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Unit no Unit 1

S No 1

Description Write short notes on: a. Coal and coal technologies. b. Energy strategies. Explain in detail energy supply system in India Sketch and explain nuclear power plant Write short notes on: a. Indian Energy stragy b. Energy conversion techniques. a. Explain clean coal technologies b. Features and objectives of natural energy strategies. May-12



2 3 4

5 6 Unit 2 1 2 3 4

May-12 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 May-12 R May-12 R

May-12 Regular

5 6 Unit 3 1 2 3 4

Explain in detail how the solar radiation is affected by daily May-12 and seasonal variation? May-12 Derive angle of incidence and Armstrong's equation. Sketch and explain any one solar energy system and its Nov-11 applications. Nov-11 Explain the following: Nov-11 a. Soalr spectrum - latitude and longitude Nov-11 b. Declination angle and cosine law. May-12 R Problem Explain - yearly and hourly revolution of earth around the May-12 R sun

Derive the expression for maximum power efficiency of wind turbine for incoming wind velocity Vi. Explain in detail the factors affecting the site selection in Wind energy conversion system. Sketch vertical axis windmill and explain in detail Write short notes on: a. Nature of wind b. Wind energy quantum b.1 Merits and demerits of wind energy b2 - problem

May-12 May-12 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 May-12 R May-12 R

May-12 R

Unit 4 1 Write short notes on: a. Anaerobic and b. Fermentation process. Explain with neat diagram, pyrolysis and incineration. Explain fermentation with neat skecth Sketch and explain bio mass gassification plant Write notes on: a. Photo synthesis process in plants b. Gassification of biomass using phyrolysis. Write notes on: a. Fermentation process. b. Biomass conversion process May-12

2 3 4 5

May-12 Nov-11 Nov-11 May-12 R May-12 R May-12 R May-12 R May-12 R May-12 R

Unit 5 1 2 3 4 Explain in detail about various types of tidal power plant. Explain with neat diagram, monopolar and bipolar HVDC transmission. Sketch and explain double basin tidal power plant Explain: a. Ocean saline gradient concept b. Ocean chemical energy concept Explain May-12 May-12 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 Nov-11 May-12 R

a. Oceanic energy b. Merits and demerits of oceanic energy a. How is power transmitted from off-shore ocean energy plant to land by bi-polar HVDC? b. Write short notes on ocean thermal energy

May-12 R May-12 R May-12 R May-12 R

S No 1 May-12 2

Question Define - Declination angle What are conventional energy sources? Define energy Different types of energy

Compounds present in coal Define - radiation and its types

Solar insolation

Cosine law

What do you mean by energy audit?

State merits of wind energy conversion.

6 7

Define - energy factor of wind turbines. What are super trees?

Define photo synthesis

What do you mean by ocean currents?


Defins - spring and neap tide.



Name four non renewable sources of energy.


What is the importance of energy audits?


Give the limitations of solar energy.


Define solar flux Solar constant


What are the factors to be considered while selecting site for wind mills?


Write the limitations of wind energy.

What are the main parts of a wind mill? 17 18 19 Name the sources for biomass energy. What is meant by biomass gassification? Write the merits of ocean technology.

Tidal energy 20 What is the importance of energy storage in tidal power plants? What are conventional and non-conventional energy resources? Give example




How is energy conversion done?

23 24 25 26 27

Define solar constant. What is hour angle? Give the broad classification of wind mill based on power rating Draw the daily wind power curve What is incineration?


What is anaerobic digestion? Pyrolysis

29 30

What is the world's estimated total ocean energy reserve? List out some of ocean chemical resources.

