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Turek I dont have enough faith to be an atheist p.


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John Lennox (Christian) Richard Dawkins (atheist)


Does Truth Exist? Law of non-contradiction opposite ideas cannot be both true at the same time. Even those who deny it use it. All truth is absolute. Something that is true is true for all people at all times in all places. Apply the claim to itself! (The Road Runner Track Tactic)

Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible


Does God Exist? Theistic God (Think Michaelangelo and Paintings) image

Law of Non-Contridictions Tactic Apply Claim to itself

That may be true for you but not for me Is that True for Everybody?

There is no truth in anything but science. Is that a scientific truth?

There is no absolute truth?

Are you absolutely sure?

There is no truth? Is that true?

You cant know the real world. Then how do you know that about the real world?

You should doubt everything. Should I doubt that?

You ought not judge. Isnt that a judgment?

Jesus was not Barney Its ok to be abrasive sometimes Turek

1) 2)

Contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible You can believe everything is true

Does God Exist? Three Major Religious Worldviews Theism (god made all) Pantheism (god is all) Atheism (no god at all)

3 arguments for theistic God Cosmological Beginning Beginner Teleological Design Designer Moral Morality law giver

Big Bang Scientists Stephen Hawking and Alexander Vilenkin


Second law of thermodynamics Universe expanding Radiation after glow Great Galaxy seeds Einsteins theory of general relativity (SURGE)

S the Universe is running down; it is running out of energy Universe has batteries

U (Edward hubble) If time were reversed, the universe would collapse back to nothing Iow (in other words) there was a beginning

R Radiation Afterglow discovered in 1965, nobel prize in 1978

G galaxy seeds discovered by the COBE satellite in 1992, nobel prize 2006

E space, matter and time are co-relative (you cannot have one without the other)

Robert Jastrow God and the Astronomers

Nobel Prize Winners Arno Penzias Robert Wilson George Smoot

Either 1) 2) No one created something out of nothing OR. Someone created something out of nothing

Hmmm???? Obvious.

If there is no God, why is there something rather than nothing at all?

Atheistic reasons (Dawkins God Delusion p157-158) 1) 2) 3) 4) Appearance of design is overwhelming Theres no explanation for its design in physics Maybe the multi-universe theory (which relies on luck) Who made god?

Who made God? 2 options 1) 2) Universe always existed Someone always existed

There must be an uncaused before caused

Christopher Hitchens By saying you dont know physics (French) doesnt give you license to ignore it

Jastrow God and the Astronomers p116

Design Does science whow an old universe? 1) 2) 3) Light from the stars? Speed of light is assumed to be unchanged. Assumptions Radioactive dating? Decay rate is assumed to be unchanged Salt in Ocean

(RAP NOTES ) Bible Teach Young Universe 1) 2) 3) 4) How Old? 1) 2) 3) There is no conflict between science and the Bible. There is only conflict between some interpretations Science and bible are indefinite Science and bible only point to a beginning Day (yom?) Gen 1 could mean longer periods of time 3rd day seems to require longer than 24 hours 6th day also seems to require longer than 24 hours 7th day is longer than 24 hours God is still at rest

Earth Not Necessarily young

God created is more sure than when Stephen Hawking qt.

Fundamental origin questions What caused the 1) 2) Universe? Life?

Anthropic principle distance between stars in our galaxy is 30 trillion miles. That distance is needed for everything to exist

We are finite and God is Infinite Dont put limits on God.

Antony Flew qt. Francis Crick qt.

People in the Beginning

Turek about coming into the world (sperm) you won the race dont let anyone tell you your not special. Bahahahahaha

Morality If there is no God we would not have inherited a moral code

People prove their true moral beliefs by their reactions not their actions

1) 2) 3)

Every law has a law giver There is an objective moral law Therefore there is an objective moral law giver

Mere Christianity CS Lewis Religion does not poison everything Everything Poisons religion God is not great Christopher Hitchens

Cosmological: The Beginning Is immaterial, timeless and spaceless Is extremely powerful

Teleological: Design Is extremely intelligent Has purpose Moral: Morality Is absolutely morally perfect Is personal

This is the God of Biblical Christianity without making reference to the Bible!

Possibilities in a theistic universe Could be true Judiasm Islam Christianity

Miracles Greatest Miracle = Creation

Are Miracles Possible? Yes, just proven!

Rock too big for God to move Infinite rock

Rod cant make an infinite finite, Square become circle, married bachelor blah blah blah

Is the New Testament true? Six Es evidence that New Testament is true 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Early Testimony Eye Witness Testimony Embarrassing Testimony Excruciating Testimony Expected Testimony (Isaiah 53) Extra Biblical Testimony

Embarrassing Testimony Writers/Disciples Depicted Disciples dim-witted Failed to understand Jesus sayings They are uncaring Fall asleep No proper burial They are rebuked Peter is called Satan by Jesus Paul rebukes Peter for being wrong about a theological issue They are cowards Peter denies Christ 3x Disciples run away Women are the brave ones (the women were the first witnesses) They are doubters Despite being told jesus is risen, they didnt believe he would Some were doubtful even after seeing him Jesus is considered out of his mind by his own family Jesus is deserted by many of His followers Jesus wasnt believed by his own brothers Jesus thought deceiver Jesus turns off Jewish believers to the point that they wanted to stone him Jesus called madman, drunkard, demon-possessed Jesus had feet wiped by prostitute (sexual advance seeming) Jesus is crucified despite the fact that anyone who is hung on a tree is under Gods curse

Excruciating Testimony Apostles Beliefs and practices Before Animal Sacrifice Binding Law of Moses Strict Monotheism Sabbath Conquering Messiah Circumcision After Christ Sacrifice Christs Life Trinity Worship Sunday Sacrificial Messiah Baptism and Communion

What did they gain by making up a New Testament?

Excommunicated, beaten, tortured, killed

Why would they die for a known lie? Someone might die for a lie they believe is true. But no one will die for a lie they know isnt true

Purpose of life? To know God and make Him known Trusting God

(Even demons believe there is a God Trust in Him)

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