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c/o Misin Nuevas Tribus, Casilla 274, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, South America

Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3

November, 2012

"I will go before you and will level the mountains ..."
(Isaiah 45:2)

Time and again in the history of God's people in the Old Testament, we see God going before them to care for, protect and lead them. The barriers were often formidable, seemingly impossible to overcome, but it is nothing for God to order things according to His will! As we have returned to Bolivia this week, it has been so encouraging to witness how God has gone before us. We had asked many to pray that we would be able to finish the first draft of the New Testament into the Simba language with Julio, but realized he had likely gotten another job while we were home in Canada. So what has Julio been doing? He updated us within hours of our landing in Bolivia! We were so happy to hear that Julio has spent the majority of his time these past few months teaching his people, the Simba-Guaran, at the various Bible conferences that have taken place during this time. And he has begun to build a house in his childhood community of Ipati, with the intention of moving there next year! In the past, he has told us that his family did not want to return to the 'campo' now that they had a taste of city life, but they are now all looking forward to moving back to Ipati (with the exception of their oldest son who plans to remain in Santa Cruz). In fact, Julio's second son, Salomn, has already moved to Ipati and has been working there for two months ... he is teaching in the school as well as doing evangelism and discipleship with the Simba youth!

As for working now on the New Testament draft, Julio immediately began work again with Bill our second day back in Bolivia! He told us how his family is well now, but his wife and daughter had been very sick just two weeks ago, becoming so dehydrated that they had to be hospitalized, resulting in a bill of 3000 bolivianos. Julio had been looking for work to pay this bill, but needed an advance of 1000 bolivianos in order to begin paying his bill; everyone he approached would only give him the needed money in advance if he committed to a full year of work. As well, the work would have required him to be away from his family for the year. Julio is very excited to be able to work instead with us on the New Testament draft, and in order to pay his bill, would like to work six to seven hours per day for six days each week with us! Yes, the Lord has gone before us and provided for our translation need in abundance!

Julio with his family (Julio's son Salomn is directly behind Julio and his wife)

We are so thankful to the Lord for the many things He has done: * for our safe return to Bolivia * for a place to live at our NTM guest home in Santa Cruz while working this month with Julio * for keeping Julio available to work with us on the New Testament translation * for restoring Julio's wife and daughter to good health * for leading Julio's family to return to their Simba community to minister there * for Rodrigo & Mabel as they study the Simba language in preparation to work as missionaries * for our son Josh's recent engagement to Michelle, a beautiful girl who loves the Lord :) * for the many youth (25-30) our son Jonathan is working with each week * for the many opportunities our son Jesse has had to share his faith on campus * for placing each of our sons in good supportive environments with wonderful families

We would be so grateful if you could pray for the following: * for adjustment to the heat (esp. Kathleen) * that we could quickly regain fluency in both the Spanish and Simba-Guaran languages * for wisdom and energy for long days of work in translating (for both Bill & Julio) * that we could complete the first drafts of both Luke and Revelation by January * for Julio's son, Salomn, as he works with the Simba youth * for our co-workers, the Depues and Russells, as they deal with serious health issues in the US * for Josh & Michelle as they prepare to be married next June * for wisdom for Jonathan as he plans activities and mentors many youth in difficult situations * for Jesse as he continues to adjust to college and to his first year away from home * for our adjustment to life as 'empty-nesters,' especially this Christmas season ...

That first Christmas long ago, an angel informed

Mary that she was to give birth to the Messiah, to which Mary replied, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" (Luke 1:34) God's answer--the Holy Spirit would place the baby Jesus in Mary's womb, "for nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). Mary believed, and it came to pass just as the Lord had said it would! As we enter the Christmas season over two thousand years later, may we also believe that nothing is impossible with God! May our hearts be filled with joy as we celebrate the first coming of our awesome God and Savior!

may we be the first to wish you a

Merry Christmas!!
With His Love,
Box 707, Durham, ON N0G 1R0 CANADA US Address: 1000 E. First St., Sanford, Fl 32771

Bill & Kathleen

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