AM Em captain ******* -OP 4:46 AM Em requests ******** -OP 4:53 AM Mistral to ********* -krispy 6:52 AM Brainstorm about "splash zone 1 and 2" (longer post), and "Naval Terminology, Jargon and Slang FAQ" [link to] -Morse code translator [link to] Several postings about the morsecode in OP's messages. -On pag 208, krispy 8:24 AM : all sentences with morse/code [link to] -AC 998567 8:51 AM I received this email today from a 'contact'. I notice there is nothing new in what is being mentioned in terms of what has already been publicly discussed here and elsewhere on the net - maybe that is why he's circulating it. (very long post, kind of resum of what we found out) -OP 10:39 AM Good day, splash ********* (pag 208) -Housedad 11:03 AM Infra signature- my take on it : ULF or VLF freuency communications. They are waiting on the handshaking and communication codes from the Russians to come over their ULF freuencies. -Webbots : something about the introduction and entrance of Aliens this year.

-Renegadeson 11:14 AM it looks like the infrared signatures are to due with the 'splash zones' 1&2. Floating living crystals.. might not be a recognizable IR sig, but would be something that you might subject to IR testing. The EM (Emeraude) does not carry any infrared equipment that is listed anywhere, so it is probably testing equipment as opposed to military visual/acquisition IR. -krispy 11:24 AM think it is coz of the nanobots, the algae and the primodial lifeform (and maybe other things) that made a symbiosis coz the nanobots were equipt with special DNA-Qualities ... Guess they formed a perfect enviroment (unintentional) to let this lifeform evolve ... So, splash zones are zones were this lifeform is gathering ... maybe to collect sunlicht ? That the russians were not surprised and awaiting this in a way is maybe coz of their studies in Antarctica ... !!! HEY remember that tophead of BP that was called to RUSSIA a week or 10 days ago ??? Crystals ... energy and conductors ... -Many brainstorm-postings about "splash zone" -AC 391217 11:50 AM It is true that the Russians advocated the nuke option almost immediately after the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Why would they do this if, as OP has suggested, they seem to know more than everyone else. To quote the OP: "Good day, splash ***** ". The Russians are acting aggressively to stop whatever it is that is happening. I don't know if it is because they fear the US gaining superiority as a result this potential technological breakthrough, or out of genuine concern to protect themselves and us from a known threat. Wow! -OP 1:04 PM this is getting ********* (pag 210) -NightSky 1:10 PM Perhaps the Navy is trying to stop the Fed Gov.... wasn't it the Navy Intelligence office that was hit in the Pentagon on 911? Could it have been a message to the Navy to not attempt a coup? All the stuff politicians have been passing over the past decade have been scary at best. What if the Navy is trying to defend the constitution from domestic enemies (fed gov)? -AC 1022485 1:14 PM US Navy Secretary: Mabus ! Nostradamus - Century 2, Quatrain 62 : "Mabus will soon die, then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals, At once one will see vengeance, One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass." -dsoul 1:23 PM Secretary Mabus has been charged by President Obama with developing a long-term recovery plan for the Gulf Coast. [link to] -1:27 PM When President Barack Obama tapped Navy Secretary Ray Mabus to be his point man for rebuilding the oilfouled Gulf Coast, he promised to create a plan "to restore the unique beauty and bounty of this region." During a midJune visit to the region, the president put it more directly: "I am confident that we are going to leave the Gulf Coast better off than it was before." [link to] -Rockhuff 1:20 PM Quote - Dead Man Talking : "Rumor has it that Nato has taken command of our Navy and is responsible for the fleet deployment to Costa Rica. That could piss off a lot of US Admirals." > Yes! That must be what OP was referring too when he/she talked about a coup by our Navy. He posted that BEFORE the announcement they were going to Costa Rica. It makes total sense now. NATO is ordering them away and I'm sure the admirals are NOT happy about it. -AC 1022186 1:31 PM Actually, in that report about the Navy going to Costa Rica, they assured the Costa Ricans that the Coast Guard was in charge of the assets, not the Navy. The Coast Guard is in charge of the Gulf disaster as well. Hmmmmm....

-OP 1:28 PM merci doomamatrix, ******* (pag 211) -AC 1029488 2:23 PM Quoting op: "merci doomamatrix, glp was the right choice in more ways than one :-) ", Quoting doomamatrix: "Pi Beta Phi we are pissing on your lawn...." P.. = PI The Greek letter, often spelled out pi in text, was first adopted for the number as an abbreviation of the Greek word for perimeter. So maybe op is saying they are bringing forward the perimeter in Mexico? -Housedad 2:52 PM discovverd that the Timewave Zero and the Webbot have nearly the same waveform for after July 11th. I posted it in the thread below. [link to] -AC 1024846 3:08 PM Shark is a type off class (level S ?) of subs : Sharkhunter [link to] -Tex Tamale 3:14 PM "jet propulsion laboratories geophysicist on the move": Andrea Donnellan [link to] Involved in Tectonic and Volcanic : [link to] and hurricanes [link to] -what if you knew where the plates would fracture? And were able to tie with existing magnetic anomalies? Could these anomalies be so strong at times to alter a sub's navigation or function? Exerting forces on the plates to encourage them to move? > other poster: what if they are going to induce movement, possible to assist in excavating the site easier ? They want to see more, but its burried. Could it be the Ancient city ? > other : Maybe right here is where , a new thread pinned [link to] > other : I did read somewhere that 'they' were planning to use HAARP on the Gulf to cause a massive earthquake > For the past three weeks I have noticed very clear undeniable indications, mainly on Thursday nights and early Friday mornings, of heavy scalar activity. I have taken photo's to document this. I have been staying in touch with someone interested in this research. Now, remember, the U.S. aren't the only ones with this technology, numerous other countries have it also. But the research I have done, also points out it does occur naturally. So if you can "tickle" the right area... (pag 213) -HAARP monitoring [link to] -Watcer 4:30 PM Abstracting Atlantis : Sientists find evidence of Mayan underwater city [link to] -AC 4:43 PM United States Armed Forces Unit Organization [link to] , Operational Terms and Graphics [link to] , naval terminology, jargon & slang A-M [link to] , N-Z [link to] -AC 1027029 4:53 PM [link to] "The Gulf Oil Disaster Is War On We, The People" 30 Facts Evidencing The Rothschild League Of Bankers Planned The Gulf Oil Crisis : This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico, who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation serves investment bankers. These globalists sway stocks, create markets, and planned this crisis, among a series of catastrophies, to advance geopolitical and financial agendas. -Sailor Santiago 5:29 PM Apparently there's corroborating evidence coming out of Kerry Cassidy's blog -Project Camelot(a must read !) [link to] "There has been reportedly, serious live fire between old friends

and foes alike, who is on whose side?" EMPHASIS MINE >>> the article and this is confirming what OP has been saying !!!!! (pag 215) -AC 966731 6:13 PM Airmen participate in RIMPAC 2010 international maritime exercise [link to] Was this exercise planned from June 23 - August 1 in connection because the oil gusher? - Pentagon plans 'flying submarine' [link to] If you do a search on "DARPA and Underwater flying submarines" notice there are reports about Flying submarine back from 2006. -AC 6:33 PM Russian naval drills draw attention of U.S. intelligence services, Topic: Vostok 2010 Operation and Strategic Training [link to] -NATO Orders 7,000 US Marines To Costa Rica As Gulf Oil Disaster Quake Fears Grow : "Russian foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) sources are reporting in the Kremlin today that NATO has ordered over 7,000 US Marines to begin deploying in the Central American Nation of Costa Rica [map 2nd photo left] over fears the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is about to rupture the fracture zone lying between the North American and Caribbean Plates and potentially unleashing upon the Americas a catastrophic earthquake." [link to] -Quoting: childoflight: "I was just watching NPR Evening News with Jim Lehrer. There was a lot of talk about various groups using microbes to try to EAT the oil and clean up the environment.One of these groups was BP who I quote was USING A MICROBE CONSORTIUM IN A PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!The so called protected environment was an area of marshland which was surrounded by some plastic sheeting!!!!!These groups were 'feeding' the microbes with various types of 'food' to see if they could get them to eat up the oil as quickly as possible!!" - AC : Starting May 18 I sent and posted this youtube vid asking why dispersants needed to be used when there is this. My efforts to pass this on just went to the wayside as many around areas away from the Gulf just did'nt believe it was a big deal. The Blackout has that effect on many away from here. SW Florida is my home and I reside on the coast. ... There are many options, but this stands and has a huge supply in warehouses just waiting. VID : [link to] -Roxi 8:39 PM BP warns that its new oil collection plan has safety risks (with VID) : [link to] (pag 216) -Postings on the possibility of a civil war/revolution (pag 217) -Postings about the always returning word BLUE, code or not? -Nexus editor 11:12 PM Based on my own conversations and research, I believe that TPTB have technology which tells them where stress is increasing along tectonic plates, and thus, allows them forewarning of major volcanic and earthquake activity. This information is used, as in Haiti, to further cement the power and profit of various factions where advantage is taken of the situation. However, sometimes I believe TPTB have 'defused' certain big earthquake events. Releasing pressure at key points at key times may well be being utilised now and then. When I first heard of the BP rupture, my first thoughts were, that maybe it was intentional - as a pressure release mechanism to defuse a looming 'big one' along the Madrid or San Andreas fault lines. Tectonic stresses are certainly increasing, ocean floors are rising in some places, and falling in others,

indeed whole plates are active. Indeed most planets in our solar system, and many of their moons, are experiencing dramatic changes in their 'climate' simultaneously. Lots happening! -Karu 11:28 PM 7/8/2010 The madrid is nothing compared to the Arvidson Lineament. Also known as the Missouri Gravity Low. This fault line is 1700 miles long and crosses the whole united states diagonally from Georgia to Puget Sound Washington. It is 70-90 miles wide and just as deep. It is very difficult to find info on this but I found these pics on google: [link to] [link to] [link to] -OP 7:53 AM 7/9/2010 Good day, my girlfriend says a midNight ********* (pag 218) -Childoflight 8:09 AM This was taken from PBS Newshour last night. The transcript is up on the web. It sounds dangerous and the contained area they showed was not in the least contained!! TOM BEARDEN: "Some commercial companies think the answer might lie in taking microbes from many different environments, strengthening them, and releasing them where needed. BP is now testing what a company named Ultratech calls its microbe consortium in a contained area to see how it works." Just read it....TAKING MICROBES FROM MANY DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS STRENGTHENING THEM AND RELEASING THEM WHERE NEEDED!!! -Looky 8:29 AM (took the unusual capitals from op's post) NF Nuclear Factor [link to] or NFF Non-Fixable Failure [link to] -Bevvy 8:33 AM more brainstorm on the capitals and dots (longer post) -AC 1030486 9:30 AM why OP using such an unusual word: "cataclysmic" ? Wiki explanation: [link to] -Czarcasym 9:43 AM A possible reference to Midnight... "Today, the looming environmental disasters like runaway greenhouse effect are also taken into account to indicate how close the mankind is to its doomsday. At present, the clock shows five minutes to midnight. [link to] [link to] -midnight means ballistic nuclear missile launch, 1 minute to midnight means birds are hot waiting for launch authorization. Did you ever read/see 'The Watchmen'? -i especially enjoyed the "Rockefeller military installation" where Dr. Manhattan created his free energy magnetic device to be used in a cataclysmic nuclear(movie)/magnetic portal(novel) war in order to bring humanity together under one law ;) -more brainstorm on Op's words (pag 218) -SR37 9:59 AM I thought of when I saw NFF > Nuclear Fusion Fuel. I have talked about cold fusion for a while and that's what this process seems to me to be. Given that BP is a fuel company, that makes sense too. [link to] (longer post, pag 219) -SR37 11:08 AM stuck on this Nuclear Fusion Fuel concept. I DO know that intense pressure is required to process the injection of hydrogen with the additional protons, which is at the link I posted on p219. They create this pressure by

focusing intense laser beams onto the hohlream (gold cylinder) and fusing the atoms to create the fusion. So now I am looking up how scientists would use the natural pressure along with the chemicals on subsea floor to create nuclear fusion. Here is what I have found, this includes information on methane hydrates (those stringy white things floating around down there) [link to] -Now here is the information on how methane hydrate could be mined using the above information called "inhibitor injection"; In this method, inhibitor such as methanol is injected from surface down to methane hydrate-bearing layers. This method enables methane hydrate dissociation without changing the pressure or temperature of the methane hydrate-bearing layer. [link to] However, research is still being carried out to devise a means of injecting the inhibitor evenly throughout the entire methane hydrate-bearing layer. [link to] -AC greece 11:20 AM traditionally speaking one could only achieve fusion by a fission reaction in order to reach the temperatures and pressures required to fuse the H2 into He4, hence you had nasty bi products from the fission reaction. cold fusion is the same process H2 to He4 induced without the nuclear fission part. a lot of work was done into harmonics and electrolysis to make this happen but alas the tech is banned (like all the others). i feel that the energy from the possible fission reactions at the bottom of the GOM are used to morph or trans-mutate something else (ehem) -Karu 11:37 AM The methane connection, thread : BP ELE: "Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event" [link to] -SR37 11:47 AM (pag 221) Summing it up so far: 1. They are mining methane hydrates which is very dangerous and not allowed by many governments because of the dangers of methane releases while trying to heat the frozen hydrates (which is exactly what happened on the Horizon as it was exploded by a methane bubble while they were 'mining for oil') and it's gotten out of control in the sense that now that they have used an inhibitor (basically a warm solution to HEAT THE METHANE HYDRATES under the shale/ocean floor) and the heat has now caused a MASSIVE hydrate thaw which is leaning to the methane bubble. They are burning methane off the surface of the ocean, that much we know. But is the oil a product of the cracking of the floor near an oil deposit, or is the methane a product of the oil well that cracked into a methane field. Either way, it ain't good. 2. The other option (and using OP's introduction of 197au, a gold isotope) is that BP is using the intense pressure of the deep sea floor, along with the natural release of helium 3, to create nuclear fusion. I posted that about the gold hohlream being used in lab fusion experiments and I am wondering if they are using the pressure required for nuclear fusion in place of the intense pressure of laser beams used in lab experiments. It is the 'holy grail' of energy and France (wow?) sponsored an energy summit/experiment involving all of Europe and six other nations to pool together their resources to create clean nuclear energy. Now how pissed would these countries be to lend their data to BP/UK (or even US) for something that the whole world could use only for BP to jump the gun? There is still the algae issue and biomass that is a possibility and after typing this, I realize I am back to square one. I wish I had all of OP's posts so I can see what was HIS information given and what did WE come up with because it's all blending together in my mushy brain right now. -krispy : I would go for option 2 ... and the algae is a dimensional diversion methode ...There is diversity in many layers and levels. TPTB is never working singular. Remember that their workmethode is "lies within layers of truth, nobody knows the whole truth ... only partial" How convenient it would be to distract the world with an oilspill disaster to pull thru some very "nice" laws and bills, to use the oilspill as a surface coverup for the algae-farming. What a great use of an opportunity ... "Never let a crisis go to waste!" The algae-farming is step 2 in creating the benificial enviroment for step 3 which would/could be this goldhelium energy project. And who knows maybe even more layers of predestened plans.... (evacuations, martial law,

healthcare, vaccinations, etc etc .. all beneficial opportunities for the ELITE) The only thing that they did not take into account was that primodial life-form -that was dormant or just waiting for release- to go into symbiosis with the biological-techniques (nanobots) and bacteria ... I personaly do believe that the creation of magnetismic fields and water has a very specific reason. This was done deliberately. And maybe there was already a plan to use this crisis to envoke a coup or rebellion ... that would again lead the attention from the matters that are on their agenda's. If the world is all eye-focused on military who go on fighting agains each other, they have the window of opportunity to do things that need to be done without the world on their tales. (*is posted on 223) -AC 11:50 AM this oil spill mixing with death zones-the algae blooms [link to] -AC 12:05 PM Looking at this jpg please remember that the whole deal may be at Thunder Horse and not Deepwater Horizon. Suggest that DH blowout, rig sinking and oil spill is a cover for what is going on at TH. -Brainstorming about "cathaclismic" (pag 222) -Doomamatrix 12:50 PM Quoting OP : "..its there if you read careFully" Meaning that he's already let the cat out of the bag at some point as to what IT, meaning the cargo, is?? I notice that the ' that should be in "it's" for IT IS is not there. This would change its meaning to a...oh...a possessive...averb? In other words, talking about a THING. -Rockhuff 12:53 PM VID : [link to] Found this on another thread it is a REALLY good discussion from a PHD about Corexit and the 'experiment' with life in the Gulf. It parallels this thread a little bit, and it's very interesting and short. -krispy 1:02 PM "mail courier agent" > That reminds me of AGENT Organge ... ! Mail carier = something/one that transfers information The nanobots that are instructed with DNA repair or growth activation for an organism ... What if this is a hint to what the cargo or the nanobots are doing ? Maybe this is a hint in how to define the danger taht lurks upon us ... a hint by how we can better identify the threat ???? (interesting Wiki explenation in post) -Glasspearls 1:27 PM (pag 223) Navy is using a blimp for thermal imaging the GOM : "The Navy's MZ3A airship prepares to land today at New Orleans Lakefront Airport to support the largest oil spill response in U.S. history. The Coast Guard requested the support of the Navy vehicle to help detect oil, direct skimming vessels and look for wildlife that may be threatened by oil." [link to] -Housedad 1:44 PM Op's morse : E _i _h _5 _i _e _s _e _i _i _i _i _e _i [link to] EISH5 code is based on Morse code. In the EISH5 code all dots are rendered as horizontal strokes and all slashes are rendered as vertical strokes. -Meganebula 1:56 PM "The Gray-Goo Problem" [link to] For years, many members of the scientific community have been excited by the prospect of nanotechnology, the design of machines and robots on a molecular scale. But scientific ethicists and environmental activists are increasingly alarmed by its potential abuses. In January, the ETC group, a Canadian watchdog organization for socially responsible technology, released ''The Big Down,'' a report on nanotechnology. No less a figure than Prince Charles, having read the report, publicly announced that he was distressed by something called the gray-goo problem, in which a swarm of millions of rapidly self-replicating microscopic robots, in a ravenous quest for fuel, would consume the entire biosphere until

nothing remained but an immense, sludgelike robotic mass. (other article : [link to] ) -AC 2:01 PM VID: 'The Watchmen' ... and explenations (very long post) -AC 2:02 PM Thinks that OP was refering to krispy's posts. (that she had it right) AC asks for posts krispy in a specific timeline. -krispy 2:07 PM "Morphing into .. " vs "Morning into something else" (dictionary on "morning" > The first or early part; the beginning: the morning of a new nation. and > Breathing or exhaling incense. Incense-breathing morn. Gray. -AC 2:14 PM About Thunder Horse : ... they were intimidated by a Lakota warrior ... Originally called Crazy Horse, BP changed the name out of respect to descendants of the Native American warrior of the same name. The company said that it acted after the family of the Lakota warrior and spiritual leader told them that use of his name outside of a spiritual context is sacrilegious. -AC 2:49 PM convert clue fonts to w,i,n,d,i,n,g,s fonts then code symbols back to ascii fonts, there it is. (pag 224)

resum relevant postings, Part 9 , of pag 225-249

-AC 966731 3:20 PM Russian sub 'could stop oil leak' , 9 July 2010 [link to] -Krispy's posts (as from pag 151 > someone wanted them to look for clue's what could have relevance for finding out what OP said that the clue of what the other 20% of the cargo is and which would be cataclistic ...) part 2 at pag 228 7:35 PM. -AC greece 3:39 PM Andrew Crosse [link to] (relevance of magnetic induction to create new lifeforms from crystallization of minerals ) -Housedad 4:08 PM giant red rings in the atmosphere coming in from the gulf. VID [link to] Nitrogen dioxide. Reddish brown gas suspendable in the atmosphere. Major component of air pollution. Poisionous as all hell in concentration. -Monitoring page for EQ in the GOM [link to] -TexTamale 5:03 PM 'Helix Producer I Joins BP Spill Response' [link to] The HPI will be part of BP's containment plan to capture and process oil and gas from the Macondo well, offloading to a tanker. The HPI will join two other contracting services vessels owned by Helix, the Express and Q4000, in supporting BP on the Deepwater Horizon spill response and containment operations. -Watcher 6:!1 PM [link to] 2400 Canadian Soldiers and the 1 Combat Engineer Regiment based in Edmonton Alberta are on a 72 Hour notice for deployment to the U.S. Gulf Coast. (pag 227) -krispy 6:20 PM "mail courier agent" = like a messenger RNA equipted "agent". And an "agent" just like AGENT ORANGE ... So , a toxin (?) which can transport and deliver through RNA (which is the repair team of DNA) -AC US 6:32 PM Everything I've read recently has always placed Atlantis in the Caribbean, Bimini waters, and around Cuba, never in the Gulf of Mexico. Look at the grid. It's in the GOM !! They have drilled into Atlantis and KNEW they were doing it. Huffington is tptb and trying to help keep a lid on this whole thing. [link to] -Scientists control worms with nanoparticles, next step 'whole animal' (VID in link) [link to] -AC NL 7:50 PM FEMA buses in Gulf [link to] -Karu 9:04 PM Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit BLEEDING FROM THE RECTUM; Dispersant ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding [link to] (with VID) -Nexuseditor 9:28 PM Letter : At least three years ago, Mark, a veteran of the Persian Gulf War who maintains contact with certain acquaintances in the government, told me that a geologist friend with the US Geological Survey told him that they were surveying the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico for great oil drilling opportunities, and that they expect to see

land masses rising up from the Gulf of Mexico seabed. The global power elite foresaw the Gulf of Mexico seabed rising, were overcome with oil greed, but knew that in the next few years they would have to flee the Gulf when the newly popping undersea volcanoes start to break out, like hives, all over the planet. And they knew that, in order to forestall (not preempt) public panic, they would have to make it look as if corporate recklessness had caused the Gulf of Mexico to burst up, bleeding ... because if the people were to discern that natural disasters are exploding all over the Earth, then these power elite controllers of the masses would have the reigns of global enslavement abruptly yanked out of their greedy fists, as the docile masses panic into a state of crazed chaos and defiant rejection of tyrannical tethers. The power elite are scared, because they know that there is no way that they can keep the global masses from panicking. -AC US 10:10 PM Primary ingredient of Corexit: "The primary ingredient in aircraft anti-freeze and automotive antifreeze." [link to] At the same link: "Unconfirmed leak: Deepwater Horizon chemical assay test of Light Louisiana Crude... It's not a surprise, it's not pure oil!" -Thus, somewhere US ships are being retrofitted with icy water stuff, and in the Gulf of Mexico everything is being sprayed with anti-freeze. -AC US 10:33 PM Coast Guard PR specialist and BP PR rep are one and the same person: [link to] -Karu 10:58 PM brought some postings about methane hydrates and operation 'Deep Freeze' - 'Anti Freeze' back up (pag 230) -AC US 11:11 PM I went back and read my webbot report from the 21st of June...and this is all in there...rising seabeds everywhere, not just in the GOM..add volcanoes, floods, like in China...and the US/Mexico...dams will break, sink holes, one that takes out a several thousand ton building made of granite/marble and eventually ruins the whole city it's in, rolling earthquakes that take a day and a half to finish with disruptions to roadways, bridges, subways...which causes accidents, along with the death cloud from the Gulf and from Israel attacking Iran.....they say there are going to be oil wells erupting all over...even sealed off oil wells, ones no longer producing(think ND and the lake that's been ruined)..and that in turn is going to affect our drinking water world wide and that due to waste products that have been stored being washed up it will also affect our water supplies..They say that July 11th is going to be a release date for tensions that have been of many release dates between now and Nov. 8th/ there you go...I swear they have been hitting it right on the I will surely be happy to see the 11th come and gone... -Ancient Astronaut 11:14 PM X FILES Transcripts - Sounds like what you guys are talking about. Sample: Doggett: "Black oil. Five years ago, you and Agent Scully investigated a case of a World War Two plane salvaged from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, where a substance was brought to the surface. Which you described as a highly contagious virus of extra-terrestrial origin, that has radioactive properties and can take over a man's body. And it's part of an alien conspiracy to colonise the planet, if I'm not mistaken." [link to] [link to] -Karu 11:14 PM Coastguard : "Most Texas Tarballs NOT from BP oil Spill" [link to] -AC US 12:48 AM 7/10/2010 Corexit theory: [link to] -Glasspearls 1:10 AM Here's another very scary thread where the OP called at least two major events before they

happened. I read all 28 pages and it's well worth your read, but if you want to jump in quick, here's a link to page 23 where Kachina had put together a summary/resume of that OP's page 1-23 comments [link to] -AC S 1:13 AM (...) the possiblity to induce plate movement to raise portions of this city (base) to have better access to the artifacts. Or maybe its ontop of something very important. Ever since there was topography maps available online, I have been on an endless quest to seek Atlantis, and Many times I was sure it could have been in three places. Off the coast of Africa, Bimini, or the Gulf of Mexico. (longer post pag 230) Examples Africa: [link to] Bimini: [link to] The GOM : [link to] -posted about a month ago, that Russ-ians sold-iers were renting condos in block sizes all over Miam(i) under guise as tourist. (pag 231) -"Retired geophysicist Jack Reed studied the gulf for 40 years and concluded the key to the New Madrid fault lies there. The end of the Madrid is South Carolina and this is the place where Cayce predicts land will first go under the ocean in America." -Wasn't it one of the Carolina's where the Navy moved a significant amount assets out of, and moved them to Costa Rica? You know, to fight the drug war and all.

-IT IS ALL IN THE NAME(S) guys !!!! I while ago I said corexit = core - exit > something that exits out of the core ... and that exposion to it would activate diseases or malfuntioning from within the human body ... Red blood cells are our verry CORE, and ruptures cauzes EXITS of fluids ... -They want our "cores" to exit. Like the ebola virus. Bleed out from the inside. BP workers are bleeding from the rectums and I saw something earlier about BP workers bleeding from their ears. -My simple mind read Corexit as "Corrects It" -metaphoric = corrects it (ambiguous), literal = core exit (precise) -krispy 4:56 AM (a respons to CME's getting worse and possibly directed to earth) The thing I know of CME's is that it depends on how strong they are, some of them can reach us in less then half an hour and others will take a couple of days before arrival. A FAST blast directly towards Earth would cauze serious damage to powergrids and communicationsystems. A SLOW blast would do not much harm. Earth and sun are turning, so a slow blast (CME) will reach earth sooner or later anyway in a lot of occasions. Then there is the "TUBE" that is connecting Earth and Sun. It is a certain spot-lokation -19.5 spot- on the sun that is an exchange point for giving or recieving energy. The flux transfer event. It depends on the magnetic cycles of the sun and earth wheteher the exchanged energy will be positive loaded or negative. In this way the sun or the earth can exchange overloads on energy. WHEN a CME happens just on the EXCHANGESPOT that is not good ! Then the earth will recieve massive energy without that the CME has to be directly directed in earths pathway/trajectory.... practically a plasma flow with electical currents of trillion watts ... (longer post) -AC South-Africa 5:02 AM "Russian-owned submersibles would be able to cap the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the captain of one of the vessels has said." [link to] This article also reports of the exploration of gas hydrates, in Lake Baikal, a possible alternative fuel source of the future.

-krispy 9:22 AM RESUM of all relevant postings , PART 5 , of Pag 151-174 [link to] (last post pag 231) -Childoflight 9:27 AM OMG in the middle of the night I got up to watch the BP feeds....When I looked closer the right half was not moving!I looked closer still ... some sort of black construction camouflaged to look like gushing oil!!! BETWEEN THE TWO I saw a long type of VIAL containing that greenish glowing goo that we saw on a clip the other day.. RIGHT in the middle ...The gusher had been parted by a super high strength fan... seen BP do this before when they are looking at equipment that is being obscured by the gusher! he'll of a strong the oil like Moses parted the Red Sea!!! .. something strange is in the center of the gusher and I will bet it is being released along with it into the atmostphere! OP said to 'watch for the glow' a long time before the 'glowing objects/beams/WTF is it?' showed up on the BP cams. He also said the 'glow' would be seen 'below'. -krispy 9:56 AM RESUM Part 6, of Pag 151-174 [link to] (pag 232) -Mimi 10:41 AM Am I correct in saying the vapor goes all the way up to New England? Am I correct in believing I am then breathing GOM stuff? the water vapor site: [link to] -ac us 10:45 am It is important for people to understand that the witches brew in the Gulf could very well be a sinister potion designed to infect specific targeted populations with an unknown bio-warfare agent. (VERY LONG IMPORTANT POST, includes : Corexit Background, Effects of a Hurricane on Corexit-oil droplets, The Bio-warfare Connection, Practicalities of a Bio-warfare Attack) (pag 232) -VID "connecting dots ofdoom" [link to] > That line he drew to Miama goes DIRECTLY OVER THE THUNDERHORSE AND HORIZON rigs.... the Horizon explosion happened on April 20... and Columbine too. -krispy 11:37 AM A respons to a posting about the SAA (South Atlantic Anomaly) which is differend then the sun-fluxevent. Also talking about the BP-logo in possible connection with the flux event and the SAA, and the link to my own thread. -Snowgoosebob 11:41 AM why the U.S. Air Force was still spraying when the EPA was telling BP to stop??? VID [link to] -RenegadeSon 1:58 PM It seems that they have admitted to 'two' pipes... or, the well casing itself, slammed up into the BOP... bottom line, no well casing.. no relief well success. Watch the video . Here is the pic I posted, on this thread, of the two pipes. Image: [link to] Thread : [link to] (pag 233) -AC US 2:53 PM Just in case no one on this thread saw the 'green stuff' the night it was going on... What it was, was a (sp?) flourescent additive. It lit the entire BOP up from floor to top, and the were scanning with a special lighting... it was rather like the old Black light stuff from the hippie days in your bedroom. It clearly showed where the weak spots and leaks were on the entire system. My husband confirmed this for me... The neon readouts were an entirely different thing. (He works in this field) :) -dhlos 3:40 PM corexit ingredients list , and guess what? ... its all very poisonous to aquatic life as well.... [link to] [link to]

-krispy 3:42 PM reaction-post to bevvy's quote: "we resonate with crystals so much because they in a sense are our ancestors, evolution wise..." You are right that there is something about crystals woven in this whole event. Op said : ... the splash zone are positioning itself. floating crystals. What do we know about magnetic crystals ? Or how can crystals become magnetic towards other crystals ? OP splash zones have acquired intelligence in forming, they are NOT random Is this due to a morphogenetic field? I just remembered that. Lets use google ;) [link to] , [link to] (also this is called "hyper-communication") OP Russians know far more then us.. [link to] (LONG POST) -dhlos 3:52 PM more information about the ingredients of Corexit -Thread: Corexit repost [link to] -OP 5:01 PM 7/10/2010 Three new identifier signatures on DED in the past 12 hours. I have no idea what type of vessels they are. there is the Blindman, the deafMan and the crippler. (pag 233) -dhlos brainstorming on code: BM in OP's post: Ballistic Missile - Battle Management - [link to] [link to] -krispy brainstorm : code : Blindman, the deafMan > The deaf can see, so he knows when the dude is dead or alive. The problem is to communicate to the blind dude >> Are some ships having communication and visability problems, Is there a vessel "crippled" ??? - or is it a Nuke-tipped BM sub (pag 234) -TexTamale Ships carrying BM's are cripplers. -Whitebeard 6:49 PM I cant help but wonder if the shaft has been opened to the bottomless abyss (Revelation 9) resulting in a plague of locusts (biological organisms?) which inflict terror on the people. St. John might describe bacterial organisms as locusts, something known to him. He describes the smoke like that oil which we see venting. He speaks of the sun and air being darkened by the smoke, too. Here a snip of a few verses from Revelation for your convenience (see post) -Rome Buring : The Saudi King has canceled his trip to France. Coincidence? -Childoflight 8:52 PM posting about the sunken huge crystal of Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle : "...when the sun is just right the crystal heats the methane hydrate and releases HUGE amounts of METHANE cAusing the immediate sinking of any ship or aircraft unlucky enough to be in the area!If Atlantis is rising you can bet this crystal is rising with it ... " -Pag 235 : postings about crystals (Atlantis-Bible-Cayce), and about new cropcircle which looks like a composition of redcrosses [link to] -bevvy 1:53 AM Covalent Attachment Of Gold Nanoparticles To DNA [link to] -SR37 3:46 AM GREY GOO!! [link to] VID: Oil-eating supper bacteria [link to] (pag 236) -OP 4:39 AM 7/11/2010 THE BLINDMAN ******* -OP 6:11 AM PP confirms organism *****

-Awake2survive 6:27 AM "I see said the blind man to his deaf wife, As his crippled son ran up the stairs." Two dead boys (Many different versions) one fine day in the middle of the night two dead men got up to fight back to back they faced each other drew their swords and shot each other the blind man saw the deaf man heard the crippled man ran for help "One fine day in the middle of the night, A fire broke out in the ocean, A deaf man heard it, A blind man saw it." "A man with no legs ran for the fire engine, The fire engine was drawn by four dead donkeys, Sitting at a square round table, Eating vinegar with a fork." "One fine day in the middle of the night A bucket of water caught alight. A blind man saw it A deaf man heard it And the dumb man shouted for the fire brigade. The fire engine came pulled by 2 dead horses Ran over a dead cat and half killed it." "One fine day in the middle of the night, The ocean caught alight, The blind man saw it, The deaf man heard it, And the man with no legs ran after the fire engine. The engine arrived drawn by six dead horses, Ran over the dead dog, And half killed it." "One bright day in the middle of the night, The Pacific Ocean caught alight. The blind man saw it, The deaf man heard it, The dumb man called the fire brigade." These lines were followed by the following concepts, but in an order that Galen could not exactly remember:

"The fire brigade arrived ten minutes before the fire started, On the way they ran over a dead cat and half killed it, And put out the fire with petrol." [gasoline/oil] -brianstorming about code ML in OPs post. Also about Melamine and Melanin. (several posts, see pag 236 and Krispy explains the dangers of melatonin and relevance with cytikine-storms on pag 237) -Whitebeard 9:28 AM My ponderings : (...) IF the biological organism is a sort of unstoppable plague, and IF it has already infected many coastal residents, then mass evacuations would vector the disease across the whole nation. IF this is a valid conjecture, a quarantine of the coastal residents would be more appropriate. Then, one might speculate that USNORTHCOM troops would be used to lock the gate, and that no more freight would cross their line into or out of there. Not a good prognosis for the captives. -AC us 10:01 AM BP may have triggered a 'world-killing' event. [link to] "251 million years ago a mammoth undersea methane bubble caused massive explosions, poisoned the atmosphere and destroyed more than 96 percent of all life on Earth." -krispy 10:58 AM Cropcircle [link to] And it has a message : 3 points are longated !!! they have evolved outside the known field (circle)... Is this the sign that this "organism" has evolved (beyond our known field?) and that this will cauze us to transform too (elongate DNA? It seems to resemble a crystaline structure (lines in the pyramids) of an octahedron or a star thetrahedron (merkabah). [link to] (pag 238) -krispy 11:50 AM look now last row middle cam : all golden??? bubbles ... or what is that ???? I enlarged and took a screenshot, what was on the camscreen was : Canyon offshore V-01 HELIX BP MC 252 They are particles of something! They look yellow-orange-gold and they seem to be heavier then gass .. they do not rise to the surface but seem to float on the curent stream. Image/screenshot : [link to] -SR37 11:55 AM In reading OP's post : it isn't the pigmentation, it's the hemoglobin. African races have a variant in their DNA that is a genetic impairment to Malaria, but also is dangerous if mixed with other specific blood types. It is what causes Sickle Cell Anemia and other blood issues, such as an inability to get an accurate A1C reading in diabetes testing. Sickle Cell Anemia causes the red blood cells to be shaped like a 'sickle' and also is too firm and stiff to be flexible as needed. Also, people (African and some Cicilian descendants) with Sickle Cell disorder can have disruption with magnetization. They just recently discovered a way to seperate cells using magnetics and it seems that the sickled cell is more effected by it. In addition, the red blood cells are what carry oxygen throughout the body and there is pronounced difficulty with these. Again, I don't think it's pigmentation that's an issue, it's hemoglobin genes that is seperate for one race of people. And in America, there are many biracial people, even those who look white. (...) This is why every baby, even those of 'white' parents are tested for Sickle Cell Anemia. DNA doesn't care what gene you got for pigmentation or hair color, it's the genetic marker for your hemoglobin that matters in this case. [link to] , [link to] -AC US 12:19 PM Didn't OP tell us to watch the 33 line? Charleston SC in on the 33rd, and so is Atlanta GA. That's for perimeter. The coup part is easy = secede. -SR37 12:29 PM article about melanin coated nanoparticles to help fight cancer. (longer post) [link to]