Answer It is the angular distance of the sun's rays, north (Or south) of the equator. It is the angle measured between a line extending from the centr of the sun to the centre of the earth and its projection upon the earth's equatorial plane. Hydel, Thermal, coal, oil , nuclear etc are conventional energy sources. Energy is the capacity of a body to do work. It is measured by the total amount of work that a body can do. Mechanical, electrical, thermal, nuclear, potentail, kinetic, gravitational, magnetic, etc Carbon, hydroen, nitrogen and sulhur, water Direct and diffuse radiation The total solar radiation received at any point on the earth's surface is the sum of the direct and diffuse radiation. This is called as solar insolation. The luminous intensity observed from an ideal radiator is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle between the observer's line of sight and the normal. It is the process of understanding high energy loads and energy consumption pattern in a consumer premises. This will aid to initiate actions for reducing the consumption/ idetify areas of improvement, implement and monitor the same. Merits: N0on polluting, no fuel cost/ fuel storage or transportation issues/ less costly. Demerits: Noisy, inconsistent so energy needs to be stored, lrge areas reqd for wind farms, maintenance oriented = useful power output/ wind power input A supertree is a single phylogenetic tree assembled from a combination of smaller phylogenetic trees. A phylogenetic tree or evolutionaly tree is a branching diagram showing the relationship among various biological species. is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert the light energy captured from the sun into chemical energy that can be used to fuel the organism's activities. In plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. Photosynthesis is vital for all aerobic life on Earth. In addition to maintaining normal levels of oxygen in the atmosphere, photosynthesis is the source of energy for nearly all life on earth, either directly, through primary production, or indirectly, as the ultimate source of the energy in their food,[1] An ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of ocean water. It is generated by the forces acting upon such as breaking waves, wind, Coriolis abbeling, temperature and salinity differences and tides caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun. Depth contours, shoreline configurations and interaction with other currents influence a current's direction and strength. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moonand the Sun and the rotation of the Earth When the sun, moon and earth are in a staright line - new moon or full moon day, the combined pull of sun and moon is more and this creates the spring tide - water level above average. When the sun and moon are in 90 deg to each other, their net effect on the sea water gets reduced causing neap tides. Thermal, diesel, gas, oil, nuclear etc It is the process of understanding high energy loads and energy consumption pattern in a consumer premises. This will aid to initiate actions for reducing the consumption/ idetify areas of improvement, implement and monitor the same. Merits: No fuel cost, energy is abundant, no pollution, can be used in non grid connected areas, less maintenance

Page no


Demerits: High cost, not available in nights, needs frequent angle correction tracking the sun's position. It is the measure of the solar radiation on the earth. It is the ampount of energy received in unit time on a unit area, perpendicular to the sun's direction at the mean distance of the earth from the sun. As per NASA, the std value is 1.353 kW/ sq metre. 1. High annual average wind speed, 2. availability of anemometry data, 3. Good homogenous wind flow, 4. Altitude, 5. Terrain and its aerodynamic, 6. local ecology, 7. good approach for movement of men and materials, 8. nearness to load centre, 9. nature of land and cost. Merits: No fuel cost, No pollution in any way, land can be used after installation of wind mill, most suitable for remote areas not connected with grid, wide range of capacity and usage. Demerits: Wind force is not constant - so energy is not dependable, it spoils the country landsape, noise is audible especially in night, bird hit Blades, Shaft, Generator, tower, base, transmission and control gears. Animal wastes, human waste, agri waste, waste of aquatic origin, industrial waste, municipal or urban waste, virgin Wood, energy crops. Merits: No fuel cost, round the clock availability, can be ued in non grid connected remote areas, no pollution.\ Demrits: High cost, emerging technology, low efficiency, long gestation period, can be used only in coastal areas Tidal power needs a difference of atleast 16 feet between high and low tides, and that exists only in 40 places in the world.

Conventional - sources that are being used since time immemorial. Non conv- emerging new sources with renewable sources. Conv - fossil fuel - coal, petroleum, natural gas, diesel Non conv - Solar, wind, biomass, tidal, wave It is the process of changing from one form of energy to another. Changes in energy can be achieved by adding or subtracting energy from the source. Ex: Lighted candle gives out useful energy as light with heat as waste. It is the ampount of energy received in unit time on a unit area, perpendicular to the sun's direction at the mean distance of the earth from the sun. As per NASA, the std value is 1.353 kW/ sq metre.

Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. Anaerobic digestion is a series of processes in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures without the participation of oxygen.

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