9A01710 Construction Technology and Project Management

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Code: 9A01710 B.

Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Regular Examinations, November 2012 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) List the documents required for actual project implementation. (b) What is construction feasibility report? Explain. 2 (a) (b) 3 (a) (b) 4 (a) (b) 5 (a) (b) 6 (a) (b) 7 What is the first step towards implementation of a project work? What kind of storage facilities should be available at a construction site? What is the objective of dredging? Describe the basic design of a dredger.

Explain how desired fragmentation is achieved in blasting operation. Name the factors that are important for selection of the equipment and drilling method. Discuss in brief the role of management in construction project execution. What are the short comings of bar chart? Explain the following terms: (i) Event. (ii) Activity. (iii) Dummy activity. Explain Fulkersons rules of numbering events. A network shown below with the expected time of completion of each activity. Determine earliest expected time and latest occurrence time and slack.
2 tE = 4 3 tE = 2 4 tE = 5 5 tE = 8 6 tE = 16 7 tE = 3 tE = 3 tE = 4 tE = 6 8 9 tE = 5

tE = 5 1 tE = 6

tE = 7

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Code: 9A01710 8

The network shown below has the estimated duration for each activity marked. Determine the total float for each activity and establish the critical path. Also determine the free float and independent float for each activity.
A t=3 1 B t=4 t = 14 C 3 D t=3 4 2 E t=5 F G t=4 H t=1 t=6 6 I t=1 5


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Code: 9A01710

B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Regular Examinations, November 2012 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What is the difference between record and document? (b) What is construction feasibility study? Explain. 2 (a) (b) 3 (a) (b) 4 (a) (b) 5 (a) (b) Explain why temporary and false works are unavoidable in many cases. How do temporary and false works escalate the project cost? Why mechanized earth work in both excavation and filling is taken into consideration in these days project execution? Name the methods of trenches technology describe how pipe jacking is carried out. What is drilling rate? How does efficient drilling rate depends on? What different blasting explosives, explain this suitability? Explain why planning is necessary. Describe various stops for planning a project. What is a gantt bar chart? Explain with the help of a suitable example, the method of preparation of a bar chart? What is work break down structure? How it is useful in planning, monitoring and controlling programme of a project? How is the estimation of time duration of an activity different in PERT and CPM approaches? Under what situations are these approaches more suitable?

6 (a) (b)

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Code: 9A01710 7 (a) (b) (c) A network for construction project is shown below. The three time estimates for each activity are given along each activity arrow. Compute Expected time of completion of each activities. Earliest expected time of each event. Latest allowable occurrence time of each event.
2 6-9-18 1 5-8-17 4-7-16 3 2-5-8 7 4-9-20 4-7-10 4-7-22 4 4-10-22 5 6 3-5-13 8 5-8-17 6-11-20 4-7-16 9 10

8 (a) (b)

Network of a project is shown below, with estimated duration of various activities determine: Earliest event time and latest event time. Earliest and latest start and finish times of each activity.
2 A 1 t=5 4 D t=0 3 E H t=4 G F t=6 I 7 t=4 6 t=7 5 t=6 L

B t=3 C t=8

J t=2 K t=6

(c) (d)

Total float and free float. Critical path for network.


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Code: 9A01710 B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Regular Examinations, November 2012 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks *****

1 (a) How would you differentiate between general specialized and auxiliary construction activities? (b) Write a brief note on safety documents in construction. 2 (a) (b) 3 (a) (b) 4 (a) (b) 5 (a) (b) 6 (a) (b) How can fire fighting be arranged at construction sites? Why it is required to plan repeated and diversified use of all construction equipment? Define a caisson. Describe briefly the four types of caissons. Name the operation involved in earth work in excavation. What is deflagation? What is detonation? What are the properties that need to considered before selecting an explosive? What is a mile stone chart? How it differ from a bar chart? How can mile stone chart be developed into a network? Describe various phases of project management. Differential between activity oriented network and event oriented network. Define head event, tail event, dual role event, successor event and predecessor event. Determine earliest expected time and latest allowable time of each event of the network shown below.
2 tE = 5 1 B tE = 6 tE = 5 4 3 tE = 3 tE = 3 tE = 5 tE = 7 tE = 4 5 tE = 8 7 tE = 5 8 6

tE = 7 tE = 2 9

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Code: 9A01710 8

Network shown below with three time estimates of each activity marked. Determine: (a) Critical path. (b) Probability of completion of project in 40 days. (c) Time duration that will provide 95% of completion.
3 3-5-13 0-0-0 1 2-5-8 2 4-7-16 4 7 2-4-6 8

2-3-10 7-10-13 6

4-9-20 5



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Code: 9A01710 B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Regular Examinations, November 2012 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY & PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks *****

1 (a) List out the documents the owner must have at the time of handover on completion of a project. (b) Why construction process being increasingly mechanized in India? 2 (a) (b) 3 (a) (b) 4 (a) (b) How does setting up of laboratory testing facilities help a project? How should requirement-wise total areas be worked out during land acquisition? Explain any 2 methods of ground water control. What is the difference between temporary and permanent cheet piling? What is involved in drilling? Explain how the cuttings are removed? What are the principle ingredients of any explosive? Give examples of each ingredient. Explain steps involved in development of bar chart. Explain following terms: (i) Project planning. (ii) Project scheduling. (iii) Project controlling and monitoring. Describe various network rules. Using Fulkersons rule number the following network.

5 (a) (b)

6 (a) (b)

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Code: 9A01710 7 Using Fulkersons rule number the following network.

tE = 6 2 tE = 4 1 tE = 5 3 tE = 3 tE = 6 5 tE = 2 4 tE = 6 tE = 3

6 tE = 3 7 tE = 6 9

tE = 3 8 tE = 5

For the network shown below, the time estimates (in days) each activity are mentioned. Determine the probability of completing the project in 35 days.
2 4-7-10 4 2-5-8 4-10-22 5

6-9-18 1 5-8-17

4-7-16 3


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