-React-postings about : Electronic devices like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. (pag 239) -AC US 1:08 PM @SR37, an August 2001 crop circle in England got a lot of attention with a digital graph of the Arecibo message. [link to] (...) "However the atomic numbers indicating the prevalent elements making up life on Earth, has an additional value inserted into the binary sequence. This is precisely added in the correct location, and in the original binary code (therefore it can't be a mistake). Decoding from the crop formation, this additional element has an atomic number of 14 = Silicon. ... There is also some indication of a change in the basic DNA structure of ET. The additional (third) strand shown on the left and also a change in the number of nucleotides indicates a different DNA to ours. It seems quite similar to ours, so perhaps it's a genetic alteration or even a mutation of ours?" (longer post) -AC US 2:42 PM Melanin and Bio/Nanotechnology (longer post) [link to] -The goals of TPTB ? The Anglo-Saxon Mission: [link to] -AC US 8:43 PM I continue to believe that A Whale will be sunk, or left in place, and deserted. It will have all the electronics on board to do the deed from a remote position. I don't think we will see A Whale leave the Gulf. -AC US 10:54 PM Here's a link to various online shortwave radio links and other ARR stuff. [link to] -roadblocks post: National Guard is putting up roadblocks in Louisiana. > FB chat says roadblocks are out toward Grand Isle and there can be heavy flooding there. > When we have heavy flooding, our local roads department and law enforcement put up road blocks, not the National Guard. > There is no rain on the radar for the entire state of Louisiana. WTF??? > Yep, that's what I just heard on Intel Hub. Someone posted the link to their live show where they were talking about it. They said that, too....NO STORMS!?!?!? Does make ya wonder. > -krispy 7:15 AM (pag 242) Maybe we should look at the letters in capital that should not be capital, AND to the letters that SHOULD BE capital which are not ;) "Three new identifier signatures on DED in the past 12 hours. I have no idea what type of vessels they are. there is the Blindman, the deafMan and the crippler." That gives us a T (from there), a B (from Blindman), and a M (from deafMan) TBM > [link to] - Tactical Ballistic Missile - Theater Ballistic Missile - Theater Battle Management ... Wiki ballistic missile : [link to] A posting on pag220 (AC Greece) that lines up with the ballistic and missile ... It was to explain the midNight in one of OP's postings > reference the nuclear clock, midnight means ballistic nuclear missile launch, 1 minute to midnight means birds are hot waiting for launch authorization (on pag 244 : Karu Don't you mean BDC? Blindman Deaf man Crippler ? [link to] -postings and confiusion about melamine, melanin and melatonin. (pag 242 and 243) -Renegadeson 11:13 AM According to BP they are going to choke the well with this new piece of equipment. Watch the 7 min video explaining the current procedure. [link to] -krispy 12:06 PM resum relevant postings, Part 8 , of pag 200-225 [link to]

-Article on new cap if it can whitstand the presure [link to] -OP 1:07 PM 7/12/2010 (Quoted the pom of "I see said the blind man to his deaf wife, As his crippled son ran up the stairs." Two dead boys posted by Awake2survive) You are very awake awake2survive,****** (pag 244 last post) -dsoul 1:59 PM Fidel Castro set to warn of nuclear war. [link to] ( long post) Snippers : "The empire is at the point of committing a terrible error that nobody can stop. It advances inexorably toward a sinister fate," he wrote on July 5. 'Unspeakable crimes' The "empire" is how Castro usually refers to the United States, his bitter foe from the time he took power in Cuba in a 1959 revolution. In a column published on Sunday night, Castro said the "principal purpose" of his writings has been to "warn international public opinion of what was occurring." -More from Castro : [link to] -Brainstorming on the poem. -pag 246 many speak of frustrations about OP and the riddles in the postings, they want clarity. -AC US 7:39 PM Synopisis :There is enough here that rings true for me, even though it is surrounded by confusion and almost too much speculation/information. (...) There is also something very important about the prehistoric organism being released and the Toxicology Doctor's comments about how people are being sickened (and red blood cells destroyed) by not only the Corexit and oil combination, but something more - along with the revelation that melanin levels and blood anomalies may make the difference between illness and health. Then there are the strong indications that the nuclear option will be used by August 19 as the only way to seal off whatever is flowing up with the methane and oil - along with OP's suggestion that the Navy would not permit it to happen (coup)...supported by the removal of the Navy fleet to Costa Rica. Then we have the suggestions that the whole gulf floor is lifting, as well as other parts of the earth's crust, which suggests that any measures of containment would be temporary. And what does that have to do with splash zones? Are these methane columns that down/drown ships and planes? And what is the "rim" and the tubes extending from it? -krispy 7:55 PM (pag 247) got an e-mail : President with extremely long line of entourage just left town. -RenegadeSon: Yes, he is scheduled to go to Mt Desert Island on the 16th. Where he is off to before that a good question -This email is on the internet [link to] -Looking here, the prez doesn't have anything scheduled for this evening, so this isn't a comforting bit of info! (gave this link, and there was no sceduling, but now the info is not there anymore and you will see the recent agenda : [link to] ) -krispy 9:18 PM (pag 249) quote: " ...check out cam looking "glowing pipe" with oil spewing." I made a screenshot of the FLUOR-PIPE [link to] Strange looking round stone, yesterday it was not like this !!! (yesterday it looked more like natural rock which was crumbled and like you see in a cave ... and also a pipe going in. The ROV was looking at details then so I know 100000% sure this is not the same one!!! This looks like temple-stones pieces making a circle, yesterday was plain rock looking. [link to] -BU Engineering Professor found dead in lab. Nanotech one area of interest. [link to] Franco Cerrina [link to]

Resum relevant postings, Part 10 , of pag 250-274

-Snowgoosebob 10:14 PM 7/12/2010 Two A Whale video's released and posted on the Coast Guard website. A GLP member might see something or pickout something on the ship that doesn't look right and etc 1. Oil Chaser and A Whale (July 7th ) [link to] , 2. A Whale Trials (July 4th) [link to] -The ship POPE BENEDICTUS XVI seems to be important, many vessels around it... and the other vessel which is complete in center is Damon B. Bankston > this vessel was the first who saw first signs of catastroph on april 20th ... -OP 3:31 AM 7/13/2010 Good day, my girlfriend ******** (pag 251) -OP 4:51 AM I Do read what you ask ******** -Nexuseditor 5:20 AM Makes me wonder whether the 300/301 thing is linked to the sun and/or magnetic field events? Its well known that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening. Some say, at an exponential rate. Maybe being underwater grants some form of 'protection' or shielding? The Earth's magnetic poles are known to 'wander'. Something not well known, is that when atomic bombs are exploded, the Earth's magnetic poles shift abruptly. This was a cause of major concern to scientists of many nations back in the days of a-bomb tests. (...) -label on camera 2 : 301 hpa b53 00087f bop (BP moved camera as soon as this was posted...) -A must READ !!!! : 'Why BP is Readying a 'Super Weapon' to Avert Escalating Gulf Nightmare' : While the plan would admittedly only be executed if a worst case scenario seemed imminent, some geo-chemists have expressed concerns that detonating a nuke in the Gulf might ignite the methane. (...) Sea floor compromised (..) The OMAGA plan, (...) The EPFCGa Star Wars super weapon,(...) Meanwhile the preparations for the test continue in Canada. [link to] (pag 252) ---OP's post on July 4... 3 days before this plan released.. FULL OMEGA level naval ALERT !!!! ---Scientific Collaborations Between Los Alamos and Arzamas-16 Using Explosive-Driven Flux Compression Generators - PDF [link to] ---An Introduction to Explosive Magnetic Flux Compression Generators - PDF [Stamped; DO NOT CIRCULATE] [link to] ---Magnetized Target Fusion - An Ultra High Energy Approach in an Unexplored Parameter Space [link to] (Note from krispy: LOTS OF ILLUSTRATIONS on HOW IT MIGHT LOOK !!! I think we have seen kindalike things on cam several times ! ...) ---the technology of a new torpedo : 'SHKVAL a super cavitation torpedo' : [link to] -This looks somehow familiar of things seen before... [link to] "As for the mass flux of tritium through the main stem of the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico, data indicated that approximately 780 grams of tritium has flowed out of the River and into the Gulf between 1961 and 1997. And current fluxes through the Mississippi River are about 1 to 2 grams per year as opposed to the pre-bomb period fluxes of roughly 0.4 grams per year. " -Nexuseditor 8:13 AM Even though most of you may have heard snippets of what Castro has been saying about WWIII, I think his full article warrants reading. Note he is basically saying WWIII is about to happen, and that the Cuban people should be emotionaly prepared, and basically go back to work (keep infrastructure intact). Basically he is saying, 'get ready to batten down the hatches'. Also note that the day he wrote it is June 27, which is about the time when all the damaged subs and shooting missiles was happening. Coincidence? 'Reflections by comrade Fidel - KNOWING THE

TRUTH TIMELY' : [link to] (long post) -AC South Africa 11:48 AM Quoting OP: "... Russia China the US and us (French) have all four launched new submarines or new weapons technology for submarines, in just the past three months after the 19th april incident.(please research this and you will verify what i said)... ". The OP is correct about the submarines. 1) Le Terrible Qualifies for Operational Launch of M51 Missile [link to] 06:44 GMT, July 13, 2010 PARIS | French Defence Minister Herv Morin expressed his satisfaction after todays successful launch of an M51 strategic missile by the nuclear-powered missile submarine Le Terrible. As is always the case for such trials, the missile was not fitted with a nuclear warhead. This test validates the submarines capacity to launch a nuclear strategic missile in operational conditions. It was carried out strictly respecting Frances international commitments. 2) The Submarine Force announced it has achieved another first with all four guided-missile submarines (SSGN) deployed for the first time simultaneously June 10. [link to] 3) 6/16/2010 ALERT : RUSSIA HAS LAUNCHED ITS MOST MODERN ATTACK SUBMARINE [link to] 4) I'm still researching on China subs. (pag 254) -AC US 12:01 PM Mt Weather, primed for martial law, "Doomsday Hideaway", were War Games are played, ... (Verrry interesting read!) [link to] -AC US 1:50 PM 7/13/2010 (pag 256) it seems to me there are two issues: 1. the organism/microbe unleashed from the depths, along with a fracturing sea floor in the GOM - which, according to the OP, Russia has helped us contain up to 80%, but a n/u/k/e is required to finish the job (which, if we don't do it, the French/Euros or russians will). 2. there is a war already underway in the world, being waged at the submarine level. Whether or not this war goes nuclear is yet to be determined. -6 String Woodie 2:41 PM (pag 257) The relationship of the two gulfs, the gulf of aden. Is a stargate. [link to] , [link to] , PSI Guy said watch that area. The Gulf of Aden is where WWIII is to set stage. Others commented as to belief that there is a stargate in GOM. A lot showed various data to suggest support of that claim. I can-not find those threads. -6 String Woodie 3:23 PM According to an article entitled "California Floats On Ocean?" in the Fall 1985 edition of Search magazine, a high-ranking but unnamed Naval officer told of the discovery of a huge network of tunnels under portions of the west coast of the U.S. He said that U.S. nuclear submarines had explored some of these tunnels, which are accessible just off the continental shelf, and had followed them inland for several hundred miles. Here are more highlights of this incredible claim: What is being passed off as the San Andreas Fault are actually large, unsupported chambers that are in the process of collapsing. A well-known U.S. Nuclear submarine lost its way in one of the passages and was never heard from again. (Two U.S. nuclear submarines have disappeared under mysterious circumstances - the U.S.S. Thresher and the U.S.S. Scorpion.) -OP 3:59 PM Mistral just ******* (pag 257) -OP 4:20 PM the second unknown ******* -OP 4:43 PM Mistral just ****** -OP 4:59 PM FUCK!! -OP 5:00 PM this is now very complicated. ******* -Panic on the thread about OP's last posts and the F-word ...

-OP 5:32 PM Ok, the second ****** (pag 260) -AC US 6:28 PM CNN reporting ships have been cleared out of area for acoustic testing of new cap. -(pag 263) Post from Watcher -posted by krispy 6:32 PM- [link to] Images how the DWH may be sabotaged. Lateron (pag 266) Watcher sended a follow-up mail that he thought it was busted according to his opinion, references he used for photo's [link to] -AC UK 7:17 PM Heard a story at work today that a " Chinese submarine " was spotted in the GOM !!!!!!....and the weird thing is, it was called ....... wait for it ........ HMS Poseidon !!!!!!!! (pag 264) ---HMS POSEIDEN : "The secret salvaging of the submarine in 1971 by China's then newly formed underwater recovery units was discovered by a reference to it in a 2005 issue of a Chinese magazine titled "Modern Ships". [link to] China admits secretly salvaging British submarine HMS Poseidon [link to] The Poseiden is a chinese vessel. -krispy 7:44 PM Suddenly posters saw a real-time sonar-image on the BP-cams, here the Screenshot : [link to] -Housedad 8:10 PM This whole A WHALE thing just smells fishy. First, Look at the so called skimming vents on the side of the thing. They don't look like they could skim much. The amount it could skim would be small realatively to it's size, and the vents as small as they are, would have to be right on the water line to be useful. And they are positioned in a nearly useless place. With the boat moving up and down in the waves, and the boat changing drafts with different cargo levels, It just don't sound right. Add in the lousy travel track of the boat, and it is all screwed up. I wonder if it really is a sub hunter with a really big sonar or magnemometer. I mean really big. Look at the pic: [link to] -10:34 PM (pag 265) The brief rundown of the thread from Nexuseditor : Started around June 25. The OP starts this thread, says his girlfriend works at French embassy, and has DED Channel links. OP basically has been telling us juicy DED channel chatter, which was also quite shocking and surprising to him. Summary, from memory: - all this in the Gulf of Mexico French nuclear submarine, The Emeraude, reports being attacked by two helicopters (American we presumed). Sailors all bleeding from ears. Sub surfaces, and a couple of US-flag flying vessels pull up and demand to board French sub. French sub captain says no, and indicates that the ships are flying US flags, but have their names and numbers blacked out. ie unidentified. Turns out, the French sub had picked up some sensitive cargo, which the Americans wanted to remove from their sub. Stuff happens, 2 German subs surface nearby and a confrontation seems to be avoided. French special forces sub arrives (GCP) and Emeraude is told to hand over cargo to them. Other stuff is happening around this time. Some sort of important rendezvous. As various subs head to the point, the Israeli sub changes course, goes to rendezvous point, surfaces, opens missile hatches, fires two missiles at 4 incoming low flying aircraft. Hits two and destroys. They track the debris. Focus then shifts to the cargo. It is some sort of alive organism which is freaking everyone out. They switch to more secure comm channels (refered to as Vector Channels) so we dont know what was said there. More discussion about the organism, being alive, being dangerous, etc. The French seem to think the organism and the oil slicks are connected. Intelligent oil? A few days later, the OP reveals the French subs are expecting a US military coup to occur, IF martial law is introduced for an evacuation of the gulf states. The French were actually asking what they should do if the coup occurs. They report that the US Navy would be the coup instigator, and they weren't sure where the airforce stood. Lots of other titbits and interesting stuff buried in the OP's threads. Some on this thread have been looking for codes in his posts - I'm not sure there have been any found though. Bottom line - still happening - lotsa stuff worrying lots of people.

My own intel sources confirm some of the above, surprisingly they confirm the organism cargo concept. Seems like the organism if in small 'globs' can combine with other 'globs' and make itself bigger. Can the organism take over and kill mammals and humans though? My own sources indicate the organism is prized by biowarfare scientists, and has been known to the Russians and Americans for some time already. -Earh Cries 10:57 PM Key BP Oil Well Test Delayed - US Official [link to] GLP thread : [link to] -Housedad 12:43 PM The Amalthea Ship that was running to Gaza.... It Transponder dropped off the maps a bit ago. At the same time, several vessels around it and and some docked in a port, and some at anchor dropped transponder signals. No way a coincidence. The IDF has bee shadowing the vessel. I believ that the US navy task force and or the IDF has hit the jamming on them. The Amalthea is about 47 KM off the Egyptian coast. It is ostensibly having engine trouble but is still traveling at about 1.4 NM per hour when last seen on the map. ---3:22 AM 07/14/2010 I was right. They are being jammed > Washington post: "First and foremost, we want to arrive to Gaza. If this is impossible, we don't want to subject anyone to danger," Youssef Sawani, an official with the Gadhafi International Charity and Development Foundation who was in contact with the boat, told the pan-Arab Al-Jazeera television station. Sawani said communications with the boat had been jammed. " [link to] ---Folks, when you get up in the morning, Think of this: Last night we may have come within a minute or less to Midnight. The difference was just a simple decision by the Captain of that vessel to turn to Egypt. -Muggl3z 1:28 PM 'Gulf Oil Still Gushing After Cap Efforts And Relief Well Drilling Suddenly Halted' NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- BP froze activity on two key projects Wednesday meant to choke off the flow of oil billowing from its broken well in the Gulf of Mexico after days of moving confidently toward controlling the crisis. [link to] , One can only wonder if Richard C. Hoagland was right about that enormous methane bubble! VID : [link to] (pag 268) -1:58 PM (almost down the pag) summary and add of important snipbits from OP's information -AC US 2:16 PM (pag 296) 'Surge Seen in Number of Spill-Eating Microbes' WASHINGTON _ The number of naturally occurring microbes that eat methane grew surprisingly fast inside a plume spreading from BP's ruptured oil well, an oceanographer who was one of the first to detect the plumes said Tuesday. [link to] (longer post) ---2:42 PM krispy's reaction and add to this article ---4:01 AC US additional commentary -Renegadeson 2:59 PM Scenario from another thread that makes sense; - The Nuclear Option is Ready Possible Imminent Nuclear Detonation in the Gulf of Mexico [link to] I'll just spell it out as best as I can. I - Each relief well is now at the proper distance for nuclear devices to be effective at sealing the blown out well. II - The ground has been mapped for calculating bomb size needed III - A cap has been placed that can be shut just as the bombs are detonated to prevent radioactive leaks. IV - The Methane Distraction Psy-Ops is complete. Their fall back story is ready. V - Military hardware and ships are relocated by Cuba VI - National Guard and Other US Forces are now deployed at a safe distance from the coast. Supplies are complete including food. VII - People asked, "Why?" this new cap is used now and not months earlier? Now the cap makes sense! It becomes clear now... -Housedad 4:17 PM 7/14/2010 ( pag 270) (BP super-weapon : [link to] )

Successful Test of Nuclear EPFCG (to stop the oil gusher) [link to] ---According to sources at the test site, there would be two near simultaneous explosions from the device. The first detonation would be an induced Plasma event made by an ectromagnetic pulse than would generate enough heat to melt the rock and metal, followd by a percussion wave that would briefly neutralize the huge pressure in the well. In a few microseconds thousands and cubic meters of bed rock and metal would be instantly fused together sealing the oil well. --- EQ's : 3.8 and 4.2 registered [link to] Report said Ft McPherson is 80 KM from the test site. Map on link shows that. Located the epicenter of the quake, and located Fort McPherson. They are 47.5 Miles apart, or 76.4 KM. There's nothing on the USGS site. ---Thread : Not a single aftershock EQ canada [link to] --- (pag 271) "Preliminary reports suggest that the device was detonated 500 meters underground at a location deep in the Canadian Arctic. Stage 1 of the test occurred at CFB Suffield where a non-nuclear EPFCG was detonated in a operational oil well. Stage 2 was the testing of the nuclear percussion weapon in the high Canadian Arctic." ---Karu : "Some sort of soft metal would also have to be pumped into the well before the EPFCG device could be detonated". What kind of metal could it have been? Nano metal? > ---Housedad: My earlier post on Pag 253 > cute. A organism that can coat itself with gold and possibly plutonium or uranium. Makes a nice open lattice of material. There really is no other way to create a fluffy lattice than that. Would be really great if the organism can live in a high deuterium environment like heavy water. Surround that with a Berillium shell, put a few shaped fission bombs around the outside and voila', a really nasty that would create a hell of a magnetic pulse. Nasty nasty ---Housedad 5:46 PM Crap, I just realized. They only have a few inches in the pipe to work with. Not enough room for a standard device. Fusion bomb to make a pulse. to make it work, they need a foam outside to make a plasma magneto pulse with the gold. Not easy. The microbes provide that. Shove some microbe/gold fluff down the pipe, Insert a small berillium shell encasing some deuterium(no shielding as it needs to fit the pipe.)attached to a Fissile x ray trigger, and you have a Great little magnetic pulse bomb sitting in the pipe. Now THAT would fit in a 8 to 12 inch pipe!! What happens if someone pulles that device out of the hole? What would it look like? The device itself would be about 80% of what they get out. The other 10-20% of what they pull out would be gold slush would be stuck to it too... Radioactive due to no shielding Bada Bing -AC Venuzuela 6:00 PM I can assure you that venezuelan air force planes would have a very hard time trying to reach the GOM. Venezuela's airforce has gone to shit (like everything else Hugo Chavez touches). It consists of a few decrepit F16 and some recently acquired second hand Russian shit: sukhoi fighters and helicopters (2 of witch have already crashed.) ---AC US 6:28 PM Thank you very much Venezuela for your post. The four planes being from your country makes no sense at all. Mix that with the "Her Majesty's" scuttled sub that China is supposed to have rescued and retrofitted and what do we have? We have an attempt to pull in unassociated countries to the GOM incident. -AC Australia 6:33 PM (pag 272) Evacuation of the Gulf area has begun. Removal trucks are not obtainable. Don't expect this to be broadcast by CNN. This video was taken down by Youtube immediately and dug out by a friend of mine from deep within videos posted. [link to] -Nexuseditor 7:05 PM US Govt has just announced it is giving BP the 'go ahead' to resume its integrity testing of the relief wells. They will increase the pressure and stop every 6 hours to check and test. This will occur for 48 hours. Yesterday, the US Govt announced a halt to the planned tests, while they went into some sort of huddle for 24 hours. If anything 'big' is gonna happen, I'd say it will be over the next 24-48 hours. -White Widow 7:20 PM 'Protest to Netherlands over three illegal flights into Venezuelan air space' [link to] -snip- VHeadline News Editor Patrick J. O'Donoghue reports: "The Venezuelan government has launched a protest to the Dutch government for three illegal flights into Venezuelan air space. A Foreign Ministry

communique stated that a Dutch military plane had invaded Venezuela air space three times between July 4 and July 7. Venezuelan radar systems, the communique continued, spotted the flights, even though the aircraft in question tried to use stealth technology to hide its position and identity." (longer post) ... Might not be connected to DWH issue, but still good to know. A lot of military action is going on. ---AC US 7:44 PM I can believe that OP's planes over the GOM belonged to the Dutch poser queen's navy or airforce. That makes a lot of sense. ---krispy 6:29 AM (pag 273) This above reminded my to the story from 9/11 Pentagon hit by a "plane" ... Several withnesses saw a big jet flying over some claimed even they saw people waving out of the planewindows (I dont believe that). Investigations let to the conclusion that their could NOT have been such a big plane coz then the people in the cars on the road would have been blown away, and the trees and roadlights. Also on the feed from that security camera (parkinglot) it looked more like a big missile or a very small plane that unrecognisable rushed by. Lateron pieces of wreck were found that proved that it was painted over "to look like a bigger civilian plane" ... People thought that it was a big plane coz the colors and the logo were that of a big plane, but it was a small plane or missile ! TRICKS ! Psycological DECEPTION ! So : they can make whatever look like whatever they want ! If F-16's look like Venuzuelans, that does not have to mean they were indeed venuzuelans , or Dutch, or .... !!! ---Childoflight 7:14 AM Old news but interesting considering the players........ 'US Roadblocks re: the Venezuela-Israel F-16 Upgrade: Politics or Protectionism?' (very long post, read on pag 273) -AC US 9:40 PM I don't think the Gulf Coast martial law will be 50 miles from the Coast, I think the entire Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard will have a 100-mile "Constitution Free Zone" under martial law. Perhaps also the borders and the West Coast. About 2-3 years ago, there was an announcement or publication stating something like a "Constitution Free Zone" in the US, maps were put up showing a wide border around the country of a 100-mile strip from the Mexico and Canadian borders and inland all along the East and West coasts. For a short period after that we had rumors or stories locally about people who had gotten arrested and jailed for minor driving charges, and other such nonsense. There were reports of not being able to get bailed out and some other curiosities. They may have been running practice drills. If was as if you are in a Coastal or Border state and within this "zone" you had no constitutional rights. -TexTamale 9:44 PM 'Are You Living in a Constitution Free Zone?' December 15, 2006 "Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the ACLU has determined that nearly 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. The government is assuming extraordinary powers to stop and search individuals within this zone. This is not just about the border: This " ConstitutionFree Zone" includes most of the nation's largest metropolitan areas." [link to] ---Karu 9:51 PM This is a pic of it : [link to] -Krispy 7:36 AM Fist thing I saw TIP... One of OP's codes was TIP III or TIP 3 !!!!!! (OP 5:00 PM this is now very complicated. i dont know how to post this. please give me a few minutes,i need to confirm that this is not a drill, i think my next two post's will be the last two post's on this thread if i can confirm this.) In the article from Childoflight about those F-16's , quote : "The Government of Venezuela has been under Trafficking In Persons (TIP) sanctions since October 1, 2004. As a consequence of that, there have not been any U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases entered into since the sanctions became effective. FMS cases entered into before the sanctions became effective are not affected and Venezuela has continued to received defense articles and services from such cases. Could it be this TIP? [link to] Those 3 I's stand for or the number 3 >>> FOUND IT : [link to] There are two "TIP3" on this site (red dots) the lands are CUBA and THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. -Whitebeard 9:54 AM Reflection : If France has the video evidence, as claimed by our OP, that INTEL is of incalculable value as long as it is kept secret because that permits France to use in diverse ways for its own benefit. Once that INTEL becomes public knowledge, its value is greatly diminished and its use quite limited. (...)Regarding future developments in the GOM, keep in mind that the motto of our new government is "By deceit we wage war." While the nation is focused on those video cams of some low pressure oil flow (set up by the movie guy, Cameron?), we should be watching the deceitist's other hand for the trick.

I'm curious about all the military buildup. >NATO recently ordered all US naval vessels to evacuate the Gulf >NATO ordered all NATO critical assets to move 100 miles from coast. >NATO sending 7,000 Canadian troops to Gulf coast >NATO ordered 46 US naval warships to Costa Rica, plus 7,000 Marines >Recent buildup of US navy around Curacao and Aruba >Haiti has had continuous buildup of US troops, to about 10,000(?) >USNORTHCOM has 6,000 troops around north Gulf coast >17,000 State Natl Guard troops authorized for use by faux pres in his June 16 speech >Military presence, activity, and roadblocks in Louisiana has residents nervous. My opinion is that the increasing military presence is not for evacuations (they didnt evacuate the Twin Towers did they?), rather to occupy the region AFTER some big event, perhaps a methane explosion, tsunami, nuclear aftermath, biohazard, plague control, quarantine, or ??? Ostensibly, military can help with effects of a catastrophe, caring for wounded and homeless, protecting the weak, keeping the peace, restoring utilities, etc. But, if we keep in mind the countless thousands of plastic coffins, the large order for body bags in Florida, and the statement of faux pres to world leaders at the G8 Summit, it doesnt appear that the program will be evacuations (read quarantine). fp told the world leaders, millions will be killed; perhaps tens of millions. Do you think he was just making small talk or that he might know a secret? ~Item: I heard a report that HAARP was cranking up yesterday. ~Item: The relief wells are completed, perhaps ready for loading the new thermal pulse nukes. -AC UK I found this on another forum : Reply by gresillaud on May 1, [link to] Snips: "The explosion above ocean ground of Louisiane couldn't be a military attack from a very far submarine." (...) "I was warned twice, by military french and CIA environnment, before the earthquake, that it will happen ..." (...) "Just see the seismic precise data of all the events ! The Deepwater Horizon explosion was not normal. It was very hard and unbelievied for BP and Halliburton workers." (...) "Atmospheric Haarp project are only mesure system not offensive. All in the ground... and also under rig !" (...) ... (read more in last post at [link to] ) ---Renegadeson 11:50 AM (pag 274) I did a search for 'Gresillaude'..he is all over the internet particularly involved in the explosion of the AZF Factory in Toulouse France in 2001. He has taken an interest in the deep water horizon incident, even mentioning French subs and secret military (French?) intelligence reports. Also talks about 'seismic' activity in the Gulf of Mexico. Curious. ---Renegadeson 12:02 PM These are snips from Gresillaud's posts. Anything look/sound familiar? (see posting for snips) -OP 12:49 PM 7/15/2010 OMEGA is now onboard Orca -Omega.. as in 'The Omega Plan' the EPFCG pulse weapon?, ... and postings about trakking the A Whale. Part 1 2 3 4 on pag 140 part 5 pag 231 part 6 pag 232 part 7 --part 8 pag 244 part 9 pag 278

resum relevant postings, Part 11 , of pag 275-299

-Housedad 1:21 PM 7/15/2010 The A Whale would make a very large floating worskshop to create or make, or hold almost anything and keep it from prying eyes. It can handle a lot of support equipment, personnel and material in that thing. I posted before that the A whale doesn't add up as a oil skimmer. Just all wrong. ---Renegade: A Whale has been sitting around since the end of the fourth holidays, with no timeline as to how long it's testing would take... -dsoul 1:26 PM the EPFCG "Explosively pumped flux compression generators are popular as power sources for electronic warfare devices known as transient electromagnetic devices that generate an electromagnetic pulse without the costs and side effects of a nuclear weapon. They also can be used to accelerate objects to extreme velocities, and compress objects to very high pressures and densities; this gives them a role as a physics research tool." [link to] [link to] ---Renegadeson 1:29 PM but according to this article, they used a small mini nuke as a trigger [link to] -Reneagdeson 1:18 PM what would this EPFCG device do if detonated at sea level? ---Housedad 1:34 PM If it was a small one, just damage like a normal nuke. Electronics would be disrupted over a area much larger than a nuke of that size though. If it was any decent size, It could create a pulse that reverbrates through/around the earth and destroy electronics and power generation over a extremely large area, say the size of a continent. Even larger, and I could see it taking out the unhardened electronics and power generation systems of half the planet. Especially if it goes off when there is a strong solar flare hitting the earth. That would flatten the field a small amount and increase the intensity over the area. -AC Netherlands 1:44 PM following movement of vessel Pope Benedict XVI on [link to] now you can see its movement today, strange, oke. see this [link to] and go to 'The symbol of the soul, also the Alchemist symbol for sulfur' ---AC US 2:06 PM (pag 276) Good find. Lest we forget, Alchemy is very, very important to the Illuminati. BTW, they are releasing Sulfur in the atmosphere. See Newsweek article around Dec. 09 or Jan 10 they admit it. -NASA into algae farming from "waste water" : The Omega System [link to] -Renegadeson 2:11 PM What if.. the 'Omega Plan' as it is called.. ( [link to] ) is designed to take out the 'Omega System'.. ref link above..?? We have discussed the algae connection here, and how it could replace a good portion of the oil industry for fuel.. Trying to connect some 'dots'.. -Krispy 3:30 PM posts with orca : * The Whale : a white elephant [link to] * Orca class [link to] * A LAB-ship US navy [link to] * The ORCA (Oceanographic Remotely Controlled Automaton) is a semi-autonomous air-breathing vessel that is used for oceanographic surveys. [link to] * -snip- yes sharkhunters and Orca but they are from WW2 and a german sub called Orca and lateron renamed :

