Behaviorism Theory

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Name : M.M Ruli Sulistiyowati NPM : M.

M Ruli Sulistiyowati Subject: Psychology Education Behaviorism The application of behaviorism theories can be done by teachers to get the clue about what the students want from their teaching. Behavioral learning theories are central to the application of educational psychology in classroom management, discipline, motivation, instructional models, and other areas. The role of consequences can be applied in the classroom teaching, for example : If students enjoy reading books, they will probably read more often, they find stories boring or are unable to concentrate, they may read less often choosing other activities instead. The application of reinforces, for examples : Grades have little value for students unless their parents notice and value good grades, and parent praise is of value because it is associated with love, warmth, security, and other reinforces. One principle of behavior is that we can promote lessdesired (loe strength) activities by linking them to more desired activities. Other example of teaching in classroom, in elementary school it may be a good idea to schedule music, which most students consider an enjoyable activity, after completion of a difficult subject so that students will know that if they fool around in the difficult subject, they will using up part of their desired music time. The strength of behaviorism theory can change the behavior of students ability in their learning under different conditions, but the process of learning in classroom management fall. Punishment in learning activity involves weakening behavior by either introducing aversive consequences or removing reinforcers. The teachers should tell students what behaviors will be reinforce. The teacher could wait until students did something worthwhile and then reinforce it, but this would be incredibly inefficient. The teacher must be a good teacher for her/his student. In this way, teachers can avoid having students spend time and effort on the wrong activities. If the students know that what they are doing will pay off, they will usually work hard. A successful classroom management program used in social studies class may be transferred to English class to ensure generalization to that setting. So, behaviorism in teaching learning can be involved in classroom management that is very important to explore the behaviorism of students approach in teaching learning. They can improve the ability of their knowledge in teaching classroom.

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