"A multitude of U-Boat Skipper's, officers and crew are in the Membership of SHARKHUNTERS and contribute to the KTB with their personal memories of the Kriegsmarine and service in the U-Boats during WWII." * ORCA - navigation softwear : overview of the orca navy professional ecs software with support for additional military layer (aml) chart data. [link to] * The Royal Dutch Navy uses the nick name "Orca" for the GIPSY trainer, ORCA: [link to] GIPSY : [link to] * Orca (Germany), Submarines - Submarine and submersible designs "The Orca design is based on the German Navy Narwhal vehicle and is built of amagnetic non-corrosive steel similar to that used in the German Navy MCMVs.The vehicle is designed to carry out a broad range of covert missions and is able to operate autonomously in the littoral environment carrying out visual and sensor reconnaissance operations, intelligence gathering and anti-mine warfare tasks.The 'dry' vehicle allows divers to exit and enter through the top or bottom of the hull using a lock-in/lock-out chamber. Stealth is assured as no air bubbles are emitted and the water is not disturbed in any way.The Orca can be fitted with a five-step telescopic mast carrying above-water sensors such as colour video camera with pan and tilt functions, together with HF/VHF radio antenna and GPS antennas. A second video camera fitted in the bow is used for classification and observation. An obstacle avoidance sonar with a range of 200 m is also mounted in the bow. Up to five divers (including the pilot) can be carried to a range in excess of 150 n miles (depending on mission profile and equipment carried). The vehicle can operate autonomously for several days and carries a 96-hour emergency life-support reserve. Communications equipment (which includes VHF radio, short-wave radio, intercom and UWT) allows the vehicle to carry out target updating and final mission planning while en route to the target area.It exhibits a very low acoustic and magnetic signature.The submersible is very manoeuvrable even at low speeds, while maximum speed" * Orca basin [link to] * a vehicle to navigate through a series of underwater gates, enter a "target zone," find the lowest point, deposit a depth marker, and surface. [link to] -Krispy 4:08 PM (pag 277) I dont think that Omega is cargo, I think that Omega is a missile, like the EPFCGthing, or nuke-something, like the Omega-plan thing. Anyway ... I think that OMEGA is the END of the oilspill, to end it ... and it is now on the Orca, which I think is a bigger ship, or that kind of bathysphere (german) to launch or "drop" omega where it is planned to. The FULL ALERT that OP was earlier posting could have been the initiation of level Omega to go in action. Now all has been ready to proceed in level OmegA and drop or shoot it. -The EPFCG could be the TBM 'Tactical Ballistic Missile' we were talking about earlier... -Post at 4:17 PM CNN just announced Obama will make a speech about the BOP in 45 minutes. -OP 5:13 PM 7/15/2010 Le Terrible ******(pag 277) -TexTamale 5:25 PM Sonar scan cam.... it's seeing "something" down there! -pag 278 brainstorming about the code in OP's post. -Doomamatrix 5:48 PM using the Wingdings font for looking at the clues. Type in QHMMETL (=mirrored) all caps in Wingdings. You get: airplane - finger pointing - down - bomb - bomb - finger pointing to the reader's left - snowflake - unhappy face ---nuclear fallout looks like snowflakes coming down. -Discussing OP's post : Not copied, but "mirrored the evidence" and there is a difference. > Mirroring data is a standard practice in modern IT. Copies may/may not preserve some aspects of the source. Mirroring it will. No,

it does not reverse anything. It preserves every bit of it, literally. -Krispy 6:12 PM (pag 278) Resum relevant postings, Part 9 , of pag 225-249 [link to] -R 6:25 PM "The forward or tactical HQs (known as 'Tac' for short) is a small group of staff and communicators. Usually very mobile, they exist to allow the commander to go forward in an operation, and command the key parts of it from a position where they can see the ground and influence their immediate subordinates. The main HQs (known as 'Main') is less mobile and is involved in both the planning and execution of operations. There are a number of staff assembled here from various staff branches to advise the commander, and to control the various aspects of planning and the conduct of discrete operations. A main HQ for a large formation will have a chief of staff (CoS) who coordinates the staff effort; in a smaller HQ this may be done by the second-in-command (2iC)." -Pag 279 7:00 PM , googling on code-letters in OP's post TEMMHQ gave : Mission name "DEEP SPACE PROGRAM SCIENCE EXPERIMENT" , Spacecraft name = "CLEMENTINE 1"... The clementine 1 project sponsors are the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and NASA. -krispy 7:06 PM My guess on the code : I used this links : [link to] and [link to] Letters-code: LTMufsfgrMfMHQaa LTE = launch to eject uf = under frequency, ultrasonic frequency, unavailability factor sfg = special forces group rM = replacable module , risk managment, Royal marines fM = failure mode, frequency modulation, force module HQ = head quarters, have quick, aa = approving authority (many more posibilities on 2nd link for aa/AA) -Krispy 7:17 PM Guide to find resum's back Part 1 2 3 4 on pag 140, part 5 pag 231 , part 6 pag 232, part 7 ---, part 8 pag 244, part 9 pag 278 -Renegadeson 9:30 PM Just in case we have forgotten.. OP's last post said... "alert level remains at midnight for strategic assets" and.. "Good day, my girlfriend says a midNight level alert can be called any day now." (7/9 7:53AM) The Doomsday Clock is set to six minutes till midnight.. WIKI : "The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clock face, maintained since 1947 by the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago. The closer the clock is to midnight, the closer the world is estimated to be to global disaster. As of January 14, 2010, the Doomsday Clock now stands at six minutes to midnight.[1][2] Since its creation, the time on the clock has changed 19 times. Originally, the analogy represented the threat of global nuclear war, but since 2007 it has also reflected climate-changing technologies and "new developments in the life sciences and nanotechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm." [link to] ---RenegadeSon : Since OP mentioned The Terrible, which is a strategic SSBN sub, it would only make sense that the alert.. which is already at midnight.. is for strategic (read ICBM's) weapons. -Dsoul 10:06 PM (pag 280) Regarding the gulf stream: [link to] "As of today the situation has deteriorated up to the point in which the eddy has detached itself completely from the main stream therefore destroying completely the Loop Current, dated June 12th 2010. Since comparative analysis with past satellite data until may 2010 didnt show relevant anomalies, it might be therefore plausible to correlate the breaking of the Loop Current with the biochemical and physical action of the BP Oil Spill on the Gulf Stream. It is reasonable to foresee the threat that the breaking of a crucial warm stream as the Loop

Current may generate a chain reaction of unpredictable critical phenomena and instabilities due to strong non linearities which may have serious consequences on the dynamics of the Gulf Stream thermoregulation activity of the Global Climate." -Awake2survive 10:17 PM Backwards I get QHMEETL. Just some ideas to throw out there... Queen's Harbour Master (UK)... EETL Extended Estimated Tour Length (US Air Force)... METL : Mission-Essential Task List [link to] -Housedad 10:47 PM ACTIVE DUTY FRENCH SUBMARINES From: [link to] Name class Rubis (S601) Rubis SSN Saphir (S602) Rubis SSN Casabianca (S603) Rubis SSN Emeraude (S604) Rubis SSN Amthyste (S605) Amthyste SSN Perle (S606) Amthyste SSN Le Triomphant (S616) Le Triomphant SSBN Le Tmraire (S618) Le Triomphant SSBN Le Vigilant (S618) Le Triomphant SSBN Le Terrible (S619) Le Triomphant SSBN -Here is the full list of active duty French warships: [link to] -6 String Woodie 11:56 PM Watched Modern Marvels about Acid and oganisms that could live in acid and extreme heat. It was about an Algea, and details towards the end shown how they find this organism at extreme depths in the ocean from volcano vents and fractured floor. Yes, that is correct, fractured sea floor. I can't get a direct link on it from History Channel site. Another neat headline on that site was 65 years ago this week, was the Trinity Test from the Manhatten Project. Nicely goes in hand with the test done on the 11th in Canada huh ? [link to] -Nexuseditor 1:50 AM 7/16/2010 Deepwater Horizon, syphoning off Gulf Stream HEAT? ... got me thinking, "Maybe this is less about methane and more about HEAT." Why? Well, look at any New Ice Age predictions and they're talking about a depletion of the Gulf Stream's heat source to cause a cooling of the Atlantic and the ice flow to cover more of the northern hemisphere .... this Deepwater Horizon may be doing just that, syphoning off HEAT from the Gulf Stream ... is anybody monitoring the Gulf Stream for changes in temperature downward? This would REALLY bolster oil profits in the near to middle term, too. Not sure if this angle has been covered during the 280pages so far - but it merits considering given the OP mentions of anti-freeze, deep freeze etc. The thread is at: [link to] -Nexuseditor 2:00 AM Another thread : 'Chasm in GOM is the actual original well site!!!!!!!!!!!' [link to] -Nexuseditor 2:02 AM MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd" He has already said the huge crack was the first well site earlier, it blew on the 13 of February, completely blowing that BOP and alot of casing completely out of the ocean floor. He was talking about how they just found it along with some parts of the casing. The huge crack over a hundred feet long and growing is what's left. That's where l the unexplained tar balls in Florida and Texas came from. It's how they knew to get right in the markets. It's how the crack was formed. The BOP we are watching was actually the second well, a relief for the other, but it blew also. Source: [link to] -2:16 AM 'A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere' July 15, 2010: "NASA-funded researchers are

monitoring a big event in our planet's atmosphere. High above Earth's surface where the atmosphere meets space, a rarefied layer of gas called "the thermosphere" recently collapsed and now is rebounding again." -AC US 3:05 AM I saw a marking on a new cap they are lowering on Enterprise Rov 2 right now. It reads TH-7-N4. I was wondering if this was a chemical composition so I started to do some research. Looked into N4 and this is what I found. [link to] -OP 3:52 AM russian submarine ******* -Searching for possible codes from OP, see postings pag 281 -OP 4:5 AM second unknown ******* (pag 281) -OP 4:53 AM 2us asking ******* -OP 5:00 AM 2us reporting ******* -Nexuseditor 5:06 AM Thred : HOLY SHIT! THE SEAFLOOR EXPLODED! [link to] reports are coming in that the seafloor has exploded/collapsed ... if true, could be related to what OP is currently posting ... VID : [link to] -OP 5:07 AM Mistral just ****** -2us = second unknown submarine -Krispy 5:21 AM "russian submarine will do a romeo with Em in three hours. russian submarine to offload an empirical calibrator to Em. (translation problem) this will help Em with hull protection and integrity from flocking. strategic operational window 7 hours after romeo. Terrible already has one. this is important" Code-crackking: REEREETEESETET ... for translation see pag 281 almost down. -OP 5:37 AM I think ***** (pag 282) -AC US 5:43 AM EQ : just announced on tv that washington dc had a 3.7 earthquake ---bevvy : 10/07/16 09:04:47 39.17N 77.25W 5.0 3.6M A POTOMAC-SHENANDOAH REGION from ASL [link to] -Nexuseditor 5:47 AM "russian submarine will do a romeo with Em in three hours. russian submarine to offload an empirical calibrator to Em. (translation problem) this will help Em with hull protection and integrity from flocking. strategic operational window 7 hours after romeo. Terrible already has one. this is important * second unknown french submarines reporting severe increase downpull at rim * 2us asking PP to confirm that magnetic testing and not fake acoustic testing is aggravating organism. columns are moving in. * 2us reporting frequency of sonic drilling increasing * Mistral just ordered 2us to get a firing solution on two of the sonic drilling capsules (translation problem)" My analysis: - cooperation is taking place between Russia and France in relation to research and operations under the Gulf of Mexico - the location of their activities is related to the organism, which I believe is found naturally occurring under the Earth's crust, especially near oil/gas/methane. - being an advocate of the abiotic origins of oil theory, I'd guess this organism excretes hydrocarbons and other

elements/minerals of value - I'd say the organism exists at some very deep point in the gulf - hence the 'rim' being mentioned - I'd say that judging from this and previous posts, the organism has been woken up, released, provoked - as a result of experiments/research/drilling/natural earth changes/all of the above - I'd definitely be thinking by now, that whatever the sonic drilling modules are doing, it is making the organism more active/agitated/whatever - looks like destroying the sonic drilling gear is being considered, in order to reduce upsetting the organism **Update- sounds like it worked - I got no idea what the columns are, except maybe some standing vortexes of water, or strong localised vertical currents caused by sudden sinkholes, floor collapses/eruptions -Krispy 6:23 AM Cracking 2 more codes : 2PPECE and I2ECEQE .... See page 282 for translation -AC Netherlands 7:14 AM ??? ok something has happened. screen 7 at the basis of bop ( its still there) .... looks like ET or something ---Awake2survive 7:21 AM That bright white light is freaky. (...) It's blinding! I think it's a light shining on something, of course, I could be wrong. Whatever it is, they obviously don't want us to get a good look at it. -Glasspearls 7:36 AM What we saw was 'game over'! ( > About eruption seafloor) (pag 283) No exaggeration. We all had multiple feeds up and one cam was aimed directly at the sea floor. Clear as can be, and then bam! A major eruption of oil, gas, and tar balls. Came right up through the floor. No pipes or any hardware around. Then it stopped. ROVs repositioned, and it started again, and again. It was massive. At the same time the radar image went nuts, and the DC quake occurred. It would be best described as a perforation of the sea bed. Then about 45 minutes ago they abruptly stopped all feeds and pulled up the ROVs. But, they couldn't pull one up fast enough and at 200m was overcome by the rising plume of oil and gas. Thread with withnessstories and vid's : [link to] -Whitebeard 12:06 PM 7/16/2010 It interests me that the EQ in DC happened at 4:05am this morning, about the same time as the supposed seafloor collapse, and it was probably at that same moment that OP reported "french submarines reporting severe increase downpull at rim". OP's report didn't get published until 4:51am, but it took some time for the sub captain to report it, the GF to get the message and take some notes, and then for OP to get it on GLP. So, it is likely that the French sub experienced a downward pull at the time of the supposed collapse. It is also interesting that the Operation Deep Sleep was scheduled for about 4am on two different mornings recently, but didn't happen then. Is that just coincidence that it happened at the same time frame as previously announced? And that the faux pres left for vacation in Maine yesterday? Coincidences abound! ---AC US 1:09PM Excellent Observation. We had a notion something would happen to DC when BO went to Mt. Desert (Rockefeller compound). Need to find the tide graph -OP 12:25 PM Good day, I cant keep ****** (pag 284) -OP 12:48 PM Mistral just ******** -AC US 12:48 PM Ocean Topo: [link to] [link to] [link to] [link to] With many other links to good data -Karu 1:00 PM Makes one wonder if Isreal has anything against BP... BP is opening a new oil rig off the coast of Libya.

"BP has just announced it will begin deepwater drilling next month off Libyas coast, and it is estimated BP could earn as much as $20 billion from the deal." -OP 1:22 PM Mistral issuing ******* -OP 1:35 PM central command ****** (pag 285) -AC Greece 1:42 PM "central command confirms Mistral analysis and issuing dedicated SAMPSON classification on new israeli submarine. DED going crazy again. BEZERK level 2" .... its a russina akula class? [link to] The Akula Class carry up to 12 Granit submarine-launched cruise missiles. The missiles are fired from the 533mm torpedo launch tubes. Granit (Nato designation: SS-N-21 Sampson) has a range of about 3,000km and delivers a 200kt warhead. -Glasspearls 1:49 PM Check out the recent path of A Whale. Picking up/dropping off something? Booking it now @ 11+ knots SE. [link to] -AC US 1:54 PM : EQ report > Magnitude 2.6 * Friday, July 16, 2010 at 12:26:20 PM at epicenter (See post at page 285 for more details) -OP 2:06 PM A quick Overview ******* -Karu 2:10 PM Remember the Sampson Option? [link to] "The Samson Option is a term used to describe Israels alleged deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a last resort against nations whose military attacks threaten its existence, and possibly against other targets as well." [link to] -The A WHALE does the weirdest shit. It doesn't act like a skimmer at all. now at 11.2 knots and hauling ass. -New thread: OIL DISASTER - I got some real inside info from my buddy [link to] "Apparently there is a huge fissure running parallel with the well. This fissure was purposely created to gain access to the reserve below. The drilled passage is not 100% steel pipe tip-to-tip. The last several hundred feet utilizes the fissure as the source. (...) At the present time there is no real solution to the issue. Any use of nuclear explosions could easily spread the fissure from the reserve to the sea floor and cause a blow out so massive it will dwarf any natural disaster known to man so far. Primarily they are mapping the formation below in greater details to aid in designing a solution." -Pag 286 ; brainstorming on what the RIM could be and where. -Krispy 2:53 PM Code-crackings > IIDEDEHETIETveryIE or IIDEDEHET/IE/TIE , MI , CMIEDEDE , AODEDRUSGCBIER (long post, see middle on page 286) -OP 2:54 PM Ok, I will risk ******* -Many speculations about what OP means and where those images and article are -OP 3:55 PM "Maybe this: [link to] Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1037427" Merci :-) that one is close but its not the one I want. I need more zoom (pag 287)

-OP 4:07 PM My girlfriend ******** -AC US 4:19 PM BP oil methane explosion extinction level event : "The latest and scariest thing is that, apparently the rumor is, the Navy finally got around to going down to the floor of the Gulf and did infrared imaging of the ocean floor. It has been leaked that the pictures that came back were startling. The infrared shows that the ocean floor is bubbling and cresting on the surface and that the methane gases are pushing up the ocean floor and creating what looks like a bubble miles wide. Ostensibly, the methane gases from deep in the Earths core are pushing up from under the floor of the Gulf in a North Eastern direction and could blow out a huge part of the Earths shell. The ocean floor would completely blow away in huge sections and create an explosion that would be an apocalyptic nightmare. The gases have to be released and will end up somewhere. The explosion of the Earths shell from the methane would cause such a massive displacement of the water and a tsunami would be so prodigious, that it would wash away the Gulf States." [link to] NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) instrument collected an image over the site of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil rig disaster on May 17, 2010. [link to] -OP 4:53 PM "I seen it a couple of days ago, It shows the topography (spelling?) of the bottom of the seafloor. The moutains were around 8000 ft high. Quoting: rocky" Yes thankyou rocky,it could be it, do you have a link? IT WAS A PINNED THREAD! between the pictures of dying sea life there was a map of the region and the GOM in blue.(maybe hidden purposely within) It showed the "rectangle" of the rim and three circular impact(comet) zones or (splash)zones. They are not impact zones, they are NEW forming beneath the seabed and the bases are the columns. the Russians knew(predicted it). Good night. You all feel like family to me by now :-) -AC US 5:15 PM OMG. > Israeli mistake. Ill winds. Nuking something with unintended and unexpected consequences. In the bot reports there are many crossover links between the gulf and the Israeli mistake. Clif has been trying to figure out why because, as he figured, there was no scenario that would allow for to be nuking the gulf so the links did not make sense. -And the A Whale is still hauling ass in a beeline somewhere. It sure ain't picking up any oil. -It looks like the A WHALE is heading toward the Diamond Offshore Saratoga platform area. What the hell is it doing there. It ran at top speed to get there, and now is almost stopped. (pag 289) -Lots of postings about images and maps that could be the ones OP was refering to. Lot of people searching with google earth. -AC South-Africa 5:07 AM 7/17/2010 (pag 292) Dolomite chimneys : "The chimneys are dominated by Feriched dolomite (ankerite) forming aggregates with minor amounts of pyrite, iron oxide, Ta-enriched rutile, zircon and quartz. Abundant, well preserved remains of foraminifera (globigerinoids and milioids) composed of Mg-calcite are present within the matrix. Dolomite aggregrates are remarkably depleted in 13C (-35 to -56 PDB) and are therefore interpreted being the result of methane oxidation by sulphate-reducing bacteria. (...) Dolomite chimneys are interpreted as cemented conduits formed as result of methane-enriched fluid expulsion through a submarine mound, probably formed as a mud volcanoe. The abundant pseudo-pyrite framboids are related with the zone of shallow microbial sulphate reduction, a process fundamental to the nourishment of the chemosynthetic cold seep communities. In the last years, it has been considered the importance of carbonate cementation related with methane fluxes, both on submarine modern environments and on rocks of the fossil record. This carbonate cementation, in forms of chimneys, slabs, and crusts has been reported in several tectonic settings such as the Gulf of Mexico, Oregon margin, Otago slope, Monterey basin and Kattegat (e.g. Jorgensen,1992; Orpin 1997; Stakes et al. 1999). Large fluxes of methane seem responsible for dolomite cementation, instead high-Mg calcite and aragonite when fluxes are lower. Recently, its has been hypothesis

that extensive anerobial microbial communities exist in sedimentary layers below high-temperatures vent fields. Chemosyntetic bacteria are the primary producer of hydrothermal producers that are fuelled by geothermal energy. The sum of the syntrophy cooperation between methane-oxidisers (archaeobacterias domain) and sulphate-reducers micro-organism produces carbonates and sulphides at the sulphate-methane interface, which depth below sea floor is dependent on the methane flux rate." [link to] -AC South-Africa 5:18 AM "The Russian Mir submersibles are unlikely to be able to help BP tackle the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a spokesperson for the Fund for the Protection of Lake Baikal said on Monday. Izvestia daily reported on Monday that BP's management had asked Anatoly Sagalevich of Russia's Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, which owns the mini-submarines, for assistance in eliminating the oil spill's consequences in the Gulf of Mexico. (...) Sagalevich told the Izvestia daily the Mir mini-subs could stop the leakage, but it would take some time. The expedition to Lake Baikal started in 2008. In 2009, the researchers sought new species of flora and fauna, along with the deepwater gas deposits. (...) The Baikal fund's spokesperson said there also could be difficulties with the support vessels necessary for the Mir mini-subs since "the main support vessel for the Mirs, Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, is now being repaired in Germany." The spokesperson added that the Russian government's permission would be needed for the Mirs to take part in tackling the oil spill." [link to] -Housedad 5:37 AM Well, I have pretty much decided who I think the protagonist is. If this is real. > Mother Russia. They have the tech to handle the 80% of the problem. They already knew how. Some info from the OP : "it looks like the Russians have expected this for some time." - "Also, the Russians know far more then us.. They have timed their arrival in the theater expertly" - "...we and russia not on board US navy plans for the Gulf of MEXICO" - "...that russia has helped us with the organism and a 80% counter for it. this is why I said russia knows far more then us. russia was ready before us." - "russian submarine will do a romeo with Em in three hours. russian submarine to offload an empirical calibrator to Em. (translation problem) this will help Em with hull protection and integrity from flocking. strategic operational window 7 hours after romeo. Terrible already has one. this is important" - "They are not impact zones, they are NEW forming beneath the seabed and the bases are the columns. the Russians knew(predicted it). " If you read all of the OP's posts till now, it seems like the US Navy is doing nothing, and that Russia is the big brother saving us all with thier perfectly timed arrival and already knowledgable technical help. And France is going it hard and heavy and taking all the 'brave' jobs. (...) They want, and have been very actively seeking to have the oil in the gulf for themeselves. Look it up. They want those oil fields. WTH. Too much is not adding up. It don't ---AC US 7:34 AM Housedad listed OP's references to Russia. If we add the fact that BP and Russia are partners in that country's energy plan, then we definitely have a 2+2 = situation. -Multiple posters tracking the A Whale, pag 293-294-295 : The A WHALE is now heading toward the coast. It is about 50 miles west of the DWH and about 6 miles from New Orleans. - A Whale is pretty much on top of those coordinates now, 10 miles away...28 38.672'N, 89 45.067'W - It is right around Sacket bank right now. Right at the canyon rim area. - I think that is Thunder Horse, but not sure. - Thunder Horse coords: 28 10 59.03N,88 48 48.18W - Buoy Center Station ID, Lat, Lon, Description. 42887, 28.19N, 88.50W, Thunder Horse - Mississippi Canyon 778. 42868, 28.09N, 88.29W, curiouser and curiouser! - There is relatively little oil in the area that the A Whale is going to and is in. - Again, the A WHALE does something that is not what a skimmer would do. It hauls ass to get somewhere and then comes almost or completely to a stop. Right over Sackett Bank. I wonder if it has a gigantic magnetic pulse generator in it to knock out sabotage weapons like the sonic drills, and it has been searching and waiting. - JBU SCHELDE is speeding in at 16 knots too.. now slowing as it gets closer to A WHALE - JBU SCHELDE is a large (10,000 CBM) LNG carrier. It's got a lot of gas on board. - Those are coordinates for 42889 Medusa Mississippi Canyon 582. Has anyone mentioned what is relative to that site? [link to] - seems like the ships turn off their responders often (in-visibility) transponder back on now that it has crossed paths with A WHALE ??? Ooooh, maybe they dropped something

off ... - that kills any "explanation" that the ship turned off its transponder because it was in port. - According to MSNBC news, the A Whale has been beached. [link to] - Just caught a glimpse of the A Whale.. then before I could blink, it was gone. It looks like they are turning transponder on and off the glimpse that I had showed it still alongside MS Canyon, but it had turned around at was heading NE - When I left clicked on A Whale, the dialogue box says the ship has a destination 5 NM from DWH. - (..) once the dispersant was added, the A Whale was the wrong tool for the job. -RenegadeSon 7:49 AM Found this on the A Whale.. 'A Whale" skimmer challenged in Gulf, Ship having trouble collecting oil that has spread' [link to] Here is the statement released by Grantham: "Today, the A Whale concluded its final battery of tests in close coordination with the US Coast Guard. The ship demonstrated that it can bring substantial volumes of capacity to bear in addressing oil spills, and can do so quickly and with great maneuverability. That said, the particular conditions present in the Macondo spill did not afford the vessel the opportunity to recover a significant amount of oil. In large measure, this is due to the highly dispersed nature of the oil in the Gulf. When dispersants are used in high volume virtually from the point that oil leaves the well, it presents real challenges for high-volume skimming." -Krispy 8:02 AM Resum relevant postings, Part 10 , of pag 250-274 [link to] (pag 293) -Karu (pag 294) Chavez did just nationalize 11 US oil rigs in June.... [link to] "Venezuela will nationalize a fleet of oil rigs belonging to U.S. company Helmerich and Payne, the latest takeover in a push to socialism as President Hugo Chavez struggles with lower oil output and a recession. (...) " (longer post) -Bevvy 9:37 AM New crop circle, no chemical compounds : [link to] An amazing Hypercube has appeared below the Fosbury Hill fort on Haydown Hill. Once again we see glimpses of other dimensions. This is now the third in what appears to be a sequence of formations so far. -Nexuseditor 10:19 AM Quote AC US: "And on "flocking". I still can't figure out what would adhere to an underwater hull such as a submarine. I keep thinking that logically these boats are designed to deal with pretty much everything they would encounter whilst deployed. So, what is it about the hull of a sub that would or could, acrete any material at all?"From wikipedia : Flocking is the process of depositing many small fiber particles (called flock) onto a surface. It can also refer to the texture produced by the process, or to any material used primarily for its flocked surface. Flocking of an article can be performed for the purpose of increasing its value in terms of the tactile sensation, aesthetics, color and appearance. It can also be performed for functional reasons including insulation, slip-or-grip friction, and low reflectivity. Flocking is the application of fine particles to adhesive coated surfaces. Nowadays, this is usually done by the application of a high-voltage electric field. In a Flocking Machine the "flock" is given a negative charge whilst the substrate is earthed. Flock material flies vertically onto the substrate attaching to previously applies glue. A number of different substrates can be Flocked including; textiles, fabric, woven fabric, paper, PVC, sponge, toys, automotive plastic. -AC US 10:57 AM Interesting information about the maritime Automatic Identification System (AIS): [link to] -Wyldbloo 4:06 AM A friend's boyfriend owns oil skimming equipment that is being used in the GOM. I asked what's up with A Whale. I was told that A Whale is only good at skimming up light oils, not anything that is heavier, especially any oil that is sitting below the surface. Apparently the A Whale is considered useful right at the start of a spill.

-Krispy 5:25 PM (pag 297) Found something interresting about the Gulf of mexico and gravitational anomalies ! Due to the impact of an asteroid or comet long ago, the Chicxulub impact crater. Quote-snips : "... there appears to be a gravitational anomaly (party dress pink) arc ... on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean off Florida ... which centers on the impact crater, as do several arcs in the Gulf of Mxico." It sais also why A BIG KABOOM would be a verrrrry bad idea : "... it was the specific geological location of the impact in a region that is rich in sulfur materials that created catastrophic climate changes and led to the downfall of the dinosaurs. If this asteroid had struck almost any other place on Earth, it wouldn't have generated the tremendous amount of sulfur ... On impact, the asteroid hurled some 35 billion to 770 billion tons of sulfur high into the atmosphere, along with other materials." 2 images : [link to] [link to] So along with a methane cathastrophy we would also end up with a SULPHUR cathastrophy !!! Our Voilcano contains a lot of sulphur .... Source : [link to] -Housedad 7:04 PM You will want to see this simplified graphic of a Asphalt volcano. It can make it clear how they could produce a oil gusher that is totally unstoppable if it was drilled into the center channel as it rises. Sonic drills? [link to] -Krispy 7:08 PM (earlier asked for a picture to find, this one [link to] ) The reason why I ask this is coz maybe there is a connection by the rim-caves/domes and the underground domes/caves near the coast. I still have to think about that article that wrote about those subs that could go into such kind of underwatercaves. It was told that those old spiderweb caves were collapsing and that 2 subs were captivated in them. Collapsing of such caves could make that other area's are influenced by them. Moving sediment = moving gasses and compounds = new forming domes = new forming caves (and I thought that OP was talking about that also... 2 domes that were not there before > new ) Collums > something that is seeping out of domes and caves ... a chemical reaction forms these pipes and these collums, but which compounds can do such things - what compounds could we thinking about ? The collapsing of area's and underwatercaves-saltdomes-whatever domes ... can be a result of sonic and normal drillings, fracking, a change in pressure due to the outflow of the well at several places, and all other manouvres that involve sound or vibrations ... etc. ---AC US 7:30 PM the natural gas map : [link to] ---breezy 7:39 PM Krispy, wasn't that about American subs, one of which was the Thresher, (I thought that was lost in the Atlantic) and another one that was lost can't recall name, starts with an S I think... I thought the article was about the honeycomb structure under the west coast, and California to be there was supposedly bases clear back under the shelf clear to Nevada...and one sub got lost in there, and was never seen again... However, if we can connect the gulf with the Arctic ocean...why couldn't the caves, under Southern California etc., be connected to the Gulf?.. -Northwest Gulf of Mexico Rim -krispy 8:14 PM Colums,tubes/pipes and bacteria. Did a google on the Dolomite chimneys myself and found your very interesting site, with at the bottom of the page loads of links to verrrry interesting articles about mudvolcanos and bacteria living there and more.... [link to] The PIPES that OP is refering at, seem to be forming under the seafloor ... : * "they are NEW forming beneath the seabed and the bases are the columns. the Russians knew(predicted it). " Maybe we have to do some google on what russians know about this phenomena ;) * "2us asking PP to confirm that magnetic testing and not fake acoustic testing is aggravating organism. columns are moving in." So magnetic testing is aggravating the organism, and has a link with the colums

forming and moving in .... Who else has to think about DUNE (a book and movie) Wait a sec !!!! We found that image of those tubeworms, tubes are also "colums" ... we know that gold bacteria are forming TUBES when they die so that their offspring can be born out of that ... Organisme/cargo is morphing gold organisme .... hmmmmzzz .... Morphing-Organisme is kind of sensitive for or attracted to magnetisme (or magnetic itself) ... magnetic testing is aggravating ... hmmm ... What the hell is this thing ???? I do think this new organisme is a composition /symbiosis of several organisms/bacteria and technology (nanobots). We had an article about a scientist that said that the bacteria in the plume (at a distance from the well/spill) were multiplying as hell ... more then normal. What if this organisme is also UNDERGROUND? -AC US 8:26 PM Interesting graph about depths [link to] -AC US 8:28 PM A Whale is just sitting off the rim, right where the natural huge gas bubble is located. I feel very uncomfortable about that. Part 1 2 3 4 on pag 140 part 5 pag 231 part 6 pag 232 part 7 --part 8 pag 244 part 9 pag 278 part 10 pag 293 part 11 pag 302 krispy @ your service
Quoting: Krispy71

resum relevant postings, Part 12 , of pag 300-324

-Snowgoosbob 10:04 PM Summary of relevant or important postings PART 1, pag 1-50 [link to] Summary of relevant or important postings PART 2, pag 51-75 [link to] Summary of relevant or important postings PART 3, pag 76-100 [link to] Summary of relevant or important postings PART 4, pag 101-125 [link to] RESUM relevant postings, PART 5, of pag 151-174 [link to] RESUM relevant postings, PART 6, of pag 151-174 [link to] RESUM relevant postings, PART 8, of pag 200-225 [link to] RESUM relevant postings, PART 9, of pag 225-249 [link to] RESUM relevant postings, PART 10, of pag 250-274 [link to] RESUM relevant postings, PART 11, of pag 275-299 [link to] -Whitebeard 8:35 PM 7/17/2010 I think this thread is very powerful because we are attempting to confront possible terrors which are beyond our imaginations. While many people turn their heads in fear from such dangers, there is a minority of people who prefer to confront them face on and learn whatever might enable us to react and perhaps defend ourselves. Such confrontation really does take courage, and such people are attracted to this kind of thread. Such people I consider my family, even though I may never know your names. Yes, DOOM is what we are trying to confront, even if we cant do one single thing to avert it. But, we want to know what it is. We would rather die boldly than cowering. (...) (Beautifull longer post, a must read !) -AC Greece 9:50 PM "Rust Discovered On Bank Of Russia Issued 999 Gold Coins" [link to] -AC US 9:56 PM For some time scientists and researchers have been aware of a vast amount of life in the cold depths of the oceans which have never been researched: "Shortly after the discovery of chemosynthetic ecosystems at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, similar ecosystems were found at cold seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. Over the past two decades, these sites have become model systems for understanding the physiology of the symbiont-containing megafauna and the ecology of seep communities worldwide. Symbiont-containing bivalves and siboglinid polychaetes dominate the communities, including five bathymodiolin mussel species and six vestimentiferan (siboglinid polychaete) species in the Gulf of Mexico." [link to] Researchers do know that there are compatible relationships between these small-cell microbes and their hosts, which include forms of parasites to humans: "...three model systems comprising symbiotic associations between (intracellular) bacteria and their eukaryotic host cells ... The monophyletic family of Siboglinidae (Polychaeta), existing in different extreme and hostile deep-sea habitats from hydrothermal vents, over cold seeps to whale falls, is one of the most exciting example of marine microbial symbiosis. .... The second model (Horn) are obligate intracellular symbionts of amoebae. These bacteria are the closest living relatives of the important human pathogens Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydophila pneumoniae, which are responsible for millions of infections worldwide. In contrast to most other bacteria and similar to their pathogenic counterparts, the

amoebal symbionts posses a biphasic developmental cycle; they are unable to live outside of their eukaryotic hosts as they are dependent on the import of a number of key metabolites from their hosts. However, within their host cells they still reproduce independently and are not only transmitted vertically but also horizontally by infecting new host cells. The chlamydial symbionts of amoebae have separated several hundred million years ago from their parasitic relatives, which have evolved into major pathogens of humans. ..." [link to] A big question: Can the criminal elite at BP tell us what happens with these oil/methane feeding cold-water seep microbes when they are released from their normal habitat? -AC Greece 10:00 PM Ken Price is a mechanical engineer who worked for a large oil company for 14 years. There are cracks in the seafloor leaking, and the pressure tests are revealing that the casing will not hold; it has already been perforated in numerous places. This is in contradiction to the latest mainstream press reports that there are no leaks either in the well cap or the sea floor. (very long post with multiple VID's ! ) [link to] -Snowgoosebob 10:04 PM (Just in-case) BACKUP of all Krispy's Summary/Resum's to Date! (see posting for links to back-up's) -Bevvy 12:42 PM [link to] (very long post) The article, titled 'CALIFORNIA FLOATS ON OCEAN?', revealed the following: "Some time ago, I heard a man on a TV interview-show briefly mention that parts of California and neighboring states are floating on the Pacific Ocean! He was a high ranking Naval officer on a top- secret nuclear submarine that has been (and is) exploring and mapping these enormous caverns and passage-ways underneath the West for over 10 years now. (...) Williams explains that not "all" of the areas in question are actually "resting" or "floating" on the ocean, however there are allegedly many subterranean cavities below the western U.S., and they are not limited to California, and many of them consist of very large water-filled aqua-systems. These have been explored via nuclear submarines to several hundred miles inland, particularly in the region of southern California and the southern Oregon - northern California area. (...) "5. Some of the caverns (in S. California) are topped with oil while some others are filled with gases believed to approximate our atmosphere (in very ancient times)." ---Many of you know about the "freshwater diving" off the coast of Mexico or Central America. I can't remember which countries, but you can go out in the ocean diving and scuba where you are in fresh water. These are "fountains" in the ocean. -Krispy 6:08 PM (...) It is something like the sead/eggs of jellyfish become those plants in normal times of prosperity. They are very sensitive to changements in their enviroment, and it was discovered (I saw it on Nat. Geographic) that in times of distress these organisms released hundrets of tiny eggs into the current that were to become jellyfish. That was the explenation for the monster bloom in population of some kinds of jellyfish (like in the area of china/Japan I thought) I know that these depths at the oilspill are different and deeper, but what if such a system and organisme is active there right now as well ? Here the words of OP that "the organisme was aggitated by electrical/magnetical fields" come again into my mind ... We know that it is tested and proved that bacteria are blooming at an unbelievable rate in the oilplumes, so why wouldnt that effect other organisms ? Prehistoric ones, that now in combination whit a lot of different factors is activated as well ... we know from studies that many organisms can survive hundrets and thousands of years in stasis (in-active) .... We know that the waters in that area of the sea have climbed up, a result of that is the escaping of methane and the release of methanecrystals and hydrates. -4978 feet - seafloor , at 4643 feet - plume/cloud .... Its about 300 feet difference ... I'm thinking of the possibility that seafloor has risen ...screen 6 ---> rov is resting (coordinates arent moving) on seafloor at 1458 meters (4783 ft) ... now screen 8, basis of bop at 4988 ft (should be 5020) ... at depth 4900 strong currunt to the west ... -No sign of A Whale as of 7:15AM - been monitoring A Whale and the last few hours he was just circling in

the same area last time I have is 09:03:29 (UTC) and heading off at 11.3 knots heading in the direction of east bay but went off map before it actually left the circling area...hope that makes sense... -AC US 9:18 AM 7/18/2010 A ship's transponder must operate continuously, except when safety or security is an issue: "Should continual operation of AIS compromise the safety or security of the vessel or where a security incident is imminent, the AIS may be switched off. This action and the reason for taking it must be reported to the nearest U.S. Captain of the Port or Vessel Traffic Center and recorded in the ship's logbook. The AIS should return to continuous operation as soon as the source of danger has been mitigated." So, it appears that either these rules/regulations are not being followed, or that safety/security is an issue. That we are seeing ships' transponders being turned on and off rather indiscriminately sure gives us reason to wonder why. -krispy 10:24 AM resum relevant postings, Part 11 , of pag 275-299 [link to] (pag 302) -EQ monitors : [link to] and [link to] -Seismic server : [link to] -EQ's : Does anyone else monitor EQs from around the world? .. have you noticed in the last week the build up of 4 and 5 Mag EQ from everywhere? And this morning, we are starting up with two 6+ Mag. Just trying to see if there is a connection here at all. - and now a 7.3 mag Papua, New Guinea - a lot of EQ's where Lemuria alledgely used to be [link to] , [link to] - And another 6.2 EQ..alaska...just downgraded to usual -VID : watersamples prove toxic, sample explodes [link to] (pag 304) -arosebyanyothername 2:30 PM Another snippet from an AC on the new thread about keeping the well capped: The other leak is 5 to 7 miles away. This other leak was found and mapped by the BOAA research ship Thomas Jefferson. Also reported by Matt Simmons on msm. For visual proof, take a look at figure 20 on page 24. This is a graphical illustration of what they found. Note: The smaller red column just behind and next to the BIG column is the present well leak (has white circle around its bottom). The BIG red column is the other leak. Its size, by height and width, shows that the volume that is escaping is much more than the Macondo well when it was leaking without a cap. There are other, smaller, leaks as well. Some say this other leak comes from BP's first exploratory well they drilled into this formation, which also had a blow out and which they abandoned. Matt Simmons says this and MMS documents did provide two well permits (sorry, no link). Others say it is a crack opened up by the Macondo blow out. There are four leaks (columns) lined up in a nearly straight line, which would indicate a crack. [link to] (pag 305) ---Krispy 2:57 PM Screenshot : [link to] Now we have an Idea where we have to look. (for OP's DOMES and maybe RIM) We can take those DOMES as referencepoints We have to look in the yellow rectangle: [link to] DETAIL [link to] -SR37 2:44 PM Admiral Allen says that there is a NOAA sonar ship around the Gulf checking for leaks. Also, Admiral Allen is concerned about methane bubbles or hydrocarbons (methane hydrates) leaking from the sea floor. VID: [link to] MUST SEE! -krispy 3:19 PM A re-post ... "Russia set to buy Mistral with transfer of French technologies. The Mistral class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 armored vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450 personnel. (...) Many Russian military and industry experts have questioned the financial and military sense of the purchase, and some believe that Russia simply wants to gain access to advanced naval technology that could be used in the future in potential conflicts with NATO and its allies." Go to site, look at actual pics of the fabled L9013 [link to]

-krispy 4:14 PM Every time OP used that term (translation problem) I think it was to let THEM/others know he could not put all the code in the sentence .... -AC US 6:14 PM Are these people dying from Oil Corexit Crush? Corexit has killed all the mosquitos on the Gulf Coast. Do we really think that the Caribbean is affected differently? 'Deaths as dengue fever grips Caribbean' 18 July 2010 : "Mosquito-borne dengue fever is reaching epidemic stages across the Caribbean, with dozens of deaths reported and health authorities concerned it could get much worse as the rainy season advances. The increase in cases is being blamed on warm weather and an unusually early rainy season, which has produced an explosion of mosquitoes...... Health officials in the United States fear the virus, which had disappeared from the US mainland, could regain a foothold there. " [link to] (pag 306) -AC Greece 8:52 PM i think they sent this to the gom : 'New Russian nuclear submarine will not enter serial production - paper' "A fourth-generation Russian nuclear-powered multipurpose attack submarine that was floated out on Tuesday is too expensive for serial production, a business daily said on Wednesday. (...) Barabanov told Vedomosti that the U.S. Navy did not produce a large number of advanced Sea Wolf submarines, similar to the Severodvinsk vessel, since they were too expensive. Instead of these, they use cheaper and unsophisticated Virginia-class submarines. (...) Graney-class nuclear submarines are designed to launch a variety of long-range cruise missiles (up to 3,100 miles or 5,000 km), with conventional or nuclear warheads, and effectively engage submarines, surface warships and land-based targets. The submarine's armament includes 24 cruise missiles and eight torpedo launchers, as well as the mines and anti-ship missiles. The fourthgeneration ballistic missile submarine, the Severodvinsk, finally departed the Sevmash shipyard in northern Russia on June 15". [link to] -AC US 9:31 PM 'Dengue fever Outbreak leads back to CIA & Army Experiments' : The recent outbreak of dengue fever is being portrayed by the media as a fortuitous reemergence of the disease in Florida and elsewhere in the United States after 75 years. Yet Hank Albarellis probe reveals that the US Army and CIA have been experimenting with dengue fever for years with the aim of weaponizing insects to be released against unwitting populations, as was previously done in Florida and elsewhere. Moreoever, Albarelli draws attention to the eerie similarity between dengue fever symptoms and those linked to the toxic emanations in the Gulf of Mexico and warns of the looming disaster that could unfold from the overlap. Link to thread with many info : [link to] -Postings about the mechanics of subs. (Interesting , pag 307) -Bevvy 12:10 AM 7/19/2010 (pag 308) IRIS seems to show all of the EQ for that area, other sites were not, including ASL DCC. I have copied 19-JUL-2010 02:04:32 53.80 -166.08 4.5 168.8 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 19-JUL-2010 01:08:18 52.68 -169.67 4.4 3.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 19-JUL-2010 00:00:50 52.76 -169.31 4.3 50.2 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 18-JUL-2010 19:48:09 52.85 -169.66 5.8 41.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 18-JUL-2010 11:52:42 52.65 -168.68 4.5 10.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 18-JUL-2010 10:24:51 52.82 -169.74 4.2 10.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 18-JUL-2010 10:07:22 52.91 -169.93 4.9 6.1 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 18-JUL-2010 09:07:30 52.60 -169.48 4.3 35.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 18-JUL-2010 05:56:49 52.97 -169.50 6.7 35.0 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 17-JUL-2010 14:44:15 52.68 -169.73 4.3 7.6 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 16-JUL-2010 05:09:17 51.38 179.61 4.5 63.1 RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 16-JUL-2010 04:37:27 53.64 -158.65 4.4 10.0 SOUTH OF ALASKA -Roxi 3:51 AM Interesting that the Russian Pacific fleet that visited recently in San Francisco left there to go back home, per this article. Does anyone else remember reading we were one of several stops, they would be going elsewhere before their return?

Probably nothing, just another red flag. I never did buy this dog and pony show of show and tell, and hugs and kisses. [link to] -OP 5:15 AM 7/19/2010 Good day. I have ****** -The 101 days: (vareous posters) (pag 308-309- ...) From date: July 19, 2010. Added 101 days. Resulting date: October 28, 2010 * I dont think that you have to take TODAY's date + 101 ... IMHO I think we are already in those 101 days > becoze the "others" world are tired already (from waiting and watching ???) * From date: April 20, 2010. Added 101 days. Resulting date: July 30, 2010 * 101 is the 26th prime number and a palindromic number. 101 is a centered decagonal number. * 101 can be 10/1 .... which makes it 1st of october ... -Krispy 8:28 AM OKay lets have a try ... Cracking the code. I found out that the ,, is for doubling a letter :) Good day. I have limited access., Increased security at office today and for this WEEK, girlfrienD expects they will be in semi lockdown for this WeeK. (her supervisor told her that there are serious decisions going to be made this week. On WEDnesday senior staff will meet with personnel from other embassies,, she frankly thinks the "others" world is tired and wont wait the full 101 days as requested. ) GEIEIWEEKDWKEEHEOWED,,S101E There are more possibilities for some letter combinations, but there were certain letters that could not be combinated according the pages I use ... So from those combi's I went on puzzling what it could be. (could find nothing on GEIE, GEI is general enviroment impact + E could be ) GE = gas ejection, geoscience electronics*, global engagement IE = information engeneering, independant evaluation, inspection & engagemant IWE = integrated weather effect EK = electronic key DW = death-weight load KE = kinetic energy HEO = high earth orbit WE = weather effects, withholding exemptions, with equipment D,,S = DSSS = direct sequence spread spectrum 101 = just like numbers, or like IOI = injured other then hostilities or illness. (Take note that OP used "others" just before 101 ;) which makes the second translation IOI relevant) E = equivalent hours There is an other combi for HEO / WE: HE = high explosives, heat exchange, heavy equipment OWE = operation weight empty (aircraft term) * geoscience electronics : Much of the interest in this organization came from engineers and scientists in the Southwestern United States, primarily those involved in the petroleum industry. Although the early interest was mainly in electro-seismic instrumentation, signal processing and seismic modeling, the Group on Geoscience Electronics early charter included a much broader range of geophysical and geoscientific topics. [link to] DSSS and 101 are also connected ! Google on it further. [link to] [link to] (snip coz to long) -All those vessels north of location, it looks like a shield, mmmm strange thought... he and Thunderhorse is on the map * I thought thunderhorse had been missing for a while is that so? I founf it there today, but other days couldn't...sort of like how A WHALE vanished!! * A Whale just popped up.. it is in the canal just north of Venice *

-seismic: florida is now black * I have been following that for months on another forum and we have all come to the conclusion that the monitor in Florida is hooked up incorrectly, specifically backwards, it always looks like that for at least since Feb. We read it as the black is white, which would happen if the cables were put on the wrong way. * the well went into failure in Feb * The Disney one is responding to the harmonic resonation from offshore Atlantic Sonic Drilling. That could possibley neutralize the wave from pattern and change the display greatly. And, possibly flux it enough to read a cluster fuck of data, which seems more likely. Postings about : "she frankly thinks the "others" world is tired and wont wait the full 101 days as requested." -Maybe the "others" world - is a reference to non-terrestial visitors? (...) I have been told that such information would be relayed on ultra secure channels, such as the Vector channel used by submarines, as mentioned by OP. -Well both stargates mentioned are where the action is, GOM & GOA Postings on the ELF frequency of subs and the dangers of its use. -OP 12:21 PM 2us reporting ******* (pag 311) -OP 2:55 PM about 15 minutes ****** (pag 313) -AC Greece 3:12 PM i posted it a while back (p 139) a map showing the underground aquatic connection between the gom and the north pole [link to] -OP 3:29 PM Mistral advises ******* (pag 314) -Richard Sweats 3:36 PM I have a feeling that this Israeli sub is NOT a Diesel Sub! In Fact it is known that they have taken ANY weapon they have ever bought and enhanced it to be better. When the US first sold them the F-16 they took the plane apart and completely rebuilt it to fly better than the US planes. I have a feeling that this sub is something NEVER seen before. ---krispy : OP said that this one was VERY VERY NEW ! "Good day, (...) there are now two israeli subs. the new one is very very new. its classification is above DED. Mistral indicating a possible hostile classification on Israeli submarine" -TexTamale 3:37 PM Navy christens new guided-missile destroyer SAMPSON Sea Classics, Dec 2006 "The latest Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, Sampson (DDG-102), was christened 16 September during a colorful ceremony at Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine. (...) Designated DDG-102, Sampson is the 52nd of 62 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. This highly capable multimission ship can conduct a variety of operations, from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection, in support of the national military strategy. Sampson will be capable of fighting air, surface, and subsurface battles simultaneously. The ship contains myriad offensive and defensive weapons designed to support maritime defense needs well into the 21st century. (...) a crew of approximately 292 men and women. The 9200-ton Sampson was built by Bath Iron Works, a General Dynamics company, and is 509.5-ft in length, has a waterline beam of 59-ft, and a navigational draft of 32-ft. Four gas turbine engines will power the ship to speeds in excess of 30-kts." [link to] -Krispy 3:49 PM "2us reporting that New Israeli submarine is at entrance. 2 hours 12 minutes ago (this is important)" NIE = National intelligence estimates Wiki : [link to] National Intelligence Estimate: The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland [link to] "The Estimate, Terrorist Threats to the US Homeland, followed the standard process for producing National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), including a thorough review of sourcing, in-depth Community coordination, the use of alternative analysis, and review by outside experts. Starting in October 2006, the NIC organized a series of roundtables with IC experts to scope out terms of reference (TOR) for the Estimate. Drafters from throughout

the Community contributed to the draft. In May, a draft was submitted to IC officers in advance of a series of coordination meetings that spanned several days. The National Clandestine Service, FBI, and other IC collection officers reviewed the text for the reliability and proper use of the sourcing. As part of the normal coordination process, analysts had the opportunity--and were encouraged--to register dissents and provide alternative analysis. Reactions by the two outside experts who read the final product were highlighted in the text. The National Intelligence Board, composed of the heads of the 16 IC agencies and chaired by the ODNI, reviewed and approved the Estimate on 21 June. As with other NIEs, it is being distributed to senior Administration officials and Members of Congress." When you google National intelligence estimates 2212 then you get : 2212 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING, [link to] Maybe that lokation has relevance ... -OP 3:56 PM girlfriend is going ******* (pag 314) -TexTamale 4:08 PM Ritual date? What happened on October 01 (See posting for mega-many events) -Doommamatrix 4:26 PM One more thing about Sampson in connection with an Israeli sub: Sampson History . He was the strongest of the Israelites in the Old Test. His strength was via his hair which was long and full. In the bible, Daliah tricks Sampson, cuts off his hair and renders him powerless. He was taken captive by the Philistines who put out his eyes and abused him greatly. One day, the King was feasting and ordered the once mighty Sampson brought before him so that all could make fun of him. Sampson had the last laugh as his hair had grown back and with it, his strength returned. Standing between two pillars of the hall, he pushed and brought the place down on everyone killing all. To me, a Sampson alert would mean a mission in which one would die but not before they took out of lot of the enemy. -Doomamamatrix 4:33 PM Follow this link to a very interesting site that outlines a chart on the days, meanings and activities of the ones who worship the god with the little g. Nothing for NOV 1st ... but something for AUG 1st ! [link to] (pag 315) -White Widow 4:52 PM All about Israelian Submarines [link to] (To long to post all but worth reading) Extract: "While HDW has stated that Israel's Dolphin-class submarines were equipped with weapon systems similar to those installed on other diesel-electric submarines, various sources have reported that upon their arrival in Israel, the submarines were modified, and fitted with cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads. (...) The modernized Dolphin-class combines a conventional diesel led-acid battery system and an air-independent propulsion system (AIP) which makes the vessel extremely quiet and allows it to remain submerged for up to a week without surfacing. (...) The two most recent submarines that Israel has purchased are modernized versions of the Dolphin-class that include an AIP system, larger fuel tank, fuel cells equipped with oxygen, and hydrogen storage. These vessels are said to be able to remain submerged for longer periods of time than the three existing vessels." -PNW2010 4:58 PM Okay I'm going out on a limb here. If there is a tunnel that runs from the GOM to the North. Is it even reasonable to think that this tunnel may run under the US and could be used to detonate a large weapon under a specific location. This may fall inline with a webot prediction. The one that said the earth would open up and swallow a very large structure and take many lives. -Doomamatrix 6:44 PM I think that Krispy is right: this thing with the sub maybe the forerunner of the "Israeli mistake" spoken of in the web-bots. Now, if that is the case, and if it happens on July 31/August 1...this would no doubt lead to the 12 days of hell for the Obooya Admin. also foretold in the web-bots. (pag 317) -krispy 6:58 PM Crackin codes: *about 15 minutes ago . 2us captain reported that israeli submarine went below operational depth without

catastrophic failure and was descending to entrance. Captain requesting further instructions. Standby 30 minutesAEIC (Other posibilities are AEI(E)C(E)(S) > but there are to many combinations here, like : AE IE CES, AE IC, etc ... ) Key-words: -Alaska Earthquake Information Center *Mistral advises 2us not to follow descent . observe, monitor and record only. vessel structural risk to high (translation problem) Mistral preparing mirror. Sampson alert still in effect. (here I used only the clear E = point between descent and observe)EOV MESE Key-words: -End of Vector, Electrically Operated Valve, Emergency Operations Vehicle, end of volume -Mission Essential Support Equipment *girlfriend is going of duty, , i glimpsed at a few post and want to Remind you to please follow my post in context between noise. I remind you that the classification of the Israeli submarine is above DED. it is not an "ordinary" submarine. remember when it appeared a twilight alert was issued on strategic assets. this is vector type intelligence which i cant read. good night all. (I did not used the points at the ends of the sentence, the ,, = double I ) GII IRI IDE DIR TIG Key words are: -Goverment information infrastructure -Intercept Related Information -In-Progress Design Evaluation -Defense Intelligence Report,Disassembly Inspection Report -Theater Information Grid, Tactical Intelligence Group -night sky 7:16 PM Could there be something else in the GOM? This pic was taken back in May, I kept the site to keep an eye on the oil spill. There was something about the black section if you zoom in... (remmoved link to image , was to long, see pag 317 at posting) ---krispy 7:35 NIght Sky, these images do not line up ! On some days you can NOT SEE ANY OIL at all And then on some days there is a sheen and the next day its gone again !!! ---NightSky 9:04 PM Which is why I have been thinking that the whole gulf oil thing has been a cover up for something else that has been happening in the GOM. -Krispy 7:28 PM Ritual calender : [link to] The High Ritual Day of August 1 (Ill-u-min-at-i and TPTB) Their evening "celebration" includes the ritual deaths of many so that Their darkness is assurred for the next year. (Their calender is from Aug.1 to Aug.1). ... August 1, Lughnasadh (major Satanic holiday) ... Aug. 1 ~ LAMMAS DAY (Blood Ritual) Animal and/or human sacrifice. -Dsoul 9:15 PM National Guard to head to border states Aug. 1!!! "National Guard troops will head to the U.S.-Mexican border Aug. 1 for a yearlong deployment to keep a lookout for illegal border crossers and smugglers and help in criminal investigations, federal officials said Monday." [link to] Or, is it to prevent US citizens from leaving???? Why now after all this time???? And why the Aug 1 date???? ---Night sky 9:42 PM Not to mention... the build up of U.N. troops in Haiti since before the EQ. Standing orders for an increased amount of body bags with a destination of the southern states. Most of the military is over in the M.E. -AC US 9:50 PM This transcript of a radio talk show regarding the 8 level underground city beneath the Denver Airport gives you a hint of what is really going on in the US today. [link to] "There is a network of tunnels underground that go all the way to Europe, South America - the several continents. And there is an intermingling of this great network of tunnels throughout the globe, of which many governments use. God bless you and be with you, Colonel Bill Faye Woodard" With That said, (or rather, posted) anything is possible. If there are tunnels connecting from one country to another, then I would say YES.

-AC US 10:53 PM Tunnel will be used for transportation of EPF-cg, from base in Canada where test were performed, and EQ registered by that countries geo services. Remember post earlier of link to this ? [link to] and the EQ date and site: [link to] Many links on the underground tunnels and other stuff. I really like this link, great stuff in it. [link to] I really think they are gonna move the device from up North to the GOM via underground ocean and rivers, ect... ---AC US 11:33 PM Yes that Is a good link there. I found Va on the 3rd page, lived off base for years, heard rumors. It looks like all the coastal states are mentioned. Interesting stories at that link also, in SC a woman made a report back in the 60s that someone was drilling a hole under her house! Hearing that still, today. A whole lot of drilling going on! No wonder we are seeing so many sinkholes these days. -AC South Africa 3:08 AM 7/20/2010 Vids for israeli submarine in gulf of mexico [link to] Its all about terrorism in the GOM on the 19th of April. Strange to say the least. (pag 318) -Houdedad 3:56 AM I found a interesting set of pictures of the gulf. The article is interesting too. OP, are these the pics you were looking for? [link to] ---Bevvy 4:32 AM Which is where A whale was when hovering for days, it went 'missing', Renegade says he saw it yesterday in Venice area, but transponder off again when I looked... -'Confidential BP well info ! Please copy and flood internet ' [link to] Proposed Activity Start Date - End Date No. of Days Drill and temporarily abandon well location "A" 04/15/2009 - 07/24/2009 100 Drill and temporarily abandon well location "B" 04/15/2010 - 07/24/2010 100 -Bevvy 6:58 AM Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure Jul.19, 2010 "The Vatican has just completed a five day conference astrobiology where scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications of extraterrestrial life. A major driving force behind the conference was the Director of the Vatican Observatory, the Jesuit priest Father Jose Gabriel Funes. In May 2008, Funes gave an interview to the Vaticans LOsservatore Romano newspaper saying that the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials posed no problems to Catholic theology. (...) the conference demonstrates a welcome openness by the Vatican on the possibility and implications of extraterrestrial life. The Vaticans openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact, the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure." (longer post) [link to] -AC US 8:34 AM BOP-BLOB could the blob mentioned being seeing in cam 8 be related to what op mentioned about the organism ? VID : [link to] Thread: [link to] ---the "blob" forming, almost looks like a hornet's nest... The "blob" seems to have strong magnetic characteristics, as the droplets or whatever they are seem to re-adhere after releasing and floating upward. -AC NL 8:38 AM Trying to find some leads : "central command confirms Mistral analysis and issuing dedicated SAMPSON classification on new israeli submarine. DED going crazy again. BEZERK level 2" *Sampson: [link to] (this one) and [link to] , [link to] *SAMPSON dedicated ships [link to] *Sampson heading RIM-PAC ("watch") Hawaii [link to]

*(Israel) Sam(p)son option [link to] and [link to] -Skippy 12:10 PM 7/20/2010 BEIJING China rushed to keep an oil spill from reaching international waters Tuesday. Crude oil started pouring into the Yellow Sea off a busy northeastern port after a pipeline exploded late last week, sparking a massive 15-hour fire. I bet there is more to this whole GOM story than meets the eye! (pag 319) -Posting of a VID that shows odd droplets / little white blotches interacting with equipment, the poster of the vid things they are bugs, other posters think they might be methane-droplets or hydrates. They seem to disappear into the metal. [link to] ---Is this stuff just like snow which goes transparent when it hits something solid like snowflakes that disappear into wetness when they hit a heated windshield? This would give the illusion that they are disappearing into the solid objects. --- The tendrils and blobs of white stuff are fish shit, deteriorated fish, algae, and any other type of disgusting trash and filth that comes from the surface and the oxygenated levels that are much higher than the ROV's. This semigelatinous goo falls continuously in a crap 'rain' from above. The entire seafloor is covered by and made up of this stuff. -OP 1:50 PM 7/20/210 Good day, some ******(pag 320) -OP 1:53 PM we have ******* -OP 1:56 PM XTVR3241A ****** -TexTamale 1:56 PM Cool link about volcanos and EQ's [link to] -kispy 1:56 PM I just had a look to the BP feeds [link to] and saw a kind of YELLOW ORANGE SONAR THING !!! ????? I took a screenshot: [link to] -OP 2:01 PM TT41 - 12 ******* -OP 2:04 PM The 13th ******* -OP 2:05 PM merci glp (pag 321) -There is a Tsunami Activity ALERT in the MId-Atlantic. -Renegadeson 3:05 PM Brainstorm about OP's words : *TT 41: Matter at Low Temperature: Quantum Liquids, Bose-Einstein-Condensates, Ultra-cold Atoms [link to] Not sure what this is about..too small to read, interesting title. *'Cobalt'..perhaps,perhaps not.. Cobalt-bomb [link to] , 2 in GOM and 2 in ADEN indicates alien a 'stargate' , *(time is of the essence X 100) > Day 100 for well 'B' is 7/24/2010 [link to] (pag 322) -TexTamale 3:16 PM From Renegade's wiki link about the cobalt bomb: Mechanism > The cobalt tamper would be transmuted into the isotope 60Co upon initiation and bombardment by neutron radiation. 60Co decays into an excited 60Ni by beta decay. The excited 60Ni then transitions to a ground state 60Ni, releasing gamma radiation. Other isotopes could also be used for salted bombs, including gold-197, tantalum-181, and zinc-64. --- 3:51 PM EQ in Iran just now: [link to]

-krispy 3:58 PM Guy I am a bit stunned .. about that ADEN GATE thing .... This was posted earlier , look at the photo [link to] the 13th sign : [link to] I think it iscode for a 19-day period! "Astrologers have not included Ophiuchus in the wheel of Astrological signs because the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th sign of the Mazzaroth" , "OPHIUCHUS = NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 17 " > starts at Halloween ? Festival of the death ? ... (...) (pag 323) -Karu 4:19 PM Suchadoom has an interesting take on the 13th sign: [link to] 'Warning of cataclism as the 13th sign of the Black Sun arrives' : The sudden star, though seen by all of the Earth, does not elicit the fear it should even as fire begin to stain the Northern skies. But, when Mars retreats from Ophiuchus, and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destruction is at as the Black Sun rises once again. -Krispy 4:54 PM WAIT A SEC ! * Gulf of Aden, gate presumably found , GoM, gate presumably there "Mistral MIRROR class prepared and FULLY OPERATIONAL." > MIRROR FULLY OPERATIONAL !!!! What if they have THE MIRROR > second one ... fully operational ???? Did a Isra-eli sub wanted to go to the CAVE were that gate is ? But something is blocking entrance ... * XTVR3241A + TT41 are 13 signs .... (letters), XTVR3241A TT41 or XTVR3241A TT41 - 12 > is maybe the/a KEY ... * I think that there are 2 sentences in that one transmission -TT41 - 12 is scheduling calibrator from Em ( Extremely problematic) Mistral MIRROR class prepared and FULLY OPERATIONAL. (time is of the essence X 100) * Something else I noticed : The end of a message is the beginning of the next message ! "we have a global "Cobalt is Blue" alert request from chinese submarine XTVR3241A XTVR3241A is blocking entrance for Israeli Sampson class TT41 TT41 - 12 is scheduling calibrator from Em ( Extremely problematic) Mistral MIRROR class prepared and FULLY OPERATIONAL. (time is of the essence X 100)" ... What if we read it as 1 >> we have a global "Cobalt is Blue" alert request from chinese submarine is blocking entrance for Israeli Sampson class - 12 is scheduling calibrator from Em ( Extremely problematic) Mistral class prepared and time is of the essence X 100 MIRROR FULLY OPERATIONAL. .... ???? * "The 13th Sign has 4 Vector Channels, 2 in GOM and 2 in ADEN" IF (a big if) this has got something to do with "alien-technology"/Atlantian technology then the 13th Sign could be an alien council/contact. "The constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man." > an ANCESTOR aka ALIEN. The 13th sign was never implemented in the known zodiac coz it was a kind of sensorship by TPTB/church/etc ... They never wanted us to find out the real truth about our origin. It was earlier talked about that this premodial-lifeform (which has evolved/mutated) aka cargo could be of extraterrestial origine (meteorite) ... if this was the SEED-LIFEFORM that was first introduced on earth to create something (???) .. and that THING/microbe is now activated again and has evolved into something new. It could be that those "men" from the 13th sign have intrest in this too. Remember that the text tells about people who practise medicine : "Imhotep is credited with many accomplishments including the knowledge and use of medicine. It is said of Imhotep that he brought the art of healing to mankind. The symbol of a serpent [or snake], which is still widely used today to represent the medical profession, was used to represent Imhotep. Imhotep was also known as 'Aesclepius' to the ancient Greeks, but by any name the attributes are still all the same." A vector channel is secure and secret ... a channel has always a beginnin and an end > it consists of 2 ! So 2

gates give 4 channels. Also in quantum mechanics a vector is the composition of a plus (positive) and a minus (negative), it is the line between those 2 > they ARE A MIRROR ! (Maybe there are 4 gates ... 1 backup gate if the other would have been destroyed in an event) The GOLD thing makes sence coz we know we have been a race for the gold-mining for the ruling powers back then. What if this CARGO-being is of importance to the gates ??? To make it work ???? .. Liquid and dynamic (morphing), magnetical and maybe also radioactive in some minor ways ... I see possibilities here !!! The reason why ISrael is turning against Big-Bro-AMerica is coz they have intrest in these ancient (like in ancient Egypt times -IMHOTEP- !) technology which they posesed once ... and want to poses again. Thats why the took a lead to go with their sub to the cave ... WOW in this prospect and light we could make this story much bigger and put some more puzzlepieces on the table. TO POSES THE GATE and THE KEY = RULER OF THIS AND OTHER WORLDS ! That is why former relationships and agreements between lands are not of importance anymore. THIS could be THE WAR for the WORLDS. -AC US 5:30 PM The image of Ophiuchus - a man with half of the serpent on one side and half on the other another "mirroring". Similar to GOM on one side of the globe and GOA on the other...the head and the tail of the serpent? That suggests that GOM is the tail and GOA the head. In 2005, astronomers using data from the Green Bank Telescope discovered a superbubble so large that it extends beyond the plane of the galaxy.[2] It is called the Ophiuchus Superbubble. So could there be "superbubbles" at both the head and the tail, mirroring each other - both GOA and GOM with expanding methane bubbles rising/pushing up the ocean floor? (pag 324)

Part 1 2 3 4 on pag 140 part 5 pag 231 part 6 pag 232 part 7 --part 8 pag 244 part 9 pag 278 part 10 pag 293 part 11 pag 302 part 12 pag 333 krispy @ your service

resum relevant postings, Part 13 , of pag 325-349

-7/20/2010 Postings about to find out if the positions of GOM and GOA are in opposite directions geologicaly. They are not, but it could be possible that they are 2 points of a triangular formation. An other possibility due to crustal shifting.. perhaps they were at antipodal at some time in the distant past. -Krispy 6:35 PM Wiki sais on Ophiuchus : "The most recent interpretation is that the figure represents the healer Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius' care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works. Another possibility is that the figure represents the Trojan priest Laocon, who was killed by a pair of sea serpents sent by the gods after he warned the Trojans not to accept the Trojan Horse. This event was also memorialized by the sculptors Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydorus in the famous marble sculpture Laocon and his Sons, which stands in the Vatican Museums. A third possibility is Apollo wrestling with the Python to take control of the oracle at Delphi. A fourth is the story of Phorbas, a Thessalonian who rescued the people of the island of Rhodes from a plague of serpents and was granted a place in the sky in honor of this deed." [link to] The story of the TROJANS : we live now in a Trojan-reality. We are kept from the truth and were misleaded all our lives, untill we began thinking our own. If I speculate then I think that the RACE that could be comming from this distant reagion in the milky way is a race that wants lifeforms to know their origine and want it to benefit from all the knowledge there is, and that also implicates the key to imortality. The RULER race(s) here on earth do not want us to know and even have that. That is why the 13th sign was not included in the zodiac. That is why Asclepius was killed every time. "Rescued the people of the island of Rhodes from a plague of serpents" > arent ALGAE little serpents too ??? Back to reality : The Russians have major advantaged knowledge in healing technology, the russians have major and exclusive knowledge about what is going on in that lake at the pole. The Chineese woreship the SNAKE also : dragon. Maybe there are more concedences to find ... (This is something I read just the other day but have not saved that page:) Israel has a spot , a holy place, with a HOLE (so deep that you can hear the death screeming if you listen well) in a huge piece of rock. The SHAPE of that rock overlay's exactly a specific part of america ... The US is a MIRROR of that piece of rock in Israel. (there was also something mentioning the pentagon relation with that piece of rock that the Israeli's woreship, and even the HOLE was an important spot in america. I hope someone can find this article again) -Renegadeson 7:04 PM For those with an open mind.. here is an interesting read from Sorcha... about the Gulf of Aden.. and the stargate that is there. [link to] -Whitebeard 7:15 PM (...) Ophiuchus is the serpent holder, a Christ-figure which prevents the serpent from attaining the Northern Crown. Ophiuchus was the 13th zodiac segment, and largest, of the sky until he was pushed aside by Scorpio (serpent) when Satan (serpent) became ruler of the 12,000 year kingdom of World. Through Bible teachings we learn that Christ is the 13th, and head, of the other twelve, represented/symbolized by His disciples. Each person must choose whether to follow the false saviors which are proclaimed by deceitful spirits, or to follow the Christ/Ophiuchus savior which the Bible proclaims. (longer post) -Krispy 7:28 PM Just popped into my mind : The Stargate vs The Holy Grail, The Fountain of Yought, ... Throughout history this has been the main Quest every country has anticipated in/took part in. The grail has been describes as a golden cup/goblet, to drink from ... > The FLUID (think fluid cargo) of wisdom and knowledge. Well, with gaining acces to numerous other gates and civilisations that gives The Travelers acces to wisdom and knowledge. They would be traveling without even aging much. This way of traveling is NOTLINEAR (like the travel of a sattelite and the spaceshuttle, which takes years and a lot of time to reach

destinations) ... The Grail has been described by the Celtics (I mean the era when there was a Women's cultus. The Queen and Priestes were the most important, and men were there for keeping the blood fresh and healthy. In that time the Queen had the right to choose every year an other man - connected with a ritual day in springtime) In that time the Holy Attributes were described as a spear, ??? something and a big round shieldlike thing. Round big and shallow, to put a fluid in and then you could connect with other worlds and see in the future .... This SHIELD could be a stargate. I speculate that when all the stargates on earth are activated and connected, they can do something else then only be a gate to outer spaces ... > they can function as A SHIELD ! (note : for when the natural magnetic shield of the earth has become so weak ;) ) If the representations of a stargate in the SiFi-series are a bit accurate then there is also a fluidlike energyfield created. -Gabriel 9:20 PM The amount of EQs are really ramping its a bunch of 5+ instead of 4+....what will tomorrow have [link to] -CONFIDENTIAL BP WELL INFO [link to] OCS Plan Information Form Proposed Activity Drill and temporarily abandon Well A = April 15, 2009 100 days July 24, 2009 Drill and temporarily abandon Well B = April 15, 2010 100 days July 24, 2010 Thread here : [link to] -AC US 12:48 AM 7/21/2010 (pag 327) From BP site: Assessment of the Potential for Sinking oil : MC 252 Incident , 3 April 2010 >>> look at the date ... 3 APRIL !! [link to] ---Houdedad 12:53 AM It may be a typo. If you open up the documents properties, it is listed as created 5/25/2010 -AC NL 4:37 AM detailed info about the confidential BP well-document , specific coordinates and seafloor information (long post, see pag 327) -Krispy 8:47 AM 7/21/2010 (pag 328) Connecting dots stargates-gold. Reaction on VID posted by Bevvy : [link to] In the vid they say : 1st gate in Aden, 2nd gate in miami circle of florida , teams on their way (=subs) , when Aden gate reach readyness > golden particles all over the place in the water !!!! > What have we been seeing in the water : golden orange-yellow droplets/particles ! screenshots : [link to] and [link to] So could that mean that the GOM-gate is already in "readyness" ???? The NEW crystal grid they are talking about in the vid was something I already knew, but not in correlation with stargates or gold. This makes sence in the way that the FLOCK is magnetical and crystaline-like ... It is also supposed to enhance the forcefield ... to spread and conduct the magnetic capabilities. In a way I was right to suggest that the cargo-morph-gold was part to activate these stargates. From this point of view it looks like the US/BP indeed have released something they can not stop anymore. They are affraid of it coz this could be the beginning of the end for their reign over -We The People- ... IF it is indeed so that no hostile weapons can be used anymore when all gates are linked and connected and formed a grid, then THAT is scaring the hell out of them ! That brings new questions to the rises about WHO wants to NU-ke and WHO does not ... I guess Israel is not on the nuke-side, for them religeous artifacts are verrrry important, and in the hope that this is their ticked to get loose from America ... This makes the post from OP about that COUP (from navy ) also more acceptable coz this is the area of the navy: the sea and the area's of the gates they are guarding. (some want to do the good thing and some want the bad thing, and some do not know what to do coz they do not understand the full impact of what is going on. The GOOD thing would be pro-gate and freedom, the bad thing would be anti-gate and pro-dominionship) This is a complex situation! Okay... next thought : when hostile weapons seem to fail/or could fail in the next near future in this magnetised water, what other resources would TPTB have : NATURAL RESOURCES >> a methane bubble !!! What if heating up this area was previsioned to CREATE a methane threat if needed (like a backup plan). I think there are ways/techniques to release pressure from the seafloor and the bubble so that it can be controled in a way.

Maybe that is also why they are anchious to use nukes ... I could be that the ruptures and the crackings of the seafloor are HELPING the release of pressure and stress ... That is why the drill reliefwells, and maybe permitting EQ's in certain area's .... Maybe they HOPE that a well timed release of a methane-bubble will break the crystaline forcefield or prevent it from setting ? It is obvious that the "pirate-story" and the "oil-spill" are covering thins up. And what better protection secracy-shield there is then oil on and in the waters ? And kept BELOW in layers ... It is clear that this was an ultimate way of not wasting a crisis, this is a multi-leveled event taht is so wierd and odd that many will never believe the truth! What a perfect place to hide what is going on ? I told you guys that I had my doubts wheter this organisme (Golden Morphy) was BAD and NEGATIVE ... I told you that I had mixed feelings and that it did feel OKAY and RIGHT. That we should try to ALLIGN or make consious contact with this crystaline magnetic living field/being ... It can and will grow in (good) strenght if we tune in to it with a heart filled with faith, strenght and loving hope. So far till now, ... -Bevvy 10:11 AM I am posting some pictures of grid lines of the planet. (see post for images) Information about the (planetary) grids and their shapes and geometric energy fields. (long interesting post) -Owenmeany 12:12 PM (pag329) piece of info: now image: 2 yes 2 new CAPS has arrived at seafloor ?? -6 String Woodie 1:54PM Mentioned a while back about the Gulf of Aden, some seemed little interested. Especially on the stargate. Some agreed second major gate is here in GOM. Never the less, a lot of activity in both Gulfs, and military build up. Here are some links again: * Gulf of Aden stargate : [link to] * Thread : What this Gulf of Aden is realy about [link to] * Thread : Possible Somalian nuclear attack [link to] PSI Guy said to watch Straight of Hormuz, as possible WWIII begins there. (maybe out of panic of the stargate, or uncovering of all the lies ?) He said it all began with the Isreali pilot who ejected over Yemen. Thread : the strait of hormuz [link to] , about Yemen : [link to] , and more in post. -Postings about the coordinates from well A and B and DWH. -Vessel info: 59 vessels at location ... 2 days ago 200 * I read an article somewhere today that ships were having trouble locating any oil, so maybe that is why there are less ships out there now. [link to] (pag 330) * ALL tugs have left the area and high-tailed it for port. * oceanic intervention rov 1, starts to hook crate up. * -Flavapor 5:17 PM Bahama's "blue holes" go deep and they are connected to caves. [link to] I thought it might refer to the cobalt blue in OP last post -AC UK 6:53 PM We have a DOWNHOLE ! [link to] (on next page more reactions on this posting) -Textamale 7:32 PM (pag 331) 'Static kill' of breached Gulf oil well could begin within 48 hours' [link to] I think a perfect storm situation is being set up. Static kill at about the same time the tropical system hits the area. Maybe the storm will delay the static kill??? -Karu 8:45 PM 'US Forces Strike China Over North Korean Gulf Oil Catastrophe' [link to] "A dire report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the foreign military intelligence directorate of the Russian General Staff (GRU) is warning today that Total Global War may be imminent due to the United States shock bombing of 2 Chinese oil pipelines in retaliation for the Communist Chinese ally North Koreas torpedoing and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, which we had previously reported on in our May 1st report US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil

Rig. According to this report, US Air Force hypersonic space planes (commonly referred to in America as UFOs) based out of Guam began infiltrating Chinese airspace a fortnight ago for the purpose of target acquisition to retaliate against the Communists. One of these missions was in broad daylight and forced the closure Hangzhou's Xiaoshan Airport. (...) Unfortunately for the Chinese, the military connection associated with these US UFOs became apparent this Friday past (July 16th) when the port city of Dalian, located in China's Liaoning Province, was attacked by one of them when it fired at least 3 infrared guided missiles blowing up two oil pipelines."[/i] -AC Greece 10:16 PM Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA whistleblower (about corexit) [link to] "Amy Goodman interviewed Hugh Kaufman, a senior policy analyst at the EPAs Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response and a leading critic of the decision to use Corexit" who disclosed how the officials are lying about many things related to the catastrophe poisoning "millions of people." -AC US 10:54 PM Comment today on Florida Oil Spill Law: 'Cause of Oil Spill is BPs Iran trade' : "BP has extensive trade links with Iran. In Britains North Sea he it has a 50% partnership with Iran, also in Azerbajain a partnership with Iran, also BP has partnerships in Russia and Libya. While no-one forsaw such an environmental catastrophe, the aim from the beginning was to break-up BP and sell it off. All of the circumstantial evidence supports this hypothesis. Apart from circumstantial evidence we are only getting what is Government assisted and sanctioned news. Halliburton has just announced an 83% rise in this quarters profits lucky it is registered in Dubai." VID : [link to] -String woodie 11:22 PM The NBDC ( Bouy ) site is showing active event mode within 24 hours again, on Bouy Near South Carolina. Its icon is flashing and has the data report. Um, it's kinda strange, where that bouy is just slightly south of it at 32.3N , 72.75W WTF are those thingies that look like, umm, cough, Tits ? Just wondering... ---Bevvy 3:05 AM 7/22/2010 charleston allways going off, .... see this thread : 'OCEAN FLOOR RISING BY 13 FEET PER DAY HERE'. [link to] They have been following the NOAA buoys and the seismology charts since april, lots of interesting things in there. Plus stuff that could be relevent to the GOM. They mention the SC bouy 'going off all the time', and they talk about the florida seismograph also, I think round about page 30 something... -Hans the magnificent 3:17 AM (pag 332) Dr. Deagle at the end of today's pod cast was just notified the Gulf Stream has now stopped !! [link to] Thread : [link to] -Krispy 7:50 AM resum relevant postings, Part 12 , of pag 300-324 [link to] -Bevvy 8:08 AM from 2007 'Sinkhole opens way to weird fossil world' [link to] There are many blue holes on Abaco and other Bahamian islands -Textamale 8:06 AM The article connects crop circles to what's going on in the GOM. I won't post the entire article, so go to link for the full content. [link to] ---Bevvy 8:56 AM This is another circle [link to] check out comments page also. waves and particles. -OP 9:02 AM Em is off DED. ***** (pag 332) -Flavapor 9:05 AM WEIRD SHIT ON SHORTWAVE alot of people heard it in the us and south america, the ham wave operators dont know what it was and have never heard it before it was started by allenk. I dont know how to do the link stuff but it could be related.

-Krispy 12:35 PM (pag 334) According to that new thread Scandi Neptune ROV is at well "A" ... [link to] Quote: "SKANDI NEPTUNE the Rov that shows the "NEW cap" is the exact coordinates of the FIRST well that blew in February....NOT of the second well (the blew up the rig). This is PROOF that we have been sold a dog and pony show." -Krispy 12:36 PM Check out cam 11 NOW !!!!! The RED SONAR THING !!! Screenshot : [link to] The images are takenhalf a minute-a minute from another. Read from left to right, and then next line. ---Owenmeany 12:52 PM Radar/sonar images: hdg is important > heading: direction in degrees from 0 to 359 = north, 90 = E, 180 = S, 270 = W ---What are they looking for ??????? -Thread : 'Wierd things going on on shortwave' : [link to] (pag 335) -Krispy 1:31 PM No ships at lat/long 28'44'18 - 88'21'57 (of wells A and B) Boa sub C, Boa deep C, Helix, Hilda LAB, Q4000, discoverenterprise , ... All in the same spot and round cordinates 28'73'86N - o88'36'54W !!!! WHY THERE and not at the WELL's site ? Only Ocean Veritas is in the neighbourhood ... the rest is way more north/north-west. ---Textamale 1:42 PM Gulf abandoned due to bad weather : [link to] ---Owenmeany 2:02 PM I remember that a few days ago there were 200 vessels and most of them were north of well site. I get the impresion they moved a lot north a few days ago -AC US 2:23 PM I dont know why the "weird shortwave radio " post from the middle of the night isnt getting much chatter. Page 3 and 4 talk about scaler weapons and coded messages that are the type of the older days where they used the code once and discard, making it impossible to decode. Seems to me that people who have done this for over 20 yrs and never seen signals like this would be of interest since it was so large that it was heard in several states and south america. When I read it I thought it tied in with this thread. ---Karu posted quote from other thread : "It did NOT cover the entire shortwave spectrum. It covered from about 4.49-4.51Mhz. That band is not usable by Civilians, but it IS usable by MARS stations .... also antisubmarine ops" ---Krispy Quote : "It did NOT cover the entire shortwave spectrum." Just wanted to remind you of 1 of the words that came up in de-coding: D,,S = DSSS = direct sequence spread spectrum "Good day. I have limited access., Increased security at office today and for this WEEK, girlfrienD expects they will be in semi lockdown for this WeeK. (her supervisor told her that there are serious decisions going to be made this week. On WEDnesday senior staff will meet with personnel from other embassies,, she frankly thinks the "others" world is tired and wont wait the full 101 days as requested. )" Code : GEIEIWEEKDWKEEHEOWED,,S101E -Several postings about specific cropcircles , for example [link to] and [link to] ... and more (pag 337) -Nexuseditor 8:28 PM ...asks to stop about cropcircles ... (...) The Earth is expanding again at present. You need to research this theory if you are unfamiliar with it. Since the 1990s, there have been more and more reports of undersea eruptions around the planet. These usually take the form of hundreds of acres and thousands of vents spewing forth superheated water etc. If you look up the emergence times and locations of these vents around the planet, you can clearly see how some oceanic currents, both deep and shallow are being affected, in terms of temperature especially. The emergence of these undersea eruptions has triggered a mass of high-level scientific research. Not only are there potential natural resources 'down there' but there are lifeforms down there that have value to biowarfare, pharmaceutical and other industries. People need to know that oil is NOT formed by lots of dead dinosaurs dying at the same spot at the same time etc etc. Oil is continually formed near NEW areas of

crustal development - and it needs particular bacteria and microbes, with particular temperatures and pressures etc, in order to 'produce' oil etc. My assessment of some of the OP's thread, is that various countries/company's have their people down there trying to cash in on what is happening; and that during this process, the French Navy have discovered and obtained either samples of, or a complete, new lifeform/organism. People also need to understand that each country is not always necessarily "united' within itself, and with its assets. That recent post, where one Israeli sub is classified as okay, while the new sub that came on the scene was classified as hostile could be used as an example of this. The world is actually made up of, and run by, competing 'factions'. Each faction continually seeks to have its people running countries, or in the opposition parties. For example the Vatican is a 'faction'; the Zionists are a 'faction'; the Nazis are a 'faction' (not necessarily German either, you need to include the Bush family et al); and until about 10 years or so ago, the French were their own faction. (That is why, after WWII, nearly ever 'war' resulted in the removal of the French control of that area - the Frogs didn't want to play ball with the other factions' agenda. All changed now tho). There are other factions also, of course - but the ones above have been the ones influencing your lives the most for the last century or two. Another example: in Australia, the ALP (Australian Labour Party) is controlled by competing factions, which we all think are divided along political lines. (Actually, most of their rank and file members think this also). But, in reality, the Nazi's control one faction; the Vatican another, and the Zionists control another. Factions also seek to place their people in the military of countries, as well as religious, educational, scientific and related institutions. Each faction has its own intelligence service - and most security and secrecy orders are not to keep the public nose out of events, but also to keep the other factions' noses out of stuff. Factions will cooperate on some projects and goals of mutual interest, and compete on others. The last big wars have reduced the number of factions down to a handful - and they are now playing their cards for the final hand. The goal - one world govt, cashless society, chipped sheeple - and total control. (...) -Krispy 9:08 PM They are using that oragne SONAR again. It looks offline, but when you look at it big screen you see the changes and the tracking line. -Karu 9:19 PM (pag 338) Will they use HAARP to close the well? The vid in this thread is a real eye opener: [link to] -Snowgoosebob 1:34 AM 7/23/2010 Krispy71 RESUM PART 12 (Backup) [link to] BACKUP of 'Krispy71 RESUM Part 12' Also Added to my post on Page 300. -OP 1:56 AM Good day, I just want you to know that at 01:18 ****** (pag 338) -AC Australia 2:16 AM Some very genuine people have linked to this thread and followed it. You have also maybe done a lot of research and you wish to know fo sure about the OP. For you I post the following: I BELIEVE I KNOW WHO THE OP IS. HE IS AUSSIE. HE HAS POSTED UNDER ANOTHER NAME ON THIS THREAD. HE GOT HIS INFO FROM SOMEONE ON BOARD A FRENCH NAVAL VESSEL IN THE GULF WHO WAS MONITORING RADIO TRANSMISSIONS, THEREFORE I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THE INFO IS GENUINE. (It is amazing what a bit of digging will do) I have never met him though I have talked to him by phone. THERE WAS NO NEED TO USE CODE. I think that was just to keep the scent from leading to him. The vessel from which he was obtaining his info has left the Gulf. He has since posted under another name. I can vouche for the info. It is at least what he received. He is still posting on this thread and if he wishes to he can identify himself. He may have reason not to, so I say no more. -Vessel info : almost all vessels has disappeared over a large area * damn they /fleed * no, zoom out and look to vessels in range in the WHOLE world 620 yes 620 * There is only one ship left and it is moored : HOS IRON HORSE UK *

-Bevvy 7:53 AM (pag 339) This is the buoy I and many others have been monitoring for months now... [link to] In Short buoy 55023 in March was reading just under 4.6 km water colum height. That means from ocean floor to surface. Remember thes measurement s are in metres!, also I have selected only a few random fluctuations, these measurements are taken every 15 min and every 1 min when big changes occur....note many EQs in the area (couple hundred kms)for this time period. Note buoy is not in event mode. #YY MM DD hh mm ss T HEIGHT 2010 03 15 00 00 00 1 4593.138 ...(snip)... 2010 07 23 06 00 00 1 4014.593 pls if you want to know more go to: [link to] these folks have become the experts! Also note areas that were devistated in 2004 Tsunami, are basically still not covered in event of emergency. go to main site [link to] look how many are off line (red) disgusting! -AC US 9:25 AM "88" is signature code, not from OP, but from those controlling the report of the incident. Later, when msm files, we may find the actual count to be different. -AC US 9:38 AM After 9 and 11, and after the '04 tsunami, it was French reporting that gave us in the US real data in real time. We got nothing in the US more than "official accounts" of events and the very first eyewitness reports of both 9 and 11 and the tsunami. The most popular French site for the tsunami data gathering and reporting insisted that satellites had been diverted from their usual orbiting path so that the satellites were crossing the Indian Ocean at the time of the tsunami. An eye-in-the sky, so to speak. I mentioned this so that if anyone reading has the ability to determine if satellite orbiting is suddenly changed, please let us know. During the tsunami, two satellites had their usual orbit changed so that they criss-crossed over the Indian Ocean. ---AC US 11:58 AM Interesting. The French Intel. (secret service) stopped a false flag in Chicago around the same time as G-8 in Pitts. a while back. MSM had the story up for one minute and took it down. The French agents solicited the help of Marshalls to arrest the would be bombers. Notice it was not one of the hundred alphabet agencies. That alone made us believe that this story was probably true. Funny, we rely on French intel from saving our cities... -Flavapor 10:46 AM Here is a clip from the wierd shortwave thread, I think those of you who are good at this mystery should really pay attention to this thread, it was stated in the beginning of the thread that the waves were between 4.-5.7 and here are some of the channels that go into that, note that alot are navy, coastguard, and anti submarine channels along with air force. The Top 100 Military Shortwave Frequencies (See posting for frequencies ... last post : [link to] ) ---Karu 1:51 PM My thought after reading that thread it that if that frequency is used in sub ops and if there is an underground river/ocean that subs are accessing that possibly the US is listening for it over a wide swath of the continental US. -Flavapor 10:54 AM (pag 340) also, did anyone else notice that last night when I went to bed there were like 230 earthquakes on earthquakes worldwide site, and I wake up this morning to over 500, but there dont seem to be additional markers for them, so they must all be overlapping alaska, california, and haiti. The wierd shortwave site indicates that HAARP was responsible for the signals they were picking up. "Omega" is mentioned on that site too. -AC US 11:48 AM One more quick post, in upper NW South Carolina (Upstate) trains come through. I'm being told that in recent days that there are flatbeds with military ordinance such as jeeps, trucks, and tanks. I have not seen this, but there are many who live near the train tracks and report they are headed in the direction of Atlanta, GA (and further South.) These tracks go all the way to New Orleans. Over the years, we'll see some of this type of equipment transfer, but the people watching say that the is a greater amount than normal of military equipment being moved. -Dhlos 12:10 PM Picked up a sequence of codes, caught up of the airwaves. They come in blocks of 5 letters. It looks like a morse systems op for the USAF ... (see post for codes)

-Krispy 3:06 PM 7/24/2010 Code-cracking : "Good day, I just want you to know that at 01:18 this morning paris time 2us reported that they Observed around 88 dead on an abandoned cuban registered surface vessel. (my girlfriend think most may be cuban refugees, but I'm not sure) 2us captain reported monitoring a chinese vessel giving "limited" assistance to a US surface vessel who was towing and evacuating the cuban vessel. the US surface Vessel was NOT from the US Coast Guard but they followed high level bio quarantine procedure (translation problem)" > (GI)POCEMCCUSCETUSV NOT USCG (see post for detail explenation) -Krispy 5:57 PM (pag 341) Explaining the code's and OP's message : (... snip... , longer post) HOW can the captain OBSERVE (= SEE) that there are exactly 88 dead ???? So that's why I think that 88 is also a code. The captain could have HEARED about so many dead, but not see and count. They would have not had VISUAL on those 88 dead. Get it ? So that is strange to say. Is there a reason for Cubans to flee at this moment ? maybe there is but it is again strange that THIS ONE specific is reported by the captain, and that a CHINESE vessel is assisting !!! Becoz of this article KARU posted : "US Forces Strike China Over North Korean Gulf Oil Catastrophe" (see posting) So whit that kind of tension, why would the chinese assist the US ???? OP sais that the US vessel was not Coast Guard, but was a vessel with high level bio quarantine procedure. So we have to look and find which US-vessels follow that description and qualification! There MUST be something WRONG with that cuban vessel and dead-body's .. why else would there be followed a high level of bio-quarantine ???? Victems of the poisonous GOM-waters? Or have they been working with THE CARGO ????? Remember that the crew of the french sub were in quarantine also and that they had dead also. Now to the decoding > This must be a govenment initiated event (evacuating), and concerning a delicate government issue. They do not want anyone to know the real reason those cubans died. So this is a private owned conveyance, maybe a private government contractor. (...snip...) Op used the number 88 (...snip...) And that might be a Unit Specification ! I dont understand the part well about that switching control group. But maybe now this will be under different control/command now that there is a bio-quarantine level ... (Which can lead to : fema ... ???) -So we have to look if there are CHINESE guide missle cruisers in the GOM ??? -Are cubans hired to do CLEAN_UP work ??? -To what BIO-THREAT could they have been died ??? -Which US-vessels follow the description and qualification of high level bio quarantine procedure ???! -AC US 9:21 PM "88" has been a common signature code in the past few years. It is a multiple of the base "44" similar to the use of "66" as a multiple of "33". Generally, 33 is used to show the result (incident report) is from orders of the "boss" of Masonic faction. 44 is been a newer code, arising since the '04 tsunami, and is used to show intended result from orders of the "boss" of this faction. Unclear on exactly which group is using signature code 44. Likely, the "88" in this report is code claiming the incident as an intended attack - and is not code directly from OP, except to pass on the faction message claiming responsibility. Signature codes were effectively used during the recent Iranian rebellion and were fine-tuned down to a type of Dewey Decimal system. Lots of tweets during the rebellion because news service was open to only "approved" services. Someone posted the Dewey Decimal system for meaning with respect to who was involved. Once you had that numbered decimal system, we could read tweets and wire service reports and understand better what was happening. It was not the same as the news being reported. [This is one reason Reuters is raising a fuss with glp. They know the codes, but report what and how they want. If we know the codes and chat the "real" news on message boards, it ruins their undeserved reputation as a reliable news service.] Another example, locally we had a fire to burn down a historical church. News reported that 88,000 gallons of water was used to put out the fire. What the heck?? No one has ever before reported gallons of water used in a fire and in checking we found that there was not an effective way to measure the water use due to line leakage and other problems, and there was no reason for estimating water use. The news media was being used to let the "brotherhood" know that the fire had been deliberate. Long story short, the fire chief "quit" because he found another job in another place. -Snowgoosebob 3:40 AM (pag 342) This video was posted by glp member "2012gregg". Topic thread : [link to]

I thought it was intresting on what was on the wings of the plane after the flight over the GOM with clear skys. VID : [link to] -Renegadeson 7:23 AM 7:20 AM.. A Whale has turned on it's transponder and is on the move heading south from Venice at 3.4 kts. -OP 7:23 AM 7/24/2010 Good day, on Wednesday **** (pag 342) -Odessa Protocol: All I can find on this is that it is some sort of multi-national agreement hinged around environmental preservation. ---Bevvy 9:06 AM (pag 434) ODESSA, (from the German Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehrigen, Organization for Former SS Members) is believed to have been an international Nazi network set up toward the end of World War II by a group of SS officers in order to avoid their capture and prosecution for war crimes. ...(snip)... The purpose of ODESSA was to establish and facilitate secret escape routes, later known as ratlines, for SS members out of Germany and Austria to South America and the Middle East. ---Hans TM 11:15 AM Odessa was/is a semi secret group of veterans and others who are suspected of all manner of skullduggery against the current government in Germany. They are rumored to want to continue the Third Reich. ---Freddie Forsyth towns in Texas, Louisiana and Florida called Odessa. also, Odessa in Ukraine used to be a Soviet naval base. -Krispy 12:46 PM code-cracking "Good day, on Wednesday my girlfriend told me that 14 European nations with russia china india and japan approved the Odessa Protocols at the embassy meeting. This morning the DED shows the change in DED signatures and that there are already 7 new vessels from the Odessa Fleet near the rim. 3 of the odessa fleet vessels are russian, 1 from germany and one from norway, 2 are from a salvage company registered in the netherlands and are not navy." GWErcijOPTDEDDEDOFofrgnn 14 7 3 1 2 (see post for detail explenations) * war establishment: the level of equipment and manning laid down for a military unit in wartime. ** Google 14, war establishment ... Brought me to : -war establishment : The level of equipment and manning laid down for a military unit in wartime. Fourtien points. -Fourtien points : [link to] (more info) Outline of proposals by Pres. Woodrow Wilson for a post World War I peace settlement, given in an address in January 1918. The emphasis on "open covenants of peace, openly arrived at" was proposed to change the usual method of secret diplomacy practiced in Europe. Other points outlined territorial adjustments following the war. The last point called for "a general association of nations," which presaged the League of Nations. It was replaced in 1946 by the United Nations. -League of Nations : [link to] It included provisions for arbitrating international disputes, reducing armaments, and imposing collective military and economic sanctions against any nation that violated the political independence and territorial integrity of another. However, the United States never joined the League of Nations because irreconcilable disputes developed between progressives and conservatives in the American internationalist movement over whether the United States should be able to expand its army and navy and exert force independently. So 14 is the course indicator, or is a pointer towards the Fourtien Points peace settlement and rules The purpose of ODESSA was to establish and facilitate secret escape routes, later known as ratlines, for SS members out of Germany and Austria to South America and the Middle East. The Leage of Nations (number 14 in OP's message) and Odessa are linked !!!!See this google for the many results : [link to] Maybe OP is trying to tell that those countries decided to use these old "routes" ... on their way to THE MISSION. -AC US 12:56 PM From the GOM doom thread: "Note that one of the largest comet impacts in Earth's history happened in the vicinity of the GOM or more accurately, the Caldera of Mexico. This particular impact has been largely accredited by scientists for the

extinction of the dinosaurs. Note that (many) comets are essentially giant balls of hydrocarbons. ...(snip)... Over the eons, contenental drift has carried this buried mass of buried hydrocarbons slowly but steadily westward. As this burried mass of hydrates is carried over the North American thermal plume, it heats the remaining pockets of raw cometary hydrocarbons. As these hydrocarbon pockets heat up they expand creating domes or bubbles below the sea-floor. Once the expanding oils and gases reach critical pressure, they burst like porridge belches, from the sea/crater floor. This is why the western seafloor of the Gulf crater is heavily cratered like a moonscape with previously cooked and burst hydrate deposits that previously passed over the mantle plume. This also explains why the eastern edge of the Gulf crater is more heavily populated with developing hydrate bubbles. They have not yet reached the central sub-continental mantle plume that extends up the central Mississippi valley all the way to New Madrid and beyond. As the realatively cool hydrocarbon pockets pass over the relatively hot central mantle plume, they begin to heat and subsequently expand. As they pass directly over the central mantle plume they reach critical internal pressure and burst. That is why there is no large sea-floor crater field found in the east Gulf as is extremely prevalent in the west Gulf crater floor. ...(snip)... Once enough steam pressure builds within, they will pop and burp, releasing the pent-up steam energy within. However in the case of the Gulf Caldera, the porridge is not belching steam. It is belching deadly gases. (Literal comet farts if you will.) ...(snip)... One has to wonder if this is not what possibly caused the last great inundation? It was obviously an event that somebody was closely monitoring and had advanced warning of. It is believed by some that the Atlantians used crystals buried deep in the Earth for their energy. Were they tapping into hydrate crystals? Have we repeated their folly? Is history about to repeat itself in New Madrid????" -AC US 1:38 PM Dengue Fever could be related to the GOM. Seems more likely the case, that it is being called dengue but it is just a cover for the GOM toxicity. [link to] Dengue Fever: ...I find it curious that dengue hemorrhagic fever (if you're twice bitten) mimics the symptoms that are being reported by GOM clean up workers. Corexit poisoning will be blamed on this. -Textamale 3:17 PM (pag 344) Watching HAARP. [link to] It spiked last evening when the earthquakes hit the Philippines. Just sayin'. ---AC Philippines 12:55 AM Yes....several EQ,s here and weather svc said only light scattered thunderstorms, but all of a sudden Manila is getting hammered with non-stop rain thunder..... -AC US 9:57 PM (pag 345) It took me three days to find this. I'm not sure what it means. Krispy was talking about it 10 pages back and asked if anybody had seen it. This stuff is wild. Can anybody make heads or tails of it. Please post comments. Thank you. Illuminatimatrix : The Rock VID : [link to] -OP 2:29 AM 7/26/2010 Good day, my girlfriend **** (pag 246) Crescent moon ---Krispy 6:26 AM * military tactics book: Quote : In his superb new book, Tactics of the Crescent Moon, John Poole has again hit a home run. It tells of ... the twin struggles in Iraq and Afghanistan. ..if we will adapt our training and operations to defeating the enemy on a small-scale basis, we can still prevail, but it will take a change in official military policy to do this. I heartily recommend this book to our leaders in the Army and Marine Corps. I hope they will heed its wisdom. Col. Robert V. Kane U.S. Army (Ret.), publisher emeritus, Presidio Press. [link to] * The crescent moon is a US military symbol associated with food supply/distribution. [link to] *The soldiers from South Carolina have had a long and illustrious attachment with the shape of the crescent moon from the present day shoulder patch of the state national guard back to the time before the American Revolution and its use as a helmet badge. Many a battlefield on land and at sea around the world has been fought by South Carolina's sons wearing their beloved crescent moon. [link to] Crescent moon-flags: [link to]

* new logo of the US Missile Defense Agency [link to] [link to] Missile Defence Agency The threat : (interresting read) [link to] (there is also a topic on abovetop-se.... about this) ---Owenmeany 8:24 AM The first three weeks of August also treat us to a planetary dance, low in the West after sunset. The leader is brilliant Venus, and at the start of the month the fainter planets Mars and Saturn lie to its upper left. The slender crescent Moon joins the planetary frolic on 12 and 13 August. [link to] ---AC US 11:49 AM S-California state flag [link to] ---AC US 12:45 PM has 8 listings for vessels with "crescent moon" in the name, but they are all recreational boats, and don't have position data. ---AC US 6:54 PM Here is a short explanation of relevance for the Crescent on the SC state flag. ...(snip)... Maybe, just may be that when OP said "....Crescent Moon is on DED (serious issue)" this was a reference to a state. (see pag 347 for full text, very long post) -SR37 8:09 AM "LONDON BP is jettisoning CEO Tony Hayward, whose verbal blunders made the oil giant's image even worse as it struggled to contain the Gulf oil spill, and will assign him to a key job in Russia, a person familiar with the matter said Monday. Hayward is set to step down in October and take a post at TNKBP, the company's joint venture in Russia, according to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because an official announcement had not been made by the British company's board. The move was being made more than three months after an oil rig explosion set off the spill and less than two weeks after a temporary cap finally stopped the oil from leaking. The government's oil spill chief, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, said in Washington on Monday that efforts to solidly seal BP's busted deep-sea well are set to begin in a week. " -Pag 348 - 349 some postings about Lands' End involvement in the oil spill .... -Krispy 9:19 PM (very long post, see pag 348) So the Odessa-Protocols and Odessa Fleet are linked with Russia ... wich has the lead in the decyphering of the CargO ... More interesting on ODESSA : City of Odessa, and ODESSA and ISRAEL & USA connection : [link to] -Krispy 9:27 PM *Steel drifter Crescent moon [link to] *Commanding Officer, HMS Crescent Moon (Admiralty steel drifter; boom defence vessel/minesweeper) (Port Said, Egypt) Commanding Officer, HMS Crescent Moon (Admiralty steel drifter) & Senior Officer, 400th Minesweeping Flotilla [link to] *Political party in Indonesia ... [link to] *Crescent Moon Enterprises (gas) [link to] *We know OP is not only talking about the GOM ... 4 things linked togeter on 1 page : ??!!?!?! Oil in Yellow sea, crescent Moon spring, tree gorges dam, china (werent there webbot reports about dams ?) [link to] -Vessel info 7/28/2010 (pag 349) : I have never seen so many ships/boats show at once before. New Orleans and oof the coast near all the drill sites. Anyone else notice this? * Look at all them boats Cap'n! And they are mostly headed out! * 780 vessels between Galveston and Pensacola. Most of them headed out. Did something happen or is it just a return to business as usual? It could be that things have been down for a while with BP filling the gulf with oil, and now that it's cleared everybody is moving out. *

-Bevvy 8:35 AM I didn't know other threads were talking about Odessa and omega?? [link to] Acolyte posted yesterday: "Todays update: ODESSA indicating OMEGA is unstable." -Karu 8:42 AM 800,000 gallons of oil in Michigan. Could it have come from the underground river up from the gulf? ---Breezy 10:11 AM Would oil have flowed UP from the Gulf all the way to Michigan via an underground river source?? Seems to me that water flows toward the Gulf...not upwards from it..but IF on the other hand, there is an underground cave/cavern/deep river from the Gulf to the Great Lakes..could oil have been taken up that system and dumped?.. (...) -Investigations if Alcolyte and OP are again the same persons ...

PART 14 , of pag 350 - 374

-pag 350 Postings about Alocyte if he could be OP after all ... He (Alo) works for RAND > airport in SAfrica, or Rand-corportion [link to] And that NexusEditor (Duncan Roads) might know who OP is. -That first post, the one by 'IDIOTS' (6/22), is the OP from this thread. This is the (only) other thread that OP said that he posted on GLP. It is interesting that Acolyte posted about 'Directive 301' and the PP research ship, with mention of the French Embassy two days before the start of this thread. [link to] -AC S-Africa 2:09 PM (pag 351) This thread has RAND written all over it. Acolyte (my countryman lol) is a known RAND operative. He/She admitted it on threads here on GLP. Operatives use neural linguistics to mix fact with fiction and communicate with each other while testing public reaction. The RAND Corporation owns the T...STOCK institute. Don't get me wrong, I Suspect that a good percentage of the info given by the OP is Fact. This is how RAND works. ---sockmonkeywrench 2:19 PM My bets are on RAND Corp. headquartered in the U.S. (In Santa Monica,CA, I believe) -- they are a think tank that has done a tremendous amout of work for the Dept of Defense and the CIA in years past... I am fairly sure they have sattelite offices in a number of locations. -AC US 9:17 PM Oil spill fishing waters reopend despite lack of testing !!! (longer post) [link to] -Nexuseditor 10:25 PM & 10:43 PM (pag 352) setting things straigt -AC US 837 The OP made mention of "the rim" in one of his post(s). I'm not sure if it's been discussed, but there is another thread on the board that might shed some light on that term. It's on page one as of now about an ancient volcanic dome, and said dome has a "rim" located 7 miles SW of DW rig. -OP 3:10 AM 7/29/2010 Good day, 2us captain reported overnight ***** -13 oct : * Miracle of the Sun in 1917 in Portugal. [link to] * Martyrs of the Holy Templars: red and black, death, communion (male) On Friday, October 13, 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition)[24][25] Philip ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. * Preparation for all Hallows Eve, and Halloween * Continuous High Holiday (reverse date of October 31st) Oct. 31 ~ ALL HALLOWS EVE (Halloween) (Sexual and Blood Rituals) Sexual association with demons called up, and animal and/or human sacrifice All hallow's Eve (Halloween): One of the two most important nights of the year. Attempts are made to break the bond which is keeping the doors to the underworld closed. -Has anyone ever seen the A Whale again ? Or its compagnion the Elephant? * Last recorded location was: Position Recorded on: 7/29/2010 8:22:39 AM (UTC) Lon/Lat: -89.369476 / 29.300211 earlier today I did track down its last recorded position previous to the one above and it was just south of Sackett Bank. No transponder details for about 3 days.

-Textamale 7:31 AM In our last Richard Sauder thread, I mentioned I had ordered his book "Hidden in Plain Sight--Beyond the X-Files" Published March 2010 Page 42 chapter is titled Underwater Base in Gulf of Mexico! Says after his last book was published, he was contacted by a man who had knowledge of an underwater project in the gulf of Mexico, under the seabed, and that Parsons was the contractor. In 1997, the source handled an order for equipment Parsons intended to use for a deep project beneath the bottom of the Gulf. "The equipment is distinctive enough that it clearly presupposes the presence of live human beings in the places where it is installed." (in this case, beneath the seabed.) Sauder goes on to say that there has been discussion in open literature of excavating huge caverns beneath the floor of the Gulf to store petroleum, and also that the Gulf is covered with scores of salt domes which would be perfect for construction of deeply-buried, manned sub-sea bases. [link to] ---RenegadeSon 7:38 AM The document image : tunneldoc ---Bevvy 8:07 AM I like this quote from Jacques Cousteaus' site describing his underwater experiments..."In 1965, near Nice, France, the ultimate stage, Conshelf III, was born. One hundred meters below the surface, a building housed six oceanauts who would live together for three weeks. They would go out each day to work on a mockup oil well, an exercise to evaluate human capabilities". Didn't know any of this...apparently lots of sea floor stuff off Florida Keys. -Flavapor 10:27 AM (pag 353) Thread : The Source of the Gulf Oil Plumes is 7 Miles Southeast of Deepwater Horizon at an Ancient VOLCANIC DOME [link to] -Textamale 11:59 AM Could OP's briefcase also be a "football" (nuclear football) ??? [link to] -Owenmeany 12:49 PM general vessel info: most of the vessel has slowly moved to S, 6 miles (away from the DWH location) ---Textamale 12:53 PM The Source of the Gulf Oil Plumes is 7 Miles Southeast of Deepwater Horizon at an Ancient VOLCANIC DOME "THE BILOXI DOME : At Latitude 28/40/00 N and Longitude 88/26/00 W [decimal Latitude 28.6666 Longitude -88.4333] in the Gulf of Mexico is an ancient volcanic crater. It's geographically classified as an undersea hill and the common name given to it is the Biloxi Dome. It's located approximately 7 miles or about 12 kilometers southwest from the BP Deepwater Horizon well [Latitude 28/44/17 N Longitude 88/21/57 W]." ... (longer post) Entire source article with illustrations, coordinates and satellite maps is located at: [link to] -Krispy 1:09 PM Code-cracking of OP's last message. The letters that are special are : TAMPER CET Tamperproof technology: CET Technologies : [link to] "4. E-Seal Product Matrix: There are two parts to the matrix: First is a pair of one-page summary sheets. One is sorted by an alphabetical listing of the vendors and the other by the product category and then the type of physical protection. The second part is a set of separate pages with more information about each meaningfully different product. Each product sheet has thirteen elements, listed in Exhibit 6. Titles in bold also appear in the summary matrices." (just to have an ideah.) PS : did yousee the firm whith the name : Alien Technology ??? [link to] CET abreviations : [link to] There is an other code : CMZ = Contiguous Municipality Zone (longer post) ---Textamale 2:05 PM Contiguous Zone: territorial waters : [link to] ---Krispy 2:27 PM I found the 3 words "Contiguous Municipality Zone" myself here (highlighted in colors) : [link to] -Childoflight 1:40 PM (longer post) (...) Kane, who is chief executive of a Bath-based tech firm called CommunityDNS, is part of a team that has spent 10 years working on a security system (DNSSEC) that

companies can use to make their sites safer. To demonstrate how secure their technology is, the launch included the coronation of seven "keyholders". In the event of a terrorist attack or major disaster, five of those keyholders would meet in a secure location in the US to restart the system. ---Krispy 1:52 PM ten days go there was mention of electronic keys in the code from OP's message (7/19/2010) : EKD = ELECTRONIC KEY DISTRIBUTION !!!! -Beezy 1:48 PM on this thread [link to] Acolyte has just identified the Crescent moon as the Islamic faction of the Illuminati -Housedad 2:25 PM (pag 354) Backtrack. 101 days before October 13th: July 4th. OP started talking about what the cargo is. A seminal event. If he was talking code to some other country, or even just in the clear, Think what that portends. The "others" found out the same time and demanded action. That was when the information came to light. Are the 101 days to end Oct 13th? (longer post with postings of OP) -Krispy 3:35 PM Guys we have an ODESSA MUD VOLCANO !!!! [link to] There is more to find about this. Just goooooogle : Dvurechenskii and Odessa mud volcanoes -AC US 4:25 PM With information available to us, the small people, my best guess is that A Whale has been used to directly disburse Corexit into the water rather than having it sprayed from airplanes. That ship's companion, Elephant would be the chemical refueling ship. Too many small people bitched about all the Corexit in the air. Oil eating microbes like the dispersants : [link to] -Postings about KC's source -in het 7th july blog- his identety (he tels almost the same thing as OP does), ---Sockmonkeywrench 4:44 PM (Pag 355) Yes, I know someone who knows Kerry Cassidy's source. She isn't sure how fully she trusts the guy, but she is pretty certain about his intelligence ties. ... 5:03 PM Just texted her... he claims to be Australian, but she thinks he may be an American expat. ... 5:16 PM Kerry's source apparently claims to work for the Australian govenment in an intelligence capacity ---Nexuseditor 7:49 PM KC's email source is from Australia. The source had not seen this thread until I alerted him to it. Not long after I alerted him, he sent that email out to many people, KC being just one. I introduced KC and Bill Ryan to this person a couple of years ago. ... 9:12 PM I notice he visited this thread after I alerted him to its contents. Given that he has asked me for periodic updates, I conclude that the lazy bugger isn't lurking on the thread himself. He is continually hinting that the big picture behind all this is - some kind of intentional terraforming going on - but not by 'us'. ... that not only are we not 'alone', but that we have 'neighbours' much closer to home than we care to acknowledge - and that we are already 'sharing' our home with such 'visitors' and further, that some of these tenants are 'rearranging' their bit of the house in order to be more comfortable. -More postings about OP and Alocyte. (they are getting information from the same original source, or they are the same person) -More posting on the white little critters that are thought to morphe and make the bee-hyve-like structures at the BOP. There are different opinions and views about that. -AC S-Africa 5:33 PM Quoting Alocyte from his new thread : "Recently deployed electronic ears are eavesdropping on whales in the Gulf of Mexico, giving scientists insights into what areas they frequent, population numbers and how they are faring in the oil-ravaged waters. . . ... Please take note of this. It's not just for whales" [link to] -Krispy 7:06 PM (pag 356) Dots in alocyte's quote are: EES Possible relevance to : Escrowded Encryption

Standart [link to] (... longer post) The article states further that 2 key's are needed in case of law-enforcement interception. I remember that in the decoding of OP's code in the messages there is pointings towards: EK - electronic key's and also GMC-mode (gaulois counter mode) and about electronic/mission data, transportable electronics ... -NexusEditor 7:11 PM Acolyte was asked about Crescent Moon... It seems to me, that given the nature of DED channels, that Crescent Moon has to be a call sign/code name or literal name of a ship or vessel of some kind. And just because we are unable to locate or identify Crescent Moon to a known or registered vessel, certainly does not automatically that such a vessel does not exist. Just as there are 'deep black' bases and mini-cities, so there are 'deep black' vessels - of all sorts. ---AC US 9:53 PM Perhaps "Crescent Moon" is a piece of technological equipment. Didn't OP say that the Crescent Moon was making a zig-zag path across the rim? ... it could be a type of submersible radiation equipment, being used in an attempt to kill off the microbes by microwave. I don't think this will work because the microbes have electrical properties. ... The story is too long to explain my thinking, but I strongly believe that chlorine will kill them. -postings about terraforming ... and differences in ecology and attitude of people. -Nexus and Breezy posting about OP and Alocyte. -OP 8:24 AM 7/30/2010 (pag 357) Good day, my girlfriend says ***** [link to] Opening of briefcase/envelope-Krispy 8:56 AM so how could the US-department of the ambassy open it (in the article a LETTER and not a briefcase) before the date ??? With that risking not only their own health and security, but also that of the hundrets of people in that same area! Something is fishy about this comming out ... I DONT TRUST IT !!! My advise to the other embassy's > DO NOT OPEN NO MATTER WHAT !!! ... until the 13th ... Maybe this is a set up ! and was that 1 letter/post unharmfull ... but are the others not. The US is not harmed but has nothing to loose in this, the other embassies might be involved in the actions with the cargo and subs are a target to eliminate ... When TOTAL EVACUATION coz of illness or toxin is ordered, then it is easy to rip away all the computers and information (DED) on this matter ... and I can guess who it will be that will "cleanup" the evidence and building ... you-es-of-ay troops ... I DONT TRUST THIS AT ALL ! ---TexTamale 9:29 AM So you think this is a trick so that the other agencies will open their suitcases too, but then their cases WILL be dangerous and perhaps release something toxic? [link to] ---Krispy 10:08 AM Reading this above does my inner allarmbells rinkle even more .. I dont know why. In my FEELING it is contradictory. First of all today is FRIDAY. It is 15:45 in holland and Paris. Did all that happen today ? or last week ? If it was TODAY why dont they say today in the article ? OP (and girlfriend) talked about BRIEFCASES, NOT LETTERS ! How could the 2 in the mailoffice see and know this letter was SUSPICIOUS ??? AND WHY WOULD THEY OPEN A SUSPICIOUS LETTER with risking lethal-powders or virusses ???? I like to believe that mailroom-employees are instructed how to handle "suspicious mail" ... and that such mail SHOULD NEVER BE OPENED at OWN initiative, but should follow a security protocol which handles the letter/envelope to an investigation agent ! Why did they feel UNWELL if prelimanary results show that the enveloppe is unharmfull ??? Were they feeling UNWELL of GUILT for doing something they were not allouwed according to safety protocol ??? (...) WHO in the hell did they thought to have the clearance and authority to OPEN UP mail ??? SUSPICIOUS MAIL !!!! They had no RIGHT doing that !! This is not logic peepz !! This is also not according security standarts !!!! I DONT BUY THIS WHOLE STORY !!!! I believe OP, but not this bullshit story in the media. How come this Elisabeth "deputy press attache" does not know what made the 2 employees think that made the envelope suspicious ??? That is 1 of the first things you ask those employees !!!!!! Maybe they do not want to tell it to the public ... but this does not make sence at all !!! Quote : Embassy spokesman Paul Patin added: "We have no indication that anyone is in

danger or hurt." "Not having an indication" is not the same as "NO ONE IS" ... if this is a time-released technology that could indicate that the THREAT could come out in 24 hours or 18 hours or 13 hours, whatever activates that timerelease ... My thought is -also coz it happened in an US-EMBASSY and not an other country's, that it is A WARNING SIGNAL !!! My guts tell me this is a SET UP ! -Renegadeson 10:12 AM Here is the 'Jean Claude" posts (OP..?) that nexuseditor posted about on pg 356. They have been translated, so some meaning could have been lost. [link to] (see post for all the quotes) -Postings about the possible connection between OP and Alocyte. -Postings about the organism being harmfull or not ... -AC Greece 2:59 PM (pag 359) maybe the diplomatic pouch contains samples of the 'stuff' (omega) btw tamper proof means once you open you cannot seal again so it doesn't show chinks are not to be trusted, open the pouches in a controlled environment now ---Renegadeson 3:09 PM Now that is an interesting thought. What if there is a sort of 'half life' on 'Omega'.. maybe it will be safe to open the pouch containing Omega after Oct 13th.. but open it before that date... -Housedad 4:23 PM French police said that the mail clerks were exposed to tear gas. In a envelope? Why does that not sound right? Tear gas could be a anti tamper device giving enough time for the contents to be destroyed by mechanisms within the case. They really do expect people to believe that line, don't they? In a envelope. Even if it is a padded brown envelope, it doesn't make sense. ANYTHING that it bangs against or hits it could trigger a release. Come On. That sounds stupid as hell. -AC US 4:53 PM If in fact the "cargo" was in the diplomatic pouches, and it would be safe to open it on October 13, the only thing that makes sense is that the Corexit (and whatever they've added to it - nano stuff?) would no longer be effective. As I recall, the Corexit has a half life of about 30 days per by October it is possible that it would no longer be acting on the cargo in such a way that it stimulates the "morphing." Another thought is that the 101 days may have started on or about June 26 or shortly thereafter (July 4, for 101 days until October 13). -Whitewidow 4:56 PM This embassy envelope story from Paris does not smell good: (extract) "The antiterrorist unit of the Paris police, which usually handles cases like this, wasnt called in, a police official said, adding that the embassy may have decided to handle it internally or that the incident may not have been serious enough." [link to] Now, look what happend at the US-embassy in Chile in May 2010: A student from Pakistan was arrested Monday at the US-american representation in Santiago de Chile. Official police source said the explosive was Tetryl, a compound used as a trigger to help detonate explosives. Only small remainings were found on his documents and mobile phone. [link to] What's strange about both stories? The french antiterrorist police is not called in, which usually handles cases like this, but in Chile the anti-terrorist task force is called, because this poor Pakistani student had traces (and only traces) on his documents and cell phone, he was not aware of. He has been arrested and charged for terrorist activities. Several days later he was released from prison, because THEY could not hold up the story. Now it's a dead story - nobody knows and definitively in Chile nobody cares... This french story does not make sense. The US embassy is covering-up the truth. -Wisc natureboy 5:38 PM From the 'other' thread: One of notre subs manque !!!!!!!!! [link to] He posted just now: Beaucoup de beaucoup de beaucoup d'accidents. La bote de Pandoras a t ouverte ! ! ! Arne claire immdiatement (Babelfish says: "Many much much d' accidents. The box of Pandoras was open! ! ! Clear arena immediately") ---John Scales 6:33 PM In that other the thread, the "Frenchman" claims to be at a listening station in the

north east (in the UK), the only listening station i'm aware of in the north of England is Menwith Hill, near Harrogate; i believe it has some connection with the American National Security Agency. There's also an old Royal Navy transmitting station nearby called Forest Moor, which i understand is now run by Vosper Thornycroft and still carries out work for the Ministry of Defence. Forest Moor, if i recall rightly, was mainly used for communicating with submarines, but i do stand to be corrected on that (no time for googling at the moment) ---7:21 AM This is the listening station in the north of England [link to] ---7:38 AM this is a little bit about Forest Moor [link to] ... the transmitting stations for the Royal Navy submarines are actually located in Cumbria, in North West England, there are two sites, one at Skelton, the other at Anthorn. I don't know if there is any direct connection between Forest Moor and Menwith Hill, even though they are located quite close to each other. With regard to the French, while looking through some of the links to do with Menwith Hill, the French have their own version of Echelon, which is nicknamed "Frenchelon", the French version of the CIA or MI6 appears to be an outfit called the DGSE. -AC US 7:32 PM (pag 360) Steel Eating Microbes Threaten To Devour Britain's Ports! (longer post) [link to] -AC US 8:00 PM We speculated .. that the alien microbe released from beneath the earth's crust with the oil/asphalt/methane eruption - mixed with the Corexit which may also be nano-engineered in some way to facilitate algae development for a renewable energy source - has surprised BP et al by somehow combining with whatever is created by the oil/Corexit mix to produce the gold isotope (which has weird magnetic properties and may also be radioactive) through a budding process. This isotope, however, is not stable and keeps morphing ie, it is alive! Secondly, it seems to have a lethal effect on people of high melanin production, suggesting that the hemoglobin of those individuals is susceptible to this substance, which is both new and living - and reproducing. So I speculated further that if some sample of this stuff was in the dipomatic deliveries, with a "do not open" until 10/13 message, that it might be that the active ingredients in the Corexit would by that point in time be sure to be inert. I think the steel-eating bugs, which "Bugman" sees and which you confirm with your references above, are probably another side-effect of the oil/Corexit combination. With the North Sea drilling going on so near to the UK, it is entirely possible that a similar eruption has occurred there, but has not been publicized as there hasn't been an explosion or obvious mortalities. Just speculatin'... -Karu 8:41 PM Reports are that this corexit mixture has now made it's way into the food chain... [link to] ---AC US 9:38 PM NBC Nightly News tonight. Scientists talk about dangers of CoreExit. [link to] -Postings about polymer and what you can do when plastics are eaten up/disolving ... and how to store chlorine. -Nexuseditor 11:37 PM Frankly, I don't think the Timelocked diplomatic briefcases have anything to do with the mysterious organism.... because the Russians and the US already know about it, and have known about it for some time. We see that evidenced in OP's posts. (Very long post, snips : * unstoppable and inevitable Earth crustal changes. * deep sea changes ARE linked to the emergence of that 'organism' at various locations around the globe. * considerations will have been made to 'milk the crisis' or to turn it to suit whatever agendas are on the table by the various player/factions affected/involved. * Phoney and illegal wars on terror are used as much to control one's own citizens * governments used to cooperate in order to achieve common goals - now they are starting to compete - and it will get ugly behind the scenes before it spills out into the public. * martial law in the USA presents opportunity for various factions to take control during the chaos - and get away with it. * what is in those briefcases could be time sensitive information on what is going to happen with the quadrillion dollars worth of unexploded derivatives; or it could be a biological weapon released into the air upon opening, that is designed to kill specific target(s) * ) I DO suspect that dramatic Earth changing events are a significant factor

behind the activity in the Gulf of Mexico that we have been observing on this thread - and that the BP disaster is a well-managed and well-planned cover story for a much bigger issue. -7/31/2010 (pag 361) Thread : 'Underground collaps on relief well' : [link to] "07.31.10 WPNN AM Talk Radio Pensacola Fl. 01:30 Project manager for NASA, Michael Toberman just said that Thad Allen was "very low key" when stating a few hours ago, that there was a collaspe on the relief well 40 feet from the Macondo well. "It appears the earth is too soft close to the well". He also stated oil was "probably leaking under the seafloor and gas was coming in from another area". He only stated this after being asked his opinion on the oil spill in the GOM. The show was about Mars not oil." ---Krispy 6:12 PM Screenshots of sonar Something is not good down there : [link to] A second later there were 2 sonars visable !!! The second one looks scary ... [link to] -Krispy 11:09 AM screenshots : [link to] and [link to] ---Bugbomb Not good see the bluish-green hue in the middle photos? That's a HIGH fucking concentration of Methane that should not be just "sitting there" on the ocean floor! The fact that the Methane is settled on the ocean floor tells me that it has JUST Sublimed into gas from frozen Methane Hydrate "ice", thus colder and denser than the surrounding seawater, so it naturally sinks before it's heated up to then dissipate in the seawater. Some sort of endothermal event IS happening IN the ocean floor below and around the well head. Most likely, it's oil reservoir pressure that is bleeding up from below and around the well head and permeating the soil, heating it up and releasing the "locked in" Methane Hydrate "ice". This is very disturbing, as that Methane Hydrate "ice" is part of the soil makeup and its loss will soften the soil, letting the relatively warmer seawater permeate DOWN and heat up MORE Methane Hydrate "ice". There's a runaway thermal cascade in progress and only a few experts probably even realize it. -Bevvy 11:21 AM Disturbing hot waterspots ! weird heat at 1000m down [link to] water temps for gom [link to] this is from the 07/23 look how hot in bermuda.... [link to] ---Thread: 'Hot spot in Bermuda triangle since june' : [link to] -OP 12:54 PM 7/31/2010 Good day, Mistral told ***** -Renegadeson 1:06 PM USS Missouri is an nuke fast attack sub SSN 780 [link to] Missouri was commissioned on 31 July 2010. Her first assignment is expected to be with the Navy's Submarine Group 2. ---Commissioned TODAY [link to] ---it has to come all the way from New London CT (Groton Sub Base) ... given that the published top speed for the Missouri is 28.8 mph (25kts p/hr) the 48 hr ETA to the outer rim puts the sub at the entrance to the gulf, which is about 1600 miles, on 8/1 at 9AM Monday morning. MS still has 24 more hrs to get to the inner rim. These numbers are approximate, but seem to me very reasonable for this sub to do. Once MS reaches Gulf entrance, she still has 24 hrs to reach inner rim. Gulf is about 950x600 miles. MS can make 700 miles in 24 hrs. Once at the entrance (midway from key west and Cancun) what is left would be the entire gulf. .. it could be that the drop off of the shelf could be the rim. ---Assured time of arrival at rim in 48 hours. ATA inner rim 72 hours. That pretty much says what the rim is if the sub is coming from Conneticut. Rim would be the shorline rim of the gulf of Mexico. Inner rim is the continental shelf dropoff. -Krispy 1:59 PM (pag 362) GUYS ... Have a look at the following coordinates : 24.48.72 (the wells are on 28'44'18 /16) Good day, Mistral told 2us 4 hours ago to be aware that USS Missouri is possibly enroute to outer rim. ATA in 48 hours. inner rim ATA 72 hours. All indications point that Missouri has Russian calibrator fitted. ---Renegadeson 2:10 PM found some interesting terrain. I have some google ocean images of the floor of this area I will post

-What needs to be calibrated ??? ---AC US 2:30 PM Here's what OP said before about that: "russian submarine will do a romeo with Em in three hours. russian submarine to offload an empirical calibrator to Em. (translation problem) this will help Em with hull protection and integrity from flocking." So my guess is that it alleviates the magnetization problem that leads to the flocking. ---Renegadeson 3:30 PM For hull integrity -Renegadeson 3:44 PM (pag 363) Here is one image of that Latitude 24.48.72. This image covers a broader area and has some interesting terrain : [link to] On the image in first post above, notice the black line about an inch from the top. This second image is of the floor, showing that line and some of the interesting terrain features : [link to] ---Krispy Wonder what that rectangular shape in the seafloor must be. That sure does not look NATURAL. ---Renegadeson 4:38 PM The part of the dark line that you can see is 2.7 miles long. The height measures about 900 ft. There is some fudge factor in these measurements, but it is big. This is located 265 miles south of DWH and is right on the edge of the continental shelf... the 'rim'.. ---Renegadeson 4:46 PM Check out this one : [link to] ---It looks like a hatch ... The rectangular shape is no artifact of a bathemetric survey ... ---Renegadeson 6:55 PM Check this image : [link to] The white line is the google ruler. When you use it, it follows the actual terrain. In this next image, you can see that the ruler follows this 'line' and 'sees' it as actually being there. Now, I don't know if this terrain following ruler will follow artifacts as though they were real or not. Iv'e used this ruler to terrain check mountains and depressions on the moon and mars and it has always been accurate. ---Hans TM Could it be an early munitions dump? ---Renagadeson : Using the GE ruler, the hatch measures around 900 ft but that is probably not accurate. It is probably less. (about 500ft??) ... The length of the dark line, using google ruler, is over 2.5 miles -Renegadeson 4:35 PM Acolyte posted this on the BREAKING thread at 1:44PM today. [link to] "Hi Karu, their 60 day hurricane window began on the 20th of June. If they were going to nuke it I assume it would be before the 20th of August but new sources now say between October and November. Odessa is interfering with their plans and has taken possession of Omega. Russia provided the US Navy and other countries with a new technology to combat the worst. Russia gave the US Navy the system on the 20th of June during their joint exercises. Russia gave them a 101 day deadline to fit it to their subs and use it or else they will nuke it.You will notice all the major countries have all launched and re-fitted their subs in the past three months. (Its confusing, I know, but that's how I got it)" New technology would be the calibrator. 101 days puts it on Sept 29. USS Missouri has had time to be fitted with calibrator. -AC US 8:06 AM Thousands in Gulf suffer from skin lesions , scabies and Staphylococcus infections .. corexit " Exposure to chemicals, such as those being used to break down oil in the region, like the dispersant, Corexit, may be the cause of such infections. Corexit is an agent that has been proven to break down lipid membranes, which cover and protect human skin. Human skin is composed of a thin layer of lipids and Corexit, by nature, breaks down these organized barriers into smaller individual molecules allowing the barrier to become permeable to pathogens. The skin irritation could be caused by prolonged exposure to these chemicals and could break down the ability of the body to fight off infection. " [link to] -AC US 10:01 AM 'Cracks Show BP Was Battling Gulf Well as Early as February' Here is a link proving that DoD wrote its position letter to Mining Management Services AFTER BP found it could not cap the first well. imo, The DoD letter of February 15, 2010 is the document that BP in charge of the spill operation. : [link to]

-OP 12:10 PM 8/1/2010 (pag 364) Good day, a short summary for the past 24 hours. ****** Morgellon disease : * Morgellons disease research [link to] * Nano Morgellons.. One of the associations to Morgellons (Nano Technology) is Chemtrail spraying [link to] * Thread about morgellons disease : [link to] * Controlling human behavior through magnetic nanoparticles. [link to] Microbes ... beaches ... stomach,... respiratory problems,... study finds [link to] * Gulf residents claim mysterious illnesses among children [link to] , [link to] * Thousands in Gulf suffer from skin problems, scabies and Staphylococcus infections .... [link to] -Owenmeany 12:46 PM 'BP superbugs' (attacking the ROV) ... VID: [link to] ---5:12 PM (pag 365) BUGS AND HUGE PLUME AT 260 FT OR METERS, 5:14 PM ROV USES DESINFECTANS -Krispy 12:47 PM (pag 364) resum relevant postings, Part 13 , of pag 325-349 [link to] -Krispy 1:16 PM (pag 365) Just what I think :The calibrator is a divice that has a specific frequency to which the intelligent oil is attracted ... like a magnet pulling the crystaline splash zone 1 (and soon the others) down somewhere (maybe they even have a container to house it in) ... I wonder where it goes (the intelligent-oil) ... Crescent moon is not occupied with observing or capturing the cargo, looks to me, it is doing something else ... Way back there was a posting from people in the GOM having ITCHING sensations like they had lice or other type of buggs ... it then was also mentioned possibly being morgellon -krispy 3:54 PM I caught some very interesting things on screenshots just a minut ago !!! - The BOP blowing again, just a short time when the ROV had to do something.. -See the red circles : a spider-bug ??? and I think a hydrate of something (methane?).. -and the dripping bee-hyve like substance on the BOP.. [link to] -Dhlos 6:12 PM Censored Gulf eyewitness testimonies of coughing up blood and other horror stories : "Coughing up blood is among horrors that eyewitnesses are reporting in south Louisiana where BP medics diagnose the sudden widespread, burning, itching skin, lesions and marks as "scabies" or staph and government health focus on "stress" and mental condition of millions of people poisoned with what scientists report is 11 times more lethal than crude oil toxins now in Gulf and coastal water and air. Americans are still encouraged to eat Gulf seafood. On July 29 Global Justice Radio Blog Talk Radio program hosted by Rev. T.K. (Kathryn) O'Shannahan-Hyland and Vin Beazel called "Agent Orange Alert," listeners heard eyewitness and personal accounts of internal bleeding from orifices including coughing up blood and nose bleeds. " [link to] -Gabriel 1:11 AM 8/2/2010 (pag 366) And now an Earthquake reported in Louisiana. Only a 3.0....but still WTF [link to] ---Earth cries 7:28 AM a 3.0 quake down here in La last night. Lived here all my life and have never had a quake. This is about 30 miles from where we live. Felt low ground tremors around that time. I've been expecting this to start with what's happening in the Gulf. This is all Delta land down here and where the quake happened is close to the New Madrid. -AC S-Africa 3:42 AM Intelligent oil retreating? Could this be the reason why some say they don't know were

all the oil went? There was a discussion where experts were speculating that something like 4 million barrels of BP oil is missing. Was it because of that calibrator thing? [link to] ---AC US 5:13 AM (pag 367) Okaaaay, but they are baffled and didn't mention a reason why it just disappeared. We basically know very little about these microbes. I found this article about "unusual microbes." It appears some know where North is, and evidently some microbes can communicate with each other and count too. Lots of interesting info at this sight. [link to] -Krispy 5:48 AM In orange There is something that LOOKS LIKE GOLD !!!???!!! Look in the PIPE you can still see a DRIPPER !!!! (red circle !!) In the white frames you see the area with the greenish haze ... like a different kind of soil !!!! Like a more muddy pool of ghoooo ... ??!?!?!?! There was a little stirr up of soil (in upper right) and some black dots of oil? I guess that passed in front of the ROV's cam. Verrrry strrrrange spot yes .. Why is all that equipment laying there ? Screenshots : [link to] ---Some think it is the remains of a rov with a still working blue digital screen on the ground ... screnshot : [link to] ---Krispy ... that there was NO ROV !! Those are hoses and small pipelines with the red ribbon like we have seen many times and little T-handles ... It might be equipment and pipelines/hoses towards that machine with that tab (and dripper) and that golden egg (round object) under it ... That blue digit screen is probably just to watch presure etc ... not a reminder of a bug-eaten-up ROV (an other post) ... I realy think those lines and triggers and equipment is for that machine where that golden DRIPPER commes out of it and the golden rounded object under it. Maybe ... just maybe we captured THE CARGO. (more postings) ---Owen meany hihi that round gold object used to be white and had a long stick. it was pushed in the ground at the base of the bop. stick is now gone, so there is mud piled up there -Dhlos 6:33 AM (pag 368) US embassy employees treated after poison letter scare in Paris. Two employees of the US embassy in Paris underwent medical tests after handling a suspicious letter on Friday. The central laboratory of the Paris police identified the irritant as tear gas, according to a police official who was not authorised to speak to the media. However, Mr Patin said he could not immediately confirm that report. An embassy employee received a manila envelope sent as registered mail that had no mail inside, but it began emitting fumes after the employee opened it, the official said. [link to] -krispy 7:01 AM I think "the spagetti formations" are looking like many little fine/small tornado-tubes. Pulling or sucking downwards. When many small tubes like that it is gonna look like spagetti swirling down to the seafloor. spaghetti > very small tubing or pipe. Tornado tube , image : [link to] -Renegadeson 8:10 AM Something hitting the internet 8/1 and today.. from John DiNardo. Nexuseditor posted snip from upcoming article in Nexus magazine about this... nexuseditor 7/9/2010 9:28 PM Letter (edited) sent to Nexus Magazine for publication in upcoming issue: "At least three years ago, Mark, a veteran of the Persian Gulf War who maintains contact with certain acquaintances in the government, told me that a geologist friend with the US Geological Survey told him that they were surveying the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico for great oil drilling opportunities, and that they expect to see land masses rising up from the Gulf of Mexico seabed. The global power elite foresaw the Gulf of Mexico seabed rising, were overcome with oil greed, but knew that in the next few years they would have to flee the Gulf when the newly popping undersea volcanoes start to break out, like hives, all over the planet. And they knew that, in order to forestall (not preempt) public panic, they would have to make it look as if corporate recklessness had caused the Gulf of Mexico to burst up, bleeding ... because if the people were to discern that natural disasters are exploding all over the Earth, then these power elite controllers of the masses would have the reigns of global enslavement abruptly yanked out of their greedy fists, as the docile masses panic into a state of crazed chaos and defiant rejection of tyrannical tethers." The power elite are scared, because they know that there is no way that they can keep the global masses from panicking. [snip] from link : Notice, that the powers-that-be will never tell you what the day-by-day buoy depth readings are in the Gulf of Mexico. Notice, that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC-TV reported that the Corexit was promptly

laid down to mask the depths of the entire Gulf of Mexico. If we were permitted to view that seabed, we would notice bulging and major fissures, from the Texas coast to the Florida coast. [end snip] Complete article here : [link to] -Owenmeany 10:27 AM look 3 other buoys are in event mode ... fits in the story :)) [link to] -Renegadeson 8:32 PM (pag 369) Disturbing hot waterspots This is interesting. We were all looking at the red spot off the east coast of Florida... This is today. [link to] This is also about 60 miles to the south of DWH - AC Australia 4:40 AM 8/3/2010 Well guys, you are all famous. This thread is now a major article in the latest NEXUS MAGAZINE. Get a copy. Duncan Roads has let it all hang out telling it like it is. Good on you Dunc. I, for one, understand the risk you are taking with the latest issue, and your timing for all that is in it is impeccable. (more postings about this) -AC Greece 6:40 AM russia giving tech to others (vibrational calibrator) and now they are having joint exercises with norad [link to] -Krispy 7:44 AM Russia's naval airbase in fire ... Russia's Defense Ministry denied information about the fire at the "Naval Air Base" in the Kolomna district and the destruction of 200 aircraft. A translation of an article : [link to] Is somthing FISHIE going on ??? See the comments in this thread : [link to] ---AC Holland 9:31 AM (pag 370) on Dutch MSN video they are now worried for the nuclear power plant in Voronezh, Moscow region. Snip from article : "Trenches are being dug and trees felled around several nuclear facilities, news agencies reported. At the Russian Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov, 300 miles (485 kilometers) east of Moscow, fire reportedly breached the perimeter of the huge territory on Monday. The blazes were being doused by waterbearing planes and hundreds of firefighters were working to keep the flames away from any facilities." [link to] ---Renegade 11:10 AM Here is the latest from Sorcha on the fires in Russia and the flooding in China. Russia Burns, China Drowns: US To Blame? [link to] -Housedad 12:32 PM Anti fouling PAINT is not used on modern rubber coated subs. A different system (Something like Ultrasonic, RF and /or magnetic) is used on the metal hull to repel barnacles through the rubber skin. It is a 'active' system, not passive like paint. The rubber coatings are also designed to be difficult for the critters to hold on to. ---Housedad 12:38 PM Come to think of it, the calibrator may just be a freuency adjuster for a ultrasonic or RF/magnetic antifouling system. If this goo that the OP is talking about really can move on it's own, then it could be corralled if the field around the ships were large enough. Why did that just make me think about the A Whale? ... I remember posting that the A Whale could hold a really large peice of euipment. I wonder if it WAS the e euipment. That is one really big hull... ---Renegdeson 12:40 PM I thought of that too.. it makes sense. Adjust to a dissonant frequency, and you can repel whatever is attacking the hull. A Whale connection? -Housedad 12:48 PM (pag 371) one other little thing that has been bugging me. It is just a thought. You can't gauge the PH (acidity) of oil. But when I checked it out on the web, I found that crude oil will change the PH of the seawater. It makes it more acidic. If large amounts of water were to change it's PH, say over a asphault volcano, and this critter was in the volcano, could that be the reason that it able leave the volcano? That the PH is now acidic enough to make a viable environmement out in the water? We are told that corexit is basically a soap. That much of it would sure affect the PH back to a more alkalyn level. This is just another speculative tree to bark up...

---1:46 PM Hydrothermal vents are really very acidic. A PH of somewhere around 3. That is like pure battery acid. Once the chemosynthetic creatures are able to live in that environment, they pretty much cannot live outside of it, in the rest of the ocean. Food is the main reason, and PH is another. Now if you have a bug that lives in a cooler acid environment, and you increase the size of the high acid area that it lives in, the only thing keeping it in is food limitations. BUT, if you are a bug that attacks hydrocarbons, then an oil spill on the water is a buffet. -AC US 1:37 PM There is indication that A Whale was used to disburse Corexit at sea level, rather than overhead spraying from planes. At the beginning, too many people were complaining about the overhead spraying. A Whale was a tanker and the slits cut in the side when it was modified were just about right for spray guns. We watched it zig zag in the area around DWH, where we were told it was on trial for skimming oil off the water. BP did stop the overhead spray, is my understanding. The Elephant, sister ship, could have been the on-water refueling container so that A Whale did not have to go to port to refuel. -AC US 2:01 PM 'Land masses will arise out of the Gulf of Mexico' was related, three to four years ago, to Mark, my acquaintance who received this information from his geologist friend who works for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The resultant tsunamis and methane gas bursts will annihilate many millions of unsuspecting residents within miles of the coast, all the way around, from Mexico to Florida, to Cuba, Haiti, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. I hope to inspire you to relay this analysis to concerned people everywhere. I plead with you to study this analysis and pass it on, in order to spark public action movements to save lives, for these seabed upheavals can occur any day from now. John DiNardo ~~ Why Gulf of Mexico Land Masses Must Arise ~~ (very long interesting post, see pag 371 for full story...) -Whitebeard 2:04 PM (longer interesting posting ...) ... in Nexus magazine which resonates with truth: * several years ago... Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute explained that a new ice-age was beginning for the northern hemisphere because of two things: first an increasing number of Pacific Ocean seafloor volcanoes were warming the ocean and causing greater evaporation which increases rain/snow fall, and second, the Gulf Stream was slowing down dramatically so it would not be warming the North Atlantic which is what keeps Europe warm. ... * Another factor has been increased volcanic activity the past few years, all around the world. * Another factor has been more frequent and greater earthquakes. * Another interesting bit of news, just after the DWH blowout was a report that Denmark shut down all of its North Atlantic rigs because of some frightening geologic anomalies. Russia has also reported overpressure problems with oil wells. * Another factor might also contribute to this, namely that the strength of the earths magnetic field has been getting weaker until it is now nearly zero. ... So, when I read the Nexus article about Marks information about Gulf of Mexico Seabed rising, Im thinking that placing blame is becoming a moot point. Whether BP did it deliberately, for nefarious reasons, probably wont make any difference at all. Personally, I think there is no limit to the evil of TPTB; that they would exercise the Samson option for the whole world if they just suspected a possible loss of despotic power because of planetary anomalies and catastrophies which they can't control. But I also believe their hideaway caves will be their tombs. -Krispy 2:20 PM Hey Folks look at the new thread of our friend Alcolyte : 'BREAKING -LARGE RUSSIAN NAVAL BASE ON FIRE! 200 PLANES DESTROYED' [link to] ---The fire is on the north side where there is a large helicopter repair and refitting area. There is a biological research building on the south side of the base but it is mostly underground. -AC US 2:26 PM Murmansk military objects : thanks to google we can see all the top secret Russian objects clearly on those shots. [link to] -Renegadeson 3:21 PM (pag 372) VID: This is from another GLP thread [link to] ROV drilling in seabed, I tried to watch the DPT and ALT during this, and it fluctuates some. It goes from 1525m to 1523m and the ALT goes crazy, down to single digit. According to the E and N coordinates on the ROV, this

position is just half-way between the two Wells.. A and B. (many posting about this) -Textamale 4:34 PM (pag 373) An interesting read with lots of relevant info to our topic here..... [link to] Gulf's Evolution Makes the Shakes : "The New Madrid seismic zone in Missouri has long intrigued scientists because, according to conventional geologic theory, large earthquakes clustered in a tectonically quiet region are difficult to understand. But at least one AAPG member is challenging the crowd. New Orleans independent geologist Jack M. Reed believes the origin of the earthquakes lies beneath the Gulf of Mexico.(...) " (... longer interesting post) -Something going on with feeds. Cams 5 & 6 are just clouds. * I think rovs has developped tactic, when something in mud moves, they back off and make a lot of dust. sometimes they spray toxic green stuff. * a very fine haze with those white thingies, and look at the white cap with number1 they come and go * -AC US 10:59 PM (pag 374) Note for Krispy: MSM in the US uses the State of Georgia to confuse the public when an issue arises involving the Republic of Georgia (old USSR). A silly story like this in the ajc (big msm media) could be a possibility that we are about to get hear from the Republic of Georgia and Mikheil Saakashvili, who supports the US. Example: When the Republic of Georgia had separatist issues in 2008 and Russia put troops in Georgia, Saakashvili was video taped eating his red tie and the US papers were running a story about "bigfoot" in the State of Georgia. Those of us who live near the rural area of Northeast Georgia where there were msm reports of "sightings" of bigfoot did get any sense from the stories. The media was full of it and said nothing about the Russians being in the Republic of Georgia. If you Googled "Georgia" and Russia, you'd get links to "bigfoot". -Krispy 4:14 AM 2 re-posts about morgellons and nanotechnology. (see post ... ) * Note from Krispy: Cargo - nanotech - hyveSo maybe the nanobots gave the premodial lifeform the "group intelligence", ... and is that a reason why we see a HYVE at the BOP ... The HYVE is nanobot-oil ! (I dont think that the BOP-hyve has to be the same as the cargo ... The nanobots could have interacted on different scales with different materials and substances. The Russian callibrator is likely adjusted to the frequency of those nanobots, which made the intelligent crystaline emulsion retreat to the bottom (again) where probably an other instrument is atracting those critters (like a magnet) ... Imo the premodial lifeform allone is not the danger, but the nanobots made it almost uncontrolable... Maybe TPTB wanted this situation to get even more out of hand coz it could play like a cathaclist in their evil plans. The warning that Russia gave to USE THIS TECH BEFORE A DATE suggests that "the others world" does not want to wait and see this nanothreat spread around the continents even more. The US-PTB had to agree, otherwise the Ruskies would nuke the area ... and that would leave TPTB with a situation that was not in their gain-agenda's ... That is why NO US-vessels took part in the callibration-spagetti-works ;) Seemingly TPTB are not ready yet to let the BIG BEAST out, otherwise they would had not agreed with Russia's demand. And maybe this is, or there is a connection between the fires at that naval facillity (kolomna, Russia) and the underground research lab ... What had to be destroyed ???? One can only wonder at this point ... Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP 12:06 PM 9/10/2010 (pag 570) good day, i'm not at the office. my Gilrfriend phoned to say Kissinger is still in a comatose state. 15:09 minutes ago: He is being kept at a medical facility near the runway with (unknown beacon). DEADLY EMBRACE 2 is near the falklands and has offered to airlift the coma patient from the facility and fly him to DEADLY EMBRACE 3 which has all the

medically expertise and equipment ready: Argentinean medical authorities are not able or willing to treat the comatosed patient: but they are willing to open airspace for the airlift and do the Refueling. I'm not sure if she got this from DED.) OP 3:57 PM 9/10/2010 Girlfriend phoned, she is reading a relay on DED that DEADLY EMBRACE 2 must secure and protect established feed with FITV immediately: (Malvinas.. .) SAS enroute with 2 helicopters to secure perimeter of station for the next 72 hours until reinforcements arrive. BeachHead command on full alert and to increase patrols. DEADLY EMBRACE 1 enroute to assist with patrolling probable assault routes from Argentinean vessels. OP 3:30 AM 9/12/2010 (pag 577) 18 hours ago KremPP asked assistance in tracking new inbound splazones. some Odessa assets not able to comply, they have incoming problems of their own. :summery of realtime updates are on log at B and C locations while this site being down: Last Edited by Krispy71 on 09/16/2010 06:59 AM Krispy71 (OP) Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP 6:52 AM 9/16/2010 Good Day, a close friend of Girlfriend will watch Vatican Astronomers Meeting today while BDS watch Pope:

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/16/2010 06:59 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Pag 603 Krispy71 (OP) OP 9:32 AM 9/17/2010 joint frost just sent out a distress signal on DED (5 minutes ago) it is not an Odessa asset. Canadian merchant vessel and two US coastguard surface vessels responding. Girlfriend phoned. :this is not a frost problem only: OP 9:46 AM 2us captain :Relaying sudden abnormal thermal activity at Three Submarine chimneys Last Edited by Krispy71 on 09/17/2010 01:51 PM

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/17/2010 01:50 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

GaGal User ID: 1013803 United States 09/17/2010 04:01 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Krispy71 (OP)

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS I don't know how in the world I missed these. Thanks for posting them. Very interesting.......

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS I don't know how in the world I missed these. Thanks for posting them. Very interesting.......
Quoting: GaGal 1013803

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/18/2010 01:55 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Tnx ... :D Enjoy reading the rest and the origional thread Bezerk. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 10:45 AM 9/18/2010 Good Day, this will be my last day of posting on this thread here. I Will post again after the 13th of October. Depending on time constrains and docking orders I will only have access to My GirlFriend and DED again anywhere from the 15th Of October. My company detail is being redeployed, for only a month at sea, starting Monday the 20th of September. All eyes are on China, Japan, India, Pakistan, the Gulf of Mexico and the Falklands. Iran is a non issue. My company is going out to sea. Usually our detail ship out for at least 6 months at a time. This time however we are Being called up for ONLY A MONTH and a few days more. Other Nations are sharing the same briefing and Naval deployment orders. Britain, France, Russia and the US Navy are sharing the same Immediate deployment dates for the same duration in Burst. As this is my last available day, until between the 13th an 15th of OctoBer, : I Will answer direct questions. My answers will be as forthcoming as possible and is or are allowed. Post you questions now please. -OP 10:58 AM The four theater you speak of. do they all have to do will oil related things or do they include other areas of concern such as war. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 All of the current four theaters involve the intelligent oil. According to transcripts, more theaters are possible and expected, especially on or near the 33rd, 23rd an and 21st parallel. All Odessa assets are actively looking for new splashzones: -OP 11:13 AM Most people seemed to be the most concerned about the health effect of the oil spill and the organism released either by the powers that be or from a natural source.

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/18/2010 04:08 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Any updates. health threats etc. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 Enter Proximity of Oil At Own Risk. The organism is gaining in intelligence, adapting and even using and incorporating our technology(nano).It has come out of hibernation and is preparing the way and transforming the Oceans. It is not concerned by our(human) health. It has survived for millennia. We humans wont. The organism has the ability and swarmed intelligence to exploit all our diseases and virus related illnesses. It can interact with any bacteria, virus or fungus. -OP 11:23 AM By splash zones are you talking about other areas where deep sea oil releases are being created by natural events ie earth changes Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 Spashzones are where the intelligent oil(the organism part) reaches the ocean surface. When it reaches the surface it can directly receive the incoming cosmic signals for further growth and instructions. Because of the dispersant and calibrators the intelligent oil is now connecting with other submerged intelligent oil forming a conductor and conveyer. It then works in concert, searching for areas/places to escape to the surface. -OP 11:35 AM Did BP cause the fracturing of the sea floor or did the current climate and earth changes fracture the sea floor and create problems for the Oil rig and diaster. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 BP did not cause the fracturing. They just enhanced its channeling and highway to the surface. The fractures are normal stress zones in reply to the growth/compression of the organism awaking, growing and expanding beneath the crust and releasing its own cleaning solution. (substances within the organism) -OP 11:40 AM why so many ships for the pirates? doesnt make since to me must be some other reason do you know of any? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 947925 It fits in with the sudden deployment(Burst) of Naval call ups. -OP 11:48 AM

Thanks OP. don't know where everyone is at. But those are about it for my questions. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102368 tout le plaisir est pour moi -OP 11:52 AM Thanks OP. God keep your company safe! Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1067366 je vous en prie -OP 12:09 PM you said deepwater horizon was delibratly sabotaged. who was responsible,and was it to prevent int/oil release or to facilitate int/oil release? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102439 The Crown wanted to speed up and cause an international incident. They were hoping to cause elections in England to be postponed thereby keeping Brown in power. They also planned (or so they thought) that this crises will bolster support for White House Officials (WHO) and Obama. Martial Law, Forced Vaccinations and the stealth implanting of RIFD chips. They utterly misjudged the intelligence(morphing capability) of the organism and the strength and support of a faction within the US Navy. -OP 12:49 PM OP What is OMEGA and B3 ??? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1102432 OMEGA is both a plan and a device. OMEGA is a Master Key device(massive EMP protected transmitter aboard a surface vessel) to detonate a synchronized set of planted(drilled an placed)low yield nuclear devices specifically designed to fuse(close) splashzones originating directly from the crust and below the seabed with minimal radiation and upward blast force to minimize tsunami effect estimates. Some devices can also be activated by specially air dropped torpedo's targeting pre placed buoys in synchronicity. The torpedo circles the buoy until its activated to target it. The US Navy only recently offered the special software needed to setup these torpedoes. Whoever controls the OMEGA vessel also controls the Master Key and timing of it. Although OMEGA(the transmitter itself) is EMP protected, transcripts on DED have shown that the new kind/type of incoming cosmic photon and other rays are severely effecting the instrument causing instability.

B3 is a biohazard containment cargo bay on newer launched submarines. (some submarines use another name for that type of cargo bay) Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 1:21 PM Are extraterrestrial factors involved, and if so, what? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1087173 Yes. However, although the organism itself is primordial to our existence its been programmed to lay and wait(hibernate) and to AWAKE at a certain time of our solar time and position by an extraterrestrial presence/race soon before their return. We unfortunately do not know how near "soon" is. "Soon" could be anything from moths to years. In simplistic terms we speculate the organism is preparing the oceans, climate and geological setup of the earth to become more "visitor" friendly for the returning masters who programmed and created/breaded this organism in the first place. Some have used the term "terra forming". That term fits in with our speculation and understanding of what is happening with our planet. Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/18/2010 04:54 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

-OP 1:52 PM Most people seemed to be the most concerned about the health effect of the oil spill and the organism released either by the powers that be or from a natural source. Any updates. health threats etc. Enter Proximity of Oil At Own Risk. The organism is gaining in intelligence, adapting and even using and incorporating our technology(nano).It has come out of hibernation and is preparing the way and transforming the Oceans. It is not concerned by our(human) health. It has survived for millennia. We humans wont. The organism has the ability and swarmed intelligence to exploit all our diseases and virus related illnesses. It can interact with any bacteria, virus or fungus. you have partially answered my question OP.I take it that the organism will travel in the air and the water depending on the characteristics it takes on. Quoting: childoflight Early in the transcripts and on this thread clues were given that the organism is not capable of aerosolizing on its own. Its is however speculated that it can interact and aerosolize with bacteria and other airborne viruses/organisms on a basic DNA structure and command.

-OP 2:22 PM I'm try to word this correctly so here goes: What would you do if you were us, receiving this information? Quoting: Gabriel There are many views and opinions. Most say OMEGA is the quickest option but some say we should wait and see what really happens when "they" come. Some say we should wait and see if the organism is really a threat to all life. Some speculate other races will help and intervene. So far I haven't seen or heard about it. If earths climate turns to a deep freeze we as humans have the ability to adapt as long as there is Water. Water is the key. If it turns earth into another Mars we lost. I don't think the organism is purposefully trying to kill all life on the planet. Its' only trying to make things more habitable for its masters. I Don't think anybody or any of the factions know what is going to happen ultimately. Maybe China has the answer. Some just say say it's time to go within... -OP 2:31 PM Question? What can you tell us about 'incoming'? Is it being affected by something from space? Is something coming from space? What do you know about the origins of the organism? Quoting: nexuseditor I Believe I've answered that question, but yes something is coming from space. Hubble has been turned to earth to search for splashzones and to try and triangulate. For some reason or the other the current weather and military satellites are not able to provide that specific functionality anymore. Something is interfering with their array just like with the OMEGA transmitter. The Vatican are also introducing filters at all their observatories, either to block or pin point. -OP 2:43 PM I'm on duty in less than two hours(night shift). I have to prepare or otherwise I will get catsniped. Take care The OP Anonymous Coward User ID: 1101839 Romania 09/18/2010 06:43 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Your thread PWNS! I did not understand a f'ing thing out of that huge thread. You made it all clear to the idiots like me


Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Krispy, I never did thank you for this thread. Thank you for all that hard work. I know what it cost you. There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT! -Men in Black Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Krispy, I never did thank you for this thread. Thank you for all that hard work. I know what it cost you.
Quoting: Housedad

User ID: 1003657 United States 09/21/2010 11:03 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/21/2010 11:11 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

No need to feel sorry ;) YW Tnx. It cost me but it gave me too .... Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS 9/23/2010 10:55 AM This is GirlFriend. Level 3 Outage on Net. Resume and Stay On Exit Now! 9/23/2010 11:48 AM This is GirlFriend. Radar issued a Morphing Alert. 22 minutes ago. Other Login Status: Developing Surveillance Remaining At Level Three. Cables Cut. Exit is A Go.

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/24/2010 05:01 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

9/24/2010 2:43 PM This is GirlFriend. Noted Cobalt. Africa is Safe. You Keep Blue Safe. We Will Keep Sniper Safe. 9/24/2010 3:27 PM This is GirlFriend. To MIR<ZAR<AMAR<QT<MOG< Sniper has informed me that you are Safe and STB for Updates 48 hours from now.

Do not Attempt To Reply To This Post. Use Diplomacy as SOP. Maintain MO on 1+4+6. Read, Ignore and Proceed as Usual on 1+4+6. You Are All Safe. You Are Not Targeted. Krispy71 (OP) Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP 9/24/2010 7:13 PM User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/25/2010 06:56 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation This is GirlFriend. Crescent Moon has left safe harbor.

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP 9/30/2010 2:44 PM Krispy71 (OP) This is GirlFriend. BoyFriend's company is now shadowing A Whale. Boarding possible in two hours if needed. Relayed 1 hour ago. Odessa First Strike Assets in position. Waiting for KremPP to approve strike command on Crescent Moon. Boarding of A Whale and Strike on Crescent Moon to be synchronized. Sniper have infiltrated Rising Sun and is in sleep mode until Midnight. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP 10/5/2010 2:32 PM This is GirlFriend. KremPP reporting Problems with two unofficially acquired Mistral class vessels from France. Transcripts show that the software for Strategic Theatre Command, Nuclear and ICBM Encrypted Communications, ELF and Satellite Relay is now unexpectedly incompatible. Embassy reports from China that 12 Committee members and 39 Party Members have been arrested for treason. Japanese Embassy reports confirming that Japan has also now received Diplomatic Briefcases from China with opening sequence date of October 15th and not the 13th like the others. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP 10/7/2010 11:41 AM This is GirlFriend. Circular vapor trails reported over Greenland near

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 09/30/2010 03:05 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 10/05/2010 02:41 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 10/07/2010 03:42 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

monitored land splashzone. No further activity over Iceland. Australian mission successful. Aborigine contact confirmed as positive +++. Critical Data Found. Data analyzing in progress. ECH rethinking direction and objective when new critical data is fully analyzed. Anti-Climax Highly Probable. BEZERK remaining at level 1.

BelgianBoy Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Anti-Climax Highly Probable. Really? < [link to] [link to]

User ID: 1009257 Belgium 10/09/2010 09:04 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation D-Star User ID: 1128180 Australia 10/12/2010 09:11 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Philippines

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Chinese Embasy briefcases are now open. Does anyone have any info about whats inside???

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Thanks for this work! User ID: 1003925 Philippines 10/13/2010 07:49 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward User ID: 1001520 United States 10/13/2010 09:39 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation BelgianBoy Great info, even if the BEZERK info is not all 100% true. Separate science and government.

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS In one of his interviews with Art Bell, Malachi Martin speculated that after WW3 the dragons would return...something along these lines. Malachi's timeline, btw, is exact to what has happened 2011-2012 WW3. He also stated that the AC was alive. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP is back on BEZERK thread: Good day. I'm preparing updates and will post them. As time is Of the Essence at this juncture, I want to thank Housedad for one of his posts and point others in that direction. This is for Housedad and may help your analyses further: "The specific TEE activator is most prevalent in the gene sequence of the Chinese Race and descendents" QED

User ID: 1009257 Belgium 10/15/2010 11:22 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Last Edited by BelgianBoy on 10/15/2010 11:23 AM < [link to] [link to] Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS OP is back on BEZERK thread: Good day. I'm preparing updates and will post them. As time is Of the Essence at this juncture, I want to thank Housedad for one of his posts and point others in that direction. This is for Housedad and may help your analyses further: "The specific TEE activator is most prevalent in the gene sequence of the Chinese Race and descendents" QED
Quoting: BelgianBoy

Krispy71 (OP)

Thank you very much !!! I have been sick for a couple of days and missed that one !!!

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 10/19/2010 07:16 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

And here is the next one : -OP 10/18/2010 11:56 AM Good Day. My situation at Safe Haven is changing regarding updates. Search for New Outlet possible. I Can Confirm two things. First , the canisters at embassies (except Japan) contain small pieces/samples of a "presumed" artifact. ( My Girlfriend Presumes its an artifact). The canisters themselves are made from a "strange" type of ceramic (translation problem /porcelain). Secondly,, the Japanese Briefcase differ in contents, theirs Contain a Metallic Cylinder and less documents. My GirlFriend's contact told her it was a Biohazard Containment Cylinder Last Edited by Krispy71 on 10/19/2010 07:17 AM Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 10/20/2010 12:46 PM Good Day, in Response to Krispy I will clarify one important fact. Please Take Note of this significant Clarification. The Great Wall of China was activated for only 48 hours from October 13th by the Chinese and then shut down. Japan received and opened their case only after the wall was deactivated. The RISING SUN has since withdrawn from ODESSA and is disregarding the

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 10/20/2010 04:32 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Paris Codicil. All their vessel Call signs have dropped from DED. The Critical DATA from the Aborigine contact has changed from +++ and is now at + - -. Further analysis still pending. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 10/27/2010 10:54 AM Good day. Further Intel just received indicate and confirms that the 9 Events mention in the Chinese Briefcases sent to embassies (Except Japan) are the following in Nature: 3 will be Geophysical Events 2 will be Geological Events 1 is an Astronomical Event 1 Event is Classified as NEW. (Immensely Effective Cyber attack resulting in a Shutdown) 2 Military Events of which one is a direct attack/strike of a high tech weapon and the other an attack followed by an occupation. From my GirlFriend's contacts it is clear that these events will only begin to occur after a 90 day period(RISING SUN) has expired and most are scheduled for 2011. I Would also like to address another issue. I've said before that I(we) do read your post when time permits it. I Would like to take this opportunity to express our (me and my GirlFriend's) thoughts. It is clear from reading posts by some posters they they are confusing Intelligence with Spirituality and having a pseudo love affair with this Organism and its masters. When a man only armed with a knife enters a stage or battlefield and faces another individual or enemy who has a tank he is not necessarily going to think. "Oh WOW, my friend/enemy has a tank so he must be spiritually much more advanced then I." Whatever Alien race you think is coming or whatever Alien tech they or their cronies employ does NOT imply they are more spiritually advanced at all. Or even that they somehow going to help you all ascend. Far from it. Intelligence and Advanced tech should not be confused with spirituality. Firstly from our intel and sources it is clear that this organism is not friendly and that their Masters who bread them are even more hostile. Secondly, because of the possibility that China may be the chosen cronies to assist this Alien race it is even more suspect. Most of the Intel Agencies do not trust China . GirlFriend feels strongly that discovered Alien Tech will be used directly and indirectly. I Feel this thread has also reached a crossroads. Me and my GirlFriend's objective was to warn you about things going on behind the scenes and to send code to the "others" who needed it and share our same objective to get things out there. Numerous posters asked me to come right out and say whatever is going on. Firstly I admitted long ago that I don't know everything and are in most cases just relaying

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 10/28/2010 06:11 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

information as is. We also speculated just as much as you. Our speculation didn't go down well so we stopped. Secondly you wanted me to answer direct questions. I Waited for an appropriate time to do that from page 611 and low and behold I'm now accused for not being the same OP. I Would like nothing better to do then to continue providing you with updates and to work with you in researching and coming up with a conclusion and connecting dots on what is going on. That is what made the thread great. It felt like a team effort. I Would have loved to continue, especially now that "things" are heating up and factions freaking out. The way IA's has been sharing their Intel since October 13th have changed dramatically. Everyone is looking over their shoulders wondering who is on who's said. I Feel that my attempts to reveal and warn has fallen on deaf ears and that our objective has failed. I Don't need the attention but if you don't give attention to the info I post or ignore and put it on the backburner then I've failed. There is numerous circumstantial evidence of what I've been telling you is true and factual. If you unable to see or realize that then again I've failed. From what I perceive on this thread now is that it has turned into growing social club. Which is in itself fine and you felt for a time like family to me but I cant go on like this. If it wasn't for the fact that the "others" still depend on code being released and "revealed" I would have thrown in the towel long ago. You are welcome to post your thoughts on what I should do. I will read them but as previously mentioned I've been looking for a more ordered/disciplined and matter of fact medium/forum/outlet/thread to get relevant info out and one that is ALSO SAFE FOR US. merci OP and GirlFriend Klimhazard

User ID: 694414 South Africa 10/31/2010 08:50 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Krispy71 (OP)

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Keep this thread going Krispy. It's easy to miss OP's posts and you're doing us all a real favour. Thanks

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Keep this thread going Krispy. It's easy to miss OP's posts and you're doing us all a real favour. Thanks
Quoting: Klimhazard

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 11/03/2010 05:38 AM Report Abusive Post

My intentions were not different, I wanted to carry on

Report Copyright Violation

anyway ;) So no worries Edit to correct an error. Last Edited by Krispy71 on 11/03/2010 10:26 AM Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 10/31/2010 1:25 PM Good Day, I'm now Ready to post here for a limited time while others on the BEZERK still debate the nature of organism, its purpose and its relation to China and Draco. Thankyou for the invitation and suggestion. I Will try and be more forthcoming here and take direct questions if and when time permits and allowed. POSTED IN THIS THREAD, on this page : Thread: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? (Page 10) -OP 11/2/2010 6:31 AM Good day, Crescent Moon has hit a mine. (first report was 40 minutes ago),. This was not on DED. GirlFriend told me . -OP 11/2/2010 6:39 AM

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 11/03/2010 05:39 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Good day, Crescent Moon has hit a mine. (first report was 40 minutes ago). This was not on DED KremPP has just now (5 minutes ago) issued an awareness alert that conflict between KremPP and KremPM not resolved over Crescent Moon Status. Situation now Critical regarding RISING SUN attempt to send two vessels to assist Crescent Moon vessel. -OP 11/2/2010 1:05 PM In keeping to my promise to be more interactive and sharing on this thread I will add this. (The following has no code) Yes, that is My and GirlFriends deductions as well on China. Coupled with the fact that they are now A) able to communicate and get instructed/programmed directly with the incoming rays/transmissions from their previous alien masters from which they descend; B) able to strike any target on the nano grid without any loss of life and rendering humans near grid in a semi

comatosed state for a few minutes. Astute did indeed lose all power batteries included. It created a negative spike (reverse EMP), note that it didn't went to just zero(shutdown) but to a negative EMP spike. This is unheard of. This process "ate" data (for a lack of better description). It also created a negative "suction" of energy. The batteries were un-rechargeable. The electricity disappeared into a black hole of sorts. Three of the crew members reported to naval psychologists/investigators that they felt/sensed that they were going back in time and space. Something you might want to dwell on: Why do you think China has the largest populace and the Oldest civilization still alive/survived? Hints: Loyalty, Dedication, Extremely Competitive, Committed (they give their best), They Deliver. They Have a unified Imperial Instinct (Emperor Syndrome), they act in unison and not as individuals, and of course HONOR. (no patriotism needed, its bred in) Answer: To put it simply they have it in their genes. And that "it" is from Draco. aka I TEE. --The latest update on Crescent Moon is that there are injuries but no loss of life aboard Crescent Moon. Also keep in mind that Crescent Moon was not in The Gulf of Mexico but in Japanese territorial waters when it hit a "Japanese Mine". Until we have further data the situation has been tentatively classified as a "Friendly Fire" incident. -The KremPP and KremPM update will be posted in code shortly. ( I have no other choice, this is a "Tightrope" Alert Level/Issue) -OP 11/2/2010 3:22 PM Good Day,. KremPP still has a Black eye. KremPM believes the black circLe around the sun is conneCted to "congress walking out". GirlFriend thinks an event is possible around January 19th 2011 Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 11/4/2010 10:47 AM Good Day. GirlFriends contact in Germany has Informed her that one of the 4 New elements in the Canisters are very Close to Gold but much lighter in weight and can dissolve in saltwater with the proper IODINE ratio. .My next post will be a summery from GirlFriend of Wednesdays Embassy meetinG Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 11/04/2010 12:21 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward

User ID: 1054817 United States 11/09/2010 01:05 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation ZTE
Against All Odds

reminds me of the black oil from X Files [link to]

User ID: 779511 United States 11/09/2010 04:34 PM

If you can justify killing one man, you can justify killing every man. The Greatest Lie is the one never told, but assumed. History isn't a measure of our successes, but the compilation of our mistakes.

Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward User ID: 1018797 United States 11/10/2010 03:15 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS supposedly op was acolyte no more op post

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS No I am NOT ACOLYTE. I knew him, but cut all contact. We were having to many differences. (Aco was one of the people (a group) posting as OP in the BESERK-thread) Last Edited by Krispy71 on 11/20/2010 05:10 AM Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS (The BESERK-OP posting on the chronicle-thread : Thread: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) (Page 17) page 17 , 11/9/2010 11:41 AM

Urgent Update: Condor is now on DED. retrofitted with AN/BLQ-10 SIGINT. Bring forward from 2012
Quoting: acolyte

Krispy71 (OP) 11/9/2010 11:47 AM

Again TIOTE. Intel rushing in that CLASSIC TROLL Launch was successful User ID: 962920 (AN/ULR-21) Netherlands 11/20/2010 05:09 AM c3/412 hit confirmed but Series 701 negative on. Report Abusive Post Quoting: acolyte Report Copyright Violation 11/17/2010 4:12 PM I just got home and found this in the email. Originally recieved this at 11:53 am EST. from acolyte (Received and Posted AS-IS two hours ago PARIS Time) TIOTE, Zero"2" at all Zero"6" Stations. Report all Zero"6" Positives's. A Big positive that L3 Backbone have been compromised for the past 7 Days. Monitoring in place. STB on L3. 14 Hours ago Ossetia received Running Silent Order from KremPP.,, Priority Alert status scheduled for 21 November until 26 November. This includes

Commercial Airliners. REPEAT. This Includes ALL Commercial Airlines on A GLO"B"AL ALERT,., Fighter Escorts (MIL-AF) not possible. Egypt has joined China. REPEAT. Egypt no longer part of ODESSA. Call Sign Designations: "SIERRA 1" , "WHISKEY 4" and "JULIET 3"
Quoting: Housedad

Last Edited by Krispy71 on 11/26/2010 04:54 PM Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Acolyte also posted in the BRIEFCASE-thread : Thread: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? (Page 14) 11/9/2010 11:42 AM No time for code. TIOTE. Condor is now on DED. retrofitted with AN/BLQ-10 SIGINT. Bring forward from 2012
Quoting: acolyte

11/9/2010 11:58 AM Again TIOTE. Intel rushing in that CLASSIC TROLL Launch was successful (AN/ULR-21) Krispy71 (OP) c3/412 hit confirmed but Series 701 negative on.
Quoting: acolyte

User ID: 962920 11/17/2010 4:35 PM Netherlands 11/20/2010 05:26 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation I just got home and found this in the email. Originally recieved this at 11:53 am EST. from acolyte (Received and Posted AS-IS two hours ago PARIS Time) TIOTE, Zero"2" at all Zero"6" Stations. Report all Zero"6" Positives's. A Big positive that L3 Backbone have been compromised for the past 7 Days. Monitoring in place. STB on L3. 14 Hours ago Ossetia received Running Silent Order from KremPP.,, Priority Alert status scheduled for 21 November until 26 November. This includes Commercial Airliners. REPEAT. This Includes ALL Commercial Airlines on A GLO"B"AL ALERT,., Fighter Escorts (MIL-AF) not possible. Egypt has joined China. REPEAT. Egypt no longer part of ODESSA. Call Sign Designations: "SIERRA 1" , "WHISKEY 4" and "JULIET 3" Edited to add boldface
Quoting: Housedad

Krispy71 (OP)

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -ACOLYTE/OP 11/26/2010 11:35 AM (coded)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 11/26/2010 04:53 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Ossetia .: Georgia and FalkLands now positive SplashZones., 2X Calibrators failing. DISTRACTION NeeDED. New 3x Emperical calibrators to include recommenDED changes from China alliance Group. (Must include EMPIRE Device for LAND Based SplashZones) :Empire = Emperical: Aborigine Data Analysis finalized and proof positive on Saturn/Draco/Empirical Spectrum. .Terracotta molds/substances are mirrored proof +-+. (translation problem) Both the transmission and receiving gene sequences have been identified. DNA Mapping near completion. ODESSA Assets preparing for end of 90 day safe Harbor expiration. Proximity Warnings still valid and in effect before, during and after Korea SITREP Analysis. (RISING SUN)

-ACOLYTE/OP 11/26/2010 12:45 PM The WIKILEAKS and BEZERK Thread Connection Quote For those still wanting to know why I(rrr) used "BEZERK" in the title of the French submarine thread, just Google "wikileaks +bezerk" "zerk" also refers to a DNA sequence. Last Edited by Krispy71 on 11/26/2010 04:55 PM Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -ACOLYTE 12/5/2010 1:13 AM Krispy71 (OP) Posted in: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 12/05/2010 06:49 PM -ACOLYTE 12/5/2010 1:30 AM Report Abusive Post Posted in : Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Report Copyright Violation HMS Albion now on DED.. Last Edited by Krispy71 on 12/05/2010 06:49 PM Anonymous Coward User ID: 1193899 United States Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS 12/16/2010 09:57 PM And then.... Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Krispy71 (OP) Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS acolyte

AIM has taken control and have sent 17. 14 are active while 3 will remain in SM untill exit point is confirmed. STB for Migration procedured.

User ID: 962920 Netherlands Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) 12/17/2010 06:33 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation (coded release) China to choose Catholic heads; Vatican ties tense [link to] ---acolyte (OP) User ID: 1186947 South Africa 12/7/2010 1:59 AM RE: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup )

User ID: 1186929 South Africa 12/7/2010 1:31 AM

[link to] China does not want to "replace" the United States from its dominant role in the world, and the world should not fear China's rise, the country's top diplomat wrote in an essay. Skip related content (Yeah right, everyone can go back to sleep now) ---acolyte User ID: 1188159 South Africa 12/8/2010 2:33 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) (limited code) China is about to demonstrate their reverse EMP on a military land based vehicle/installation and/or surface vessel (naval but not a submarine as was the case with Astute) As with Astute analysts expect the demonstration to be AIMed at a Royal Navy vessel but there is some disagreement. (no code) I Want to clarify that China was not responsible for the DWH blowout but a faction of the Crown was. China also intervened to stop a second blowout attempt. This could be seen as China acting for the "Good". However further analysis and timeframe perspective coupled with the briefcase intel points in the direction that

China was acting to prevent damage to the organism. China is also insisting on the use and fitting of 3x calibrators on non Odessa members to avoid damage to the organism but yet still offer control and management of its terraforming and climate inducing progress. A Further point is that another faction, closely linked to the Crown, is infiltrating the Crown to establish a working relationship with the Crown. (Again China playing all the sides) To put it in simple terms: Since October 13th China has asked all world leaders to "Trust" them in the management of this organism and the media relations in preparing and making the global populace aware of the Arrival. The 9 Events however will cause massive loss of life, mostly to non gene descendents. I Also want to stress that although most of the events are scheduled for 2011 and 2012, the 9th and final event is scheduled for only the 28th of February 2016. Yes I said 2016, so this throws a spanner in the works of the 2012 Mayan timeline, however more and more researches are coming forward to verbalize their opinion that our Gregorian calendar is at least out with 5 years to the Mayan calendar. (This deserves a whole thread on its own which I will start at a later date when time permits) Another fact that I and most of RRR have contention with is that China is dealing with OLD Guard(Illuminati) and giving them amnesty. They are actively arranging and meeting with these puppet masters to get them out of harms way and to basically "save and protect" them. On a personal note(no code) Those following the Bezerk, Chronicle and this thread will become aware that what we (RRR) have been reporting and saying is now slowly coming into main stream media and intel/confirmation is flooding into conspiracy sources. So those accusing me of hoaxing and lying can stop with their BS flags now. The amount of circumstantial evidence is overwhelming now. Rand Rubicon Revealers have for some time known that we have reached a point of No Return(Rubicon) and that we might as well tell it all in a structured and phased way. If we let out everything at once less people would have believed us. We also had to wait for the right timing. I've spent years on this and GLP. So if you want to make me out as a bad person that's your prerogative and for some its been their agenda. Im glad that those on the Bezerk thread, especially the last few pages, are coming around and actively doing their research again. If they re-read the chronicle thread again they will realize that what they discussing now was already given/glimpsed to them in that thread, coupled with OP's posts on the bezerk thread. My part in the Bezerk (RRR) project will end on January 19th. Due to demand and the many PM's and emails I've received I've been given the go ahead to spend my time working on CHANI and to focus on the "me tel u know" thread. (For those that have send me PM's, please note that I'm not using an upgraded account anymore so I cant reply to your pm's. Please feel free to email me at acolyteglp(at) blessings --acolyte

User ID: 1188159 South Africa 12/8/2010 2:36 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) (Many thanks to Isis for posting this on the other threads. "They" are preparing for China's Reverse EMP Demonstration and advanced warning of their SI (Solar Initiation Module) [link to]

Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Defense Council(C) Founded in San Diego, California on Pearl Harbor Day EMP Defense Council(C) Inaugurated to Prepare the U.S. for a Nuclear EMP Strike or a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) SAN DIEGO, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 12/07/10 -- The EMP Defense Council began operations today, Pearl Harbor Day -- "A day that will live in infamy" -- to remind all Americans to prepare in advance for the "unexpected" expected. ---acolyte User ID: 1190524 South Africa 12/10/2010 5:17 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Quote HNLMS Tromp arrived in Dublin. Van Amstel reported power plant failure on their Stealth capacity test. ---acolyte User ID: 1190542 South Africa 12/10/2010 5:41 AM RE: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) (An urgent Operation Veritas and FRA update) The signal inTelligence agency is being be exposed to increasing international pressure,. since October 13th to start with offensive signals intelligence, i.e. to not only listen to traffic, but to commit hacking into networks and computers. ---acolyte User ID: 1190808 South Africa 12/10/2010 11:48 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Quote

AIM operatives to upgrade NSA221 before 21:00 Paris Time for full Spectrum on all 4 zones:: and 6 theatres ::: to ensure compatibility with FRA and DGSE. ---acolyte User ID: 1193559 South Africa 12/13/2010 12:53 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Quote (just a few simplified comments from the grapevine, my access is again limited at the moment, no code exept key at bottom) China has succeeded in convincing Obama(Missile launch Demo near the coast) to seize drilling for oil and thereby stopping any further interrupting and/or exiting of organism from doing its terra forming using mapped channels. Any method or action to try and puncture channels or divert channels(i.e use of drilling capsules) will result in immediate strategic asset elimination. China is still poised to demonstrate their Reverse EMP capability again. (Previous warning/demo was with Astute) Many nations are preparing and refocusing their defenses towards China using all means possible, including new and even untested military technology and applications. Again the main focus will be on Submarines and Satellites. Nations are scrambling to find/research for counter measures to combat China's Solar Initiation Module (SIM) or (SI.M) Some nations are publically/politically(for show) allaying against China when in fact they planning to work covertly(now) and actively with China when the Events begins sequencing. AIM has sent contingents to a large list of countries. Most significant are the 17(3 dormant) sent to US, 2 to UK(Royals), 2 to France, 8 to Russia to focus on high profile targets either through personal security, infiltrating and monitoring or elimination. Targets include Political and Financial Puppet Masters and Royals (Crown). No AIM has been sent to China. Active Mode operations will begin form the 19th of January and onwards while Infiltration and Inciting Operations are already ongoing. Analysts are proof positive that the signal for all planned continental wars to start publically (not covertly as is currently the case) will be triggered on or right before the collapse of the US Dollar. ---acolyte User ID: 1193559 South Africa 12/13/2010 12:54 AM

Thread: So Japan wants to take on China again eh? Not enough raping the Chinese Women ? (Japan apparently, is asking to be slaughtered.) [link to] Japan to Refocus Military on China By MARTIN FACKLER Published: December 12, 2010 TOKYO In what would be a sweeping overhaul of its cold war-era defense strategy, Japan is about to release new military guidelines that would reduce its heavy armored and artillery forces pointed north toward Russia in favor of creating more mobile units that could respond to Chinas growing presence near its southernmost islands, Japanese newspapers reported Sunday..... and Thread: SKorea-US to form a new plan so the US gives NUKE support to SKorea if NKorea continue their crap US gives Nuke support to SK Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1189738 Good post AC 1189738, thankyou, you jumped the gun on me there lol :) ---acolyte (OP) Offer Upgrade User ID: 1193591 South Africa 12/13/2010 2:01 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Russian intelligence officer prevents development of N-arms by SAfrica [link to] 12.12.2010, 16.09 MOSCOW, December 12 (Itar-Tass) - The First TV Channel will show the film Test by death on illegal intelligence officer Alexei Kozlov, who headed off development of nuclear weapons by South Africa in the 1970s. The film is devoted to the 90th anniversary of the foreign intelligence service to be marked on December 20. (Not even by a long shot) ----

12/13/2010 2:16 AM (coded msm) Iran Navy Destroyer Arrives In Sri Lanka [link to] Senior Navy officers and crew of Iran's Alvand destroyer docked in Sri Lanka to join ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Lankan Navy, IRAN DAILY reported. The ceremony was attended by commanders and military delegations from more than 26 countries, during which a number of foreign warships, including Alvand, participated. ---12/13/2010 2:40 AM DID CHINA TARGET ASTUTE TWICE OR IS THAT TRICE? LOL (I Guess China decided to target astute twice ROFL, but it is just a guess on my part, I was expecting a target on surface or land ... I dont think this was it but maybe this was it or its still in the works. This is a follow-up on the Reverse EMP thread) HMS Calamity: First it ran aground, then it collided with a tug. Now Britain's 1.2bn flagship submarine breaks down on its first day back in service Read more: [link to] ---12/14/2010 8:08 AM (Possible AIM related, not confirmed, use unencoded ratio) [link to] 'You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan': The last words of U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke before failed heart surgery ---12/14/2010 8:12 AM (Here we go) UK to launch its biggest, deadliest nuclear submarine [link to] A nuclear reactor which can power a small city and guided missiles that can

pulverise an enemy more than 1,000 miles away -- meet HMS Ambush, the Royal Navy's newest killer submarine. The super-sub can produce oxygen and drinking water from seawater to keep its 98 crew members alive in time of crisis. More complex than the US space shuttles and able to circumnavigate the globe without surfacing, Ambush is 291 ft long, the same length as a football pitch, as wide as four double-decker buses and 12 storeys high. Its nuclear-powered engine can propel her at more than 20 knots, allowing her to travel 500 miles a day, reports the Daily Mail. And despite being 50 percent bigger than the Swiftsure and Trafalgar subs it will replace, Ambush is much quieter. Its propellers are the quietest ones, making less noise than a baby dolphin and undetectable to enemy vessels. --12/16/2010 1:29 AM (This fits in with what I indicated earlier on the briefcases thread about nations scrambling to test new weapons and technology coupled with some of Nexus's and other posters posts thougout this thread. For example page 19 12/10/2010 5:39 AM and 12/11/2010 6:17 AM (US Navy test fires electromagnetic cannon) and others . WE ARE REACHING A CLIMAX. THERE IS A CONCENTRATED AND JOINT EFFORT NOW MADE BY COUNTRIES TO UPGRADE THEIR DEFENSES. THIS IS THE BUILDUP FOLKS. THEY ARE PREPARING FOR WW3) US missile intercept test fails [link to] An interceptor missile launched from California on Wednesday failed to hit a target fired from a Pacific atoll 4,000 miles away during a test of an anti-ballistic missile defense system, the Air Force announced. The missile, called a ground-based interceptor, lifted off from coastal Vandenberg Air Force Base at 12:03 a.m. and released a device called an Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle, or EKV, that was to plow into a target missile fired from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The interceptor's sensors worked and the EKV was deployed, but it missed, according to a statement from Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency ---acolyte User ID: 1196154 South Africa 12/15/2010 12:05 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote

Good day, KremPP has issued a CREVICE Stealth Alert two hours ago., (translation problem) The OMEGA Option is now back on the table. KremPP and KremPM is resolving their issues. Orange is expecting another burst of intel, so STB -----acolyte User ID: 1196154 South Africa 12/15/2010 12:09 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote (no code) Regarding the BEZERK thread. I'm in a bit of a dilemma because posters have brought up two issues which I cant go any further into except for what I'm about to say on these two points. I Noticed on the bezerk thread posters bringing up the fact that the "leaks" started in February already. ( I Actually posted a pinned thread about this at the time) At this juncture I feel compelled to mention, as a hint that another classified issue began when Em was sent to look for the black boxes of the French Airbus that crashed. They discovered more than just the black boxes and why the plane crashed. (That's all I can say on this matter, this is an important dot but also an extremely sensitive one. Its on such a different level of echelon intelligence gathering that I don't even want to go there. Nobody would believe it anyway) (sarcasm) They also mention the SA Navy sub, SAS Manthatisi . All I can say is that some posters were on the right track a few hundred pages back when this first came up. Manthatisi was sent to get retrofitted with 2x calibrators as well as something else. When the oversight committee noticed the bill for this "upgrade" they actually brought it up in parliament to get answers to what was going on with the sub. While the sub was under "apparent" docking for repairs it was actually sent on 2 covert missions. One was to the GOM and other I will reveal later. In the MSM reports you will find a major contradiction. Its reported that Manthatisi had major "problems" and yet the Manthatisi managed to out maneuver the US Navy and every other participant in a Naval exercise where it destroyed every target. If it was having so much problems that it needed repairs how was it possible for the Manthatisi to achieve the success it did during the exercise? The answer is simple, it didn't go for repairs, it went for an upgrade and two covert missions while the oversight committee was fed info that its docked and in the "workshop" for lack of a better expression. As I'm a South African citizen I have to tread very carefully on what I reveal about this, so please understand when I say I cant go any further into this) (ps, the above is not the Burst of Intel I was referring to in the post just prior to this one, ok :)

------acolyte User ID: 1196295 South Africa 12/15/2010 2:28 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote Oncogenic mutations in the serine/threonine kinase B-RAF (also known as BRAF) are found in 5070% of malignant melanomas1. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that the B-RAF(V600E) mutation predicts a dependency on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade in melanoma2, 3, 4, 5, 6an observation that has been validated by the success of RAF and MEK inhibitors in clinical trials7, 8, 9. However, clinical responses to targeted anticancer therapeutics are frequently confounded by de novo or acquired resistance10, 11, 12. Identification of resistance mechanisms in a manner that elucidates alternative druggable targets may inform effective long-term treatment strategies13. Here we expressed ~600 kinase and kinase-related open reading frames (ORFs) in parallel to interrogate resistance to a selective RAF kinase inhibitor. We identified MAP3K8 (the gene encoding COT/Tpl2) as a MAPK pathway agonist that drives resistance to RAF inhibition in B-RAF(V600E) cell lines. COT activates ERK primarily through MEK-dependent mechanisms that do not require RAF signalling. Moreover, COT expression is associated with de novo resistance in B-RAF(V600E) cultured cell lines and acquired resistance in melanoma cells and tissue obtained from relapsing patients following treatment with MEK or RAF inhibitors. We further identify combinatorial MAPK pathway inhibition or targeting of COT kinase activity as possible therapeutic strategies for reducing MAPK pathway activation in this setting. Together, these results provide new insights into resistance mechanisms involving the MAPK pathway and articulate an integrative approach through which high-throughput functional screens may inform the development of novel therapeutic strategies. -----acolyte User ID: 1196295 South Africa 12/15/2010 2:31 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote ViaSat Inc. (Nasdaq: VSAT) has obtained High Assurance IP Encryption Interface Specification (HAIPE IS) Version 3.1 certification from the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) for an inline network encryptor, the AltaSec KG-250. HAIPE is used to provide secure communications to many DoD networks. The HAIPE 3.1 KG-250 continues ViaSat product migration toward mobility and interoperability, ease of use for the warfighter, and the ability to share information securely among warfighters and the Global Information Grid (GIG) in a dynamic environment. One of the key features of HAIPE V3.1 is that it adds remote rekeying and

the ability to function behind commercial firewalls to the KG-250 feature set. The remote rekeying feature, called HAIPE to HAIPE keying (H2HK), enables network operators to rekey an entire subnet from one HAIPE device, including devices stowed in vehicles and Unmanned Air Systems (UAS), without the need to travel forward into conflict areas. "This is a significant capability for those charged with maintaining our deployed secure networks since it avoids physical delivery of keys to each network node," said Chris Wren, general manager of Information Security at ViaSat. "Many times the users of these networks are in motion, and anything that improves the management of the network from locations that are physically secure not only saves time, but ultimately saves lives." In addition to HAIPE V3.1 improvements, the new KG-250 also introduces Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing into AltaSec encryption products. Embedded OSPF routing reduces network overhead, and gives the products the ability to adapt to constantly changing networks, keeping users connected while giving them more mobility and flexibility. ----acolyte User ID: 1196295 South Africa 12/15/2010 2:37 PM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? Quote Burst Completed Last Edited by Krispy71 on 12/17/2010 07:02 AM Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS acolyte 12/16/2010 1:39 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) (Apologies, I neglected to also post this below on this thread yesterday. Its from the briefcases thread, for the coded messages and latest DED traffic and intel bursts, please read nexus's briefcase thread) Good day, KremPP has issued a CREVICE Stealth Alert two hours ago., (translation problem) The OMEGA Option is now back on the table. KremPP and KremPM is resolving their issues. Orange is expecting another burst of intel, so STB (no code) Regarding the BEZERK thread. I'm in a bit of a dilemma because posters have brought up two issues which I cant go any further into except for what I'm about to say on these two points. I Noticed on the bezerk thread posters bringing up the fact that the "leaks" started in February already. ( I Actually posted a pinned thread about this at the time)

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 12/23/2010 02:23 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

At this juncture I feel compelled to mention, as a hint that another classified issue began when Em was sent to look for the black boxes of the French Airbus that crashed. They discovered more than just the black boxes and why the plane crashed. (That's all I can say on this matter, this is an important dot but also an extremely sensitive one. Its on such a different level of echelon intelligence gathering that I don't even want to go there. Nobody would believe it anyway) (sarcasm) They also mention the SA Navy sub, SAS Manthatisi . All I can say is that some posters were on the right track a few hundred pages back when this first came up. Manthatisi was sent to get retrofitted with 2x calibrators as well as something else. When the oversight committee noticed the bill for this "upgrade" they actually brought it up in parliament to get answers to what was going on with the sub. While the sub was under "apparent" docking for repairs it was actually sent on 2 covert missions. One was to the GOM and other I will reveal later. In the MSM reports you will find a major contradiction. Its reported that Manthatisi had major "problems" and yet the Manthatisi managed to out maneuver the US Navy and every other participant in a Naval exercise where it destroyed every target. If it was having so much problems that it needed repairs how was it possible for the Manthatisi to achieve the success it did during the exercise? The answer is simple, it didn't go for repairs, it went for an upgrade and two covert missions while the oversight committee was fed info that its docked and in the "workshop" for lack of a better expression. As I'm a South African citizen I have to tread very carefully on what I reveal about this, so please understand when I say I cant go any further into this) (ps, the above is not the Burst of Intel I was referring to in the post just prior to this one, ok :) acolyte 12/19/2010 2:44 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Russia calls for emergency security council meeting about south Korea. They are saying things like 'imminent' about war Thread: BREAKING: Russia Calls Emergency Security Council Meet - Fearing Korea War Imminent Quoting: Housedad The Curtain, Act One, Scene One. Acolyte 12/19/2010 3:01 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) A new power on the high seas... China to build its first aircraft carrier as Britain scraps hers

[link to] China is preparing to build its first aircraft carrier as Britains once-proud Royal Navy shrinks to its smallest size since the days of Henry VIII. The Chinese move comes weeks after David Cameron axed Britains carrier fleet and halved the overall number of warships to 25. Even though two super-carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince Charles are being built at a cost of 5.6 billion, Chinas naval plans will see it dwarf the UKs dwindling power as a seafaring nation. The Chinese will launch their first carrier in 2015 ----Acolyte 12/20/2010 2:12 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) CHINA TO U.S .- YELLOW STONE IS NOW LISTED AS A FIRST STRIKE TARGET. (ARTA) China has officially notified the US (North America) that Yellow Stone is now listed as a FIRST STRIKE TARGET (Alpha ONE). This revelation took place during a secondary meeting at the UN Security Council Meeting called by Russia. (Korean issue) Analyst speculate that China will use their SIM/SI.M acquired technology coupled with its New AntiPodal Reverberator Transcender Array (ARTA) to Target Yellow Stone in the event of any attempt to influence/interfere or neutralize the Great Wall of China Emitter Array and its Periodic Transmissions/Receptions. China has now revealed three new Technological Advanced Strategic Weapons Systems in less than three months: ReverseEMP - Astute (Limited demonstration, full demonstration pending/or yet to be confirmed) ARTA - Chilean Miners incident (Limited demonstration) SIM/SI.M [Solar Initiation/Initiator Module]/[Solar Initiation Modulator] - (Great Wall of China "Anomaly" demonstrated on the 13th of October - see briefcases and/or BEZERK thread) Analysts are of the Opinion that China will reveal even more systems during the first three months of 2011. The Direct link Between CURTAIN and the UN Security Council Meeting called by Russia has now been confirmed. This new technological warfare has been termed as "China's Diametrically Strategic Warfare Agenda for a New Empire". ---acolyte User ID: 1201173

South Africa 12/20/2010 5:41 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? (Related to My thread "There's something you should know about Saturn",China/Draco, Saturn Activation and Signals, and SIM/SI.M) Huge Plasma Explosions on Saturn A new analysis based on data from NASAs Cassini spacecraft finds a causal link between mysterious, periodic signals from Saturns magnetic field and explosions of hot ionized gas, known as plasma, around the planet. Quoted from the NASA press release. [link to] ---Acolyte 12/23/2010 10:10 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) *** FINCEN ISSUES GLOBAL ALERT UNTIL 19 JAN 2011 FINCEN has issued a Global Alert until 19 Jan 2011. All US and Canadian personnel and All European branches to remain on immediate STB until 27 Jan 2011 China has formally requested the immediate return of all SIM/SI.M activated/effected artifacts and the the dismissal/,.replacement of Swiss Guard to sector 8/88 of Vatican vault., ----acolyte User ID: 1204641 South Africa 12/23/2010 10:02 AM Re: Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told? goodnight,., FINCEN has issued a Global Alert untill 19jan2011. All US, Canadian and All European branches to remain on immediate STB untilll 27jan2011. GirlFriend confirms that China formallly requested immediate return of all activated/effected artifacts and the the dismissal/,.replacement of swiss guard to sector 8/88 of Vatican vault., Last Edited by Krispy71 on 12/23/2010 02:37 PM nzreva Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Just started reading

User ID: 1063963 United States 01/27/2011 02:23 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 11:09 AM Something like 10% of the worlds submarines are gathered in the Gulf of Mexico. What the fuck are they all doing there or rather what the fuck are they looking for? DED shows 12 US, 2 French, 3 British, 2 Russian, 1 Canadian, 3 German, 1 Israeli and 2 Unknown submarines -OP 11:18 AM Two days ago I posted that they sent a French Research ship there. -OP 11:25 AM Ok that makes sense, noone trusting US or BP, they send their own submarines to take a look as you say -OP 11:39 AM Ok good news. French captain he now says his sub not sunk only badly damaged, 17 sailor injured. Asking for assistance and rescue. He says attack from aircraft and not another submarine. -OP 11:48 AM Attack from US helicopter. All sailors bleeding from ear. User ID: 1261122 Belgium 02/10/2011 06:10 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation
Quoting: Krispy71


Ok... before i read it all i would like to know... are there ANY proofs that this happened? You just cannot throw incredible stories like that and expect anyone to believe it without questions. Of course it must already have been answered, i would hope. But unfortunaly i couldnt find any explanation in this sea of posts and threads, really confusing. SO could you tell me is there anything official and/or trustworthy to back up these claims? especially the gathering of submarines from US/EUROPE/ASIA? It was during the oil spill right? So you are saying something different happened from what was related to the masses? Why would us helicopters attack foreign submarines? Any backup to these claims? Who was the "french captain" any name? Also who is the OP of bezerk thread? and acolyte? or are they and how did they get these informations? Are they scammers that make BS stories because they got nothing else to do in their life? aka unemployed nolifes? Sorry but i had to ask. WOuld be great if someone could answer seriously to all of my questions. Again maybe it has already been answered but i couldnt find it. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS -OP 11:09 AM Something like 10% of the worlds submarines are gathered in the Gulf of Mexico. What the fuck are they all doing there or rather what the fuck are they looking for? DED shows 12 US, 2 French, 3 British, 2 Russian, 1 Canadian, 3 German, 1 Israeli and 2 Unknown submarines -OP 11:18 AM Two days ago I posted that they sent a French Research ship there.

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 962920 Netherlands 02/10/2011 11:21 AM Report Abusive Post

Report Copyright Violation -OP 11:25 AM Ok that makes sense, noone trusting US or BP, they send their own submarines to take a look as you say -OP 11:39 AM Ok good news. French captain he now says his sub not sunk only badly damaged, 17 sailor injured. Asking for assistance and rescue. He says attack from aircraft and not another submarine. -OP 11:48 AM Attack from US helicopter. All sailors bleeding from ear.
Quoting: Krispy71

Ok... before i read it all i would like to know... are there ANY proofs that this happened? You just cannot throw incredible stories like that and expect anyone to believe it without questions. Of course it must already have been answered, i would hope. But unfortunaly i couldnt find any explanation in this sea of posts and threads, really confusing. SO could you tell me is there anything official and/or trustworthy to back up these claims? especially the gathering of submarines from US/EUROPE/ASIA? It was during the oil spill right? So you are saying something different happened from what was related to the masses? Why would us helicopters attack foreign submarines? Any backup to these claims? Who was the "french captain" any name? Also who is the OP of bezerk thread? and acolyte? or are they and how did they get these informations? Are they scammers that make BS stories because they got nothing else to do in their life? aka unemployed nolifes? Sorry but i had to ask. WOuld be great if someone could answer seriously to all of my questions. Again maybe it has already been answered but i couldnt find it.
Quoting: Damon

For answers to your questions you should ask Acolyte. he is one of the people who post as OP in the Bezerk-thread. he is part of a group (RRR) who bursts information. Some is spy-ops, others is true, other is masked in code or fictional lines. They are doing this as a job. Some of their posts/info is backed-up by artikles on the net, others is not and will never be (secret info). yes many things happened different then highlighted in the media. Some minor others bigger. If you wanna know more about Aco's info and the interpretation of the RRR about whats going on, you could read Nexus's briefcase-thread. This is actually 1 thing that REALLY happened, many embassies in the world recieved a briefcase with special content that was told not to open before 13th nov 2010. Personally I do not agree with all the vieuws that Aco & co have according the Chinese and their ancient ancestors, the fact that Aco thinks it are bad aliens and China is bad-news for the world, and an organism that we all named AUGIE in the bezerk-thread, and that in the beginning was the center of Aco's postings. He

believes that it is there to terraform the earth for the aliens who are comming to Earth soon, and who are the bad ET-ancestors of the Chinese. You have to read and decide for yourself whether and what you want to think and believe. My personal opinion in short : some is real facts, some is BS, and some is to achieve a goal/to follow an agenda. I found evidence in old texts, astronomy and other sources that dont support the statements and interpretations of Aco and Rand/Rubicon/Revealers -RRR- ... have funn dont be a sheep keep reservations greetings, krispy xx Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS I am posting all OP-BEZERK's posts here for easier find and read through. -snipKrispy71 (OP) ---Quoting: Krispy71

Oh yeah? How is it that no one cares your girlfriend is leaking all this crap all over User ID: 962920 the internet? Netherlands Quoting: EchoM 02/23/2011 03:35 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation First, I am not "the girlfriend". Second, it was a "controled leak". Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS 12/20/2010 2:12 AM Re: A CHRONICLE OF THE WORLD AT WAR III (The Buildup ) Anonymous Coward User ID: 1310085 United States 03/28/2011 06:47 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

CHINA TO U.S .- YELLOW STONE IS NOW LISTED AS A FIRST STRIKE TARGET. (ARTA) China has officially notified the US (North America) that Yellow Stone is now listed as a FIRST STRIKE TARGET (Alpha ONE). This revelation took place during a secondary meeting at the UN Security Council Meeting called by Russia.
Quoting: Krispy71

I wonder if the "Chinese troops on Mexican/Canadian border" rumors would have anything to do with this. I would sign on with the emerging world power to close my borders to a max exodus from America, after Yellowstone was popped.

Isis7 Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Hello and good morning all, For any and all who wish to discuss all things bezerk, I have created a BEZERK Room in Voice Chat independent of all the multiple threads which pertain to this subject. Welcome: [link to] Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Wow kryspy71! good work... Lot of time here, i'ts easy to guess why seeing loads of pages in the beserk thread. I just created a post regarding the claim the the beserk op is french, his french is so awfull and incoherent, that the guy JUST can't be french, impossible. Thread: Exposing the beserk fraud??? In my post, i quoted an entry you pasted in your recap, made me beserk op: OP 3:57 PM "Interesting timing OP Aren't the Embassies closed on Saturday's???? So were are you getting your info from 4 hours ago??? Where are the pics of the DED info you are receiving that have been requested OP??? " Quoting: Live for Yahweh 1060540 Je ne donne pas une baise au sujet de vos demandes he replied (in a language gramatically close to french but completely irrevelant) to a poster who initially doubted him, and yet, the original post was erased. So your paste in the recap is the only remnant of his epic fail. (ahah, i guess he deleted it when he understood that he'd be busted intantly wi such a mistake) Do you have other copy of post he erased? Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Wow kryspy71! good work... Lot of time here, i'ts easy to guess why seeing loads of pages in the beserk thread. I just created a post regarding the claim the the beserk op is french, his french is so awfull and incoherent, that the guy JUST can't be french, impossible. Thread: Exposing the beserk fraud???

User ID: 1378312 United States 05/11/2011 09:43 AM


User ID: 1379709 France 05/11/2011 08:34 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Krispy71 (OP)

User ID: 1300756 Netherlands In my post, i quoted an entry you pasted in your recap, made me beserk op: 05/11/2011 11:00 PM OP 3:57 PM "Interesting timing OP Aren't the Embassies closed on Saturday's???? Report Abusive Post So were are you getting your info from 4 hours ago??? Where are the pics of the Report Copyright Violation DED info you are receiving that have been requested OP??? " Quoting: Live for Yahweh 1060540 Je ne donne pas une baise au sujet de vos demandes

he replied (in a language gramatically close to french but completely irrevelant) to a poster who initially doubted him, and yet, the original post was erased. So your paste in the recap is the only remnant of his epic fail. (ahah, i guess he deleted it when he understood that he'd be busted intantly wi such a mistake) Do you have other copy of post he erased?
Quoting: underscore_ms

Hi underscore_ms, Tnx :) No I have not. But I can tell you that the OP had outted himself to be Acolyte, a south-african male who has made many threads in the past years here on GLP. Many of them were projects for RAND. Many threads were his wish to tell the world what he knows, others were psy-op projects with true snippets mixed with fictional rubish. The OP of bezerk were a collective of acolyte and other colleagues from RAND. Personaly I do believe that some things are true and do have value (and did happen), but some things are also colored with his/their own interpretations and preferences, and some things are -as admitted- rubbish. It is for everyone himself to figure out and descide what to believe and what not.

So you are right that he was not French. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Wow kryspy71! good work... Lot of time here, i'ts easy to guess why seeing loads of pages in the beserk thread. I just created a post regarding the claim the the beserk op is french, his french is so awfull and incoherent, that the guy JUST can't be french, impossible. Thread: Exposing the beserk fraud??? Anonymous Coward User ID: 11425174 United States 02/25/2012 11:24 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation In my post, i quoted an entry you pasted in your recap, made me beserk op: OP 3:57 PM "Interesting timing OP Aren't the Embassies closed on Saturday's???? So were are you getting your info from 4 hours ago??? Where are the pics of the DED info you are receiving that have been requested OP??? " Quoting: Live for Yahweh 1060540 Je ne donne pas une baise au sujet de vos demandes he replied (in a language gramatically close to french but completely irrevelant) to a poster who initially doubted him, and yet, the original post was erased. So your paste in the recap is the only remnant of his epic fail. (ahah, i guess he deleted it when he understood that he'd be busted intantly wi such a mistake) Do you have other copy of post he erased?
Quoting: underscore_ms

Hi underscore_ms, Tnx :) No I have not. But I can tell you that the OP had outted himself to be Acolyte, a south-african male who has made many threads in the past years here on GLP. Many of them were projects for RAND. Many threads were his wish to tell the world what he knows, others were psy-op projects with true snippets mixed with fictional rubish. The OP of bezerk were a collective of acolyte and other colleagues from RAND. Personaly I do believe that some things are true and do have value (and did happen), but some things are also colored with his/their own interpretations and preferences, and some things are -as admitted- rubbish. It is for everyone himself to figure out and descide what to believe and what not. So you are right that he was not French.
Quoting: Krispy71

lol...I think Acolyte was located in California. Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Wow kryspy71! good work... Lot of time here, i'ts easy to guess why seeing loads of pages in the beserk thread. I just created a post regarding the claim the the beserk op is french, his french is so awfull and incoherent, that the guy JUST can't be french, impossible. Thread: Exposing the beserk fraud??? In my post, i quoted an entry you pasted in your recap, made me beserk op: OP 3:57 PM "Interesting timing OP Aren't the Embassies closed on Saturday's???? So were are you getting your info from 4 hours ago??? Where are the pics of the DED info you are receiving that have been requested OP??? " Quoting: Live for Yahweh 1060540 Je ne donne pas une baise au sujet de vos demandes

anon2121416 User ID: 15962940 United States 05/15/2012 07:04 PM he replied (in a language gramatically close to french but completely irrevelant) to Report Abusive Post a poster who initially doubted him, and yet, the original post was erased. So your Report Copyright Violation paste in the recap is the only remnant of his epic fail. (ahah, i guess he deleted it when he understood that he'd be busted intantly wi such a mistake) Do you have other copy of post he erased?
Quoting: underscore_ms

Hi underscore_ms, Tnx :) No I have not. But I can tell you that the OP had outted himself to be Acolyte, a south-african male who has made many threads in the past years here on GLP. Many of them were projects for RAND. Many threads were his wish to tell the world what he

knows, others were psy-op projects with true snippets mixed with fictional rubish. The OP of bezerk were a collective of acolyte and other colleagues from RAND. Personaly I do believe that some things are true and do have value (and did happen), but some things are also colored with his/their own interpretations and preferences, and some things are -as admitted- rubbish. It is for everyone himself to figure out and descide what to believe and what not. So you are right that he was not French.
Quoting: Krispy71

I get that corporations etc use places like GLP to sell lies and or test reaction. But what was OP and co testing and or studying with the main thread? Also what information did they give that you do believe? Thanks for sharing me User ID: 1979892 United States Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS 05/16/2012 08:48 PM Pretty interesting thread you have here. Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation me User ID: 1979892 United States 05/16/2012 08:50 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward User ID: 16680822 South Africa 06/05/2012 12:51 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Oh,and this is kdog........

Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Geeas what the fuc dk, ursanium i s the keuy Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS Wow kryspy71! good work... Lot of time here, i'ts easy to guess why seeing loads of pages in the beserk thread.

Krispy71 (OP)

I just created a post regarding the claim the the beserk op is french, his french is so awfull and incoherent, that the guy JUST can't be french, impossible. Thread: Exposing the beserk fraud??? In my post, i quoted an entry you pasted in your recap, made me beserk op: OP 3:57 PM "Interesting timing OP Aren't the Embassies closed on Saturday's???? So were are you getting your info from 4 hours ago??? Where are the pics of the DED info you are receiving that have been requested OP??? " Quoting: Live for Yahweh 1060540 Je ne donne pas une baise au sujet de vos demandes he replied (in a language gramatically close to french but completely irrevelant) to a poster who initially doubted him, and yet, the original post was erased. So your

User ID: 6761984 Netherlands 08/18/2012 05:43 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

paste in the recap is the only remnant of his epic fail. (ahah, i guess he deleted it when he understood that he'd be busted intantly wi such a mistake) Do you have other copy of post he erased?
Quoting: underscore_ms

Hi underscore_ms, Tnx :) No I have not. But I can tell you that the OP had outted himself to be Acolyte, a south-african male who has made many threads in the past years here on GLP. Many of them were projects for RAND. Many threads were his wish to tell the world what he knows, others were psy-op projects with true snippets mixed with fictional rubish. The OP of bezerk were a collective of acolyte and other colleagues from RAND. Personaly I do believe that some things are true and do have value (and did happen), but some things are also colored with his/their own interpretations and preferences, and some things are -as admitted- rubbish. It is for everyone himself to figure out and descide what to believe and what not.

So you are right that he was not French.

Quoting: Krispy71

I get that corporations etc use places like GLP to sell lies and or test reaction. But what was OP and co testing and or studying with the main thread? Also what information did they give that you do believe? Thanks for sharing
Quoting: anon2121416 15962940

There has been much information that was lateron proved to be correct. Synthia and Venter's experiments, the attack on Japan, the redraw of fleets out of Japan, underlying ties and bonds (in submarine, military and political), The use of specific technology, the importance of satellite missions/possession, the importance of oil, and of energetic waters, geophysical changes, etc ... The BESERK thread (something went beserk in the gulf of mexico) is full of evidence and connections that have proven their right and relevance to the information brought about by Rand and Acolyte/OP. It is not enclosed to only the GOM but has ties with many events and situations. It is layered and clever tried to mask. yes GLP is used as a test-forum. Lies and truth are spread to study reactions. OP &co wanted to seed certain things in your mind and perception so that later events would be seen with a different view and reference. They thought to have control over the thread and info they gave, but the thread went BESERK itself coz some brilliant minds saw through the agenda and scripted

information and came up with real truth and facts. The thread proved that some of us are not easy or just not to control despite attractive temptations. When induviduals work on a collective they are stronger then a scripted (followers) "hive-mind". Last Edited by Krispy71 on 08/18/2012 05:51 AM Anonymous Coward User ID: 22053784 Re: ONLY OP's BEZERK POSTS United States leave the fucking internet has fried your brain beyond 08/18/2012 05:52 AM comprehension Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

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